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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A35246 The Secret history of the four last monarchs of Great-Britain, viz. James I, Charles I, Charles II, James II to which is added an appendix containing the later reign of James the Second, from the time of his abdication of England, to this present Novemb. 1693 : being an account of his transactions in Ireland and France, with a more particular respect to the inhabitants of Great-Britain. R. B., 1632?-1725? 1693 (1693) Wing C7347; ESTC R31345 102,037 180

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THE Secret History OF THE Four Last Monarchs OF GREAT-BRITAIN VIZ. Iames I. Charles I. Charles II. Iames II. To which is added An Appendix Containing the Later Reign of Iames the Second from the Time o● his Abdication of England to this present Novemb. 1693. Being an Account of his Transactions in Ireland and France With a more particular Respect to the Inhabitants of Great-Britain London Printed in the Year 1693. THE PREFACE THough it hath pleased God to reserve the Art of reading Men's Thoughts to Himself yet as the Fruit tells the Name of the Tree so do the outward Works of Men so far as their Cogitations are acted give us whereof to guess at the rest N● Man can long continue Masqu●d in a counterfeit Behaviour The things that are forced for pretences having no Gr●und to Tru●h cannot long dissemble their own Nature And tho' we ought not rashly to rake into the Ashes of the Dead much less of Deceased Princes and Express either their Personal Miscarriages or their Failures in Managem●nt of the Government yet no doubt but the making them Publick may sometim●s contribute not a little to the General Good It is one of the Encomiums given to Suetonius That he made Publick to the World the Vices and Miscarriages of the Twelve Caesars with the same freedom with which they were by them Committed And there is no question but one of his chiefest Reasons for so doing was this Because he would not deceive Posterity and all agree that he was Contemp●rary with the Three last So that the Enormities of Domitian could not but be fresh in his Memory when he wrote his Life and th●re might be several Persons living as might have the same particular Affection for Domician as there are now Adorers of our late Monarchs For which reason there is a wary Caution among some People That Truth is not always to be spoken Which perhaps may be som●tim●● true but as the Case stands with th●se Sheets not at all to be taken notice of The pa●ns of this short History being as well to Vindicate as to Inform and Written in Opp●sition to one of the French King 's most Scandalous Libe●s and bi●ter Invectives against our present Soveraign Entituled The True Portraicture of William Henry of Nassaw c. Now to have made a particular Answ●r to all the Extravagancies and Impertinent Flams of a Malicious Libeller would have been a Fending and Proving altogether Fruitless It was therefore thought the more concise way to bring our Late Monarchs Reign upon the Stage and then let all the World judge of the Furberies and Tyranny of those Times and the Integrity Sincerity and Sweetness of Their present Majesties Reign since by comparing them the most wilfully Blind may be convinced how infinitely happy we are under Their present Majesties ●overnment beyond what we were in the late R●ign which were but a very considerable matter if any thing below the French Tyranny and considering the unparallel'd Virtue that are so Resplendent in our Gracious Soveraigns we may● with all the reason in the VVorld assure our selves o● a lasting Peace and as much Happiness under Them Now as we had Troubles and Confusions under the Former For Their Religion Integrity and Moderation which must always be in conjunction with Princes that are truly Patries Patriae are as N●torious to the VVorld so that Their greatest Enemies cannot deny them as were the Atheism and furious Bigottism of the former Reigns Vices much of the same pernicious Consequences to a Kingdom if the latter be not the more dangerous since the greatest Villanies that ever were perpetrated in the World have been Masqued with seeming Zeal for Religion But since there are not a few wh● tho' they seem to decry the Tyrannies of the T●wo late Kings yet approve of much the same Actions of Two that Preceded them One of whom some Men have Vainly if not Blasphemously compared to the King of King not considering that they laid the Foundations of that Tyranny which the others brought to so great a Perfection As to the former of them viz. K. James the I● it will easily appear from this following History what great steps he made towards Tyranny It is certain that the reason He gave for setting up Episcapacy in Scotland was That He might have so many Friends to rely upon in Parliament i. e. That by th●m as the Dead Weight He might the better carry on His Designs there And herein his Politicks did not deceive Him for by their means He and his Succ●ssors found it no hard m●tter to reduce that Kingdom to as great Slavery as any in Europe h●th groaned under of late Years How great a Pr●ficient he was in the Art of Dissimulation or King-Craft I shall only insert one Instance of it here which I omitted in the History especially because I think it may not be ungrateful to the Reader viz. That after his Return from Denmark to Scotland seeming mightily satisfied with the Care the Kirk-Party had taken to preserve the Kingdom in Peace during his Absence He was pleas'd to express himself thus in a general Assembly That He blest God that He was Born at sike a Time of the Gospel and to be King of sike ● Kirk the purest Kirk in the World The Kirk of Geneva says He keeps Yuel and Pasche What have they from the word of God for That And for our Neighbour Kirk of England What is their Service but an ill-said Mai● in English And concluded with the Solemnest Promises to Maintain and Preserve the Kirk when in the mean while He was taking all underhand Methods to supplant it as He did a few Years after And as to His Successor tho' a Kalender'd S. Yet after all the lying Insinuations of self-designing and ridden Persons of that Prince's singular Religion that very Act of Instituting Plays and Sports on the Lord's Day is no extraordinary Proof of it The Learned Sir Walter Rawleigh in the Close of the Preface to his most admirable History adviseth the Reader to take heed how he follows Truth too close at the heels lest it strike out his T●eth I h●pe these Relations begins with a distance of Time not so far ●ff that the Foot-Steps of Truth are worn out nor yet so near as the Foot-Steps of it need to be feared And so irresistable is the F●rce of Truth and the Divine Providence so great that however all possible Diligence may have been used to carry things in Secret and to Act by colourable Pretences Men often acting like Tumblers that are Squint Eyed looking one way and Aiming another yet in these our days God hath brought great things to Light discovering many secret and close Contrivances many Private Consultations and hidden Designs which otherwise probably neither We nor our Posterity should have ever known I conclude this my Preface without the R●marks of a Learned Spaniard on History in general Satis est Historiae si sit vera
Sovereign Igni● fatuus to misguide them into all the Snares of Ruine and Perdition Execrable Oathes were the chief Court-Acknowledgments of a Deity Fornications and Adulteri●● the Principal Tests of the Peoples Loyalty and Obedience Certain it is That the Kingdom was never in a better Posture for the King to work upon it than at the time of his return into England For such were the Contests for Superiori●y among those who had taken upon them the Government after the Death of Oliver such the Confusions and Disorders that from thence arose that no body could probably see where would be the end of the general Distraction unless it were by reducing all things to their primitive Condition under a Prince whose Title was so fair to the Crown For which all Parties were the more inflamed by the King 's reiterated Oathes Promises and Decla●ations to those of the Church of England to maintain the Protestant Religion to the Dissenters That he would Indulge their Tender Consciences with all the Liberty they could rationally desire And so in●atuated they were with these Ingratiating Wheedles that should all that knew him beyond-Sea both at Colen and in Flanders have spoken their Discoveries with the Voices of Angels nay should the Letter which he Wrote with his own Hand in the Year Sixty Two to the Pope have been shewn them in Capital Letters they would have been all looked upon but as Fictious and Inventions to obstruct the Happiness of the Nation The king was not ignorant that in order to bring his intended Designs about he was furnished already with a Stock of G●ntl●men who being forced to share the misfortunes of his Exiles and consequently no less imbitteted against those whom they looked upon as their Oppressors he had moulded many of them to his own Religion and Interest by Corrupting them in their Banishment with them insomuch that a certain Gentleman offered to prove one day in the Pensionary House of Commons That of all t●e P●r●ons yet Persons of all Ranks and Qualities who sojourned with the King Abroad there were scarce any then alive except Prince Rupert Lord M. and Mr. H. Coventry who had not been prevailed upon by His Majesty to Nor could their being restored to their ●states at his Return separate them from their Master's Interest for that besides the future expectations with which the King continually fed them they had bound themselves by all the Oaths and Promises that could be expected from them to assist and co-operate with him in all his D●signs though they were dispensed with from appearing bare-fac'd So soon therefore as the Parliament that gave him Admittance into the the Kingdom was Dissolved the King call another the first of his own Calling and so ordered the matter that the greatest part of the Masked Revolters got in among the real Protestants By which means all things went Trim and Trixy on the King's side● They restored him the Milltia which the Long Parliament took from his Father● They Sacrificed the Treasure of the Nation to his Profuseness and Prodigality They offered up the Righ●s and Liberties of the People by advancing ●is Pr●rogative and what was most conducing to the King's P. Designs they made him by private Instructions those Penal Statutes which divided the Two prevailing Protestant Parties and set them together by the Ears by Arming one Party of the Protestants against the rest such a darl-advantage to the Papists and upon the obtaining of which he set so high a value that neither the necessity of his A●●airs at any time afterwards nor the Application and Interposure of several Parliaments for removing the Grounds of our Differences and Animosities by an Indulgence to be past into Law could prevail upon