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A06450 A spiritual doctrine conteining a rule to liue vvel, vvith diuers praiers and meditations. Abridged by the Reuerend Father Levvis de Granada of the holie order of preachers. And deuided into sixe treatises, as is to be seene after the prefaces. Nevvlie translated out of Spanish into English. Luis, de Granada, 1504-1588.; Gibbons, Richard, 1550?-1632. 1599 (1599) STC 16922; ESTC S108929 160,268 410

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shevvest vvherfore dost thou vvithdravve thy self from me O most louing lord hold me vvith thy feare constraine me vvith thy loue and quiet me vvith thy svveetenes I confesse o Lord that I am that prodigall sonne Luc. 15. vvhoe liuing ouer rankly and louing mie self and thy creatures disorderedlie haue vvasted all the substance vvhich thou diddest giue me But novv that I doe knovv mie miserie and pouertie and doe returne pined vvith hunger to the fatherlie bovvels of thy mercie and doe approche to this celestial table of thy most pretious body vouchsafe to looke vppon one vvith eyes of pittie and to com forth to receaue me vvith the secrete beames of thy grace and to make me partaker of the maruailous fruites and effects of this most vvorthie Sacrament for somuch as by it is giuen the grace of the holie Ghost by it ar forgiuen sinnes by it ar pardoned the debts devv vnto sinnes by it deuotion is increased by it is tasted spiritual svveetenes euen in the verie spring of the same by it arrenued all good purposes and desires and by it finallie the sovvle is ioined vvith her heauenlie spouse and receaueth him into her self that by him she maie be ruled defended and guided in the vvaie of this life vntil he bring her to the desired harbour of his glorie Receaue then o pitiful father this thy prodigal sonne vvhoe trusting in thy mercie returneth to thy house I acknovvledge o my father that I haue sinned against thee that I am not vvorthie to be called thy sonne no nether a hired seruant yet for al this haue mercie vppon me and forgiue me my sinnes I beseeche thee o Lord commaund that the garment of Charitie the ring of liuelie faith and the shooes of ioiful Hope be giuen me vvith vvhich I maie goe securelie through the rough and cragged vvaie of this life Let the multitude of vaine thoughts and desires depart out of me for one is mie beloued one mie desired one mie God and Lord. Let nothing heereafter be svveete to me nor delite me but onlie he Let him be al mine and I alhis in such sort that mie hart doe becom one thing vvith him Let me not knovv anie other thing nor loue anie other thing nor desire anie other thing but onlie mie svveete Sauiour IESVS Christ and him crucified VVhoe vvith the father and the holie Ghost liueth and raigneth vvorld vvithout end Amen HEERE FOLOVVETH A PROFESSION OF THE CATHOLIQVE FAITH SET out according to the decree of the holie Councell of Trent I N doe vvith a stedfast faith beleeue and professe al and euerie point conteined in the Simbole of the Faith that the holie Romane Church doth vse to vvit I beleeue in God the Father almightie maker of heauen and earth of al things visible and inuisible and in one Lord IESVS Christ the Onlie begotten Sonne of God and borne of the father before al vvorlds God of God light of light true God of true God begoten not made of the same substance vvith the father by vvhome al things vvere made vvhoe for vs men and for oure saluation came dovvne from heauen and vvas incarnate by the holie Ghost of the Virgin Marie and vvas made man vvas crucified also for vs vnder Pontius Pilate suffered and vvas buried and rose againe the third daie according to the Scriptures ascended vp into heauen sitteth at the right hand of the father and he shal come againe vvith glorie to iudge the liue and the dead of vvhose kingdom there shal be no end and in the holie Ghost our lord and giuer of life vvhoe proceedeth from the father and the sonne vvhoe vvith the father and the sonne is together adored and conglorified vvhoe spake by the Prophets and one holie Catholique and Apostolique Church I confesse one Baptisme for the remission of sinnes and I expect the Resurrection of the dead and the life of the vvorld to come Amen I doe most stedfastlie admit and embrace the Traditions of the Apostles and of the Church and all other obseruances and Constitutions of the same Church I doe likevvise admit the holie Scripture according to that sense vvhich