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A14707 Antichrist, that is to saye: A true reporte, that Antichriste is come wher he was borne, of his persone, miracles, what tooles he worketh withall, and what shalbe his ende: translated out of Latine into Englishe. by I.O.; Antichristus. English Gwalther, Rudolf, 1519-1586.; Old, John, fl. 1545-1555. 1556 (1556) STC 25009; ESTC S119373 149,758 392

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were three of the furst hornes plueked awaye c. And forasmuche as by this litle horne the mysterie of Antichrist is figured as it shal herafter be declared we must furst of all marke well the furst parte of the prophetes vision And hauing gottē an angel to interprete it to him he learned that by these foure beastes foure Kinges or Monarkes also foure Monarchies kingdomes are figured that is to saye euen the same that the heathē writours make reporte of in their bokes of histories surely they came out by the wynde of Goddes prouidence stering the great Oceane sea of all the worlde The furst is the kingdome of the Babilonianes or Assirianes vnder whose dominion and power Daniel was than in subiectiō And this kingdome is cōpared to the Lyon that had eagles wynges For like as the lyon is the noblest among the foure foted beastes as a king hathe power ouer the residue of beastes euen so the kingdom of Babilon or of the Assirianes excelled among all other kingdomes in streynght valeauntnesse nobilitie preeminence also in spedie incredible fortune of victories and successes it ranne through all the worlde rounde about as it hade ben a most swifte Eagle Neuertheles bicause the princes of it were prowde disdaynous hault beganne to haue God in contempt to muche folishely to chalenge all the glorie to their owne puissaunce the winges of it were pluete awaye whan the fortune of victories was taken from it it was set on his fete as men be in suche wise doubtles as the kynges therof being by Goddes iudgement throughlye tamed shoulde knowe them selues to be men bothe mortal fraile The seconde is the kingdome of the Persiās that was aduaūced to so highe power of their most victorious king Cyrus that it wāne the monarchie Empire of all the worlde This kingdome bicause it was exceading great houge beyond measure therfore very hard to be kept in subiectiō is compared to a Beare which is a mightie houge beast a folishe And it is said of him that he deuoured muche fleshe and that he helde in his tethe three great tethe For like as Cyrus extēded the limites of his Empire farre and wide euen so he occupied by and by at the begynnyng of his Empire three most large kingdomes that is to wete of the Persianes Medes Babilonianes The thrid kingdome is the kingdome of the Macedonians or Grekes the furst autor wherof we reade was Alexandre the great This kingdome the holy goost cōpareth to the Leoparde that hade foure winges and was harnessed wyth as many hornes Hereby is noted the wylie subtil and craftye natural witte of the people of the grekes which wrought their maters almost wyth subtilties wyles like the Leoparde which is an exceding wylie beast The wynges also betoken that notable peerles celeritie of Alexandre the great who wythin a fewe yeares space wyth his stering of warres went cleane ouer Asia and Aphrike and subdued them vnder his owne dominion But this leoparde is in sight armed wyth foure hornes forsomuche as after the deathe of Alexander the great the hole Empire was diuided of his owne mē whom he made gouernours in to foure kingdomes that is to wete the Egipcianes Sirianes Asianes and Macedonianes The fourthe kingdome is the kingdome of the Romaynes which for victorious streynght vnshrynking courage shameles audacitie power crueltie and most merciles tyrannye is cōpared to a newe and vnknowne beast that hathe no certayn name For it is manifest that the people of the Romaynes being most gredye of Empire and large autoritie occupied all the kingdomes of the worlde dilated the coastes of their empire farre and broade deuoured all regiones with their insaciable gredynesse brought all naciones and people in subiection gathered all the substaūce richesse of the hole world in to their owne citie and trode tare and stroyed all naciones vnder the cruell fete of their ambicion In these mennes empire and monarchie Daniel describeth all the mysterie of Antichrist in these wordes This beast hade tē hornes wherof I toke good hede And beholde ther growed out an other litle horne among them before whō three of the furst hornes were broken plucked awaye And behold ther were hornes in this horne lyke the eyes of a man a mouth speaking presumptuous thinges semed more stoute thā the other Which horne also whan I loked on made bataile with the saintes and preuailed against them vntil the olde aged came iudgement was geuen to the saintes on hye til the appointed time was come that the saintes shoulde haue the kyngdome Al these thinges I say Daniel was taught in vision concerning the mysteries of Antichrist and the interpretaciō of the same which he himself learned of the Angell and describeth here after in these wordes The fourth beast signifieth the fourth Kyngdome that shal be in the worlde which must diffre from al kingdomes and deuour all the earthe breake al to barste it And the ten hornes betoken that out of it ten Kynges shal ryse and after them ther shall ryse an other diffring frō the farther which shall oppresse throwe downe three kynges Be shall also talke of diuine maters but he shal trappe the holy saintes shal chalenge to him self to chaunge the state of tymes lawes which shal be deliuered vnto his autoritie whether it be a long space of tyme or a shorte Finally the iudgemēt is set they haue taken his dominion from him that he maye be vtterly wasted and destroyed But to the people of the holy saintes shal