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A01262 Certaine fruitfull instructions and necessary doctrines meete to edify in the feare of God faithfully gathered together by Iohn Frewen ... ; whereunto is added a table, wherein the reader may easily find out the principall matters conteined in this booke. Frewen, John, 1558-1628. 1587 (1587) STC 11379.5; ESTC S4308 159,556 432

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The Lawe saith pay thy debt the gospell saith Christ hath paid it The Law saith thou art a sinner dispaire and thou shalt be damned the gosple saith thy sinns are forgiuen thee be of good comfort thou shalt be saued The law saith make amends for thy sinne the gospell saith Christ hath made it for thee The lawe saith the father of heuen is angrye with thee the gospell saith Christ hath pacified him with his blood The Law saieth where is thy righteousnesse goodnesse and satisfaction the Gospell saith Christe is thy righteousnesse goodnesse and satisfaction The law saith thou arte bound and endebted to mee The gospell saith Christ hath deliuered thee from them all He that beleeueth not Gods worde beleeueth not God him selfe the Gospell is Gods worde therfore he that beleeueth not the gospell beleeueth not god himselfe 31 Difference betweene the Lawe and the Gospell THere is nothing more necessarie and comfortable for troubled consciences then to be well instructed in the diffecence betweene the Law and the gospell and therfore is the church of Rome muche to blame in this behalfe because it confoundeth together these two being in nature so diuers and contrarye one from the other as threatnings and promises things tēporall with things eternall soroweful things with glade tydings death with life bondage with freedome c. teaching the people that whatsoeuer the Lawe saith the gospel confirmeth and whatsoeuer the gospell saith the same is agreeable to the law and so make they no difference betwene Moses and Christ saue onely that Moses say they was the giuer of the old law and Christ is giuer of the new and more perfect law And thus imagine they the gospell to bee nothing els but a newe Law giuen by Christ bynding to the promises thereof the condition of our dooings and deseruings no otherwise then the old law And so deuyde they the whole lawe after this distinction into three parts the Lawe of nature the law of Moyses and the Lawe of Christe And as for the Gospell they saye it is reuealed for none other cause but to shewe to the worlde more perfect preceptes and counsailes then were in the olde lawe to the fulfilling whereof they attribute iustification and so leaue the poore consciences of men in perpetuall doubt and induce other manifolde errors bringing the people into a false opinion of Christ as thoughe he were not a remedy against the law but came as an other Moyses to giue a newe lawe to the worlde Furthermore as they make no difference beetweene the nature of the Law and nature of the Gospel confounding Moses and Christ together So neyther do they distnict or discern the time of the law and the time of the Gospel a sonder Gal. 3.24 For where S. Paule bringeth in the lawe to bee a Schoolemaister limiteth him his time vnto Christ and saith that Christe is the ende of the Law that is Mat. 5.34 Ro. 10.4 whereas the Lawe ceaseth there Christ beginneth and where Christe beginneth there the law endeth They contrariwise make the Law to haue no ende nor ceasing but giue to it immortal life and kingdome equall with Christe so that Christ the lawe together do raigne ouer the soule and conscience of man which is vntrue For either Christe muste giue place and the law stande or els the law the condemnation and curse of the law I meane must ende and Christe raigne For both these Christ and the Law grace and malediction cannot raigne and gouerne together 32 Of the true worship of GOD. The Lord our God doth straight lie charge vs in the firste commaundement of the firste table that we reserue vnto him onelie Ex. 20.2.3 Mal. 1.6 Mat 10.28 Ier. 10.7 Ps 135.6 hys whole honour not giuing anye parte thereof to anye other That wee loue and feare him aboue all that wee acknowledge him alone to bee our gouernour and guider of al things of whom we receaue all our benefittes And finally that we make our prayers to none other but to God alone For inasmuch as he is God alone and besides him there is no other Iam. 1.17 Ro. 10.14 and can and will doe all thinges for vs which are needfull aswell for our soules as bodies Wee must not goe vnto them which are no Gods neither any other where to seeke those things which cā be perfourmed and geuen vs by none but God onely The man that will truely examine himselfe in this commaundemēt must well consider with himselfe what doubting and mistrusting he hath of Gods helpe in aduersitie what vnlawfull meanes hee hath vsed to helpe him by in his seeldome or carelesse resorte vnto him in his prosperitie aduisedly considering that the lawe requiring soundnesse in our whole nature aswell in