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A85452 America painted to the life. A true history of the originall undertakings of the advancement of plantations into those parts, with a perfect relation of our English discoveries ... 1628. to 1658. declaring the forms of their government, policies, religions, manners, customes, military disciplines, warres with the Indians, the commodities of their countries, a description of their townes, and havens, the increase of their trading with the names of their governours and magistrates. More especially an absolute narrative of the north parts of America, and of the discoveries and plantations of our English in New-England. Written by Sir Ferdinando Gorges .... Publisht ... by his grand-child Ferdinando Gorges Esquire, who hath much enlarged it and added severall accurate descriptions of his owne. Gorges, Ferdinando, Sir, 1556?-1647.; Gorges, Ferdinando, 1629-1718. 1658 (1658) Wing G1300; Thomason E969_3 181,058 245

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divulging of this Proclamation by his Herralds at Armes Many although otherwise willing for this service began to object as followeth Can it possible be the mind of Christ who formerly inabled so many Souldiers of his to keepe their station unto the death here that now so many brave Souldiers disciplined by Christ himselfe the Captaine of our salvation should turne their backs to the disheartning of their Fellow-Souldiers and losse of further opportunity in gaining a greater number of Subjects to Christs Kingdome Notwithstanding this Objection It was further proclaimed as followeth What Creature wilt not know that Christ thy King crusheth with a rod of Iron the Pompe and Price of man and must he like man cast and contrive to take his enemies at advantage No of purpose hee causeth such instruments to retreate as he hath made strong for himselfe that so his adversaries glorying in the pride of their power insulting over the little remnan● remaining Christ causeth them to be cast downe suddenly forever and wee find in stories reported Earths Princes have passio● their Armies at need over Seas and deepe Torrents Could Caesar so suddenly fetch over fresh forces from Europe to Asia Pompy to foyle How much more shall Christ who createth all power c●ll over this 900. league Ocean at his pleasure such instruments as he thinks meete to make use of in this place from whence you are now to depart but further that you may not delay the Voyage intended for your full satisfaction know this is the place where the Lord will create a new Heaven and a new Earth in new Churches and a new Common-wealth together Wherefore CHAP. II. The Commission of the People of Christ shipped for New England and first of their gathering into Churches ATtend to your Commission all you that are or shall hereafter be shipped for this service yee are with all possible speed to imbarque your selves and as for all such Worthies who are hunted after as David was by Saul and his Courtiers you may change your habit and ship you with what secrecy you can carrying all things most needfull for the Voyage and service you are to be imployed in after your landing But as soone as you shall be exposed to danger of tempestious Seas you shall forthwith shew whose servants you are by calling on the Name of your God sometimes by extraordinary seeking his pleasing Face in times of deepe distresse and publishing your Masters will and pleasure to all that Voyage with you and that is his minde to have purity in Religion preferred above all dignity in the world your Christ hath commanded the Seas they shall not swallow you nor Pyrates imprison your persons or possesse your goods At your landing see you observe the Rule of his Word for neither larger nor stricter Commission can hee give by any and therefore at first filling the Land whither you are sent with diligence search out the mind of God both in planting and continuing Church and civill Government but be sure they be distinct yet agreeing and helping the one to the other Let the matter and forme of your Churches be such as were in the Primitive Times before Antichrists Kingdome prevailed plainly poynted out by Christ and his Apostles in most of their Epistles to be neither Nationall nor Provinciall but gathered together in Covenant of such a number as might ordinarily meete together in one place and built of such living stones as outwardly appeare Saints by calling You are also to ordaine Elders in every Church make you use of such as Christ hath indued with the best gifts for that end their call to Office shall be mediate from you but their authority and commission shall be immediate from Christ revealed in his word which if you shall slight d●spise or contemne hee will soone frustrate your call by taking the most able among you to honour with an everlasting Crown whom you neglected to honour on Earth double as their due or he will carry them remote from you to more infant Churches You are not to put them upon anxious Cares for their daily Bread for assuredly although it may now seeme strange you shall be fed in this Wildernesse whither you are to goe with the flower of Wheate and Wine shall be plentifull among you but be sure you abuse it not these Doctrines delivered from the Word of God imbrace and let not Satan delude you by perswading their learned skill is unnecessary soone then will the Word of God be fl●ghted as tra●slated by such and you shall be left wildred with strange Revelations of every phantastick brain which to prevent here are to be shipped among you many both Godly Juditious and Learned who CHAP. III. Of the Demeanor of their Church Officers BEing called to Office are in all humility to feed the flock of Christ and not for lucre to admit mostly of such sheepe whose faire fleeces allure much nor yet for filling the flocks to crowd in infections sheepe or rather wolves in sheepes cloathing assuredly it will prove bitternesse in the end neither shall you for feare your allowance will fall short hinder the increase of Churches that so your fellow brethren indued with like gifts fa●l short of all But above all beware of any love selfe-conceited Opinion stopping your eares from hearing the Counsell of an Orthodox Synod but by daily communication one with another impart Christs minde each to other that you may all speake one and the same things heale not lightly the wounds that Wolves make lest from their festering Teeth a Gangrin grow and further for compleating the Churches of Christ as well in matters as in Doctrine there are ancient experienced godly Christians shipped among you but be sure you make choise of such for feare they be despised and let them not be led by favor or affection as naturally men are to Administer in your Office partially for unworthy the name of a Ruling Elder is hee who loses his Lyon-like courage when the sound and wholesome Doctrines delivered by Pastor or Teacher are spoken against by any unseemly behaviour and sleepy hearing by private exhortation prevent if possible lest publick example in open professors stumb●e some and hinder the operation of his word especially in the hearts of those who have bin long time led away with the inventions of man in the worsh●p of God Be sure you contradict not but confirme with trienall love the Doctrines of Christ delivered by your Teaching Elders which will be a great meanes to make it prevaile for a three-fold cord is not easily broken trust not to your own gifts for preventing error but use all helpes that Christ may blesse his own meanes cast not away as incorrigible such as at first receive not the word in all points but wait with patience if at any time the Lord will be pleased to give them a heart to turne unto him Beware of a proud censorious spirit and shou●d Christ be pleased to place in his
and Mr. Lenten the residue will be spoken of in the ensuing story to those that yet remaine Of these persons named the Author doth tender this following Meetre WHen reasons Scepter first 'gan sway your hearts Through troublous Seas this Western world to enter Among Christs Souldiers here to act your parts Did not Christs love on you cause him to center All those strait lines of your inflam'd desire Vnto his truths ' cause him in them you finde From wildernesse not from his truths retire But unto death this wonderous work you 'l minde No place can claime peculiar interest in Christs worship for all nations are his own The day 's at hand down falls that man of sin And Christs pure Gospel through the world is blown Harvest is come bid case and sleep adieu What trifle time when Christ takes in his Crop A Harvest large of Gentil and of Jew You fil'd of Christ let his sweet Doctrine drop CHAP. XVII Of the planting of Long-Island And of the planting the nineteenth Church in the Mattachusets government called Sudbury THis yeare came over divers godly and sincere servants of Christ as I suppose among whom came over the reverend godly M. Peirson This people finding no place in any of the former erected Colonies to settle in to their present content repaired to an Island severed from the continent of Newhaven with about 16. miles off the salt Sea and called Long-Island being about 120. miles in length and yet but narrow here this people erected a Town and called it South Hampton there are many Indians on the greatest part of this Island who at first settling of the English there did much annoy their Cattel with the multitude of Doggs they kept which ordinarily are young wolves brought up came continuing of a very ravening nature This people gathered into a Church and called to office Mr. Peirson who continued with them about 7 or 8. yeares and then he with the greatest number of the people removed farther into the Island the other part that remained invited Mr. Foordum and a people that were with him to come and joyne with them who accordingly did being wandered as far as the Dutch plantation and there unsettled although he came into the Country before them This yeare the Town and Church of Christ at Sudbury began to have the first foundation stones laid taking up her station in the Inland Country as her elder Sister Concord had formerly done lying farther up the same River being furnished with great plenty of fresh marsh but it lying very low is much indammaged with land-flouds insomuch that when the summer proves wet they lose part of their hay yet are they so sufficiently provided that they take in Cattell of other Townes to winter these people not neglecting the chief work for the which they entred this wildernesse namely to worship the Lord in the purity of his Ordinances and according to the rule of his Word entred into covenant with him and one with another professedly to walk together in Church-fellowship and according to the same rule they called to the office of a Pastor the reverend godly and able Minister of the Word Mr. Edmond Brown whose labours in the Doctrine of Christ Jesus hath hitherto abounded wading through this wildernesse-work with much cheerfulnesse of spirit of whom as followeth BOth night and day Brown ceaseth