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B25425 Troposchēmalogia: Tropes and figures; or, A treatise of the metaphors, allegories, and express similitudes, &c. contained in the Bible of the Old and New Testament To which is prefixed, divers arguments to prove the divine authority of the Holy Scriptures wherein also 'tis largely evinced, that by the great whore, mystery Babylon is meant the Papal hierarchy, or present state and church of Rome. Philologia sacra, the second part. Wherein the schemes, or figures in Scripture, are reduced under their proper heads, with a brief explication of each. Together with a treatise of types, parables, &c. with an improvement of them parallel-wise. By B. K; Tropologia. Book 4. Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704.; De Laune, Thomas, d. 1685. Tropologia. aut 1682 (1682) Wing K101A; ESTC R7039 690,855 608

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Saints and of all that were slain upon the Earth that is since the Destruction of Jerusalem 6. And lastly Not to multiply more upon this Head tho Jerusalem was fearfully destroyed as the History of Josephus shews yet shall she rise again be built upon her own Heap be replenished with her own Children which this City Babylon under Consideration shall never be after this Catastrophe which John saw visionally coming upon it And a mighty Angel took up a Stone like a great Mill-stone Rev. 18.21 and cast it into the Sea saying Thus with violence shall that great City Babylon be thrown down and shall be found no more at all II. It cannot be the Turks and Saracens for two Reasons offered by the Learned Mead lib. 3. p. 643. 1. Because tho they did arise to great Power in the World yet they had not their Seat in that great City which in St. John's Time reigned over the Kings of the Earth which this Babylon is expresly said to have Rev. 17.18 2. That they did not rise by Apostacy from the Christian Religion which this Babylon with her Head the Man of Sin did for as this worthy Author saith the Turk whatever he be could be no Apostate because he was of a Nation that never was Christian To which we shall add something for the clearing of this Head that we may discharge that Debt we owe to God to the Church and the World 3. It cannot be the Turks because they are not strangely and wonderfully mysterious which this Babylon is said to be And upon her Forehead was a Name written MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS Rev. 17.5 AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH And the Angel said unto me Wherefore didst thou marvel I will tell thee the Mystery of the Woman Verse 7. and the Beast which carrieth her which hath the seven Heads and ten Horns What special Mystery hath shewed it self to the World from the Turks and Saracens more than from other common Empires or Kingdoms that is matter of Admiration to the wisest of Men Is it matter of Wonder that the Turks do own but one true and most high God Is it matter of Wonder that they do own Jesus Christ to be a Prophet and a good Man Is it matter of highest Wonder that they prefer Mahomet above Jesus Is it matter of Wonder that they appear true to their Contracts in Matters of Civil Commerce Is it matter of highest Wonder for them to endeavour to keep what Dominion they have and to enlarge it to make Slaves and Prizes of those profest Enemies they take Prisoners We say in none of these things is there any high Mystery or matter of greatest Wonder being Things common to all Places and Kingdoms invested with Power For 1. Did not the great King of Literal Babylon own the only true God yet still held the Church in Captivity 2. Did not Israel own the same and yet kept their Idols after their Revolt from Judah 3. Did not Judah prefer Moses above and before Christ and at that time when Christ was personally amongst them working most stupendous Miracles which did evince his Divine Mission Nay did they not prefer a common and notorious Villain before the blessed Lord of Glory when they desired a Murtherer to be freed and pressed hard to have the good and blessed Jesus the Saviour of the World killed And did not this wise Apostle know this to be true in Fact and to equal nay out-do any thing that the Turks or Saracens ever did or can be accused of And if St. John was transported with astonishing Wonder at Matters much less than he had seen before doth it not give good reason to suspect him of Weakness and Defect that he should suffer himself to be surprized with the greatest Wonder at far less Things than he had seen and known before Certainly therefore we must conclude there was something more of Mystery in John's Vision than what hath been shewed to the World by the Great Turk or any other Power and indeed undoubtedly the greatest Mystery that ever the World was acquainted with For the Characters of Babylon must either be singular that is such as none have besides or else they must be transcendent to go far beyond what others had in a lesser degree Otherwise John might have kept the Description of Babylon to himself there being no clear Distinctions to render the wisest and most discerning Men able to make a Judgment upon her The Mystery then that is written upon this Woman Babylon seems clearly to lie in these Particulars following First That she doth transact the most horrid Wickednesses that ever the World was or is like to be acquainted with Secondly That under this monstrous Guilt she is prodigiously confident and without all regret or show of Shame and most impudently boasts of the highest Sanctity and Holiness in the World viz. That she is totally pure infallibly certain and cannot err c. That this indeed is a Mystery to be wondred at let it be considered 1. That a Shepherd should be a Wolf and devour that Flock which he pretends to be an Overseer or Pastor of 2. That a professed Servant of Jesus Christ and the meanest of Saints should exalt himself above his Master and not above his Master only but above the God of his Master and all other deputed Gods that are Vicegerents to the King of Heaven by slighting and trampling upon the Holy Scriptures and Laws both of God and Princes dispensing with the Breach of them indulging the highest Violation thereof and setting up his own Inventions Traditions and Decrees above them insomuch that there is a thousand times less danger in their esteem in respect of Excommunications and Corporal Punishments in this World or of Damnation in the World to come in breaking and violating the Laws of God and Princes than there is in the Violation or Breach of the Inventions Traditions and Decrees of Mystery Babylon and her Head 3. That one sitting in the Temple of God pretending himself as a poor Apostle Vicar and Successor of Christ nay as the Successor of a poor Fisherman should wear the highest Ensigns of Imperial Dignity 4. That he should be so lordly and prodigiously insolent who was commanded to the greatest Humility and Abasement as to tread upon the Necks of Emperors kick off the Crowns of great Princes and make Kings his Foot-Pages 5. That he should pretend highly yea most highly to God Christ Religion and Holiness and yet espouse to himself as the Darlings of his Bosom not only the chiefest Sons of Belial but all that will decline Sanctity and Religion and embody themselves with those First-born Sons of Wickedness that are of the highest Magnitude and engage themselves in such monstrous and butcherly Practices that humane Nature as such could never act in the butchering of brute Beasts 6. That the Spouse of this prodigious Monster should in Profession own God Jesus
to fight against and slaughter his deceived Nations of whom it is said The Lord shall go forth and fight against those Nations Zech. 14. as when he fought in the Day of Battel Which will be so dreadful a Fight or Battel as never yet was fought for Slaughter and Blood and so destroy this vile Person with the Brightness of his Appearance to fulfill 2 Thess 2. and cast him as the Son of Perdition into the burning Flames to fulfill Rev. 19.20 And the Fowls of Heaven shall be filled with their Flesh And here is the Mind that hath Wisdom The Beast that was and is not and yet is is of the seventh Head and is the eighth and goeth into Perdition V. The first Beast or Head of the Caldean Kingdom or Literal Babylon did invade Judea besiege Jerusalem take the City and trample it under foot till raised again by an Edict from the next great King of Persia V. The last Beast or Head of the Roman Kingdom call'd Mystery Babylon doth invade Sion the Gospel-Church hath closely besieged her and block'd up her Privileges and trampled under f●ot the holy City for a long space of Time Rev. 11.2 VI. The first Beast or Power of the Caldean Kingdom call'd Literal Babylon did take away the two Olive-Trees that stood before the God of the whole Earth VI. The last Beast or Power of the Roman Kingdom hath taken away or endeavoured to slay the two Witnesses that bore up the Light and Testimony of God to the World VII Caldea or Literal Babylon did set up Image-Worship commanding upon pain of Burning the Worshippers of the true God to fall down Jer. 5.38 Dan. 3.6 It is the Place of graven Images and they are mad upon their Idols And whoso falleth not down and worshippeth shall the same Hour be cast into the midst of the burning fiery Furnace VII Rome or Mystery Babylon requires Worship to be given to the Crucifix the Image of the Virgin Mary and other Saints but especially to the Idol of the Mass so that whosoever will not own that most ridiculous Idolatry of a piece of consecrated Bread coming out of the Priest's unhallowed Hands to be their God and Saviour shall be burned at a Stake as many blessed Men and Women young and old were in the Marian Days See Fox 's Acts and Monuments VIII Caldea or Literal Babylon was the Place of Captivity and Spoil for she carried the Servants of God away captive and made a Spoil of their Treasures and rejoiced in so doing Jer. 52.28 29 30. Ezek. 1. Dan. 1. Here we shall find Ezekiel and Daniel and Thousands more in Captivity here we shall find the Spoils of Jerusalem and the Enemy rejoicing in the Spoil Because ye were glad because ye rejoyced at the Destruction ye are grown fat as the Heifers at Grass and bellow as Bulls c. VIII Rome or Mystery Babylon is become the place of Captivity and Spoil for 't is by her Orders Dictates and Influence that the Servants of God have been carried away captive and their Goods and Possessions made a Spoil of in all parts of the Christian World In her Dominions it was where we find John Hus Jerome of Prague the Noble Lord Cobham and thousands more captivated and destroyed 'T is in their Jails we find good Men imprisoned in Popish Countries we find the Inquisition and other cruel Usages For who is it in all the Christian World besides that imprisons spoils and destroys Men for their Religion that persecutes the People of God but the Vassals of this sinful City of Rome Her wicked Sons did not only kill and spoil in Bohemia Piedmont and other Countries but they rejoyced in their horrid Wickedness as appears in the Histories of the Saints Sufferings written by Mr. Fox Mr. Clark Sir Sam. Moreland and others c. IX Caldea or literal Babylon notwithstanding her great Wickedness yet was the most lofty and proud of all Countries besides called the Lady of Kingdoms and the Glory and Beauty of Excellency for which God doth severely threaten her Isa 13.19 Behold I am against thee O thou most Proud saith the Lord God of Hosts Jer. 50.31 For thy Day is come the time that I will visit thee IX Rome or Mystery Babylon notwithstanding her great Crimes and most horrid Wickedness yet hath been the most Proud of any City or People in the Christian World who saith in her Heart I sit a Queen am no Widow shall see no Sorrow for which Haughtiness and Pride of hers the Lord will remember her with Judgment and Severity when he comes to make Inquisition for Blood and avenge upon her the Injury done to Sion Rev. 18.7 How much she hath glorified her self and lived deliciously so much Torment and Sorrow give her c. X. Chaldea or literal Babylon was not only a People of great Pomp Pride and Covetousness but of great Riches and Treasures Thou that dwellest upon many Waters Jer. 50.37 51.13 abundant in Treasures thine end is come the end of thy Covetousness X. Rome or Mystery Babylon is not only a People of great Pomp and Pride arrayed with Purple Scarlet Gold Pearl and precious Stones but she sits upon many Waters is Covetous as well as Proud and full of Treasures and indeed it must needs be so for besides the Gifts that were first given in the time of Constantine as is pretended she hath made a Prey upon Nations a Spoil upon Saints had the Gifts of Kings had vast Revenues setled upon her Orders and Clergy she has peeled the People by selling Pardons and Indulgences raising Peter-Pence and the like so horribly covetous is she that she is not willing any should go to Heaven without the Gift of Money to holy Church by which slight she is grown so exceeding Rich and full of Treasure that she can afford a golden Cup to present her intoxicating Wine in to be clothed with Scarlet deck'd with Gold Pearl and precious Stones she makes the Merchants of the Earth rich that do trade with her she hath indeed as a full answer to her Type Lam. 1.10 stretch'd forth her hand upon all the pleasant things of those Countries and Kingdoms where she hath sate as a Queen XI Caldea or literal Babylon did spoil the meetings of God's People made the Ways of Sion to mourn because Men could not come to the solemn Assemblies Lam. 1.4 The Ways of Sion do mourn because none can come to her solemn Feasts or Assemblies All her Gates are desolate her Priests or Ministers do sigh her Virgins are afflicted and she is in Bitterness c. XI Rome or Mystery Babylon hath spoiled the Meetings of God's People the true Professors of the Religion of the Holy Jesus by driving the Gospel Sion or Church into the Wilderness and oftentimes burning and plucking down their Meeting-Places and persecuting her Ministers driving them into Corners frighting and dispersing their Auditors by Fines Imprisonments
setting forth the Worth and Fxcellency of them IV. So God in the Day to come when he hath made up all the Jewels he intends to make will reveal shew or make known his Saints to Angels and Men. Hence the Day of Christ's coming is called the Day of the Manifestation of the Sons of God They shall be mine saith God He will say in that Day These are mine these that you ungodly Ones abused hated and persecuted and thought not worthy to live but accounted the Off-scouring of all things behold now what rare and lovely Ones they are these are the Delight and Joy of my Heart whom I value as my choicest Treasure and I will spare them whilst you shall bear the Fierceness of my Wrath and Indignation for ever Then shall ye return and discern between the Righteous and the Wicked Mal. 3. ult between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not Disparity I. Other Jewels may be lost But God will lose none of his Jewels II. He that makes other Jewels may not be the proper Owner of them nor wear them for an Ornament himself But God who makes all his spiritual Jewels is the proper Owner of them This People have I formed for my self They are also made for his own Glory III. Other Jewels may be quite spoiled broke to pieces and become good for nothing the best and richest Jewels shall at last pass away and perish for ever But God's Jewels shall never be utterly spoiled for tho they may receive some Damage by Satan's Temptations and the Pollution of Sin yet God will perfect that which is wanting concerning them and make them at last so glorious that they shall be out of Danger and shall abide and shine in Beauty and Glory to Eternity Inferences FRom hence we may infer what horrid Iniquity the Enemies of God and his Church are guilty of and what a dreadful Account they have to give for endeavouring and with the greatest Rage and Malice and unwearied Attempts contriving all ways imaginable to spoil break in pieces and utterly destroy all God's choice and precious Jewels which he is as tender of as the Apple of his Eye what will they do in the Day of Vengeance 2. It speaks forth much Comfort to the Godly O how are they esteemed prized and valued by the Almighty they are his Jewels his special and peculiar Treasure 3. This may inform all Men what the Reason is God is so much concerned for the Good and Well-being of his own People and so often appears to vindicate their Innocency and defend them from the Rage and Cruelty of wicked Men. 5. Let us enquire whether we are God's Jewels or not 1. Are we regenerated Ones have we the Pearl of Faith Love Humility c. 2. Are we holy sincere and faithful in all things to God 3. Do we excell others Is there a real or only a seeming Worth and Excellency in us What do we more than others 4. Do we grow in Grace doth the Work of God go on upon our Hearts Are we more sit for Heaven to day than we were yesterday A Jewel in the hand of a Jeweller is every day nearer finishing The Righteous shall hold on his Way and he that hath clean hands shall grow stronger and stronger Saints compared to Kings Rev. 5.10 And hast made us unto God Kings and Priests c. THe Saints are in this Place and some others called Kings which is one of the highest Titles among Men. Parallels I. KIngs are usually highly descended or are Sons of Nobles So the Saints are all highly descended they are born from above born of God and so may be said to be the Off-spring of Heaven Behold what manner of Love the Father hath bestowed upon us that we should be called the Sons of God! Behold 1 Joh. 3.1 2. now are we Sons of God c. II. Kings have great Attendants belonging to them So the Saints have most great and glorious Attendants belonging to them viz. the holy Angels No Kings or Monarchs on Earth are honoured like the Saints and Children of God in respect of the Excellency of their Retinue See Angels under the Sixth Head III. Kings have their Crowns and do reign or else expect to reign So the Saints have a Crown laid up for them 2 Tim. 4.18 Henceforth there is laid up for me a Crown of Righteousness which God the Righteous Judg shall give unto me at that day and not to me only but to all them also that love his Appearance Be thou faithful unto Death Rev. 2.10 Rev. 5.10 and I will give thee a Crown of Life And as they shall have a Crown so they shall reign upon the Earth as Kings IV. Kings are the principal Men on Earth far exceeding in Honour and Excellency all common People So the Saints are the chief and principal Ones or the most excellent in all the Earth it may be said of them as of Jabesh 1 Chron. 4.9 10. they are more honourable than their Brethren What base and ignoble Persons are the Wicked to those noble Souls The Ungodly be they never so high and great in Power and Sovereignty are compared to Things very base vile and contemptible as will hereafter be shewn The Righteous is more excellent than his Neighbour Prov. 12.26 V. Kings sometimes meet with great Trouble and Sorrow after they are anointed before they come to the quiet Enjoyment of their Crowns they have been severely persecuted and chased from one Place to another as King David particularly was So the Saints of God tho they are anointed with the Oil of Gladness and have an Assurance given them of the Crown of Glory meet with very great Trouble in this World being persecuted tormented afflicted and sometimes having no certain Dwelling-Place as is said of some of the ancient Worthies Heb. 11. Heb. 11.37 VI. Some Kings have possessed and reigned over many Kingdoms their Dominions have been very great The Saints are the Heirs of a Kingdom nay● all the Kingdoms under the whole Heavens shall be given to them Rev. 11.15 Dan. 9.27 The Kingdoms of this World shall become the Kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ c. And the Kingdoms and Dominions and the Greatness of the Kingdom under the whole Heaven shall be given to the People of the Saints of the Most High c. VII Kings have great and noble Minds they busy not themselves about mean Matters So the Saints have great and noble Spirits they converse about Things above being risen with Christ their Affections are not set upon Things below Col. 3 1 2 Phil 3.20 but seek those Things that are above where Christ is at the right-hand of God Our Conversation is in Heaven c. VIII Kings have many great and glorious Privileges and Prerogatives appertaining to them how are they honoured and congratulated by the People So have the Saints They shall sit down with Christ
