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A00505 A discouery of the great subtiltie and wonderful wisedome of the Italians whereby they beare sway ouer the most part of Christendome, and cunninglie behaue themselues to fetch the quintescence out of the peoples purses: discoursing at large the meanes, howe they prosecute and continue the same: and last of all, conuenient remedies to preuent all their pollicies herein.; Traité de la grande prudence et subtilité des Italiens. English G. B. A. F. 1591 (1591) STC 10638; ESTC S101803 74,257 108

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as high as heauen gates shutteth openeth them euen as they do the doores of the Consistorie at Rome In some this foundation stone is that Saint Peter had his Apostles seate at Rome and there was martired whereof followeth that the Romane Bishop is his successour and hath vniuersall charge ouer the whole world For the first I deny séeing that neither the Acts of the Apostles nor any other of the Epistles of S. Paul hath made mention therof that he himselfe witnesseth that he was the Apostle of the Iewes called to those that were of the circumcision For the second y t he was martired there I cōfesse for that those of Rome and their Emperours to make a triumph of Iesus Christ and of his doctrine to quench their insatiable crueltie against Christians had caused S. Peter to be transported to Rome from another place where he was detained first prisoner to put him to death ignonimiously and make him a publike spectacle to the world But for hauing by this crueltie and iniustice depriued the world of so famous excellent seruant of God that they should be reputed his successours there is no reason at all nay contrarie I will stand to it they ought therfore altogither to be disinherited for was there euer any man so impudent that for hauing murthered another would dare to challendge his succession And if he had béen borne at Rome and appointed Apostle to the same place which he was not neither they haue made themselues vnworthie of all successorie right and title For this were a prettie matter that for vsing all crueltie and committing bloodie murthers against the seruants of God men should get domination and principalitie as well in earth as in heauen it were farre wide to say so and the greatest absurditie in the world that men might imagine Nay contrarie Christ menaceth great punishment for the like matter when he cried out Ierusalem Ierusalem thou which killest the Prophets thereby denouncing her ruine and ouerthrow by the fire of Gods vengeance foretelling her destructiō to come and the miserable estate wherein she is at this present houre If then this were sufficient to depriue Rome of her succession yet furthermore were she worthie to be depriued for her rebellion against the Gospell and the doctrine of S. Peter wherein she hath perseuered since the death passion of Christ hauing brought foorth the most detestable monsters for Emperours as Tyberius Nero Calligula Commodus and Heliogabalus which haue euer béen remarked to liue vnder the vaute of the heauens who as cruell beasts estranged and degenerat from all Christian blood by reason of y e enormitie of their liues could not suffer any such cleare light to shine there néere them being also set on by their sacrificing Priests Pagans and Idolaters who only taught publikely at Rome soone to extinguish the same But if there were any good Bishops there they laie close and did not openly discouer themselues and were no part of the bodie of this people being indéed sent thither from diuers other partes personages of great learning and eloquence rather to make residence there then in any other part for that this citie was stil replenished with learned men cunning Philosophers and Pagan Oratours against whome it had not béen for Pastors meanely learned to haue disputed without ouerthrow and conuiction Yet all this hath nothing eleuated the Italians aboue any other people of Christentie for hauing Domination ouer them but rather it bringeth lower and abaseth them as a testimonie of their great resistance and rebellion to the truth and the teachers thereof Cap. 37. Constantine the Great King of England apposed himself against the tyrannous persecutours of Christians that Italy brought forth BVt if ye come to aske me what Nation hath more right to haue the Sea of an vniuersall Bishop erected in it then Italy I answere that as Italy hath made it selfe vnworthie by bringing forth the murtherers of S. Peter and of other tyrannous and persecuting Emperors hauing a long time made resistance to the Gospell so those haue best deserued it who being pushed forward with an holie zeale of Gods glorie and of the saluation of men hauing abandoned their liues kingdomes and treasures to make passage for the Gospel throughout the whole worlde in destroying the doctrines of Pagans and all idolatry which had raigned before more then two thousand yéeres all ouer the world except only among the Iewes Now what nation hath that béen of so hautie and magnanimous courage which hath done God so signall a péece of seruice Surely it was England which hauing brought forth that great and thrise sacred Constantine who of a Pagan that hée was making profession of the Christian faith and receiuing Baptisme straight began to warre vpon Maxentius the Romane Emperour a most cruell murtherer and a great persecutor of Christians whome he vanquished and planted the true Gospell and kingdome of Christ not onely in the I le his natiue countrie that bred him but also at Rome the receptacle of all Idolatrie and from thence made passage for it vnto Alexandria the capitall Citie of all Affrica to Constantinople and all that countrie bordering towards Asia enlarging the kingdome of the sonne of God farre and wide which séemed at that time to be banished out of this worlde by the continuall warres of the Romans destroying and ouerthrowing wheresoeuer he went that of Sathan shewing himselfe to be the Executour of that which Iesus Christ had foretold in the twelfth of S. Iohn saying Now is the iudgement of this world now shall the Prince of this world be cast out O that the wonder of thy holie and almost diuine enterprises do make thée go farre beyond all humane creatures for the light that thou madest to shine in the world surmounteth as much that of the holie Kings of the old Testament as doth the light of the Sunne the cléernes of the Moone And as for that which the Apostles and other faithfull Pastors which went before thée it was alwaies diuined and entermingled with the darknes of superstitious Idolaters which had full course among the Emperours and Kings of the earth but thou great Instrument of the Eternall thou hast chaced farre out of thy sight all the sacrifices seruices that men did dedicate vnto the diuil according to the witnes of S. Paul who saith that the Gentiles did sacrifice vnto him And more then this it is thou great Monarke that hast so firmely planted and established this light in the world that what assaults so euer haue béen made to extinguish it yet could it neuer altogither be put out and defaced If then one so great and diuine a benefite had procéeded from Rome as is from England who could imagine how great prerogatiues and honours almost diuine they would challenge from other people whereas neuertheles the Emperour sprung out of Italy haue euer béen the most signall persecuters of Iesus Christ and of his Martirs for all
