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A12473 Essex doue, presenting the vvorld vvith a fevv of her oliue branches: or, A taste of the workes of that reuerend, faithfull, iudicious, learned, and holy minister of the Word, Mr. Iohn Smith, late preacher of the Word at Clauering in Essex Deliuered in three seuerall treatises, viz. 1 His grounds of religion. 2 An exposition on the Lords Prayer. 3 A treatise of repentance. Smith, John, 1563-1616.; Hart, John, D.D. 1629 (1629) STC 22798; ESTC S117569 350,088 544

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God is the installing of him in his Kingdome and in his Throne the aduancing and lifting of him vp to bee the head of the Church and that person by whom God will rule all things both in Heauen and in Earth Phil. 2. 9. Q. What learne we of this A. That Christ is now exalted in his kingdome and in his Priesthood So that now he administreth both his kingly his Priestly office with greater might and Maiestie then euer hee did before Q. What fruit haue wee by the lifting vp of Christ in his Priesthood A. Wee know thereby that Christs Intercession shall bee more profitable for vs. For if Christs prayer on Earth was alwayes heard wee may well thinke that being Sutour for vs in so great Maiestie and glory hee shall not bee denied Rom. 8. 34. Q. What fruit haue we by the lifting vp of Christ in his kingdome A. First wee know that now he is more able to blesse the Church and euery member of it And therefore if hee then healed the sicke fed his followers with small prousion made the ministry of the Word effectuall much more is hee able to doe it now 2. Cor. 9 8. Secondly wee know that Christ is more able to defend the Church and subdue all the enemies of it and stampe them vnder foote And therefore if hee then cast out deuill he is now much more able to cast out sinne and if then hee were able with one word to calme the Sea hee is now much more able to scatter all our troubles and to disperse them Rom. 26. 20. Q. What gather wee of this A. That they who doubt of Gods fauour or feare they shall not be able to liue this hard yeare or thinke they shall neuer get Religion or ouercome the lets howsoeuer they say they beleeue yet doe not indeed beleeue that Christ sits at the Right hand of God that is that hee more mightily administreth his Kingdome and Priesthood now then euer hee did before Q. What is the last degree of Christs Exaltation A. From thence hee shall come to iudge quick and dead Q. What is the meaning hereof A. That Christ in the end of the world when the sinnes of men be ripe shall descend in a Cloude and sit downe vpon his throne and all both great and small shall stand before him and the Bookes shall bee opened and they shall bee iudged according to the things that they haue done be they good or bee they euill Qu. What note wee hence A. 1. That there shall be a Iudgement 2. The generalitie of the Iudgement 3. The Person of the Iudge 4. The Time of it Qu. How know wee that there shall be a Iudgement A. First by the Scriptures Secondly by the light of Reason Q. What Scriptures proue it A. Iude 14. 15. 2. Cor. 5. 10. Act. 17. 31. Q. What is the Reason A. We know that God is a iust and righteous God and therefore hee cannot but make the state of the godly better then the state of the wicked But in this world it is not so For godly Lazarus lyes pyning at the doore while the wicked Glutton sits surfetting at the Board And therefore there must bee a Iudgement that the godly may bee blessed and the wicked punished Q. What fruit haue we by this A. Wee know that Christs comming is for the further glorifying of his Church and the punishing of the enemies of it And therefore howsoeuer we are here pressed and afflicted for a while and crowned with contempt as our Master was with thornes yet a day will come when all our infirmities and miseries shall haue an end and the faces of our enemies shall be filled with shame 2. Thess. 1. 6. 7. 8. Q. What are wee taught concerning the generality of the Iudgement A. That all shall be iudged both quicke and dead Q. Who are meant thereby A. By the quicke are meant they whom Christ shall finde aliue at his comming And by the dead they are meant that shall bee dead before So that all shall be iudged Rom. 14. 10. Q. What gather wee of this A. That a day will come when euery one of vs shall giue an account to God for his whole life for euery oath that he hath sworne for euery lie that he hath told for euery penny that he hath deceiued for euery Sabboth that he hath prophaned And therefore that wee must be carefull to flie these sinnes and the like as wee will answer to God for the contrarie at the Iudgement seate Q. Who shall be the Iudge A. Christ in his humane Nature Iohn 5. 22. 27. Q. What learne wee by this A. That Christs comming shall be comfortable to the godly and fearefull to the wicked Comfortable to the godly because he shall be their Iudge who is their Sauiour Luke 21. 28. Fearefull to the wicked because he shall be their Iudge whose blood they haue despised whose Ministers they haue disgraced whose name they haue blasphemed whose Sacraments they haue contemned whose Sabboths they haue prophaned Reu. 6. 15. 16. Q. When shall the Iudgement bee A. In the end of the world what yeare or what day or what houre knoweth no man no not the Angels but God alone Math. 24. 36. Q. Why would the Lord haue it secret A. That men might be alwayes vpon their watch and preparing for it For the count day will come suddenly and therfore we must euer keepe our reckonings streight lest it come like a thiefe in the night to steale away all our peace and prosperitie and pleasures for euer Mark 30. 35. Q. What is the third Person in whom wee must beleeue A. The Person of the Holy Ghost Q. What are wee to beleeue concerning the Holy Ghost A. Two things First that he is the effentiall Power of the Father and of the Sonne the same God in nature but distinct in Person That hee proceedeth from the Father the Scripture is plaine Iohn 15. 26. That hee proceedeth from the Sonne is as plaine Gal. 4. 6. That he is a distinct person from them both is cleare Iohn 14. 16. Secondly that he is the Sanctifier of Gods elect and therefore hee is called the Holy Ghost not onely because he is holy in himselfe but also because he makes vs holy sanctifying both our bodyes and our soules vnto God Q. What learne wee by this A. That by nature wee are more barren then the barrenest ground in the world hauing no sparke of grace or goodnesse in vs And therefore if there be any loue of vertue any hatred of sinne we may well know it is not of our selues but the Spirit of God which wrought it in our hearts Phil. 2. 13. Qu. What doth the Spirit of God worke in vs A. First knowledge of the will of God For whereas by nature a man hath no more true Religion then a very beast The Spirit of God opening and enlightening the eyes of his minde makes him able to conceiue the secret things
vp the Kingdome of his deare sonne Yea this kingdome must first be pulled downe ere the other be erected For as in laying a foundation when one would build a new house he first puls downe the ruines of the old so must he first pull downe this kingdome of the Diuell ere that other of Christ be set vp Wherefore heere wee pray against this kingdome of darkenesse that God would destroy it for which at this day there is great need we should so pray because the Kingdome of the Diuell is like a Sea which as Philosophers say gets in one place if it lose in another So is it with it looke how much it hath lost by a defection and reuolt from Popery so much hath it in a manner got by the filthy sinne of Drunkennesse Irreligion Pride Contentions and other foule sinnes of this land what need haue wee then to pray that God would pull downe this kingdome of the diuell and euery where set vp that of Christ Jesus Secondly In that we pray for the Kingdome of God to come It sheweth that there are a number of impediments and lets to hinder this Kingdome from comming Which are of two sorts 1 Many impediments in others 2 Too many in our selues Concerning others we see daily how men are drawne by example by ill counsell by diuers discouragements whereby they are affrighted from seeking the peace of the Gospell as Matth 20. 31. when the blind men cryed out on Christ the multitude rebuked them because they should hold their peace so it is with vs in this world how are we scoft and derided yea chidden againe and againe If we serue God in sincerity and be zealous for the comming of this Kingdome See it in the beginning when the children of Israel came out of Egypt how were they hindred and stopped in their iourney So whensoeuer we shall begin to make after Christ we shall bee sure of a many lets and impediments like vnto the Pharisees in the Gospell who were ready to answer the Officers and discourage the people from following after Christ saying Doe any of the Rulers beleeue in him but this people who know not the Law Thus it is with the whole swarme of wicked men who discharge men from the wayes of God Againe wee haue too many impediments in our selues Selfe-loue loue of the world loue of riches honour preferment and such like as it is Iohn 12. 