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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A05808 The manuall of prayers, or the prymer in Englyshe set out at lengthe, whose contentes the reader by the prologe next after the kalendar, shal sone perceaue and there in shal se brefly the order of the whole boke. Set forth by Ihon late bysshope of Rochester at the co[m]aundement the ryght honorable Lorde Thomas Cro[m]wel, Lorde Priuie seale Uicegerent to the Kynges hyghnes.; Book of hours (Salisbury). English Church of England.; Hilsey, John, d. 1539. aut 1539 (1539) STC 16010; ESTC S105269 116,690 240

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Glory be to the father and to the sonne and to the holy goost As it was in the begynnynge as it is now and euer shall be So be it ¶ The C.xliiii Psalme Exaltabo te deus I Wyll magnify the o my Lorde and kyng I wyl prayse thy name for euer and euer Euery daye wyll I geue thankes vnto the and prayse thy name for euer and euer Greate is the Lorde and merueylous worthy to be praysed ther is no ende of his greatnesse One generacion shall prayse thy workes vnto an other and they shall declare thy power They shal be talkynge of thy worship thy glory and shall shew forth thy wonderous workes So that mē shall speake of the myght of thy merueylous actes and tell of thy greatnesse The memoryall of thy abundaunte kyndenesse shal be shewed and men shall synge of thy ryghteousnesse The Lorde is pacient and mercyfull longe sufferynge and of great goodnesse The Lorde is louynge to euery man and his mercy is ouer all his workes All thy workes prayse the o Lorde and thy sayntes gyue thanke vnto the. To shewe the glory of thy kyngdome and talke of thy power That thy power thy glory myghtynesse of thy kyngdome myght be knowen vnto men Thy kyndome is an euerlastynge kyngdom and thy dominion endureth thorow out all ages The Lorde is faythfull in all his promyses holy in all his workes The Lorde vpholdeth all such as shulde fall and lyfteth vp all them that be downe The eyes of all wayte vpon the and thou gyuest them theyr meate in due season Thou openest thy hande and fyllest al thynges lyuynge with plenteousnesse The Lorde is ryghteous in all his wayes and holy in all his workes The Lorde is nye vnto all thē that cal vpon him ye all such that call vpon hym faythfully He wyll fulfyl the desyre of thē that feare hym he wyll heare theyr crye and wyll helpe them The Lorde preserueth all thē that loue hym and wyll scatter abrode all the vngodly My mouth shal speake the prayse of the Lorde let all fleshe gyue thākes vnto his holy name for euer and euer Glorye be to the father and to the sonne and to the holy goost As it was in the begynnynge and as it is nowe and euer shal be So be it ¶ The antheme ¶ The Lorde is nye vnto all them that call vpō hym yee all suche that call vpon hym faythfully wherfore to the O Lorde faythfully wyll I praye ¶ The versycle ¶ O Lorde heare my prayer ¶ The answere ¶ And let my crye come vnto the. ¶ The prayer LOrde whyche by the annunciacion of thy aungell hast gyuen vs knowlege of the incarnacyon of t●y sonne Iesus Chryste poure thy grace into oure hartes that we trustynge in hym through hys passyon and death maye be brought to the glory of the last resurrection By the same our Lorde Iesus Christ which lyueth reygneth one God with the father and the holy goost worlde wythout ende So be it ¶ A memory of the passion of Christ OUr mercyfull Lorde Iesus Gods sonne Callynge vnto his father almyghty Yelded vp his soule and full vpon noone The sprete departed frō that blessed body The sonne waxed darke the earth quoke wondersly Great merueylous thynges to beholde and heare And yet a knyght perced his herte with a spere ¶ The versycle ¶ We worshyp the Christ with prayse benedictiō ¶ The answere ¶ For thou redemest the world by thy holy passiō ¶ The prayer ALl thy passions and thy affliccions moost mercyfull Lorde Iesu Christ helpe vs and defēde vs from all trouble and anguyshe from al sorowe and heuynes from al perylles and wrethchednesse from all synne and harte vnclennesse frō al sclaunder and infamy from euyll dyseases of soule and body from sodeyne death from all persecuciō of our enemyes vysyble and inuysible for we well knowe that by thy passion we shal be saued Therfore with a confydence of the large and inmesurable pytie we beseche the moost mercyfull sauyour for thy moost benyngne and holyest passyons that thou wylte