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A02448 The enimie of securitie or A dailie exercise of godly meditations drawne out of the pure fountaines of the holie Scriptures, and published for the profite of al persons of any state or calling, in the German and Latine tonges, by the right reuerende Maister Iohn Auenar, publike professor of the Hebrue tonge, in the famous Vniuersitie of VViteberge; In Englishe by Thomas Rogers Maister of Artes and student in Diuinitie.; Christliche Gebet. English Habermann, Johann, 1516-1590.; Rogers, Thomas, d. 1616. 1579 (1579) STC 12582.3; ESTC S120167 142,030 389

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of good letters maintaine peace and concorde in his Church and make vs al continually to addict our selues to aduance his glorie both in deede and worde and to benefite his Church to the vttermost of our power that liuing alwaies in his feare we may die in his fauor and rise againe to euerlasting blessednes Amen A Praier to be saide at the comming into the Temple O ALMIGHTIE God and heauenlie Father in the multitude of thy mercie we wil come into thine house and in thy feare wil we worship towardes thine holie Temple Direct our step● in thy worde Bring vs into the path of thy commandements For thou art the God of our saluation Lorde we haue loued the habitation of thine house and the place where thine honor dwelleth O Lorde of hostes how amiable are thy Tabernacles Our soules long yea and pine away through the desire to come vnto thy court Wee wil acknowledge thee in a great Congregation we wil praise thee among much people Come let vs worship fal downe and kneele before the Lord our maker For he is our God and we are the people of his pasture and the sheepe of his hande Exalt the Lorde our God and fal downe before his footestoole for he is holie We wil go vnto the altar of God euen vnto the God which comforteth our soules and in an acceptable time doe we make our praier euen in the multitude of thy mercie O God heare vs in the truth of thy saluation Amen An earnest petition for the assistance of Gods holy Spirit that our praiers may be zealous and effectual O Almightie and merciful God Father of our Lorde Iesus Christ forasmuch as it is thy wil and plesure that in al our necessities we should cal vpon thee our God worship thee and with yeelding hartie thankes extol thine holie Name and therwithal hast promised to heare our petitions we are emboldened to direct our praiers vnto thy diuine Maiestie But considering the weakenes of our nature to be such that we knowe not how to aske as we should and thou alone both wiselie doest knowe and effectually canst grant not onely what we doe desire but a great deale more than we can thinke vpon our praier shal be vnto thee our God that according to thy promise thou wilt poure vpon vs the Spirit of grace and praier which may with vnspeakable groanings make intercession for vs that not with lips onely our harts being far from thee but with minde and mouth together we may vnfeinedlie as becometh true worshippers in spirit and truth with a burning affection of the hart cal vpon thee which art the true and eternal God and offer the grateful sacrifice of thankesgiuing Prepare thou our minds to praier make them zelous least otherwise we be like such as praieng tempt god Therefore in our praiers let vs not dissemble like Hypocrites neither boast of our wel doing like Pharisees to be seene of men but onely set forth thy glorie and aduance thine holie Name Turne our harts from beholding either images or strange Gods or else dead Saints but let vs worship 〈◊〉 onelie serue thee in our praiers which art our Lord God Creator of al things sercher of the hart rich towards al that cal vpon thee Instruct our minds that we desire not foolishlie vaine and transitorie things But let vs alwaie craue corporal things according to thy wil with this condition If they bring none hurt vnto our soules and euermore prefer celestial things which are to be asked without al exception before worldelie that our ioie may be perfect in the heauens Grant therefore almightie Father that we may certainely perswade our selues that whatsoeuer we shal aske at thine hands through faith we shal obteine the same and let vs neuer doubt of thy fatherlie affection towarde vs or bring thy willingnes to grant our petitions into question but through a liuely faith and firme confidence let vs constantly beleeue that our praiers shal effectually be hearde through and for thy Christs sake in whom al thy promises are yea and are in him Amen Furthermore if at any time our praiers be not granted speedilie according to our wish giue vs a strong faith that wee faint not but may through patience expect thine aide knowing that coming it wil come and thy truth wil not linger Gouerne therfore our harts by thine holie spirit that we appoint not a time manner or limits of helping vs but may in al thinges submit our selues to thy most heauenlie pleasure and commende our praiers vnto thee in hope silence for thou wilt not misse an houre but wilt come at a time conuenient Likewise illustrate our mindes with thy light that we cast not forth our praiers trusting in our owne righteousnes but in thy manifolde mercies through Christ by whome we haue boldnes by faith to approch vnto thy throne to cal thee Abba Father Couerne our harts and mindes that in praieng we neither presume nor trust vpon our owne worthines so through pride contemne others but let vs humblie and louinglie like brethren praie one for another that we al may be saued Take away from vs al babling and superfluitie of words that we be not as Ethnikes which for their long speach thinke to be hearde Assist vs also that the sight and remēbrance of our owne vnworthines doe not terrifie vs from praier and that we be not let by other causes from ernest crieng vnto thee night and daie that the wil of thy seruants and reuenge of thine elect may be fulfilled Now therefore heauenlie Father and eternal God giue grace that in al places we may praie lifting vp pure handes without wrath or doubting and saie Forgiue vs our trespasses and with deepe sighings sure confidence continuallie persist in making of supplications praiers intercessions and giuing of thankes for al men that according to thy promise we may receiue as wel temporal as heauenlie benefites For this is the confidence which we haue in thee that whatsoeuer we shal aske according to thy wil thou wilt grant vnto vs. And hearing al our petitions we doubt not but that our requestes which at this time we haue made vnto thee by Christ our Lorde shal in like manner be granted who liueth and raigneth with thee in the vnitie of the holie Spirit a God now and for euermore ▪ Amen A dailie praier for the perpetual happines of our sacred and most gratious Soueraigne and Queene Elizabeth OAlmightie GOD King of Kings and Lord of Lords in thine hands is al power both in heauen and earth thou confirmest kingdoms and againe dost alter them according to thine heauenlie pleasure We praise thee we magnifie thee we extol thine holie Name for that it hath