Destruction o● Jerusalem For as the Guilt of all the Blood shed from righteous Abel to the Death of Zacharias is by our Saviour fix'd upon Jerusalem and cannot be removed to another People so the Blood of all the Martyrs and Followers of Jesus is by this Revelation ●●x'd upon the last Babylon R●v 17.6 And I saw the Woman drunk with the Blood of the Saints and of the Martyrs of Jesus Chap. 18. v. 24. And in her was found the Blood of the Prophets and of Saints and of ALL that were slain upon the Earth But Rome Heathen was not guilty of all the Christian Blood that was shed upon Earth by Murthers Massacres and Martyrdom since the Destruction of Jerusalem For to look back but for six hundred Years last past in which Time we shall find Hundreds of Thousands of profest Christians most butcherly and barbarously put to Death for their Zeal and Love to the Christian Religion in the respective Nations of Europe before which the Heathenish State of Rome was gone off about the space of six hundred Years So that if we will regard the full satisfying of this Prediction about My●●ery Babylon we must of necessity bring her down lower than the Heathenish State of Rome 6. Rome Heathen cannot be this Babylon under Consideration because the Discoveries of other Prophecies relating to the same State no way agrees to the Power of Rome Heathen 1. This State of Babylon is called the Mystery of Iniquity This no way agrees to Rome Heathen but fully agrees to Rome Papal Compare 2 Thess 2.7 with Rev. 17.7 viz. For the Mystery of Iniquity doth already work The Angel said unto me Wherefore didst thou marvel I will tell thee the Mystery of the Woman and of the Beast that carrieth her 2. The Head of this State of Mystery Babylon is called the Man of Sin by way of Eminency 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 not only beyond the common Rank of Men but beyond the highest Sons of Wickedness that went before him And there is a great Truth in this for if we consider the Pope in respect of Pride Hypocrisy Idolatry and Blood he is the most unparallel'd Man of Sin 3. This State or Mystery of Iniquity began to work in the Apostle's Days which is no ways applicable to the Power of Rome Heathen for that did not then begin it being at that time in the very Meridian of its Greatness and universal Sovereignty Luke 2.1 And it came to pass in those Days that there came out a Decree from Caesar Augustus that all the World should be taxed 4. This Man of Sin Mystery of Iniquity or Head of this Babylonish State is saie to be let or hindred in his Designs He that now letteth will let until he be taken out of the Way 2 Thess 2.7 But now Rome Heathen had no Lett or Hindrance either from the Word of God for that declared it as it was a Civil Magistracy to be God's Ordinance nor from any opposite Power either Civil or Military they giving Laws to the greatest Part of the World and enjoying the Supreme Government of the best Kingdoms in the Universe none being able to cope with them at that Time 5. This Head of the Babylonish State is said to sit in the Temple of God which the Power of Rome Heathen did not do neither in the Temple of Jerusalem nor in the Church wh●ch is more properly the Temple of God For the Jews kept the Possession of the Literal Temple till it was destroyed and for the Church of God the Heathen Emperors never loved it so well at to make their Residence in it But the Bishop of Rome before he shewed himself to be that wicked One viz. the Man of Sin d●d evidently sit in the Church or Temple of God and so fulfilled this Prophecy in the very Letter of it 6. He that is the Man of Sin or Head of this Babylonish State was to rise by Apostacy or falling away from the Christian Religion 2 Thess 2.3 There shall come a falling away first exactly agreeing with another Prophecy to the same purpose 1 Tim. 4.1 Now the Spirit speaketh expresly that in the latter Times some shall depart from the Faith c. But Rome Heathen did not rise by Apostacy from the Christian Religion or a departing from the Faith which they never profess'd as is evident to the whole World Ergo Rome Heathen cannot be this Babylonish State 7. This Man of Sin or Head of Mystery Babylon lay hid in the Apostle's Time and was not revealed 2 Thess 2.3 Rev. 17.9 but the Power of Rome Heathen did not then lie hid or wanted to be revealed for it stood visible and high upon a Hill even upon seven Hills according to the Roman Poet Ovid who lived about the very Time of Christ's being on Earth in Lib. de Tristibus Sed quae de septem totum circumspicit Orbem Montibus Imperii Roma Deûmque Locus That is But Rome which from her seven Hills the whole Earth views around the Place of Gods and Rule c. Ergo Rome Heathen cannot be this Babylonish State 8. This Mystery of Iniquity is said to oppose and exalt himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped 2 Thess 2.4 But this the Power of Rome in its Heathen State did not do for they worshipped offered Sacrifices and bore a Reverence to their Gods which by Nature indeed were no Gods and 't is only the Head of Rome P●pal that runs down all Gods but those of his own making Ergo Rome Papal and not Rome Heathen must of necessity be this Mystery of Iniquity 9. The Rise or Coming of this Mystery of Iniquity is after the working of Satan 2 Thess 2.9 But the Rise of the Romish Greatness and Power when Heathen was not after the working of Satan Dan 7.2 3 but was said by Daniel to be produced by the Providence of God or the four Winds of Heaven and by the Apostle to be Powers ordained of God Rom. 13.1 Therefore Rome Heathen cannot be the Mystery of Iniquity c. here meant 10. This Mystery of Iniquity is not only said to come after the working of Satan 2 Thess 2.9 but also with All Power c. But the Rise of Rome Heathen was not after that manner Ergo c. To illustrate the first Proposition note That the Term All Power marks out the Romish Pope so notoriously that whosoever runs may read it for if we do but impartially consider his impudent Usurpations upon Crowned Heads and his Pretences of Supremacy over the whole Christian World his proud imperious Decrees Bulls c. his Disposal of the Kingdoms of Princes and the Inheritances yea the very Lives of private Persons of any Rank that dare disobey him his Pretences to shut and open Heaven Hell and his feigned Purgatory his carrying a Symbol of that vast and God-like Power viz. a Brace of Keys hanging at his Girdle All these will appear
proceed from one and the same Ground viz. a wicked Pretence that the Scriptures tho divine Truths and the Word of God yet do not contain all God's Will but that there are these other unwritten Verities handed down one says from Moses and the other says from St Peter c. by Word of Mouth Since therefore the Bible hath thus wonderfully surmounted all Difficulties and Oppositions for so many Generations and in so many Dangers and against so many Endeavours to root it out of the World we may according to that Maxim in Philosophy Eadem est Causa procreans conservans The procreating and conserving Cause of Things is one and the same conclude That the same God is the Author of it who hath thus by his special Providence preserved it and faithfully promised and cannot Lie that Heaven and Earth shall pass away but one Iota or Tittle of his Word shall not pass away X. The Scriptures did not only Survive but have Triumph'd over 10. The Success of the Scriptures in converting the World all the Oppositions of the Devil and the World That Success wherewith the Gospel was attended even in its Infancy the mighty and marvellous prevailings of it where-ever it came notwithstanding the many and great Disadvantages it was to encounter are a strong and irresistible Argument that it was from Heaven That a Doctrine directly opposite to the whole corrupt Interest of Human Nature and to the Wisdom and VVill of Man (p) 1 Cor. 1.21 Rom. 8.7 carried on and published by but a few and those to outward appearance weak ignorant and simple Persons Illiterate Fishermen Tent-makers c. without any Force of Arms or Temporal Support but on the contrary against both VVind and Tide the Cruelties of raging Powers and Affronts of vaunting Wisdom A Doctrine against which the whole World Jews and Gentiles perfectly concurr'd those hating it as a Stumbling-block and these counting it Foolishness that such an improbable and unpleasing such a friendless unwelcome slighted opposed Doctrine by such Instruments and under such Circumstances should make its way in the World and subject so many Nations to the Obedience of the Cross and make those who to Day persecuted it to Morrow ready to lay down their Lives in Defence and Justification of it evidently shews it to be owned by Omnipotency and not to be of Human Extract XI But besides these outward and more visible Trophies of the Sacred Scriptures 11. Their inward Efficacy how marvellous is their Empire Efficacy and Power within upon the Hearts and Consciences of Men 't is this that Converts the Soul Enlightens the Eye (q) Psal 19.7 Discovers Sin (r) Rom. 7.7 Convinces Gainsayers (ſ) 2 Tim 3.16 Killeth and Terrifieth (t) 2 Cor. 3.6 Rejoiceth the Heart (u) Psal 19.8 Psal 119.103 Quickneth (x) Psal 119.50 Comforteth (y) Rom 15.4 Manifesteth the Thoughts (z) 1 Cot. 14.52 Overthrows false Religions Casteth down Strong-holds and subverts the whole Kingdom of Satan What Consolations at some Times What Terrors at others do proceed from this Sacred Book How are the poor Souls of Men by it mightily refresh'd Their weak Hearts wonderfully strengthned Their dead Spirits raised and made to live again Those that sate in Darkness and the Shadow of Death are Enlightned Many that were in Chains and Fetters of Fears and Terrors of Soul are delivered and set at Liberty Is it reasonable to conceive that a Tree that bears such wonderful Fruit was planted by any other Hand than that of God Who can speak Words that shall restrain and repel all the Powers of Darkness when falling in to make Havock and Desolation in the Souls of Men That shall be able to give Laws to the Terrors of Death nay Eternal Death when they have taken hold of the Consciences of Sinners Are not all these Wonders perform'd by the holy Scriptures And do they not often on the other side breath Thunder and Lightnings throw down the Mighty from their Seats and destroy the Thrones of the Proud and Confident Do they not turn the Security of many into Trembling and Horrour and make their Consciences to burn as if the Fire of Hell had already taken hold of them These Things are evident from the Experience of Thousands that have felt and undergone such powerful Effects of the Word Nay I verily believe there are few that have read the Scriptures with attention and seriousness but can more or less witness the same And whence should such Mighty Operations proceed but because the Almighty Author has endued them with such Vertue through the Spirit whereby they become the Power of God unto Salvation 12. The Testimony of the Church and Martyrs XII Add to all these Arguments the Testimony of the Church and her Holy Martyrs who have sealed this Truth with their Blood By the Church we do not mean the Pope whom the Papists call the Church Virtual nor his Cardinals Bishops c. met in General Council whom they call the Church Representative But the whole Company of Believers in all Ages who have professed the true Faith The Pen-Men of the Scriptures good pious honest holy Men delivered it out as the Word of the Lord and ever since there have been Thousands and Hundreds of Thousands that have believed and testi●ied the same down from Age to Age in a continual uninterrupted Succession The Church of the Jews to whom were committed the Oracles of God (a) Rom. 8.3 professed the Doctrine and received the Books of the Old Testament and testified of them that they were Divine and in great Misery they have constantly confessed the same when as by the only denying thereof they might have been partakers both of Liberty and Rule And remarkable it is both that notwithstanding the High Priests and others of that Nation persecuted the Prophets while they lived yet received their Writings as Prophetical and Divine as also that since the Spirit of Blindness and Obstinacy is come upon Israel and notwithstanding their great hatred to the Chri●tian Religion the Holy Scripture of the Old Testament is kept pure and uncorrupt among●t them even in those places which do evidently confirm the Truth of the Christian Religion as Isa 53.3 And as for the Christian Church it hath with great Constancy and sweet Consent received and acknowledged the Books of the Old and New Testament for the Universal Church which from the beginning thereof until these times professed the Christian Religion to be Divine did and doth also profess that these Books are of God And the several Primitive Churches which first received the Books of the Old Testament and the Gospels the Epistles written from the Apostles to them their Pastors or some they knew did receive them as the Oracles of God and delivered them afterwards under the same Title to their Successors and other Churches And all the Pastors and Doctors who being furnished with Skill both in
of their safe and first standing in Christ and of their Assurance of Heaven nothing is Therefore the Saints Hope is both sure and stedfast Tenthly That Relation which Believers stand in unto God is a sure Ground of Hope He is their Father and they are his dear Children he is their Husband they his Spouse Will a dear Father suffer his dear Children to perish and be torn in pieces if he hath Power to help them or the dear Husband his dear Wife The Love of God to his Saints exceeds the Love and Pity of either Father or Husband therefore Hope the Anchor of the Soul is both sure and stedfast Joh. ●0 27 28 29. Eleventhly The Power of God is a sure Ground of Hope My Sheep hear my Voice and follow me and I give to them eternal Life and they shall never perish neither shall any pluck them out of my Hand My Father that gave them me is greater than all and none is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand who are kept by the Power of God through Faith unto Salvation If the Power of God be sufficient to keep Believers from falling and to preserve them to his heavenly Kingdom then their Hope is both sure and stedfast Object But it is through Faith they stand and their Faith may fail Answ Christ as I shewed before hath prayed that their Faith fail not and besides Phil. 1.6 he is the Author Increaser and Finisher of it He that hath begun a good Work in you will perform it unto the Day of Christ John 3.6 1 Pet. 1 23. Twelfthly Regeneration is a sure Ground of Hope That which is born of the Flesh is Flesh that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit Being born again not of corruptible Seed but of incorruptible c. Such as is the Seed such is the Product of it The Seed being immortal by which the Saints are regenerated sure this may be sure Ground of Hope that they shall not perish There is in them an holy and Divine Principle so that they cannot sin unto Death or lose eternal Life Let us now put all these together and then doubtless we shall conclude that the Saints Hope of Heaven is no Fancy but like an Anchor that is both sure and stedfast Inferences FIrst Examine your selves what Hope you have there is a false Hope as well as a true What is the Ground of thy Hope 1. Some Men ground their Hope of Heaven upon outward Prosperity This is the Worldlings Hope They conclude God loves them and will give Heaven to them because he hath given them so much of the Earth not remembring that God gives some Men their Portion in this Life Psal 17. Luke 16. Remember Son thou in thy Life time receivedst thy good Things c. 2. Some ground their Hopes of Heaven upon Civility and external Righteousness They live sober and honest Lives and are not guilty of any gross Sins This is the moral Man's Hope the Pharisee's the young Man 's in the Gospel the foolish Virgins had this Hope and yet lost Heaven 3. Some ground their Hopes of Heaven upon the Merits of their own Works This is the Papists Hope for tho they place some Hope in Christ yet they put Confidence in their own Works Now this is to cast Anchor on the Sands First That which merits must be our own but none of our good Works are our own They are our own subjective because wrought in us and they are ours in regard of the Benefit of them but in respect of the Original they are none of ours they are the Fruits of the Spirit 't is God hath wrought all our Works in us Secondly They must be compleat and perfect or not meritorious but the best Works performed by us are both impure and imperfect more Dross than Gold Thirdly That which merits must not be due upon any other account paying Debts is not meritorious Now there is nothing that we do or can do but it is due 't is a Debt we owe to God we owe him all we have are or can perform Therefore saith Christ When you have done all say you are unprofitable Servants Secondly It shews that the Hope of Believers is a glorious Hope the Apostle saith a blessed Hope that is the Stay or Anchor of the Soul c. Tit. 2.13 Thirdly All those that have not this precious Grace are at present in a hopeless Condition Quest How may a Man know whether he hath a true and well-grounded Hope 1. If thou hast a lively Hope thou art born again the new Birth entitles to a new Hope What Hope can a Man have of Heaven if he be not converted 1 Pet. 1.3 John 3.3 Vnless a Man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God 2. A true and well-grounded Hope is attended with a Train of other Graces Tribulation worketh Patience and Patience Experience and Experience Hope Rom. 5.3 4 5. and Hope maketh not ashamed why because the Love of God is shed abroad in our Hearts by the Holy-Ghost Those that have the Grace of Hope have the Graces of Faith and Love and all other Fruits of the Spirit more or less in them 3. Hope purifies the Heart He that hath this Hope in him purifieth himself 1 John 3.3 even as he is pure If thou hast an unsanctified Heart never boast of thy Hope it makes not only the Heart holy but the Life also 4. Hope of Salvation is grounded upon the Promises of God The Promises give Interest and upon Interest ariseth Hope therefore he that hath not took hold of God's Promise by Faith is destitute of Hope the Anchor of the Soul Psal 11● 49 Remember thy Word unto thy Servant upon which thou hast caused me to hope 5. Hope keeps the Soul in a steady and sure expectation of the Good of Promises under Affliction and Sufferings a Saint is hereby stayed and quieted whilst he is exposed to the Loss of all other things for Christ's sake Heb. 10.34 They took patiently the spoiling of their Goods knowing in themselves they had in Heaven a better and more enduring Substance 6. True Hope makes a Christian very lively and valiant for Christ and his Truth It fills the Soul full of spiritual Activity it is called a lively Hope it makes him bold and not ashamed of the Cross c. Love compared to Death and the Grave and to Coals and Flames of Fire Cant. 8.6 Love is strong as Death Jealousy is as cruel as the Grave The Coals thereof are Coals of Fire which have a most vehement Flame Verse 7. Many Waters cannot quench Love neither can the Floods drown it c. THe Grace of Love which Christ hath infused into the Heart of his Spouse and all gracious Ones is compared by the Holy-Ghost in these Scriptures to three things which are of a mighty powerful and prevailing Nature against whom there is no standing First
are not ignorant Creatures but ipsae Intelligentiae the most understanding Creatures in Heaven and Earth Greenhill The Woman of Tekoah said to David He was wise according to the Wisdom of an Angel of God to know all things that are upon the Earth That is he was very wise 2 Sam. 14.20 as Angels are to search out Understanding and discover things Therefore Jerom thinks they are called Cherubims from their much Knowledg Cherubims as it were Rabbies and Teachers of others And this Office some Angels have done Gabriel make this Man understand the Vision Dan. 8.16 I am come to make thee understand what shall befall thy People in the latter Day Angels saith one are good Philosophers they know the Principles Causes Effects Life Motion and Death of natural things they are great Statists and know the Affairs of Kingdoms Dan. 10.13 saith Gabriel I remained with the Kings of Persia c. They are said to be full of Eyes before and behind because they see what is past and what is to come Besides they have much revealed to them by God by Christ nay and understand many things by the Church as concerning the Mysteries of the Gospel so Eph. 3.10 2 Pet. 1.12 Which things the Angels desire saith Peter to look into 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Word notes bowing down to pry heedfully into a thing Cherubims were made looking down towards the Mercy-Seat so here Angels look into the things of Christ as it was there figured forth in whom are hid all the Treasures of Wisdom and Knowledg Col. 2.3 They have much experimental Knowledg arising from things done daily in the World and in the Church Angels love to be at the Congregation to meet the Saints they understand partly by their Essence and partly by Species communicated to their Understandings as to ours c. II. The Face of a Man hath much Awe and Majesty in it nothing as is observed by some Naturalists carries more Terror in it to sensitive Creatures than the Face of a Man II. Angels are very Majestical Creatures many have been greatly terrified and astonished at the sight of them How was Manoah's Wife Samson's Mother amazed at the sight of the Angel that appeared to her Judg. 13.6 Then the Woman told her Husband saying A Man of God came unto me and his Countenance was like the Countenance of an Angel of God very terrible c. III. The Face of a Man notes human Affections as Mr. Greenhill observes III. Angels are of a loving Countenance and most careful of Men they have most dear Affections to those they are sent to minister unto IV. The Face of a Man denotes Beauty How amiable and lovely are some Faces of mortal Creatures to look upon 'T is the Seat as I may say of human Beauty IV. Angels are very beautiful and lovely to behold tho they have saith Mr. Caryl no visible bodily Beauty yet their Beauty far exceeds the Beauty of Mortals See Morning-Stars II. The Face of a Lion A Lion is a Creature of great Strength Prov. 30.30 the strongest amongst Beasts as was said before he turneth not away for any What is stronger than a Lion Judg. 14.18 said the Interpreters of Samson's Riddle Angels are mighty in Strength Rev. 18 21. An Angel can hinder the blowing of the Wind stop the Mouths of Lions break Iron Chains open Prison Doors and make Bars and Doors of Brass to flie Hence they are called mighty Angels 2 Thess 1.7 Who can stand before the Angels of God! III. The Face of an Ox. I. An Ox accustomed to the Yoke is very tractable not stubborn kicking and flying like as untamed Heifers are Ephraim is an Heifer that is taught and loves to tread out the Corn. An Heifer taught delighting in her Work doth it willingly I. Psal 103.20 Angels do the Work of God willingly with much delight they hearken to the Voice of his Word they set about their Work with much Cheerfulness they are very obsequious to God's Commands If he saith Go smite Herod for his Pride Balaam for his Covetousness David for his vain Glory Senacherib for his Blasphemy and Sodom for its Uncleanness presently they go II. An Ox doth faithful Service Horses often deceive Persons in their Service and throw their Riders but Oxen either in plowing or carrying Burdens fail not nor deceive their Owners II. Angels are faithful in their Ministrations they fail not in the least Particular Rev. 22.8 9. The Angel would not let John worship him The Angel would not suffer Lot to linger in Sodom They never betrayed their Trust as some of the Saints have done III. An Ox is a very patient and laborious Creature They labour hard and carry heavy Burthens and yet tho never such hard Service be put upon them they quietly and with much patience bear it and never seem to complain III. Angels are patient in their Ministration tho they meet with much Opposition Dan. 10.3 The Prince of Persia saith Gabriel withstood me one and twenty days c. In the midst of all Opposition whether from Men or Devils and great Services they are not at all impatient tho their Work never end Rev. 4.8 yet they never complain IV. Oxen are very useful Creatures much Increase was brought in by them No Creature saith my Author is more useful to the Support of a Family Greenhill than the Ox for of old all the Plowing was done by Oxen. See 2 Kings 19.19 Job had Oxen plowing in the Field he had five hundred Yoke of Oxen Job 1.3 no mention being made of Horses There was a severe Law made against those that stole an Ox Exod. 22.1 David makes it one part of the Happiness of a Common-Wealth that the Oxen are strong to labour IV. Angels are very useful Creatures they are useful to God they continually go on his Errands execute his Judgments at the Command of his Mouth They were useful to Christ in the Days of his Flesh Luk. 2.9 10 11. they proclaimed the joyful Tidings of his Nativity had the charge of him in his Humiliation whilst his Conflict remained with the evil Angels they ministred to him in his Temptations and when he was in his bloody Agony they declared and made known his Resurrection He is not here he is risen Mat. 26.6 They witnessed to his Ascension and to his second Coming Ye Men of Galilee Acts 1.10 11. why stand ye gazing up into Heaven The same Jesus which is taken from you into Heaven shall so come as ye have seen him go into Heaven They shall come with him when he comes the second time without Sin unto Salvation He shall come in the Glory of his Father with all his holy Angels They shall attend him on the Throne of Judgment and as Officers execute his righteous Sentence viz. seize all condemned Sinners and cast them into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone c.