him to forego the Advantages he had got of keeping the Protestants at mutual Enemy one with another and making them useful to his own Designs Nor was this all But that he might carry on his Popish Designs the more sa●ely and covertly under the cursed Masque of Hypocrisie he procured the passing of an Act in his Pensionary Parliament 1662. whereby it was made Forfeiture of Estate and Imprisonment for any to say The King was a Papist or An Introducer to P●pery Nevertheless notwithstanding he was thus become a Protestant by the Law of the La●d to repeat how he exerted the Power given him by the Parliament how he Persecuted and Prosecuted the Protestant Nonconformists throughout the Kingdom how he caused to be Excommunicated Imprisoned and Harrased when not a Papist in the Three Kingdoms was so much as Troubled or Mole●ted is a thing that would be altogether needless as being so well known to the World I had almost forgot another great kindness which the Parliament did him which was at the private Instance of the King to Abrogate the Trienial Act by which the Sitting of a Parliament once in Three Years was infallibly secured to the Kingdom So well did this Monarch know where the Shoe pinched him and so crafty was he to take his Advantage from the Delirium and Frens●e the Nation was in upon his Restoration to obtain the repealing of the Principal Laws by which his wrigling into Arbitrary Government would have often been curbed and restrained But whether it were that the prodigall Zeal of those Members began to cool conscious perhaps that they had already opened too large a Gap to Tyrannous Invasion upon the Liberties of the People which they had so Treacherously laid at the King's Mercy or whether it were that the King resolved to quicken his to Arbitrary Rule to the end he might see Popery flourish in his own days certain it is that the next attempt was to make Parliaments themselves the Ministers and Instruments of his own Popish Ambition and our Slavery In order hereunto He falls a Buying and Purchasing at certain and Annual Rates the Vote of the Members at what time the greatness of the Number of those that stood ready for Sale as well as their Indigencies and Lusts made the Price at which they were to be bought so much the easier Now being thus hired by His Majesty with their own free Offerings of the Nations Money How many Bills did they pass into Acts for Ensl●ving and Ruining a Third part of the Kingdom under the Notion of Phanaticks and Dissenters And all this in graritude of their Sallaries and to accomplish the Will and Pleasure of their Lord and Master the King whose Bought and Purchas'd Vassals and Slaves they were All this while what can we say or think other but that the Purchaser as well as the Sellers were guilty of betraying the People who had intrusted them And then to make a President by Law for Tyranny these Hirelings empowered the Justices of the Peace to disleize Men of their Estates without being Convicted and found Guilty by Legal Juries of the Transgressions whereof they stood Accused By which they not only overthrew all the Commons and Stature Law of the Land but they
but their pity and compassion ●o th● King which would not permit them to expose him so black tho it was as certain that they frequently imported their knowledge to their Friends No● did it a lit●le add to confirm the Truth of what is here related That Emislari●s should be s●nt from the Court to deal under-hand with the Coroner and the Jury to have gotten a Verdict of Felo de se ● But the Proofs of his being murthered were so apparent such as his Neck being broke and the cleanness of his Sho●s that nothing could corrupt the Jury from bringing it in otherwise than it was Under these distresses did the King and Duke labour terribly afraid of the approaching Parliament for the sake of their Popish Minions and Instruments whose utmost Care and Industry could not prevent it● but that several of Coleman's Letters and Papers were found which detected the Negotiations of the King and Duke for all the World can never separate them by maintaining that the Duke durst ever have transacted such Treasons abroad being then no more than another Subject without his Brother's consent so that they were in an extraordinary quandary whether the Parliament should Sit or not But the King 's extream necessity for Money prevailed upon him to let them Sit Besides that the King who had all along acted under his Protestant Mask was sensible that the Kingdom would have cry'd out Shame● had he put off the Parliament at such a conjuncture of Combu●tion and Distraction as that was But when the Parliament met according to the usual wont how many Stories and Shams was there endeavoured to be put upon them For in the interval of the Session notwithstanding that the Parliament had giv●n him Money to Disband the New-raised Army He to try an Experiment how the Nation would brook his wrigling i●to that Arbitrary Power which he aimed at all along had spent the Money upon his other Occasions and kept up the Army still Nevertheless to excuse the Fraud which he had put upon the disgusted N●tion he tells the Parliament That he had been obliged ●o keep up his Troops to keep his Neighbours from absolute Despair and that he had b●en sollicit●d from abroad not to Disband them Now was ever such a Story told by a Prince and vouched in the Face of the Nation by a bred Lawyer viz. his Chancellor to justifie the Breach of a Law of the Three Esta●es of the Kingdom as soon as made and then to ●●im the Parliament off with Christendom and the Worlds commending us for the breaking our own Laws to patch up a Peace which tended to nothing but the ruine of those for whom it was made The Sum of which was in short that the King to serve his own Arbitrary Ends had run himself into an Inconvenience by defrauding the Nation however the Parliament was to be contented with it and to pay for it to boot that is to pay double for the keeping up a Popish Army to secure the Protestant Religion But the Parliament taking little notice of these fine Stories fell to the main Business which was to sound the depth of the Plot. Upon Examination of which notwithstanding that many Papers of great Importance had with a more than ordinary Industry been conveyed away ●et by those that were sound so much appeared that the House Vo●●d it to be a Damnable Plot to root up and des●●●y the Religion and Government of the Kingdom and privately got the Lord Chief Justice Scroggs to Sign Warrants for the Apprehending the Popish Lords which was done accordingly An● for their further Security they prepared a Bill for putting the Nation into a posture of Defence and for raising the Mi●i●ia throu● hour the Kingdom to be in A●ms for so many days which passed both Houses without ●ny difficulty but the King out of his Zeal to the Protestant Religion refused to Pass it And then it was that the Parliament found too late the Complement which they had pas●ed upon him in returning him the Power of the Militia which he made use of keeping up standing Armies for their Destruction but refused for the Security of the Nation This therefore not prevailing they began to provide against Papists Sitting in either House and ●ram'd a Bill with a Test to be taken by every Member of both Houses ● or else to losse th●ir Seat This though his Protestant Majesty did not openly oppose himself yet after a close Consul●ation held at St. Iames's He ordered all his Instruments in the Lords House to wit●stand the passing of it there● which though ●hey could not Effect yet they prevailed so far that they got a Proviso in it ●or the D. of York whereby they did him the kindness as to declare him a Papist to all the World After this the Parliament proceeded to the Impeach●ng of such Persons as they had found to be d●epest in the Contrivance of all our Mischiefs but That his Majesty lookt upon 't as a Business that so ●early concerned his own Honour that like his Father when the Duke o● B●ckingham was accused of poysoning Iames I he would not end●re the Parliament in such a Iehu-like Chase after the Popish Conspirators but Foot ba●●ed them again with a Prorogation for several Months So careful was his Pro●estant Majesty to sti●e as much as in him lay and to prevent the Prosecution of an In●ernal Plot which he knew was so deeply laid like the Axe of Popary to the Root of all his Protestant Dominions Nor was this all for so soon as he had dismissed the Parliament and had secured his Accomplices he took all the Care imaginable to discredit Oates and Bedlow's Evidence Forty One was again inculc●ted into all the ignorant Pa●es about the Town and Merry ● Andrew Roger had his Pension out of the Gazette coutinued to ridicule the Plot which he did in a most leud and shameless manner and Money given to set up a new Divinity Academy in a publick Coffee-House to Act the Protestant Whore of Babylon and give about his Revelation Cup to the Raw Inferior Clergy and instract them in be●●er Doctrine than ever they learnt in the University Nor did he stop at the endeavouring to discredit the Testimonies of those Witnesses but sent his Head Emissa●ies to corrupt them to a denial and retracting what they had discovered and when that would not do Kn●x and Lane were sub-armed to accuse Oates of Buggery thereby to have taken him Add to this his Dissolving of this Enquiring Parliament at the Solicitation of the Duke and the extraordinary diligence of his Protestant Majesty to get the next Parliament fit for his Turn which was suddenly to be called to stop the Mouths of the People To which purpose all the Money that could possibly be spared out of the Exchequer was Issued out to divers Persons to manage the Elections all ov●r the Kingdom under the old notion of Secre● Service in one Article 1500 l. in another
