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A81852 The evangelical history: or, The life of our Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ comprehensively and plainly related. With practical inferences and discourses thereupon. In four books. I. Of the birth of John the Baptist. Of the conception and birth of Jesus Christ; with an account of what passed to his entrance upon the ministerial function. II. The history of the acts and miracles of our Saviour, in the first two years of his ministry. III. A relation of his acts and miracles, in the third year of his preaching. IV. An account of his acts and preaching, from the triumphant entrance into Jerusalem. Of his Crucifixion, Resurrection, apparitions, and glorious ascension into heaven. With a large practical introduction, by way of preface. Written in French by the learned L.E. du Pin, and Englished by a divine of the Church of England, with additions. Adorn'd with copper cuts. Du Pin, Louis Ellies, 1657-1719. 1694 (1694) Wing D2641A; ESTC R229041 170,749 286

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the invincible Courage and austere penitent Life of his Fore-runner He tells them that he was a Prophet and much more than a Prophet because he was foretold by the Prophets and did himself Preach the coming of the Messiah not as the other Prophets did at a great distance but was sent to go before him and prepare a way for him He adds as a compleat Encomium of John That among those that are born of Women there is none greater then John the Baptist that the Law and the Prophets end and the Gospel begins with him that it was he that first Preached the Kingdom of God and ever since this Kingdom is taken by Violence and the Violent get into it by force Lastly That he was the true Elias since as it is abovesaid He had the Spirit and Power as well as the Ministry and Office of that Prophet XXI The Reproofs which Jesus Christ gave the Jews All these great Titles of John might have made him respected by all the Jews Matt. 11.16 -19. Lu. 7.29 -34. yet there were none but the common People Publicans and some loose wicked Men who heard his Sermons with Advantage for the Pharisees and Doctors of the Law slighted them and by that contempt as the Gospel saith rejected the Council of God concerning themselves They used the Son of God himself after the same manner who being troubled for the hardness and blindness of their hearts spake of it with Holy grief before all the People who had gladly heard the Commendation of John the Baptist saying Whereunto shall I liken the Men of this Generation May not the words of those Children who sit in the Market-place and cry to their Companions We have piped and ye have not danced we have sung mournful Songs but ye have not wept be fitly applyed unto them for John came neither eating nor drinking i. e. living a very severe and Monkish Life and they say he is possessed with a Devil The Son of Man came eating and drinking i. e. leading a less Austere Life and they accuse him of being a Lover of meat and drink and a friend of Publicans and Sinners After these reflections he considers upon the small advantage which the City of Galilee where he had Preached and done so many Miracles had made use of all these helps which the mercy of God had vouchsafed them for their Salvation He reproves with threats their Impenitence and Obstinacy and pronounces against them these terrible Curses Wo unto thee Chorazin Wo unto thee Bethsaida for if the mighty Works which have been done in thee had been done in Tyre and Sidon which were two Heathen Cities they would have repented in Sack-cloath and Ashes And then speaking to the City of Capernaum where he had lived longer than in all the other Cities he reproves their pride and hardness in these Words And thou Capernaum which art exalted unto Heaven shalt be brought down to Hell for if the mighty works which have been done in thee had been done in Sodom the City which God consumed with Fire from Heaven for their Sins it would have remained to this day Lastly he adds That in the day of Judgment the Inhabitants of Sodom whom God punished so severely for their horrible Lewdness as also of Tyre and Sidon who never knew God shall be punished with less severity than the Inhabitants of these Impenitent Cities of Galilee XXII The Conversion of a Woman that was a Sinner There was in a certain City a Woman Luke 7.36 -50. of a wicked Life much wiser than those before mention'd for as soon as she heard that Jesus was eating in a Pharisees House called Simon she went to him and going behind him washed his Feet with her Tears wiped them with the Hair of her Head kissed them and poured out Ointment upon them which she brought in an Alabaster-box The Pharisee who had invited Jesus saw what this Woman had done whom he knew to be wicked and he said within himself If this Man were a Prophet he would know who this is that toucheth him For he could not imagine that Jesus would suffer himself to be touched by so vile a Sinner But Jesus who knew his thoughts propounded to him the example of two Men who owed to one Creditor the one a great Sum of Mony and the other a far lesser Sum but neither of them being able to pay he frankly forgave them their Debts He then asked him Which of these Two Debtors would love this Creditor most Simon answers him He to whom he had forgiven most The Son of God approving this Answer made the Application of it in these Words Seest thou this Woman I entred into thy House thou hast poured no Water upon my Feet but she hath washed them with Tears and wiped them with the Hair of her Head Thou gavest me no Kiss but this Woman since the Time she came in hath not ceased to kiss my Feet Thou hast poured no Oyl upon my Head but she hath anointed my Feet with Perfumes For this Reason I say unto thee her many and great Sins are forgiven her because she loved much but to whom little is forgiven the same will love little As if he had said unto him Thou lovest little because believing thy self to be just thou thinkest thy self to owe God but little This Woman who is Conscious of her own great Crimes hath loved him greatly from whom she hopes for Pardon of so many Sins and for that love's Sake is forgiven Wherefore he saith to the Woman Thy Sins are forgiven thee The Guests that sat at Table with him were offended at these Words saying in themselves Who is this that pretends to forgive Sins But Jesus contemning their Discontents sent the Woman away whom he had pardoned saying to her Thy Faith hath saved thee Go in Peace XXIII Jesus heals a Man possessed with a Devil who was both Blind and Dumb. Mark 3.20 21. Jesus being returned from the Pharisees House there came so great a Multitude of People unto him that neither he nor his Disciples could get Time to eat their Food which when his Kindred heard they went to get him Home out of the Throng either that they might put him under Confinement as a Man beside himself Matth. 12 22-37 Luke 11 14-26 or fearing that he should faint for Hunger and so be trod down in the Multitude Then they brought unto him a Man possessed with a Devil who was Blind and Dumb by that means and he cast out the Devil and the Man both Spake and Saw to the Admiration of all the People who speaking of Jesus Christ said Is not this the Son of David i. e. the Messias which the Scripture assure us should come of the Family of David But the Pharisees and Doctors of the Law which were come from Jerusalem said That he casteth out Devils by the Prince of Devils But Jesus confuted the maliciousness of their Thoughts by telling them before