be delyuered the kingdome and dominion and largenesse of kyngdomes vnder al the heauē their kyngdome is an euerlasting kyngdome all high astates shal serue and obey him This verely is the interpretacion of the vision which was geuē to Daniel by the Angel teacheth by some certayn vnfallible markes that by this litell horne the great aduersarie of our saueour Christ euen Antichrist is represented For the Prophete sayeth that he shal moue batayl against the saintes that is to saye against the faythfulles whome Christ hath sanctified with his owne blood Besides this that he shal speake presumptuous thinges and that wyth suche an insolencie that he shall also entremeddle communicaciō of diuine maters And yet it sufficeth not him to haue spokē such thīges but he must also take vpon hym power to chaūge the state and cōdicions of tymes and of al maters of this worlde yea the lawe it selfe and the ordinaunces at his pleasure All which thinges can ryghtly be ascribed vnto none other but to that myghtie and famous aduersarie of Christ our Lorde Antichrist I meane But of this we shall more largely and more plainly speake in the treatise folowyng Nowe ther is that other place of this treatise behinde which I promymised to bringe furthe of the Apostle Paule which with more cleare wordes expoundeth the
and shal make him handsom to deuillishe seruices But as sone as he shall com through to Ierusalem his seate shal be set in the tēple of God and as many of the nombre of christianes and faithful people as he coulde not begyle with his lies and wylie deceates he shal torment with horrible kyndes of punishemēt suche as hathe not ben hearde of and than put them to deathe For they write that Salomons temple must be builded vp again by him so as he shall sytte in it and set furthe him selfe in the title of the true Messias and sonne of God And he shall also sende furthe his apostles in to al the world by wose ministerie and trauaile he shall drawe away vnto his syde furst the princes myndes and than the cōmon people of whom som beyng corrupt with rewardes and desyre of rychesse som beyng frayde with threatnynges and feare of daungers and the reste beyng begyled wyth newe facions of miracles and with innumerable deceates shall applye vnto him But as many as will not beleue in his forged lyes he shall slea and destroy them with cruel paines among whom bothe Helias and Enoch the forerūners of the last iudgemēt shal necessarily be put to death And at leinght whā these tyrānous persecucions shal haue endured the space of two yeares an halfe the last day of the Lorde shall come vpon him and make an ende of miseries These I saye welbeloued brethrē in Christ are Satanes forged fables of Antichrist which that wicked craftes maister of lyes hath decked garnished euen with testimonies of scriptures to thintēt vndoubtedly that whā we haue cōceaued a false ymaginaciō loke an other way he myght be hable in the meane tyme to stere vp the tyrāny of the right Antichrist with myghtie power to cōfirme it to mennes destruction vndoyng For thys same cause therfore his drift was to declare him to be among the infortunate people of Iewes and to sende abroade the ymaginacions of our wittes out to Babilon and than to make muche pryttle pratle of Salomōs tēple which after the vndeniable sentence of Christ our Lorde shall neuer be possible to be buylded vp agayne to the intent in the meane while he shoulde not once come in our remembraūce that hath exalted his heade at Rome in the cōgregaciō of the faythfull beyng with suche abominable saucy entreprise exalted euen against the Lorde hymselfe hathe infected the simple rude mennes myndes wyth most greuous errours We had nede therfore to be in this case so muche the more carefull and studiously diliget as it is cōueniēt for vs to marke more narowly this worde Anrichrist and more diligently to boult out the meaning of it so as it maye most fully appeare vnto vs to what maner man that name ought to be imputed Antichristus is a Greke worde and being compounded of Anti which signifieth contrarietie and ouerthwartenesse and Christus wherof we haue spoken before betokeneth him that is contrarie against the Lorde Christ and chalengeth to him selfe by vniuste title and wicked arrogauncie the honour glorie and al offices elles whiche are due to none but to Christ our saueour Wherupon Paule respecting the mater rather than the name calleth him Antikeimenon bicause he sytteth in the temple of God and exalteth him selfe aboue all that is worshipped in the stede of God And by the same compounde figure also the Antichristian men call him Antipapam that is either vnlaufully chosen of others or beyng moued of hys owne folye obiecteth him self against the laufully chosen Pope and wrongfully vexeth or elles occupieth that seate of abominacion To be brief inasmuche as the name of Antichrist soundeth contrarie and against Christ it behoueth vs furst of al to know acknowlage our lorde saueour Christ with al those thinges that ꝓprely belōg vnto him For therby we shal openly see who is the right Antichrist who ought to be rightely called Antichrist Now than as touching Christ Iesus the holy scriptures paynt and set him out vnto vs of such sorte as him that being from euerlasting verye God and of all one essence and substaunce with his heauenly father toke vpon him for our sakes at the tymes appointed the very fleshe and nature of man being like vnto ours in all thinges synne excepte to thintēt he might be our chief hygh bishop Whose office he hathe so accomplished that in offring him selfe on the altare of the crosse he made oblation vnto God the heauenly father with a perfite and a sufficient sacrifice for the synnes of al the worlde And whā he hade fynished the busynesse of our redēpciō on the altare of the crosse he was buried by his owne diuine power he raised