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A63817 A way to health, long life and happiness, or, A discourse of temperance and the particular nature of all things requisite for the life of man as all sorts of meats, drinks, air, exercise &c., with special directions how to use each of them to the best advantage of the body and mind : shewing from the true ground of nature whence most diseases proceed and how to prevent them : to which is added a treatise of most sorts of English herbs ... the whole treatise displaying the most hidden secrets of philosophy ... / communicated to the world for the general good by Thomas Tryon. Tryon, Thomas, 1634-1703. 1691 (1691) Wing T3201; ESTC R30173 347,235 536

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whole Creation doth groan because of their Violence and Oppression If a Man have Ten Thousand Pounds per Annum it is still as great an Evil for him to spend any part of it in Superfluity and Wantonness or to gratifie his Passions or Lusts and to live a soft effeminate idle Life as it is for a mean Person that works for his Bread for Superfluity Gluttony and Idleness are equal Evlls unto all Men to the Noble and Rich as well as the Poor and Ignoble it being the effect of a base low depraved wicked Opinion amongst Men to say I have wherewithal I will therefore indulge my self eat to Gluttony and drink to Drunkenness lie a-bed the best part of my Life and rise to be Idle I will have my Horses and my Coaches ready steep my Brains in Wine make my Guts a Magazine of Dainties and stretch my lazy Limbs on Beds of Roses and Couches of Ivory And in this heat of Lusts and Wantonness they get Children and bring them up in all kind of Superfluities Luxury and Idleness so that every succeeding Generation is more corrupt than the former sowing hellish Dispositions and entailing them on their Posterity such as the Tree is such is the Fruit an ill Bird a worse Egg for the Seed does contain the true Properties Dispositions and Inclinations and Children being begotten from such Matter and Essences those cruel and hellish Affections grow up with them and become essential Besides Children seeing the Oppressions and Excesses of their Parents do endeavour to imitate and follow their Examples so that the young idle Ones will cry What should I work for Have I not an Estate Have not I enough to keep me without taking any Pains or Care for any thing Many of this sort of Lubbers deserve to be served as Alexander the Great served a King he conquered who loved Money excessively and therefore had a Chapel which he had filled with Gold and Silver and therein placed his whole delight and Happiness which Alexander understanding put him in amongst his Money and shut him up with it bidding him eat it and so the miserable Man starved to death upon his Treasure Suppose a Man had ten Thousand Acres of the best Land in England he may starve as this Prince did if this Land be not manured by Labour and Industry All the Land in England will not afford one Bit of Bread unless pains be taken with it But here some will object and say We are of Noble Birth and Blood our Progenitors and Fathers have been great Lords Nimrods mighty Hunters they have ventured their Lives and oppressed the Poor and Weak deflowred Virgins taken away Men's Wives by force killed the Aged and carried captive the Young laid waste Cities brought desolation upon flourishing Kingdoms and killed starved ruined and undone many Thousands of People From these and the like Heroick Acts of Hellish Cruelty our Coats of Arms are derived wherein to shew our Nature and wherein our Glory consists we bear the Pictures of the most savage useless and rapacious Beasts and Birds that can be thought on as Lions Bears Wolves Tigers Eagles c. These are our Badges of Honour and hence our Noble Birth and High Blood have proceeded this being the true Foundation of most of that Gentility and Nobility which the World so much admires and that serves their Posterity to boast of But tell me I pray you Noble Gallants if ever you are at leisure to entertain one wise or serious thought tell me I say Is there not one only God that made all things Did not he make one Man out of the Clay or Dirt of the Earth and breath into him a living Soul and make him his Vice-Roy and allot him dominion over all things not one man to worry kill and destroy the Well-being and Peace of another and of all other Creatures Are not those Millions of Men and Women scattered over the Face of the whole Earth descended from this one Man As well the Caesars and the Grand Signiors the Things cloathed in Cloth of Gold and Tissue as the vilest Beggars and the poor tattered Boy that stands barefoot in Frost and Snow shivering at the foot of some Welsh Mountain Are we not then all own Couzens Our Pedigree the same and equally ancient Hath not the Lord also