For which Reason it was thought best to Assault him by way of Surprise and to hurry him to Prison upon a pretended Conspiracy which People would be astonished at but not have time ●● unravel For the King and his Brother were assured That the Convicting of the Earl of Sha●ts●ury upon a Charge of Levying War and Conspiring to seize his Person would be a kind of Moral proof against every other Person whom they had a mind to accuse of the same Crime Since People would be easily persuaded That a Person of his Prudence and C●nduct would not easily embark himself in such a dangerous En●erprise without a proportionable number of Persons who by their Power Quality and Interest might be supposed to be able to carry it on So that all the Noblemen and Gentlemen of England that ever had any converse or acquaintance with the Earl supposing them to be Persons obnoxious to the Court were involved in his Ruine But it will remain an eternal Monument of Reproach upon R. Subordination That after all the Industry of the Court and their obs●quious Instruments after all their layi●g their Heads together to form cohering and probable Proofs of the Charge intended to be laid against him after an illegal Trick devised to have tryed him within their own Jurisdiction on the Verge which was so contrary to Law that it was exploded by their own Bene placito Lambskin Men that at length he was acquitted by a Grand Jury the most Substantial for Estates Integrity and soundness of Judgment that had been returned for many Years in the City to the never dying praise of the Two Sheriffs Mr. Pilkinton and Mr. Shu●e A Disappointment which so ince●sed the King and his dear Brother That they resolved to make an Istington Village o● the chief Metropolis of the whole Nation and what they could not do by Fire to effect by wresting from them their Franchises and Priviledges ●ar more ancient than the descent of those that wrested them for a time out of their Hands For this reason the Attorney General was ordered to b●ing a Quo Warranto against the City Charter under the pretence of their petitioning for the Sitting of the Parliament a thing so far from being a Crime that it was the undoubted Right of the Nation And yet such was the awe which the antiquity and legality of the Charter had upon the Judge that the Fountain of Justice was forced to shift his Chief Justice till he could fix upon one that durst to adventure to pronounce Sentence against it Which as it was the greatest Invasion that could be against the ancient and fundamental Constitution of the Kingdom so it plainly laid open the King`s pious Intentions of Governing by Law which according to the new Interpretation of the Court was the downright subverting of all that was most Sacred and Valuable in the Nation to the end the King might have it in his Power to violate the electing of a Parliam●nt and nominate and obtrude upon all Persons of the Kingdom his own Slaves and Creatures Papists and Traytors to their Country so by reducing one of the most ancient Corporations and levelling it with one of the meanest Villages in the Kingdom that he might command the Mayor and Sheriffs and by their means the Juries of the City on purpose to have the Lives of all his Protestant Subjects at his Mercy And that this was his end was apparent by the Consequences for when once the King by the overthrow of the Charter had made sure of his own Sheriffs and Juries Heavens How were the Laws of God and the Kingdom wrested by misinterpretation How were the Precepts even of Morality it self transversed The Wi●nesses for the King caressed and countenanced in their known Subordination The Testimonies for their pretended Criminals brow-beaten and all the Arguments of Law and Rea●on urged by the most Learned Council of the Nation over-ruled by Hectoring and Swaggering Judges to take away the Lives of the L. Russel Col. Sidney Armstrong and several others meerly to gratifie the Rage of Popish Revenge Such were the Violences of the Court at that time in defiance of Justice as if all fear of giving account to future Parliaments had been thrown off or that they never intended to be troubled with them more till they had framed the Nation into such a posture as to chuse such Members as would not only forgive such Villanies but go sharers with them in the spoil of the Kingdom But then followed the Barbarous and Horrid Murther of the Earl of Essex which how far it could be laid to the King's Charge we shall not here pretend to determine tho it seem somewhat strange that the King could find no other Morning to accompany his Brother to the Tower but that very Morning that the Earl was Murthered will no doubt very much augment the Suspition of future Ages and it will be as odly looked upon that when Letters and Proposals were sent to some great Persons near the King That if his Majesty would but grant a Pardon to Two or Three Men that shyuld be named when the Favour was granted the whole Mystery of the Contrivance should be discovered and the Contrivers and Actors be particularly derected such a Proposal should be slighted and neglected Now after all these Tricks and Stratagems of the King to introduce Tyranny and Slavery to stifle the Popish Plot by throwing it upon his Protestant Subjects after such an obstinate and stedfast Conjunction with the Sworn Enemy of the Nation the French King for the Subversion of our Laws Liberties and Religion after so many Slights and Contempts to put upon the grand Council of the Kingdom which he never assembled but to empty and drain the Purses of the Nation But to shut the Door against all Objections that can be made in his behalf there is one proof yet remaining behind which must be an undeniable convincement to all the World of the Truth of what has been hitherto said as standing still recorded under his own Hand if the Original of the Instructions be extant and that is the following Memorial of his Ambassador to the King of Poland in the Year 1667. Most Illustrious Prince THE King my Master has Commanded me to let Your Majesty know the Resolutions he has taken in All Points to concur with the mos● Christian King in giving your Majesty all possible Assistance for the Establishing your Majesty's Title in such ●ays as your Majesty shall think most Effectual for the s●curing your Crown and Dig●i●y and further Hon●ur of your Queen and Royal Issue The King my Master being truly sens●ble of t●e great Misfortune● of those P●inces whose Pow●r must be bou●ded and Reason regulated by the Fantastick Humour of their Subjects Till Prince can be ●reed from these Inconveniencies The King my Master sees no possibl● prospect of establishing the Roman Catholick Religion If thi● be not enough to discover his Inclinations and the whole drift of
two Nations so well matched it was the Dukes Contrivance to Suborn and Bribe two indigen● and desperate Vil●ains to go over and Fire the 〈◊〉 Ship● as they lay in their ●arbours ●nd when he had done that● it was the same Treachery that with a sham story lulled his ●rother ●●l●ep and pr●cured the Firing of our Ships at ●●●●ham The burning of London was such a mar●hless piece as could not have entered into the Breast of any but a bejesuited Herostratus in hopes to purchase the infamous immortality of a Popish Saintship by reducing to Ashes the graetest Bulwark and Magazine of the Protestant Religion in Europe Rome was set on Fire by Nero to have re-built it again more Glorious● and that he might have space enough for one of the most sumptuous Pallaces so designed under the Sun thereby to have made the Mistress of the Earth the Wonder of the World But London was Fired not only to destroy the Wealth and Habitations of the City never to have risen more but with an intention to extirpate the Inhabitants themselves to boot and to have turned the Venerable and Spacious Pile into a depopulated Wilderness by a general Massacre of the People under the Consternation of the spreading Flames The standing S●reets provided and furnished with Incendiaries with fresh Materials to revive and restore the weary Con●●●gration and when taken in the Act res●ued out of the Hands of those that seized them and sent to St. Iames's to be there secured from the Rage of the Mul●itude and then dismissed without Persecution An excellent way to have made all sure by mixing the Blood of the Inhabitants with the Ashes of their Dwellings the only Cement which the Papists believed would fasten and bind the Fabrick of the Romish Church and what greater piece of Persidy could there be than while the Duke was riding about the Streets under Pretence of Assisting to quench the Fire that his Guards were at the same time employed to prevent the People from rem●ving their Goods and his Palace made the Refu●e of such as were taken in the very ●act of cheris●ing and fomenting the Flames This the Committee of Parliament trac'd so far that it cost the Life of the poor Gentleman that gave the Information of these Things to the Chair man of the Committee to prevent any further Discovery and secure the D. from the Danger of his Life Coleman's crying out There was no Faith in Man was a most undeniable Testimony of the Treachery of his Master notwithstanding all the faithful Service he had done him and was it not a Magnanimous and generous Act of a Prince to betray as he did to the Gallows not only his most trusty Servant but his Fellow Partner in the Conspiracy More Inhumane still was the barbarous Murder actually contriv'd and brought to perfection by the encourag'd Instruments of the Duke For he it was that sent word to Coleman to bid him ●ake no care for that Sir Edmundbury Godfrey should be remov'd out of the way and at the same time took the like care that his Servant Coleman should follow him For it was Detection that he feared and the D●ke well knew that the Dead could never tell Tales The Particulars of the Murder and how far the Circumstances of it reached the D●ke are too fresh in Memory ●o be here inserted and Dis●ensation for Deeds of the blackest hew were so easily obtai●ed that it was no wonder the Duke so little boggled at a single Murder to conceal the Designs of general Mas●acres wherein he was engag'd In pursuance of which he was no les● industrious to bring the Presbyterians and all the Dissenting Protestants within the Snare of his Sham-Plot in order to the Destruction of Thousands of innocent Persons This Dangerfield discovered to the World and his Information taken upon Oath before Sir William Roberts and Sir William Poultney are extant wherein he gives an Accoun● of his being introduced several times into the Duke of York's Prefence Partic●larly that being once among the rest admitted to the Duke of York ' Closet at White-Hall he kissed his Hand upon his Knees A●d then being taken up by the Duke he gave him a little Book containing the whole Scheme of the Presbyterian Plot for which the Duke thank'd him as also for his diligence to the Catholick Cause and wishing good Success to his Undertakings added these words That the Presbyterian Plot was a thing of most mighty Consequence and I do not question but the Effects of it will answer our Expectation especially in the Northern Parts where I am well assured the Major part of the Gentry a●e my Friends and have given sufficient Demonstrations to me as also of their Intentions to prosecute this Prescyterian Plot for they are no Strangers to the Design At the same time he ordered Dangerfield to be very careful of what he communicated to the Persons who were to be Witnesses in that new Plot lest he should be caught in the Subordination and so bring a terrible Odium upon the Catholicks and make himself uncapable of any further Service Then for Encouragement in the Prosecution of the Sham Plot the Duke promised that he would take Care that Money should not be wanting and ordered him with all the Expedition the Thing would allow to make a Discovery to the King At the same time the Duke also made divers Vows and bitte● Execrations to stand by him in the Thing and engaged upon his Honour to be his Rewarder and in earnest give him Twenty Guineas with his own Hand and telling him withal what a great Reputation he had gained among the Catholicks and that in a short time he should see the Catholick Religion flourish in these Kingdoms with a great deal more to the same purpose Of the truth of which among many others there could not be a more convincing Proof than the bitter Enmity which the Duke bore to Dangerfield after his Discovery and the severe Usage which he received from Iefferies the Duke`s Creature and the Rhadamantine Dispenser of his Revenges In Scotland he Rul`d or rather Reign`d though in his Brother's life-Life-time with a more Arbitrary and Lawless Controul And there it was that he breath`d for●h his Venome against the Protestants utter●d his Tyrannous Maximes with more ●reedom and exercised his Tyranny with a more boundle●s and exorbi●ant Extravagance For there it was that he first undertook to exercise the power of Soveraign Rule re●using to take the Oath of High Commissioner which the Law of the Coun●r● required as here he had d●nied to take the ●est and to shew how he intended to Govern England when it came to his turn there it was that in the hearing of Persons of great Credit he had this worthy Apothegm That tho` in England the Lawyers ruled the Court yet in Scotland he would rule the Lawyers There is was that he positively denied to give the Parliament any security for the Preservation of their Religion in
