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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A90934 The princess of Fess, or, The amours of the court of Morocco a novel : in two parts. Préchac, Jean de, 1647?-1720. 1682 (1682) Wing P3207B; ESTC R42537 43,756 150

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horrid in my sight Seek out for another Confident and remember that I favour you in not informing the Prince of your treachery Balabai would have answerd her but Alzira went forth without giving her time so to do shutting the door after that Balabai might not follow her The Prince of Fess who had not found Ali Hamet at home was return'd immediately to the Princesses but having observ'd that Balabai was speaking with vehemency he stopped at the door and did hear the whole conversation between his Wife and his Sister those terms of Crime Horrour and Treachery that the Princess had us'd did give him such an horrid Idea of his Wives perfidiousness that he had already resolv'd to Sacrifice her unto his revenge in plunging his Dagger into her bosom Alzira who met him as she went forth and that guest by the wildness that appear'd in his looks that he had heard all did ask him where he had left Ali Hamet The Prince without answering went about to break open the door of his Wives Chamber But Balabai being affrighted at the Princes violence and Alzira's outcries who was endeavouring to hinder him fled away by a back Stairs which were joyning her Closet and by that means did save her self from that incensed Princes fury The Princes action made a great noise in the Palace The King that was inform'd of it would know the truth The Prince who was very well pleased with his Sister let his Father know that she could best inform him of it Bembuca sent for his Daughter and after that he had expressed to her the sorrow that he had caused by Balabai's Perfideousness to the Prince in favour of Ali Hamet Alzira observing that the King had some distrust that Ali Hamet might be in League with Balabai she did Sacrifice her Friends secret having no other thoughts but to justifie her Lover and to make appear that he had no share nor so much as any knowledge of Balabai's foolish passion The King that did find much probability in all that the Princess said did cause his Son to consent that Balabai should live who was guilty but of an involuntary Passion And the very next day she was conducted unto a little City in the Confines of the Kingdom of Morocco where a very mean Pension was assigned her Mean time Ali Hamet did accept all those terms that Bembuca did require of him in giving him his Daughter Yet he having exact measures to observe with Gayland also he got leave of the King to return to Suss to get his Uncles consent being confident that he lov'd him sufficiently not to oppose his happiness He had the pleasure to entertain his Mistriss before his departure and whereas they lov'd each other with the most sincere and strongest passion that ever was the Reader may judge how tender was their conversation Ali Hamet did promise her that his Voyage should be very short and Alzira did assure him that she should not enjoy any pleafure and content till his return After his departure the King who would have this Marriage accomplished with a great deal of Splendour gave out his orders to have all necessary things got in readiness While that the whole City of Fess was admiring the magnificent preparations which were in hand for this Marriage Balabai grieved at the ill treatments which she had received at Fess and jealous of her Rivals good Fortune she was fill'd with rage and fury continually thinking of some means to revenge her self of Bembuca and of hindring Ali Hamet's Marriage as she came to the place of her Exile she learn'd that Taffilet who since has made himself so famous by his Conquests had possessed himself of the Territories of an Ancient Jew and that he began to impose Laws on divers petty Princes of his Neighbour-hood Balabai consulting nothing but her own despair went to Taffilet who she found at the head of a considerable Army He received her very civilly especially after she had assur'd him that the report of his great exploits had obliged her to come and crave his protection against Bembuca's injustice And the more to engage him to concern himself in her interests she was so subtle as to tell him that Alzira who was the most Beautiful Princess of the World and the most sensible of greatness had divers times mentioned him to her complaining of her Fathers bestowing of her by force on Ali Hamet who had no other merits but of being of the House of the Cherifs in lieu of giving her unto a Prince of the merit and reputation that Taffilet was Taffilet who was the most ambitious of all Men was ravish'd to learn that love did furnish him with such a plausible pretence of satisfying his ambition and he having already heard something of Alzira's Beauty he expressed much joy to learn those advantageous thoughts that Balabat did assure him that Princess had of him He promised her that he would never lay down his Arms till he had reveng'd her of the King of Fess and deliver'd Alzira from the Tyranny of so unjust a Father He made great advantages of Balabai's coming to him for having given out amongst his Souldiers that one of the greatest Princesses of Africa was come to demand his protection and magnified to them the great honour which they receiv'd by such an Action and given them great hopes of recompencing them liberally they all promis'd to follow him where-ever he should lead them He marched long Journeys and he had such care of providing all necessaries for the sustenance of his Men that his Army far from growing weak by its fatigues did Daily increase He overcame divers petty Princes that lay in his way and the news of his march did so affrighten all Africa that divers great Princes did seek after his Friendship at his own rates Finally without amusing himself about small places which might have made him lose time he set Siege to the City of Fess which is the Capital of the whole Kingdom at that time that Ali Hamet was there every moment expected to Celebrate his Marriage with the Princess Bembuca who always had a great Body of Horse in readiness thinking to surprize Taffilet before that his Retrenchments were made did send the Prince of Fess at the head of all his Cavalry to charge Taffilet's tyred Troops But Taffilet who very well understood his business and who had foreseen this Sallying forth did so vigorously receive the Prince of Fess that after a great Combate Bembuca's whole Cavalry was defeated and made to flie and the Prince his Son taken Prisoner The very next Morning Taffilet sent a Trumpet to the King of Fess to let him know that if he did not send to him that very Day the Princess Alzira he would the next Day send him back his Sons Head in a Sack The whole Court of Fess was in an extream consternation when that Taffilet's Trumpet arriv'd there The King having heard what he had to say to him did find