thought Deu. 27.26 as in deed accurseth him that continueth not sounde in all that is commaunded By this meanes we shal be brought to see what neede wee haue of the obedience and bloudshed of Iesus Christ Gal. 3.24 and so shall the Lawe be come our Schoolemaister to bring vs vnto Christ 33 What signifieth the deliueraunce out of Aegipt VVHereas the Lorde maketh mētion in the beginning of his lawe Ex. 20.2 of the deliueraunce from the bondage of Egipt we muste vnderstande that as concerning the bodie it is peculierly to bee referred to the people of Israel Howbeit it doth indifferently belong vnto vs all in that we are redeemed by Christ from hel the diuell sinne and death For wee are the children of Adam by nature accursed and inheritors of death Eph. 2.3 wee haue nothing in vs but sinne and so consequentlie we muste needes be accursed before God Let men please● magnifie themselues as they liste yet beholde their birth beholde their nobilitie they are but bondslaues of Sathan they haue a sinke and bottomelesse gulph of corruption in them they are worthy that the wrathe and malediction of God should fall vppon their heades breifly being banished from the kingdome of heauen they are giuen ouer to all misery wretchednesse Now our Lord God by the hand of his sonne hath hence deliuered vs. He hath not sent a Moses as to the people of auncient tyme but not sparing his only sonne he hath deliuered him to death for vs. Io. 3.16 Being then ransomed with so deare and inestimable a price as is the holie and sacred bloud of the sonne of God We ought wholly to yeald our selues vnto him So then in steade that it was said to the auncient people that God had deliuered them out of the land of Egipt it is now saide that wee bee redeemed from the bondage of Sathan to liue vnto the Lorde Ro. 14.8 1. Cor. 6.19 as the Apostle speaketh that we are not our owne Wherefore it behoueth the faithfull that they presume not on the libertie to doe what seemeth them to liue euery one after his owne luste For our Lord Iesus Christ therefore died and rose againe and reuiued
to saluation and not conteining al necessary truth but that there are many articles of necessitye to be beleeued which are not conteined in the scriptures For so saith one of their champions Lindan li. 1. c. 10. The Apostles saith he would not commit certaine principall pointes of our religion to paper and inke thereby to perish and to be forgotten but they committed them to the faithful harts of christians As though those things remained more sure which be cōmitted to the fraile memory of feble men in this sinful world then those things that by the spirit of god are put in writing This is the cause why they blasphemously cal the sacred written word of God The Papists blasphemy a dead writing a dumbe Maister doubtfull and vncertaine A black gospell dead inke inkie diuinitye A nose of waxe a leaden rule c. This is the cause why they say that the scriptures take authoritye of the church Frier Soto and that without the authority of the Church the scriptures haue no authority As though the Maiesty of Gods wisedome and his trueth conteined in the scriptures depended vppon the authority of man For though the Church bee neuer so holie yet it consisteth of men which oftentimes haue and do erre when they leane not to the word of God Petrus de palude de potestate Papae Art 4. Herueus de potest Papae If they would hearken to Gods worde then would they not say that the Popes onely power passeth all the power of the whole Church besides And that the Pope by vertue and power is the whole church and so conclude theruppon that there is neither holy ghost nor interpretation or sense of the scriptures but onely in the Pope Indeed it is true that as the Scriptures were written by the spirit of GOD 2. Pet. 1.20 So must they be expounded by the same For without that Spirit we haue neither eyes to see nor eares to heare It is that spirit that openeth and no man shutteth the same shutteth Ma. 11.15 Reu. 3 7 and no man openeth The same spirit prepared and opened the heart of Lidia Act. 16.14 Io. 6.45 that she should geue eare to and consider the things that were spoken by S. Paule And in respect of this spirit the Prophet Esay saith Esa 53.13 Ier. 31 33. They shal be all taught of God But God hath not bound himself that this spirit should euermore of necessitie dwell in Roome Esay 62.2 but vpon the lowly and humble hearted that tremble at the word of God Chrisostome saith they that speake of themselues Chrisost de sancto ado spi falsly pretend the holy ghost And againe if any thing be brought vnto vs saith he vnder the name of the holy ghost besides the gospell let vs not beleeue it For as Christ is the fulfilling of the law and the proph so is the holy ghost the fulfilling of the gospel Now with what spirit the Bishops of Rome haue expounded vnto vs the holy scriptures it is so manifest and apparantly knowne that we need go no further but to their owne writings canons sufficiently to proue that the Pope is Antichrist 