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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A78063 A sermon preached on the 30th. of January, 1683/4. Being an anniversary for the martyrdom of King Charles the First. / By John Buttler, B.D. Buttler, John. 1684 (1684) Wing B6274A; ESTC R173343 29,365 40

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Evils do rather increase and heighten the Sorrow while they have no tydings to tell but of grievous Mischief and Miseries continually threatning and yet can they not chuse but look up still though they can behold no Comfort After this rate was the Church of Judah found when the Lord beheld the State thereof as of People that hear nothing but Voices Jer. 30. 5 6 7. of trembling where is nothing but fear without hopes of Peace Wherefore saith the Lord do I see every Man with his hands on his Loyns as a Woman in Travail as if Man also should Travail with Child and all Faces are turned into paleness Alas for that day is great so that none is like it It is the time of Jacobs trouble This was when the Caldeans oppressed and over-ran the whole Kingdom of Judea but at that time they were delivered Even such are the Calamities that are now approaching upon the World and some Nations perhaps may escape with small harms and others may be safe enough But some where and on some certain Nations these great Tribulations the like whereof were never before knovvn are novv like to happen in a short space For now the Powers of Heaven are shaken as our Saviour saith in my Text For the Powers of Heaven shall be shaken And this is the third thing the Cause and Ground vvork both of the Signs and the Miserie 's forevvarned The Povvers of Heaven are either Efficiently or Instrumentally so Efficiently and Principally are God himself and after him his Holy Angels the Povvers of Heaven Instrumentally the Sun Moon and Stars and all the Hosts of Heaven are the Povvers and Strength of Heaven by vvhich according to Nature God Acts upon Earth Novv God and his Angels are too high to be shaken but their Instruments may be shaken and that either vvhen God shall shake them as a Man shakes his Weapon when he brandisheth his Sword to strike therewith And thus God shakes the Powers of Heaven when the Sun Moon and Stars seeming to dash one against another either by Body or Aspect do make even the Earth and all its Inhabitants to shake and tremble at their Motions And here also the Potentates on Earth in a sense called the Powers of Heaven because the God of Heavens Agents are also shaken by the greater Powers of Heaven above And thus the late gaeat Comet and the great Eclipses and the great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter now in being are the shaking of Heaven our Saviour speaks of And after these it s to be feared many Prodigies and Signs will still appear more and more both in Heaven and Earth until the forewarned Distress of Nations doth come upon them Now what these Comets Eclipses and Conjunctions do signifie belongs not to this place or time to be Treated on nor yet do I think my self concerned to say how near or how far off those threatened Calamities are unto the Nations Only supposing the worst give me leave by help of the context to describe them so far as Gods Word gives us warning and so I shall come to Application Now to this purpose we are to note that at this time of my Text our Saviour is upon Answer to three Questions As 1. When shall these things be meaning the Destruction of Jerusalem vvhich a little afore Christ had been Treating upon 2. What shall be the Sign of Christs Mal. 24. 3. coming that is by his Vicegerent to deliver the Jews out of Captivity And 3. What shall be the Signs of the end of the World Unto all vvhich our Saviour ansvvers comprehensively as if vvhat is the Sign of the one shall be the same of all three And look hovv it is like to be in that day vvhen the vvhole World of Heaven and Earth are to Perish by Fire and be Destroyed even so after the same rate shall it happen vvhen Jerusalem is to be Destroyed and when the Gentile Nations are many or most of them to be distressed For at each of all these three times shall be great Tribulation such as the like was never known before besides or since excepting the very Paralels Of these the Destruction of Jerusalem is past the Calamity of the Gentile Nations even now waits them And the end of the World shall come in its time But will some say in what particular manner shall these things be to which I answer in a three Fold respect 1. In respect of the Cause moving to bring on such Calamities upon the Nations with Gods Vengeance for Great and Crying Sins For Says our Saviour These Luke 21. 22 be the Days of Vengeance that all things that are written may be fulfilled Before Jerusalems and the Jews fall Jesus the Christ was most wickedly murdered by his own People at whose hands he had most singularly and incomparably well deserved And for Vengeance because of that Death came up the Fatal Tribulation of those Days And now is expected that the Times of the Gentiles be fulfilled That is till They or some of them shall prevail and accomplish to scatter the Power of the holy People then shall their v. 24. Vengeance come The Turks are at this time and for many Years have been Lords of the Holy Land and do Tread Jerusalem under Foot and do keep it away that the Jews the Right Owners cannot possess it at this Day they are a Barbarous sort of People that have neither Law nor Gospel nor any thing of good Education to help their Government and therefore it Pleases God to bear with their Rude Manners so much the more But yet having a Law written in their Hearts their Conscience bearing witness and their Thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another When they break out in Extravagancies against all Laws of Nature and Conscience then will God judg them and the Jews shall be restored And for these Extravagancies the Jews have a long time tarried But now so it was that on the Year spoken of by Daniel the Prophet namely in the Month of August in the Year 1648 Loe the grand Council of that Kingdom namely the Mufti who is esteemed their high Priest and as it were the wisest Man in all their Kingdom together with the Grand Viziar and all the great Bassa's who made up the great Divan or Grand Council Conspired together to Murder their Lord and Emperour Sultan ●i●ar●s ●ife of I●r● Ibrahim the Grand Seigniour unto whom they were but Slaves or Common Subjects And accordingly they Summoned him with a Writ of Justice called a Stelfa before them to Answer his Misdemeanours which Writ he not Obeying though Twice or Thrice repeated They Condemned him to Death and exposed him to be first imprisoned and afterwards Murdered And accordingly it was done unto him And now therefore say we the Turks in their kind have done unto their King as once the Jews did unto Christ and by thus doing have scattered the Power of the
