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A69006 A booke which sheweth the life and manners of all true Christians and howe vnlike they are vnto Turkes and Papistes, and heathen folke. Also the pointes and partes of all diuinitie, that is of the reuealed will and worde of God are declared by their seuerall definitions and diuisions in order as followeth. Also there goeth a treatise before of reformation without tarying for anie, and of the wickednesse of those preachers, which will not refourme them selues and their charge, because they will tarie till the magistrate commanude and compell them. By me, Robert Brovvne. Browne, Robert, ca. 1550-1633. 1582 (1582) STC 3910.3; ESTC S109446 65,269 61

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by the helpe of God 115 What gift must they haue All Gouernours must haue forwardnes before others in knowledge and godlines as able to guide And some must haue age and eldershippe Also some must haue parentage and birth 115 Howe are they vnfitt and vnskilfull to gouerne They are vntoward through their ignoraunce are worldlie minded men They are children or of childish condicions They haue no right nor succession by parentage or birth 115 Knowledge is the right iudgement or wisedome which they should haue whereby they shoulde haue all thinges sought and founde out belonging to that calling Godlines is defined before Age and Eldershippe is a gifte whereby they haue greater authoritie as by naturall deserte of their wisdome if so be by cōtinuāce of time they haue gotten that wisedome Birth and Parentage is a gifte whereby they haue greater authoritie as by naturall deserte of kindred and bloude or of begetting and bringing vp if so bee they aunswere in worthines otherwise 116 What charge or commaundement of God must they haue to vse their guift They haue first the speciall commaundement of furthering his kingdome by edifyinge and helping of others where there is occasion and the persones be worthie Also some speciall prophecie and foretelling of their calling or some generall commaundement for the same Also particular warninges from God vnknowne to the world as in oulde time by vision dreame and reuelation and now by a speciall working of Gods spirite in our consciences 116 How are they forbidden by God and vnsente to that calling They are chiefly forbidden to hinder the building of the Lords kingdome Also their is some generall commaundement or some speciall warning and example to stay them from that calling Also their owne fancie ambition or lust doth thurst them on to that calling 116 A commaundement to vse our giftes is a pronounced or written lawe or forme of wordes appointing vnto vs that duetie by the authoritie of God in the pronoūcer or writer The speciall commaundemement for this is defined before Prophecie or foretelling of their calling is the pronounced or written decree or will of God for their calling shewed before hande whiche appointeth vnto them that calling by the authoritie of God in the pronouncer or writer Particular warnings is the stirring vp and prouoking of them by the worde their consciences and the spirit of grace in them and by the occasions of doing good by their giftes wherby they are compelled to vse their giftes in that calling 117 what agreement must there be of men For Church gouernours there must be an agreement of the church For ciuil Magistrates there must be an agreement of the people or Common welth For Houshoulders there must be an agreement of the houshouldes As Husbandes Parents Maisters Teachers or Scholemaisters c. 117 How do they steale into that calling or gett it by force rauening They will shift thrust themselues into the Church gouernment as Antichristes They will shift or thrust themselues into the ciuil gouernment as Tyrantes They wil shift and thrust thē selues into home gouernment like Lord-danes or maisterly troublers 117 Church gouernors are persons receyuing their authoritie office of God for the guiding of his people the Church receyued and called thereto by due consent and agreement of the Church The Church gouernement and gouernours are defined before Ciuill Magistrates are persons receyuing their authoritie office of God for the due guiding of the common wealth whereto they are duely receyued and called by consent and agreement of the people and subiectes A larger definition may be this Ciuill Magistrates are persons authorised of God and receyued by the consent or choyse of the people whether officers or subiectes or by birth succession also to make execute lawes by publike agreement to rule the common wealth in all outwarde iustice to maintaine the right welfare honour thereof with outwarde power bodily punishemens and ciuill forcing of men Housholders or house keepers are persons authorised ouer their housholdes and charges 118 What agreement must there be of the church for the calling of church gouernours They must trie their guiftes and godlines They must receyue them by obedience as their guides and teachers where they plante or establish the church They must receyue them by choyse where the church is planted The agreement also for the calling of ciuill magistrates should be like vnto this excepting their Pompe and outward power