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A59048 Some flashes of lightnings of the sonne of man being the substance of eleaven sermons upon severall texts, preached in London / by William Sedgwick ... Sedgwick, William, 1609 or 10-1669? 1648 (1648) Wing S2390; ESTC R38896 114,856 309

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the primitive times a childe of it a daughter of it amongst the Saints of God now Ye have not Zion but a daughter of it and ye are not Zion but a daughter a generation descended from Zion or Zion descended a daughter of a Church in weaknes and in infirmity in captivity and this message unto you is Rejoyce greatly To the poor low weak infirme Saints of God in bondage and captivity they are the daughter of Zion the beloved of God owned to be the seed of Zion the children of Zion and when yee shall be nourished and fed with the bread of life and the milke of the Word ye will grow up to be Zion but as yet ye are tender weake feeble weak vessels subject to be spoild tempted carried away by the deceits of Satan by the vanities of the world yet tenderly beloved and much affected by God owned and acknowledged by Him to be His owne seed His own children bearing the Image of the heavenly Zion and having the nature of the mountaine of God in You and are indeed though in extream weaknesse and infirmity the seat and habitation and the rest of God Therefore Rejoyce greatly O daughter of Zion and ye are not only called to rejoycing but also to shouting Shout Your language you know is poor weak broken feeble the most that is heard amongst you is vaine disputes Genealogies boastings and gloryings in the spirit of Antichrist humane and fleshly wisdome exalting and glorying in it selfe but a savoury sound and spiritual voice is much in fears doubts demands in asking questions by people in the wildernesse Which is the way to Zion How shall we doe to know God Just like one that 's blinde asks which is my friend which is God How shall I know God from Satan Christ from Antichrist How shall wee doe to understand the voice of the LORD Here 's a low poor mean voice How is it What shall we doe How shall we live And what shall we doe to get this and that And what 's the matter These and such kinde of questions demands complaints are the voice that is here amongst you but yee are called to shouting shout shout let 's hear the voice of God amongst you the voice of a King Israel shouted Balaam prophesied That the shout of a King was in the midst of them The King is in you the King is with you and in you in victory triumphing in the meanest and lowest state and condition Ye may see by the Spirit of the LORD and faith the mighty power of God there is with us and in us the fulnesse of God all wisdome all righteousnesse all certainty all good conquering all evil all joy removing all sadnesse all sinne taken away therefore shout Turn your complaints into triumphs turn your demands and questions into liftings up the heart and spirit rejoyce in such acclamations as these I have found I am I enjoy Kingdome glory life Christ and every thing that is good Shout speak out speak aloud in the name of the LORD and say Yee are the children of the living God say God lives in you Let 's hear it aloud speak boldly confidently open your hearts largely and say Christ is in you I have Him I am with Him He is in me I am in Him here He is He dwels in me I am His Temple I see Him now I see the LORD my Saviour I have heard of Him with the hearing of the ear but now mine eyes see Him I have Him I enjoy Him Shout O daughter of Jerusalem Though the daughter of Zion and in weaknes and lownes yet the mountain of God begotten by God and though as yet in infirmity descended from heaven yet the daughter of Jerusalem and the City of God though very poor and very weak yet this is the state and condition of the daughter of Jerusalem that is the Jerusalem that is descended from above Come downe from heaven The glorious state of the Church in which are twelve foundations of the twelve Apostles twelve gates and twelve Angels all of precious stones all of pearls all of pure gold transparent as glasse all righteousnesse beauty glory all this is in us and We are the daughter of it all the glory and all the excellency of Jesus Christ and all his Apostles and Prophets are borne and brought forth in us all the beauty glory and excellency of Jesus Christ of all the Saints Prophets Apostles and Angels are brought forth in us thou art the daughter of it the daughter of Jerusalem a little Epitome of the heavenly Jerusalem a low and little childe and a babe of the heavenly Jerusalem and when thou growest up to know thy self and what thou art thou shalt be the mother of us all and the mother of all the riches of God thou art as I may say Christened and in this day of the LORD called by this name the habitation and riches of all the fulnes of the LORD the place where the infinite Deity the divine excellency delights to fix to settle to live this is thy state thou art that building that is not made with hands that is eternall in the heavens the daughter of it and when thou shalt grow up in the name and strength of the LORD then wilt thou appeare to be the Zion and Jerusalem of God O what need thou hast now of great joy How should thy heart be inlarged when thou art the seat and habitation of all the glory and excellency of God that ever shin'd forth in all the Saints Prophets and Apostles and Angels All this joy glory and excellencies must come forth from thee must be Produced from thee must be inlarg'd in thee O then what cause hast thou to rejoyce and to shout greatly Behold thy King cometh unto thee This Scripture hath been fulfilled once in the first appearing of the Lord Christ when there was great joy in Jerusalem at his triumphant riding through Jerusalem upon an Asse the multitude of people spread their garments in the way and others cut downe branches of trees and strewed in the way crying and saying Hosannah to the Sonne of David Blessed is hee that commeth in the Name of the LORD Hosannah in the Highest And it s now fullfiling the Second time by the Second appearing of the Lord by the Second and GREAT appearing of our Jesus by the coming of the Son of God not in infirmity and weaknesse but in the Majestie and Power of the Father in the Kingdome and Power of God and therefore Behold it Look out for it Look out of your bondage and captivity Looke forth of your feares and darke and troubled thoughts See who is here Open your Everlasting doores stand open yee Everlasting gates Open your everlasting eyes Open your spirituall eyes Look up Look up O yee lights of God Behold the KING of eternal glory Arise Awake and stand up out of your carnal humane and fleshly state into your heavenly and spiritual light
as the Disciples are enquiring after heavenly things Wee are troubled with the perversenesse of the Pharisees as well as the weaknesse of the Disciples the Pharisee is most in question they that are highest in their owne conceits and most confident of their owne wisdome do most abound in proposing questions doe most desire to grow in notions Therefore t is not every one that asks shal have nor every one that seeks shall find but he that asks aright We shal finde no question but we may see a Pharisee in it though withall a Disciple The enquiry is after the kingdome of God While it was present with them they were in dispute and question concerning it Christ telleth them The kingdome of God is within you it was in him it was in them T is in me t is in you and yet yee enquire after it therefore there is no question but there 's unbelief there 's darknesse Take away unbelief and darknesse and emnity against the kingdome of God and ye shall see nothing but the kingdom of God For there is nothing but the kingdome of God that shines from East to West and while every man questions it and proposes doubts he shews in that what the kingdome of God makes him and discovers the evil punishment of his owne flesh But here is proud flesh wise Pharisees asking after the highest glory The kingdome of God While flesh is up in questioning the kingdom of God is trampled upon and yet so cunning is the flesh that when with cruel emnity they hate and persecute yet with seeming zeal they enquire after the Kingdom of God and while the LORD saith You are of your father the devil you are murderers they say We would fain see and enjoy the Kingdom of God Wretched man while he is climbing high in his notions in his understanding to search and prie into the greatest mystery of God of God in his Kingdom hee stands then at the greatest distance from God The kingdom of God is the subject of every mans discourse the object of every mans hatred al men talk of it and no man loves it