not to watch Christs little flock in pastures fresh them feed The worrying wolves shall not thy weak lambs catch Well dost thou minde in wildernesse their breed Edmond thy age is not so great but thou Maist yet behold the Beast brought to her fall Earth's tottering Kingdome shew her legs gin bow Thou ' mongst Christs Saints with prayers maist her mawle What signes wouldst have faith's courage for to rouse See Christ triumphant hath his armies led In wildernesse prepar'd his lovely Spouse Caus'd Kings and Kingdomes his high hand to dread Thou seest his Churches daily are encreasing And thou thy selfe amongst his worthyes warring Hold up thy hands the battel 's now increasing Christ's Kingdom 's ay it 's past all mortall 's marring This Towne is very well watered and hath store of plow-land but by reason of the oaken roots they have little broke up considering the many Acres the place affords but this kinde of land requires great strength to break up yet brings very good crops and lasts long without mending the people are industrious and have encreased in their estates some of them yet the great distance it lyes from the Mart Towns maketh it burdensome to the Inhabitants to bring their corne so far by land some Gentlemen have here laid out part of their estates in procuring farmes by reason of the store of medow this Church hath hitherto been blessed with blessings of the right hand even godly peace and unity they are not above 50. or 60. families and about 80. souls in Church fellowship their Neat-heard about 300. CHAP. XVIII Of the planting of the twentieth Church of Christ at a Towne called Braintree ABout this time there was a Town and Church planted at Mount Wollestone and named Braintree it was occasioned by some old planters and certain Farmers belonging to the great Town of Beston they had formerly one Mr. Whelowright to preach unto them till this Government could no longer contain them they many of them in the mean time belonging to the Church of Christ at Boston but after his departure they gathered into a Church themselves having some inlargement of Land they began to be well peopled calling 〈◊〉 office among them the reverend and godly Mr. William Tompson and Mr. Henry Flint the one to the office of a Pastor the other of a Teacher the people are purged by their indu●try from the sowre leven of those sinful opinions that began 〈◊〉 spread and if any remain among them it is very covert 〈◊〉 the manner of these Erronists that remain in any place is 〈◊〉 countenance all sorts of sinful opinions as occasions serves ●●th in Church and Commonwealth underpretence of Li●●●ty of Conscience as well their own opinion as others 〈◊〉 this Symbol they may be known in Court and Country his Town hath great store of Land in tillage and is at pre●●t in a very thriving condition for outward things although 〈◊〉 of Boston retain their Farms from being of their Town 〈◊〉 do they lye within their bounds and how it comes to pass ●●ow not their Officers have somewhat short allowance ●●y are well stored with cattel and corn and as a people re●●es so should they give And Reader I cannot but mind 〈◊〉 of the admirable providence of Christ for his people in 〈◊〉 where they have been in a low condition by their liberty they have been raised to much in a very little time again in withdrawing their hands have had their plenty ●●d The reverend Mr. Tompson is a man abounding in zeal the propagation of the Gospel and of an ardent affecti●● in so much that he
proud of this thy exaltation For thou wast dung and dogs filth when Christ wrought In thee his work and set thee in this station To stand from him thy strength is dayly brought Yet in him thou shalt go triumphant on Not thou but Christ triumphs his foes upon You people whom he by the hand did lead 〈…〉 Seas with watry wall Apply your selves his Scriptures for to read In reading do for eyes enlightned call And you shall see Christ once being come is now Again at hand your stubborn hearts to bow Though scattered you Earths Kingdoms are throughout In bondage brought cheife by those make some shew Of Jewish rights they Christ with you cast out Christ well their Cords for you in sunder hew Through unbeliefe you were to bondage brought Believe that Christ for you great work hath wrought He will your heart not member circumcise Oh search and see this is your Jesus sure Refuse him not would God you were so wise None but this King can ought your hope procure Once doting on an Earthly Kingdom you Mist of your Christ be sure be wiser now The day 's at hand he will you wiser make To know Earths Kingdoms are too scant and base For such a price as Christ paid for your sake Kings you shall be but in a higher place Yet for your freedom Nations great shall fall That without fear of foes him serve you shall You are the men that Christ will cause subdue Those Turkish Troops that joyned Jews have been His Gentile Churches cast down Babels crue Then you that brood of Mahumetts shall win Destroy his seed ' mongst Persians Turkes and Moores And for poor Christians ope the Prison doors Your Nation prov'd too scant for his possession Whose pretious blood was made a price for sin And Nations all who were in like transgression Some of the whole Christ to his Crown will win And now makes way for this his work indeed That through the world his Kingdom may proceed Now Nations all I pray you look about Christ comes you neer his power I pray embrace In 's word him seek he 's found without all doubt He doth beseech with teares Oh seek his face Yet time there is the Battel 's but begun Christ call thy folke that they to thee may run Place them in thy strong Armies newly gather'd Thy Churches Lord increase and fill withall Those blessed ones are given thee by thy Father The wickeds Rod off from their backs recall Breake off their yokes that they with freedom may Tell of thy workes and praise thee every day Lord Christ go on with thy great wonders working Down headlong cast all Antichristian power Vnmaske those men that lye in corners lurking Whose damned doctrines dayly s●ates advance For why thy Folke for this are dayly longing That Nations may come in thy Churches thronging What greater joy can come thy Saints among Then to behold their Christ exalted high Thy Spirits joy with ravishment stirs strong Thy Folke while they thy Kingdomes glory eye Angels rejoyce because their waiting is In Saints assembly where thy name they bliss Thy workes are not in Israels Land confined From East to West thy wondrous works are known To Nations all thou hast thy grace assigned Thy spirits breathings through the World are blown All Languages and tongues do tell thy praise Dead hear thy voyce them thou dost living raise Oh blessed dayes of Son of Man now seen You that have long'd so sore them to behold March forth in 's might and stoutly stand between The mighties sword and Christs dear flocke infold Vndanted close and clash with them for why ' Gainst Christ they are and he with thee stands by No Captive thou nor Death can on thee seize Fight stand and live in Christ thou dayly dost He long ago did lead as Captives these And ever lives to save thee where thou goest His Father still and Spirit shall with thee Abide and crowne thy Head with lasting glee For thy words sake and according to thine own heart hast thou done all these great things to make thy servant know them 2 Sam. 7. 21. FINIS Courteous Reader These Books following are Printed for Nathaniel Brooke and are to be sold at his Shop at the Angel in Cornehill 1. TImes Treasury or Academy for Gentry excellent grounds both Divine and humane for their accomplishment in arguments of discourse habit fashion with a Ladies love-Lecture and Truths triumph summing up all in a character of Honour by Ri. Braithwait Esq 2. Morton of the Sacrament in folio 3. Physiogmony and Chiromancy Metoposcopy the Symmetricall proportions and signall Moles of the body the subject of Dreames to which is added the Art of Memory by Ri. Sanders Student folio 4. Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum containing severall poeticall peeces of our famous English Philosophers which have written the Hermetique misteries in their antient Language by Elias Ashmole Esq 5. Chiromancy or the Art of Divining by the lines engraven in the hand of man by dame Nature Theologically practically in 19. Genitures with a learned discourse of the soul of the World and universall spirit thereof by Geo. Wharton Esq 6. Catholick History collected and gathered out of Scripture Councels and antient Fathers Moderne writers both ecclesiasticall and civill in answer to Dr. Vane's Lost Sheep returned home by Ed. Chiseuhall Esq 7. Planometria or the whole Art of Survey of Land shewing the use of all Instruments but especially the plain Table whereunto is added an Appendix to measure regular Solids as Timber Stone usefull for all that intend either to sell or purchase 8. An Arithmetick in number and species in two Books 1. Teaching by precept and example the operation in Numbers whole and broken by Decimals and use of the Logarithms Napyers bones 2. The great Rule of Algebra in Species resolving all Arithmeticall questions by supposition with a Canon of the powers of numbers fitted to the meanest capacity by Jonas Moore late of Durham 8. 9. Tactometrica or the Geometry of Regulars after a new exact and expeditious manner in Solids with sundry usefull experiments Practicall Geometry of Regular-like Solids and of a Cylinder body for liquid vessell measure with sundry new experiments never before extant for gauging a work very usefull for all that are imployed in the Art Metrical by John Wiberd Doctor in Physick 10. An Astrologicall discourse with Mathematicall Demonstrations proving the powerfull and harmonicall influence of the Planets and fixed Stars upon Elementary Bodies in justification of the Validity of Astroligy by Sir Christopher Heydon Knight 11. Magick and Astrology vindicated in which is contained the true definitions of the said Arts and the justification of their practise proved by the authority of Scripture and the experience of antient and modern Authors by H. Warren 12. An Astrologicall judgement of Diseases from the Decumbiture of the ficke also the way of finding out the cause change and end of a disease also whether the sick be