and orders established meete for the people 118 How doe they shift or thrust themselues into the church gouernment as Antichristes They hide away their vntowardnes and wickednes and colour the same by an outward bragge or countenance of authoritie or by flatterings and pleasings They vndermine and take away by craft the libertie of the church and bring them into bondage They come vppon them by power and force and yoake them by cruel lawes and penalties The like may be saide of Tyrauntes which vsurpe ciuil authoritie 118 Agreement of men is the willingnes or glad consent both of the Gouernors to rule the people or inferiours to obey for the assurance they haue in God of welfare by eche other Trying of their giftes and godlines is a taking of accountes of the same by a right iudgemēt of them by that which we haue knowne and seene in them whiche doeth sufficientlie warrant their meetenes Receyuing of them by obedience is a duetifulnes in partaking to them the vse of our submission or seruice because they partake vnto vs the vse of their authoritie and guiding Receyuing by choyse is an agreement or partaking of condicions betweene Gouernours and inferiours That so long as the Gouernours haue right vse of the submission and seruice of inferiours and the inferiours also haue the right vse and welfare of their authoritie guiding they shall hold that communion or else make a breache thereof when once it shall tende to confusion and destruction We giue these definitions so generall that they may be applied also to the ciuill state 119 What choyse should there be The praiers and humbling of all with fasting and exhortation that God may be chiefe in the choise The consent of the people must be gathered by the Elders or guides and testifyed by voyce presenting or naming of some or other tokens that they approue them as meete for that calling The Elders or forwardest must ordeine and pronounce them with prayer and imposition of handes as called and authorised of God and receyued of their charg to that calling Yet imposition of handes is no essentiall pointe of their calling but it ought to be left when it is turned into pompe or superstition 119 How doe they come vppon them with power and force and yoake them with crueltie With pride threates or wicked lawes they are thrust vppon the people by their owne might or by the strength
Sabbathes 108 What be the speciall duties for the name and kingdome of God They are for the worshippe of God on some speciall occasions Or for some speciall furtheraunce of his kingdome 108 Which be the speciall sinnes of hindering Gods name and kingdome They be when we giue speciall occasions for men to skorne be ashamed of our profession And when we hinder the building of his kingdome 108 Special dueties for the Name of GOD are whereby God is chieflie glorified on greater or some times more rare occasions The Name of God is the knowledge of his excellencie and worthines whereby he is glorified accordinglie To vse his name rightlie is to glorifie him according to the knowledge we should haue of his excellencie For the difference of the name and glorie of God looke the 10. question and this 108. question The speciall worship of God is our holines in giuing him honour on greater or more rare occasions 109 What speciall worshippe of God is there Our speciall humbling with praier in straunger iudgments Our speciall thankfulnes and praising of God in straunger blessinges Our speciall vowes which we are for to keepe and performe 109 What speciall occasions giue the wicked of shaming and skorning the worshippe of god They shewe their hardning and willfulnes in straunger iudgementes Also their sottishnes in straunger blessinges Also they hould their wicked course still and are soulde to do euill 109 The definitions of humbling prayer and thankefulnes are giuen before but here the speciall occasions are to be considered A Vowe is a faithfull promise made by an othe vnto God in our hartes or by voyce speache whereby we bynde our selues to him for some speciall blessing which we haue or looke for to shewe our thankefulnes in some speciall duetiefulnes which before we knewe not or did neglecte 110 What speciall furtheraunce of the kingdome of God is ther In talke to edifie one an other by praising God and declaring his will by rebuke or exhortation In doubt and controuersie to sweare by his name on iust occasions and to vse lottes Also to keepe the meetinges of the church and with our especiall friends for spirituall exercises 110 What hinderances be there of building Gods kingdome In talke to encourage to vanitie and wickednes and discourage from goodnes To speake blasphemies or to vse idle othes or gaming tryfling by Lottes To forsake the church meetinges or be negligent therin and to be neare friendlie to the wicked to the increase of wickednes 110 The kingdome of God which is called his church is defined before Edifying is a cōmunion or bestowing of our graces in knowledge coūsel due behauior to further all godlines in our selues others Rebuke is a pronouncing of the knowne wickednes of anie with condemning of the same by the word of God wherby they haue shame that others might feare Exhortation is an edifying by all comfortable wordes