to see every one behaving himself well living in sweet Concord Peace and Love together VII So it is a great Honour to the Church of God when it is well and wisely governed In this respect Solomon was a Type of Christ and his Family a Type of the Family of the Faithful or Church of God The Lord Jesus ought to be acknowledged as the Head and chief Governor and next to Him the Bishop or Pastor thereof must be obeyed and submitted to in all things in the Lord. Heb. 13.17 Obey them that have the Over-sight of you and subject your selves for they watch for your Souls There is nothing that doth more beautify the Church of God than good Order What is any Society of Men without Rule and good Government Strict Discipline must be kept up in Christ's Family Every Member ought to know his Place and to strive to behave himself well To this very end Paul wrote to Timothy 1 Tim. 3.15 That thou mayest saith he know how thou oughtest to behave thy self in the House of God c. All the Saints should live in perfect Peace Unity and sweet Concord together as Children of the same Father and Heirs of the same Crown and Kingdom Hence the Apostle exhorteth the Saints Eph. 4.3 to endeavour to keep the Vnity of the Spirit in the Bond of Peace Nothing is at this Day more grievous to a sincere Soul than to see the great Divisions and Want of Love that is amongst us nor doth any thing more encourage our Popish Adversaries Jovianus the Emperor was much troubled at the Divisions that were amongst Christians in his Time and shewed his Dislike at their Contentions in these Words I tell you truly I cannot bear with Contention but such as are for Concord and Unity I willingly honour and embrace and certain I am that such as strive for Truth and Peace Christ will embrace Discord amongst Brethren being one of those things he chiefly hates Prov. 6.16 VIII There is and ought to be some special Order and Discipline kept up in a Family that every one may know his Place Work and Business VIII So in the Church or spiritual Family there is a special Order and Discipline to be learned and kept up and every one is to know his Place Work and Business some of which we shall briefly hint in this place The first thing that I shall mind is the Choice of Officers viz. Elders and Deacons They should be chosen according to the Rules and Directions God hath left in his Word viz. Men fitly qualified A Bishop must not be soon angry 1 Tim. 3.2 to 8. T it 1 5 6 7. not given to Wine no Striker not self-willed not a Brawler not Covetous not a Novice He must be blameless one that rules well his own House apt to teach a Lover of good Men sober just temperate able by sound Doctrine to convince Gainsayers There are Directions also given about their Wives 2. Every Member hath his peculiar Vote in chusing of their Officers after Election they are to be ordained by Prayer and laying on of Hands Acts 6.6 13.3 3. The Pastor or Bishop is to feed the Flock to be faithful and laborious in preaching the Word of Life exhorting reproving comforting 1 Tim. 4.12 16. according as he finds occasion 4. It behoveth him together with the Church to be careful whom they receive into the Family viz. none but such as are converted true penitent and believing Persons as near as they can 5. They ought to know the State of the Flock Prov. 27.23 Heb. 13.17 and to watch over every Member thereof 6. The Members of the Church ought to study their Duty 1. To their Pastor to provide for him a sufficient Maintenance 1 Cor. 9.9 to 14. that he may not be encumbered with worldly Affairs and thereby made unfit for his great Work and Business he is called to See Planters Labourers c. 2. To pray for him and shew him all due Respect Eph. 6.19 as the Steward and Embassador of Christ 3. As to their Duties one to another as Fellow-Members of God's Church it is needful for them to know how they should carry and behave themselves towards their offending Brethren And as touching this it is necessary to consider 1. The Rule touching private Offences 2. Touching publick and scandalous Offences and Offenders 1. Touching private Offences Christ hath left us Directions in Mat. 18.15 16. If thy Brother offend thee tell him his Fault between thee and him alone but if he will not hear thee take one or two more c. But if he still neglect to hear them tell it to the Church But if he will not hear the Church then he is fit for Church-dealing or Excommunication Let all take heed they do not make publick any Evil or Offence of their Brethren that is private for this is an utter Fault and a Violation to the Law of Christ and Order of his House 2. Touching publick and scandalous Sins and Offenders such as expose the Name of God to a Reproach as Fornication Covetousness Idolatry Drunkenness Rioting c. these without thorow and unfeigned Repentance ought forthwith to be delivered up to Satan or put out of the Church into the Kingdom of Satan 1 Cor. 5.5 from whence they came And truly it cannot be known quickly who hath true Repentance that fall into such great Sins until there be some Time of Trial. Reformation of Life is the chief part of Repentance therefore to clear the Name of God from Reproach and the better to bring the Offender to the Sence of his Sin the Ordinance of Excommunication ought in my Judgment immediatly upon Conviction to pass against him 3. In the Administration of Justice and Judgment in the Church special Care ought to be taken that with all Wisdom and Impartiality Persons may be dealt withal Let the Church and Pastor see to it that the Rich be no more spared than the Poor Levi was not to know his Father in Judgment IX In a religious Family Devotion is carefully and duely performed Prayer reading the Word c. 'T is a Reproach to a Family especially to the Master or Governor and Governess to have this neglected and a Sin very provoking to God Pour out thy Fury upon the Heathen that know thee not Jer. 20.25 and upon the Families that call not upon thy Name IX So the Church of God is the chief Place of Publick Devotion there the Word of God is and ought to be read And hence Paul saith to the Colossians When this Epistle is read amongst you Col. 4.16 17. cause it to be read also in the Church mark of the Laodiceans There the Word of God is truly and duely preached and the Sacraments administred Out of Zion the Perfection of Beauty Psal 50.2 Eph. 3.10 God hath shined To the intent that now unto Principalities and Powers in heavenly
or Life it self in his Cause but he can restore it with great Advantage Joh. 12.25 He that loveth his Life shall lose it but he that hateth his Life in this World shall keep it unto Life eternal III. Souldiers are armed with carnal Weapons and fight with Men like themselves and yet many times are overcome and lose the Victory III. But Saints fight with spiritual Weapons and not only with Men like themselves but with the Devil and his infernal Crew and yet through Christ their Captain they get the Victory For the Weapons of our Warfare are not carnal Eph. 6. but mighty through God c. For we wrestle not against Flesh and Blood but against Principalities and Powers c. Inferences THese things being so let all true Christians take Heart and be valiant and fear not the Face of Enemies 1. Consider the Worth and Dignity of your Captain Christians have the best Captain and Leader in the World 1. He is of a most honourable Extraction of a most high and noble Descent the Heir of all things the Father's First-born the express Image of his Person He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords and he is saith one Generalissimo of all his Majesty's Forces in Heaven and Earth 2. Consider his Strength and Valour He hath an Omnipotent Arm and is of a most valiant undaunted couragious and heroick Spirit What was Sampson Gideon David Alexander Julius Caesar Scanderbeg or any other mighty Warrior to the Lord Jesus This is he who cuts in pieces the Gates of Brass and breaks asunder the Bars of Iron that hath the Keys of Death and Hell that flew Rahab Isa 51.9 and wounded the Dragon who is terrible to the Kings of the Earth and will come upon Princes as upon Mortar This is He that is the Terror of Devils the Dread of Mortals who will make other Captains tremble and cry out to the Rocks and Mountains to hide them in the Day of his Wrath. 3. Consider his Wisdom His Skill and Policy far exceeds the Craft and Subtilty of all the Machiavellian Politicians in the World He knows how to assault and harm his Enemies and to carry on and bring off to preserve and defend his People and faithful Souldiers Let Men and Devils be never so skilful and politick Christ knows how to outwit them and over-reach them all He knows where all their Mines are digged where all their Forces Flankers and Ambuscadoes do lie He knows their Plot and how laid this day against his Interest Gospel and Covenant-People in this and other Nations He knows how to confound them and catch them in their own Craftiness and to bring them to Shame He is wonderful in Counsel and mighty in Working He hath an Omniscient Eye as well as an Omnipotent Hand He makes his Countermines and blows them up or burieth them in the Pit they have digged He outshoots the Devil and the Wicked in their own Bow He will bring down the Beast and Whore and all their Abettors and make them ashamed of their Hope Mark the Issue of this present Dispensation See Captain in the First Volume and God a Man of War 2. Consider the Excellency of your Cause which is just and righteous 3. The Goodness of your Call against which nothing can be objected 4. For your further Encouragement consider the Strength of your Fortifications They are all impregnable and impenetrable of most invincible Strength Your Out-Works your Walls your Bulwarks your Forts and Towers all your Defence is admirable The Name of the Lord is a Strong-Tower Prov. 18.10 Isa 26.1 Salvation will God appoint for Walls and Bulwarks O how formidable and terrible are the Attributes and Threatnings of God to his Enemies 5. Consider Tho your Number be the fewest yet your Side is the strongest God is for us and on our Side With them is the Arm of Flesh but with us the Lord our God to fight for us How many said Antigonor will you reckon me for Poor Mortal How many then may we reckon God Christ the Holy Ghost for The whole Trinity is engaged for us 6. Consider Tho your Service be hard and Conflict sharp yet it will be short It is but a little while and your Enemy shall trouble you no more 2 Cor. 4.17 Our light Afflictions which are but for a moment c. 7. Consider the Devils and all other Enemies tho never so potent cruel and malicious yet they are all conquered and spoiled Col. 2.15 Having spoiled Principalities and Powers he made a Shew of them openly triumphing over them in it The Romans were wont in a triumphant manner to carry those they had conquered about with them and to brandish their Swords and display their Colours and carry their Arms in open View as Trophies and Emblems of Victory So the Lord Jesus having conquered Satan and the Powers of Hell rode as it were in Triumph through their Kingdom the Air and made a Shew of them openly as a glorious Victor 2. Again the World is subdued Be of good cheer saith Christ Joh. 16. Rom 8. I have overcome the World And we through him are hereby made more than Conquerors Come Tribulation Distress Persecution c. with all their Blackness Darkness Threats and Terror what will they do Who shall separate us from the Love of Christ Rom. 8.35 or hinder us of eternal Life 3. Death is subdued Christ hath got the Victory over that What Joy and Comfort is this to Believers to hear that all their Enemies are conquered your Captain-General hath broken them all to pieces 6. The Enemy cannot hurt you Rom. 8.28 the worst you can meet with will work for your Good 9. Consider Tho you meet with hard Things Christ can and will make them easy to you All your Wounds he can heal and all your broken Bones he can set The more you suffer for Christ the greater your Reward will be 10. Consider what great and glorious Pay you shall have in the end Is not a Kingdom a Crown of Glory that fadeth not away worth fighting and striving for 11. Look to Christ remember what he hath done and suffered for you and consider what many Saints have endured for his sake before you that were most precious in God's sight Is it not better to suffer here than to suffer in Hell What is the Pain and Sorrow of the Godly in this Life to the everlasting Pains and Torments of the Damned in the World to come Get much Faith and provide your selves with all your Armor and the right Use of it the Nature of which is opened under the Fifth Head Get your Hearts loose from the World No Man that warreth 2 Tim. 2.4 entangleth himself with the Affairs of this Life Labour for much Love to God It was a notable Saying of Mr. Bland the Martyr when he was at the Stake This Death saith he is more dear to me than Thousands of Gold
and Silver such Love O Lord hast thou laid up in my Breast that I hunger for thee Take heed you consult not with carnal Reason rely wholly upon Christ and never consult thy present Strength with thy future Sufferings Take heed you do not overvalue your Lives Alas you cannot live long what if you die a little sooner than you might do according to the Course of Nature Also consider is it not better if God calls you to it to glorify him by dying than to die otherwise Remember You are not your own let God therefore make what Improvement of you he pleases Lastly Pray continually pray always for this is the way to overcome Prayer hath done wonderfully And this is one great Thing that is enjoined on the Christian Souldier Ephes 6.18 Praying always with all Prayer and Supplication in the Spirit and watching thereunto with all Perseverance and Supplication for all Saints and for me c. HEre are two Things to be noted 1. A Duty enjoyned Prayer 2. Blessed Directions about it Viz. 1. The Time Always 2. The Kinds All Prayer and Supplication 3. How viz. 1. In the Spirit 2. With Diligence 3. Constantly 4. For whom 1. For all Saints 2. More particularly for the Preachers of the Gospel Note Souldiers of Christ ought to pray to be much in Prayer to pray always to pray in the Spirit to pray for themselves and to pray for others also First Tho we are to pray always Yet there are some special Times for this Duty Prayer is twofold 1. Ordinary 2. Extraordinary We must in some Seasons more especially be at this Duty to pray hard to pray mightily c. Quest What is meant by praying always Answ 1. It is as much as to say Pray in every thing according to that Word Phil. 4.6 In every thing by Prayer and Supplication let your Requests be made known to the Lord. Some pray in nothing they do In all thy Ways acknowledge him 2. In all Conditions in a full State in a naked State in Poverty in Plenty in Sickness in Health in Prosperity and in Adversity 3. For every Thing we need for Spirituals for Temporals so far as God seeth them good for us 4. Daily frequently Morning and Evening David said to Mephihosheth Thou shalt eat Bread at my Table continually 2 ●am 7 7 He cannot mean thou shalt do dothing but eat he would not have him to be such a Cormorant but commonly every day c. 5. To have a Heart always for this Duty to be always fit and ready for this sacred Ordinance Quest What are those special Times and Seasons for Prayer Or when is extraordinary Prayer to be made Ans 1. When a Saint hath any great Work to do for God or eminent Business and Service for his Church See Nehem. 1.5 Acts 4.2 9. When Abraham's Servant had special Work to do for his Master he was much in Prayer 2. When a Saint is in the dark concerning any one Truth of God and cannot get Satisfaction Dan. 9.1 2 3 c. then 't is a Time for extraordinary Prayer When Daniel was at a loss about the Time of Deliverance out of Captivity how much did he give himself to Prayer 3. When a gracious Soul is under any sore and grievous Affliction David in his Distress and Affliction cried mightily to God Is any afflicted let him pray that is let him be more abundantly in that Duty James 5.13 4. When Sin abounds or in a Day of great Rebuke and Blasphemy When Hell seems to be let loose or the Flood-gates of Wickedness opened wide in a Nation then it is a Time for the Godly to be much in Prayer Jer. 13.19 Isa 37.23 5. In Times of great Distress upon the Church when the Danger is imminent as at this Day this is a Time for extraordinary Prayer See Isa 22. When many Nations came up against Judah then Jehoshaphat cried mightily to Heaven 2 Chron. 20.12 When Haman plotted to destroy all the Jews and cut off Israel at once and the Writings were sealed and sent forth then Esther and the godly Ones pray mightily Thus did Jacob when his Brother was coming to meet him fearing he would cut off the Mother with the Child Gen. 33. how did he then wrestle with God! 6. In Times of Temptation When Christ was assaulted and his Hour was come he prayed hard he spent a whole Night in Prayer Mat. 26.44 And what saith he to his Disciples Mat. 26.40 41. 2 Cor. 12. Watch and pray that ye enter not into Temptation When Paul had that Thorn in the Flesh the Messenger of Satan to buffet him he besought the Lord thrice that it might depart from him That three times as some conclude might be threescore times 7. Lastly In a Time of great Expectation when great Things are near and much look'd for When Daniel expected great Things understanding by Books Deliverance to the Church was at hand he set himself to seek God Dan. 9.2 Secondly Consider Prayer is a great Ordinance And that doth appear 1. In respect of God it gives him the Glory of three great Attributes 1. Of his Omnisciency We hereby acknowledg that he knows our Wants and Necessities Psal 39 9. All my Desires are before thee and my Groanings are not hid from thee 2. His Omnipotency We acknowledg in our crying to God and relying upon him in this Duty that he is able to help us and supply all our Wants 3. It gives him the Glory of his Goodness O thou that hearest Prayer A Saint knows and confesseth hereby if he pray aright that God is willing and ready to help and save him 2. Prayer is a great Ordinance if we consider the Power and Prevalency of it Luther ascribed to Prayer a kind of Omnipotency It hath prevailed over Fire Water and Earth it hath stopp'd the Sun in its Course It hath prevailed over evil Angels it hath cast the Devil out and broke his Kingdom down It hath had Power over the good Angels as appears in the Case of Elisha it fetched them from Heaven to be his Guard and Protection 2 King 9.6 17. Nay it hath prevailed with Christ himself the Angel of the Covenant as appears in Jacob's Case As a Prince thou hast wrestled with God and hast prevailed It hath healed the Sick raised the Dead stopp'd the Lion's Mouth and hath subdued and put to flight the Armies of Aliens Heb. 11. hath opened Prison-Doors and broke in pieces Chains Gates and Bars of Iron and Brass There is none of the battering Rams or Artillery of Hell can stand against it 'T is like an Engine as one observes that makes the Persecutors tremble and wo to them that are the Buts and Marks that it is levell'd at when it is fired with the Fire of the Spirit and discharged in the Strength of Faith 'T is said Mary Queen of Scots dreaded more the Prayers of Mr. Knox than an Army of Twenty Thousand
Hearts from God and his Ways Hence as Satan is called a Deceiver and a Serpent so are some of his Children VII The Devil 's great design is to encourage Vice and all Prophaneness and by one means or another to suppress real Godliness So this is the great Design and Endeavour of some wicked Men. VIII The Devil is so vile that God seeth it necessary to lay a restraint upon him and put him into Chains or else the World would not have a Moment's time of Peace and Quiet So ungodly Men are so much like the Devil in this that God also sees the like need to restrain them for as the Devil is boundless in his Wrath Rage and Malice against Mankind so are his cursed Emissaries against their Fellow-Creatures Hence God puts a Hook into their Jaws and sets Bars to these swelling Seas IX The Devil trembles at the thoughts of God's Wrath and dreads the Day that is coming So do wicked Men fear him not because they love him but because they are his Enemies and as such they fear he will one day reckon with them X. The Devil tempts to Sin he is not contented to be vile himself but he would fain have others be vile and ungodly as well as he So wicked Men tempt entice and draw others to Sin they are not content to be ungodly themselves but strive to defile and corrupt others also XI The Devil is a Murtherer a great Murtherer and takes delight in shedding of Blood 1 Pet. 5.8 and making Desolation in the Earth hence called a Lion and a Dragon So wicked Persecutors are in this the very Picture of the Devil viz. great Murtherers their Feet run swift to shed Blood How many thousands of innocent Souls have the bloody Roman Devils destroyed within these twelve hundred Years They delight in spoiling and making desolate the Inhabitants of the Earth who oppose their Pride Psal 37.4 Psal 44.19 or stand in the way of their Exaltation and thence they are called Lions and Dragons likewise XII The Devil would fain make those who fear God miserable in this World he envies their Happiness and if he was but let loose upon them he would utterly deprive them of their Goods of their Children of their Health c. and bring them into a forlorn and miserable Condition as he dealt with holy Job So some wicked Men in this are like the Devil they envy the Peace and Prosperity of God's People and if God did not restrain them were it in their Power they would rob them of all their Goods as some have attempted of late nay and destroy their Off-spring How many innocent Babes did the Papists destroy in the Massacre in Ireland crying out Spare them not Nits will become Lice They grutch them their Liberty and therefore saith God The Devil shall cast some of you into Prison c. Rev. 2 10. Is the Devil come to be a Pursevant or an Officer or to give Warrants to cast into Prison No but it is spoken of wicked Persecutors that the Devil sets on work XIII The Devil is an Accuser one that vilifies and reproaches all sincere Christians he is called the Accuser of the Brethren Wicked Men are in this also like the Devil they love to accuse and vilify the Godly in the Land as Tertullus served Paul Acts 24.3 5. We have found this Man a pestilent Fellow a Mover of Sedition c. They continually labour to render them odious that so they might be hated and exposed to the Severity of the Law and merciless Rage of the rude Rabble XIV The Devil is utterly cast off and forsaken of God and shall have his Portion in the Lake there is no hope left him for an Escape he knows it will for ever be his Portion So some wicked Men are utterly rejected of God and given up to a reprobate Mind and there is no Hope left for them of escaping the Damnation of Hell they shall as surely be damned and tormented for ever and ever as 't is certain the Devils shall So that in these and many other things that I shall pass by it appears wicked Men bear a resemblance of the Devil they are like unto him they have the Image of the Devil upon them Sin turns a Man into a Devil Joh. 6.70 Have not I chosen you twelve and one of you is a Devil Disparity THe Devil is a Spirit a created Spirit wicked Men are Flesh as well as Spirit Now the Nature of a Spirit in very many things differs from an humane Body so that in divers respects there is a great Difference between the Devil and the Ungodly Inferences NO marvel wicked Men and the Saints agree no better II. O what a fearful thing is it to be left and forsaken of God! III. No marvel wicked Men strive so much to set up and establish the Devil's Kingdom seeing they are acted by like Principles and are alike Enemies of God IV. The Godly may wonder they are not long ago destroyed considering the cursed and devillish Disposition of wicked Men amongst whom they live 't is God only that hath restrained them THE Ninth HEAD OF Metaphors Allegories and Similes WITH Other Borrowed TERMS That respect I. The true Ministers of the Gospel II. False Ministers III. False Churches Ministers compared to Angels Rev. 1.2 The seven Stars are the Angels of the seven Churches c. Rev. 2.1 Vnto the Angel of the Church of Ephesus c. MInisters are called Angels Angels Parallel ANgels are endued with most eminent Power and Dignity they excel in Strength SO hath God endued his Ministers with great Power and Dignity they are his Substitutes on Earth they represent Christ himself and Paul saith Phil. 4.13 He could do all things through Christ that strengthned him II. Angels are God's Messengers and are often sent to bring good News to Men the Angels brought the first tidings of Christ's Nativity II. So the Ministers of the Gospel are Christ's Messengers they are called the Messengers of the Churches and the Glory of Christ 2 Cor. 8.23 they bring the glad Tidings of Peace and Salvation by Christ III. Angels are very wise David was said to be wise according to the Wisdom of an Angel of God 2 Sam. 14.22 III. Ministers of Christ are or ought to be wise Men they understand the Misteries of Christ and open them to others The Secrets of the Lord are with them Eph. 3 10. the Angels themselves understand the manifold Wisdom of God by his Saints and Ministers of the Gospel IV. Angels desire to pry into the Mysteries of Grace and Mercy by Jesus Christ 1 Pet. 1.12 IV. Christ's true Ministers make it their great Business to study Christ to dig and dive into the hidden Mysteries 1 Cor. 2.1 2. I determined to know nothing among you but Christ and him crucified V. Angels are lively beautiful and shining When Angels appeared to divers Persons of whom