deteriora sequar for he indeed made the worst choice it could not be thought but such an Imployment was much better to him to have accepted than to be confined to a loa●hsome Prison Having him now fast in Prison Herodias by pleasing her Herod must also ask and have his Life for Perscelus ad scele●● tuti●r est via to that end they preferred Emposides to be Servant to Sir Gervase Elway's then Lieutenant of the Tower and a very Wise Religious Gentleman he was so ignorant of the Pl●t as he never Dreamt of any such matter until one day as it should seem Weston being told E●●ays did know wherefore he was preferred unto him to wait on Overbury he a●ked the Lieutenant whether he should now do i● Elways replied What Weston at that being somewhat abashed which Elways quickly apprehended replied No not yet for he did believe there was something known to Weston instantly he hasted away being a little before Dinner and went into his Study and Weston being come he exa●i●ed him the meaning of that Question at last between fair means and threatning perswaded him to con●ess the ●ruth then Elways as he well could laid before Weston the horridness of the Fact the torments of Hell c. At last made him so sensible that he gave the Lieutenant humble thanks for that he had been instrumental in saving his Soul by putting him off from so soul intentions and faithfully promised never to be concerned in so foul at Act and for a long time as faithfully performed The Lieutenant ordered Weston to bring him such things as were sent to give Overbury which he accordingly did the Lieutenant ever gave them to Doggs and Catts some of which died presently others lingred some time During this time the Earl continued sending to visit Overbury wheedling him with an assurance that he did not forget his Release At last the Countess growing impatient sent for Weston reviling him saying he was a Treacherous Villain on which he promised her Fidelity to the future yet the Countess would not trust him alone any more but joined one Franklin to him a greater Villain than himself Some time after these Two Villains had carried Overbury the Tarts they went to his Chamber and found him in great Torment with Contention between strength of Nature and working of the Poyson and they fearing Nature would have gotten the better and that it might come upon the judgment of Physicians that foul Play had been offered him they immediately stifled him between Two Pillows and so ended his miserable Life with the assurance of the Conspirators that he dyed by Poyson none thinking otherwise but the Two Murtherers Now this grand obstacle being removed the Adulterous Marriage must be brought about and for the more easie effecting of it they did without much trouble make the King a Party in this Bawdy business and the Bishops likewise must be principal Actors in bringing this Bawdery to a Marriage of whom Bilson Bishop of Winchester was chief for which the King Knighted his Son The Bishops had many Meetings in which there wanted no Bribes from the Lord and Lady to h●ve this Nullity brought to pass wherein the Discourse would have better befitted the Mouths of Bawds and Ruffians than grave Divines Arch-bishop Abbot opposed and protested against all their Proceedings for which the King held him in disgrace to his Dying day To make up the full measure of Bawdry and to justifie the Nullity a search must be made into the Lady to find whether there had been a Penetration and a Jury of grave Matrons were found fit for that purpose who with their Spectacles ground to lessen not to make the Letter larger after their Inspection into the Premises gave Verdict she was Intacta Virgo which was thought very strange for the World took notice that her way was very common before ever Somerset trod in it besides they two having lived so long in Adultery together The Plot was contrived thus The Lady of Essex pretending Modesty makes humble Suit to the Bawdy Bishops who were all concerned in this Stratagem that she might come Vailed into the Court which they all readily granted One Mrs. Turner was dressed in the Countesses Cloaths and at that time too young to be other than Virgo Intacta Now is the Nullity pronounced and the Marriage with Somerset speedily Solemnized but sweet Meat must have sowr S●wce For not long after Thrumbal Agent at Bruxels had by one Reeve an Apothecaries Prentice in London that was come there on some Occasions gotten hold of this Poysoning Business on which he presently wrote to Secretary Wynwood that he had business of great consequence to discover but would not send i● therefore desired License to come over which after some time the King granted and now had they good Testimony by the Apothecary who revealed Weston Mrs. Turner and Francklin to be the Principal Agents yet it being the time of the King's Progress nothing was done in it till his Return Secretary Wynwood having been affronted and much abused by Somerset in his Secretaryship does now carry himself in a kind of braving way against him being struck in with the Faction of Viller's who was now the risi●g Sun and King Iames's darling Favourites King Iames being returned from his Summers Progress returns to Windsor from thence to Hampton-Court then to White-Hall and sho●tly after to Royston to begin his Winter Journey And now begins the Game to be plaid in which the Earl and Countess of Somerset must be Losers the Lord Chief Justice Coke and Secretary Wynwood the managers against them The day the King went from VVhite-Hall to Theobald's and so to Royston he sent for all the Judges his Lords and Servants encircling him where kneeling down in the midst he spoke to them as followeth My Lords the Iudges It is lately come to my hearing that you have now in Examinati●n a Business of Po●soning Lord in what a most miserable Conditi●n shall this Kingdom be the only famous Nation for Hospitality in the World if our Tables should become such a S●are as none could E●t without da●ger of Life and the Italian Custom be introduced among us Therefore my Lords I Charge you as you will answer it at the great and dreadful day of Iudgment that you will examine it strictly without F●v●●● Affection or Partiality and if you shall spare any that are found Guilty of this Crime God's Curse light on you and your Posterity And if I spare any God's Curse light on Me and my Posterity for ever But how this dreadful Thunder Curse or Imprecation was performed the following account will shew The King goes to Ro●ston accompanied with the Earl of S●merset the next day the Earl being to go to London went to kiss the King's Hand who hanged about his Neck slabberi●g his Cheeks saying When shall I see you again On my Soul I shall neithe● Eat nor Sleep until you come again The Earl told him
or Write any other new Laws agaonst Roman Catholicks The great Concessions of King Iames towards the Roman Catholicks brought great swarms of Priests and Jesuits into England who were busie in drawing the People from the Protestant Religion And a titular Bishop of Calcedon privately came to London to Exercise Episcopal Jurisdiction over the Roman Catholicks of this Kingdom 'T is said that the King had now so much confidence of the Match as to say openly in the Cour● That now all the Devils in Hell could not break it The Spaniards the better to cover their Designs ordered that the Infanta should be stiled the Princess of England and she was kept no longer in her Virgin Retirements The Spanish Match having been long in Treaty and it being suspected now that the Spaniard did juggle with the States in this as they formerly did in a Match with that brave Prince Henry Whether the King suspected any such matter or any whimsie came into the Brains of the great Favourite and Prince to imitate the old Stories of the Knights Errand but agreed it was it should seem that the Prince must go himself very privately into Spain with his Favourite Buckingham under the borrowed Names of Iack and Tom Smith and they had the Ports laid so that none should follow them to give any Notice to the French Court through which they must pass And now many Lords and other Servants flock over that he might appear the Prince of Great Britain Many Treaties were so●etimes Hope sometimes Fear sometimes great Assurance then all dasht again At last after many Heats and Cools the Prince wrote a Letter to his Father of a desperate Despair not only of not enjoying his Lady but of never more rerurning Now the folly of this Voyage began to appear many smiling at the Follies that were concerned in it and however the King was a cunning Dissembler and shewed much outward Sorrow as he did for Prince Henry's Death yet the Court believed little Grief came near his Heart for that secret Hatred he had of late bore to Buckingham as being satiated with him and his Adorning the Rising Sun made it generally thought that he would not value the losing his Son so that Buckingham might be lost also Yet Buckingham had so much awe over the King that he durst not make shew to affect any other One great Reason of the King 's Hating of Buckingham was a large Information that he privately received from one Inniosa an Extraordinary Ambassador from Spain of Buckingham's Design on his Person whether by Poyson Pistol Dagger c. he could not tell Buckingham being fully satisfied on several Accounts of the great Hatred the King now bore unto him He turned as great a Hater of the King and though the King had more power to Revenge He had less Courage And however the World did believe the King's Inclinations was out of a Religious ground that he might not Revenge yet it was no other but a Cowardly Disposition that durst not adventure But altho the King lost his opportunity on Buckingham yet the