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A61222 Practical discourses on sundry texts of Scripture wherein is shewed and made known the absolute necessity for all people to turn immediately unto the Lord their God / by Richard Stafford ... Stafford, Richard, 1663-1703. 1695 (1695) Wing S5129; ESTC R34590 179,430 348

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Contempt and cast them into a bottomless Pit to suffer the Vegeance of eternal Fire In God is first contained and from him is derived every good and perfect thing even what is enjoyed or can be further desired by the Sons of Men. O Lord the Hope of Israel all that forsake thee shall be ashamed and they that depart from me shall be written in the Earth because they have forsaken the Lord the fountain of living waters Jer. 17. 13. God sendeth Rain upon the just and the unjust He giveth common Mercies promiscuously and indifferently to all but there is somewhat more and greater in being the Hope of Israel Somewhat is hidden and reserved there only for those who come unto him as again who forsake him miss thereof And when this shall be opened and actually given then Shame Vexation and Anguish will possess those who by their former demerits and provocation have lost their share and portion in this matter They that depart from me shall be written in the Earth When they have left and gone aside from him above they must cleave unto and pursue after somewhat And they cannot follow after any thing but what is in this place where they live And seeing they have chosen the Earth either the Men or Things therein let them make the most thereof But what will they do when the Earth and all the Works thereof shall be burnt up When themselves and others who inhabit here shall die And if they thought themselves well enough because tho' the things herein are perishing yet themselves are perishing likewise and they serve for their Time Nevertheless they must remain elsewhere for they have immortal Souls and returning Bodies And what shall they do throughout the Length and Space of Eternity when all the things wherein they before trusted are utterly gone and removed from them Even the Men of this World which have their Portion in this Life Psal 17. 14. might thus know and conclude As they thought it worth their while to secure this Place and Time who were for getting the best and fattest things that they might live happily and comfortably who were for the greatest and wisest Company in the whole Country of their Abode they might have looked up and have learned to be acquainted with thee O King of Nations for as much as among all the wise Men of the Earth and in all their Kingdoms there is none like unto thee They might understand and seek after the Lord whose is not only the Earth but the whole World and all that is therein for he made Heaven and Earth and all things Who whilst they lived did bless their own Soul Psal 49. 18. did so hug themselves with the Comforts and Conveniencies of this short Time they might much more hope for and endeavour after the good things of Eternity and take a more diligent and greater Care how themselves might live blessed for ever They might have further trusted unto him who as they experimentally found did good giving them Rain from Heaven filling their Souls with Food and Gladness So the Lord will perfect that wich concerneth them Psal 138. 8. Those perishing and fading Comforts were an Earnest and Assurance that he would give the true and enduring Happiness for such who should endeavour to be found worthy for to receive the same If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous Mammon who will commit to your Trust the true Riches Luke 16. 11. As he provided them with the meat which perisheth which was had by Labour Dressing and other forgoing Means and that did preserve Health and Life for the Time so likewise he afforded the Meat which endureth unto everlasting Life which also was to he had by using such Means of Grace And as many as did receive and comply with the Workings of that Grace they shall be crowned and actually invested with the other to which it did tend and grow up As he is the God of the Earth so of the Heavens also And as he hath determined our Dwelling and Abode here for a Space so he will take us up unto the Heavens for evermore Here we have no continuing City but now we desire that which would continue and that must be an heavenly Wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God for he hath prepared for them a City Heb. 11. 16. which like himself must remain for ever He took us out of our Mothers Womb and doth hold us up from the Cradle unto the Grave In the mean while he reneweth his Mercies and Preservation every Morning and there is still something more than all this Blessed be the Lord who daily loadeth us with Benefits even the God of our Salvation He that is our God is the God of Salvation and unto God the Lord belong the Issues from Death Psal 68. 