vp frō deathe his body that is to wete the very manhead which he hade taken to thintent he might breake put quyte awaye the power of deathe which it hade ouer vs. Than after warde he caried his body in to the heauens that he might set open vnto vs again the gates of heauē which the transgression of our furst parent and the synnes of vs all hade shutte vp before and that he might there appeare before God the father a faithful aduocate and mediatour for vs and might also be in stede of a pledge and a gage wherby our faithe shoulde be confirmed wherby also we beleue that our bodies shall through faithe haue possession in the very same kyngdome of heauens euerlasting blessednesse For which causes sake the holy scripture is accustomed to name the self same Christ our head our highe priest our kyng our saueour our redemour our mediatour and euen the one only waye of life and euerlasting saluacion which the scripture also dothe make good with most abundaunt testimonies as muche as we haue now spoken of For Paule the apostle writing to his Philippianes in the 2. Chap. saithe thus Christ Iesus whan he was in the shape of God that is to saye very God thought it no robberie to be equall with God neuertheles he made him self of no reputacion taking on him the shape of a seruaunt and became like vnto men and was founde in his apparail as a man that is to saye a very man made like vnto vs in all thinges synne except he humbled him self and became obedient vnto deathe euen the deathe of the crosse Again in his furst epistle to Timothee the. 1. Chap. Christ Iesus quam he came in to the worlde to saue synners of whom I am chief c. And in an other place Hebr. 9. he writeth on this wise As it is appointed vnto all men that they shall once dye and than cometh iudgement euen so was Christ once offred to take away the synnes of many vnto them that loke for him shall he appeare againe without synne vnto saluacion And a lytel before these wordes we reade that the same Apostle wrote on this maner For Christ is not entred into the holy places that are made
although they lytel considered yet it is a most true sayeng For the nerer we are vnto Antichrist so muche the farther of we must nedes be from Christ Iesu vnto whom it becomed vs to cleaue with a constaūt vndisseuered faithe Let this be sufficiently ynoughe sayde of the mater that we propoūded in the furst place We must now therfore passe ouer to the secōde question that is to were we must searche by what meanes reasons Antichrist shal occupie that so large so mightie an Empire of his Howbeit we shal knowe euen that same by the notable sayenges bothe of Daniel the prophet Paule thapostle which cōsidered we will compare the bishop of Rome and his empire and tirānye with them to thintent it maye euidētly appeare vnto vs whether it be he whom they haue set furthe in their writinges Daniel therfore mencioneth that the fourthe beast had ten hornes as he marked wel the hornes the litel horne by whom as I haue sayd Antichrist is figured growed vp whiche whā it had taken away .iii. of the furst hornes it occupied their roume And the interpretour of these sayenges the angel teacheth that by the ten hornes ten kinges are represented which shoulde spring vp in the fourthe Empire that is to say the Empire of Rome Howbeit as sone as they are risen vp he saithe that Antichrist shoulde growe vp also which euen at the furst begynnyng of his kingdom shoulde oppresse three kinges and with their streingthes and substaūces which he shal chalēge to him self shoulde confirme his owne kingdom Hereunto the sayenges of Paule agree in euery cōdiciō which sayeth that a Departing shall com furst and than the man of synne the childe of perdicion shal be reuealed And a litell after he signifieth the very same thing sayeng For euen now the mysterie of iniquitie dothe worke and that only 2. Thes 2. is behinde vntil he that hindreth him be taken out of the waye thā that wicked one shal be opened c. Which wordes of thapostle the eldest most catholike doctours of the churche saye ought to be vnderstandē of the Empire of Rome that is to wete bicause whan it is takē out of the waye Antichrist should starte vp which thā was holdē backe through the myghtie power of it For in dede Antichrist coulde not chalege to him self the Dominion of the citie of Rome nor reigne in it as long as the empire yet florished and increaced his power And for that cause the prophete Daniel maketh mencion that the empire of Rome must be diuided in to ten that is to saye many kingdomes And Paule maketh reporte of a Departing by the which many naciones and people shoulde departe frō the empire of Rome create kinges princes of their owne Than whan the empire of Rome throughe suche scismes and departinges shronke in to decay Antichrist hade occasion and place to burst out in to the same his Empire In this behalfe reade the sayenges of S. hierome to Algasia and of S. Austē in his 20. boke intitled De Ciuitate Dei the. 19. chap. also the sayenges that Tertullian before them set furthe cōcerning the Resurrection of the bodie and it shall openly appeare that I dashe in no newe nor straunge sense vpon this place But how this gaire hathe according to the sayengs of the scripture come to passe after what sorte they haue ben fulfilled in dede by the bishoppes of Rome we shall now shewe out of the most credible approued historie writers bothe of the greke and the latine At the tyme that whā the greuous and horrible persecuciones of Christes churche were slaked which the The historie of the beginnyng successe of the Bisshoppes of Rome most cruell emperours of Rome had stered against it the administratiō of the Romane empire came vnto Constātine the great Helenes sonne who whā he hade graūted peace to the faithful christianes which they hade long wished for in the. 25. yeare of his Empire