1. Io. 2.22 and that his prelats and disciples are the spirituall wolues of whom Christ in his gospell geueth warning Mat. 7.15 though they couer themselues neuer so closely vnder the clothing of Christes true sheepe Christ was humble and lowly The prophet in his owne person speaketh of him I am a worme and not a man ashame of men and the contempt of the people And S. Paule saith he humbled himselfe Ps 22.6 Phil. 2.8 and became obedient vnto the death euen the death of the crosse Behold his parents his birth his cradle beholde his life his disciples his doctrine and his death All were witnesses to his humility He saith of himself the son of man hath not whereon to rest his head And to his disciples he saith Mat. 8.20 The Kings of the Gentils raigne ouer them they that beare rule ouer them are called gratious Lordes but you shall not be so Luk. 25.22 Ma. 11.29 And againe Learne of me that I am meek lowly in heart and ye shall finde rest vnto your soules Now on the other side if wee consider the condition of Antichrist beholde his birth his place his chaire his estate his doctrine his disciples and al his life there shal nothing be seene but pomp and vaine glory he is proud in life The image of Antichrist proud in doctrine proud in word and proude in deedes He is like vnto Lucifer and setteth himselfe before his brethren and ouer nations and kingdomes He maketh kings and princes to kisse his feete to cary his traine to hold his stirrop c. He claimeth power ouer heauen and earth Hee saith he is Lord ouer all the worlde the Lord of Lords and King of Kings that his authority reacheth vp into heauen down into hell that whosoeuer he blesseth is blessed and that it is cursed whatsoeuer he curseth He selleth merits the forgiuenesse of sinnes the sacrifice for the quicke and the dead He maketh marchandise of the soules of men He remoueth Kings deposeth the stats princes of the world He taketh vpon him the authority and name of the liuing GOD which made heauen and earth Extrauag Io. 22. euen the name of GOD the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ And in this pride hee exceedeth all others that haue bene wicked But some will peraduenture reply that the Pope at this daye is not called GOD but that hee abaceth and writeth himselfe by a title of humility and is called so the seruant of seruaunts Thus indeede he is written but marke how much the matter is amended Extra de Maior obedien This seruaunt saith I doe make holy the vnholy I do iustifie the wicked I doe forgiue sins I open and no man shutteth This seruaunt can say that whosoeuer obeyeth not him shall be rooted out and that he may dispence for any commaundement of the old or new testament 9 Que. 3. cuncta pet de pal de pot pa. Art 4. No man may iudge this seruant For they say the Pope is exempted from all law of man again neither all the clergy nor all the wholeworld may either iudge or depose the Pope Such a power this seruant of seruāts claimeth to himself what greater power may be geuen vnto God And this power the Pope at this day challēgeth as proper to his seat that he hath the authority which is due vnto Christ ouer his Church none may say he doth erre or aske why hee doth so Now the first Sheepes clothing wherewithall the false Prophetes and members of Antichristes schoole doe vse to hide and couer their deuelish hypocrisie is fasting prayer almes deedes The first sheeps clothing wherwith the false Prophets doe hide thēselues and outwarde holinesse of life The which things
illustrate the same as it is written 2. Co. 12.9 My power is made perfect through weaknesse and again where sinne abounded the grace of God abounded much more 122 Foure thinges that concurre in remission of sinnes IN remission of sinnes these foure thinges must concurre and go together the cause that worketh which is the sacrifice of Christs bodie 2. the promisse that offereth 3. Faith that apprehendeth and 4. the repenting sinner that receaueth And althoughe sinnes dayly do growe which daylye prouoke vs to craue remission yet as touching the cause that worketh remission of our dayly sinnes and the meanes which apprehendeth and applieth the said cause vnto vs they remaine alwaies one and perpetual besides which no other cause nor means is to bee sought for of man So that to them that bee repenting sinners and be in Christ Iesus there is no lawe to condemne them though they haue deserued condemnation but they are vnder a perpetuall kingdome and a heauen full of grace and remission to couer their sinnes and not to impute their iniquities through the promise of God in Christe Iesus our Lorde And therefore wicked and impious is the doctrine of them firste with seeke any other cause of remission thē onely the blood of our sauiour Iesus Christ Secondly which assigne any other meanes to apply the bloudshedding of Christ vnto vs besides onely faith Thirdly and especially whiche so limit and restraine the eternall priuiledge of the passion of Christ as though it serued but onelye for sinnes done without