Princes and all that are in authority to cast downe their Crownes at the Feet of Christ and take them up againe at his command to serve under his Standard as nursing Fathers and nursing Mothers to the Churches and people of Christ when your feete are once safely set on the shores of America you shall set up and establish civill Government and pray for the prosperity thereof as you love the peace of his Churches who hath called you to this service he hath for that end shipped among you some learned in the Law of God and practised in rules of good reason or common Lawes proper to our English Nation Be sure you make choyce of the right that all people Nations and Languages who are soonly to submit to Christs Kingdome may be followers of you herein as you follow the Rule of Christ your Magistrates shall not but open the Gates for all sorts But know they are Eyes of Restraint set up for Walles and Bulworks to surround the Sion of God Oh for Jerusalem her peace see that you mind it altogether you know right well that the Churches of Christ have not thrived under the tolerating Government of Holland from whence the Lord hath translated one Church already to the place whither you are now to goe and further it is well known loose liberty cannot indure to looke Majesticall authority in the face And also you shall finde erronious persons will contend with authority for upholding truth irrationally denying it any power to condemne deceiveable Doctrines and that upon this very ground because Tyranny hath inforced error heretofore be not borne downe with a multitude neither let any flatter for preferment which to prevent honour shall be very chargeable among you yet let not any deny to beare the burden and cumber of governing this people of Christ for assuredly although their recompence fall short from man it shall not be forgotten with the Lord. Lastly CHAP. VI. How the People of Christ ought to behave themselves in War-like Discipline YOu shall with all diligence provide against the Malignant adversaries of the truth for assure your selves the time is at hand wherein Antichrist will muster up all his Forces and make war with the People of God but it shall be to his utter overthrow See then you store your selves with all sorts of weapons for war furbrish up your Swords Rapiers and all other piercing weapons As for great Artillery seeing present meanes falls short waite on the Lord Christ and hee will stir up friends to provide for you and in the meane time spare not to lay out your coyne for Powder Bullets Match Armes of all sorts and all kinde of Instruments for War and although it may now seeme a thing incredible you shall see in that Wildernesse whither you are going Troopes of stout Horsemen marshalled and therefore fayle not to ship lusty Mares along with you and see that withall dilligence you incourage every Souldier-like Spirit among you for the Lord Christ intends to archieve greater matters by this little handfull then the World is aware of wherefore you shall seeke and set up men of valour to lead and direct every Soulder among you and with all diligence to instruct them from time to time Feare not the misse of men to fill your Townes and compleat your companies for although at first struglings for truths advance there may but a small number appeare of sound judgement yet shall you not prefer any to Office whose zeale is not strong for the truth for now the minde of Christ is to put out the Name of Ammaleck from under Heaven I meane such at have persecuted the Churches and People of Christ in their low condition and assuredly unsound Saules will spare such as should not be saved from destruction Then be strong and of a good courage all you that are to fight the Lords Battaile that your Faith faile not at sight of the great Armies of Gog and Magog and as for you who shall be preferred to highest places in his New England Regiments cause your Captaine and other inferior Officers to be diligent in their severall places that you may lend helpe to your Countreymen that ere long be will see a necessity of contending for the truth as well as your selves in choyce of Military Officers Let faithfulnesse to the cause in hand courage activity and skill have the prehemency of honours for although it may seeme a meane thing to be a New England Souldier yet some of you shall have the battering and bearing down sealing winning and wasting the over-topping Towers of the Hierarchy Lieutenants Ensigne and Serjeants exceed not your places till Experience Skill and true Valour promote you to higher honour to which you shall be daily aspiring As the worthy incouragement of a Souldiers labour let Militay discipline be had in high esteeme among you Gentlemen Corporalls and fellow-Souldiers keepe your weapons in a continuall readinesse seeing you are called to fight the Battails of your Lord Christ who must raigne till hee hath put all his enemies under his Feet his glorious Victories over Antichrist are at hand never yet did any Souldier rejoyce in dividing the spoyle after Victory as all the Souldiers of Christ shall to see his judgement executed upon the great Whore and withall the Lambs bride prepared for him who comes Skipping over trampling down the great Mountaines of the Earth whose universall Government will then appeare glorious when not onely the Assyrian Babilonian Persian Grecian and Roman Monarchies shall subject themselves unto him but also all other new upstart Kingdomes Dukedomes or what else can be named shall fall before him Not that he shall come personally to Reigne upon Earth as some vainly imagine but his powerfull Presence and Glorious brightnesse of his Gospell both to Jew and Gentile shall not onely spiritually cause the Churches of Christ to grow beyond number but also the whole civill Government of people upon Earth shall become his so that there shall not be any to move the hand not dog his tongue against his chosen And then shall the time be of breaking Speares into Mattocks and Swords into Sithes and this to remaine to his last comming which will be personally to overcome the last enemies of his Saints even death which hee will doe by the word of his Mouth audibly spoken the World throughout Then all you who are now or shall hereafter be shipped for this Voyage minde the worke of Christ and not some following raigne titles of honour others eying the best Grasse-platts and best Situation for Farmes and large Accommodations crouding our Gods people from sitting down among you Wherefore above all beware of covetousnesse all you that will be admitted into these sel●ct Bands of Christ Jesus remember Achan whereas Rams Hornes could overthrow the high and strong walles of Jericho before his theft committed after it the little number of the men of Ai could put the Host of the living God
present possessed mercies yet they addresse themselves to the Sea shore where they courteously welcom the famous servant of Christ grave godly and judicious Hooker and the honoured servant of Christ M John Haynes as also the Reverend and much desired Mr. John Cotton and the Retoricall Mr. Stone with divers others of the sincere servants of Christ comming with their young and with their old and with their whole substance to doe him service in this Desart wildernesse Thus this poore people having now tasted liberally of the salvation of the Lord every way they deeme it high time to take up the Cup of thankfulnesse and pay their vowes to the most high God by whom they were holpen to this purpose of heart and accordingly set apart the 16. day of October which they call the eighth Moneth not out of any pevish humor of singularity as some are ready to censor them with but of purpose to prevent the Heathenish and Popish observation of Dayes Moneths and Yeares that they may be forgotten among the people of the Lord this day was solemnly kept by all the seven Churches rejoycing in the Lord and rendering thanks for all their benefits Here must not be omitted the indeared affections Mr. John Wilson had to the worke in hand exceedingly setting forth in his Sermon this day the Grace of Christ in providing such meet helps for furthering thereof really esteeming them beyond so many Ship-loading of Gold manifesting the great humility Christ had wrought in him not complementing but in very deede prefering the Reverend Mr. John Cotton many hundreds before himselfe whom they within a very little time after called to the Office of a Teaching Elder of the Church of Christ at Boston where hee now remaines of whom at followeth WHen Christ intends his glorious Kingdome shall Exalted be on Earth he Earth doth take Evon sinfull Man to make his worthies all Then praise I Man no Christ this Man doth make Sage sober grave and learned Cotten thou Mighty in Scripture without Booke repeat it Annatomise the sence and shew Man how Great mysteries in sentence short are seated Gods Word with 's word comparing oft unfould The secret truths Johns Revelations hath By thee been open'd as nere was of old Showes cleere and neere ' gainst Romes whore is Gods wrath Then Churches of Christ rejoyce and sing John Cotten hath Gods minde I dare believe Since he from Gods Word doth his witnesse bring Saints cries are heard they shall no longer grieve That song of songs 'twixt Christ and 's Church thou hast Twice taught to all and sweetly shewed the way Christ would his Churches should in truth stand fast And cast off mans inventions even for aye Thy labours great have met with catching cheats Mixing their Brasse with thy bright Gold for why Thy great esteeme must cover their ill feates Some soile thou gett'st by comming them so nie But i'ts wipt off and thou Christs Champion left The Faith to fight for Christ hath arm'd thee well His worthies would not thou shoulds be bereft Of honours here thy Crown shall soon excell These people of God having received these farther helps to instruct and build them up in the holy things of Christ being now greatly incouraged seeing the Lord was pleased to set such a broad Seale to their Commission for the worke in hand not onely by his Word and Spirit moving thereunto but also by his Providence in adding such able instruments for furthering this great worke of Reformation and advancing the Kingdome of Christ for which they spent this day of rejoycing and sure the Lord would have all that hear of it know their joy lay not in the increase of Corne or Wine or Oyle for of all these they had but very little at this time yet did they not spare to lend such a● they had unto the poore who could not provide and verily the joy ended not with the day for these active instruments of Christ Preaching with all instancy the glad Tidings of the Gospell of Iesus Christ rejoyced the Heart of this People much CHAP. XX VIII Of the Eighth Church of Christ gathered at Cambridge 1633. AT this time those who were in place of civill Government having some addition Pillars to under-prop the building begun to thinke of a place of more safety in the eyes of Man then the two frontire Towns of Charles Towne and Boston were for the habitation of such as the Lord had prepared to Governe this Pilgrim People Wherefore they rather made choice to enter farther among the Indians then hazard the fury of malignant adversaries who in a rage might pursue them and therefore chose a place scituate on Charles River betweene Charles Towne and Water-Towne where they erected a Towne called New-Towne now named Cambridge being in forme like a list cut off from the Broad-cloath of the two fore-named Towns where this wandering Race of Jacobits gathered the eighth Church of Christ This Town is compact closely within it selfe till of late yeares some few stragling houses have been built the Liberties of this Town have been inlarged of late in length reaching from the most Northerly part of Charles River to the most Southerly part of Merrimeck River it hath well ordered streets and comly pompleated with the faire building of Harver Colledge their first Pastor was the faithfull and laborious Mr. Hooker whose Bookes are of great request among the faithfull people of Christ Yee shall not misse of a few lines in remembrance of him COme Hooker come forth of thy native soile Christ I will run sayes Hooker thou hast set My feet at large here spend thy last dayes toile Thy Rhetorick shall peoples affections whet Thy Golden Tongue and Pen Christ caus'd to be The blazing of his golden truths profound Thou sorry worme its Christ wrought this in thee What Christ hath wrought must needs be very sound Then looke one Hookers workes they follow him To Grave this worthy resteth there a while Die shall he not that hath Christs warrier bin Much lesse Christs Truth cleer'd by his peoples toile Thou Angell bright by Christ for light now made Throughout the World as seasoning salt to be Although in dust thy body mouldering fade Thy Head 's in Heaven and hath a crown for thee The people of this Church and Towne have hitherto had the chiefest share in spitituall blessings the Ministry of the Word by more then ordinary instruments as in due time and place God willing you shall farther heare yet are they at this day in ● thriving condition in outward things also both Corne and Cattell N●ate and Sheepe of which they have a good flocke which the Lord hath caused to thrive much in these latter dayes then formerly This Towne was appointed to be the seate of Government but it continued not long this yeare a small gleane of Rye was brought to the Court as the first fruits of English graine at which this poore people greatly rejoyced to see the Land
