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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02186 Greenvvoods vvorkes contayned in fiue seueral tractates. 1. Of the day of iudgement. 2. Of the Lords Prayer. 3. Of the race to saluation. 4. Of the torment of Tophet. 5. Of the baptisme of Christ. Greenwood, Henry, b. 1544 or 5.; Greenwood, Henry, b. 1544 or 5. Treatise of the great and generall daye of judgement. aut; Greenwood, Henry, b. 1544 or 5. Race celestiall. aut; Greenwood, Henry, b. 1544 or 5. Tormenting Tophet. aut; Greenwood, Henry, b. 1544 or 5. Joyfull tractate of the most blessed baptisme. aut 1620 (1620) STC 12329; ESTC S115797 129,145 422

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with the sheep on his right hand and singing this blessed haruest song vnto you Come ye blessed of my Father inherite the Kingdome prepared for you from the beginning of the world To the which most blessed place of glory the Lord bring euery Soule of vs at the day of our death and dissolution and that for IESVS CHRIST his sake to whom with God the Father and God the blessed Spirit thrée glorious persons but one immortall God be ascribed all honour and glory both in Heauen and Earth this day and euer Amen * ⁎ * FINIS An Earnest and zealous Pray er to be saued from the damnation of TOPHET O Most glorious euerliuing and euerlouing Lord God the fountaine and well-spring of all our happinesse wee thy poore seruants vnworthy in regard of our manifold transgressions of the least of thy blessings doe most humbly fall downe before the throne of thy dreadfull Maiesty confessing in the bitternesse of our soules the basenesse and vilenesse of our estates by sinne O Lord ashamed wee are to come before thee that are nothing but sinfull corruption and abomination but thou a Maiesty most pure in comparison of whom the Angels themselues are counted impure we dare not therfore being thus lothsome and abominable presume to present our selues before thee as in our selues but in thy manifold mercies and thy Son Iesus Christ his merits in whom thou art delightfully pleased with all that faithfully call vpon thy name Lord in thy Son behold vs we humbly beseech thee accept vs in his worthinesse clense vs in his blood iustifie vs in his righteousnes sanctifie vs with his spirit and in his most precious death frée vs from the damnation of hell O till these comfortable tidings be sealed vp to our soules how perplexed are we O how do our harts quake and tremble till we haue found the saluation of thee our God! Reiect vs not O heauenly Father that faine would as be saued of thee so vprightly serue thee we plead now and euer for pardon so for grace whereby wee may in plentifull manner bring forth fruits worthy of amendement Lord kéepe vs in body and soule to thy euerlasting Kingdom and saluation Lord preserue vs from the terrible torments of Tophet O what shall become of vs if we for our sins when we dye be thrown into that Lake that burnes with fire and brimstone so bitterly as forceth screeching and screaming continually Lord deale not with vs according to our sinnes and thy iustice but in the multitude of thy mercies saue our soules aliue O consider the terrors of our troubled Soules Let not the grones of our hearts be despised but suffer them to pierce the heauens for a blessing O thou that art the God of endlesse compassion cast vs not away from thy presence we are the workmanship of thine hands O Lord confound vs not O Lord that delightest not in the death and damnation of a sinner bee moued to shewe pity vpon vs O Christ our blessed Sauior make intercession to God the Father for vs speake by thy gracious Spirit peace to our disquieted Soules bind vp our broken hearts giue vs that wée may cléerely sée our names written in the Booke of Life and our soules released from the fearefull damnation of Tophet To this end gracious God remoue all sinne from our soules and plant in the garden of our hearts all those spirituall and heauenly graces that are proper peculiar to thine Elect that we may be alwayes a swéet smelling sauor before thée giue vs faith in thy promises loue to thy Maiesty zeale to thy glory obedience to thy lawes and guide vs daily by thy blessed Spirit into all truth and godlinesse Lord giue vs to bee out of loue with the vanities of this life to hate euery worke of darknes the little sin as well as the great quicken vs O Lord by thy quickning Spirit O giue vs hearts to bee inflamed with the loue of thy truth O that wée could hunger and thirst after grace as the chased Hart doth the running Brooke O that wee could experimentally say with thy seruant DAVID that all our delight is in thy Commandements Thus O Lord we receiuing grace from thy Maiesty to repell the fiery darts of the diuell to flye euen from euery apparition of euill so doing we may reap much comfort to our soules in this world of trouble and at the fearefull day of Iudgement wee may be freed from the lamentable tortures of Tophet where howling and yelling shall be for euermore and that for Iesus Christs sake thy Sonne our Sauiour to whom with thée and thy most glorious Spirit we desire euen from the bottome of our hearts to haue offered vp all thanksgiuing and praise both in heauen and earth this day and euermore Amen FINIS A IOYEFVLL TRACTATE OF The most blessed Baptisme that euer was solemniz'd VIZ. Of the Baptism of our Lord IESVS by IOHN in Iordan The fourth Edition corrected and amended IOHN 3. 5. Except a man be borne of water and of the Spirit hee cannot enter into the Kingdome of God LONDON Printed by George Purslowe and are to be sold by John Clarke 1620. TO THE RIGHT Worshipfull M. ROBERT MORDAVNT of Massingham Hall in the County of Norsolke Esquire and Mistris AMY MORDAVNT his mostlouing Bedfellow All increase of Grace in this life and of glory in the life to come SEldome or neuer Right Worshipfull doe we finde Tractates either Humane or Diuine passe without their particular Dedications that being shrowded vnder the safe-garding gourds of honorable and right godly dispositions they might the better bee preserued from the parching detractions of malignant Cynicks I make bolde therefore discarding all selfe-humour and irregular singularity to commend this poore Present vostrum ad patrocinium to the worthy patronage of your well-affected Worships two especiall reasons mouing me hereunto First that mine vnfained gratitude entire affection and most humble duty for all your fauors inexpressible might heereby bee made apparent Secondly it being deliuered at that solemne baptisme of Charles your first born and hopefull heyre none I know more worthy of this Dication than your worthy and right Christian persons I present it to your religious considerations as a louing and friendly New-yeeres gift for it aymes at that blessed New birth and happy New life liuely in baptisme represented without which it is not possible for either of you to possesse the Kingdome of God Accept therefore I humbly beseech you and take in good worth this short Treatise short both in line and learning respect not as is that Prouerbe the measure of the gift but the minde of the giuer what is wanting in the one I dare boldly promise is made vp in the other At your best leisures vouchsafe I pray now and then to peruse it and I trust that your Christian paines herein shall bee well reguerden'd with heauenly pleasures herefrom The Lord God make this with all other like
glory killing vs thou dost but deliuer vs from 〈…〉 prison of our bodies thou shalt 〈…〉 remoue the rockes and moun●●i 〈…〉 their places then make vs 〈…〉 from the profession of the glorious Gospell of Iesus Such was the resolution of Sydrach Myshach and Abednego that rather then they would crouch to Nebuchadnezzars golden Image which wa● Dan. 3. 1 23. 60. cubits high they would be cast into the hot fiery Furnace which was made seuen times more hot then vsually it was for necessary vses Such was the resolution of blessed Paul that nothing could separate him from his LORD and Master CHRIST whose couragious vow we may find in his Epistle to the Romans on this manner Who shall separate Rom. 8. 35 33 39. vs from the loue of Christ shall tribulation or anguish or persecution or famine or nakednesse or perill or sword No verily for I am perswaded that neither death nor life nor Angels nor Principalities nor Powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall bee able to separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord neither the loue which wee haue to God from ●● who are made his sons through Christ Iesus And ●ndeed that which Paul promised he performed for he was beheaded at Rome for the Gospels defence although the sword did separate his head from his shoulders yet it could not separate him from his head Christ Iesus Such was the resolution of the patterne of patience that though the Iob. 13. 