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A28527 Mercurius Teutonicus, or, A Christian information concerning the last times being divers propheticall passages of the fall of Babel and the new building in Zion / gathered out of the mysticall writings of that famous Germane author, Jacob Behmen, alias, Teutonicus Phylosophus.; Selections. English Böhme, Jakob, 1575-1624. 1649 (1649) Wing B3409 51,513 57

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unto whose goods they are received in grace as strangers 74. For as Ishmael did not goe to Isaac for the inheritance which properly belonged to Isaac because the Lord was in him who freely bestowed it upon him and set him as a Steward but would have it of the Father even so the Turkes have turned themselves from Isaac viz. from the Sonne to the Father and will have the inheritance of God from the Father 75. Now the Father is manifest to us in the Sonne and when they now doe call upon the Father he heareth them onely in his Sonne viz. in his voice manifest in the humane property and they yet serve the Sonne in the Father 76. For we men have no other God at all without Christ the Sonne for the Father hath manifested himselfe toward us with his voice in the Sonne and heareth us onely through his voice manifested in the Sonne 77. Now when the Turkes worship the Father he heareth them in the Sonne and receiveth them to adoption in the Sonne in whom God hath onely manifested himselfe in humane property and in no other property besides 78. Now saith Reason How can they attaine to the adoption of Christ when as they will not have the Sonne to be the Sonne of God but say that God hath no Sonne heare O man Christ said Whosoever speaketh a word against the Sonne of man to him it shall be forgiven but he that blasphemeth the Holy Ghost to him it shall never be forgiven that is as much as if he should say 79. He that reproacheth the humanity of Christ in confidering it as his own flesh to him it may be forgiven for he knoweth not what the humanity of Christ is but he that blasphemeth the Holy Ghost the onely God who hath manifested himselfe in the humanity wherein Father Sonne and Holy Ghost are one onely God he hath no forgivenesse for evermore that is he that rejecteth the onely God he hath quite broken himselfe off from him and is become his owne 80. Now the Turkes doe not blaspheme the holy Spirit who manifested himselfe in the humanity but they reproach the humanity and say a creature cannot be God 81. But that God hath wrought and done wonders in Christ that they confesse and blaspheme not the holy Spirit that hath wrought in Christ viz. in the humanity blindnesse is hapned unto them so that they walke under a vaile 82. Now saith Reason God hath taken away the Candlestick from them and rejected them Heare O man What was the cause that God as he threatned by St. Paul did take away the Candlestick from them and shut them up under the vaile thinkest thou that it was done without his foreknowledge without his will no it was done with his will 83. He permitted the Kingdome of Nature to give them a doctrine of Reason The cause and ground that the Turks deny Christs deity seeing Christendome became blinde in respect of Christs person and did wrangle and jangle about Christs humanity and put all manner of scorn disgrace and reproach upon it as it fell out among the Arians when they denied his Deity and the Bishops in their covetousnesse did apply his merits in his humanity for the belly-sake to their belly-orders and did practice all manner of lewdnesse and prophanenesse even with swearing cursing and witchery by his suffering and holy wounds so that there the holy Name of God which had manifested it selfe in the humanity was abused thereupon God did hide himselfe from them in their understanding so that they first became blinde with the Arians in respect of the Deity of Christ 84. But afterward when as they would be onely blinde beasts he hid himselfe also from them in respect of the humanity by the * The Doctrine of Mahomet Turkish Religion so that they were wholly bereaved of the Candlestick of the world and it went with them as the Prophet said to Israel under their King Ah! I must give them Judges as in former times 85. Thus the King of light in the humanity was withdrawne from them and the Judicature of Nature was given them againe for a guide and Governour so that they turned againe into the Mothers wombe viz. into the roote whence man was created that is to the onely God so that the Name and knowledge of the holy humanity of Christ is yet put out with them 86. And that they might not use the same so vainely and uneffectually for swearing and false defence they must againe enter into Hagar as into the Mothers wombe and have now verily been a long time a people run away in their mother Hagar from Abrahams house viz. from the humanity of Christ 87. But know and declare this as a word of the most High A Prophecy concerning the Turks conversion knowne in the sound of his Trumpet which he hath prepared to awaken all Nations and to visit the face of the whole earth that the Angel of the Great Counsell viz. the holy voice of Christ is not departed from them eternally to forget them so little as a Mother can forget her childe that shee should not againe have pitty upon the Sonne of her wombe albeit he were disobedient to her 88. For as the Angel came to Ishmael being yet in the wombe when his Mother fled from Sarai and did enrich him with a blessing and worldly Dominions and bad the Mother with the childe returne to Sarah Thus likewise when the Eastern Countries entred againe into the Mothers wombe with their knowledge of Religion God gave unto them in the Kingdome of Nature power and authority over the Princely Dominions of the world for to possesse and rule them under the light of Nature till its time and then they shall come in againe with great joy and with great humility to Abraham viz. to Christ 89. And not in the forme of the Babylonicall formall literall Christendome in their invented and contrived Orders which are onely Letter verball outside Christians so that a Testimony and some outward footsteps of Christ and his Kingdome have still continued upon the earth but they shall be borne in Spirit and in power for they are the lost Sonne which is wandred away from the Father and is become the Swineheard 90. But when the Angel shall bid them Returne they come in the humility of the lost Sonne returning to the Father where then the great joy shall be kept by Christ and his Angels that the dead is made alive and the lost is againe sound and the true golden juball-yeare of the marriage of the Lambe ariseth up among them 91. And albeit the Elder brother who hath continued in the letter doth grumble at it in respect of the different forme which he hath made to himselfe for the most part for his belly and honour yet they are not moved at it they are merry with the Father 92. If now then we truely compare painted Christendome and the Turkes together and looke upon them aright
38. Out of an Epis vers 38. COncerning their desire about the affaires at Prague where I was present at the coming in of the new a Palsgrave Frederick King the same into Sagan you have understood that it is already done he came in at the Fort upon Re●shin of Shlan and was received of all the three Orders with great Solemnity as the Custome hath been formerly among all Kings 39. I exhort you to heed well what the Prophet Ezekiel hath written in the 38. and 39. Chap Whether the time of the gathering together upon the seven Mountaines in b Confused Christendome Babel be not at hand especially in respect of the Seven c Bethlem Gabor Berger who should get help from the Turk and very easily come to the Ryne-strome 40. Where then the great overthrow of the children of Babel may come to passe where two great Rods of God shall appeare the one by warre the other by mortalitie in which Babel shall be ruined sheweth the Spirit of the Lord in all those who have prophecied before us 41. Although I account the Election of a right Germane Emperour must be yet a little while deferred and in the meane time great d This is come to passe in Germany warre and contention also desolation of many Cities strong Holds and potent Countries shall follow so far as even now is the right time of which the Spirit prophecieth which we doe not so punctually understand 42. For a thousand yeares before God is as one day the Spirit seeth all things nigh at hand then supposeth the e The Astrall spirit or apprehension of Reason Sidereall man that it shall be instantly yet it stands in Gods Counsell 43. However we know for certain the ruine of the Citie Babel to be very nigh and it appeareth to us as if the time were even instantly at hand whereas yet we cannot fully apprehend the Counsell of God but as a Pilgrim that is a day in a Countrey cannot learne all even so it is with us For God keepeth the time and houre to himselfe and yet sheweth by his Spirit the wonders that are to come 29. Out of an Epist vers 29. BUt seeing God hath