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B09989 A seasonable discourse of the right use and abuse of reason in matters of religion. By Philologus. Philologus. 1676 (1676) Wing S2227BA; ESTC R183656 138,457 248

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miles of Hadley where he was to be martyr'd Now sayes he lack I but two Stiles and I am even at my Fathers house John Ardeley If every hair of my head were a man it should suffer death for the Truth of Christ Alice Driver when the Chain was about her Neck Here is a goodly Hankerchief said she Julius Palmer To them that have the mind linked to the body as a Thieves foot to a pair of Stocks it is hard to dye indeed but if one be able to separate soul and body then by the help of Gods Spirit it is no more mastery for such a one to dye then for me to drink of this Cup. Elizabeth Folkes embracing the Stake Farewel all the World farewel Faith farewel Hope and welcome Love Picus Mirandula Death is welcome to me not as an end of trouble but of sin Martin Luther Thee O Christ have I taught thee have I trusted thee have I loved into thy hands I commend my spirit Phillip Melancton I desire to depart out of this World for two causes one that I may behold the face of Christ in the Church Triumphant the other that I may be freed from the bitter contentions of Brethren Tremelius a Christian Jew Let Christ live and Barrabas perish John Buisson I shall now have a double Gaol-delivery one out of my sinful flesh another from a loathsome dungeon Lewis Marsake Knight seeing his Brethren go to their execution with Halters about their necks which they offered not to him because of his dignity Why I pray you quoth he deny me not the badge and ornament of so excellent an Order is not my Cause the same with theirs Henry Voes If I had ten heads they should all off for Christ God forbid I should rejoyce in any thing save in his Cross CHAP. XX. Shewing that humane Reason and the due exercise of it is a great mercy THat God should make thee a Man and not a Beast a Toad a Serpent that he should bestow upon thee all the internal and external Senses the Reason and Intellectuals of a man and should preserve and continue the same notwithstanding all the foggy mists vapours and distempers which the head and brain of man is subject unto this is no small mercy if we consider withal how many in our dayes are born Ideots blind and lame wanting the use of their Senses and Members yea and others who formerly had the free and comfortable use thereof are now deprived of this mercy without which all the friends riches honours and pleasures of this World are a burthen rather than a blessing Is it not a wonderful thing that mans brain and the exercise of his reason and intellectuals should be preserved by the Power and Goodness of God though many times there are as it were floods of water inclosed within his head and brain when he thinks but little of it which if the great God who sets bounds to the raging Sea did not restrain would presently distract and overwhelm him The flegmatick humour in man which is of the nature of water ascends up to the Brain by reason of vapours arising out of the Stomach like the vapour of a Pot boyling on the fire with liquor in it and like to vapours that ascend up from the Earth into the Air Now when these vapours are come up to the Brain they turn into the nature of those humours of which they were bred as the vapours that ascend up into the Air turn again into the same nature of water of which they were ingendered Thus we carry about us and within us floods of water which if they should be suffered to run with violence would overflow and bear down all before them bodily health and strength and the use of reason and understanding would be quite overwhelmed by them If we had no Examples of other Floods and Inundations of Earthquakes and many other Judgments of God whereby he punisheth this wicked World yet these Water-floods which we carry about us should put us in mind of our sin and misery and should admonish and induce us to bless the Name of the Lord for preserving us and our reason and understanding in the midst of these water-floods whereby many men are destroyed We read of a great King that was driven from the society of men and his dwelling was with the beasts of the field he did eat grass as the Oxen and was wet with the dew of Heaven till he acknowledged that the most High ruleth in the Kingdoms of men and giveth them to whomsoever he will Dan. 4.25 32 33. This was a sore Judgment upon Nebuchadnezzar thus to be deprived of his reason and understanding as a man He was not really transform'd into a Beast as Bowin and others imagine but he was smitten by the Lord with frenzy and madness of mind and deprived for a time of the use of his reason for it is said that his understanding returned to him And besides this his body was much changed and altered in feeding and living among brute Beasts his hairs were grown like Eagles feathers and his nails like Birds claws As we may read in several Authors of some wild brutish Men taken in Forrests that went upon all four as Beasts do they were swifter then a Horse and did howl like a Wolf and were covered all over with hair And thus it was in a great measure with Nebuchadnezzar till the Lord had mercy on him and restored him