19 20. In that Word Salvation is comprised more than can be possibly had in this World Salvation imports to be free from all Evil Fear and Danger which none is in this World For consider of those who are in the most safe Condition and think themselves so yet the last Enemy waits for them which is Death and thence is Fear and Doubt But we have Assurance from our God who brought us into Being who carrieth us thro' here who is Lord of Life and hath Power over Death that he will give a Rising and Deliverance from that Now we have the most doubtful Apprehensions concerning Death and the future State For though on this Earth we are encompassed about with Fear Pit and the Snare yet we know what is the utmost of things here and what usually happens unto others So we are contented and freed from Terror and Amazement But further on if we did consider rightly we have more Hope and Security from the Lord being our Hope and the God of our Salvation And there he declares beforehand that neither he nor we shall be ashamed For hereby he will do more for us than we can ask or conceive and we shall find it to be infinitely more than we could expect and which will make an abundant Compensation for whatever Difficulty Loss or Trouble we did sustain in coming to be Partaker thereof And though our God shall cause us to inherit high Places Isa 58. 12. yet we shall not be in the least Danger or Suspicion of falling Thou shalt be far from Terror for it shall not come near thee Isa 54. 11. We shall be more strongly secured from every Evil or Misery and be wholly exempt from the Thought and Apprehension thereof as we shall be let into the Possession and Enjoyment of all Good and Excellency so the Continuance thereof to everlasting that we shall never lose nor be deprived of it will be made so sure and ratified unto us as they are certain of that Moment wherein they have it or as we are at present sensible that we live and breath or that we have what we grasp at this Instant
for the Work is as profitable and beneficial to the one as Payment is to the other But the Case is otherstise between God and us for first he hath wrought all our Works in us he brought us into Being and hath fed us up hitherto And one Way or another he hath prevented assisted and directed in those things which more immediately relate unto him though we are heedless as not to discern it no more than we perceive how we live and move in him which yet we do all along that to him belongs all the Glory and Praise thereof The utmost in Man is his Liberty of acting and working together with the Grace of God but still he first implanted that Power and Ability and when it turns towards Good it was God and his Grace that weighed down the Scale and over-ruled it unto the right and true Way Alass We are such small and finite Creatures that the utmost we do is very little and next to nothing For if the best Performances of the greatest and most diligent Saints on Earth be considered what is their Righteousness unto him Or what receives he of their Hands Even they come short of what they might have done yet more for they might have further improved their Talent Therefore I say unto you the Kingdom of God shall be taken from you and given to a Nation bringing forth the Fruits thereof Mat. 21. 43. But since the preaching and Promulgation of the Gospel to the World no Nation hath yet brought forth such Fruits God knows what will be done in the latter Days as might be justly expected from it Nothing hath been done answerable to the precious Truths contained therein It was the Lord who gave the Word who planted the Trees but the Ground hath not brought forth suitable Increase thereof The Husbandmen have not manured and dressed it as they should have done And what Fruits have been or shall at length spring up from it Lord thou hast but what is thine own They are but living Instruments all one as the Spade or Pruning Hook in the Hands of the Gardiner and at last the Work suffers Loss and Disadvantoge by Reason of those employed therein If they do any thing rightly it is of God that they do so but the Weakness and Fault is of themselves only God worketh in us both to will and to do He hath shewed us how so that all things and all our Works are to be attributed to him only He sits above and Christ at his Right Hand expecting what his Servants will do for him in like manner as till his Enemies are made his Footstool Both which are consequent one to the other for by means of his Servants he will overcome the rebellious and make them submit under him The Lord looketh down from Heaven upon the Children of Men to see if there were any that did understand and seek God Psal 14. 1. That did rightly apprehend the End of their Being in this World and did look after their Maker that by the things known already did ascend yet further That by what is known of God did seek out yet more if they could find out further Trace and Footsteps of this invisible Being As his Way is in the Waters he rideth upon the Wings of the Wind and the Clouds are the Dust of his Feet so we may see God in every thing To behold him not only in the Sanctuary but in every Part of his Temple which is Heaven and Earth and in each Part and Corner thereof To behold him in his visible Works and to perceive him in his invisible things To understand that great Relation of the Creator and his Creatures But more especially how we are concerned with that God with whom we have all to do What he doth require of us and what we are to render unto him The Phrase of looking down to see doth plainly denote that they are left to their Freedom and Liberty The same is likewise signified in the Parable of the Vineyard Isa 5. and Mark 12. 1 2. where God hath done all things that were necessary and reasonable and looks what will come of it Whether those Powers of acting he hath endued the Sons of Men withal will be employed in the right way or in extravagant things or be folded up in Idleness and Sloth Every Branch in me that beareth not Fruit he taketh away and every Branch that beareth Fruit he purgeth it that it may bring forth more Fruit John 15. 