is an Hebrew and Christ a Greek Word and signify both of them Anointed the Jews calling him so because they expected He should be a great King consecrated to God by a special Unction of which the Anointing of their Kings and Prophets was but a Figure Four thousand Years being at last expired and spent in waiting for him the Time appointed by God and foretold by the Prophets for the Deliverance of Mankind came The Roman Empire enjoyed a profound Peace under the Reign of Augustus and the Jews were governed by Herod whom the Romans had made King over them being some Years before become subject to their Power This Government by a Foreign Prince was an Evident Sign that the Coming of the Messiah drew near according to the Prophesy of Jacob Gen. 49.10 The Scepter shall not depart from Judah nor a Law-giver from between his Feet until Shiloh he that is sent do come This was the Time which God from all Eternity had prefixed for the Execution of his gracious Design That Jesus Christ the Saviour both of the Jews and Gentiles should be born in Judea and by him hath he accomplish'd the great Work of Man's Salvation in such a manner as the Gospel relates and which we are about to give an account of in this History of which I shall make Four Parts containing so many Periods of our Saviour's Life and shew what passed I. From the Conception of John the Baptist to his entrance upon his Ministry II. In the first Two Years of his Preaching III. In the Third Year of his Ministry IV. From his triumphant going up to Jerusalem to his Ascension into Heaven BOOK I. An Account of what passed from the Conception of John the Baptist to the Entrance of Jesus Christ upon his Ministerial Function I. The Conception of S. John the Baptist Book I. Luke 1 5-22 THere was among the Jews a certain Priest named Zacharias who with his Wife Elizabeth kept all the Commandments of the Lord blameless They were both of them very old and God that he might at length reward their Patience and contentedness in a signal manner having given them no Child but laid upon them the Disgrace of Barrenness which at that Time was accounted a great Curse inflicted by God It came to pass as Zachary ministred in the Temple according to his Course and offered the Incense commanded by the Law to God the Angel Gabriel appeared to him and told him from God That he should have a Son whom he should call John That this his Son should be great in the Sight of God and be filled with the Holy Spirit from his Mother's Womb That he should convert many Israelites from their Sins and should go before the Lord in the Spirit and Power of Elias preparing his Ways for him and disposing p. 5 The Anunciation of the Blessed Virgin Men to receive him Zachary doubting of the Truth of these Promises answered the Angel How shall I be assured of the Truth of thy Words for I am Old and my Wife is well stricken in Years The Angel reproving his Unbelief told him That from that Moment he should be dumb and not be able to speak till the Things which he had spoken of should come to pass And in that very instant he lost his Speech and the People who could not understand him but by Signs perceived by his Silence that he had seen a Vision The Days of his Ministration being accomplish'd he returned to his own House at Hebron Luke 1 23-25 a City in the Tribe of Judah and God performed that which he had foretold by the Angel for Elizabeth conceived and hid her self Five Months that she might between God and herself raise in her Heart a more perfect Sense of his Favour in taking away from her the Reproach of Barrenness and giving her a Son of whom she might hope for so great things II. The Conception of Jesus Christ. Six Months after the Conception of Elizabeth the same Angel Luke 1 26-38 which had foretold the Birth of S. John to Zachary was sent by God into a City of Galilee called Nazareth to foretel the Nativity of Jesus Christ to her who was chosen from all Eternity to be his Mother It was an Holy Virgin of the House of David named Mary who was espoused to a Man of the same Family called Joseph and living in perfect Chastity had her Spouse for a faithful Witness and Guardian of her Purity The Angel being come to her said Hail O thou that art highly favoured the Lord is with thee blessed art thou among Women Her Modesty raised in her a great Disturbance at the unusual Appearance of the Angel and she was surprized at this kind of Salutation But the Angel bid her not be troubled telling her That she should have a Son who should be great and be called the Son of the Most High to whom God would give the Throne of his Father David i. e. an Eternal Kingdom and that she should call his Name Jesus which signifies a Saviour She reflecting upon her way of living with Holy Joseph and not understanding how she could preserve her Virginity and yet become a Mother said unto the Angel How shall this be seeing I know not a Man The Angel answered her That this Holy Child which shall be called the Son of God shall be born by the invisible Operation of the Holy Ghost and to shew her that God to whom nothing is impossible would work this great Miracle in her by his Almighty Power he tells her what had befallen her Cousin Elizabeth who having been barren for many Years was Six Months since with Child Being satisfied by this Instance that she might bear a Child and yet continue a Virgin she humbly submitted her self to the appointment of God and said to the Angel Behold the Handmaid of the Lord be it unto me according to thy Word Then the Angel departed from her but the Holy Spirit wrought this great Mystery in her for which she had been fitted and disposed a great while before by the plentiful effusion of his Graces She conceived the Son of God the Second Person of the Holy Trinity who was incarnate i. e. became Man by taking on him a Body and Soul like us in the Womb of this chast and humble Virgin III. The Visitation of the Holy Virgin As soon as Mary had heard that her Cousin was with Child she went with haste to see her Luke 1. 39-55 and entring into her House saluted her which when Elizabeth heard she felt the Infant leaping in her Womb for Joy and being filled with the Holy Ghost she spake out with a loud Voice and said Blessed art thou among Women and blessed is the Fruit of thy Womb How great a Felicity is this to me that the Mother of my Lord should come unto me And having inform'd the Virgin That her Child leaped in her Womb she added Blessed art thou because thou
