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A51203 The declaration of His Excellencie James Marquis of Montrosse, Earle of Kilcairn, Lord Greme, Baron of Mont-Dieu, Lievtenant Governour of Scotland, and Captaine Generall of all His Majesties forces by sea or land, for that kingdome Montrose, James Graham, Marquis of, 1612-1650.; Scotland. Parliament. aut 1650 (1650) Wing M2516A; ESTC R202891 16,807 24

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of their faction to rise in that desperate Rebellion as a prolouge to the ensuing Tragedie which they meant to act These are they who were the chiefe and maine instruments of all the Battaills slaughters and bloody occasions within that or their owne Kingdome These are they who sold their Soveraigne to a bloody and infamous death yea these are they who still digg in his Grave and who are more pernitiously hatching the destruction of his present Majesty by the same bare old antiquated treacheries then ever they did that of his most excellent and most innocent Father NOtwithstanding all which because the greatest part of the People of the Kingdome of Scotland hath beene hitherto ignorantly misguided to follow their Leaders not knowing the pernicious ends their wicked Counsells did drive at which they had wrapped up in specious coverings but have now most of them by Gods mercy their eyes opened and their hearts inflamed to returne at least in their desires to their due obedience towards their most Gratious Soveraigne And because even in the worst times there never ●anted a loyall partie of men of all sorts and conditions who still gave evident Demonstrations of their unwearied loyallty and fidelity their sincere duties and affections to their dread Soveraigne His Majesty even in contemplation of those righteous ones is mooved with a tender passion of all such who now at last have a true remorse and doe seriously repent them of their former Error● and wickednesse His gracious Majestie therefore out of a Fatherly affection to all his people and subjects especially those of the Kingdome of Scotland is not onely willing and ready to pardon all and every one ●xcepting such who upon cleare evidences shall be found guilty of that most damnable parricide on the person of his Deare Father who upon the sight or knowledge of this Our Declaration doe immediately or with the first possible opportunity abandon those Rebells and rise and joyne with us and our Fo●c●s in this present service But also promiseth in the word of a Prince which he desires all men to be most assuredly perswaded of that so soone as God shall be pleased to inable him he will with the advise and consent of the lawfull and ordinary supreme Judicatories in that Kingdome ratifie and confirme whatever hath been done by his Royal Father in order to their peace Nor doth his Majesty requi●e or demand any more of them but that they would returne to their dutyfull obedience and afford him their faithfull Service to revenge that horrid murther of his Royal Father to reestabli●h himselfe in his just power and Government and to procure their owne perpetuall peace and happinesse Wherefore what ever true Scotch-man there is who hath any sence of his duty left him towards God his King Countrey Friends Wife Children or Houses or would change now at last the Tyranny violence or oppression of those Reb●lls with the mild and innocent Government of their just Prince or revenge the horrid and execrable murther of their sacred King redeeme their Nation from infamy and themselves from slavery restore the present and oblige all ages to come Let them as Christians Subjects Patriots Friends Husbands and Fathers joyne th●mselves forthwith with us in this present service which is so full of Conscience Duty Honor and all just interests And let no man so much feare or apprehend things future and uncertaine as abhor those present evills under which they groane since no calamities can match much lesse outstrip that vile and unjust servitude which now oppresses them For however at the first blush the enterprize may seeme hard and full of many and great difficulties yet let not Christians and men of courage doubt of Gods Justice and that perpetuall care wherewith he watches over Princes or their owne resolutions or the fortunes of those with whom they are joyned and by whom they are Commanded But let them resolve with Joab to play the men for their people and the Citties of their God And let the Lord doe what seemeth him good wherein whatever shall befall them they may at least be assured of CRASTINUS his recompence that Dead or a Live the World will owe and pay them deserved thanks MONTROSSE THe Declaration of the Scotts in answer to this of Montrosse being very long and much of it tending onely to justifie their proceedings while their Army was in England being that with which they have often vexed the Presse before and which for the most part hath received such Answers as