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A66737 The history of the Kings Majesties affairs in Scotland under the conduct of the most Honourable James Marques of Montrose, Earl of Kincardin, &c. and generall governour of that kingdome. In the years, 1644. 1645. & 1646.; De rebus auspiciis serenissimi, & potentissimi Caroli. English. Wishart, George, 1599-1671.; Matham, Adriaan, 1599?-1660, engraver. 1647 (1647) Wing W3120; ESTC R217175 112,902 212

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expecting other reward but meerly moved by a good conscience and faith and pietie towards their most Gracious Soveraigne have suffered for him greater losse according to the condition of their fortunes and done the rebells greater harm and obtained more noble victories over them then others who having drained and exausted the Kings Exchequer reduced him to that extream penury want of al things that in the end he was necessitated to render up his Sacred Person into the hands of the conspiratours But ô how much better had it been in our weak judgments if it had pleased God that his Majestie had retired himself to his own Scots not those who then were armed against him for the English rebells out these loyall trusty faithful and valiant ones who fought for him under the conduct of Montrose Assuredly to those who under the command but of his Lieutenant and Leader of his Armies durst so gallantly attempt and did so happilie atcheive what in this book we have most faithfully recorded nothing could have appeared too arduous and difficult to compasse had they been encouraged and animated with the presence of so dear a pledge Nor can any doubt unlesse he be altogether ignorant of the Scottish affairs but that if his Majestie had come among them he would have easily drawn to his party the hearts and affections of his native subjects who wholly enclined to him of their own accord But this being too to well known to the leaders of the rebellion their speciall care was that he should find no entrance to his native countrie when he was in their hands not fourtie miles distant from the borders of it And truly the Scots in generall though cheifly at that time sorely opprest with the heavie yoke of those usurping tyrants yet were they not afraid to curse with bitter maledictions the authours and abetters of that shamefull deed of delivering up their King to the hands of the English And even those who formerly went along with the conspiratours in all things else did openly and not without danger of life talke thus aloud That the single Kingdom of Scotland had of old sufficed his Majesties ancestours to mantain their just rights and Royall dignities That their own forefathers had been sufficiently able to defend and fight for thē against their fiercest enemies cheifly the English of whom they had purchased manie great and glorious triumphs while they opposed them for their Kings That though they had warred often and long with sundries as well inhabitants of the same Island as of other countreys with various successe of uncertain warre yet could they never be reducted to those straights so sleightly and as it were perforce to deliver up their Kings to the arbitriment of others And that they should not now consent to doe it the verie ghosts of their fathers they said the most sacred name and Majestie of a King their faith alleagiance loyaltie reputation among stangers example to be derived to posteritie all right all lawes of God and man did withstand And moreover they added that it did plainly contradict and fight against their own verie covenant wherein they had invoked as both witnes and judge the immortal God that they would maintaine and defend their King the safetie of his person his dignitie crowne and greatnes against all men living with their lives and fortunes to their last breath So that beside those seditious and sacrilegious persons who first raised that armie by wicked means and then got the command of it in their own hands and with the dreadful terrour therof overawed their poor countreymen unarmed unprovided for warre without any head or cheistaine beleeve it most of all the Scots desire no greater happines then an occasion to testifie their fidelitie obedience and love to their drearest King and to seal it with their blood Nor is it to be questioned but that they being now so trampled on by most barbarous tyrannie would gladly return to their wonted subjection under the just and easie government of their most Gracious Lord and King so soone as ever Your Royall Fathers most wished for presence or Your own shall appeare or shine in their Horrizon like a blessed starre or influence from heaven It behoveth You then most Gracious Sir to employ all the power and force You can of body and mind to succour Your countrey and Father both in extream danger at this instant All to this end pray implore expect Your help and promise theirs This undertaking by the law of God and nature and prerogative of birth belongs unto You and the eyes and thoughts not only of Your owne but of all the world are upon You. And all men of honour and honestie heartily desire that by Gods help and with their best wishes and assistance You may goe about this glorious enterprise of restoring the Church of God now sunck and drowned in the stinking puddle of so manie vile and odious sects to her former luster and puritie of re-establishing Your Fathers throne and Kingdome of recovering Your countreyes wonted felicite and happie conclusion of all in a solid lasting and much desired order and peace And so in a good time may that most ancient Kingdom of Europe acknowledge fear love and adore You as their only highest Lord and Soveraign and so may this happines befal from time to time world without end To You and to Your offspring evermore To them and those who from them shall be bore VVherfore Most High and Mightie Prince vouchsafe to raise up Your Montrose in Your thoughts to cherish him with Your countenance to employ him in peace or warre as a counsellour or Captaine a worthie of whom I hope and dare promise so Great a Prince shall never be ashamed The first of October In the yeare of our Lord. 1647. To the Courteous READER THer be some few things courteous Reader wherewith I would have them acquainted who shal come to reade this breife Commentarie whereof some concerne the Lord Marquis of Montrose himself whose actions at home in his native Countrey by the space of two yeares are heirin described and others the Authour of this worke And first I would have thee understand that Montrose is the Cheife of the Graemis a most auntient renowned family in Scotland and that in the language of the auntient Scots He is called Graeme the Greate He deryues the first known source of his pedegree from that most famous Graeme so often and so honorably mentioned in the monuments of that Kingdome father in Law to Ferguse the second of that name Who first under the command of his Sonne in Law the King overcame the Romans and overthrew Severus Wall the furthermost border of the Roman Empire built all along from Forth where it is navigable to the mouthe of the River Clyde where the Isle of Greate Britaine is narrowest and so closed up the Roman Province in straiter bounds Whence it comes to passe that the ruins of that Wall yet evidently
appearing beares his name to this day and by the neighbouring inhabitants is called Graemsdijke And this same founder of that Noble race after the death of his Sonne in Law King Ferguse being declared Administrator of the Kingdome and appointed Governour to the young King his grandchilde was no lesse famous for his peaceable Government then exploits of warre For having recalled and brought home againe the Doctors and Professors of the Christian faith banished by late persecution warre to their native Countrey settled aswel the Church as Kingdome with wholesome Laws of his own free accord gave up the Government to his Grand-child now grown to some ripenes o● yeares He lived in the dayes of Honorius and Arcadius Emperours about the yeare of our Lord 400. from whose loynes sprang a long flowrishin● stemme of sons and nephewes who inheriting still that the● greate Grandfathers Vertues grew famous in the following generations Among these that valiant Graeme was eminent who with Dunbarre brought timous aide to his Countrey then in greate danger by the Dones who having overpowered England from thence with greate Armies often but in vaine invaded Scotland And after that most Noble Iohn Graeme came short for vertue just renowne of none of all his auncestors who after the fatall end of Alexander the third of that name King of Scots in the time of the interraigne Bruce and Baliol then disputing which of them two had the iuster right and title to the Succession with that so justly admired William VVallace Governour of the Kingdome played the most valiant Champion for defence and recoverie of his Countreys libertie from the unjust usurpation of Edward the first King of England In the which quarrell after manie gallant acts atcheived by him like a worthie Patriotte he died nobly fighting in the Field The sepulchre of this renowned Knight is yet exstant in a Church called Fallkirk for Wallkirk from the foresaid Wall of Severus or Graems dijke neare to which it is built about the which wall also the Lord Marques of Montrose enjoyeth divers large fruitfull farmes or feilds by right of inheritance from that first Graeme through so manie hands ages transmitted unto him Yet least we may seeme only to deduce this most famous worthie the splendour of his noble Pedegree from the obscure trace of so remote antiquitie we shal descend to later better known times And so