Holy People that is the Power of the Ottoman Family which was always esteemed Sacred among the Turks and he was a King which is an Office whereby he was though otherwise a vile Wretch a Sacred Officer as Gods Vicegerent in that Country And now therefore the time is fulfilled of the 1335. days spoken of by Daniel and Vengeance waits the Turks for that Fact and when that Vengeance falls then the Jews are to be restored True it is indeed that Sultan Osman first and after him Sultan Mustapha were afore this dethroned by the Turks but then those things were done Tumultuously and not by a solemn Council and Court of Judicature as was this and therefore on that very Year the iniquity of that Nation of Gentile People was Ripened and Vengeance waits them therefore Now as the Turks so the Museovites and Abassines Christian Gentiles of two great Empyres whereof the one in Asia and the other in Africa were in their great Councils guilty of much of the like Jewish wickedness against their Soveraign Princes as the Jews had been though they did not break out into absolute Murders So also the Italians at Naples about the same Year were guilty of the same sort of Contempt against Authority The French also about the same time together with the Principal of their Nobility were of the conspiring humour in the same age and at the same time But above and beyond all others were the Scots and English Famously Notorious for their Jewish Principals This This is the Kingdom where at the ends of Time Isa 32. 2. Behold a King did Reign in Righteousness and Princes Governed in Judgment and was a hiding place from the Wind and a Covert from the Tempest yea as Rivers of water in a dry place and as the shadow of a great Rock in a Weary Land But alas such was our hard Fate that here also arrived the Jewish Abomination of Iniquity and Loe Lamene 15 16. the joy of our heart is ceased and our Dance is turned into Mourning And the Crown is fallen from our Heads Woe unto us that we have Sinned For the Breath of our Nostrills the Annointed of the Lord of whom we said under Ch. 4. 2 his shaddow we shall Live among the Heathens he was taken in their Pitts Here Here it was of all places in the World where the Murther of Christ was so Lively Acted over a Fresh in all Points as if the same Christ that Suffered at Jerusalem had come again from the Dead to Dye at London and to be Murdered over a new by a Barbarous Jewish English Council Here were the Lively Representations of all Jewish Sects of Pharisees Sadduces Essenes and Herodians The Perfect Portraictures of Herod and Pontius Pilatus of Annas and Caiaphas John and Alexander and the whole Kindred the Cheif Priests and Elders The Rulers and Scribes and Captains of the City and Captains of the Army and the very Face of the whole Sany dryn or high Court of justice Here also was a King then whom never Prince better had deserved at the hands of his People by all mens and very Enemies confession who tendered the welfare of his Subjects even as a Mother would do by her Sucking Child so truly humble so exceeding gracious so Heavenly Pious and Devout in all Points so meek so harmless as any Dove and yet wise unto Admiration as a Serpent so Faithful to his Oath so observant of Duty to God and Man as rarely was the like so gracious and Heavenly Prince ever known And yet they drove him from his House and Home and rendered him in worse State then the Foxes vvhich have Holes they pursued him and set forth Proclimation after him that if any Man knevv vvhere he was he must reveal it to the tvvo Houses they caught him by Treachery of Money betrayed by a Judas of his ovvn House more then one and another they Imprisoned Him and left him carelesly as it had been on purpose that the Army might seize on him They led him up and dovvn in Triumph Voted no more Addresses to him and Finally they Spat on him Mock'd him Scorn'd him cryed Justice Justice at him and Execution Execution against him as others once said Crucifie Crucifie him They Examined him they judged him they caused the Army Men to Condemn him and upon a Scaffold before his own Door they Cut off his Head they Smote the Shepherd and scattered the Flock they slew the Heir and divided his Inheritance among them Thus Died our Soveraign much after the manner as did our Saviour and was as Honourably Buried by honourable Men and was after the same Rate heartily and bitterly Lamented both by Men and Women who stood afar off with Loud Lamentation and out Cries and smote their Breasts and so Returned And as our Saviour had his fore-runner St. John the Baptist so had our Soveraign an holy Man the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury William Laud his Fellow Sufferer who led him the way to the Block and Suffered much after the same Rate as John the Baptist had done before him And as our Saviour Suffered not for his Sin nor in Observance of any Law of God or Man but because he would not Plead So our Soveraign and the Arch-Bishop were Condemned not for their Crimes but as was said of our Saviour lest the Papists that is the Romans should come and Root out both the place and the Nation and they made a Law after the Fact was done after the manner of the Barbarous Turks without president of True Jew or Holy Christian and that without warranty of any Law of God or Man to put them both to Death and that to as it shall seem not at all for any Crime done but meerly because the one was a King and the other an Arch-Bishop they having nothing else against either the one or the other with any Colour of blame as could amount to touch either their Lives or their Estates And thus alas it lyes upon us also to call to mind that the Time of the Luke 21 24. Dan. 12. 7. Gentiles is fulfilled here too and that with us also has been He who hath accomplished to scatter the Power of the Holy People and that I Fear me in the most Notorious manner that ever vvas knovvn beyond all that they have done in any other Kingdoms or Countrys And vvhat is yet vvorse the Turks are a Barbarous and illiterate sort of Brutes but our Country Men are such as knew the will Luke 12. 47. of God and yet prepared not themselves nor did they according to Gods Will but rather quite contrarily and therefore are in so much the more danger to be Beaten with many Stripes Ob. But will some say perhaps whatever that Sin was 't is pardoned by the Act of Oblivion and more have suffered by reason thereof then the Kings Majesty desired And where no Man complains how can any Man say where is the wrong Ans True