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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03582 A sermon preached in Paules Church in London and published for the instruction and consolation of all that are heauie harted, for the wofull time of God his generall visitation, both in the citie and in the countrie: and fit for the comfort of Gods children at all times. Hooke, Christopher. 1603 (1603) STC 13703; ESTC S116953 25,361 70

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more then the honour of his birth-right And deserue we not a greater condemnatiō if we prefer earth to heauē a momentable pleasure to an eternall endles weight of glorie Our kingdome beloued is not the lesse to bee accepted for that it is not earthly but ten thousand thousand times the more to be estéemed for were our kingdome earthly it should be also transitorie were our kingdome earthly wee should haue therein much sorrow care and griefe mixed with smal felicity were our kingdome earthly wee might soone be dispossessed thereof either by open warres or by secrete conspiracie How suddenly was Zedechias dispossessed of his kingdome and caried captiue into Babilon his eies thrust out Iere. 52.11 and him selfe thrust into perpetuall prison Howe lamentably doth Moyses when he was made gouernour of that people complaine of the heauie burthen thereof Num. 11.15 and in the bitternesse of his soule desireth of the Lord that he would rather kill him then to laye so heauie a loade vpon him And for the transitorie estate of kingdomes as of al other earthly things both small and great who séeth not that they can endure no longer then the earth endureth ● Pet. 3 7 which yet it belong must by fyer be consumed with all the workes therein And yet who hath a lease of his life or an assurance to hold his good til then How many thousands of our brethren within some fewe wéekes by their spéedie death hath left vnto vs a president of this our fickle and vncertaine state many of them leauing their substance not an inheritance for their babes but a praye a spoyle to strangers to waste and to deuoure 1. Pet. Blessed therefore be God the Father of our Lord Iesus who according to his aboundant mercie hath begotten vs to a liuely hope by the resurrection of Iesus Christ from the dead To an inheritance not mortal but immortall inuisible vndesiled neuer fading reserued not on earth but in heauen for vs Which are kept by the power of God thorow faith vnto saluation which is prepated to bee shewed in the last time Thus we haue séene how euery maner of waye this our heauenly enheritance excelleth all earthly kingdomes and thereby to how great a dignitie it is that we are exalted vnto in that we are made the sonnes of God and heires of that euerlasting kingdome of glorie And the consideration hereof ministreth great comfort vnto vs in regards of our deare friends deceased for that we know that so many of them as dyed in the faith of Christ they haue receiued the possession of this kingdome enfranchized with a more glorious fréedome then all the fréedomes of the world and haue gotten the victorie of Satan sinne and Hell 1. Thes 4.16 and death no longer to holde their bodies thē the trumpet shal sound Arise ye dead and come into iudgement Why therefore should we bewaile them who from miserie are gone vnto glorie who from pouertie are ascended vp into a throne of maiestie who from continuall labour and toyle are remooued into a place of perpetuall rest and quietnesse● according vnto that voice that saide vnto Iohn Write Reuel 14.13 blessed are the dead that die in the Lord for they rest from their labours For ourselues whom God in mercie hath yet passed by and granted to liue to sée this day we may hereby receiue this comfort that we being his children this visitation if it shall please him to laye it vpon vs as he hath done vpon many of our brethren better then wee shall not tende vnto our destruction but to the giuing of vs season and liuerie as it were and full possession of this our heauenly inheritance But you will say vnto me Is there then no note of God his displeasure and anger in this sicknesse Is it not an heauie iudgement of God which our sinnes haue drawne downe vpon vs Yes verilie manifest notes of God his iust conceiued wrath and fearefull iudgements appeareth in this visitation and that as to the bad so to the good as to them that are dead so to vs that remaine aliue A feareful iudgement it is to the wicked and reprobate if there be any such that haue departed who as they liued not in the feare so died