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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A40841 The famous and renowned histor[y] of Valentine and Orso[n] sons to the famous and renowned Emperour of Constantinop[le] containing their marvelous adventures in love and [...]; Valentin et Orson. English. Abridgments. 1700 (1700) Wing F361B; ESTC R215035 19,040 27

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The Famous and Renowned HISTORY OF Valentine and Orson SONS to the Famous and Renowned Emperour of Constantinople Containing their Marvelous Adventures in Love and Arms Newly Printed and Abbreviated for the Benefit and ●●●●●ation of young Men and Maids whose Impatience will 〈◊〉 ●●●fer to read the larger Volume c. Printed by W. O. for C. Bates at the Sun and Bible in P●●●● 〈…〉 pepin orson Valentin The History of Valentine a●● Chap. I. How King Pepin gave his Sister Bellisant in 〈◊〉 to Alexander Emperour of Constantinople and how 〈◊〉 Priest made Love to her and the Misery that ensued ther● 〈◊〉 and of the Birth of Valentine and Orson IN former time reigned a potent and wise King in France wh● had a fair and virtuous Sister having in her all the perfections of Nature this Lady was nam'd Bellisant the fame of her running thro many Countries at last fame spread it felf into the ears of Alexander Emperour of Constantinople who being striken in love with the fame of her beauty shipp d himself with his Train of Nobles for the Kingdom of France renowned at that time thro the World having a prosperous gale he soon landed and journy'd to the Court and shortly after his arrival he declares the cause King Pepin knowing this prepared great triumphs for the celebrating this noble contract great joy there was on every side being nobly entertained in great honour as befitted their estates as soon as the marriage-feast was done preparation was made for their departing to Constantinople 〈◊〉 not long after the● arrived and were received with 〈…〉 nor and 〈…〉 ●ou would think it now 〈…〉 two 〈…〉 tur● 〈…〉 an● 〈…〉 〈…〉 ●er to speak and presently banish'd her his Court and 〈…〉 ●ompanied only with one Man called Blandiman these 〈…〉 ●ight and day till they come to the Kingdom of France 〈…〉 ●entations began of fresh not daring to appear before 〈◊〉 ●her King Pepin being under this disgrace and being 〈◊〉 ●d near Paris she fell in travel and her Man rode for a 〈◊〉 but before he could return she was delivered of two ●●●●s to her great joy but see what followeth a bear crossing the ●ood violently takes one of the Babes and bears it to her den the Empress lays the other down ond runs after the bear but all in vain at last being tired out she fainting to the ground in the mean time King Pepin being a hunting comes by where the Child lay and seeing it to be a pretty Babe sends it to his Court● to be brought up nobly Blandiman being returned and finding the Empress in that condition recovers her but she fills the air with cries and lamentations and travesting on they were taken by Giant Ferrgaus and imprison'd where we 'll leave 'em and see what became of her two Sons Chap. II. How Valentine being brought up in King Pepin's Court increased daily in Strength and Vertues and how Orson became a Wild-man in the Wilderness among the Beasts 〈…〉 as before I rehearsed having sent the Child Va● 〈…〉 Paris to be brought up at long 〈…〉 ●n apt● 〈…〉 ●●d● 〈…〉 ●wn 〈…〉 the 〈…〉 somuch that she gave it sock which nourishment caus'd th● Child to grow hairy rough like a beast and exceeding strong and he soon began to run up and down the woods fighting with and devouring other beasts and grew extreem ●●rte insomuch that no Man dur●● approach near where this Wild-man was his renown spreading itself in a small time thro all the Kingdom of France that all the Country round about chased and hunted him he feared no weapons but snapped them asunder he wore no garments nor had any kind of speech In the mean time Valentine increased in knowledge and wisdom exceedingly and was greatly beloved of all the Court and now the Squire that had the charge of him presented him before the King whom the King placed with his own Daughter Eglantine which caused many murmurings against his greatness saying ' That at best he was but a Bastard In the mean time it chanc'd that there came into Orleans divers Imbassadors from the Pope demanding ●id against the Sarazens who had lately taken the City of Rome King Pepin understanding this prepares a great Army to make resistance against them Amongst the rest Valentine was made a Chief Commander when they were come to Rome King Pepin desir'd battle and fain would understand the state of the City and it was told him that the Admiral of the Saraz●ns had surprized the City and put ●ll without the sword The King lays close siege to the City and calls h s Barons and Officers of his Army desiring them to find out a Man to bear a letter to the Admiral which none did d●●●● to undertake Valantine stepped before the King and said Mighty Soveraign If you be pleas'd I will carry the lette● and deliver the message and shall not fear to speak to the proud Pagan Admiral and to the whole Host of Pagans were their number twice as many as they be The King hearing this was exceeding joyful marvelling at his courage whereupon he drew a letter of defiance and gave to him who took his leave of the King and went to the City and came to the place where the Admiral lay and saluted him thus The Gods preserve the Noble and Puissant King Pepin my Dread Soveraign and Mahomet whom thou serve●● save and