are they feed who will reward them in due Time II. It may also caution them to be very careful that they feed Christ's Flock with no other Food than what is of Christ's providing III. It may inform all the Flocks and Sheep of Christ over whom the Holy-Ghost hath appointed Shepherds or Overseers 1. To prize their faithful Ministers observe their Doctrine and eye their holy and heavenly Conversation 2. To walk as Sheep 3. To keep close to their Fold Ministers compared to Ambassadors 2 Cor. 5.20 We are Ambassadors for Christ c. Eph. 6.20 For which I am an Ambassador in Bonds c. THe Words Ambassador Legate or Messenger are synonimous Terms properly such as are commissionated or deputed betwixt distant Parties to transact Affairs of Moment The Term is applied to the Ministers of the Gospel and it sets forth 1. The Dignity 2. The Duty of Ministers Note Faithful Ministers are Christ's Ambassadors c. Ambassador Parallel AMbassadors are authorized and sent abroad by Princes about the great Affairs of their Kingdoms MInisters are authorized empowered and sent by the Lord Jesus the Prince of the Kings of the Earth on the great Affairs of his Glory and Man's Good II. Ambassadors usually are Persons of Eminency 't is an Office that a Prince will not confer upon any of his Subjects but on such as are of great Esteem in his Court such as are fitly qualified for that great Trust confided in them in a word great Honour and Dignity is conferred upon them II. Faithful Ministers of Christ such as are Ministers indeed are eminent Persons such as are great Favourites to the Court of Heaven What higher Dignity doth Christ confer upon any of his Saints here below They also are Men fitly qualified for this great Employment and what their Qualifications are and must be you may see in 1 Tim. 3. Tit. 1. viz. Blameless as the Stewards of God 1 Tim. 3. 1 to 7. Tit. 1.7 8 9. not self-willed not soon angry not given to Wine no Striker not given to filthy Lucre a Lover of Hospitality a Lover of good Men sober just holy temperate holding forth the faithful Word able by sound Doctrine to stop the Mouths of Gainsayers c. not a Brawler not Covetous one that rules well his own House III. The Dignity of Ambassadors appears in the Greatness of their Prince from whom they come they have usually respect according to the Rank and Quality of their Master III. Now true faithful Ministers are sent as Ambassadors from the great God who is King of Heaven and Earth By whom Kings reign and Princes decree Judgment With him is terrible Majesty he rules and reigns over all and who can say unto them What doest thou IV. An Ambassador appears according to the Dignity of the Person whom he represents and whose place he supplies IV. True and faithful Ministers represent the Person of Jesus Christ O! and what Honour is this They are employed in his stead they are his Deputies He is the chief Ambassador called therefore the Messenger of the Covenant Mal. 3.1 from him they receive their Authority V. The Excellency of the Message Ambassadors are sent about shews further the Dignity of the Officers Now there are three sorts of Ambassies in the World Gurnal 1. Ambassies of Peace 2. Ambassies of Marriage 3. State-Ambassies which respect Trade and Commerce c. V. Ministers come with a threefold Ambassy 1. Of Peace 2. Of Marriage 3. Of heavenly Commerce and Trade c. 1. An Ambassador is welcom when he comes from a Prince about Peace and that especially 1. Christ's Ministers are welcom when they come with an Ambassy of Peace and needs they must be so if we consider these Things following 1. When he comes from one that is formidable mighty in Power and whose Armies are irresistible now to a poor weak and naked People how welcom is his Approach 1. These Ambassadors come from that great God that is dreadful in Power that if he speak but in his Wrath the Earth trembles whose Armies are also ready who offers not Peace because he cannot make War or stands in need of our Friendship but meerly from his great Love wherewith he hath loved us c. What can Sinners do to withstand his Power Doth he fear their Hostility Can they shoot their Arrows as high as Heaven If they strike at him he makes their Swords turn into their own Bowels O how gladly should these Ambassadors be received Who would not tremble to think of this God! 2. An Ambassador is welcom when he is sent to a People that have felt already the Impression of his Power and are pining under the bleeding Miseries of his Anger 2. So a Minister of Christ is welcom to poor Sinners who find the Arrows of divine Vengeance sticking in their very Hearts and the Curse of God cleaveth to every Faculty of their Souls who lie bleeding under his heavy Anger 3. An Ambassador is welcom when the Terms he offers are honourable and easy not like the Peace that Nahash offered to the Men of Jabesh-Gilead viz. That they should have every one his right Eye thrust out and lay it as a Reproach to Israel 3. Now the Ministers of the Gospel offer honourable and easy Terms God might require the perfect keeping of the whole Law he might demand Satisfaction for all the Wrongs and Injuries we have done to his Justice but they offer Terms of Peace and Pardon upon the Acknowledgment of Sin and laying down our Arms and to hold no League or secret Friendship with Sin or Satan any longer to take hold of Christ and plead the Atonement of his Blood Believe on the Lord Jesus and thou shalt be saved 4. An Ambassador is welcom when he offers Peace from a Prince that is real to his Word and gives good security for the performance of what he promises 4. Now God doth by his faithful Ministers give the greatest assurance imaginable of the performance of whatsoever he offers to poor Sinners He hath past his Word nay more 't is upon Oa●h Heb. 6. 2. Ambassadors sometimes offer an Alliance by Marriage between one State and another 2. And this is one great part of a Minister's Ambassy he is sent to let Sinners know what good Will the God of Heaven and Earth bears to them and that he is desirous to bestow his own dear Son the Heir of all Things in Marriage upon them what Favour and Grace is this Can Sinners be so sottish foolish and ungrateful as not readily to receive and embrace this Offer 3. Sometimes as we minded before Ambassadors come with an Ambassy for Trade that there may be an open Trade and Commerce between such and such Princes and States c. 3. The Ministers of the Gospel come with Ambassies for Commerce God is willing in Christ's Name to trade with Man again For no sooner had Adam sinned but a War was commenced and all Trade
another Angel saying Babylon is fallen is fallen that Great City because she made all Nations drink of the Wine of the Wrath of her Fornication REV. 16.19 And great Babylon came in remembrance before God to give unto her the Cup of the Wine of the Fierceness of his Wrath. REV. 17.5 And upon her Forehead was a Name written MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS or Fornications AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH REV. 18.1 2. And after these things I saw another Angel come down from Heaven And he cry'd mightily with a strong Voice saying Babylon the Great is fallen is fallen and is become the Habitation of Devils and the Hold of every unclean Spirit and a Cage of every unclean and hateful Bird c. IN the handling of this great Subject it seems needful to give an Account of the various Opinions that have more or less pr●sented themselves to the World about it which may be reduced to these four following Heads I. That it is Jerusalem and that for two Reasons 1. Because the Man of Sin or last Beast that is to head this Babylon is set forth by St. Paul to sit in the Temple of God shewing himself to be a God 2 Thess 2.4 Rev. 11.8 2. Because this City where the Beast reigns and shall slay the Witnesses is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt where our Lord was crucified II. That it is the Turkish Empire or Power of the Saracens which Mr. Mede somewhat touches and in a brief way most learnedly argues against in his third Book pag. 644 645. III. That it is indeed Rome the Seat of the fourth or last Empire but Rome in its Heathen State under the idolatrous and persecuting Emperors So the Rhemists would have it if there be a Necessity to fix upon Rome to be this Apocalyptical or Mystery Babylon For this Opinion the present Romanists have no better Advocate than Dr. Hammond who hath done very worthily at other Turns See his Annotations upon the 17th Chapter of the Apocalypse IV. That it is the present Power and Church of Rome who under pretence of the most high and Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction doth influence and govern the Secular Power and State of Kingdoms Of this last Opinion were the ancient Waldenses who felt the bloody Power of Rome venting it self in most horrid and barbarous Cruelties against them and that for a long Series of Time as appears by our most Authentick Ancient and Modern Writers who give a very ample Account of the great Persecution of Christians for many hundred Years last past in all Parts of the Christian World where they have had Power To which Opinion of the Waldenses most of our modern Protestant Divines agree of which we shall mention only Cartwright Fulk the worthily admired and Learned Mede not forgetting famous Du Moulin of France as may be seen in their Works at large But because we will not take Things upon Trust nor refer the Reader to many Quotations which he may want Books and Time to satisfy himself about it appears needful that we remove the Objections with as much Brevity as possible before we state the Metaphor and run the Parallel Now that Babylon in all these New-Testament Texts cannot be fairly applied to Jerusalem the Turks and Saracens nor terminate in the Heathenish State of Rome we offer these following Considerations or Arguments I. It cannot be meant the City Jerusalem 1. Because Jerusalem did not reign over the Kings of the Earth in St. John's time when he saw this Vision and wrote the Revelation which this City Babylon is expresly said to do Rev. 17.18 And the Woman which thou sawest is that great City which reigneth over the Kings of the Earth Jerusalem having been not only under Captivity divers times before but were then entirely under the Power of the Roman Yoke as the whole History of the Gospel doth confirm and themselves did most plainly confess We have no King but Caesar John 19.15 2. Jerusalem was never in so high esteem with the Beast as to be capable to ride as Queen-Regent upon him as this Woman Whore or City is said to do And the Angel said unto me Wherefore didst thou marvel I will tell thee the Mystery of the Woman and the Beast that carrieth her which hath the seven Heads and ten Horns Rev. 17.7 Rev. 17.7 compared with Vers 3. So he carried me away in the Spirit into the Wilderness and I saw a Woman sit upon a Scarlet-coloured Beast full of Names of Blasphemy having seven Heads and ten Horns For by the Woman sitting and Beast carrying is undoubtedly signified Influence Power and Dominion which Jerusalem was far remote from not only under the Roman Monarchy but also under the three Kingdoms that went before it viz. the Babylonian Grecian and Persian as might be largely illustrated both out of Sacred and Humane History 3. Jerusalem did not sit upon many Waters which is interpreted to be People Nations and Tongues that is had not Command or Dominion over them as this Woman Rev. 17.15 Whore or City is said to have And he saith The Waters which thou sawest where the Whore sitteth are Peoples and Multitudes and Nations and Tongues The whole Land of Judea being under Tribute to the Roman Government at that time And it came to pass in those Days Luke 2.1 that there went out a Decree from Caesar Augustus that all the World should be taxed Verse 4. and particularly Galilee Nazareth Judea and the City of David called Bethlehem 4. Jerusalem was not capable to enchant and bewitch all the Nations round about her either by her Religion and Doctrine or by great Gifts and Rewards 1. Because the Roman Power kept her under and much in awe on the one hand not owning nor subscribing to her Religion 2. The Christian Doctrine and Religion block'd up her Way on the other hand that she could not extend her Influence to either neighbouring or remote Nations as this Woman Whore or City is said to do For thy Merchants were the great Men of the Earth for by thy Sorceries were all Nations deceived Rev. 18.23 5. Jerusalem tho she were guilty of much Blood from the beginning of her Excellency and Glory in Solomon's Time killing Prophets even all that were sent unto her murthered John Baptist and our Lord and Saviour as also the blessed Martyr St. Stephen yet in her could not be found that great Mass of Blood that was shed and Myriads of Christian Saints that have been barbarously murthered by Massacre and publick Martyrdom since they were ruined and destroyed by Titus Vespasian which we find positively charged upon this City Babylon Rev. 17.6 And I saw the Woman drunk with the Blood of Saints and with the Blood of the Martyrs of Jesus and I wondered with great Admiration as indeed well he might as shall be shewn Rev. 19 24. And in her was found the Blood of Prophets and of
Christ and the Things of Religion of which Justice and Charity Holiness and Compassion are not the least Part and yet under this Vizard and in the very time of these Pretensions perpetrate the greatest and most unparallel'd Villanies in the World 1. In being the Top of Pride 2. In committing palpable Idolatry 3. Fill themselves with Excess and Drunkenness 4. To curse swear and blaspheme the very Name they profess to be sacred 5. To cast down the Truth burn the Bible deface the holy Books and Laws of God 6. To assume not only a Power to dispense with Violations of the highest Nature but to pardon and forgive them at pleasure 7. To commit Adultery and account it a venial Crime 8. To break Covenants drive a Trade in Perjury forswear every thing they are justly charged with and is fully proved against them 9. To foment Wars and Broils in every Kingdom and Country where they have Power contrive the Ruine of Towns and Places Cities Countries and Kingdoms by Fire Sword and most cruel Devastations 10. To slaughter kill and barbarously murther both Men Women and Children even all that dare make a shew of Conscience and Religion so far as to abhor and dissent from these Villanies This is such a Scheme of Religion and Systeme of Divinity to come from an Apostle a Shepherd a Vicar and Successor of Christ from a Church Sheep Saints and the pretended Followers of the meek peaceable and innocent Jesus who taught altogether otherwise by his Doctrine and Example that it might well be wondred at and is the strangest Mystery that ever appeared of which we challenge the whole World to shew the like in the Turks and Saracens For Men to swear lie and forswear themselves and yet be true Men to contrive Rebellion Murther and Treason and yet be as innocent as the Child unborn to be elevated to the highest Pinacle of Pride even above Emperors and Kings above Jesus Christ and God his Father and yet be humble and lowly To commit gross Idolatry and yet be the Servants of the Living God To be filled with and make a Trade of Excess and Drunkenness and yet be the Paterns and Standards of Sobriety and Temperance To cast down the Truth to the Ground deface the Laws of God and burn the Scriptures and yet be the true Witnesses to it To forgive Sins and yet be the greatest of Sinners themselves To commit Fornication and Adultery and yet be spotless and pure in Heart To foment Wars and Broils in every Kingdom and Country where they have Power to contrive the Ruine of Towns and Places Cities Countries and Kingdoms by Fire Sword and cruel Devastations and yet be as harmless as Doves to all Mankind the only Sons of Peace and Quietness To slaughter kill and barbarously murther Men Women and Children that dare not be so wicked as themselves and yet to be full of Mercy tender Pity and Compassion an Apostle Shepherd Vicar and Successor of the meek and Lamb-like Saviour And for the dear Consort of this impious Head or Man of Sin to be not only confederate with him but a Principal in all these unparallel'd Villanies and most butcherly and rapacious Murthers and yet be the Holy Catholick Church of God the pure and spotless Spouse of Jesus Christ the true Sheep the harmless Lambs the best of Saints and close Followers of the Lord Jesus who always taught the contrary by his holy Doctrine and meek Example We say these Things not being found by secret Search but are written in Capital Letters upon her Forehead appear in open view to be read by every one that is not wilfully blind Let any one shew us a greater Mystery in the World than this and we will subscribe to it 4. It cannot be the Turks because they are not the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth which this Babylon is said to be Rev. 17.5 And upon her Forehead was a Name written MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH And here we demand in excuse to the Turks this one Thing From whence did proceed the Murthers Massacres and Martyrdoms of all the Religious Professors of Christianity that have died by violence in the Christian World for the space of twelve hundred Years last past And from what People did proceed those horrid Oaths Blasphemies and Execrations that the World hath wofully been acquainted with most horrid and strangely astonishing to repeat Came these unparallel'd Degrees of Impiety from the Turks from the Waldensians Lutherans Calvinists or any Non-conforming Protestants No no. Why whose Language then is it Whose Why 't is the Language of the Beast of the bottomless Pit and bloody Whore who bare these blasphemous Sons of her own Body daily nourishes them at her Breast and strengthens them in their sinful Courses by accounting them the Sons the precious Sons of Sion the true Sons of the Catholick Church the Darlings of Heaven the beloved Ones of the Virgin Mary and giving them Pardons for these bold and Heaven-daring Sins as often as they do commit them and come to ask Pardon for them so that Sin and Pardon is as constant and common with them as Breathing and Eating And these Things are done to seal and confirm Lies which is the more heavy heinous and prodigious For if Men may lie by allowance may kill and shed innocent Blood without Controul of Conscience and Church-Censures may swear and blaspheme and challenge God himself to damn them may burn Men for Religion consume Cities to Ashes conspire the Death of Kings the Ruine and Overthrow of Kingdoms whore and murther Infants and yet be accounted a Church the Members and Parts of it called Saints holy Children and Sons of the Most High God Then may we claim a Patent and take a License to change the Name of all Things and alter all the Idea's of the Minds of Men call and account Beelzebub a good God and all his black Tribe the pure Saints of the Most High call the lower Regions of Blackness and Darkness to which he is confin'd the Heaven of Glory and eternal Light Of which Things we ought in Justice to clear the Turks until Witnesses of undoubted Credit shall come forth and evidence that the Turkish State is the Mother of as great Abominations as these are 5. And lastly The Turks cannot be Mystery Babylon because they never were made drunk with the Blood of the Saints and with the Blood of the Martyrs of Jesus which this Woman Mystery Babylon is expresly said to be Rev. 17.6 And I saw the Woman drunk with the Blood of the Saints and with the Blood of the Martyrs of Jesus and I wondred with great admiration Now let any Man shew such Bloodshed Saints Bloodshed by Massacres and Martyrdom for the professing of Christianity which must be if the Text be answered in that Clause Blood of the Martyrs of Jesus by the Turks either within their Dominions or
as clear Demonstrations that the Head of Rome Papal is the Head of Babylon and the Grand Impostor or the Capital Manager of this Mystery of Iniquity he having most sacrilegiously assumed to himself all Heavenly Power of damning or saving and all Earthly Power both Temporal or Civil and Ecclesiastical or Sacred 11. This wicked Babylonish State comes forth with a great Pretence of Miracles which are but false Signs and lying Wonders to deceive and cheat the People and by this means they conquer Nations and carry away their Kings to their wicked Interest This Rome Heathen did not do For tho the Heathenish Power of Rome did conquer Nations and Countries with their Kings yet it was by State-Policy and Force of Arms not by pretended Miracles false Signs and lying Wonders Therefore Rome Heathen cannot be this Mystery of Iniquity or Babylonish State 12. This wicked State under consideration is declared not only to depart from the Faith by a palpable Apostacy but to forbid Marriage and command a long Lent and many other Fast-Days whereon some Sorts of Meats are prohibited to be eaten which doth so fully agree to the Papal State of Rome that nothing can be more plain unless the Spirit had expresly told us This will be fulfilled by Rome Papal For these two things we have their Canons upon Record the which if none can shew the like of the Heathen State of Rome then Rome Papal shall carry the Title of this Mystery of Iniquity and Babylonish State 7. If the Babylon under consideration be only confined to the Power of Heathen Rome then there is a more evident and apparent Mystery upon the State or Power of Rome Heathen than upon any Power or State that went before it or should come after it for so the Text imports Rev. 17.5 And upon her Forehead was a Name written MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT c. But there did no such Mystery appear upon the Power or State of Rome Heathen therefore this Babylon cannot terminate there What great Mystery appeared upon the Power and State of Rome Heathen more than appeared upon the Power and State of the three foregoing Monarchies 8. This Babylon cannot be confined to the Power of Rome only in its Heathen State because Babylon is to continue till the good People shall with the Horns that did support her which is the last Part of the wicked and persecuting Power answerable to the ten Toes in Daniel's great Image reward and destroy her for the Injury that she did unto them according to these three Texts of Scripture Rev. 18.4 Dan. 7.22 26 27. Rev. 17.16 And I heard another Voice from Heaven saying Come out of her my People that ye be not Partak●rs of her Sins c. Verse 6. Reward her even as she hath rewarded you and deal unto her double according to her Works In the Cup that she hath filled fill to her double How much she hath glorified her self and lived deliciously so much Torment and Sorrow give her And the ten Horns which thou sawest upon the Beast these shall hate the Whore and shall make her desolate and naked and shall eat her Flesh and burn her with Fire Which the Power of Rome in its Heathen State felt not but ended its Course without being destroyed by good People and the ten Horns which is the last Part of the Image-Government And in the Days of these Kings Dan. 2.44 viz. ten Toes ten Horns ten Kings shall the God of Heaven set up a Kingdom which shall never be destroyed And the Kingdom shall not be left to another People but it shall break in pieces and consume all these Kingdoms and it shall stand for ever Which could not be fulfilled in what Constantine did in the Time of Maxentius as Dr. Hammond would have us believe for these three Reasons 1. Because the ten Horns that afterwards the Roman Power fell into were not come up and so could not destroy the Power of Rome in its Heathen State 2. Because Babylon's Persecution Misery and Confusion did not utterly cease which it must have done so as to rise no more for ever if the Power of Rome Heathen destroyed by Constantine had been this Mystery Babylon 3. Because tho there might be a Body of good People with Constantine when he overthrew Maxentius yet the Power of the Kingdom was not so established in the hand of good People as not afterward to be left to others as the Text affirms And the Kingdom shall not be left to another People For as we shall anon shew the Kingdom or Power that ceased to be in the hands of Heathens and by a mighty and divine Providence came to be in the hands of a worthy and renowned Christian Emperor came afterwards into the hands of very Devils incarnate who acted all the Violence of the Heathen Power over again and indeed out-did them 9. Those that are for confining this Babylon to the Power of Rome in its Heathen State are not well aware what they do for if they do demand it their Opposites who hold it to be Rome Papal may grant it for Argument's sake But then the Remedy is worse than the Disease for they slip into such a Precipice as neither Baronius Bellarmine Dr. Hammond or the Rhemists can save or deliver them from The true State of the Case is this Rome Heathen is Mystery Babylon this say the Papists And the more willing they are to say so because it is a good Argument to prove that Peter was at Rome he subscribing his first Epistle from Babylon 1 Pet. 5.13 The Church that is at Babylon elected together with you saluteth you c. But this being allowed the worst is to come This Babylon is destroyed when the Power of Rome Heathen is taken away so as to be no more for ever but then what Condition doth the State of Babylon fall into Doth it become the Throne of the Lamb the City of the Living God the Habitation of Holiness and Dwelling-place of Zion the true Church the Place of the holy Ones and Saints of the Most High O no! What then Hearken and an Angel from Heaven shall tell you Rev. 18.1 2. And after these Things of the Horns hating the Whore making of her naked and burning her Flesh with Fire I saw another Angel come down from Heaven having great Power and the Earth was lightned with his Glory and he cried mightily with a strong Voice saying Babylon the Great is fallen is fallen and is become the Habitation of Devils and the Hold of every foul Spirit and a Cage of every unclean and hateful Bird. Now you Papists if you will needs have Babylon to be Rome Heathen take it and much Good do you with it but then make Rome Papal better than an Habitation of Devils if you can If it be not Rome Heathen then adieu to Dr. Hammond and the Rhemists we have what we desire If it be then Rome Papal is a far worse Place
