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A84170 The state of France, as it stood in the IXth yeer of this present monarch, Lewis XIIII. Written to a friend by J.E. Evelyn, John, 1620-1706. 1652 (1652) Wing E3514; Thomason E1328_2; ESTC R209097 48,352 165

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Royal City is likely the best Map of the Country wherein it stands so may Paris be esteem'd the most exact Compendium of France Paris is a City in a Ring Paris site Edifices c. whereof the Louvre or Palace of the King is the Diamond And truly considering the vastnesse of its circumference so incomparably built all of the living Rock whereupon it is seated which for beauty easie working and lastingness renders it a preheminence above many more costly Materials I think no City in the whole world equalizes it I have seen Naples Rome Florence Genoa and Venice all stately Cities and full of Princely Fabricks but then I compare the extent and here are many Centuries of Noblemens Houses both within the Town and the Environs which altogether approach if not exceed the best of them This I will boldly affirm that for the Streets Sububrs and common buildings it infinitely excels any City else in Europe for publick Edifices some of the Hospitals are fair Foundations and handsome Piles but the Convents and Churches come far short of the Towns before recited yet that of the Sorbonne and Jesuites are not much inferiour to some of the best and most modern Pieces of Architecture extant The River of Seine The River of Seine which divides it is nothing comparable for sweetnesse and good condition to our Royal River of Thames yet it would deceive any man in the use when he shall seriously examine and consider the huge Vessels of burden though not Ships it brings up full of Commodities and necessary Provisions In conclusion Paris wants nothing but clean Streets and a redresse of the multitude of Coaches Laquays and throngs of Mankind with all which Number of people c. in Paris too great it is generally so pestered that it appears a miracle to me how so many backs are clothed and bellies maintained in a Town of no eminent Staple as you may behold in one day if you walk the streets and publick Carfours Most of the Houses ordinarily harbouring six True cause of our reproaching their Nastinesse as often ten families betwixt heaven and hell the Garrets and the Cellars and this I take to be the true cause of that Nastinesse which we usually impute to the Nation Persons of Quality Persons of quality more neat and sumptuous then any in England and such as have room enough being far more proper and sumptuous in their houses then the best of us here in England however we arrogate the contrary Touching the Extent of this City The extent of Paris and London difficult to be compared and why it hath been and is still a great controversie amongst our Countrey-men Travellers which is the larger This or London every one speaks according to his inclinations But the figures of them both are so different that it would be a very difficult matter to reconcile them by making an exact tryall and peradventure all things considered there is as yet no very great inequality but if we may conjecture from the buildings at present Prodigious increase of buildings and prodigious enlargement of their Suburbs on all sides what a little time and Peace will render it it must without doubt in a short time outgrow the contention and far exceed it for I finde no end of their erecting not onely of particular houses but even of whole streets and those so incomparably fair and uniform Beauty of the now new Edifices of Paris that you would imagine your self rather in some Italian Opera where the diversity of Scenes surprise the beholder then beleeve your self to be in a reall Citie This is onely to be observed in their prime Builddings and Palaces that the best Fabricks commonly promise less towards the Front or Street then you will finde them within the Court which is caused by the high walls and tarraces that thwart them a piece of Modestie which in other Appearances and outsides they do not usually practise But what our City of London hath not in houses and Palaces London for Shops Taverns other drinking Schools and Noise exceeding all C●●ies of the world she hath in Shops and Taverns which render it so open by day and cheerfull in the night that it appears to be a perpetuall Wake or Wedding to the beholder for so mad and lowd a Town is no where to be found in the whole world The Government and Policy of this Prevesté is exercised by Judges Governmēt of Paris called Lieutenants Civils and Criminels who for purchasing their Offices of the Court sell their Justice at extraordinary rate to such as have use of that rare Commodity Prevost of Merchand● They have also a Prevost of the Merchands les Eschevins which is an Office more resembling our Recorder and Sheriff then Major Likewise the Archbishop hath a spirituall jurisdiction here Archbishop of Paris c. as also some particular Abbots and Priors And with all this I cannot say it is well governed the disorders of every day and night will convince me Disorders of Paris in the night how they might be prevented if I should when so many execrable Murthers and Villanies are committed in the streets an inconvenience which might yet be