of something that would consolate him in that Consternation that he saw him did assure him that the Princess of Fess was not in Taffilet's power and having told him the resolution which she had taken rather to die than to give her Hand to that Prince he acquainted him after what manner she had arriv'd at Tangire and presently did accompany him to her Chamber Never did any one pass in so short a time from an extream affliction to so great a joy Ali Hamet who thought that he had lost all was so ravish'd to have found his fair Princess who was more precious to him than all the Crowns on Earth that he abandoned himself to the pleasure of re-seeing her again with the same transports as if he had had no loss and Alzira who had not dreaded Taffilet but through the fears that his Arms should prove fatal to her Lover was so satisfied with seeing him that she thought not so much as to ask news of the Battel imagining to have gained all now that she had met again with her dear Ali Hamet The Count Talbor who took a particular delight to contribute to the good Fortune of those Illustrious Lovers did propose to the Prince the Espousing Alzira without staying till his ill Fortune should once again take that charming Princess from him Ali Hamet being convinc'd by such reasons as did so pleasingly flatter his Love did resolve to propose it to Alzira But when that he found himself near her and that he made some reflexions on his misfortunes he durst not propose any thing to her and repented having had the thoughts of so doing having much less trouble in bearing himself alone his own ill Fortune than to share it with that amiable Princess His courage would inspire him to attempt new things to re-gain his Estates and his Love would make him find out a thousand difficulties of performing the design which he had of passing into Europe to ask for ayd The Count Talbor finding him in those resolutions did advise him to go to Gayland who was retir'd to Algar with vast Riches and did assure him that if that Prince would but furnish him with a considerable Sum he might easily raise another Army and hazard a second Battel against Taffilet The Prince approving much this Counsel set himself about the executing of it and for fear he should be molified with his Mistrisses Tears he departed without taking leave of her Gayland who notwithstanding his great Riches did already begin to grow weary of living in an obscure condition did not spare any thing to forward Ali Hamet's Generous designs and he was so well assisted that in a short time he found himself at the Head of an Army accompanied with divers Officers of Merit which the Count Talbor gave to serve with him The Nobility of Fess who could not brook the Violences and Scorns of Taffilet sent up their prayers for Ali Hamet Taffilet alone despising an Enemy whom he had already beaten went against him at the head of his Army where he had incorporated Bembuca's Cavalry which was still Commanded by Maucaden Though that Ali Hamet had much the lesser Number of Troops than his Enemy had he expected him Manfully with a resolution to vanquish or to die Taffilet did Charge him with the confidence which is so common to Victors But Ali Hamet's Trorps animated by that Princes example who was in all places did combat with great Valour and Taffilet was beginning to fear the success of the Battle when he caused his Body of reserve to advance in which was Bembuca's Horse Maucaden fretted at Taffilet's Violences and particuat the wrongs which he had done his Sister did exhort his Men to abandon that Tyrant and take Ali Hamet's Party who was of the Blood of the Cherifs and consequently the true Successor to the Crown of Fess He instantly did Charge with so much resolution those that would have opposed his designs that the greatest part did follow him Taffilet advertiz'd of this misfortune did despair of Victory and thought no more but of saving part of his Men with retreating But Ali Hamet who was desirous to put an end to the War taking advantage of his Enemies disorder did press him with so much Valour that Taffilet was forced to change his mind and to hazard all There he was kill'd performing of surprising actions and Ali Hamet did gain a most signal Battel by his death besides his fair Mistriss and divers considerable Kingdoms The Count Talbor who had sent on the Coast of Fess a Yatch to be informed of of the success of that great Day did learn with all the imaginable joy the rout and death of Taffilet He carried these good news unto the Princess who burning with impatiency of seeing her Father again and of joying her Lover did conjure that trusty Friend not to retar'd her from that pleasure and to send her back to Fess that very Day The Count ravish'd to contribute to her satisfaction Embarked her in a Yatch and gave her one of his Relations to acconmpany her Ali Hamet who was not sensible unto so many happy successes but in relation to his Mistriss did send a Person of Trust to Count Talbor to give him an account and render'd himself at the nearest Port of Tangire there to wait for news from Alzira who was just Imbarking when that her Lover arriv'd there It would be difficult to express the reciprocal joy which they had at the sight of one another The remembrance of their late disgraces did contribute also to make them relish with more delight the pleasure which they had of being together and of thinking how worthy they were of one another They came to Fess where Ali Hamet after that he had Re-established Bembuca on the Throne gave his Hand to Alzira with all the satisfaction imaginable Soon after he sent Magnificent presents unto the Count Talbor and did not forget any thing that could express his acknowledgments to so faithful a Friend FINIS