our holie mother the Catholique Church hath holden and doth holde vnto vvhome it doth appetteine to iudge of the true sense and interpretation of the holie Scriptures nether vvil I euer vnderstand nor interprete the same othervvise then according to the vniforme consent of the fathers I doe also professe that there be trulie and properlie Seuen Sacraments of the nevv lavve instituted by IESVS Christ our Lord and necessarie for the saluation of mankind although they be not all necessarie for all men to vvit Baptisme Confirmation Eucharist Penance Extreme Vnction Order and Matrimonie and that these Sacraments doe giue grace and that of them Baptisme Confirmation and Order can not be reiterated vvithout sacrilege I doe also receaue and admit all the receaued and approued Cermeonies of the Catholique Church in the solemne administration of al the a foresaid Sacraments I doe embrace and receaue al and euerie of those things vvhich in the holie Councel of Trent haue ben defined and declared touching Original Sinne and Iustification I doe professe also that in the Masse is offered vp vnto God a true proper and propitiatorie sacrifice for the li●e and the dead and that in the most holie Sacrament of the Altare there is trulie reallie and substantiallie the bodie and bloud together vvith the sovvle and diuinitie of our lord IESVS Christ and that there is made a Conuersion of the vvhole substance of bread into the bodie and of the vvhole substance of vvine into the bloud vvhich Conuersion the Catholique Church doth cal Transubstantiation I doe also confesse that vnder ether kind onlie is receaued Christ vvhole and intire and the true Sacrament I doe constantlie hold that there is Purgatorie and that the sovvles vvhich be there deteined ar holpen by the praiers of the faithful Also that the Saincts vvhoe reigne together vvith Christ ar to be vvorshipped and called vppon and that they offer vp praiers to God for vs and that theire Reliques ar to be vvorshipped I doe most stedfastlie affirme that the Images of Christ of the mother of God alvvaies Virgin and of other Saincts ar to be had and reteined and that due honour and reuerence is to be giuen to them I doe affirme that the authoritie of Indulgences vvas left by Christ in the Church and that the vse of them is verie behofeful for Christian people I doe acknovvledge the holie Catholique and Apostolique Romane Church to be the mother and mistresse of al Churches and doe promise and svveare true Obedience to the Bisshop of Rome vvhoe is the Succesfor of S. Peter Prince of the Apostles and the Vicar of IESVS Christ All other things also defined and declared by the holie Canons Oecumenical Councels and chiefelie by the holie Councel of Trent I doe vndoubtedlie receaue and professe and also al contrarie things and
also committed by thoughts VVhere I shall haue as manie for my iudges as haue gone before me by example of good vvoorkes and so manie shall be vvitnesses against me as haue giuē me presidents of vertues And yet expecting this iudgment I cease not to giue bridell to my vices but rather more more I lie rotting and corrupting in the dregges of my sinnes stil glutonie maketh me vile pride maketh me vaine couetousnes maketh me niggesh enuie consumeth me murmuration teareth me in peeces ambition puffeth me vp anger trovvbleth me lightnes of māners dravveth me out of my self sluggishnes benūmeth me heauines casteth me dovvne and fauour lifteth me vp Thou seest heere the companions vvith vvhich I haue liued frō the daie of mie childhood vntil this present time these be the frinds vvith vvhome I haue cōuersed these the maisters that I haue obeied these the lords vvhich I haue serued Enter not therfore o lord Psal 142.2 into iudgment with thy seruant because no man liuing shall be iustified before thee for vvhoe is he that shal be found iust yf thou vvouldest iudge him vvithout pitie for this then o lord prostrating my self at thy feete vvith an humble and contrite spirite I vvil vveepe vvith the Prophet and saie Psalm 6. Lord rebuke me not in thy furie nor chasten me in thy vvrath Haue mer●e vppon me lord because I am vveake heale me lord because mie bones ar trovvbled And mie sovvle is verie much trovvbl●d but thou lord hovv long Be thou conuerted lord and deliuer my sovvle saue me for thy mercie Because there is none in death that is mindful of thee and in hel vvhoe vvill confesse vnto thee I haue laboured in my sigh I shall euerie night vvash mie