that it hath forced its passage through the mighty Rocks which causeth some sudden falls and hinders Shipping from having any accesse far into the Land her bankes are in many places stored with Oken Timber of all sorts of which that which they commonly call'd white Oke is not inferiou● to our English Timber in this River lie some few Islands of fertill Land this Towne is stored with Meddow and upland which hath caused some Gentlemen who brought over good Estates and finding then no better way to improve th●m to see upon husbandry amongst whom that Religious and sincere hearted servant of Christ Mr. Richard Dummer sometime a Magistrate in this little Common-wealth hathholpen on this Town their houses are built very scattering which hath caused some contending about removall of their place for Sabbath-Assemblies their Cattell are about foure hundred head with store of Corne-land in tillage it consists of about seventy Families the sou'es in Church fellowship are about an hundred the teaching Elders of this Congregation have carried it very lovingly toward their people permitting of them to assist in admitting of persons into Church-society and in Church censures so long as they Act regularly but in case of their male-administration they assume the power wholly to themselves their godly life and conversation hath hitherto been very amiable and their paines and care over their flock not inferiour to many others and being bound together in a more stricter band of love then ordinary with promise to spend their dayes together if the Lord please and therefore shall not be disuaited in the following Verse LOe here Loves twinnes by Christ are sent to Preach In wildernesse his little flock among Though Christs Church-way you fully cannot reach So far hold fast as you in 's word are strong Parker thy paines with Pen and Preaching hath Roomes buildings left in Prelacy cast downe Though ' gainst her thou defer Gods finall wrath Keepe warring still and sure thou shalt have crowne Thy Brother thou oh Noise hast holpe to guide Christ tender Lambs within his fold to gather From East to West thou dost Christs Warrier bide Faint not at last increase thy fighting rather CAHP. XXXII Of good supply and seasonable helpes the Lord Christ was pleased to send to further his Wildernesse worke and particular for his Churches of Charles Towne and Ipswich and Dorchester YEt farther for the incouragement of the people of Christ in these their weak beginnings he daily brings them in fresh supplies adding this yeare also the reverend and painfull Minister of his Gospell Mr. Zachary Simmes who was invited soone after his comming over to assist in planting of another Church of Christ but the place being remote from the pretious servants of Christ already setled be chose rather to joyne with some Church among them and in a short space after hee was called to the Office of a Teaching Elder in the Church of Christ at Charles Towne together with Mr. James who was then their Pastor as you have formerly heard Among all the godly Women that came through the perilous Seas to war their warfare the wife of this zealous Teacher Mrs. Sarah Simmes shall not be omitted nor any other but to avoid tediousnesse the vertuous Woman indued by Christ with graces fit for a Wildernesse condition her courage exceeding her stature with much cheerfulnesse did undergoe all the difficulties of these times of straites her God through Faith in Christ supplying all her wants with great industry nurturing up her young Children in the feare of the Lord their number being ten both Sons and Daughters a certaine signe of the Lords intent to people this vast Wildernesse God grant they may be valiant in Faith against Sin Satan and all the enemies of Christs Kingdome following the example of their Father and Grandfather who have both suffered for the same in remembrance of whom these following lines are placed COme Zachary thou must reed●fie Christ Churches in this Desart Land of his With Moses zeale stampt unto dust defie All crooked wayes that Christ true worship misse With spirits sword and armor girt about Thou lay'st on load proud Prelats crowne to crack And wilt not suffer Wolfes thy flock to rout Though close they creepe with sheepe skins on their back Thy Fathers spirit doubled is upon Thee Simmes then war thy Father fighting died In prayer then prove thou like Champion Hold ou● till death and Christ will crown provide After these poore people had welcomed with great joy their newcome Guests all of a sudden they spy two tall Ships whose colours shewed them to be some forrein Nation at which time this little handfull of people began to be much troubled deeming them to be Rovers they gathered together such forces as their present condition would afford very ill fitted as then to rescue an enemy but their Lord and Master Christ Jesus would not suffer any such to come and instead of enemies brought in friends even Dutchmen to furnish them with farther necessary Provision For the yeare 1635 the honoured Mr. Iohn Haines was chosen Governour and the honoured Mr. Richard Bellingham Deputy Governour the number of Free-men added to this little Common wealth were about one hundred forty and five The time now approaching wherein the Lord Christ would have his people come from the Flaile to the Fan threshing out much this yeare increasing the number of his Troopes and valiant Leaders the Ships came thicker and faster filled with many worthy parsonages Insomuch that the former people began to forget their Poverty and verily Cold Purity Peace and Plenty run all in one channell Gods people here should sure have met with none other but the still waters of Peace and Plenty for back and belly soone contract much mudde as you shall he are God willing in the following History this yeare came in the honoured Sir Henry Vaine who aboad not long in this worthy worke yet mind him I will in the following Lines Sir Henry Vaine once Governour of the English People in New England THy Parents Vaine of worthy fame in Christ and thou for him Through Ocean wide in new World trid a while his warrier bin With small defeat thou didst retreat to Brittaine ground againe There stand thou stout for Christ hold out Christs Champion a● remain● Also at this time Christ sent over the much honoured and upright hearted servant of his Richard Saltingstall Esquire Son to the before-named Sir Richard Saltingstall who being weary of this Wildernesse worke returned home againe not long before and now his Son being chose to the Office of a Magistrate continued for some good space of time helping on the affaires of this little Common wealth to the honour of Christ who hath called him both Father and Son are here remembred THou worthy Knight Saltingstall hight her 's gaine doth gold exceed Then trifle not it s to be got if thou can'st see thy neede Why wilt thhu back and leave as wreck this
in the Field of the enemies of Christs people in point of-Reformation ANd now to follow our first simile of a Souldier the Lord Christ having safely landed many a valiant Souldier of his on these Westerne shores drawes hither also the common enemies to Reformation both in Doctrine and Discipline But it was for like end as the Lord sometime drew Sisera the Captaine of Jabins army to the River Kishon for their destruction onely herein was a wide difference there Sisera was delivered into the hands of a Woman and here Sisera was a woman their weapons and warre was carnall these spirituall there Jabin was but a man here Jabin was the common enemy of mans salvation In the yeare 1636. the Angels of the severall Churches of Christ in N. England sounding forth their silver Trumpets heard ever and anon the jarring sound of ratling Drums in their eares striking up an alarum to the battell it being a frequent thing publikely to oppose the pure and perfect truths of Christ delivered by the mouth of his Ministers and that by way of question as the Pharises Sadduces and Herodians did Christ But to bring this disorderly worke of theirs into some order for assuredly could the Author come up to relate the full of the matter in hand it would through the mercy of Christ make much for the good of Gods people the World throughout and helpe to discover the last I hope but most subtile practises of Satan to hinder the Restauration of the purity of Christs Ordinances in his Churches in all places As also used by him and his instruments to divert the hands of those to whom it belongs from pulling downe Antichrist to which end he stirreth up some of his instruments well educated in the Masking schoole of Hippocrisy to take upon them this long Voyage giving them in charge by all meanes to carry it more close then his Jesuites had done and for their paines they should have the honours to be counted such as were of a sharper fight and deeper discerning then any others Satan knowing right well that at the fall of Antichrist hee must be chained up for a thousand years strives with all the wicked craft his long experienced maliciousnesse could possibly invent to uphold the same having already perswaded many that his Kingdome was wholy ruinated with our English Nation and so diswaded them a long time from further prosecuting against him But Antichrists Kingdome as it plainly appeares by Scripture consists chiefly in two parts his deceaveible Doctrines and his Kingly power The first of these being in measure abolished the latter was still