were never replyed unto I have thought fit to save the reading of that which is not to the present purpose to Extract out of their large Declaration onely those Passages that looke at the person of Montrosse this being intended onely to shew the world what Opinion they professe to have of each other EXTRACTS OF A DECLARATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF ESTATES Of the Parliament of SCOTLAND In Vindication of their proceedings from the aspersions of a scandalous Pamphlet published by that excommunicate Traytor JAMES GRAHAME Vnder the title of a Declaration of James Marques of Monrosse c. Printed in the yeare 1649. AS ALSO OF A DECLARATION And Warning unto all the Members of this KIRK and KINGDOM In answer to a paper intituled and reputed the Declaration of JAMES GRAHAME By the Commission of the Generall Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland EDINBVRGH Printed by Evan Tyler Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majestie 24. January 1650. EXTRACTS OUT OF A DECLARATION of the Committee of Estates of the Parliament of Scotland In Vindication of their proceedings from the aspersions of a scandalous Pamphlet published by that excommunicate Traytor James Grahame under the title of a Declaration of James Marques of Montrosse c. Printed 1649. IT may seem strange to such as know the state of affaires in this Kingdome that we should thinke it worth the while to answer the slanders and groundlesse reproaches of that viperous brood of Sathan James Grahame whom the Estates of Parliament have long since declared traytor the Church hath delivered into the hands of the devill and the Nation doth generally detest and abhor Since we know there hath been and will be in all ages a wicked rabble of godlesse men who make it their worke to follow the righteous cause with aspersions and calumnies and it is an endlesse labour to answer every voyce that speaks against the truth and seeing also at length the innocencie of our cause the integrity of our hearts and the candor of our actions will prevaile over the malicious tongues of our adversaries yet because our silence may be subject to misconstruction and some of the weaker sort may be inveagled by the bold assertions and railing accusations of this impudent Braggard presenting himselfe to the view of the world clothed with his Majesties Authority as Lievtenant Governour and Captain Generall of this Kingdom We shall shortly answer what is said against us take off the ma●ke
which he hath put on and expose him to publick view in his own apparell This excommunicate Traytor in the first place chargeth his own Nation with hatching a Rebellion in this Kingdome then with the promoting the like in England and lastly with the sale and murther of their native King and robbing his Son of all right horrid crimes indeed if true But c. His l●st and main forgeries against us are that his late Majesty being red●cted to thinke on extream courses did engage us by a Treaty and having got all manner of assurance from us did cast himselfe in the hands of our Army which was sent into England for assistance of the two Houses of Parliament against the Popish Prelaticall and Malignant party And that we contrary to all faith p●ction and duty sold our Soveraign and afterwards complotted his destruction and now begin upon the same score with the Son d●claring him King with provisoes and robing him of all right while we would seeme to give some unto him and are more perniciously hatching the destruction of his present Majestie then ever we did his sacred Fathers What a strange contexture of multiplied lies doth this malicious man heap together In all this there is not one word true save one that his Majestie was redacted to think on extream courses and that makes against him for Sir Thomas Fairfax having defeated the Kings forces in the fields suddenly resolves to block up Oxford where the King was in person thinking that the shortest way to put an end to their troubles wherewith his Majestie being surprized privatly escapes with two or three from Oxford c. And that it is a malicious wicked device and manifest untruth that wee sold our King wee abhorre the very thought of it as sincerely as wee doe abhominate the treacherous actions of that perfidious Traytor James Grahame who as a childe of the Devil hates to speake truth As to the remainder of that which is said against us by that wretched man that wee complotted his late Majesties destruction and have Declared his Sonne King with provisoes robbing him of all right and are more perniciously hatching the destruction of his present Majestie then ever wee did his royall Fathers Wee say no person on earth has contributed more toward his Majesties ruine then James Grahame himselfe In the beginning of our troubles the Lord having put it into the hearts of his people of this Land to renew their nationall Covenant formerly taken by King James in the yeare 