and before Faith and that the rest after Baptisme committed must be done away by confession pardons and satisfactory deedes 123 Popishe satisfactions are not warranted by Gods woorde THe faithfull are not bounde by the worde of God to do that pēnaunce which the Papistes call satisfaction For there is one eternall satisfactiō viz. a price recōciliation redemption from our sinnes namelye the death of Christ whereby our offēces and punishmenes deserued for the same are clearly forgiuen and wiped a way And this is confirmed both by the Prophetes by the writings of the Euangelists and Apostles Esa 53.5 Ro. 3.24 1. Co. 1.30 Ro. and chiefly by the Apostle Paule in diuers of hys epistles If therefore by our woorkes and pennance which we suffer that is to say if wee attribute to our satisfaction which consisteth in the correction of our body as fasting prayer almes and other like works the remission of our sinnes and the punishment due therefore or if we suppose that by this satisfaction we satisfie and requit al those things for which we wer guilty before God then truly this satisfaction is directly contrary and striueth against the satisfaction of C. Or else must they say that P. in the like case resoned not aright when he said that if righteousnesse be by the Law Gal. 1.21 then C. died in vaine For euen also after the same sort do we also reason saying If we our selus can make satisfaction for our sins what need then had Christ to dy wherefore the true church of God keepeth still that one eternall satisfaction euen the death of Christ herewith do all the faithfull content them selues iudging their works not to be so perfect or worthy that by thē their sins should be forgeuen and that God by them should be satisfied eternall life be purchased 124 Sin doth possesse our whole nature THe infection of sinne is vniuersally dispersed ouer our nature and hath infected euen the thoughtes themselues so greatly that whē the Apostle Paule will set forthe his damnable estate he doth set it foorthe no otherwise but that he did then follow the will counsel of his thoughts We must therefore learned suspect our thoughtes Eph. 2.3 Col. 3.2 if we will bee aduised by the Apostle and not to imagine with the doctors of Roome that our estate is good so long as the will when it shall haue wrestled at length getteth out not hauing wholy yeelded nor flatlye falne downe Thoughtes therefore running this way after any thing of our neighbours in so doing make manifeste declaration of their poyson and corruption which if they haue no resistaunce do carye vs headlong through the brode waye into destruction Rom. 7.7 If by grace they shal be stopped and resisted in that grace God is to be magnified yet we in that our corruption notwithstanding are iustlye to bee blamed and admonished thereby to seeke for more aide in that parte of our thoughtes leaste if that temptation shoulde lye sore vppon vs Sathan shoulde that waye get entrāce into our hartes 125 The Godlye are ioyfull in affliction THe children of God doe reioice in the middest of trouble knowing that it will bring vppon them experience and tryall of Gods goodnesse in the ende Christ is made vnto them redemption from sinne whereas the vngodly howsoeuer in prosperity they fleshly bragge of their hope in GOD yet when affliction commeth 1. Cor. 1.30 they ar without all hart comfort or courage For they knowe not in deede that Christ is made vnto them redemptiō to deliuer them from al that daunger that commeth for sinne aswel as from sinne it selfe This perswasion causeth the godly in all their afflictions and necessities whatsoeuer Iam. 1.3 to staye themselues in godlye conuersation both towards GOD and man with pacience and assured hope of an happy ende Whenas the vngodly either murmure against GOD or else fall into some one euill dealing or other thereby to purchase their deliuerance which is an assured testimony that they doe not looke to haue it from the Lord. 126 Afflictions come by the prouidence of GOD. ALthough God doeth not by and by helpe his children when they are afflicted yet doth hee not forsake them because by his infinite wisedome and mercy he turneth those things to their saluation which seemed discommodities Ro. 8.18 And although the elect reprobate are indifferently subiect to the like euils yet there is great difference because God instructing the faithfull by afflictions doth further them in the marke of their saluation Whatsoeuer thinges happen to the godly they are so tempered from aboue that the which the world thinketh to be hurtfull the issue declareth it to be profitable ther is no cause therefore why it shoulde grieue vs to be afflicted except wee take in ill parte the election of the Lord wherby we are fore ordeyned vnto life and except we be vnwilling to represent in vs the image of the sonne of GOD whereby wee are prepared vnto celestiall glory 127 Afflictions come of Gods determinate purpose WHen God graunteth sathan liberty to afflict the faithful he doeth it not to pleasure him neither is he moued of anye fauour that hee beareth towardes him but because he hath ordeined it in his own purpose He was not moued by his sute nor perswaded by him to afflict and punish Iob but for asmuch as hee was minded of his owne good wil to chastise