every man says How and when where is it how shall I know it how may I see it and no man can endure it The Kingdome of God is the destruction of the world so the Disciples knew When shall thy comming and the end of the world be So long as the world is The Kingdome is not God reigns not or there is a Kingdome of God in the world which is not THE KINGDOME or The Kingdom Come This Kingdom as it manifests it self the world is not And as every man dreads every man corrupted by Satan dreads and hates the end of the world and the destruction of all things so every man hates the Kingdome of God There is nothing so much flattered nothing so much abused as the Kingdome of God Men would see it and know it because they cannot be saved without it but are enemies to it because it comes with the destruction of the flesh There are many now further off from the Kingdome of God then these Pharisees If any thing of the Kingdome of God breake forth they flie from it they will not endure it This is the Kingdome of God so far as it manifests it selfe God reigning God triumphing all in all Where nothing is but God nothing lives but God none speaks but God Where God is upon the throne of his own glory where God lives alone speakes alone saith I am and there is none besides me When I have conquered and overcome every thing to my self by the brightnesse of my own glory made every thing light like my self when all things speak me and acknowledge mee and every thing declares mee This is my Kingdom And this man hates this man dreads this is death death to all the world This man cries out against as Blasphemy Man can be well contented that God should be his Pillar to bear him up but not that God should come uppermost and say I am the LORD He can be content that God should support him in his weaknesse and give him the hopes of a Kingdome but cannot bee content that hee should bee a King When the Kingdome of GOD should come It comes it must come They were not so wicked nor is there any Pharisee so wicked as to say it shall never bee but they would not have it as yet They love to talk of it more then to heare it or see it and are great pretenders to believing but great opposers to view and sight Pharisees are most certainely concluded in faith to believe it shall bee they care not for the sight The Kingdome of God is good at a distance but hard and intollerable in presence because it discovers and judges good and evil it shewes men where they are what they are The wretchedest Jew in the world will offer sacrifice in token of God to come Christ to come though when he comes they do oppose him The same do men now Hee answered and said unto them The Kingdome of GOD comes not with observation By that reason that judgement whereby you would comprehend and understand heavenly things ye shall not The kingdome of God is no way subject to your observation it s not the Kingdome of God if you could see it if you could observe it you are darknes and cannot know the light None can observe this Kingdom but the Kingdome it selfe when yee come to it and enjoy it yee shall see it None can say this is the Kingdome or that is the Kingdome or this is not the Kingdome or that is not the Kingdome for it comes not with observation It 's not to be observed by the most studious the most inquisitive the most thirsting men after the knowledge of it not by the best reason the clearest judgement the largest comprehension the most curious speculation of man compare times with times seasons with seasons Scriptures with Scriptures all this is but observation and according to this way the Kingdome of God doth not come to say this is not the Kingdome of God because it doth not agree with this and with that is to goe by observation but The Kingdome of GOD cometh not with observation Wretched man silly ignorant man blinde man that dares subject this Kingdome of God to his observation But it comes not so Men talk and babble and argue amongst themselves we know this the Scripture saith and this the Word saith and therfore the Kingdome of GOD must be so and so this is observation and by this the Pharisees rejected Christ and by this a spiritual Pharisee a more subtill Pharisee the heire of the Pharisee doth daily and continually reject Christ Away then with observation The Kingdome of God is not so mean and so base as to bee subject to humane capacity to mens Reasons Christ was this did this wrought this and therefore wee expect in the second coming he should do this
seventh Angel sounds when there is freedome and liberty in the hearts of the Saints they all now say The Kingdomes of the LORD There were great voyces in Heaven They talk aloud of God in Heaven Below in the Earth people whisper and speak as it were in a corner of God they speak low and in private therefore saith Christ What you speak in a cornes shall be published on the house top Al the appearances of God have been but as in a corner Though the sending out of the Apostles into the World did typify that universal free abundant declaration of GOD this Name of God in the World Yet al that which hath been made known of God hitherto hath been but a speaking in a corner in comparison of that which is now breaking forth God hath been spoken of in a corner heer a little and there a little But now there comes a great Voyce that throwes downe State Kings Kingdomes and al the powers of the Earth to make way for the glory of God God wil whisper it no longer nor speak with a faint Voyce with a cold language but wil speak so and come so That every Eye shall see him every Eare shall heare him every Tongue shal speak him and every heart shal acknowledge and confesse him This is the LORD Now doth GOD REIGNE Now is Christ exalted This Voyce may be heard in Hel and spoken in wrath but when ever it is spoken freely and aloud with joy then it is in Heaven to the Saints And this is the close of the great Voyce The Kingdomes of this world are become the Kingdomes of our Lord and of his Christ The Kingdomes of this world are become c. God heretofore hath had the meanest of this World A sort of poor low mean People only have testified a little for God and Christ heer a little and there an handful but doe you think it or can it be thought That God wil alwaies be contented with this Or doe you thinke the GREAT things of the World were made eternally for the Devil and wicked men Or can it be imagined that God should fil a World with men and furnish them with parts and abilities Greatnesse Wisdome Riches Majesty Authority c. that wicked men should alwaies abuse them and devils alwaies have the command of them and God forever be excluded and shut out No no such matter No the Kingdomes of this World al the Riches al the Strength al the Authority al the Power al the Righteousnesse Justice Judgement and Excellency of this World both in respect of Civel and Ecclesiastical Government Al the Kingdomes of this World shall become the Kingdomes of our Lord and of his Christ We dare in the power of the Lord speak it The Voyce wil be No man hath to doe with any Power Authority Wisdome Riches or any thing in the World No creature hath any power or priviledge to dispose of any thing on the Earth Al Power Strength Riches c. are taken from men or if any thing be left that which remaines is consuming and blasting and shal wast away til al greatnes and excellency whatsoever resolves it selfe into the Kingdome of OUR Lord and of his Christ The Kingdome of Our Lord they are become OUR Lord now must Reign Al things now are become his They were Our Lords from the beginning and of right al did belong to him If he did intrust them to other Kings Nobles Great ones c. it was but onely as they were his Servants they were but intrusted and committed to them as Talents they are but his Stewards and woe be his Stewards when he turnes them out of their Sewardship they must be Stewards no longer but must give an account of their Stewardship of their Talents And these Kingdomes of the World must immediately become the Kingdomes of Our Lord and of his Christ Wee have a Lord that is a Lord indeed The great Lord of Heaven and Earth The Lord af Lords and King of Kings others are but Images and Pictures of this OVR LORD they are but his Substitutes and now OVR Lord comes and throwes out al other Lords He casts these Stewards out of their places and the Kingdomes of the World return again to Him whose they are They were of old thine only they were let out to use for a while The original right is in OVR Lord he hath it and wil maintain it and he himself wil Reigne The Spirit of God hath prophesied of this in al Ages and now he is performing it The next Age nay at this time this dominion is Our Lords Now for Our LORD now for the great GOD. Now for Our King Now all the Kingdomes of the