1580. That dissembling Hypocrite James Grahame then Earle of Montrosse did with teares in his eyes and both his hands lifted up to Heaven sweare the words of that Covenant unto the Lord in the publick Assembly of his people but being a man of a meane and desperate fortune and not meeting with that esteeme and reward which be in his vanity proposed to himselfe at the first pacification he began to hearken to the promises of the Court and to study a faction within and hold correspondence with the adverse pa●ty without the Kingdome and by false information to d●v●de his Maje●ty f●om his people ●is base and treacherous practises were dive●se times discovered and himselfe made ashamed yet would he not give over untill at length he was made prisoner in the Castle of Edinburgh and afterward brought to his Tryall before the Committee for tryall of plotters and incendiaries appoynted by his Majesty and the estates of Parliament where he was found guilty of perjury and treachery and had he then received his due punishment according to justice he had not troubled the World since but such was the mercy and favour of his Majesty and the Estates of Parliament as he was pardoned and no further Censure inflicted upon him but that his Majesty declared and caused it to be inserted in the records of Parliament that he should be incapable of any office or place in the Court or Common wealth and not have accesse to his Majesties person yet not long after his enlargement contrary to his owne promise and the Articles of the large Treaty betwixt his Majesty and this Kingdome he repaired to his Majesty in England and obtained a Commission for invading his native Countrey which shortly thereafter he did attempt upon the South borders and was repulsed but rather then faile in his designes he choosed to joyne himselfe with that Barbarous crew of Popish Irish Rebells which invaded this Kingdome upon the North with whose assistance and of some unnaturall Countrymen voyd of all Religion and humanity taking advantage of the qui●tnesse and security of this Kingdome when their Armies were abroad in England and Ireland he did cruelly destroy with the Sword diverse thousands of his owne Countreymen spoyled many of their goods burned Houses and Cornes ravished Women murthered old and young killed Ministers complyed with Papists countenanced Idolaters and despised the Worship of God for which abominable Crimes and his Rebellion and Treason as he was excommunicated by the Church so he was declared Traitor by the Estates of Parliament his Coat of Armes torne and his Estate forefaulted But for all this he is not weary of committing wickednes and therefore would returne into this Kingdome to over-act all his former transgressions and abominations But if he shall come we trust in God it is that he may be brought to a shamefull death and cursed end and here receive from the hand of justice his deserved punishment where he hath murthered so many of the Lords people and Julian-like hath made Apostasie from that cause and Covenant to which he was so Solemnly Engaged by Oath and Subscription To gaine supplies abroad and assistance at home this vaine m●● doth publish this his Declaration under the name and Title of Lievtenant Governour and Captaine Generall for his Majesty of the Kingdome of Scotland Upon what bare pretences he did formerly obtaine a Commission from his late Majesty to invade this Kingdome we shall not now descant bu● we are very sure that there was scarce any act his Made could have done that was more destructive to his owne interest or more displeasing to this K●ngedom● it being expresly contrary to the ties and bands betwixt King and people and here we may justly retort upon James Grahame that he doth begin with the Son upon the same score that he left with the Father for whither he hath really obtained such a Commision from his Majesty or doth onely abuse his name certainly he is not capable of doing his Majesty greater dis-service then is held forth in that Declaration The King received our Commissions in Holland and the Parliaments Letter and treated with them he denyed that he had given any Commission to James Grahame or any other to invade this Kingdome and promised a further answer to our desires by an Expresse from himselfe which is never yet come unto us The straine and scope of the Declaration makes the whole N●tion the party whom his Majesty gives