promised by the Prophets especially in Joel that he will powre forth his Spirit in the last dayes upon all flesh therefore the time is to be considered 30. I say as I have knowne it that whosoever at present will dye to himselfe him shall the Spirit of the Lord according to Joels prophecy apprehend and manifest his wonders by him therefore if any be in Earnest he shall finde it by experience 31. Yet let every one be faithfully warned that if the light of God doe arise in him that he continue stedfast in great humility in resignation namely in the death of Christ c. 36. I give you out of good affection to know that this present time is seriously to be taken into consideration for the Seventh Angel in the Revelation hath prepared his Trumpet the Powers of Heaven be in Peculiar Motion Moreover both gates stand open and light and darknesse are in great desire as every thing is taken so shall it goe in 37. At what the one shall exceedingly rejoyce the other shall mock at it whereupon followeth the sore and severe judgement upon Babel 7. Out of an Epist vers 7. HAppy are those who are comprehended under the sound of the Trumpet which hath already sounded for there cometh such an earnestnesse after that Babel and her convention together with all pride ambition falshood and unrighteousnesse shall drinke an earnest Draught and even that which shee hath filled c. 3. Out of an Epist to Carel van Endern vers 3. IT is knowne to me that the time is nigh and at hand that the contentions about Religion shall enter into the Temperature but with great ruination of the false Kingdome in Babel that hath set up it selfe in Christs stead together with other great alterations concerning which although men perhaps will hardly beleeve me yet in a short time shall appeare c. * 40 Quest the 39. Quest EVery Age hath had its Seekers who have sought the Mystery but it hath been a long time very darke in Babel 5. Now for these two hundred yeares it hath begun againe to be manifest in that the fall of Antichrist hath been foreseene and men have begun to Storme Babel on one side but her strong Tower standeth still fast indeed the Whore hath been somewhat discovered yet her Beast hath but growne the more lusty 6. Therefore there is yet a wonderfull time neare at hand wherein all things shall be altered Many great Mountaines and hills shall be made a plaine and a Fountaine shall flow out of Zion wherein the afflicted and distressed shall drinke and be refreshed 7. And they shall be guided to the fresh Pasture by one onely Crooke and the Shepheard shall rejoyce with the Sheepe that God is so gracious 8. At that time Silver and Gold shall be as common as in Solomons time and his wisdome shall governe the whole Earth this is a Wonder 23. Out of an Epist vers 23. IF the world were not so blinde it might know the wonderfull Beeing of God in all creatures but now that it doth so rage and rave it doth it wholly against it selfe and against the holy Spirit of God at whose light they shall once be astonished they shall not hinder the Sonne which the travelling Mother bringeth forth in her old age for this the Heaven declareth 24. God shall f Or make him glorious enlighten him against all the raging and raving of the Devill and his g Splendour glory light shall reach from the East unto the West I write not of my selfe for I onely foreshew that this is at hand and shall come The sixt Text of his Booke entituled The Abridgement of the heavenly earthly Mystery 49. WHen we consider and ponder thus with our selfe we finde the strife of all Essences that the one is a continuall loathing of the other and is an Enemy to the other 50. For every will desireth a purity without Turba in the other Essence and yet it hath the Turba in it selfe and is also the loathing of the other 51. And then the greatest gets power over the smallest and keepeth it in subjection and except it get rid of it the strong ruleth over the weake 52. Thus the weake doth also run and seeketh the limit of the Oppressour and it will be freed from constraint and thus the limit is sought by all creatures which is hid in the Mystery 53. And even hence ariseth all the power of this world so that the one continually ruleth over the other and this was not commanded nor appointed by the highest Good in the beginning but it grew from the Turba 54. Whereupon Nature afterward acknowledged it for her own Essence which was borne out of her and
shee hath given Lawes to it so to propagate it selfe further in the received Government 55. Where then this birth is ascended to the Kingly degree and hath so further sought the Abysse that is the one till it is become a Monarchy that is Empire and there it is climing still and would be onely one alone and not many and though it selfe be in many yet the first Source whence all is generated will rule over all and will be one onely Lord over all Governments 56. And being the same Seeking was one onely Government in the beginning and yet in processe of time hath severed it selfe into many according to the Effences therefore the Multiplicity seekes againe the unity and it is certainly borne in the sixt number of the Crown that is in the fixt thousandt yeare in the figure not at the end 57. But in the houre of the day in which the Creation of the Wonders were finished that is when the Wonders of the Turba are at the End A Lord is borne who shall Governe the whole World yet by many Offices 58. And there the Magistracy that is growne up of it selfe and the Oppressour shall be sought after for the smallest which hath lien under is also run to the limit and even then all things sever themselves for they be at the limit and there can be no stay or calling backe 59. Also the Turba being the wrath is sought by every creature for the same is also with the loathing of the Creature run to the limit and is now manifest namely at the limit in the midst of the number of the Crowne in the sixt thousandt yeare a little above and not under in the day and houre when the Creation was finished in the Mystery and in the Mystery was set as a looking-glasse of Eternitie in the Wonders 60. That is on the sixt day past noon even there the Mystery with the Wonders stand open and it is seene and knowne where then the Purity shall drive out the Turba a Time till the beginning passe into the end and then the Mystery is a Wonder in Figures c. In his consideration upon the Booke of Isaias Steefel he Prophecieth concerning Babel and Zion Pag. 47. thus 104. THat the Author mentioneth that this carnall Babel shall fall and a Fountaine arise in Zion out of the true Jerusalem is truly so and the time is already come about that that break in pieces that is growne up of and to it selfe without divine Order for it hath attained its age and limit the beginning hath found the end the middle shall be manifest against which no fighting or defending availeth but seeing the childe of sin and perdition doth so rage against it it must therefore ruine its own selfe in its rage 105. But if it would enter into the beginning it should then remaine and its Wonder would onely appeare but being it is growne up in pride covetousnesse envy and in all manner of iniquitie and cunning mischiefe for what use shall this evill Beast be it is not fit for the Sacrifice of God also it will not be converted that it might get an humane heart 106. Therefore the Lord doth proclaime that his children must goe out from it for the Lord will terribly shake the earth and overthrow Babel and a Fountaine shall flow out of Zion to refresh the thirsty soule for the miserable shall be refreshed and eat in his own Pasture 107. The Oppressour shall be destroyed yet thou shalt rejoyce a little while for thou art naught from thy youth and onely seekest the Limit in the Wonder as thy beginning was so shall also thy end be he that is blinde will not see this but sleepe till the day dawne 108. Christ said Doest thou thinke that when the Son of Man shall come that he shall finde faith upon the Earth Therefore the time of the end is an evill dreggy Setling and it will not be meet Zion save onely in the sanctified children of Christ for the beginning and the end be just like one another 109. The wonders were in the beginning manifest with the high Tongue and the Signature was h Or highly perfectly knowne This cometh againe at the end but we understand also thereby a good and an evill time when the gates of all the Three Principles shall stand open as wee likewise see this in the beginning by Cain and Abel therefore let every one have a care what he speake teach and write for all things shall be proved by the Highest Tongue 110. But when we speake of the Temple of Christ and of the fountaine flowing out of Zion we doe not meane a place in one Countrey onely for the Temple of Christ is every where wee understand among all tongues and languages Albeit in one place the tongues shall be brought to an higher degree then in another all according to the property of the people according as the Spirit is in man 111. For the Temple of Christ is within us wee must heare Christ teach in us if Christ teach not in us then is all outward i The fine hypocrisie of the mouth lip-labour to no purpose and spoken into the aire 112. Therefore let no man thinke that it will so come to passe that men shall come and perforce teach and drive in the Holy Spirit into men No it is said To day when you heare the voice of the Lord harden not your hearts and eares waite for no other time for this is the time of your visitation 113. Incline your eares and hearts to the Temple of Christ in you cast away your abominations and false will from you and bring your will with earnestnesse through Christ unto the Father and purpose never to enter any more into the iniquity viz. into pride covetous●esse envy anger and falshood regard not the highnesse of this world and humble your selves under the hand of the Lord and in love towards the needy c. 129. Loving brethren doe not jest at it and hold it for a fiction it is known in the Sacred Ternary in the pure fountaine out of Zion Let no man waite for a golden time when the holy Spirit shall presse or breath it selfe perforce into the beastiall will of the hardened and obstinate that will onely live in the lust of the flesh O no this cometh not to passe 130. He that will heare the Holy Spirit teach from the mouth of another he must before bring his will into the Holy Spirit even then the Holy Spirit teacheth to him inwardly from the mouth of another This we see on the day of Pentecost in those that heard St. Peter those whose will was bent inward and desired the Kingdome of God in them the Spirit of Christ preached from Peters mouth but those whose spirit was bent into this world the spirit passed over who said the men are drunke that they so speake 131. The time is already that Enoch teacheth and Noah proclaimeth the Deluge there
power thou sayst wee are nigh unto the Kingdome of God and yet wert never farther off this thy end will testifie and declare to be true 57. What doth thy knowledge availe thee the Devill knows likewise that which thou knowest but he doth it not and so doest thou and therfore the Kingdome of God remaineth hidden to both of you Thy knowledge is thy snare which captivates thee wert thou plaine and single-hearted thou wouldst not be so proud what doth the simple know of false suttlety and deceit if he learnt it not from the wit of the Turba Thou saist Wee beare forth Gods will and teach it art thou not Cain who daily killeth Abel Behold thy selfe aright thou art even he Abel lyeth at thy feet and lamenteth but thou art that wicked Beast that trampleth upon * Upon the sincere Love and humilitie of Christ and all those that would practice it Abel and oppressest the low and miserable and thou esteemest the simple as dust and yet thou devourest his sweat and fillest thy selfe with deceit without ground how canst thou then say Here is the Church of Christ O thou art Babel a Citie of whoredome and falshood 58. Thou knowest Gods will and yet doest onely thine omn will and also saist We are gone out from Babel we have the true Doctrine among us yea but hadst thou the Spirit of righteousnesse and truth and wouldst live contented with a little thy Mother would alwayes give thee enough that thou shouldst have no lack but thy pomp pride and arrogancy have no trust in God therefore thou reliest onely upon covetousnesse and thou doest onely devoure the fat of the Earth thou takest it away by force and not with right The Law and justice which thou doest arrogate to thy selfe thy false covetous heart hath invented Thou livest onely in deceit thou flatterest and deceivest thy selfe to thine own hurt wert thou truly wise thou wouldst have an eye to thy End and to that which followeth thereafter But thou blindest thy selfe with pride and yet sayest here is a golden time Many would faine have seene that we see and heare that which we heare but have neither seene nor heard it yea but hearken it shall be a witnesse against thee and make thy judgement so much the more heavy for thou art not growne better thereby but worse Therefore know what is declared thee the same was thy own Prophet which hath called thee back from thy pride unto the Mother of humility but thou art made onely worse thou hast quasht the sword of the Spirit that thou mightest live as thou listest but he hath forsaken thee and given thee over to the Turba which shall devoure thee as it hapned in times past to Israel No Consultation availeth thy Covenants are to no purpose seeing thou dependest upon the arme of flesh hence God also is quite departed from thee and sufferest thee to doe that which maketh for thy own destruction 59. Or why doest thou take the Covenant of God into thy mouth seeing thou hatest to be reformed and onely seekest Covetousnesse supposest thou that God is such a false hypocrite and lyar as thou art leave off from thy lip-labour mouth hypocrisie thou art not accepted of God unlesse thou doest returne and goe out from falsehood 60. It is with thee now as the Turba desireth whose sport and recreation it is to fulfill the Anger of God that it may devoure whatsoever is growne up in his Kingdome and thou art blinde therein and seest nothing To what end art thou so having and covetous depart from it doest thou not see how the Noble Tincture doth arise it will very shortly put forth its blossome and then thou shalt have Silver and Gold enough 61. But what shall we need say more thou hast whored thy selfe asleep thou choosest rather to goe quick into the Abysse then to forsake the Whore Therefore that shall be executed upon thee which thy own Prophet sheweth thee who hath long enough called thee with his Trumpet thou expectest Deliverance onely from the fiery devouring sword that shall also cut thee through 62. Or doest thou thinke that we are madd that we speake thus yea rather we are borne of thee wee see and understand the complaints of our Mother that rebuketh her children for shee declareth the wrath in the Turba which is growne even to the wrathfull Anger of God 63. We speake what is given us what we know in the zeale of the Lord what have we to doe with Babel we speake among our selves with the members of our body and with those who dwell in the Courts of God with those who now mourne with us whose sorrow shall be turned into joy Divers remarkable Places taken out of the Commentary of Teutonicus upon Gene●●s Chap. 30. o Or Verse Paragraph the 34. 34. THere are Seven Times appointed to proceed from the Tree of Life in the Word of Power The first proceedeth from the Pure Life of Adam for before the Creature the Life was in the Word whence it was brought pure into the Image This continueth till the Fall from this Pure Life springs forth a twigg in the inward Kingdome this was Abel but being the Fall hung on him in the outward world this same pure life was carried through death into the holy World It pointeth at the Kingdome of Christ who should bring us againe through death into the Pure Life 35. The Second Time begins with Seth for Moses saith that Adam was an hundred and thirtie yeares old and begat a sonne in his own likenesse and called him Seth Understand he was such an Image as Adam was after the Fall and was set in the spirituall Line of the Wonders and Cain also with him in a worldly Naturall Line of the Wonders for both * Secular and Ecclesiasticall Naturall and Spirituall Kingdomes goe together Seths time continueth till the Deluge and beareth the Supremacy even to the Deluge 36. The third time begins with E●os under Seths time and is carried along as a spirituall Ministry or knowledge of God under Seths time being as an hidden Kingdome and continues till Abraham to whom the Covenant of Christ was established in the flesh 37. The Fourth Time begins with Kenan which is the spirituall Forme in prayers and spirituall offrings wherein the Word formeth it selfe in the Wisdome and did bring it selfe along under Seths and Enos his Time and manifested it selfe with Moses like as Enos Time was first truely manifested with Abraham with the Promise in the Covenant This time of Kenan continues in its Manifestation and Dominion under Moses till Christ in the flesh 38. The Fift Time begins with Mahalaleel and 't is the Reception of the Angelicall forme viz. of the new regeneration out of the Covenant and goeth secretly all along under the Ministry of Enos under Seth and Kenan in the word of the Promise through all the three Times and was manifested with the fullfilling of the Covenant in