thy seruant to rule and gouerne this thy people committed vnto my charge Now therefore gratious Lord fauor ablic beholde me that I may treade the path of truth righteousnes and synceritie of hart in thy sight Let me not abuse mine auctoritie but gouerne with lenitie gentlenes the people vnder me that liuing a godlie and honest life mankind may enioy their desired peace Giue therefore vnto thy seruant an hart desirous of instructions that I may iudge the people descerne betweene good and euil and neither declining to the right hand or to the left stoutlie and valiantlie maintaine the cause of the righteous Grant me counsel and assistance to doe such things as are grateful vnto thee good for thy Church and profitable for my people and Commonweale Giue me thy wisedome and reiect me not from thy children For I thy seruant and sonne of thine handmaide am a fraile man of a short time and ful weake in the vnderstanding of iudgement and the lawes Thou hast chosen me a gouernor of thy people and a iudge of thy sonnes and daughters sende me therefore wisedome from thy sacred heauens and from the seate of thy magnificence that it may be with me and labor with me whereby I may perceiue what is acceptable in thine eies and learne that I haue no power of my selfe but from thee which art almightie raignest ouer the kingdomes of men giuing them at thy pleasure Grant that I neuer conceaue proudlie of my selfe but may receiue in patience the discipline of thy Lawe Make mee wise and circumspect that I neither offer ▪ iniurie to anie man neither suffer anie to be iniuried that so equitie may be maintained and iustice among men preserued Let me at no time vnder the shewe and color of equitie vphold or countenance a wicked cause neither yet without sufficient examination and trial of both parties giue sentence against anie Allowe me such counselers gouernors and ouerseers as are of courage fearing God dealing vprightlie hating couetousnes that by them the burden charge and care which I sustaine may be somewhat lightened Endue both me and them with thine holie Spirit that with earnest studie and watchful minds we may discerne betwene matters that no man through our negligence haue the ouerthrow in a righteous cause but that sentence be rightlie pronounced betweene a man and his brother and a stranger without respect of anie person in iudgement Let vs heare aswel the litle as the great and feare no man Because the iudgement is thine which standest in the companie of iudges and among the Gods thou plaiest the iudge For the iudgement is not of man but of the Lord and whatsoeuer we shal iudge it wil come vpon vs. Wherefore let thy feare be with vs that we may doe al things with care and circumspection that we proue not children in vnderstanding neither giue our selues to dronkennes and bellicheere but to eate our meate in due season and that for strength not for dronkennes For thou wilt make earnest and diligent enquirie of al our workes and search al our cogitations because we are thy seruants and deputies to gouerne men of a very short life and he which is to daie a King to morow may be dead For we be al mortal and subiect to one and the same corruption Besides an horrible iudgement is nigh for such as walke not after the wil of thee our god For he that is most low shal finde mercie but the mightie shal be mightilie tormented For thou which art the Lord ouer al regardest not the person of anie neither doest thou feare the greatnes of the mightie Because aswel the great as the smal are the workemanship of thine handes thy care is equal ouer al and giuest to godlie Princes eternal happines which art the Iudge both of the quicke and dead liuing and raigning with thy Sonne in the vnitie of the Spirit a God for euermore Amen A praier of Subiects for their Prince O Almightie God King of Kings and Lord of Lords in thine hande is al power both in heauen and earth thou confirmest kingdomes and againe doest alter them according to thine heauenlie pleasure c. This praier you shal finde afore pag. 7. A praier for a married man. O GOD almightie auctor and institutor of matrimonie which in the copling together of male and female dost offer vnto vs a consideration of the sacred and great mysterie of the marriage of our Lord and Sauior Christ with his spouse the Church and with al expresse the most burning affection of thy sonne towards his beloued Spouse For he offered himselfe vpon the altar of the crosse to sanctifie and clense hir by the washing of water through the word and to make hir glorious for himselfe without spot or wrincle or any such thing For euen as the husband by an inseparable bande of good wil is bound to the wife so that both prosperitie and aduersitie is common to them both so is Christ copled to his Church through suffering vpon his owne flesh the punishmēt which was due vnto hir and by making vs with him felowe heires of eternal ioie by couering our offences So that now there is no condemnation to them which are in Christ Iesu which walke not after the flesh but after the Spirit Whereby we gather that man should loue his wife euen as his owne bodie For no man euer yet hated his owne flesh howsoeuer crooked old weak leane or deformed it be but so much the more carefullie doth hide couer those faults by how much they appeere the more deformed Yea he doth nourish and cherish that weake part euen as Christ doth loue his Church though foule and deformed with sinne which casteth not hir of though she seeme il fauored but healeth hir griefes dissembleth much forgiueth and wypeth awaie hir offences I beseech thee O Father which art neither made nor begotten marrie mee for euer vnto thy Sonne marrie me vnto him in righteousnes iudgement in godlines and mercie marrie me vnto him in faith that I may truelie knowe thee my Lorde and God which wilt not the death of a sinner but rather that he repent and liue O thou onlie begotten Sonne of God ioine me I beseech thee vnto thy bodie that ingraffed in thee I may drawe from thee the iuice of life and of heauenlie wisedome Defende mee and thine whole Church against the rage of Satan the world and the flesh Loue cherish and comfort such as are ingraffed to thy flesh Purge and wash me fro my sinnes filthines and spots through thy great mercie and merits Deck me with thy gifts goodnes Wash me with water purge me with thy blood Annoint me with thine oile of gladnes put vpon me thy roabes of righteousnes and couer me with thy glorious purple
thee and may be thine properlie abiding in thy kingdome serue thee with a willing minde in righteousnes and true holines so that at length in the latter daie we may rise againe with our bodies vnto a blessed life and so both in bodie soule being redeemed from al euils in perpetual blisse happines may triumph with al thine holie Angels Patriarches Prophets and al thine elect and endued with vnspeakable and euerlasting ioie may praise thee our Sauior which hast ascended aboue al the heauens sittest at the right hand of God the Father almightie with whom thou liuest and reignest for euermore Amen 3. A praier for Faith. O Eternal God and heauenlie Father which art Alpha Omega the beginning the ending thou art the cause and absolute perfection of our life and saluation the euerlasting and infinit good from whom proceedeth euerie good giuing and euerie perfect gift to wit from the Father of lights with whom is no variablenes neither shadowing by turning We beseech thee in the Name of our Sauior Christ thy Sonne that through thine holie Spirit thou wilt plant in our harts a true knowledge of the same thy Sonne and keepe vs therein euermore make it plentiful and prosper euerie daie that replenished with the knowledge of thy wil in al wisedome and spiritual vnderstanding we may walke worthie the Lorde pleasing thee in al things being fruitful in al good works and encreasing in thy knowledge strengthened in al might through his glorious power vnto al patience and long suffering with ioiefulnes and may abounde in faith and word and knowledge and al diligence For this cause we bowe our knees vnto thee Father of our Lorde Iesus Christ of whom is named the whole family in heauen in earth that thou wilt grant vs according to the riches of thy glorie that we may be strengthened by thine holie Spirit into new men that Christ may dwel in our harts by faith being rooted and grounded in loue may be able with al Saints to comprehende the true knowledge of thine essence and wil according vnto thy word reuealed No man hath seene thee O God at anie time neither hath anie behelde the countenance of thy Maiestie For no man knoweth the Sonne which is of thy verie substance but thou the Father alone neither hath any knowen thee but the Sonne he to whom he doth reueale thee Wherefore we beseech thee of thine infinit goodnes and mercie draw vs vnto him let him bring vs vnto thee Giue the knowledge of saluation to thy people by the remission of their sinnes through thy tender mercie that in thy Sonne we may find righteousnes euen remission of sinnes reconciliation and newnes of our mindes through the holie Spirit whereby we may become heires of eternal life being iustified by the grace of Christ in whom we beleeue which was offered for our sinnes For he taking our punishment vpon himselfe did satisfie thy iustice fullie and washed vs by his pretious blood from al our iniquities and reconciled vs in the bodie of his flesh through death to make vs holie and blameles and without fault in thy sight Make vs therfore strong in faith and constant to resist al the ingins of Satan and proceeding from faith to faith to attaine that righteousnes which is auaileable before thee by the redemption which is in Christ Iesu whom thou hast appointed to be a reconciliation through faith in his blood that iustified by his grace we may haue peace of conscience and free accesse vnto the Father Holie and merciful God we humblie beseech thee which hast raised in vs the sparkles of true faith make perfect this good which thou hast begon in vs and bring it vntil the daie of our Lord Iesu Christ wherby abounding more and more in knowledge and in al iudgement we may allow the better and be pure without offence vntil that daie filled with the fruite of righteousnes which are by Iesus Christ vnto the glorie and praise of God. Wherefore appoint thy strength establish O God which thou hast wrought in vs that fighting a good fight we may retaine faith a good conscience least vnder persecution and aduersities being tossed we make shipwrack of our faith Helpe our weake and feeble faith which is like the graine of mustard seede within vs that encreasing dailie more and more it may take deepe roote and remaine firme alwaies and immoueable and neuer vanish awaie among so many sectes and diuisions in this worlde Extinguish al the doubtings of thy wil sticking in our corrupt nature let vs not mistrust thy promises of eternal and temporal benefits but applieng thy promises vnto our selues alwaies giue credit vnto thy worde and so depending wholie therevpon contrarie to al sense of humane reason we shal obteine a crowne of immortal glorie Grant likewise heauenlie Father that our faith be not barren vaine or dead without good workes and fruites of the Spirit but effectual working by charitie that we may receiue the ende of our faith euen the saluation of our soules and behold thee whome we now see by faith as it were in a glasse darklie in another world looking vpon thy Maiestie face to face in Christ our Sauior our Lord and God Amen 4. A praier for the Kingdome of God. MErciful and gratious God which hast called vs vnto thy kingdome and glorie and of thy fatherlie and good pleasure enioined vs this care that first and afore al things we should seeke thy Kingdome and the righteousnes thereof We beseech thee through and for thy Sonne our Lorde and Sauior Christ his sake teach our weake minds gouerne our wil and harts that without inuerting this thine appointed order we may first seeke that thou maiest shine within vs apprehende thy righteousnes by a true and liuelie faith and be vnited vnto thee our eternal King. Grant therefore that thy worde may be preached euerie where plainelie and purelie without fraud and that we may cast downe al our imaginations and euerie hie thing that is exalted against thy knowledge and leade our vnderstanding captiue to the obedience of the worde which thou hast deliuered and obey thy Gospel in al simplicitie of faith according to the good plesure of thy wil to the praise of the glorie of thy grace Assist vs O our Father which art in heauen that both thy word may be purely and sincerely preached we thereby as becometh the sonnes of God reformed in our liues Giue vs thine holie Spirit that we may beleeue thy word through thy grace and so leade a godlie and virtuous life in this worlde and liue hereafter with thy sonne in eternal blisse Breake thou of and hinder al the consultations and deuises both of the diuel the worlde and the flesh which do neither sanctifie thine