protecte vs by thy gracious helpe and kepe vs from all euyll and gyue vs grace that as we thus do remembre thy passion and death in the whyche thou dydest slee our synne in thy bodye so we maye also mortifye our synnes in our bodyes and on oure backes take thy crosse and folow the whych lyuest and reygnest worlde without ende So be it ¶ The glorious passion of our Lorde Iesu Christ delyuer vs from sorowfull heuynesse and brynge vs to the ioye of paradyse So be it ¶ A memory of our Lady O Mother of God moost gracyous To whom Christ Ihon dyd commende Sayenge mulier ecce filius tuus Thy sorowes that he wolde amende Then shortely after he sayde To Ihon beholde thy mother Thus in hym the trust was layde To comforte the aboue all other Wyth lyke pytye comforte vs In thys vale of mysery And praye to thy sonne Iesus To brynge vs to eternall glorye ¶ The versycle ¶ Holy mother of God make thy peticion ¶ The answere ¶ That we maye obtayne Christes promyssion ¶ The prayer O Lorde Iesu Christe whiche beynge amonge men were founde as man hauynge the experyence of all oure myseryes only that thou lackest synne for that exceadynge charyte whych so farre ouercommed the take pyty on vs graūt vs by the intercessiō of thy gloryous mother whō so interely thou dydest loue to be voyde of all the mysery of synne and al other worldely aduersytes wyth the pacyently to suffre whyche lyuest and reygnest God worlde without ende So be it ¶ The gloryous passion of a vyrgyns sonne Brynge vs to the blysse of the heauenly kyngdom So be it The euensonge ¶ What is ment by thys worde Euensonge ¶ Lyke as the seruyce that we be daylye accustomed to say in the ●ornynge is called Euēsonge Euen so is the seruyce vsed to be sayde or longe towarde ●nynge called Euensonge O God bende thyselfe into my helpe Lorde hast the to helpe me Glory be to the father and to the sonne and to the holy goost As it was in the begynnynge and as it is now and euer shal be So be it ¶ The antheme ¶ O howe much ought c. The C.xi. Psalme Beatus uir qui timet Dominum BLessed is the man that feareth the Lorde and hathe great delyte in hys commaunmentes His sede shal be myghty vpon the earth the generacion of the faythful shal be blessed Rychesse and plenteousnesse shal be in hys house and his ryghteousnesse endureth for euer Vnto the godly there aryseth vp lyght in the darkenesse he is mercyful louynge and ryghteous Well is he that is mercyfull and lendeth gladly and pondreth his wordes with dyscrecion For he shall neuer be moued the ryghteous shal be had in an euerlastynge remembraunce He wyll not be afrayde for any euel tydynges his harte standeth fast and beleueth in the Lorde His harte is stablyshed he wyll not
¶ The Manuall of prayers or the prymer in Englyshe set out at lengthe whose contentes the reader by the prologe next after the Kalender shal sone perceaue and there in shall se brefly the order of the whole boke ¶ Set forth by Ihon late bysshoppe of Rochester at the cōmaundement of the ryght honorable Lorde Thomas Crūwel Lorde Priuie seale Vicegerent to the Kynges hyghnes ☞ The prayer of a ryghteous man c. Iacob 1. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum ¶ Iohn late Bysshop of Rochester vnto the right honorable Thomas LOERE Crumwell Lorde Pryuye seale viceregent to the kynges hyghnes wyssheth and desyreth graet peace and helth in God the father by the holy Ghoste thorowe our LORDE Iesus Christ ALthough that the sōdry diners sortes of prymers my special good Lord singular frend here before set forth as wel in many thinges supersticions as derogatyue vnto the true honour of god might haue enforced and dyd in dede me to haue desyred a syncere correccion herein yet the feruent desyre that I perceyue in your lordeshyp to the true honour of God the vnite weale of the Christian cominalte hath much more as the prourrbe sayeth set the spurre vnto the hasty runner in maner compelled me to shewe som token of my dewe seruyce toward gods honour and towarde your fauourable goodnes in settynge forth this rude and symple worke as vnto whom your much and manyfolde fauour hath constrayned bound me next vnto almyghty god my souerayne Lorde the kyng to your prest assidious seruyce al my lyfe dayes And for as much as we haue of tyme in experience that a worke taketh no smale estimacion with the commen people both of the aucthor and specially of him vnto whom it is dedicated For this cause haue I this my rude and grosse enterpryse dedicated vnto your