Commission to invade and destroy for it condemnes all the proceedings of the Kingdome even at the very first beginning of these troubles as the Rebellion of an horrid and infamous faction of Rebells at first causlesly ha●ched against his late Majesty of glorious memory notwithstanding they were approved by his Majesty in the yeare 1639. at the Treaty at Berwick wherein James Grahame himselfe was an actor and consenter It condemns all the proceedings of this Kingdome in the yeare 1640. notwithstanding his Majesty is obliged in the large Treaty which is ratified in the Parliament of both Kingdomes for himselfe and his successors by his promise in verbo Principis never to come in the contrary thereof nor any thing therein contained but to hold the same firme and stable in all poynts and that he shall cause it to be truely observed by all his Majesties Leidges according to the tenour and intent thereof for now and ever these are the very words of the Treaty And now what can be imagined to be a security to the Subjects of this Kingdome if that which their King is solmnly ingaged unto by promise for himselfe and his successours in verbo Principis and confirmed in the Parliaments of both Kingdomes shall not onely be questioned but their desires agreed unto by his Majesty declared to be violent and most unjust And all this is not enough to quarrell Treaties and Established lawes and to accuse the whole Nation but they are by this Declaration accounted more wicked then any in England or I●●l●nd this miserable miscreant is better pleased with the Sectaries or the Irish Rebells then with his native Countrey wherein he declares his Apostacy to be of such a stamp as he can sooner reconcile with all the World the● with the cause and Covenant which he did once sweare to maintaine and defend If he may but sit and judge all those in the Kingdome who have kept the Oath of God and made conscience of their Covenant shall be found accessory to the murther and ruine of the King and all those who have perjured themselves and made apostacy from the cause and Covenant as he hath done shall be justified as the onely righteous persons of the Nation as he is pleased to style them in his Declaration Neither is this the height of his insolency and ambition but in the Frontispeice of that Pamphlet he is exalted to be Governour of Scotland as if it were a Province or Conquered Nation a title which our Ancestors would never endure in the person of any but the King and we trust in God it shall never take place in this nor any subsequent Generation Is it not a sad and lamentable thing that when his Majesty hath lost possession of the Kingdome of England is in li●tle better condition for Ireland and onely Scotland is desirous to imbrace him upon grant of their just desires there should yet be such Counsellors about his M●jesty as would advise him no other wayes to come to his Throne in Scotland but by Conquest and before the Conquest be made to declare the Governour and to choose that Governour such a one as is more generally hated by many degrees then any person of the Nation What greater provocations can be given then these Or what designe worse then this can be set on Foote to make his Majesty and his people irreconcilable but we know that no bounds can be set to the wickednesse of this malicious man who had rather see both King and Kingdome utterly ruined then that his owne designes should faile and therefore we are very unwilling to thinke that these things are done with his Majesties knowledge and approbation but rather that his Majesties Name is abused in that pretended Declaration or if there hath beene any Commission granted unto him that it hath been surreptitiously purchased from his Majesty in which opinion we desire to rest and shall patiently wait for his Majesties Answer to our desires now againe presented to his Majesty in the Isle of Jersey These things being duely weighed and considered by forrain Princes and States wee trust that since we have never done any injury or wrong to them but have rather been ready to performe all friendly duties in our power as we have had occasion and opportunity and seeing we onely desire to enjoy our Religion and Liberties under his Majestie according to the word of God and the Lawes and Constitutions of this Ki●k and Kingdome and are most willing upon just satisfaction given to our desires presented to his Majesty and published to the world in Print not onely to receive his Majesty and submit to his Government but also to contribute our best endeavoure by all lawfull and necessary means according to the Covenant and the duty of faithfull Subjects that his Majesty may be restored to the peaceable possession of the Government of his other Kingdomes they will be mindfull of that Common Rule of Justice knowne by the light of nature and confirmed by our Saviour Christ Whatsoever yee would that men should doe to you doe so to them And therefore as they would expect from us in the like case wee doe expect from them that they will neither contribute men nor moneys nor any other a●d or assistance to a declared Traytor who is neither seeking his Majesties honour and happinesse nor the good of his native Countrey but meerly to satisfie his own lusts and ambitious ends and designes But in a speciall manner we doe expect from all Protestant Princes and States that they will remember what is said to Jehosapht for assisting Achab. Shouldst thou help the ungodly and love them that hate