black Plaister and Powder did shew Buckingham lost not his on the King and that it was no Fiction but a Reality that Padro Macestria had formerly told the King And now the Prince returns from Spain and all the fault of the Match not succeeding is laid on Bristol who was Ambassador there And Buckingham from an Accused Man in the former Parliament came to be the Darling of this Parliament And in the Banquetting-House before both Houses of Parliament does Buckingham give an Account at large of his Spanish Voyage and to every full point as a further A●testation he saith How say you Sir To which the Prince answered I Yea or Yes Bristol having some Friends that sent Advice of All into Spain He immediately posts into England makes Buckingham's Relation and Accusation wholly False and Scandalous and becomes a great Favourite to King Iames. I shall now bring the Secret Story of this King's Life to an end He now goes his last Hunting Journey I mean the last of the Year as well as his Life which he ever ended in Lent and was seised on by an extraordinary Tertian Ague yet 't was not the Ague as himself confessed to many of his Servants one of which c●ying Courage Sir this is but a small Fit the next will be none at all At which he most earnestly looked and said Ah! It is not the Ague afflicteth me but the black Plaister and Powder given me and laid to my Stomach Nor was it fair Dealing if he had fair Play which himself suspected often saying to the Earl of Montgomery whom he trusted above all Men in his Sickness For God's sake look I ●ave fair Play to bring in an Emperick to apply any Medicines whilst those Physicians appointed to attend him were at Dinner nor could any but Buckingham answer it with less than his Life Buckingham visiting the King just as he was at the point of Death● who mournfully fix● his Eyes on him as who would have said You are the Man that has ruined me It were worth the knowledge what his Confessions was or what other Expressions he made of himself or any other but that was only known to the Dead Arch-Bishop Abbot and the then living Bishop Williams and the Lord-keeper and it was thought Williams had blabbed something which incensed the King's Anger and Buckingham's Hatred so much against him that the loss of his Place could not be explatory sufficient but his utter ruine must be determined Now have we brought this King who stiled himself the King of Peace and put on Mortality the 27 th of March to rest in all Peace We shall conclude his Remarks with an Appendix sh●●ing the particulars of a great man● Millions of good English Money even to an almost incredible Sum this King Expended on his Fruitless Emb●ssies B ng Favourites Beggarly Scots Ant-Suppers Masqueradoes and other Buffoons even to a far greater Sum than his Predecessor Queen Elizabeth of Happy Memory Expended in all Her Wars in Ireland and with Spain c. during her Forty Four Years Reign King IAMES's LETTER TO Pope CLEMENT Most Holy Father HAVING understood by several Reports how diligent the Rivals of our Condition have been that the Sword of your Authority should he unsheathed against us and with what constancy your Prudence hath hitherto refused it we could do no less than return Thanks for such a good turn received especially upon so fair an Occasion when the Bearer of these a Scotch Man by Nation but a Roman by Adoption was returning unto your Dominion We recommend him to your Holiness to whom for his good Parts you have been already Beneficial that you would attentively bear him in those things which he shall deliver in our Name And because we know there is no better Remedy against the Calumnies of Ill Willers who by commemorating our Injuries done to Catholicks procure Envy to
likely to have the principal Room in his Favour and Trust and by whose Assistance he was in hopes to Tyrannize o●er his E●glish and Scotch ● Subject● particularly those of the latter For when the Parliament of Scotland sent for him as he was then Cruising about Guernsey to treat about receiving him to be their King he would not so much as transact with them till he had first sent into Ireland to assure himself whether those Rebels who had murthered no less than Two Hundred Thousand Protestants were in a Condition or no for him to cast himself upon their Assistance But those hopes failing in regard they were in a fair way to be subdued themselves he was at length inclined to entertain the Overture made him by the Scots And yet even then was his Mind so full fraught with the thoughts of Despotical Dominion and purposes of introducing Popery in●o his Territories that had it not been for the Prince of Orange he would never have complyed with the Terms which the Scots had ordered to propose though no other than what were necessary for the Security of the Lives Liberties Laws and Religion of his People And how he employed his Wooden ●illet afterwards may easily be understood by his many Acts of Barbarous Tyranny` over those poor People This Prince began early in Hypocrisie and Breach of Promise For the Confirmation of which to be a certain Truth there needs no more than to lay the Foundation of the Proof upon his own Words and solemn Engagements For in the King's Letter to the Speaker of the House of Commons just before his Restauration he has these Words We assure you upon our● Royal Word That none of our Predecessors have had a greater Esteem for Parliaments than We have as well in Our Judgment as from our Obligation We do believe them to be so Vital a part of the Constitution of the Kingdom and so necessary for the Government of it that We well know neither Prince nor People can be in any tollerable degree happy without them and therefore you may be confident That We shall always look upon their Counsels as the best We can receive aud shall be as tender of their Peiviledges and as careful to Preserve and Protect them as of that which is most near to Our self and most necessary for Our own Preservation This in part demonstrates his Prevarication with Man Now for his Prevarication with Heaven we must produce another Paragraph of the same Letter wherein he uses these flattering Expressions● If you desire the Advancement and Propagation of the Protestant Religion We have by Our constant Profession of it given sufficient Testimony to the World That neither the Unkindness of those of the same Faith towards Us no● the Civilities and Obligations from those of a contrary profession could in the least startle Us or make Us swerve from it and nothing can be proposed to manifest Our Zeal and Affection for it to which We will not readily assent And we hope in due time Our self to propose something to you for the Propagation of it that will satisfie the World that We have always made it ●oth Our Care and Study and have enou●h observed what is most like to bring Disadvantage to it Now as for his Veneration of Parliaments or his Zeal for the Reformed or truly any Religion the Succeeding transactions of his Reign which are to be related will plainly make it appear how far those words were from his Heart when dictated by his Lips To shew that this Prince was a great Lover of Comedies and Enterludes and could act his part with e're a Moon or Lacy of them all there is a Story must not be omitted which may serve to light us into the occasion how he came to gain the addition of Pious Otherwise as it is impossible for us to give any Account why Virgil so often gives the Epithet of Pious to his Hero AE●eas after he had so dishonourably cheated and broke his Faith with Queen Dido so it is as little to be expected that we should afford a reason why Charles the Second should be so universally dignified with the name of Pious after such a prank of Hypocrisie as we are going to relate This Story is this While he lay at Breda daily expecting the English Navy for his Transportation the Dissenting Party fearing the worst thought it but reasonable to send a select number of most eminent Divines to wait upan his Majesty in Holland in order to get the most advantageous Promises from him they could for the Liberty of their Consciences Of the number of these Divines Mr. Case was one who with the rest of his Brethren coming where the King lay and desiring to be admitted into the King's Presence were carried up into the Chamber next or very near the King's Closet but told withal That the King was busie at his Devotions and that till he had done they must be contented to stay Being thus left alone by contrivance no doubt and hearing a sound of groaning Piet● such was the curiosity of Mr Case that he would needs go and lay his Ear to the Closet Door But Heavens How was the good old Man ravish'd to hear the Pious Ejaculations that fell from the King's Lips Lord Since thou art pleas'd to restore me to the Throne of my Ancestors grant me a Heart constant in the Exercise and Protection of Thy true Protestant Religion Never may I seek the Oppression of those who out of his tender●ess of their Consciences are not free to conform to outwar● and indifferent Ceremonies With a great deal more of the same Cant which Mr. Case having over-heard full of Joy and Transport returning to his Brethren with Hands and Eyes to Heaven up-lifted fell a Congratulating the Happiness of Three Nations over which the Lord had now placed a Saint of Paradice for their Prince After which the King coming out of the Closet the deluded Ministers were to Prostitute themselves at his Feet and then it was that the King gave them those Promises of his Favour and Indulgence which how well he after performed they felt to their Sorrow Soon after he arrived into England where he was received with all the Pomp Splendor and Joy that a Nation could express but then as if he had left all his Piety behind him in Holland care was taken against the very first Night that his Sacred was to lie at White-Hall to have the Lady Castlemain seduced from her Loyalty to her Husband and enticed into the A●ms of the happily restored Prin●e Thus from the first hour of his Arrival into these Kingdoms he sat himself too much by his own P●rswasion and Influence to withdraw both Men and Women from the Laws of Nature and Morality and to Pollute and Infect the People with Debauchery and Wickedness He that ought to have shown like the North-Star in the Firmament of Royalty to direct his Subjects in the Paths of Vertue was the
