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A11015 A treatise of Gods effectual calling: written first in the Latine tongue, by the reuerend and faithfull seruant of Christ, Maister Robert Rollock, preacher of Gods word in Edenburgh. And now faithfully translated for the benefite of the vnlearned, into the English tongue, by Henry Holland, preacher in London; Tractatus de vocatione efficaci, quae inter locos theologiæ communissimos recensetur, deque locis specialioribus, qui sub vocatione comprehenduntur. English Rollock, Robert, 1555?-1599.; Holland, Henry, 1555 or 6-1603.; Bèze, Théodore de, 1519-1605. 1603 (1603) STC 21286; ESTC S116145 189,138 276

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containe my selfe but must needes giue thankes as I ought vnto God for this so necessarie and so profitable a worke and reioyce that both you and the whole Church enioy so great a benefit desiring the Lord to increase with new gifts and preserue in saftie this excellent instrument especially in these times wherein thorow the scarcitie of skilfull workemen which labour in the Lords vineyard and by the decease of those well exercised and experienced souldiers and worthie Christians Sathan and his companions begin againe to triumph ouer the truth Concerning the estate of our Church and schoole we yet continue and proceede in our course by the mightie hand of our God and Sauiour protecting vs which is admirable to our very enemies being deliuered from the iawe of death But in truth for ought we see it is like to last but one yeare our estate depending on those acts which shall bee concluded in the * Or meeting at Roane Or the Prince our neighbour diet of Roane betweene the French King and our neighbour Duke either concerning peace or warre wherein we hope to be comprehended vpon equall condition In this fraile and vncertaine estate that is our principall consolation that we are sure this slender and twined threed whereupon we rest is sustained by the hand of our good God who will not suffer that to be falsified which we haue learned of the Apostle that all things worke together for the Rom. 8. good of those that loue him In the meane while I beseech you brethren continue your remembrance of vs in your daily prayers I for my part for some moneths though I be not much pained with any Feuer Gout Stone or any of those sharpe diseases which be the vsuall companions of old age yet I feele my selfe so infeebled and weakned that I am constrained in a manner to giue ouer both my publike duties to keepe house and home looking euery day for that ioyfull and happie dissolution whereunto age it selfe calleth me being now seuentie eight yeares old And herein I desire your prayer with the rest of my brethren by name of my reuerend brother Maister Meluin and Maister Peter Iunius whom vnlesse memorie faile me Maister Scringer of blessed memorie was wont to call his cosen vnto whom remembring withall my hartie commendations I desire you to communicate this my letter desiring the Lord my deare and louing brother to preserue your whole Church there with his mightie and blessed hand against all both forren and domesticall dangers Fare ye well from Geneua the Calends of Nouemb. after our olde computation CIC. IC XCVI Yours wholy THEODOR BEZA TO THE RIGHT WORSHIPFVLL AND HIS VERIE CHRISTIAN LOVING FRIEND MAISTER WILLIAM SCOT of Ely grace and peace by Iesus Christ WHen I had finished my last sommers worke of reuising and correcting Master Rollockes readings on the Colossians I was inwardlie much affected with the holy spirit of the man which I found as in that so in the rest of his workes Then my heart desired that as forraine Churches greatly reioyce in him and blesse God for him so the Churches of England and Scotland might to their greater ioy heare him speake yet more vnto them in their owne natiue language This is the cause right worshipfull that mooued me the winter past to gaine some houres from mine ordinarie labours to giue this little booke a new coate that it might be knowne also in all this Iland where it was first conceiued and borne It hath the protection of our most mightie King for saftie and free passage into other parts of the world where it hath been intertained with kinde acceptation and so now no doubt it shall be no lesse in both these kingdomes when as all true hearted subiects shall see with what christian affection our most noble King affected this faithfull seruant of Iesus Christ and his holy workes Now blessed bee God for being thus mindfull of vs and for annoynting his sacred breast with such a measure of the spirit of iudgement as an 2. Sam. 19. 27. Phil. 19. 10. Esa 11. 3. 4. Angel of God to discerne the things that differ and so to respect the meeke ones of the earth to the vnspeakable ioy of the good and terror of the wicked Behold now praise the Lord with vs and let vs magnifie his name together for the Lord hath done great things for vs the Lord hath so set the wheeles of his admirable prouidence and so carried his blessed hand this yeare past in all his proceedings round about vs and so touched the hearts 1. Sam. 10. 