the Lord therefore is wrath upon thee from before the Lord And that as they desire to keepe the Communion of Saints they will forbeare to give him either countenance or assistance but looke upon him as a person justly excluded from civill society for his Treasonable practises and excommunicated from the Church of Christ for his a●●minable transgressions If he shall come into this Kingdome we are confiden●that all those in whom the sense of the feare of God duty to the King and affections to their native Countrey is not utterly decayed and extinguished will heartily and unanimously joyne to resist and oppose him and to use their best endeavours that he may be brought to condigne and exemplary punishment But if there shall be any found in the land so foolish base and treacherous as to hearken to the vaine promises and empty professions of that scandalous wicked and infamous Pamphlet published under the name of a Declaration of his Excellency James Marquesse of Monrosse Lievtenant Governour and Captain Generall for his Majestie of the Kingdome of Scotland which in detestation thereof wee have caused burne publickly at the Crosse of Edinburgh by the hand of the Common Hangman and shall ayd or assist the said James Grahame in his wicked designes against Religion King and Kingdome Wee doe hereby declare
all such as shall joyne or concurre with him or his adherents in armes to be guilty of High Treason and to be punished and proceeded against as the Parliament or their Committees shall thinke fit And doe further discharge all persons of whatsoever quality or degree to joyne with them in any Oath Band or Association whatsoever or to assist or supply them and their adherents or any of them with Men Money Armes Ammunition Victuall Counsell or Intelligence or to keep any sort of correspondence publick or private with them or any wayes to ayd or countenance them or any of them under the paine of being esteemed as Rebels and proceeded against as the Parliament or their Committees shall thinke fit and this wee declare to be instead of all Letters of intercommoning And Power and Warr and is hereby given to all good Subjects within the Kingdome to rise in Armes for opposing and suppressing all such as shall joyne in Rebellion as they shall be called and required thereunto by the Lord Generall Lievtenant Generall or any others having authoritie for that effect And for the encouragement of al● such as shall suffer in opposing or suppressing them Wee doe further declare that not onely the losses and sufferings of such as shall be active in the cause against them shall be taken in speciall consideration and repaired out of the Estates of such as shall joyne in Rebellion as aforesaid but their service shall be rewarded according as they shall be found to deserve And wee doe ordaine these presents to be printed and published at the Mercat Crosse of Edinburgh and other ordinary places of publication needfull A. JONSTON Clericus Registri EDINBURGH 2. January 165● Antemeridiem The Declaration and Warning of the Commission of the Generall Assembly unto all the Members of this Kirk and Kingdome In answer to a paper intituled and reputed The Declaration of James Grahame ALbeit the carriage of those who are engaged in the worke of Reformation in this Land hath been from the beginning so agreeable to the rule of the Word of God and of sound reason and so eminently owned and blessed by the Lord in all the tenour and proc●dour thereof as may sufficiently refute all the calumnies of enemies and strengthen his people against all their slanders and attempts for undoing of the same Yet least our silence in this day of blasphemy and rebuke should be construed either as a neglect of our dutie or as weaknesse through the sense of the guilt to wipe off the aspersions that are vented to the world in the name of that excommunicate and forfeited Traytor James Grahame wee have resolved till there may be opportunitie for a larger Declaration shortly to touch the revilings contained in that paper and to declare unto men their dutie in reference to such purposes and desires as are holden forth therein In the first place the instruments of the worke of Reformation are charged as an horrid and infamous faction of rebells who did hatch a rebellion against his late Majestie But to say nothing that that wretched man was accessorie unto the laying of the foundation of that blessed worke which now in the blindnesse of his minde and hardnesse of his heart as being given up of God as Pharaoh was he calls rebellion This is no other then the common calumnie that hath been cast upon the servants of God from the beginning of the world in all their endeavours and attempts for Reformation of Religion Was it rebellion to stand to our defence when in stead of an answer to all the earnest and reiterated supplications and desires of this Land against the corruptions of doctrine worship discipline and government wee were