bed vvith my teares shall I vveat mie couche Mine eye is troubled vvith furie I am vvaxen old among al mine enimies Glorie be to the father and to the sonne and to the holie ghost As it vvas in the beginning and novv and euer and vvoorld vvithout end Amen THE SECOND PRAIER FOR THE second daie of the praises of God CHAP. IIII. IN this exercise of feare and penance it behoued me o lord to spend all mie life seeing I haue so iust cause vvherefore to feare and vvherfore to lament Yet notvvithstanding al this as the greatnes of thie glorie obligeth vs to vvoorship reuerence thee so likevvise doth it binde vs to praise and glorifie thee because to thee onlie is due a hymne and praise in Sion thou being in deede as thou art a passing great deepenes of al perfections and a maine sea of vvisdom of omnipotencie of bevvtie of riches of greatnes of svveetenes of maiestie in vvhome be all the perfections and bevvties of all creatures in heauen and in earth and those also all in the highest degree of perfection In comparison of vvhich al bevvtie is foulnes all riches at pouretie al povver is vveakenes al vvisdom is ignorance all svveetenes is bitternes and finallie all vvhatsoeuer vve see in heauen and in earth is much les before thee then is a little candel in comparison of the sunne Thou art vvithout deformitie perfect vvithout quantitie great vvithout qualitie good vvithout vveaknes strong vvithout place al vvheresoeuer thou vvilt in vertue omnipotent in goodnes highest in vvisdom inestimable in thy counsels terrible in thy iudgments iust in thy thoughts most secreat in thy vvoords true in thy vvoorks holy in thy mercies abundant vvith sinners most patient and vvith those that be penitent most pitiful Therfore o lord for such a one I dooe confesse and acknovvledge thee for such a one I dooe praise thee glorifie thy holy name Giue thou me light in my hart and vvoords in my mouth that my hart may think of thy ●●rie and my mouth be ful of thy praises But for somuch as praise is not beautiful in the mouth of a sinner Eccl. 15.9 I request all the Angels of heauen and al the creatures of the vvoorld that they together vvith me praise thee and supplie in this behalfe my faults inuiting them to this vvith that glorious canticle vvhich those holy children did sing vnto thee amiddest the flames of fiar in the fornace of Babilon saying Blessed art thou Daniel 7. ô lord god of our fathers and praised and superexalted for euer And blessed is the holie name of thie glorie and praised and superexalted for euer Blessed art thou in the holie temple of thie glorie and superpraised and superglorious for euer Blessed art thou in the throne of thie kingdom and superpraised and superexalted for euer Blessed art thou that beholdest the deapths and sittest vppon the Cherubines and praised and superexalted for euer Blessed art thou in the firmament of he auen raised and glorious for euer All the vvoorks of our lord blesse our lord praise and exalt him for euer Angels of our lord blesse our lord praise and superexalt him for euer Heauens blesse our lord praise and superexalt him for euer All vvaters that be aboue the heauens blesse our lord praise and superexalt him for euer All vertues of our lord blesse our lord praise and superexalt him for euer Sunne and moone blesse our lord praise and superexalt him for euer Stars of heauen blesse our lord praise and superexalt him for euer All raine and devve blesse our lord praise and superexalt him for euer Al spirits of God blesse our lord praise and superexalt him for euer Fiar and heate blesse our lord praise and superexalt him for euer VVinter and sommer blesse our lord praise and superexalt him for euer Moisti●res and hore frost blesse our lord praise and superexalt him for euer Frost and cold blesse our lord praise and superexalt him for euer Yse and snovve blesse our lord praise and superexalt him for euer Nights daies blesse our lord praise and superexalt him for euer Light and darknes blesse our lord praise and superexalt him for euer Lightnings and clovvdes blesse our lord praise and superexalt him for euer Let the earth blesse our lord let it praise and superexalt him for euer Mountaines and hillocks blesse our lord praise and superexalt him for euer All things that spring vppon the earth blesse our lord praise and superexalt him for euer VVelles blesse our lord praise superexalt him for euer Seas riuers blesse our lord praise superexalt him for euer VVhales all things that be moued in the vvaters blesse our lord praise and superexalt him for euer All byrds of the atre blesse our lord praise and superexalt him for euer Children of men blesse our lord praise superexalt him for euer Let I srael blesse our lord let him praise superexalt him for euer Priests of our lord blesse our lord praise and superexalt him for euer Seruants of our lord blesse our lord praise and superexalt him for euer Spirites and sovvles of iust men blesse our lord praise and superexalt him for euer Holie and humble of hart blesse our lord
