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A15103 An ansvveare vnto certaine crabbed questions pretending a reall presence of Christ in the Sacramente: latelie propounded by some secret papist, to the great troubling of the consciences of the simple, together with a discouerie of the Jesuiticall opinion of justification, guilefully vttered by Sherwyne at the time of his execution. Gathered and set foorth by Peter Whyte, very necessary & profitable for this dangerous time. White, Peter, Vicar of Eaton Socon. 1582 (1582) STC 25401; ESTC S114005 62,353 289

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no such a threefold difference of righteousnes before God as the Papistes imagine 9 The righteousnes of the lawe and the righteousnes of the Gospell with their difference 10 The Papistes make Christe no more beneficiall vnto his Church then is the lawe 11 That the father doth not only offer our Saluation vnto vs wrought in Christ but also through him doeth effectually bestowe the same vpon vs by a liuely faith in Christ 12 That this faith wherby weare iustified is not of our selues neither depēding vpō our free wil as the papistes imagine but it is the gifte of God in Christ and the worke of his spirite by the Preaching of the Gospell and dependeth vpon our election 13 That this faith onely iustifieth beefore God with out the helpe of workes 14 That this faith respecteth onely the promise of God made vnto vs in the death and passion of Christ and not legall or temporall promises as the Papistes wickedly pretend 15 That the promises of the Gospell are free and absolute and not condicional as the legall and temporall promises are 16 That a liuing and iustifiyng faith is alwaies fruitfull and neuer idle or barren and although it onely alone doth iustifie yet is it neuer alone or voide of good workes 17 The distinction of the Iesuiticall first and second iustification with their termes and woordes of arre haue the same meaning and corruption that the schoolemen had 18 That the Papistes leaue nothing vnto Christ and his Gospell in the worke of our iustification but onely this that he teacheth how a man may iustifie him selfe before God 19 That the continuall remission of sinne through Christ is our onely iustification before God 20 That sanctification and renouatiō are not our iustification before God but the fruites therof follow the same 21 That renouatiō and sanctification are not perfected at one instant or moment of time as the Papistes imagine but by cōtinuance not throughly performed vntill by death mortalitie be put off 22 The true interpretation of the place of S. Iames that the Papistes abuse to proue iustification by workes 23 That Sherwin in the forme wordes of his confession meant not as they did pretend but meere contrarie and therefore like vnto the prophecie of Cayphas 24 Why the Papistes and especially these Iesuites refuse the termes wordes of the schoolemen and conforme their wordes like vnto the Scripture THE PREFACE To the Reader THe old serpent The red Dragon Gen. 3. Iob. 1. Apoc. 9.12.13 1. Cor. 1.2.3 Mat. 15. Esay 28. Sathan the deceiuer of the whole worlde the continuall selaūderer and accuser of Gods childrē hath no way gentle reader more molested Gods people and preuailed against his Church to the great hinderance of his true worship and glorie of his blessed name then by renting the vnitie of his Church into the sectes and factions of men couering neuerthelesse these manifolde sectes and factions vnder the Cloake and shadow of the Catholike Church when in deede there most times emong these factions either remaineth no part of Gods worship and true religion at all or els verie little and that so corrupted as therein the true glorie of God may no way appeare when the true glorie of God his worship and religion is truly founded in Christe Gen. 3 17. Deut. 18 Esay Mat. 3 10.28 Rom. 1. Cor. 1. Iohn 1.6 Ephes 4. Collos 2. Epist Iohn cap 1.2 by whom the knoweledge of God the father wisedome righteousnes sanctification and redemption is denied vnto vs through operation of his holy spirit and ministerie of his worde and wee againe by the same meanes as it were by iointes and cooples inseparable conioyned vnto Christ in whom dwelleth the fulnes of the Godhead substancially and is the only head of his Church Sauiour of his bodie that in him and thorowe him we may both see and enioy the glorious presence of God essectually This craftie workeman Sathan so cunning li transsigureth himselfe as though he were an Angell of light 1. Pet. 2. 