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A17649 The comentaries of M. Iohn Caluin vpon the first Epistle of Sainct Ihon, and vpon the Epistle of Iude wherein accordyng to the truthe of the woordes of the holie Ghost, he most excellently openeth and cleareth the poinct of true iustification with God, and sanctification by the Spirit of Christ, by the effects that he bryngeth forthe in the regeneration. Translated into Englishe by W.H.; Commentaire sur l'épistre canonique de S. Jean. English Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564.; Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564. Exposition sur l'épistre de S. Jude. aut; W. H. 1580 (1580) STC 4404; ESTC S107184 123,116 300

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¶ The Comentaries of M. Jhon Caluin vpon the first Epistle of Sainct Ihon and vpon the Epistle of Iude wherein accordyng to the truthe of the woordes of the holie Ghost he most excellently openeth and cleareth the poinct of true iustification with GOD and sanctification by the Spirit of Christ by the effects that he bryngeth forthe in the regeneration Translated into Englishe by W. H. Psal 129 5. Thei that hate Syon shal be all ashamed and turned backward Prou 19.14 House and riches are the inheritaunce of the Fathers but a prudent wife commeth of the Lorde Psal 32 11. Be glad ye righteous and reioyce in the Lorde and bee ioyfull all ye that are true of harte ¶ Jmprinted at London by Jhon Kyngstone for Jhon Harrison the yonger To the Worshipfull my very good freend Maister VVilliam Swan of Wye in Kent and to the right Vertuous and Christian Gentlewoman Mistresse Amy Swan his Wife with all those that in the truth of a single hart loue the Lord Iesus in that Congregation 1. Tim. 4.8 W. H. wisheth plentie of those blessynges whiche haue promises of this life and the life to come IN the often consideration right deare in the Lord of the righteous a Gen. 2.17 Rom. 5.12 iudgemēt of GOD against all the sonnes of men with the infinite ouerflowinges of all b Gen. 8.21 Esa 64.6 guiltinesse before hym the many assaultes of c Gen. 3.1 1. Cro. 21.1 Sathan and daungerous inticements of our own d Rom. 8.13 harts into the waie of euill the e Deut. 32. ●8 19 20.21 Rom. 6.23 fearcenesse of the Lordes wrathe for sinne and our owne vtter f 1. Sam. 2.25 inabilitie to stande in his sight whiche causeth that the hartes of many g Psal 5. Math. 24.46 righteous in the feelyng of their owne wants doe euen faint before the anger of the Lorde hath in the direction of Gods Spirite giuen an hartie desire to be assured of the waie of safetie with what soeuer belongeth to the right application and continuance of the same Wherein as the Lorde hath made knowne the riches of his owne free h Ieremy 32.3 Ihon. 3.6 Rom. 5.8 Gala. 2.21 Ephe. loue towardes his the head and alone fountaine of all eternall safetie vnto his elect so is it also plaine that by no other way or meane we haue attained vnto the free gift of grace and full reconcilement with the Lorde then by the mediation of the i Rom. 8.3 1. Tim. 3.16 sonne of God in our owne fleshe For all the counsell k Math. 3.17 Gala. 5.17 Ephe. 28. Phil. Thes 2.17 Tit. 17.14 Heb. 13.21 will wisedome and power of the sonnes of men as in them selues thei are moste vncleane so must they flie before the face of the Lord and neuer be able to pleade innocencie for his Sainctes Whiche reconcilement as albeit in it self it is alsufficient for all the sonnes of men it is onely effectuall to the Lordes l Rom. elect who in the power of an effectuall m Act. 13.39.26 18. Rom. 3 11.24 Phil 3.9 Heb. 11.14 faithe alone receiue the fauour of the Lorde with application of the promises of his grace so in the like power vnto hymself alwaies rulyng where he is had prouidyng cheefly for the n Psal 11 5. 1. Ihon. 17.4 Act. 3.13 1. Cor. 6.20 honor of his name with a ioyned care for the good of his Churche o Exo. 29.45 Leuit. 