World are become the Kingdomes of OVR Lord. OUR Lord wil take al and leave nothing un-possessed He must have al and we must have all in him He must Reign and we must Reign with him He that upholds us and comforts us He that is in us and with us He that speakes this language in us and puts forth this expression by us is OUR Lord God with us or Emanuel This LORD shall have all the Kingdomes of the Earth and he will put us in possesson of al that is good excellent rich beautiful all that is Kingly and Noble all that excels al the Kingdomes of the World And out of the Lord and from the Lord shal be nothing but desolation and confusion yea desolation and confusion it selfe is our Lords prison into which our Lord wil cast his enemies They are al become Our Lords and his Christs OUR Lords and his Anointeds It is Christ in the glory of the Father that is Our happinesse and Our life The Son in the glory and power of the Father God exalting the Son into himselfe The Kingdomes of the World are the LORDS yet so the LORDS as that Christ is King epual with the Father Christ laies down his Kingdome that he might ascend into the Kingdome of the Father And we lay down our Kingdomes of the World and creatures that we might live in the Kingdome of Christ that so the Father Christ and Wee might Reigne together The Kingdomes of our Lord and of his Christ or his Anointed There are many Anointed that pretend to be THE Anointed of God And many there be that have some Anointing But none shal Reign but His Anointed The holy one of God the Anointed of God Hee that is filled with the Spirit of God Hee that is Anointed with the Oyle the Oyle of GGD He shal Reign for ever no other None but the ANOINTED of GOD. OUR God Anoints US and We are the Anointed of GOD the Christ of GOD the holy one of God all gathered up into one Anointing one Anointed one God and in this unity all in one we shal Reign with him for ever and ever And so it s said Revelations 5. He hath made us Kings and Priests to our God and we shall reign on the earth The
two moneths p. 206. l. 2. r. this creation p. 234. l. 18. r. their owne p. 240. l. 24. r. while p. 267. l. 29. for Spirit r. sixt p. 282. l. 18. for bouble r. double THE REIGNE OF GOD. PSALME 97.1 2. The Lord reigneth let the earth rejoyce let the multitude of Isles be glad thereof Clouds and darknesse are round about him righteousnesse and judgement are the habitation of his Throne HEre 's good newes glad tidings The Lord reigneth It cannot be published without praise without rejoycing without singing without blessing We should dishonour this truth if we should not publish it if we should with silence suppresse it if we should not speak well of it It is so sweet and comfortable that it fils the whole world with joy and cals in every eare and every tongue and every heart to be glad to rejoyce and to praise God Let the Earth rejoyce and the multitude of the Isles be glad As though he should say Let nothing fear but hell let nothing be disquieted but devils Let the lowest the poorest of the People of God though but Earth yet let them rejoyce in this The Lord Reigneth First Here is the thing affirmed The Lord reigneth Secondly Here is the use of it or the inference that is made from it Let the Earth rejoyce and the multitude of Isles be glad Thirdly Here is the means by which he ascends into the Throne Clouds and darkness are round about him First Here is a plain and certain Proposition affirmed The Lord Reigneh The Lord saith it and the Lord is it What ever the Lord saith it is a Kingdome what ever he is he is a Kingdome Men have Reigned and when men Reign God Reigns to by men and it was alwaies true That all the Kingdomes of the Earth were the Lords and his Christs and so all the Kings of the Earth have been the Reign of God in figure God hath Reigned in them as in types but that which we must now affirm which the Lord affirms is the immediate Reign of God such as that is which is expressed Rev. 11. Thou who wast art and art to come hast taken to thee thy great power and hast Reigned God did Reign invisibly while men Reigned visibly or God Reigned because he gave Reign to others but as there is his Reigne in giving so there is his Reign in taking Thou hast taken to thee thy great power The Lord takes Reign and Kingdome and Power into himself he takes off the Crown from the heads of Princes and sets it on his own head It was adminstred before by instruments now God administers power immediately by himself The other Reign was a lesse this the great Reign Hast taken to thee thy great power The greatest Power that ever the Lord gave to men is nothing to that power which Christ will put forth when he Reigns himself And observe the companion of this power When thou reignest the Nations are angry When God Reigns the devill rages when God comes to set up his power there is wrath and violence in the mindes of the men of the world and when you see this violence and rage in the mindes of the men of the world it is a sure sign that God hath taken the Kingdome Power and strength from them Here 's two things of very sweet consideration 1. The Reign of the Lord and 2. The Reign of the Lord in the Saints First This Kingdome that God is now setting up is his everlasting Kingdome It will not be administred by the weaknesse of man but by the power of God not by the folly of man but by the judgement of God God will in this Kingdome nakedly manifest his own righteousnesse his own compassion and pitie his own love his own peace Hee will doe all things immediately by his owne self And therefore all the pride and ambition all the oppression and tyranny and miscarriages that hath been in the government of men shall be wholly taken away Pure righteousnesse and judgement and equity shall be infallibly dispensed and infinite power strength holinesse goodnesse and authority shall shine forth nakedly in the face of God and that shall be the Judge of all men Wee shall no longer be abused and oppressed by the will of men by the lusts of men The poor people shall no longer groan under the burden of mens lusts nor sweat for the pleasure and contents of men nor their faces any longer be ground by the hardnesse of the spirit of men but they shall be under the protection of God The great cry now of the people is Let 's have a King Ye shall have one one that will reign in righteousnesse the LORD himself Secondly And this Reign of the Lord shall be in his Saints according to that in Dan. 7.27 And the kingdome and dominion and the greatnesse of the kingdome under the whole heaven shall be given to the people of the Saints of the most high whose kingdome is an everlasting kingdom and all dominions shall serve obey him As this kingdom shal be administred in the glory of God so also in the sweetnesse and gentlenesse of man by brethren by friends by the Saints of the most High God lifting up himself in the Saints will administer this Reign and as he will do it by the Saints so he will doe it by the softnesse and tendernesse of the Saints The kingdome and dominion under the whole earth shall be given to the people of the Saints of the most High It● now doing that ye shall obey none but the Lord ye shall know no other laws but the Law of God ye shall know no other Master but Jehovah He hath made us Priests and Kings and we shall reign with him on earth This nature of ours this body of ours shall reign with Christ with God and that upon earth The Lord reignes The Lord hath served hath been hitherto much yea mostly in the forme of a servant It hath been as it were the businesse of the Lord whilst this world stood to give supplies to men to serve men to give men strength and wisdome and riches and authority and power that men might be great and happy with the goodnesse of God and in this God hath been King too but in an under way As saith the Lord I have served with your sinnes and lusts now he will no longer serve but Reigne God will take all the Power and Authority into his own hands Hee will not be any longer under men but above all men It s time He should be so Its reason Hee should be so It s just He should be so Every thing now must bowe stoop submit to the Law and rule and will of God No man shall any longer say it shall be so because it is my will to have it so there shall not be found an heart or tongue that shall move against the Dominion of the Lord. Satan hath been a Prince hee hath made Lawes
