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A51246 The redemption of the seed of God at hand declaring the return of the True Church out of the wilderness into her former state of glory / [by] Richard Moore. Moore, Richard, 1619-1683. 1677 (1677) Wing M2584; ESTC R31034 52,883 170

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whom he hath ordained to sound forth his Mighty Day in the Ears of all Flesh that so all may awake out of the Dust and come to Judgment for now is he risen and arising in all Hearts who sits upon the Throne from before whose Face both the Heavens and the Earth shall flee away and their place shall be no more found And this is he that has long been waited for by many a tender Heart and longing Soul but now is he come and coming and behold his Reward is with him therefore blessed are they that patiently wait for the Day of his Appearance who will wipe away tears from all Faces and Sorrow and Sighing shall be no more then shall all Tyranny and Oppression be destroyed and then shall Peace be establisht in the Earth and Love and Unity among Men even thus shall it be when Sion's King shall come to Reign in Glory for then the Beast and the False Prophet which have long ruled the Nations and deceived those that have dwelt in the Earth and compelled people to worship and bow down to their Abominations and to receive the Mark of the Beast in their Right Hands or in th●ir Foreheads even the Mark of Sin and Transgression that Monstrous Beast whose Mark hath long been upon the Nations without which Mark no man hath bought or sold for these many Generations and they that would not receive that Mark came to be slain But now Praises be unto the Lord he hath brought forth many who cannot worship Man's Proud Will that Monstrous Beast neither can they receive his Mark any longer for their Father's Name is written in their Foreheads and they are come forth of great Tribulation and their Garments are washed white in the Blood of the Lamb and these follow the Lamb of God who is now come to take away the Sins of the World whither soever he goeth even Christ Jesus who is the Light of the World who hath enlightned every one that is come into the World with a measure of his true Light Therefore dear Friends you that are obedient to the Light and own it to be your Rule and Guide you are they whom the Lord hath chosen to place his Name in for whose sakes the Lord is now risen to plead with Egypt's King and all his Host and though they now harden their Hearts as an Adamant and bend their Brows as Brass stiffen their Necks as an Iron Sinnew yet will the Lord God bring them low even unto the Dust in this his great Day wherein his Jealousie is broken forth against all Flesh because they have corrupted their Wayes and have not turned at his Reproof but have cast his Judgments behind their Backs and turned his Grace that hath appeared unto th●m into Wantonness and trampled the Blood of the Covenant under their Feet but as it was in the dayes of old so will it be now in this latter Generation when Iniquity was at the height and Oppression did most abound in Egypt upon the Hebrews who was the Fleshly Seed of Abraham then did the Lord arise to plead their Cause who brought Judgments and Plagues upon the Land of Egypt and destroyed Pharaoh Egypt's King with all the First-born and all his Mighty Host so likewise Sodom when Iniquities were at the very height and their Sins did greatly abound then did the Lord's Wrath suddenly break forth upon them as soon as Just Lot was put forth from amongst them even in Flames of Fire from Heaven and devoured them so likewise dear Friends you that sigh and cry for the Abominations that are done in the midst of the Earth let not your Hearts faint for behold he that is clothed in Linnen fine and white which is the Righteousness of him that sanctifieth and of them that are sanctified for he that sanctifieth and them that are sanctified are all one He is gone forth to seal and to set a Mark on all your Foreheads that sigh and that cry at the Abominations which are committed by him that makes desolate that sitteth where he ought not and after he hath sealed you all even unto Redemption then shall them that have the charge over the Earth draw near every one with his Slaughter Weapon in his Hand and shall follow after him that has sealed you shall smite and shall not spare neither shall their Eye take pity but they shall utterly slay Old Young both Maid little Children and Women but you upon whom the Mark is they shall not come near him that readeth let him understand for the Lord is risen and he will smite the Earth with a great Slaughter and all Flesh shall know that he is the Lord and that he ruleth over the Kingdoms of men and he will utterly destroy that Nature that hath oppressed his pure Seed in you and in all the Sons and Daughters of Men and his own Seed shall come forth to serve him in Righteousness and