endued this one Man's Off-spring with equal Parts Senses and Members as to the Elements of their Bodies A fair Grecian Woman being at a Banquet and at the Sport called Questions and Commands with many others of her Sex whom she perceived to bave heightned their Complexions by Painting when it came to her Turn commanded them all to do as she did and immediately called for Water and soundly wash'd her Face which they doing lost all the artificial Roses of their Cheeks and appeared in their natural deformity which shewed that their Beauty was but adulterate hers real Just so shall we find this boasted Nobility to be nothing but Art Fancy Ostentation and Vanity if we put it to the Test. Let every man be stripp'd and left destitute of those Excrements of Beasts and inferiour Creatures which he is such a Fool to be proud of and appear in his own natural Hue and see then who can distinguish the Noble from the Ignoble my Lord frrm his Foot-man the Rich from the Poor In such a light as well as in the dark Ioan would be as good as my Lady and perhaps better because wholsomer I have enquired of Chirurgions and Chymists and they have told me they cannot find any difference in the colour nor any other excellency in the Blood of Peers above that of Peasants where then lies this famous Generosity of the red circling Iuice so cunningly close that no body can find it Besides I pray tell me Hath the Noble any more Privileges by Nature's Charter than others Has he any more Senses than his Neighbours Has he as many Palates as he has Palaces No no God hath made no more difference between the Noble as they call them and the Ignoble than there is between the poor Man's Cow and the rich Man's the latter may probably be somewhat the fatter the meanest Farmer has altogether as large a Stomach though not so large an House as his Landlord Now for certain if the Lord had made difference and created one Noble and Great and another the contrary then he would also have endued them with some peculiar Benefits and Marks of distinction by which one might be known from the other but it is not so there is no other Mark of distinction between them but as is before mentioned Oppression and Violence both to Men and Beasts killing slaughtering destroying and the like devilish Actions by which many have got Riches Renown and Authority this being the common Rule he that hath done most bloody wicked Acts and got the most Money is most Noble and the best Gentleman But if those that are possessed of the Goods of this
to fear to oppress or do unto any Creature that which he would not have done unto himself for Oppression Killing wrathful Words and Works do belong to the Egyptians and not to those that travel towards the Land of Canaan An Instance of which we have in St. Iude who said That when Michael the Arch-Angel disputed about the Body of Moses with the Devil he did not dare to bring any railing Accusation not but that the good Angel might as to Justice have done it but he did not dare do it because he must first have entred with his Will into the wrathful fierce Principle or hellish nature and awakened it in himself therefore he only said The Lord rebuke thee And for the same Reason our Saviour Christ commands Men not to be angry nor call their Brethren Racha or Fools that is any Name of Wrath Malice or Contempt If this were rightly understood and regarded Men would not dare to abandon themselves to such Heats Passions and Furies as every day we behold they would not make it a Trade a Sport a Pastime to kill murther and use all kind of Violence We read in Genesis of Lot's Wife that she looked back towards Sodom for which she was turned into a Pillar of Salt she entred into the fierce Anger and Wrath of God and Nature which she was forewarned of so that she was precipitated into and comprehended in the grand Fountain of Wrath that is the original Forms of Nature of which Salt is one and therefore the Prophets and all those whom the Lord enlightned with divine and humane Understanding and whose chief business was to reclaim men from the Snares and Evils of Oppression and Violence and teach them the Ways of Mercy Clemency and Love often threatned them with the same Judgment which befel Lot's Wife it being the portion of all that live and die in the Spirit of Oppression Nay was not that great Man Moses prevented from entring into the Holy Land because he was wrath with the Children of Israel when they murmured and complained for want of Water saying Ye Rebels must we fetch Water out of this Rock for you Whereupon saith the Lord to him and his Brother Aaron Because ye believed me not to sanctifie me in the Eyes of the Children of Israel therefore shall you not bring this Congregation into the Land which I have given them Here Moses and Aaron had suffered their Desires and Wills to enter into the Wrathful Centre and Self-hood