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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03363 A contemplation of mysteries contayning the rare effectes and significations of certayne comets, and a briefe rehersall of sundrie hystoricall examples, as well diuine, as prophane, verie fruitfull to be reade in this our age: with matter delectable both for the sayler, and husbandman, yea and all traueylers by sea and lande, in knowing aforehande, howe daungerous a tempest will succeede by the sight of the clowd coming ouer the head, and other matters fruitful to be read as shal appere in the table next after the preface. Gathered and englished, by Thomas Hyll. Hill, Thomas, b. ca. 1528. 1574 (1574) STC 13484; ESTC S117617 58,354 156

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that a meane heate cannot resolue such ● matter out of the earth and draine th● same vp 3 The second effect of a Comet is barrennesse of the earth hunger and the dearth of vittayles in that the earth is caused barren through much drougth and lack of moysture for drougth is as the stepmother vnto all fruites and corne of the earth● but moysture is the apt mother vnto all fruites and crescent things on the earth So that such a mightie heat doth excéedinglye drie vp the earth and consumeth the moysture in plantes and trées through which they decay and heare no yéelde no●store of fruite Or thus A Comet doth cause harrennesse of the earth in that vnto a Comet a great and much exhalation is required by whose eleuation from the earth the fatnesse of the earth is so drawne vp which thus eleuated the earth after becommeth harren of yéeld and the moysture with which the earth ought to be battened is then through the ouermuch drougth vtterly depriued For whiche cause a Comet is the fore note of hunger and dearth in the same Realme which it specially beholdeth or stretcheth the tayle towardes and from whence it gathered and tooke his substance 4 Comets doe portend the murraine of beastes in that the ayre ensuing is infected and euill disposed through the hote grosse and clowdy exhalations which when beasts draw thereof are then intoxicated and infected and so die Also for that the time then is excéeding hote and the radicall moysture is on such wise drawne vp by the hote aire from the bodies of men and beastes in whō the naturall moysture is placed as in the proper seate of the same beastes and other liuing creatures die for which cause it is the minde and councell of the learned Phisitions to vse in the same time moyst and colde meates wherby the radicall moysture may so be increased and preserued 5 Comets mooue battels and seditions and alter Emperies and kingdomes for that in the time of a Comet are many exhalations in the ayre hote drie which doe drie men and kindle heat in them by which they are lightly prouoked to yre after which yre ensueth variance next of the same followeth battell and after battell succéedeth the translation or alteration of gouernements when as the Emperie ensueth the conquerour 6 Comets do portend the death of princes kings gouernors other Magistrates of a cōmon weale in that these leade a more daintie life and féede on finer meates continuallye through which they sooner be infected The death besides of princes and heade gouernors through the difference of many is of worthier report and fame and for that cause more obserued To these I adde that the Choloricke persons are then vehementer mooued through which the perturbations or troubles of mind ensue that procure seditions and battels after which procéede oftentimes the slaughter of many and death of princes for that these many tymes be present in battailes and are lightly prouoked to yre by which the battell ensueth the fiercer and on such wise many come to their death Macrobius left in writing that the death of Constantine was indicated by a Bushie starre of an excéeding bignesse that appeared in the yeare after Christes birth 304. Sundrie examples of Comets THat singuler Philosopher Augustinus Niphus writeth that after the appearing of a Comet in the yeare 1506. there followed within two yeares such a mightie drougth in Lumbardie that from Ianuary vnto the moneth of Nouember there fell no raine at all in that Countrie In the yeare of our Lorde 1165. appeared a mightie Comet or blasing starre in Scotland reaching burning out with two most long beames or tayles after which within .xiiij. dayes Malcolmus the fourth king by name of the Scottes dyed a mayden as the Chronicle reporteth In the yeare of our Lorde 1214. in the moneth of March appeared two fearefull Comets in Scotland the one going before the Sunne and the other following him after which the same yeare when as that most happie and good king William had