holie Name nor suffer thy kingdome to be brought vnto vs. Comfort and keepe vs stronglie in thy word and faith euen til our liues ende that so both thy good and gratious wil may be done in our harts and they which as yet beleeue not thy worde by our good conuersation may be wonne to thy Gospel and glorifie thee our God to the encrease of thy celestial kingdome Make vs meete to be partakers of the inheritance of the Saints in light Thou which hast deliuered vs from the power of darknes translated vs into the kingdome of thy beloued sonne in whom we haue redemption through his blood that is the remission of sinnes that we may be grounded and stablished in faith and not mooued awaie from the hope of the Gospel but may walke vnblameable and without fault in thy sight as it becommeth the children of light in al godlines and honestie And forasmuch as thy kingdome is not meate nor drinke neither consisteth in ceremonies and traditions which are inuented by man neither commeth it with obseruations neither is it in word but in righteousnes and peace and ioie in the holie Ghost and in power Grant O eternal God that we being borne anew by thy word and holie Spirit may attaine the inheritance of eternal life and lifting vp our harts on hie where Christ sitteth at thy right hande may set our affections on things which are aboue and not on things on the earth Therefore be thou present with vs in these latter daies of the world and begin thy kingdome in vs prosper the same with thy diuine assistance that we may be conformable vnto thy godlie pleasure purchasing thy fauor in this world and afterward in thy newe kingdome in the kingdome of glorie where thou God art al in al may ioiefullie remaine with thee for euermore Grant therefore that we may be poore in spirit in hart humble sorowful in minde for our offences and may with al our harts hunger and thirst after righteousnes Make vs lowlie and courteous liberal and pittiful pure in hart and peace-makers likewise in persecutions and trobles patient that we neither take nor giue offence vnto any but may exercise our selues in the workes of charitie and of mercie feeding the hungrie giuing drinke to the thirstie clothing the naked lodging strangers comforting the weake and visiting the imprisoned Finallie of thine abundant mercie grant that in thy last iudgement we may heare that ioieful and most cōfortable voice of thy welbeloued Sonne saieng Come ye blessed of my Father inherite the kingdome prepared for you from the foundations of the worlde Amen 5. A praier for Magistrates OMost mightie GOD King of al the world which by thine holie Spirit hast commanded that supplications praiers intercessions and giuing of thanks be made for al men for Kings and for al that are in auctoritie which thou hast placed to be rulers of the earth according to thy good wisedome and set in gouernement at thy good pleasure For thou exaltest some vnto the top of honor and protectest their dignitie thou castest not downe the mighty which art mighty thy selfe and placest Kings in their throne For al power is from thee We beseech thee therefore euen with deepe sighs of hart O Lord of Lordes that forgiuing our sinnes thou woldest giue good Rulers and also maintaine their auctoritie For among men there is no place for Lawe and iustice where the rulers and princes whom thou hast appointed are not feared Vphold al the states and gouernors of this realme and protect them from destruction in these greuous calamities and miserable disorder of these latter daies Especiallie preserue our Noble Queene and hir godlie Counsaile grant them a long healthful good life that they may deuoutlie serue thee and iustlie doe their office Lighten their minds with the knowledge of thy sacred word that they may deale wisely and be learned which iudge the earth seruing thee in feare and reioicing in trembling Let them embrace discipline and kisse the Sonne the Sauior of the world least happilie he be angrie and they perish in the waie Blesse them O God that they may alwaies hope in thee nourish thy ministers giue reliefe vnto thy Gospel and open their gates that the King of glorie may come in the Lord of power which is mightie in battel Giue them a care of godlines that they may giue their goods to the erecting cherishing of the church and shew themselues Patrones and defenders of the same Make them diligent in rooting out superstition and in promoting thy Kingdome in maintaining the puritie of doctrine in remoouing al offences and finallie in wyping awaie al filthines which both defile thy religion and deface thy glory that the commers after vs haue none occasion of transgressing Blesse them with sober counsaile wisedome industrie and courage of minde Giue them good successe in al their enterprises prosper their doings Let them consider that they are placed to defend the good and innocent and with seuere punishment to correct the wicked and rebellious so shal wickednes be taken from among vs and the publike state remaine in safetie to the preseruation of mankind and continuance both of common Christian peace to the glorie of thy sacred Maiestie and the commoditie of their subiects to the rooting out of ignorance and error and to the furtherance of good artes honest trades and liberal studies And forasmuch as the harts of Kings Queenes and of al men are in thine handes so that thou canst turne them at thy pleasure we beseech thee almightie and merciful God that it would please thee to turne from crueltie to clemencie the minds of al Tyrans and vnmerciful Princes that they mooue not war against thee rashlie wherby the course of thy diuine worde may be hindered worldlie substance wickedlie consumed and their subiects polled vnreasonably deuoured But giue vnto al in auctoritie quiet harts desirous of christian concord that they may remember they are the ministers of God to maintaine his glorie to keepe their people from iniurie and oppression and beare the sword to take vengance on them which doe euil on the behalfe of god For they rule not for their owne cause but for the publike welfare neither may they doe what they list but are bound to seeke the profit of their subiectes and to set forth the glorie of God. Let them not therefore abuse their auctoritie power but grant them grace to remember continuallie that they are mortal men whose Lord is in heauen which respecteth no person and afore whose iudgment seat they must al appeare and giue an account vnto thee the true and righteous God iudge both of the quicke and dead which raignest and rulest for euermore Amen 6. A praier for Subiects O Most merciful God at