26. of all this kingdome as hauing a purpose to accomplish a great worke in the building of his Church and in his good time to lift vp such strokes as shall destroy for euer euery enemie that doth euill to the sanctuarie Psal 74. 3. The Lords compassions faile not O Lord withdraw Psal 85. 3. 4. thine anger and turne backe the fiercenes of thy wrath Turne vs O God of our saluation turne thou vs Lam. 5. 21. vnto thee that wee may bee turned and cause thy face to shine vpon vs that we may be saued Cease not to pray for vs that we may not returne to our olde securitie and vnthankfulnes any more but that wee may attend what the Lord saith for now he begins to speake peace vnto his people and vnto his Saints crying in their doores euen as it Prou. 1. Psal 85. 8. were in the open streetes that they returne not againe to folly Now we see that the counsell of the Lord shall stand for euer and that the thoughts of his heart shall continue throughout all ages for he hath broken the counsels of the wicked who haue euer sought to be possest of Gods habitations but the Lord shall make them as stubble before the wind the Lord will persecute them with his tempest and make them afraid with his storme O Lord fill their Psal 83. 16. faces with shame that they may seeke thy name Finally the Lord hath made our corners full and abounding with diuers forts of blessings hee hath made Psal 144. 13. the barres of our gates strong and hath setled peace in our borders he hath stablished his Gospell and holy couenant with vs he hath taught vs to obserue his iudgements and his wonderfull administrations both of his iustice and mercie he Psal 147. 13. hath not dealt so with any Nation round about vs. Wherefore O praise the Lord with vs let England and Scotland now with one heart as with one mouth praise God in all the assemblies Psal 6. 8. 26. O praise the Lord ye that are of the fountaine of Israel praiseye the Lord. To returne to our purpose as touching this sweete treatise in hand I say no more but this I trust the reader shall finde my words true that so many common places of diuinity as be here briefely couched as branches appertaining to this one head the
A TREATISE OF GODS EFFECTVAL CALLING WRITTEN FIRST IN THE LATINE tongue by the reuerend and faithfull seruant of Christ Maister ROBERT ROLLOCK Preacher of Gods word in Edenburgh AND NOW FAITHFVLLY TRANSLATED for the benefite of the vnlearned into the English tongue by Henry Holland Preacher in London 2. PET. 1. 10. Giue diligent heede to make your calling and election sure AT LONDON Imprinted by FELIX KYNGSTON 1603. THE AVTHORS EPISTLE TO THE MOST HIGH AND MIGHTIE Prince IAMES the sixt now by Gods free mercie King of England Scotland France and Ireland defender of the faith c. grace and peace by Iesus Christ. AFter some aduising with my selfe in whose name I should publish this litle worke your Maiestie my most dread Soueraigne aboue all others came first into my mind for that you may iustly challenge as your owne right the first fruites of my labours of what kinde soeuer they be Hauing then heretofore consecrated the first fruites of the first kind of my writings vnto your Highnes I thought it meete also that this second kinde of meditations in the common places of diuinitie should be presented to the same your Maiestie From this purpose although many things feared me among which your princely Maiestie to speak as the truth is adorned with rare knowledge of diuine things did most occupie my minde your Maiestie I say the greatnes whereof my owne meannes and the slendernes of this work were not able to endure Yet when I recounted with my selfe how great your curtesie and gentlenes was alwaies accustomed to bee towards all men but especially towards my selfe I determined rather to incurre some suspition of ouermuch boldnes then not to giue testimonie of my dutie and of my most humble deuotion towards your Maiestie euen by the dedication of this small worke of mine how meane soeuer it be Respect therefore most noble King not so much this smal worke as the testimonie of a mind most dutifully affected towards your Maiestie in the Lord and as my dutie requireth most readie according to my small abilitie with all lowlines to do your Maiestie most humble seruice in any thing that I can during life But what is there wherein I can do your Maiestie better seruice then in striuing with my God with continuall earnest prayers that through his grace and singular goodnes you may for euer maintaine continue and make good that excellent opinion which you haue not vndeseruedly alreadie gotten in forraine nations amongst such men as are most eminent in this our age both for learning and godlines that so you may haue a happie raigne in this present life and in that other life may be a fellow heire of that heauenly kingdome in comparison of the glorie of which kingdome that I may speake this by the way I my selfe a good while since haue heard you despise al these earthly kingdoms at such time as amongst other matters in a certain familiar conference where there were but a fewe present you discoursed of many things learnedly I speake the truth to the glorie of God without any flatterie