in their world Broken in their understandings broken in their apprehensions broken in their peace broken in their strength broken in their joyes broken in their waies and they float in the Sea and waters of fears cares disquietnesses are round about them and beat upon them that know not how to have fellowship with God in a setled state Yet Let the multitude of the Isles be glad Indeed all the states of the Earth are broken in peeces by flouds and inundations And therefore let the multitude of the Isles be glad It is the Kingdome of the Lord that makes you to be Isles It is the floud of the Spirit of God that divides you from that stability and firmnesse that ye had The Isles shall hear the Word of the LORD The divided and broken state and condition of men shall hear the word of the LORD Those persons that are at the greatest distance from God from constant trading and dealing with God let them be glad and rejoyce It is the LORD hath broken US off from the Earth from that stability and firmnes that we had in our selves that we might have it in himself that so he might make US a new Kingdome He hath divided US from the Land that He might plant himself a Kingdome in US that He might make many Kingdomes for his own glory and righteousnesse to dwell in Neither is this without respect to a litterall sense This Reign of God first begins in Isles it rises up in little Isles before it appears in the great Empires of the world God will appear first in these lowest parts of the Earth Let the multitude of the Isles rejoyce Let the whole bundle of Isles England Scotland and Ireland rejoyce Let the multitude of Isles be glad It is visibly and sensibly a time of the greatest sadnesse that ever was but really and truly and in a spiritual sense it is a time of the greatest joy and gladnesse that ever was To see things in the Lord is the time of the greatest rejoycing and truest gladnesse This is the time of the LORDS Reigne and the time of Englands rejoycing If England knew her own time but we know no● our seasons and this is it that makes us uncomfortable and unsutable to our conditions The Lord Reigns and this is the greatest cause of mirth and joy that ever the earth had Let the earth rejoyce Poor earth hath been in bondage and captivity but now let the earth rejoyce We have been under the protection of men yea under the government of Satan for so long as wee are governed by any thing at a distance from God there is a mixture of Satan in it now we are under the protection of God The Lord hath broken the rod of the oppressour And now we shall have the end of our hopes and expectations the end of our praiers now wee shall have peace now we shall have settlement and stability now we shall have Reformation indeed now we shall have every thing that we have desired and our hearts have longed for freedome from oppression love quietnesse righteousnesse justice propriety full trade all in an heavenly holy glorious righteous spirituall eternall sure everlasting way for this kingdome of God hath in it all greatnesse fulnesse freenesse riches pomp state goodnesse and to this end it is said Hee shall come that is the desire of all Nations Therefore sit down and say what you will have If you will have it in God in an heavenly way ye shall but if in a way of flesh and darknesse and fear out of the pure light of God ye shall not Clouds and darknesse are round about him God that is the greatest light dwels in thick darknesse God is surrounded with darknesse And this is your joy now that in that darknesse that ye see upon the face of the Earth ye see God dwelling in it and your selves with him While you are without it its sad Doe but come in thorow this darknesse and there is light within it The light of God And these Clouds of darknesse are clouds of Witnesses that manifest and testifie the presence of the Lord. Christ comes in the clouds O how visible these clouds are now to the eye of reason What a thick cloud hangs over the City What a grosse thick cloud hangs over the Parliament What a black dark cloud hangs over the Army There 's none of them can see where they are what they doe or one another The clouds are so thick that one neighbour or friend knows not another can not trust one another What a cloud is there in the Countrey How these clouds doe gather every where If you will not see you may be ignorant but if ye will see the Lord is in these clouds What darknesses and clouds of opinions are there in the spirits of men What strange darknes there is in the minds of men Most men grope and feel after God and truely there are none can set a right step towards him What dark affections are there in man Dark fear darke anger darke disquietnesse and confusion Clouds and darknesse are round about him Every where where God is not you will finde clouds and darknes but in the face of God there you shall see glory and brightnesse There is nothing to be seen but clouds in all things save in the face of God and there it is bright and clear day God gathering in all fair weather light and brightnesse into himself So that indeed if you will live any where but in God you must live in clouds and darknes Every where else there is not a beam of light but every thing grows thicker and darker till it come to a very hell an eternall night only there is light in the face of God Yet now rejoyce These clouds are round about God and though you doe not see him because ye are in the dark yet he is neer you and he dwels secretly and sweetly in the midst of these clouds that shade and darken all the earth and you shall finde that God will suddenly step up into his throne and reign in light and brightnesse Will you not receive God in a cloud Are ye not contented with a cloud of darknes that so ye may meet with God there God comes cloathed in this darknesse God comes in a cloudy day with fire wasting and consuming all the world yet O who would not leap into those flames to meet God Be not startled at these dark clouds because God is in them but rejoyce Let these clouds come into your estates houses means and enjoyments Let them come in for God is there Welcome them rejoyce in them and be comforted for God rides upon them He rides in triumph upon them These clouds are his Gharriot and all the powers of the Kings of the Earth hee beats into dust and it flies about him therfore goe and meet the Lord in these clouds and dusts Righteousnesse and judgement are the Habitation of his Throne Thorow
God which have been the safety peace and comfort of the World these hils will melt like waxe Those glorious Angelicall Excellencies those Excellent good things that Angels have produced in the world and which are nearer to God then Poor base man WISDOME KNOWLEDGE UNDERSTANDING JUSTICE ORDER GOVERNMENT these Hils melt like waxe There is not an Angel in Heaven able to maintain any of his works Those excellent hils before spoken of melt downe before the brightnesse of the LORD And though man will not see yet the mountains and hils upon which they live sinke under them Secretly and unsensibly doe the mountains of all humane confidence melt under them There is a fearfull desolation of all the Powers and strength of the world And those High exaltations of them how they melt away How low doth the high spirits of men fall How doth our strength and confidence and that staff which we leaned upon waste and consume away And in what a deep consumption are all the good things of the world Melted like wax The glory of man or man refined as we may say is like wax The LORD makes poor earth fine Images of Himselfe in wax He doth set up and drawes poor Earth in some likenesse to Himselfe Gives him His own Image Wisdome Justice Holinesse But when he comes Himselfe He then melts this picture melts these Images And therefore where humane strength is in its greatest power exalting it self in it greatest height It now appears what it is to be Earth to be wax and when God in his glory and brightnes appears it gives place to the heat of God to the fire of God That which as yet ye have seen of God is but waxen Images of God and God hath hitherto upheld them by his absence but now because he comes they go they give place Like waxe at the presence of the LORD Man would be if God were not present You would injoy whatsoever you injoy if the presence of the LORD did not melt it away if the light of God did not come if a greater light did not out-shine this Creation The Sun would not be turned into darknes nor the Moon into bloud If the presence of the LORD the Son of righteousnesse did not rise it would be still the day of man nothing would destroy the glory of the world Satan hath bin at the worke a great while hee hath been hacking at it to bring the world to confusion and the men of the world have been digging at the root of the world and would fain over-turn it though they would fain keep it for themselves but it hath stood till now and now it melts now the presence of the LORD shall cause it to melt away Rev. 20.11 At whose face the Earth and Heavens fled away and there was no place found for them Kingdoms Powers Governments Dignities Righteousnesse Justice and all at