the humanity of Christ where the true Mahalaleel and angelicall Image which did disappeare in Adam was againe manifest in the humanity of Christ 39. The Sixt Time begins with Jared that is the spirituall Priesthood under the outward when as Seth Enos Cainan Mahalaleel were in their Times in their outward Orders viz. the Ministry of Enos concerning God and his Beeing and Will so likewise the Preaching of Abraham concerning the Covenant and Circumcision also Moses with the Booke of the Law under all these the inward Priest Jared went along hiddenly Inwardly this spirituall Priesthood is Christ in the New Man and outwardly in the selfe-elected Priests it is Babel 40. This Sixt Time began in the Kingdome of Christ after the death of the Apostles when as men chose themselves Teachers out of Favour and outward respects that is it did even then first open it selfe out of the hiddennesse of the shadow and put it selfe forth in the Churches of stone where the Church stood in stead of the holy Temple of Christ then indeed internally the holy Jared viz. Christs voice ruled in the children of Christ but outwardly the Cherubim with the sword for the outward authority which these Elected Priests manage is the sword of the Cherubim which in the Name Jared forceth it selfe along in the Word in the Nature-speech 41. This Sixt Time in its figure is hidden and manifest it is knowne and also not knowne for Christ said My Kingdome is not of this world Thus this time must passe away secretly under Antichrist where inwardly in the children of God Christs Kingdome hath been manifest but in the Rest who have lived under this Time and also have been termed Christians onely Babel and the Antichrist hath been manifest both in the Priests and their hearers for they which were borne of God they heard the true Jared in them viz. the voice of Christ but the other heard onely the outward voice in Babel viz. to dispute and contend about Christs Kingdome 42. For all warre which the Christians manage is the sword of the Cherubim from Babel Right Christians wage no warre for they have broken the sword of the Cherubim in the death of Christ and are dead with Christ and risen againe in him and they live no longer to the externall Might and Dominion for their Kingdome is manifest in Christ and is not of this world 43. This Sixt Kingdome beginneth after the death of the Apostles and continueth with its Outward Government even to Mount Z●on till translated Enoch doth againe appeare in spirit and power for Enoch is the Propheticall Roote and holdeth in his Dominion Noah Moses and the sword of Elias at the end of the first a Or sixt Seale about which time we l●ve time the outward b The outward Pri●sthood in Babel Jared falleth and with him that same outward Building viz. the Citie Babel 45. The Seventh time begins with * Reade the 35 Quest of the 40 Quest Concerning the Enochian life Enoch viz. with the Propheticall Mouth who declareth and layeth open under all the six times the secret Wonders of God what should be done and goeth along under Noahs Abrahams and Moses his vaile even into the Kingdome of Christ where this same propheticall Spirit is translated in the Spirit of Christ till the end of the Sixt time then he manifests himselfe in the Number of the Triple Crosse when the threefold Crosse manifests it selfe then stands the right Triple Crowne upon the Crosse even then the Enochia●● Prophets mouth doth expresse the great Wonders of the Triple Crosse that is he speaketh no more Magically in types and parables but sheweth the holy Trinity in the Figure viz. the Formed Word of God in all visible things and revealeth all Mysteries within and without 46. And even then is the Time when Enoch and the children under his voice lead a divine life of which the first life of Enoch was a Type and even then there is a blessed and golden yeare till Enochs last translation comes and then the Turba is borne which when as it shall enkindle its fire shall purge the Floare for it is the End of all time 47. Enoch begat Methusalah who was the man of the longest age and was translated three hundred yeares after this sheweth that the Spirit which in Enoch did put forth a twigg viz. Methusalah who attained the highest Age shall rule in the last and highest Age of the world and in the meane while hide it selfe before that time and remaine as it were translated as Enoch was translated and was no more seene 48. His translation was not a dying or a putting off of Nature and creature but he went into the Mystery betwixt the spirituall and outward Word viz. into Paradise and is the Propheticall Roote springing from the Stem of Adam in the line of the Covenant from which Spirit afterward the Propheticall mouth spake 49. This Spirit was translated in the Living voice of Christ when it spake in the flesh and must be silent till the voice of Jared is finished then he proceedeth forth againe from his first roote through all voices viz. through the voice of Noah which denounceth the Deluge of Anger to come upon Babel and through the Stem of Noah and the whole propagation of his Tree through all the Lines viz. through the heathenish Japheticall and Sems Line and through Abrahams and Nimrods children in Babel through Moses and the Prophets and lastly through the voice of the manifested Word in the Spirit of Christ and revealeth the whole Mystery of the Tree of knowledge of good and evill 50. For through his Voice all the fore-mentioned voices of the lines of the Wonders whence the Kingdomes of this world have had their rise shall be changed into one voice and knowledge and transplanted into one Kingdome viz. into the first Tree of Adam which is no longer called Adam but Christ in Adam All N●tions Tongues and Languages heare this voice for it is the first word whence the life of Man proceeded for all the Wonders doe againe in the Word come together into one Body and this same Body is the formed divine Word which at first with Adam did introduce it selfe into one onely Stem and through him into one Tree of manifold boughes branches and fruits to the Contemplation of the divine Wisdome in the Wonders of the Powers Colours and ●ertues according to good and evill 51. This high Tree doth disclose and clearely open it selfe what it hath been in time and what it shall be eternally and in its disclosure Moses puts away his vaile and Christ his Parables in his Doctrine and then the Propheticall Mouth of this Tree of Wonders doth expresse in Divine Power all the voices of the powers of the Tree whereby Babel taketh her End and this is a Wonder and in this same Wonder all Numbers and Names are manifest and this no man can hinder 52. For that which is lost in
in Ezekiel and the whole Revelation of John belong unto this figure also the Temple of Jerusalem 12. Set before thee the figure of the Ark with its three Stories with its height length and breadth and place it in the three Principles and in the three Principles open the Mysteries of the Hierarchies of Christ according to the three differences of Heaven which yet are but one yet in three properties as fire light and aire are three and yet but one Place in these differences the three Sonnes of Noah and proceed out of their properties into the world in their Monarchy which continue to the end of dayes also set before thee the formed Word according to all the three Principles and so you will finde the ground of all Especially set before thee Moses E●●as and Christ in their Appearance and Transfiguration in the Mount The Ark of Noah was the first type of all these and the Hierarchy of Christ is the fulfilling of that figure of the Ark at the End of dayes Enough to Ours c. 33. And Moses saith When the waters were abated the Arke rested upon the Mountaine Ararath this Name Arararat doth plainly hint unto us in the language of Nature a Mount or the Compacting of an Essence out of the Centre of Nature out of the Wrathfulnesse when as the Anger of God had allayed it selfe then the Ark stood upon the allayed anger but the last syllable in this word Arararat doth signifie that the Wrath of the Eternall Nature proceeding from the Centre betook it self into an acting government would from thenceforth ride through Nature as a Warriour and mightily exercise its Power in the humane property whereby they would begin warres and advance themselves in pride pomp and power and slay one another and contend about this Mountaine of the wrathfull might or austere authority 34. This Mountaine Ararat denotes the houses of the Potentates upon the Earth viz. the great Castles Bulwarkes and Mountaines of the Power and Strength of the rich and also the Nobility sprung up from the Mystery of the great world upon which Kingdome the Ark of Noah hath set it selfe and above this Mountaine of warlike Power or force of Armes arisen from the Anger of God the Covenant with Noah hath set it selfe to be an Eternall Lord I mean the Kingdome of Christ which shall take away this Mountaines Kingdome and quite suppresse it and it sheweth us truly fundamentally and properly that this Power upon the Earth would take upon it in its own power the Ark of Noah viz. the divine Covenant and carry it yea put it on as a garment and proudly perk up it selfe therein as if it had the Kingdome of Christ in its own power 35. And also it shews how this Mountaine of the wrathfull Anger of God in the humane property would beautifie trim up and adorne it selfe with the Ark of Noah and would proclaime it to be the holy Ark of Christ and yet its foundation would be onely upon the wrathfull Anger of God and continue onely an Antichristian Kingdome that indeed should carry the Ark viz. the Name of divine holinesse