cannot passe his Grandfather Earle of Montrose in silence who almost in our own memorie was raised to places of greatest honour and trust in that Kingdome which he most faithfully and worthly discharged For being Lord High Chauncelour of Scotland at what time Iames the sixt of that name of ever blessed memorie went to possesse the crowne of England he was by the same King created and left behind him Viceroy of Scotland in which highest place and degree of dignitie he died aequally beloved and deare to King and people And then the Father of this man singularly endowed with all eminentest graces of mind and body so as few living in his time could equall him and no lesse famous in forragne nations then at home For when he hade performed many honourable Embassages for King Iames was by King Charles declared Lord high President of the Supreme counsell and being snatched away in his prime by an untimly deathe from his King countrey and all good men he died much lamented and highly estemed in every mans affections And now what men should think of and hope from this present man Grandchild to the Viceroy and Lord high Presidents Sonne let every one that pleaseth judge by the things he hath already atcheived when now it is a yeare and an halfe since he left that Kingdome and yet hath not attained to the thirty and sixth yeare of his age One thing only more will I adde in thy favour Courteous Reader from the auntient Monuments of that Kingdome That three almost fatall periods have threatned heretofore the Scots Nation first from the Romans whose yoke our farefathers did shake of under the conduct of that first Graeme who was lineally descended out of that auntient noble Brittish family of the Fulgentij The second from the Danes who that they never gotte the Masterie and Lordship over vs we owe it especially to the greatest valour of that second Graeme The third from the English Normans whom that thrid Graeme of●ner then once did beate and drive out of Scotland and in many bitter conflicts did them much mischeiffe So that as they were wont to say of the Scipions in Afrik we may say of our Graems that that name by a luckie destinie hath been appointed for the succour of their native covntrey in greatest dangers distresses that in these the worst times that ever was this man was not raised but by speciall divine providence to preserve the Kings just rights to restore to his fellow subjects their wonted peace libertie safetie and infinitly to encrease the auncient splendour and glory of his own Family And this is all that I thought fitt to have briefly praemised of my Lord Marquis of Montrose Now of the Authour himself conceive this much That he is a man not very conversant in these Studies nor ambitious to be praised for excellency of wit which he acknowledges to have but small or none nor covetous of reward or gaine which are the sharpest spurres that in this age doe push men to it to putte hand to the Pen. But that he did put hand to this worke only being enflamed with and ardent zeale of propagating truthe to after ages forraigners For how many are ready to patronise and magnifie even greatest villanies when they prosper and how few to advance and defend truth once afflicted cast downe he had learned by too late and sad experienc ein a cau●e very neare of Kinn to this When the conjured Rebells of both Kingdomes by their ordinary tricks of lying and slandering had overthrown the Church that with the revenues thereof purchased by hellish sacriledge they might sacrifice to their own greedie avarice and enrich their children with the heavie curse of God yet wanted they not those who extolled them to the skies as well deservers of their Countrey yea of the verie Church it self which they have pillaged and even of all mankind in generall when on the contrarie they proscribed defamed rent and tore a peeces with al manner of blasphemies and curses all those most holy men of God Confessors Martyrs for so they were indeed who constantly and couragiously opposed and withstood their rapines And therefore he thought it was no wayes to be doubted that those same men who by the same wicked practises wēt about to pul under feete the Majestie of so good a King to swell high with his honours prerogatives and patrimony which they had gained by perfidious trecheries rebellions treasons would find too to many such sycophants whereof the world is full who by
the same libertie of calumniating and reproaching would backbite this most excellent worthie and his Heroicall actions And what men say of the waspes that they sucke the juice from most fragrant wholesome flowers which by their own stings or tongues they empoyson so would these Harpyes strive to de●ile his most noble exploits convert them to poyson and gall by their venimous tongues pens and as such offer and present them to the ignorant and unwarie world Against this Mischiefe the Author thought good to offer this short plaine discourse as a timely antidote to all that love sinceritie and truth whose so faithful constant a maintainer he professeth and avoucheth himself that though he did well foresee that he should derive upon himself no small hatred and envy of many mightie men yet he resolved neither servilly to flatter them nor to envolue the truthe in obscure doubtfull or ambiguous termes For as he was borne and bred a freeman so hath he vowed never to forsake his libertie but with his life And though he be ambitious of no other commendation of a good Historian either of wit or art or eloquence yet this he thinks he may boldly challenge as his due that he hath sette down the simple and naked truth which to assert and publish to the world he hath foresaken undervalued all those things which this world holds dearest thrice robd and ploundered of all his goods thrice cast in vilest and ugliest dungeons or prisons and now the third time banished for the same yet is he cheerfull and gladd in heart that being guiltie of no crime before men the Lord hath counpted him worthie to suffer these things for truth and righteousnes sake Love him then at least for his truths sake Courteous Reader of what rests make the best you can by a faire and candid interpretation Farwell Courteous Reader Be pleased to Correct these Faults which by reason of the compositors not understanding the English Language is committed with some few more in the live nature Page 2. Line 18. for firname read surname Page 4. L 20. for professin ghis read professing his Page 32. L 28. for wat read what Page 64. L 6. for know read known Page 70. L 21. for Cordon read Gordon Page 79. L 20. for march read match Page 109. L 20. for Lodg'g read Lodg'd Page 171. L 14. for hig read high The Affaires of the King in SCOTLAND under the Conduct of the most Honourable Iames Marquesse of Montrose Earle of Kinkardin c. and Generall Gouvernour for his Majesty in that KINGDOME In the years 1644 1645 1646. IAmes Marques of Montrosse having at first sided with the Covenanters in Scotland very actiuely bestowed his too too Succesful endeavors in their behalfe For at that time they Pretended to nothing else but the preservation of Religion the Honour and Dignity of the King the Lawes of the Land and the freedome of that ancient Realme so happily so valiantly defended in time of yore from such powerful enemies as the Romans Saxons Danes Normans by the sweat and bloud with the lives and estates of their Ancestours And the tales they made they never wanted fitting instruments to tell and spread among the people It was given out that there was nothing more in the aime of the Court of England then that that free people being reduced to a kind of Province should be eternally enslaved un●der the power of their old enemies Yet all thi● while they engaged themselves by their publique at●testationes and even a solemne Oath that they woul● never goe to worke by force and armes nor solli●cite the King any other way then by Petition Tha● he would be pleased graciously to accept the supplications of his humblest Subjects and to take orde● that his dearest Countrey should suffer nothing i● matter of Religion or the liberty of the Subject But at last in the yeare 1639. Montrose found ou● that these faire tales were coyn'd of purpose to steale the hearts of the silly and supperstitious multitude and to alienate them from the King as an enemy to Religion and Liberty For the Covenanters did no● dissemble to him but spoke out that Scotland had been too long governed by Kings nor could it ever b● well with them as long as one Stuart that 's the firname of the Kings family in Scotland was alive and in the extirpation of them they were first to strike at the head so that Montrose easily perceived the Kings Majesty and Person was levelled at Therefore vehemently detesting so horrible a crime hee resolved to desert the Conspirators side to frustrate their counsels to impoverish their store to weaken their strength and with all his might to preserve His Majesty and his Authority entire and inviolate But because betweene force and craft the Covenanters had draw● in almost all the kingdome to their side he saw himselfe alone to weak to check their power and thereforee thought not good to open himself too suddenly or rashly Amongst them he had many friends men very considerable as well in regard of their numerous retinues and clients as of their wealth and authority these he had a minde to draw off from them and bring them with him to the Kings and by this meanes conceived he should be able to gather no small power which would conduce much both to the Kings safety and his owne Meane time the Covenanters raise a strong army against the King and in a solemne Convention at Duns they determine to invade England Montrose was absent then Which resolution of theirs the chiefe of the Covenanters had taken up in their cabinet counsels more then six weeks before and to that purpose had been busie in divulging through al Great Britain their Apologeticall Pamphlets whereby they laboured to set a good gloosse upon the reasons of their Expedition This resolution of theirs Montrose being returned seeing he could not hinder would not seem to disaprove Montrosse commanded in this army two thousand foot and five hundred horse his friends who were most obliged unto him and had religiously promised their best endeavou●s in the Kings service had the command of five thousand more And truly if a great part of them had not beene worse then their words they had either brought the whol Army along with them to the King or at least had broken the neck of the Covenanters designes When the army came to the river of Tweed which 〈◊〉 the border of the two Kingdomes dice were cast a●mongst the Noblemen and Commanders and it wa● Montrose's his chance to passe first over the river which he cheerfully performed on his feet his own foot soul●diers following him that he might more easily con●ceale his own resolution and take off all occasion o● suspition For as well his authority in the Army a● the integrity of his noble spirit began to be looked o● with a jealous eye by the guilty-conscienced Rebells so that they diligently