42 43. said of many that they beleeued in Christ but because of the Pharises they did not confesse him for they loued the praise of men more then the praise of God But we must not doe so for though we sit farre in darkenesse from letting in the light of God vnto vs or howeuer we seeme to close vp our eyes from beholding the light yet let vs not be so contented but pray to the Lord that he would breake through all these hinderances and impediments and let downe his graces of mercy and loue so amongst vs by his grace that this Kingdome may come vpon vs yea that we may doe as the Palsie man did who brake through the roofe of the house to come to Christ Remēbring that the Lord Iesus brake through all impediments and hinderances to come vnto vs and fill vs with his blessings wherein we may further obserue two things that in Christs comming to vs our comming to him a number of lettes and hinderances do concuire yet he hath so wrought by his Spirit as we can say Thy Kingdome come and he so ouercomes all as he will at length say vnto vs Come yee blessed of my Father inherit the Kingdome prepared for you c. The third thing prayed for in this Petition is That we pray 1 For the Kingdome of grace 2 For the Kingdome of glory Which two Kingdomes differ not in nature but onely in measure and in degrees for the Kingdome of grace is nothing else but a beginning and inchoation of the Kingdome of glory there being no way to attaine vnto the one vnlesse they passe through the other It is a common custome of the world that most men aspire to the Kingdome of glory and yet cannot endure the Kingdome of grace how should they euer attaine it thinke you we that by Gods blessing are better taught therefore first pray heere for the Kingdome of grace to be gouerned and ruled by the Lord here in this world But more particularly let vs see what the Kingdome of grace is namely The speciall power of Christ whereby he rules and gouernes in the consciences and soules of all his seruants This is the Kingdome which we do pray for that the Lord Jesus would set vp a Throne in our hearts to rule and gouerne in vs by the rule of his Spirit subduing and bringing vnder all our thoughts and consciences to himselfe Now all men doe outwardly speake well of Christ thinke sure enough to be saued by him but yet cannot endure to be guided and directed by the Spirit of Christ but in effect doe what those wicked Jewes say Luke 19. 14. Wee will not haue this man to reigne ouer vs. So it is with most of the world they can be content to heare of Christ as a Sauiour to haue the Word preached and to see the Gospell flourish but they will not haue him reigne strictly direct them in all their actions restraine them in their passions and guide them in their liues doing whatsoeuer seemes good in their owne eyes Yet ere we proceed Obiect Here ariseth an Obiection as Luke 19. 21. our Sauiour speakes That the Kingdome of God is come already how then are wee directed to pray for that which is come I answer in two respects first Ans. 1 It is true that the Kingdome of grace is begun already therefore we pray that as it is come to others so also that it may come to vs that we may feele the power and effects of it in our hearts and liues Therefore as Esau Gen. 27. 38. when he saw that his father had blessed his brother Jacob cryed and roared out Blesse me my father euen me also thus must we doe when we see the Kingdome of God to come vpon others how God rules in them by his Spirit orders them in their liues directs them in their consciences we I say must pray that the same grace of God may continually attend vpon vs. Againe though the Kingdome of God be come already yet we pray for an increase thereof that euery day we and others might feele the power of it more and more in our hearts and liues For there is no man but feeles himselfe in some sort and measure bound and inthralled to the Temptations of sinne Holy Paul himselfe complaines of this I delight in the Law of God concerning the inner man but I see another law in my members rebelling against the law of my mind And surely the state of the godly are
like vnto a man that hath been deadly sicke and now is so on the mending hand that he is peraduenture able to creepe abroad with a staffe yet not able to do the tenth part of the businesse that he sees he should and at sometimes was wont to doe Thus it is with the best of vs all whilst we liue here though the Kingdome of Christ be come amongst vs yet had wee need to pray that it may more and more come into our hearts that we may feele the strength and vigour of it to our endlesse comfort and full recouery of our health in Christ. Yea great reason there is why wee should thus pray for the Kingdome of Christ being that no Kingdome is comparable vnto his there being as much difference betwixt the Kingdome of Christ and other Kingdomes of the world as there is betweene Heauen and Earth and that for diuers respects First In regard of continuance for earthly Kingdomes howsoeuer they begin in glory yet by and by both Lord and Crowne and Scepter withall their glory falls into the dust But Christ is a King for euer and although he once ware a Crowne of Thornes vpon earth yet now he hath a Crowne of glory in Heauen and is in possession for euer Of whose Kingdome there shall be no end as it is Luke 1. 33. Secondly In regard of the saciety of his Kingdome For other Kings haue but rule ouer the bodies goods and liues of their subiects at the farthest But Christ he rules and gouerns the very hearts of them and inclines their wills to effect spirituall graces wherein the Kings of the Earth can neither satisfie themselues nor their subiects Christ will giue vs Crownes and make vs Kings also Thirdly In regard of the right and Iustice of it For though other Kings being sinners themselues can bee content to tolerate much sinne and prophanenesse yet Christ is so righteous and so iust a King that he will tolerate no sinne or iniustice whatsoeuer no not in Kings themselues of whom it is said Isa. 32. 1 2. Behold a King shall reigne in righteousnesse and Princes shall rule in Iudgement Fourthly In regard of the fruit and commodities of it for other Kings receiue Tribute from their Subiects but Christ giues a thousand things more then hee receiues he takes away death and damnation with his left hand and giues vs life and saluation with the right hand so both hands are full of blessings and store vs abundantly to the supplying of all our wants Fiftly In regard of administration and imployment of it for other Kings after they haue entred into their Kingdomes commonly sit still goe little liue at ease or at least seeke by all meanes they can to maintaine the pleasures of their liues and giue themselues to quietnesse But our Sauiour Christ doth most mightily rule and gouerne all things for tho good of his seruants watching ouer them to do them good night and day at all times and in all places preuenting them with mercies and working all his workes for their good great reason it is therefore that we should pray for the comming of his Kingdome Yet we must further know that we doe not onely pray for the Kingdom of grace but also for all good means conducting and leading vnto it for euery thing that may incite and helpe to the Kingdome of grace amongst vs. As for good Magistrates Ministers a pure right vse of the Sacraments holy discipline of Christ in the Church for the good gouernment thereof and for euery thing that may further this great worke of God amongst vs. So 1 Tim. 2. 1. Saint Paul wils that Prayers be made for all men and for Kings and Princes and for all that be in authority That vnder them we may liue a godly peaceable and a quiet life And Christ himselfe Matth. 9. 38. commands prayers to bee made vnto the Lord of the Haruest that he will send forth labourers vnto his haruest So you see it is our duty to pray for all the meanes which may aduance this Kingdome Worldly men can say they desire that the Kingdome of Christ may come though they care not a rush for Heauen or newnesse of life for the Word or Saints or Ministers or Holy orders of Christ without which there can be no Kingdome of Christ amongst vs. It was not onely a tyranny in Pharaoh to take away the straw from the people but also when hee had so done to require of them the whole tale of Bricke as formerly So it is the madnesse of the world they take away the Word and the Sacraments the holy gouernment of Christ and when they haue thus done yet they thinke to haue their whole tale of Bricke as much Patience Loue Humility Faith Obedience Sobriety Temperance and the like as if all these gracious and good meanes were entertained amongst them But wee must remember what the Scripture saith Where there is no vision there the people perish Therefore whensoeuer wee settle our selues to remaine any where as little Isaac said to his father when they went vp to the Mount Moriah Behold the wood and the fire but where is the offering So should we say wheresoeuer we goe to dwell Loe here is a Church good ayre a good house meanes enough to increase wealth but where is the Preacher and the meanes of grace for the saluation of our soules Vse Therefore seeing we ought and must pray Thy Kingdome come Let vs pray vnto God often that he would rule and raigne in our hearts so by his holy Spirit that sinne may no longer rule vs nor wee bee ruled by our selues but that God would rule and guide vs in all our wayes so that in all things we may be ready to submit our selues to the holy gouernment of God as Saint Paul writes That the peace of God may dwell in our hearts plenteously and with Dauid that God would guide vs vnto the day of death and then this will bring great ioy vnto vs as Zephaniah speakes when the King of Israel is in the midst of vs then we shall see no euill And withall let vs often remember to pray that there be no want of gouernment but that God by himselfe may rule and reigne in vs that though the world loue loosenesse and cannot endure this kingdome yet we may be plyable and yeelding to be ruled by it For as the blind-man is best and safest whose eyes being shut followes his guide so is euery Christian when they disclaime their owne wit reason and wisedome and are ruled and guided by God in all things Yea the people of God neuer thinke themselues better then when they be vnder the gouernment of God and submit wholly to his will and in so doing let vs not be discouraged for our weakenesse and wants for if we indeuour to doe this sincerely grace which at first in vs is like seed because it must