the secrets of God And that they may serue God in truth in holines righteousnes all the dayes of their life And now to returne to your worships I most humbly beseech you to accept this my poore labour which I offer vnder your names to the whole church of God The which as I know it commeth vnlooked for not only in respect of your selues but also of diuers other that knowe me aswel in that countrey where I was born as also in other places so also it may seem very rash and needles For who am I that I should take vpon me to publish any thing The vnworthiest of many hundreds the vnablest of many thousands And yet seeing many things more simple lesse needful profitable are both permitted and suffred to come abrode I am not altogether discouraged neither hath any man iust cause to accuse me in this my simple enterprise I knowe these be the dayes of learning knowledge that there be great store of learned deuines in our land whom I beseech the Lorde to blesse Mar. 12.42.43 Luk. 21.2.3 and yet the two mites of the poore widowe cast into the treasurie amonge the great giftes of the welthy are not to be refused The causes that moued me to dedicate this first fruit of my simple trauaile vnto your worships aboue al other are these First your great goodnes from time to time shewed towards me and my friendes the which called vpon mee contitually to shewe some token of thankefulnesse for the same For I must needes confesse that it hath vttered it selfe many and sundry ways and that not without a certaine friendly or rather fatherly care of my well dooing Secondlie that it might be a meane through the assistaunce of Gods spirite to kindle and inflame your heartes with an earnest zeale to the glorious gospell of the sonne of God by dayly and continuall exercise and practise wherein you might be sufficiently furnished with spirituall armur to endure constantly vnto the ende as good souldiers of Iesus Christ against all the assaults of Sathan and his wicked instruments which doe or may come in sheepes clothing to deceaue you and to betray your soules from the way of saluation For of this am I certaine that there will not want false prophets entycing you from Christ and that many stumbling blockes wil be cast namely and especially in your way Master Mistresse I efferis as once hertofore I presumed to aduertise you priuately by letter to the ende you might be discouraged from the way of the Lorde But beware I beseech you againe of their Angelicall or Seraphicall shewe of heauenly life Haue not by and by their doctrine in admiration but carefully looke vnto the clawes of these spirituall wolues and indifferently without affection examine the grounde of their profession by the rule and touchstone of the worde of God and you shall prooue that they deale deceitefully with guile that they be false Apostles and deceitefull workers that they goe about to beguile your senses and to blinde your eyes that they call you to worship an Idoll in steed of the true and liuing God and that they would lead you out of light into darknesse from truth into error from knowledge vnto ignorance If you shall vouchsafe to reade this little booke and to examine it throughly indifferently by the word of God and then it beeing effectually confirmed by the same to make your profit accordingly and as it is committed to your protection so to maintaine and defende it I shall not onely be satisfied and thinke my payes sufficiently recompenced but also be greatly encouraged hartily to pray vnto the Lorde to encrease the giftes of his holy spirite in you that you may goe forwarde more and more to performe that dutie in obedience which he requireth at your handes that you may ouerleape all the lets that Sathan can cast in your way continue in the certainty of true faith and that you may be fully setled vppon the death and passion of our Lorde Iesus Christ being assured that the same onelie is of sufficient abilitie to drawe you out of the dungeon of death And I beseech your worshippes that as God in aboundant measure hath mercifully endued you with all thinges necessarie for this life whereof many thousandes feele the want so without ceasing you would prayse and magnifie him for the same And as you are so nearely ioyned together not onely by reason of your possessions but especially by the bonde of mariage that you are brethren sisters that so you would ioyne togeather in the sincere profession of the glorious gospel of the sonne of God and so goe forward more and more in practise therof that the gospel being rooted in your heartes it may bring foorth sanctification the true seale of your adoption that you may feele his goodnesse in the assurance of that euerlasting and heauenly truth Beware of these two cankers I beseech you that corrupt the