invaded with an Army both by Sea and Land that a yoke might be wreathed about our necks by oppression and violence Not onely had wee the Lords Word and the practise of the reformed Churches abroad and of our owne Church at home in the dayes of our Fathers to justifie us in this but also the King himselfe who upon information did retract the Declaration set forth against u● and grant what we had desired N●xt it is charge upon this Nation that they did solicite a partie in the Kingdome of England to beginne where they had left off and that finding their rebell brood there beginning to lessen They did contrary to all Faith Covenants Oathes c. enter with a strong Army the Kingdome of England persecute their Prince in a forreigne Nation and assist a company of strangers rebells against their native King c. What was the grounds and first rise of the warre betwixt the King and the Parliament of England needs not now to be repeated being so well knowne every where But this Nat●on were so farre from fomenting of the same that for a long time they did mediate a peace and so continued untill England by their earnest invitation did for the preservation and Reformation of Religion the honour and happinesse of the King the peace and good of these Kingdome● crave their assistance against the Popish Prelaticall and Malignant partie then in Armes who were like to have destroyed all For which end when they had entred in a solemne League and Covenant with that Nation as they did oblige themselves for the defence and preservation of his Majesties Person and just Greatnesse and Authority in the defence and preservation of Religion so they did never desist to solici● his Majesty for satisfaction to the just desires of both Kingdomes and were alwayes upon his Majesties granting of the same willing to admit him to the exercise of his Royall Power Thirdly It is alleaged that after all manner of assurances given to his Majesty before his comming to the Scottish Armie notwithstanding of assurances he was sold unto the English But wee are confident that albeit all the generation of Malignants of the three Kingdomes have now for three yeares together filled this and the Nations abroad with the noyse of such things that yet to this day never any of them did nor could bring any evidence of such assurance given or such bargaine made by this Kingdome nay such assurances were alwayes refused and when the King did cast himselfe upon the Scottish Army this Kingdome was so farre from making any sale of him that they did not condescend to leave him wit● his Subj●ct in England untill sufficient surety was given by both Houses of Parliament concerning the safety and preservation of his Majesties Person It is ●reat malice to say that because the Scottish Army about the time of al● Majes●ies living at New-Castle did receive some part of those arrears due unto them for their painfull faithfull service in England that therefore this Kingdome did ●ell their King The arrears which were then received were due before the King came unto our Army and in all probability had been more timously and cheerfully payd if he had not come thither at all Fourthly They are slandered as complotters of
the Kings destruction by secre● intercourses both before in the time and since his Majesties horrid murther If those things be evident why were not the proofs brought forth and produced before the world for convincing the authors and abetters thereof and gaining credit to the cause of those that make so bold alleagance The publick endeavours and Testimonies of this Kirk and Kingdome against the taking of his Majesties life doe sufficiently refute all such secret and private whisperings Lastly they are charged as robbers of the King who now is of all right because of their declaring him King wîth provisoes But are these provisoes or conditions any other then such as have been in the time of his predecessors and whereunto by the Lawes and constitutions of this Kingdome he is obliged and without which Religion and the peace of the Kingdome cannot be secured These and the like slanders are made a ground of invitation unto the people of this Land to abandon the cause and worke of Reformation and to rise in Armes against the Parliament and Kingdome and joyne themselves with such Forces as that Monster of men and his complices shall make use of for invading of this land to which he labours to perswade a promise of pardon for what is past and of his Majesties resolution to be ever ready to ratifie so soon as it shall please God to put it in his power according to the advise of the supreme Judicatories of this Kingdome all what has been done by his Royall Father in order to our peace Though we should be silent and say nothing we are perswaded that there be none in the Land who has any regard to truth or righteousnesse or in whom any sponk of the love of the Lords work or of this Countrey does resid● but as they abhominate and