grow not like straw which cannot increase will grow from a little to greatnesse of stature and proportion in time Now there be three Motiues to moue vs to this subiection to the will of God The first is If we will not haue God to be our King wee shall be subiects and slaues in a worse Kingdome as the Lord speakes by Moses to perswade them to admit of Gods Kingdome Because thou hast not serued the Lord thy God with ioyfulnesse and with gladnesse of heart for the abundance of all things therefore shalt thou serue thine enemies which the Lord shall send against thee in hunger thirst and in nakednesse and in want of all things So the Lord threatens his people with captiuity 2 Chron. 12. 8 for their sinnes saying Neuerthelesse yee shall be his seruants that yee may know my seruice and the seruice of the Kingdomes of the Countrey So that if we will not be Gods seruants we shal sure be subiects and slaues vnto a tyrannous kingdome a kingdome of many Lords of which a Father speakes Oh how many Lords haue they c. For if God be not our King then euery foule lust sinne and temptation will be our King to rule and gouerne vs at their pleasure Therefore it is best to say with holy Dauid Lord I am thy seruant c. So I would haue euery good Christian say I haue no lord to rule ouer me but Iesus Christ Come Lord and possesse me for thine owne Secondly Because of the comfortable fruits thereof Paul sayes of this Kingdome that the fruits thereof are Righteousnesse Peace Ioy in the Holy Ghost so that there is much comfort for a man to liue in this Kingdome We see that all the people of God who most or at all yeelded to Gods gouernment to set him high in their hearts they alwayes passed so much the more comfortably their time in this world And againe the more any of them withdrew themselues from this gouernment of God they became alwayes the more distressed and miserably perplexed with troubles and dangers So Dauid saith As for me it is good for mee to draw neere to God So Hosh. 2. 7. the Church is brought in thus resoluing I will goe and returne to my first husband for at that time was I better than now So must wee say when we haue gone astray It was much better with vs when we dwelt vnder the gouernment of God therefore we will returne to that good gouernment againe A Tenant you know as long as he payes his rent and doth suite and seruice to his lord all is peaceable and quiet with him nobody can molest him but if he deny to pay his Rent and doe no suite or seruice to his lord then the Bailiffes will be busie to arrest and straine his goods yea many times to ceaze on his body Euen so as long as we pay the Lords Rent acknowledge his gouernment be ready to doe suit and seruice vnto him so long we shall find all peaceable and quiet but if we faile in our duty then must trouble and mischiefe come vpon vs. Thirdly Because the Kingdome of grace is the only road-way to the Kingdome of glory No man when he is dead can come to raigne with God vnlesse God first raigne in him being aliue in this world We see no man can enter into a Citie vnlesse first he passe through the Suburbes thereof So Heauen is the great City of the Saints they all seeke and aspire to the Kingdome of grace is the Suburbes thereof by which we must passe therefore there is a necessity to be in the state of grace here ere we can hope to raigne with God in glory hereafter The next thing we pray for in this Petition is For the Kingdome of glory that God would make an end of the Conflicting dayes of sinne and hasten the Kingdome of his deare Sonne the Kingdome of glory So the Church prayes Returne my Beloued and be like a Ro● or a young Hart vpon the Mountaines of Baether So in the Reuelation Come Lord Iesus Come quickely and Saint Paul shewes That all the Creatures doe groane for this happy day of Christs appearance So that here in the second place we pray that the Lord would abolish and darken all the Kingdomes of this world amongst whom the holy Ordinances of God appointed vnto them for peace are abused to their condemnation So in Daniel This Kingdome of Christ is compared to a tree vnder the shadow whereof the beasts of the field might rest and the birds of the ayre find shelter Therefore the Apostle sayes It is ordained of God so that though we haue no cause to murmure or grudge at the kingdomes of this world but to thanke GOD for them yet we must know euery state hath his abuses and so haue these But as a lame man in a garden though he cannot doe that worke which one that is perfectly able to walke can doe yet hee serues and is vsefull to speake direct and fray away birds keeping much annoyance from the fruit therof which otherwise might be lost So it is with worldly gouernments and states though they be not so well ordered as they might bee yet no body can deny but they fray away enemies many dangers and many rauenous birds that would else deuour vp the fruits of our labours Therefore we pray not for the Kingdome of Christ in any detestation to these earthly kingdomes but onely because we preferre the Kingdome of Christ before them We thanke God for the Kingdomes of this world but we would much more be thankefull for the Kingdome of Christ. As men that vse a Coach to bring them to a house as soone as they come there send away the Coach as hauing no more vse of it So the Kingdomes of this world be but as Coaches helpes and furtherances to transport and carry vs to a better Kingdome the Kingdome of Christ where being arriued farewell all the Kingdomes of the world The reasons why we preferre and especially pray for the Kingdome of glory are diuers First Because in these earthly Kingdomes most of vs are subiects and inferiours but in the Kingdome of glory we shall be all Kings no King in this world can be so glorious but the poorest and meanest Christian there shall be as glorious as hee as Christ speakes Matth. 19. 28. Uerely I say vnto you that yee who haue followed me in the Regeneration when the Sonne of man shall sit in the Throne of his glory yea also shall sit vpon twelue thrones Judging the twelue Tribes of Israel Secondly Because many grieuances and annoyances are in these earthly kingdomes euen in the best of them some Gall mingled with Honey some Aloes with the Manna some bitternesse with the sweetnesse of them Therefore as the people could say of Salomons Kingdome which was one of the best that it was but a yoake
and too heauy for them to beare so the best is but a yoake and many times a heauy yoake too but in the sweet Kingdome of Christ there shall bee nothing offensiue to vs as it is saide of the Angels at that day And they shall gather out of his Kingdome all things that offend saith our Sauiour So it is said There shall bee no more sorrow Bees wee know bee driuen from their Combes and Honey with a little smoake euen so the vexations puthers and smoakes which wee finde on these earthly kingdomes should make vs all long for that happy Kingdome of Christ wherein there shall bee nothing to annoy vs. Thirdly Because earthly Kingdomes they yeeld vs peace and tranquillity but for a time onely for either they end or we end and so all comes to nothing But our happinesse in Christs Kingdome shall be for euer and euer for when we haue liued a hundred thousand thousand yeeres in the full inioyment of it wee haue more and more and more ages without end to possesse it therefore Heb. 12. 28. it is called a kingdome which cannot be shaken good reason then haue wee whose eyes he hath opened to behold this kingdome to pray especially and groane for it Now there be two wayes whereby the kingdome of God may come vnto vs. 1 Generally at the day of Iudgement 2 Particularly at the day of our owne death We pray for both these First that God would bee pleased to sold vp the times make an end of this world hasten the great comming of his deare Sonne Thus the Saints cry vnder the Altar How long Lord Holy and true dost thou not auenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth We know this kingdome of Christ cannot come but first there must bee a dissolution of this world when all the glory thereof must turne to nothing as Peter speakes The Earth and all the workes thereof shall be burnt vp God forbid therefore that the world or any thing in it should make vs loath to come to Heauen rather let vs be contented to suffer the losse of all so we come thither to enioy this happy and blessed kingdome of the Lord Iesus for which we are commanded to pray Which as we pray for so must we be carefull to fit and prepare our selues for it that when it commeth it may come to our comfort we all pray Thy Kingdome come But know O man if thou hast not fitted and prepared thy selfe for it if thou dost liue in thy sinnes if thou hast had no care nor regard of reconciling thy selfe to Christ for thy saluation if thou hast not beene throughly washed ouer and ouer in the blood of the Lambe Oh whensoeuer this kingdome comes I foretell thee in the Name of the Lord it will come to thy cost to thy ruine and vtter desolation in the day of Christ. Therefore consider of this all yee that liue in known sinnes without repentance yea pray I say that the Kingdome of God may come and oh what haue you to doe with the day of the Lord This comming shall be sorrow woe confusion darknesse nay Blackenesse of darknesse and tempest vnto you for euer and reiection from the presence of CHRIST but if you would haue comfort of CHRISTS comming liue well and be prepared for it with the Wise Uirgins hauing Oyle in your Lampes and your Loynes girded Secondly wee pray that though this generall comming be deferred yet that by death as by a close doore we may be let in into this kingdome So that whereas the men of this world desire nothing more then to liue still here hang as it were vpon the pleasures of this life sauour nothing but of earth and earthly contentments the true mortified Christian professeth another thing he desireth to leaue all and goe home to Christ as soone as may be So Iob If a man dye shall he liue againe All the dayes of my appointed time will I waite till my changing shall come c. and Paul Philip. 1. 23. professes I desire to bee loosed and to bee with Christ which is best of all It is true indeed that no man may desire the day of death out of discontentment with life because of the trouble and crosses of this world It was Jonas fault to doe so yet in two respects one may pray for death yea his owne death First That we may make an end of sinning and offending GOD that whereas hee euery day breakes out in the dishonouring of GOD which vexes and grieues him hee may pray the Lord to shorten these dayes of sinne with abatement of our dayes so finishing our offences as Saint Paul does O wretched man that I am who shall deliuer mee from the body of this death Secondly That wee may enioy the blessed fruition of the presence of God as his holy Angels doe Moses you know desired but to see the backe parts of God on the holy mountaine for hee could not see his face and liue If Moses so desired to see but a glimpse of his glory as it were through a creuice or a chinke how much more excellent will be the shining of his face in full glory therefore because euery day wee liue in this world wee lose a day in Heauen as detained from him who is our true life indeed wee may therefore pray that as soone as may be wee may finish vp our course in this world and cry to be away to goe home to the house of our Father to the possession of a better life the Kingdome of Glory and happinesse prepared for vs for which wee are taught to pray Thy Kingdome come 3. PETITION Thy will be done euen in Earth as it is in Heauen WEe haue heard before that in the first Petition we pray for the glory of God and in the second for the means of his glory that is that the kingdome of God may come into our hearts and rule vs by his Spirit Now in this third Petition we pray that we may be contented to submit vnto it and be alwayes ready to doe the Lords will and not our owne So that whereas in the former Petition we prayed for the inward gouernment of God the worke of grace holy motions striuings in our selues that the Lord would do his part now we pray that we may be willing to doe our part not resist this inward gouernment of God bee ready euer to yeeld obedience vnto it All the Question as one sayes very well betwixt God and vs is whose will shall be done Gods will should but man is vnwilling to haue it so but aspires to haue his own will for the rule of his actions this is that which breeds all the quarrell betwixt God and vs Now our Sauiour Christ he teaches vs in this Petition to giue all the Souerainty to God to take his part against our selues praying to doe his will whatsoeuer may befall vs in this world Thus haue we