Hereticks and that all good Christians were bound to Associate and Unite for their Extirpation Upon which Account it seems our King and the Duke thought fit to exchange the Appellation of of G●od Protestants for that of Good Christians However from hence it was plain what sort of Good Christians they were since it was evident that their Uniting with France in that War was to des●roy the P●otestant Dutch Hereticks These being the real Grounds and Motives that induced the King of England to begin that Impolitick War ag●inst the Dutch in the year 1665. whatever was openly and publickly pretended How strangely was the Parliament deluded and blinded by the King's Oaths and Protestations of his Zeal for the Protestant Religion What Sums of the Subjects Money they gave this Monarch to defray the Expences of that nnnecessary and baneful War is too well known and yet after all saving one brisk Engagement ill manag'd tho' with some los● to the Dutch at length no Fleet was set out and the choicest of their Royal Navy either Burnt or taken in Harbour to save Charges And though the French at leng●h joyn'd themselves in assistance with the Dutch against us yet by the Credit he had with the Queen-Mother he so far imposed upon that upon assurance which no M●n of Prudence and Foresight would have believed That the Dutch would have no Fleet at Sea that Year he forbore to make ready and so incurred that ignominious Disgrace at Chatham the like to which the English never suffered since they claim'd the Dominion of the Sea And now we come to the best Act that ever he did in his Life had he pursued it which shewed how happy a Prince he might have been had he been ever faithful to his own and the Interests of his People and that Religion which he outwardly profest For upon Conclusion of that Peace having leisure to look about him and to observe how the French had in the Year 1667. taken their opportunity and while we were embroyled and weakned by the late War had in Violation of all the most Sacred and Solemn Oaths and Treaties Invaded and Taken a great part of the Spanish Netherlands which had always been considered as the natural Frontier o● England the King then prompted more by his own Fears then out of any kindness he had for the Nation judg'd it necessary to interpose before the Flames that consumed next Neighbour should throw the Sparks over the Water Thereupon he sent Sir William Temple then his Resident at Brussels to propose a nearer Alliance with the Hollanders and to take joynt Measures against the French which Proposals of Sir William Temple's being entertained with all Compliance by the Dutch within Five days after Two several Treaties were concluded between the King and the States The one a Defensive and stricter Leag●e than before between the Two Nations and the other a joynt and reciprocal Engagement to oppose the Conquest of Fland●rs and ●o procure either by way of Meditation or by ●orce of Arms a speedy Peace between France and Spain upon the T●rms therein mentioned And because Sweeden came into the same Treaty within a very little while after ●rom the Three Parties concern'd and engag'd it was called the Tripple League In pursuance of which the Treaty of ●ix la Chapelle was also forc'd upon the French and in some measure upon the Spaniards who were unwilling to part with so great a part of their Country by a Solemn Treaty The King of France thus stopped in his Career by the Tripple League and by the Peace of Aix la Chapelle soon after concluded tho' for a while he dissembled his dissatisfaction yet resolved to untye the Tripple League whatsoever it cost him and therefore set his Counsels to work to try all the ways he could possibly think on in order to compass his sad Design To which purpose and as it 's generally thought that which a●●ected it the Dutchess of Orleance was sent over to Dover where if common Fame say true several Chamber Secrets were performed This Treaty was for a long time a work of Darkness and lay long concealed till the King of France to the end the King of England being truly set forth in his Colours out of a despair of ever being trusted or forgiven by his People hereafter might be push'd to go on bare faced and follow his steps in Government most Treacherously and Unking like cau●ed it to be printed at Paris though upon Complaint made at the French Court and the Author though he had his Instructions from Colbert to humour the King committed to the Bastile for a short time and then let out again However the Book being Printed some few Copies lit into safe Hands from whence take the Substance of the Mystery of Iniquity as followeth After that Monsieur de Croisy the French Embassador at London had laid before the Eyes of the King of England all the Grounds which his Majesty had of Complaint against Holland c. He told him That the time was come to revenge himself of a Nation that had so little Respect for Kings and that the occasion was never more favourable seeing many of the ●rinces of Germany were already entred into the League and that the King of France was powerful enough to be able to promise to his Allies in the Issue of that War for satisfaction both as to their Honour and Interests whereby he prevailed with that Prince to enter into Secret Alliance with France And for his greater Assurance and the more to confirm him Henrietta Dutchess of Orleance went for England and proposed to her Brother in the Name of the most Christian King that he would assure him an abs●lute Authority over his Parliament and ●ull power to establish the Catho●ick Religion in his Kingdoms o● England Scotland and Ireland But withal she told him that to compass this before all things else i● would b● necessary to abate the Pride and Power of the Dutch and to reduce them to the sole Province o● Holland and that by this means the King of England sh●●ld ha●e Zeal●nd ●or a Retreat in case of necessity and that the rest of the Law-Countries should remain to the King of France if he could render himself Master of it This is the Sum of that Famous Leage concluded at D●v●r framed and entred into on purpose for the Subjuga●ion of these Three Nations to Popery and Sl●very Soon ●fter this the Emperor o● Germany the Duke of L●rrain and several other G●rman Princes desired to be admitted into the Tripple League but it was absolutely refused them Nay So soon as the Two Cons●derate Monarc●s ha● thus made a shift to cut the Gordian Knot the now pitiful but formerly vaunted Tripp●e Leagu● was trampled under foot turned into Ridi●ni● and less valu●d than a Ballad Insomuch that to talk of admi●ting others into the Tripple League was appr●hended in Print as a kind of Fi●●● of Speech comm●nly called a
case he succeeded to the Crown And being told of the Terms that the King had offered to the Parliament of England tho` much harder and more dishonourable than any which they required he replied That the King never intended any such Limitations should pass nor did he offer them but when he knew they would not be accepted And farther to demonstrate his imbitter`d hatred of the Protes●ants and with what Rage and Fury he intended to prosecure them he told several Members of the Parliament when they were endeavouring to get some Bills to pass for the Security of their Religion in case of a Popish Successor That whatever they intended or prepared against the Papists should light upon others Which tho` it stopt him from taking the Advantage of any new Bills yet he was so just to his Word in behalf of the Papists that he pour`d all the Rigour of the Penal Laws against the Papists upon the Protestants in that Kingdom under the Name of Dissenters whom he Persecuted with that insatiable Violence as if according to his own Expression he had fully concluded That it would never be well with Scotland till all the South-side of Ferth were made a Hunting Field For indeed that was the true intent and drift of all his envenom`d Prosecutions of those People as well in England as in Scotland in hopes by so severe an Exasperation they would have broken out into open Rebellion and so have given him a fair opportunity to have rooted them from the Earth by the Sword Which was evident from another Saying of his for that having one day given his Opinion of sober Dissenters and setting them forth as he thought in their Colours he concluded That if he might have his VVish he would have them all turn Rebels and betake themselves to Arms. Which tho` it shewed his good Will yet whether it were so prudently spoken by a Person that had so little either of Courage or Conduct as himself is a question unless he thought he cou'd subdue them with the Spiritual Weapons of the Popes Excommunications and Curses Nor did he at the same time remember that the heavy Oppressions of the Spanish Inquisition tore from the Dominions of the Spaniard all the Seven United Provinces notwithstanding all that D` A●va Parma and Spinola could do tho●gh their Military Fame far exceeded his Thus we have seen the extent of his Christianity which we find cooped up within the narrow bounds of Popery Nów for his Morality which if it signalize it self in my Virtue that celebrates a Great and Glorious Prince it must be in those two of Justice and Mercy which God appropriates most nearly to himself as the brightest Ornaments of his Divinity But whether the Duke were either Just or Merciful to the E. of Argyle will be the Question● This Gentleman was one of the most Ancient and one of the most eminent Noble-men in Scotland and a Person of extraordinary Endowments and as such a one had ●erved the King with his Parts his Person and Estate beyond what most Men of any Degree in the Nation either had done or were able to p●rform but because he would not so far comply with and oblige the Duke as to fall in with his Councils for the Establishment of Popery and yield himself an Instrument to carry on his Designs of Popery and Arbitrary Power his Head must be brought to the Block the antient Honour of his Family must be attainted and his ample Fortunes be confiscated To which purpose a certain Test being fram`d for all the Nobility and Gentry of Scotland to take not excepting all others who were capable of any Office or Employment in the Kingdom easie enough for the Papists to swallow as being Calculated for their peculiar Advantage but difficult for the Protestants as being tha● which strangely confused and intangled their Consciences However the Earl was not so scrupulous neither to avoid all Occasions possible of incurring his Highness's Displeasure but offered to take it with this Proviso That he might declare in what sence he was willing to be Sworn Accordingly he did draw up an Explanation of his own meaning and tho` he were allow`d to take the Oath according to that Explanation which was also conformable to an Expl●nation which themselves were forced to make for the satisfaction of the greatest p●rt of the Ki●gdom that was dissatisfied in the Oath as well as the Earl nay tho` his Lordship did take it according to his own allowed Interpretation which was so far accepted that he was admitted to take his place in the Council yet upon a Caprico of the Duke`s Justice the matter was call`d in question again but then such a horrid Treasons were pick`d out of the Earl`s Interpretation that he was Arraign'd and Condemn'd to lose his Head and Execution had been certainly done had he not made his escape in his Sister 's Habi● but a ●ew hours before the Express Arrived from England ● with Orders for his immediate Execution● Nevertheless his whole Estate was seiz`d he was divested of all his Titles and Dignities and contrary to the Custom of the Kingdom his Coat of Arms was despitefully