1. Tim. 2. Ebru Apoc. Cal. Phil. 1.2.3 that hee often renteth the parts and mēbers of this bodie from Christ and God conioyning them vnto himselfe through the inuentions titles and holines of men treading downe the true doctrine of Christ his precious blood death and merits by the doctrine of mens deuises merits and other such like abhominations Thus began Sathan in Paradise to worke at the very beginning Thus so soone as the lawe was giuen vnder Moyses wrought hee by Corah Dathan and Abyran and hath so continued vntill this day Num. 16. and will doe vnto the worldes end Vnder the titles names traditions of Saduceis Esseans and Phariseis he aduanced so farre his owne kingdome that hee vtterly defaced the kingdome of God blinded both Priest and people that not onely the name of a true Israelite in respect of a Saducie Esseā or Pharisy was of no regard or estimation hee thereby so much blinded them that they knewe not Christ the true Messias whē he was come among thē but vtterly refused him and to their great condemnation reiected him whom they daily had in their mouthes and bragged themselues to be his people his Church and children of Abraham Iohn 1. vnto whom as vnto his peculiar inheritance he was especially sent The sonne of God found none more obstinate malicious against him his doctrine and kingdome then these men that continually vaunted and bragged of his name promises law Church and kingdome After Christes giorious Ascention by false Apostles Sathan set forward againe his aunciēt practice which although the great paine and diligence of the Apostles Apostolicall Pastors in their time mightily suppressed But when the Apostles and the Apostolical Pastors were taken out of this life to rest with the Lorde and that the faithfull workemen and diligent Pastors wared shant and thin in the Lordes vineyard then did Sathan go forward very busily with this practice Act. 20. 2. Thes 1 Apoc. 13 2 Tim. 4. Apoc. 9. and by such as came sorth of the very bosom of the Church speaking great thinges to the drawing of Disciples and followers after thē vntil he had set his chiefe Preudēt antichrist vicar general in his sente wherin hee in these sectaries stil pretendeth religion and godlinesse but alwaies denyeth and detesteth the substance thereof this well appeareth in the sectaries of all ages but especially after the first seuen hundreth yeered when the Monkish Locustes began to rise swarme out of the bothomles pit to spreade themselues into the worlde as the Benedictes Augustines Donstinians Cistrians with an infinite number beades some blacke some white and when the admiration of these began to decay then giueth the Deuill a fresh onset againe by a newe supplie of fryers Chanons Nunnes Ancorettes and Heremites a new band of other sectaries which termed thēselues schoolemen Canonists some Sententionaries Some
AN ANSVVEARE VNTO CERTAINE CRABBED QVESTIONS pretending a reall presence of Christ in the Sacramente Latelie propounded by some secret Papist to the great troubling of the consciences of the simple Together with a Discouerie of the Iesuiticall opinion of Iustification guilefully vttered by Sherwyne at the time of his execution Gathered setfoorth by Peter Whyte very necessary profitable for this daungerous time Seene and allowed according to the Queenes Maiesties Iniunctions ¶ VBIQVE FLORESCIT LONDON Imprinted by Iohn Wolfe and Henry Kirkham are to be sold at his shop at the little north doore of S. Paule To the Right Honourable the Lorde Ambrose Dudley Earle of Warwicke Maister of the Queenes Maiestres ordinance Knight of the honourable order of the Garter one of her Maiesties Priuy Counsell Peter White desireth from God in Christe Jesu continuall encrease of true godlinesse with much honour in this life and in the world to come the Crowne of eternall Glorie THe shortnesse of Satan his time most noble Earle in this worlde by hys extreame rage wherin in these dayes ful of all daunger hee goeth farre beyonde hymselfe may very well appere Apo●al 〈◊〉 In which short time no doubt he will so bestirre him that the very deapth of his craftes and mischiefe shal be instantly imployed to the disturbance of the Church of God the vpholdinge of hys owne kingdome now readie to fall in that he possibly can eyther in hymselfe by continuall temptation or in his instrumentes and members by seditions conspiracies treasons hypocrisies dissimulations in all thinges but especially in matters of religion Ephes 6. which S. Paule termeth spirituall craftines in heauenly things Which thing is most euidēt in these last messengers of hys the Iesuites or rather Iebusites the verye dregs of the bottomlesse pitte led by the vncleane spirite of error which do