the Godlie die dayly A. But their death is not a punishment for sinne but a passage to Heauen and Eternall life And therefore it is one of the greatest blessings that God can bestow vpon a godly man Phil. 1. 23. Q. What Fruit haue we by Christs Death A. Remission for our sinnes for Iustice will not suffer that one offence be twice punished And therefore seeing God hath punished all our sinnes in Christ vnlesse we renounce the benefit we haue by Christ hee cannot now punish them in our selues againe Psal. 53. 5. Mortification of sinne Christs death obtaining not onely pardon for sinnes past but also strength and grace to weaken and bring vnder those corruptions that are yet behinde 1. Cor. 1. 30. Q. What is the fourth degree of Christs humiliation A. He was buried Q. Why was Christ buried A. For two causes First the more to assure vs of his death for dead men and not liue men be put into the graue To confirme vs the more That Gods wrath is appeased thorough Christ as the Sea was calme when Ionas was cast out of the Ship Q. What Fruit haue we by Christs buriall A. By Christs buriall sinne is buried in vs so that we haue strong hope that it neuer shall arise Rom. 4. 6. Q. What is the last degree of Christs Humiliation A. Hee descended into hell Q. What is the first Degree of Christs Exaltation A. The third day hee arose againe from the dead Q. What is the meaning hereof A. That as a man that chops vp a morsell that is too hot for his mouth cannot hold it but is glad to giue it vp againe So death hauing swallowed vp our Sauiour Christ and finding him too hot for him could not hold him but was glad to render him vp againe Acts 2. 24. Q. When did Christ rise A. The third day not the first day lest the Iewes should thinke he had not beene dead indeed but had been in a trance Not the fourth day lest his Disciples should haue despaired if Christ had beene longer absent from them Luke 24. 21. Q What difference is there betweene Christs rising and ours A. Christ rose by his owne power but wee shall rise by the power of Christ as in a shipwracke one swimmes to the bank and a many hang at his heeles and hee drawes them all out to the shore 1. Cor. 15. 22. 23. Q. What are the fruits of Christs rising A. Wee are assured hereby that Christ hath discharged for all our sinnes For if Christ had not payd our whole debt if but one sinne had beene left behinde Christ could not haue risen from death the guiltinesse of that one sinne would haue kept him downe And therefore God in raising Christ hath declared himselfe to be fully satisfied and contented for all our sinnes Rom. 4. 25. Secondly by Christs rising we are raised vp to newnesse of life As it is a shame for the Seruants to lye in bed when the Master of the house is vp So seeing Christ is risen it shall bee our shame if wee lye still sound a sleepe in sinne Rom. 6. 4. Thirdly wee are assured thereby that our bodies shall rise againe being parts and members of Christ and liuing by the same Spirit which raised Christ out of the graue 1. Thess 4 4. Q. What is the second degree of Christs Exaltation A. Hee ascended into heauen Q. What is the meaning hereof A. That Christ left the Earth and went vp to Heauen so that he is no longer in Earth according to his bodily presence either visibly or inuisibly Ioh. 16. 7. Qu. What thinke you then of the Reall Presence of Christs body in the Sacrament A. It is directly contrary to the Articles of our Faith as Christ himselfe shewes Ioh. 6. 62. For aske them of our faith where Christs body is They will answer it is ascended and gone into Heauen aske the Aduersaries they will say it is still on Earth in this Sacrament on the Altar c. So that if the Articles of our faith be true their doctrine of the Reall Presence cannot be true Math. 24. 23. Q. How doth Christ say then hee will bee with vs to the end of the world Math. 28. 20. A. Christ will be with vs alwayes according to his Godhead according to his grace according to the effectuall working of his Spirit as St. Marke expounds it Cap. 16. 20. but according to his bodily presence he is not alwayes with vs as himselfe saith Math. 26. 11. Q. Whither did Christ ascend A. Into heauen as all the Scriptures shew Marke 16. 19. Luke 24. 51. Act. 1. 11. Q. What fruit haue we by Christs ascention A. First Christ ascended into Heauen hath carryed the hearts of the Godly into Heauen with him So that though they liue here belowe yet they haue their mindes continually raised and lifted vp to Christ that is aboue Phil. 3. 20. Secondly wee by Christs ascending into heauen are already possessed of Heauen For as one friend takes possession in an others name and it is as good in Lawe as if he had done it himselfe So Christ in our name and in our right hath entred into heauen and made it as fine as if wee our selues were already seised of it Ephes. 2. 6. Thirdly Christ ascended into Heauen that hee might appeare in the sight of God to make intercession for vs. So that now wee haue a friend in the Court of heauen who keepes vs in fauour with God and obtaines many blessings for vs Hebr. Q. What is the third Degree of Christs Exaltion A. Hee sitteth at the right hand of God Q. What is meant by the right hand of God A. To speake properly God hath neither a right hand nor a left For God is a Spirit and therefore hath no bodily parts as wee haue but the right hand of God is the power of God and the Maiestie of God as the Scriptures expound it Luke 22. 69. Heb. 1. 3. Q. What is it then to sit at the right hand of God A. To be next to him in Maiestie and in Power for as Kings and great personages cause them to sit downe on their right hand whom they will haue honoured as second to them in the kingdome and next to themselues So Christ is set down at the right hand of God Because God hath lift him vp euen in his humane Nature farre aboue men and Angels and made him in glory and honour next vnto himselfe Q. Why is Christ said to sit A. First to shew that he is the Iudge of the world and all causes must be brought before him Secondly to shew that he hath finished the worke of our Redemption as a man that sits downe when his worke is done Heb. 10. 12. In the Sanctuary there was no stoole for the Priests to sit downe c. Q. Shew yet more fully the meaning of the Creed in this sitting A. The sitting downe of Christ at the right hand of
Q. What doe wee here pray for A. That God would make an end of this wicked world and hasten to Iudgement to the vtter confounding of the wicked and the more full and perfect Saluation of those that belong vnto him Qu. Why are wee to pray for the day of Iudgement A. Chiefely for this end that the name of God may be no more dishonoured in the world but the kingdome of sinne and Sathan may haue an end Q. Doe all wish for the day of Iudgement A. No many had rather it would neuer come For O! if God should come to Iudgement what should become of a number in the world they should cry to the hills couer vs and to the mountaines fall vpon vs. And therefore though they say Thy kingdome come yet they would be glad in their hearts that Gods kingdome might neuer come Q. What is the second thing wee pray for A. Secondly wee pray for the day of our owne death for no other end but that wee may make an end of sinning and displeasing of God For seeing how prone wee are to euill and how the number of our sinnes increaseth euery day like old trees that gather mosse This must make vs weary of the world and so to sigh and groane in our selues desiring to bee dissolued and to be with Christ. Q. May a man then pray for his owne death A. A man may not pray for it of impatience as a number doe who bee running out of the world so soone as they feele the crosse But onely in the desire to be disburdened of the body of sinne and to serue God in the holy heauens with greater freedome and libertie of spirit then here they can doe Q. What are the Euills that wee pray against A. First wee pray that whereas wee haue kept open house for sinne and Satan these many yeares they may no longer ouercome vs and preuaile against vs. Secondly wee pray against all the letts and hinderances of Gods kingdome both at home and abroad as the Turkes and the Pope Thirdly wee pray against the loue of this world that wee may not dote vpon it desiring to prolong our dayes in it but that wee may be alwayes ready to depart in peace and to haste hence to our heauenly home Q. What doe wee pray for in the third Petition A. That wee may doe Gods will in Earth readily and willingly as the Angels doe in Heauen Q. How doth this Petition depend vpon the other A. Before wee prayed that God would rule vs and now wee pray that God would giue vs sort and plyable hearts that wee may yeeld our selues to be ruled by him Q. What is the will of God A. The will of God is that which is reuealed in his Word and may bee considered in three things First it is Gods will wee should leaue our sinnes before they leaue vs. Secondly it is Gods will wee should lead a Christian and a godly life 1. Thess. 4. 