easily prevented if they would but imitate our Policy and form their Watches of constant and responsible persons Neither is the strength of this renowned City any thing considerable in stresse of a Siege Strength of Paris nothing in a siege or respect of other naturall advantage save onely fire nay so open it is to the Conquerour that Sr Denys which lies but two leagues remote from it hath oftentimes been the Frontier of France had not the late Mareschal de Gassion as deerly Mareschal de Gastion preserved Paris from the Spanyard as bravely purchased their Liberty at the signal battel of Rocroy the Spainyard 't is beleeved might without the least obstacle have marched up to the very gates of Paris But the incomparable Aire of Paris is that which fortifies the Inhabitants The Aire of Paris celebrated so that very seldom hath a Plague or other Epidemical Contagion made here that havock and lamentable devastation which it so frequently doth in our putrified climate and accidentally suffocated City contrary to that Vulgar but most false Tradition which I find in every mans mouth The ordinary tradition amongst us that the plague is never out of Paris refuted that the Pestilence is never out of Paris but this besides the siccity of the aire many Naturalists ascribe to the over sulphurous exhalations of the streets and dry attracting quality of the Plaster Quality of the Plaster of Paris which bears or gives the Name to this goodly city Cert è id firmissimum Imperium est quo obedientes gaudent Thus Sir by the assistance of your Patience I have adventured to draw the Curtain discovering a very ample Theatre in a short time and represented it in as narrow a Circumference as those Artists who introduce a multitude of species through an Optick into some dark room or closet And the similitude peradventure will not appear unapt when you consider the reversed Method and confused Stile in which it is described But as writing of Histories is not my Trade I know you have not commanded me to undergo this Task to make thereby any advantage of my Imperfections but approve mine Obedience And now although I doubt not but many able Persons have most excellently treated upon this very Subject appropriated to their Times yet I will be bold to affirm and that sans vanitie none hath lately performed it with greater faith succinctnesse and in more natural Colours For hee that will truely comprehend the Government and Genius of this Kingdome must prospect and look out every day for new discoveries France being now no more the thing it was forty yeers since then the garb and fashion at that time to the habit and Mode now in use amongst them equally as different as incomparable And in truth to disabuse the World the complexion and Crasis of this Body Politick is of so high concernment to the health and good estate of our poor Nation that to presevre her in entire habit and Constitution there can never be too often inspections into the State and Regiment of this Kingdom This is the opinion of Paris this 15 of Febr. 1652. Stilo novo Sir Your most affectionate Friend and most obedient Servant J.E. FINIS
thousand livers which amounts to neer a thousand pounds sterling of our money Every great Person who builds here Great pretenders to learning however qualified with intellectuals pretends to his Elaboratory and Library for the furnishing of which last he doth not much amuse himself in the particular elections of either Authors or Impressions but having erected his cases and measured them accords with a Stationer to furnish him with so many gilded Folioes so many yard of quarto's and octavo's by the great till his Bibliotheke be full of Volumes And yet some of them both have excellent books and are very polite Scholers but the Noblesse do not naturally so addict themselves to studie as the Gown-men do accounting it a life so contemplative and below their spirits Physick and Law despised by the Nobility of France that no Gentlemans necessity whatsoever shall easily engage him to seek any support either by Physick or Law both which Professions are as in truth they highly merit in very laudable esteem and reputation amongst us in England The State Ecclesiastick comprehending that of the Religion is of two sorts State Ecclesiastick of France the greater part whereof being Pontificians and the Protestants Protestants commonly called those of the Religion and by them with this adjunct Pre●endue Reformée who exercise the Doctrine and Discipline of Geneva The Roman Catholicks of France are nothing so precise Roman Cath●l●cks of Fra●c● how they differ from others of the same Religion secret and bigotish as are either the Recusants of England Spain or Italy but are for the most part an indifferent sort of Christians naturally not so superstitious and devout nor in such Vassallage to his Holinesse as in other parts of Europe where the same opinions are professed which indifferency whether I may approve of or condemn I need not declare here As for the poor Protestants Protestants how eclipsed weakned of late they are now so inconsiderable since the late Successes of the Cardinal Richlieu and especially our Nations reproach and their misfortune at La Rochelle that for the present they possess no one place of strength or any other singular immunity above others as being defeated