this appearance of the LORD say Come le ts goe into confusion and darknesse for here is a light come that confumes us our work is done we were to give a representation of God till He came and now Hee is come there is no more place for us There is no place for Images and Pictures where God is Where the brightnesse and majesty of God comes no place for man no place for creatures no place for worldly and earthly things The majesty brightness and glory of the LORD cannot endure them nor they it but GOD sits them flying and they themselves hasten away At the presence of the LORD of the whole Earth It is the presence of the LORD nothing but the presence of the LORD it is the LORD Himselfe the LORD Himselfe in His owne presence It is My own Face saies the LORD of the whole Earth the Earth I made My foot-stool it hath had some print of My feet and as it hath served Me in its being till I came so now it serves Mee in its departing The earth is Mine I made it it s Mine I disolve it I am LORD of all these things by My presence I gave them a being by a greater presence I dissolve them They obeyed Me in their being they obey Me in their not being I by My Word brought them out of confusion out of nothing and now they obey My Word in returning to that emptines and confusion againe They served Mee when I brought them forth they serve Me at their return Satan hath had the Earth hee shall have it no longer Men have had the Earth they shall possesse it no longer saies the Lord I will possesse it My self I will enjoy it My self I will redeem it from that bondage it hath bin in by wicked and ungodly men and Satan I am LORD of the whole earth Here are quick short dark low remote hints of God of the presence of God but if yee are not yet sensible of it come up higher and further and you shall have a clear Discovery The Heavens declare the righteousnes of God and all people see his glory Come to the open heavens creep out of the earth of worldly affairs and businesses and come into the open state of Heaven and you shall see the righteousnesse of God declared the heavenly discovery of God the Spirit of the LORD and the true presence of the LORD are so visible that al the people that are therin do see the glory of God For truly if you be men you are there in this heaven otherwise you are not worthy the name of men but beasts In heaven the righteousnesse of God is so fully declared that there 's no question to be made of it it s so openly so fully discovered so largely declared that there is nothing else done nothing else spoken of but the Kingdome righteousnesse and glory of God and all the people and all the spirituall people that have got out of their fetters their banishments that are got home to their owne places See this glory of God The most earthly craatures have some heart-meltings breakings shakings terrours troubles upon their spirits by the appearing of God by the lightnings and enlightnings of God this fire of God but those who are heavened into the spirit of God who are awaked into the true life of God where the righteousnesse and glory of God are openly discovered where there 's a full declaration of things as they are in themselves they clearly and manifestly see the glory of God Beholding with open face the glory of God and are changed into the same image from glory to glory by the Spirit of the LORD The end of the second Sermon THE COMMING OF THE KING of ZION Zechariah 9.9 Rejoyce greatly O daughter of Zion shout O daughter of Jerusalem Behold thy King commeth unto thee he is just and having salvation lowly and riding upon an Asse and upon a colt the fole of an Asse ZION hath long suffered but must be delivered Zion hath long mourn'd but we have here a Voice that turns our mournings
who had the infirmity and flesh of man to Judas That thou doest doe quickly Lasting woes are the worst woes Then commeth the third woe which shall last but half a day And as it is short so it is that which shall let us into the third state of the glory of God As there is the day of man the day of Christ and the day of God so their is the glory of Man the glory of Christ and the glory of God This Heaven into which the witnesses ascended is not the highest Heaven the highest glory There must come a third woe that will carry them thither And it comes quickly It is an happy state the witnesses are in when they are raised from the dead yet it 's not lasting though their condition be glorious yet it hath a woe stealing upon it yea though it be a very blessed state a Resurrection from a sinfull Earth yet it is such a blessed state as is subject to warre for immediately succeeds the third woe This clear bright Sun of righteousnesse is subject to an eclips The tenth part falls and 7000. are slaine yet all earth is not cleared away There were sweet enjoyments of the glory of GOD yet it was mingled with some weaknesse and this is our happinesse that our God wil never cease refining us til all Earth till all flesh bee quite removed from us til he hath perfected us into himself The Third woe is a tolerable woe though it hath its sting yet it comes quickly and goes quickly It 's such a one as we are wel able to endure And then cometh the seventh Angell Sounding and hee saith aloud The Kingdomes of this world are become The Kingdomes of our Lord and of his Christ The two Witnesses their prophesying their slaying resurrection and ascension is in the Mysterie of the Spirit Angels sounding It comes neere to perfection but yet is not absolute perfection the highest Reign and Kingdome of the Lord and of his Christ breakes forth at the sounding of the seventh Angel The seven Trumpets are all but one Trumpet The last Trump shall sound The Spirit of the LORD being able either to contract all into one or to enlarge one into seven when and as he pleaseth He can give all to one call it one make it one discover it and open it into one or enlarge it into seven Seven dayes make but one with him Seven Angels and seven Trumpets make but one Angel and one Trumpet with him Seven is a number of rest and blessedness and here is the seventh Angel or the ange licall nature in et's perfection Christ the Head of Angels or the Perfection of Angels Angels are ministring spirits sent forth from God Ministers and Trumpets sounding forth the Kingdome of glory The exellency or perfection of Angels is to trumpet out the last and greatest glory of God Yet Christ the Arch-angel the head and chiefest Angel takes pleasure to sound forth the glory of God before the breaking forth of the Highest and Last glory Trumpeting is a proclaiming or declaring of the glory of GOD. Jesus Christ the Arch-angel the head or chiefest Angel sounds and sends forth a proclaimation or declaration of the Kingdome of GOD. And when we hear the sound of this great Trump we enter into glory or the sounding of the last Trump by Jesus Christ the great Archangel goes before the approach of the highest glory of God And it s said There were great voices in heaven After the sounding of the Trumpet comes forth the voices which is a more distinct and excellent note in musick then the sound of the Trumpet No Organ or Instrument sends forth so sweet a note as the tongue of man It s said There were great voyces in heaven and as it s exprest afterwards these voyces are uttered by the four and twenty Elders that sate before the Throne worshipping God Twelve you know was the number of the Apostles who had only the first fruits of the Spirit We saith the Apostle have the first fruits of the Spirit They had as it were a single harmony of musick publishing and declaring the glory of God But here is not onely twelve but twenty and four Elders The Spirit of God appearing in a double measure twice as much as in the Apostles having the full harvest of the Spirit a greater company of Saints and the Apostolicall Spirit or the gifts and graces of the Spirit in the Apostles doubled upon the heads of the Saints or Jesus Christ appering in the Saints in a double measure of the Spirit of God And they are all Elders too al taken up into the Ancient of daies living in the eternall and everlasting Spirit He is an Elder indeed who was before the World was made he is but an Novice and of yesterday that can speak but from the begining of the World These are the great voyces in heaven by the four and twenty Elders In this dispensation you have that measure of the Spirit of God that was given to the twelve Apostles and Church in the primative time doubled raised up to the Ancient of daies And there were GREAT voyces in heaven Some times our God speaks in a low still voice and indeed His very whisperings are pleasant Here is not only one voyce or a low whispering voyce but many and Great voyces Audible and Mighty declarations Great and various discoveries