retained by the Prelacy and some Lording Presbytery in greater or lesser measure as they could attaine unto it Now Satan who is daily walking to and fro compassing the Earth seeing how these resolved Souldiers of Christ in New England with indefatigable paines laboured not onely the finall ruine of Antichrist in both but also the advance of Christs Kingdome in seting up daily Churches according to his first institution Wherefore he sets upon a new way to stop if it were possible this worke of Reformation and seeing no other way will serve he stirs up instruments to cry down Antichrist as much as the most I and more too but by this project they should leade people as much out of the way on the other hand and in the Doctrinall part of Antichrists Kingdome fall to more horrid Blasphemies then the Papist as God willing you shall heare some of them did namely the Gortenist who most blasphemously professe themselves to be personally the Christ and as for the other part of his Kingdome namely the power or Dominion of the beast this they should with all violence batter downe also but it must be none other then to make way for their owne exaltation and pay them their wages in the former page promised them as also withall to overthow the authority Christ hath ordained to be continued in his Churches in and under him and furthermore to lock up the Sword of Civill Government for ever especially in matters that concerne the foure first Commands of God a cunning way to save the beasts head whole You have now heard of the intention you shall now see their actions The Lord Christ in his boundlesse mercy give all his people eyes to see and hearts to believe that after they have in measure escaped the filthy pollutions of the beast they may not againe be intangled with these damnabled Doctrines stealing away their hearts by degrees under a seeming shew of pulling down Antichrist The Embassadors of Christ Jesus having full liberty to deliver their masters minde Preach unto all the Doctrine of Free grace beseeching them to be reconciled unto God in Christ and that the revealed will of God is that all should be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth and that God hath given his onely begotten Son That whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting Life Yet withall minding them that Faith is the gift of God and none can come unto Christ but such as the Father drawes and withall that the whole will not see any need of the Phisicians but the sick adding also that none can come to the sight of his sicknesse or dead condition but by the Law of God unlesse they be quicker sighted then the Apostle They indevour also to build up others in their holy Faith that they might come to see the Love of God in Christ which passeth knowledge and to this end they shew them the fruits of Faith which worketh by love and that love will be obedient to all the commands of Christ who saith if you love me keepe my Commandements And further that Faith purifies the heart and that a constant supply must be had from Christ With these and the like sound and wholsome truths the Ministers of Christ feeds their severall flocks in New England drawing their Doctrines plainly from their Text and substantially backing them with store of Scripture and undeniable reason and then delivering to every Man his portion But this good old way would not serve the turne with certaine Sectaries that were hither come who like cunning Sophisters seeing the bent of the peoples hearts after so many mercies received was to magnifie the rich Grace of God in Christ they began to tell the people yet very privately that the most if not all the Ministers among them Preached a Covenant of workes either course or fine and with a what doe you say to this They begin to spread their Errors and Herefies laying the foundation of them as nere the truth as possible they can the easier to deceive but in the prosecution to be sure they ran far enough from it but to begin First they quarrell with the Doctrine of Faith in Christ and say a Soule is justified without it CHAP. XL. Of the cunning policy of Satan in that machevillian Principle divide and overcome and of the two first dividing
what a spirit of giddinesse they were given up to and some of them to strong delusions even to most horrid and damnable blasphemies having itching eares or rather proud desires to become Teachers of others when they grosly erred in the first Principles of Religion themselves There was a man in one of the farthest Townes of the Mattacusets Government where they had no Ministers for the present he being much desirous to shew himfelfe some body in talking to as many as hee could get to hear him one the Sabbath day missing some of his Auditors he meets with one of them some few dayes after they passing over the water together where were you quoth he on the Sabbath day that you were not at the meeting we had a notable piece of Prophecy quoth the man that was missing who was it that Preached The other replying not his Wife being in presence answered it was my husband nay wife quoth he thou shoulds not have told him teach him to stay at home another time By this and divers other such like matters which might be here inserted you may see how these Sectaries love the preheminence and for this end seeke to deprive the Ministers of Christ inv●igling as many as they can in the head that they take to much upon them just like the rebellious Korath Dathan and Abiram scoffing at their Scholler-like way of Preaching wherein the grosse dissimulation of these erronious persons hath appeared exceedingly as for instance first of a Woman even the grand M●st●is of all the rest who denied the Resurrection from the dead shee and her consorts mightily rayling against learning perswading all they could to take heed of being spoyled by it and in the meane time shee her selfe would dispute forsooth and to shew her skill that way here is a falacy quoth she in this syliogisme as also one of the Gortonists as shallow a pated Scholler as my selfe far from understanding Latine much lesse any other Language the Scriptures were writ in yet when hee would hold out some of the best of his false Doctrines as namely that there were no other Devills but wicked men nor no such thing as sin Quoth he that place in the fourth Psalme where men commonly read stand in awe and sin not in the originall it is read stand in awe and misse not But to go on at this time there were many strange Revelations told both of Men and Women as true some of them said as the Scripture so that surely had this Sect gone on awhile they would have made a new Bible and their chief Mistris when she was shipt for N. England what will you say quoth she and it hath beene revealed to me that we shall be there in six weekes and one of the femall Gortonists said she was a Proph●tesse and it was revealed unto her that shee must prophecy unto the People in the same words the Prophet Ezekiel did as also a lusty big man to defend this tenent held forth to his Pastor before the whole Congregation that the spirit of Revelation came to him as he was drinking a pipe of Tobacco The fourth dividing way to bring in their Heresies was to devide betweene Christ and his Ordinances and here they plaid their game to purpose even to casting down of all Ordinances as carnall and that because they were polluted by the Ordinance of man as some of these Sectaries have said to the Minister of Christ you have cast off the crosse in Baptisme but you should do well to cast off Baptisme it selfe as also for the Sacrament of the Lords Supper for to make use of Bread or the juce of a silly Grape to represent the Body and Bloud of Christ they accounted it as bad as Negromancy in the Ministers of Christ to pe●forme it But seeing there will be occasion to bring in a bedroule of these Blasphemies in the yeare 43 and 44 take the lesse here onely minde that these persons being first bewildred in the deniall of Infants being Baptized could neither finde right faith to be Baptized into nor yet any person rightly constituted to Baptize remaining Seekers they came to this but yet here must not be omitted the slights these Erronists had to shoulder out the Officers Christ hath ordained and set up in his Churches and verily in this point they sided directly with the Papist and Prelates although in most of the other they went directly out of the way on the other hand Ignorance say the Papist is the Mother of devotion it s better say the Protestant Prelates to have a blind si● John one that cannot tell how to Preach provided he will conforme to our Ceremonies than to have one that will Presch constantly and not conforme also these Erronist shewing themselves to be whelps of the same litter Cry out against a learned Presbitery as the onely way to captivate liberty and herein the transformed Devill came to shew his Hornes for why his errors would not take where the people were followers of their seeing guids and if it be well noted here is the Master-piece of all their knavery the which comes in after this manner The Lording Prelacy Popes Cardinalls Bishops Deanes c. Were ordinarily brought up at the University to learning and have most tyrannically abused it usurping over the People of Christ and exercised most inhumane and barbarous cruelty upon them as also the Presbyterian Kirke by these Provinciall Classes men of learning having robbed the particular Congregations of their just and lawfull priviledges which Christ hath purchased for them Each Congregation of his being invested with full power to Administer all the Ordinances he hath ordained in and toward their owne Members and further learned men in some places feeding the people for their Tith-sake in a Parishioniall way desire the upholding thereof lest their fat Benefices should grow leane Now the Redemption of the people of Christ out of all these bondages being full of difficulty to attaine as is abundantly witnessed in the great hardship Gods people have undergon in this Wildernesse-worke as also much more by that bloudy war so long continved in our Native Country and the two adjacent Kingdomes This makes a very faire bottome for those to build upon who would have the sluce of authority in the Officers of Christs Churches plucked up that so their errors might flow in like a floud And therefore they impannell a Jury of their own Sectaries to passe upon all such as put a higher esteem upon their Pastors and Teachers in point of discerning the holy things of God then upon other men who returne in their Verdit as finding them guilty of the crime above expressed either as party or privy abetters unto them upon this the Vote goes for advancing such men as will let them out line enough for such as will worke without wages and give to every man liberty to exercise a large conscience provided it be his own and as for authority they would