of all Eminent Persons either of Birth or Charge who might be able to defend or Counsel them at need the Court having now rendred most of them Proselytes by Preferments or Interests or other effectual means Howbeit such as remain and of which too there are likewise a very considerable body are permitted peaceably to enjoy their Consciences upon renovation of the late Edict of Pacification and are undoubtedly in case of any considerable Rebellion capable to form a very ballancing and pondrous party but with nothing that front and confidence which within these twenty years past they might have done when they durst even beard the King The cause of 〈◊〉 and protect such as retired to them from his displeasure in most of his now strongest Towns and places of Importance But the Scean is now much altered and they shrewdly contracted especially since the stir under that late and incomparable person the D. of Rohan the folly of their own private Interests having evidently proved their fatal destruction as it is most frequently seen to fall out first or last amongst all contrivers of Civil and Popular Dissentions Fate of civil dissentions Little Schism amongst the Protestants betwixt themselves and why However thus far I must needs vindicate the Protestants of France That we finde not amongst them those frequent Schismatiques and broachers of ridiculous Enthusiasms as abound amongst us every particular so unanimously concurring with their Pastor That in truth they are herein not unworthy to be commended though that vertue likewise were the more estimable were it not certainly constrained by the vigilancy of their Antagonists who watch all advantages to discom pose and defame them To be short though they have lost many great ones and much strength and that the form of their Discipline invite few yet the light of their attempts hath invited so many to look into the reason of things beyond the mask of Tradition and mystery of Policy that it is both thought and well known That even divers of those who are persons of greatest eminency both in Church and State Inclinations of many great ones to a Reformation have so good an inclination to change some points of the received opinions That were it not more out of secular consideration to lose their preferments then any other inconveniency many of them would openly profess themselves Jansenianists Jansenianists Moulinists Moulinists c. Whose opinions as they infinitely propagate amongst them so do they come on a great way towards a Reformation The Forces of France is that which renders it as indeed it doth Forces of France all other Kingdoms most formidable abroad and secure at home The Frame and Positure of the Continent Advantageous site of France situated as it were in the Navel of all the Christian World qualifies it to collect unite and dispose of her forces for it hath Spain and Italy before it England behinde The Seas upon the right and Germany upon the left-hand at one corner the Neatherlands and the Cantons of the Suisse at the other all of them potent considerable and active Neighbors and where they intermit it is a worthy prospect to behold how Nature hath served and defended her with the Pyrenes Alps Ocean and Mediterranean Seas whilest she sitting secure from any subitaneous irruption or natural pretension may well be pronounced a fair and most Just Empire and especially since the later accession of Bretagne Guyenne Normandy once the goodly portions of the English and Bourgogne who are now all of them under one Prince as having enjoyed heretofore every one their proper Dukes by whose favor or spleen there was always a facile entrance for any potent stranger to disturbe the rest of the Kingdom the consequencies whereof have filled almost every modern Chronicle And to the stronger twisting of this Cord such prudence hath been had of late times that all those great and powerful houses remain now no more divided as still amongst the Princes of Italy and Germany the Cadets and yonger Brothers Cadets and yonger Brothers all Soldiers of Fortune minding for the most part no greater preferments then what they cut out with their Sword and merit in Field by being Soldiers of Fortune As for the Forces by Sea Francis the first reproached and why as it was never great so we do not read That ever any signal action hath been atchieved by any of their Navigations for which cause Francis the first was once pritty well resolved to make use of the Turk and call in that stout Misercant to the eternal reproach both of that Prince and Nation notwithstanding at this instant Maritime Forces and Havens their Maritime strength is not totally so contemptible having a very stately and