whence the Word Rebel was formed for the very Sound thereof demonstrates from what Principle it does proceed And hence probably it may be that the evil Angel did so dispute about or claim a property to the Body of Moses This therefore is a principal Point in Religion for every one to understand and distinguish in himself from what Principle every Thought and Word does proceed for otherwise Men may and do precipitate themselves into the wrath and fierce original of the hellish Nature which if once it get to reign in the Heart it quickly blisters out its Venom at the Tongue in such leud Words as Rebels Rogue Dog Devil and horrid Oaths Curses and Execrations the very sound of which is enough to declare whence they proceed whereas from the divine and truly humane Nature do arise and slow Words of Comfort and Consolation those soft Answers that turn away Wrath and all those delightful sociable obliging Charms of friendly Conversation wherein consists one of the greatest Felicities of this mortal Life and which for ought I know will be one main occasion to our Happiness in Heaven And wheresoever such Words are entertained they strengthen and increase their own Principle both in those that speak them and in those that hear them Of that great Man King David who is sometimes stiled A Man after God's own Heart the Scripture saith That the Lord did not admit him to build the outward Temple which was a true Figure of the internal and spiritual Temple And what was the Reason Because he had been a Man of Violence and Blood which had so awakened the Principle of Wrath and Fierceness as did very much impede the divine work And this it will do not only in David but all others in whom it is kindled No Man can do the Work of Wrath and not awaken and strengthen the Principle which leads to such Acts as is farther manifested by all those that are of violent Trades and killing Employments although such People do not kill the Beasts in Anger or in a way of Revenge for any Injuries pretended formerly to be done but do it meerly as it is their Occupation whereby to get a Livelihood yet nevertheless insensibly and unknown to their Reason and Intention they do by degrees irritate and corroborate the fierce Properties of Nature and become rash fierce hot and cruel No wonder then if most of the holy Men and Prophets who by a divine Eye and Understanding did pry into the hidden Mysteries of God and Nature were strict Abstainers and separated themselves from the Uncleannesses Oppressions and Violences that the superfluous worldly Belly gods do subject themselves unto whose chief care is to procure such Meats and Drinks as will gratifie their Palates and Appetites for pleasing of which they regard not whom they oppress be they Men or Beasts some of them spending as much in one day as an hundred Men can get by their hard Labour and all to please the wanton Lust and momentary Pleasure of the Throat they having but only the meer Forms and Shapes of Men and being really void both of Humanity and Christianity From this ground doth proceed all violent Courses and Contentions both publick and private which Evils will never be remedied except Men take up the Cross and deny themselves and follow the Counsel of the divine Principle and hearken unto the Voice of Wisdom which continually cries in the Gate of every Man's City and happy is he that hearkens unto her for she is a sufficient Guide to lead every one into the pure simple Way of Truth and teach us from what we ought to separate our selves whereby we may acquire Health to the Soul and Body and the Treasures both of Time and Eternity But none are or can be sensible of those Advantages but such alone as are got through thé Red Sea and the Howling Wilderness and have entred into the Land of Canaan for it seems too mean a thing and the Ways that lead to those holy Virtues are too plain for the great People of this World But our Lord and Saviour Christ saith My Kingdom is not of this World and therefore when Peter in the most just and pious Cause that can be imagined viz. to preserve his innocent Master from unjust violence drew his Sword our Lord calmly bid him put it up for the Sword cannot be drawn but by and through the Power of God's Wrath which does predominate in most Men's Hearts and this Christ