2. To all is committed at first some Grace and Power in order to spiritual things but who do not use it accordingly it is withdrawn from them But to them who manage aright is committed yet more that they should labour according to the Strength given them For whatever is in us is to be used and put forth Knowledge is to be communicated and still further Degrees and Increase thereof is to be sought after in order to impart that forth again Truth is to be declared and spoken out and this also is to be sought after and received for the aforesaid End and Purpose As the Blossom is to the Fruit so is Knowledge to Obedience and good Works The first is the Principle it goes before and gives Hope of the Fruit which is better and accordingly will end in that unless it be blasted and withered So this is the Beginning of our Duty for we cannot do any thing in order to God unless we know somewhat of him We cannot keep his Law till we apprehend what it is As there is an Unwillingness Aversation Forgetfulness of God and good things so there should be something to overcome that to stir up our Remembrance to keep this always in the Imagination of our Heart O Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and of Israel our Fathers keep this for ever in the Imagination of the Thoughts of the Heart of thy People and prepare their Heart unto thee 1 Chron. 29. 18. Nevertheless it is too often seen through the marvellous Subtilty of Satan who doth every way endeavour to beguile and to beat off that many have good and right Knowledge but it remains as it were blasted for it lies dead within and doth not shoot forth into well-doing Many times it drops off and Perishes having no Root or Stalk in them for taking no Delight and apprehending no Good therein they suffer it to pass through their Understanding as Water running through a Pipe which may wet and moisten a little for the Time but returns to its former Driness They may be a little affected for the Time but afterwards they do not mind nor give heed thereafter It makes a goodly Shew and Appearance without but it is meer Leaf and Colour and nothing worth unless it grows towards Fruit and Perfection God is not to be served by halves As he requires the whole Man so he would have his Work finished and compleat or else a tending towards it if it be such as he will
now live is continually hastning towards its Period so we should at all times make Provision against this shall fail to be received up into the other that we may there continually partake of somewhat which we have done here Indeed the Fruits of the Earth do spring up and are ripe at such certain Seasons of the Year according to the Climate or Countrey but still the Husbandman hath some Employment all the Year round The Kingdom of God over the Souls of Men is not confined to Times and Seasons as in such an Age or Part of Life to such a Month or Day of the Year But this Work may be carrying on at all Times and Seasons The Word may be preached in Season and out of Season at Summer or VVinter Spring or Autumn Sabbath or VVeek-day in the Day-time or at Mid-night as they are journeying or sitting still in the Closet Family or Congregation Truth shall spring out of the Earth Psal 85. 11. at what time it shall please the Lord to open the Fountains of the great Depth And as the VVind bloweth when and where it listeth so he shall give his Spirit to search it out So again Righteousness shall look down from Heaven when the Lord shall pour down his Spirit from on high which as he hath done several Times already so it may acquaint us further of the things there He may instruct his Servants as those of old in what Disposition of Body and Soul they must be in for to receive it To get the foregoing Qualifications of Faith Knowledge Love of God Obedience Holiness Humility convenient Retirement and separating from their Brethren that they may the more approach unto God These things do not so much depend upon the outward Circumstances of set and definite Times of the Year but they come to pass at what Time pleaseth the Father and we receive the Grace and use the Means to be Partakers thereof Known unto God are the great things he will do for his Church for they are fixed in his eternal Purpose and Determination it is not for us to know the Times and Seasons which the Father hath put in his own Power Acts 1. 7. Perhaps the very Reason why these are not clearly revealed and manifested unto us is least in the mean while we should neglect our own Concern Our Minds might so run upon what things are to be done in the Generations following that we should leave undone what ought to be done in this Generation wherein we now live As the VVoman of Samaria saith When the Messias is come he will tell us all things John 8. 25. so we might be apt to apprehend it as to refuse to learn any thing in the mean while And when it is promised The Earth shall be full of the Knowledge of the Lord as the Waters cover the Sea Isa 11. 