merit in field and successfull Atchievements high extraction and extraordinary parts prompt him sometimes to Enterprises beyond the duty or praise of a Loyal subject for their lives not a more Ambitious young man upon earth having outlived his imprisonment once chased his enemy the Cardinal and not satisfied with this revenge or what ever other assurances the State can render him puts fair by a fresh Rebellion to speede a prosperous Traytor or perfect his Infamie His brother is Armand de Bourbon Prince of Conty Prince of Conty his Character seemingly designed for the Church but susceptible of any other advantage a prince of a weak fabrick and constitution but sound intellectuals They have likewise a Sister called Mary Wife to the Duke de Longuevill How the daughters of France have been disposed of into England Spain Savoy Mantoa daughters of F. how disposed of c. will be here superfluous to relate The naturall issue of the K of F. how esteemed Touching the Natural issue of the Kings of France who are ever in this kind Country in very great Reputation and place sutable to their birth by their fathers side I cannot learne that the late King had any nay it is reported he did so abhorre Paliardize that he scarce thought any other act to be sin in comparison of it contrary to the opinion of his wise Counselor and Cardinall de Richlieu who as I have sometime heard did use often to say that a Concubine was the honest mans recreation a Priestly Aphorism and spoken like a Churchman Now to say something of the Soveraignety of the Kings of France The Soveraignty of the French Kingdome how it became so absolute we will step a little back and see by what meanes and degrees it became so absolute Whilst the Nobility of France were in a manner free and independent Princes for such was heretofore the most part of them how are Histories loud with their carriages and deportment towards their Soveraigns What checks upon every occasion were they ready to give them Witnesse those frequent impresses of a certain Duke of Gienne Bourbon Bretagne and others of the same rank nor hath these later times exempted the Crown it felf from the dangerous consequences which so many fortified Towns Governments and Places of importance have so often menaced and in effect notably brilding the head of Majesty untill the defunct and great Cardinall de Richlieu found out a speedy and fortunate expedient to reduce them to obedience C. de Richlieu his subtility in reducing it to that independency and that not onely by subjugating the Posts themselves which he performed by strength but likewise by so dextrously interessing the Gentry and refractory Nobility both by honours and blood to the Court and his faction which he did by policy In fine he so handled the Cards that the better sort of people became tractable out of meer respect to their Relations and the meaner by an inevitable constraint as well as the example of their Chiefs were compelled to a due submission so that now the Sovereignty of France is become so Independent and absolute that albeit it do still reteine a shadow of the ancient form yet it is duly considered a thing heavenly wide and different The Kings absolute power both For in the Kings sole power it is to resolve of and dissolve warrs by him are the Lawes interpreted Letters of grace of Naturality and other Acts given out he it is imposeth Taxes from which by a speciall decree the Church her selfe is not exempt In Church and State nay albeit the Pope his own holinesse consent not from all whose Ecclesiasticall Censures Fulminations and Anathema's he esteems himselfe also priviledged and therefore nominates all Spirituall persons to their preferments and dignities Notwithstanding all this the handsomer to disguise and apparell these his volunties and render them at the least specious proceedures of Justice Thou●h under colour of Justice he permits none of his Edicts to passe as authentick untill the Court of Parliament who is absolutely at his devotion have first verified them a favour this likewise out of complement too Complement non tam necessitatis quam humanitatis as a Civilian whose glosse it is hath warily termed it Parliament of France a name only So that as for the Parliaments of France besides the name and Formality there is in truth now no such thing in Nature which together with their ancient liberties how deservedly they lost them may be easily discovered in their frequent Rebellions In a word he who would perfectly and without more adoe understand by what Law and Rule the Kings of France impose on their Vassals may see it summarily yet very legibly ingraven by that forementioned Cardinall upon that excellent Artellery which defend his Majesties Citadell at Haver de grace in Normandy where you may run and read the best of Tenures as the times are now in this Epigraph RATIO VLTIMA REGVM though for this slavery of theirs they may in some degree thank our Country-men By what means discomposed whose forces being embowelled amongst them hindred the Assembling of the Three Estates as they should have done whereupon the King being necessitated to make his simple Edicts passe for Authentick Laws although this power were delivered to him during his wars only was the reason why the people could never recover or seize on them since A Jewel this of too great value some think to bee intrusted to one person upon what pretence or necessity soever To the King and his immediate Issue in dignity and rank are the Dukes and Peers of France But first It is to be observed that the Princes of the Blood of this Kingdom possess their Lands and Revenues under the name of Appanage Their Estates revertable to the Crown by Appanage and not as absolute Proprietaries by which means all their Estates return again to the Crown by the right of Reversion to the end that the domaine abide intire and for other the like reasons the Duke of Sully Henry Richmont heretofore called Bois Belle on which there hangs a Story only excepted We will passe over their original which would be extreme difficult to investigate Their Originall Authority and proceed to their Authority which was first established by Hughes Capet and his descendants who thereupon obliged them to hold their Lands of the Crown immediately by which means he also gained many that before were disaffected to him as the Earls of Flanders the Archbishop of Rheims and divers others who had been at the first great opposers of this Vsurper Now of these Peers there were at the first Twelve onely ordained and Number to wit six of the Spiritualty and as many of the Temporalty but at this day their number is become indefinite depending solely on the pleasure of the King And these are so named not for that they pretend to any equality of