because it most consisteth in visible things to be beholded with these our bodily eyes as are sumptuous and goodly Temples glistering with costly glasse windowes triumphantinges liuely pictures images exquisitely carued forth most precious clothes of Arras Chalices Crosses of the finest Ducket gold height of Piramides Copes of crimsin veluet others of cloth of gold and siluer which are thinges most pleasant to the eies to behold And to delight the hearing with songs of Mnsicke noyse of Organs and sound of Belles al these things are delectable in déed and haue some shew of humane wisdom for all that haue they not God for any Authour neither did Iesus Christ nor his Apostles euer institute or occupie the like rather they taught vs to despise the world and all that is therein to aspire vp to heauen instructing vs to renounce our selues and all the lustes of the flesh to do the holie and perfect will of God to take vp our Crosse and wade thorow many tribulations into the glorie of God And this cannot we abide we must haue a religion which wil helpe to augment our dignities and earthly riches that we may liue here in all voluptuousnes and securitie And because the Gospell taken in his puritie is quite contrarie to that there is nothing in the earth that this nation hateth more then to heare speake thereof farre preferring a worldly felicitie present which by no meanes they will forgo vpon hope of any eternall absent and hidden ioyes which are to come Cap. 14. A comparison of the diuine seruice inuented by the Italians with the counsell of some subtill Phisition HE that would thorowly examine the forme of Religion planted by the Italians by the authoritie of their soueraigne high Priest shall finde all these things afore truely obserued amongst them So that flying therby with wings swifter and stronger then the wings of any Engle they are able to beate downe to the ground those that are so sawcie as to withstand in any thing or gainsay in any wise the formes of their seruices which they haue introduced to fetch vnder their subiection the greatest Potentates of the earth and to draw thereby deniers and reuenues from them imitating herein some craftie Phisition who preferring a good bootie of siluer before the health of the sicke patient will learne what meate and drinke pleaseth best his appetite and hauing found that he loueth claret wine aboue all things and sugar to make it haue a daintie taste which he taketh imagine that he goe visit the patient who will straight begin to tell him how he can get no recouerie of his sicknes albeit he hath vsed much blood letting taken many pilles and other phisicke which hath brought him verie low and put him to much paine this same impudent Phisition that tell him that all that serued but to weaken him to take away his stomacke and by mouing a question to the sicke patient shall aske him if he loue not well good claret wine He answering with all his heart this Phisition shall reply that he will warrant him to recouer his health againe if hée leaue taking these hard medicines and those pilles so bitter in swallowing and to get some daintie wine of most delicious taste if he should send his man ten miles for some to haue alwaies at the least thrée or foure good bottles in his Celler in store And bid him besides least the vapours should sume too much to intoxicate his head to take Coriander comfits at the end of his repast assure him that this wil make him more lustie againe then all the phisicke in the world I let you iudge with what audacitie the sicke shall dare to imbrace this counsell But if it chaunce after he hath béen verie ill and his sicknes begin to grow away he come to recouer straight here vpon how will he honour this Phisition he shall neuer be able sufficiently to set foorth his praise But in the seruice of God it is otherwise we must eate the bread of affliction and sorrow drinke the water of bitternes which are verie bitter and loathsome drugs to swallow as things much offending our taste whereas in the seruice inuented by the Italians there is nothing but y t which is verie pleasant to our humane senses and which doth verie well agrée with our carnall nature and therefore do ignorant men imbrace with a most ardent desire all that they inuent which when they haue once receiued is hard to be rooted out of them because their eye sight is not quicke inough to discouer the marke whereat they shoote which is only to beare rule and to share and make boote of the money which they get from them Cap. 15. That they care not at Rome for any diuersitie of Religions so they tend only to maintaine their Domination THis is most manifest for if any man inuent any new form of religion neuer knowne before in the world apparelling himselfe after a straunge fashion neuer séene before vsing iestures altogither rediculous and foolish liuing after a most austere to cruell and brutish maner as do the Capuchians Fucillians and such like foolish orders of Friars all shall be approued and receiued by the Italians with great plaudities so that such religions will serue them for a wall and defence for their kingdome and gaine but if any one appeare or come neare them that dare speake against such abuses and touch them to the quicke a litle leaning vpon the pillar of that doctrine which hath béen giuen from the terrestriall Paradice they will shake a heauen and earth and remoue all a world to stop his mouth and kill him with great exclamations that he went about to sow new doctrines and begin some new sect of religion whereby we may cléerely sée that vnder this cloake of religion they do but aspire to be rulers and to finger mony from other peoples and nations and that all the warres and ciuill broyles which haue so long troubled Germany Swicerland all Flanders and France haue byn broched and begun by them for such matters albeit those who had the conduct thereof enterprised them for the zeale they bore to their owne religion Cap. 16. That the Romanes are not contented to staie themselues with that which is spirituall but would also dispose the kingdomes of the earth at their pleasure THat the Italians shoote at this marke also I bring euident proofe that when they had set their matters in so good forwardnes that the Emperour and the other Christian kings had graunted this title of soueraigne high Priest and vniuersall Bishop to their Prelate of Rome for to be a greater staie and pillar of the Christian Church and to kéepe the other Bishops and Pastours in better order and within the compasse of their dutie they are not content to rest with that passe further and cause to preach and publish by word and writing that their Bishop is Christes onely Lieftenant on earth to whom all Scepters and