those things which delighted our sences and fantasies For by nature we were the sonnes of wrath euen as others But now thou O God which art rich in mercie for thy great kindnes sake wherewith thou louest vs gouerne vs by thine holie Spirit that we neuer forsake the faith which thou hast giuen vs but perseuering in the rase begunne may attaine through thy grace to the saluation of our soules Take awaie from vs that which is deformed by our corrupt nature continue that which thy grace hath wrought within vs that sin raigne not in our mortal bodies neither we obeie it in the vnlawful lustes therof Assist vs with thine aide that being deliuered from sinne we may be the seruants of righteousnes and obeie that doctrine from the hart wherevnto we are brought giuing our members seruants of righteousnes vnto sanctification so shal we serue thee our true GOD here in the kingdome of grace herafter in the kingdome of glorie which liuest with God the Father and the holie Ghost for euermore Amen 8. Euening praier on Tuesdaie BLessed GOD and Father of our Lord Iesu christ of thine abundant great mercie hast thou preserued vs miserable men this daie from the crueltie and tyrannie of Satan and from sondrie perils and calamities Thou hast shewed vs great trobles in our life notwithstanding thou returnedst and diddest reuiue vs tokedst vs out from the depth of the earth Thou hast encreased our honor and returning didst comfort vs. Strangers rose vp against vs and vnto vs. Admonish our soules of miseries to come Euen as thou diddest arme the Patriarches and Prophets by dreames and visions in the night when sleepe came vpon them from dāgers nigh at hand through thine heauenlie oracles so gouerne and preserue vs in sleepe that our soules come not into danger neither fal vpon the sword and pit of perils Defende vs this night from vncleane and troblesome Spirits let not their rushings ragings and misrule disquiet vs Kepe vs good God from sights of Satan from snares and illusions of the Diuel O thou maker of al things according to thy woonted goodnes be thou our watchman and keeper so shal no vaine apparitions and dreames of the night troble vs nor the Diuel disquiet vs. For in the waie of thy iudgements we doe looke for thee O Lord the desire of our soule is to thy Name and to the remembrance of thee With our soules haue we desired thee in the night and with our spirits within vs wil we seeke thee in the morning Our soules waite on the Lord more than the morning watch watcheth for the morning Heare our crie O God giue eare vnto our praier From the endes of the earth we wil crie vnto thee when our harts be opprest bring vs to the hie rock for thou art our hope a strong tower against the face of the enimie We wil dwel in thy tabernacle for euer we shal be protected vnder the couering of thy wings Lengthen our daies and yeres according to thy good pleasure for thy mercie and truth shal keepe vs. O Christ our defender beholde represse our enimies gouerne thy seruants which thou hast bought with thy precious blood be mindful of vs O Lord in this heauie bodie thou which art the defender of the soule be present with vs. To God the Father and to his onelie Sonne with the Spirit the comforter be al praise and glorie for euermore Amen 1. On VVensdaie Morning praier O Almightie and merciful GOD which gauest the people of Israël in charge euerie daie both in the morning and at night to offer vnto thee a burnt offering for a sweete sauor in thine eares that thereby they might glorifie thee and giue thee thankes for the benefite of their protection both night and daie rising this morning we offer vp vnto thee the sacrifice of thankesgiuing We glorifie thee O eternal God for breaking the chaines of the darknes of this night We wil offer vnto thee a sacrifice of praise and cal vpon thy Name We wil praise our God which brought vs out of darknes and the shadowe of death and brake the bonds wherewith we were tied this night he hath deliuered our soules from perils by bringing vs safe and sound to the morning light Wherefore we offer before thee the calues of our lips for a morning sacrifice and with our tongues doe we praise thee O Lord. Our mouthes shal be filled with thy praise and with thy glorie euerie daie Our tongues shal talke of thy righteousnes and saluation euerie daie Our lips shal speake of thy praise and our tongues shal entreate of thy worde Our soules shal be filled as it were with fatnes and with the lips of reioicing shal our mouth extol thee We wil praise thy Name with songs and magnifie thee with thankesgiuing which please thee better than either oxe or calfe that hath hornes and hooues Wherefore let the sacrifice of our mouthes which we offer vnto thee now this morning and the meditations of our hares be grateful in thy sight O Lorde we beseech thee accept the free offerings of our mouth and teach vs thy iudgements that we may doe thy wil according to thy good pleasure Vnto thee O Lorde we wil crie and earelie shal our praiers come before thee In this morning doe we beseech thee by the resurrection of our Lord Iesu Christ thy welbeloued Sonne that as he was raised from the dead by thy glorie so thou wilt raise and lift vs vp this morning that rising out of the filth of sinne and leauing the beds of vnrighteousnes we may put on the newe man which is renued in knowledge after the image of thee which didst create him and giue not ouer our selues to sleepe and snorting Awake now our soules which sleepe rise from the dead Christ wil lighten yee For certes it is hie time that we should arise from sleepe the houre of our watching being nigh and our saluation neerer than when we beleeued The night is passed and the day is at hand Grant therfore merciful God that casting of the works of darknes and putting on the armour of light we may walke honestlie as in the daie not in gluttonie and drunkennes neither in chambering and wantonnes nor in strife and enuieng but may put on our Lord Iesu Christ by true faith and good works which may smel of him that tasting of his sweetenes at no time we may be separated frō him Wherefore we beseech thee O Lord continue thy goodnes toward vs and grant that al our praiers and workes may both begin from thee and ende through thee Vouchsafe O Lord to keepe vs this day without sinne Let thy mercie be vpon vs as we trust in thee O Lord keepe our tongues from euil and our lips that