and godlily and delightfully concerning Christ and of praying to him onely and not to Angels or Saints departed out of this life you may I say be a fellow heire together with your head euen that most high King Lord and heire of all things Iesus Christ whose grace mercie and power defend and protect you both in bodie and soule from all your enemies bodily and ghostly for euermore Your Maiesties most dutifull Seruant ROBERT ROLLOCK TO THE RIGHT GODLY LEARNED AND HIS REVERENT GOOD FRIEND Maister Iohn Iohnston I May seeme slow in aunswering your letters good Maister Iohnston for that they were long in comming to my hands I vnderstoode by them to my great ioy that you are safely arriued in your owne countrie and haue found your Churches there in ablesscd and peaceable state wherein I desire in heart they may long continue And why may I not confidently hope that this my desire shall be fulfilled specially seeing they were from the beginning The blessing of God on the Churches of Scotland so happily soundly and excellently founded by those faithfull and worthie seruants of God those skilfull maister-builders which begun the worke and they whoseconded them brought no stubble or hay but siluer gold and precious stones to the building Nay which is more the Lord himselfe hauing so clearely and apparantly fauoured and furthered their holy labours that whosoeuer haue stumbled at this building haue not onely missed and failed of their purpose but haue been as it were by the strong and powerfull hande of God scattered and throne out into vtter darkenes To these we may adde that singular and most precious gift of God which the same good God hath bestowed vpon you I meane your worthie King Maister Bezas iudgement and commendation of the Kings Maiestie in the happie gouernment of the Churches of Scotland whom he hath likewise miraculously preserued from many and great perils who hath ioyned to his singular and admirable care and watchfulnes in defending the Gospell and preseruing the puritie and vnspotted sinceritie of this Church so great and exact knowledge of Christian religion from the very grounds and principles thereof that the Lord it seemes hath made his Maiestie both a Prince and preacher to his people so that your Our blessed King may in veritie be well accounted a second Salomon who was both King and preacher Realme of Scotland is now become of all other most happie and may iustly hope for increase of tranquillitie and felicitie if onely as we are perswaded she will she can discerne and thankfully acknowledge the great blessing she inioyeth and as she hath begun so continue to direct them all to the right scope and end which is to his glorie who is the father and fountaine of all goodnes And I assure you I reioyce from my heart that occasion was giuen me to congratulate by these my letters your happie condition with the rest of my reuerend brethren both by your countrie man Maister Dauid Droman a man both godly and well learned whose presence though but for a few dayes was most acceptable to vs here who is now vpon his returne to you with these letters as likewise in that I chaunced of late to meete with a great treasure which I know not by what mishap being frequent in other mens hands hath hitherto missed my fingers For why should not I esteeme as a treasure and that most precious the commentaries of my honorable brother Maister Rollocke vpon the epistle to the Romans and Ephesians Maister Beza commendeth Maister Rollockes workes both of them being of speciall note among the writings Apostolicall for so I iudge of them and I pray you take it to be spoken without all flatterie or partialitie that I neuer read or met with any thing in this kinde of interpretation more pithilie elegantly and iudiciously written so as I could not
religious and wise I hope shall finde them as iudicially comfortably and compendiously set downe and knit together as any one thing of this kinde as yet extant in the English tongue Next as for the argument of this booke our effectuall calling is one principall linke of the golden chaine of the causes of our saluation And it is the very first in the execution of Gods eternall decree of our election which manifesteth the euerlasting loue of God in Iesus Christ vnto the heart of euery beleeuer that almightie God should loue him being his enemie seeke him and finde him when he wandered in the maze and vanitie of his owne minde quicken him when hee lay dead in sinne loose him when he lay fast bound in the bonds of death inlighten him when he sate in extreame darkenes giuing him the spirit of grace and of faith by the Gospell to attend his holy calling and in time to reioyce with an exceeding ioy Rom. 5. 2. 