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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A74707 The humble and just remonstrance. Of the knights, citizens, and burgesses, in Parliament assembled in Ireland. Ireland. Parliament. 1641 (1641) Wing I414aA; Thomason E196_39; ESTC R14843; ESTC R208476 3,691 13

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profits are much more impaired then advanced by the grievances aforesaid And the Subsidies granted in the last Parliament having much encreased his Majesties Revenue by the buying in of Grants and otherwise and that all his Majesties debts then due in this Kingdome were satisfied out of the said Subsidies and yet his Majestie is of late as your Petitioners have been informed in the house of Cōmons become indebted in this Kingdome in great summes and they doe therefore humbly beseech that an exact account may be sent to his Majestie how and in what manner his treasure issued XII Twelfthly the Petitioners doe humbly conceive great and just feares at a Proclamation published in this Kingdome in Anno Dom. 1635 prohibiting men of Quality or estate for to depart this Kingdome into England without the Lord Deputies License whereby the Subjects of this Kingdome are hindered and interrupted from free accesse and addresse to his sacred Maiestie and Privy Counsell of England to declare their just grievances or to obtaine remedy for them in such sort as their Ancestors have done in all ages since the Raigne of King Henry the second and great fees exacted for every of the said Licenses XIII Thirteenthly that of late his Maiesties late Atturney generall hath exhibited informations against many ancient Burroughs of this Kingdome into his Maiesties Court of Exchequer to shew by what warrant the said Burroughes who heretofore sent Burgesses to the Parliament should send the said Burgesses to the Parliament And thereupon for want of an answer the said Priviledge of sending Burgesses was seized by the said Court which proceedings were altogether Coram non Judice and contrary to the Lawes Priviledges of the house of Parliament and if way should be given thereunto might tend to the subversion of Parliaments and by consequence to the ruine destruction of the Cōmon-wealth and that the house of Commons hath hitherto in this present Parliament bin deprived of the advice and Counsell of many profitable good members by meanes thereof XIV Fourteenthly that by the powerfulnesse of some Ministers of State in this Kingdome the Parliament in its members and actions hath not his naturall freedome XV. Fifteenthly that the fees taken in all the Courts of Justice in this Kingdome both Ecclesiasticall and Civill and by other inferior Officers and Ministers are so immoderately high that it is an unspeakeable burthen to all his Majesties Subjects of this who are not able to subsist except the same be speedily remedied reduced to such a moderation as may stand with the condition of this Realme And lastly That the Gentry Marchants and other his Majesties subjects of this Kingdome are of late by the grievances and pressures aforesaid and other the like very neere to Ruine and destruction And Farmers of Customes Customers Waiters Searchers Clearkes of unwarrantable proceedings Pursevants and Gaolers and sundry others very much inriched whereby and by the slow redresse of the Petitioners grievances his Majestes most faithfull and dutifull people of this Kingdome doe conceive great feares that their readinesse approved upon all occasions hath not beene of late rightly represented to his Majestie For Remedy whereof the said Petitioners doe humbly and of Right beseech your Lordship that the grievances and pressures may be speedily redressed And if your Lordship shall not thinke fit to afford us present reliefe therein that your Lordship may admit a select Committee of this House of persons uninteressed in the benefit arising the aforesaid grievances to bee licensed by your Lordship to repaire to his sacred Majesty in England for to pursue the same and to obtaine fitting remedies for their aforesaid and other just grievances and oppressions and upon all just and honourable occasions they will without respect of particular interest or profit to bee raised thereby most humbly and readily in Parliament extend their utmost endeavours to serve his Maiesty and comply with his Royall and Princely occasions And shall pray c. Copia vera
THE HVMBLE AND JVST REMONSTRANCE OF The Knights Citizens and Burgesses in Parliament assembled in IRELAND Printed for Hugh Perry in the Yeare 1641. TO THE RIGHT HONOVRABLE The Lord Doputie SHewing that in all Ages past since the happy subjection of this Kingdome to the Imperiall Crown of England it was and is a principall study and Princely care of his Majestie and his most Noble Progenitors Kings and Queenes of England and Ireland to the vast expence of Treasure and bloud that their loyall and dutifull people of this Land of Ireland being now for the most part derived from the Brittish Ancestor should be governed according to the municipiall and fundamentall Lawes of England that the statute of Mugna Charta or the great Charter for the liberties of England and other laudable Lawes and statutes were in severall Parliaments here enacted and declared that by the meanes thereof and of the most prudent and benigne government of his Ma sty his royall Progenitors this kingdōe was untill of late in its grouth to a flourishing estate whereby the said people were heretofore enabled to answer their humble and naturall desires to comply with his Majesties Royall and Princely occasions by the free gift of 150000. l. ster and likewise by another gift of 120000 l. ster more during the government of the Lord