15. Lord should kill him yet would he put his trust in him Such was the resolution of Ignatius Ignatius Bishop of Antioch after Peter that the rauening Beasts could not make him flinch from his Redeemer yea being commanded by the King of Sy●ia to bee torne in pieces of wilde Beasts and being led to the place of execution the vttered this golden sentence Nihil moror visibilium nec inuisibilium modo Iesum Christum acquiram id est I care neither for things visible nor yet for things inuisible neither for things seene nor yet for things not seene Onely this is my care that I may obtain CHRIST IESVS with him euerlasting saluation And when the Beasts were let loose vpon him these were his last words as saith S. Ierome I am Gods corne and the Ierome teeth of these wilde Beasts must grind me in pieces that I may be pure bread and fine manchet for Christ Iesus his Table in Heauen Such was the constant resolution of that good old woman Apollonia Apollonia that she chose rather to haue her teeth dasht out of her head willingly and to be burnt to ashes then to worship any other god besides the true and euerliuing God Yea this was the constancy of all holy Martyrs that they would rather indure a thousand deaths then shrink backe from the word of Life Peter Peter was beheaded for the Gospels defence Iames throwne downe from an Iames. high Pinacle and his head cleft asunder yea almost all the Apostles were put to grieuous deaths some were stoned some broyled some put to one death some to another Old Simeon that was cousin germane Simeon to Christ sonne to Cl●ophas and Mary Bishop of Ierusalem after Iames was nayled to the Crosse being sixe score yéeres old and more S. Cyprian beheaded at Sexti nigh the Cyprian City Carthage Polycarpe Bishop of Smyrna Disciple Polycarpe to Iohn was most pittifully tortured to death by fire yea for the space of 300. yéeres after Christ and more the Lord sent persecution ordinarily to his Church Willingly did these Saints suffer and ioyfully did vndergoe all these afflictions for the Kingdome of Heauen sake Hic vre hic seca vt in eternum parcas 〈…〉 Domine saith Saint Augustine i Here burne me Lord here slay me to spare mee hereafter Doe what thou wilt Lord with my body so that thou wilt spare my soule Vtinam saith S. Ierome ob Domini Ie 〈…〉 mei nomen atque iustitiam cuncta Gentilium turba me persequatur tribulet vtinam in opprobrium meum stolidus ●ie mundus exurgat tantùm vt ego mer●●d●m Iesu consequar id est I would to GOD that the whole Nation of the Gentiles Pagans and infidels would for the name of my God and for the glory of his Gospell persecute me and trouble me I would to God this mad and foolish world would rise vp against mee for the profession of Gods blessed Truth onely that I may obtaine CHRIST IESVS for my reward Ammonation Mercuria Dyonisia Ammonation with diuers other godly women wold run to the fire with their children as to a ioyfull feast or banquet thinking no greater glory on earth then to suffer for the Gospell of Christ And thus should euery man and woman as they tender the wel-fare of their deare soules resolue to suffer willingly and beare patiently whatsoeuer calamity may befall them in this heauenly Race considering the torments of Hell which by reuolting they shall vndergoe considering the ioyes of Heauen which they shall haue by patience and considering what others haue done before them as the Martyrs and what Christ hath suffered for them that so with perseuerance holding out to the end they may obtaine euerlasting blisse The Merchant wil thorow fire and water suffering no repulse that hee may haue his Pinnace fraught with plenty of pure gold at the Indian Hauen according to that of the Poet Impiger extremos currit mercator ad Indos Poet. Per mare paup●riem fugiens per saxa per ignes Id est The painfull Merchant aduentureth to the forraine Indians beyond the Seas thorow fire and water fearing nothing that hee may eschew pouerty and obtaine much treasure Euen so he that will haue the Pinnace both of Soule and body fraught with the siluer of all earthly prosperitie and with the gold of all celestiall felicitie must runne the ra●e that is set before him with patience leaping ouer the wall of all obuious afflictions perseuering till he commeth at the happy hauen of Heauen that then hee being more then Conquerour in CHRIST IESVS may triumph ouer Death Hell and Damnation saying with the Prophet Ero mors tua ● mors id est O death I will bee thy Hos 13. 14. death O graue I will bee thy destruction and with valiant Paul Death 1. Cor. 15. where is thy sting Hell where is thy victory Of necessity afflictions must méete with vs that runne in the high-way to heauen yea no man liuing can be fréed from them All that will 2. Tim. 3. 12. Act. 14. 22. liue godly in Christ Iesus shall suffer persecution wee must through many afflictions enter into the Kingdome of God Whom the Lord loueth he chasteneth H● 12. 6 ● and hee scourgeth euery sonne whom he receiueth wee are bastards and not sonnes if wee be free from
〈◊〉 the Theognidis gnome blacke gates Eustathius saith 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Eustath in 1. I●ad●s Hell is a darke place vnder the earth The darknesse of Aegypt was wonderfull Exo. 10. 21 and fearefull Wonderfull because it was so thicke as it might bee felt Fearefull and therefore made the ninth plague of Pharao yet that darknesse was nothing to the darknesse of hell which is called the Black darknesse Iude 13. The Poets in regard of the darknesse thereof do compare hell to a certaine territory in Italy betwixt Baiae and Cumae where the Cimerij inhabit so inuironed with hils that the Sunne neuer commeth to it wherevpon this Prouerb commeth Cimeris Cimerae ten●brae tenebris atrior Darker then the darkenesse of Cimeria Whosoeuer hee be that loueth darknesse more then light shall haue his heart full of darknesse in Tophet Thirdly Our elementall fire burneth the body only but the fire of hell burneth both soule and body as yee haue heard at large Fourthly Our elementall fire consumeth that which is cast into it but the fire of hell doth alway burne and neuer consume Fiftly Our elementall fire may be quenched but hell fire can neuer bee quenched The chaffe will hee burne Mat. 3. with vnquenchable fire their worme shall neuer dye their fire shall neuer Esay ●6 goe out As there is nothing that maintaineth it so there is nothing that can extinguish it From all this we may obserue the Obseruatio extremity bitternes of the torments of Tophet Yea minima poena inferni Tho. Aquia maior est maxima poena huius mundi that is The least torture in hell is greater than the greatest torture that euer was deuised vpon the earth That Hell-hound that murthered the King of France had as heauy a punishment as this world could affoord for his arme that did that cursed act was taken from his shoulder his nailes pulled from his hands and féet his flesh piece by piece pulled from him with hot burning pincers and in the end rent in pieces with foure horses all this is nothing to the least torment of Tophet Chrysostome ad populum Antiochenum Chrysast a● po● Ar●●●ch ●●● 49. saith That fire and sword and wilde beasts or any thing more grieuous than these are scant a shadow to the torments of hell And this bitter torment slandeth in these two In poena damni that is In the punishment of losse and in p●n● sensus that is in the punishment of feeling the former wherof is the greatest as sayth Saint Chrysostome this poena damni this punishment of losse is more bitter then the paines of hell yea worse then a thousand hels This poena damni though it be a priuatiue Poe●a damni punishment yet it hath a positiue effect For to be depriued of ioy cannot but bring intolerable sorrow euen as the absence of the Sunne causeth Simile darknesse so the want of Gods presence bringeth inexpressible griefe When the Arke of God was taken by the Philistims old Eli with griefe 1. Sa. 4. 18. fell backward and died Demosthenes tooke his banishment 〈…〉 in vito Demosthe●is so heauily that many times he would weep bitterly when he looked towards Athens though he found much kindenesse at the hands of his enemies Tully when he was banished from Italy though he were in Greece yet hee wept bitterly when he looked towards Italy Absolon tooke his banishment from 〈…〉 14. 22 his fathers presence very grieuously If these exiles breed such sorrow how fearefull will it be to be banished from the presence of the Lord Who is 2. Cor. 1. 3. the Father of mercies and God of all consolation in whose presence is ioy in whose pleasure is life to bée banished from the presence and louing countenance of the Lambe from the fellowship of Saints and Angels from all ioyes and felicitie with that Mar. 25. bitter sentence Goe from me yee cursed into euerlasting fire prepared for the Diuell and his angels Goe from me these are words of separation ye cursed these are words of obiurgation into euerlasting fire these are words of desolation prepared for the diuell and his angels these are words of dolefull exemplification This is the greatest part of the second death for as the first death separateth the soule from the body so the second death separates soule and body from the presence of the Lord for euermore Oh what weeping and wailing will Luke 13. there be when yee shall see Abraham Isaac Iacob intertained into the Kingdome of God ye your selues shut out He therefore spake truly that said The teares of hell are not sufficient to bewayle the losses of heauen Infoelicissimum genus infortuni● meminisse fuisse foelicem that is it is the vnhappiest thing of all to thinke that euer we were happy Dura satis miseris memoratio prisca bonorum Poeta It is misery enough and though there were no more misery to remember the ioyes we haue lost As the old man in the Poet sayd I. Terent. haue a sonne nay alas I had a sonne so the damned may say We haue a heauen nay alas we had a heauen Lysimachus King of Macedonia Lysimach warring against the Scythians béeing inforced by extreme thirst to yéeld himself into the hands of his enemies after he had drunke cold water brake out into these lamentable words Good God for how short a pleasure how great a Kingdome haue I lost So the damned soule may say Good God for how short a time of pleasure how great a Kingdome haue I lost And surely this is iust with God that those that separate themselues from him here should bee banished from him hereafter That those that hate the Saints here should be debarred their company hereafter that those that crucifie the Lambe here should bee cursed of the Lambe euerlastingly hereafter The second thing that maketh Hell torments so bitter and intolerable is poena sensus the punishment of feeling Poena sensus Euery member of body and euery faculty of soule together tormented for euer The eye afflicted with darknesse the eare with horrible and hideous out-cries the nose with poysonous and stinking sauors the tongue with gally bitternesse the whole body with intolerable fire a fire that shall burne so violently that the damned shal prize a drop of water aboue tenne thousand worlds The faculties of the soule also shall bee most pitiously tormented the memory with pleasures past the apprehension with paines present the vnderstanding with ieies lost and in this faculty shal lie the worm of conscience Mis●ria reproborum maxima gnawing which the Scriptures so often threaten to sinners this worme is a continuall repentance and sorrow full of rage and desperation by reason of their sinnes and this worme or remorse shall chiefly consist in bringing to their minds the meanes and causes of their present calamities how easily they