in the mouth but the heart would be this Mountaine onely a vessell and a confused masse of Gods wrath and yet would make devout shews and proudly perk up it selfe with the Arke but the heart would onely minde and hunt after the Strong Holds the preferment power and riches of the World 36. Furthermore it denotes that the potent and mighty of the World would build the Ark viz. the Service and Worship of God upon their Heart and Reason with great Stone-Houses and Churches and these Houses thus built up of Stone should be their God whom they would serve in the Ark and they would wage warre for the Houses of Stone of their own contriving and framing and would contend about the figure of the true Ark and not confider that the Ark stands upon their Mountaine and that God hath placed it above them and that they ought to walke under Gods Dominion in humility and suffer the Ark to stand upon them and not to usurpe to themselves or take away the power and authority of the holy Ghost and binde him unto their feigned power in their hypocriticall forme and bid him be silent as they doe in that they cry with full mouth here is an assembly of Divines here is the Church of Christ this you must beleeve and doe this is the Law and Ordinance of the Church No the Ark stands upon them they are under as the Mount Ararat under the Ark Christ is the Ark and not the contrived Heapes of Stone the Concilium is under the Ark Christ and not above for the Arke of Noah placed it selfe above the Mountaine to signifie that the Mountaine must beare the Ark we must beare the Ark of Christ upon us and have the Temple of this Ark in us 37. Furthermore it denotes how the figure of this Ark viz. the * Or Ecclesiasticall Clergicall spirituall Kingdome upon the earth would place it selfe upon the Mountaine of Power and Lordlinesse and would rule with the Mountaine in the Ark and take upon it selfe the worldly Kingdome and authority and bring the Mountaine viz. the power or Secular Arme above the Ark whereas the Ark ought to stand upon the Mountaine and Noah with the Covenant to remaine in the Ark till the Lord bid him come forth that is till Christ deliver the Ark to the Father 38. And Moses saith further After fourteene dayes when the Arke rested Noah sent forth a Raven to see whether the water was abated but the Raven flew too and fro till the waters were dryed up from off the earth The Raven denotes the earthly man and shews how he would first put forth himselfe upon the Mount Ararat that is in selfenesse and fleshly lust and build up his Kingdome in the Second Monarchy or world 39. And albeit he truely came forth out of the Ark yet he would onely fly too and againe in the Kingdome of his selfe and not enter againe into the Ark whence he had his rise in Adam and would onely be a covetous Muckworme and a greedy devourer of fleshly temporall pleasure in his own will and remaine as the Raven and not returne to the Arke desiring to enter into it but minde onely to possesse the Kingdome of this world in glory also it betokens that the generation of this Raven would have the chiefe place preheminence and Government in the Second Monarchy like the Devill in the Wrath of God as Histories witnesse that it so came to passe 40. Afterward Noah sent forth a Dove from him to see whether the waters were abated from off the face of the earth but when the Dove found no rest for the sole of her foot shee returned againe unto him unto the Ark And he put forth his hand and tooke her to him into the Arke This denotes the figure of Gods children who soone after
come also under the government of the Ravens Property and are brought into the government of this world for they are also with Adam gone forth out of the Ark to behold and prove this evill corrupt world and live therein but when their spirit can finde no rest in the earthly Dominion then they come againe before the Ark of Noah which is set open in Christ and Noah receiveth them againe in Christ into the first Ark whence Adam departed 41. Moreover the Raven betokens the sharpe Law of Moses in the fiery Might under Gods Anger which binds and slays Man and brings him not into the Ark but the Dove betokens the Gospel of Christ which brings againe into the Ark and saves the life for the Mount Ararat signifieth also the Kingdome of Moses as the Figure and the Ark wherein the life is preserved signifieth the humanity of Christ 42. And he stayed yet other 7 dayes and againe he sent forth a Dove out of the Ark and it came to him about evening and lo shee had pluckt off an Olive leaf and brought it in her mouth And he stayed yet other seven dayes and sent forth a Dove which returned not to him any more The Spirit in Moses sheweth by these three Doves and the Raven which went forth out of the Ark a great Mystery which albeit he doth not clearly unfold yet for certain is couched therein The Raven doth also denote the Law of Moses in Nature which will remaine in its selfe and not returne in true resignation or selfe-deniall under the obedience of God but will enter in to God by its own power and wayes 43. The first Dove betokens the Propheticall Spirit which arose under Moses viz. under the outward Law and Offrings and directed againe through the Offrings into the Ark of Noah and Christ This Propheticall Spirit went along through the Office of Moses it indeed flew under Moses but with its Prophecy it went againe into the Ark as the first Dove by Noah flew indeed into the world but came againe into the Ark of Christ 44. The second Dove with the Olive-branch which also came againe to Noah into the Ark denotes the Word in the Covenant of Noah which came forth out of the holy Ark of God into this world viz. into our humanity and pluckt off an Olive-leaf in the world and brought it Noah that is it pluckt off a branch out of our humanity and tooke it into the holy Word viz. the mouth of God as the Dove the Olive-leaf and brought the branch to holy Noah that is to God the Father but that it was an Olive-leaf denoteth the unction of the holy Spirit that the same should anoint the humanity and bring it againe with this Dove into the holy Ark. 45. The third Dove which Noah let fly which came not againe to the Ark betokeneth the Kingdome of Antichrist upon the earth which is flowne forth out of the Ark with its Doctrine but its spirit and minde remaineth upon the earth in the fat grasse in selfe it indeed maketh devout shews to God and giveth good words but the man with sence and reason will not forsake the world and returne againe to the Ark they build themselves Pallaces without the Ark for the pleasure of the flesh and are devout in hypocrisie without the Ark and will be children by an outward adoption but they will not enter into the Ark but they say Christ is in the Ark he hath purchased and payd all we need onely to comfort our selves therewith he will bring us in well enough 46. The other party saith They have Christ in their works of hypocrisie they take the Ark with them when they fly out in their pleasure of the flesh all these remaine without the Ark in this world and come not againe to the Ark of Christ this the third Dove denotes for the Antichristian Kingdome walketh demurely in the shape of a Dove and Sheep but is onely a figure of Christs Kingdome which consists in spirit in power and is in the Ark. Mysterium Magnum Chap. 40. Pag. 313. 68. BY the Tribes or stems of the Saints in whom the divine Covenant hath opened it selfe viz. by the Patriarchs as Adam Noah Abraham Isaac and Jacob there are alwayes two Figures represented viz. Christ and Adam a good and an evill man 69. Cain Ham Ishmael and Esau were types of the corrupt man and Abel Sem Isaac and Jacob were types of Christ who manifested himselfe in this line and was set before the corrupt children of Adam as a light and Preacher to convert them 70. For God hath not sent his Sonne to condemne the world viz. the poore corrupt and lost man but he hath therefore sent him into the world among the ungodly crew of wicked men to teach and call them and those he will save who have a willing desire to heare even those who have but a little spark of divine Ens that is capable of hearing in them in the little spark that is in all these the quickning and reviving voice of Christ doth cry and call that is it blows up that spark that it may become a divine fire 71. And that we may open awide the eyes of the blinde selfe-titular-Christendome and also of the Jewes in their boasting that they may not so brag and stand upon their knowledge as if they were onely therefore Gods children because they know the Name of God and comfort themselves with the knowing it and condemne other people who are deprived of knowing as they know and have introduced another knowledge as they alas doe most blindely insomuch that one Nation and People doth exercise urge and evilly entreat another Know that Cain Ham Ishmael and Esau are the type or figure of the Turks and Heathen whom God blessed in Ishmael and gave them the Princely Dominions in his Kingdome of this world for to possesse and cast them out in their own contrived knowledge from the knowledge of Christs adopted as he cast out Ishmael but recalls them in the wombe by the Angel of the great Counsell to the Tree viz. to Gods goods that they should returne to him 72. For they lie shut up under the vaile of Christ as Christ did under the Leviticall Priesthood under Moses and as the Children of Israel under the Law were not justified through the Law but through him who was hid under the Law and thus are they now hidden under the true knowledge and lie as it were shut up in the Mothers wombe 73. But the Angel of the great Counsell calls them by their Mother Hagar viz. by the Kingdome of Nature that shee the Mother with the childe must againe returne home to Sarai viz. to the Tree that is to the one onely God who hath borne his Sonne of the free Thus they come as it were under the vaile in the Mothers wombe to the free viz. to the one onely God who hath borne unto them of the free Woman the Lord