torn at the Publick Market Cross of E●inburgh and his Person hunted af●er in all places whether they thought he might be withdrawn even as far as Hamburgh And yet aft●r all the scrutinies which sober Men have made the chiefest of the Sc●ts Lawyers that were of unbiassed Principles could never find any thing in the Earl●s Interpretation but wha● his indispensible Duty obliged him to both as a Christian a Subject of Scotland and a Privy-Co●nsellor to the King But the D. was resolved to destroy him right or wrong And therefore being told wha● the E. of Argyle had said or done which could 〈◊〉 made a Crime by the ●aw of the Land his Highn●ss out of the gr●●t Aff●ction which he bo●e ●o so true a Protesta●t Peer was pleas'd to reply But may it not be wrested to Treason Which was such an Incouragement that when his Mind was once understood he wanted not Instruments that labour'd Day and Night to make the Question subservient to the D.'s impatient Thrist of Revenge and their own Advantage or else it might be to signalize his Resolution to over●rule the Lawyers in Scotland had they denied their Submission to his good Will and Pleasure By the same Justice it was that Blackwood was Condemn`d upon a pretence of having entertain'd upon his Ground certain Persons who were reported and said to have be●n at Bothwell-Bridge ● A●d this although there had been no notice given of their bei●g Criminals or any ways Offenders nor any Proclamations were issued out against them by which Blackwood could be obliged to take Cognizance of the Circumstances they lay und●r and that which aggravated the I●justice was this That the Gentleman suffered after a General Act of Indemnity granted and that it was after the Council themselves had for Four Years pass'd them by that
that Kings are accountable to none but God A set of Judges are pickt out to overturn the very Fundamentals of Humane Society and Annihilate the very ends of Goveroment This the King knew must be done by Judges that had abandoned all ●igh Opinon of God and Nature and had quitted all sence of Conscience and True Honour and had wholly given up their Judgments to the foolish Enticements of Ambition and Flattery And when he had found out such it was easie for him to say with ●is Grandfather of the same Name Let me make what Iudges I please and I will easily have what I please to be Law No wonder then these Judges having Instruments drawn up by Brent which pass'd the Great Seal to Indemnifie them for whatever they did or said Illegally affirm`d it to the King for Law That the King was an Independent Prince That the Laws of the Kingdom were the Kings Laws That the Kings of England might Dispence with all Laws that regarded Penalties and Punishments as oft as necessity required That they were Iudges and Arbitrators who have Power to Iudge of the Necessity which may induce them to make use of these Dispensations And Lastly That the King of England could not Ronounce a Prerogative annexed to the Crown By Vertue of which Concessions and Opinions of the Judges all the Laws in England made in the Reigns of our four several Princes for the security of the Natinn against Popery and Arbitrary Government were rendered of no Effect By Vertue of these Concessions Arundel of Warder was made Lord Privy Seal Alibon a Judge and Castlemain was sent with great Pomp an Embassador to Rome to be there contemn`d and dispis`d by his Holiness for the bad name which his Master had among all the Princes of Europe and the ill Opinion the Pope himself had of him By Vertue of these Concessions it was that the greatest part of the Kingdom`s Military Safety and Defence was put into the hands of persons incapable to be intrusted with them by the Express Laws of the Kingdom and that the Execution of the Ancient Laws and Statutes of the Realm against divers sorts of Treasons and other hainous Crimes was stopt By Vertue of these Concessions Sir E● Hale`s wa● made Lieutenant of the Tower to Terrifie the City with his Morter-pieces and level his Great Guns to the Destruction of the Metropolis of the Kingdom when the Word should be given him By Vertue of these Concessions it was that Peters was made a Privy Counsellor to outbrave the Arch-Bishop r● Canterbury and the Bishop of London that he had his four Provincial Bishops and that the Priests and Jesuites swarm`d in all parts of the Kingdom Built themselves Convents hired Mass-Houses made open Profession of their Foppish Religion in the Chief City of the Nation and in several of the Great Cities and Towns of the Kingdom and publickly Ridicul`d the Scripture in their Pulpits All which Transgressions of all the Laws of the Land both Civil and Ecclesiastick are so fully Represented in the Memorial of the Protestants to their Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Orange That they cannot be more fully nor more sensibly repeated But the Inundation stopt not here it was to be a general Deluge or nothing at all To which purpose all Obstructions that oppos`d the Torrent were to be level`d or remov`d out of the way for effecting of which there could be no Engine thought sufficient but that of the Ecclesiastical Commission so Arbitrary in its Original that it had nothing but the Pillars of the Prerogative to support it and mana`d with that Arbitrary Fury by Iefferies That he look`d like a Monstrous Titan Warring against the Heaven of Law and Justice For he had no way to carry Illegality with a high hand but by arrogant Domineering and surely Incivility while he had nothing to offer to any Person that offer●d Law to him but Sic Volo Sic Iubeo To tell a Peer of England and the Bishop o● London so much his Superior only that he sate upon the Throne of his Commission he that was not to be mentioned with the Bishop in the same day was such a foul piece of Exe●berance of his Guild-Hall Eloquence which only could have dropt from the Lips of insulting Barbarism All that can be said for him is this That as many Men commit Absurdities when loaden with Wine this was one of his Extravagancies in his Drink of Honour And indeed after he had tasted of that potent Charm the whole Course of his Behaviour seemed to be a meer Intoxication which made him afterwards make use of the same Receipt to drown both his Life and his Dishonour together However the Suspending this Noble Peer and ●ishop contrary to all pretence of Law for re●using to ●bey the Kings unjust and illegal Command was no such Advantage to the King 's Caus● that he had so much reason to ●hank the Chancellor or Peters either for putting him upon committing a greater A●t of Injustice to justifie a less The Bishop was too w●ll and ●oo generally beloved among all the Professors of Pr●testantism for the Papists to put such an Affront upon ●o Eminent a Father of the Pro●estant Church for them not to refent it even the more prudent Papist● thought it a Proceeding too harsh and unreasonable and the more moderate look'd upon it as too base and unworthy so that the Hot-spurs of the King's Council were losers on every side And besides it was such a stabbing Contradiction to the King's Speech in Council upon his Brother's Death That since it had pleased God he should succeed so good and gracious a Prince as his dear Brother he was resolved to ●ollow his Example more especially in that of Clemency and Tenderness to his People That the Barbarous suspending this Bishop was one of Royal Word Which though he had falsified already in his severity to Oates and Dangerfield yet the Person of a Peer and Bishop and a Star of the first Magnitude in the Church of England rendered much more conspicuous But the King was under a necessity he had declared one thing to the Protestants but he had bound himself to do another for the Papists If he falsified with the Protestants the Papists could absolve him if he proved unfaith●ul to the Papists they would never forgive him And in this Dilemma he resolved to ●ollow the Maxim of his Profession Not to keep Fai●h with Hereticks Neither were the steps he made the steps of State●convenience now and then upon an exigency but all in a huddle out of his Zeal to make large steps for fear he should die and leave the Papists worse than he found them These severe Proceedings against the Bishop of London werd the Violation of that part of his Declaration wherein he promised the Preservation of the Ecclesiastical Government as Established by Law But the Barbarous usage of the Gentlemen of both Maudlin Colledges was an unsanctified breach of
about him and expose the English to the usual Dangers of s●oad-bea●ers Which together with their ununwillingness to Engage the Deliverers of their Country so aliena●ed their Hearts from him that they deserted him by Troops and Regiments Despo●ding at this and more terrified with a little bleeding at the Nose than he had been with all the innocent Blood which he had caused to be spilt ●e returns back to London and having sent his Queen and her Babe be●ore which was sufficient Warning for Dada Peters and the rest to provide for themselves he withdrew from the City but being taken rifled and seized by the Country People near Feversham before they knew him he was brought back to White-hall where having his Choice given him to stay in England or to go beyond Sea he rather chose by a voluntary departure to ab●icate the Realm To which he was advis`d by his Council that assured him The Distractions of the Kingdom would make way for his Return in a little time Which God forbid And thus to the surprize of all Men came to pass a Revolution so Sudden so Great and Unexpected that History cannot parallel It seem`d a Laybyrinth of Providence to which the Belov`d of Heaven WILLIAM HENRY only had the Clue while Prudence and Fortitude were the Araidnes that gave him their Assistance to subdue the Minotaur that devoured our Religion and Liberties Two conspicuous Examples at once of Heaven`s Indignation and the Almighty●s Favour the one pursuing to his downfal an Apostate from God and an Oppressor of his People and exposing him among unbelieving B●g-Trotters upon the lingring Death-bed of his gasping Glory the fettered Vassal of the once fawning Confederate The other prospering with Miracles of Success the Generous Redeemer of the True Reformed Religion from the devouring Jaws of that double headed Monster Popery and Slavery By whose Auspicious Conduct two late languishing Kingdoms groaning under the heavy weight of Misery and Tyranny enjoy a Jubilee of Peace and Tranquility and freed from the d●ily fears of Mas●acre and Destruction in the fair way to recover their Pristine Glory have now no more to do but to repay their Praises to Heaven and their due acknowledgments to them that have approv'd themselves the truly indulging Father and Mother of their Country A Prince the wonder of His Age a Princess the Miracle of Her Sex in whom all Virtues as in their proper Centre meet rendring the Nation happy in Two in One as the whole World is blest in Three in One and upon whom next under Heaven depend ●he Hopes