whole world I meane pride and couetousnesse Let them not once be named among you as becommeth sainctes Eph. 5.3 Col. 3.5 A day will come when the Lorde will fill your hope with better things then al this world can giue you Stande fast in his trueth in these slippery dayes and aboue all let his glorye and the aduancement of his worde be deare and precious vnto you In Gods matters let his will bee the rule thereof and not your owne wisedome and affections Examine your selues often by it and neglect not the pure preaching of the same Delight in the lawe of the Lord and be good examples to others Care not for the contempt of the worlde but holde fast a good conscience that you may be approued of God And our Lorde Iesus Christ giue you the forgiuenesse of all your sinnes and the peace and comfort of your conscience The Lorde let all his blessinges fall vppon you that you may see the riches and treasures of his mercie that you may be filled with all fulnesse with the spirit that you may behold the glory of the kingdome of god those thinges be reuealed vnto you by his spirite which hee hath prepared for them that loue him Amen The third day of December Anno. 1586. Yours for euer to cōmand in the Lorde Iohn Frewen To the Christian Reader THE matter substance of this booke as I nothing feare to offer and commende vnto thee gentle Reader for thy profitte and instruction in the wayes of the Lorde beeing fully assured that it is the sincere trueth of God and the perfect path way vnto saluation firmely grounded vppon the rocke Christ and sufficiently warranted according to the writinges of the holy Prophetes and Apostles so the Methode manner of setting some part of it downe is not I must needes confesse so exquisite and orderly as I my selfe desire and as thou being learned maiest easily perceaue and discerne One especiall cause of this want is this when I wrote
vnaduisedly eating of the fruit which was forbidden him he made himselfe which was before threatned vnto him of God subiect vnto sinne Ge. 2.17 deathe and damnation 156 The firste meanes that man had to be deliuered THE first meanes that man had to be deliuered from this bondage of sinne deathe and other calamities whereunto by transgression he was subiect was the law which although it was not of power sufficient to acquite him yet being thereby brought to the knowledge of his misery he might learne to dispaire of his owne strength and fly vnto the refuge and anker hold of Faith Before faith came we were kept vnder the Lawe and shut vp vnto the faith which shuld afterward be reueiled Gal 3.23 Wherfore the Law was our Scholemaister to bring vs vnto Christ that we mighte be made righteous by faith 157 The second meanes THe Lawe being not able to acquite vs from this corruption the celestiall father because her loued the worlde hath restored vs to righteousnesse by his sonne Io. 3.16 namelie by condemning sinne in the fleshe of Christ by cancelling the handwriting of ordinances that was against vs Col. 2.14 hath done away the giltinesse wherewith we were held bound before the Lorde and so are wee absolued that God might repute vs iuste For that Ro. 8.3 that was impossible vnto the Lawe inasmuch as it was weake because of the fleshe God sending his owne sonne in the similitude of sinfull flesh and for sinne condemned sinne in the flesh He hath made him to bee sinne for vs 2. Cor 5.21 which knewe no sinne that wee should be made the righteousnesse of God in him Greater loue then this hath no man When any man bestoweth his life for his freindes Io. 15.13 This loue is sealed vnto vs. Matthew the 26.28 158 Of Christ his person and office his preisthoode and kingdome OVr Lord Iesus Christ before the foundation of the woorlde was laide was ordeyned and appointed to bee the Sauiour of the woorlde In the beginning was the worde and the word was with God and that word was God In substāce and nature touching his diuinity he is coequall with GOD. Io. 1.1 Ioh. 17.5 He. 2.17 4.12 1. Tim. 2. Act. 4.12 And now glorifie mee thou Father with thine ownself with the glory which I had with thee before the world was made There are two natures in Christ a Dyuine and humane the propertye whereof do safely remaine knitte and ioyned in one person He is our onelie Mediatour and Aduocate neither is there saluation in any other For amongest men there is giuen no other name vnder heauen whereby wee shal be saued He is our euerlasting preist who by his one oblation of himselfe hath satisfied for the sinnes of all those that by a liuely faith take hold vppon him But now our high Preist hath obtained a more excellent office inasmuch as he is the mediator of a better testament Heb 8.6 9.11 1. Pet. 1.19 Io. 18.36 He is a king but his kingdome is not of this worlde for if the kingdome of Christ were earthly it would be vnstable and transitory but nowe sith it is heauenly it is certaine that the same shall continue for euer The encrease of his gouernment and peace shall haue no end Esay 9.7 He shall sit vppon the throne of