which was al most the CCC xxxvi year from Christ our saueours birthe he ordayned the citie of Bizantiū to be the seat of his Empire which whan he hade builded and garnished with many roiall buildinges he called it after his owne name Constantinopole And that was the occasion of the furst diuision of the Empire of Rome and shortly after it engendred also a very scisme in dede For the mightie chief emperour and monarke of the worlde reignyng at Constātinopole was called the king or the emperour of the easte And Cesar his felowe in office which bare the swynge at Rome they called the emperour of the west And this furst diuisiō of the Empire endured cōtinually vnto the tyme of Valentinianus the thrid about Cxx. yeares that is to wete vnto the yeare of our Lorde CCCC lvi But in the meane while ther beganne a certain of nacions to conspire newe maters and in rising against the empire of Rome to set them selues at libertie by reasō wherof the Departing came by and by whiche we haue read in Daniel and Paule the apostle For ther rose vp the most warlike people of the Vadalianes Gotthianes Frēche men Lumbardes and Herulanes and many other besydes which as sone as they had created them kinges of their owne people they got on harnesse rebelled against the empire of Rome But as sone as Valentinianus the .iii. of that name was slayne at Rome of his owne folkes and ended his lyfe and west Empire al at once one Maximus a cytezen of Rome maried Valentinianus wyfe Eudoxia to hym selfe against her will Than commeth by by Gensericus the kyng of the Vandalianes beyng called out of Aphrica he inuadeth the cytie of Rome and whā the tyraūt Maximus was slayne pulled in pieces and cast into Tiberis he caried Eudoxia Valentinianus the Emperours wyfe ouer into Aphrica And after him many inuaded the Empire of Rome Howbeit ther was none that reigned stably nor long seyng one slewe an other so as it myght trulier haue ben called a warfaryng thā a reigning The last of them was Augustulus hauing a name of an vnlucky fortune who whan he had catched holde of the west Empire Odoacer king of the Herulanes gathered a great an huge exceding furnished armye of people out of Germanie and through he gothe into Italie And at Ticinum Ticinū is a citie in Lumbardie which now is called Pauia Orestes the father of Augustulus mette him and was ouercome and slayne in notable manly fightyng By reason wherof Augustulus threwe away his robes Imperial dignitie for feare and fled away from Rome Odoacer occupieth al Italie he entreth the cytie Rome called Odoacria lyke a conquerour and hauyng chaūged the name of it he called it after him selfe Odoacria And in dede after this sorte the empire of Rome whose myghtie power had letted Antichrist ●s Paule sayeth that he coulde not burst out was despeched oppressed and all together decaide about the yeare of
they sawe more diligent to serue their lust pryde Anone by their violence they inuaded the most noble most valeaūt kingdome of the Lūbardes in Italie gaue not ouer til they perceaued it also ouerthrowne the streynghtes of it al to clattred And thus they haue in dede atteyned their power by ouerthrowing of three kyngdomes so that at leynght whā they had trodē the empire vnder their fete to they might abuse the emperours to what purpose they wil euen at their owne pleasure Two of those thynges now which were ꝓpounded we haue hitherto with euidēt exposicion declared Furst that Rome is the seate of Antichrist thā the the B. of Rome is figured by the litel horne that Daniel maketh menciō of that he is very Antichrist And the residue shal be treated of in the homilies folowing Here now it shal stāde vs in hāde welbeloued brethrē in Christ to considre throughly the beginnynges of popes of their kyngdome For lyke as they haue atteyned their kingdome with wiles falsehead treasones oppressing of good Princes euen so shal they deuise with the same craftes to vpholde their kingdō glorie power to their successours also An euident vnfailing token of this mater this present tragedie declareth vnto vs wherby through their forcastes and mocions they stere vp the most myghty princes and most valeaūt people to take weapō in hande against Christ the most highe king priest In this case therfore we had nede to vse singular diligēce for cast brethrē that we haue respect only to the wordes of Christ folowe the rule of thē also to make the eares of God weary with cōtinual praiers neuer ceassing to desire him that he wolde vouchesafe to defēde vs with his owne fatherly succour to deliuer vs frō the tyrāny of Antichrist to burst his horne power And on the cōtrary parte to set vp aduaūce the horne kingdō of his sōne that we may serue him in faith charitie vprightenesse of life at leynght to liue to reigne with him for euer euer Amen The .iij. Homilie In this third Homilie is described Antichristes persone what his propretie is and by what markes he may be lightly knowne LIke as in maters of warre it is not only profitable but also necessarie for vs throughly and fully to knowe bothe our enemye his weapons his politike wiles also and embushementes his deuises and forcastes so as they maye the more easyly be auoided and repulsed wyth like power and discrete aduisement euen so is the same knowlage as muche necessarie in all the continue of our life In the discourse wherof we must abyde a certain perpetuall and alwaies contynuyng warfare by the helping mayntenaunce of our most high emperour our Lorde Iesu Christ which biddeth vs not set vpon any carnall mortall enemie but commaundeth those that are his appointed men of warre to be armed against the spirituall aduersaries of our saluacion Ephe. 6. as the apostle Paule saithe against the Lordes of this worlde the rulers of the darkenesse of this worlde yea rather against the Deuil him selfe that olde and mightie serpent whose