been already touched is the dispensing of all other Justice Civill and Criminall here the Appanages of the crown are regulated the erection of new dignities Modification of the Popes Legats Commissions procedures to Banishment Letters of naturalty Pardons and the like supream transactions of State have their genuine and naturall source The Bishops in Parliament have right of place Bishops and ecclesiasticks in Parliament have place no deliberative Voice except B. of Paris and abbot of St. Denys but no deliberative Voice except only the Archbishop of Paris and Abbot of Saint Denys Thus much shall suffice to have been spoken touching the Parliaments The Chamber of compts which comes next in order is a jurisdiction and Court apart Chamber of compts its high authority and number that concernes judges the accompt of all the Receivers Treasurers and officers paid into or received out of he Kings Exchequers for which cause all their Letters Edicts Ordinances c. are read registred and verified Here it is that homage for Feifs moving from the Crown are acknowledged It hath belonging to it ten Presidents Monsieur Nicolas who is the first having from Father to Son conserved this charge neer two hundred years in his Family hath refused for his charge 1400000 Livers which the late D'Emery offered him for it To it also appertaineth seventy Maistres des compts eighty Auditors in fine it is a Court of that high Authority that it hath sometimes stood even in competition with the Parliament it self There are eight of these in France Chambers des Requests du Palais Besides this Court there are likewise the two Chambres des Requests du Palais where is pleaded the Priviledg of the Royall offices and household and therefore they consist of Counsellers of parliament c. The Cour des Monnoyes composed of three Presidents Cour des Monnoyes twenty four Conseillers these concerne the Mint in all particulars Mint Also the Admiralty Admiralty and Table de Marbre called the Table de Marbre instituted for Maritime affaires And lastly Les Eaux Forrests Waters and Forrests with some other inferiour courts wherof we have already sufficiently spoken elsewhere And so I am come out of Westminster-hall to the other two of our three ancient Officers viz. the Connestable and Mareschall of France being the last of our division and will naturally lead us to discourse something of the Militia The Connestable Military officers and first the Connest able of F. albeit an office to a greater then which the King himself can promote no subject yet for that it is not a charge which is always in being but upon extraordinary Emergencies and grand occasions will be needlesse to say more of it then that this Office holdeth ranke immediately after the Princes of the blood The D. of Orleans is as it were Connestable now and in Parliament it is before the Dukes and Pairs The Connestable therefore is chief superiour and Generalissimo over the Armies of France for which respect he hath his jurisdiction in the Court of the Table de Marbre but at this day the Mareschals supplying this high office although properly speaking but his Lieutenants come next to be spoken of Mareschals de Fr. The Mareschals de France or rather so many Generals are the onely persons of Enterprise and Action in their Armies both at home and abroad being commonly men who are elevated to those Charges purely by their own Valour and Demerits so that as their number is indeterminate so there is no Souldier of what condition soever but may possibly by his vertue aspire to this preferment I said even now that their Jurisdiction did much resemble that of the Connestables nor can they be devested of this honour during their lives Before these Mareschals are determined all matters of private quarrels and defies incident to the Noblesse for which cause they have their Provosts or Lieutenants in all the greatest Cities of the Kingdome They bear in their Atchievements a Truncheon Salterwise azure semeéd with Flowr de lyces or Finally Last divisiō which is the last part of our division the three Modern Offices of the Crown viz. 1. The Admiral of the French 2. Le Colonel de l' Infanterie 3. Le Grand Maistre de l'Artillerie In the first place the Admiral who holds likewise his place during life is Generall of all the Kings forces by sea Admirall and under him are al the Marine jurisdictions The charge hath in times past been divided unto more both Guyenne and Provence having enjoyed theirs apart but the defunct Cardinall de Richlieu who hath left this high