and intimates the strite between the Properties of Nature but as touching the Third Angel the Scripture is silent for Three is an holy Number and signifies the heavenly Seed in which the Lord hath establish'd his Covenant of Grace and Mercy with Mankind It was therefore this holy Number that brought the glad Tidings unto Abraham and his Wife that she should bear a Son in her old age which is as much as to say That the divine Principle viz. The Love and Light should abide and manifest it self in Abraham's Line for the Word Abraham does signifie The original Properties and Strength of God in the Fire and his Wife the Love or Meekness from which Principle should be generated a Son of true Light For Isaac does intimate the divine Principle or Son of God who in the fulness of time was manifested in the humane Nature This holy Number Three or good Angel continued with Abraham that is the divine Principle and holy Power staid and made intercession for the Sodomites for so we find Abraham immediately intreating and petitioning the Lord to save the Cities of the Plain for the sake of such Righteous as might be therein but the Two fiery Angels hasted towards Sodom for the original Fire is fierce and quick in its motion and when any People have by their Transgressions kindled the Wrath of God then there does arise an Instrument out of the same Principle which does destroy and punish that People as is manifested in this outward World which is but a Figure of the inward for when a Prince and his People have by their Sins stirred up the Lord's indignation against them then a neighbouring Prince or Nation is excited to be their Scourge and Punisher though oftentimes the latter is as great an Evil-doer as the former for every Principle and Property both in the divine and humane Nature does always raise up Instruments from it self to perform its own work for look what Property or Principle is most predominant in either a particular Person or Nation good or evil just or unjust such an Angel they have given them or is attracted by Simile If the fierce Wrath bear sway then the evil Angel obtaineth the Government of that Person or People which does inwardly stir up Enmity in the hearts of Men one against another whence does arise all kinds of Oppression and Violence both of Man and Beasts Besides it is to be understood that the Angels both good and evil are prompt and always desirous to obey and attend all such as live in the power of their respective Principle as the Scripture takes notice That the evil Angel was ready and offered his service to be a Lying Spirit in the Mouth of Ahab's Prophets for the evil deeds and perverseness of Mankind to each other and their oppressing the rest of God's Creatures does as naturally awaken the fierce dark Powers and attract them as the Load-stone doth Iron whence doth proceed the Judgments and so many Calamities For no Extreams can continue long without alteration as we see if any particular Person give himself to Vanity and commits Evil with desire and greediness such an one cannot continue long without bringing destruction to Body and Soul For when any Property of Nature is so violently awakened it powerfully draws to it self all things that are capable or have a Simile with it viz. the evil Angels and also the Venom out of all things and so grows a devouring hungry Fire that is never satisfied till it hath consumed all the sweet Oyl and Radical Moisture and then the Body droops and languishes and dies On the contrary Virtue and the Fear of the Lord do with a powerful hand not only withstand and resist the baneful Influences of bad Angels and all other evil things but does also attract the Virtue out of all things to the increasing and strengthening its own Principle and innumerable good Angels are ready at all times to assist and defend the sober and upright in Heart as the Scripture saith He hath made his Angels ministring Spirits to administer to those that serve the Lord and are in necessity In another place the Lord saith Is there any Evil in the City that is in Man and am not I the Lord in the midst of it As much as to say I am in and through all and govern all things in my Love or in mine Anger and Man being his Image doth in his measure the same but the Evil should not have been awakened or manifested in Man therefore he was in the beginning forbidden it but after he had eaten this Fruit the Lord said The Man is become as one of us knowing Good and Evil. Then the Gates of Paradise were shut against him and it is said The Lord drove him out of the Garden into the Earth that is into the wild Nature to labour and dress it and the Lord set two Cherubims on the East-side of the Garden with flaming Swords that did turn every way to keep the Tree of Life lest Man should touch it and live for ever The East here does signifie in the Radix the open Gate or Eye that sees into the great Mysteries and working Powers of the Creator The Tree of Life does intimate the creating Power of God and the original Forms in Nature viz. the three grand Properties Salt Sulphur and Mercury from whence all the variety of Complexions Forms and Qualities do arise the Cherubims and Flaming Sword that defends this Tree of Life do signifie the original Fire and strong Forms of Nature in which the Lord calls himself an angry jealous God and a consuming Fire The Cherubims are the strong fiery Angels and great Powers of God in the working and