26.12 Esa 43.2 Math. and woorking a newnesse of the whole p Ihon. 3.3 2. Cor. 5.17 man doeth onely seale vnto the soules of the Sainctes of God the assuraunce of their good estate with the Lord. For q Rom. 8.28.29 30.9.24 1. Cor 1.9.24 whosoeuer by an effectuall callyng is grafted into the Sonne of God and made a member of that bodie whereof Iesus Christ is the head is one with hym in the r Math. 12.50 Ihon. 20.7 Rom. 8.29 Heb. 2.11.12 fellowshippe of all the blessynges of the Lorde And albeit thei are onely infinite in hym who hath receiued aboue his fellowes yet according to the measure of the dispensation of his grace thei are freely giuen vnto all his elect and are assured vnto them by a most effectuall witnesse euen the Spirite of adoption and grace by whō he dwelleth in those that bee his who as he is not without his effect so in a moste liuely and quickning power he bothe applieth and sealeth vp And as he hath appeared for vs a s 1. Sam. 2. Psal 2.6 Esa 3.6.7 Ieremy 23.5.6 Ez 34.24 King a t Heb Heb. 5.6 ● 11 Priest and a v Deut 18.8 Act 3.11.22 1. Cor. 1 30. Collo 2.3 Iere. 23.5 45.5 Ezec. 21 26. Zach. 9.9 Prophet so the great kindnesse of the Lord is seuerally applied according to the same As in the first he hath vtterly spoiled and laied waste the power of all the enemies of his Church and iustly taken the Kingdome vnto hymself the Scepter whereof shal a Psal 45. ● neuer fade or decaie so we being cleared of all daunger and freed from the perill of all our foes are in all care conscience to confesse him our Lord alone and as true subiects of so good a King to holde our selues against Sathan and men vnto the pure obedience of his wil. Againe as he is the onely true Priest Psal 110.5 Zach. 6.13 Heb. 2.17 who is sanctified of God to offer vnto hym a most sweete Sacrifice to reconcile vs vnto hymself and as by his alone execution of this office and offeryng of hymself we haue by hym a sure peace and free entrance into the presentes of the Lorde as by hym all enmitie is doen awaie and there remaineth inaccomptable peace and fauour for euermore so we are most strongly to cast out of sight the sleightes of Sathan and all the deuises of men as moste vncleane filthinesse for euer and not to set our selues or admit others of what sorte soeuer to stande for vs in this duetie to spoyle vs of assured safetie and the Lorde Iesus of this honour that he alone and none but he is the Priest of his Churche and hath fully and alsufficiently performed whatsoeuer appertaineth to their peace for euermore And as he alone among all the Prophets of the Lorde Esa 40.11 ●1 ● Deut. 18.15 hath infinitly opened the will of God and as in him is al fulnesse of diuine wisedome Ihon. 10.11 to reueale and make knowne the will of God vnto his Churche and as what soeuer he discloseth vnto his Sainctes hath a sounde warrant to be the will of the most highest and ought to hold vs in the awe of the same so he alone hath this peculier vnto hymself to bee the moste excellent Prophet and Apostle of his Churche and that none must be vnto vs in this place but he alone and whatsoeuer doth not
For where are not thei held commonly for the best mē that beare an outwarde face to the Gospell while their liues are moste full of euill that sticke at nothing but at that which is good Who sweare lye and commit all abhominations and yet saie thei are good Christians and of many it is saide of them that thei are very good Protestants But who so careth in all his life to yeeld vnto the Lorde the fruites of an acceptable obedience from the grounde of a pure harte and to square his thoughts words works after the rule of the worde of God is made a praie to the rest And beyng accompted as the skumme of the worlde is set forthe to the shame and reproche of all men whose vnbridled lippes and bloudie handes doe besoyle and waste them from daie to daie So that the poore Sainctes of the Lorde Psalm 124.1.2 maie still renewe the song of the Churche in Dauids tyme Except the Lorde had beene on our side thei had long agoe swallowed vs vp quicke And euen as of all the enemies that Iuda had the tenne Tribes of Israell that were their bretheren and gaue an outwarde profession of the name of GOD with them were the greatest and moste daungerous Euen so amongst all the enemies that Syon Gods Churche hath the moste vehement and bitter are the falsharted and counterfaite Israelites Papistes and other Heretiques and prophane men Yet of all the rest as one enemie within the Citie is more daungerous then ten without so carelesse professors and prophane men as thei haue moste power to hurte so are thei furiously enraged against the truthe of the waies of God and beeyng set on fire to remaine in their sinne and euen sell them selues to woorke wickednesse but in vaine for he that sitteth on hight shal laugh them to scorne Psalm 2.4 The Lord shall haue them in derision For can thei make any accomptes that euer thei that haue beene iniurious to the Churche of GOD and to his people haue escaped the iust hande of the Lorde Gen. 4.10.11 Did not