an able man from a weake a valiant man from a coward If ye would assaile these timorous and brawnelesse shrimps with handy blowes they will never be● able to stand you Goe to therefore fall about them with your Swords and butt-end of your Muskets beat them downe drive them backe and make them pay what is justly due for their treason and rebellion It was not sooner said then they fall to worke breake in upon the Enemy defeate them rout them Their Horse who expected Foot to come and line them seeing them all run away ran faster then they whom the conquerours were not able to follow much lesse to overtake so they scap't scot-free but the Foot paid for all few of which escaped the Victors hands For having no other place to fly unto but into the City Montrose's mē came in thronging amongst them through the gates and posternes and laid them on heaps all over the streets They fought foure houres upon such equall termes that it was an even lay whether had the oddes At this Battell Montrose had some great Guns but they were unserviceable because all advantages of ground were possessed by the enemy but the enemies Guns made no small havock of his men Among others there was an Irishman that had his legge shot off with a Cannon bullet onely it hung by a little skin he seeing his fellow-souldiers something sad at his mischance with a loud and cheerfull voyce cryes out Come on my Camerades this is but the fortune of Warre and neither you nor I have reason to be sorry for it Doe you stand to it as becomes you and as for me I am sure my Lord Marquesse seeing I can no longer serve on foot will mount me on horsebacke So dravving out his knife being nothing altered nor troubled he cut asunder the skin with his owne hand and gave his legge to one of his fellow-souldiers to bury And truly when he was well againe and made a Trooper he often did very faithfull and gallant service This battell was fought at Aberdene on the twelfth day of September 1644. Then Montrose calling his souldiers back to their Colours entered the City and allowed them two dayes rest CHAP. VII IN the meane time newes is brought that Argyle was hard by with much greater forces then those they dealt with last the Earle of Lothion accōpanying him with fifteen hundred Horse Therefore Montrose removes from A●erdene to Kintor a Village ten miles off that he might make an easier accesse unto him for the Gordons the friends and dependants of the Marquesse of Huntley and others that were supposed much to favour the Kings cause From thence he sends Sir William Rollocke to Oxford to acquaint his Majesty with the good successe he had hitherto obtained and to desire supplies out of England or some place else That he had fought twice indeed very prosperously but it could not be expected that seeing he was so beset on all sides with great and numerous Armies he should be able to hold out alwayes without timely reliefe Still nothing troubled Montrose more then that none of the Gordons of whom he conceived great hopes came in unto him And there wanted not some of them who testified their great affection to the service but that Huntley the Chief of the Family being a backe-Friend to Montrose had with held them all either by his owne example or private directions and that himselfe being forced to sculk in the utmost border of the Kingdom envied that honour to another of which he had missed himselfe and had forbidden even with threats all those with vvhom he had any power to have any thing to doe vvith Montrose or to assist him either vvith their power or counsell Which when he understood he resolved to withdraw his Forces into the Mountains Fastnesses vvhere he knew the enemies Horse wherein their great strength consisted could doe them little service and of their Foot if they were never so many relying upon the Iustice of his cause and the valour of his Souldiers he made but little reckoning Therefore he hid his Ordnance in a bogge and quitted all his troublesome and heavy carriages And coming to the side of the River of Spey not farre from an old Castle called Rothmurke he incamped there with an Army if one respected the number but very smal but it was an expert cheerful● one now also some thing acquainted with victory On the other side of the Spey he findes the men o● Cathnes and Suderland and Rosse and Murray and others to the number of five thousand up in Armes to hinder his passage over the swiftest River in all Scotland till such time as Argyle who marched after him was upon his backe Being oppressed and as it were besieged with so many enemies on every side that at least he might save himselfe from their Horse he turned into Badenoth a rocky and mountainous Countrey and scarce passable for Horse There for certaine dayes he was very sicke which occasioned so immoderate joy to the Covenanters that they doubted not to give out he was quite dead and to ordaine a day of publique Thankesgiving to Almighty God for that great deliverance Nor were their Levites you may be sure backward in that employment in their Pulpits for as if they had been of counsell at the Decree and stood by at the execution they assured the people that it was as true as Gospell that the Lord of Hostes had slaine Montrose with his owne hands But this joy did not last them long for he recovered in a short space and as if he had been risen from the dead he frighted his Enemies much more then he had done before For assoon as his disease would give him leave he returned into Athole and sent away Mac-donell with a party unto the Highlanders to invite them to take up Armes with him and if they would not be invited to force them He himselfe goes into Angus hoping it might happen that he should either force Argyle with his tyred Horse unto his Winter quarters or at least leave him farre enough behinde him For Argyle had pursued him so slowly and at such distance that it was appare●t he thought of nothing lesse then of giving him Battell Therefore going through Angus getting over the Grainsbaine which going along with a perpetual ridge from East to West divideth Scotland into two equall parts he returned into the North of the Kingdome And now that he had left Argyle so farre behinde him that he might safely take some time to recruit he went to Strathbogy that he might meet with the Gordons perswade them to engage with him But he lost his labour for they were forestalled by Huntley and after his example plaid least in sight For such as were generous daring spirits though they were loath to provoke the indignation of their Chief yet they could not but be ashamed that at a time when there might be so much use of them
Iames Marquesse of Montrose Earle of kingcairne Lord Graeme Baron of Mont dieu etc Lieutenant Governour and Cap t. General ffor His Ma tie in the kingdome of Scotland A. Matham fe THE HISTORY OF THE Kings Majesties Affairs IN SCOTLAND Under the Conduct of the most Honourable Iames MARQUES of MONTROSE Earle of Kincardin c. and Generall Governour of that Kingdome In the years 1644. 1645. 