What are we more then others that God should deal more graciously with us then with them in giving us better intellectuals and more reason and understanding as men and preserving to us the use and exercise thereof In this respect truly God hath put a great excellency upon man and upon us in particular so that we may well say with the Psalmist Lord what is man that thou art thus mindful of him Psal 8.4 Man by the wise contrivance of God is a little World a curious piece of Embroydery an excellent piece of Workmanship wherein the Wisdom and Power and Goodness of God doth wonderfully appear I will praise thee saith David Psal 139.14 15 16. for I am fearfully and wonderfully made Marvellous are thy workes and that my Soul knoweth right well my substance was not hid from thee when I was curiously wrought in the lowest part of the Earth 'T is a speech Borrowed from those that work Opus Phrygionicum the Phrygian or Arras work which is curiously wrought and contrived Man in respect of his frame and constitution is like a piece of curious Tapestry or Embroydery First In respect of his body and the parts and members thereof which are curiously wrought and put together by the wise contrivance of God The forming and composing the body of man of so many bones veins arteries sinews is a curious piece of workmanship God hath with infinite wisdom disposed and placed the several members of mans body some members are called radical members as the Liver
their Enemies Is it not more truly honourable and glorious to serve that God who commandeth the whole World than to be a slave to those Passions and Lusts which put men upon continual hard service and torment them for it when they have done it Were there nothing else to commend Religion to the minds of men besides the tranquility and calmness of spirit that serene and peaceable temper which follows a good Conscience wheresover it dwells it were enough to make men welcom that Guest which brings such good entertainment with it Whereas the amazements horrors and anxieties of mind which at one time or other haunt such who prostitute their Consciences to a violation of the Laws of God and the Rules of rectified Reason may be enough to perswade any rational person that Impiety is the greatest folly and Irreligion the greatest madness The wisest and greatest of men in all Ages at or not long before their death when freest from worldly designs and sensual delights have owned that God and His Truth which they did not embrace and acknowledge as they ought to have done in their lives and the nearer death did approach to them the more serious were they in Religion and did disclaim and abandon those Atheistical and irreligious courses wherewith they or some of them had been formerly entangled Nimrod the Founder of the Assyrian Monarchy when carried away by Spirits at his death as Annius in his Berosus relates the Story cryed out Oh one year more Oh one year more before I go into the place from whence I shall not return Ninus that great King next from Nimrod save Belus at his Death left this Testimony Look on this Tomb and hear where Ninus is whether thou art an Assyrian a Mede or an Indian I speak to thee no frivolous nor vain matters Formerly I was Ninus and lived as thou doest I am now no more than a piece of earth All the Meat that I have like a Glutton devoured all the Pleasures that I like a Beast enjoyed all the beautiful Women that I so notoriously abused all the Riches and Glory that I so proudly possessed I am now deprived of And when I went into the invisible state I had neither Gold nor Horse nor Chariot I that wore the rich Crown of Gold am now poor Dust Cyrus the Persian left this Memento behind him to all Mankind as Plutarch and others tell us Whosoever thou art O O Man and whence-soever thou comest for I know thou wilt come to the same condition that I am in I am Cyrus who brought the Empire to the Persians Do not I beseech thee envy me this little piece of ground which covereth my Body Alexander the Great who conquered the World was at last as we find in Plutarch Curtius and others so possessed with the sense of Religion that he was under much trouble and anxiety of spirit and look'd upon every little matter as portentous and ominous so dreadful a thing saith Plutarch is the contempt of God which sooner or later filleth all mens minds with fears and terrors Julius Caesar who Conquered so many Nations and at last subdued and possessed the Roman Empire could not Conquer himself and his own Conscience which troubled him with Dreams and terrified him with Visions putting him upon Sacrificing and consulting all sorts of Priests and Augures though he found comfort from none in so much as a little before he died he was as heartless as the ominous Sacrifice was that he offered professing to his most intimate Friends That since he had made an end of the Wars abroad he had no Peace at home The like may be said of Tiberius Caesar Nero and other Roman Emperours Hadrian the Emperour celebrated his own Funerals carrying before him his Coffin in triumph when he lived and when he was a dying cried out lamentably Animula vagula blandula quae abibis in loca Ah poor Soul whither wilt thou go what will become of thee Thus the greatest Princes have especially near their latter end a deep sense of Religion of the