true Holiness and though the Whore the Beast and the False Prophet have long born rule over the Heritage of the Lord yet now is the time drawing near when they shall be taken and bound and cast into the Lake which is prepared for them even for that Nature which would not have the Lord nor his Christ to reign over them under that may all the Enemies of the Lord be justly included and that is it which ruleth in the rebellious Sons and Daughters of Men which carrieth them forth into Pride Envy and High-mindedness one towards another and into Disobedience to the Lord and his pure Commands and this is it which the Lord is risen to destroy and not the Creatures for Christ came not to destroy Men's Lives but to save them therefore where-ever thou readest any thing of Destruction it is not meant the Destruction of the Creature or of his Natural Life but the Destruction of that Life in the Creature which rebelleth against the Lord which Life may truly be called Death for if that be followed by the Creature it will be the Death of the Immortal Soul and this is him which the Lord is risen to destroy and not the Creatures therefore saith Christ Jesus O Death I will be thy Death O Grave I will be thy Destruction So Friends this is the Enemy that you are to wait with Patience to see it destroyed in your own Particulars first and then aftewards that you may see it destroyed in others in the general and blessed happy are all you who have witnessed the Dead raised which hath long lain in the Grave under the Chains of Death and can now truly witness your Part in the first Resurrection and that you are truly risen with Christ the Seed for over you the second Death shall have no Power And you Friends that are as yet brought but in part to the Knowledge of these things be still and quiet in your Minds and beware of feeding upon Knowledge which is out of the Life for Knowledge will puff up but it is Grace that edifies therefore wait in the pure Patience that you may feel the Life to stir in you for that is the True Bread that comes down from Heaven which Bread is the Soul's Food for the Soul cannot be satisfied with Knowledge for to Know the Truth and the Things of God and not to live in them therein standeth the Condemnation Therefore dear Friends to whose Hands this may come wait that you may feel the Life which will bring forth the Travails of your Souls and then Knowledge will be encreased and Truth will abound and Eternal Peace and Happiness will attend you wheresoever you go and the Dread and Authority of the Lord will be with you at all Times Seasons as it has been a Dread and a Terror to that Nature in you which rebelled against the Lord whilst you were in the Polutions so likewise if you are faithful the Lord will make you a Dread and a Terror to all Evil-doers wheresoever you come they will be afraid of your Faces and afraid to trasngress against the Lord in your hearing and these things I know that many Thousands can witness to be Truth and all that are faithful shall witness the same and see it accomplished in the Lord 's due time unto whom be Eternal Praises and Dominion given by all that fear him for that he has brought this his wonderful Work to pass and hath revealed his Secrets even to Babes and to such as fear his Name Given forth by one which hath long mourned in Sion and is a Sufferer with the Seed who waiteth for the Redemption of all Creatures from under the Band of Corruption that they may all be brought unto the Glorious Liberty of the Sons of God known to many by the Name of Richard Moore THE END
to a lost Groat which could not be found till the Woman had lighted the Candle and swept her House and he compared it to a certain Lord who went into a far Country who called his own Servants and delivered unto them his Goods and unto one he gave five Talents and unto another two and unto another one Talent to every man according to his several Ability and streight-way took his Journey then he that had received the five Talents went and traded with the same and made them other five Talents and likewise he that had received two gained also other two but he that had received one went and digged in the Earth and hid his Lord's Money after a long time the Lord of those Servants cometh and reckoneth with them and so he that had received five Talents came and brought other five Talents saying Lord thou deliveredst unto me five Talents behold I have gained besides them five Talents more his Lord said unto him Well done thou good and faithful Servant thou hast ●een faithful over a few things I will make thee a Ruler over many things enter thou into the Joy of thy Lord and he also that had received two Talents came and said Lord thou deliveredst unto me two Talents behold I have gained other two Talents besides them and his Lord said unto him Well done thou good and faithful Servant thou hast been faithful over a few things I will make thee Ruler over many