not a little disturbe the poore flock of Christ maruelously disquiet and trouble the consciences of the ignorant and occupie with noueltie the heads of the multitude by their secreate conferences where they haue accesse and by their pamflets and libelles spread abroade where they thēselues cannot come wherunto is adioined one other perilous mischiefe namelye the workinge hand of the dissembling Papist and Atheist whereof the one being dispensed withall from the Pope to conforme themselues often times outwardlye vnto the lawes that thereby they maye the safelier and without suspition further the Iesuiticall attempted enterprise is the verie mischiefe of our time These insinnuate themselues oftentimes into suche places wherein they can doe harme and by flatterie winne great credite in the world and euer as opportunitie serueth they geue the Gospell a blowe so that sometime they wounde daungerously to the greate hinderance of true doctrine and the againe renewinge of Poperie These they be right honourable Earle that are the verye poyson of our time The Pope by his Iesuites and seminaries without these is altogether lame and can do nothinge The simple papistes allthoughe obstinate and refuse for conscience to come to the churche in respecte of these are nothinge These vnder color of law dare boldly and impudently impugne Gods lavve these deface the preachers discredite the ministerie seduce deceyue the people so that where anye one of these is of credite or countenaunce in any parish within this land there the minister trauayleth in vayne hys doctrine is without credite and fruite be hee neuer so painefull There is nothinge but brawles and contention there the people haue their mindes alienated from the preacher vnprepared to receiue the Gospell and very ready for these seminarie Iesuites Thys poysoned infection righte noble Earle must either haue a speedie strong purgation or els it wil breed into an incurable leprosie It is now past recouerie by preaching trauell of the minister For thereof is made either a skoffe or els a matter of course without fruite therefore the swoorde and authoritie of the stronge magistrates ioyned with a feruent zeale of Gods trueth must cure this infection the preacher is too much in contempt and the inferior magistrate too weake to remedie this mischiefe which if it be not in time prouided for will bring this florishinge realme and churche of God therin nourished vnder our gratious Debora vnto such miseries and iuste deserued plagues 3. Reg. Paral. Ierem. 52. Thren 1.2 Cant. 2. 2. Corr. 11. Prouer. 12. as the sufferie of lyke hypocrites in the dayes of Ezechias and good Iosias did bringe the kingdome of Israell vnto For these be those foxes that Salomon would haue taken foorth of the Lordes vineyarde leaste they vtterlie spoile it These bee Operarij dolosi that canne and will dissemble their countenaunce agreable vnto the time whilest they sette forward the decay and seeke the ouerthrow of our happie time and no maruell hereof for the deuill himselfe is transfigured into an angell of light to further his owne purpose Therfore euery one of Gods children in his place and calling are to oppose thēselues to their vttermost against these and suche like enterprises of Sathan The godlye magistrates in the zeale of Phinies and Iehu with the swoord to suppresse these newe spronge Iesuites Numb 25. 2. Reg●m 10. as her gracious Maiestie with her honourable and godly counsell haue necessarily begon to doe and wythall to roote forth of this common wealth these disguised Gybeonites Iosu 9. Iudg 13. 1. Reg. 18.19 and dissembling Ephramites that can not or wil not pronounce Shiboleth rightly and as they should doe The Bishops preachers and ministers with the spirite of Elias painfully to gather the drosse and poperie againe lately scattered by these Seminaries out of the harts of the people both by preaching writing and in like sorte to enforce the true doctrine of Christ his Gospel earnestly vpon them so shall the Lordes busines be done with effect and the Lord will withdraw his curse from vs which we haue iustlie deserued for dooing his worke hitherto so negligentlie Herein I thought I could not any waie bestow my trauell better for the time and more for the profit of gods Church then to ansvvere certaine crabbed questions touching a pretended reall presence subtillie penned by some secret enemie to the troubling of the minds and consciences of the simple Wherin I haue also added a discouerie and confutation of the subtiltie of the Iesuitical opinion of iustification guilfullie vttred a late by Sherwin at his death But by Albertus Pighius and others verie daungerouslie long agoe at large put foorth to the hurt of manie which answere I haue offered vnto your Honor not as things vvorthie of such a personage but that vnder so good a protectiō they may with more fauor come into the handes of manie presuming greatly herein of your accustomed clemencie alwaies coupled vvith the feruent zeale of true religion Wherein the Lord dailie more more encrease your godlie zeale to his glorie your