Abels bloud vniustly shed by Caine when he thought hym self to bee safe crie vengeaunce on hym and his posteritie for euer Gala. 4.29 Psalm 137.7 Did Jsmaell or Esawe go free for their iniuries done to the Lordes seruantes Went the reprochfull taunts for nought that the olde and euill worlde did vse against righteous Noe 2. Pet. 2.5 2. Pet. 2.8 Dan. 6.8 Or Sodome for their sinnes and iniuries against Lott Or the Princes against Daniell Was there euer Nation Kingdome or People so mightie in power so surpassing in policie or wise in their generation that haue set themselues against God his truth and people and haue not tasted of his indignation in due time and can these tyme scruers hypocrites and prophane men perswade themselues that thei shall be the first Doe thei not remember that the Lorde saieth to his Churche who soeuer in thee shall set himself against thee shall surely fall Are not Nimrod Pharao Ieroboham Nabuchadnezer Darius and Alexander and many moe gone their Kyngdomes laied waste and their great and famous names raised from the earth Is not their Religion chaunged from euill to worse their Cities Townes and Temples made dennes for wilde beastes and vncleane birdes as the Lordes Prophets tolde long before Can thei be more cruell then Nero Dioclesian Domitian or suche like Can thei passe Iezabell Antiochus or suche beastly tormentors And yet in spite of them all and all thei could doe the Lord hath defended his and powred vppon them the recompence of their waies in his due tyme. If the wicked that now liue could passe all these in madnesse and them selues in crueltie yet shall this be iustly taken vp against them Psalm 2.5 Why do the heathen rage and the people murmure in vaine For he is infinitely more strong that is with vs then any that can be against vs. And though the wicked bende them selues and runne together against the Lorde and his annointed yet if wee weigh the cause well wee shall euer finde it moste true that 2. Kin. 6.16 There are moe with vs thē with them Iob. 19.29 Let the vngodly therefore haue their momentany ioye that shal ende with shame And let vs striue to be mynded as he who saied Psal The Lorde is my strength saieth my soule therefore will I trust in hym and vnder the shadowe of his winges shall be my refuge c. For as the Lorde our moste good and mercifull father doeth according to his infinite wisedome and endlesse compassion prepare his people vnto hymself triyng what thei wil beare for his names sake euen so he doeth not assaie them aboue that he makes them able to beare ● Cor. 1● 13 but armes them beyonde the thoughtes of the harte of man till he sende them full deliueraunce of all euill In these miserable daies wherein we liue as God in greate mercie hath staied the rage of our enemies that thei can not so spoyle and make waste of the bodies and liues of the godly mynded and suche as daiely labour and profite in the true feare of GOD as is like thei would so yet thei remaine themselues euen men vowed and giuen ouer to the will of Sathan hauyng their hartes sett on those thynges that are euill and their feete swift to commit sinne Prou. 1.16 What their bloudie hands dare not attempt their poisoned tongues spare not to spue out where soeuer thei come Now that fire and faggot cease their slaunderous liyng lippes are opened wide and their vncleane mouthes made Brothelhouses of all vntruthe against the seruauntes of the Lorde And where thei dare not openly blaspheme the doctrine for feare of shame thei secretly seeke to vndermine it by inueighyng against the teachers and true professors thereof railyng liyng and slaundering without care or conscience what thei speake so that thei maie doe the mischeefe that thei labour for This kinde of persecution is not lesse greeuous to a godly mind then the other and yet it is euer true Prou. 28.1 the righteous are bolde as a Lyon and a iustified mynde will tourne it self vnto God will beare his crosse thankefully Iames. 1.2 Phil. 1.29 accompting it for exceedyng ioye to be called out of the Lorde to stande in his cause and to suffer somewhat for his names sake confessing that the seruaūt is not aboue his Lord. Math. 10.24 If Christ our Lorde escaped not the venome of suche impoisoned tongues Ihon. 8.48 but thei called him Samaritane and saide that he had a Deuill let no true Christian looke to be free For if thei haue called the Maister of the house Beelzebub Math. 10.25 what will thei call them of the housholde Dauid Psalm 52.2 a paterne of the Church of God felt those euilles when he compared slaunderous tongues to Rasors and sharpe swordes and when he praied Psalm 120.2 Deliuer my