out of the Temple cast the Changers Mony on the Ground and overthrew their Tables and said unto those that Sold Doves Ps 69.9 Take these things hence make not my Fathers house an house of Merchandize This Action of Jesus brought to the Disciples minds these words of Scripture The zeal of thy house hath eaten me up but it surpriz'd and incensed the Jews who required of him a Miracle to prove his Authority of acting in that manner To whom he said Destroy this Temple and in three days I will rebuild it They understood it of the Temple out of which he had driven the Traders but he meant it of his Body which should be destroyed by Death and raised again the third day He did many Miracles at the Passover in Jerusalem which continues seven days and many Persons believed in his Name but he would not trust himself with those who were won only by Miracles because he knew the bottom of their hearts and exactly discerned what was unsound and imperfect in their Faith XX. The Discourse between J. Christ and Nicodemus VVhile Jesus was at Jerusalem Jo. 3 1.-12 a Jewish Ruler of the Sect of the Pharisees came to him by night and said unto him Master We know that thou art a Teacher come from God for no man can do those Miracles that thou dost except God be with him From hence Jesus takes an Occasion to teach this Pharisee the necessity of Baptism in order to Salvation saying unto him Except a Man be born of Water and of the Spirit he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God To which he adds these important Truths That which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the spirit is spirit and that the Spirit inspires whom it pleaseth Nicodemus being surpriz'd asked him how can this be Jesus reproving his Ignorance that he was a Doctor and knew not these things saith unto him We testify what we have seen and ye receive not our Witness He then discovers these Mysteries of our Religion to him Jo. 3 13.-20 That no Man hath ascended up to Heaven but the Son of Man that came from Heaven That the Brazen Serpent which Moses put upon a Pole in the VVilderness that all those who were bitten by the fiery Serpents by looking upon it might be healed of their VVounds was but a Figure of him who was fixed unto the Cross for the deliverance of all those that believe in him from Eternal Death That he was sent into the World not to condemn the World but to save it That so great was the love of God towards Men that he gave them his only begotten Son to dy for them but this Love will be a just cause of Condemnation to all those that believe not in this Son and receive not this Light that is come to enlighten them loving rather to continue in darkness because they will not bring their VVorks to the Light of Truth lest they should be convinced thereby that the Actions which they so much delight in are criminal and sinful XXI St. Johns second Testimony concerning Jesus Jo. 3 23.-27 Jesus being come from Jerusalem after the Feast tarryed in Judea with his Disciples and there Baptized at the same time that John administred his Baptism in Jordan Here the Disciples of John had a dispute with the Jews about Baptism And they came to their Master and spake to him concerning Jesus Saying He to whom thou bearest Witness doth now Baptize and all men flock to him St. John who would not have gathered Disciples but that he might resign them to the Son of God answered them A man can receive nothing except it be given him from Heaven signifying by this answer that he acted in his Ministry only by the power and command of him who had called him to it Jo. 3 28.-36 He then puts them in mind of the Protestations which he had made before them That he was not the Christ He tells them that he is not the Bridegroom of the Church but the Bridegroom's Friend only And in that Quality 't was his only Joy and delight to hear the Bridegroom's Voice He goes on and says He must increase but I must decrease He adds that Jesus Christ came from above and therefore is above all that he speaks what he hath seen and heard and that he that receiveth his Testimony acknowledgeth that God is true because God hath sent him and hath not given his Spirit by measure to him but because he loveth him he hath given all things into his hands That Jesus Christ is the Son of God and he that believeth in him hath eternal Life and on the contrary he that believeth not shall not see Life but is an Object of the Wrath of God which shall not depart from him XXII John 's Imprisonment St. John did not think he had discharged his Office sufficiently Mat. 14 3.-5 Mar. 6 17.-20 Lu. 3.19 20. in discovering Jesus to be the Messiah at the River Jordan but he went to the Princes Court to Preach true Morality and Piety Herod Antipas the Son of Herod the Great in whose Reign Jesus Christ was Born and his Successor in one fourth part of his Kingdom from whence he is called Herod the Tetrarch had Marryed contrary to all Laws Herodias his Brother Philips Wife John went to reprove him for this Crime and for all the other evils which he had done and told him confidently that it was not Lawful for him to have her for his Wife who was his Brothers Wife Herod was not presently angry with this Holy Man but on the contrary believing him to be a Just Man and an Holy he had a great Respect and Veneration for him yea he feared him was a diligent Hearer of him and followed his advice in many things But Herodias was not so well affected to John for she hated him Mortally and sought all Occasions to destroy him By her instigation Herod became every day more averse to him and at length to please her apprehended him and put him into Prison He had at that time put him to Death but that he feared the People who accounted of and reverenced John as a Prophet VVhen Jesus knew that John was put into Prison and that the Pharisees had heard that he made and Baptized more Disciples than John tho' he Baptized no Man himself Jo. 4 1.-4 but by his Disciples he left Judea and returned into Galilee through Samaria XXIII The Samaritan Woman Jo. 4 5.-11 About noon Jesus came to a City of Samaria named Sychar and being wearied with his Journey he sat down on the brink of a Fountain called Jacob's VVell in a parcel of Ground which that Patriarch gave long since to his Son Joseph A certain VVoman of this Countrey came to fetch VVater at this VVell and Jesus saith unto her Give me to drink This VVoman who thought him to be a Jew wondred that he