How in the persons of Romulus and Numa Pompilius their were two kindes of gouernmentes prefigured among the Italians FIrst we will consider euen as in the murther of Abell committed by Cain God did prefigure vnto vs that the good should be persecuted by the wicked for his seruice sake till the end of the world so also in the person of Romulus first founder of Rome murtherer of his brother Romus and Tassius his companion as also in the person of Numa Pompilius a most subtill and ingenious inuentor of a forged religion to establish his owne gouernment God would manifest vnto vs that this nation should serue it selfe héereafter with murthers and apparance of a counterfet religion to laie hands on others kingdomes and to snatch away the substance of other peoples for we sée euen as their first domination began at the first by effusion of bloud and after by cloake of religion so also it is come to passe that the first glorie of the great Empire of the Italians to the which all Europe was brought in subiection and made tributarie was gotten by the great murthers so commonly committed in the time of Marius and Sylla contriued by Augustus Caesar and by Anthony which lustre being by long tract of time dimmed and extingnished is by a cleane contrarie maner restored and restablished vnder a faire shew and cloake of religion Cap. 3. How the subtill Italian borroweth the name of the Pope to come to his pretences with more facilitie NOw I pray thée Reader be not persuaded that I meane by this discourse contemptuously to blame the Popes of Rome in their owne persons or any holy constitution in the Church of Rome My desire is only to lay open the déep reach and subtiltie of the Romanes who by a great foresight and immutable order haue béen able so to handle their affaires and to dispose of Popes of Kings and Princes of the earth in such sort that they haue got the head and rule ouer them and fetch round summes of deniers out of their cofers and from their commons besides For proofe hereof I will maintaine the like preposition that was held to Augustus Caesar the greatest happiest subtillest and most pollitike Monarke of the worlde It was this That he commanded indéed all nations and all the world trembled at the excellencie of his nature but yet that his wife commanded him and his daughter her mother giuing thereby to vnderstand that it was they that ruled only borrowing his name to authorise and establish what they listed So I say that whatsoeuer is ratified published and receiued vnder the name and authoritie of the Popes it is but the counsell and inuention of the Italians of Rome who to authorise their doings couer them with the name of the Pope and therefore must be attributed to them as to the inuentors persuaders and contriuers of that which procéedeth from his holines Cap. 4. A liuely patterne of Italian subtiltie in the person of Katherine de Medicis and her Florentine Counsell FOr confirmation of that which goeth before and for demonstration of the matter let vs set before our eyes the estate of France in the time that Katherine de Medicis Quéene-Mother liued and we shall sée as in a cleare glasse that she and her Councell of Italians got betwéen them the whole gouernment disposing of all the affaires in France into their hands and like bloodsuckers sucked the bloud of the poore people so dry as if it had béene crushed out in a wine-presse so that by such crueltie men perished in France by famine nakednes hearts griefe by thousands and millions and neuer were there so many died by poyson of Serpents and other venimous beasts nor by the crueltie of Tygers Lybbards Crocodiles Lynres Beares and other deuouring beasts since the creation of the world as by their tyrannous crueltie shewed whilest they bore the sway This could not any one French man perceiue to come to passe for so smal a matter as to haue matched y e daughter of an Italian Duke with a younger brother of France But herehence procéedeth it that this nation is so ingenious and subtill that vpon the least occasion which may be it maketh way and meane to enterprise and effect the greatest matters in the world and moreouer to laie the blame and grudge that commeth by their stingings exactions vpon other mens shoulders fine workemen I warrant you that can so closely couer their dealings with the name authoritie of great Prelates Kings or Princes that the hatred and blame may lie vpon their neckes and the profite be put in their owne purses And sure this nation can make so sure way so far before hand and so contriue their plots that then at the length onely men can perceiue them when it is cleane past their power to finde out any remedie to preuent them Cap. 5. How of anie light occasion this Nation can deuise to effect great matters FOr euident proofe hereof this Italinesse had not remained lōg time in France but Monseur le Dauphin who was to rule ouer vs as lawfull heire to the Crowne vanished quickly by some perfume or by some other Italian deuise thereby to giue entrance and make a gap for the Italians to rush in to the managing of the greatest partes of the affaires of France And this occasion béeing redoubled by the death of King Henry they tooke fast hold of her haire which groweth before not letting her slip out their hands to runne after her iudging the two best means to procure the gouernment of this estate to this woman and themselues was first of all to bring vp those which should rule ouer vs in all lasciuiousnes and pleasure to make them more effeminate then their owne mother and likewise in the ignorance of good letters and in well gouerning an estate to the end that their Italinesse being more forward in knowledge of these things then they to the great aduantage of Italians might sease wholly on the gouernment of the kingdome and the entire disposing of all France and secondly to sow debates stir vp warres among the French least that their vnion and concord might disturbe or not permit the rule gouernment and aduancement of a straunge nation ouer them who could not suffer or permit any gouernment to the onely daughters of our Kings of France it selfe Cap. 6. The Romane soweth diuisions and putteth away the snbstance of a people to enrich himselfe and to do with it at his pleasure THese two breaches being made in the body of France the Italians persuading themselues that if then when they had yet no way to set in foote which was but in the time of K. Henry they were able to frame among them such disorder that Francis the first hauing left seuentéene hundred thousande crownes in his coffers albeit he had paide ransome in Spaine the said Henry hauing raigned but a while had left his heire behinde him indebted fortie thrée