the present in the Mount and you in the Vally fighting yet surely they had neede of helpe to hold up their hands whereas the nerenesse of the danger to you in the enemies overcoming is a great motive to keepe up yours stedy yet may you say rightly to the Churches of Christ here as Mordachy to Hester the Queene if you hold your peace deliverance shall come another way and thinke not to escape because you are in New England Assuredly the Lord is doing great things and waites for the prayers of his people that he may be gratious unto them and ve●ily the poore Churches of Christ heere cannot but take notice of the great workes the Lord hath done for you of late which are famous throughout the whole World And should they not take them as an answer of these weake prayers they feare they should neglect to magnify his mercy toward you and them the noble acts of the Lord Christ for the freedome of his people from that into lerable Prelaticall bondage are almost miraculously committed to memory by the able servants of Christ whom hee hath stirred up for that very end yet must you not shut out the valiant souldiers of Christ disciplin'd in this unwonted Wildernesse from having share with you in the worke yet no farther but that Christ may be all in all who hath caused the Midianites to fight against Midian till the true Israelites had gathered themselves together hee it is that hath brought the counsells of the wicked to naught hee it is that hath discovered the secret plo●tings of the King of Assyria even in his Bed-chamber Hee it is that hath declared himself to be with your mighty men of valour and assuredly all you valiant Souldiers of Christ both in one England and the other the Lord hath shewed you as great signes and wonders for the strengthening of your faith as was the wetting and drying of the fl●ece to Gedeon onely beware of setting up an Ephod in the latter end Let the Churches of Christ be set up according to his first institution or you will make double worke for all may see by what is done already there is nothing too hard for him hee will downe with all againe and againe till his Kingdom alone be exalted for the which all the Israel of God fight wrastle pray and here you may see the servants of Christ fighting at 900 leagues distant Oh you proud Bishops that would have all the World stoope to your Lordly power the heathen Romans your predecessors after they had banished John to the Isle of Pathmos suffered him quietly to injoy the Revelation of Jesus Christ there here is a people that have betaken themselves to a newfound World distanced from you with the widest Ocean the World affords and yet you grudge them the purity of Christs Ordinances there No wonder then nay wonder all the World at the sudden and unexpected downfall of these domineering Lords who had Princes to protect them armes to defend them and almost three whole Kingdomes at their command and no enemy of theirs in sight onely there appeares a little cloud about the bignesse of a mans hand out of the Westerne Ocean I but the Lord Christ is in it out of Sion the perfection of beauty hath God shined Our God shall come and shall not keepe silence a Fire shall devour afore him mighty tempests shall be moved round about him Now gather together you King-like Bishops and make use of all the Kingly power you can for the cloud is suddenly come up he rode upon Cherub and did flie And now let the Children of Sion rejoyce in their King for the Lord hath pleasure in his people hee will make the meeke glorious by deliverance And that the whole Earth may know it is the Lords owne worke the Arch-prelate and his complices must begin to war with the Scots and that implacably the Prelates desire a Parliament thinking to establish iniquity by a Law but the iniquity of the Ammorites is already full and all your cunning counsells shall but contrive your owne destruction They remonstrant against all Acts of Parliament that passe without their Vote and by this means wind out themselves for ever voting more they devise how they may have such persons committed to prison at favour not their proceeding But the Lord turned their mischiefe they had conceived upon their own pates and they themselves were sent to prison by halfe a score at a time And such was the unsavourynesse of this seeming salt that it was good for nothing but to Lord it over others their tyranny being taken out of their hands they could not indure to be commanded by any And therefore unfit for the war which they stirred up to recover the people againe under their bondage yet such was the madnesse of some that they loved their servitude so well as to fight for it but surely such had never rightly knowne the service of the Lord Christ which is perfect freedome from all such tyrannous yo●ks and verily just it is with the Lord to cause such to be servants unto Shishak that they may know the service of the Lord and the service of the Kingdomes of the Country But however an Army is raised to defend their Lordly dignity Let the Saints be joyfull with glory let the high Acts of God be in their mouths and a two edged Sword in their hands to bind their Kings in chaines and their Nobles in setters of Iron the Charets of the Lord are twenty thousand thousands of Angells the Lord is among them as in Sinai Kings of Armies did flee apace and now you that have borne such a wicked spirit of malignity against the people of Christ can your hearts indure and your hands wax strong in the day that he shall have to doe with you Oh you proud Prelates that boast so much of your taking the Kings part miserable partakers are you in stead of obeying him you have caused him to obey you it s writ in such great capitall letters that a child may read it what was the cause of the first raising war against the Scots which occasioned the Parliament when you saw they would not further the war as you would have them they were soone traytors in your account and prosecuted against with Army after army and was not all this to make the Scots receive your Injunctions a very fayer bottom to build a bloudy war upon that the Prelatticall power might Lord it in Scotland as they of a long time had done in England it was your Pithagorian Phylosophy that caused the King to loose his Life by perswading him his Kingly power lived in your Lordly dignity as a thing subordinate unto it and he so deeply taken with this conceit that it cost the lives of many thousands more then ever hee or his Father would doe for saving or recovering the Pa●latine Country Experience hath taught the savage Indians among whom we live that they may and
of Christ were much edified in their holy faith by their indefatigable pains of their Ministers in their weekly Lectures extraordinary as well as by their Sabboth-Assemblies and continuall visiting of their people from house to house endeavouring to heale the hurts these false deceivers had made with double diligence showring downe the sweet dews of the blessed Gospel of Jesus Christ to the converting of many a poor soul and indeed now were the glorious days of New England the Churches of Christ increase dayly and his eminent Embassadours resort unto them from our native Country which as then lay under the tyranny of the Monarchall Arch-prelates which caused the servants of Christ to wander from their home This yeare the reverend and judicious M. Jos Glover undertook this long voyage being able both in person and estate for the work he provided for further compleating the Colonies in Church and Common-wealth-work a Printer which hath been very usefull in many respects the Lord seeing it meet that this reverend and holy servant of his should fall short of the shores of New England but yet at this time he brought over the zealous aff●cted and judicious servant of his Master Ezekiel Rogers who with a holy and humble people made his progress to the North-Eastward and erected a Towne about 6. miles from Ipswich called Rowly wanting room they purehased some addition of the Town of Newbery yet had they a large length of land onely for the neere conveniency to the Towne of Ipswich by the which meanes they partake of the continued Lectures of either Towne these people being very industrious every way soone built many houses to the number of about threescore families and were the first people that set upon making of Cloth in this Western World for which end they built a sulling-mill and caused their little-ones to be very diligent in spinning cotten wooll many of them having been clothiers in England till their zeale to promote the Gospel of Christ caused them to wander and therefore they were no lesse industrious in gathering into Church-society there being scrace a man among them but such as were meet to be living stones in this building according to the judgement of man they called to the office of a Pastor this holy man of God Mr. Ezekiel Rogers o● whom this may be said Christ for this work Rogers doth riches give Rich graces fit his people for to feed Wealth to supply his wants whilst here he live Free thou receiv'st to serve his peoples need England may mourne they thee no longer keep English rejoice Christ doth such worthyes raise His Gospel preach unfold his mysteries deep Weak dust made strong sets forth his makers praise With fervent zeale and courage thou hast fought ' Gainst that transformed Dragon and his bands Snatcht forth the burning thou poore soules hast caught And freed thy flock from wolves devouring hands Ezekiel mourn not thou art severed farre From thy deare Country to a desart land Christ call'd hath thee unto this worthy warre By him o'rcome he holds thy Crowne in 's hand For the further assisting of this tender flock of Chrst the reverend Mr. John Miller did abide among them for some space of time preaching the Word of God unto them also till it pleased the Lord to call him to be Pastor of the Church of Christ at Yarmouth in Plimoth patten where he remaineth at this very day With courage bold Miller through Seas doth venter To toyl it out in this great Western wast Thy stature low one object high doth center Higher then Heaven thy faith on Christ is plac't Allarum thou with silver trumpet sound And t●ll the World Christs Armyes are at hand With Scripture truths thou Errors dost confound And overthrow all Antichristian bands It matters not for th'worlds high reputation The World must fall and Christ alone must stand Thy Crown 's prepar'd in him then keep thy station Joy that Christs Kingdome is so neare at hand CHAP. XII Of the great Earthquake in New England and of the wofull end of some erronious persons with the first foundation of Harverd Colledge THis yeare the first day of the Fourth Month about two of the clock in the after-noone the Lord caus'd a great and terrible Earth quake which was generall throughout all the English Plantations the motion of the Earth was such that it caused divers men that had never knowne an Earth quake before being at worke in the Fields to cast downe their working-tooles and run with gastly terrified lookes to the next company they could meet withall it came from the Westerne and uninhabited parts of this Wildernesse and went the direct course this brood of Travellers came the Ministers of Christ many of them could say at that very time not from any other Revelation but what the word holds forth that