his Disciples could not cure him This Child was a Lunatick and possessed with a Devil which made him Dumb and grievously tormented him for when it seized upon him it threw him down upon the Ground cast him often into the Fire or Water and racked him with such violent Convulsions that he cryeth out fomes gnashes with his Teeth and pineth away and much bruising him hardly departeth from him The Unbelief of the Jews who did not as yet firmly believe in Jesus Christ though they had seen so many Miracles was a greater and more dangerous Disease than this of the Lunatick and was often an Impediment to the Miracles which Jesus would have done For this Reason it is that he would cure that before he drive out the Devil and therefore smartly touched that Wound that the Men afflicted with it might feel it saying O faithless and perverse Generation how long shall I be with you to convince you how long shall I suffer your Infidelity will you never believe Bring him hither to me The Child no sooner saw him but the Devil began to tear him with fierce Convulsions and threw him down where he rowled foaming Jesus asked his Father How long it was since his Son began to be vexed after this manner His Father answered him From his Childhood and added If thou canst do any thing have Pity on us and help us Jesus saith unto him If thou canst believe all things are possible to him that believeth Immediately the Father of the Child cryed out with Tears Lord I believe help thou my Vnbelief i. e. supply all the Defects of my Faith to make it worthy to obtain a Cure for my Child Then Jesus rebuked the Devil saying to him Thou Dumb and Deaf Spirit I command thee to depart out of this Child and to enter no more into him Then the Spirit cryed out and much tore and rent the Child and left him almost dead but Jesus taking him by the Hand lifted him up and delivered him to his Father perfectly cured And all that were present beheld it with Admiration and were amazed at the mighty Power of God When Jesus was come into the House his Diciples asked Why they could not cast out this Devil He answered them Because of your Vnbelief adding Luke 17 6 That if they had but one Grain of Syncere and Sound Faith they might by their mere Word remove both Trees and Mountains And then he says further That this kind of Devil goeth not out but by Prayer and Fasting The Apostles did without doubt profit by these Instructions for S. Luke teacheth us elswhere That they addressed themselves to their Master Luke 17.5 and said Lord increase our Faith XIV Jesus foretels his Death and pays Tribute While the Multitude was in Admiration of the great things Matth. 17.22 27. Mark 9 30-32 Luke 9 43-45 that Jesus did in all Places where he went his Thoughts were mainly employed in fitting his Disciples for the Disgraces and Contempt of his Death He tells them a second Time of it and desires them to hearken with Attention to him and think seriously of these Words in their Hearts The Son of Man shall be delivered into the Hands of Men who shall put him to Death and he shall rise again the Third Day But they understood not that Saying and yet this Prediction which they could not fully comprehend made them very sorry and cast them into such a Consternation that they durst not ask him to explain it to them They went through Galilee and returned to Capernaum Here the Receivers of a certain Tribute of Two Drachma's i. e. Fifteen Pence an Head asked Peter whether his Master did not pay Tribute To whom the Apostle answered That he did As soon as he came into the House Jesus prevented him by asking him Whether the Kings of the Earth exact Tribute of their own Children or of Strangers Peter answers Of Strangers Then Jesus concludes That the Children are exempted leaving it to him to infer from thence That he being the Son of God was not obliged to pay Tribute to Men Nevertheless saith he that we may not offend them Go thou and cast an Hook into the Sea and take the Fish that shall be first catched and open his Mouth and thou shalt find a Piece of Mony of Four Drachma's or half a Crown 's Value which give to them for thy self and me XV. Jesus checks the Ambition of his Disciples Matth. 18 1-14 Mar. 9 23-50 Luke 9 46-50 About the same Time it came into the mind of the Disciples of Jesus Who of them should be greatest and they disputed about it in the Way to Capernaum Jesus knowing the Thoughts of their Hearts asked them when they came into the House What they disputed about in the Way but they durst not answer him But when he had called his Twelve Disciples to him they asked him in general Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven He answered them If any Man desire to be first he shall be the last of all and Servant of all And having called a little Child to him he took him and set him by him and taking him up in his Arms he said unto them Except ye become as little Children ye shall not enter into the Kingdom of God and that whosoever shall so humble himself that he makes himself small as the little Child before them he shall be the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven And then adds That who so shall receive one such little Child in his Name receiveth him and he that receiveth him received him that sent him Hereupon John the Son of Zebedee saith unto him Master we saw a Man casting out Devils in thy Name and we forbad him because he would not joyn himself and associate with us But Jesus reproved this Action and told him That this Man would not readily speak ill of him in whose Name he did Miracles and that they ought not to look upon him as their Enemy since he did not engage in any thing against them Jesus then turns his Discourse to these little ones i. e. to the humble to whom he would have them make themselves like and pronounces a Wo against those who should be an occasion of Falling or Scandal to them declaring That whosoever shall offend one of these little ones which believe in him and whose Angels continually behold the Face of God in Heaven it were better for him to be cast into the Depth of the Sea with a Milstone about his Neck He adds That the World is full of Offences which will necessarily happen but Wo unto him by whom they come That to avoid them we must lay before Men the Torments of Hell where the Worm that gnaws the damned never dies and the Fire that burns them is never quenched yea is so far from consuming them that on the contrary 't is like Salt to them which preserves them from consuming that they may be