enter thou into the Joy of thy Lord then came he which had received the one Talent and said Lord I knew thee that thou art an hard man reaping where thou hast not sown and gathering where thou hast not strewed I was afraid and went and hid thy Talent in the Earth lo there thou hast that is thine his Lord answered and said unto him Thou wicked and sloathful Servant thou knowest I reaped where I sowed not and gathered where I strewed not thou oughtest therefore to have put my Money to the Exchangers and then at my coming I should have received mine own with Usury take therefore the Talent from him and give it to him that hath ten Talents for unto every one that hath shall be given and he shall have abundance but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath and cast ye the Unprofitable Servant into utter Darkness where shall be Weeping and Wailing and Gnashing of Teeth And he compared the Kingdom unto Ten Virgins and to many other things which would swell into a great Volumn to declare and open the Mysteries thereof Now all this was to be found within man for there he told them the Kingdom was whereunto this was likened and he advised them to strive to enter into the Kingdom and told them The Gate was streight and the Way was narrow which leads into it but the Way was broad the Gate wide that leads into Destruction yet nevertheless for all this the god of the World blinded their Eyes and their Hearts were still hardened although there were some that bore witness to their Faces whom they had sent unto Christ to seek to ensnare him by Words and testified That never man spake like unto him yet for all this the Enmity came to burn the more violently in them against him which Enmity arose from the Seed of the Serpent which lodg'd in them wherby they sought Oportunity that they might by any Means put him to death which was not unknown to him who was the express Image of God the Father in whom the Godhead dweltbodily so that he was the Searcher and Discerner of the Heart and by his Light he makes manifest the Secrets thereof for he saw through the Pharisees who made large Profession of God the Father but yet they rebelled against the Son of God whom he had sent a Light into the World therefore he pronounced Wo against them calling them Blind Leaders of the Blind and Hypocrites and Whited Walls and likening them unto Painted Sepulchres which outwardly made a fair shew but inwardly were full of Rottenness telling them that they washed the Outside of the Platter but the Inside remained full of Filthiness and that they paid Tythes of Cummin Mint and Annise when they omitted the weightier Matters even Justice and Judgment these are they that in outward Appearance did walk as to the Law blameless yet Christ warn'd his Disciples to beware of the Leven of these great Professors who did all to be seen of Men they made Long Prayers in the Synagogues and loved the Chiefest Place in the Assemblies and Greetings in the Market-place and would not keep Company with Publicans nor Sinners but cry'd out against Christ because his Disciples did eat with Publicans and Sinners yet nevertheless Christ told his Disciples that unless their Righteousness did exceed the Righteousness of these High Professing Scribes and Pharisees they should in no wise enter into the Kingdom of Heaven and he many times did dispute with these Professors who sate in Moses's Chair but they being Carnally-minded could not understand him because he spoke unto them in a spiritual Sense therefore what was spoken by him unto them was as Parables which they could not understand and many times his Sayings were so hard amongst them that them that believed on him could not understand for even his Disciples whereof he had chosen twelve particularly unto himself many times asked him in private what might be the Meaning of what he had spoke to them in publick And he sent forth many of his Disciples to declare his Name abroad in the World and that they should publish That CHRIST the M●s●ias who was the Redeemer of the World which the Prophets prophesied should come that now he is come a Light into the World that whosoever believes in him should no longer remain in Darkness and he fore-told to them the Destruction of their Temple and Temple-worships and that he was come to put an End to it all and that they should no longer worship him at Jerusalem nor in the Mount at Samaria but he that will worship the Father must worship him in Spirit and in Truth and that such the Father seeks to worship him and that God was and is a Spirit and those that will worship him must worship him in Spirit and in Truth and he told his Disciples that he had chosen them twelve and yet one of them was a Devil and he fore-told them that he should be betrayed by one of them into the Hands of Sinners and that they should be all offended because of him but honest-hearted Peter who was one of the 12. told him from the pure Simplicity that lodged in his Heart that though they all should forsake him yet he would not but Christ saw how secretly the Seed of the Serpent lodged in him so answered him that before the Cock should crow he would deny him thrice and he told them that the Shepherd should be smitten and the Sheep