c. The Merchants stood afar off saying Alas alas that great City Babylon that mighty City Again they wept saying Alas Verse 18. alas that great City which was cloathed c. What City is like unto this great City And cried weeping and wailing Verse 17. saying Alas alas that great City wherein were made rich c. And a mighty Angel took up a Stone Verse 21. like a great Mill-stone and cast it into the Sea saying Thus with violence shall that great City Babylon be thrown down I will shew thee the Judgment of the great Whore Chap. 17.1 c. He hath judged the great Whore Chap. 19.2 c. Great in four Respects 1. Great in Name 2. Great in Power 3. Great in Multitude 4. Great in Action vile Actions V. Rome Papal or Church of Rome is not only a Woman a City a Whore but a very great Woman City and Whore great in many respects but chiefly in these four 1. She hath a great Name no Name so great in the Christian World as the Name of Rome She is called a Queen because joined by Contract to a great Man the Man of Sin a Man greater than Emperors and Temporal Princes who pretends a Power to give them their Crowns to set them upon their Heads and kick them off at pleasure 2. Great in Power She gives Rules to Kingdoms advances her Ecclesiastical Laws above Temporal sets her Head and the chiefest of her Sons above Secular Jurisdiction makes them unaccountable and pretends a Power to absolve and bless them and without Controversy the lesser is blessed of the greater 3. Great in Multitude There are no People besides that are in a spiritual united Body and visible Community professing Christianity comparable to her for Multitude and the vast Numbers of her Sons and Daughters 4. Great in Action vile Actions such as deposing and poysoning Princes fomenting Jealousies raising Wars setting Nations together by the Ears invading Rights making Uproars burning Cities and carrying on dreadful Devastations where she is gainsay'd And that which adds to her Greatness is the invincible Confidence she hath that all Persons and Things are made for her and given to her so that all Things she doth are allowed as legal and just in Heaven From whence we frame this Argument Arg. If there be no United Body of People or visible Community in the Christi●n World that is so great in Name Power Multitude and Action vile Actions as Rome Papal or Church of Rome hath been and still is Then Rome Papal or Church of Rome is this great very great Woman City and Whore spoken of But there is no united Body of People or visible Community in the Christian World that is so great in Name Power Multitude and Action vile Actions as Rome Papal or the Church of Rome is Ergo Rome Papal c. is this great very great Woman City and Whore spoken of To reinforce this Argument let it be considered that the Christian World is distinguished or divided into two Parts viz. Papists and Protestants the Protestants cannot be this Whore 1. Because they own Jesus Christ to be Head of the Church and only him 2. They have never revolted or changed him so as to set up another in his room under any Title whatsoever but profess him to be their Lord and are in Obedience and Subjection to his Laws in all matters purely Religious 3. Neither is their Name Power Multitude or Actions so great by far as the Papists are they being but small inconsiderable and low in all Papist Countries And when the Protestant Religion hath gotten up to be the profest Religion of any Nation Kingdom or City what is that Nation Kingdom or City in comparison of those Nations Kingdoms and Cities where the Papists reign and Popery is profest This every intelligent Man hath so full a Prospect of that it appears needless to give proof by Instances VI. Babylon This Woman City of Confusion and Whore which is very great sitteth upon many Waters Rev. 17.1 which is expounded to be Peoples and Multitudes and Nations and Tongues And he the Angel said unto me Verse 15. the Waters which thou sawest where the Whore sitteth are Peoples and Multitudes and Nations and Tongues c. Which according to the learned Mede and a famous French Author is more than a third part of the ten considerable parts which the Roman Monarchy fell into not long before the Pope Man of Sin or Head of Mystery Babylon assumed the Imperial Seat and Crowns which afterward became ten Kingdoms with crowned Heads assisting the Beast against the Lamb and persecuting of the Saints distinguished into ten Kingdoms or Empires 1. Of Germany 2. France 3. England 4. Scotland 5. Denmark 6. Polonia 7. The Kingdom of Spain 8. The Kingdom of Navarre 9. The Kingdom of Hungary 10. The Kingdom of Naples and Sicily All which Rome Papal had in Possession as our French Author saith in the days of Pope Leo the tenth which was less than 200 Years VI. Rome Papal or Church of Rome is not only a great Woman City of Confusion and Whore that hath set up the Man of Sin great Belial or highest Son of Wickedness but she likewise sits upon many Waters viz. People and Multitudes Nations and Tongues which may be illustrated by undeniable Instances 1. She sat upon or ruled over more than one third part of ten which was formerly under the Roman Empire in its Civil State which more than one third part hath since fallen into ten States or Kingdoms under the Government of ten crowned Heads and have all agreed to give their Power to this last Beast according to what was foretold by Daniel Dan. 7. concerning the little Horn which had a Mouth speaking great things whose Looks were more stout than his Fellows by whom three of the first Horns of the Roman Power in its Civil State was pluck'd up by the Roots and in their place succeeded ten Kings or Crowned Heads who have their Crowns given them by this last Beast and as they have their Crowns given by and hold their Kingship under the Pope little Horn last Beast or Man of Sin in requital of his Fatherly Care to give his Sons so great a Patrimony they gave their Power unto him and engage against the Lamb making War with and persecuting the Saints till the Word of God or Prophecy of Daniel is fulfilled which ten Crowned Heads answer to the ten Toes in Nebuchadnezzar's Image to the ten Horns in this 17th of the Apocalypse that are so concerned in the Beasts Kingdom as to be overcome by the Lamb and turn to hate the Whore that before they supported and for whose Pleasure they did persecute the Saints which ten States or Kingdoms are by our French Author in his Book called the accomplishment of the Prophecy p. 345. distinguished to be as in the other Column set forth All which Kingdoms as King James in his
learned Works makes out took their rise with Rome Papal upon the division or ruine of the Roman Empire in its Civil State the body of which Kingdoms may well be called many Waters viz. Peoples and Multitudes and Nations and Tongues or People of several Languages which were as well known to have been under the Usurpation and Jurisdiction of Rome Papal as their being so which doth fully answer to the very Letter of the Text The Waters which thou sawest whereon the Whore sitteth are Peoples Multitudes Nations Tongues 2. Her making all the European Merchants Rich that traffick by Sea Rev. 18.11 by the great expence of all Commodities which are swallowed up within her Territories and Dominions Which could never be effected unless she had Nations and Multitudes to contribute to her great Pride and Luxury 3. A third Instance is the numberless number of good Christians which she hath drawn in and murdered for no other cause than their fearing God and obeying his Laws by loving Jesus Christ and following his Example of which we have a large account in Fox's Acts and Monuments and other Histories Upon which we form this Argument Arg. If there be no Body of People professed Church or State in the Christian World under any single Denomination that sits upon commands or bears rule over Peoples Multitudes Nations and Tongues as Rome Papal or Church of Rome doth Then Rome Papal or the Church of Rome is this Babylon treated of But there is no Body of People professed Church or State under any single Denomination that sits upon commands or bears rule over Peoples Multitudes Nations and Tongues as Rome Papal or Church of Rome doth Ergo c. To the establishing this Argument let it be considered that the whole State of the Christian World consists of but these two parts as we shewed before viz. the Church of Rome considered as Head and Body and those that dissent from her and those are so inconsiderable whether the Waldenses Albigenses Hugonots or other parties of Protestants that no one party of them nay if we put them all together can be said to fit upon command or bear rule over Peoples Multitudes Nations and Tongues to answer the Text the Waldenses and Hugonots have been and still are a persecuted People the Lutherans never got up so high as to command many States or Kingdoms or places of many Languages Great Britain tho a Protestant State or Kingdom comes not near to fulfil the Text much less the seven Provinces that of late revolted from Spain So that if Rome Papal hath done so and no other People that dissent from her could ever yet do the like then this proves Rome Papal the Whore that sits upon many Waters c. VII Mystery Babylon or the great Whore is such a Woman such a City such a Whore that the Kings and great Men of the Earth have committed Fornication with See the Text Rev. 17.2 With whom the Kings of the Earth have committed Fornication i. e. Spiritual Fornication or Fornication in a Mystery after a mysterious manner 2 Chron. 21.11 Isa 16.26 29. Rev. 18.9 and 19.2 such as Jerusalem of old was charged with which was a following the same Idolatry that this Woman Babylon had set up and was devoted unto and so great was her Fornication Isa 19.2 that 't is said she did corrupt the Earth with it VII Rome Papal or Church of Rome is such a Woman such a City of Confusion such a Whore that the Kings of the Earth have committed Fornication with and that hath corrupted the Earth with her Fornications Fornications after a mysterious manner by following abominable Superstition and Idolatry 1. Hath she adored the Pope as her Lord God Universal Head and Bishop infallible acknowledged above all Laws so have the Kings and their misled People done 2. Hath she worshipped the Virgin Mary divers Angels and many departed Saints so have the Kings and their misguided People done 3. Hath she adored Images the Crucifix and Pictures of pretended Saints so have the Kings and their misguided People 4. Hath she foolishly debased her self with the Adoration of the Relicts of known and unknown Saints so have the Kings and their misguided People 5. Hath she grosly and superstitiously worshipped the true God in a false manner by crowding in an innumerous Train of Fopperies into his Worship and Service which he never ordained as Candlesticks Altars Vestments Spits Oyl Holy Water Beads and a World of such like Trumpery so have the Kings and their misguided People not only the Emperour of Germany Kings of France Spain Poland Portugal that are still under her Influence but the Kings of England and Scotland too before the Reformation got Ground Upon which we form this Argument Arg. If there be no Body of People in the Christian World pretending a Church-State that hath set up Idolatry to that Degree and with whom the Kings of the Earth have complied as Rome Papal or Church of Rome hath done Then Rome Papal or Church of Rome is the Mysterious Whore of Babylon treated of But there is no Body of People in the Christian World pretending to a Church-State that hath set up Idolatry to that Degree and with whom the Kings of the Earth have complyed as Rome Papal c. hath done Ergo c. To reinforce this Argument let any Man that will become an Advocate for the Church of Rome shew that any People called the Reformed who dissent from the Church of Rome are guilty of like Idolatry and that the Kings of the Earth have complyed with them in it as afore-mentioned and we will acquit this Argument but if this Character doth more fitly ageee to Rome than to the Reformed c. our Argument is good VIII Babylon is such a Woman City and Whore that hath not only had Kings committing Fornication with her but hath intoxicated the Minds of Multitudes and corrupted a great part of the World or common sort of People by wicked and false Doctrine And the Inhabitants of the Earth have been made drunk with the Wine of her Fornication Rev. 17.2 VIII Rome Papal or Church of Rome is such a Woman City and Whore that hath not only had the Kings of the Earth to commit Fornication with her in dancing after her Pipes in all her mysterious Allurements but hath intoxicated the Minds of the Multitude and corrupted a great part of the World or common sort of People by wicked and false Doctrine As first that a wicked Man should be appointed of God to be the Vicar of Christ as if God had no more regard to his own Name and the Good of his Church and Honour of his Son than to institute a Child of the Devil as every wicked Man is to be Vice-gerent to the most holy Jesus in the highest Transactions that relate to Heaven and the Souls of Men. Surely if God shut Judas out from his Bishoprick because of his
Rome Papal or Church of Rome doth not only sit upon a Scarlet-coloured and blasphemous Beast but she is beautified and adorned with great Pomp and outward Glory by which she commends her self to that part of the World that delights in her Gaudery being a Woman whose Worship is filled with detestable Doctrine which she holds forth to them with Pictures and Gallantry of all sorts 1. Look into the holy Patrimony of consecrated Saints there you find Riches and Honour tho not durable Riches and Righteousness 2. Look unto their Garbs and Vestments there you shall find Cardinals like splendid Princes Heads of Parties and Provinces in such Habiliments that for Riches might have become the highest Order of the Jewish Priesthood 3. Look into the Instruments and Mode of their Worship and there you shall find the Altar and Candlesticks the Vessels for Oil and Pots of Purification as if their Predecessors had been at Solomon's Temple and had brought a Pattern from thence and yet in this G●lden Cup or framed Piece of Gallantry there is nothing to be found but foul and adulterated Wine most fitly to be called by the Angel Abomination and Filthiness and the Wine of Fornication Which we conclude with this Argument Arg. If no People in the Christian World hath such Riches and Splendor such Pomp and Gallantry in the Maintenance and Management of their Worship as Rome Papal or Church of Rome hath Then Rome Papal must be this gawdy Harlot or Whore of Babylon But there is no People in the Christian World that hath such Riches and Splendor such Pomp and Gallantry in the Maintenance and Management of Religious Worship as Rome Papal or Church of Rome hath Ergo Rome Papal or Church of Rome must be this Whore or well-favoured Harlot treated of The Argument is full and clear and so well fortified that we think it needs no Rere-guard to enforce it and therefore tho it be short and low of Stature we shall leave it amongst our Infantry and draw up our right and left Wings yet further to assault Babylon XII This Woman or City that is thus adorned with outward Pomp and Glory hath upon her Forehead a Name written MYSTERY Rev. 17.5 BABYLON THE GREAT THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH Which may be true both in a Literal and Mystical Sense the Breeder of Misses Concubines and Whores to gratify the Sensual Appetites of her Letcherous Sons but chiefly in a Mystical Sense she Breeds and brings forth Spiritual Harlots viz. Unclean Communities XII Rome Papal or Church of Rome if she be not concerned here we will acquit her of being Mystery Babylon 1. Here is a Name written in Capital Letters and written so as to be read publickly too 'T is not written upon any part of the Woman that may be hid or covered with a Garment but on that part which is kept bare and is easiest to be seen her Forehead her publick visible and known Parts 2. Here is Babylon or Confusion a mixt Body that is far from that good and pure Order which in Words she pretends 3. Here is Mystery in the case and a great Mystery to a Wonderment even to the surprizing of every wise and thinking Man ver 6. 4. Here is a Mother a Mother of a very spurious Illegitimate and unclean Off-spring Harlots and Abominations many Abominations and great and reigning too Abominations of the Earth i. e. that large Part of the Earth where she is situate and doth reside A little unto each or these as the Time and Space we are limited to will allow A Name upon the Forehead if this were no● to be read and seen by most Christians and Professors it would not much concern the Christian World for whom it must be calculated for others that own not the Christian Religion are not in a Capacity to make a Judgment upon the Case for if this Book of the Revelations were not written for the Christian World it leaves us not any Certainty where the case is to be considered and the Matter to be judged Now if it be calculated for the Christian World then it must be upon such a People that is most publick and visible and apparent which agrees to none so fitly as to the Church of Rome which by their own Confession is the most potent and visible in the Christian World for where have the inconsiderable Hereticks so called whose Beings are in Corners such a Name as may be read or known by all or the principal part of the Christian World Now to clear these poor innocent so called Hereticks from being concerned in this Character we imagine at least it cannot refer to them 1. Because they have no Forehead so broad to bear the Inscription which we will engage to make good against any Romanist in the World 2. Because they are so plain and honest a People and their Principles so easily and well known that it is wild and ridiculous to call them Mystery Babylon there neither being any hellish depth nor confusion in what they profess as might be fully evinced by unquestionable Instances for what confusion or hidden thing can be in this that there is one God the Object of Worship one Holy Book called the Bible the Rule of Worship one blessed Kingdom Heaven or World to come the Reward of Worship and all that act Faith Hope and Charity upon these three great Fundamental Principles shall inherit that blessed Kingdom or World to come 3. Because they are so retired and private that had they a Forehead broad enough for the Inscription aforesaid yet they sit so low that Nations cannot easily read it and if we acquit the poor innocent Protestants who must we fix these Characters upon If all Dissenters from the Church of Rome be clear then it must unavoidably be fixed upon Rome her self if any demand for what Reason the Answer is First Because when the Protestants are exempted then there is none left to bear the Inscription but the Church of Rome 2. She hath a Forehead broad enough to bear Mystery and Confusion for there is not a greater hellish depth and Confusion to be found upon any People than upon the Church of Rome as will appear in its place 3. Because the Dissenters with respect to Appearance and the exercise of Power are very small and inconsiderable in comparison of that overgrown monstrous Body of the Church of Rome for to call the Dissenters great and the Church of Rome small is as congruous as to call the Ocean a little Spring and the smallest Brook the Ocean Secondly Babylon Confusion or a mixt Body is far from that pure Order which in Words Rome pretends unto and can by no means agree to the Protestants for they are so strict in their Discipline that they admit of no such mixture that deserves the Name of Confusion they will receive none into their Communion without much Caution and Satisfaction and when received keep them no