his Table but could not obtain that Piece of Charity from this hard-hearted Miser whose Dogs were more merciful than he for they came and licked his Sores and so by their healing Tongues did what they could to cure his Disease At length they both dyed but their End was as different as their Lives had been for the Poor Man was carried by the Angels into Abraham's Bosom i. e. into a Place of Happiness appointed for the Souls of the Saints the Rich Man also dyed and was buried in his Body but his Soul was carried into Hell From hence he beholding the Happiness of the Beggar whom he had contemned cryed out Father Abraham have Mercy on me and send Lazarus that he may dip the Tip of his Finger in Water and cool my Tongue for I suffer inexpressible Torments in this Flame But the Holy Patriarch told him that it was impossible by reason of the vast distance between them to grant his Request so it was just that he who had endured so much Grief and Sorrow in his Life-time should receive Comfort and Happiness after his Death but as for himself who had surfeited with the Delights and Pleasures of this Life that he should suffer Thirst and Torments in another World The Rich Man perceiving that there was no Mercy to be hoped for for himself thought of his Five Brethren which yet lived in the same Luxury and Riot and prayed Abraham to send them Word by Lazarus of the miserable Condition he was in that by his Example they might grow wiser and repent But he answered them That they have Moses and the Prophets and if they neglected to hear them they would not give Credit to a Dead Man though raised on purpose to warn them of their Duty XXXVIII Jesus Christ shews the inseparable Conjunction of Married Persons and highly commends Virginity Matth. 19 3-12 Mar. 10 2-12 Luke 16.18 These Truths silenced but could not convert the Pharisees they still hated him and sought all occasions to ensnare him in his Talk and for this Reason they put this Question to him Is it lawful for a Man to put away his Wife for every Cause as he pleaseth Jesus answered them by propounding first another Question What did Moses in the Law command They replyed That Moses in the Law allowed them to put away their Wives giving them a Writing to testify their Divorcement But Jesus refers them to the first Institution of Marriage by God himself saying That Man and Woman are so straitly united that they ought to be looked upon as one Flesh only And then goes on and says What God hath thus joyned together let no Man put asunder They still insist upon the Permission which Moses had given them but he answered them That Moses allowed it only for the hardness of their Hearts for from the Beginning it was not so and that whosoever puts away his Wife unless in the Case of Adultery and marries another hath committed Adultery and whosoever marrieth the Woman so divorced is also guilty of Adultery His Disciples when they came into the House consulted him about the same Thing and he gave them the same Answer from whence they made this Conclusion That it is not good to marry Whereupon he says to them True it is that Virginity is the best Estate for Men but it is above the Reach of Man unless it be of some few whom either Nature hath befriended or human Force hath rendred incapable of Marriage or their ardent Desire of Heaven hath obliged to live in voluntary and entire Chastity And since all Men are not capable of so great a Vertue he concludes with these Words He that is able to receive it let him receive it i. e. He that hath this Gift of Chastity bestowed on him let him live in it XXXIX Jesus speaks of his Kingdom and of his Coming and teaches them That they must pray always Another Time the Pharisees Luke 17 20-37 who waited for the coming of the Messiah and who had drawn up a Romantick Scheme to themselves That the Messiah should reign in their Country with great Pomp and Majesty and should raise himself above all the Kings of the World demanded of him When the Kingdom of God should come He answered them That it should not appear with outward Splendor and Pomp nor be confined to any particular Place but that it was already come and was within them i. e. that his Kingdom was Spiritual and was to be set up in their Hearts by Justice and Charity From hence he takes occasion to tell his Disciples That the Time will come when they shall desire to enjoy his Presence but one Day but shall not see him more That he shall come hereafter as a Flash of Lightning i. e. suddenly and gloriously but he must first suffer many things and be rejected of the Jews And that as it was in the Days of Noah Men eat and drank and married not thinking upon the Flood which came suddenly upon them and destroyed them and as the Fire from Heaven fell unexpectedly upon the Inhabitants of Sodom so shall it be at the coming of the Son of Man All our Thoughts must then be employed in contriving to save our selves without looking behind us either to pity or save others remembring Lot's Wife who looking back contrary to the Command of the Angel was changed into a Pillar of Salt Luke 18 1-8 He teaches them also at the same Time That we must not be weary of Prayer and to shew of how great Advantage it is to pray always and with Perseverance he delivers this Parable of a certain Widow who having a wicked Man for her Judge who would not do her Justice constrained him by her Importunities to vindicate her Wrongs By which Example he demonstrates to us That God who is Just will certainly revenge his Elect which cry unto him Day and Night and will deliver them soon out of the Oppression they suffer But since such a Faith as is necessary to support us continually in so excellent a Duty is very rare and unusual he adds in a kind of an Astonishment Nevertheless when the Son of Man cometh shall he find Faith upon Earth There will will be few that will hold out to the End XL. He teaches Men to be humble Jesus Luke 18 9-14 that he might shew Humility in Prayer to be as necessary as Perseverance and so instruct his more attentive Disciples as well as beat down the Pride of the Pharisees who thought themselves Righteous and being full of vain Confidence in their own false Sanctity contemned all others propounds to them this Parable Two Men went up to the Temple to pray the One a Pharisee and the Other a Publican the former stood and prayed after this manner God I thank thee that I am not as other Men are Thieves Vnjust Adulterers or even as this Publican I fast twice in the Week and give Tythes of all that I