not in the fauour of God For this sudden cutting them off sheweth that their sinnes were ripe and growne to a full height and that they are now gathered as it were in bundles to be throwne into hell fyer A fearefull iudgement also it is euen to God his owne children that are departed the guilt and eternall punishment of whose sinnes though they bee forgiuen in Christ and they receiued to mercie through him yet God by this extraordinarie and sharpe though temporall affliction would shew that hee was highly displeased both with them and with vs for our sinnes and that therefore he hath taken them away the most of them in the prime and middest of their daies from further enioying the blessing of long life which also he promiseth vnto them that truely doe loue and honour him A fearefull iudgement it is vpon vs that are remaining for what is this deuiding in so vncomfortable a maner of the husband from the wife of the wife from the husband of parents from their children children from their parents of friend from friend and acquaintance from acquaintance but as it were a torturing and deuiding of the same bodie into diuerse pieces when the husband dieth the wife hath lost her head when the wife dieth the husband hath lost his right hand When the parents die the children haue lost the eye to guide them when the children die the parents haue lost the sight that should comfort them when a brother dieth the brother hath lost parte of his owne flesh and bones when a friend dieth his friend hath lost as the Philosopher calleth him alter idem another himselfe Besides the calamities which befal the common states as not onely whole families to be desolated but Cities and Townes to be dispeopled the number of poore Widowes and Orphanes to bee encreased trades and occupations to be ceased yea tillage it selfe to be decaied whereby sore famine is threatned It passeth my reach beloued to sounde the depth of God his fearefull iudgement in this behalfe for this breach made vpon so many thousands of the people is as it were a breach made in the wall of a citie whereby the enemie entreth and possesseth the same What then remaineth but that wee turne from our sinnes that God may turne from his wrathfull indignation A naturall Father though hee loue his sonne well wil not leaue chastising him till hee hath left offending and if in the time of his chastisement hee sheweth himselfe stubborne and to haue an obstinate minde to continue in his naughtines he wil lay on more heauie stripes and his soule shall not spare for his murmuring we haue a most tender and mercifull Father
higher and ioynt heires with Christ which is the highest steppe in the ladder of Iacob And this high prerogatiue of bein● not onely a son but an heire of God a heire annexed with Christ is else-where oftē set forth as where it is said We shal raigne with Christ as 2. Tim. 12. if we suffer with him wee shall also raigne with him And where it is said that we shal inherit the kingdome as Luke 12.32 Feare not little flocke for it is your fathers pleasure to giue you the kingdome And Mat. 25. Come ye blessed of my father possesse the kingdome prepared for you from before the foundations of the Worlde And to his Disciples Luc. 21.29 I appoynt you a kingdome as my Father appoynted me and more generally to all Reue. 3.21 To him that ouercommeth will I graunt to sitte with me in my throne euen as I ouercame and sitte with my Father in his Throne The Kingdome of Heauen is Gauell-kinde Lande where-in all the sonnes are indifferently heires yea where the daughters haue like portion with the Sonnes which both magnifyeth highly the mercie of God and ministreth consolation and comfort to him or her that is most base and despised in this worlde when they consider that the time wil come when with the best they shall be fellow heires and be set on a Throne together with them And the more comfort it shall minister vnto al and make this our aduancement to be the Sonnes of God beyond all measure glorious if wee consider what maner of kingdome it is whereof we are made the vndoubted heires It is the kingdome of Heauen beloued whereof God maketh all his sonnes and daughters heires Luc. 12.32 Our Sauiour Christ calleth it that kingdome by excellencie as a kingdome that surpasseth all kingdomes S. Peter calleth it an inheritance immortall 1. Pet. 1.4 inuisible vndefiled neuer fading reserued in heauen for vs The authour of the Epistle vnto the Hebrewes calleth it a kingdome which cannot be shaken Heb. 12.28 Reuol 21.19 21 The beautie and glorie of this kingdome