praise and superexalt him for euer Glorie be to the father and to the sonne and to the holie ghost as it vvas in the beginning and novv and euer and vvoorld vvithout end Amen THE THIRD PRAIER FOR THE third daie to giue thanks to God for his benifits CHAP. V. I LIKE-vvise giue thee thanks o lord for all the benifits fauours vvhich I haue receaued of thee since the time that I vvas cōceiued vntil this present daie for the loue vvhich from al eternitie thou hast borne me vvhen euen from the same thou didst determine to create me to redeeme me to make me thine to giue me al that vvhich hitherto thou hast geauen me for somuch as al that I haue or may hope to haue is thine Thine is my bodie vvith al the parts and senses of the same thine is my sovvle vvith al her habilities and povvers thine be al the hovvers and minutes that hitherto I haue liued thine is the streangth and health vvhich thou hast geauen me thine is heauen and the earth vvhich susteineth me thine is the sunne and the moone the stars and the feelds the fovvles and the fishes the beasts and al other creatures vvhich at thy commaundement serue me Al this o my lord is thine and for the same I geaue thee as manie thanks as I am able to giue thee Neuertheles much greater thanks I yeeld thee that thou thie self hast vouchsafed to becom mine seeing that for my remedie thou hast offred and geauen all thie self in so much that for me thou vvast clothed vvith fleash for me thou vvast borne in a stall for me thou vvast reclined in a manger for me thou vvast svvadled in poore cloutes for me thou vvast circumcised the eight daie for me thou didst flie into Egypt for me thou vvast in so diuers sorts tempted persecuted yl vsed scourged crovvned vvith thornes dishonoured iudged to death and nailed vppon a crosse for me thou didest fast praie vvatch vveepe and suffer the greatest torments and outrages that euer vvere suffred For me thou didst ordeine and dresse the medicines of thy sacraments vvith the liquor of thie pretious blovvd and principallie the cheefest of all the Sacraments vvhich is that of thie most sacred bodie vvherein thou o mie God art conteined for mie reparation for mie maintenance for mie strength for mie delices for a pledge of mie hope and for a testimonie of thie loue For al this I yeeld thee as great and as manie thanks as I can giue thee saying from the bottom of mie hart vvith the Prophet Dauid Psal 102. Blesse o mie sovvle our lord and al those things that ar vvithin me his holie name Blesse o mie sovvle our lord and forget not all his fauours VVhoe hath pitie of all thy iniquities and healeth all thy diseases VVhoe deliuereth from death thy life vvhoe crovvneth the in mercie and compasstons VVhoe filleth thy desire in goods thy youth shal be renued as that of an eagle Our lord is dooing mercie and iudgment to all that suffer iniurie He made his vvaies knovven to Moises to the children of Israel his vvils Our lord is merciful and pitiful long-suffering and verie merciful He vvil not be angrie for euer neither for euer vvil hee threaten He hath not dealt vvith vs according to our sinnes neither according to our iniquities hath he revvarded vs. Because according to the height of heauen from earth hath he confirmed his mercie vppon those that feare him As far as the east is distant from the vveast hath he made far from vs our iniquities Euen as a father hath compassion of his sonnes our lord hath had compassion of such as seare him because he knovveth our vvoorkmanshippe He remembred that vve ar dust a man as the grasse so ar his daies as the flouer of the filde so shall he fade Because his spirite shall passe avvaie in him and shall not remaine and shall not knovve anie more his place But the mercie of our lord from euer and euen for euer vppon those that feare him And his iustice vppon the sonnes of sonnes to those that keepe his testament And ar mindfull of his comandements to fulfil