Viscount Faulkland and after by the gift of 40000. l. their free and cheerfull gift of 6. entire-sibsidies in the 10 yeare of his Majesties Reign which to comply with his Majesties then occasions signified to the then house of Cōmons they did allow should amount in the collections unto 250000 l. although as they confidently beleeve if the said subsidies had not bin leavied in a moderate parliamentary way they would not have amounted to much more then halfe the said sum besides the foure entire subsidies granted in this present Parliament So it is may it please your Lordship that by the occasion of the ensuing and other grievances and innovations though to his Majesties no considerable profit this Kingdome is reduced to that extreame and universall poverty that the same is now lesse able to pay 2 Subsidies then it was heretofore to satisfie all the before recited great paiments his Majesties most faithfull people of the same doe conceive great feares that the grievances and consequences thereof may hereafter bee drawne into precedents to be perpetuated upon their posterity which in their great hopes and strong beliefe they are perswaded is contrary to his Majesties Royall and Princely intention towards his said people some of which said grievances are as followeth I. First the generall and apparent decay of Trades occasioned by the new and illegall raysing of the booke of Rates and Jmpositions as xij d. a piece custome for Hides bought for 3.4 or 5. s. and many other heavie Impositions upon native other commodities exported and imported by reason therof and of the extreame usage and censures Marchants are beggered and both disinabled and discouraged to trade and some of the honourable persons who gaine thereby are often Judges and parties and that in Conclusion his Majesties profit thereby is not considerably advanced II. Secondly the arbitrary decision of all civill causes and controversies by paper petitions before the Lord Lieutenant Lord Deputity and infinit other judicators upon references from them derived in the nature of all actions determinable at the common law not limitted unto certaine times seasons causes and things whatsoever and the consequence of such proceedings by receiving immoderate unlawfull fees by Secretaries Clerks Pursivants Serjeants at Arms and otherwise by which kind of proceedings his Majesty loseth a considerable part of his Revenue upon originall writs otherwise and the subiect loseth the benefit of his writ of errour Bill of reversall vovchers and other legall and just advantages and the ordinary course and Courts of justice declined III. Thirdly the proceedings in civill causes at the Counsel boord contrary to the law great Charter and not limitted to any certaine time or season IV. Fourthly that the subiect is in all the materiall parts therof denied the benefit of the princely graces and more especially of the statute or Limitations of the 21. Ian. granted by his Majestie in the 4. yeare of his Reigne upon great advice of the Counsell of England and Ireland and for great consideration and then published in all the Courts of Dublin and in all the Courts of this Kingdome in open Assizes whereby all persons doe take notice that contrary to his Majesties pious intention his Subjects of this Land have not enjoyed the benefit of his Majesties Princely promise thereby made V. Fiftly the extrajudiciall avoyding of Letters Patents of estates of a very great part of his Majesties subjects under the great Seale the publique faith of the Kingdome by private opinions delivered at Counsell Board without legall Evictions of their estates contrary to the Law and without precedent or example of any former age VI. Sixtly the Proclamation for the sole exemption and uttering of Tobacco which is bought at very low Rates and uttered at high and excessive rates by meanes whereof thousands of Families within this Kingdome and of his Majesties subjects in severall Islands and other parts of the West Indies as your Petitioners are informed are destroyed and the most part of the Coyne of this Kingdome is ingrossed into particular hands Insomuch that your Petitioners doe conceive that the profit arising and ingrossed thereby doth surmount his Maiesties revenues Certaine and casuall within this Kingdome and yet his Maiesty receiveth but very little profit by the same VII Seaventhly the unusuall and unlawfull increasing of Monopolies to the advantage of few to the disprofit of his Maiestie and the impoverishment of his people VIII Eightly the extreame and cruell vsage of certaine late Commissioners and other towards the Brittish Farmers and Inhabitants of the City and Country of London-derry by meanes whereof the worthy Plantation of that Country is almost destroyed and the Inhabitants are reduced to great poverty and many of them forced to forsake the Country the same being the first and most vsefull Plantation in the large Province of Vlster to the great weakening of the Kingdome in this time of danger the said Plantation being the principall strength of those parts IX Ninthly the late erection of the Court of high Commission for causes Ecclesiasticall in these necessitous times the proceedings of the said Court in many causes without legall warrant and yet so supported as prohibitions have not been obtained though legally sought for and the excessive fees exacted by the ministers thereof and the incroaching of the same vpon the Jurisdiction of other Ecclesiasticall Courts of this Kingdome X. Tenthly the exorbitant and barbarous Fees and pretended Customes exacted by the Clergie against the Law some of which have bin formerly represented to your Lordship XI Eleventhly the Petitioners doe most heartily bemone that his Majesties services and