sinnes nor guiltie of their condemnation neither wilt thou require their blood at mine hands Wherefore againe and againe I beseech thee assist me euermore that through an open and bold reprehending of their wickednes I may deliuer my soule in the daie of wrath and teach thy waies vnto the wicked whereby the vngodlie may repent Finallie so blesse me with thy fauor that I may walke in thy feare as it becommeth me and be an ensample of good life vnto my flock least while I preach vnto others my selfe proue a castawaie that in no case through my wicked conuersation I giue occasion to anie man of blaspheming thy worde and that in trobles and persecutions I faint not but may suffer patientlie the reproch of this world and the manifold trobles that Satan stirreth vp to disquiet thy Church Grant also to as manie as shal heare thy worde from my mouth that they may firmelie with me beleeue the same and be the followers of me as I followe thee and haue consideration of such as walke so as becommeth Christians that together we may continue in faith and patience euen for thine owne sake Amen A praier for anie hearer of Gods worde I Giue thee most hartie thanks O eternal God Father of our Lord Iesu Christ for that it hath pleased thee of thine vnspeakable mercie and goodnes in al ages continuallie to sende into the worlde men wonderful in thy gifts and knowledge of thy wil to be renuers and spreaders forth of thy truth Like thankes I ascribe vnto thy sacred Maiestie for allowing vs shepherds and preachers in these our daies for the gathering together of thy Church out of al mankinde to the building of the bodie of Christ. Humblie I beseech thee gratious GOD continue alwaie among vs thy pure worde through thy ministers gather vnto thy selfe an euerlasting Congregation so instruct mine hart with thy Spirit of truth that vnfainedlie I may assent to thy wholesome worde proue a liuelie member of thy bodie and be incorporated into that societie which both in this world doth syncerelie confesse thee and euermore extol thine holie Name Keepe those Preachers which thou dost and wilt giue in the certaine knowledge of thy blessed wil that they may from time to time both open vnto vs thine intent concerning the repairing of mankinde the saluation and redemption of our soules through thy free mercie and also teach vs how to liue in new obedience and to abstaine from carnal desires which fight against the soule Inspire thy ministers and preachers of thy word with thine holie Spirit that they may vtter thy wil purelie as they haue receiued it from thine hands retaining the forme of wholesome words and sounding onlie that doctrine which is vttered by thy Sonne out of thy bosome For otherwise departing from the order of faith and the rule of thy worde they wil greatlie obscure the light of thy doctrine and obtrude vpon vs the vanitie of their owne inuentions Wherefore let them speake thy word not deceiptfullie but syncerelie euen as from thee and in thy sight Grant also that by transforming thy ministerie into policie they Lord not ouer thine elect neither contend about superioritie and primacie in thy Church but onelie to seeke the glorie of thy Name and the saluation both of themselues and vs. Giue them libertie of speech boldlie without feare to blame and rebuke al false doctrine blasphemous superstition and abuses in thy Church Open vnto them the doore of vtterance that they may speake the mysteries of Christ and manifest them as they ought to doe so shal their doings be profitable vnto the godlie Assist them also with thine especial grace that they disgrace not their doctrine by impuritie of life but let their conuersation answere vnto the doctrine which they teach and preach Especiallie for the shepherd of my soule frō whose mouth I learne thy blessed wil I hartilie praie that thou wilt keepe him in religion syncere and pure from enormous offences in outward conuersation endue him with a long and healthful life if it be thy good pleasure that manie a good daie and yeere he may continue in preaching the gladsome voice of thy gratious Gospel among vs without contention and strife And O Sonne of God which art the Lord of al the flock worke thou effectuallie by thy preachers speake thou within vs to our harts the blessed wil of thine eternal Father and confirme thy doctrine in our minds by thine holie Spirit Grant that we may truelie know and discerne the same from the houling of wolues and from the inchanted songs of seducing hirelings and grant that we may know thee euen as thou knowest thine heauenlie Father and to walke religiouslie and righteouslie in thy sight shewing our selues to be of that holie seede which praiseth thy Name for euermore Come holie Spirit open mine hart and eares that I may conceaue the profite of thy wholesome doctrine and the sweete comfort reuealed in thine holie word by the preaching of the Gospel O Lorde I acknowledge with teares my sluggishnes carelesnes in seeking thy truth and bewaile the wretched coldnes and hardnes of mine hart beseeching thee to endue me with an vnfained longing and an ardent desire of holie Sermons Grant that in this life I may worship the feete of the preachers of peace and reuerence the true dispensors of thy mysteries thy faithful ministers with doble honor and none otherwise to obeie their godlie sermons than I woulde if a voice should sounde from the heauens Let me not for the blemishes and imperfections of some particular men vnreuerentlie conceaue of thine whole ministerie Worke also within me that despising thy word deliuered vnto vs I neuer seeke after strange reuelations or violent rauishings both besides and contrarie to thy worde but bearing alwaies in minde the order which thou hast appointed may constantlie embrace thy word manifested in the Church Finallie impart such grace vpon vs that we may imitate and folowe the good workes of holie men casting of the old man by putting on the new which is created after God in righteousnes and true holines Amen A praier for a Prince or Magistrate BLessed art thou Lord God of Sabbaoth For to thee appertaineth al magnificence and power and glorie to thee belongeth al honor and auctoritie For whatsoeuer is either in the heauens aboue or in the earth beneath it is thine Thine O Lord is the kingdome thou art aboue al Princes Kings Riches are thine glorie is thine and thou art Lorde ouer al. In thee remaineth virtue and power greatnes and gouernement O God of my Fathers Lord of mercie which hast made al things by thy word and by thy wisedome appointed man to rule the creatures which thou hast made and to gouerne the world with equitie and iustice I praise thee and extol thy glorious Name for appointing me