9. VVe might content our selves with our former Ignorance and reject any further Knowledge and Instruction in the mean while Even those great things of old time have been transacted by outward Means and we ought still to use those Means which are in our Power to put them forth with all our Skill and Might and then let the Lord do what seemeth him good We know not at first what a Blessing and Success he may give unto them but we may somewhat perceive it afterwards Then things may rise up beyond our Expectations when in the Beginning we are apt to distrust and faint in our Mind Had our selves done nothing or after we had undertaken it then let it fall then it was our own Refusal that we were not Instruments in carrying on the Work of the Lord or he might take it from us and make choice of and give it unto others who should throughly perform his Will If the Way is shewed unto us and we are put in such a Capacity we have also an Impulse and Pressing of Mind to the same and the VVork is right and good as appears evidently from his VVord and the Examples of old there we may and indeed ought to walk in that VVay and actually do according to the Power given us and also comply with the Dictates of a rectified and truly informed Conscience If God may be glorified by such an Action and Good may be done unto others this should be indeed performed And seeing it should be done by some one why not by thee to whom he hath given the Knowledge thereof endued with Ability and is stirring thee up by his Spirit We may learn from Exodus 4. 10 11 12 13. that God is not pleased with Excuses or Delays or with alledging our own Imperfections for he made us at first and can also mend and increase what he hath begun He sent forth further Strength and Ability according as the thing requires The stammering Lips may at length speak plain as in the Beginning of Speech The Voice which was hasty and confused may become clear and distinct And who acquaints at first in general with the Errand that he should go to such a Place and do such a thing will afterwards according to his own divine Method in Acts 9. 6. teach particularly what he shall say And put the very Words into our Mouth a little before or in the very same Hour Mat. 10. 19. just as they are to be uttered forth Remembring still that we are but Instruments in the Hands of God We are to receive the Thoughts he puts into our Heart and to speak them out with our Lips but we can say no more nor think of pertaining to him than what he suggests and puts into our Mind We are to execute what he puts into the Power of our Hands but we can do no more Our God doth not require more than he hath given Those Talents are to be exercised and traded withal which he hath committed unto us but he will never call us to Account for more than we have received So we are to use Diligence and Labour according to what we can In the first Place we should pray unto God O learn me true Vnderstanding and Knowledge that I may keep thy Commandments Now these are either things to be abstained from or things to be done The first are properly Prohibitions or Forbiddings but the Word Commandment imports Duty which is to be done That must be discerned and known before it can be begun and because there may be Hindrances and Oppositions those also are to be seen and overcome that it may be accomplished In the Way to Heaven there are many Turnings aside which we are to be acquainted withal and avoid that we may keep on still in the right Way for if we go out there is so much Time and Labour lost to no purpose which might have set so far on The best Use hereof is to be more careful for the future to keep on right In every worldly Business and Design there are such foregoing Means And if they do at first hit upon those which are
We now hear of the Name of God which is great wonderful and holy That is to the outward Ear but then is a Conception of him in the Mind and our Eyes are to publish forth his Name We see with our very Eyes his Works and the things which his Hand hath made and by the Dimension of them we may ascribe Greatness unto our God He is the same still who abides of old from everlasting to everlasting He is nothing the more for being published nor yet greater for our most ample and large Expressions concerning him which possibly can be spoken Even the holy Men of old have had diminutive and little Conceptions of him which have increased yet higher according as more Revelation came into the World as appears from the Order and Succession of Scripture They were surprized and amazed at the Presence of his Angel And what is one of them to Thousands of Angels Or what are they to the Lord of all which hath ten thousand Times ten thousand ministring Spirits before him David saith The Lord is a great God and a great King above all Gods Psal 95. 3. which Gods may be the Princes of the Earth or Idols Jeremiah witnesseth Among all the wise Men of the Nations and in all their Kingdoms there is none like unto thee Jer. 10. 7. The Prophet in Isa 40. declares somewhat more and so doth Daniel in his seventh Chapter And yet all these come exceeding short of his true Majesty and Greatness It being such as Eye hath not seen nor Ear heard nor entred into the Heart of Man to declare God as he is I am that I am He is known to himself and by his Name I AM. His only begotten Son who is the eternal WORD hath declared him And also he did before reveal himself by his Spirit but it was by condescending unto and helping our Infirmities And therefore the Spirit useth such Expressions as we can receive but withal giveth us to understand that the things of God are unutterable for the Tongue cannot speak forth that which our finite Understandings cannot apprehend because it is infinite and incomprehensible But yet so far as we know and apprehend we ought to set forth the same to the intent that our Children may shew forth the same unto their Children and to those which are yet unborn And God may so enlarge their Hearts that they may receive yet further Knowledge of him what they had from their Forefathers may grow up yet higher Obedience is the Follower of Knowledge And they that know thy Name will put their Trust in thee for thou Lord hast not forsaken them tbat seek thee Psal 9. 