Dauid and vppon his kingdome to order it and to establishe it with iustice and with iudgement from hencefoorthe euen for euer Dan. 7.14 Mich. 4. His dominion is an euerlasting dominion which shall neuer bee taken away and his kingdome shall neuer be destroyed 159 Howe we ought to knowe and confesse Christ WE may not think that a fleight knowledge and confession of Christ the sonne of God and Sauiour of the world is sufficient Ia. 2.19 For the Deuills as Saint Iames saith do beeleeue knowe and tremble yea and the Turkes and infidels do after a manner acknowledge Christ But wee muste knowe and confesse Christe as Peter did saying Thou art Christe the sonne of the liuing God Ma. 16.16 We must deeply pearce or enter into the whole course of the scripture and earnestlye consider by what titles Christ is called and what hee is indeede both in person and office To confesse that Iesus is Christ the sonne of GOD is asmuch as to say that wee knowe confesse and beleeue that Iesus born of the blessed virgine is the blessed seede and the true Messias promised by GOD by the mouth of all his Prophets and the eternall and onely begotten sonne of GOD that is according to his person very God and very man and by his office the true Christ annointed of the holy Ghoste King of Kings and Lorde of Lordes the high preist principall shephearde of our soules the Maister guider and teacher of his flocke our onely Sauiour redeemer mediator and intercessor the head gouernour ruler and defender of his Church And wee may not thinke that the eternall prouidence and wisedome of God woul● prepare so pretious highe and vnestimable a meanes as to sende downe his sonne to take the forme of a seruaunt vppon him in this vale of misery to woorke onelye some parte of our saluation and so but in parte to execute the office of a sauiour Wherfore wee muste assuredly knowe and confesse that Christ is al that is before spoken wholly and onely without any parte attributed to other For as Peter saieth in the Actes of the Apostles Act. 4.12 there is no other name geuen vnder heauen whereby wee shall bee saued but onely the name of Christ Iesus 160 Christ is the liuelye image of the Father FOrasmuch as men make themselues known by countenance and by worde euen so God sendeth forth his voice vnto vs by the voice of the prophets and hath in the Sacramentes as it were taken vpon him a visible forme that we may know him according to our capacity for as God by his nature is inuisible for God is a spirite so is he neither seene with corporall eyes nor yet heard by these corporall and corruptible eares Neuerthelesse he giueth vnto his seruauntes certaine signes of his presence Io. 4.24 and speaketh vnto men in such manner of speech as may be vnderstood For so he appeared to the Prophets Wherefore that which wee read in Deuteronomy concerning the voice of GOD which the Israelits hear● is no otherwise to be vnderstood Deu. 4.10 then that they heard the voice of an Angel and not the proper voice of God But when Christ was made manifest in the flesh we had after a sort in him a visible image of the inuisible father Hee himselfe saying Io. 14.9 He which seeth mee seeth my father also He therefore which doth not acknowledge God in his liuely and expresse image doth sufficiently thereby declare that he worshippeth no God at al 2. Cor. 3.14 but a God of his owne imagination Therfore the Apostle saieth that the
the flocke of the lord to feed it to preserue it in health and to keepe it from diseases and hurt the which is done by doctrine exhortations reprehension rebuking comfort prayers administration of the sacraments and by the example of a godly and vncorrupt life as may bee proued and knowne many waies by the writings and examples of the Apostles Furthermore it is necessarye of all Christians to be knowne howe they ought to behaue themselus towardes the ministers Io 2. Tim. 4 2. Tit. 2.7 and what they ought to thinke of them Chieflye therefore in their function or calling not their persons but Christ that worketh by them is to bee considered Wherefore we must receaue their doctrine when they preach the word of God purely euen as the doctrine of Christ For Christ saith in expresse words in the Gospell he that heareth you heareth me and he that despiseth you despiseth mee Lu. 10.16 Wee muste not looke that Christ should come downe from heauen againe and speake vnto vs seeing he dayly speaketh in his church by his ministers which preach the word of Christ Also the ministers for their parts must behaue themselus honestly well and Christianlike in doctrine life and conuersation They must not seeke their owne honor or gaine but the honor of Christe and profit of his Church They must not thinke that they cannot erre but must suffer themselues to be admonished 1. Pet 5.2 being neither stuborn rash nor proud They must not attribute or geue too muche vnto themselues 2. Tim 2.24 but muste bee lowlye gentle sage paineful and faithfull 204 The true duty of the ministers of the gospell THe true ministers