subtiltie is infinite and his wyles innumerable which also hathe the cast to transforme him selfe in to euery facion and to counterfaicte euen the angel of light But althoughe that common enemie of our saluacion layeth embushes for vs wyth wonderfull sondry his politike wylie prankes but aboue all other specially wyth the iuggling deceates of false doctrine yet hathe he for all that som chief guyde and emperour of his armies whō he hathe most throughly instructed in al his streynghtes in all his power wyles fraudes deceates and all the knackes that he hathe to destroye mākynde wythall This man the holy scriptures set furthe in many places by the name figure of Antichrist forsomuche as being in all thinges contrary and against our Lorde and saueour Iesus Christ who is become vnto vs of God 1. Cor. 1. the heauenly father wisedom righteousnesse sanctificacion and redempcion he maketh warre against him and draweth awaye vs whom Christ hathe redemed wyth his blood from his companye seruice and partaking of saluacion It is therfore necessary for vs to marke diligently to espie out this felowe and it is conuenient for vs also to geue the eies of our heartes attentyuely vnto this purpose especially the worlde that now is to thintent we maye be hable to knowe out of the scriptures bothe him and all his wyles and to beware of him that he begyle vs not And as for this knowlage it may fully and lightly be perceaued of the twoo places of scripture which I lately brought furthe of the most excellent Prophet Daniel and the Apostle Paule which paynt out Antichristes visnomye vnto vs wyth suche lyght and euidence that all the hole mater of him might be comprehended in six chaptres or proposicions And therfore I haue lately expounded two the furst by the which we are taught that he shall spring vp place his seate and reigne at Rome And ther wyth also it is shewed by what meanes deceates subtilties treasons and wicked deuises he shall come to and obteyne his kingdome All which thinges verily are set furthe wyth suche light as it is declared wyth sufficiēt playnesse that they are fulfilled by the bishop of Rome which ought to be takē for that very principal and mightie houge Antichrist after the same sorte as they were in tymes past spoken of before by the prophetes and Apostles Now the next is that we steppe ouer to the thrid place of the mater we are in hande wythall Wherin the The. 3. Antichristes persone persone of Antichrist his nature disposicion maners and all his propreties wherby he maye be knowne are described These are written by Paule the Apostle who in that place which we haue before rehearsed dothe workemanly paynt out all the hole face of Antichrist wyth foure names or titles as it were wyth certain lyuely colours And the furst title that he decketh him wythall is that he nameth him The man of Synne the man of Synne This forme of speaking smelleth the Hebrue phrase and wanteth not in this behalfe the expresse significatiō of the thing that is intended in that he calleth him not after a simple maner A synfull mā or a wicked or an vngracious man but the Man of synne or the man of wickednesse mynding this wise to speake of a certain greater thing that is to saye euen the same thing that the seruaūt and slaue of synne is and as he that is addicte al together to the lawes of synne in al the hole discourse of his life To be shorte to thintent we maye fully vnderstande the meanyng of this title and that we maye see wythall whether this same title doo agree fittly wyth the bishop of Rome we must marke anon furst of all what the scripture purporteth in this worde Synne Holy writours call it synne
cōtrary purposes setteth his delyte to haue a do with them that be of the most wealthy the most myghty astates He playeth he bāketteth he kepeth all maner of voluptuous cheare with the most delicate companies of the most fyne mē Besydes this least his statelynesse rufflyng riote yea aboue the ryote of Siracuse should bring him into pouertie at any tyme his custome is either by false countrefaicte supersticion or elles by open force armes to get the rychesse of al nacions into his owne handes Christ whā the people wolde haue geuen him the title crowne to haue Ioh. 19. ben a King fledde away mynding so to auoyd that honour said with plaine purposed wordes that his kingdom was not of this world But the b. of R. chalēgeth to him selfe the title of a King wickedly coueteth the kingdome that is of this worlde and to that purpose he hathe alwaies applied him selfe with all his forcast and wyth al the powers bothe of his witte and of his bodie vntill he became not aboue kinges only but also aboue emperours and made them fayne perforce to fall downe like an hoūde kisse his fete Yea he boasteth him selfe to be heire of the empire if an emperour dye as ye shall fynde Clemētines the 2. boke the 11. title and 2. chaptre Christ vsed a more diligent studie to excute his fathers will which he was sēt for thā to promote encreace such as were his kinsfolkes as cōcerning the fleshe with worldly wealthe and honours But the B. of Rome studie forcaste for the most parte how they maye endue suche as be either their kinsfolkes or their alliaūce or elles their bastardes with greatest pleintie of richesse to aduaūce them to the most high honours And that they maye that more easily bring that to passe they vse many tymes to put awaye the treasures of the churche which they call with to muche shamelesnesse S. Petres patrimonie to bestowe them vpon their owne frendes Which thing like as many other haue in tymes past done euē so is our Paule the thrid not afrayd also to do the like opēly wtout blushing Christ was cōtet to submitte hī self to the autoritie lawes of the laufull magistrate payed with a good will the reuenues of the taxes tributes being asked of others he taught that those were due to thē Matth. 