3. Thirdly it is Gods will wee should beare quietly and contentedly whatsoeuer it shall please him in his wisedome to lay vpon vs. So that wee pray that Gods will may be done A nobis both of vs De nobis nostris and of vs and ours Qu. What are the good things wee pray for A. Wee pray that wee may leaue our sinnes that wee may leaue our swearing because it is Gods will wee should not sweare our coueting because it is Gods will wee should not couet Qu. What is the second thing A. Wee pray that wee may liue righteously and holily in the world that wee may loue our brethren because it is Gods will wee should loue them that wee may make conscience of all our wayes because it is Gods will wee should make conscience of them Q. What gather wee of this A. That they which pray that they may doe Gods will and yet haue no care to doe it They that pray against sinne and yet hugge it and keepe it warme in their bosomes doe but mocke God in their prayers Q. What is the third thing wee pray for A. That wee may humble our selues with patience and contentment to those seuerall troubles and tryalls which the Lord shall bring vpon vs. Q. What learne we by this A. That their sinne is great who pray euery day that Gods will may be done on them And yet when it is done fret and fume and rage against it and had rather a great deale their owne wills were done then the Lords Q. How must wee doe the will of God A. As the blessed Saints and Angells in Heauen doe it though not in the same measure yet in the same manner Q. How doe the Angells doe it A. First they doe it willingly and chearefully and therefore they are described to bee winged to shew that they flie about it Secondly they doe it faithfully and not by halfes Thirdly they doe it constantly as well at one time as at another Qu. What then doe wee pray for in this later part of the Petition A. First wee pray that wee may cheerefully obey God like Christ that said it was meate and drinke to him to doe his Fathers will Secondly Wee pray that wee may not doe Gods will by halfes but faithfully obey God in euery dutie required of vs. Thirdly wee pray that wee may be constant in this course not to serue God by moodes and fits but at all times and in all companies as well in one state as in another Q. Wee cannot possibly doe the will of God so perfectly as the Angels doe it A. Indeed we cannot so long as wee dwell in these weake houses of clay Yet wee must still aspire to a better life desiring in a greater measure to serue God Q. What gather wee of this A. A cleere difference between the godly and the wicked For the wicked euer thinke they haue religion and good liues enough though they haue neuer so little But the godly neuer satisfie themselues in it but still desire to walke more obediently faithfully and vprightly with God Qu. What doe wee aske in the fourth Petition A. All things needfull for this life Q Why doe wee pray for the things of this life first A. First to the end that being dispatched of our worldly eares and hauing things necessarie aforehand wee might with more libertie seeke after those things which concerne the soule Secondly that finding the Lord easie to yeeld in these things of lesse good wee might bee the more imboldened to sollicite him for the greater For hee that will not trust the Lord for his meat and drinke will not trust him for the sauing of his soule And hee that thinkes the Lord will stand with him for a peece of bread will easily thinke that God will stand with him for eternall life Q What is meant by Bread in this place A. Not onely bread but whatsoeuer is as needfull and as comfortable as bread as health and strength to worke in our Callings houses to
coldly from vs without heart or life because wee stand not strongly perswaded in our hearts that wee shall fare the better for our prayers and shall neuer returne emptie handed from the Lord. Q. What are the Reasons A. The first is taken from the kingdome or gouernment of God q. d. Lord thou art our king And therefore as it is for the glory of a King that his Subiects bee in good state safe from their enemies and abounding with all good things So thou Lord shalt much commend thy selfe and thy gouernment to the world if thou prouidest well and sufficiently for vs who bee the worshippers and seruers of thee Q. Is this consideration so full of comfort A. It must needs yeeld all the children of God great comfort that the kingdome is come into their Fathers hand and hee hath taken vpon him the care and the prouision for them who sitteth at the sterne of the world and doth whatsoeuer he will both in heauen and earth Psal. 97. 1. Q. What is the second Reason A. The second is taken from the power of God q. d. Lord I haue asked nothing but thou art able to giue it My wants bee not so many but thou art able to supply them My sinnes bee not so great but thou canst for giue them My enemies bee not so strong but thou canst subdue them I therefore cannot but haue great hope seeing it is in thy power and hand to doe mee good Q. What is the third Reason A. The third is taken from the glory of God Indeed if wee pray not then it is our fault if wee speed not well But if wee pray in Faith and reuerence and make our requests known vnto the Lord then it shall bee for the Lords honour to be as good as his word and hee shall get himselfe great praise in the world by hearing the poore and weake prayers that bee made vnto him Q. What learne wee by this A. That the Lord hath ioyned his owne glory with our good and therefore will heare vs and blesse vs if it bee but to hold vp his owne estimation and honour in the world Ezek. 36. 22. Q. What other sense doe these words yeeld vs Thine is the Glorie A. Whatsoeuer gift or Grace thou shalt bestow vpon vs wee will wholly imploy it to thy honour wee will rather seeke thy glory then our owne praise or peace or pleasure in the good vse of it Psal. 81. 8. Q. What learne wee by this A. That seeing wee aske health and peace and plenty to this end that wee may glorifie God the better that when wee haue these things wee bee not found to bee farre lesse carefull of it then before we had them Deut. 32. 15. Q. What else doe you note in these Reasons A. That all the Reasons bee from without vs and none from within vs there being nothing in the best of vs in the merit and worthinesse whereof wee may thinke to bee hear whatsoeuer enclines the Lord to heare vs it is chieflly and wholly in himselfe and not in vs Dan. 19. 18. 19. Q. What is that other meanes of strengthening Faith A. The Sacraments Q. Whence haue the Sacraments their name A. Of the Latine word Sacramentus which signifies an oath whereby Souldiers were woont to binde themselues to be true to their Captaines So in the Sacraments wee sweare and binde our selues to bee true and faithfull seruants vnto Iesus Christ. Q. What is a Sacrament A. It is a visible signe of inuisible Grace So that in euery Sacrament there are two things The visible signe that we may see And the inuisible Grace that wee cannot see As in Baptisme there is a washing of the body and there is washing of the soule The washing of the body with water a man may see But the washing of the Soule with the Blood of Christ he cannot see So in the Lords Supper there is a feeding of the body and there is a feeding of the soule The feeding of the body with Bread and Wine hee may see But the soule with the Body and the Blood of Christ hee cannot see but by faith Q. What is the vse of a Sacrament A. To confirme our faith by that which wee see in the truth of that which wee doe not see As in Baptisme the washing of the Body with water assureth our hearts that our soules are likewise washed with the blood of Christ. And the receiuing of Bread and Wine in the Supper is an euidence that the Body and Blood of Christ is as truly receiued by faith Rom. 4. 8. Q. What is the visible signe in a Sacrament A. It is the outward Element together with those Ceremonies that are vsed about it As in Baptisme water and the pouring on of water In the Lords Supper Broad and the breaking and taking and eating of it Q. What is the Invisible Grace A. Christ 〈◊〉 all his benefites as truly offered to ou● hearts and soules is the outward Elements are to the body Galat. 3. ●7 Q. What learne wee by this A. Two things First that wee receiue no more in the Sacraments then wee doe in the bare preaching of the word For the same Christ and the same Benefites are tendered to our faith in both onely the signification is more liuely in the Sacraments and the promises of Grace more particularly applied Iohn 1. 12. Secondly that the old Fathers receiued the same Grace by their Sacraments that wee doe by ours for they receiued Christ. Q. How many Sacraments are there A. Two Baptisme The Lords Supper Q. What is the outward signe in Baptisme A. Water and the pouring on of Water Q. What is the signification of it A. As the Water poured on the body washeth away the filthinesse of the flesh So the blood of Christ being poured vpon the soule washeth away the filthinesse of sinne Q. What sinne haue children of a day old A. They haue Originall sinne which is a secret naughtitinesse of nature whereby they are wholly giuen and inclined to that which is euill Isay 48. 8. Q. How is this taken away in Baptisme A. In Baptisme wee receiue the Spirit of Christ and this Spirit workes vpon our hearts renewing them and enclining them to better things and euery day by little and little preuailing and getting strength and ground of those corruptions that are in vs Tit. 3. 5. Q. May Children bee saued that dye without Baptisme A. Vndoubtedly they may For God hath not tyed his Grace to the Sacraments but that many times hee workes without them And therefore it is not the want of Baptisme but the contempt of Baptisme that bringeth danger Act. 10. 44. 47. Q. What proofe is there of it A. Circumcision was as straightly required in the old Law as Baptisme is in the New Testament Gen. 17. ●4 But children that dyed without Circumcision might bee saued As namely those that dyed before the 8. day And therefore Children may be saued without Baptisme