others then the mainteiners of this idolatrie in worshipping the bread imagined a real and carnal presence and confirmed the same first vnder Pope Leo the ninth in the councel of Vercellence 〈◊〉 1033. wher an isfinite number of Bishops and Monkes were gathered together at that time Yea and long after there vvere two opinions or iudgements of this matter one sound and true holding a spirituall presence Damess 〈◊〉 14 〈…〉 licfi●atum an other false and vnture holding a real and carnal presence with the substance of bread vvine Then grew therein a third muchmore vvicked then the second and preuayled against the two formes that is a real and carnal presence by way of transubstantiation Of these three opinions speaketh the Master of Sentences Sent. lib. 4. dist 9.10 11. condemning the first which in dede in true and Apostolike for heresie the seconde he something misliketh the third he aduaunceth for the truth Super dist 9.10 11. Diuers other vppon the sentences do the same Linwode said Prouinc lib. 1. super cap. altiss infra Sciendum est quod de corpore Christi tres sunt opiniones We muste vnderstande that there are three opinions of the bodie of Christ vvhich are recited by diuers vpon the fourth booke of sentences By this you maie perceiue the opinion of real presence is nothing so certaine as the Papistes do pretend there is nothing as is already declared more vncertaine vnconstant variable But the propounder of these questions either is verie vnskilfull in his owne doctors or els verie vnmindfull of the olde Prouerbe Oportet mendacem esse memorem it behoueth a lyer to haue a good memeorie Damas li. 4 ●● 1● Conc. Lateran 1059. To returne to the naming of the first authors of the reall presence Damascine Pope Nicholas the second of that name by the counsel or rather the enforcing of Hildebrande After pope Gregorie the 7. in the first Councel of Laterane established this errour vvithout mētion of transubstantiation Then stoode vp Lanfranke bishop of Tucinense Anu 1083. and after of Canterburie and tooke vpon him the defence of this real presence as apeareth in his bookes against Beringarius Then Pascasius Anno. 1015 Guimūdus Algarus Adelmanus Vulfus Anselmus the bishop of Cantorburie Hugo with a number beside Then Innocentius the 3. pope of that name Lateran Cont. ●ag 1215. with the second councel of Laterane againe established this carnal and real presence by vvaie of transubstantiation then followed Gratian with his Decretals Cone Const Basil 1430. Lōbard with his sentences Scotus with his questions vvho neuertheles saith it vvas no heresie before the great Councel of Laterane to haue denied transubstātiation Petrus Commester Alexāder de Hales Cabriel Biel Durande vvith a milion of Locustes and idle belies beside and last of all the Councell of Trident with the vvhole rable of Iebusitical Seminaries Thus haue you both the beginners and the continuers of the real presence noted togeather vvith their time vvhich vvas the time of ignoraunce and greate darkenes the verie kingdome of Antichrist Apoc. ● vnto vvhom vvas giuen the keye of the bottomlesle pit out of vvhich this article vvith a nūber mo did arise And this was not in the spring of the Gospell not in the time of the primitue Fathers but manie hūdred yeres after their death yea three hundred yeres after the death of the reuerent father Beda vvas it before this reall presence could get rooting in the first degree Satan as in the yeeres before he had by heresies schismes and persecutions as I saide afflicted the Church so in the middle age of the Church he did inuade the same Apoc. 7. holding captiue at his pleasure suche as had not receyued the marcke of the liuinge God that suche as loued not the truth might be delighted in fables to their condemnation Apoc. 7. Ezech. 9. yet neither failed the rocke 2. Thess 2. nor the holie ghost ceassed to teach the people no more then did the dayes of Abraham when he vvas in Chaldee in the dayes of Israel vnder Pharao in the time of Helias vnder the wicked Achab and in the time of the Pharisees before and at the comming of Christ Math. 16 Genes 12 Exod. 1.2.3 4. 