the men of his time with vaine hope neither would he cut off the course of the Church in time to come nor the succession of many yeres wherein the Church hath continued in the world vnto this day And indéede if the eternitie of gods kingdome were alwayes before our eyes there will be no such long time which would not be like to a verie moment We must regard the purpose of the Apostle because he calleth that the last time wherein al things are so fulfilled that there remaineth but the last reuealing of Christ You haue heard that Antechrist He speketh as of a thing knowen Whence it is easie to gather that the faithfull wer taught and admonyshed from the beginning 〈◊〉 the dissipation of the Church which was t● come both that they might carefullye keep● themselues in the faith which they haue receiued and also that they might instruct th●● posteritie to beware For so God would haue the Church to be tried that none shoulde b●● deceiued except wittinglye and willinglye and that there shoulde be no excuse of ignoraunce But we sée the whole world almost to haue bene miserably deceiued as if there had neuer bene word spoken of Antichrist Furthermore in the Popedome there is nothing more of account and vsuall then that Antichrist shall come In the meane time they are so besotted that they espie not his tirannie that is yoaked vnto their necks The same thing in truth is come vnto them that was vnto the Iewes For albeit they holde the promises of the Messiah yet are they further off from Christ then if they had neuer heard of his name for the imagined Messiah which they haue fained to themselues hath vtterly tourned them awaye from the sonne of God And if any by the Lawe and the prophets go about to bring them to the knowledge of Christ he shal doo nothing but loose his labour The Papistes imagine an Antichrist which shall vexe the Church for thrée yeares and a halfe All the notes wherby the spirit of God doth point out Antichrist doo euidently appeare in the Pope but that thrée yeares Antichrist dooth hold the foolish Papists occupied least in séeing they should see Let vs remember therefore that the spirit of God did not onely shewe that Antichrist should come but together sette downe sure markes by which he might be knowen Yea euen now there are many This maye séeme to be added in stéed of a correction as if they vntruly supposed that they should be some one kingdome but it is not so They that think that ther shal be one only man they are gretly deceiued But Paul whē he maketh mētiō of the falling away to come doth plainely witnes that ther shall be a certain bodie kingdome 2. The. 2.3 First he foretelleth the falling awaye which shall spred it selfe ouer all the church that it may be as it wer a general euil then he assigneth the general head of the Apostacie to be the aduersary of Christ which shal sit in the temple of god vsurping diuine honor to himself Except we will be blind of purpose we may learne by this discription of Paul to know Antichrist which I haue expoūded in his place now it sufficeth to touch it a little But how shall this agrée with the words of Iohn who saith that there are now manie I aunswere that Iohn meaneth nothing els then that seuerall sects begin to arise which were forerunners of the falling away For Cherinthus Basilides Martion Valentinus Ebion Arrius and the rest were members of that Kingdome which the diuell afterward set vp against Christ To speake properly Antichrist indéede was not yet come but the mysterie of his impietie did priuelye work 2. The. 2.7 But Iohn vseth this name that he might the more stirre vp the indeauour and care of the godly to beate backe their falshoods But if the spirit of God commaund the faithfull euen then to watch continually when they did onely sée a farre off the signes of the enimie to come much lesse is it now a time of sléeping when he oppresseth the Church with most cruell tyrannie and doth openly set himselfe against Christ 19 They went out from among vs. Hée preuenteth another obiection that the Church did séeme to haue begotten those mischiefes and for a time nourished them in her bosome For in truth it is of more force to trouble the weake if any one who hath professed one faith with vs doo fall away then if a thousand that are without shuld conspire against vs. He therefore so confesseth that they came out of