office to his Nephew united them all under one his jurisdiction also is at the Table de Marbre where for being but subalternate judges their places in Parliament is at the lower end The charge is now in the person of the Queen Regent some say the Duke of Vendosme likewise the General des Galeres hath here his seate General des Galeres which is a place of very notable gaine and Authority on the coasts of the Mediterranean seas where his Majesties Gallies do both harbour and ride Colonel of the Infantry Next is the Colonell of the French Infantery which is a charge one of the most considerable in all respects of France especially for Gain receiving eight solz every Muster for every souldiers head his authority being generally over all the French-foot Masters of the Camp and hath for his Lieutenant Colonels the Maistres de Camp under his name issue all Ordinances of Warr. There is likewise a Colonel General des Suisses Colonel General des Suisses who hath jurisdiction over all those Mercenaries as well those of the Kings Guard as those who serve in the field and in the Garison of which there are constantly about eight thousand in this Dominion Last of all Grand Maistre de l'Artill●r●e the Grand Maistre de l'Artillerie which is a charge equal with a Mareschall of France under his tuition and conduct is the Arsenall of Paris all the Cannon and Ammunition of warre in the Kingdome for which cause he hath his Lieutenants Captains and other officers belonging to the Carriages in great number besides all this he hath the management of five millions of Livers together with the arbitrary disposition of above eight hundred Officers of all which he is obliged to no particular accompt Grand pricurde France Mr. of the Religion of Malta There is likewise the Grand Prieur de France which for being a quality of high reputation is not to be pretermitted The Mastership of the Religion and Order of Malta for the French being not lesse worth then 10000 pounds yearly his ordinary Residence is at the Temple a quarter in the town of Paris as is that of ours in London so called Counsell of War The Councel of Warr is commonly held in the Palace of the Duke of
be that this active Nation have endured so many Strangers to governe them thus in cheif Government by strangers incident to this monarchie I am much to seek for a reason when I steadily behold the universal promptnesse of the Noblesse unlesse peradventure to avoid emulation at Court 'twixt so many greater Princes and Subjects as might else pretend to highest Authority they rather submit themselves to the meanest Alien But this by way of glosse and species not opinion The subtill have ever been too hard for the simple and though the law deny women succession to the Crown yet the Fate of the kingdome and addresses of the sex furnish'd them a title which hath fully recompensed for that injury The Noblesse of France comprehend the Gentry Noblesse of France and Gentry the same thing under one and the same common term nor indeed is there in any Kingdome save ours onely that severe distinction of Minores and Majores amongst the Nobility a difference which some think neither suits with true policy or justice But quitting this decision to whom it belongs we are as I said in this Dominion to take the Noblesse that is the Gentry for the sole visible body and consequently the Plebeians of a far more vile Plebeians their misery and naturally slavish genius then they really are in any part of Christendome besides which meannesse of spirit I easily conjecture to have been long since contracted from the over severity and liberty of their Superiors their incomparable paucity and excessive oppression Other immunities besides the fore rehearsed which the Nobless enjoy in France is that with their Pensions and Governments they are likewise exempted from all Contributions upon their own demains which doth so far oblige them to their Prince that there are none which render him such real and considerable service upon all urgent and brisk occasions Service the Nob●lity of France ●●eld their Prince Ban and Ar●er●Ban as do the Gentry especially at what time the Ban and Arrier-Ban be summoned to their several assignations And to this Heroique life of the Field Chevalry t●ei● general profession they are generally addicted as being thereto excellently disciplined from their very Cradles by which means certainly they become the best esteemed and most adroict Cavalry of Europe nor doth this early education of them abroad prejudice the State at home for being kept and dissevered from projecting of commotion in the Country Rebellions for the most part improsperous in France and why their Rebellions have been for the most part though frequent yet improsperous so considerable a party ever remaining with the Prince whose personal presence with them in the Field gives an extraordinary life and loyalty to their Actions As touching the Plebeians or Roturiers of France Commons their litigious nature in France truly I esteem them for the most miserable object that one may likely behold upon the face of the Earth especially those which live towards the Frontiers so immeasurably exhausted by Taxations Gabels Impositions Spoyls and Contributions unto which they are generally obnoxious The rest of the two first Estates together with al their