1. Reg. 19. Historia Euang. when he founde all thing belonging to true religion either cleane defaced or maruelouslie corrupted No more vnder the tyrannie of the pope did the rocke faile but still continued and the holie ghost did stil teache those that were builded vpon the rocke leauing those that vvere buylded vpon the sandes to be a praye for Satan in the hand of Antichrist That the Bishop of Rome vvith his Monkes vvere the first that openlie taught and confirmed th' error of the real presence Leu. 9. Nicholes 2. appeareth by Nicholas the seconde and his Monkes in the councel of Laterane is so euident that it cā not be gainsaid that vvhich he had once begon the same did his successours with like crueltie maintaine yea although God did from time to time stir and rayse vp Enoche and Elias vvho rebuked them of their madnes Mal●●● 4. Apot. 12. We now shewe them vvhat Bishop began first openlie to teache and confirme this opinion who so euer before Nicholas the secondes time did heare of such a confession as he forced Beringarius to make vvhich afterwarde a number of the Monkish frierish rable did mainteine as appeareth by Lankefranke Ia lib. de sacramad●ersus 〈…〉 2. Lombardus 〈◊〉 Durand 〈◊〉 lib. 4. Gratian Lombarde vvith scholemen and Canonistes an infinite rable whereof some greatlie misliked of the ouergrosse by their owne iudgement opinion of Pope Nicholas who forced Beringarius to confesse that the reall bodie of Christ vvas not onlie broken sensuallie vvith the priestes handes but also crushed torne vvith the teeth of the receiuer Against this opinion diuers of the popes friendes haue taken exception saying Corpus Christi qui incorruptibile est non diuiditur in partes vel dentibus laceratur sed fractio potest fieri in ipsa forma sacramentalis panis The bodie of Christ is incorruptible cā not be deuided into partes but the breaking maie be said to be in the verie forme of the sacramental bread In sequente Missae corporis Christi vers 14.15 20 Thomas Aquinas Manet tamen Christus totus sub vtraque specie a sumente non concisus non confractus nō diuisus c. Nulla rei fit scissura signi tantum fit fractura c. Christ remaineth whol vnder both the kindes not crushed broken or deuided of the receiuer c. No breaking or fraction is made of the bodie the signe is onlie brokē c. But yet notwithstanding this mislike so great was the blindnes and corruption of that time that who soeuer could do anie thing in the popish kingdome shewed his skill that vvay
Thomistes some Scotistes some Canonistes some Summistes some Penitenciaries Angellical Doctors some Cyraphicall and some Sorbonistes and euery of these for the most parte both of sundry orders and fraternites and of diuers opinions and yet euery of these orders fraternities sentences decrees ordinaunces holines yea and their houses and garments whether they were old or newe of more honour estimation and credit then their Christ his death his passiō his merits his in tercestions his Gospell or any thing vnto him any way belonging And nowe last of all as the onely fray of his kingdome the Deuill hath transformed the former sectaries this ne●●e founde Hidra or sect of the Iesuites the very dragges of his bothomles pit whose beginning falshed and abhominable hipocryste diuers learned and godly men of our time as Chimnisius Boquin and our owne countriemen Master Charke Master Hammer and Master Filde haue both truely and effectually described Apoc. 12. Apoc. 〈◊〉 Apoc. 18. These good reader are guided by the three vncleane spirites that come out of the beastes mouth These be sent into the vniuersall worlde as the last power and strength of Sathan to repayre and bolde vp against Christ and his gospel the kingdome of Antichrist now euen falling downe These the Pope sendeth into al Countries but especially where the gospel is preached ●●reily to seduce the people to drawe younglings into their Seminaries to moue frie rebellions to practize the euerthrow of Godly Princes and zealous magistrates that their kingdome might againe become a pray vnto the Romish Antichrist and so to be made doublely the children of hel fire as they themselues be These recapitulate into thē selues the whole substance of Popery take vpon them the defence thereof more impudently then any yet heretofore newe or olde These in hipocry ●●e and al maner of dissēbling goe far beyond the Mōkes Fryers Nunnes Chanons or whatsoeuer dissembling broode hath beene heretofore It may seeme that the Deuill in these mē hath shewed his whole skil of dissembling and the very depth of his crafte for where in the former sectes he rent the Church by the names of men and with grosse rearmes and