This I take briefly to be the sense and meaning of this Petition Hallowed be thy Name that is Lord that thy Name may be holy in the hearts and mouthes of all men In the Petition we are to consider three things 1 The order of the Petition 2 The discouery of our owne corruption in it 3 What be the speciall graces we pray for The order is such that the first thing prayed for i● the glory of God that he may haue his glory and honour whatsoeuer become of all other things of this world this is the thing we must all care for that God may haue his honour may be respected regarded loued feared c. Whatsoeuer become of all things in the world which may teach vs two things Lesson 1 First that there is nothing that we must more desire then the glory of God We must be contented to let all goe for it lay downe our liues for it whatsoeuer become of vs howsoeuer despighted abused yet if God haue his glory be esteemed and regarded it is well For wee see we are here taught to begin all our prayers with the desire of this before we pray for daily bread yea any thing else belonging to our selues Yea as one saith Before the Kingdome of God we pray for the glory of God to shew that if we could redeeme the glory of God with losse I say not of our owne liues onely but our owne soules we must bee contented I could wish my selfe to be separated from Christ for my Brethren c. as if hee should say if God may haue any glory by it then I could be contented to redeeme his glory with my life nay lose my part of eternall happinesse as Moses wisht rather then God should be dishonoured to be blotted out of his Booke Lesson 2 Secondly That we must preferre the glory of God before all other things in this world And what end wee seeke labour for plead for desire or trauell for we must remember in all to preferre God aboue all so that howsoeuer we can be patient and quiet in other Cases yet when it comes to the Case of Gods glory then we must begin to rouze and stirre vp our selues so as to haue all our affections inflamed in vs as Eliah 1 Kings 19. 14. so to say to our selues I haue beene zealous for the Lord God of hostes So did Hezekiah when Sennacherib had sent him a rayling letter he went and opened it before the Lord as that which more touched him when the Lord was dishonoured then when his kingdome and life was threatned So Christ himselfe that patiently heard all the rest of the Diuels temptations yet when he came to take the honour from the Lord then Christ begins to rouze vp himselfe and chide him Auoyd Satan It is written Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him onely shalt thou serue Thus euen against the mightiest we must stand out for the glory of God How lamentable a thing then is it for wicked men who can let the glory of God be troden vnder foot and suffer him to be despised dishonoured and blasphemed from day to day and yet let it passe as a thing of nothing O how shall we be able to answer this another day or giue an account for it when God shall come to iudge vs for our sinnes We see in the whole course of Scripture God is alwayes more ready to stirre in our cause when the matter concernes vs then when it concernes himselfe So dealt hee by Caine The Lord let him goe for the wrong he had done to himselfe for his bad sacrifice for his hypocriticall worship but when he began to maligne his Brother then said God vnto him What hast thou done The voyce of thy Brothers bloud cryeth vnto me from the ground So dealt the Lord by Pharaoh hee was contented to put vp all the iniuries against himselfe his Idolatry his blasphemy and such like But when he began to stirre once against the Church and the Lords people then the Lord opposed him and when he would not desist from his cruelty at the last he drowned him and all his hoste in the Red Sea Now if the Lord be thus ready to shew himselfe and stirre in our cause then ought we to be much more ready and rouze vp our selues to stirre in his against all oppositions whatsoeuer The second thing considerable in this Petition is The discouering of our corruption in it that is a neglect of Gods Name and an immoderate care of our owne for when wee pray Hallowed be thy Name there is a secret opposition betweene our name and the Name of God we be all too carefull of our owne name to deriue the credit and glory of things to our selues but Lord teach vs to glorifie thy Name aboue all and before all Gen. 11. 4. Wee reade that the people built a Tower whose top might reach to Heauen and all to purchase to themselues a Name but not at all to get any Name vnto the Lord or inlarge his glory but for the increase of their owne This did Nabuchadnezar in his pride aspire to Is not this great Babylon which I haue built for the house of my Kingdome and for the honour of my Maiestie So that I say this is our owne corruption that we so neglect the Name of God in his glory being so carefull of our owne Thus the Lord complaines of his people Hag. 1. 3. That they built houses for themselues went into the woods fetcht home timber squared it and carued it to make houses for themselues but left the house of God vnbuilt So it is with vs in this case we can build vp our owne names doe any thing to grace and honour our selues but not one amongst thousands thinks of aduancing of the Name of God thus doe we all leane too much to the corruption of our Nature but oh why doe not the thoughts of Dauid come into our mindes See now I dwell in a house of Cedar but the Arke of God dwelleth within Curtaines So say thou I that am but a worme dust and rottennesse I that am but a bulrush in regard of the Lord God I haue my glory in the world I am esteemed and regarded as if some body But what care haue I of God must God glorifie himselfe or not haue glory He that is so glorious and affordeth all the blessings we inioy shall not he be regarded He that is the Fountaine and Store-house of all things the glory and beauty of vs all should not his euer-glorious Name be praised and glorified Thus we should learne to take notice of this corruption in our selues The third thing to be obserued in this Petition is The graces that we pray for 1 That we may glorifie the Name of God 2 That others may doe it 3 That though both should faile that yet the Lord would maintaine his owne glory Concerning the
hand of God fel vpon Moses and Aaron because they failed in this duty Because said hee you did not sanctifie me in the eyes of the children of Israel you shall not bring this Congregation into the land that I haue giuen them Thus if God will so seuerely punish the neglect of his glory in his own deare children and seruants how shal they escape that are not so deare vnto him and yet are much more faulty in the same kinde The second part of this Petition is that as wee pray that we our selues may glorifie the Name of God So we pray that others may doe so also That the whole world may know and acknowledge the Goodnesse Mercy Wisedome Power and Greatnesse that is in God So wee are exhorted to doe by the Prophet Giue vnto the Lord the families of the people giue vnto the Lord glory and power c. Giue vnto the Lord the glory of his Name c. Ierem. 23. 16. saith he Giue glory vnto the Lord your God before he bring darkenesse ouer the land c. So that it is cleere we must not onely glorifie God our selues but also be carefull that others especially seruants and children vnder vs doe the like as we reade of Iob that because he was iealous of his childrens actions he offered sacrifice for them and the Lord himselfe saith of Abraham I know that Abraham will command his houshold to serue me Wherefore let vs cast vp this account with our selues that if of duty and conscience we serue God it is likewise our duty to prouide that our children and seruants doe the like Yee shall find many men that put away their seruants because they be idle stubborne carelesse and false vnto them but where is there one that puts a way a seruant because he is a swearer a blaspemer of the Holy Name of God a prophaner of the Sabboth c. This shewes that we haue more care of our owne workes and profit in particulars then of the Lords glory But true Christians should take another course and pray that aboue all things the Name of GOD may be Hallowed all the world ouer being diligent withall that all vnder their charge and gouernment do the like also Againe we pray in this Petition That though both doe faile yet that the Lord would maintaine the cause of his owne glory This shewes a sincere true affect on to the glory of God when we are contented that the Lord should doe that which is for his owne glory howsoeuer the matter light heauy vpon our selues as Christ said Father glorifie thy Name so say we Lord though it be by death though by my extinction abolishing though I suffer all paines though I indure the greatest misery that may be yet glorifie thy Name whether in life or death Thus when one can be contended to be exposed to all the mischiese in the world all the shame and disgrace that may be to set forth the honour of God if hee may be glorified by the same this shewes that such haue a desire of the glory of God and that this sincere affection commeth from the Lords mercy being powred into our hearts by his blessed Spirit whereby we can effectually cry out Hallowed be thy Name 2. PETITION Thy Kingdome come Petition 2 IN the former Petition we are taught to pray for the glory of God which is preferred before the Kingdome of God to shew that all our care must be for Gods glory Now in the next Petition we are taught to pray for the meanes of his glory that the Kingdome of God may come c. for then indeed God shall haue his glory when looking for the Kingdome of God it comes into our hearts to inable vs to performe his commandements and that we be alwayes ready to doe his will for vntill it be so God shall haue little glory or honour amongst vs so that first we pray for the glory of God and then for the meanes of his glory It is the error of the world to desire the End without the meanes The glory of God which is the End they would haue But the meanes of his glory which is the Kingdome of God to come and his will to be done this they care not for The wicked Iewes Isa. 66. 5. could say Let the Lord bee glorified which is spoken of all those who be worshippers of the true God So the Pharises Iohn 9. 