1646. The second Edition Corrected and much amended HAGHE Printed by Samuel Browne English Bookeseller dwelling in the Achter-om at the signe of the English Printing house To the High and Mightie CHARLES By the Grace of God Prince of Scots and Wales Duke of Cornwal and Rothesay Heire of Great Britaine c. LOw and humble Most High and Mightie Prince doeth Your Montrose addresse himself to Your Highnes presence not He himself in his full aequipage no nor a moitie of him and in truth Scarse a mean scantling of that matchles worth Who though unpolished and rude and in this his Roman dresse ill deck● rough and uncomely yet shal be not feare the publike view if You daigne him that favorable aspect and grace which You are wont to vouchsafe even forraigners and strangers that court You. And he thinks he may upon better grounds then they presume to entreat this he being no alien but a lawful native of your Royal Fathers haereditarie Kingdome and no otherwise then by the fatall calamitie of those times exposed bred and fed in a strange land Nor doth he want lively characters and marks imprinted in him to evidence from what land and father he is descended That Your own Scotland wherein one hundred and nine of Your Progenitors have raigned all whose Royall blood runs in Your veins and divine souls breaths in Your breast Him a free born and bred native of that most ancient Kingdome a loyal servant of Your dearest father his most Gracious Lord and faithful follower of his in despight of all the casualties of fortune Which arguments if they be not sufficient to conciliat the sweet gale of Your Grace to inspire health and life in this tender birth otherwise readie to expire yet let me beseech Your singular clemencie to lend it so much of Your countenance as to observe in it though drawne with a rude pencill some lineaments and shaddows of it's first patterne and even for those resemblances sake vouchsafe it so much of Your countenance as may give it some life and being if not immortalitie For who would despise that only Pourtra●cture that were of Scipio Caesar Alexander or of Your Royall Grandfathers exstant Iames the Peaceful or Henry the Great because the work of some obscure and perhaps unskilfull craftsman I can wel divine Montrose will not long want an Apelles or Leucippus to paint him out and limbe him to the life nor an Homer perhaps to sing his praises only most Gracious Sir be pleased to use a while these my poore endeavours till those more worthie show themselves to the world And looke not on the harshnes of my stile but bend Your high and generous thoughts upon the actions truly Roman that 's to say Noble High Heroik Great and farre transcending meane and vulgar spirits And if You wil impute as is fit and just the blemishes and errours which herein may occurre to the weaknes of my wit and judgement and no wayes to my Patterns Genius I dare boldly undertake that your Montrose shall prove neither unpleasant nor unprofitable For what can be more pleasant to a Prince second to none on earth but his Father borne in that eminent dignitie bred in that condition and from his infancie trained up in those wayes which resent nothing but Heroicall deeds then to have alwayes before his eyes that worthie whom be it said without envy no man in his time goeth beyond to embrace caresse and cherish him and coppie out his actions and observe How he behaves himself how brave and goodlie In Martiall feats manhood and Chevalrie Who taking up arms to serve the commands of the best of Kings your most Gracious Father and leading the dance as it were to usher in Your Valour which now waxeth to ripnes and strength apace hath performed such exploits as strikes the present times with admiration and gratefull posteritie shal ever preserve in memorie For though envy presse hard upon true glorie and tread upon her heels yet that short lived and self destroying furie shall never overtake nor ecclipse her solid and immortall lustre In the meane time most Gracious Sir we present You here with no smoothe fables or Romanses Antiphates and Scillaes gulf are not my theme Swallowing Charybdis devouring Polypheme No gyants or glorious wonders yet enemies as like gyants and Victories obtained over them as like wonders as may be For what did ever lying Greece faine of the proud attempts of their old gyants which these conspiratours the sons of the earth have not dared to doe against God religion faith loyaltie and right in all their dealings with Your Royall Parents Your self and all Yours who heaping up mo intains upon mountains of lyes calumnies and slanders reared up those bulworkes from whence with horrid violence they have fought against the Gods And what did they imagine done by Apollo by Pallas or Mars to overthrow those monsters which our Montrose did not with like courage undertake and successe performe And now that having vanquished he did not finally and totally triumph over them we must impute it to the force of Your Fate which would not permit the Genius of Your countrey to owe so glorious a deliverance to any others valour but Your own Nor indeed seemed it convenient that any other should thunder downe Enceladus with those other Titans to Hell but the sonne of him whose father those gyants kept in chains And then Great Sir when You intend those courses to which the lawes of God and man oblidge You the vindication of Your Father and countrey from that most savage bondage what can be more profitable then to have Your eyes stil on him as the guide and leader of Your way who first of all discovered the counsells plots and treacheries of these traitors and as I may say alone did show the way how to lay their intollerable pride and breake their power though growen verie great before it was perceived For You shall find him a body without a soul for being no more valiant in arms then wise in counsell and managing affairs he advised ●mously and would to God his counsell had prevailed to strangle that monster in the cradle aswell as when it was growen strong he had crusht it but that Your growing vertue was not to be defrauded of so large a field for purchasing renowne So that besides his singular valour and militarie skill You may find in him choise instructions of civil prudence and politik wisedome which though through the sad fatalitie of the times they were but ill believed yet such as may
and divert those very Forces which the King had appointed for Ireland which were then in a readinesse and whose Officers had been of the Parliaments chusing hoping by thē to overth●ow the King himself The Rebells in Scotland who knew wel enough the King would have strength sufficent to deale with the English Rebells resolved upon no termes to be wanting to their confederates in so apparent danger as they were in And al though our most gracious King had given them satisfaction as much as ever they could desire in that Parliament at Edinburgh aforesaid which also they have recorded among their publique Acts neverthelesse they provide themselves for a march into England Now that they might the better secure their affaires at home they labour tooth and naile to draw Montrose of whom almost onely they were afraid againe to their side They offer him of their own accord the office of Lievenant Generall in the Army and what ever else he could desire and they bestow He seeing a mighty storm hovering over the Kings head that he might give him an account of it whereby it might be timely prevented undertakes a journey into England taking the Lord Ogilby into his counsell and company At Newcastle he received newes that the Queen being newly returned out of Holland was landed at Birdlington in Yorkeshire thither he makes haste and relates unto the Queen all things in order She having had a rough passage and being not wel recovered from the distempers at sea told him she would advise further with him about that businesse after they came to York Thither being come the Queen of her own accord calls for Montrose he opens the whole story over againe makes it appeare that there was no lesse danger from the Scotch then from the English Covenanters if they were not timely suppressed And being asked his opinion what was best to be done answered To resist force with force told her the King wanted not Subjects in Scotland faithfull men and ●●out nor did they want hearts or wealth or power to oppose against the Covenanters if they durst enterprise any thing against the King all that they wanted was the Kings Commission without which they durst doe nothing with which any thing and all the danger that was was in delay That the Covenanters when they had once got their army on foot would be able to grinde any one to pieces that should offer to stirre therefore the beginnings of so great an evill were to be withstood and the cockatrice bruised in the egge that physicke being too late that comes when the disease hath over-runne the whole body Wholesome counsell it was and seasonable which doubtlesse the most prudent Queen had approved of But while things were going on in so good a posture al things were quash't by the coming of the Duke Hamilton out of Scotland upon pretence of kissing the Queens hand and gratulating her happy returne but in very deed that he might overthrow Montrose his counsels for he had posted thither with the knowledge consent of the Covenanters Nor did he himself dissemble that there was some danger from the Scottish Covenanters but he laboured to extenuate it and condemned the counsel of Montrose as rash unadvised and unseasonable That stout and warlike nation was not to be reduced with force and armes but with gentlenesse and courtesies Warre especially Civill warre should be the last remedy and used many times to be repented of even by the Conquerous The fortune of warre was uncertaine if the King should get the best it would be but a sorry triumph he could enjoy over his own Subjects but if he had the worst on 't he must expect what hîs soule goodman abhorred to speake All meanes were to be tryed to preserve peace with that Nation nor were things yet come to that passe that the King should despaire of amity and reconciliation with them He would be ready to take the whole businesse upō himself if the King pleased to commit it to his paines and trust to authorise him sufficiently thereunto Montrose replyed nothing would come of that but the delay of time untill the Traitors having raised an Army should prevent the King of any meanes to deliver himself and his party from their tyranny The sad event proved al this to be too true but in this debate Montrose was faine to suffer himself to be overborn being not so great a Courtier as the other nor were those vertues which the world now admires discovered then unto the Queen Hamilton returning into Scotland seemed to be as active for the King as was possible The Covenanters mean while by their owne authority contrary to the known Lawes of the Kingdome summon a Parliament at Edinburgh