homely wordes opposed mans inuentions againste Christ and his gospell in these men he laboreth to plucke Christes ●aheritaunce from him by the title of his owne name peculyar onely vnto himselfe by furnishing againe the corruption of the scheolemē leauing their knowen and lothsome rearmes by a new shewe of wordes and termes of their own inuention that vnder them without suspicion they may deliuer againe the vile and filthie puddle of frinking Popery These newe Messengers of his therefore hee Garnisheth with the N●ne and title of Iesuites pretending them thereby to be the true reformers of Christs church sent from God in these laster dayes But gentle reader This Latet Anguis in Herba This name or Title of theirs is ful of deceite perill Esay 8.9 First in this title Iesuite they blasphemously rob Christ of his special pecuilar title and name of his office that neyther may nor can without great blasphemy Mat. 1. be geuen to none other by reason of the signification of the same And thou sayth the Angell shalt call his Name Iesus Phil. 3. because hee shall deliues his people from their sinnes this name is aboue all names and geuen onely to the sonne of God this is euer actiuely taken neuer pastiuely it sigmfieth to saue and not to be saued by any other These blasphemous Iesuites therefore as they can by no meane saue and deliuer men from sinne so shall they neuer except they repent from this blasphemy be saued from the bottomles pit of hell but there with the Deuill and his Angels for their wieked presumption shall they be euerlastingly damned Secondly vnder the shewe of this name and title they most crastely and wickedly dissolue the vuity of Christs Church misticall body defacing the name and title of a christian wherewith the holy ghost hath garnished and beautified the members of his body as a name most conuenient for their calling This name and title I say as a profane thing and to base for their holynes and professiō thus in the spring of the gospel did Sathan labour among the Corinthians to dissolue the vnitie from Christe vnder the name of Paule Apollo and Cephas and afterwardes as I saide throughly wickedly performed it vnder the names of Benedict Frauncis c. Their owne Gratian long agoe thus said of the like Negat Christian qui se negat Christianum He denieth Christ Causa 11. Quaesu 5. that denieth the name of a Christian Thirdly with the great hurt extreeme perill of all Christian Realmes they dayly awayte to destroye by trayterous practizes Godly Princes and zealous Magistrats by sturring vp sedition and rebellions emonge their subiectes and oftentimes procure desperat persōs to attempt horrible murders vpon Noble personages and as King Iohn was poysoned by a besperat Monke sundry Emperors by such their religious pra●izes so in these daies sūdry great personages are put in great dāger by these holy persōs The leagues of Gods Children with the wicked wherby the mightie helping hande of God hath continually beene turned euen from his owne deare children is no more daungerous vnto the Godly and Christian princes Deut. 17. Leuit. 18.19 2. Reg. c 35. 1. Macha Examples the of are manie both newe an lamentable Baruch Timo. 3. Rom. 13. Tertul. ad Scapulam then the accesse of this religious fraternitie or holy league and brotherhood vnto the presence of Kinges Princes or other noble mē is dāgerous vnto our state and time The prophets of God led by his holy spirit taught vs to pray for Tyrauntes yea for such as oppressed and persecuted the Church of God affirming that in their peace and safetie the Church of God yet vnder the Crosse shoulde prosper But these led by the vncleane spirit prepare and suborne desperate persons to kill and murder Godly Princes and Magistrates that be nurses and vnder God the defenders of the Churche Godly Princes therefore for the better safetie of themselues and subiectes may not deale herein as Porcenna did who when hee vnderstood that diuers desperate persōs had s●orne his death fled and left the siege to auoyde that daunger But they must followe the commaundement of God in the auoyding of their flattering promises and friendship and depende vpon the inuicible power and arme of the Lorde that neuer faileth such as do trust onely vnto his helpe and defence and vtterly destroy the dissembling kingedome of Popery seruing the members thereof 〈◊〉 11. as God gaue commaundement of Agag and the Amatekites of the Cananites as Moses serued the false prophet Balaam with the Madianits Reg. 18. Reg. 9. as Dauid serued the children of Ammō Elyas Iehu the false prophets and priestes of Baall ester and all the posteritie of Achab as