24. were contented to say vnto the blindman Giue glory to God but they would not allow of Christ the meanes of their saluation for said they vnto him we know that this man is a sinner whereby it appeares that the common course of the world is to desire the glory of God without the meanes of his glory In this Petition also we may obserue three things First when we pray that the Kingdome of God may come It is in opposition to another Kingdome that is already in the world for the sinnes of men The kingdome of darknesse and of the Diuell which is a great and mighty kingdome and hath a number of proppes and pillars to vphold it as for the Kingdome of Christ there be a very small company to vphold it but the kingdome of darknesse hath a number of great ones to sustaine it whole swarmes of people in euery corner one would wonder at the multitude and at their conditions For howsoeuer men will say I defie the diuell and according to the custome spit at him yet as long as they doe the will of the Diuell practising workes of darkenesse there is no hope that by their indeuours they can aduance the Kingdome of God or labour that it should come vpon them Doth not either ignorance or blindnesse eate vp their soules so that they bee either lyars swearers adulterers fornicators couetous drunkards contentious c. wherein so long as they continue they be the very proppes and pillars to vphold and shouldor vp the kingdome of darkenesse and the Diuell Thus it appeares the Diuell is a great Monarch because the greatest part of the subiects in all Kingdomes serue him be obedient to him and disobedient vnto God they runne as the Apostle speakes Ephes. 2. 2. After the Prince that ruleth in the ayrel euen the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience So 2 Cor. 4 4. It is said That the God of this world hath blinded their mindes c. For as God spake the word and it was done saying Let there be light and there was light So the Diuell cannot so soone speake the word but by and by it is done by worldly men He can no sooner say let there bee an oath lye bribe quarrell fashion or wickednesse but by and by some one or other puts it in practise Thus he rules like a God in this world a great pitty it is that men should so be deceiued for God will pull downe the Kingdome of darkenesse and set
but must abound euen to exceed others nay we neuer cease till wee haue wrested all out of other mens hands got all the money out of their purses all the goods in their houses but take heed of this low Meddowes or Marshes when they came to be ouerflowen and the water to stand in them breed nothing but Frogges and Toades that continually creepe and annoy them So it is with our hearts how soeuer otherwise fruitfull and capable of some goodnesse yet if once they come to be ouerflowen with couetous desires and grow muddy and myery as standing pooles they will breed nothing but frogges and filthy lusts sinnes that croke and cry to annoy and terrifie vs. Now because by Bread as you haue heard we vnderstand all things needfull for the sustentation of this life we must learne also not onely to refraine our dyet but to keepe a moderation in all things appertaining to this life and hold our selues close to good order and temperate sobriety that our desires be not like a sea which hath no bounds nor bottome Esau though a prophane man could say I haue enough my brother but our corruption is otherwise we cannot be contented with any measure whatsoeuer we haue is not sufficient Nay though we haue enough yet still we desire more and more wee can neuer be filled The Lord complaines of this Isa. 5. 3. Woe be vnto them that ioyne house to house c. And H●bakk 2. 5. Hee paints out a proud man that neuer keepeth at home who inlargeth his desire as Hell and is as death and cannot be satisfied but gather●th vnto himselfe all Nations So Sa●nt Bazill 〈◊〉 treating of a couetous man saith That he neuer ●easeth day nor night nothing satisfi●th him no boun●… takes hold of all and turnes all into it se●… small beginnings by l●ttle an●… at length with force and vi●… their bankes but beare downe whatsoeuer 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 with So it is with the couetous men c. But we must learne to represse this affection in ourselues and pray to God for an orderly moderation in all things One saith well That acouetous man is like a Mole digging and labouring when all that he hath digged he gets vpon his shoulders So whatsoeuer such men haue got it lies heauy vpon their conscience puts them in paine and becomes a heauy load for them to carry vnto the Throne of Iudgement And as Mice besmeared with Bird-lime creepe vp and downe gathering a great deale of dust and filth or other fit matter to burne and so lighting on any fit occasion are vndone by their owne doings so it is with a number of men in this world they scratch and scrape and when all is done it is but stickes and strawes which they gather to increase the fire of their owne condemnation euerlastingly There is yet one thing more to be considered in this matter a point worthy the noting That whereas wee pray for a quantity of Bread yet we doe not determine how much Wee doe not say Lord giue vs so much and so much bread to teach vs all to leaue the particulars to the Lord wee pray to be contented with that which He in his wisedome doth determine A man may indent with a friend as the man in the Gospell Lend mee fiue loaues but none of vs may indent with God but referre all to his assignation and appointment As a man making challenge to a field yet is contented to referre the matter to friends and stand to their award so much the rather if they be iust and wise how much more ought we to submit all vnto God The fift thing is Whose bread we pray for Our owne bread not the bread of others but we pray to God to giue vs our owne bread Now our owne bread is that we haue faithfully and honestly laboured for in our Calling well got by lawfull meanes and no more This is that which the Lord promiseth as a blessing vnto his people Psal. 128. 2. That they shall eate the labour of their hands Thus the Apostle 2 Thess. 3. 12. Commands euery one to worke with quiernesse and eate their own bread so that there are two kinds of Bread vnlawfull 1 The bread of idlenesse 2 Bread of the fatherlesse and wickednesse The first is when a man hath no Calling no imployment no ability to doe businesse and yet is idle mispending his time and is carelesse of himselfe this man doth not eate his owne bread because he doth nothing to make it his owne c. Secondly the Bread of wickednesse and of the Fatherlesse when a man doth by oppression deceit cosenage and such like eate vp the Bread of others yea bread of the Fatherlesse and of the poore and of the honest this also is none of his owne bread and so cannot be eaten with peace of conscience therefore let vs looke to eate of our owne The Diuell came to Christ in his hunger and would haue had him turne stones into bread hee could not preuaile with Christ but he doth with many men Indeed when men get bread by vnlawfull meanes by lying cozening deceit c. then they not depending vpon Gods prouidence in lawfull meanes do turne stones into bread and take the Diuels counsell not being ruled by God as they should Wee read Isa. 11. 7. In that great change to be wrought vnder the Gospell It is said amongst other things The Lyong shall eate straw like the Oxe Meaning that then where that change is truely wrought they shall be so farre from feeding and rauening vpon others as formerly that they shall eat straw be easily pleased and brought to a better conformity being contented with mean their own things So a man truely conuerted and brought into the Kingdome of Christ will rather eate straw feed meanely be contented with what God allowes him then by any vnlawfull meanes come by his food Thus you see we pray for our owne Bread that wee may prouide bread orderly for ourselues and not liue vpon others or vse vnlawfull meanes The Poets say that Aelous gaue Ulysses all his windes in a boxe who when he was asleepe thought it had beene gold and so opning the box let out the winds which had like to haue lost all their liues and put them in danger of drowning So many times it is when men will not bee contented with their owne by doing wicked practises and performing vnlawfull actions they raise vp stormes and tempests against themselues euen many times to put their liues in danger Therefore let vs bee contented with our owne things Sixtly For whom we doe pray For others as well as ourselues Giue vs our daily Bread which word hath a double relation 1 Respectiuely to that which went before 2 To the rest of the members of Christs body Which is first vs that haue hallowed thy Name vs that desired thy Kingdome might come into our hearts vs that had
care to doe thy will Lord giue vs our daily Bread So that this Petition is conditionall as if hee should say Lord if we haue done these things then giue vs our daily Bread then feed vs then Lord giue vs all things needfull for our life But if wee haue done nothing for thee then we dare not claime that thou shouldest doe any thing for vs for howsoeuer thou hast promised to do vs good yet we must feare thee and first Honour thy Name As Psal. 34. 9. Feare the Lord yee his Saints for noehing wanteth to them that feare him So that first wee must obey and please him ere we may with boldnesse vse the promises to our comfort for with what face can wee st●nd vp and lay claime to Gods promises when we haue not performed the conditions and are not qualified like those parties and persons the promises were made vnto as Iehu said to Iehoram when hee demanded Is it peace Iehu what peace said hee so long as the whoredomes of thy mother Iezebell and her witchcrafts are yet in great number So may I say so long as men dishonour God haue no care of his glory loue of his Kingdome no desire to doe his will how doe they looke to haue their daily Bread their peace or things needfull for this life A second relation is To the rest of the members of Christs body and so wee are taught to pray not Lord giue me but Lord giue vs our daily Bread So that a Christian man must not regard himselfe onely but in a fellow-feeling of other mens miseries hee must pray for their wants as well as his owne The couetous man he had rather say Lord giue mee Bread then giue vs Bread but the true Christian extends his care and loue vnto the whole body of Christ whereof he himselfe is a member As Abraham sitting in his tent doore in the coole of the shadow pittyed them which were trauelling in the heate and was ready to refresh them so it is with euery true Christian they are tender-hearted and haue a simpathy with others miseries So we see in Nature when the Sunne shines vpon these inferiour bodies if solid bodies when they reflect their beames they cast their light and heat vpon other bodies that are nearest about them but ifthey be empty and hollow bodies such as haue no solidity they take all into themselues