promises in the Scripture to worke in our hartes the estimatiō of our dueties with loue and zeale therevnto An Othe or Swearing by God is an honoring of God in his Iustice when wee call him to be a Iudge and witnesse of that trueth which can not otherwise be founde out and an auenger of our lies if we speake any thing faslie Lotting is an applying of some thing which is chaunce vnto vs to be a token of Gods will in such doubts and controuersies as he only is to determine We honor him by Lottes when we call take him for our Iudge Guide in thē The Church meetings are the due resorting comming togither of Christians for mutuall comfort by their presence and communion of graces to further all godlines 111 What special duties be ther for the Sabbathe All the generall duties of religion holines towards God and all the speciall dueties of worshipping God furthering his kingdome must on the Sabbath he performed with ceasing from our callinges labour in worldlye thinges Yet such busines as can not be putt of tyll the daie after nor done the daie before may then be done 111 What is the speciall sinne of breaking the Lords Sabbathe It is notable prophanes and worldlines and a cheefe hinderaunce of the name of God when we followe our worldlie busines and callinges on the Sabbathe or giue our selues to other vanitie and wickednes 111 The Sabbath or rest or keeping of the Sabbath is an holy vsing of euerie seuenth day in all dueties of Religion and holines worshipping God and furthering his kingdome and that with resting and ceasing from our calling and labour in worldly things Our Sabbath is on the Lordes day which is the day of his rysing from the dead and is held by the church for a Sabbath or rest vnto God the next day after the Iewish Sabbath So that we counte euerie Sabbath from one Lords day to another Hitherto of the dueties of religion holines Now followe the dueties of righteousnes concerning man 112 Whiche bee the dueties of righteousnes concerning man They be eyther more bounde● as the generall dueties in gouernement betwene gouernours and inferiours Or they be more free as the generall dueties of freedome Or else they be more speciall duties for eche others name and for auoyding couetousnes 112 Which be the sinnes of vnrighteousnes concerning man They be either in the abuse of gouernement Or in the abuse of freedome and libertie Or in speciall faulting by our owne and others euill name and by couetousnes 112 Our gouernement is our Lordshipp authoritie or chieftie ouer anie whereby wee vse their obedience and seruice to partake vnto them the vse graces of our authoritie and guiding The definition aboue set vnder this Righteousnes cōcerning man is that part of godlines whereby we keepe and do all dueties both towards our selues and towardes all men faile in none of them 113 What be the dueties of Gouernours They consist in the entraunce of that ralling And in the due execution thereof by ruling well 113 How is gouernemente abused By an ambitious seeking and vsurping of that calling which belōgeth not to them And by an euill handling thereof for their pleasure and lustes 113 Entrance or taking on vs the calling of gouernement is a due maner of beginning the same being prepared and meete thereto 114 How must Superiours enter and take their calling By assuraunce of their guift By speciall charge and commaundemente from God to put it in practise By agreement of men 114 How do the wicked ambitiously seeke and vsurpe their gouernment They are vnfitt and vnskilfull to gouerne They are forbidden by God and vnsent to that calling They steale into that calling or get it by force and rauening 114 Assurance of our gifte is a conscience of our ablenes to followe that calling because we knowe our owne readines to doo all the dueties thereof with preuayling and prospering
the priest doth eate of it himselfe and carieth it rounde about vnto them with a vayne babling ouer euery one which receyue and eate it kneeling downe before him Likewise also they take the cuppe and inchaunte it by reading a grace or other prayers ouer it then they reade it or by the booke pronounce it to be the bloud of Christ which is but an Idole in steade thereof And so he and they drinking it doe euen drinke their iniquitie and feede thereon So are they imbouldned and further strengthned in ther sinne Hitherto of our calling in the newe Testament 63 Applying of the signe is a due manner of giuing taking and vsing it in an holy communion vppon the worde preached Pronouncing the breade to be the bodie of Christe is a warranting and sanctifying thereof by the authoritie of God in the message of the Preacher to bee an outwarde religious signe seale or pledge of his bodie broken for vs and of the spirituall grace receyued thereby Pronouncing the drinke to be the blood of Christe is a warranting or sanctifying thereof by the authoritie of God in the message of the Preacher to bee an outwarde religious signe and seale or pledge of his bloudsheading for remission of our sinnes and of the spirituall grace receyued thereby Now followeth what calling the Iewes had in the olde Testament as by shadowes and ceremonies which nowe are abolished It were to long to write of all the Iewishe Ceremonies seeing