the bosome of the Church that he yet denieth that they were euer of the Church Further the way to deduce the obiection is that the Church is alwaies subiect to this euill that is constrained to beare manye hypocrites which in truth haue not Christ howsoeuer with their mouth they professe his name for a time When he saith They went out from vs he signifieth that they did first occupie a roome in the Church and were accompted in the number of the godly Yet he denieth that they were of vs because they did falsly pretend the name of the faithfull euen as chaffe albeit it is mingled with wheate in one floore yet is not accompted to be of the wheate If they had bene of vs. He dooth openly pronounce that they wer neuer members of the church which fall away And in truth the seale of God vnder which he kéepeth his remaineth sure as Paul saith 2. Tim. 2.19 But héere ariseth an hard thing For it often falleth out that manye who séemed to haue imbraced Christ doo fall awaye I aunswere that there are thrée sorts of them that professe Christ For there are which doo but counterfaite godlynesse while yet an euill conscience dooth inwardly conuince them The hypocrisie of others is more deceiptfull which doo not onelye indeauour to make a vaine shewe before men but shut their eyes that they maye séeme to themselues to worshippe GOD aright The thirde haue a liuely roote of Faith and they carrie in their hearts firmely grounded a witnesse of their adoption The two first degrées haue not any thing of assurance of the last Iohn speaketh when hée saith it is not possible they shoulde be alienated from the Church nor can the seale which God hath imprinted in their heartes bée taken awaye The incorruptible séede that hath taken roote can not bée plucked vp nor abolished And héere the question is not of the constancie of men but of the constancie of GOD whose election must néedes bée sure Wherefore hée sayeth not without cause where the callyng of GOD is effectuall that there is a sure perseueraunce In summe he meaneth that they were neuer rightly indued with the knowledge of Christ which fall away but had onely a light and vncertaine tast That they might be made knowen Hée sheweth that examination is necessarie and profitable for the Church Wherevpon it foloweth on the contrarie that it is no iust cause
and to this ende he was sent of his father and by faith we are made pertakers of the righteousnesse of Christ Therefore whosoeuer beléeueth in Christ it is of necessitie that he be purged from sinnes But whereas our Sauiour Christ is sayde in another place to take awaye sinnes because by his death he hath purged them least they should be laid to our charge before God Iohn 1.29 In this place Iohn meaneth that truly and in very déed as they say Christ taketh away sinnes because by him our olde man is crucified Rom. 6.6 And his spirit doth mortifie our flesh with the corrupt affections thereof by repentance Neither doth the course of the text suffer to expoūd it of remission For so as I haue said he reasoneth that they which cease not to sin do make frustrate the benefit of Christ séeing he came that he might destroy the kingdome of sinne And that is referred to sanctification of the spirit There is no sinne in him He speketh not héere of Christs person but of his whole bodie Whether so euer Christ hath shed out his power he denieth that there is anye more place for sinne Therefore he straight gathereth that they sin not which abide in Christ For if by faith he dwell in vs he perfourmeth that his worke that he may purge vs from sinne Wherevpon it appeareth what it is to sinne For Christ doth not renewe vs perfectly in one day or moment with his spirit but he continueth the renuing that is begun in part all the life long It cannot therfore be but the faithfull shuld be subiect to sinne so long as they liue in the worlde But forasmuch as Christs kingdome doeth flourish in them sinne is abolished In the mean time they are accompted off according to the principall parte that is that they are called iust said to liue iustly because with a sincere affection of the hart they labour after righteousnesse They are sayd not to sin because albeit they fall by the infirmitie of the flesh yet they doo not consent vnto sinne but rather striue with griefe of heart that they may truly say with Paule they doo the euill which they would not Rom. 7.19 The faithfull he saith doo abide in Christ because by faith wée are grafted into him and are made one with him 