which all understanding men that wished well unto the King foresaw would be of very dangerous consequence to his affaires therefore abhorred it so much that they intended not to honour it with their presence But Hamilton interposing the name and authority of of the King invited thē by his letters that they would not faile to be all there and that they should not doubt but they would be able to out-vote the Covenanters if at this time they were not wanting to the Kings cause And if it should happen otherwise he would be ready with his friends to protest against the Covenanters immediately to leave them Abundance of the Nobility incited by the name of the King those hopes were present at that Parliament onely Montrose and a few of his adherents staid away And with Montrose to the Duke had dealt by his friends that as he loved honoured the King he would joyn himself unto them But he who had reason to suspect all motions that came that way answered that he was ready to grapple with any difficulty especially under his command who had so great an honour as to be the Kings supreme Commissioner onely on this condition that the Duke should engage his honour that if they could not bring up that Parliament to righteous things he would endeavour to enforce them by the dint of the sword He answered he would protest he would not fight Which passage considered Montrose to preserve his integrity expecting the issue betooke himself to his own home In that Parliament the Covenanters out-voted the Loyall party by seventy voyces or there abouts trampled upon the Royall authority arrogated unto themselves the power of calling of Paliaments pressing Souldiers sending Embassadours and other things hitherto unattempted without the Kings knowledge or tonsent And to make up the measure of their presumption and treason ordaine that a powerfull Army shall be raied against the King and in the aid or their confederates of England To which purpose they taxe the people with new subsidies levies much heavier then if al the Impositions which upō never so much necessity for two thousand years space by one hundred nine Kings have been charged upon thē were put together Montrose
of such a man Thus forgetting their victory and the spoile they fixt their eyes upon the lifelesse body kissed his face and hands commended the singular beauty of the corps compared the Nobility of his descent and the plentifulnesse of his fortune vvith the hopefulnesse of his parts and counted that an unfortunate victory that had stood them in so much And truly it vvas like to have happened that their excessive sorrow for the losse of this noble Gentleman had conquer'd the Conquerors had they not comforted themselves vvith the presence and safety of Montrose Nor could he himself refrain himself from bewailing vvith salt tears the sad and bitter fate of his most dear and only friend but lamented much that the honour of his Nation the ornament of the Scottish Nobility the ablest assertor of the Royall Authority in the North and so intimate a friend unto himself should be thus cut off in the flowre of his age In the mean time hoping that reason and time between them would asswage that grief hee commands Physicians to embalme his noble corps which afterwards being removed to Aberdene he saw brought forth with a sumptuous and Souldier-like Funerall and interr'd in the Monument of his Ancestors in the Cathedrall Church This battell was fought at Alford on the 2. of Iuly 1645. CHAP. XII MOntrose that same afternoon that hee had got this victory at Alford marching to Clunie Castle allowed onely two or three houres to his souldiers for their refreshment And going from thence to the banke of the river Dee sent away the Earl of Aboine who succeeded his deceased brother into Buchanshire and the places adjacent for recruits for many of them who were at the fight being Highlanders not farre from their own habitations had dropt home with their pillage And because Macdonell was not yet returned hee kept his quarters at Cragston expecting both him and Aboine But when hee perceived those Auxiliaries were dispatched unto him with lesse speed then he hoped and finding his expectation deluded impatient of so long and disadvantageous delay after he had got over the Dee and Gransbaine fell down into Merne and lay at Ferdon Chapell once famous for the See and Sepulchre of St. Palladius Thence hee sends to the Earl of Aboine who was now come to Aberdene to hasten unto him into Merne with such Forces as he heard he had raised Aboine came indeed but brought no great store of Forces along with him therefore hee sends him backe into the North to raise as many men as he could possibly and bring them with all speed unto the Camp Hee himself going through Angus met his Cosen Patricke Graham with his Athole men ready to live and die under his command and Mac-donell with a great power of Highlanders with him was Macklen the chief of his sept a valiant man and singularly loyall who brought some seven hundred choise Foot of his friends and clients Also the Chief of the Mac-ranolds a great man in the Highlands one that entirely lov'd the King who had above five hundred men at his heels The Mac-gregories also and the Mac-nabies men inferiour to none in valour and hardinesse after the fashion of the Country followed their Commanders and Chiefs of their Families whose certain number I cannot easily assigne And Glengar a man never sufficiently to be commended for his valour and loyalty to the King and serviceablenesse affection to Montrose seeing he in person almost from the Expedition into Argyle had never departed from him by his uncles and others whom he imployed brought in about five hundred more Besides out of the plaines of Marre came a great number of the Fercbarsons gallant men and of approved valour And some too out of Badenoth not many indeed but stout and able men of their hands Montrose being reinforced with such an Army resolves to make his way into the heart of the Kingdome as wel to spoile the enemies levying of men in Fifeshire and the Country on this side the Forth as also to break up the Parliament which the Covenanters had not without solemnity and ostentation summoned at Saint Iohns-tovvne Nor did any thing hinder him but want of Horse of which alwayes he had such scarcity that it was never or very seldome safe for him to fall down into the plain Country But because hee daily expected Aboine and Airley to come unto him with a considerable party of Horse he passed over the Tay at Dunkeldon and lying near Amunde struck no small terrour into the enemy who held Saint Iohns tovvn and from thence approaching nearer unto them he encamped in Methfyn Forrest The enemies Foot all but the garrison souldiers in the Towne lay on the South of the river Erne The Horse which were designed for the guard of the Town and Parliament assoon as they discovered Montrose's Scouts bring in a hot alarm that hee was there and come already close to the gates and no question but he meant presently to scale the walls and make an assault upon the Town therefore they were earnest with the Nobility and the whole Parliament to secure themselves by a speedy flight when all this while Montrose had scarce a hundred Horse they wer four hundred But he the next day the more to encrease their terrour drew nearer unto the Town with those Horse hee had and about the same number of ready Fire-lockes whom he mounted upon pack-horses and set out his men in their view so much to his advantage that they appeared a considerable body of Horse And because the enemy kept themselves within the gates forthwith turning towards Duplin hee diligently view'd this side of the River Erne and all that coast as if he had Horse enough to keep all that Country in subjection And truly thus much he got by it that the enemy tooke him to be exceeding strong as well in Horse as Foot Therefore they draw together as many Forces from all sides as they could make whom they intended to fight with Montrose if hee should offer to passe over the Forth But hee finding it not safe for himself neither to descend into the champian Country they both kept their stations for many dayes the enemy expecting Auxiliaries out of Fife and the Country on this side the Forth and out of the West and Montrose looking for the like out of the North. And waiting impatiently for Aboine who was too slow with his men he sent some to hasten him least they should lose the opportunity of doing their businesse Hee also complained but in a soft and gentle manner as before a faithfull friend that Aboine's lingring and delay was in the fault that a brave victory by which he conceived the Rebells might have been utterly subdued had slipt out of his hands which misfortune no man doubted but his speed and diligence might have prevented The enemy when they understood that he onely cheated them with a false Muster of Horse having gotten aid from