Millions which was a most straunge and maruellous debt considering the great tributes which he had exacted of his subiects of the employing whereof there could be none account heard notwithstanding the best friendes and louers of the communaltie made a motion were verie instant They haue at this present farre more abilitie by the authoritie and subtilitie of their Italinesse to prosecute the ruine and vtter subuersion of this estate the which to bring to a low ebbe they must fill full of ciuill warres and so ouer loade with such heauie burthens of subsidies taxes and new rereages that they poore people remained quite ruined and troden downe so that it could neuer since recouer foote againe and the better to feare and torture them thereunto to locke them vp in prisons and there to make them rot miserably if they did not pay their intollerable ransomes excéeding in many partes of France more by the third part then the yéerely reuenue of the poore Pesant did amount vnto not disburdening him therby any thing at all of his charges in finding souldiers of whom he was daily sore gnawen deuoured beaten and oppressed besides the extremitie shewed vnto him in paying the fines of his wine without the which he could by no meanes be discharged Thus this subtill nation hauing gotten on their side some Italionate Frenchmen to take their partes and to fortifie them somewhat more as also to laie part of the blame of these pilleries on their backs do all things at their owne will and pleasure to the enriching of themselues and to the vtter ruine of the poore commons who abide the greatest smart of all And he which would desire to know what is become of all these excessiue heapes of mony leuied in this kingdome let him goe to Florence to behold the sumptuous buildings which there haue béen erected by our ruines and there let him sée the wondrous wealth wherein many Florentines swimme which came but like poore snakes into France and now how they haue altered their state But if the people of France had had as much witte and wisedome as they they should at the first haue laide their heads togither and concluded to haue chased them backe into their owne countrey and foreséeing the debates and quarrels that they began to sow euery where in France haue sent them backe to their owne home as they themselues once serued the French when they were in their country in like maner Cap. 7. How this Nation going about to ruine a countrie beginneth with some one estate and from thence commeth to all the rest by degrees and how the French can by no meanes take such opportunitie when it serueth them ALthough they haue béen alwaies voyd of all mercie and compassion towardes the poore people hauing drenched them drie and brought them to great miserie yet they haue shewed as little fauour as might be to Churchmen making them to be gnawen to the bare bone with tenthes and to be puld a hole lower by sale of their goods maintaining all inequalitie amongst them making floods of riches to run downe the héeles of some Italianate spirits their coherents and as for those who take paines daily in diuine seruice which the French Romans wil not meddle withal nor so much as with the tip of their finger to turne ouer one leafe of it they may haue a sore drowth but the diuell a whit of drinke will they giue them to coole their thirst Their Nobles they were saluted so oftentimes with summonings to assemble themselues who held any landes of the Crowne to bee seassed for the affaires of the warres and paiment of souldiers and withall put to such pinches and daungers to ruine one another with such extreame costs and charges raised by the vaine enhancings of their gold chaines of their Order for all paiments and wages employed onely for the payes of the Italians and other strange nations As for the Officers although that their offices were sold vnto them in the wane of the Italian power ten times dearer then in the raigne of any former Prince or King they were so fléeced and pulled away by substitution of others that did robbe them of all the profit and honour that might grow therby who in their turne also were pilled and brought to nothing by restoring the mony that was sucked from them that first bought them so that by that time all their landes were counted there was nothing to be laughed at on no side but only the Florentines and their partners who might wel laugh in their sléeues hauing so much the more to drinke filling their purses with the emptyings of others so that by such deuises they haue so well sucked out the substance of the French that since the comming of this Italianesse into France they haue picked more pence out of the coate of this people then during the raigne of twelue Kings before The tokens wherof most manifestly appeare especially vpon the poore pesants by their nakednes who go apparrelled but with old linnen cloth in the greatest coldes and are besides constrained to humble themselues so low as to liue vpon Oates and Pease like bruit beasts The cause and originall of all these miseries procéeding of the marriage of one Italinesse in France aspiring to make way for her adherents and to get the Crown into her own hands making our kings odious to the whole world and this sheweth well that they are so ingenious that of the least occasion that may serue to fauour them they know how to finde and fetch out greater aduantages farre beyond the reach of any nation in the world beside This thou shalt easily perceiue if with the consideration of that which goeth before thou cast but thine eye of vnderstanding vpon the French to sée how great a number of the Kings daughters haue béen married into Italy as Madame Renee daughter of King Lewes the twelfth to the Duke of Ferrara others to the King of England into Spaine to the Dukes of Sauoy and of Lorraine By meanes of whom although they were all descended of farre more noble houses then her yet the French could neuer by any such occasion tyrannise and impouerish these people neuer making the least commoditie thereby or get any other preferment but to the contrarie they still left behinde them verie much of their owne as in the marriages of the King of Spaine and of the Duke of Sauoy where they got to their shares the fairest fléeces and conquests of France And this may verie well shew how grosse witted we are in France and how ingenious and subtill the Italian is at euerie opportunitie that may happen Sée wherfore I wold faine be able to perswade the Popes quite to forsake this nation to come into Swicerland and into France verie curteous and good people to deliuer themselues from the yoake of that nation which is the most corrupt in the whole world for if one onely Italinesse were able to chaine our Kings at Paris