be without fault in the foundation without sinne against my conscience and walke worthie this Sacrament forsaking vtterlie and renouncing the Diuel and al Idolatrie al vices and carnal desires which fight against the soule For we cannot be partakers of the Lordes table and of the Diuels to Make me also to remember that by this sacrament I am bound to do good vnto others For as manie graines of corne do make one loafe and manie grapes make one wine so being manie yet are we but one loafe and one bodie inasmuch as we al participate of one bread and drinke of one cup. Ioine vs therfore together O Sauior of the world at this common banquet through the band of loue that we may be fastened vnto thee our head That as thou diddest die for vs so we againe may not feare to suffer and to giue our liues for the glorie of thy name that we neuer be separated from thee neither in life nor death Make vs also hartilie to loue one another like the true and liuelie members of thy bodie that if need require we may giue our liues for our brethren Suffer not concord of mindes to be broken For hee that receiueth the mysterie of vnitie and keepeth not the bond of peace he doth not receaue the mysterie for himselfe but a testimonie against himselfe Giue grace therefore that laieng aside al wrath fiercenes maliciousnes and enuie we may forgiue one another euen as thou forgiuest vs and beare one with another for the better auoiding of strife di●fension sectes and pernicious heresies Keepe this thine ordinance and right vse of thy Sacrament among vs euermore that this good worke and diuine ceremonie may alwaies be a note and badge of our publike profession whereby we are knowne from Pagans and tokens of loue confession and thankefulnes Remooue awaie al abuses and prophanations of this holie and sacred supper together with the horrible and Idolatrous adorations inuented by Satan and his members to the shameful deforming of thy godlie and goodlie institution but maintaine I humblie beseech thee the true and vnpolluted vse thereof til thy pleasure is to returne in the cloudes to iudgement with great power and glorie that it neuer be out of remembrance And last of al at our resurrection from death appoint vs places in thy heauenlie table where we may taste the new wine in the kingdome of thy father abiding with thine elect Angels and blessed Saintes for euermore Amen A praier for the Sick. O Almightie and merciful God Father of our Lord Iesu Christ which through corporal diseases both puttest me in minde of my mortalitie and also callest to repentance For thou wilt not the death of a sinner but that he conuert and liue Vnto thee doe I crie O Lorde rebuke me not in thine anger neither chastise me in thy wrath haue mercie on me O Lorde for I am weake O Lorde heale me for my bones are vexed My soule is also trobled verie sore but Lorde how long wilt thou delaie Returne deliuer my soule O saue me for thy mercies sake Heale me O Lord and I shal be whole saue thou me and I shal be saued For thou art my praise Thou hast wounded and thou wilt heale me thou hast strooken and thou wilt cure thou dost kil and restore to life againe Wherfore if this my sicknes be not vnto the death helpe me vpon the bed of my sorow Turne the whole palat of my weaknes into ioie Maie it please thee O Lorde to deliuer me out of the myre For the graue wil not acknowledge thee nor death confesse thee but the liuing I saie the liuing wil extol thee for euermore O Lorde heale me that I may praise thee al my life long through my Sauior Amen Another praier for the Sick. O Christ Iesu Sonne of the liuing God our Redeemer and our Mediator for euermore in our weake flesh thou wentest about the earth preaching the glad tydings of the kingdome touching the forgiuenes of our sinnes and curing euerie sicknes and euerie disease among the people For thou hast truelie taken vpon thee our infirmities and borne our paines For where sinne abounded there thy grace did more abound Wherfore I praie most humblie beseech thee be merciful vnto me heale my soule For I haue sinned against thee strengthē it by the sweete comfort of thy Gospel and confirme my faith then if it be thine heauenlie pleasure restore health vnto my weake bodie If thou wilt thou canst make me cleane onelie doe but speake the worde and I shal be healed For it is not herbes nor plasters that restore health but thy worde O Lord which healeth al things It is thou Lord which hast the power both of life and death thou leadest vnto deaths doore and bringest vp againe But if it be more expedient for me to die than to liue then deale with me according to thy wil O Lord and commande my spirit to be receaued in peace the which I commende into thine hands thou hast redeemed me O Lord God of truth which liuest and raignest with the Father and the holie Ghost one God for euermore Amen Another praier for the Sick. O Eternal God which art ful of cōpassion and mercie slowe to anger and great in kindnes thou forgiuest our falts couerest our sinnes and dost not impute our iniquities vnto vs Vnto thee doe I bende my praier beseeching thee to pardon al my sinnes and to heale al mine infirmities Saue my life from destruction and compasse me about with mercie and louing kindnes For thou art the God of my saluation mine helper in thee hath mine hart trusted Despise not the workes of thine owne hands neither suffer him to perish whom thou hast created and redeemed O Christ lambe of God which takest awaie the sins of the world and washest vs from al our offences by thy pretious blood encrease my faith that firmelie I may apprehende the saluation promised Blesse thou my soule at hir departure from the bodie that euermore I may reioice with thee And holie Ghost eternal God which art the best Comforter in al extremities be thou present I beseech thee at the houre of my death and impart thy sauing health vpon me that mine hart doe not faint nor be trobled Amen Reuel 7 12. Praise and glorie and wisedome and thankes and honor and power and might be vnto our God for euermore Amen a Lactantius de diuino praemio cap. 4. Cicero lib 2 de Natura Deorum b Gene. 1 6. Psalme 8 6. Causes why daily praier is necessary 1. From the end of mans creation 2. From the commandementes of God. c Psa. 50 15. d Mark. 13 verse 33. e Colos. 4 2. 3. From the promise of God to here our petitiōs f Luk. 11 9. g Iohn