conduc'd more to their fafety Montrose had in all four thousand four hundred Foot and five hundred Horse a thousand of his Foot or more had now by their own fault so engaged themselves with the enemy that they could not come off for the enemy encounter'd them with six thousand Foot and eight hundred Horse But the enemies Rear came up but slowly and while the Van made a stand expecting their advance Montrose had opportunity to bring timely aid to his engaged men But at last they send out three troops of Horse and after them two thousand Foot against those rash and almost lost men of Montrose's Which when Montrose saw after others had too dishonourably shifted off that service he thus bespeaks the Earl of Airley You see my noble Lord how yonder men of ours by their unadvisednesse have brought themselves into a most desperate hazzard and vvill presently be trampled to dirt by the enemies Horse except vvee relieve them vvith all speed Novv all mens eyes and hearts are fixt upon your Lordship they thinke you onely vvorthy so great an honour as to repell the enemy and bring off our fellow souldiers Besides it seemes most proper for you that the errour vvhich hath been committed by the foolhardinesse of youth may be corrected by your Lordships grave and discreet valour And he undertook the service as dangerous as it was with al his heart and being guarded with a troop of Horse in which rode Iohn Ogleby of Baldeby who had formerly been a Colonell in Svvethland a stout man and a skilfull souldier led them on straight upon the enemy And they giving the charge upon the Ogleby's disputed it sharply with them for a while but at last being no longer able to withstand their courage sac't about whom the Ogleby's pursued so hotly that they made them fall foule upon their owne Foot and charging them furiously thorough and thorough routed them and trode them under foot By this gallant example of Airley and the Ogleby's Montrose's souldiers being enrag'd more and more could no longer be kept back from raising a great shout as if they had already got the day and falling on upon the enemy Nor would the Rebells Horse long abide their charge but deserting their Foot fell a running as fast as ever they could Nor did their Foot after they were so deserted stand it out long but throwing down their armes sought to save their lives by flight Which proved unserviceable for the victorious pursuers had the killing of them for fourteene miles So that of all the enemies Foot that were present at that battell it is thought there did not an hundred come off Nor did their Horse escape very well of whom some were killed some taken the rest disperst Their Ordnance their Armes their Spoiles came clearly to the Conquerours who lost only six of their side whereof three were Oglebyes valiant Gentlemen who fighting like themselves sealed the victory with their own bloud The rebellious sort of the Nobility of whom many were in the fight some of them by their timous running and swiftnesse of their Horses got to the Town and strong Castle of Sterling others escaping to the Scottish Fyrth shipt themselves in some vessels that lay at anchor near the shoare amongs● whom Argyle having now this third time been fortunate to a boat escaped into a ship and thought himself scarce safe enough so till weighing anchor he got into the main Of prisoners the chief were Sir William Murray of Blebe Iames Arnot brother to the Lord Burghley one Col. Dice and Col. Wallis besides many more whom Montrose after quarter given used courteously and upon the engagement of their Honours set at liberty And this is that famous victory of Kilsythe obtained on the 15. day of September 1645. in which it is beleev'd no fewer then six thousand Rebells were slain CHAP. XIV THere was a great alteration all the Kingdome over after this battell at Kilsythe those of the Rebell-Nobility were all of them sore affrighted some of them fled to Barwicke some to Carlisle some to Newcastle others into Ireland And such as before only privately wisht wel unto the King now did no longer fear to shew themselves to expresse their loyalty to pray openly for his prosperity and to offer their service But those that before had sided with the Covenanters began to ask forgivenesse to plead they were constrain'd to take up armes by the violence and tyranny of the Rebells to submit their persons and estates to the Conquerour humbly to beseech his protection and implore his wonted clemency And Cities and Countries that were furthest off began to dispatch their Commissioners to professe in their names their Allegiance to their King their duty and service to his Vicegerent and freely to offer him men arms provisions and other necessaries of War The Nobility of the Realm and the Chiefs of Septs came in thick unto the Lord Governour welcomed him tendred their service unto him extoll'd his high and honourable atchievements thank't him for them All whom he pardoned for what was past received them with liberty and indempnity into his protection and encouraged them to be of good chear Nor did he lay any greater burden upon them then to change that covetous and cruell slavery which they were manacled with by the Rebells for the sweet and gentle government and protection of a most gracious Prince and by laying aside all former grudges ands fewds hereafter more religiously to observe their duty and loyalty to the good King thenceforward never more to have to do with the counsells of seditious men who by endeavouring to satisfie their own lusts had engaged King and Subject one against the other upon the matter ruin'd both For his part hee never had any other intention then to restore their Religion their King their Liberty his Peers and Countrimen by Armes when no other means was left out of the tyranny of Rebells unto their ancient peace happinesse and glory Which if he should effect he would give Almighty God the author of all good things everlasting praise but if hee failed however hee should by these his honest endeavours acquit himself before God and Gods Vicegerent his Majesty before all good men and his posterity his honour and his conscience At this time the whole Kingdom sounded nothing but Montrose's praise Men of all sorts every where extolling the ingenuity of his disposition in which he out-went all his Equalls the gallantry of his person in war his patience in travels his evennesse of spirit in dangers his wisdome in counsels his faithfulnes to such as submitted his quicknesse in dispatches his courtesie to such as he took prisoners in a word his truly heroick vertue in all things and towards all men And this honour most men gave him in good earnest out of a sincere affection but som in craft dissimulation and as every one had wit or skill they set forth his Encomiums or Panegyricks
Lindsey who because hee was greedy of the honour and title of the Earl of Crawford was greedy also of his life was designed by the Covenanters to be put to death Nor was it for any other crime but for being a Souldier and an expert man one that had done faithfull service for his Master the King and it was feared hee would doe so againe if hee should be suffered to live There was also Iames Lord Ogleby son to the Earl of Airley one singularly beloved by Montrose who was formidable both for his fathers and his own vertue and authority Hee also being an enemy to Argyle both upon old fewds and some freshe● wrongs was just as deep in sin and danger as Cravvford These therefore the Common Counsell of Edinburgh chose out of the rest of the prisoners and immediately setting them at liberty they earnestly pray and beseech them to assist their Delegates to the uttermost of the power they had with the Lord Governour and to labour to hold his hands off that miserable City upon which the hand of God himself lay so heavy already And they curse themselves theyr posterity to the pit of hell if they should ever prove unmindful of so great a favour or unthankfull to them that did it They were not backward to undertake a busines which was so universally désired but taking the Delegates along with thē went forth to Napier He having by the way delivered his dear father his wife his brother-in-law Sir Sterling Keer and his sisters out of the prison at Limnuch whither the Covenanters had removed them from Edinburgh Castle marched backe unto his uncle with his Forces and those prisoners now at liberty the Delegates of the City as having done his businesse Montrose embracing Crawford and Ogleby his dearest friends whom he had long longed for and rejoycing to see them safe and sound useth them with all honour and accommodation after their long restraint and they on the other side magnified their deliverer and avenger with high praises and thanks as became them to do on both sides affording a spectacle of great joy to the beholders Afterwards the Delegates of Edinburgh were admitted to audience and delivered their Message from the Provost and City The summe was They would freely surrender the Town unto the Governor humbly desired his pardon promised to be more dutifull and loyall for the time to come committed themselves and all that they had to his patronage and protection for which they earnestly besought him Moreover they undertooke forthwith to set the rest of the prisoners at liberty according to his appointment and to doe any thing else that he should enjoyne them And although the City was so wasted with a grievous contagion that no men could be raised out of it yet they were ready as far as their share came to pay contribution to such as should be raised in other places And above all things they humbly begged at his hands that hee would labour to mitigate the anger of their most gracious Lord the King that hee might not be too severe with that City which by the cunning authority and example of a seditious and prevailing party had been engaged in Rebellion Montrose bade them be confidens of the rest and required no more at their hands then to bee hereafter more observant of their loyalty to the King and faithfully to renounce all correspondence with the Rebells in armes against him either vvithout or vvithin the Kingdome To restore the Castle of Edinburgh vvhich it vvas evident vvas in their Custody at that time unto the King and his officers Lastly assoon as the Delegates came home to set the prisoners at liberty and send them to him And truly as for the prisoners they sent them away upon their return but as to other Articles they were