government of all the Kingdoms of Nature which mighty Operations and my stick creating Powers Man was not fit to know after he had awakened the Wrath and came to know Good and Evil for if Man should once have touched this Tree of Life then would he have been capable to have wrought Wonders in the dark strong fiery original Property viz. the dark Magick and changing of one Form into another and the creating Power of God would have been known unto Man who then would have lived for ever in the hellish Qualities It may be noted That the Lord said nothing in the beginning to Adam of the Tree of Life but only of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil the Fruit of this latter Tree only he should not have eaten for Eating signifies to nourish and strengthen which Adam should not have suffered his Will and Desires to have longed after for if the fiery wrathful Principal had not been awakened in Adam then the Lord would not have drove him out of the Garden that is out of the Government of the divine Principle neither would there have been any danger of his touching of the Tree of Life that is of the original creating strong Powers of the Lord for if he had continued
the Bone or a piece of the Garment of a Man who is himself many Years agone dead and rotten can Cure them of Diseases or preserve them from Dangers But especially when we give them a piece of Bread and tell them 't is Flesh Blood and Bones they think 't is Bread still and are so impudent as to believe their own Eyes before the Dictates of our Priests Heathen Why Do you your selves believe and practice these Absurdities French-man Ye marry and would burn you too if you were in some parts of Christendom and durst say you did not believe them as well as we Heathen Then I bless the good and infinite Being that I have no business in such a Christendom But pray proceed with the Story of your Hugenots French-man We endeavoured to suppress and root them out by severe Laws and open Wars but finding that Course ineffectual we resolved upon a Stratagem to cut them off pretended to be very kind to them and that we desired a perfect Reconciliation and to that purpose made a Match between one of the chief of that Party and a great Lady of ours to solemnize this Wedding the principal Hugonots repaired from all parts of the Kingdom and had the greatest Assurances given them of Friendship But one Night whilst they suspected nothing Souldiers being drawn together at a certain Hour fell upon them in all parts of the City destroying Men Women and Children so that in two or three Hours time there were above Ten thousand of their dead Bodies flung naked into the Streets and the Channels flowed with their Heretical Blood And at that time Messengers were sent to other Cities and Towns to do the like so that in a few days there were above Forty Thousand of them slain Was not this a noble Expression of Zeal for Religion Heathen God keep such bloody Zeal still from our Indian Territories Do your Priests allow of such doings French-man Allow Yes and applaud them too they are the Men that excite us to these gallant Exploits and for a Reward for these Services do forgive us all our Sins and assure us of Heaven Heathen I know not what they may pretend but this I know that God is Love and that such barbarous Cruelties are to him an Abomination And to speak truth so long as men continue Obstinate Revengeful and Contentious and suffer the wild savage Nature and bitter Spirit to reign in their Hearts neither Men nor God can forgive them for Inequality and Discord cannot move Equality such a Spirit is contrary to the Divine Nature and therefore cannot expect Forgiveness till 't is changed and transformed For men cannot draw nigh to the Fountain of Benignity nor be heard of the Sovereign Being but as they become like unto him for every like is moulded by its likeness Blood requires Blood but the Merciful shall find Mercy from the God of Peace and Compassion whose Mercies never fail For this cause we have for many Generations totally abstained from all Violence Oppression and Killing either of Man or Beast for the Groanings and Miseries of those Creatures that suffer Wrong are the beginnings of Trouble and Sorrow to those that do it and do certainly stir up and awaken the fierce Wrath in Nature as the Loadstone attracts Iron French-man These are pretty Nations but methinks impracticable For if we Europians should live the Life you talk of and lay aside Arms and not vindicate our Religion and Liberties by the Sword we should be over-run and be made the greatest of Slaves Have not you heard of the Inroad made at this instant by the Turks into Germany Now would you have us stand with our Arms across and suffer them to over-run all Christendom Heathen I pray what do you account the occasion that moved the Turk to this Expedition French-man Why the Emperor