dependants living onely upon their Revenues remain free and exempt but that which addes not a little to their Ruine is for all this their extraordinary litigious nature and vindicative disposition especially those of Normandy Bretagne Gascogny and Provence so that what with the premises delay of their Process and the abominable corruption of Justice this rank of people seldom or never arrive to any considerable Fortune or Competency by their own wit or industry as do so many of our Yeomen and Farmers in England Farmers in England By these means also their spirits becoming so abjectly debased they are not able to afford their Prince that ready service in matter of Arms as indeed their multitudes and necessities both promise and require To supply which defect in all Expeditions of Consequence the King makes use of the Gascons and Biscaians Auxiliaries in the French Armies who being bred about the Confines and Frontiers of Spain are much the better Soldiers and esteemed for the best Infantry of France as also of the Dutch Scotch Irish Italian and others in whom together with the Suisse a most principal Ingredient consisteth their greatest Foot confidence the more considerable part whereof being mercenary Auxiliaries and very frequently left in great arrears might peradventure administer to Politicians sufficient cause of suspition and discourse but the event having hitherto for many ages past been nothing prejudicial takes away any farther occasion of dispute The People of Trade and Mechanicks Mechaniques of France are nothing so contemptible as the commonsort of whom we have spoken a little many of them living very decently and handsomly in their houses especially the better sort of Merchants Merchants who are better furnished then the rest howbeit in competition with our Country-men of the same quality to be esteemed in truth but as mean Mountebanks and inconsiderable Pedlers Those of greatest Wealth and Commerce being some crafty Italian or Portugues who during the time of the late and present Cardinal have amassed very considerable Estates and great Riches And here we may properly observe That no Gentleman will in France binde his yongest son to any Trade or Mechanique Calling whatever under that of a Military life Appren●isage c●unted a diminution of honor in France as esteeming every Apprentisage and subjection a stain and diminution to the Honor and Dignity of his Family the like also they for the most part observe in their Marriages and Alliances but herein the German is most religious The Nobility and Gentry of this Kingdom differ much from the garb of living in England No●ilities Garbe of living in France both within and till of late without doors They have many of them vast estates either in Lands or Offices the Revenues whereof they chuse rather to spend at Paris and other great Cities in a specious Retinue of Coaches Pages and Laquaies then suffer themselves to be eaten up at home in the country in the likenesse of Beef and Mustard among their unthankful Neighbours This affection of theirs to reside for the most part in the chief Towns of the Kingdom Corporations is the reason why the Corporations are little considerable as not daring to be brewing and hatching such Factions as where the Gentry and civiller sort of Mankinde are universally given to solitary and unactive lives in the country Besides the Gentlemen are generally given to those laudable Magnificencies of Building Magnificence of the Nobility Gentry and furnishing their Palaces with the most precious Moveables much of the luxe and excesse of Italy being now far entred amongst them as may well serve to exemplifie when in the Dutchess of Chaulmes her Palace neer the Place Royal in Paris the pennaches or tusts of plumes belonging to one of her beds onely is estimated worth fourteen
considerable Armada of handsom Gallies in most of their Mediterranean Ports as at Toulon Marseilles and other places which are Vessels of excellent use and service upon those Seas On the Ocean I confess both their Shipping and Traffique have been alike trivial and yet of late they have greatly augmented their Fleet especially since the time to our Nations egregious shame and dishonor that they have made so large inroads and gaps into Flanders Late Acquists towards the Sea Coasts Witness those strong Towns and Havens of Dunkirk Mardike c. Stout Forts and very commodious Harbors for shipping so that a little time if we will still suffer it may likewise furnish them with Ships enough to make them stand in a bolder competition with their Neighbors But the more principall Nerve of the French Power consists in his Forces at Land Land Forces and amongst them as hath already been touched chiefly his Cavalry which is of strength and spectacle both of admiration and gallantry Cavalry of France the best of Europe they being for the greater part composed of Gentlemen who generally so bequeath themselves to this service that hee who amongst them hath not made two or three Campagnas as they use to term it by that time he is 18 yeers of age is esteemed as a person lasche that is of a soft education and small repute Besides The Horse an exercise proper to the French youth Their Academies and other Gymnasticks the Horse is an exercise unto which they have so naturall a disposition and addresse that the