of the gospel must not only haue a sweet and amiable voyce to drawe those to the flocke which yealde themselues teachable and suffer themselues to be taught but they must also disclose and driue away the Wolues and the theues they must haue a loude voyce to cry out against all them that scatter the flocke This is the thing whereunto Gods seruaunts muste imploye themselues if they purpose to execute their dutie Tit. 1.9 They must not onely bee instructed to teache other but bee strong and constant to make it good and to fight when question shal bee to maintaine the doctrine of truth that it may remaine safe and sounde Eze. 3.17 The Prophet Ezechiell compareth them to such as kepe watch in a watch tower and surely it is a charge yea and that a verye mightye and heauye charge while other men sleepe to watch and haue a care of al the flock The name and title also which the holy Ghost attributeth vnto the ministers sheweth plainelye what it is Ma. 5.13 Ez. 34.2 1 Co. 4.1 that GOD calleth them vnto and what they ow to his Church that mē may not think they shal be accounted faithful in the meane while geue themselus to rest and sleepe and to follow the pleasures and lusts of the flesh For God doeth not choose them whom he placeth Shepheards in his Church for any outward shew but he bindeth them to his people for otherwise we cannot serue God but by imploying our selues to serue his whole flock and the greatest honor that the ministers of his worde can haue is to be diligent in seruing all the faithfull 205 The calling of the Ministery THe calling of the ministery and preaching of the gospell is no deuise of any mortall man but the ordinaunce of the liuing God It was hee that ordeyned Moyses and the Prophets 2. Pet. 1 21. The prophecy saith Peter came not in the olde time by the will of man but holy men of God spake as they were moued by the holy Ghost Mar. 3.13 The Lorde Iesus himselfe called appointed and sent forth into the world his apostles to preache the gospell It is the holye Ghoste which ordeyneth faithfull ouerseers to feede the Church of God Act. 20 28. It is Christ also at this day which appointeth Pastors and teachers for the gathering together of his sainctes The firste preacher that euer was vppon the earth was GOD himselfe Eph. 4.11 he preached to Adam in Paradise that comfortable Gospell Gen. 3.16 the seede of the woman shall breake the serpents heade After that hee stirred vp Noah and Lot Moses and the Prophets what shal be said of Dauid and Solomon of the which the one was a moste victorious prince 1. Kin 3. and the other moste welthye and yet haue they gotten more glory and credite by their doctrines and instructions then by all their riches and triumphes The first minister and preacher of the newe testament was Iohn the Baptist Of whom Christ our Sauiour sayeth There was not a greater Prophete Ma. 11.11 Mar. 2.2 among womens children Christe himselfe also was a preacher of the Gospell and witnesseth that he came into the worlde to that purpose Mar. i6 i6 After him the Apostles also were sent into the worlde to the same end Seing then that God himself and his sonne Iesus Christ haue vouchsafed to preach the worde seeing so famous men as the Prophets and Apostles were ordeyned to this purpose it must needes followe that the office of preaching is most famous worthye and excellent 206 With what doctrine ministers muste be furnished IF So bee that the Ministers of Christs Gospel wil do their duties as they ought to doe in the erecting and in the enlarging of Christs kingdome by pure preaching of the worde they must not then stande vppon trifles 1. Tim. 1.4 2. Tim. 2.23 vpon curious and vnprofitable questions but they must labour to edifie in all godlinesse This grace of GOD which was shewed at the comming of our Lorde Iesus Christ is dayly to be published and preached of them Tit. 2.11 For surely it is a wonderfull secreat that GOD shoulde bee manifested in the fleshe and that therewithall hee should shew vs his heauenly glory to the end that wee might bee vnited thereunto and therfore if all the Ministers and Preachers of Gods worde 1. Tim. 3.16 shoulde neuer cease from shewing foorthe the wisedome which GOD hath vttered in the person of his onely sonne the tyme assuredly shoulde not bee spent in vaine Furthermore whosoeuer will preach the gospell faithfully and profitablye hee muste firste of all and chieflye vrge the doctrine of repentaunce To repentance must be ioyned the doctrine of remission of sinnes Ma. 11.28 which belongeth only to them that repent that are humbled and cast downe that feele in their conscience the torment of sinne and condemnation it doth not appertaine to ignorant and senselesse men to hypocrites infidels athistes iusticiaries prophane and carnall men Mat. 9.13 for these haue nothing to do with the doctrine of remission of sinnes 207 Diuersitie in giftes among the ministers NEcessarie it is that euerie minister preach but yet all such shall not be condemned which haue not such like and so full