perfidious and perjured and if they doe not repent must one day give an account unto God the assertor of truth and justice for their high ingratitude and reiterated disloyalty Whiles these things passed concerning Edinburgh Montrose sent away Alexander Mac-donell to whom hee joyned Iohn Drummond of Bail a stout Gentleman into the Western coasts to allay the tumults there and to spoile the designes of Cassils and Eglington But they receiving the alarme of Mac-donells approach were immediately disperst in a great fright Some of the Earls and other Nobles made straight into Ireland others plaid least in sight in I know not what lurking places All the Western Countries the Town of Aire Irvvin and others strove which should first submit freely offering their fidelity and service Neither which was more then hee expected did Montrose ever finde men better affected to the King then in those Western parts For most of the Gentry Knights and Chiefs of Families and some also of the prime Nobility came off chearfully to his side Whose names which otherwise ought to have been registred with honour at the present I shal passe by if not in an acceptable perhaps yet certainly in an advantageous silence for I should be loath so honest and loyall soules should be questioned by their cruell enemies for their good affections upon my information CHAP. XV. MOntrose had now taken into his thoughts the setling of the South-borders and send unto the Earls of Hume Rosburough and Trequaire to invite them to associate with him for matter of Peace and War and all things that were to be done in the name and by the authority of the King These were not only the powerfullest men in those parts by reason of the multitude of their friends and their great retinue but also made as though they were most cordiall assertors of the Kings authority For besides the bond of Allegeance which was common to them with others they were engaged unto him by extraordinary benefits Nor were they only advanced unto great Honours by him as being raised from the order of Knighthood to a high pitch of Nobility but were made Governours of the most gainfull Countries and by that means being enriched above their equalls and their own condition heaped up wealth indeed unto themselves but envy and hatred upon the King They againe dispatch some of their friends of the best quality to assure him That they were ready to undergoe any hazard under his conduct and command in the behalf of their most bountifull King They promise moreover to raise a world of men and nothing hindred their coming up unto the Camp if he would but be pleased to draw that way with never so small a party of his forces And so it would come to passe that not onely their friends and clients but the whole Country being animated with his presence and authority would cheerfully take up armes as one man and if they stood out they might be compelled or a course taken with them Therefore they earnestly besought him to afford them his assistance in this and in all the rest he should finde them his most faithfull and ready servants
These were fair words and a first hearing seem'd to carry an honest meaning along with them but were promised with that kind of faith that the Creatures and Favourites of the too indulgent King are used to keep And perhaps upon that score he Earl of Lanerick Duke Hamiltons brother is more to be commended whom Montrose having earnestly sollicited by friends to come off to the Kings side although that way he might very likely expect his pardon for what was past and the releasement of his brother yet without any dissimulation he gave this peremptory answer That he would have nothing te doe with that side and that he would never pretend that friendship which he intended not to preserve And I would to God all they on whom the good King has too much relied had delivered themselves with the same candor and plain dealing ever since the beginning of those troubles About the same time Montrose sent the Marquess of Douglasse and the Lord Ogilby over into Anandale and Niddisdale that there with the assistance of the Earls of Anandale and Hartfield they might list a many souldiers Horse especially as they could And gives them orders withall to march with such as they should so raised towards Trequaire Roxborough and Hume that they might engage them without any further put offs in an association with them For Montrose understood a little what Court-holy-water meant and therefore was something suspitious of the delayes which they fram'd the rather having had some experience of their cunning and slipperinesse especially of Trequaires And truly Douglasse by the chearfull endeavours of the Earls of Anandale and Hartfield had quickly raised a considerable party if one count them by the head but they were new men taken from their plowes and flocks and but raw soldiers forward enough at the first charge but by and by their hearts faile them and they can by no means be kept to their colours When Douglasse and the rest of the Commanders considered this they write againe and againe to Montrose that he would make haste after them with his old souldiers towards Tweed for by his presence and authority and the company and example of the old souldiers they might be brought either willingly or whether they would or no to know their duties In the meane time according to his command they go on to Strathgale freely offering an opportunity and their service if it needed to Roxborough and Trequaire to draw out their men the more easily and timely But they good men who well enough understood the secretest counsels of the Covenanters and knew that all their Horse would be there immediately out of England under the command of David Lesley intended nothing more then to over-reach the King with their old tricks and to deliver Montrose whose glory they envied into the hands of his enemies though not by armes for that they could not yet by treachery To that end they insinuate againe and againe not only unto Douglasse and his party but to Montrose himself by their friends and frequent messengers that for their parts they were ready to expose their persons to the utmost hazard but they could never be able to draw together their friends clients and Trained bands except they were animated and couraged with Montrose his presence And that they might be the better beleeved they curse themselves to the pit of hell if they did not stand stifly and unalterably to their promise Montrose notwithstanding was not taken with all this but staid still at Bothvvell conceiving that if there were any truth or honesty in their words Douglasse and his party who still lay in the Country adjacent would be sufficient for the raising and encouraging of their friends and dependents At length when Montrose had quartered a great while at Bothvvell most of the Highlanders being loaden with spoile ran privily away from their colours and returned home Presently after their very Commanders desired Furloghs for a little while pretending that the enemy had not an Army in the field within the borders of that Kingdom and therefore their service for the present might well be spared besides they complained that their houses and corn in and with which their parents wives children were to be sustained that winter were fired by the enemy and no provision made for them so that they humbly desired to be excused for a few weeks in which they might take care to secure their families from hunger and cold Also they solemnly and voluntarily engaged their words that they would return many more then they went and much refreshed within forty dayes These Montrose seeing he could not hold them as being Voluntiers fighting without pay that he might the more engage them thought fit to dismisse them not only with Licences but Commissions And giving publick commendations to the souldiers and thanks in his Majesties name to the Commanders exhorting them to follow their businesse closely vigorously he appoints Alexander Mac-donell their Countriman and Kinsman who was but too ambitious of that employment to be their companion and guide who should bring them back to the Camp by the day appointed Who in a set speech gave thanks in all their names to the Lord Governour for his so noble favour and as if he had been their Baile or surety with a solemne oath ondertook for their sudden return yet hee never saw Montrose after Nor was he contended to carry away with him the whole Forces of the Highlanders who were more then three thousand stout mē but he privily drew away sixscore of the best Irish as if forsooth he had pick't thē out for his Live guard About this very time many messengers came severall wayes to Bothwell from the King at Oxford Amongst whom one was Andrevv Sandiland a Scotch-man but bred in England entred into holy Orders there a very upright man faithfull to the King and much respected by Montrose who continued constantly with him unto the end of the War Another was Sir Robert Spotswood once the most deserving President of the highest Court in Scotland and now his Majesties Secretary for that Kingdome who passed from Oxford through Wales into Anglesey and thence getting a passage into Loghaber came into Athole and was conducted by the men of Athole unto Montrose Almost all the Agents that came brought this Instruction amongst the rest That it was his Majesties pleasure that hee should joyne unto himself the Earls of Roxbourogh and Trequaire and consider in their advice and endeavours of whose fidelity and industry no question vvas to be made Moreover that he should make haste towards the Tweed vvhere hee should meet a party of Horse vvhich the King vvould instantly dispatch out of England to bee commanded by him with vvhom hee might safely give battell to David Lesly if as vvas suspected he marched that way with the Covenanters Horse All this the respective bearers unanimously delivered and his most excellent Majesty being over-credulous signified by his