of our God When the witnesses Prophesied in sack-cloth Thousands were sufficient but now here are Thousands of Thousands Now here 's Christ in the flesh and Christ in the Spirit joyned together Now they are multiplied to Thousands of Thousands in heaven Many voices tuned multitudes of hearts enlarged in heaven they are four and twenty In the former dispensations they were shut up in Earth they were cloathed in sack-cloth they were but twelve Here they are increased to twenty four All the voices crying out Now in one Great voice and that so clear so shril that it shal spread thorrow the whole Earth The Kingdomes of this world c. It may be those people that are of the earth that are of the world question and doubt what these voyces say and they cannot say after them or with them The LORD lives the LORD reignes they think it they dare not speake it or if they do speak it it is but poorly and weakly from a bare letter not from the Spirit of God But hear when Heaven is opened the glory of God manifested and the Spirit of God doubled There are great Voyces thousands of voices concenting and concentering together al speaking aloud al singing that heavenly Halelujah saying The Kingdom of the LORD The Kingdom of of the LORD The Kingdome of the LORD Now heer 's ful Language ful speech bold and loud speech in Heaven saying The Kingdome of the LORD The Kingdome of the LORD There are many and great Voyces in Heaven saying The Kingdomes of this World are become the Kingdomes of OVR Lord. When the
World shal become ours Al worldly things are taken into Heavenly they have bin devided and distinguished you know some things are carnal some things are spiritual some things are of God some things are of the World-But now al things shal be taken up into the glory of God into the glory of Christ Which is the redemption of the body the deliverance of the creatures out of bondage wherein they have been held The whole Earth the whole Creation shal be taken up and filled with the righteousnesse and glory of the Lord. And he shall Reign for ever and ever Satan and wicked men have Reigned long but they shall Reign no longer So long as Satan can Reign over us we are subject to many evills but now he is cast down and now none can Reign over us but the Lord we shall now receive no good from man so also we shall receive no evill from man no good from good Angels no evil from evil Angels No man no creature hath any power over us none but the LORD We are the Lords the Holy ones of God and none but the HOLY ONE of God Reignes over us Wee give thee thanks O LORD GOD ALMIGHTY which ART and WAST and art to GOME because thou hast taken to thee thy GREAT Power and hast Reigned The LORD the LORD Reigns he hath taken to him his Kingdome that is it for which wee give Thanks His Kingdome and Our Thanks-giving And wee thank not man but God Thanks are due to none but GOD. Because the Lord Reigns and wee shall Reign Therefore we give thanks The Reign of Christ is an Eternall Reign For ever But the Reign of GOD is for ever and ever two Eternals The Reign of Christ is an Everlasting Reign yet he gives it up into the hands of the Father and God becomes all in all and Reignes for ever and ever There are two Eternities in this Reign the Lords and his Christs The LORD delights to double his excellencies to multiply Eternities and there is no minute wherein it can be said our LORD doth not Reign no season or time wherein it can bee said our LORD doth not Reign Whilest the LORD doth give forth favour and grace by man and man gives thanks to man it s not the Eternal Reign of God and Christ The Reign of God is without intermission it 's for ever It is in all things and at all times It is in height and depth in day and night in summer and winter It 's Eternal for ever and ever Which art and wast and art to come Here are three Eternals First The Eternal that was before the world This Kingdome was before all times and shall bee after all times when times shall be no more Which ART It is present it 's no longer absent yet it is to come but not so to come as that we want it but it is so to come that we shal enjoy it everlastingly It takes in all times past present and to come It is that Circle of Eternity that comprehends al beginning and ending And HE shall Reign for ever and ever Now there is a bouble use made of this by the Spirit of God Thanks be to God by them that dwell in Heaven Down with al your glory lay down al your excellency that is the excellency of al that are heavenly to give thanks to God In the 16. verse its said They fell upon their faces and worshipped God They lie down in the dust are base and worth-less in their own eyes that they may give glory to GOD. Now they say nothing is excellent righteous or good but God Worship God fear none acknowledge none but God speak nothing love nothing be nothing do nothing but God Wee give THEE thanks Here is thanks here 's praises here 's rejoycing LORD GOD ALMIGHTY We blesse THEE wee rejoyce in THEE wee are exceeding glad of THEE we never expected good from men if wee did they fail'd us There is nothing but oppression in man But in THEE is deliverance Certainly God wil Reign in righteousnesse in justice and truth Men are in tumults wars plots mischiefs But GOD Reignes in truth and righteousnesse And the GREAT Kingdome of the LORD is our joy Therefore Wee give THEE thanks O LORD GOD ALMIGHTY The Nations were angry and thy wrath is come The World and the powers of the World are angry they fret they vex they cry-out this is Blasphemy And we expect nothing but wrath from the world and it 's proper for them that they should be wrath our joy is their wrath See how angry man is freting and vexing at Gods pulling down the Kingdoms of the Earth This is the reason of that bitternesse and malice that fury and madnesse that is amongst men What makes them so unquiet killing and destroying one another but because God is over-turning the glory of the world What makes men so full of wrath but because Thy wrath O LORD is come And the time of the dead that they should be judged All the dead shal de judged Dead Ordinances dead Authorities c. all that live not in the life of God shall be judged Nothing is life and light but the LORD nothing lives but the LORD and those that live in the Spirit of the Lord as for others they are dead and shal be judged as the dead But those who live in the Spirit of life which is in God they triumph over death and that destruction that comes upon the Kingdomes of the world They with joy can speak on this manner Their Wrath is our Love their Griefe is our Comfort their Anger is our Peace their Trouble is our Reward their Ruine is our Life This is the application the Spirit of the Lord makes to the Nations which none can with stand God dvides the world into love and wrath blessings and cursings hee wraps the world up in wrath and cursings and the Saints in thanks givings and blessings To the Saints he saith Let them say The Lord our Reward our Comfort our Love our Joy our Strength our Heaven our Life our Father our Head our Prince our King is Come But to the world he saith Let them say our Doome our Judgement our Darknes our Confusion our Dreadful day and the Dreadfull day of the Lord is Come FINIS
clouds and darknes you approach the throne Righteousnesse and judgement are there That is it you look for Righteousnesse Shall put an end to sin Dan. 9.24 Righteousnesse and holinesse shall dwell so stabilly with us as it shall blot out all iniquity and make an end of sinne That wretched thing that hath been the reason of all plagues the root of all mischief the ground of vexation in all families he shall make an end of all this of all sinne God will be revenged of it by putting an end to it Ye shall not finde a sinne out of hell nor a sinner out of hell Sin shall be in its own place ye shall see wickednesse no where but in the devil and wicked men and them ye shall see in hell for their sin shall carry hell apparently with it But the Saints shall be free The LORD reigns Not so long as sinne is amongst US and abides with US so long as sin is there is a Traitour to his Kingdome and he hath no quiet reign But the LORD will have a constant habitation of holinesse that sinne shall appear no where but in the devil and hell And where ever you shall see sin you shall be able to say There is hell sinne and its torment together Sin shall carry hell in its bowels The very face of hell and devil in every sin The light of God shall break forth so clearly that it will judge and manifest all the works of darknesse Are the Habitation of his Throne All these waies of God that he is now dispensing come from the throne of God All these Clouds and judgements against King Parliament Cavaleers Army they al flow from the throne and are all dispensed in most exact righteousnesse and judgement there 's no fear of ruine of those that are the Lords All is in judgement and righteousnesse to destroy the wicked but to save his own people and to bring them out of the powers of darkenesse unto the throne of God There is no reason to be offended at that which comes from the throne of God these dispensations are confusions to men to the reason and wisdome of men but they are the wisdome and judgement of God and God doth dispense them with an exact hand with a watchfull eye with a tender care towards his own people not a hair of their head shall fall to the ground Nothing shall suffer in any of you but unrighteousnesse and sinne so farre as you are unrighteous worldly and wicked so farre yea shall suffer and no more God is in every sparke of this Fire in every corner of this Flame in every inch of these clouds in every jot of this darknesse therefore rejoyce and be glad all ye Saints the weakest the poorest the lowest the meanest of Saints Rejoyce for the Lord Reigneth The end of the first Sermon Psalm 97. 