waie where we shal not deale with mysteries as in this worlde but shal beholde thee face to face when thou hast deliuered the kingdome to God the Father and so God shal be al in al Amen A thankesgiuing after the receiuing of the holie Communion O Iesu high and eternal Priest sitting on the right hande of the throne of maiestie in the heauens gouernor of the Saints Thou art an high Priest of good things to come which by a greater and more perfect tabernacle not made with handes that is to saie not of this building neither by the blood of goates calues but by thine owne blood didst enter once into the holie place and founde eternal redemption when through the eternal spirite thou offeredst thy selfe a pure sacrifice without spot to God purging our consciences from dead workes to serue the liuing God I yeelde thee hartie thankes for suffering vpō the altar of the crosse a most shameful death for our sins and that of thine owne accorde mooued therevnto by a singular affection of good wil towards vs. I blesse thee for instituting this Sacrament of thy bodie and blood in remembrance of our euerlasting redemptiō that at no time it might slip out of our minds but be an holie signe and testimonie of thy perpetual friendship and a seale of the confirmation of the newe and eternal couenant which thou hast entred into with vs concerning the free remission and forgiuenes of our sinnes I magnifie thee also with al reuerence of mind for bidding vs miserable men and sinners both vnto the participation of thy most holie supper and also to the receiuing of al celestial riches wherein thou bestowest and appliest particularlie to euerie of vs al the merits and good things which by thine obedience and death thou hast purchased on our behalfe that we may become partners and fellow heires of eternal blessednes O sacred banket wherin heauenlie dainties are set afore vs which reuiue the soule and thou lambe of God after a wonderful and mystical manner giuest thy selfe to refresh the inwarde man. We diminish thee not in eating thee but thou endurest whole perpetuallie And although the visible signes are consumed yet canst not thou be deuoured Thou art the meate of the soule not of the bodie and fattest our minds not our bellies Thou changest the eater into thy selfe and yet art not changed into the eater as other corporal foode is changed commonlie So that we participate of thy diuine nature and thou no whit art altered into our sinful flesh I humbly beseech thee Sonne of God by thy most sacred blood shed for vs giue me grace that participating of this visible Sacrament I may withal finde and feele in mine hart the inuisible working of thine heauenlie grace which is conteined in this mysterie that this supper may be as some refreshing vnto my bodie so a special medicine of my soule Quicken and raise vp in me by this blessed Sacrament a continual remembrance of thy bitter passion make me to retaine the same firmelie and fresh in my minde and shew it foorth as an onelie and sufficient ransome of my redemption vntil thou returnest Let me neuer doubt of the forgiuenes of my sinnes which thou assurest me of by thy bodie blood in thine holy couenant concluded in thy last supper by the breaking of bread and giuing foorth the cup to thy chosen Disciples and by them to as manie as are incorporated into thy Church through Baptisme That as often as Satan assaileth vs with his deadlie tentations we may runne to our sanctuarie as it were to a strong anchor of defence apprehending the promise ratified by the seale of this couenant and neuer giue ouer in fight but stil be refreshed with newe virtue from aboue nor breake our harts through the consideration of sundrie misfortunes which the vngrateful worlde by the instinct of their capitaine the Diuel woulde bring vpon vs but calling into minde thy death into the which we are baptized may escape from al calamities So that no tribulation nor anguish nor persecution neither hunger nor nakednes neither perils nor sworde neither death neither life may separate vs from our head wherevpon being made fast by this holie Sacrament receaued we as liuing members doe depende And finallie may knowe that we are fed and refreshed by thy flesh and pretious blood that washed therewith we should not hereafter giue our selues to carnal pleasures nor feede vpon the leauen of malice and wickednes but resisting them liue in al sinceritie truth as it becommeth such as doe eate of the immaculate Paschal lambe whose life is hid with thee but when thou shalt be reuealed then shal we also appeare in glorie For this blessed meate doth truelie witnes that our bodies sprinkled with the virtue of thy quickening flesh as it were with celestial dewe shal rise againe vnto immortalitie and euerlasting glorie Wherefore giue grace that al thy Saints participating of the bread of eternal life may be replenished with the fruition of thy blessed sight for euermore in thy celestial paradise Amen Another thankesgiuing after the receipt of the holie Communion I Thank thee O Christ lambe of God for offering thy selfe vpon the altar of the crosse to thy father an offering and a sacrifice of a sweete smelling sauor to God for our sinnes to reconcile vs vnto him for certaintie whereof and confirmation of our faith thou hast instituted on our behalfe this holie Sacrament of thy supper that as often as we receiue the same we may celebrate thy memorie and with thankesgiuing remember the merite and frute of thy passion I beseech thee by thy bitter death stir vp our minds that by often receiuing this thine ordinance and institution we may consider howe bitter a death thou didst suffer on our behalfe and how great the loue was which draue thee to take so cruel and shameful a death to saue vs and withal continuallie yeelde as we are bounde hartie thanks vnto thee for the same and after the like sort answere to our power that vnspeakeable good wil by our good life and careful obseruation of thy commandements and may when either through frailetie of our flesh or by any other fault preuented we sinne runne by and by vnto thee by repentance and through consideration of this new and eternal couenant touching the remission of sinnes made with vs be erected and vpholden vnto a liuelie and constant hope O sweete Iesu grant that being fast linked vnto thee by this holie mysterie I may receaue power and strength from thee beleeuing thy promises and be wholie addicted therevnto without any doubting that so my conscience in feare and trobles may haue perfect consolation Suffer me not to be separated from the members of thy bodie which is the Church whereof thou art head fulfilling al in al but grant that abiding in thy word and kingdome I may