wee would haue this Booke so small as we could For the order of handling them there is no difficultie for looke as the pointes and matter of our redemption be so must the ceremonies be applied thereto 64 What calling is there by ceremonies and shadowes By outwarde sensible signes they teach vs spirituall graces as the ceremonies of the oulde law which are abolished And in the new Testament the two Sacraments before mentioned To apply this to the Iewes at this tyme. 64 How are the Iewes called away misled by the ceremonies Their outward sensible signes are a mockerie of the spirituall graces yea Idols be they and superstitious trifles in stead of grace and truth which is by Christ Iesus 64 The olde Testament was a declaring teaching by a due message from God of the redemption by Christ who was yet for to come but yet in darker manner by shadowes and ceremonies applied to the doctrine to represent Christe Iesus Ceremonies be outwarde sensible signes sanctified and applied by the worde duelie preached to be religious shewes of some spirituall graces which are meant thereby Ceremonies remaining which rather are to be called Sacramentes are Religious Signes and seales confirming and sealing vnto vs by the worde duly preached a spiritual Grace receaued alredy For they be rather seales of graces receyued then shewes and shadowes of graces comming Ceremonies abolished are which being fulfilled in Christ whom and whose dooinges they did signifie doo cease to be helde anie longer because Christe Iesus hath made our saluation so cleare that to vse the olde ceremonies were to darken the light with shadowes and to chaunge Christ Iesus him selfe for the signes and shewes of him 65 Which be the ceremonies of the ould law Some were ceremonies of the whole church and of our whole redemption As the Garden of Eden after the fall of man For the Tree of lyfe which before the fall of Adam was but a token of his obedience of his welfare and happie life thereby was nowe made a signe of life in Christ Iesus Also his driuing from the tree garden was a signe that he should seeke life and redemption by Christ in his Church For the Garden also did shadowe out the Church as the Tree did shadowe Christ Iesus Also the Altar and place togither where it stoode before the Tabernacle was commaunded For the Church of God is as holie grounde for the Altare Christ Iesus and we are y e place which he hath chosen to put his name there Christ is the Altar because that as by the Altare the place and all that was done in it was sanctified so by Christ both we and all that we doo in our regeneration is cleansed and sanctified And therefore is Christ the Altare because that as it was for burnt and sinne offerings and for meate offeringes and peace offerings c. So Christ was slaine to be our burnt and sinne offeringe and he ouercame and tooke awaye sinne and miserie and restored our happines to be our meate offering and peace offering The Arke of Noah and the doare thereof and the safetie of his familie therin did signifie the spiritual house and Church of God whereof Christ is the doore and also the spirituall safetie and happines therein which shal be perfected after this life The land of Canaan and the increase and blessinges therof were figures of the Lords Church and people and of the spirituall graces which the Lorde bestoweth thereon For as the landes of the kingedome is the Kinges inheritaunce so we are the Lordes spirituall inheritaunce and his Canaan ouer which he raigneth The same also is to be sated of some places in the lande of Canaan The Passeouer and comminge out of Egypte did foreshew our redemption from Satan and Antichrist and from all wickednes and miserie For wee eate the Paschall Lambe Christe Iesus when we feede spirituallie on his death and tormentes and so die with him by repentaunce vnto sinne and when we receyue the graces of his resurrection and happines with God and so partake and growe togither in one bodie and church in one Christian communion of graces whereby wee goe out of Egypt as did the Israelites As the Rocke from whom doth flow the spiritual drincke The Tabernacle framed and made for a dwelling to the Lord wherein he delighteth The Citie Ierusalem Mount Zion The Temple The Sanctuarie The Slaughter of the Midianites and such great Deliuerances The Returne from the Captiuitie c. Also certaine Families houlding the ceremonies and true Religion As the familie of Noah and those before him which were raised vp in Abels roume Abraham and his seed Moses and the Kingdome of Israel in the handes of good Kinges Iudges Aaron his seed the Priestes and Leuites Dauid his seed in the seat of Iudgment tyll the coming of Christ. And other such like 65 How doe they make the ceremonies Idols mockeries of the truth They haue some Ceremonies in place of the Church and of the redemption by the Messiah whiche are Idoles in steade of the Church and of the redemption As the Garden of Eden and the Tree of life therein they make an idol in stead of Christ his church if stil thei holde thē as ceremonies that the Messiah our tree of life is not come that he daily doth not gather his church which is our garden of Eden For therein we haue our spirituall beautie looke for an end of this