by their profound wisedom that there was no meanes to be had for the reestablishment of their first Domination because the nations of the North most strong and warlike had made proofe that the corporall strength of Italians was farre inferiour to theirs and that it was impossible to bring them euer so low againe by armes or force to yéelde them that obedience they had done in former time yet the Italians lay other ambushes for them and begin to deceiue these people to bring them vnder againe by a victorie altogether spiritual voluntarie and nothing at all carnall tastiug nothing but a spirituall gouernment and such a one as might guide men to life euerlasting and to lay the foundation stones of this Domination they must vphold that there is none other meane to be brought for the confirmation of the christian Church but by establishing of a soueraigne Heade and vniuersall Bishop in like manner forsooth as it is in the Monarchies and Empires of the world Perswading themselues that if they had carried awaie this pointe once they might verie well preuaile in the rest séeing that Rome had béene the seate of the rulers and Emperours of the earth they might rather then any other nation com by this prerogatiue to dispose of christian people vnder the cloake and authoritie of their vniuersall Bishop at their owne will and pleasure so that they might without euer striking stroke or shedding bloud be kinges and make money come apace from al prouinces which should protest to hold y e christian part And for a fairer shew and more credit of the matter it were verie méete to publish by word of mouth by reporte and writings that Rome had béene the seat of S. Peter and that he suffered martiredome there so that thereby he had planted in that citie a more excellent dignitie and prerogatiue then in anie other citie of the world Cap. 12. How in creating an vniuersall Bishop at Rome the Italians entred into possession of a farre more excellent Domination then that which they had lost before THese two pointes being once granted them the Italians might verie well dispose at their pleasure of all christiandome putting on but the cloake and authoritie of their vniuersall Bishops This was an easie way for them to hold for the recouerie of a more excellent Domination being now spirituall and heauenly then the first which they had lost and by this prerogatiue might they make the purest and most precions golde and siluer of all christianitie to flie to Rome It was most easie of all to make this currant among other Bishops perswading them that all this did but encrease their dignitie and profit and inuest them with a power to make heade against the kinges of the earth to cast of their yoake and neglect all their magistrates By reason whereof this inuention was found good and passed quickly without any contradiction but there was onely a little strife betwéene the Bishop of Rome and him of Constantinople for the superioritie of them two But yet on the Italians side there was no meane to make them forgoe this dignitie they would in no wise lay it downe because they foresaw that therby they could make what doctrin they listed currāt throughout all churches and their constitutions to be receyued euerie where as the decrées of their soueraigne and heauenly Court they could make them selues redoubted and feared of the kinges and princes of the earth as though they were the onely Porters of heauen gates and that no man coulde come in there but by their leaue meane and fauour To make the rest of the Clargie receiue this inuention there was no more adoe but to performe it with a smell of the augmentation of their dignitie and profit and they straight waies embraced it with all ioy and gladnesse for whilest that men are liuing here in this earth verie few are found but will suffer themselues to bee infected with such plagues which as Galen saith are Auarice and Ambition which bring vnto the soule that which the falling sicknesse doth bring to the bodie And if there be anie found anie found amongst the rest which haue the glorie of God and the saluation of men in greater regarde it is in so small number that the greater part shall soone ouercome the better and bring them quicklie to a contrarie bow Cap. 13. How the people follow none other religion but that which their Pastors teach them and how the Romanes giue vs one according to their owne nature TOuching the people by whom I comprehend Nobles Citizens and Pesants in matter of religion they will embrace that which their Pastors shall preach vnto them or that wherein they haue béene brought vp without making any further choice So that if a man be of the Empire of Tartarians he will frame himselfe to the forme of diuine seruice that is there established in like manner will hée doe that is borne among Turks Iewes Lutherians and Catholiks the worst is when he is grounded in one he wil take no knowledge nor make none examination of anie other but will haue them all in detestation and shall be as glorious in his owne as if he had found some pretious treasure of inestimable valour especially when he hath his eyes dimmed by sensible terrestriall and humaine religion The Italian is not here to séeke how to deale with him he can handle the matter so well that he will fetch some substance from him without any warre or violence and at his owne pleasure and to effect the same he hath no more to doe but to winne to his side the Doctours and Priestes which instruct the people who may teach them a religion which is altogether agréeable to their owne nature But here is the point of controuersie which hath and shall be euer betwoone God and men that God wil be honoured with a seruice agréeable to him selfe and of the qualitie of his owne nature to wit spirituall diuine and heauenly and wee humaine creatures cleane contrarie will serue him with a seruice that is nearest and best agréeing to our owne nature for it is his will that when we adore and inuocate his holy name we should lift vp our spirits aboue the heauens and we desire to finde him here below on earth in our Temples vnder some visible forme which we may sée and touch because that our earthly nature taketh farre greater delight in that which it séeth with the bodily eyes then to transport it selfe in spirit aboue the azured heauens so farre distant from vs. In like manner those which will make their prayers to the saintes of Paradice take great pleasure to haue their images here below on earth sauing a long iourney to goe into the kingdom of heauen to séeke them God will haue his diuine seruice procéeding from his diuinitie and such a one whereof he himselfe is the authour and we take more delight in that which is humaine and procéedeth from our owne braine