reigned 49. yeares he then dyed an olde man. In the yeare 1268. there appeared a Comet of a maruellous bignesse about the noonestéede which was séene for manye dayes togither in Scotlande And in the yeare of our Lorde 1271. after and in the ix day of Ianuarie there arose such a cruell winde and mightie tempest withall and hayle stones of such a bignesse that through the same many houses in Scotlande were throwne down burned with fire through the windes which kindled after the same that they there kept in their houses for the vse of fire that the whole Country in a maner was wasted by the fire In the yeare of our Lord. 1538 and in the eightéene day of Ianuarie there appeared a Comet after the setting of the Sunne which was placed in the signe Pisces and the tayle looking or stretching towarde the East after which died immediately the Duke of Saronie In the yeare of our Lorde 1539. and the sixt daye of the moneth of Maye appeared a Comet in the signe Taurus not farre from the head of the Dragon which indured burning for thrée wéekes in a maner after which died Isabell of Portugall the wife of Charles the fift Emperor in the trauaile of childe In that yeare died George Duke of Saronie of an olde and crude rupture before whose death as some write there appeared thrée Comets after the appearaunce of which died the Duke of Cleaue the bishop of Trident and diuers other noble persons and Capitaines In the yeare 1540. began a great coniunction of Saturne and Mars which hapned in Cancer after which followed a marueilous drougth aboue many sommers before so that hay corne and all kinde of pulses became very scarce And this drougth folowed rather as some write after the apperaunce of a Comet the same yeare and great Eclips of the Sunne which happened the seuenth day of Aprill whose beginning was before the Sunne rising and endured in this Eclips two whole houres after the Sunne was risen vppon which followed at Prage a noble Citie in the kingdome of Boheme that the Castell with the Cathedrall Church were burned with fire and many fearefull fiers hapned often in sundrie places as the same had bene by a diuine punishment from heauen And a Commotion hapned the same yeare among the Citizens of Gaunt which Charles the fift Emperour stayed by hys wisedome Many examples more of Comets might here be vttered which for breuitie in so smal a treatise omitted and the rather for that I haue at large written of them and other weightie matters right necessarye in my booke to come forth named the Myrrour of tyme. Other prodigious tokens IN the yeare 1542. were many straunge children and monstruous beastes séene and in that yeare it rayned bloud at Sassen burge in Germanie And in Phriseland that yeare arose a certaine Prophet named George Dauid declaring himselfe to bée Gods nere kinsman and one that coulde counterfaite
such a cyrcle about the Sunne foreshewed battayles hunger fyres and pittifull landfloodes A like cyrcle to Halo appéered before the battayle with the Turks in the yere 1532. by which is manifest that such sightes are foreshewers of euils to come In the yeare of our Lorde 1559. with the great tempest risen at Fryburge certaine fyrie Globes fell out of the clowds not farre from the Citie much or often lightnings with thunder which lamentably burnt the grasse hops herbes and leaues of trées the tempest increased a hande was séene stretched in the aire for an hower in a maner which at length by drawing and folding the fingers togither in grinding it selfe was turned into powder which powder falling to the earth vanished away In the yeare 1560. waters brake in and ouer ranne much grounde in sundrie places to the great hurt and losses of manye men in that their closes and Medowes were much harmed with the clamminesse of the waters bursting in The same yeare dyed that singular learned and godly man worthy memorie Philip Melanchtone who lefte behinde hym these comfortable verses that he made a little before the agonie of death which he still repeated vntill life left him Cur mortem metuā mors non est mortis imago est Sed merito vitor Christe benigne tuo Vermis adhuc spiro moriturus forte sub horam Mors etenim certa est funeris hora later Ergo Gnate Dei iam me tibi porrigo totum Viuam seu moriar sanguine viuo tuo In the yeare of mans redemption 1561. manye Gunnes through Germanie were séene in the ayre shooting of pellets into the Sunne In the .xvij. daye of December fower sunnes were séene in the East casting forth gréene roddes on euerie side to the great feare and amazement of the beholders Heauen séemed to burne a fyrie Globe shyned from the North part with a mighty light in heauen In the kingdome of Naples were fiue Castels and a Byshoprick suncke with an Earthquake and a water nauigable