Mark saith that the heauens were clouen in twaine Marke 1. 10. Ma● 1. 10. But by this visible scissure and cleft of the heauens is signified 1. The presence of God 2. That Christ himselfe came from thence to reueale to man the secret will of his heauenly Father 3. That hee it was that should reconcile all things both in heauen and earth to God Colos 1. 20 Col. 1 ●● 4. That Christ Iesus opened the Kingdome of heauen to all beleeuers which Adam by sinne had shut 5. That all that are effectually baptized haue heauen opened vnto them and the Lord God ready to imbrace them to glory O the power and force of baptisme it opened that which all the creatures of heauen and earth were not able to open Lord shew the like power in baptisme this day open the Kingdome of Heauen to this Infant that shall be baptized and receiue it for thy Christs sake into thine euerlasting fauour and saluation Thus much for the first vision The Spirits descension And Iohn saw the Spirit of GOD T●●t descending like a Doue and lighting vpon him That wee may the better lay open the true sence of these words foure questions must be propounded First how Iohn is said to see the Spirit of God the spirit of God being inuisible Ans It is impropria locutio an improper spéech for Iohn could neither see Spiritus essentiam nor virtutem neither the essence nor yet the power of the Spirit of God but here the Spirit of God is said to be seene quia praesentiae sue signum demonstratur cernitur because the signe of his presence namely the Doue was seene by Iohn it is locutio me tanonymica an etanonymicall speech whereby the name of the signified is giuen to the signe as the bread is called Christs body and Baptisme regeneration Secondly how is the Spirit of God said to descend vpon Christ when he was in Christ before and is being infinite euery where Ans This also is an improper speech but because Christs authoritie might bee declared among men and now Christ being to performe the office of a Redeemer might bee answerably furnisht with the power of Grace therefore the Spirit of God is said in visible signe to descend vpon him Esayes Prophesie is here fulfilled The Spirit of the Lord is vpon mee Esa 61. 1. therefore hath the Lord anointed mee to preach good things to the poore c. Esay 61. 1. Thirdly why did the holy Ghost descend in the forme of a Doue rather than in fiery forme as sometimes he somtimes he did vpon the Apostles Ans This was done as it is coniectured not only to demonstrate the Doue-like qualities of the Spirit of God and of Christ but especially to shew quàm blande comiter Christus vocaret in spem salutis peccatores how kindly louingly and gently IESVS CHRIST should call sinners to repentance and saluation The truth whereof maintained is by the Prophet Esay A bruised reede he shall not breake and smoking flaxe shall he not quench Fourthly whether was this a naturall Doue from the common slight or onely a spectrum an apparition and no body or a body substantiall out of the elements formed by God of all birds likest a Doue Ans Luke saith it was like a Doue Luke 3. 22. therefore not a naturall Doue Luke 3. 22. And surely it was not an apparition without substance but without all doubt it was a substantiall creature much like a Doue vel ex nihilo vel e● elementis formata formed either of nothing or out of the elements as was that Starre that led to Christ and resolued againe into his first matter the pleasure of God performed by it Vpon euery one therefore that is effectually baptized this Doue-like Spirit descendeth making vs of Lyons Lambes of Vultures Doues of crooked and peruerse harmelesse gentle and kinde bringing vs likewise newes with the Doue of Noah that the floud of sinne is downe and that all is well twirt God and vs. Lord let thy Done-like Spirit this day descend with the Oliue leafe of thy fauor vpon this thine Oliu● plant and of the childe of wrath make him in Christ heyre apparant to the crown of saluation Thus much for the second vision Now for the voyce that was heard from heauen And loe a voyce came from heauen c. The voyce of God concerning Christ hath thrée times swéetly sounded from heauen In his Agony and Passion Iohn 12. 27 28. propter nostram redemptionem For our redemption In his transfiguration Math. 17. 5. Mat. 17 Propter nostra● glorificationem For our glorification And héere in baptisme Propter nostram adoptionem for our adoption And lo a voyce came from Heauen saying c. Aperitur hi● mysterium Trinitatis saith one In this Scripture the Trinitie of Persons with God is manifest●● expressed For Patris vox auditur 〈…〉 humanitas conspicitur Spiritus 〈…〉 signum perspicitur the Father is heard the Sunne seene and the Holy Ghost in visible signe perceiued The foolish Papists say that there is no such mention of the Trinity in the Scriptures Indéede the litterall word is not found in the Scriptures but if they would put on their spectacles and look they should soone finde the substance of the same namely the vnity of essence and Trinity of persons that is with God As in De●teronomy Audi Israel De●t ● Deus Deus noster Deus vnus est God our God is God onely Deut. 6. Why doth Moses mention the name of God thrice but to shew the distinction of the persons Diuine why doth he put the word vnus that is onely but to shew the vnity of their Essence why is noster that is our put to God in the second place not in the first or last but to shew that the second person should take our nature vpon him Againe in ●say Sanctus sanctus sanctus Deus exerciti●um plena est omnis ●erra gloria c●●● Holy holy holy Lord God of hosts heere is the Trinity of the Persons the earth is full of thy glory thy here is the vnity of their Essence For though God bee simplicissimus most simple in respect of his Essence yet is he trin●s ratione personarum three in regard of his persons One example or two more let mee giue you hereof In the first verse of the Booke of God Creauit Elohim Coelum terram GOD created the Heauen and the earth Gen. 1. 1. the Verbe singular Gen. 1. 1. Creauit noteth out the one and most simple Essence of God the substantiue plurall Elohim not El singular points out the Trinity of persons Againe in the same Chapter Faciamus Gen. 1. 26. hom●em ad imaginem nostram Let vs make ma● after our owne Image Gen. ● 26. faciamus sheweth the plurality of persons and nostram the vnity of Essence Againe in the Gospell of Mathew Baptiz● 〈…〉 Spiritus san●t●● B●ptize them in 〈…〉 Name
dreadfull Maiesty bewayling bitterly all our offences committed against thee and quaking and trembling for feare thou shouldest in thy Iustice vtterly cast vs from thée into that wofull Lake that burnes with fire and brimstone Lord we confesse by birth our foule pollution by life our manifold transgression and therefore ashamed wee are that are but dust and ashes yea worse most lothsome and abominable sinners to come before thée or commence the least sute vnto thee that art a Maiesty most pure abhorring and seuerely punishing all that worke iniquity Therefore oh Lord our God wee most humbly beséech thee not to deale with vs according to thy iustice and our owne merits for then shall we be vtterly condemned but comming vnto thée as a child that feareth to bée beat for thy Christs sake with the ey● of pitty and fatherly compassion look thou graciously vpon vs behold vs in him in whom thy Iustice will soone turne it selfe into mercy thy frowne into fauour thine indignation into euerlasting saluation Lord for thy fauour now and euer we craue grant therefore to vs that aske for pardon of our sins at thy hands alone we séek grant that we may finde at thy gate of Saluation we earnestly do knocke good Lord therefore open vnto vs. But because thy sacred Word doth tell vs that thou wilt looke to none but those that are of a contrite heart and tremble at thy words Lord fit and prepare vs all by true humiliation to imbrace the sauing health of our soules grant gracious God that we may mourne our sinnes thorowly and lament our iniquities bitterly not so much because they might iustly condemne vs as that they haue so highly displeased thée and moued thy Maiesty to anger that hast béene so merciful a God vnto vs O giue vs hearts to grieue for that we cannot sufficiently grieue for our sinnes committed against thée And gracious Father we further intreat that we may not ●nely taste of the sowre of thy Law but likewise receiue in thy good time and in good measure the sweet and vnspeakable comfort of th● Gospell grant that thy Sonne Iesus may bée Iesus to vs all that his righteousnesse may couer our vnrighteousnesse that his death may bring our soules to life that in him and for his sake thou wouldest ●e well pleased to make vs thine by adoption to witnesse the same to our soules by the infallible testimony of thy blessed Spirit to work in our hearts a strong and resolute perswasion of Faith whereby we may graspe and hold fast this thy great mercy in Christ towards vs to the peace of our consciences in this life and the saluation of our soules in the life to come And holy Father for as much as all those that haue put on Christ are become new creatures grant vnto vs a new heart and renew a right Spirit within vs purge