17. 22. But the B. of Rome thinking to ꝓuide better for him al his hathe forged a certain immunitie for the churche which maketh al those that are marked with his marke free frō al lauful publike burthēs setteth thē in suche case that sence they owe naught to no mā they geue thēselues to do what they lust serue their bely vicious carnalitie wherin the meane while al mē aswel magistrates as subiectes are occupied busy how they maye with their sweat substaūce vpholde mayntene those most holy fathers intentes Christ led a life al together geuē to the notable Matth. 11. studie of al peace softenesse cōmēded the same vertues to vs also But the B. of Rome is fearre swelling rageing in malice desire of reuēgemet He passeth not also to moue horrible batailes to set al folkes together by the eares amōg thē selues for light tryfling causes which thing they haue so shamelesly practiced these v. hundred yeares euen vnto our tymes that it nedeth no further declaracion Christ led an innocēt a blameles Io. 8. Matth 26 an vnreprouerable life so as his enemies could nother fynd nor ymagine any thing worthie of deathe in him for al the lies that the false witnesse made But the B. of Rome being most farre of frō this studie of innocēcie is the mā of synne drowned in synne geuē in al thīges to al kynd of vicious liuing as I haue alredy declared Christ toke to be his disciples suche as were poore Matth. 4. 1. Cor. 1. vile of no reputaciō mē of simple witte But the childe of this world the B. of Rome mynding to seme wyser in his generaciō choseth men out of the most noble houses of Italie Fraūce Spayne other naciones to be Bishoppes Cardinalles to thintēt being afterwarde supported by their autoritie fauour he might not nede to passe vpō his enemies threattes and mightie powers Christ sēt out his disciples to preache the Gospell But the Matth. 10 28. B. of Rome suffreth none of his to go any whidre frō him but loueth to be waited vpō with their presēce rufling or if he send out any he biddeth them not preache the gospell nor teache faith to wynne some to Christ but with their false wyles fraudes lyes deceates to begyle princes the people to stere vp hurly burlies ciuile mocions of warres Christ was diligēt to care for his shepe vsed the office of a most Io. 10. faithfull shepeherde in that he fedde thē taught thē continually But the B. of Rome being geuē to the wealthe of richesse delicacies pilleth of the shepes wolle yea the skynnes the fleshe to as for fedīg of thē he maketh litel mater Christ neuer enforced any man vnwillingly to cleaue either to him or to Luce. 9. Matth. 26 his doctrine nor cōpelled euer any mā by violēce to graūt on his syde but with frēdely faithful teaching he studied to moue the heartes of mē But the B. of Rome as a right warlike emperour yea like a yong Salmoneus rather and as a newe countrefaicte Iupiter shaketh the thondre of excomunicacion the thonderbolt of cursing externe gonneshote also and weapones at all men as many as goo about to slyppe from his doctrine and supersticion as the horrible vproare of this present warring dothe most euidently proue it Christ sent out such Apostles to preache the gospel as were most readyly Act. 2. instructe in the ample large giftes of the holy goost in the vnderstanding of tongues in the knowlage of the scriptures But the B. of Rome not caring for the prouision of Christes shepe but mynding to gratifie his owne secte folowers committeth the cure of the congregacions almost to none but to his Curtisanes bawdes cokes hūtors and mule dryuers which though they be cleane voide of all maner of learning bothe diuine prophane yet they are connyngly skilled in abominable sciences lecherous lustes corrupt filthye maners Christ hauing cōflicte with sathan his enemie wonne not the victorie with the Matth. 4. weapones of this worlde but with the sweord of the spirite the worde of God But the Bishop of Rome mystrusting Christ setteth vpō his enemies wyth worldly weapones conspiracies treasones robberies poysonynges also wyth sweorde and fire Christ our Lorde oftentymes seing Matth. 6. Luc. 19. the dispersed shepe of the house of Israel and pitieng them euen from the botome of his heart wepte ouer their
greater parte of this vision in the later Epistle to his Thessalonians in the secōde chaptre For where as the Thessalonians beyng disquieted through false doctrines of certain deceauours thought that the last daye of iudgement and the cōmyng of our Lorde Iesu Christ drewe nere and was than already at hande Paule a faythfull doctour of those that were his confuteth the falsely conceaued opinion touching that mater with these maner of wordes reasones Let no man deceaue you by any meanes For the Lorde shall not come except ther com a departīg furst and that the man of synne be opened the sonne of perdicion which is an aduersarie and is exalted aboue all that is called God or is wourshipped so that he dothe sytte in the temple of God as God boasting him selfe to be God Remembre ye not that whan I was yet wyth you I tolde you these thinges And now ye knowe what wythholdeth euen that he might be vttred at his tyme For the mysterie of the iniquitie dothe allready worke till he which now only letteth be taken out of the waye And thā shall that wicked one be vttred whom the Lorde shall consume wyth the spirite of his mouthe and shall destroye wyth the appearaunce of his cōmyng euen him whose commyng is after the working of sathan wyth all lyeng power signes and wondres and wyth all deceaueablenesse of vnrighteousnesse among them that perishe bicause they receaued not the loue of the truthe that they might be saued And therfore God shall sende them strong delusion that they shoulde beleue lyes that all they might be demned which beleued not the truthe but hade pleasure in vnrighteousnesse Thus farre