of all that cordially desire the Welfare and Prosperity of Christendom Here ends the Secret History of the Four Last Monarchs of Great-Britain AN APPENDIX Containing the Secret History OF King IAMES the II. Since his Abdication of England Continued to this present November 1692 3. Being an Account of his Transactions in Ireland and France With a more particular Respect to the Inhabitants of Great-Brittain WHen one looks back and reflects upon the continued Conduct of our late Monarch both before and after his Accession to the Crown and the dismal Consequences thereof to these Three Kingdoms and at last to himself I cannot but regret the Fate of those Princes that abondon their true Interest Reason Conscience and Honour to Iesuitick Councils and enslave themselves to a Party justly abominated by the better part of the Romish Church it self for their gross Encroachments upon Religion Morality and all that 's Sacred among Men. When I look back to the many Tragedies acted by that Fraternity both in this and the last Age scarce a Kingdom or State in Europe where their Villanies have not come up to the utmost reach of depraved Nature When I call to mind the horrid Desolations Murders and Wars they have been instrumental of in the most remote parts of the World witness some Millions of Souls in Iapan and other parts of Asia Sacrific`d not many Years ago to their Ambition and Intrigues under the Notion of propagating the Catholick Faith I say when I consider all these things I am the less surprized with the dismal Effects of their Councils in England since the same Fate attends them every where But I must confess that among all the Martyrs to Lo●ala`s Principles the late King Iames is the Subject of Admiration To see a Prince imposed upon by these jealous Bigots to trample upon the Religion and Liberties of his People contrary to the Fundamental Laws and the most solemn Promises and Oaths under the false Mask of Piety and Zeal to the Catholick Faith and at length to find him seduced to abandon his Kingdoms and thereby an absolute necessity put upon the Representatives of the People to fill up his Throne vacated by his own Fault is a Subject that naturally displays the Vanity of humane Greatness And I may add That the unaccountable Doctrine of Passive Obedience as it was the Source of a great many Mischiefs among our selves so what has b●●allen th●● King may be partly imputed to it for the b●●●●ing That without controul he might do what he pleased encouraged him to take such ●easures as have brought upon him all his Misfortunes Soon after the late King Iames's Abdicating of England and retiring to France it was judged by him and his doubly Deputy Fyrconnel the ●ittest time to put the long contrived Designs of Sub●erting the Protestant Religion and i●troducing Popery into full Execution in the Kingdom of Irel●nd ●otwi●hstanding the ill Success the like Attempt had met with in England upon which in December 1689 there was a Mo●ion made in Cou●cil for disarming all the Pr●testants of that Kingdom that had any Arms left them which being known and most concluding that as soon as their ●rms were taken there being then a hot discourse of a general Mass●cre 't was only to leave them more naked and exposed so as that it might have its full Effects more easily and with less opposition upon them which alarm'd the Protestants so that many Thousands came flocking over to avoid that fatal stroke Now were the few Protestants who liv`d disperst left to shift for themselves In the mean time the Lord Tyrconnel who still had the Sword undemanded and undisposed of to any other issues new Commissions not only to the Roman Catholicks who had some Estates bnt to all who were willing to stand up for the Cause that were Men of broken Fortunes and worse Fame that could influence the Rabble and raise Companies only with this Salvo that they should maintain them for three Months at their own Cost and Charges and then they should have their Commissions given them by which it was adjudged in regard there was but little Money in the Treasury they should be fitted for Service against King Iames should come or send them Money or that if the Deputy found an Army ready to Land out of England what Money was there would be little enough to bear his Charges and
furnish him with necessaries on his flight But these Commissions or rather Encouragements being very many for every one that could get about Sixty Kearns or Country Fellows to joyn with them and own him as their Captain immediately strutted and looked very big and was honoured by the Name of Captain so that it was nothing strange to have 20 or 30 Companies in a County and these the noted Vagabonds and Cow-stealers so that presently the Captains many of which had not Three Cows of their own had several Hundreds of Cattle driven into Nookes and By-corners and all that were branded were sure to go to Pot in regard the Horn as they called it spoke English The rest were sent into other remote Counties to the Officers there and those again sent there stolen Cattle in exchange for the other which was done to elude a Proclamation from the Lord-Deputy on the many and daily Complaints he received on the Account of the stolen Cattle requiring all Officers as well as others to be aiding and assisting to recover the stolen Cattle and to punish the Offenders which passed for Currant For it was well if a Protestant could go safe to the next G●rrison who sometimes would be so civil especially if a Sum of Money were given his Men to assist in the search as to send Eight or Ten Miles but besure the Cattle must be far enough from the place searched and sometimes when 30 or 40 far Bullocks came to be made a Prey that about a Third or Fourth part mu●t be laid aside for the Pott the rest for a Bribe of 5 or 6 l would be got by some of the Soldiers who would swear lustily they were forced to promise much to the Spy yet no sooner on the delivery of the greater part of the Cattle and the Money received but besure in a Night or Two the Cattle were again stolen Thus the merry Drovers as they called themselves valued not to joyn about 60 or 80 or an 100 in one Party and force away what Cattle they had a mind to So that sometimes an Hundred Sheep would scarce seed the Drivers and their Families and Friends and a Purchase of an Hundred was only fit to be divided among them and their Crew into Lors and Parts And now these new raised Forces were almost half Armed out of the Stores the rest were pretty well fitted for Pikes made in the Country and the Priests and Fryars Commanded on Obedience to the Holy See that no Person whatsoever should appear at Mass without his long Skeene and half-Pike which accordingly was performed and one Person who had not ore Foot of Land but what he Farmed from an English Gentleman had 12 Dozen of each made for himself and Tenants an Account whereof was sent to the Government but no notice taken And now it was thought fit that these new raised Forces should betake themselves to Garrisons which was s●ddainly done And not only were the King's Garrisons Forts and Castles well stored with them but in many Gentlemen's Houses that were any thing or whose Owners were ●udged disaffected to them we●e likewise filled with their Numbers and the Proprieters or Possessors turned out and the Provision Seized and as it was an extraordinary Favour to get off any Goods that were of any Value or pretence that they were for the King`s Use and that he would make Sa●isfaction when how and in what manner he thought fit and that was not the least thing done by his Command Now was it plain that this Army was not design'd to fight with Butter-flies and that the Lives of all the Protestants that stayed were in apparent danger On which an humble Requ●st was made to one or two Persons of greatest Quality and Station to stand up for the ●rotestant Religion and English Interest But others through a mistaken Zeal for Loyalty or judging the scattered and dispersed Protestants too weak to withstand their shock much less to disarm the Party design`d `twas there●ore declined and judged unfit to attempt as they proposed seizing the Sword Lord Deputy and Dublin Now Tyrconnel having by King Iames's expr●ss Command disarm'd the Protestants in g●neral throughout Ireland the Irish Cut-Throats Sons and Grand-Sons of the Massaker of Forty One being Armed in their room the Act of Settlement broken throughout Ireland the Irish Clergy having re assumed their Bishopricks and Livings committing great Abuses on the Protestant Clergy as has been already hinted at Advice came to Dublin of King Iames`s being Landed at Kinsale and that he was on his way for the City At this Prince● first Arrive● in Ireland to ingroriate● himself with the Protestants and to ●eget an Opinion of his great Clemency among the People he very Graciously condescended to grant a general Pardon to the Inhabitants of the Town of Bandon amusing them with an assurance of an absolute Ind●mnity ●or their Transgressions but soon after he remitted them to the Severity of the Law and exposed them ●o a Tryal for their Lives upon which they were ●ll found guilty of High-Treason and no otther Consequence could rationally be expected when both Judges and Jury were composed of inex●●rable Papists And in the mean time this mighty Crime was no more than that the Inhabitants of the place observing th●ir Neighbours to be openly Robbed and Pi●aged and from Clandestine Thievery to proceed to violent Depradation they ●hought it prudent to shut their Gates and avoid Plunder by a necessary Defence and self-Prese●vation This was the first E●●ay of the Gracious Indulgence of a Popish King to his Protestant Subjects This was a plain Specimen of what is to be expected from him who will Mortgage his Reason to the Humour of his Priests Soon after this King Iames to ing●atiote himself with the People of England sends over a specious Paper which was privately disperst by his Friends in London under the Title of King Iames His Declaration to all His Loving Subjects in the Kingdom of England which was in Substance as followeth Although the many Calumnies and dismal St●ries by which Our Enemies have endeavou●ed to render Vt and Our Government odious to the World do now appear to have been advanced b● them not only without any Grou●d but against Their own certain Knowledge as is ●vident by their not daring to attempt th●se Charges to the Wo●ld which we cannot but hope hath opened the Eyes of Our good Subjects to see how they have been imposed upon by des●●ging Men who to promote their own Ambiti●us Ends care ●●t what Slav●r●●h●● reduce Our Kingdom● to That since Hi● Ar●i●al in Ireland the Defence of His P●otestant Subjects as he calls them the●r Religion Privilodges and Properties is especially His Care with the Recovery of his own Rights And to this end he ha● preferred such of them of whose Loyalty and Affection he is satisfied to Places both of the highest Honour and Trust about his Person as well as in his Army That by