abhor the very name of that excommunicate wretch and thinke these lies worthy of no other entertainment then is to be allowed to the devises of the Father o● lies unto whose hands he is delivered so we are confident that they will d●●est and avoid all such desperate and wicked designes attempted whither by him or by any other Shall men after so many solemn vowes and promises before the Lord and his hand lifted up so high in making plaine before them the way wherein they should walke be so blind and base as to be charmed into a most godlesse course against Religion and the blood of the Lords people by the offer of a pardon where there has been no transgression but a following of duty Or shall any be cheated into delusion by a flourish of most ambiguous words of his Majesties resolution to be ever ready to ratify so soone as it shall please God to put him in his power according to the advise of the supreame Judicatories of this Kingdome all what has beene done by his royall Father in order to our peace To say nothing that the League and Covenant and the Union betwixt the Kingdomes and the whole worke of Uniformity is here cut off at one clap though yet we trust that these things will be dearer to all the Lords people in the Land then their Estates or lives The words are so empty and doubtfull as may suffer any interpretation men list to put upon them and may consist with the utter undoing of all that has been done in this Land for asserting the purity of Religion and the liberty of the Subject His Majesty must first be put in power before he ingage himselfe to doe any thing at all and when in power no obligation upon him unlesse the supreame Judicatories of the Kingdome sha●l so advise neither is it determined what these judicatories are whither his Majesty shall be obliged to follow the advise and which is more strange Religion is not so much as named in all the concession but all is wrapped under the notion of these things which the King his royall Father granted in order to our peace which may be so expounded as to take in things Civill onely that concerne the peace of the Kingdome or at the best insinuates the motive of all that his Majesty granted concerning Religion to this Kingdome to have beene onely a desire of peace and not any thing in Religion it selfe and so drawes along with it a secret reflection upon the Nationall Covenant and all the work of God relating thereto and concludes them alterable as the change may produce peace or Warr We thinke we need not desire any man to consider what could be the case of Religion and of all that love is in this Land if it were in the power of that persidious and proud Atheist to modell the supreame Judicatories of the Kingdome according to his minde hee who hath so far forgotten his Covenant and Oath in which he enterd in so publick and solemn a way as to call all that is contained therein and has flowed there from violent and most unjust desires and the worke of Reformation from the beginning Rebellion will not spare the overturning and destroying thereof and the bringing back this poore Nation to the licking up of the vomit of prelacy the ceremonies and the Service-Book for making way to a fuller compliance with the Church of Rome which we have the more cause to feare for that the free excercise and full liberty of Popish Religion is granted by his Majesty to those bloody Rebells in Ireland To us it is above question that as the alteration of Religion and the establishing of an arbitrary and i● limited power for bringing the same about was the designe from the beginning so that the same is still promoted by the Popish Prelaticall and Malignant party and shall if they prevaile be the fruit of their works Therefore as the Servants of the living God we warne and obtest all the Lords people throughout the Land that as they would not draw on themselves the wrath of the most high God by breach of Covenant and grosse backslidings that they doe not hearken to any such calumni●s and slanders nor suffer themselves by the power thereof to be drawne from their stedfastnesse or to give any connivance let be countenance or assistance unto any who shall invade this Kingdome or raise Warre therin under pretence of Commission from his Majesty and putting him in the excercise of his Royall power before satisfaction had from him to the just and necessary desires of this Kirk and Kingdome concerning Religion and the Covenant The late Generall Assembly in their Declaration did by many grave and undenyable reasons demonstrate the unlawfullnesse and sinfullnesse of any such attempt and it shall be now seasonable for any man who doubts to make use of these things for satisfying his Judgement and convincing him in the poynt of conscience that he may not dash himselfe against the rock of the Lords power which shall certainly breake in peices all those that oppose themselves to his work and lead forth with the workers of iniquity all