be destitute of any one aide that might stand them in stéed they found meanes to arme themselues with the greatest Forces y e Christen men may yéeld when they perceiued that by such fellowes as are abouesaid Princes Cities and common weales might be puld from them which were no fish for Prouosts Controllers nor Sergeants mouthes they backed themselues better with the most strong redoubtable and puissant forces of all Christendome as with the K. of Spaine for the head with the King of France for the stomacke and the Emperour for the belly which are the principall parts of Europe So that if a man open his mouth to speake against their Domination you shall sée the Catholike straightway thunder downe all with his Inquisition euerie man haue a fling at him Is there any that will set vpon them by main strength for any other matter Be the Lombards Venetians Neapolitans or whatsoeuer they be they will but whistle at Rome and by and by ye shal sée marching to their succour the Armies of these mightie Princes aboue named But the Romans they will make themselues poore when they should paie them and recompence their trauels they can abide nothing worse then that For Childericke the King of France for sending them aide lost the Crowne of France And as for satisfaction for any other aide that other Kinges of France haue giuen them they neuer put their hand to their treasures yet to recompence them nor neuer adioyned any Duchy or kingdome to their Empire but haue alwaies béen pulling from them But in recompence of all their labours losses and expences they haue giuen this word THRISE which is vsed in forming a superlatiue to the King of France although hée had as much and more authoritie to take it to himselfe then the Romanes to giue it him And to the King of Spaine they haue giuen this word Catholike which he might haue taken himselfe if hée would haue challenged it no man to say nay These names haue continued from father to sonne as if they came by inheritance by which the Italians haue plaied and wrought vpon as well the one as the other as though the bare names had any vertue or operation in them to transforme the persons and to make them any other then they were which should bee a most manifest abuse But when that a man hath any qualitie of great vertue or vice he may verie fitly haue some name of honour or dishonour attributed vnto him As S. Lewes was so called for his holines of life Philip le Bel for his excéeding beautie and Philip le Hardi for his hardines valour But all this cannot be translated to their heires and successors because they are but qualities of speciall persons and are proper to them onely from whom they cannot passe For as it had bin a most absurd thing to haue termed Commodus an Emperour of Rome and a most cruell tyrant a Saint and a Philosopher because Marcus Aurelius his father for his rare vertues sagesse and eloquence was so named so also is there none apparent reason why the Councell of Rome should denominate for flatterie indifferently all the successors of this crowne Kinges most Christian No more then with the Epitheton that was giuen to Charles le grand 1. the great And as for the title of Catholike it was falsly attributed to the King of Spaine because it signifieth as much as vninersall King that is King euer all Whereas at that time he was King only but of the Spaines for as yet then raigned the King of Portugall and beside he is not so much yet neither as King ouer all Christendome Although that such Epithets haue béene verie vnfit falfly attributed indifferently to all yet we sée by such toyes and deuises they haue with a wet finger drawen more Forces to their succour out of these kingdomes then at this present twentie millions out of any other Princes purse would do out of all Germany By giuing them only these names and titles they make them march when they list vsing them like the great Canary Dogs which are tied fast with a long chaine and a coller As for the Emperour to kéep him vnder they haue bestowed on him some kingdome or Princedome to make him their owne creature and vassall yet vnder the name of their Pope to set him forward or pull him backe as they list and at their deuotion And all this to the end that if any went about to shake or endomage their Domination at the head hée should straight assaile and bee shaken off by the Catholicke King if he came against the breast the most Christian King should trownce him if he made at the bellie the Emperour should teare him so that he should be met withall what way so euer he came Turne ouer read the Histories of the memorable actes and déeds of all nations in the world and finde none that euer hath so iusteled Kings and Emperours by a voluntarie Domination to make them march without any pay at all as hath done the Councell of Rome I speake not only by these but by an infinit number of others so he haue bin glad to obey and follow them at all times whensoeuer they stood in néed Cap. 29. A Demonstration how the Councell of Rome winneth to their side Princes younger brothers and maketh them their voluntarie slaues BVt the sublimation of the Italian spirit is remarked to flie farre aboue all other nations of the world herein especially that perceiuing a few yéeres since there were found many men of great spirit in the Councelles of these Monarkes who discouering their drifts began to counterchecke them a litle not stirring a whit at the first sound of the Trumpet comming from Italy as they were wont to do in times past they haue made a cunning prouiso for this matter drawing into their confederacie and league certaine younger brethren of the best houses of the Princes in Christendome who being not surcharged with too much reuenues nor too great gouernments to imploy themselues runne like swift footed Greyhounds at the first call that is made for them To make them march with more then humane expedition they must be charmed with praises up to the heauens far higher then the praises of many of those which the Paynims held for Gods in this world Comparing them with the most worthy and valiant warriours which euer haue béen terming them the verie portraitures of Alexander in diligence and hautinesse of courage verie Images of Augustus Caesar in subtilitie and wisedome and in zeale for the enlarging and glorie of the Romane Church true imitators of Constantine the great resemblers of Charlemaine and as great warriours as euer was the Romane Fertorius to resist and stand out boldly against all humane powers And to set a better hue on these so high commendations if there be to be found any externall beautie or corporall force in these Princes that must not be forgotten in no wise