Proper and Metaphorical Notations thereof 2. Such things as necessarily contribute to it are 1. Great and vehement Thirst 2. Plenty of the thing thirsted after 3. The greedy taking their fill of it 3. The Signs of Drunkenness are 1. When the Faculties are so disordered that they will not submit to the best Reason that can be given them 2. When they will abuse those whom they are most obliged to love and respect 3. When they have cast off all consideration of their own and others Good and forbear no Mischief but what they are restrained from by force 4. That these things are evident in the Church of Rome and cannot be so fairly fixed upon her Opposites or supposed Hereticks appears 1. Because she hath shed a Mass a very great Mass of Blood upon the account of Religion all which was unlawfully shed of this the whole Christian World is a Witness 2. To clear her supposed Hereticks from this red and bloody Crime 1. It is against their Principle to kill Men for Religion and this they do avowedly profess pleading for Liberty of Conscience in Matters purely Religious in all places 2. They have wanted Power to do it in case they had been for it in Principle all Power being in the Hands of Papists before the Reformation 3. Where there hath since been a Protestant Seate or Kingdom governed by Laws different from that of the Popish Countries yet they have not made use of their Power and Laws to take away the Lives of Papists meerly for Religion and if it hath happened at any time that some Ecclesiastical Persons have been put to Death by Protestants it has been but very rare and seldom and the Cause not for their Religion but for Sedition Rebellion and Treason otherwise they have lived peaceably under Protestant Governours enjoying their Civil Right in Common with other Men. And for the confirming of this we make a Challenge to all Christendom to come forth and make it appear Where England Scotland and Ireland the Vnited Provinces c. since the Reformation have by Massacres Murders or Martyrdom put one thousand nay one hundred to Death of Men Women and Children only because they professed the Romish Religion or any Religion different from theirs so far have they been from making themselves Drunk with the Blood of Saints and Religious Men. And if this cannot be done then having brought our Character within the Confines of the Christian World we must necessarily charge this Drunkenness by Blood upon the Church of Rome This Head we will conclude with the following Argument If no Sect of People in the Christian World be guilty of so much Blood drunk with Blood innocent Blood Blood of Saints as the Church of Rome is Then the Church of Rome is this Woman that St. John saw to his great astonishment Drunk with the Blood of the Saints and the Martyrs of Jesus But there is no Sect of People c. guilty of so much Blood or Drunk with the Blood of Saints c. Ergo The Church of Rome is this Woman c. XIV Babylon is a Church or Body of People that sits upon a Beast that had seven Heads or seven sorts of Soveraign Governments 1. Kings of whom Romulus was the first Rev. 17.9 10 11. 2. Consuls See Mede Peter du Moulin c. 3. Military Tribunes 4. Decemvirs 5. Dictators 6. Heathen Emperors 7. Christian Emperors Rev. 17.9 10 11. And here is the Mind that hath Wisdom the seven Heads are seven Mountains on which the Woman sitteth And there are s●ven Kings five are fallen one is and the other is not yet come but when he cometh he must continue a short space And the Beast that was and is not even he is the eighth and of the seven and goeth into Perdition XIV Besides all that hath been said we hope to very good Purpose if we find not Rome here we will let her go for ever For 1. This is the place which hath had seven Soveraign Governments five of which were gone off the Stage and the sixth viz. the Heathen Empire was in Being in St. John's time 2. The seventh was to appear and to continue but a short space viz. the Christian Empire for it cannot be the Papal Power because that was not up in St. John's time so not the sixth Head and as the Papal Power for that Reason could not be the sixth Head so for a very good Reason it could not be the seventh Head because that whensoever that did appear it was to continue but a short space which respects not the Papal Power but answers the Christian Empire for the Papal Power has continued longer than any of the other Soveraignties that went before and if the Papal Power be neither the Sixth nor seventh Head then it must needs be the eighth which is of the seventh and goes into Perdition or else it must be no Head or Power at all But a Head and a Power it is a great Head and Power it hath been therefore it is the eighth Head which carries the Whore according to the express Le●ter of the Text and shall go into Perdition And that by the Woman City or Whore that sitteth upon the seven Mountains is meant Rome we have no cause to doubt because the great Sons of Rome themselves as Baronius Bellarmine and many others do confess it but would defend their Mother from being a Whore by putting it off to the Power of Rome in its Heathen State to which we have fully answered already And do say that Rome Papal is neither the sixth Head nor the seventh but the very last Beast or eighth Head in which there is a Secular and an Ecclesiastical Power joined together which makes up a Beast a most Blasphemous Beast and a Whore a most Devilish Drunken and Bloody Whore which hath her Seat upon seven Mountains on which this City of Rome was built as before This Paragraph we shall shut up with this Argument Arg. If Rome Papal or Church of Rome be born up by a Secular Power which had seven sovereign Governments seated upon seven Hills Then Rome Papal or Church of Rome is the very Mystery Babylon that the Apostle John saw in his Apocalyptical Vision But Rome Papal or Church of Rome is born up by a Secular Power which had seven Soveraign Governments and seated upon seven Hills Ergo Rome Papal or Church of Rome is the very Mystical Babylon c. This Argument shines so clear that unless our Adversaries can assign any Protestant State by them called Heretical that these Characters do better and more fully agree to it must pass for current Coin and which we shall be ready to receive from them So we proceed XV. Mystery Babylon is not only a Beastly Woman that has made her self Drunk with the Blood of the Saints and Martyrs of Jesus that sits upon a Beast that had seven Heads or seven sorts of Soveraign Governments and was seated upon
seven Mountains that professeth her self the Mother of all Spiritual Power and Jurisdiction but such a Woman and such a City that in the Eye of the Vision had did or was to Reign over the Kings of the Earth Rev. 17.18 And the Woman which thou sawest is that great City which reigneth over the Kings of the Earth XV. Rome Papal or Church of Rome is not only a Beastly Woman that has made her self Drunk with the Blood of the Saints and Martyrs of Jesus that sits upon a Beast or the Remains of that Power which had seven sorts of Soveraign Governments and is seated upon seven Mountains that professes her self the Mother of all Spiritual Power and Jurisdiction but is such a Woman and such a City that since the Vision and Prophecy of St. John hath for several hundreds of Years reigned over the Kings of the Earth she hath governed a great part of Italy if we will believe her self ever since Constantine who gave it as a Patrimony to St. Peter she hath had her Kingdom over Germany so long upon France Spain Portugal Poland England Scotland and Ireland so that their Kings have been governed by her whom she would they killed whom she willed they worsh●pped and so became guilty of drinking the Wine of her Fornication whom she willed they set up whom she willed they plucked down What she required they paid themselves and made their People pay also When she willed they raised Arms and when she willed they laid them down again What shall we say the Church of Rome hath had such a Power over the Kingdoms of Europe that the Power and Wills of Princes have b●en controuled and over-ruled when in any considerable Case they have gone contrary to the Sense and Interest of the Church and that to such a Degree as they have sometimes made them do Penance resign up th●ir Crowns and then receive them again as an Act of Kindness from the Chair of St. Peter Which affords us ground for such an Argument as this Arg. If there be no great and considerable Body of People in the Christian World that hath so evidently and apparently reigned over the Kings of the Earth as Rome Papal or Church of Rome hath done Then Rome Papal or Church of Rome is this Babylon City or People that St. John sets forth But there is no such great and considerable Body c. Ergo Rome Papal c. must be this Babylon c. The Major is undeniable The Minor is so notoriously known to the whole World that the Papists can never avoid the Force of it unless they can produce some Protestant Kingdom or State that domineer'd over the Kings of the Earth in a more eminent way and manner than Rome is here charged with But that is impossible The Conclusion is therefore true And now having thus in fifteen Particulars run the Metaphor by way of Parallel betwixt Mystery Babylon and Rome Papal as the same is set forth in the Apocalypse other Histories and known Experiences we shall before we quit this Task briefly consider how the Acts and Progress of the Church of Rome do most fully comport with other Types and Prophecies of Holy Scripture namely with Literal Babylon that was h●r Type and from whence she derives her Name from the Prophecy of Daniel concerning the little Horn vile Person or Man of Sin which is her Head the Prophecy of the Apostle Paul in two remarkable Epistles the First to Timothy and the Second to the Thessalonians and conclude The Sum we shall cast into one general Argument and so proceed to the various Branches of it The concluding Argument is this Argument That People whose Acts and Progress do most fitly and fully comport with Literal Babylon which was a Type with the Prophecy of Daniel about the little Horn and Revelations of the New Testament about the last Scene of Things is undoubtedly the wicked and bloody Whore of Babylon But Rome Papal or Church of Rome is that People whose Acts and Progress do most fitly and fully comport with Literal Babylon the Prophecy of Daniel and Revelation of the New-Testament about the last Scene of Things Ergo Rome Papal or Church of Rome is undoubtedly the wicked and bloody Whore of Babylon The Truth of this Argument we will endeavour to illustrate by this Induction of Particulars following Metaphor Parallel AS Literal Babylon was the Head-City of the First or Caldean Kingdom called the Glory of the Caldean Kingdom Isa 13.19 and great Babylon c. SO Rome Papal is the Head-City of the last Kingdom called Great Babylon or the great and Mother-City Rev. 17.18 II. Literal Babylon had a great Head or King over her called Lucifer or Son of the Morning II. So Rome Papal hath a great Head or King over her called the Angel of the Bottomless-Pit Son of the Evening Darkness or Perdition III. Literal Babylon had Dominion over many Countries or Provinces III. Rome or Mystery Babylon hath Dominion over many Countries or Kingdoms no less than the Territories or Jurisdictions of ten considerable Kings called ten Horns IV. Caldea or Literal Babylon fell under a fourfold Circumstance in respect of her Supreme Lord or chief Head As 1. That He was when in great Pride he did insultingly say Is not this great Babylon that I have built by the Might of my Power for the Honour of my Majesty 2. He was not when by the Watchers and the holy Ones he was toss'd from his Throne and made to eat Grass with Oxen till seven Times or Years past over him 3. Yet was when his Reason and the Hearts of his Nobles return'd to him and gave him a Re-advancement 4. Went off finally when God brought the Medes and Persians against his Successor into whose Hands the Kingdom was translated IV. Rome or Mystery Babylon is foretold by the Angel to fall under a fourfold Circumstance in respect to her Supreme Lord or chief Head the last Beast by her called Our Lord God the Pope 1. When he carries the Whore in State makes War with the Saints and overcomes them when his Adherents say Who is like unto the Beast who is able to make War with him Then He was 2. He is not when the Horns shall hate the Whore make her desolate eat her Flesh and burn her with Fire And good Men join issue with them to take away the little Horn's Dominion and lead him into Captivity whose Life shall be prolonged for a Season and Time even unto the time of the End 3. He yet is when by virtue of a false Prophet and all the Helps Satan the Dragon can afford him he shall make a Rally of the careless Nations to bring up against the Jews after the Restauration to compleat the Battel of Armageddon foretold by divers Prophecies 4. He shall go off the Stage for ever as the Man of Sin great Opposer of Christ and Son of Perdition when God shall send his Son from Heaven
was denied him save the eating of the Tree of Knowledg of Good and Evil but by Sin and the Devil he was robbed and deceived of all and brought to utter Beggary and since God hath been pleased in a gracious manner through the Lord Jesus Christ to invest Believers with much Spiritual Riches and Righteousness again these Enemies strive to rob and deceive them of all the second time but to speak more particularly the things which they endeavour to deprive the Sons and Daughters off are these First Of their precious Time by telling them that 't is too soon too early to mind the Concernments of their Souls like as those in Haggai strove to deceive the People The time is not come c. 1. Sin and Satan perswade Men that time is not so swift nor uncertain but that they shall have Time and Days enough hereafter whereas on a sudden Times Hour-Glass is out and they are cut down in a moment 2. By stifling the Senses of poor Sinners insomuch that they cannot judg of their Time they are so taken with other Things Sensual Things that they know not what time of the Day it is they think 't is a long while to Night when alas their Sun is almost set 3. By hiding from Men the great Perils and Dangers of the Times they live in they are so blinded by these Thieves that they see not into what a Pit they are a falling 4. By persuading them that a great deal of work may be done in a very short time that the work of Repentance may be done upon a Sick-Bed or when old Age comes 5. And then at another while when they have spent much of their Days in Pleasure and Vanity this Enemy persuades them 't is now too late and the time of their Visitation is past c. Secondly These Thieves strive to rob Men of the Opportunity of time I mean those precious Sermons Seasons of Grace and Holy Sabbaths God is pleased to afford them by secret Craft these Enemies blind the Eyes of Men after such a manner that they prefer their Worldly Advantages and Profit in their Shops and Callings above the Riches and glorious Blessings of the Word and Ordinances of God they prefer Earth before Heaven Gold above Grace the good of the Body above the good of the Soul if the Enemy cannot keep Men from attending upon the Word then he endeavours to fill their Minds with other Things causing them to be so negligent in hearing of the Word preached that it profits them nothing or if they should hear with Attention yet this Adversary causes them to rest satisfyed with a bear hearing and thereby deceive their Souls Thirdly Sin and Satan rob or deprive Men of Union and Communion with God and of the true Grace of God by which this Union and Communion with God and Christ is attained persuading them common Grace is saving Grace and legal Conversion is Evangelical Conversion and outward Reformation true Regeneration c. Fourthly Sin and Satan rob Men of Peace not only of Peace with God but also of the true Peace of Conscience Fifthly They strive to rob Men of their precious and Immortal Souls Sixthly They rob and endeavour to rob and deceive Men of the Crown of Life Lastly In a Word these Enemies strive to rob and cheat Men and Women of all the saving benefit of Christ crucified endeavouring to make his blessed Death wholly ineffectual to their Souls II. Thieves many times take and lead poor Travellers out of the King's High-Way into some by-Place and then bind them Hand and Foot as well as take away their Treasure II. So Sin and Satan lead Sinners out of the true way of God into by and untroden Paths of Sin and Idolatry Isa 61.1 and in a barbarous manner bind them with cruel Bonds hence Christ is said to deliver them that were bound Acts 8.23 The Apostle Paul speaking to Simon the Sorcerer said I perceive thou art in the Gall of Bitterness and in the Bond of Iniquity There are three Bonds that these Spiritual Thieves bind Sinners with 1. The Bond of Ignorance 2. The Bond of Unbelief 3. The Bond of a hard Heart III. Thieves do not only bind such that they rob but many times murther them they do not only steal but kill also and that in a barbarous manner There are and have been some great and notorious Thieves Would you not look upon him to be a grand Thief that robs and craftily deceives a whole City a whole County nay a whole Kingdom III. So Sin and Satan do not only rob Men of all their Heavenly Treasure but also kill and murther their Souls Sin kills Spiritually and Sin kills Eternally Sin Rom. 7.11 taking occasion by the Commandment deceived me and by it slew me Sin has deceived and robbed the whole World at once What a Deceiver Sin is When our first Parents were beguiled all Mankind were beguiled and what Man that ever lived hath not actually been robbed by this Thief The best of Men have more or less been deceived by him 1. Sin is a great Thief if we consider the eminency of those it hath robbed 1. Sin deceived the Angels that fell who were most glorious Creatures in their first Estate 2. Sin robbed and deceived Adam who was so higly honoured and dignified by the Almighty c. 2. Sin is a bold Thief which appears in that it will adventure to steal and deceive at that very time when it is arraigned and its abominable Cheats laid open by the Ministers of the Gospel 3. Sin is an old Thief no sooner was the World created but presently we read of this Robber and how he cheated our first Parents O how many Ages how long a Time hath this Thief reigned in his Wickedness 4. Sin is a subtile Thief he robs and steals in the Day-time as well as in the Night and yet 't is hard to find him out he has many secret Corners to hide and lurk in nay he hath got the Art to change his Name when he is taken and charged with this or that Abomination 1. If you search for him by the Name of Pride he calls himself by the Name of Comliness and Decency 2. If you search for him under the Name of Covetousness he calls his Name Industry Thriftiness and Good-husbandry nay he is grown so crafty that some think 't is impossible to find him out under the last Appellation he doth not only change his Name but also prevails cunningly upon Men according as he finds their natural Inclination and Disposition some he deceives by the Pleasures of the World some by the Profits and Riches of the World and some he puffs up with Vain-Glory and the Honours of the World 3. Sin deceives by pretending Kindness and Friendship to the Children of Men Sin and Satan promise a future time and Days to repent they promise Heaven to the vilest Sinner promise Life whilst they thrust
Nets he hath spread for them So Satan endeavours to transform himself into an Angel of Light 2 Cor. 11.14 15. and also teaches his Ministers to counterfeit the Garb Behaviour and Call of Christ's true Ministers thereby to deceive and draw Souls into Perdition and Destruction who more ready to press Holiness and Self-denial c. than some of the grand Deceivers of this Age They come to you in Sheeps cloathing Mat. 7.15 but inwardly they are ravening Wolves V. A Fowler some times in the Night dazles the Eyes of the poor Birds with a great Light and thereby most easily spreads his Net over them So Satan by false Lights preys upon the Souls of Men who crys out Light Life and Power c. and this hath so dazled the Eyes of People that many have been taken and little think where they are nor the danger they are in alas the cunning Fowler has got his Net over them The Devil a Lion 2 Pet. 5.8 Be sober be vigilant because your Adversary the Devil as a roaring Lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour CHrist is compared to a Lion saith the learned Glassius because Noble Heroick and Unconquerable 2. Wicked Men and Tyrants are so called because Fierce Outragious and Cruel And 3. The Devil is called a Lion because Roaring Rapacious and devouring c. Some of the common Epithets of a Lion as we have under another Head noted are these viz. Bold Stony-hearted Preying Ravening Stubborn Cruel Bloody Terrible Swelling c. Which sets forth his Natural Evil and worst Properties upon which account the Devil as all the Learned observe is compared to him Parallels THE Voice of the Lion is called Rugitus that is Roaring or Bellowing which is very terrible to other Beasts who when they hear him roar tremble he roars when he is hungry and wants Prey So the Devil is said to walk about like a roaring hungry Lion who is not satisfied with the Prey he hath already got but seeks to devour more Souls for as the Lion is a very greedy and unsatisfied Beast so is the Devil he would did not God restrain him destroy the whole World not a Soul should escape II. A Lion is a very strong Beast What is stronger than a Lion So the Devil is a strong Enemy and one reason doubtless why he is compared to a Lion is to signify his Strength as his being compared to a Serpent doth his Subtilty Hence God hath laid help for us upon one Mighty to save viz. the Lord Jesus who was able to encounter with this strong and furious Adversary For to this end was the Son of God manifest that he might destroy the Works of the Devil and destroy him who had the Power of Death 1 Joh. 2.14 Heb. 2.8 which is the Devil III. A Lion is a very bloody and tyrannical Beast To●s l● p. 361. he will set upon and destroy whole Flocks and Heards of Cattel he is a great Enemy to Sheep and Lambs and other innocent Creatures So the Devil is very bloody and cruel as appears in Job's Case he took away his Cattel and then all his Children and after that smote his Body with Biles he seeks to destroy the Bodies and Souls of Men too the Godly stand in fear of him for Christ's Sheep and Lambs have not a more cruel and bloody Foe in the World The Devil a Dragon Rev. 12.7 And the great Dragon was cast down that old Serpent called the Devil and Satan c. AS the Devil is compared to a Lion so likewise to a Dragon Some are ready to question whether there be any such Creature or no but it is without any just ground since the holy Scripture speaks of them in so many places Besides we have approved Histories and Historians which treat of them as Aelianus Aristotle Pliny Mantuan Gesner Ovid c. Parallels THe Dragon is a flying Serpent he is described with Wings very voluble and spreading themselves wide according to the quantity or largeness of the Dragon's Body which caused Lucan the Poet to write in this manner Vos quoque qui cunctis innoxia numina terris Serpitis aurato nitidi fulgore Dracones Pestiferos ardens facit Africa ducit is altum Aëra cum Pennis c. You shining Dragons creeping on the Earth Which fiery Africk holds with Skins like Gold Yet pestilent by hot infecting Breath Mounted with Wings in th' Air we do behold The Devil is said to have Wings to denote his Swiftness in pursuing his Prey He is like to a furious flying Dragon No Man can get out of the reach of Satan let them climb up never so high in Grace and Vertue Satan hath Wings and can pursue them with his poysonous Breath of Temptations Elianus Megasthenes II. Naturalists observe that Dragons seldom hurt in the Day-time but in the dark Night they come out of their Holes and deep Caves So the Devil does the greatest hurt in the Night of Ignorance he hates the Light like his cursed Children his Kingdom is the Darkness of this World Topsell p. 706. III. Naturalists say Dragons have cruel Teeth and that they have a treble Row of them in their Mouths and that their Bite is very dangerous Teeth saith Glassius denote Virulence and an hostile Power because Beasts when they fight use them as offensive Weapons The Wounds the Devil gives to poor Sinners by his prevailing Power are venemous and mortal IV. Dragons are mortal Enemies to Mankind and Multitudes have been destroyed by them in this they fitly resemble the Devil V. Dragons have a cruel infectious Breath Those in Phrygia when they are hungry turn themselves towards the West and gaping wide with the force of their Breath saith my Author they draw the Birds that flie over their Heads into their Mouths which some attribute to the infectious Nature of their Breath Also they kill with their Tails nay some say the Strokes of their Tails are more deadly than the biting of their Teeth The Devil like the Dragon has many ways to wound and destroy Mankind Sin is like the biting of Dragons Deut. 22. and false Doctrine in Scripture is called Dragon's Poyson 't is the Poyson of this old Dragon Their Wine is as the Poyson of Dragons and the cruel Venome of Asps VI. They will fight terribly and are as Naturalists note always in War with the Elephant and with divers other Beasts both wild and tame for he is the cruel Enemy of them all Rev. 12.7 8. So the Devil makes War with the Lamb and with all his Followers There was War in Heaven Michael and his Angels fought against the Dragon and the Dragon fought and his Angels and prevailed not The Lord Jesus is too hard for this old Dragon VII There are in Ethiopia and other hot Countries Multitudes of Dragons some greater and some lesser also some of a red colour We read of some that have been found to be