1 2 3 4 5 6. verses The Lord reigneth let the earth rejoyce let the multitude of Isles be glad thereof Clouds and darknesse are round about him righteousnesse and judgement are the habitation of his throne A fire goeth before him and burneth up his enemies round about His lightnings enlightned the world the earth saw and trembled The hils melted like waxe at the presence of the Lord at the presence of the Lord of the whole earth The heavens declare his righteousnesse and all the people see his glory THe great point wee have in hand is The Reign of God Which is first asserted The Lord doth Reign And then made good In the Second verse Clouds and darknesse are round about him testifying that hee is come and hee doth Reign Wee have a Cloud of witnesses testifying this truth The Lord doth Reign And darknesse it self speaks him That which is farthest from him that declares him and if wee come within him and come nearer to him we shall finde a consent of righteousnesse and judgement as the habitation of his Throne Righteousnes The righteousnesse of God the Father in whom all things are righteous and to whom all things in righteousnesse doth belong all things in righteousnesse are in him all things in righteousnesse are due to him here 's judgment too that is the excellency of Christ Psalm 94.15 Judgement shall returne to righteousnesse the Son returnes to the Father All things are in the Father in righteousnesse all things are in the Son in wisdome in judgement all things are in the Father as in their proper center all things are brought forth in Christ in their right order in Judgement Righteousnesse and judgment are the habitation of his Throne These two are the Foundation of his Throne The Spirit of God or God exalted and lifted up in these two Righteousnesse and Judgement is a Throne or the Righteousness of the Father and the Judgement of the Son exalted and triumphing in the Spirit is the Throne The Righteousness of the Father and the Wisdome of the Son Reignes in the Spirit is in-thron'd in the Spirit is exalted and lifted up and establisht eternally in truth in the Spirit And wee are made saith the Apostle Eph. 2.22 ver through the Spirit the habitation of God the words are In whom yee also are builded an habitation of God through the Spirit The Spirit building up man in its owne holy forme and enlarging of him into himself is this habitation of God Righteousnesse and Judgement In-thron'd in US In man this is the inward and spirituall view and sight of God if you stand without in the world there is darknesse if yee come higher into the clouds there is no cleare view sight and injoyment of him If yee are in any thing that is about him there is nothing but darknesse round about him but come within him into his Throne into his presence and there you will see righteousnesse and judgement set up exalted In-throu'd Righteousnesse in the Reigne of God is In-thron'd Iniquity and transgression is done away in the holinesse of God and he makes us by his own Reign in us holy as he is holy Hee doth wholly blot out Iniquity and makes US the seate and habitation of Righteousnesse and gives us righteous judgements righteous understandings a cleare and sound judgement in all things These two righteousnesse and judgement raised and exalted are the greatest glory and purity of the Kingdome of God in the holy Spirit But here are yet further testimonies that it may bee will bee more effectuall to most Christians most men being without those proofs of the Reigne of God that are without are foonest and easiest accepted fleshly signes much take fleshly Christians A Fire goeth before him and burneth up his enemies round about him The forerunner of God Now is fire not John the Baptist that went before the flesh of Christ and ushered him in but an Elias in a Fierie Chariot The messengers that goe before God now are all fierie he makes his Angels spirits and his ministers flames of fire And therefore it s said hee comes in flames of
into their eyes into their hearts that I know they see and connot but see and say This is the Lord and they tremble And I heard a great voyce saying Come up hither When we are alive we hear the voyce of GOD. And though the voyce of GOD be a mighty voyce a great voyce a strong voyce yet when we hear God speak we rejoyce O pleasant voyce pleasant because from Heaven O Heavenly voyce When Heaven speakes it speakes love and life and joy and glory and kingdome and power and goodness and excellency and majesty We hear it we hear it continually an eternal word It is alwaies sounding in our hearts and eares O this great voyce this mighty voyce Every thing that is in us heares it every faculty every part every gift Every thing heares this voyce It speaks largely it speaks mightily and powerfully it speakes to the whole man It is so big and great that it makes us to become all ear or the ear to be every where and every thing the head the feet the body the soul the spirit the inward man the outward man all hear this great voyce It speaks with Authority and Power It removes and sets aside every thought that hinders obedience to it hile we hear it we obey it we receive it It is so great that there is nothing else left but it This great Voyce saith Come up hither it is so great a voice that it turnes us into Heaven it turnes us into the voyce it selfe we are the voyce it fils Heaven and Earth so mighty so powerfull so full of majesty O it 's the great answer of our praiers the great end of our hopes the great glory we look for the great reward of our sufferings the great joy of our GOD the great love of our God! O It 's the voyce of our beloved of our Father of our King of our GOD It s thy voyce O GOD A great voyce from Heaven saying unto them Come up hither To them to none else none but the Holy ones the Anointed ones of God none but they that live in the Spirit of God though it be a great voyce yet it is spoken to none but them You my Son you my Spirit you my Self Come up hither Rev. 4.1 saith John A voyce said unto mee Come up hither and immediately I was in the Spirit So here When the Witnesses heare the voyce immediately they ascend The voyce takes them up into Heaven up into it selfe The voyce saiith unto them Come up hither Come to Me live in Me live in My Power live in My Strength live in My Glory live in My Kingdome Be as I Am Be where I Am Be what I Am Do what I Do Do as I Do Come into My Glory live not below the glory of God live no longer like creatures live no longer in the world but Come up hither and live in the glory of the Creator the glory of GOD Live not amongst men live not amongst Angels but live the life of GOD Come up hither Come to Me. This is not a going from place to place in a carnal way by a bodily motion but the true ascending and coming to God is in the Spirit of God in the life of God to live in the presence of God in the Face of God in the Kingdome of God in the Glory of God Come up hither O Excellent voyce O powerfull voicel O precious voyce O pleasant voycel Transcendent love Infinite goodnesse The bosome of the LORD opened Heaven it self opened The LORD Himself opening Himself and reaching forth his hand saying Come hither Come hither Ye cannot live any longer without me I can live no longer without you Let 's live together Ye are a part of my selfe I can no longer be parted from my self my self must come to my self we can live strangers no longer ye must come and live with me in my house Here 's a Throne sit down here 's a Crown put it on thy head here 's Glory weare it here 's a Kingdome it s yours We Come wee Ascend And they ascended up to Heaven in a cloud The third degree of their rising is upon their hearing We