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kingdom_n great_a lord_n time_n 5,703 5 3.3083 3 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08310 The surueyors dialogue Diuided into fiue bookes: very profitable for all men to peruse, that haue to do with the reuenues of land, or the manurance, vse, or occupation thereof, both lords and tenants: as also and especially for such as indeuor to be seene in the faculty of surueying of mannors, lands, tenements, &c. By I.N. Norden, John, 1548-1625? 1607 (1607) STC 18639; ESTC S113314 151,126 260

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will burn very excellently And if it be cut neuer so deepe it will fill againe in few yeeres and then may it be digged againe Bayly Then it is beneficiall ground Sur. So it is and I thinke there be many grounds would serue to this purpose if they were sought out where scarcitie of other fewell is Bayly You spake of Furze I take that to be no good fewell but to brew or bake withall Suruey Yes it is good fire-wood in Deuonshire and Cornwal where they make great profite in venting it for that vse in many the greatest townes and in Excester especially Bayly Then are they better then our ordinary Furzes about vs. Sur. The countrey people do call them French Furzes they haue a very great stalke and grow very high and their prickle very strong but that they grow thicke and the body is commonly bare to the coppe where is onely a greene bush of the tender and small branches and seldome elsewhere so that they easily make them into Faggots 31 Whether is there within the Mannor any Slate-stones for ●iling red or blacke Lead or Oker for marking stones These kind of Slate stones are full in Cornwall and the marking stones most about Darbyshire and those parts 32 What Deere hath the Lord of this Mannor in his Parke red and fallow how many of Antler and how many rascall who is Keeper and what is his Fee by yeere whether hath he any Warren of Conies or Hare● who is Keeper of either of them and what Fee hath he by yeere and what is the Warren of Conies woorth by yeere and what were the Parke woorth by acre to be let by yeere if the Deere were destroyed and how many acres is there within the 〈◊〉 A Parke for Deere is more for the pleasure then for the profit of the Lord or Commonwealth and yet fit that Princes and men of woorth should maintaine them at their pleasures yet not so fit that euery man that listed should maintaine that game for his priuate pleasure that depriueth a Commonwealth of more necessary commo●ties But men of late are growne more considerate and haue disparked much of this kind of ground and conuerted it to better vses As for war●ens of Conies they are not vnnecessarie they require no rich ground to feed in but meane pasture and craggy grounds are fittest for them It is therefore in the discretion of a good and circumspect Surueyor to aduise his Lord how to dispose of these things for his best aduantage 33 What pentions portions payments or fees are or ought to be yeerely payed out of this Mannor to whom are they payed and for what and what rent or annuitie is there payed or ought yeerely to be payed out of any Mannor or by any person vnto the Lord of this Mannor and whether hath the same bene duly payed or discontinued what is the annuitie or rent by whom ought it to be payed for what thing and how long hath it bene discontinued These things are very duly to be examined both which go out of a Mannor or be payed to a Mannor although in many places they be much neglected not in calling for I confesse but if such payments be denyed the Lord to whom such things are due can hardly say or a●ow for what or in consideration whereof they are due and by that meanes men 〈…〉 right both of the pay●● 〈…〉 of the land if it escheate yea whole Mannors 34 Whether is there within this Mannor any Market weekly or Faire at any time of the yeere kept on what day or dayes who hath the toll and profits of the same and what is it or may it be worth vnto the Lord by yeere Faires and markets are commonly by patent from the King 35 Whether doth the Lord or may he take in any ●●ine to pawnage yeerely into his parke or woods what i● the pawnage woorth by yeere Bayly Sir you need little to enquire of that for Okes and Beech that haue bene formerly ●ery famous in many parts of this kingdome for féeding the Farmers veni●●n are fallen to the ground and gone and their places are scarcely knowne where they stood Sur. It is very true and it is pitty that Lords of Mānors haue no more care of their posterities For assuredly there will be greater want of ●●mber in time to come in this Realme then may be supplyed with little charge from any part else whatsoeuer And therefore might Lords and Farmers easily adde some supply of fu●●●e hope in setting for euery twenty acres of other land one acre of Aco●●es which would ●ome to be good timber in his so●nes age especially where there is and like to be more want Bayly The course ●●ere good but you 〈…〉 for Okes are 〈…〉 it will be long ere they come to be ti●ber Sur. I know in Suffolke where in twenty yeeres Acornes haue yeelded fruite already ●ere as high as a steeple of ordinary height Bayly Truly it is pitty it were not enioyned to men of abilitie and land to do it But I thinke men imagine there will be timber enough to the end of the world 36 Whether hath any of you any Deedes Euidences Court-rolles Rentals Sute-rolles Custome-rols Bookes of Suruey Accompts or any other escripts or miniments touching or concerning this Mānor If you haue any such produce them at this Court for the Lords vse and seruice or if you know any that haue any such deliuer their names that the Lord may procure them to shew the same 37 Who hath the ad●ouson nomination presentation and gift of the Parsonage Vicarage or Free-chappell whereunto this Mannor belongeth or whether is it an impropriation belonging to the Lord of this Mannor who is incumbent of the Parsonage or Vicarage or who hath the impropriation in vse and what is it woorth by yeere Some haue taken and set downe a Parsonage or Vicarage to be parcell of a Mannor but I take it otherwise for a matter of spirituall or ecclesiasticall function cannot be parcell of a secular liuing But a Mannor as touching the tythe may belong to an ecclesiasticall charge neither do I thinke that an impropriation though it belong vnto the Lord yet is it not parcell of his Mannor because that ab origine euen from the f●r●t institutiō it was dedicated to a spirituall office And although the profites were afterwards disposed to a secular person yet are not the profites parcell of the Mannor 38 Who is the Lords Baylie what is his name what yeerely fee hath he whether hath he a patent for life or is at the Lords will and who is Steward of the Lords Courts what is his fee whether doth hee hold it by patent or at will who is also keeper of the lords parke warrener or woodward what other officers are there within or belonging to this Mannor and what are their fees Sundry Mannors haue sundry officers some of the Lords