lordeshyppes name nod because I thought it to be so exquisite and of so exacte a iudgement as the learned wold desyre worthy of so wyse learned a patrone but rather commyttyng it to the most wysest iudgemēt of the kynges most sapient councell wherof ye are that yf so be it sholde seme vnto the same a thynge worthy or mete to be had in common vsage then by the iudgement of the same approued it myght the rather and with the more auidite be receyued of the peple yf not yet to be a tokē of my poore good wyl and desyre that I bare vnto such a thyng to be done of som other that are of more perfect iudgement and lyterature and also to be a token of the of fyce and seruyce that I owe vnto goddes syncere honour and to your lordeshyppes sauourable goodnes The prologe to the kalender THe straungenes of this Kalender gentle reader shall not moue the to meruayll very muche the cause ones knowen for the newe fashion her of hath a double commodite The one is brefnes for where the other kalender had a great nombre of sayntes without profyte to the vnlearned this hath but only such feastes which are kepte holy day and the Epistle and Gospell that are red in the Church on such holy dayes set forth in the kalender The second is that where the nōbre of sayntes were set there haue we appoynted wekely certayne places of the scripture which the churche doth vse to read at Matens that the reader maye know what scripture the Church doth vse thorow out the year and to study and vse the same This thē is the order of the kalender the dayes of the moneth are set in the myddes of the syde of the lefe and on the right hande are the sayntes dayes and directly on the other syde of the letter wheron the feastes fall are set the epistle and gospel of the feaste and so of all feastes of Sayntes As for example new yeares daye falleth on A the fyrst daye of the moneth on the one syde of A. is the name of the feast and of the other syde the Epistle and Gospell of the daye We haue also appoynted the Epistle and Gospell for euery sondaye but because that the sondaye falleth not vpon one letter alwaye we haue set in the voyde places of the kalender the names of the sondayes with theyr epistle and Gospell so that the reader maye knowe fyrste the name of the sondaye and seke in the kalender and then shal he fynd there the epistle Gospell ¶ An Almanacke for .xvij. yeares The date of the yeares Easter day Golden nombre Dominicall letter Lepe yeare M.D.xxxix vi Apryll i E   M.D.xl xviii Marche ii C D M.D.xii xvii Apryll iii B   M.D.xlii ix Apryll iiii A   M.D.xliii xxv Marche v G   M.D.xliiii xiii Apryll vi E F M.D.xlv v. Apryll vii D   M.D.xlvi xxv Apryl viii C   M.D.xlvii xviii Apryl ix B   M.D.xlviii viii Apryll x G A M.D.xlix xxi Apryll xi F   M.D.l vi Apryll xii E xxix Marche xiii D   M.D.lii xvii Apryll xiiii B C M.D.liii ii Apryll xv A   M.D.liiii xxiiii March xvi G xiiii Apryll xvii F   KL Ianuary hath .xxxi. dayes The mone hath .xxx. dayes Newe yeares daye A For the Tit. ij And whan Luc. ij b On the sondaye within .viij. daye of Christmasse whan euer it fall Read the epistle to tit .ii. to Tim. c d And I saye Gala. iiij And hys Lu. ij e For the. Tit. ij When herode Mat. ij The epyphany f Esa lx When Iesus was bor Mat. ij g On the sondaye nexte after .xij. daye Rede the epistle to the Romaynes A Ryse vp Esa lx The next daye Io. i b On the seconde sondaye after .xij. daye I beseche Ro. xij And when he Lu. ij c Rede the epistle to the Corinthiās d On the .iij. sondaye yf ther fall so many Seynge we haue Rom. xij e f And the thyrde Ioh. ij Rede the .ij to the Cor. g On the .iiij. sonday yf ther fall so many betwene .xij. day goynge out of ma. A Reade this weke to the Ga. the .i to Timo. b Be not wyse in your Rom. xiiij c When Iesus was Mat. viij d On the .v. sonday yf ther be so many betwene Septuagesima and .xij. daye e Rede the ephe Phi. f Owe nothynge Rom. xv g And he entred Mar. iiij Rede to the Thessalo to the Col A On the .vi. sondaye yf ther be so many betwene twelfe tyde septuagesima b c Now therfore as electe i. Col. iij On thys sōdaye the churche begynneth to red the scriptur in order d The kyngdom of heauen is Mat. xiij e   f On the sondaye when maryage goeth out g A Perceaue ye not how that i. Cor. ix b For the kyngdome of heauen Mat. xx   c   KL February hath .xxviii. dayes The Mone hath .xxix. dayes On Candelmasse daye d Fast Malachy the thyrde chapter e Cādelmasse daye And when the tyme of theyr Luc. ij f On the