is no other marke or signe save the signe of Elias what doth the world gape at so much and suffers its eares in vaine to be filled with the Starres all is to no purpose 132. Whosoever will enter in with Zion and praise God in Jerusalem he hath now an acceptable time the Seventh Trumpet hath already sounded the Well-spring of Israel is open onely let no man thinke that the sound of the Trumpet shall come from this or that place for as the lightning ariseth and shineth to the East even so from rhe beginning to the end is the coming of the Son of man 133. Let no man expect onely the outward Prophet he appeareth inwardly in the Spirit the outward man will not know him for he standeth in the number of the Crowne and preacheth in the Mystery He is already knowne and found he that desireth to see him let him seeke him in himselfe and let Babel goe he shall finde him c. Aurora Page 204. LO I tell thee a Mystery It is already the time that the Bridegroom crowneth his Bride ghesse where lyeth the Crowne towards the North for amidst in the Sharpe-astringent quality the light becomes cleare and shining but whence comes the bridegroom out of the midst where the heat produceth the light and goeth towards the North in the Astringent quality where the light becomes cleare and shining what doe they towards the South they are fallen asleep in the heat but a Tempest shall rouse them up between th●● many shall have a terrible death or end What doe they of the West their bitter quality will blend it selfe with the other but when they taste the sweet water their spirit becomes meeke What doe they of the East Thou hast ever been an haughty bride borne in the beginning thou thoughtest thy selfe to be formerly too faire thou livest with or like the rest Aurora Page 567. THe precious man Moses writeth That God made man of the dust k Ger. erdenklos of a lump of earth massa terrea of the earth as the learned have rendred it but he was not by when it was done but this I must say that Moses hath written very right but the true understanding what the Earth was made of remained hidden in the Letter to Moses and his successours even to this time also it was hidden to Adam while he was yet in Paradise But now l Viz. What ever hath been hidden under the vaile of Moses and the Parables of Christ it will be wholly manifest for the heart of God hath beset the chamber of death and will soone breake through therefore some dawnings of the day will now more and more breake through in some mens hearts and make knowne the day but when this Aurora shall shine from the East to the West then there will be no more time left but the Sunne of Gods heart ariseth and will Ra Ra Ra P. in this cold place and with him in R. P. These are hidden words and are to be understood onely in the language of Nature The Authors exposition of these places taken out of a Letter c. 6. COncerning the interpretation of some words and also of that which you desire of me which are specified in my Booke called Aurora which have very hidden meanings the knowledge whereof was given me of the most High I give you to understand that at present it is not convenient to write at large and expressely thereof in letters seeing the time is dangerous and the Enemy of Christ doth horribly rage and rave till a little time be past yet I will give you a short hint further to consider of it 7. As first there is a twofold meaning of the Northerne Crowne The first pointeth at the Crowne of life viz. the Spirit of Christ which shall be manifest in the midst of the great darknesse viz. in the Contrition or distresse of the sensible nature of the Conscience where a Peculiar Motion is present even then cometh the bridegroom viz. the power of Christ in the midst of such a Motion 8. The other overture is a Figure of the outward Kingdome where the great confusions entanglements and contentions shall be when as the Nations shall stand in Controversie There also is the Figure viz. the victory signified as it stands in the spirituall Figure how it shall goe and what People shall at last conquer and how in the meane while in such lamentable time of Tribulation Christ shall be made manifest and knowne and that after and in such lamentable time of Tribulation the great Mysteries shall be revealed that men shall be able to know even in Nature the hidden God in Trinity in which knowledge the strange Nations shall be converted and turne Christians also therein is signified how the Sectarian Contentions in Religion shall be destroyed in such manifestation for all gates will be set open and even then shall all unprofitable Praters which at present lie as so many bolts before the truth be done away and all shall acknowledge and know Christ which manifestation shall be the last then the Sun of life shall shine upon all Nations and even then the Beast of iniquitie with the Whore end their dayes which is signified under the Characters Ra Ra Ra P. in R. P. as is to be seen in the Revelation 9. Wee dare not at present make this large interpretation more cleare all will shew it selfe and then men shall see what it was for there is yet clean another time 13. A Letter at the end of the way to Christ KNow That a Lilly blossometh unto you yee Northern Countries if you destroy it not with the Sectarian Contention of the Learned then it will become a great Tree among you but if you shall rather choose to contend then to know the true God then the ray passeth by and hitteth onely some and then afterward you shall be forced to draw water for the thirst of your soules among strange Nations 14. If you will take it rightly into consideration then my writings shall give you great furtherance and direction thereto and the Signate-Star above your Pole shall helpe you for its time is come about or borne 15. I will freely give you what the Lord hath given me onely have a care and employ it aright it will be a witnesse for you against the mocker Let no man looke upon my person it is a meer gift of God bestowed not onely for my sake but also for your sake and all those that shall get to reade them 16. Let no man gape any longer after the time it is already come about whom it hitteth him it hitteth whosoever waketh he seeth it and he that sleepeth seeth it not the time is appeared and will soone appeare he that waketh seeth it many have already felt it but there must first a great Tribulation passe over before it be wholly manifest the cause is the Contention of the Learned who tread the Cup of Christ
even to the highest limit and then they are devoured of their children 48. This is their own Prophet which is grown upon their own Crowne for he sheweth the malice of the roote whence the first Tree tooke its rise he sheweth the poison wherewith the roote was infected so that out of one will many wills are growne from which contention and malicious mischiefe are risen 49. Now then if the Turba which divideth one into many is growne up along in one thing where the multiplicity is at odds then the Turba doth also destroy the Multiplicity for the first will to a thing desireth onely that one thing that is its body and delight but the Multiplicity in a thing maketh enmity for the one will ever exalt it selfe above the other which the other will not suffer hence comes envy and falshood from which Anger and Contention doe arise in that the one desireth to breake downe and overthrow the other and albeit the first will is its Judge yet the Turba is sprung up along in all the Twiggs which doth destroy obedience so that each will goe its own way and will not be judged but brings up and provides for it selfe and despiseth the Father and all the children which notwithstanding are its brethren and sisters and saith that it is onely the Tree with the power and vertue whereas it is indeed a rebellious selfe-willed haughty false Murtherer which sets it selfe against the first will viz. against the roote 50. Now when it so comes about that the Father seeth his wicked disobedient children then he seeketh the recovery how he might heale the breaches and powreth oyle into the wounds but 't is found that the oyle is a