of Germany in certain of his Territories had some of those Hereticks that I described to you but now and he would force them to be of his Religion and to compel them therereunto seized on their Priests and clapt them into Dungeons and Prisons where they were starved and pined away in Want and Misery and others he sold for Slaves and sent Soldiers amongst them to kill and destroy all that would not conform to his Ceremonies Hereupon they took Arms in their own defence and observing their Brethren to live free from such Violences and enjoy their Religion under the Turks paying only such Tribute they desire the Turk to protect them which offends the Emperor and so the Quarrel encreasing the Turks sends an Army against him Heathen This confirms and illustrates what I assert for here you see this Deluge of Calamity had not happened to Germany had they not first stirred up the Wrath and causlesly vexed their Neghbours It appears plainly these Flames arise from Sparks of their own kindling besides Experience shews that none are such Vassals and subject to so many Miseries as those that give themselves to the use of Arms viz. to Guns Swords and the like Weapons of Wrath and most of them perish by the use of them For our own part 't is true we do live in subjection and under the burthen of many great Taxes which are levied on us at the pleasure of the Princes we live under but then they protect us from the Injuries of the Multitude allowing us our free Egress and Regress through their Dominions and unquestioned Liberty for the Exercise of our Religion and manner of living They do not endeavour to peep into our Breasts or examine our Opinions or punish us for not thinking as they do We go freely about our Occasions nor do they permit every Idle Fellow to take away our Goods nor give us abusive Words or hurry us to loathsome Prisons nor are our Sons forced into the Wars They threaten no Punishment to us provided we do not offend the Civil Laws for they matter not what gods we worship nor after what fashion so we are just to men and live peaceably and pay our Tribute If they have our Money they know they cannot want Men that will fight for two Pence a day But we value our Health our Lives Liberties and Religion more than Money We all drink Water and the fragrant Herbs wholsome Seeds Fruits and Grains suffice us abundantly for Food Our Stomachs are clean our Appetites sharp so that we taste the inward Virtue of each thing and sing Songs of Praise to the Creator who affords unto us the plenty of the Earth and the pleasant Dews of Heaven so that as Fish live in the Salt and Brackish Ocean and yet their Flesh is fresh and sweet so we in the midst of a tempestuous troublesome World live Calm and as it were in Paradise French-man I am glad to bear you esteem your selves so happy there are few Mortals that are so content with their Lot but are whining repining complaining and always on the Tenter-hooks of new Hopes and Desires Heathen
Treatise occasionally mentioned Flesh and that vulgar eating thereof is prejudicial yet we esteem it a matter of such Importance as deserves to be particularly and distinctly treated of in a Chapter by it self For there is greater Evil and Misery attends Mankind by killing hurrying and oppressing his Fellow-Creatures and eating their Flesh and that without distinction than is generally apprehended or imagined Man's strong Inclinations after Flesh and his making so light and small a matter of killing and oppressing the inferior Creatures does manifest what Principle has got the Dominion in him for had Man continued in the pure Law of God and lived in the power of the humane Nature and followed the Voice and Dictates of the Divine Principle which he was created to live in he would have been far from oppressing killing or eating the Flesh and Blood of the Beasts which was not allowed him in the beginning for Man was created to be obedient and to live in the power of the Divine Principle and therefore was put into a Garden amongst innocent Herbs Fruits and Grains which were intended and ordained for his Food and was forbidden that Fruit in which was manifest Good and Evil which should not have been awakened and made manifest in Men for all Hurrying Hunting Oppressing and Killing be it in what kind you will arises from one only Ground viz. from the wrathful Powers of Nature Now Herbs c. have an innocent Original and no Power to awaken or kindle any other Properties but what are like themselves but the Beasts are equally endued with Wrath Revenge Hate Envy Love and indeed with all the wrathful and sensual Passions For which cause their Flesh especially when unclean and Blood was so strictly forbidden by the holy Ancients for the humane Nature ought not to have incorporated it self with the bestial otherwise God would have indulged man the freedom of eating of Flesh in his first estate since he loves it so well but on the contrary the Diet prescribed him was this Every green Herb shall be unto thee for Meat There was no mention made or thoughts of Flesh. 