possess But the Publican on the other side standing afar off durst not so much as lift up his Eyes to Heaven but smote upon his Breast saying My God be merciful to me who am a Sinner Whereupon Jesus adds I declare unto you That this Man returned Home justified rather than the other for he that exalteth himself shall be abased but who so humbleth himself shall be exalted XLI Jesus blesseth certain Infants Then some of the Jews brought their Children to Jesus that he might lay his Hands upon them Matth. 19 13-15 Mark 19 13-16 Luke 18 15-17 and pray for them His Disciples rebuking those that brought them unto him spake roughly to them but Jesus being displeased at this Action reproved them and bid them to suffer little Children to come unto him because the Kingdom of Heaven is made up of such and if we will gain an entrance into it we must become little Children i. e. humble so commending a spiritual Infancy which consists in an Holy Simplicity and sincere Humility After this he takes these little Children up in his Arms and having Blessed them by laying his Hands upon them He departed from thence to go some whither else XLII He tells them how hard it is for a Rich Man to be saved Matth. 19.16 ● 30. Mark 10 17-30 Luke 18 18-30 As Jesus was in his Journey a Young Noble-Man who was very Rich ran unto him and kneeling down to him said Good Master What good thing must I do that I may inherit Eternal Life Jesus answered him Why callest thou me good There is none but God who is good i. e. who is good of himself being perfect and essential Goodness the Original of all Goodness for all the Goodness in the Creatures in only an Efflux and participation of the infinite Goodness of God This Young Man commended an Humane and Finite Goodness in Jesus only and it seems that the Son of God refusing the Title of Good Master and answering that there was none Good but God only would Teach him to acknowledge a Divine and Soveraign Goodness in Himself Afterward he says in Answer to his Question That if he will obtain Eternal Life he must keep the Commandments And because this Young Man asked him which of these Commandments he ought to keep he said unto him Thou knowest the Commandments of the Law Do not kill Do not commit Adultery Do not Steal Do not bear false Witness Defraud not Honour thy Father and thy Mother And Love thy Neighbour as thy Self The Young Man answered All these things have I observed from my Youth What yet have I to do Then Jesus beholding him loved him but this Love which he had for the Young Man did not hinder him from Teaching him a Truth which he could not entertain for he said unto him One thing lackest thou yet If thou wilt be perfect Go and sell all that thou hast and give it to the Poor and thou shalt have Treasure in Heaven and then come and follow me But this Lord who had a great Estate not being able to accept of his Advice and forsake all went away sad Then Jesus who saw him troubled looking round about him said unto his Disciples Verily I say unto you It is very hard for a Rich Man to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven And because they were much amazed at these Words he repeated the same Truth again to them in these Words Little Children How hard is it for them that trust in their Riches to enter into the Kingdom of God It is easier for a Camel to go through the Eye of a Needle This last assertion encreased the astonishment of the Apostles who said one to another Who then can be saved But Jesus removed their admiration by telling them that that which is impossible with Men is possible with God who can change the Heart and make Rich Men to leave all to follow Christ and gain Heaven Then said Peter unto him As for us thou seest That we have left all and followed thee What reward shall we receive Jesus answered him That at the Resurrection when the Son of Man shall sit upon the Throne of his Glory they shall sit by him on Thrones judging all the People of Israel And he further tells them that not only they But whosoever shall forsake his House or Kindred or Lands for His and the Gospels sake shall receive in this World an hundredfold Houses and Kindsfolk and Lands with Persecution● and in the World to come Life Eternal By which he means that God who will reward his Elect in another World will give them in this such comforts as are necessary to support them in their afflictions and will find them such Friends as shall by their Christian Charity be as serviceable to them as their nearest Kindred and shall supply the want of all they have forsaken or lost for his sake to them XLIII Jesus explains how they that are first shall be last in the Kingdom of God Mrtth. 19.30 Matth. 20 1-16 The Apostles might well be surprized at the Promise which Jesus had made them That he would set them on Thrones to Judge their whole Nation especially since they had been always so little esteemed among the Jews From this passion the Son of God seems very desirous to free them by repeating to them again the words which he had before used upon another occasion That many of those that should have been first shall be last and many that should have been last shall be first Which Truth that he might throughly explain it to them he propounds a Parable and saith That the Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a Man who having sent some Labourers with whom he had agreed for Wages early in the Morning into his Vineyard did also send others at the Ninth Third and Eleventh Hours promising to give them as much as was reasonable for their Labour In the Evening he called all these Men to him and beginning with those who came came last he gave them the same Wages which he had promised to those whom he had hired in the Morning but these last expecting to receive somewhat more than the other murmured against him for giving them as much as he agreed with them for But the Master of the Vineyard proves that he had done them no wrong because he had payd them what was due to them and as for the rest it was Lawful to give them what he pleased From hence the Son of God concludes So the last shall be first and the first shall be last for many are called but few are chosen This is all the explication which our Lord gives us of this Parable but the Fathers understand by the Kingdom of God and the Vineyard into which he calls Men to Labour for the reward which he hath promised by an Holy Life the Church And this reward is nothing but himself Some entred at the beginning of the World into this Vineyard