do arise we do ascend it is our nature to ascend and seeing we are now living the life of the LORD in the Spirit of the LORD we are able to ascend While wee were only men our faces tended to the earth down-wards but now our natural course is turn'd through the divine life of God in us we do ascend to Heaven to God or thus our ascending up daily more and more to God is become our naturall course Now we can quit the earth quit the creature quit the flesh al things below the glory of God we let them all go Now we bid farewel men farewel griefs and troubles and shame the companions of men Farewel earth farewel weaknesses cares and fears companions of the earth farewell now wee ascend to Heaven in a cloud In a cloud Whil'st we ascend in a Cloud somthing yet of darknesse and weakness accompanieth us Though we are hastening to glory hastening to God yet it 's in a cloud God descends Christ descends the Spirit descends and wee ascend yet we meet in a cloud GOD comes down to us we go up to meet God yet both in a cloud We meet together we converse together yet in a cloud Here 's the glory of God in the Saints not yet breaking forth into naked and open brightnesse but covered with Clouds with some weakness with some infirmity And their enemies beheld them Satan the Nations Kinreds Tongues religious Voyces religious Opinions Flesh and World all their enemies beheld them look upon them but its little comfort to them little joy to them to see them ascend This is an increase and addition to our glory that we must ascend in the sight and view of al those that hated us and persecuted us and were enimies to us and as they rejoyced when we were down so they must be troubled when we arise Hel death devil look on us and behold us and yet cannot hinder our asent we ascend and goe up in the sight and presence of all our adversaries yet they are not able to hold us down The witnesses that were slain arise and ascend into heaven yet their enemies cannot in the least measure hinder them As we ascend in the sight and view of God so in the sight and view of al our enemies As heaven is filled with joy at our arrivall so the world is filled with affrightment and amazment at parting with us we cannot leave the earth but we carry the life of the earth with us we take al good from hence and carry all good and glory into heaven with us Hel death devil shal al look upon us and shal bee troubled and not be able to keep one ragge of us from enjoying this Glory Majesty Brightnes and Excellency of GOD. The end of the tenth Sermon THE WITNESSES DEATH AND
consum'd to nothing yet that that nothing should be able to adde and give to God this is worth your observation So long as we are any thing we are still attributing and giving to our selves and when we are wholly revelled out into nothing and lost then we are contented to give all to God It is much that we that are nothing should give to him that is al things and it is very much that we should give him glory that which is most dear to him and that he should accept of it from a poor affrighted Remnant Though I say the glory of God be that which is exceeding deare to him and that of which he is most Jelous yet it is not dear to him until we give it him and then it 's double glory even then when it comes from a poor affrighted Remnant When God can come and speak out of the mouth of a poor creature wasted and consumed to nothing that is his glory It is not his glory that he hath it from Mighty Angels No he laies aside that nature and is pleased to accept of it from poor flesh poor man poor wasted consumed man I say Our God hath his glory from wasted consumed man God hath glory in wasting and consuming flesh in man He takes away the glory from the creature into himself Gods greatest glory is to repair wasted man When man is carried out of himself into the lowest estate that can be when the glory of man is laid flat upon the Earth then GOD is gathering it up into his garner And this is certain til this poor remnant gives glory to God God hath visibly and manifestively no glory at all It must be this poor man this wasted man this poor flesh this poor creature walking through the fire and passing through many tribulations that must set this Crown of glory upon the head of God that must make God glorious a glorious blessed God The root and foundation of the glory of God is lost and undone man And gave glory to the God of heaven Before as I said they gave glory to themselves or if they gave glory to any God it was to that God that is the God of this world All that men contend for in the strength or power of man is to give glory to the Gods of this world the Gods of the earth Ther 's is indeed a seed of sincerity in the Saints that gives glory to the God of Heaven but it is in a poor low dark way Prophesying in sack-cloth These stand before the God of the Earth as the Olive tree on the left hand of God offering Sacrifice to the God of Heaven though it is as yet but in an Earthly manner unto God it is though in weaknesse or unto the God of Heaven in an Earthly way That which most men in this world doe is to give glory to themselves or to the God of this world the devill as Rev. 9.20 And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands that they should not worship devils and Idols of gold silver and brasse and stone and wood which can neither see nor hear nor walk The greatest care and industry of most men is onely to maintaine an outward earthly power an outward government an outward worldly Kingdom a State Religion which is nothing else but secretly to provide for their owne carnall peace carnal ease fleshly and diabolical State and so they worship the divel and give glory to the god of this World Now when a man is wasted and consumed and affrighted and brought to a Remnant he is contented to give glory to God to the true God and to him in Heaven in a heavenly way and the matching of these two together is an exceeding wonderfull and glorious thing that the lower end of man cut down by the Ax of the Spirit to a stump and left a poor remnant That this retched creature this poor Remnant should be able to give glory to the God of Heaven That is should so speak act and live as to be alwaies giving glory to the God of Heaven or rather that it should speak act and live the glory of the God of Heaven and enjoy continuall communion and fellowship with the God of Heaven that it should be able to set forth adorne and beautify the God of Heaven in a heavenly way to hold forth God in his brightnes excellency and majesty This is the work we are called unto through death through slaying through Earth-quakes through commotions through temptations to ascribe and give glory to the God of Heaven to give up our selves to the glory of the God of Heaven to give up that little that nothing that remaines of us that Remnant to be to the glory or to be the glory of the God of Heaven or to suffer the God of Heaven to render himself glorious upon us I say This is wonderful Why have we heads bearts hands tongues to be kill'd and slain wasted and consumed to nothing but to be raised again What is it for but that the God of Heaven should enjoy them So long as we kept and enjoyed them to our selves we used them to the glory of the god of the Earth but now having been wasted and consumed to nothing and raised again they are to be imployed in the service for the use and to the glory of the God of Heaven And now in this condition we are in Heaven now we are in the Kingdome of God in the presence of GOD in the Majesty and glory of the GOD of Heaven The second Wo is past behold the third Wo commeth quickly We are not yet at the higth of our glory nor past through all our woe It pleased God to devide these woes into three parts a first a second and a third The first is not the greatest the second is as I may call it the wofulest it is the middle woe it is as it were the heart of the woe it 's such a one as is like that tribulation Mat. 24.21 such as never was before nor ever shall be like come after T is that which is the very Center of the woes and this at the Resurrection of the witnesses is past then the heart of the woe is broken and we are fully delivered from the middle woe then wee are broken out of the bowels of the Earth out of the bitterrest woe As Christ lay three daies in the grave and rose again the third day so the witnesses having laine dead in the streets of the great City three daies and an halfe at the end they are raised up again And behold the third woe commeth quickly The great woe of all is the lying of the dead bodies of the witnesses three daies and an half in the streets of the great City but it is some mittigation of the evil that it is quick short full of dispatch but three daies and an half Therefore saith Christ