vs from our sinnes wash vs from our iniquities infuse thy sauing grace into our Soules whereby wee may dye to all that is euill and liue to all godlinesse of life all the dayes of our life to come Frame our hearts deare God to true and perfect obedience obedience being the best sacrifice that thou requirest oh grant that all our delight may be in thy Statutes that it may be euen our meate and drinke to walke in thy Commandements indeuoring alwayes and in all places to keepe a cléere conscience both towards thee and man Teach vs blessed Father to rely vpon thée alone by faith to feare loue honour and truely obey thee in wisedome and true sanctity to giue no worship from thee that is onely proper to thee reuerently to thinke and speake of thy most glorious name and word carefully to sanctifie thy Sabbaths and wholly set them apart for thy seruice Giue vs grace also thou that art the Author and giuer of all grace to carry our selues dutifully to man to honour and reuerently respect all our superiours both in nature and place to preserue and maintaine the good name goods and bodies of our brethren amongst whom we liue and not impaire hurt or maliciously massacre the same to keepe our selues chaste and vnspotted from all fleshly lusts and euery act of vncleannes iniuriously to take away no mans right or due to speake the truth and not to beare false witnesse against our brethren to be content with our owne estates more or lesse and not to repine at or couet that which is others O grant that our liues may bee vnreprouable before thée and men But because O Lord of our selues we are able to doe no good thing but it is thou that workest the will and the deed Lord therefore stand euer by vs with thy preuenting assisting and consequent grace whereby we may be able in some measure to do thy will on earth as thy Angels doe it perfectly in heauen Moreouer heauenly Father wee fully beléeuing our selues to be true and liuely members of that body mysticall whereof our blessed Sauiour is the Head doe earnestly desire at thy gracious hands the like mercy for the whole body of Christs Church as we beg for our owne soules Lord blesse and defend thy Church and Chosen in all Kingdomes of the earth wheresoeuer inlarge the bounds of thy Gospell increase the number of thy Saints daily adde vnto thy Church such as shall bee saued Blesse the Kings most excellent Maiesty with all spirituall blessings in Christ Iesus meet for so great and worthy a personage with the Prince and His whole issue in this Kingdome and beyond the Seas Grant that He may neuer want one out of his own loynes to sit vpon his Throne for the maintenance of thy Gospell till the comming of Christ in the clouds Blesse all afflicted members whether grieued in conscience troubled in body or persecuted for the Gospell according to their seuerall oc●●sions and need Blesse those that are neerer and dearer vnto vs in the flesh as are our Parents and kindred whether father or mother husband or wife brother or sister or childe with our Christian acquaintances and friends kéep them all and vs with them to thine euerlasting kingdome and saluation And in mercy good Lord this night looke downe vpon vs preserue vs and ours from all dangers bodily ghostly within doores and without giue vnto our bodies a comfortable rest and sléepe that they may be more able to do the works of their particular vocations before thee and swéet Lord watch euermore ouer our poore soules kéepe vs from sin and euill both sleeping and waking and when that sléepe of death shall fall vpon vs grant that our soules may wake to thy glory and saluation euerlasting and that for Christ Iesus his sake our onely Lord and euerlasting Redéemer to whom with thée and thy good Spirit three persons but one God wee heartily desire to offer vp all thanksgiuing and praise this euening and euerlasting Amen THe grace of our Lord and S●uiour Iesus Christ and the lo●● of God our heauenly Father and the most blessed presence of God the holy Ghost bee with v● all and within v● all both in Soule in Spirit and in body and with all things that remaine or belong vnto v● either within dores or without this ●ight and euerlasting AMEN FINIS
penna leuius quid millio breuius What is lighter then a feather and what is shorter then the ●eed-mill Yet notwithstanding an innumerable company of feathers trussed vp together will breake the Porters back Small were the gnats that troubled Pharaoh yet they being Exod. 8. 24 innumerable ouercame proud Pharaoh and all the power of Egypt An houre is but a short time but Dum hora horae continua successione congeritur While one houre by continuall succession is added to another the whole course of our liues is finished Quid s●xo durius quid aqua liquidius What is harder then a stone and what is softer then the water Yet a Wiseman saith Gutta cauat lapidem con●●m●tur Po●● annulus vsu that is Water by continuall drops doth eate vp the stone and a ring by continuall vse is worne in pieces So an idle word although it bee but a small sinne yet many a little makes a mickle many of them heaped vp together make an intolerable lumpe It hath been is and euer will be the fond nature of man to imagine sin a great deale lesser then indeed it is A man would thinke that Adam through the diuels suggestion and Gen. 3. 6. through the abuse of his owne free will eating of the forbidden fruite had committed but a small trespasse yet ●ee was guilty of euerlasting torment for the same S man would Num. 15. 30 thinke that that poore man had cōmitted but a smal sin in gathering chips of méere necessity on a Sabbath day yet he was by the Law stoned for his labour A man would thinke that Peter had giuen his Master good counsell when as Christ told him that hee must goe to Ierusalem and there suffer many things saying Master fauour Mat. ●● ●● ●● thy selfe and goe not yet he was called Satan for his labour A man would thinke that Ananias and Saphira Acts 5. ● had committed but a smal sinne when as they did detaine part of the Apostles money for feare of after-plays and protested the contrary with a lye yet they dyed both sodainely at the feete of Peter So a man would thinke that an idle word were but a small sinne yet Christ saith here that a great account must bee made for the same For by thy word thou shalt be Mat. 12. 35. iudged and by thy words thou shalt ●e condemned Seeing this is true it behoueth euery man to set a watch before the dore of his lips and to kéep his tongue from idle and euill words that he may obtaine that blessednesse Blessed is hee that hath not falne by the Eccle. 1● 1 words of his mouth 3 We must giue an account of our workes as appeareth to the Corinthians Workes 2. Cor. 5. 10 We must all appeare before the Iudgement seat of Christ and there receiue according to our works Againe the Preacher saith That God will Eccl. 12. 14 bring to Iudgement euery worke with euery secret thing whether it be good or euill Hee that hath liued in sinne shall receiue the reward of sin which is death and damnation and hee that hath liued in faith and amendment of li●e shall receiue a crowne of glory which the Lord will giue him at that day It is the duty therfore of euery Christian to labor and to end●uor with all ●●ligent carefulnesse ●o liue well that at the day of Iudgement he may s●●d well 〈…〉 〈…〉 that is li●e wel should be the delightsome posie sweet perfumed Noseg●● of eu●ry Christian thus line well that that mayst die well after death eternal● speed wel obtaining that blessednes Blessed are they that dye in the Lord 4 We must giue an account of ou● 4 Good temporall goods how we haue gotten them whether iustly or vniustly how wee haue spent them whether wee haue cloathed the naked with them or whether wee haue made naked the cloathed for them how wee haue disposed them lest there hee any debate for them after wee be gone therefore Esay telling Hezekiah that he should not liue but dye saith Dispone domum tuam 〈…〉 Set thine house Esay 38. 1. 〈…〉 in order for thou must not liue but dye How then shall those griping Vultures make an account that haue by oppression vndone their brethren The world is grown so hard-hearted that men will rather suffer their brethren to starue in the streets then to succour or relieue them The dogs shall haue the remnant of the Rich mans table before poore I azarus shall Luk. 16. 21. haue one ●rum that falleth from the same ●ow shall these fiinty hearts ●o●ke for one dram of mercy at the day of Iudgement Let them looke with what measure they haue measured to others it shall bee measured to them againe let them know that if they will stop their eares at the cry of the poore they shall cry themselues and shall not be heard if they will be partakers with the Saints of the ioyes of heauen their brethren must be partakers with them of their wealth on earth For this is to treasure vp treasures in heauen to lay out their treasures on earth Let men therefore so vse their temporall goods and worldly riches as they may at the day of account receiue a Crowne of immortall Glory 5 We must giue an account of the 5 Time time wherein we liue and of our seuerall vocations how we haue employed our selues in the same Saith Bernard Omne tempus ti●i Bernard impensum requiretur à te qualiter fuerit expensum●d est All the time that God hath giuen thee shall be required at thy hands how thou hast spent it Whether in the seruice of God or in the seruice of Satan The Prince must giue an account how he hath gouerned his kingdome whether hee hath as it becommeth Gods Vice-gerent mildely louingly and carefully trained his Subiects vp in the worship of God or as a bloudy Nero and hard-hearted Tyrant cruelly oppressed them The Ministers of the Word of God who haue taken vpon them curum animorum The charge of soules must giue an account how they haue behaued themselues in their Ministery whether they haue preached Christ for Christ that is for the conuersion of sinners to Christ or as hirelings for lucre and gaine of worldly trash whether they haue fed their Flocks carefully or fed vpon their Flocks couetously The Magistrate must giue an account how he hath behaued himselfe in his Magistracy whether ●ee hath sought the maintenance of Vertue and the confusion of Vice or hath his eyes being blinded with siluer scales maintained iniquitie and oppressed the innocent The Householder how he hath gouerned his Family whether in reading of holy Scriptures and Prayer to the praise and glory of God or in reading of foolish fables in gaming dicing playing swearing and such like Yea euery man must giue an account of the time spent in his seuerall calling from the highest to the lowest Let euery Christian