God waits upon them and strives with them to bring them over to the Knowledg of the Truth is the Time of Light and when God takes away the Means of Grace and the Gospel from a Kingdom Nation or particular Soul that is a Time of Darkness and then it may be said the Day is gone and Night is come upon them III. 'T is Day when the Sun rises and Night when the Sun sets So 't is the Sinner's Day whilst the Gospel-Sun shines and the Means of Grace are continued to them but Night then when the Ministration of the Gospel is taken away and no more Means of Grace afforded to them IV. The Day is Man's working Time Labourers in the Field when the Day is ended go home they can work no longer So whilst God affords the Gospel and Means of Grace Sinners should like faithful Labourers work hard work out their own Salvation labour for the Meat that perisheth not for when that is gone no Man can work then the Things of their Peace will be hid from their Eyes like as it fell out with Jerusalem V. The Day brings great Light with it which makes great Discoveries of Persons and Things whilst the Night lasts Men cannot see what is near them neither the Good they may receive nor the Evil they should refuse and escape from but the Day discovers all and makes every thing manifest So the Gospel-Day brings Light and the Light thereof discovers the Evil that is in the Hearts Works and Lives of Men by this Light they see their Sins and the Danger they are in thereby and also the Way to be delivered from them Christ is the Way which the Day-Light makes manifest In the Night of Popery Men lost the blessed Path to Peace and Way of Life and ran to the Merits of their own Ways and to Popish Pardons and what not but the Day of the Gospel in England hath discovered their Mistake and shewed them the plain Way to Heaven c. Eccl●s 11.7 VI. The Day is comfortable 't is a pleasant thing for the Eyes to see the Sun So are the Means of Grace and the Day of Gospel-Light O how sweet and pleasant a thing it is to see this Day wherein the Word of God is powerfully and plainly preached amongst us VII The Day sometimes is over-cast and the Light darkned So the Gospel-Day is sometimes as a Judgment upon a People or particular Soul darkned and Clouds seem to cover the glorious Heavens even as at this Time O what thick and black Clouds seem to arise VIII Some Days prove stormy and high Winds arise So sometimes the Day of Gospel-Grace proves stormy and high Winds of Persecution arise upon a People nay not only Winds of Persecution but also strange Whirl-winds of Delusions abound in it which make it very perilous IX A Day hath its Morning its Noon and its Evening So hath the Day of Gospel-Grace in a Nation and to a particular Soul who improves it not God threatned his People of old Mich. 3.6 That the Sun should go down over the Prophets and the Day should he dark over them X. The Day suits not with some Men they are for the Night they are said to rebel against the Light they hate the Light the Night is for them such are the Thief and Adulterer Pov. 7.9 The Whorish Woman waits for the Twilight even for the black and dark Night So many Sinners love not the Day of Gospel-Light they are for the Night of Ignorance and Error They had rather have Popery come or any Thing come than to have the Gospel or the powerful Preaching thereof it suits best with their carnal Hearts they love that Religion that indulges them in their brutish Lusts XI There are many ways to know when the Day draws towards an end and Night approaches As 1. When the Heat of the Sun abates 2. When the Shadows grow long or are stretched forth 3. When the Harvest-Men begin to go home apace 4. When the Evening-Wolves begin to lurk out of their Holes Now when these Signs are upon a People in a spiritual sence their State is bad they may fear Night approaches upon them 1. When the Gospel in its powerful Preaching abates in its Heat and blessed Influences upon Mens Hearts so that but a few are warmed and effectually wrought upon by it 2. When Religion is more in Shew than in Substance when the Shadow is long and the Substance little Men being more zealous for the Form than concerned for the Power of it 3. When many powerful or painful Ministers and Labourers are called home 4. When the Romish Wolves who have lain long in their Holes and dark Caverns or lurking Places begin to come boldly abroad and impudently shew themselves 't is a Sign of Evening-Tide and that the Day is near expiring Is not this thy State O England The Means of Grace compared to the Summer Jer. 8.20 The Summer is ended c. By Summer is doubtless meant that Time that God allows Men to gather in and lay up spiritual Good for their precious Souls The Time of Gospel-Light or Means of Grace is compared to the Summer Parallels THe Summer is the chief Time of the Year that Season which generally all Men prize long for and rejoyce in So the Time of Gospel-Grace and Gospel-Light is the chiefest and choicest Season in the World The Time of the Gospel the Dispensation of the Gospel was the Time which the Prophets and many good and righteous Men of old longed for and which all sincere godly Persons do prize and rejoyce in II. Summer is the Season that ripens the Fruits of the Earth were it not for the Heat and Influence of Summer what would become of the Husband-man's Labour So the Means of Grace or Ministration of the Gospel ripens the good Seed which is sown in the godly Man's Heart nay it maketh all fit and ready for the Harvest and for cutting down It ripens the godly Man for Heaven and the ungodly Man for Hell The Word is either a Savour of Life unto Life or else the Savour of Death unto Death it either softens or hardens It hath the same Effects upon Mens Hearts that the Sun hath in the hottest Time of Summer upon that which it sends forth its Influence upon III. The Summer is the poor Man's working Time 't is the Season in which he is to provide himself for Winter with such things he wants The Day of Gospel-Grace is the Saints Summer 't is the Time in which he works hard gathers in and lays up for his immortal Soul He learns of the Ant who provides her Meat in Summer c. Prov. 6. IV. In Summer every thing looks green the Herbs Grass Plants Trees and all the Fruits of the Earth are in their Beauty and greatest Glory So in the Day of Gospel-Grace whilst God affords Means of much Light and Knowledg when Seasons Sabbaths Sermons and Ordinances in a
very mysterious so vast a Depth so great a Light so strange a Mystery is this Mystery that God reveals it now a little and then a little Adam had the first Discovery of it The Seed of the Woman shall break the Serpent's Head Abraham had more of it made known to him Moses had a greater Revelation of it than the Prophets And then John Baptist who saw more than all that went before him and upon that account was called the greatest Prophet that ever arose amongst them that were born of Women and yet he saw but a little of this great Mystery Luke 7.28 comparatively to what those saw who were in the Kingdom of Heaven viz. the Gospel-Church after the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ 6. That which all the wise Men of the World meerly by all their natural Wisdom Arts and Sciences could never find out nor arrive at the true knowledg of is a great Mystery But all the wise Men of the World meerly by all their Arts and Sciences and human Learning could never arrive to the true knowledg of Christ and real Godliness Ergo the Principles of true Godliness and the Mysteries thereof are out of the reach of meer humane Reason tho not against or contrary to Reason yet they lie above Reason Reason must stoop to Faith in these things The Gospel is called Wisdom as opposite to the Wisdom of Men and the Apostle saith positively That it was Wisdom in such a Mystery that none of the Princes of this World knew Nay the Spirit says one Sydenham jeers all the Learned of the World in this very thing because of their gross Ignorance Where is the Scribe where is the Wise where is the Disputer of this World 1 Cor. 1.20 Hath not God made foolish the Wisdom of this World Verse 18. Hence the Preaching of the Gospel was accounted by the learned Greeks but Foolishness Natural Men may understand natural Religion but true Godliness consists in the Light of Divine Truth and in the Life of Grace God manifesting himself in the Light of Truth and working the Life of supernatural Grace by his Spirit in the Heart True Godliness doth not consist in the Knowledg of the Letter of the Gospel A natural Man may have the historical or notional Knowledg of the Gospel and Christianity he may arrive to the most exact understanding of things as far as Letters and Words can express them that is he may know the true sence and meaning of things in the Gospel according to what either the History or Tenor of such Words will import and know the Grammatical Sence of Words better than many true Christians But this is not the spiritual and true Knowledg of Religion and Godliness for that consists in the saving and experimental Knowledg of God and Jesus Christ The Mystery of the Gospel and Power of Godliness is the Discovery of God's Glory in it self and the working of it gloriously in the Soul it lies not in the bare Expression or Knowledg of Words nor in the external Form of Profession of these Words but it lies in the Divine Glory of God which is wrapt up in these Words and the gracious Conformity Disposition and Affections of the Soul to these things 'T is an easy matter to confess Jesus Christ to be the Son of God and to read the Scriptures to pray c. but to see the Mystery of that Glory which is in this that Christ is God's Son and to have the powerful Influences of it upon the Heart whereby the Soul is brought into the Image or Likeness of Christ's Death and Resurrection this is a Mystery 7. That which the most wise and knowing in the same Art or Mystery can reach or understand but part of must needs be a great Mystery As suppose a School-master nay the ablest in the World who professes to know and teach such or such an Art or Mystery is forced to confess he sees and knows but little of it or sees but in part 't is so hard and difficult to find out all would conclude that Art or Science was a Mystery indeed But so it is here for the holy Apostles who had as great a knowledg of these Mysteries as any ever had in the World nay we may modestly conclude a greater yet they declare they knew but in part and saw but in part they saw comparatively but a little way into these Mysteries For we know but in part Now we see through a Glass darkly 1 Cor. 13.9 12. Now I know in part Ergo These are great Mysteries 8. That which the holy Angels desire to pry into nay look into with the greatest Earnestness and Desire imaginable and are contented the better to understand to learn of the Church and yet when all is done do admire and stand as it were astonished at is a great Mystery But the Angels do pry into these Mysteries with the greatest earnestness and are contented to learn of the Church that they may the better or more fully understand them and after all stand and wonder to behold the Depth of this Grace of this Love and the Strangeness of this Mystery Ergo the Gospel or Doctrine of Godliness is a great Mystery Now to make this Argument good pray consider these Texts of Scripture 1 Pet. 1.12 Which things the Angels desire to look into The word desire signifies the utmost coveting or longing after a thing which a Man cannot be without Desire to look into 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 this Word signifies bowing down to pry heedfully and narrowly into a Thing 1. The Angels are greatly taken with this Mystery with this Grace and Love in Jesus Christ manifested to fallen Man they look and pry into it Exod. 25.20 according as it was typified of them by the placing of the Cherubims looking down towards the Mercy-Seat 2. That they are content to learn of the Church see Eph. 3.10 To the intent that now unto the Principalities and Powers in heavenly Places might be known by the Church the manifold Wisdom of God 3. That they after all stand as it were amazed and wonder at these Depths see 1 Tim. 3.16 Seen of Angels 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 it is not meant of a bare Sight but a Sight which astonishes the Understanding and takes up the Heart He was seen with admiration and wonderment Thus Dr. Sibbs 9 That which the glorified Saints shall admire when they arrive to a perfect Knowledg must needs be a great Mystery But the glorified Saints shall admire at the Mystery of this Grace and Love in the Day of Christ nay it will be the matter of their wonder to all Eternity See 2 Cor. 1.10 Therefore the Doctrine of Godliness is a great Mystery 10. This will be further manifest by considering wherein the greatness of this Mystery doth consist First Now the Mystery of Godliness principally consists in the Person of Christ God manifest in the Flesh 1 Cor. 2.2
us also endeavour to improve the Opportunity of Time I mean those gracious Advantages God is pleased to afford us for the everlasting Good and Well being of our Souls when Time and Days shall be no more Men of the World take great Care to improve all Opportunities to enrich themselves or increase their outward Substance They will not lose their Market-time nor Change-time nor Fair-time They will be sure to come early enough and every Way to bestir themselves with Wisdom and Diligence And shall not we be as wise and as diligent for the enriching our Souls Shall we slight Seasons Sabbaths Sermons Convictions c. Let all remember now is the accepted Time 2 Cor. 6.2 Now is the Day of Salvation now whilest it is called to Day or never Now Sinners may get an Interest in Christ Union with God the Gifts and Graces of the Spirit Now they may obtain Pardon of Sin and Peace of Conscience Now there is a Prize put into their Hands they may be made for ever if they look wisely about them Now they may be made Heirs of God Heirs of a Kingdom Heirs of a Crown of a Crown of Life of a Crown of Glory of a Crown that fadeth not away But if they lose the present Opportunity they may never have the like again Time is but in a very short Space it may be said Time was nay Time is past Will it not be sad to hear God tell thee and Conscience tell thee on thy Death-bed Now Time is past 't is too late now these Things shall be denied you now you must perish for ever and be damned in your Sins Of Death The Body of Man in the Grave compared to Seed that is sown 1 Cor. 15.36 Thou Fool that which thou sowest is not quickned except it die THE Apostle compares the Body of Man that is laid in the Grave to Seed that is sown Parallels SEed that is sown lies some considerable Time in the Earth before it rises or springs up So the Bodies of Men lie some Time in the Grave before the Resurrection tho some lie much longer than others as such who lived in Adam's Noah's and Abraham's Days yet generally all lie and shall lie some Time in the Grave before they rise again II. Seed that it may not abide alone is first sown and dies and then it rises again Verily Joh. 12.24 verily I say unto you except a Corn of Wheat fall to the Ground and die it abideth alone but if it die it bringeth forth much Fruit. So the Body of Man must die or be changed or it can never arise nor be made glorious to bring forth the eternal Fruit of Praise to God As Seed loses nothing by being sown So the Bodies of the Saints shall lose nothing by Death Death I mean vvill be no vvays to their Disadvantage but contrarivvise to their great Benefit III. The Body of the same Seed or Corn of Wheat that is sovvn rises again Every Seed hath its own Body 1 Cor. 15.38 So the same numerical Body that is laid in the Grave shall rise again If it vvas not thus the Dead rise not he that denies this denies the Resurrection of the Dead And tho after my Skin Worms destroy this Body Job 19.26 27. yet in my Flesh shall I see God whom I shall see for my self and mine Eyes shall behold and not another tho my Reins be consumed within me Death compared to a Sleep Dan. 12.2 And many of them that sleep in the Dust of the Earth shall awake 1 Thess 4.14 Even so them also that sleep in Jesus will God bring with him DEath is often called a Sleep in the holy Scripture Sleep is a Figure or Image of Death a fit Resemblance of Death as vvill appear by the follovving Parallels Parallels SLeep is Rest or gives Rest to the Body So Death is or doth give Rest to the Body And hence Job Job 3.13 saith speaking of Death I should have lien still and been quiet I should have slept then had I been at Rest We usually say vvhen a Man goes to sleep he goes to rest There is a fourfold Rest vvhich vve obtain in Death 1. From Labour and Travel no vvork there 2. There is a Rest from Trouble and Oppression There the Wicked cease from troubling Job 3.17 and the Weary be at rest 3. There is a Rest from Passion and Sorrovv no Grief shall afflict us there 4. Which is better than all there is a Rest from Sin a Rest from the Temptations and Drudgery of Satan a Rest from the Lavv in our Members II. In Sleep the vvhole Body resteth but many Times the Spirits of some Men are troubled tho the outvvard Man is at rest yet the invvard Man is sorely disturbed vvhereas the Bodies and Spirits too of others are at rest and quiet So in the Death of the Wicked tho their Bodies be at rest yet their Souls are tormented 'T is the Opinion of some Men that the Soul sleeps vvith the Body and is vvholly senseless of Joy or Mysery until the Resurrection But that doubtless is a great Errour For tho it be granted that many Operations of the Soul do cease when it departs from the Body yet the Soul sleeps not There are some Acts of the Soul which are organical and there are other Acts which are inorganical or immaterial The Organical Acts that is whatsoever the Soul acts by the Members of the Body those Acts must needs cease at Death but the Soul can act of it self without the Assistance of the Body Caryl as we may collect by many Experiments while our Bodies and Souls are joined together How often do we find our Souls at work when our Bodies lie still and do nothing When Sleep binds up all our Senses and shuts up the Windows of the Body close that we can neither hear nor see yet then the Soul frames to it self and beholds a thousand various Shapes and hears all Sorts of Sounds and Voices the Soul then sees and hears and deviseth discourseth grieves rejoices hopes fears chuseth and refuseth all this the Soul doth in Dreams and Visions of the Night when deep sleep falls upon Man What Meditations have some good Men had in their Sleep they have had Scriptures wonderfully opened to them and have been grieved when they waked to find the Matter gone from them God seals up Instruction sometimes to his People in their Sleep Also in Ecstasies and Ravishments the Body is as it were laid by as useless and uninstrumental to the Soul I knew a Man in Christ fourteen Years ago so the Apostle saith whether in the Body I cannot tell 2 Cor. 12.2 3. or out of the Body I cannot tell God knoweth c. Now if the Soul was not capable of a Separation from the Body and in that separated State capable of such divine Ravishments Paul might easily have resolved the Case and said he was taken up
Scripture Christ and his Apostles the Lie Dan. 12.2 John 5.28 Ergo. The Scripture saith that those that sleep in the Dust of the Earth shall awake Christ saith all that are in the Grave shall hear his Voice and come forth and we have shewed the Apostles do affirm that the Dead shall be raised c. 12. If that which sleepeth in the Dust shall rise then the Body shall rise again for 't is the Body that sleepeth in the Dust But that which sleeps in the Dust shall be raised Ergo. 1 Cor. 15. Obj. 'T is not the same Body Thou sowest not that Body that shall be c. Answ If the same numerical Body rise not it will not be a Resurrection but a new Creation therefore that which the Apostle there intends is the Manner of the Resurrection i. e. how the Saints shall be raised 'T is not the same in respect of Weakness and Frailty It is sown a natural Body and shall be raised a spiritual Body 't is sown in Corruption and shall be raised in Incorruption 't is sown in Weakness and shall be raised in Power Which Thing a Grain of Corn that is sown teaches Quest Why shall the same Body of the Dead be raised Answ Because the same Body of Christ was raised that suffered 2. Because the same Body that suffered for Christ shall be glorified with Christ 3. Because the same Body that sinned shall be punished if not the same Body that sinned it might reflect upon the Justice and Goodness of God to punish an innocent Body Besides those Scriptures must be fullfilled which assert the Resurrection of the Body Inferences FRom hence we may infer that here is a World to come 2. That Death is not the last end of Man 3. Prepare for the Resurrection Day think of it when thou liest down and risest up in the Morning Thy lying down to sleep is a Figure of thy lying down in the Grave and thy awaking out of Sleep in the Morning is a Figure of the Resurrection 4. Think of the Resurrection in the Spring when thou seest the Flowers of the Earth bud forth and spring up for that is a Figure also of the Resurrection Of the Iudgment-Day The Iudgment-Day compared to an Assize 2 Cor. 5.10 For we must all appear before the Judgment-Seat of Christ Rev. 20.11 And I saw a great white Throne and him that sate on it c. AFter the Resurrection comes the Judgement the eternal Judgment Note The Judgment-day may fitly be compared to an Assize or general Goal-Delivery Parallels THere is a Judge appointed by the King or supream Power of the Nation or Kingdom where an Assize is to be held who receives his Commission and acts by the Authority thereof Jesus Christ is appointed to be the Judge of Quick and Dead by the Father King of Heaven and Earth The Father judgeth no Man but hath committed all Power to the Son John 5.22 II. The Judge likely comes to the Bench or Judgment-seat with the Sound of Trumpets Christ will come to the Judgment-Seat with the Sound of a Trumpet 1 Cor. 15.52 The Trumpet shall sound and the Dead shall be raised incorruptible III. There is a known Law or Laws in a Kingdom by which the Judge heareth and determines all Causes So there is a known Law or Laws by which Jesus Christ will judg and determine all Causes in the great Day viz. the Law of Moses the Law of Nature and the Law of Christ called the Book of the Gospel The Books shall be opened Rev. 20. IV. The Judge hath many honourable Persons that sit on the Bench with him So Jesus Christ will hav● all the Saints sit with him on the Throne of Judgment who shall assent and consent to whatsoever he shall do in th●t Day Hence 't is said Rev. 3. the Saints shall judge the World He that overcometh will I grant to sit with me on my Throne even as I also overcame and am sate down with my Father in his Throne V. A Judge at Assizes after he hath read his Commission and given his Charge calls for the Prisoners So Jesus Christ will orderly proceed and c●ll before him all Nations all the ungodly that ever lived on the Earth shall be arraigned by him being brought before his Judgment-Seat VI. A Judg having arraigned the Prisoner calls in the Witnesses and then suffers every Man to speak what he hath to say for himself So Jesus Christ will call in Witnesses and indeed every Man's Conscience shall be more than ten thousand Witnesses against him Rom. 2.14 15 16. and all Mouths shall be stopt and every ungodly Man shall be found guilty before Christ VII A Judg after he hath found Men guilty and cast them for their Lives passeth the Sentance So Jesus Christ at the last day having found Sinners guilty of all the horrid Crimes they shall be charged with will pass the fearful Sentence Go ye cursed Mat. 25. VIII A Judg after the Sentence is past orders the manner time and place of Execution So Jesus Christ will at the last day after the Sentence of Condemnation order the Execution of the Wicked and appoint them the place where and the time how long they shall suffer the place will be Hell the time will be for ever and ever See more in the First Volumn Christ the Judg of all Of Heaven The Celestial Paradise Luk. 23.43 Verily I say unto thee This day thou shalt be with me in Paradise 2 Cor. 12.2 He was taken up into Paradise Rev. 2.7 To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the Tree of Life which is in the midst of the Paradise of God c. PAradise is taken in the Holy Scripture in a twofold Sense 1. For the Garden of Eden this is Earthly Paradise 2. For Heaven the Seat or Place of Glory this is Celestial Paradise Now the Earthly Paradise being a Figure of Heaven I shall in the opening of this run the Parallel principally with respect to the Garden of Eden and the State of Adam in Innocency c. Parallels PAradise or the Garden of Eden was a place of Pleasure So Heaven is a place of Pleasure II. Paradise was a place created of God and appointed for Man whilst he stood in the State of Innocency So Heaven is created of God and appointed for all those who obtain through Christ perfect Righteousness their Primitive Glory and Innocency III. Adam in Paradise had all Delight Joy and Pleasure his Heart could desire he wanted nothing to make his Life sweet and pleasant to him So the Saints in Heaven have the fullest Joy Pleasure and Satisfaction imaginable there is nothing wanting they can desire to please and delight them Thou wilt shew me the Path of Life Psal 16.11 Psal 36.8 in thy Presence is fulness of Joy and at thy right-hand Pleasures for evermore They drink of the Rivers of God's Pleasures A River abounds with Water