3. therein Lastly for the translation albeit I haue not followed the authors words yet haue I endeuoured faithfully to deliuer his meaning in the plainest forme and in words most in vse among the people Horat. art non verbum verbo curabis reddere fidus interpres The Lord giue it a blessing wheresoeuer it shall rest among Gods elect of both these kingdomes Now right Worshipfull Maister Scot I come vnto yourselfe your most christian and holy loue in these cold and euill times as vnto all the Saint so specially to this good seruant of Christ like as it comforted him greatly in his latter dayes so assuredly it shall much refresh your owne heart not onely all your life but also much more I doubt not in the very houre of death There be three infallible notes knit together in one Scripture to iustifie our pretious faith vnto our owne hearts that we may be truely perswaded we are possest of that faith which shall iustifie vs before God loue to the brethren hospitalitie of loue and christian sympathie to the Saints in their 1. 2. afflictions Loue to the holy members of Christ 3. is often commaunded and commended in Ioseph in Moses in Nehemias in Daniel in Dauid who being aduanced to great dignities yet esteemed they nothing more then the good of the Church and to become seruiceable as it were by all meanes to the Saints To loue the seruants of Christ and to be beloued of * Rom. 15. 31. Philip. 1. 9. them it is as Saint Iohn saith an infallible argument that God hath taken vs by the hand loosened our * 1. Iohn 3. 8. bands and translated vs from death to life and from * 1. Pet. 2. 9. darknes into the glorious light of God All that talke of Charitie doe not loue the Saints that is the liuing members of Christ on earth We may discerne our loue to be sound by these notes First it is a flame which comes downe from God into our a Rom. 5. 5. Luk. 7. 47. hearts kindling as it were within vs and giuing vs no rest till we performe duties to the Saints And this is that which the Apostle meaneth when he willeth vs to b Heb. 10. 24. stirre vp one another vnto a paroxysme of loue Secondly hence it comes to passe that loue to the Saints being neuer colde is neuer idle in well doing and therefore proceedes the second note which the same Apostle calles c Heb. 6. 10. labour 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Psalm 16. 4 5. of loue for that this loue trauailes by all meanes possible to doe good to the members of Christ Thirdly next this loue is sincere d Rom. 12. 9. voide of all dissimulation Fourthly and lastly it is e Hebr. 13. 1. Act 2. 42 46. constant consuming as a fire all offences f Phil. 1. 9. 10. and cannot bee quenched The second marke in the same Scripture of our most holy faith is g Hebr. 13. 2. hospitalitie of loue as the Syriack translation hath it not of lucre The Lord gaue often h Rom. 12. 10. 11 1. Pet. 4 9. 1. Tim. 3. 2. 15. 20. charge by his Apostles concerning this foreseeing the necessitie and afflictions of the Saints in the tenne bloodie persecutions which euen then began and were to follow The practise Hilariter excipere affabiliter tractare ami●● dimittere of this we see commended in all ages in Abraham and Lot receiuing Angels they receiue them cheerefully they intertaine and vse them courteously they dismisse them louingly So did Bethuel Eleazar so did Iethro Moses so did Manoah the Angell of God so did the good olde man of Gibeah the Leuite and his wife so did Obadiah the Prophets so did the widow of Zarephath Elias so did the Sunamite Elisha so did Mary often receiue Christ so did the Tanner and Cornelius Peter Lydia and the Iayler the Apostles Aquila and Priscilla Paul Phebe and Stephanus many and Gaius the whole Church at Corinth All these are Chronicled in the booke of God as most memorable presidents for all ages The third note of the precious faith of Gods elect in the same place annexed is Christian sympathy to the seruants of Christ in all their afflictions This grace is found when loue hath set on fire our very i Matth 9. 36. Philip. 1. 9. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 bowels as the holy Ghost speaketh that in all their passions it fils vs with a feeling and a tender compassion This stirres vp men to k Matth 25. 36. visit the members of Christ in all their miseries to consider l Psalm 41. 1. wisely of their afflictions to m Rom. 12. 15. mourne when they mourne to n Rom. 12. 13. distribute to their wants and so to proceede on to the duties of instruction admonition consolation instant and o Iam. 5. 13. 20 feruent in prayer and to adde confession of sinnes with fasting if the state and heauines of the affliction so require These things I write vnto you right Worshipfull first not so much for your instruction as for the edification and confirmation of others in this frozen age wherein carnall and selfe loue and all iniquitie increaseth and loue to the Saints decreaseth and waxeth cold as Christ hath p Matth. 24. 12 forewarned vs a manifest signe that sauing faith faileth in most places euen where it is professed most Secondly I write thus vnto you for that you haue been taught of God as I heare to practise these things and to obserue the Canons of Christ in his Gospell concerning loue to the Saints This holy seruant of Christ Maister Rollocke if he were liuing could and would testifie of your sincere loue when you intertained him into your owne familie respecting his wants with all compassion and tendernes of heart The most prouident ruler of Heauen and earth which hath shed by the working of his holy spirit this precious loue into your heart will fully