Master c. But now thou shalt haue another title thou shalt be called Cursed cursed shalt thou be of God whose curse is ●●narum inflictio id est punishment cursed shalt thou be of all the blessed Angels in heauen whose curse is Conscientiae cruciamen id est vexation of thy conscience Cursed shalt thou be of all the diuels in hell whose curse is Poenarum executio id est the execution of thy punishment prescribed according to that of the Poet Minos ●xamen Radamanthus dat cr●scia●en tertius heu frater tertia iura tenet id est One diuell cippeth vp thy examination another diuell tormenteth thee the third is not behinde to adde one torment to another vpon thee Cursed moreouer shalt thou be of all the damned crue whose curse is Poenarum aggra●●atio id est the augmentation of thy torment Thus cursed shalt thou bee of all things for euermore Into euerlasting fire O miserable Into euerlasting fire torment There were some comfort to the damned soule if these torments should haue end but that shall neuer be O miserable wretch Thou shalt Mat. 22. 13 bee bound hand and foot and cast into this euerlasting fire In respect of which fire all earthly elementall fire is but as fire painted on a wall thy torments shall be endlesse easelesse and remedilesse Which is prepared for the diuell and Which is prepared his angels Heauen was prepared for thée and not hell thou wert borne to glory and not torment but because thou hast chosen to follow the diuell and not Me therefore Goe from me yee cursed into euerlasting fire which is prepared for the diuell and thee his wicked angell where thou shalt lye weeping and wayling and gnashing of thy teeth for euermore The consideration of these things should stirre vp euery Christian to looke about him to be careful and circumspect to all his wayes that ●ee tread not his she● awry at any time that he offend not this fearfull Iudge in any thing that at this day of iudgement hee may finde him a gentle and louing Lambe and not a Lyon of Iud● for as to the wicked this Iudge is terible so to the godly he is a friendly and a welcome Iudge as to the wicked the day of Iudgement is a day of desolation a day of clouds and blacknesse so to the godly it is a day of Redemption ●●●● 1. 1● yea the godly shall leape for ioy at that day and for the comming of that day the blessed spirits in heauen try out saying How long Apo● ●2 Lord and the blessed ones vpon earth desire the comming of this day also saying with Paul Cupimus dissolui Phil 1. 23. esse cum Christo id est We desire to bee dissolued and to bee with Christ and praying with Iohn Veni Domine Iesu Apoc 6. 9. 10. Come Lord IESVS come quickly Let euery Christian therefore so lead his life that it may goe wel with him at that day What if I haue all the Mat. 1● ●● world and lose my soule at that day what doth it profit me If a man bee called to appeare before some earthly Iudge he will haue an especiall care to array himselfe in the best manner he may to behaue himselfe accordingly that he may be the better accepted of him So euery Christian against the day of Iudgement when hee must appeare before the King of Kings and Iudge of all the world must haue an especial care to put on the Wedding garment of Christs Righteousnesse and Regeneration lest he be sent packing to hell with the wicked and all those that forget God Mordecay because hee went basely Hest 4 ● in sackcloth could not be permitted to come into the Kings Palace and doest thou thinke whatsoeuer thou art that thou shalt he admitted into that Glorious Palace of the King of Hetnen hauing on the stinking defiled and abominable garment of impurity the menstruous cloth of iniquity No no the Lord will spue thee out of his mouth a stinking carcasse stinketh not so before men as a polluted sinne● in the nost●ils of Almighty God Nebuchadnezzar would haue no Dan. 1. 4. children in his Palace but those that were wise and beautifull and doess thou thinke that the King of Heauen and earth will haue any fooles that is sinners for the sinner is called a foole in the Scripture The foole saith in Psal 14. 1. his hart there is no God to dwel with him in his Palace or dost thou think that an vgly person shall bee suffered there that is any sinner for the sinner is an vgly and abominable thing in the sight of God No the Lord will entertaine none into his Kingdome but such as are beautifull shining in holinesse purity and righteousnesse as the portals of the burnish Sunne such as are without spot or wrinkle Omnino ad imaginem suam altogether like vnto him holy as he is holy pure as h●e is pure Such will the Lord haue in his Kingdome to sing Halleluiah Saluation and Glory A 〈…〉 and Honour and Power bee to the Lord our God Therfore as the thiefe is excéeding prouident and very carefull how hee may answere the Iudge at the barre and as in earthly Courts men wil be very carefull to prouide an answere against they be called yea and will make some friend to the Iudge that they may spéed the better so likewise euery Christian soule should carefully prouide a good answere against he bee cited by the Apparitour Death to appeare before Christ at the generall Court of Heauen and that then it may goe well with him let him get some friend to moue the Iudge in his behalfe as he tendreth the welfare of his deare Soule And who must that friend be not Mary nor Peter but it must be CHRIST IESVS that sitteth at the right hand of his Father in glory and maketh dayly intercession for the sinnes of the whole world Get him for thy Proctour who offereth himselfe to all and then happy shalt thou be the Diuell shall not preuaile against thée for CHRIST hath broken his head the gates of hell shall not preuaile against thée for Christ hath conquered them death shal not hold thée captine for Christ hath ouercome it Happy art thou that art in Psal ● 4 15. such a ●ase yea blessed art thou if thou hast the Lord for thy God Thus much for the third part of this Text namely of the Iudge to whom we must giue account But I say vnto you that of euery Text. idle word c. 4 When we shall giue an account The 4. part It is said heere at the day of iudgement The time when this great and generall day shall be cannot be knowne of mortall man yea it is not for man to know of it as we may reade in the Acts It is not for you to know the Act. 1. 7. times and seasons which God hath
bee in the world that will say the more it is to bee lamented I am young I will liue a while after my hearts desire and in my old age I will repent mee of my sinnes for God hath promised who will be as good as his word At what Eze. 18. 2● ●2 time soeuer a sinner doth repent him of his sinnes from the bottome of his heart I will put all his wickednesse out of my remembrance saith the Lord. And will pray to the Lord for forgiuenesse of their sinnes as Augustine Augustine said before his conuersion● Ignosce pater ignosce mihi at noli modò Forgiue mee my sinnes but not now let mee sinne in my youth and pardon me in mine age Thus they would desire to dye the death of the righteous but they would not liue the life of the righteous but let these gracelesse persons that thus defer repentance beware of two things 1 Let them beware of suddaine death let them take héed lest they be cut off in the middest of their sins as Iobs Children in the middest of their Iob 1. 18 banquetting and ryoting were suddainly slain by the fall of a house and as the Floud came vnlooked for and drowned the old world Liuie reporteth a fearefull example 〈…〉 of suddaine death saith hee There were two old men that frequented two Harlots and presently vpon the fact committed they both suddainely dyed the one was thrust thorow with a dagger the other dyed suddainly of an Apoplexy which is a disease ingendred of abundance of grosse humors which doe fill those vessels and receptories of the head from whence commeth feeling and mouing of the bodie as saith Galen and therefore 〈…〉 they that haue this disease are depriued of all sence feeling and moouing Let euery lusty Younke● and desperate russian set this fearefull example before his eyes Againe the young man dyeth as soone as the old the Lambs skin is brought to the Market as well as the old Crones true is the saying of Augustine Vita dum crescit decrescit vita Augustine mortalis mors vitalis id est Life while it increaseth decreaseth life is dying and death is liuing ● Let all men that refuse the mercy of God and deferre their repentance know that repentance is not theirs at command but it is the great mercy of God and it is to bee ●●ared that they that haue refused it offered when they would haue it they shall go without according to that country Prouerbe If you will not when you may when you will you shall haue ●ay And it is commonly seene that Qu 〈…〉 a ●●●●s ita as a man liueth commonly hee dyeth Hee that will liue without repentance must look to dye without repentance 〈◊〉 God spared the Thiefe at the la●● gaspe yet let no man presume of that for that was a medicine against desperation and not a matter of imitation saith one God spared one that no man might despaire hee spared but one that no man might presume Let euery man therefore in the feare of God without all delay seeke for amendment of life let them as Gregory wisheth Plangere plangenda Bewayle their sinnes that ought to bee lamented and as they haue giuen Rom. 6. 