my Fathers Kingdom Here the first word Drink is properly understood but the latter Metaphorically denoting their partaking together of the Joys of Heaven Joh. 1.10 The World was made by him and the World knew him not The former World notes the whole Universe the latter Vnbelievers c. see Joh. 2.23 24. and Joh. 4.31 32 34. Rom. 2.26 28 29. Rom. 3.21 27. Rom. 7.23 Rom. 9.6 They are not all Israel which are of Israel that is all who are born of Israel according to the Flesh are not true spiritual Israelites Rom. 12.13 14. where there is an Antanaclasis in the Verb 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 2 Cor. 11.24 the first breaking is taken properly the second breaking Metaphorically for the Passion of Christ as Luk. 22.19 See Isa 38.13 c. and 1 Cor. 15.28 Mat. 5.19 Matth. 5.19 Whosoever shall break one of these least Commandments shall be called least in the Kingdom of Heaven the first least expresses the sense of the Pharisees who esteemed some of the Precepts of Christ amongst the least the second least alluding to the former signifies the same with none or not at all viz. He shall be none in the Kingdom or he shall not enter there at all Mat. 18.1 Matth. 18.1 The Disciples say unto Jesus Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven V. 4. Christ answers Whosoever shall humble himself as this little Child the same is greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven The first word greatest in the sense of the Disciples signifies him that hath Preheminence over others the second greatest alluding to the former denotes a Participation of the Kingdom of God without respect to inferiours the sense is whosoever humbles himself shall injoy his part in the Kingdom of Heaven Mat. 19.16 Matth. 19.16 The Young Man saith unto Christ Good Master c. Ver. 17. Christ answers Why callest thou me good there is none good but one that is God The first good denotes any Goodness communicated to the Creature by the Lord such as may be found in a meer Man for such the Young Man judged Christ to have the latter good alluding to the first expresses the Essential Goodness of God who is the Fountain and Original of all the Good in the Creature The sense therefore of the words of Christ is Either call me not good or believe me to be the true God and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 God-Man See Joh. 4.31 Joh. 6.28 Acts 26.28 Sometimes there happens an Ellipsis in this Figure the latter being understood by the former as Joel 2.13 Rend your Hearts and not your Garments here is a double Proposition 1. Rend your Hearts 2. Rend not your Garments the first is Metaphorical the other Proper CHAP. IV. Of the Figures of a Sentence in Logism WHat these are we have before defined They are distingush'd thus 1. Such as are in Logism or in a Sentence without Collocution or talking together 2. Such as are in Dialogism or by way of Dialogue or mutual Conference There are five of the first sort viz. I. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Exclamation is a pathetical Figure Exclamation ab 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to exclaim whereby the Speaker expresses the Passion or vehement Ardor of his Mind by various Interjections expressed or understood to move the Affections and Minds of those he speaks to O! Alas Behold are Signs of it this Figure is made in Scripture 1. In way of Admiration Psal 84.1 How amiable are thy Tabernacles O Lord of Hosts Psal 133.1 Behold how good and how pleasant it is for Brethren to dwell together in Vnity Rom. 11.33 O the depths of the Riches and of the Wisdom and of the Knowledg of God! How unsearchable are his Judgments and his Ways past finding out see Psal 8.1 144.15 2. In a way of Wishing or Praying 1 Chron. 11.17 O that one would give me Drink of the Water of the Well of Bethlehem which is at the Gate Psal 14.7 O that the Salvation of Israel were come out of Sion See Psal 42.2 Isa 64.1 Rom. 7.24 O wretched Man that I am who shall deliver me from the Body of this Death See Gal. 5.12 Job 6.8 Psal 55.6 3. In Praise Mat. 15.28 O Woman great is thy Faith Mat. 25.21 23. Well done good and faithful Servant 4. In a way of Sorrow and Complaint Psal 22.1 Mat. 27.46 My God my God why hast thou forsaken me Isa 6.5 Wo is me for I am undone 5. In way of Commiseration or Pity Josh 7.7 Alas O Lord God wherefore at all hast thou brought this People over Jordan to deliver us into the hand of the Amorite to destroy us Ezek. 9.8 Ah Lord God wilt thou destroy all the Residue of Israel in thy pouring out thy Fury upon Jerusalem Luke 13.34 Lam. 1.1 6. In a way of Indignation Detestation and Reproof Isa 1.4 Wo to the sinful Nation a People laden with Iniquity a Seed of Evil-doers c Ezek. 16.23 Wo wo to thee saith the Lord God c. See Mat. 11.21 17.17 Luke 24.25 Jer. 44.4 Acts 13.10 O full of all Subtilty and Mischief thou Child of the Devil thou Enemy of all Righteousness wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord Acts 7.51 Rom. 9.20 7. In a way of Joy and Exultation as Psal 57.7 135.21 Blessed be the Lord out of Sion which dwelleth at Jerusalem Hallelujah that is praise ye the Lord See 1 Cor. 15.55 8. In a way of Obsecration or Beseeching Psal 118.25 Save now I beseech thee O Lord O Lord I beseech thee send now Prosperity Rev. 22.20 9. In a way of Reprehension Gal. 3.1 O foolish Galatians who hath bewitched you c. See Acts 7.51 52 c. 10. In a way of Derision Mat. 15.29 Of Fear 1 Tim. 6.11 c. Epiphonema 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifies Acclamation and is wont to be subjoyned to an Exclamation as a certain species of it It is a little Clause or apt Sentence added after the thing is expounded From 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 acclamo to cry out exhibiting a certain Emphasis and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 briefly and concisely as Psal 2.12 Psal 3.8 Mat. 22.14 Luke 10.30 Acts 19.20 Mat. 19.27 Mark 7.37 c. II. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Epanorthosis Correction or Amending is the Reinforcement of the Clause last uttered by what follows or a re-calling of what one said to correct it From 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ●orrigo to correct It is stated in a threefold manner 1. When that which was said is wholly disown'd and corrected by a more apt more proper and significant Expression as Mark 9.24 when the Father of the Child that was possest with a dumb Spirit said Lord I believe but recollecting himself and confessing his Infirmity immediately subjoyns help thou mine Vnbelief Joh. 12.27 John 12.27 Christ prays to be saved from Death Father save me from this hour yet immediately correcting that Prayer which shews the
are as goads by which Men are prick'd forward to their Duty as Oxen are prick'd forward to go on or labour And as Nails which keep Men within the bounds of Duty as Planks are fixt when they are nail'd through fastened by the Masters of Assemblies he speaks Metaphorically of Divine Preaching as 1 Cor. 3.6 Jam. 1.21 For the Masters of Assemblies are such as founded or instituted Colledges or such as in the publick Assemblies of the Church taught the Word of God as the Prophets and Priests in the Old Testament did which are given from one Shepherd that is God the only Pastor of his People Psal 23.1 that is the supream Governour and Protector He alone is the Author of his written Word speaking immediately by his Prophets c. More especially and by way of brief Analogy Citations of the Old Test in the New we will make some Observations of the Quotations of the Old Testament quoted in the New 1. Quoad formam internam with respect to the internal Form which is the sense of Scripture Oracles 2. The external Form which is the Manner or Character of speaking and the Mode or Way of Allegation 1. The internal or inward Form with respect to which the Allegation is made either according to the sense intended by the Holy Spirit or its Analogical Accommodation 1. The Sense intended by the Holy Spirit is either literal or typical and mystical In an immediate literal Sense there are frequent Quotations which concern Christ of whom the Prophets prophesied 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 word for word as Esa 7.14 Behold a Virgin shall conceive and bear a Son and thou shalt call his Name Emanuel which in the proper and proximate sense is cited with respect to Christ Mat. 1.23 compare also Deut. 18.15 with Act. 3.22 Psal 2.7 with Act. 13.33 Heb. 1.5 5.5 Psal 8.2 with Mat. 21.16 Psal 22.18 with Mat. 27.35 John 19.24 Psal 40.6 7 8. with Heb. 10.5 c. and Psal 45.6 7 with Heb. 1.8 9 and Psal 68.18 with Eph. 4.8 and Psal 69.9 with Rom. 15.3 and Psal 102.25 with Heb. 1.10 and Psal 110.1 with Mat. 22.24 45. Mark 12.36 Luke 20.42 43 44. Acts 2.34 35. 1 Cor. 15.25 Heb. 1.13 Psal 110.4 Heb. 5.6 and 7.17 Psal 110.22 with Mat. 21.42 Mark 12.10 Acts 4.11 1. Pet. 2.7 So Esa 11.10 with Rom. 15.12 and Isa 28.16 with 1 Pet. 2.6 and Isa 42.1 c. with Mat. 12.17 c. and Isa 45.23 with Rom. 14.11 and Esa 61.1 with Luke 4.18 21. and Amos 9.11 with Acts 15.15 16. Mic. 5.2 with Mat. 2.6 and Zech. 9.9 with Mat. 21.5 John 12.14 15. and Zech. 11.12 with Mat. 27.9 and Zech. 12.10 with John 19.37 and Zech. 13.7 with Mat. 25.31 Mal. 3.1 with Mat. 11.10 Mark 1.2 c. Junius and Tremellius Tarnovius and Rivet refer to this place Hos 11.1 Out of Egypt have I called my Son which Mat. 2.15 is cited and applied to Christ 2. There are Citations in a mediate and typical Sense out of the Old Testament respecting Christ and his Mystical Body the Church As Exod. 12.46 about the Paschal Lamb applied to Christ John 19.26 the Brazen Serpent Numb 21.8 9. with John 3.14 15. Jonas Chap. 2.1 11. with Mat. 12.39 Adam and Eve Gen. 2.23 24. with Eph. 5.31 32 c. To this Head also may be reduced those Allegations which are Expositions of an Allegorical Speech as in Phil. Sacr. p. 375. An Analogical Accommodation which Cajetan called a transumptive sense is when the words of the Old Testament are used in the New and accommodated to the Event and for Conveniency or Similitude are attributed to a Person or some certain thing extending it beyond the scope the first holy Writer as Mat. 13.35 the saying Psal 78.2 I will open my Mouth in a Parable I will utter dark Sayings of old is analogically said to be fulfilled in Christ For as God the Father by the Prophets opened the Mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven to his People at all times so Christ who was 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the hypostatical Word of the Father thought meet to express himself in Parables Yet in the 78 Psalm true Examples are given but Christ uses feigned Narrations 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 both which agree in this that they are called Parables that is Similitudes viz. such as are brought in by Christ and recited by the Psalmist on purpose to admonish the People by those Examples of what they were to expect from God by their Perseverance in or Apostacy from the Faith See 1 Cor. 10.6 11 c. The words Esa 53.4 viz. He hath born our Griefs or Infirmities and carried our Sorrows or Diseases are cited Mat. 8.17 Now if you respect the Person or adequate Subject of whom the Prophet speaks the Allegation or Citation is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 according to the word or literally to be understood but if you will have respect to the thing of which Matthew treats it must be only by way of Analogy and Accommodation For here there is an account given of Christ with respect to his healing divers Diseases in which he is said to accomplish what was foretold by the Prophetical Oracle and in a literal sense to bear our Spiritual Infirmities in his Passion and Death as it is expounded 1 Pet. 2.24 25. More Citations you may find Deut. 30.11 with Rom. 10.6 in the description of the Righteousness of Faith see also Esa 43.19 compared with Rev. 21.5 Mat. 2.17 18. with Jer. 31.15 Mat. 13.14 with Esa 6.9 Mat. 15.8 with Esa 29.13 Luke 23.30 Rev. 6.16 with Hos 8.10 Acts 13.40 41. with Habak 1.5 Rom. 9.27 28. with Esa 10.22 Rom. 9.29 with Isa 1.9 1 Cor. 1.19 20. with Isa 29.14 33.18 Rev. 1.7 with Zech. 12.10 Rev. 11.4 with Zech. 4.14 c. 2. As to the exernal Form As to the external Form or the kind of speaking or the manner of Citation the following things are observable 1. The frequent Quotation of the Septuagint or the ancient Greek Translation of the Old Testament of which as Hierom notes * In quest Heb. super Gen. To. 4. fol. 102. Hoc generaliter observandum quod ubicunque sancti Apostoli aut Apostolici viri loquantur ad Populos his plerumque Testimoniis abutuntur quae per Translationem Septuagint Interpretum jam fuerant in Gentibus divulgatae that is This is to be generally noted that wheresoever the holy Apostles or Apostolical Men spoke to the People they did for the most part use these Testimonies which that is the Translation of the Seventy Interpreters were now published to the Gentiles And that even in those things where there is a manifest difference between that Translation and the Original Hebrew Text as Luke 3.36 wherein the Genealogy of Christ the Name Cainan is put in which is not in the Original Hebrew but in the version of the Seventy of which more hereafter The words 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉
People of whom the Messiah was to be expected 2dly The double Dream of the Patriarch Joseph Gen. 37.5 c. which was expounded by Joseph's Brethren ver 8. and his Father ver 10. very agreeable to the Event of the thing as Chap. 41. and the following Chapters 3dly The Dream of Daniel of the four Beasts that came out of the Sea Dan. 7 3 c. which were Types of the four Monarchies of the World viz. the Babylonian Persian Grecian and Roman c. To the latter Class belong 1. The Dream of Pharaoh King of Egypt Gen. 41 of the fourteen Cows and the fourteen Ears of Corn by which the future State of Egypt and the neighbouring Country with respect to Fertility and the scarcity of Corn is prefigured as Joseph himself expounds it Chap. 41.25 c. and is evidenced by the Event ver 47 54 c. 2. The double Dream of Nebuchadnezzar the first is described Dan. 2.29 Dan. 2.29 c. viz. of the great large splendid terrible Image of a Man whose Head was Gold his Breast and Arms Silver Belly and Sides Brass Legs Iron Feet part Iron part Clay and of the Stone hewen out without hands which brake them to pieces becoming afterwards a great Mountain By which typical and symbolical Image the four universal Kingdoms or Monarchies of the Earth are again shadowed or adumbrated as the Prophet himself expounds it Dan. 2.37 and the following Verses But by the Stone cut or hewn out without hands the spiritual Kingdom of the Messiah is denoted which when these Monarchies were in being began to lift up or erect it self but at length whatsoever shall remain of the said Kingdoms he will break in pieces and consume ver 44. So much of Visions which appeared to Men asleep Such as appeared to Men awake are of a twofold kind but of the manner of Appearance viz. whether with Extasy or without is not our work to dispute at present viz. some have the Exposition or Interpretation of the Types and Symbols annexed and some have not Prophetical Visions ap●earing to Men awoke Jer. 24 1 2. c. Visions of the first sort are to be also differenced forasmuch as the Interpretation of the Vision is taken either from the thing it self or from its Appellations or Terms and so it is by an allusive Reason Of the first sort are the Visions of Jeremy Chap. 24. of the two Baskets of Figs good and bad by the good Figs the Restauration of the Jewish and Christian Church which was to come is prefigured and by the bad Figs the carrying away of Zedekiah and the People of Israel into Captivity is also prefigured as it is expounded in the fifth and the following Verses Ezek. 8.9 10 11. The 8 9 10 and 11 Chapters of Ezekiel agree in the Description of the same Vision of the Prophet which had four parts the first part of the Vision obumbrates the Wickedness of the Jews which remained at Jerusalem Chap. 8. The second figures out the Destruction of the Citizens in the very City except those whom God had mark'd as Chap. 9. The third prefigures the Fire by which is denoted the flaming Anger and Indignation of the Lord who by Plague and Famine afflicted the Inhabitants before the taking of the City and after its taking utterly burnt and destroyed the whole City with the Temple and hence the Glory of the Lord departed as Chap. 10. The last denotes the Persecution and Ruine of those that escaped the Burning and Destruction of the City as Chap. 11. So Chap. 37. ver 1. and the following Verses there is a Vision of Bones made alive again and reduced to their former State by the Immission of the Spirit by which the Restitution of the Jews and the Deliverance of the Universal Church its Resurrection from Death and its eternal Glory is adumbrated or shadowed forth as appears ver 11 23. with the Verses immediately following both places The Vision in the 8th of Daniel of the two horned Ram and of the He-Goat with one horn is expounded by Gabriel ver 19. to relate to the Kings of Media Persia and Greece c. Amos 7.1 4 7. is a relation of certain Visions by which as by Types and Symbols a Famine to come Warlike Devastations and the Captivity of all the Israelites after the Extinction of Jeroboam's Family is denoted as it is expounded in the same Chapter see Chap. 9.1 where you have a Vision that denotes God's departure from the Temple his forsaking the Jews and his most sure Judgments against them Zechary 1.8 c there is a Vision of a Man riding upon a red Horse standing among the Myrtle-trees in the bottom and behind him red Horses bay and white so the Hebrew by which is figured our Saviour Christ dwelling in the Church among the godly and Angels ministring to him as Chap. 1. ver 18. The four Horns denote the Enemies of Israel who invaded them as the Syrians Assyrians and Babylonians on one side viz. the North the Ammonites and Moabites from the East the Edomites and Egytians from the South and the Philistines from the West The four Carpenters ver 20. which cast out the Horns aforesaid do figure out those Instruments which God shall make use of and gather from all parts to destroy the Babylonians and those Enemies of the Church who hindered the building of the Temple and the City Jerusalem Chap. 2. ver 1. there is represented a Man holding a measuring Line in his hand to measure Jerusalem by which the rebuilding of the City in time to come is denoted Chap. 3. ver 1. Joshua the High-Priest is represented as a Type of Christ as is plainly intimated ver 8. Chap. 4.2 there is mention of a Golden Candlestick which is a Type of the Church and most precious in the sight of God the Explication of which with reference to each individual Member is given by our Saviour himself The flying Roll Chap. 5.1 denotes the Judgments of God against the impenitent and unmannerly Jews More Examples may be read in this and the following Chapter To the latter Clauss belong the Visions we read of Lib. 1. p. 285. Jer. 1.11 12 13 14. Amos 8.2 of which we have spoke before We have treated so far of Visions whose Antitypes are expounded in the very Text but there are others which are not so expounded Therefore we must take their Exposition either from the Circumstances of the Text or from other places of Scripture or from the Event Complement or fulfilling of the Prophecy such are Isa 63.1 c. where there is a Dialogue proposed by the Prophet Pag. 421. l. 1. between Christ and the Church respecting his own most blessed Passion and Merit And altho there is in that place no direct mention of such a Vision yet the Circumstances do fairly intimate it viz. That such a Vision appeared to the Prophet In Ezekiel the 40th to the end we
Spring and seems very beautiful but its standing is very short as you may observe in the Cowslip and divers other Flowers So Man comes up but his Abiding here is short his standing is so small that it is not so much as mentioned We are born to die and we die as soon as we are born i. e. We are in a dying State II. A Flower is oft-times cut down or cropt off in its budding So is Man he comes up like a Flower and is cut down he is cut down by Death Death is the Sithe which cuts down this Flower 1. Natural Death 1. by Sickness 2. By Age. 2. Violent Death 1. Casual when a Man is slain by Accident 2. Cruel when a Man is slain by Murderers 3. Legal when a Man is slain or cut off by the Magistrate III. A Flower if it be not cut or cropt off yet it soon withers away and is gone The very Sun the Wind and Air consumes its Beauty The Naturalists tell us of a Plant called Ephemeron because it lasts but one Day as also of a Worm called Hemerobion because it lives but one Day Such a Plant and Worm is Man The Heathen Poet gives his Wonder and Observation of the Rose that it grows old in the very Budding The Seventy read these Words of Job in the same Tenour he Decays like a budding Flower as if Death saith Caryl did rise early Eccl. 12.5 and watch for this budding Flower to cut it down And though some of these Flowers stand till they wither as Solomon in his Allegory sheweth that is till gray Hairs yet all the Time of their standing they have been falling So that we may well say with the Psalmist Psal 103.15 16. As for Man his Days are as Grass as a Flower of the Field so he flourisheth for the Wind passeth over it and it is gone and the Place thereof shall know it no more IV. The Owner of Flowers knows the best Time to crop them c. So God knows the best Time to crop off or take away by Death any of his choice Flowers See more Man a Flower pag. 138 139. The Life of Man compared to a Shadow Job 14.2 He fleeth also as a Shadow and continueth not Jam. 4.14 For what is your Life it is even a Vapor that appeareth for a little Time and then vanisheth away THe Learned observe three Sorts of Shadows 1. Natural 2. Civil 3. Spiritual 1. A natural Shadow is a dark Light caused by the coming of some thick Body between us and the Sun This is a Shadow in a proper and strict Acceptation 2. By Civil Shadow we understand Protection Defence or safety Isa 45.25 Col. 2.17 Heb. 8.5 10.9 Psal 102.11 3. Spiritual Shadow is taken for a dark and imperfect Representation of Divine Things So all the Ceremonies of the Law of Moses are called Shadows The whole Life of Man is but as a Shadow My Days are like a Shadow that declineth Parallels A Shadow is next to nothing what is there in a natural Shadow So what 's the Life of Man he rather seems to live than lives A Shadow you know is opposed to a Substance II. A Shadow is a very uncertain Thing So is the Life of Man The Shadow a Man may be under now may before he is aware be gone A Shadow is as fleeting and uncertain a Thing as any Thing in the World † 1 Chron. 29.15 Our Days on Earth are as the Shadow How is it that there is no abiding no certainty of our Lives III. A Shadow is very swift in Motion what flies more swiftly than a Shadow as common Experience shews So the Life of Man is gone in a Moment like Lightning a Dream a Bubble the Flower of the Field or a flying Shadow Our Days on Earth are as a Shadow that is They fly swiftly away like as a Shadow and there is no abiding A Vapor is much of the Nature of a Shadow Inferences FRom all these Similitudes we may infer that the Life of Man is very short his Days swiftly pass away Man that is born of a Woman is of few Days c. He comes up like a Flower and is cut down he flieth as a Shadow and continueth not his Life is like Wind like a Cloud or Vapor c. All swift and fleeting Things Psal 39.5 Behold thou hast made my Days as an Hand-breadth The largest Extent of the Breadth of an Hand is but a Span the lesser extent only four Fingers To which the Measure of Man's Life is compared I. Man's Life is Short in Comparison of those who lived before the Flood some then lived near a Thousand Years II. Much shorter when compared with the Life of God who is from Everlasting without Beginning and without Ending Secondly this may stir us a●● up or be a great Motive to us to improve and redeem our Time This I say Brethren the Time is short I. Be persuaded your Days are few 'T is easy to say it but hard to believe it and live in the Sense of it The Child hopes to be a Man a Man hopes to be an Old Man and he that is very old hopes to live yet many Days II. Be persuaded thy Days are uncertain when thou liest down thou knowest not whether thou shalt rise any more or no when thou goest out thou knowest not whether thou shalt return any more or no. What a small Thing may take away thy Life III. Learn from hence to get a true Measure of your Days David desired a Measure of his Days that he might know how frail he was Some do not measure their Days by the King's Standard they measure their Days by the Life of their Progenitors My Father and my Grand-father saith one lived so long and vvhy may not I live as long as they did Others measure their Days by their present Health and Strength Others by the sound and healthy Constitution of their Bodies Novv these Things are not a fit nor lavvful Measure of your Days but rather those Things of vvhich you have heard viz. The Weaver's-Shuttle the morning Dew the Flovver of the Field the early Cloud the Shadovv and Vapor that flieth away IV. This may reprove and shevv the Folly of many vvicked Men vvho like the rich Man in the Gospel say in their Hearts We have Goods laid up for many Years take your Ease Luk. 19.20 Psal 49.11 eat drink and be merry c. Their inward Thought is that their Houses shall continue for ever and their Dwelling-places to all Generations V. It may tend to strengthen the Godly under Afflictions Let them strive to bear up with Patience All their Days are but few and therefore the Days of Sorrow cannot be many VI. It may stir up all to labour to take hold of eternal Life If our Days here are few let us get a well-grounded Hope of living in Heaven for they never die who live in that Kingdom VII Let