haue I rehearsed Paule thapostles wordes which cōteyne the ful perfyt descripciō of al this adoo and of the mysteries of Antichrist also the playne interpretacion of the vision that is recorded in Daniel the Prophete And after what sorte these two places agree betwene them selues and what is the true vnderstandyng of them boche it shal be declared in the Homilies folowyng by the fauour and helpe of God But out of these maters which are thus farre already sayde welbeloued brethrē in Christ this we must marke that accordyng to the oracles of goddes worde and of Iesu Christ Antichrist shall surely come which by his false prophetes shal seduce an infinite multitude of people We must therfore brethren endeauour our selues with most earnest studie and diligence that furst of all we maye be throughly perfyte in the certain true knowlage of our Lorde only saueour Iesu Christ wherin beyng instructed we must than also learne to knowe the false Christes and that great Anttchrist him selfe to thintent least we be made foles hereafter as we haue ben all ready heretofore by the most false wylye deuyses of Satan for than we shal be hable nother to knowe him ne yet to beware of him Therfore we hade nede diligently to consider the wordes of God and to call vpon him also diligently with continuall prayers that he wolde vouchesafe to open vnto vs the true vnderstāding of his worde to leade vs in to the true knowlage of his sonne our redemour and that we be not deceaued with Antichristes lyes but continue stedfastly in Christ our saueour which is the euerlasting veritie To him be honour praise and glorie euerlastingly worlde without ende Amen Thus endeth the furst Homilie Antichrist The .ij. Homilie In this seconde Homilie we are taught what the original beginning of Antichrist is where it shal be and by what meanes and shyftes he shall attayne his so great streinghtes and so mighty power of his tyrannye OVr Lorde Iesus Christ the eternal sonne of God the only redemour and vndeniable Doctour of the world talking with his disciples concerning the later tymes and the periles of the same amōg other thinges telleth them before hande that false Christes and false Prophetes shal rise vp to the destruction and marring of many men And we are also taught by the hole mynde and consent of all the scriptures bothe of the olde testament newe that among them ther shal be a certayne peculiar head ryngleader and a most ranke aduersary of Christ our kyng and priest whom after the common custome of the faythfulles and by the apostles autoritie we doo vse to name Antichrist like as in the Homilie before it is sufficiētly declared Neuertheles these thinges are not spoken to th ende welbeloued brethrē in Christ that we should only heare knowe what shoulde be hereafter hauing in the meane tyme no larger consideracion of thinges that shall come but the Lorde dothe rather require by his faithful admonicion geuing that we should learne to knowe this chief and notable enemie of our saluaciō and to beware of his wiles least we be seduced therwith and so be made partakers with hym of eternall damnacion And therfore it is necessarily requisite for vs to marke to cōferre other places of the scriptures together also that cā with more certayntie euidence informe vs of al those maters which are as it were but in a fewe wordes set expressely furthe in this place In consideracion whereof I lately brought forth two places of scripture touching this mater the one of the olde testamēt out of Daniel that ꝓphetes vii chap. the other out of Paule the later to the Thessa Whiche albeit by and by at the furst syght they myght seme not to agree together in all thinges but somwhat to varie yet ther is no differēce nor dissimilitude betwene them at al. Ther is also no contradiction nor any other varietie but that thapostle Paule wyth more playne light of wordes and sentences dothe expoūde that which Daniel set furthe after the maner of a prophet vnder the mysterie of a vision like as the thinges that folowe shall more clearely beare euidence And to thintent this hole mater of Antichrist maye the more openly appeare vnto vs it shal be all throughly comprehended and assoiled in sixe questiones or proposiciones For furst inasmuche as it is euident that Antichrist is we shall inquire of his originall begynnyng that is to wete in what place he must spring out and where we must seke for him in case we intende throughly to come to the certain knowlage of him Secōdarily by what meanes deuises craftes he shall atteyne suche mighty power and so highe autoritie Thirdly we shall make searche of his persone that is to saye which a one it shal be and by what markes and propreties it ought to be knowen Fourthly we must considre his workes that he shal set his studie vpō Which consideracion euen it self dothe bring a certain and an vnfailing playne knowlage of him Fifthely it is conuenient to knowe his weapones wherwyth he shall wyth suche luckie successe fight to attayne enlarge defende and mayntene his kingdome and power wythall Sixthely how farre the limites of his wicked autoritie must be extended and vpō what sortes of men our Lorde