and reflect not So it is in this case they that be sound Christians onely possessed with power of grace they cannot hold any goodnesse to themselues but are ready to reflect it and make others partakers of it so must our labour and care be not be hollow and false but sincere and true affecting the good of others as of ourselues The last thing to be obserued in this Petition is for how long time we pray for bread But a day onely Giue vs this day our daily Bread of which there be three Reasons First To teach vs to depend vpon God from day to day because we vsually rest not in the present blessings of God vpon vs but are euer casting and contributing for the time to come Therefore our Sauiour Christ setteth this downe to preuent our carking and caring for the things of this life for if from day to day the Lord giue vs bread we must be contented and leaue all the prouision for future times vnto the Lord who gaue his owne people Bread but for a day onely Exod. 16. That they might altogether depend vpon Gods goodnesse and heauenly care from day to day The little birds as we all know when they haue dined know not where to suppe and when they are fed one day they know not where to feed the next and yet God prouides for them and if God remember and fauour them much more may we rely vpon his care and mercy towards vs perswading our selues that he who feeds vs to day will feed vs to morrow this weeke next weeke this yeere next yeere and so for euer as we trust in Him Secondly To teach vs to liue exceeding carefully as if our last day were come for our life is so vncertaine and hangs by such a slender thred that wee know not how soone it may be broken and gone and therefore our Sauiour Christ would haue vs liue exceeding carefully and watchfully ouer our selues from day to day euen to our last The people of Israel wee know doe eate the Passeouer with their loynes girded as men ready to depart at a short warning so must we eat our dinners and suppers as ready to depart and take leaue of this world at all times or whensoeuer the Lord will haue vs. Thirdly That euery day we may come to God in prayer to be not a day from him for if we made our suites before men onely we would attend their leisures much more must we wait vpon God wee may well thinke when the day is past our pattent is expired and our grant ended till we haue renewed it againe so that euery day as we haue said we are taught to come to God in prayer to renue our Patents and grants of blessings that God may extend his mercy vnto vs. For it is the corruption of the world yea of our course nature that we would not come vnto God once in a moneth nay not in a yeere if meere necessity do not driue vs. Therefore our Sauiour Christ hath stinted this Petition to a day onely that euery day we may learne to sue vnto God to haue communion with him in begging the things of this life that so wee might be led the more happily vnto those eternall better things of life euerlasting and so to be led by the vse of these weake temporary refreshments to the feeding vpon that bread of life which the Sonne of man doth giue his Saints and seruants So much shall serue for the fourth Petition come we now to the fift 5. PETITION And forgiue vs our debts as we also forgiue our debtors OVr Sauiour Christ as we haue seene in the three first Petitions teacheth vs to beg those things tending vnto the glory of God and the meanes conducing vnto the same and in the three last to begge for our owne good things tending both to the comfort of this life and of that to come as the forgiuenesse of sinnes a sanctified and a holy life assisted by the power of grace In the former Petition we haue heard on what conditions and how we ought to beg for the good things of this life which as things necessary tend especially to the bodily preseruation of health and life Now here in this 5 Petition we come to the good of eternall life and this is either the grace of Iustification in this Petition or the grace of Sanctification in the next which yet is no further good then as we apprehend and bring home the comfort of it The world in their ignorance doe vsually say Who will shew vs any good
this is also a discouragement if wee doubt of the parties ability to helpe Thirdly when though the party wee come to hath both authority and ability yet is vnwilling to grant as we see in churlish Naball towards Dauid Shall I then take my bread and my water and my flesh that I haue killed for my shearers and giue it vnto men whom I know not whence they be these be the three impediments which if they possesse one throughly with a preiudice may hinder prayer either not to be or if done yet not to speed Now our Sauiour Christ remoueth all these shewing 1 That the Lord hath authority to doe it because the Kingdome is his 2 The Lord hath ability because his is the power 3 Hath willingnesse to doe it because all the glory and honour of it shall be his owne And thus by these three reasons our Sauiour hath cleered and remoued all these rubbes in the way which might make vs doubt not to obtaine at the hands of God what we pray for Reason 1 Concerning the first reason taken from Gods authority For thine is the Kingdome we obserue that The Soueraignty and free disposition of all things is in the hands of God So as we may well pray Lord thou mayst giue vs Heauen pardon of sinnes daily bread all that we need and pray for Because Thine is the Kingdome thou hast the free and intire Dominion of all things and thou as Soueraigne Lord maist dispose of them dispence them at thine owne will So Dauid saith Thine O Lord is greatnesse and power and victory and praise for all that is in heauen or in earth is thine both riches and honour come of thee and thou raignest ouer all c. All other things are tyed to lawes and rules a man in his family may not take the childrens bread and giue it vnto the dogs Yea a King that will rule in his owne Kingdome hath his power limited and confined of God for it is mentioned as a note of an euill King 1 Sam. 8. 14. That hee shall take their fields and vineyards and best O liue trees and giue them to his seruants But God hath an illimited power and vnrestrained so as he may dispose of all things at his pleasure being therefore sure that we can aske for nothing which he hath not authority to giue vs. Nay this reason if it be well weighed hath a further force in it Namely because the Kingdome is thine So O Lord it belongs vnto thee and is much for thy honour to giue vs all these blessings and graces that wee pray daily for For we all know that it belongs vnto a king to prouide for the comfortable and good estate of his owne subiects and seruants And therefore Salomons kingdome and gouernment amongst other things was so renowned for this because he so royally and richly prouided for his subiects that siluer was nothing worth in his dayes So seeing God is our King it belongs to his care to furnish and store vs with all graces needfull Thus holy Dauids practise was to fetch all his wants out of Gods store-house as Psal. 5. 2. Hearken vnto the voyce af my cry my King and my God for vnto thee will I pray The reason of this his dependance vpon God hee shewes Psal. 74. 12. For God is my King of old working saluation in the midst of the earth Thus also it is Gods honour to furnish his owne subiects and seruants with all manner of blessings and graces necessary The vses briefly are two Vse 1 First seeing the Kingdome is Gods whatsoeuer thy selfe or thy estate be though neuer so vnworthy or vnfit be not distrustfull discouraged doe not dispaire because the kingdome is the Lords that is Hee hath the free and absolute disposing of all to distribute and giue away at his pleasure vnto whom he will and when he will Therefore yet a while pray still be patient and waite his leisure for he will come to thy comfort in the best time Vse 2 Secondly seeing the kingdome is the Lords neuer grudge at the good estate of another because the Lord is onely wise yea infinite in wisedome to dispose of all things as hee list It is not lawfull for me to doe with my owne as I list So let vs be contented with his good will and pleasure hee who hath least hath more then he deserueth see what Jacob sayes Gen. 32 10 I am not worthy of the least of thy mercies So when old Eli was threatned with the destruction of his house for the transgressions of his sonnes his reply is It is the Lord let him doe what seemeth him good And Dauid Psal. 39 9. saith I was dumbe I opened not my mouth because thou didst it Reason 2 The second reason is taken from The power of GOD that is the strength and abilitie to doe all whatsoeuer we pray for or need is Gods Earthly Kings many times want power though they be willing to helpe their subiects and seruants as when the poore woman cryed out to the King of Israel in a great distresse of hunger Helpe my Lord O King He answered Seeing the Lord doth not succour thee how should I helpe thee Thus we many times want power but there is no want of Power and ability with God seeing out of the rich store-house of his abundant plenty hee is able to supply what wee stand in need of As the Apostle speaks Eph. 5. 20. Unto him therfore that is able to do exceeding abundantly aboue all that we either are able to aske or thinke be all glory for euer Thus it is a good thing for euery man to be perswaded of this that we can aske nothing at the hands of God but he can giue it Whereupon the Leper and so the Centurion both come to Christ with this speech Lord if thou wilt thou canst make me cleane And 2 Cor. 9 8. He shewes this much That God is able to make all grace abound in them c. Peter we reade so long as he carried his eye to Christ he was able to walke vpon the waues of the Sea But when he lookt away from Christ and cast his eies vpon the Windes and Billowes by and by he began to sinke So is it with vs in this world as long as we can cast our care vpon the power of God so long we may be vpheld in all temptations and troubles as a man standing on the top of a high Tower is safe so long as he lookes vp but looking downwards is ready to fall So it is with vs when we doe not looke vnto Heauen but looke on feares and other things downe-wards we by and by are in danger of drowning It is a good thing therefore euer to looke vnto the power of God considering that what is impossible to man is possible with God with whom all things are possible Reason 3 The third reason