Souls Immortality and their Eternal estate in another World Nor did ever any Prince Captain or Law-giver go about any great matter but at length he was glad to take in the assistance of a God as Numa Lycurgus Solon Scipio and others Titus and Nerva two Roman Emperours had such serious thoughts and were so sensible of a Deity in the Government of the World that neither of them as the Historian saith was ever seen to smile or play Septimius Severus that Victorious Roman Emperour having had experience of the vanity of this Worlds Riches and Greatness said at his Death I have been all things and it profiteth me nothing Charles the Fifth that Famous German Emperour after twenty three pitch'd Battels six Triumphs four Kingdoms won and eight Principalities added to his other Dominions resigned all these in his life time to his Son and betook himself to a retired life and to his private Devotions This great and wise Prince had his own Funeral Celebrated beforre his face and left this Testimony of the Christian Religion That the sincere profession of it had in it those sweets and joys which the Courts of Princes were strangers to grounding his hope and assurance of Salvation upon the sole Righteousness and Satisfaction of Christ his Mediator and not upon his own Works and to this purpose divers little Papers were written by him and found immediately after his Death as is Recorded by an Author who wrote the Life of Don Carlos his Grand-child Philip the Third King of Spain lying on his death-bed the last of March 1621 sent thrice at Midnight for Florentius his Confessor who gravely exhorting him patiently to submit to the will of God the King could not choose but weep saying Lo now my fatal hour is at hand but shall I obtain eternal felicity at which words great grief and trouble of mind seising on the King he said to his Confessor You have not hit upon the right way of healing Is there no other Remedy Which words when the Confessor understood of his Body the King replied Ah ah I am not solicitous for my Body or temporary Disease but for my Soul Cardinal Wolsey that Great Minister of State who for some years gave Law to England and to other Nations poured out his Soul in these sad words Had I been as diligent to serve my God as I have been to please my Prince He would not have forsaken me now in my gray Hairs Sir Francis Walsingham that great and wise Statesman towards the latter end of his Life grew very melancholy and wrote to the Lord Treasurer Burleigh to this purpose We have lived enough to our Countrey to our Fortunes and to our Sovereign it is now high time we begin to live to our selves and to our God In the multitude of Affairs which have passed through our Hands there must needs be great miscarriages for which a whole Kingdom cannot
flourish more in Princes Courts than in the times of the Apostles why did not one or other step forth to vanquish or convict them before the Magistrates Origen not to mention here other Learned men that were converted to Christ was himself a great Philosopher and fellow-Disciple to Plotinus who is highly commended by the Philosophers can any sober man imagine that he and others of great judgment and abilities would suffer themselves like so many fools and mad men to be led with vain Illusions Or to attribute those things to God's special miraculous Operation which depended wholly upon Natural Causes Especially seeing that both Origen and also Cyprian before their Conversion to Christ had professed the Art of Magick If it be further said that the Apostles were influenced by pride and vain-glory in doing what they did how happeneth it then that each of them did not cause himself to be worshipped and adored as the Idol-gods and Mahomet did If they were so vain-glorious in their works as is pretended why did they not make use of their own Names and exalt themselves but refer all to Jesus and give him the power and glory of all who was so much despised by the great men of the World Surely this must needs be from God and from a divine power and not from Satan nor from Men. Fourthly Let a man but rationally consider the Life and Doctrine of Jesus who is the Author and substance of the Christian Religion and he will be convinc'd of the verity and excellency of it What was the Life and Conversation of Jesus upon Earth even by the confession both of Jews and Gentiles but the very pattern of Virtue and Piety What was it but the very Body of the Legal Types and shadows and the substance of the Predictions and Prophecies concerning the Messias How wise how patient how meek and humble how loving and compassionate to Mankind How holy and heavenly minded how diligent faithful and impartial was he in the Work of God He did neither flatter the greatest nor discourage the meanest but delivered the whole Counsel of God without respect of persons What a publick spirit what self-denial what excellent Virtues and Graces did Jesus shew forth both in His Actions and Sufferings His Enemies themselves being Judges Insomuch that Porphyry acknowledged Him to be a most Excellent Man though saith he the Christians are to blame to Worship Him as God And Pilate's Wife desired that her Husband might not meddle with that Just man To His painful Death which He suffered for us He went as a Sheep to the slaughter not opening His mouth