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kingdom_n great_a james_n king_n 3,331 5 3.7645 3 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A22355 By the King a proclamation prohibiting the importation of allome, and the buying and spending thereof in any His Maiesties dominions. England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I); Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649. 1625 (1625) STC 8768; ESTC S122660 2,797 3

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HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE DIEV ET MON DROIT ❧ By the King ¶ A Proclamation prohibiting the Importation of Allome and the buying and spending thereof in any His MAIESTIES Dominions WHereas that great and commendable Worke of making Allome of the Natiue Mynes of this Our Kingdome not many yeeres since discouered within Our County of Yorke is by the disbursements and expence of sundry great summes of money made by Our most deare and Royall Father King Iames of blessed memory brought to such perfection as there is now no doubt or question but sufficient quantities of good well roached merchantable Allome may be made aswell for supply of Our owne Dominions of so necessary and vsefull a Commoditie as also for forreine vent and sale of great quantities thereof into other neighbour Kingdomes which being a Worke of so great honour to this Kingdome and of such vse and consequence for the publique seruice and good of this Common-wealth wherby many families of Our louing Subiects are kept and maintayned in worke much treasure saued within the Land which was heretofore yeerely exported for furnishing of Allome from forreine parts and some increase also brought to Our annuall Reuenues towards the sayd excessiue charge and expence which Our sayd deare Father was put vnto about it Wee haue thought fit with the aduice of Our Priuy Councell by all honourable and lawfull meanes to vphold and maintaine the same which can by no meanes be done vnlesse the Importation of Allome from forreine parts and the vse thereof here when it shall bee brought in bee carefully restrained and the many sleights frauds and deuices heretofore vsed therein be met withall and preuented Wee therefore doe by this Our Proclamation straitly charge and command That no forreine Allome be hereafter imported or brought into or bought sold vttered or spent within this Our Realme or any other Our Dominions and that no English Allome that hath been or shall be once exported or shipped in any Boate or Vessel to be transported shal at any time after be bought sold vttered or spent within this Our Realme of England And that no person or persons whatsoeuer either Our owne naturall borne Subiects or Denizens or Strangers Merchants Mariners Artificers or others nor any of them doe attempt hereafter to import buy sell or vent or cause to be imported bought sold or vented any such forreine or English Allome so prohibited vpon paine of forfeiture of all such Allome so imported bought solde or vented to bee seized to Our vse and vpon such further penalties and punishments as Wee or Our Priuie Councell or Our Treasurer of England for the time being shall thinke fit to inflict vpon euery such offender And for the better finding out and discouery of the sayd offenders Wee doe hereby require and command That Our sayd Treasurer Chancellour and Barons of the Exchequer for the time being shall and doe award such and so many Commissions of such and the like tenour and effect as in the time of Our sayd deare Father were accustomed or might bee awarded or otherwise as they shall thinke fit for examining and finding out of all offences and offenders against this Our Proclamation To the end That aswell the Importers of al such Allome prohibited as the Buyers Sellers Spenders and Receiuers therof may receiue condigne punishment for the same And whereas Wee vnderstand That diuers great quantities of such prohibited Allome haue vsed to bee imported into this Realme vnder the name or names of sundry poore Mariners and others men of little or no value Wee will and command That not onely the said Mariners or others who shall so import or colour the Importation of such prohibited Allome shall bee punished as their misdemeanours therein shall deserue But also That the Shippe Boate or Vessell wherein any such Allome shall bee imported or out of which any such Allome shall be vnshipped or layd on land contrary to this Our Proclamation shall bee arrested and stayed by the officers of euery Port respectiuely vntill the Master or Owner thereof shall cause the full value of the Allome so imported vnshipped or layd on land to bee duely payd and answered to the hands of Our Agent or Agents for Our sayd Allome Workes for the time being to Our vse or to such others as they shall appoint in that behalfe And Wee doe further straitly charge and command All and singuler such person or persons as shall hereafter seize any Allome by this Proclamation prohibited to be imported bought sold vsed or disposed of That they doe forthwith deliuer the same to Our sayd Agent or Agents in London And for the better encouragement of such as shall finde out and discouer the offenders and offences to bee committed against the tenour and true meaning of this Our Proclamation Our will and pleasure is That Our Agent or Agents shall allow to him or them who shal discouer and seize any such prohibited Allome the full summe of nine shillings for euery hundred weight after the rate for euery lesser or greater quātity that shal bee so seized and brought vnto the said Agents or one of them And for all such Allome as shal bee shifted away and not seized for which offence the full value thereof is to bee forfeited to Our vse and payd to the hands of Our sayd Agent or Agents as aforesayd The one moity thereof shall bee to the discouerer who shall prosecute and recouer the same and the other moity to remaine to Our sayd Agent or Agents to bee disposed of as in their Letters Patents of Agencie is ordered and appointed And Wee doe further charge and command All and singuler the Officers of Our Customes within all and euery the Ports and Hauens of Our said Dominions and the Creekes and members thereof That they and euery of them doe not onely forbeare to take any Entry or Entries or giue any Bill or Warrant for vnlading or landing of any Allome prohibited as aforesayd but doe also cause Seizure and stay to bee made thereof to Our vse vpon paine of forfeiture of his or their Offices respectiuely and vndergoing Our heauy displeasure and such other punishments as their neglects and contempts herein shall be found to demerit And for the better execution of the premisses Wee doe straitly charge and command all Maiors Shiriffes Iustices of Peace Constables headboroughs Tything-men and all other Our Officers and Ministers aswell of Our Admiralty as otherwise and all other Our louing Subiects to whom it shall or may appertaine That they and euery of them at all times hereafter and from time to time bee ayding and assisting to Our sayd Agent and Agents and their deputies and to such Our Commissioners as shall be from time to time appointed for or about this Our Seruice And also to be from time to time likewise ayding assisting to all Our Customers Searchers Waiters and all other person or persons thereunto deputed by Our said Agent or Agents in or for the seizing searching for or carying away of all such prohibited Allome imported or landed or hereafter to bee imported landed bought sold vented or disposed contrary to this Our Royall prohibition and commandement And if any person or persons shall bee found openly to oppose or priuately to animate or encourage others to contradict or withstand the due execution of this Our Seruice That then Our sayd Treasurer of England or Chancellour of Our Exchequer for the time being shall cause such person and persons to bee sent for by a Messenger and brought before Our Priuy Councell or themselues or the one of them to receiue such condigne punishment therein as shall be thought meete to be inflicted vpon him or them for his or their wilfull contempt and disobedience in this behalfe Giuen at Our Court at White-Hall the thirteenth day of April in the first yeere of Our Reigne of Great Britaine France and Ireland God saue the King ¶ Imprinted at London by Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill Printers to the Kings most Excellent Maieftie ANNO DOM. M.DC.XXV