guided them and rul'd them as a man would guide and rule the Beast whereon he rideth and she hath made them all unstable as VVaters for she sate upon Peoples Multitudes Nations and Tongues and all the Kings of the Earth have committed VVhoredom with her and have drunk of the Cup of her Fornication for she held forth a golden Cup in her Hand a smooth Profession and pleasing Pretences but within full of Abominations yea rich and poor bond and free even from the Beggar upon the Dunghil to the Prince upon the Throne they all drunk of this Cup and have been drunken with the VVine of the VVhore's Fury and many of them have as it were drunk the Blood of the Saints and of the Martyrs of Jesus Christ whom he hath raised to bear their faithful Testimonies against the VVhore and against her Fornications and all the Blood that hath been spilt upon the Earth is to be found in her for within her lodgeth the Ground of all Iniquity and the Foundation of all Transgression But now hath the Lord God remembred his poor banished Spouse which sits mourning in the Wilderness and the great Persecution of her Seed and great BABYLON is coming into his remembrance and she shall receive a just reward from the Lord God of Life for all the Abominations that have proceeded from her since the time the Virgin fled into the Wilderness though she hath long sate as a Queen and hath known no Sorrow but hath had a Husband and hath brought forth many Children of Fornication and hath lived deliciously for many Generations whilest the true spouse the Lamb's Wife hath sate desolate in the barren Wilderness where she hath been childless and deprived of her Husband yet nevertheless thy Judgments are at hand and thy Downfal approacheth O thou great and Antichristian-Babylon for Sorrow Desolation and Misery is even ready to seize upon thee and the Smoak of thy Torments doth begin to rise and thy Kingdom is full of Darkness and the Lord God hath discovered thy Nakedness and thy Sorceries and thy false Divinations whereby thou hast deceived the Nations and caused them to receive thy Beast like mark and many are they that are come out from thee and will no longer be partakers with thee in thy Sins lest they should partake with thee of thy plagues for strong is the Lord God who judgeth thee and thy Cup which thou hast given to others shall be filled unto thee double even the measure that thou hast measured to others shall be measured unto thy self double and all that wherein thy soul delighted must depart from thee and thou must come down and sit in the Dust O thou Virgin-Daughter of BABYLON thou shalt be no more counted delicate nor fair for the DECREE is gone forth against thee and thy Judgment is assuredly coming upon thee Therefore all ye Inhabitants of the Earth hearken diligently and your Souls shall live and take WARNING in this the Day of your Visitation and go no longer on in your Polutions but come forth of the midst of BABYLON and be no more partakers with her in her Sins for if you do you will assuredly partake with her of her plagues for she must be burn'd up and consum'd and brought to nought by the fiery Fierceness of the Lord's Wrath and the old Heavens and the old Earth wherein she hath ruled in all this Dark Night of Apostacy since the Dayes of the Apostles must be destroyed with her and all them that wilfully resisted the Voice of the Lord their God in their own Hearts and Consciences calling them out of BABYLON the Land of Darkness into his marvelous Light Therefore beware of kicking against this but if in wilfulness and stubborness you reject this the large Love of God towards you yet nevertheless let it be known unto you all in his living presence that you have at large been warned therefore shut not your Ears at the Voice of Peace and be not like to the deaf Add●r which stoppeth his Ear at the voice of the Charmer although he charms never so wisely For now Wisdom uttereth her voice in the open Street and in the broad wayes she crieth at the Gates at Entry of the City at the coming in at the Door unto you O men I call and my voice is to the Sons of man O ye simple understand Wisdom and ye Fools be of an understanding Heart and know in th●s your day the things that belong to your Peace before they are hid from your Eyes and the Door of Mercy be shut upon you and the Decree sealed against you and Repentance removed far from you so that you cannot attain to it although y●u should seek it with tears Now as BABYLON comes to be destroyed so likewise is the mariage of the LAMB prepared and preparing and his Bride is making her self ready even the true Virgin the Lamb's Wife the true Church