being so much followed by studentes take no hire of them that heare them contenting themselues only with the gaine of their pensioners They hold opinion that the Bishop of Rome is aboue the Consuls by this meane altogither ouerthrowing the authoritie thereof As for their Disciples they tie them so fast by the héeles with the cords of the Italian superstitions that they put them in such feare that they tremble againe if they transgresse the least of them neuer so litle and the more easily to strike this feare into their hearts they robbe the tender youth of all iudgement and vse of reason For to iudge truly of anie question in controuersie we must diligently heare and weigh the reasons on both sides all affection laide apart These on the contrarie hauing brought their Disciples to belieue in the Catholike and Romane Church they conclude thus thereupon that they stop their hearing and giue none eare to any one who soeuer dare speake against the Popes authoritie nor against the ceremonies which he hath instituted nor dare once so much as to reade any booke which may call them in doubt as not altogither necessary to saluation and that he which feareth the plague ought to flie from such places persons which are infected so they before all thinges must take héede not to heare any nor receiue any bookes which may go about to remoue them from their opinion in one iote These are their propper foundations and grounds whereby they do not onely depriue their Disciples of all iudgement but also of the vse of all their natural sences wherwith God hath indued man to make choice of things and to know how to put a difference betwéen good and bad by this meanes they make them not onely dull spirited but altogither as brutish beasts in heauenly and diuine things fighting directly against the instruction of S. Paul who teacheth vs to proue all things praising in this place of scripture the diligence of those that did examine the Prophecies to know if Christ were the true Messias And whereas the Prophets did not cease to exclaime against the abuse of the Sacrificators and Priests of the olde law S. Iohn Baptist in like maner Christ also the soueraigne Prophet the Apostles who euer cried out against the false pastors And S. Augustin complaining of the multitude of ceremonies which were entred into the Church at his time and besides we haue séene heretofore many Bishops Doctors and Pastors do the same in contemning the greatest part of them These on the other side hold all good and maintaine them not onely ouer aboue the word of God but further thē this beside y e word of God By reason wherof if the Catholikes looke not about them to bestir themselues otherwise then they haue done since the entrance creation of these Iesuites to shake off the yoke of the Italian Domination it will soone be restablished in the highest degrées of soueraintie that euer was since it began And there shal be neither King nor Prince be he neuer so strong nor mightie but the Romans will make him tremble at one winke of their eye and will put them in as bad feare as the poore Israelites were at the publication of the Law when they shall threaten them with the thundrings lightnings of their Romish excommunications to discharge all their subiects of the oath of their loyaltie to inuest others with their kingdomes and principalities so that the Italians shall triumph ouer them as they did ouer the Duke of Venice trailing him with a cord about his neck for his disobedience to their Romish Bishop Cap. 32. A brief refutation of the Iesuites BVt whosoeuer would not make himselfe obstinat against his owne good and saluation might easily helpe himselfe out of these Iesuits halters setting before his eyes how that they alledge things contrary to that which they professe cause to be executed indéed For this is the summe of their Doctrins that euery one most firmly abide in his owne Religion without hearing any thing to the contrary and neuerthelesse they haue enflamed the Spanyards to kill thousands and Millions of the new world because they would not change there Religion to embrace another And as it is proper to shifters deceauers and those that haue not loyall Marchandises to deale in secret asmuch as they can and closely to couer there action to sell there ware in darke places to th ende to kéepe the truth of the matter hidden lest their abuse should bée discouered so theise which feare so much the examination of their Doctryne conuince themselues that it is not sownde nor allowable Whereas that man that séeketh but the glorie of God withont any respect of any Domination or wordly profit will take singular pleasure séeing his Doctrine examined by the worde of God and with the workes that he hath created and likewise be delighted to maintayne and defend it against whosoeuer would dispute to the contrarie For all this this would neuer the Church of Rome permit her pollocie is so great herein albeit Italy is replenished with a great number of verie learned men and great Schollers as well in Philosophy as in any of the lawes and very desirus to maintayne any dispute against heretikes as the tearme them who are so themselues to giue them their right title and definition and against all those that goe about to diminish or speake against there kingdome and gaines for that the repute not others for such For the are not so grosse witted as the Almons who dispute about the Consubstantiation and Infinity of the bodie of Christ against the confession of the Switzers and Frenchmen without hope of any profit or Domination to bee gotten thereby But the Italian smelling out any profit or gaine in that which is propounded he will agrée to all and repugne onely in that whereby he thinketh to receaue any dommage Which is a most cleare and manifest proof that there is nothing but worldly wisedome in all that he pretendeth and goeth about Cap. 33. The councell of Rome is like to certaine Petifogging layers who will not consent to haue there causes disputed and heard in open audience TO make this more apparent we must note that when the councel of Rome wil neuer accord to haue there cause defended in any open audience against there aduersaries what other thing thereby may be inferred but that they secretly yéeld that there cause is scant good for the are not so grosse witted nor so much blinded as the Iesuistes Schollers of whome I speake euen now but as crafty Layers of good meanes and habilityes finding there low matters like to goe against them prolong the indgement and curry fauour with the Iudges as much as the can yet séeing the plantifes sue them hard they will labour tooth and nayle to referre there cause to those of the counsell hoping by fauour and instance of them they may soner win there processe then in any open audience