13 their members as weapons of vnrighteousnesse to iniquitie so let them now giue them as weapons of righteousnesse to holinesse Repent deare brethren betimes Vi●e Deo gratus toti mundo tumulatus Poet. Crimine mūdatus semper transire paratus That is Liue vnto God a thankefull wight And to the world dye Cleanse thy selfe from wickednesse Alwayes ready hence to flye Play the wise Steward lay vp treasures in heauen for thy soule imitate the Pismire which gathers in Summer whereby shee may liue in Winter Damascene reporteth an excellent Damascene History touching this purpose saith he There was a country where they chose their King of the poorest and basest sort of the people and vpon any dislikement taken they would depose him from his Throne and exile him into an Iland where hee should bee sta●ued to death Now one wise fellow considering hereof sent money before into that Iland into which hee should be banished and when he was banished he was receiued into the Iland with great triumph So against thou be banished by death from this world without penny or farthing for naked thou camest and naked thou must goe thou must prouide w●●le thou art in this life whereby thou mayst liue in Heauen hereafter Let nothing therefore make thée 〈…〉 erre thy amendment but whiles● Christ calleth thee runne vnto him Put on Ieromes resolution who said If my Mother were hanging Ierome about my necke if my brethren were on euery side howling and crying and if my Father were on his bare knees kneeling before mee to detaine mee in their wicked and sinfull course of life what would I doe I would shake off my Mother to the ground I would despise and hate all my kindred and kins-folkes and I would tread and trample my Father vnder my feete thereby to flye to CHRIST when hee calleth mee So shouldest thou resolue the amendment of life The Lord of heauen for his swéet Sonne Christ Iesus his sake grant to thée deare Reader and mee to both of vs his holy Spirit that wee may stand vnblameable before the Iudge at that great and generall day that we being ●l●athed with the long white robes of righteousnesse may bee in the number of those to whom it shall be said then Come yee blessed Children of my Father inherit the Kingdome which was prepared for you from the beginning of the world Grant this deare Father for thy deare Sonnes sake Christ Iesus our only Lord and Sauiour to whom with thee and the holy Spirit wee ascribe all Power Glory and Dominion and sing Halleluiah to thee O blessed Trinity for euer and euer Amen A True and Comfortable Exposition of the Lords PRAYER FOrasmuch as Prayer to the Soule is as necessarie as the ●eele to the Ship the Foundation to the House the moisture to the Tree and the sinewes and ioints to the body and forasmuch also as wee can haue neither grace to beleeue nor grace to obey without feruent and faithfull prayer I haue thought good as briefly as I can for the helping of the Ignorant in the performance of this Christian duety to expound the Prayer of our Lord being the perfect ground of all our prayers that so we praying in wisedome may pray with comfort for alacke thousands it is to be feared that haue this prayer Ad vnguem at their fingers ends are altogether ignorant of the worthy contents of the same Concerning which prayer I obserue these foure things First the occasion hereof and that ● was vpon the complaint and suite of the Disciples who being weake in this gift entreated Christs help saying Master teach vs to pray as Iohn Luk. ●● ● ● also taught his Disciples And hee said
God Thirdly because God doth there raigne perfectly and to him there is done absolute obedience Fourthly because from thence hee manifesteth himselfe to vs by Reuelations Oracles Visions and the like and from thence hee gouerneth the world sending light heate raine and such like So that in that he is said to bee in Note Heauen his Maiestie doth not onely appeare but also his Dominion and Power to which all things in heauen and earth are subiect as his Goodnes in the word Father so his power in these words in heauen are manifested to vs. Vses This therefore first teacheth vs that wee must humble our selues in ● our prayers before the great God of heauen and earth who is able to damne both body and soule in hell fire Secondly wee must come before Him with all possible reuerence because Hee is not an ignoble father or earthly but an heauenly Father and a glorious Maiestie Thirdly wee must mount vp our hearts to heauen when wee pray and there be present with God Fourthly wee must pray especially for Heauenly things we must look for all good things for body and soule from thence and our conuersations must likewise be holy and heauenly Thus much of the second part of this Preface The second part of this Prayer are The secōd part the Petitions themselues in number sixe The first thrée concerne Gods glory The first Petition the latter three our owne good The first Petition Hallowed bee thy Name This is put in the first place to Note shew that Gods glory is to bee preferred aboue all things euen aboue the care of our owne soules saluation By hallowed or sanctified is not Hallowed meant that we should adde holinesse to God but to acknowledge Gods Maiesty holy and euery way excellent as it is the like phrase is vsed in the Gospell of Luke Wisedome is iustified Luk. 7. 35. of her Children That is acknowledged and declared to be iust By the name of God is not heere Name meant his Commandements as Leu. 22. 32. Neither the authority of God as Math. 28. 19. But by the name of God is vnderstood the Essence of God as 1. Kin. 5. 5. and Psa 116. 13. and his Attributes by which his Maiesty is made knowne in some measure to vs as his Wisedome Power Holinesse Mercy Iustice c. So that in this Petition we desire these three things First that we may bee enlightned to know the Maiesty of God aright Secondly that wee may confesse and acknowledge the Lord to be such a one as the Scriptures haue recorded of him concerning his Greatnes Worthinesse and Attributes that he is a spirituall substance most Wise most Holy Eternall Infinite that he is Great without quantity Sweet without quality Euerlasting without time in his Greatnesse Infinite in his Power Omnipotent in his Wisedome inestimable in his Iudgements terrible Inuisible yet séeing all things Immutable yet changing all things Immoueable yet mouing all things Thirdly that wee may giue vnto ● him his due honour and beare his Image of holinesse before the world in the heart by louing him and beléeuing in him in the tongue by reuerent speaking of him by praying to him and praysing him in the whole man by obeying him and holily liuing to him These therefore faile in the performance of this first Petition First all Atheists that acknowledge no God Secondly all Heathen Idolaters ● and ignorant persons that worship not God aright Thirdly all Infidels that depend not vpon his al-commanding Power and might Fourthly all proud personal that séeke not Gods glory but their owne Fiftly all swearers and all that vnreuerently take the name of this great IEHOVAH in their mouths Sixtly all hard hearts that will neither be allured by his mercies nor moued by his iudgements Seuenthly all vnthankfull wretches for the benefits continually receiued from him Eightly all that are negligent in offering vp the Spirituall sacrifice of prayer and call not vpon his Name Ninthly all prophane people and vngodly liuers whatsoeuer as Adulterers Drunkards Lyers c. Thus much concerning the first Petition The second Petition Thy Kingdome The secōd Petition Thy come This word Thy sheweth that there is a double Kingdome First the Kingdome of God Secondly the kingdome of Satan called the kingdome of darknesse Col. 1. 13. Wee pray therefore that sinne may not reigne in our mortall bodies that wee may not bee bond-slaues to the prince of the ayre but that the Lord would admit vs into his Kingdome and rule and reigne ouer vs by his holy Word and Spirit This word Kingdome is taken Kingdom many wayes in the Scriptures First it is taken for the gouernment of the whole world as Psalme 145. 13. Thy Kingdome is an euerlasting Kingdome and thy Dominion endureth throughout all ages Secondly it is taken for that gouernment whereby the Lord ruleth and reigneth in the hearts of the Elect in this World by his Word and Spirit which is called the Kingdome of Grace The Kingdom of God is within vs Luke 17. 21. Thirdly it is taken for that gouernment whereby hee ruleth in heauen most perfectly in the Saints and Angels and this is called the Kingdom of Glory In this Kingdome the Elect shall reigne with Christ for euer Psal 94. 14. In this Petition the first acceptance is not to be vnderstood but the second of Grace and the third of Glory So that in this Petition we desire these thrée things First that the Lord would build in vs the Kingdom of Grace and rule in our hearts by his Word and Spirit sanctifying our spirits to all obedience and godlinesse Secondly that this Kingdome of Grace may bee increased in vs dayly that wee may grow Ephes 4. 15. in grace and godlinesse from the measure of the gift of Christ Eph. 4. 7. to the measure of the age of the fulnesse of Christ Ephes 4. 13. Thirdly that our hearts may bee inflamed to long for and desire the Kingdome of Glory that sinne and all wickednesse confounded we may perfectly glorifie our heauenly Creator as Paul prayed Phil. 1. 23. I desire to bee dissolued and bee with Christ and as the Saints of God Romans 8. 23. Wee that haue receiued the first fruites of the Spirit euen wee doe sigh and mourne waiting for the Adoption euen the Redemption of our body These therefore faile in the performance of the second Petition First they that suffer sin to raigne in their mortall members and yeeld obedience therevnto Secondly they that quench the Spirit of God and will not be ruled by the good motions and holy directions of the same Thirdly they that make no conscience of their wayes that contemne the counsell and hearing of the word and pray not heartily for the frée passage and flourishing estate of the same Fourthly they that labour not for perfection in grace Fiftly they that are not prepared for the comming of CHRIST neither wish nor long for