is now returning out of the desolate and barren Wilderness where she hath sate for many Generations in a mournful state and condition a place not known to the World a place prepared her of God for so many Dayes and now praises be unto the Lord our God the Dayes are near expired and she is returning again into her former State and Glory and the Lord is now creating for her a new Heaven and a new Earth wherein dwelleth Righteoushess and if any question what her former Glory was and wherewithal she then was beautified let them with singleness of Heart stand in the Light of the Lamb look into John's Revelations and there thou shalt see what he declareth of her and of her Glory Beauty in Ages past even in his Dayes for he saw her a woman exceeding glorious and beautiful even cloathed with the Sun having the Moon under her Feet and on her Head a Crown of twelve Stars She was clothed with the true Light of heaven even with the brightness of the everlasting day and the Moon with her changeable things was under her Feet she was ●rowned with the Brightness of the Glory of the Lord God of Life and she travailed to bring forth the Man-Child that should rule the Nations wi●h a Rod of Iron Now this was the state of the true Church in the Dayes of the Apostles before the time of her Banishment into the Wilderness And John saw this to be wonderful even in Heaven Now this will be the State and Condition of the true Church after she is returned out of the Wilderness again and the time is assuredly come where in the Lord God will cloath her with his own Brightness and with his own eternal Glory and she shall again bring forth the Heir which shall rule the Nations with his Rod of Iron and shall bind PRINCES in Chains and NOBLES in Fetters of Iron and he that doth deny this doth deny plain Scripture for they bear Witness that Sion shall arise and shall shine for●h for her Light is
came to be saved for they came to witness it to give them Victory over Sin and so they believed in Christ the Son of God which was to come to be made manifest to the World in general and was manifested in them in particular and of his Coming all the House of Israel believed in the Notion and in a Carnal Sense but yet in Process of time when he came they would not receive him for the Seed of the Serpent raised up in them a Heart of Unbelief so that they were hardned against the Promise when he came unto them And although the Wise Men the Astrologers could tell Herod the very Place and time when and where he should be born and although the Lord did send his Prophet even John to bear witness of him and in baptizing o● them into Repentance and so to prepare the Way before him so that many of them believed that John was sent of God and although he declared that there was one coming after him whose Shoe-latchets he was not worthy to unloose yet their Hearts were hardned by the Seed of the Serpent which ruled in them so that when Christ was brought forth amongst them who was and is the true Redeemer of the spiritual Seed of Abraham even the Seed of the Promise for which Seed's sake the Lord hath all along spared them and his fierce wrath has been withheld from breaking forth upon them so that they were not utterly destroy'd from being a People but yet his Wrath broke forth soon after upon them which burnt in Fury like the Fire till it had consumed them and cut them off from being a People and scattered them up and down the Earth as Vagabonds because of their Hard-Heartedness Unbelief which arose in them from the Seed of the Serpent because they rejected him whom the Lord had sent to bruise the Serpent's Head but before they came to be cut off do but behold the Seed of the Serpent how it came to work in them in the Enmity against the Seed of the woman even CHRIST and how in subtilty assoon as Herod came to hear of his Birth under a pretence of worshipping him he would have slain him but the Lord delivered him out of his Hands by sending him into Egypt where he remained till after Herod's Death But yet see how the Bloody Serpent's seed was raised up in Herod which caused him to cause all the Children in Bethlehem to be slain but yet after his Death CHRIST JESUS came to be made manifest unto Israel even in the Land of Judea and at Jerusalem and in all the Regions round about even by disputing with the Scribes and the Disputers of the Law in their Synagogues in their Temple who confounded them by grounded Reasons strong arguments making it appear to them by Scripture and by evident Signs and miraculous Wonders which he wrought amongst them that he was the Messias that was to come whereof the Scripture declared and many there were that believed in him and that forsook all to follow him even of the poor foolish despised by the world but yet the Seed of the Serpent still ruled in the great mighty and potents of Israel after the Flesh and in the wise Scribes and Pharisees and the Rulers of the People