10. and so it is of all other Duties and if we may rely on God as to the past where he doth not assist much further than just to perform our Duties and that also through Difficulty and Temptation to exercise our Trust and Dependance on him much more may we do the same as to the future when we verily know and are assured that he is a Rewarder of them that diligently seek him The things prepared for those that wait for him are described to be more and greater than Eye hath seen Ear hath heard or hath entred into the Heart of Man so that the greater Apprehension and more full Assurance we have of these things we also are the more quickned and stirred up to do whatever our God requires of us in the mean while Saith David I will run the way of thy Commandments when thou shalt enlarge my Heart Psal 119. 32. which denotes Freedom and Speed I will that is his own Act. Run doth shut out all Delay and putting it off for it presently begins and pursues it with Strength and Vigour The Word Enlarge doth also signifie in the Original to perswade God shall enlarge in the Margent it is perswade Japheth Gen. 4. 27. for the Apprehension of those great things do incline and weigh down the Mind As before there was an high thing which did exalt it self against the Knowledge of God which was only a wrong Imagination but now there comes a real higher thing which leads and invites unto his Knowledge which is stronger and doth prevail In the Margent of 2 Cor. 10. 5. It is Reasonings opposite to the VVord Imaginations in the Text For let Men once come to this and the things of God will outreason with them People may sit down and stop under a sudden and false Thought or be held under Frowardness Humour and Inconsideration or only examine one Side the present seeming Pleasure and Advantage But if they would give their Thoughts full Scope and stay a little to see whether Truth will come in reflect whether in this he is not under the Command and Direction of the great Lord over all and then consult with his VVord and Spirit Take in the Consideration of future Judgment and Account when there shall be an exact Retribution to every Man according to his VVorks and the Matter of this or that Day shall be particularly discussed The more these things are understood and considered of they press yet more forcibly and what were heretofore rebellious and supposed to be in the Man 's own Power do fall and submit by degrees till every Thought is brought into Captivity unto the Obedience of Christ The Soul is first brought unto Obedience in the General and then the same Reason which brings in some Thoughts doth the other also till the whole doth come in and yield Conformity to it For the same God and Father who is in all and above all and through all he doth require to be loved with all the Heart with all the Soul with all the Strength and with all the Mind The same Lord Jesus Christ expects that we observe all things whatsoever he hath commanded Mat. 28. 20. And so whether this shall be done presently or hereafter there are so many Considerations for the present Performance of the same that whoso suffers them to be debated in his Mind they forthwith turn the Scale against all dilatory Pleas and Excuses For seeing we must all appear before God to give Account of our several Persons before him let our selves judge this one thing in the mean while whether God will not be better pleased with and sooner accept of those who make no tarrying to turn unto the Lord and who do not put it off from Day to Day or with them who trifle with and despise him in the mean time Or whether it will not be better for them whilst Time is before them and Opportunity is present so to employ that Opportunity in doing those things whereof is Hope and Expectation to which God hath annexed a Promise and a Reward Or to be still running after those things whereof they are ashamed in the Act which heighthens their Doubt and Fear of the divine Threatning and Punishment which is established by the same Word and Truth as the other So they are either
every small thing which we think may do good or please us a little We are lovers of our selves and consult only for our selves more than what the Lord our God doth require of us Now indeed self-love is not to be blamed for it is the great Law of Nature and was undoubtedly implanted in us by the Author thereof No Man hateth his own Flesh but loves and cherisheth it But the Error and Mistake is That we do snatch at the Lesser Good instead of the greater and so by declining and avoiding a less Evil we run upon a greater and subject our selves to more loss We do not in the first place seek the Kingdom of God and his Righteousness and trust that all these things shall be added unto us Nor do we observe our Duty to him in all things and depend upon him for the Event of all We are to seek after a true proper and enduring Happiness and consequently to do and embrace every thing which makes for that and decline what is contrary or an hindrance In every thing we take in hand remember the End and thou