is set foorth in the Reuelation vnder the name of the new Citie Ierusalem where the foundations of the walls are said to bee garnished with pretious stones The gates of the Citie to bee of Pearle the streetes of the Citie to be pure golde expressing by these things which are of the greatest price and excellencie with vs the beautie and the glorie of that kingdome which cannot be expressed The ioyes of this Kingdome are such as eye hath not séene eare hath not heard which the hart of mā is not able to conceiue 1. Pet. 5.4 for we shal there receiue that crowne of glory which shall neuer fade Yea as S. Paule calleth it a far most excellent and an eternall waight of glorie 2. Cor. 4.17 But of all this glory were it farre more if more could be if one alone should bee partaker euen as the Philosophers puts the case or if he should haue such partners and fellowes as this world for the most part in these daies affoordeth as would be readie to deceiue and to dispossesse him of all or continually by their naughtines vexe him 2. Pet. 2 6 as the Sodomites did the soule of righteous Lot and the daughters of Heth Esaus wifes Gen. 27.40 were a griefe of heart to Isaac and to Rebeccah If I say it should thus fall out with vs in the kingdome of heauen the comfort thereof would be but litle as mingled with so bitter a gall But to increase our comfort in this respect the Scripture sheweth that we shal not be there alone or mixed with enuious deceitfull or otherwise wicked wretches but we shall haue the companie of innumerable Angels Ieb 12.22 and of the spirits of iust and perfect men and of Iesus the mediatour of the New Testament And as for Enchanters whoremongers murtherers Idolaters lyers and generally all Malecontents and euill disposed persons they shall be shut out Reue. 21.27 For none vncleane thing shall enter in at the gates of this citie to deminish the ioyes or to pollute the glorie thereof The exercise of Gods children in this Citie shall not bee Plough or Cart or planting or grafting or buying and selling and traffiquing by Sea or by Lande it shall not be Hauking or Hunting much lesse dicing and carding or any such other like profane recreations but it shall be a continuall singing of Allelu-iah Reu. 19 4 Reue. 7.12 prayse and glorie and wisedome and thankes and honour and power and might bee vnto our God for euermore No diseases either plague or pestilence shall be in this kingdome no infirmities either in bodie or in soule shall eclipse the ioyes and the glorie thereof For all teares shall there be wiped from all faces Reuel 21.4 there shall be neither hunger or thirst or heate or colde neither death any more And what more can be added to expresse the height of that glorie the vnspeakable ioyes of that heauenly kingdome whereof wee are heires apparant that are the children of God Non mihi si centum linguae sint oraque centum ferrea vox c. Not if I had an hundreth tongues and an hundreth mouthes and a voice so strong as Iron were I able to descipher in the perfection the least ioye and glorie of this celestiall inheritance Oh that as Moyses standing on mount Pisgah beholding the land of Canaan Deut 3.27 in the length and breadth thereof or as the Apostles in mount Thabor Matt. 17.2 séeing the brightnesse and splendure of the Lorde Iesus when he was transfigured or as S. Stephen seeing the heauens open Act. 7.56 behelde the glorie of God and Iesus standing at his right hand Or as S. Paule transported into the third heauen 2. Cor. 12.4 saw heard things ineffable So it would please God to open the eies of our vnderstanding and mindes whereby we might haue if not a perfect sight yet a glimpse of this heauenly kingdome that so wee might be throughly rauished with a loue and a desire thereof If in our greatest heauines the newes of some great inheritance that is befalne vs or of some smaller matter lifteth vp our heads and driueth all sorrowes from our hearts should not this newes which is brought vnto vs of such a glorious kingdome in the middest of all our extremities and distresses reliue our dead spirits raise vp our heads that hang downe What should be the cause that we should be so much addicted to the one and so litle affected to the other Is it because the kingdome wee bring you tidings of is an heauenly and not an earthly kingdome Doe wee not in the Fable iustly condemne Aesops Cocke of méere folly for preferring a Barlie corne to a pretious Pearle And is not Esau iustly called by the authour of the Epistle to the Hebrewes Heb. 12.16 prophane for that hee regarded a messe of Potage