evidently known by good tokens of the Earl of Seaford and others As for Huntley Aboine they did not only professe themselves open enemies to Montrose but also threatned to fall upon him by force of armes if he did not immedaitely submit to the Kings authority And Antrim being newly arrived out of Ireland in the Highlāds without either men or arms busied himself to draw away all the Highlanders as his kindred and allies to himself from Montroses Army whom in scorn he call'd the Governour of the Low-lands making by this means an unseasonable fraction and apernicious one to his friends in those parts All which Montrose having well considered he was forced according to the Kings Command to disband his Army And truly that was amost sad day in which having solemnly prais'd and encourag'd his souldies as well as the occasion permitted he took his leave of them For although he bid thē to be of good comfort however and told them he saw some day-light of a blessed peace and that he did as much service to the King by his present submission as he had done before by his Martiall atchievements Yet notwithstanding they all conceiv'd that that was the last day of the Kings Authority in Scotland and all of thē beleeved for certaine that those Commands from the King were wrested from him upon the apprehension of greater dangers to his person if he had not given them And although some provision had been made by Articles in writing for their Indempnity yet they had rather have undergone the worst that could fall then survive idle unserviceable spectators of the miserable condition of their dearest King And it was no little vexation to those generous spirits to think what an unworthy opinion forraign Nations and their own posterity must needs have of them as if all the Scottish Nation had been unanimously guilty of Rebellion desertion of so good a King Besides their sorrow was much augmented with the consideration that their Generall who was most valiant most successefull and therefore most beloved should be taken off so unhappily from the King from his Country from themselves and all good men So that his souldiers falling down at his feet entreated him with tears in their eyes that seeing the safety of the Kings person depended so much upon it and he must of necessity depart the Kingdom he would be pleased to take them along with him into what part of the world soever he went Professing their readinesse to live and fight any where under his command and if God would have it so to die too And truly many of them were resolved though to the certain hazard of their lives and estates to follow him even against his will and knowledge and to offer him that service in an unknown land that they were able to afford him no longer in their miserable Country By the Articles to which the King had consented according to the desires of the Covenanters it was especially provided that Montrose should depart Scotland before the first of September and that they should finde him shipping vvith provision and all things necessary vvhen he went These things were transacted the first of August and a Port in Angus designed for Montrose whither they were to send shipping from whence he vvas to imbark And Montrose to prevent and remove all occasions of exception or suspition being accompanied only with his own servants a very few friēds betook himself thither and waited for the shipping About this time his most implacable Enemies set abroad crafty feigned reports by their fit instruments wherein they confidently averred that the States of the Kingdome as they call'd themselves would by no means suffer that so gallant a Subject should be banished the Country For they knew not how great need they might have of a man of his worth especially if the King who had cast himself freely upon the affections of the Scots could not get any right of the English but should be put to seek it by force and armes and if it came to that no age had afforded a better Generall then Montrose And truly that was the earnest desire and expectation of most men who were not able to dive into the bottom of the Rebels plots but they had farre other designes in hand and another game to play For what their thoughts were tovvards the King the sad event made too manifest and for Montrose they laid very unconscionable unworthy traps to catch him For they did this that if they could flatter him up with such vain hopes entice him to stay in the Kingdome beyond his time appointed they might take hold of him upon the Articles cut him of with more credit August vvas almost spent and no news at all vvas to be had about the shipping or safe conduct therefore Montrose although he was resolved to be gone by the day the King had limited that he might the more fully grope the intentions of the Covenanters gave leave to some of his friends to deale with them for further time But when they brought him nought but uncertain doubtfull answers he had reason to think they intended nothing but to delude intrap him Besides vvhich made his suspition so much the greater there came a ship upon the very last day allowed for his stay to wit on the last of August into the haven of Montrose The Master of it was not only a stranger to him but a most rude and violent abettor of the Rebels the Sea-men and Souldiers men of the same temper malicious dogged ill-condition'd the ship it self neither victualled nor fit to goe to Sea So that vvhen Montrose shew'd himself ready to depart and bad them hoise their Sailes assoon as they could the Master of the ship told him that he must have some dayes allowed him to pitch and rigge his ship before he durst aduenture himself to the winde and vvaves And then making great brags of himself and his ship he drew forth a Commission vvhich the Covenanters had given him vvherein he vvas required to transport the passengers to certain places assigned by themselves and to carry no body else Moreover there lay great English ships and men of war every day in sight about the month of the River of E●k vvhich makes the haven of Montrose attending there in favour of the Rebels for their much desired booty that by no means he might escape their hands But Montrose had sufficient notice of these treacheries and wanted not some friends of the Covenanters themselves who informed him by frequent messages that the Sea was sore pester'd with the English Navy and he could not escape safely either into France or the Low-Countries that the haven was upon the matter block't up in which he was to take shipping and therefore it was very perillous for him to go to Sea that his Enemies look't for nothing else then that either by making too long stay in his own Country he should fall into the hands of the Scottish Covenanters or by going he should be surprised unarm'd unawares by the English Rebells Montroses friends that were with him were of opinion that it was best for him in so apparant a danger to return into the Highlands draw his men together again conceiving that he had better trust the fortune of war then so perfidious a peace But be forbore to take that course especially because of his most ardent affection to the King For he was assured if the war brake forth again it would be laid upon the King though undeservedly and so he should bring his Person into present danger perhaps as much as his life was worth Therefore being straightned on every side one vvay vvith treachery plotted against his ovvne another against the Kings anointed head he determined with an unalterable resolution to bearall the burden upon his own shoulders And therefore he vvithdrevv himself not out of rashnesse as if he despair'd of safety at the worst but out of sage discreet deliberation For when he had smelt out the plots of the Rebels before-hand he had sent some a good while agoe to search diligently the Havens in the North and if they chanced to finde any outlandish-vessell to agree with the Master for the fraught and to appoint him to be ready to put to Sea at such a day and to transport the passengers which should be ready with him by the help of God into Norway By good fortune there was found in the haven of Stanhyve a small bark of Bergen in Norway and the Master was soon agreed with for he was very glad of the opportunity having hopes for getting Thither Montrose sent away Sir Iohn Hurrey Iohn Drummond of Ball Henry Graham his brother Iohn Spotswoad nephew to that great Sir Robert Iohn Lily a Captain of approved skill and courage Patrick Melvin such another George Wischeart Docter of Divinity David Guttherey a stout young Gentleman Pardus Lasound a French-man once a servant to the noble Lord Gordon after wards entertained for his Masters sake by Montrose himself one Rodolph a German an honest trusty young man a few servants more And these he had pick't out to carty a long with him whithersoever he vvent for this reason especially because he knevv the Rebels to be so maliciously bent against most of them then they could not be safe for never so little a vvhile in that Country And they on the third of September having a good vvinde put forth to sea for Norway And the same evening Montrose himself accompanied only with one Iames Wood a worthy Preacher by a small cock-boat got into a Bark which lay at anchot without the Haven of Montrose and being clad in a course suit the Lord and Patron passed for his Chaplains servant This was in the year of our Lord 1646. the 34. year of his age FINIS