them Our lord hath prepared his seate in heauen and his kingdom shall ouerrule all All Angels blesse our lord that be mightie of povver and dooe his vvoord to obey the voice o● his speeches Blesse ye our lord al his vertues you his ministres that dooe his vvill Blesse our lord all his vvoorks and in euerie place of his soueraigntie blesse thou o mie sovvle our lord Glorie be to the father and to the sonne c. THE FOVVERTH PRAIER FOR the fouerth daie of the loue of God CHAP. VI. AND yf vve be so greatlie bound to our benefactours by reason of theire benifits yf euerie benefit be as it vvere a fiarbrand and a prouokement to loue and yf according to the great quantitie of vvoode the fiar is also great that is kindled in it hovv great then should the fiar of loue be that ought to burne in my hart seeing the vvoode of thy benifits is so greate and so manie the prouokements that I haue of loue yf al this vvorld visible inuisible be for me ought not by al reason the flame of loue that should rise thereof to be as greate as it And speciallie I ought to loue thee because in thee onlie ar to be found al the reasons and causes of loue that be in al creatures and those also in the highest degree of perfection For yf vve speake of goodnes vvhoe is more good then thou yf of beautie vvhoe is more beautiful then thou yf of svveetnes and benignitie vvhoe is more svveete and bening then thou yf of riches and vvisdome vvhoe is more riche and more vvise then thou yf of loue vvhoe hath euer loued more then he that so much suffered for our sakes yf of benifits vvhose is al that vve haue but thine yf of hope of vvhome dooe vve hope to haue vvhatsoeuer vve neede yf not of thie mercie yf to our parents vve naturallie ought to beare great loue Math. 23.9 vvhoe is more our father then he that saith Cal none father to your self vppon earth for one is your father he that is in heauen Yf the bridegromes ar beloued vvith soe great loue vvhoe is the bridegrome of my sovvle but thou and vvhoe filleth the bosome of my hart and of my desires but thou yf the last end as the Philosophers say is beloued vvith infinite loue vvhoe is my beginning my last end but thou vvhēce came I and vvhither goe I to repose but to thee vvhose is that vvhich I haue and of vvhome must I receaue that vvhich I neede but of thee finallie yf likenesse be cause of loue to vvhose image and resemblance vvas mie sovvle created but to thine This is euidentlie knovven by her manner of operation for vvhere there is like manner of operation there is also like manner of
secure vvithout Obedience according to that vvhich the Psalmist saith Sacrifice ye sacrifice of iustice Psal 4.6 and hopeye in our lord giue thou me o my God that vvith this hope in thy mercie I ioine the obedience of thy holy commaundements seeing that I no lesse ovve thee this Obedience then all other vvhatsoeuer vertuous affects because thou art my king my lord my Emperour to vvhome the heauen the earth the sea and alcreatures obey vvhose commaundements and lavves they haue hitherto kept and vvil obserue for euer Let me then o lord obey thee more then they al for somuch as I am more obliged thereunto then they Let me obey thee o my king and obserue entirelie all thy most holie lavves Reigne thou in me o lord and let not the vvoorld reigne in me anie more nor the Prince of the vvoorld nor mie flesh nor mine ovvne propre vvill but thine Let all these tyrans depart out of me that be vsurpers of thy seate theeues of thy glorie corrupters of thy iustice and doe thou onlie o lord commaund and ordeine and let onlie thou and thysceptre be acknovvledged and obeyed that so thy vvil maie be donne in earth as it is fulfilled in heauen O vvhen shall this daie be O vvhen shall I see my self free from these tyrans O vvhen shall there be heard in my sovvle none other voice but thine O vvhen shal the forces and pykes of mie enimies be so subiected that I find no contradiction in my self to fulfil thy holy vvil and pleasure O vvhen shall this boistrous tempestuous sea be so calme vvhen shall this heauen be so faire and vnclovvdie vvhen shall mie passions be so quiet and mortified that there be neither vvaue nor clovvde nor noise nor anie other perturbation that maie alter and chaunge this peace and obedience and hinder this thie kingdom in me Giue thou me o lord this obedience or to saie better this soueraigntie ouer mie hart that in such sort it maie obey me that in al things I maie subiect the same to