greatest temptation of all not to bee tempted at all Thirdly those that presumptuously ● thinke that of themselues they are able to withstand temptations and of their owne power Fourthly those that are carelesse and respect not whether they ouercome or be ouercome of temptation that are as ready to yeeld to temptation as the Diuel and the flesh are ready to tempt them Fiftly those that liue and lie in sin ● and séek not to be deliuered from this their damnable estate Sixthly those that flie not the appearance ● of euill that preuent ●ot the beginnings of sinne and eschew not the company of traders in iniquity Thus much concerning the sixth and last Petition The third and last part of this The third part The conclusion Prayer is the Conclusion in these words set downe For thine is the Kingdome the Power and the Glory for euer and euer Amen For thine is the Kingdome 〈…〉 The Kingdome is said to bee the Lords for these two causes First because hee is owner of all ● things that are Secondly because hee hath soueraigne ● rule ouer all things at his wil. The Power All power is of God 〈…〉 and from God that we haue And Glory All glory is due to the And Glory Lord our God First the reason why wee pray to ● God is because whatsoeuer wee haue we haue it from God for he is King and Lord ouer all and whatsoeuer strength of grace wee haue wee haue it from God the fountaine and giuer of all grace Secondly the reason why wee would haue our prayers granted is that Gods Kingdome Power and Glory may be aduanced because the Kingdome and Power is the Lords to him we pray and because all glory appertaineth to him wee returne to him thanksgiuing and the glory of al saying with the Psalmist Not to vs P 〈…〉 ●1 5● O Lord not vnto vs but vnto thy name giue the glory These therefore faile in the right knowledge of this conclusion First that deny the generall gouernment and prouidence of God thinking all things come by for 〈…〉 or chance Secondly that deny h●●● 〈…〉 tency ● and that all power and strength do come only from God and that rest vpon their abilities for any thing Thirdly that take to themselues ● or giue to any other glory and honour which onely are due vnto the Lord. Amen This last word is taken Amen two wayes First for a witnesse of our faith and then the acceptance of this word is It shall be so we beléeue that the Lord in his good time will grant our requests Secondly for a testification of our feruent desires and then the acceptance of this word is So be it wee desire the Lord to grant our Petitions made vnto him In the first acceptance wee are admonished to pray Faithfully in the second we are admonished to pray Feruently which two Faithfully and Feruently are the principall things to be obserued in prayer And this word is as well to be spoken of the Minister as the people though for the most part the Minister putteth it off to the people These therefore fayle in the right vse of this word First that offer vp prayers to God and are not perswaded in their hearts that the Lord will heare them and helpe them these finde small comfort in their prayers Secondly that pray luke-warmely and coldly their tongue walking and their hearts without feeling that are not earnest with the Lord and that end them not vp with grones that can not be expressed Three Prayers neuer speede for a blessing First T●mid● a Fearfull Prayer when we beleeue not that we shall be heard Secondly T●pid● a Luke-warme Prayer when we pray in deadnesse of heart and drowsinesse of minde without feruency of Spirit Thirdly 〈◊〉 a rash Prayer when wee pray either without wisedome or due consideration Three prayers speede for a blessing First Fidelis a Faithfull Prayer ● when wee are perswaded that in Christ the Lord will grant all good things vnto vs. Secondly Humilis an Humble Prayer when wee considering the greatnesse of Gods Maiesty and our owne basenesse and vnworthinesse in all humility and lowlinesse call vpon his name Thirdly Feruens a Feruent Prayer when we powre out our hearts before God when wee pray with zeale and entire deuotion of the soule Thus much concerning the conclusion of the Lords Prayer THe Lord of infinite mercy and of endlesse consolation guide our hear●● and direct our Spirits by the 〈…〉 direction of his good Spirit in all 〈…〉 prayers and in all other our Chri 〈…〉 du●●●s that we may in them all ●iue him ●rue seruice and answerable obedience and so follow him faithfully and obediently in grace in this world that wee may be admitted to sing Halleluiah to his Maiesty for euermore in the world to come and that for Christ Iesus his sake who is our onely Lord and Sauiour To whom with the Father and the blessed Spirit three glorious Persons but one and the self-same Essentiall God we offer vp from the bottome of our hearts all possible Power Honour Dominion and Thanksgiuing for euer and euer Amen FINIS THE RACE CELESTIALL OR A speedie Course to Saluation The Fift Impression 1. Cor. 9. 24. So runne that yee may obtaine LONDON Printed by George Purslowe and are to be sold by Iohn Cl●●● 1●●0 TO THE MOST High and Mighty most Gracious and Religious PRINCE IAMES by the grace of God of Great Brittaine France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith Apostol● call c. All blessed hap in this life and eternall blisse in the life to come THe picture of puritie and patterne of Piety most Gracious and dread Sou●r●ign● Lord holy Bernard by name deciphereth o●t at large th● grosse enormity of that vgly v●●● Ingratitude saying that it is Inimica animae exinanitio mer●orum dispersiovirtutum c An enemy to the Christians soule an exile of merits a ruine of vertues and a consuming fire that scorcheth vp the fountaine of all godlinesse Lest therefore I should condemne my selfe of this sensuall sin and challenged bee of grosse Ingratitude I haue presumed crauing pardon for my arrogant audacity herein in token of my loyall duty to your sacred Maiesty to transport these lines Laconicall and letters Impolite to the happy hauen of your Princely heart wishing to your Royall Grace the siluer of all earthly prosperitie and the gold of all celestiall ●elicitie If your Highness respect the matter it is celestiall ●f your Supremacy the manner it is t●o t●o terrestriall Yet pardon most religious Prince this my bold attempt partly weighing the compulsion of ●ntire affection and partly considering the necessity of your simplest subiects erudition Thus ceasing further troubling your Maiesties sacred ●ares prosterning my selfe vpon the knees of submission at your Highnesse foot-stoole for pardon for my presumption herein I begge without intermission before the Throne of Grace that it would
and 〈…〉 4● ●n●●r in againe with seuen diuels worser th●n himselfe the end of that man is worser then the beginning So Iulian Emperour of Rome began well and for a while embraced the Gospell of Christ but hee proued an Apostata in the end dying 〈…〉 ing banning and blaspheming and casting his bloud into the ayre Demas followed Christ awhile but afterward forsooke him Demas 〈…〉 ●●●h forsaken mee louing this present world Many of Christs Disciples 〈…〉 b●cke and walked no more with 〈…〉 Thou knowest saith S. Paul 〈…〉 that all they which are in Asia are tur●ed 〈…〉 of which sort are Phy 〈…〉 and 〈…〉 ogenes ●o wée sée that many haue begun well but few h●ue perseuered but it w●●● better that a Mil stone were 〈…〉 about the necks of such ●●●ol●●s and cast into the middest of the Sea For The Lord will tread downe Psal 18. 22. reuolters vnder his feete as clay in the streets Hee that putteth his hand to the Luk. 9. 6● Plough and looketh backe is not fit for the Kingdome of Heauen Hee that looketh backe to his house and home hauing his minde busted in other matters cannot possibly make good worke euen so he that intangleth himselfe with the things of this present world is not able to work out his saluation with feare and trembling for where the dead carcasse is thither will the Eagles resort and where our treasures are there will our hearts be also He therefore that will obtaine the Land that floweth with Milke and Hony must forget the Flesh-pots of Egypt And hee that will obtaine Heauen must not cast his eyes to the earth he that is on the house top must Mat. ●4 17 not come downe to ●e●ch any thing out of his house and hee that is in the fields must not ●●●urne backe againe to his house Hee that is in the way to Heauen let him not turne back again to this world lest he bee attached of the Lyon and cast into hell Lots Wife for backe-looking vvas turned into a pillar of salt And so euery man that turneth backe from the way of godlinesse shall be turned into a Fire-brand and burned with vnquenchable fire for whosoeuer shall deny IESVS CHRIST in this world shall bee denied the Kingdome of Heauen of Christ Iesus in the world to come Backe-looking and back-sliding must no● bee in Christians Let vs therefore with Saint Paul not look Phil. 3 13. behinde vs but to that which is before vs namely to the reward Let vs fasten our eyes vpon heauen gates and neuer leaue running till we come at them The Bride of Iesus would not turn backe from her holy Race saying I Cant. 5. ● haue washed my feet● how shall I defile them So should euery member of the mysticall body of Christ say I haue washed my self● from my sinnes and by Gods assistant grace will I neuer defile my selfe any more For he Ecc. 34. 