2. It should be considered That Flesh and Fish cannot be eaten without violence and doing that which a man would not be done unto and making destruction of God's Creatures which are generally more profitable living than dead as Cows and Sheep which are the Creatures most eaten Now killing not only of those of our own kind but also of any other Creatures came in with the Transgression for Man was not made to be a Tyrant unto the rest of God's Creatures nor to live in the wrathful bestial Nature but in love and meekness to have dominion over all things for their good and to maintain Unity and Concord which can never be done unless he live in the Spirit of Love and Meekness whence ariseth that noble Vertue Compassion which opposeth all Violence as much as the Night doth the Day This all the wise Ancients understood but more especially the most learned and illuminate Prophet Moses who did use all possible Means both Natural and Divine to bring the Children of Israel off from eating of Flesh as appears first in their forty years Travel in the Wilderness during which they were not commonly admitted to eat Flesh as appears by their Murmurings after the Flesh-pots of Egypt which when the Lord heard he said unto Moses Give them Flesh. Moses answers Shall we kill our Flocks and Herds or where shall we have Flesh to feed this Multitude Which shews they did not use to kill and eat the Beasts in their March towards the Holy Land for if they did why then do they complain for want of it 'T is true the Lord gave them Flesh but it was in his Wrath and to their Destruction For they had awakened the Centre of Wrath which provoked the Lord for Flesh cannot be otherwise procured but this they ought not to have done for the Lord had brought them out of Egypt by his mighty Power that is out of the Vanity Violence and Oppression for so Egypt rightly signifies and the Wilderness does intimate the Path and Way of Regeneration that leads all that persevere in Self-denial to the holy eternal Land of Peace that flows with Milk and Honey Therefore none ought to look back or murmur that are once got through the Red-Sea lest they fall as the Children of Israel did and become like Lot's Wife Monuments of Vengeance 3. All kind of Violence whether towards our own kind or upon inferior Creatures and whether little or much does wholly arise from the awakened Wrath of God in Nature and from the very same Root does proceed all Back-biting Envy Strife Rancor and Contention and whatever else a Man can think of that is of that Nature there being but one only Foundation that does generate Discord and Inequality amongst all Creatures and whenever any man does hurt oppress kill or speak evil of any other Creature it proceeds from this original Spring of Wrath. On the other side from the Divine Principle of God's eternal Light and Love doth arise and flow as from an inexhaustible Fountain all Friendly Qualities Love Good-Will Meek innocent Compassion courteous Dispositions and Inclinations and whatever can be called or deserves the Name of Good No man did ever strike oppress use violence to or kill either Man or Beast from the excitement and power of this friendly Principle for all Contention Strife and Cruelty is as contrary to the Nature and Operation of this Principle as Light is to Darkness but from this Divine Fountain in Man does proceed that great Law of doing unto all Creatures as a man would be done unto which cannot therefore admit that any Violences or Injuries should be done unto God's Creatures either superior or inferior This our great and blessed Law-giver Iesus Christ did demonstrate whilst he was in the humane Property for all his Practices Examples Discourses and Preachings unto Mankind were tending to lead them into Peace Meekness and Unity and therefore he said unto Peter Put up thy Sword for my Kingdom is not of this World that is My Kingdom does not consist in Wrath Enmity Oppression Cutting off of Ears and Killing but in Peace Love and Concord So likewise have all the holy and enlightned Men in all Ages both by speaking and writing declared against Violence and endeavoured all that in them lay to draw all men to Unity which was the first state of Man and which he lost by suffering his Will and Desire to enter into Violence and Inequality viz. into dark Wrath which presently causeth uneven operations in his Soul which our Saviour Christ came to seek and to save that is to draw the Soul of Man back again out of Egypt through the Red Sea and Wilderness into the Land of Promise a state of Innocency and Unity For except Man do again depart from all Violence and from under the Government of the Spirit of Oppression and