if the Churches of New England were Gods house then suddenly there would follow great alterations in the Kingdomes of Europe This yeare the civill government proceeded to censure the residue of thofe sinfull erroneous persons who raised much commotion in this little Common-wealth who being banished resorted to a place more Southward some of them sitting down at a place called Providence others betooke them to an Island about 16. miles distant from the former called Rode Island where having Elbow roome enough none of the Ministers of Christ nor any other to interrupt their false and deceivable Doctrines they hamper'd themselves fouly with their owne line and soone shewed the depthlesse ditches that blinde guides lead into many among them being much to be pittyed who were drawne from the truth by the bewitching tongues of some of them being very ignorant and easily perverted and although the people were not many in all yet were they very diverse in their opinions and glad where they could gaine most Disciples to heare them some were for every day to be a Sabbath and therefore kept not any Sabbath-day at all others were some for one thing some for another and therefore had their severall meetings making many a goodly piece of Preachment among whom there were some of the female sexe who deeming the Apostle Paul to be too strict in not permitting a roome to preach in the publique Congregation taught notwithstanding they having their call to this office from an ardent desire of being famous especially the grand Mistresse of them all who ordinarily prated every Sabbath day till others who thirsted after honour in the same way with her selfe drew away her Auditors and then she withdrew her self her husband and her family also to a more remote place and assuredly although the Lord be secret in all the dispensation of his providences whether in judgement or mercy yet much may be learn'd from all as sometimes pointing with the finger to the lesson as here these persons withdrawing from the Churches of Christ wherein he walketh and is to be found in his blessed Ordinances to a first and second place where they
came to a very sad end for thus it came to passe in the latter place The Indians in those parts forwarned them of making their abode there yet this could be no warning to them but still they continued being amongst a multitude of Indians boasted they were become all one Indian and indeed this woman who had the chiefe rule of all the roast being very bold in her strange Revelations and mis-applications tells them though all nations and people were cut off round about them yet should not they till on a day certaine Indians coming to her house discoursing with them they wished to tye up her doggs for they much bit the man not mistrusting the Indians guile did so the which no sooner done but they cruelly murthered her taking one of their daughters away with them another of them seeking to escape is caught as she was getting over a hadge and they drew her back againe by the haire of the head to the stump of a tree and there cut off her head with a hatchet the other that dwelt by them betook them to boat and fled to tell this sad newes the rest of their companions who were rather hardened in their sinfull way and blasphemous opinions than brought to any sight of their damnable Errours as you shall after hear yet was not this the first loud speaking hand of God against them but before this the Lord had poynted directly to their sinne by a very fearfull Monster that another of these women brought forth they striving to bury it in oblivion but the Lord brought it to light setting forth the view of their monstrous Errors in this prodigious birth This yeare although the estates of these pilgrim people were much wasted yet seeing the benefit that would accrew to the Churches of Christ and Civil Government by the Lords blessing upon learning they began to erect a Colledge the Lord by his provident hand giving his approbation to the work in sending over a faithfull and godly servant of his the reverend Mr John Harverd who joyning with the people of Christ at Charles Towne suddainly after departed this life and gave near a thousand pound toward this work wherefore the Government thought it meet to call it Harverd Colledge in remembrance of him Ip Harverd had with riches here been taken He need not then through troublous Seas have past But Christs bright glory hath thine eyes so waken Nought can content thy soule of him must tast Ohtast and tell how sweet his Saints among Christ ravisht hath thy heart with heavenly joyes To preach and pray with teares affection strong From hearts delight in him who thee imployes Scarce hast thou had Christs Churches here in eye But thou art call'd to eye him face to face Earths scant contents death drawes thee from for why Full joy thou wouldst that 's onely in heavens place CHAP. XIII Of the coming over of the honoured Mr. Pelham and the planting of the seaventeenth Church of Christ at the Towne of Hampton THis yeare 1639. John Winthrope Esq was chosen Governour and Thomas Dudly Esq Deputy Governour the number of freemen added were about 83. This yeare came over the much honoured Mr. Herbert Pelham a man of a courteous behaviour humble and heavenly minded HArbertus hye on valiant Why lingerst thou so long Christs work hath need of hasty speed his enemies are strong In wildernesse Christ doth thee blesse with vertues wife and seed To govern thou at length didst bow to serve Christs peoples need To thine own soyle thou back dost toyle then cease not lab ring there But still advance Christs Ordinance and shrink no where for fear Much about this time began the Town of Hampton in the Country of Northfolk to have her foundation stone laid scituate neare the Sea-coast not farre from the famous River of Merimeck the great store of salt marsh did intice this people to set downe their habitations there for as yet Cowes and Cattell of that kinde were not come to the great downfall in their price of which they have about 450. head and for the form of this Towne it is like a Flower-de-luce two streets of houses wheeling off from the maine body thereof the land is fertile but filled with swamps and some store of rocks the people are about 60. Families being gathered together into Church covenant they called to office the reverend grave and gracious Mr. Doulton having also for some little space of time the more ancient Mr. Batchelor of whom you have heard in the former Book to preach unto them also here take a short remembrance of the other DOulton doth teach perspicuously and sound With Wholsome truths of Christ thy flock dost feed Thy honour with thy labour doth abound Age crownes thy head in righteousnesse proceed To batter downe root up and quite destroy All Heresies and Errors that draw back Vnto perdition and Christs folk annoy To warre for him thou weapons dost not lack Long dayes to see that long'd for day to come Of Babels fall and Israels quiet peace Thou yet maist live of dayes so great a sum To see this work let not thy warfare cease CHAP. XIV Of the planting the eighteenth Church of Christ at the Towne of Salsbury FOr further perfecting this Wildernesse-work not far from the Towne of Hampton was erected another Towne called Salsbury being brought forth as Twins sometime contending for eldership This being seated upon the broade swift torrent of Merrimeck a very goodly River to behold were it not block● up with some suddaine falls through the rocks over against this Towne lyeth the Towne of Newberry on the Southern side of the River a constant Ferry being kept between for although the River be about half a mile broad yet by reason of an Island that lies in the midst thereof it is the better passed in troublesom weather the people of this Towns have of late placed their dwellings so much distanced the one from the other that they are like to divide into two Churches the scituation of this Towne is very pleasant were the Rivers Navigable farre up the branches thereof abound in faire and goodly medowes with good store of stately Timber upon the uplands in many places this Towne is full as fruitfull in her Land Chattell and Inhabitants as her Sister Hampton the people joyned in Church relation or brotherhood nere about the time the other did and have desired and obtained the reverend and graciously godly M. Thomas Woster to be their Pastor WIth mickle labour and distressed wants Woster thou hast in desart's depth remain'd Thy chiefest dayes Christs Gospel there to plant And water well such toyle shall yeild great gaine Oh happy day may Woster say that I Was singled out for this great work in hand Christ by distresse doth Gold for 's Temple try Thrice blest are they may in his Presence stand But more thou art by him reserved yet To see on earth Christ's Kingdom 's exaltation More yet thou art
is apt to forget himself in things that concern his own good both him and the like gracious M. Flint is here remembred WIth twofold cord doth Flint and Tompson draw In Christ's yoke his fallow ground to break Wounding mens hearts with his most righteous Law Cordials apply to weary souls and weak Tompson thou hast Christ's folk incouraged To war their warfare putting them in mind That Christ their King will make his sons the drond The day 's at hand when they shall mastery find Flint be a second to this Champion stout In Christ's your strength while you for him do war When first doth faint a second helps him out Till Christ renew with greater strength by far From East to West your labours lasted have The more you toil the more your strength encreaseth Your works will bide when you are laid in grave His truth advance whose Kingdom never coaseth CHAP. XIX Of the first promation of learning in New-England and the extraordinary providences that the Lord was pleased to send for furthering of the same TOward the latter end of this Summer came over the learned reverend and judicious Mr. Henry Dunster before whose coming the Lord was pleased to provide a Patron for erecting a Colledg as you have formerly heard his provident hand being now no less powerful in pointing out with his unerring finger a president abundantly fitted this his servant and sent him over for to mannage the work and as in all the other passages of this history the Wonder-working Providence of S●●ns Saviour hath appeared so more especially in this work the Fountains of learning being in a grea● measure stopped in our Native Country at this time so tha● the sweet waters of Shilo's streams must ordinarily pass into the Churches through the stinking channel of prelatical pride beside all the filth that the fountains themselves were daily incumbred withall insomuch that the Lord turned aside often from them and refused the breathings of his blessed Spirit among them which caused Satan in these latter daies of his transformation into an Angel of light to make it a means to perswade people from the use of learning altogether that so in the next generation they might be destitute of such helps as the Lord hath been pleased hitherto to make use of as chief means for