Wrong to any Man I will restore him Four-fold And Jesus answered This Day is Salvation come to this House And assures us That Zaccheus who was looked upon hitherto by the Jews as a Stranger and a Heathen was by Faith become a Child of Abraham as well as they and so was entituled to the Promises made to him L. Jesus condemns the Opinion of those who believed that the Kingdom of God would then appear All those who were present Luke 19 11-27 harkned unto Jesus with Attention and as they drew near to Jerusalem they thought that the glorious Reign of the Messias which they had fancied to themselves would immediately commence supposing that Jesus had undertaken this Journey to the Passover at Jerusalem for this End only to seat himself upon his Throne and to establish the Kingdom he had so often spoke of Jesus knowing their Thoughts condemned them by this Parable A certain great and Noble Man being about to take a Voyage into a far Country where he was to take Possession of a Kingdom fallen to him called all his Servants and gave them every one a Sum of Mony to trade withal and improve till he should return Some of his Countrymen who hated him sent after him and declared that they would not have him for their King But he notwithstanding this Opposition having obtained the Kingdom returned again and first calls the Servants to an Account to whom he had entrusted his Mony One of them had improved it Ten the Other Five Times by Trading whom he rewarded proportionably to their Diligence giving to the last the Government of Five Gities and the other of Ten But one there was among them who instead of trading with it had lock'd it up fearing as he said the great Severity of his Master and so not daring to hazard what he had entrusted to him But his Master condemned this Action and taking his Mony from him gave it to those whom he had already so bountifully rewarded This done he summoned those who had refused to accept him for their King and put them to Death in his Presence The Gospel doth not deliver the Explication of this Parable but since we know the Occasion that Jesus had to propose it it is very natural to explain it thus Jesus himself is the King here spoken of he is gone into Heaven and shall return in Majesty to judge both the Quick and the Dead He distributes his Graces here below and expects that we should improve them by a good Use of them At his coming again he will find Three several sorts of Persons some will make a good Use of the Grace that they have received to whom God will give greater portions of it Others will not improve it and therefore he will take it from them Lastly others will revolt from him and will not obey his Laws such as Infidels and Wicked Men but chiefly the Jews are meant in this Place who being God's People have nevertheless made the most vigorous Opposition to the Establishment of his Church and therefore he shall destroy them LI. Jesus Christ heals Two Blind Men. Matth 20 29-31 Mark 10 46-52 As soon as Jesus was departed from Jericho being followed by a great Company of People a certain Blind Man named Bartimeus he Son of Timeus who sat by the Way-Side begging being informed what the Multitude which he heard going by meant and hearing that Jesus passed by Luke 18 35-43 he cryed out with another Blind Man who sate in the same Road Jesus thou Son of David have Mercy on me The People which accompanied Jesus but chiefly those that went before him spake roughly to him to make him hold his Peace but he cryed out so much the louder as did also his Companion Thou Son of David have Mercy on me Then Jesus stopped and commanded him to be called which some did saying be of good Comfort arise he calleth you Then he immediately cast away his Coat arose and went with his Companion to Jesus who asked them both What would you have me to do for you They answered Lord that thou wouldest open our Eyes Then Jesus being moved with Compassion touched their Eyes and immediately they received Sight and followed him glorifying God as also did all the People who had been Witnesses of this Miracle LII Jesus Christ suppeth at Bethany Jesus drew every Day nearer and nearer to Jerusalem Matt. 26 6-13 Mark 14.3 ● 9. John 12.1 and Six Days before the Passover he came to Bethany where he had lately raised Lazarus the Brother of Mary and Martha from the Dead Here he was entertained at a Supper in the House of Simon the Leper Martha waited but Lazarus was one of those that supped with him While he sat at the Table Mary came to him having an Alabaster-Box containing a Pound of the Oyntment of Spikenard of great Value with which she anointed his Feet wiping them with her Hairs and afterward breaking the Box she poured the Residue of the Perfume upon his Head so that the whole House was filled with the Smell of it The Apostles but chiefly Judas Iscariot murmured at this waste and Judas said That this Oyntment might have been sold for Three hundred Pence which is about 9 l. 7 s. 6 d. of our Mony and so relieved many Poor People not that he had so much Care or Compassion for the Poor as the Gospel observes but because he was a Thief and kept the Mony which Jesus Christ had collected for his ordinary Expence and for the maintenance of the Poor upon which account it was that he was so very desirous to have gotten the Price of this Oyntment into his Hands that he might gratify his own Covetousness But Jesus himself undertook the Defence of Mary and told those that condemned her That she had done a good Work and had embalmed his Body before-hand for the Day of its Burial and that as for the Poor for whose Relief it was said that the Price of this Oyntment might have been better employed they were always with them and might receive Relief of them at any Time but they cculd not have him always with them to pay their Duty to him and give him the Marks of their Esteem and Affection And lastly That this Action of Mary's should in every Place where the Gospel is preach'd be spoken of in her Commendation In the mean while it being known at Jerusalem that Jesus was come to Bethany many of the Jews came to see him and not him only but more especially Lazarus whom he had raised from the Dead As for the Chief Priests they had determined to kill Lazarus because many Jews were converted to the Belief of Christ's Divinity by the Miracle of his Resurrection The End of the Third Book BOOK IV. An Account of what Jesus Christ did from his Triumphant Entrance into Jerusalem to his Ascension into Heaven I. Jesus Christ goes in Triumph to Jerusalem THE next Day Jesus