most victorious king Iesus Christ shall suffre him to haue so great autorite who at leynght wyth his iust iudgement shall slea and despeche that fearce and prowde aduersarie wyth all his membres and wyth sentence past calling again shall iudge him to be punyshed in the torment of vnquēcheable fyre Hereunto ther shal be a faithful admoniciō takē out of Christes wordes instede of a cōclusiō how the godly ones faithfull folkes ought to behaue thē selues vnder his rageing tyrannye And in dede I shall by the grace of God purpose to treate of all these maters with suche for sight and diligence as shall lye in my best possible power to doo Now as perteynyng to the furst wher Antichrist was borne question of Antichristes original begynnyng and the place of his birthe the holy goost hathe sufficiently and perfitely instructed vs by Daniel the Prophet which saithe that the litell horne by the which we hearde in the Homilie before that Antichrist was figured sprong out of the fourthe beast that is to wete out of his head as of that parte wherof hornes commonly vse to growe out Now forsomuche as this fourthe beast is a figure of the fourthe monarchie that is to saye of the empire of Rome as it is before largely ynough declared it foloweth yea it is out of all paraduenture euen by the vnfailing demonstracion of the holy goost that Antichrist shall spring out of the empire of Rome yea and out of the heade of it that is to wete out of the principal citie Rome euen ther he must be sought for Here vnto that sayeng must partly be referred that How the temple of god is to be vnderstand here Paule thapostle speaketh of the departing and that he teacheth that his seate must be placed in the temple of God For that sayeng may not in any wise be expoūded of the temple of Ierusalem but it ought to be vnderstāden of the felowship and congregacion of the faithfull which is the true and lyuing temple of God Notwithstāding least the dulnesse of our witte might doubte somthing in this behalfe our Lord Iesus Christ himselfe dothe shewe yet more euidently and more clearly poynteth as it were wyth his fyngre that Antichrist must be borne in the very citie of Rome For in that reuelacion which he shewed to his beloued disciple Iohn the Apo. 17. great aduersarie of Christ is ment by the Image of the hoore which sytteth vpon many waters is caried vpon a mightie beast an vnknowen that gothe rageing grymmely wyth seuen headdes armed wyth ten hornes And the angell willing to interprete the mysterie of the Image to Iohn thapostle saithe that the waters wher the woman sitteth are the people and folfe and naciones tongues whom she shall beare rule ouer And that woman quam he whome thow sawest is the great citie which hathe rule ouer the finges of the earthe and the seuen heades are the seuen mountaines wher vpon it is sette Now who is it that seeth not herin the openly manifest and euident descripcion of the citie of Rome For Rome if a man considre the olde circuite of the walles comprehendeth wythin it seuen mountaynes and that of famous reporte in the monumentes of olde writours of which mountaynes bothe the tokens and the names remayne euen yet to this daye And the same Rome whā Domitianus was Emperour ther in whose tyme Iohan thapostle being banished for the faithe of Christ in to the I le of Pathmos receaued this reuelacion of the Lorde reigned hade empire ouer the kinges of the earthe For at that tyme the power of the Romaynes hade conquered and subdued wyth their marciall powers the greatest parte of al the hole world vnder their autoritie empire By reason wher of it is vndoubtedly playne by most certain reasones argumētes that Antichrist must be borne of the empire of Rome place his seate in the head of it that is to wete in the very citie of Rome And this I saye more ouer The B. of Rome is the great Antichrist ꝓfesse frely bothe wyth mouthe mynde that the chief mightie greatest Bishop which hauing his seate in the citie of Rome chalengeth to him self the dominion name of the same citie is the very right and great Antichrist the exceding enemie of Christ our saueour like as in these that folowe we shall wyth a thicker rāke of argumentes most euidently declare Therfore those men erre and be toto muche deceaued as mani as put their cōfidēce in those fals feined popishe gloses mynde to seke for the right Antichrist either in the citie of Babilō or Ierusalem They are deceaued also no lesse begyled than the other before as many as being entāgled with the blynd folishe loue of the empire which at this why Mahomet is not the right Antichrist present is cōmōly called Sanctū Romanū imperiū the sacred empire of Rome crye out sayeng that Mahomet the autor of the Turkish faythe and religion is that great enemie of our saueour why Mahomet is not the right Anticrist Christ and Antichrist to thintēt they might by that meane expelle the slaūderous marke of Antichristes name frō that empire of theirs which they haue in so great estimacion and obedience For albeit no true faithfull person dothe doubt that Mahomete is a most pestilent wicked man a singular enemye of Christ our Lorde a most cruell persecutour of Christes churche an abominacion to be abhorred wyth all the powers of our heartes and a most pernicious seducer of very many men yet for all that we shall neuer be hable to proue that he is the notable and great Antichrist inasmuche as he was nother borne in the head of the Romayne empire that is to saye in Rome but in Arabie farre distaunt from Rome ne yet placeth nor occupieth his seate in the temple of God that is to wete in the congregacion among them that reioyce to be compted christianes but maketh a manifest departing quyte from them teareth awaye the name of Christ wyth so vehement hate and wickednesse that he can in no wise abyde to vse it to the professing of his relygion Which not withstanding are al applied by the notable sayengs bothe of the prophetes and the apostles vnto that mightie houge Antichrist Therfore in this case we nede no white tongued wordes nor groping reasones of flaterers of suche as saye as other men saye but rather if we intende to com to the certain and vnfailing knowlage of Antichrist it is requisite for vs to seke him in that place wher he is most accustomed to haūt that is to wete at Rome wherof euen our elders in tymes past not without the mocion of Goddes prouidence commonly vsed this cōmon prouerbe The nerer a man cometh to the citie of Rome the farther he is of from the faithe and religion of Christ The meanyng of whiche prouerbe