shalt never do amiss and at present examine as to each single Action we are ingaged in Whether the Good or Evil consequent to us thereby will be greater Taking in the consideration of the future as well as of the time that now is For that is as much longer and of greater concern as Eternity doth exceed Time which is more than our whole Life is to the twinkling of an Eye and consequently deserves so much the greater regard and concern even of those things which are done out of Humour Opposition Lust or Pleasure the supposed good or conveniency instantly passeth away but the danger and evil is great for by Reason of these things the wrath of God cometh on the children of Disobedience The pain and punishment will more than sufficiently requite for gratifying their own will and concupiscence Though they hug themselves and they walk in the false peace and imagination of their Heart yet a day of Recompence will assuredly come when it shall be rendred unto them for all the sweet and pleasure of their Sin and Transgression So on the other hand all the seeming trouble or loss of Obedience and Righteousness shall be recompenced with a proportionable Reward As for those who go on in a more blind hurry and neglect their Time and Life passeth away and Satan thus deceiveth them into Ruine and Perdition This short Question might be still put to our Souls and should ever be in our Mind What do I propose to my self What Good will come of it Is such a Profit or Pleasure to be attained Why the like hath been had already it satisfieth not at the very time it quickly passeth away and comes to an utter end But if it is the effect of Disobedience and Transgression why This hath a just Recompence of Reward annexed to it which will be bitterness in the End and a severe compensation for whatever unlawful delight or gain he hath had As the several steps to a Journey so the single and several Actions of our Life tend unto Happiness or Misery they do either set forward the one or make liable unto the other It is a laying in a good foundation against the time to come or a treasuring up wrath against the day of wrath Who would commit sin if he did consider that he should receive doubly for it When there is no fruit at the time and certain punishment to come And so who would not go on and continue in all Duty seeing that he shall have assuredly such encouragement and reward Every one proposes to himself Happiness and Good as the End of his Actions but he would do well to take heed whether he doth endeavour after a true and enduring Happiness instead of a seeming and sudden conveniency Whether he can discern what is really good and profitable all the days of his vain Life which he spendeth upon Earth as a shadow And not confine himself only to those Actions which perish in the using and it would be better if they had never been done All the pretended advantage of them is soon over the guilt remains but the worst is to come viz. To suffer the due Reward of their deeds If the punishment were presently annexed to sin and wickedness all would refrain from it as many do from Religion and Duty because they imagine it harsh and irksome But because the little and insipid pleasure of sin is present and the pain to come they greedily catch at the first and blindly and ignorantly venture upon the other What is to come is not as yet but it will as certainly be and also remain when all these things are passed away The World passeth away and the fashion thereof both the lust and trouble therein The first is only an husk shell or an appearance of Happiness so is the other of Misery nay all here is but as Imagery and Varnish and meer Out-side Surely every Man walketh in a vain shew Psal 39. 6. In the Margent there it is In an Image Our Bodies are as shadows our Souls little more than nothing Surely every Man in his best estate is altogether vanity And yet this is flecting and hasteth away day after day and night after night our Time passeth and our flesh waxes old as doth a garment Nothing here doth remain or endure with us and yet we covet and earnestly desire after what is so Indeed if we were to pass by and to be no more for ever then we should make the most of these temporal and perishing Things but seeing they are in order to what is Eternal and Enduring we should so use and manage our selves towards these earthly and temporal Things that we may come to the Enjoyment and Possession of the Heavenly and Eternal so to approve our selves in the time of Trial that we may have the acceptation of our God to be as obedient Children that he may give unto us the Heavenly Portion and Inheritance so to demean our selves here in Time that we may attain unto a Blessed Eternity God who established and ordained all things as they are sent us here to prove what is in our heart and what we will do He hath set different things before us to see what we will choose He hath afforded us the means and capacity of Knowledge if we would but learn and know if we would Obey the Lord our God and walk in all his ways and rely upon that gracious Promise I will be your God and ye shall be my People Jer. 7. 23. He will so order dispose and give us things as shall tend to our comfortable Being here our Crown and Glory the utmost and continual Rejoycing hereafter If we can be happy at last and for evermore that is all which we desire if we can pass on and go through this World we are contented to suffer Labour and Weariness knowing that we shall come