because they knew it was their Master And Jesus having taken the Bread gave it them and likewise the Fish XLIX Jesus commits the care of his Sheep to St. Peter When they had eaten Jesus said to Peter Simon John 21 15-23 Son of Jonas Lovest thou me more than these do He answered him Yea Lord thou knowest I love thee Jesus saith unto him Feed my Lambs He asked him again a Second time Simon Son of Jonas Lovest thou me Yea Lord answered Peter thou knowest that I Love thee Jesus says again Feed my Lambs Jesus again the Third time put the same Question to him Peter was troubled that his Master seem'd to doubt of his Love and answered him Lord thou knowest all things thou knowest that I Love thee Our Saviour having made him thus make some amends for his Sin in denying him Thrice by giving a Triple Testimony of his Love committed the Care of his Sheep to him i. e. the Souls of his People saying to him again Feed my Sheep He adds Verily Verily I say unto thee when thou wast Young thou girdedst thy self and went whither thou pleasest but when thou shalt be Old thou shalt stretch forth thy Hands and another shall gird thee and carry thee whither thou wouldst not The Gospel saith that Jesus signified by these Words by what Death Peter should glorify God and they did indeed concur in the Martyrdom of this Apostle whom Tradition teacheth us to have been Crucified as his Master was Euseb Eccles Hist. lib. 2. c. 25. After this Jesus commanded Peter to follow him and Peter turning him seeth John the Beloved Disciple of Jesus following him and seeing him he saith unto Jesus Lord what shall become of this Man But Jesus checks his Curiosity by tclling him that he ought not to trouble himself with what shall befall others and orders him to mind nothing but to follow him And speaking of John he sayeth to him I will that he tarry till I come Or according to other Editions If I will that he tarry till I come what is that to thee These words seemed to intimate to the Apostles that John should not dye But this Evangelist who wrote these things himself observes that Jesus did not say that he should not dye and History indeed tells us That he is Dead But the sense of these Words of the Son of God perhaps signifies that that Disciple should continue as he was to his Death i. e. he should not dye a Violent Death as Peter should or that he should Live till the Destruction of Jerusalem for these words Vntil I come may signify according to the usual Language of Scripture Vntil I come to take him out of the World by Death Or till I come to punish and Chastize this People St. John did really live till after the Destruction of Jerusalem and dyed at last of his Natural Death L. Jesus Instructed the Apostles The Son of God shewed himself several times more to his Apostles during the Forty days Matth. 28 16-20 Mark 16 15-18 Luke 24 44-49 Acts 1.3 that he abode upon Earth after his Resurrection and he appeared so often saith St. Luke to give them ample Proofs that he was alive and to talk with them of the Kingdom of God And since he had determined to call Men by Preaching to the possession of that Kingdom he gave them necessary instructions to discharge their Functions well He explained to them all that was spoken of himself in the Law of Moses and in the Books of the Prophets and in the Psalms and opened their Understandings to understand the sense of Scripture He shews them that according as it is Written Christ must suffer Death and be raised the Third day and that Repentance and remission of Sins should be preached in all Nations beginning at Jerusalem He Communicates to them the Authority which he had received of his Father and saith to them All power is given to me in Heaven and Earth Go ye therefore into all the World and Preach the Gospel and Instruct all People Baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost and Teach them to observe all that I have commanded you He adds That they that believe not shall be Damned and on the contrary They that believe their Word by a lively Faith and are Baptized shall be saved and likewise shall do Miracles Casting out Devils Speaking with Tongues Drinking Poison without getting harm and Healing the Sick by laying their Hands on them Lastly since the Apostles had need of Power and Strength to exercise the Ministry which was entrusted to them he assured them of his protection telling them that he would be with them always to the End of the World and he promised them to endue them with power from above by the Holy Spirit which he would send from Heaven LI. The last Appearance of Jesus Christ Matth. 28 16-18 It is probable that Jesus gave them the greatest part of these Instructions at the Famous Apearance p. 217. The Ascension of Jesus Christ which he made to them upon the Mountain of Galilee where he appointed to meet them Here he promised them before he dyed to shew himself to them And on the day of his Resurrection the Angels and He himself commanded the Holy Women to tell his Disciples that he would meet in Galilee They went thither they saw him as he had promised and they Worshipped him 1 Cor. 15.6 It is credible that all his Disciples met him there as the Apostles and that it is of the Appearance that St. Paul speaks who saith That Jesus appeared to more than Five Hundred Brethren at once The same Apostle tells us that he also appeared to James but doth not relate in what manner Luke 24.49 Acts ●1 4-8 Lastly He shewed himself the Last time to his Apostles at Jerusalem where he commanded them to abide till they should receive the Holy Spirit which he promised them in these words John Baptized with Water but ye shall be Baptized i. e. Washed and Sanctified by the Holy Ghost not many days hence They asked him Lord wilt thou at this time restore again the Kingdom of Israel He answered them That it is not for them to know the Times and Seasons which God hath put in his own absolute Power But ye shall receive saith he to them the power of the Holy Spirit which shall come down upon you and ye shall be witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judaea and Samaria and unto the uttermost part of the Earth LII The Ascension of Jesus Christ These were the last Words according to S. Luke Mark 16.19 20. Luke 24 50-53 Acts 1 9-12 which Jesus spake upon the Earth if they were spoken immediately before he left his Apostles it was at Bethany whither he led them upon the Day of his Ascension or upon the Mount of Olives From which it appears he ascended as S. Luke relates He