poyson to them for they have quite turned away their will from the first Will viz. from the Roote whence the oyle springeth and the Turba hath begotten another oyle in their will so that there is no counsell and remedy for to heale and save this Kingdome it must onely consume and devoure it selfe in it selfe and with it selfe as an evill Malignant Kingdome yet it groweth unto its highest Number viz. to a thousand even to the end for the Crowne hath the Number thousand and then there is no further remedy except it doth wholly reunite and become one againe with it selfe and enter into the first will and submit to obedience and become againe one thing and then it beginneth againe to number yet at first the Matter goeth on well while it is in a small number for that which hath space doth not easily bruise and hurt it selfe but what is in restraint pent up and streightned that laboureth to extend it selfe beyond its limit and to perswade it selfe that his neighbours dwelling is also his and will alwayes breake the bound and limit and although it be that from one thing another doth grow yet if it be not conformable to the first will whence it is originally sprung it is no true off-spring but a wilde twigg which opposeth the Mother and loves her not for he groweth up in his iniquity therefore the Mother receives him not into her first will that he might remaine for ever but gives him leave to run on even to the Limit 51. But when the Mother doth see that all her children doe thus miserably revolt from her and forsake her and become as strangers to her shee grieveth and hopeth amendment but there is none even then shee seeketh the Turba for shee directs her will againe into her selfe and seekes the Begettresse and there shee findeth a new childe in the Lilly-Twig and giveth the stubborne revolting children to the Turba so that they doe devoure slay and kill themselves Moreover shee powreth their own Turba and poyson upon them to take them away that shee might bring up her young Sonne who should remaine in her house that shee might have joy in him 52. Thus let this be told to thee thou great Large-spread Tree which in the beginning wert onely a Twig thou wert created onely in one will all thy Twiggs should have thy will but the Devill did mis●beteeme it thee and did infect thy will with his poyson whence the Turba grew Thus thou hast corrupted all thy children and branches thereby so that the Turba is sprung up also in every Twigg thou didst mount in pride and went forth from the first will which God gave thee into the Wonders of the great Turba wherein thy children have amused themselves and forsaken thee 53. Therefore saith the travelling Mother paine taketh hold on me I had planted me a little Tree and would faine have eat its good fruit but it hath brought forth much wilde fruit which I cannot eat I will bring forth and educate me a young Sonne in my old age that he may remaine in my house and doe my will that I may yet have joy Seeing that all my children have forsaken me I will have comfort in my young Sonne he shall continue in my house while I live Satan shall not sift him I will put him on a childs Garment he shall dwell with me wholly simply and plainly as a childe Lo I will produce him from the first roote and destroy the Turba for its Number in the Crowne is finished 54. Yee wilde branches the unprofitable suckers and dreiners what doe you seeke so much after Yee say wee are above the Mother we have wit understanding and art what careth the Mother for your wit and art shee requires obedience shee desireth not your art and wit for shee is very plaine and numbreth onely one will you please the Mother you must then returne from the multiplicity againe into the unity not by wit and art but you must goe out from your proud Turba from your own selves into single-hearted humility you must forsake the glory and fame of selfe-wit sprung from the Turba and become as children else you are not acceptable to the first Mother but to the Turba which receiveth you then even then see where your Mansion shall be when God shall judge the secret and hidden things of mankinde when all things shall passe through the fire of his Anger saith the Spirit of the great Wonders 55. Mother Eve said when shee brought forth her first childe I have received a man of the Lord he shall doe it he shall breake the bead of the Serpent and possesse the Kingdome but Cain was a Murtherer 56. So thou at present also saist We have found the Lord Now we will possesse the Kingdome for we have found the true Doctrine Thus we will teach and so be the children of God but hearken Thou hast indeed found the Doctrine but thou art Cain thou intendest and seekest onely the Kingdome and not the power of Abels Sacrifice thou wilt onely continue in the lust of the flesh and keepest onely the huske of the Word of God which is without power thou keepest the histories and for them thou stirrest up strife thou desolatest thy Countrey and People and deniest the
then we see that they since the Turkes departed from them have been but one People before God in holinesse and righteousnesse with different names 93. And they are the two Sonnes to one whereof the Father said Goe and doe this and he said yea but did it not and to the other also doe this and he said no but did it which doth so highly advance and magnifie the Turkes in the Kingdome of Nature which the blinde Christian world doth not understand 94. Not that we justifie the Turkes and say that they should remaine in their blindnesse no but to the painted Christians wee declare that they are alike with them before God in that they are as blinde in respect of Christs Kingdome as the Turkes as it plainly shews it selfe in that Christendome is full of strife and contention wrangling and jangling about Christs Deity and humanity and abominably prophaneth and hideously unhalloweth the holy Name in his humanity and use it onely for a forme and custome to sweare Covenant and protest also to Idolatry superstition and hypocrisie and are gone from the sword of the holy Spirit unto a bloud-thirsty confounding Sword wherein is nothing but contending and contemning one another and the whole titular Christendome is turned into meere sects and orders where one sect doth despise and brand another for unrighteous and thus they have made of Christendome a meere murthering Den full of blasphemies about Christs person and have bound the Spirit of Christ to the formes and orders of disputation and have set foolish Reason over Christs Kingdome to be a Master or Judge of the understanding or meaning of Gods Spirit in the holy Scriptures and mysteries 95. But ought we to speake so of Christendome and the Turkes as if they were alike Thus we say the Turke is openly an Ishmalite and mocker of Christs humanity and holdeth him not for the Sonne of Man and God too for he understands not the heavenly Ens in the person of Christ 96. But the Sects of Christendome doe indeed cover themselves with Christs Mantle but doe attach him in his humanity and Deity and revile him in his whole person teare and rend one another with words and swords about his person the one will have it this way another that way every one will be Master over his words and spirit and so deride Christ in his members and thereby destroy all brotherly love and are as revolting rebellious and fugitive Ishmaelites as the Turkes and live in their selfish will and serve the Kingdome of Nature in their selfe-hood selfe-interests and pleasure 97. A Christian must be dead with Christ to selfe and be risen againe in Christ and be borne anew of Christ and to have put on Christ that he be a Christian in Christ in the Spirit and heavenly flesh of Christ according to the internall spirituall man 98. But instead hereof men have put on Babel and the Antichrist and doe boast themselves of their Ordinances of the divine orders in the performances of devout duties in lip labour and much prating and in the Stone-houses of Churches and in the Cathedralls and Cloysters of Christendome where indeed they doe counterfeit somewhat of Christ seeing that they there reade the writings which the Apostles left behinde them but afterward with their Preaching for the most part they foist in the Kingdome and Government of Nature with brawling and disputing and spend the time with disputing confuting and contending about Sects and the different mentall Idolls or opinions insomuch that one party is brought wholly to condemne another and the eares and hearts of the hearers are so infected with gall and bitternesse that one Sect wilfully opposeth another and cryes it downe for devillish whence nothing but wars and disdainfull provocations doe arise to the desolating of Countries and Cities 99. Thus they are all alike before God and lie as it were shut up in Hagar in the dead Reason except the true children of God which verily are here and there to be found among all Nations and Sects but wholly simple and despised also covered under Christs Crosse to the Reason-wise-world 100. For like as the foure Elements receive the