26. that washeth himselfe saith the sonne of Syrach because of a dead body and toucheth it againe what auaileth his washing So is it with a man that fasteth for his sinnes and committeth them againe Who will heare his prayer or what doth his fasting helpe him Euen so beginning wel doth nothing auaile a man vnlesse perseuerance be resolued Thou therefore that wouldest obtaine pull not thy neck out of Christs yoke giue not in any case but at the very first steppe thou settest into this godly Race resolue to perseuere to the end of thy life come what can come Manus igitur remissas genua soluta Heb. 12. 12 er●gite id est Lift vp your hands that hang downe and your weake knees take héed that ye fall not away from the grace of God Be not weary 2. Thes 3. 13. 1. Cor. 〈◊〉 6. 13. of well-doing Stand fast in the faith and play the men bee strong take courage to you and perseuere to the end for hee that endureth to the end 2. Chron. 15. 7. the same shall be blessed Esto fidelis saith Saint Iohn vsque Apoc. 2. 10 ad mortem dabo tibi coronam vit● id est Bee faithfull to thy death and I will giue thee a Crowne of life Qui vicerit dabo ei sedere in thr●no Apoc. 3. 1● c. To him that ouercommeth will I grant to sit with me in my throne Non enim incipisse sed perfecisse virtutis H●●●on est id est It is not the nature of Godlinesse to begin wel but to perfect the worke begun Nec in●hoantibus 〈…〉 sed perseuerantibus praemium tribuitur saith Remigius id est Neither is the reward giuen to enterers but to enders not to beginners but to perseuerers Wherevpon S. Gregory saith Inc●ssum curritur ●i ceptum iter ante ter 〈…〉 d●●er●●●r i● est Hee is a mad Traueller that will not see the end of his iourney and hee is a fond Professor that will not labour to dye in the Lord. Wée reade in the Gospell of Iohn that our Sauior in the end of his life sayd in this manner Opus consummaui Ioh. 1● ● quod ded●ras mihi vt facerem id est I haue finished the worke which thou gauest me to doe And in the houre of his death hee said in like manner Consummatum est It is finished So Ioh. 1● 3● should euery Christian after the example of his Sauior labour to finish the worke which the Lord called him to doe that so hee may with great peace of Conscience and with vnspeakable solace of heart say vpon his Death-bed with the chosen V●●sel in his second Epistle to Timothy 2. Tim ● ● ● Certamen bonum decertaui cursum consummaui fidem serua●● c. I h●ue ●ought a good fight and haue finished my course I haue kept the ●aith therefore henceforth is layd vp for me a Crowne of Righteousnesse which the Lord the righteous Iudge shall giue me at that day and not vnto me onely but vnto all them that lo●e ●i● appearing Such was the resolute zeale and zealous resolution of al holy Ma 〈…〉 in former ages that nothing 〈…〉 make them forsake the profession of the glorious Gospell of IESVS yea this was their constant answere to ther bloudy Butcherers Vre tunde diuelle lan●a seca Idolatua non adorabimus The resolution of Marty●● potes corpora ista O Caesar cruci●tibus absumere facere verò vt aliud sentiamus aut loquamur non potes tua s●●itia nostra est gloria cum nos inter●icere credas d● carcere corporis liberas citius saxa scopulosque montes d● loco suo moue●is quàm nobis fidem Christo d●tam eripies id est Burne buffet slay deuoure hew in pieces thy abominable Idols will we neuer worship thou mayst O cruell tyrant consume with torments these our mortall bodies but to make vs thinke or speake otherwise then wee doe canst thou neuer doe thy cruelty is our
superbia quid diuitiarū copia What hath pride pronted him or what hath the pompe of riches done him good Alas these could not saue his Soule For as sayth the Psalmist a man by Psal 4● 67 his riches cannot redéeme his brother he cannot giue his ransome to God so precious is the redemption of soules and their continuance for euer And in Samuel we read That-kings are not exempted from the iudgments of God If yee doe wickedly yee shall 1. Sam. 12 25. perish and your King In the first Epistle to the Corinths wee may read who they are that are threatned with Tophet neither fornicators nor Idolaters nor adulterers 1. Cor. 6. 9. nor wantons nor theeues nor couetous nor drunkards nor extortioners shall inherit the Kingdome of God This is spoken of Kings as well as of others And in the Reu. wee finde Reu. 21. ● that the fearefull and vnbeléeuing the abominable murtherers and whoremongers and sorcerers Idolaters and all lyers shall haue their part in the Lake that burneth with fire and brimstone and this is spoken of the King as well as of the Btgger for the Lord in iudgement fréeth from hell not according to place but grace not outward condition but inward disposition Nay moreouer great men Noblemen and mighty Princes are not only lyable to Tophet but the greatest part of them shall to the diuell Not many wise men nor many mighty not many noble are called for as God 1. Cor. 1. 2● 1. 〈…〉 2. ● would haue all men saned and come to the knowledge of the truth i. some of all sorts some Iewes some Gentiles some Kings some Nobles some Preachers some Rich some Poore so of all these the greatest summe goe downe to Tophet Yet for all this great men must not bée reprooued forsooth the truth that maketh against them must not be imbraced of them Abner could not abide to heare Isbosheth 2. S●m ● tell him of his going in ●o Rizpah his father Sauls Concubiae Ahab hated Micaiah the sonne o● 〈…〉 Imlah for not prophesying as he said good vnto him The people cryed out in Esayes time Dicite nobis placentia placentia Esay 30. that is speake pleasing things vnto vs. The Priests and people of Anathoth let 11. 21. threatned Ieremy to take away his life if he prophested to them in the name of the Lord. Amaziah said to Amos the Prophet Amos 7. 12. 23. Goe bee gone prophesie in Iudah but prophesie no more in Bethel for it is the Kings Chappell and it is the Kings Court. They hated him that rebuked in the Amos 5. 10 gate and abhorred him that spake vprightly The people in the time of Micah liked Mica 2. 11. them well that prophesied to them of Wine and strong Drinke I pray God that the great Ones of this Land be not tainted with this corruption Well for mine owne part I had rather be stormed against for preaching Tophet to you here then ye should curse mee in Tophet hereafter for smoothing and flattering you Yet this reprehension of great men I would wish it might be done in wisdome and humility which I beseech Rom 12. ● you O King by the tender mercies of God reforme these and these things for some in this case are indiscréet and too too sawcy and rather exasperate the hearts of their hearers against them then winne them to the Lord by their exhortation Vse If then Kings and great men bee not exempted from Tophet what should this worke in them but obedience to that counsell of the Psalmist Bee wise now therefore O yee Kings Psal 2. serue the Lord in feare Looke vp to heauen acknowledge your selues subiects to a greater As the Lord hath honoured Kings aboue others so hee looketh for a greater returne of honour from them than from others for where the Lord gineth much there the Lord requireth the more Kings and Princes are the Kéepers Deu. 17. 18 of the two Tables of the Law of God and to them is committed from God the gouernment both of Church and Common-wealth they must therefore be carefull that the Word may runne very swiftly throughout euery Angle of their Realmes So shall God gaine Psal 147. an vniuersall glory and Kings themselues a more fiable subiection Kings and Queenes are called nursing Esay 49. 23 Fathers and nursing Mothers and al to commend vnto them the care they should haue of Gods glory and the good of their people Iosua was such a Ruler that remained Ios 24. 1● resolute and constant in the worship of God to his liues end Dauid prepared a place for the Arke 1. Ch. 15. 1. of God was carefull for the Church of the Lord. Iehoshaphat Ezechias and Iosias 2. Ch. 17. ● ch 29. 1 2. ch 34. 1 2. were reformers of their Kingdomes enemies to idolatry and graciously defended the Word of God And blessed be God for our Kings most excellent Maiesty who is maiesticall in his place in religion zealous in life vertuous and in mercy aboundantly gracious The Lord increase his graces in him the Lord anoint him with the oyle of Holinesse aboue his fellow Princes and the Lord kéepe him from this terrible Tophet and let all people that beare good will to this our English Sion to this my Prayer say Amen It is euen prepared for the King Secondly wée may here perceiue Obseru 2. Acts 10. with Peter that verily there is no respect of persons with God in iudgement he iudgeth the rich as the poore the father as the child the master as the seruant the King as the begger as the Prophet Dauid sayth With righteousnes shall he iudge the world and the people with equity Though wickednesse among men be Eccl. 3. 16. in the place of iudgement yet the Lord our God will deale iustly Though among men there is respect of persons to be had without which a confusion would and this is necessary to be vrged for men are full of contempt and too sawcy with them of superiour place and authority yet when all shall be summoned before the tribunall of God the Lord will indifferently procéede to iudgement without any respect of persons Vse And this should not only pull down the haughty minds of the noble who think for their greatnesse here it will bée easier for them hereafter than others but also this should bee an vnalterable president to all Iudges of the world As they sit in Gods place so they should imitate the Lord in iudgement this should make them obey the counsell of the Lord deliuered by the Prophet Dauid Bee learned yee that are Psal 2. Iudges of the earth O the care that Iehosaphat tooke for iust and righteous iudgement after he had made Iudges and set them in euery City of Iudah hee gaue them this charge Take heede what ye doe 2. Ch. 19. 1 6 7. for yee execute not the iudgements of man