6 Whosoeuer sinneth hath not seene him Hée hath according to his woont annexed the contrarie parte that wée maye knowe that the faith and knowledge of Christ is falsly pretended without newnes of lyfe For Christ is no where idle where he raigneth but sheweth foorth the power of his spirite And it is said alreadie that it is his office to put sinne to slight no otherwise then the Sun driueth away the clowdes with his brightnesse And we are taught again by this place how liuelye and effectuall a thing the knowledge of Christ is which indéede dooth transforme vs into his Image So by Affection and Knowledge there is no other thing ment then faith 7 Little children let no man deceiue you he that doth righteousnesse is righteous euen as he is righteous 8 Hee that committeth sinne is of the Diuell because the Diuell sinneth from the beginning For this purpose was the sonne of God made manifest that he might loose the workes of the Diuell 9 Whosoeuer is borne of God sinneth not for his seede remaineth in him neyther canne hee sinne because hee is borne of God 10 In this are the children of God knowen and the children of the Diuell 7 HE that dooth righteousnesse The Apostle teacheth in this place that the newnesse of lyfe must be made knowen by good works and that the lykenesse wherof hée hadde spoken which is betwixt Christ and his members can not stande excepte it bring foorth the fruite As if hée hadde sayde Séeing it dooth become vs to bée lyke vnto Christ let the truth witnesse of this thing appeare in our lyfe This exhortation is all one with that of Paules in the 5. to the Galathians vearse 25. If you liue in the Spirite walke also in the Spirite For many would gladly perswade themselues that they haue righteousnesse hidde in their hearts while their féete their hands their tongues eyes are let loose to iniquitie 8 Hee that committeth sinne Also this worde to Commit is referred to the outwarde déedes that the meaning may bée that there is no lyfe of God and of Christ where men behaue themselues leawdly and wickedlye but rather suche are the bonde slaues of the Diuell By which speach he more fully expresseth how farre they disagrée from Christ For euen as first he hadde sette foorthe Christ the Fountaine of all righteousnesse so nowe also on the contrarye he assigneth the Diuell to bée the heade of sinne Hée denyeth that anye man dooth belonge to Christ but hée that is righteous and approoueth himselfe to bée such a one by his workes now he sendeth all other into the diuels fellowship and casteth them vnder his dominion that we may know that Sathan dooth exercise tyrannie where the righteousnesse of Christ dooth not beare the swaye And yet there are not to be imagined with the Maniches two beginnings one against another for we know that the Diuel is euill not by nature creation but by the iniquitie of his owne falling away We knowe further that he is not equall with God that he should contend with him in a like power but that hée is forced manger his téeth that hée cannot doo anye thing except at the will and assignment of his creatour Finally when Iohn saith Some are borne of God and some are of the Diuell he faineth no propagation as the Maniches did dreame but he meaneth that the first are gouerned by the Spirite of Christ and the others are vyolently carryed of Sathan as God hath giuen him this power against vnbeleeuers Because the Diuell sinneth from the beginning Euen as before he spake not only of Christes person when he sayd hée was righteous but didde assigne him to bée the cause and Fountaine of righteousnesse so nowe when hée sayth the Diuell sinneth hée comprehendeth his whole bodie that is all reprobates As if hée had sayde this is the diuells propertie that he force vnto sinne Wherevpon it followeth that they are his members and are led of him whosoeuer delight in sinne Further this Beginning whereof the Apostle maketh mention is not of eternitie as when he teacheth that the word was from the beginning For there is great oddes betwéene God and creatures The beginning in God is without time Wherefore séeing the word was euer with God thou shalt not finde any instant of time wherin it began to be but it is of necessitie that thou come to very eternitie it selfe And héere Iohn meaneth nothing els but that the diuell was an Apostata immediatelye after the creation of the worlde and from thence hath neuer ceased to spreade abroade his poyson amongest men For this purpose appeared the Sonne of God Hée repeateth