so that their hearts were hardened that they could not believe because he came not according to their Expectations in their carnal Imaginations for said they When Chr●st cometh who shall know from whence he comes but for this Fellow we know from whence he is is not this the Carpenter's Son whose Father and Mother Sisters and Brethren are amongst us daily So because he came not according to their proud Wills which could not stoop to so mean a thing as the Carpenter's Son although the Lord had declared by a Voice from Heaven that he was his beloved Son in whom he was well pleased and that they were to hear him yet still they were carryed on in Hatred against him by the Enmity from the curs'd seed that reigned in them and them in whom the Seed of God came to bear rule which confessed Christ to be the Son of God were hated despised and called cursed because they knew not the Law and turned out of their Synagogues and the Enmity encreased daily in them against him so that they daily sought Oportunity to take him that they might put him to Death but yet they durst not lay hands on him because his appointed time was not yet come Now the Priests and the Chief Leaders of the People caused them to err so that the Scriptures came to be fulfilled which declared That he should be a Man of Sorrow and one acquainted with Grief and be despised and rejected of men and that they should hide as it were their Faces from him and esteem him as smitten of God and afflicted so the People then cryed out That he cast out Devils by the power of Beelzebub the Prince of Devils others they cryed out He was a Companion to Publicans and Sinners others That he was a Sabboth-breaker others cryed out He hath a Devil why hear ye him So there came many false Accusations to be raised up against him by the seed of the Serpent and the Enmity which he raised up in them whose Head Christ came to bruise But yet notwithstanding all this many were they that believed on and followed after him amongst whom he declared the Message unto them which the Lord had sent him to declare which was That he was the Light of the World and that whosoever follow'd him should not abide in darkness but should have the Light of Life and that for Judgment he was come into the world and that the Prince of this world might be judged which should come after him but had no part in him and that he that had formerly had his Sight might be blind and that he that had been blind might receive his Sight And he did many Miracles amongst them even Raising the Dead causing the Lame to walk and the Blind to see and the Deaf to hear and the Leper to be clensed and he exhorted them To walk in the Light whilst they had the Light that they might be the Children of the Light and that they should work while they had the Day for the Night should come wherein no man could work And he told even the Scribes and Pharisees That the Kingdom of God came not with Observations that is to say Lo here it is at this place or lo there it is at that place but that the Kingdom of God was nigh at hand even within them and therefore he often exhorted them to Repent and many times spoke to them in Parables comparing the Kingdom of Heaven to a Grain of Mustardseed which should be sown in the Earth which is the least among many Grains yet it should spring up into a great Tree wherein the Fowls of the Air might roost and he compared it
evil-spoken of through covetousnes they should with Feigned Words make Merchandize of the People And they likewise declared That in the Latter Times there should come Scoffers walking after their own Lusts saying Where is the Promise of the Lord 's Coming for since the Fathers fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning of the Creation And these were they who had forsaken the right way and gone astray following the Way of Balaam the Son of Boser who loved the Wages of Unrighteousness these are Wells without Water even broken Cisterns that can hold no Water Clouds that are carried with a Tempest to whom the Mist of Darkness is reserved forever for while they promise Liberty to others they themselves are Servants to Corruption Now many Years were not to be expired before these should come who were the Antichrists and the False Christs for the Apostle John declared that the Latter Times were then even in his dayes in these words saying Little Children it is the Last Time and as ye have heard that Antichrist shall come even now are there many Antichrists whereby we know that it is the Last Time they went out from us but they were not of us for if they had been of us they would no doubt have continued with us but these went out that they might be made manifest that they were not of us Now these Antichrists were they who had been amongst the Apostles and in Fellowship with them as to Outward Appearance so that thereby they came to get the Form of Godliness but had not the Life nor the Power Now do but behold