whole earth doth not contain so many Academies dedicated chiefly to this Discipline other martiall Gymnastiques wherein they handsomly attain to competent perfection in whatsoever is active and proper for their youth and inclinations And what incomparable souldiers this Country hath in all ages bred Souldiery of France commended we need look out no further for testimony then their many past and present Acquisitions and Enterprises under Harcourt Condy Gassion and infinite others besides what is no trivial mark of our assertion the multitudes of such who are at present imployed in the Services of Forraign Princes Very undenyable it is Spanish and Fr. Insantry compared that the Spanish Infantry is too hard for the French Foot for the Peasants of France of whom they should naturally consist are thought and that upon good grounds to be more then accidentally improper and mal-adroict for that service Howbeit we finde and that by quotidian experience that Custome or something else more propitious hath much altered and reformed their Natures even in this particular instance And for ought I perceive they keep what they have gotten and become as good Soldiers as those who brag so much of their lowsie and tenacious Epitheton But I must confess how few Indigene and naturall Spaniards serve now against them all the old brave foot having been for the greater part slain or continued unrecruted at and since the signal Battel of Rocroy where thogh with their own destinies they bravely made good that general and worthy repute which the world hath of the Infantry of that Nation And however had this reproach a more solid ground A saying of Machiavel yet that saying of Machiavel in his Ritratto That Le Fanterie che si fanno in Francia non possono esser buono per che gli è gran tempo che non hanno hauuto guerra e per questo non hanno sperienza alcuna c. Is now no more an Argument Then that the premises being changed the Conclusion must needs remain considering that the Cause being taken away through their present exercise and perpetual War the Effect and Defect cannot of consequence ensue as we have already sufficiently proved or admit it were yet so I hope the Suisse and other faithful Mercenaries to that Crown abundantly supply all these wants and prejudices most of which yet notwithstanding for my part were I think first hired rather out of consideration of diversion and since custom then otherwise out of any pure necessity That likewise which made the Armies of France so inconsiderable for native Foot Soldiers may with much reason too if we please be attributed unto Lewis the Eleventh his disarming of the Commons Consequence of disarming the Commons by which advice the King indeed became more absolute at home amongst his Vassals but a great deal less formidable abroad amongst his Enemies And herein it was that his Neighbors stood him in stead Another thing rendring this Kingdom very considerable for an Army is France abundant in people and Victuals their Prolifique multiplying for Europe embraceth not a more populous Nation nor more abounding in Victuals which is the belly of that cruel Beast called War so Fertil I say it is That when Charls the fift entred into France by Provence and afterwards by Champaigne it nourished besides the many Garrisons thereof more then an Hundred and fifty thousand Ravenous Soldiers and even in the time of Charls the sixth there were found in this Kingdom Twenty thousand Horse and Thirty thousand Foot all consisting of strangers and Fifteen thousand Horse and One hundred thousand Foot all of Natural French And verily when we have seriously surveighed the complication of Enemies which once invested this Kingdom when for Extent and Command it was far inferior to what it is at present since the English have been dispossessed Navar adjoyned and other additions of great strength I say when England Germany Spain and Italy invaded it on all parts in the Reign of Francis the first as it will appear how potent and able this Kingdom united is to defend it self So doth the consideration of it seem to me most strange and altogether portentous Adde to these advantages Store of Arms Ammunition and Artillery their store of good Arms and Munition excellent Artillery many famous and well furnished Magazines in sum Why should I farther tire you with particulars when their present Exploits and almost continual Triumphs have planted the Flower de Lyces where ever they break ground Witness those renowned adventures since Charlemaigne Ancient and late Acquists St. Lewis Charls d'Anjou Charls the eighth c. whose Heroicque Atchievements and glorious Trophies have filled all Histories and Countreys even as far as Asia her self witness their Expeditions and Successes at Jerusalem in Egypt Barbary Cyprus Greece Naples Saxony Hungary and sundry other places even in these our times and before our own doors witness all their late Acquists and Conquests in Catalunia Spain Italy Flanders c. Besides the Signal Battels and Sieges of Nordlingen Rocroy Perpignian Theonvil Arras Dunkirk c. Not to repeat the miraculous or rather ingenious reduction of La Rochel Montpelier and other impregnable holds appertaining to the Protestants So that if now we see them begin to decline and refund what they have so hastily swallowed down it is but the common fate of all