of the other prophets who haue endured greuous persecutions and neuer moued any of ther dissiples to persecute againe or take any vengeance at all nor of all the sectes of philosophers as of Socrates Plato Pythagoras Aristotle and others who alwayes laboured all the could to wine men to peace quietnes goodnes gentilnes and mildnes whereas this fellow will imprinte in there hartes all rage crueltie outrage and madnes whereby appeareth that he is a very limme and instrument of this olde and subtile Dragon who made Cayne conceaue in his harte the murther of his owne brother Abell the same which moued the preists of Ierusalem vnnaturally to sawe in twayne in the middest this heauenly and diuine Prophet Esaye and to persecute the processe and condemnation of Ieremie He sheweth himselfe seton by a more blooddy spirit then euer were Marius and Silla who shed so much of there owne Citizens boodes but rather more like to Phalaris Catiline Nero Commodus and other such cruell and saluage beastes al together voyde of all humanitie towardes there owne countrymen His shamelesse impudencie and his so insatiable thirst after blood is so apparant that it is not to be hid for he representeth himselfe as a Standerbarer of Christs catholike church who ought to here his voyce and doe after his commandements who pronounceth in the fifth of S. Mathewes Gospell that The mercifull pittifull and peace makers are blessed and that we must forgiue if we wil be forgiuen And the Apostle S. Paule writing to the Romans teacheth vs To haue peace withall men without taking any vengeance which belong onely to God And that if our enimie hunger we shonld giue him to eate and if he thirst we should giue him drinke surmounting his malice by our mildnes and mercy And last of all S. Iohn in his first Catholike Epistle saith That he which hateth his brother is in Darkenes and cannot tell whether hee goeth because the Darknes hath put out his eyes Cap. 35. How this false Catholike Englishman voide of all humanitie transformeth himselfe into all crueltie and rage SOme were then to examine this bloodie booke wherewith he would infect all Christendome with the rage and rancor that possesseth his furious stomack wherby he goeth about to set the people of France togither by the eares to destroy one another like fierce Dragons and cruell Tygers it argueth his cowardly most dastard effeminate spirit for these are things that are neuer in a man that hath any magnanimitie or greatnes of courage in him Wherein he sheweth that he is the verie disciple and trumpet of the maligne spirit the diuell that in shape of a filthie and stinking hée-Goat vseth the like spéeches vnto sorcerers witches who hauing forsaken Iesus Christ go vnto his sabboths to do him homage where he giueth them none other lessons but to put in practise vengeance murthers and cruelties whose footesteps he followeth right pretending to ouerthrow in man all the cléere light of reason and vnderstanding vtterly to extinguish that which maketh him foresée in his actions whether they tende to his honour profit and securitie or no before he vndertake them to abse and make him stoupe to blinde beastlie and furious passions so to make men flie one at another like mad dogs cruel beasts when we sée any aduantage of the side that we take for his drift is to make the Catholikes roote out the Hugonots as a people not to be tollerated in religion yet there is no people vnder heauen that agreeth so well with them as they be the Iewes Turkes or Tartarians against whom thou shouldest rather scum of the froth of thy furie and heate to combat and employ the floud and force of thine eloquence then conspiring the total ruine of Christians against those who receiue and allow of all the bookes of the Bible the foure first Councels with whom hauing none other quarrell but for humane Constitutions thou oughtest rather to take part And furthermore I say that the truest and best Catholikes and Protestantes are for the most part the surest and best friends that any Citie or common wealth hath there is but the Cockle which groweth among this good wheate and other dogs and hogs who smelling out any commodious profite by the Italians and their supposes much like himselfe who for rewarde of his forged crimes and lies smelleth out some Crosiers staffe miter or Abby vnder a false maske and shew of religion passing not to be recognished for the true sonne of the father of lies and auncient slaunderer the diuell when maliciously and vntruly he bringeth the mightie Princesse Elizabeth for an example of wonderfull crueltie against Catholikes to make our French Nation conceiue a great hatred and feare of our King wherein I thinke that his father the diuel would haue béen ashamed himselfe to haue published such impudent lies for as much as this gracious Princesse the Quéene of England and our King of France whom he representeth as her imitator haue neuer béen accused of any blame and reproach but to haue béen too mercifull and pittifull towards such pestiferous mates and seditious spirits as is hée himselfe whom I should haue made knowne for the most pernicious and damnable enemy of all Christendome that euer was on any side whatsoeuer as him that hath fastened the authour of his hope vpon a particular and temporall commoditie caring nothing at all to be cause of the subuersion of the common weale and to depriue himselfe of life euerlasting But because I am preuented by others that haue answered the booke I will not enter further to confute any particularitie thereof I thinke now by a most manifest and briefe description I haue set before the face of the Readers as wel the meanes as instruments by the which the Italians know how brauely to conserue and maintaine their Domination to the great shame and dishonour of those that are subiected thereunto as slaues wherfore it is now conuenient to manifest and propound the remedies by the which all noble and gentle spirites louers of their owne libertie may easily deliuer themselues from their slauery and thraldome Cap. 36. The first remedy by ouerthrowing the foundation stone vpon the which the Romane Domination is builded AS it were a smal matter for a Phisition to be able brauely to discourse of the causes beginnings augmentation and nature of any disease if he should not giue remedies to cure the same so it shal be requisite to set downe the meane whereby men might as well in times past as also hereafter throw away this Italian yoke kéep their mony in their purses without enriching strangers with it for this matter I will begin at the foundation stone vpon the which they haue built augmented and eleuated there so great and loftie Dominatious that it hath no boundes here on the face of the earth as haue the kingdomes and empires of Emperours and Kings but being eleuated if we will belieue them