how subtilly the seed of the Serpent came to work in them against the Seed of the Woman even secretly as in a Mystery whereby it could not so easily be discovered as it had formerly been for now it had as it were a Covering to hide it self under even the Form of Godliness and a Likeness of Truth for those False Apostles went forth from the True Apostles into the World and the World received them and went after them so that in process of time the Form of Godliness came to be followed and to be cryed up in all the Earth and the Life and Power thereof to be lost and forgotten Now the Seed of the Serpent lodged under the Form or Likeness of Truth but could not lodge in the Truth it self for therein lodgeth the Seed of the Woman which is to bruise his Head so that under the Form and Likeness of Truth he has made War with the Truth it self and where-ever the Seed of God hath appeared in any they have been destroyed by them in whom the seed of the Serpent ruled John in his Revelations saw it all in a Vision he saw that which had whored from God to make War against the True Spouse and to drink the Blood of the Saints and Martyrs of Jesus Christ and to cause all to worship her both great and small rich and Poor high and low bond and free and to receive her Mark and those that refused it came to be slain amongst them where Satan's Seat is and now the Glorious Sun was set and the Night was come whereof Christ had fore-warned his Disciples and Truth was as it were banished from the Earth so that in length of Time that seed that had whored from the Life and Power of Godliness came likewise to depart from the very Form of Godliness also for the seed of the Serpent hath not any Love to the Form of Godliness but only because it could not so well come as it were to eat out the Life and the Power any other wayes but now it even departed from the Form likewise and came to set up Invented Traditions which is to worship Saints and Images and the like which is not any part of the Form of Godliness but of the old Heathenish Worship under which the seed of the Serpent formerly lodged which was to worship the Sun Moon and Stars and such like vain things And now when at any time the Lord raised up his Seed in any to bear their Testimony against the Heathenish Wayes and Customs of Men and to make manifest the Way of Truth according as the Lord hath revealed it unto them then the Seed of the Serpent ariseth in them in whom it rules and causes them even to Murder Destroy or Banish them according as the Lord permits and thus hath the Prince of Darkness ruled in all this long Night of Apostacy since the Dayes of the Apostles and caus'd Millions of Thousands to be Murdered for satisfying of Lusts Now this was a Murderer from the Beginning therefore all that cross his Kingdom will he Murder and Destroy for by him the Lamb of God was slain who was Dead and is alive and liveth forever Now thou that readest do but look into these latter Times even within these few Years and thou shalt see how the seed of the Serpent hath made a Prey of those in whom the Seed of God hath been raised see in Queen Mary's dayes what Burning what Imprisoning what Torturing was there exercised upon them who had the seed of God raised up in them could not Worship the Beast in vvhich the seed of the Serpent lodged nor receive his Mark they rather chused to bear all that could be inflicted upon them so that by their Means the seed of the Serpent came again to be discovered so that he was feign in some measure to creep under the Form of Godliness again whereby to Shelter himself and to save his Head from bruising Now behold the Weapons of these two Seeds for as their Natur●s are Contrary one to the other so likewise are their Weapons for the seed of the Serpent's Weapons are Carnal and therefore he hath exercised his Tyranny upon the outward fleshly or carnal Bodies of them in whom the Seed of God hath been raised And the Saints in whom the Seed of the Promise hath been raised their Weapons are Spiritual and Mighty through God to the throwing down of the strong Holds of Sin and they War not with Flesh and Blood neither do they any harm to mens Persons but they war with Principalities and Powers and spiritual Wickedness in high Places so that when the seed of the Serpent has exercised his Cruelty at any time upon their carnal or fleshly Bodies they have not at any time resisted in the least but have born and suffered all in Patience knowing that therein they were to possess their Souls so that by their Patience the Serpent's head hath many times been bruised whereby they have as it were obtained victory over their Enemies Now look but back since the Beginning of Charles late King of England his reign and there thou mayest see how the seed of the Serpent hath been by the seed of God chased out of one Form into another and how he hath shifted to and fro to save his Head from bruising See in Charles's time how