vanished the whole in such maner that no monument or part at all is left to be séene yea a whole citie so sunck into the earth that no perseuerance of it at all remayning at this day From the .xvj. vnto the .xviij. day of Nouember the riuer Tyber cast vp a mighty number of dead fishes In the yeare of our Lorde 1562. Heauen séemed to burne to the sight of much people in many places of Germany And a celestiall fyrehrande stretched from the North into the South shyned by night in heauen A mightie company of armed men or souldiours were séene in the ayre which as some affirme séemed in the ayre to shed downe much bloude from heauen And the Sunne in the Moneth of Aprill séene marueylous bloudy as well at the rysing as at the setting for thrée dayes togither The ymage also of our Redéemer crucified was séene sprinckled all ouer with bloud in the Moneth of Aprill Whilst the mightie Emperour Ferdinandus kept his royall Court at Prage the chiefe citie in Bohemia it hapned that Peason were miraculously chaunged into stones after this manner A certaine husbandman had brought certaine sackes of Peason to the citie to be solde to whom a Citizen for the penurie of victuals came and required him to sell better cheape then he had accustomed to doe who that was a cruell and couetous man prayed to God that his Peason rather might be chaunged into stones then he woulde sell them one mite better cheape incontinent after the Citizen departing from him the Peason were al miraculously chaunged into stones a marueylous spectacle in déede of Gods wrath and due punishment for his canckred and wicked stomack To conclude we may by these fearefull wonderous and straunge sightes as well on earth as in the ayre learne that God by them doth marueylously foreshewe his blessed will and condigne punishment for the sinnes of the people and that in such sort to declare the calamities to come vpon vs by shewing aforehande such straunge sightes and fearefull threatnings in the ayre vnto the admonishment of vs for the correcting of sinne if by these and such lyke we wyll be warned at all Of the maruellous nature of Welles Riuers Lakes and waters to which the Phisitions denie a reason to be assigned DIuers are the natures and miracles of Welles Ryuers Lakes and waters the cause of which is eyther hid wholy from vs or in search verie harde to be vnderstanded as by Examples here vnder shall plainer appéere 1. First there is a swéete running ryuer in the Countrie of Italie which by his propertie causeth the Oxen drinking thereof to become through whyte of heare all the body ouer Propert. lib. 3. 2. In Boetia there is a ryuer named Melas being of such a propertie that shéepe drinking of the water of that ryuer chaunge and beare after black woole 3. Seneca wryteth of a Well of such a propertie that what person drinketh thereof the heare of the head shall after become yealow of colour 4. In Libia there is a Well which at the rysing and setting of the Sunne is founde hote but at noone this Well is tried most colde and at midnight verie hote 5. Seneca wryteth of certayne Welles being of straunge properties of which the one and first is a Well of such a propertie that who drinketh of the same doth dye through the mightie poysoning thereof The other is a Well of such a propertie that throwing péeces of woode into the same Well they after were turned into stones He wryteth of an other Well being of such a propertie that what persons drink of the water of the same shall after become starke mad An other Well there is of suche a propertie that what parsons drinke thereof it giueth them memorie He witnesseth also of an other Well of such a condition that by drinking therof it procureth forgetfulnesse 6. There is another Well of such a nature that what persons drinke thereof become soone after frantick 7. An other Well there is of a maruelous propertie that what persons drinke of the water it sodainely moueth and stirreth forward the lust of the body of which condition the Well of Salmacis in Caria is misreported to be the causes of which are the Herbes Stones and Mynes by which these passe in which such a hid propertie procured of so marueylous effects consisteth 8. In Egypt there is a Well of such a propertie that quencheth light fyrebrands in the same as reporteth Augustus they forthwith are put forth and those quenched are by the water of the same well kindled 9. With the black Moores named Garamantes is a Well of suche condition which in the daye time is knowne to bée so colde that no person can drinke therof and in the night time it is founde so hot that no creature is able to beare or abide the heat o● the same 10. In a certaine learned worke of Cos●mographye is reported that in the Countrie of Sicilia was in time past a