thee and being in this subiection I maie saie vvith al mie hart as the Prophet said Psal 118. ●3 Set me o lord for alavv the vvaie of thy iustifications and I vvil search it out alvvaies Giue me vnderstanding and I vvil seeke thie lavv and vvil keepe it vvith al mie hart Guide me in the pathe of thy commaundements because Thaue desired the same Incline my hart to thy testimonies and not to auarice Turne avvay mine eys that they see not vanitie in thy vvaie quicken me Glorie be to the father and to the sonne and to the holie ghost c. THE SEVENTH PRAIER FOR THE seuenth daie in vvhich a man offereth him self and al things that he hath to God CHAP. IX EVEN so as I am bound o lord to obey thee am I also bound to resigne and offer my self into thy hands because I am altogether thyne thyne by so manie and soe iust titles Thyne because thou hast created me and giuen me this being that I haue thyne because thou doest maintaine me in this being vvith so manie benifits and fauours of thy prouidence thyne because thou hast redeemed me out of captiuitie hast bought me not vvith gold nor siluer but vvith thine ovvne bloud and thine because so manie other times thou hast redeemed me hovv manie times thou hast dravven me out of sinne Yf then by so manie titles claimes I be thine and yf thou for so manie respects be mie king mie lord mie Redeemer and mie deliuerer heere I turne to resigne into thie hands thie substance vvhich I my self am heere I offer mie self to be thie sclaue and captiue heere I giue vp the kaies and omage of mie vvill to th' end that henceforvvard I be no more mine ovvne nor of anie other but thine that I liue not but for thee nor doe no more mine ovvne vvill but thine in such sort that I nether eate nor drinke norsleepe nor doe anie other thing vvhich is not according to thee and for thee Heere doe I present mie self to thee that thou dispose of me as of thine ovvne substance as it best pleaseth thee Yf it like thee that I liue that I dye that I be in health that I be sick that I be riche that I be poore that I be honoured that I be dishonoured to all I offer mie self and resigne my self into thie hands and I dispossesse me of mie self that I be novv no more mine ovvne but thine in so much that vvhat is thine by iustice and right be also thine by mie vvill But vvhoe o lord can doe anie of these things vvithout thee vvhoe can make as much as one steppe vvithout thee Giue me therfore grace o lord to doe that vvhich thou commaundest and commaund vvhatsoeuer it pleaseth thee Remember o lord that thou thy self hast commaūded vs most instantlie that vve should ask thee saying Aske and it shal be giuen you Matth. 7.7 seeke and you shal finde knocke and it shal be opened to you Thou also thie self hast said by thy Prophet Isaiae 45.21 A God iust and sauing there is not besides me Be conuerted to me and you shal be saued al the ends of the earth Yf then thou thy self o lord doest cal vs d●est inuite vs and doest hold open thine armes to the end that vve com to thee vvherefore should vve not hope that thou vvvilt receaue vs in them Thou art not o lord as men ar vvhoe becom poore by giuing and therfore ar so troubled vvhen ought is demaunded of them Thou art not so because as thou becommest not poore in th' one thou art not offended in th' other and therefore to ask of thee isn't to importunate thee but to obey thee seeing thou hast commaunded vs to ask of thee to honour thee and to glotifie thee for by dooing this vve protest that thou art God and the vniuersal lord and giuer of althings of vvhome vve ought to demaūdal seeing that of thee dependeth al vvhatsoeuer And hence it is that thou thy self doest demaund vs this sort of sacrifice aboue al others saying Psal 49.15 Cal vppon me in the daie of tribulation I vvil deliuer thee and thou shalt honour me I then being moued through this thy gracious commaundement doe com to thee and beseeche thee that thou vvilt vouchsafe to giue all this that I ovve vnto thee to vvit that I maie so adore thee so feare and reuerence thee so praise thee so giue thee thanks for althy benifits so loue thee vvith al my ha●t so settle al mie hope and confidence in thee so obey thy holie cōmaundements so offer resigne mie self into thy hands and so vnderstand hovv to request thee other fauours as it behoueth me to doe for thy glorie and for my saluation I beseeche thee also o lord to graunt me pardon of my sinnes true contrition confession of them al to giue me grace