the conversion of his people and building them up in the holy faith as also for breaking downe the Kingdom of Antichrist and verily had not the Lord been pleased to furnish N. E. with means for the attainment of learning the work would have been carried on very heavily and the hearts of godly parents would have vanish'd away with heaviness for their poor children whom they must have left in a desolare wilderness destitute of the meanes of grace It being a work in the apprehension of all whose capacity could reach to the great sums of money the edifice of a mean ●olledg would cost past the reach of a poor Pilgrim people who had expended the greatest part of their estates on a long voyage travelling into Forraign Countryes being unprofitable to any that have undertaken it although it were but with their necessary attendance whereas this people were forced to travel with wifes children and servants besides they considered the troble charge of building in this new populated desart in regard of al kind of workmanship knowing likewise that young Students could make but a poor progress in learning by looking on the bare walls of their chambers and that Diogenes would have the better of them by far in making use of a Tun to lodg in not being ignorant also that many people in this age are out of conceit with learning and that although they were not among a people who counted ignorance the mother of devotion yet were the greater part of the people wholly devoted to the Plow but to speak uprightly hunger is sharp and the head will retain little learning if the heart be not refreshed in some competent measure with food although the gross vapors of a glutted stomack are the bane of a bright understanding and brings barrenness to the brain but how to have both go on together as yet they know not amidst all these difficulties it was thought meet learning should plead for it self and as many other men of good rank and quality in this barren desart plod out a way to live Hereupon all those who had tasted the sweet wine of Wisdoms drawing and fed on the dainties of knowledg began to set their wits a work and verily as the whole progress of this work had a farther dependency then on the present eyed means so at this time chiefly the end being firmly fixed on a sure foundation namely the glory of God and good of all his elect people the world throughout in vindicating the truths of Christ and promoting his glorious Kingdom who is now taking the heathen for his inheritance and the utmost ends of the earth for his possession means they know there are many thousands uneyed of mortal man which every daies Providence brings forth upon these resolutions to work they go and with thankful acknowledgment readily take up all lawful means as they come to hand for place they fix their eye upon New-Town which to tell their Posterity whence they came is now named Cambridg and withal to make the whole world understand that spiritual learning was the thing they chiefly desired to sanctifie the other and make the whole lump holy and that learning being set upon its right object might not contend for error instead of truth they chose this place being then under the Orthodox and soul-flourishing Ministery of Mr. Thomas Shepheard of whom it may be said without any wrong to others the Lord by his Ministery hath saved many a hundred soul The scituation of this Colledg is very pleasant at the end of a spacious plain more like a bowling green then a Wilderness neer a fair navigable river environed with many Neighbouring Towns of note being so neer that their houses joyn with her Suburbs the building thought by some to be too gorgeous for a Wilderness and yet too mean in others apprehensions for a Colledg it is at present in larging by purchase of the neighbour houses it hath the conveniencies of a fair Hall comfortable Studies and a good Library given by the liberal hand of some Magistrates and Ministers with others The chief gift towards the founding of this Colledg was by Mr. John Harnes a reverend Minister the Country being very weak in their publike Treasury expended about 500. l. towards it and for the maintenance thereof gave the yearly revenue of a Ferry passage between Boston and Charles Town the which amounts to about 40. or 50. l. per annum The Commissioners of the four united Colonies also taking into consideration of what common concernment this work would be not only to the whole plantations in general but also to all our English Nation they endeavoured to stir up all
of her and he not partakers of her sins now is the time when the Lord hath assembled his Saints together now the Lord will come and not tarry As it was necessary that there should be a Moses and Aaron before the Lord would deliver his people and destroy Pharaoh lest they should be wildred indeed in the Wilderness so now it was needfull that the Churches of Christ should first obtain their purity and the civill government its power to defend them before Antichrist come to his finall ruine and because you shall be sure the day is come indeed behold the Lord Christ marshalling of his invincible Army to the battell some suppose this onely to be mysticall and not literall at all assuredly the spirituall fight is chiefly to be attended and the other not neglected having a neer dependancy one upon the other especially at this time the Ministers of Christ who have cast off all lording power over one another are created field-Officers whose Office is extravagant in this Army chiefly to encourage the fighting Souldiers and to lead them on upon the enemy in the most advantagious places and bring on fresh supplies in all places of danger to put the sword of the spirit in their Souldiers hands but Christ who is their general must onely enable them to use it aright to give every Souldier in charge that they watch over one another to see that none meddle with the execrable things of Antichrist and this to be performed in every Regiment throughout the Army and not one to exercise dominion over the other by way of superiority for Christ hath appointed a parity in all his Regiments c. let them beware that none go apart with rebellious Korah And further behold Kings Rulers or Generals of Earths Armies doth Christ make use of in this day of battell the which he hath brought into the field already also who are appointed to defend uphold and maintain the whole body of his Armies against the insolent beastly and bloody cruelty of their insatiable enemies and to keep order that none do his fellow-Souldier any wrong nor that any should raise a mutiny in the hosts Notwithstanding all this if any shall say they will not believe the day is come till they see them ingage battell with Antichrist Verily if the Lord be pleased to open your eyes you may see the beginning of the fight and what success the Armies of our Lord Christ have hitherto had the Forlorne hopes of Antichrists Army were the proud Prelates of England the Forlorne of Christs Armies were these N. E. people who are the subject of this History which encountring each other for some space of time ours being overpowered with multitude were forced to retreat to a place of greater safety where they waited for a fresh opportunity to ingage with the main battell of Antichrist so soon as the Lord shall be pleased to give a word of Command Immediately upon this success the Lord Christ was pleased to command the right Wing of his Army to advance against the left Wing of Antichrist where in his former forlorn hopes of proud Prelates lay these by our right Wing had their first pay for that they had done to our forlorne before being quite overthrown and cut in peices by the valiant of the Lord in our right Wing who still remain fighting Thus far of the battell of Antichrist and the various success what the issue will be is assuredly known in the generall already Babylon is fallen the God of truth hath said it then who would not be a Souldier on Christs side where is such a certainty of victory nay I can tell you a farther word of encouragement every true-hearted Souldier that falls by the sword in this fight shall not lye dead long but stand upon his feet again and be made partaker of the triumph of this Victory and none can be overcome but by turning his back in fight And for a word of terrour to the enemy let them know Christ will never give over the raising of fresh Forces till they are overthrown root and branch And now you antient people of Israel look out of your Prison grates let these Armies of the Lord Christ Jesus provoke you to acknowledge he is certainly come I and speedily he doth come to put life into your dry bones here is a people not onely praying but fighting for you that the great block may be removed out of the way which hath hindered hitherto that they with you may enjoy that glorious resurrection-day the glorious nuptials of the Lamb when not only the Bridegroom shall appear to his Churches both of Jews and Gentiles which are his spouse in a more brighter aray then ever heretofore but also his Bride shall be clothed by him in the richest garments that ever the Sons of men put on even the glorious graces of Christ Jesus in such a glorious splendor to the eyes of man that they shall see and glorifie the Father of both Bridegroom and Bride OH King of Saints how great 's thy work say we Done and to do poor Captives to redeem Mountaines of mercy makes this work to be Glorious that grace by which thy works are seen Oh Jesu thou a Saviour unto thine Not works but grace makes us this mercy find Of sinners cheife no better men they be Thou by thy work hast made thy work to do Thy Captaines strength weak dust appears in thee While thou art brought such wondrous works unto Then Christ doth all I all is done for his Redeemed ones his onely work it is Doth Christ build Churches who can them deface He purchast them none can his right deny Not all the world ten thousand worlds his grace Caus'd him once them at greater price to buy Nor marvell then if Kings and Kingdomes he Destroy'd when they do cause his folke to flee Christ is come down possession for to take Of his deer purchase who can hinder him Not all the Armies earthly men can make Millions of spirits although Divels grim Can Pope or Turke with all their mortall power Stay Christ from his inheritance one hour All Nations band your selves together now You shall fall down as dust from bellows blown How easie can our King your power bow Though higher you in mens accompt were grown As drop in bucket shall those waters be Whereon that Whore doth sit in high degree Christs wrath is kindled who can stand before His anger that so long hath been provoked In moment perish shall all him before Who touch'd Mount Sinai and it soundly smoaked New-England Churches you are Christs you say So sure are all that walk in Christs way No such need fear fury of men or Divels Why Christ among you takes his dayly walk He made you gold you keeps from rusting evils And hid you here from strife of tongues proud talke Amongst his he for their defence doth bide They need no more that have Christ on their side Man be not