defend thee Renowned Admiral When Valentine had thus said the Admiral roused himself in his chair and with a frown reply'd ' Messenger return and get thee out of my sight and say unto King Pepin I will him either to renounce his faith and believe in Mohomet or else let him look to receive no other sentence than death and get thee gone make no longer stay for my heart is inraged against thee But his high words nothing daunted our Warrior but he mildly said High and Mighty Admiral do not imagine that by pride and presumtion I come before you until you hear the cause thereof Then said the Admiral Say on Valentine reply'd I was accused before the King for a Coward and that since I come I would have run from Camp for which he vowed to smite off my head I hearing this sought rather to save my life man to lose both life and honour and therefore I gave out That I would come and desire you on the King's behalf to break two spears with you to try your valour and win my lost honour therefore I desire you would grant my request otherwise I dare not return The Admiral hearing this cunning tale said I swear by Mahomet thou shalt not be refused and to the end the French may see it I 'll ordain the just without the City Valentine fell down and kissed his hand desiring a Confessor telling him he was afraid he should be slain which he granted and presently sent him a Christian Priest when Valentine tells his plot how to surprize the City that when ●he
all his Followers to hear him Alas quoth he what an infamous deed have I done What a wicked act have I committed I have spent my life in trouble and now have added murther to my other sins Orson seeing him thus lament comforted him and desired him to go with his Army to the battle for the Pagans in his absence had prevailed At last Valentine being set on his horse flew like a lion into the midst of the battle and meeting a Pagan Prince run his sword thro' his body and being careless of his life proceeded on till he came where Brandisser was making havock of the Christians he rushed so fiercely on him that he struck him to the ground and with his sword clove his head The Pagans seeing their Generals slain and some began to flie founded a retreat the Christians greedy of their blood pursuing slew many thousands others leap'd into the Sea and were drowned leaving the Christians a compleat victory who immediately returned into the City where was great lamentation made for the unfortunate death of the Emperour of Constantinople where he was nobly buried But Valentine refused all comfort and who was as a Man out of his wits As soon as they had setled the affairs in Angory they crowned the Green Knight King thereof who had in the battle valiantly slain several Pagan Commanders and then departed towards the City of Constantinople In the mean time great troubles arose in France King Pepin being arrived there and the twelve Peers of France from the strong Castle where they had been Prisoners Ha●fry and Henry begin to plot the death of the King and Queen and their young Son Charl main whom the King had made Heir of the Crown and Kingdom to bring this th●●r devilish design to pass they invite the King and Queen and their Son to a rich banquet but Charlemain came not in the midst of the banquet they fill'd a cup of deadly poyson and gave it to thy King and the King dr●nk to the Queen but the poyson wrought so in their bodies that they fell down dead of the t●ll● A●ter that they seized on all the strong Cast●es and C●ttes but could not find the young Prince Charlemain who was under his Sister's protection whereupon having aid from the King of England she fought many battles successfully against Ha●fry and Henry till they were both slain and Charlemain was crowned King to the great joy of the whole Kingdom for he eminently shewed forth his Father's vertues In the mean time our Royal Train arrive at Constantinople to the exceeding joy of the Empress Bellisant and the whole City but when she heard that her Husband the Emperour was slaine Valentine and Orson byh e consent of her and the whole Nation we●e crowned Ioynt-Emperours but Valentine calling to mind his former sin in killing his Royal Father resolved to go on Pilgrimage and calling his Lady aside he declared to her his intent and broke a Ring in twain and charged her not to marry until she saw that piece of the Ring again and said if he did not bring it himself he would send it when he died having so said with tears they parted Long time he travelled lying in the woods caves and rocks enduring great hardship and at last he returned again towards Constantinople where he arriving begged about the City and came to his Brother Orson's Palace and craved there a lodging under a pair of stairs where he lay the term of seven years eating nothing but scraps which were daily brought him in a basket being unknown who he was at length his time of death growing nigh he falling into a deadly feavour wrote a letter putting his name thereto holding it fast when he died When Orson saw the poor Pilgrim was dead he commanded the letter to be taken from him that he held in his hand but none cou'd take it but the Lady Clerimond who reading the same fell in a swound upon the dead body lamenting over it And after that great preparation was made for the funeral and his body was enterred with all honour due to so noble a Warriour Orson lives long after with his Wife the fair Lady Galazy whom he married after the death of the Lady Fezon administring Iustice to all and was greatly beloved of all his Subjects FINIS