power or influence of the Sunne into them and in the substance the body yet not the Sunne is seene albeit it worketh therein so also the Spirit of Christ is hid in the children of God but as an hearb springing from the earth doth by the vertue of the Sunne put forth a faire blossome and fruit so likewise Gods children out of their plaine homelinesse or deformity to the lewd world's or prating hypocrites eye In the 27 Chapter of the Three Principles what the Lilly is may be discerned 32. THe Lilly will not be found in strife or warres but in a friendly humble loving Spirit together with good sound * Wall-grounded convincing satisfactory Reason This will grow to the throwing downe Babel and the building up of Zion Reason this will dispell and drive away the smoake of the Devill and flourish in its time Therefore let none thinke that when strife goeth on and he getteth the upper-hand now it is well and right and he that is under and subdued let him not thinke sure I am found to be in the wrong I should now goe to the other opinion or side and helpe that party to prosecute the other no that is not the way such a one is meerly in Babel 33. But let every one enter into himselfe and labour to be a righteous man and feare God and doe right and consider that this his worke shall appeare in Heaven before God and that he standeth every moment before the face of God and that all his works shall follow after him and then the Lilly of God springeth and groweth and the world standeth in its Seculum AMEN Mysterium Magnum Chap. 41. Pag. 326. 43. LOving Brethren be instructed aright the God of Love he will not the death of a poore corrupt and lost man but hath powred forth his best Treasure which he had in himselfe and is himselfe in Grace over all men like as the Sunne doth shine unto the good and evill but the wicked doth corrupt and spoile the * His precious Image Treasure in himselfe and will not receive it but sucketh and taketh in the Ens of the Serpent full of vanity and is baptized with the fire of Gods Anger in the will of selfe 44. But if he went with his own-selfe-will into the death of Christ and desired from the bottome of his heart to die from his selfe and own will in Gods mercy and cast his whole dependance and trust upon God and thought that he had nothing of his Own in this earthly Cottage but that he was onely a servant of God and his Neighbour in all that he possesseth and forsooke in his minde the propriety and selfe-interest he should soone be baptized with the holy Spirit and put on Christ in his will 45. But these mischievous earthly
consuming fire if his wrath be stirred up according to this same property he desireth to consume and devoure all that moveth and enkindleth it selfe therein And from this property God bad Israel fight and smite the Heathens for his Anger was set on fire in them and was as wood cast into the fire which the fire desireth to consume 10. Therefore the wrath of God bad one Nation slay another that it might out of his wrath be taken away otherwise the fire of his Anger would have enkindled it selfe as hapned to the five Kingdomes of Sodom and Gomorra Thus the Wrath of God did satiate it selfe in the life of the wicked which it devoured into it selfe in that they slew one another 11. As it yet now adayes so comes to passe that oftentimes men cry unto God for to give them successe and victory against their enemies that they might murther them but God giveth them not victory therein but the sword of his Anger which they awaken with their prayers and will were they true Men and children of God they would need no warre for the holy Spirit wageth not warre but he onely loveth and giveth peace but according to the property of Anger he consumeth all ungodlinesse and is yet thereby onely blowne or stirred up c. 14. Thus we must understand how the children of the Saints have waged warre against the crew of wicked men and drove them out viz. in the Anger 's Property which managed its sword by them to blot out the Heathen and Generation of Ha● for Abraham went out with his whole house and People against the Heathen who had carried away Loth his brothers Sonne captive and he smote the Heathen and delivered his brother This was done in the zeale of God which thus delivered his children through the might of his Anger for what conduceth to the wicked for destruction that conduceth to holy men for life and deliverance 15. But that those who will be called Christians who ought in and with Christ to be dead to the Anger and Wrath of God in Christs death doe wage warre they doe it not as Christians but as Heathens no Christian warreth for if he be a Christian then he is dead in and with Christs death to the foure Elements of Gods Anger in Selfe and borne a new man in Christs Spirit of Love who liveth in righteousnesse in love and patience and not to himselfe but to God in Christ 16. For a true Christian leadeth his conversation and will in Heaven in the life and spirit of Christ as St Paul saith Our conversation is in Heaven but when the Christians doe wage warre they doe it from the Heathenish property and not from Christs property for a Christian is not of this world his Kingdome is in heaven and he is dead in Christ to the world according to the new spirituall man in him the Heathen viz. the halfe devillish man who hath his Kingdome in this world who never hath room enough upon the Earth who liveth in the foure Elements of Gods Anger viz. in pride covetousnesse envy and wrath desireth in the Christians to warre fight and kill 17. St. Paul saith Give your members to be weapons of Righteousnesse for why doe men fight for the Kingdome of this world and yet Christ said his Kingdome was not of this world so also his childrens Kingdome in him is not of this world Now then if we give our body and soule for weapons of Gods Anger and seek onely thereby Selfe interests liberties and priviledges of Mammon and slay one another for the Kingdome of this world I thinke we are herein Christians indeed with the mouth but the heart and soule is an heathen and not borne out of Christs Spirit 18. When Abraham had smote the Heathen he desired nothing of the goods which he took but restored to the King of Sodom what the Heathen had taken from him and was onely zealous in the Lord he did not fight for Countrey and Kingdome but to deliver his brother This was a true zeale which the Lord drove in him he did not stand up and fight for Countrey or Citie and albeit he obtained it he desired it not but went againe unto his own place Mysterium Magnum Chap. 51. 44. OUr knowledge must be filled and abound with the Love of Christ that we love one another else knowledge is not at all available if I bring not my knowledge with the Desire into the Love of God wherewith he hath Loved us in Christ and Love my Neighbour in the Love of God in Christ with that Love wherewith God generally Loveth us and Loved us when we were his Enemies then I have not as yet the Love of God dwelling in me 45. But how will he Love his Brother who contemneth him for his knowledge sake whereas yet God Loved us when we knew nothing of his Love If a man hath not this Love of God in him wherewith God Loved us when we knew him not why doth he boast then of Gods Adoption If he be the childe of God then he hath the free Love of God wherewith God Loveth all things if he hath it not he is not then yet capable of the adoption Now then if any one contemneth and condemneth his brother which hath not as yet his knowledge how can he boast of the Love of God wherewith God Loved his Enemies in Christ wherewith Christ prayed for his Enemies Mysterium Magnum Chap. 44. 6. WHen God will punish a Land he first sends them Messengers and exhorts them to repentance and declares unto them his Grace soon after he sends them the Angel of Righteousnesse who tryeth them whether they be capable of the grace that is tendred to them and representeth unto them judgement with threats of their ruine also with denouncing of great warre and plagues that he will blot and root them out if they doe not Returne and Repent and sheweth them by his Messengers the light and way of Righteousnesse and suffers them to run on in the light that is tendred to them till they be weary and glutted and hold it onely for a common thing and an history and againe become a Sodom 7. And then he sends them both Angells together to wit the Angel of Righteousnesse and the Angel of truth and first threatneth them and exhorts them and setteth the judgement before them but when they are wholly a Sodom he leaveth off from the outward Figure and lets them fill up their measure and then it seems as if the Sunne was risen upon their Sodom and now it should be good but even then saith the Angel of truth in his children hasten and goe out the punishment and ruine is at hand 8. Thus wee declare unto thee Babel that God hath already long since sent thee Messengers and with the declaration of the Gospel hath tendred thee his grace and therewith also hath mightily threatned thee with the punishment of thy ruine but thou hast made a