and prayed most affectionately for His Enemies upon the Cross Father forgive them for they know not what they do Never was there such an Example of Virtue and Holiness as Jesus was and therefore how can any man of reason think that he should be the Author or Founder of a false Religion As for His Doctrine and Instructions there cannot be any found out or devised more excellent and precious Never man spake as He spake What was the continual subject of His Preaching and Discourse but the evil of Sin the vanity of this World the goodness and mercy of God in pardoning the Sinner the excellency of Holiness and Righteousness the glory and happiness of Heaven He teacheth not His Disciples how to obtain the Riches Honours and Pleasures of this World how to be great amongst men and to seek the praise and applause of men how to Conquer Kingdoms and subdue Nations by the material Sword But he teacheth them how to deny themselves and take up the Cross and follow Him how to be Crucified to the World and the Flesh to lay up Treasures in Heaven to forgive their Enemies and do good to them that despitefully use them Was there ever such Heavenly Doctrine such Excellent Instructions as proceeded out of His mouth If we look to the Precepts in Man's Laws as those amongst the Lacedemonians Athenians Romans they neither command all good nor forbid all evil The Laws of men are limited according to time place and persons As the Wise men of Persia answered the King who would have married his own Sister That indeed there was a Law that a man might not marry his own Sister but yet they found another Law That the King might do what he would and so by this means he shall have more liberty to sin than his Subjects But now on the contrary the Laws of the Christian Religion do command all that is good and forbid and restrain all that is evil the Precepts thereof are general and impartial to all persons to the King as well as the Subject to the Master as well as the Servant to the rich as well as the poor wthout exception No other Religion or Doctrine reacheth the Heart and inward man but only this Where can we find another Law that hath in it Non concupisces Thou shalt not lust which striketh at the very root and core of corruption Other Laws teach men to advance and enlarge their worldly interest and power and to be in favour with Princes But the Precepts of the Christian Religion teach us to forsake the world and not seek great things for our selves nor be ambitious of the favour of great men but to live above it And as God Himself is a Spirit and doth chiefly require the Heart so that Worship which pleaseth Him must be spiritual and such a Worship is prescribed and commanded by the Laws of Christ whereas all other Religions in the World as they proceed from man so man himself being Corporeal the Worship that he chiefly prescribeth must be Corporeal also and not Divine and Spiritual as the Christian Religion chiefly requires Other Religions attribute the praise to man either in whole or in part but the Christian Religion attributeth all to God as the highest Truth the chiefest Good and ultimate End of all Fifthly The nature and success of Christ's Kingdom may serve to convince any man's reason that the Christian Religion is divine and heavenly By what weak means by what contemptible Instruments hath Christ advanced and enlarged his Kingdom How hath he from time to time confounded things that are by things that are not Whereas men will have apt Instruments to every action and the Matter also well dispos'd to work upon Christ chooseth weak and unapt Instruments for carrying on His work in the World not the Wise and Noble and Learned of the World but Poor simple men to be His Apostles and Ambassadors and then for the Matter which they were to work upon namely the World it was altogether unprepared both Jews and Gentiles hating Christ and His Apostles Vlpian the chiefest Lawyer Galen the chiefest Physician Porphyry and Plotinus the chiefest Philosophers then living were desperate Enemies to them and wrote Books against Christ and the Christian Religion Julian the Emperour forbad Schools of Learning to the Christians in hatred of Christianity and the
other persecuting Emperours devised most exquisite Torments to be inflicted on the poor Christians and put thousands of them to a cruel death and yet for all this Christianity prevailed and the Kingdom of Christ was enlarged Which is an undoubted Proof and Demonstration even to the Eye of Reason of the Truth and Excellency of the Christian Religion and that the Kingdom of Christ is most divine and powerful and not worldly weak and carnal That this Jesus who was born in the little Countrey of Judaea subdued by the Romans of poor Parents in a sorry Village destitute of Friends and of all Worldly helps and advantages should give Law to and Conquer the World by His Gospel or the Word of His Kingdom is not this wonderful And would ye know what He promiseth His Subjects and Followers Why instead of great matters that they might expect in this Life He tells them plainly what great Afflictions and Tribulations they must endure for His sake if they will follow Him and be His Disciples indeed they must expect to be persecuted reproached scourged imprisoned and put to death Whereas other Kings and Monarchs promise great Dignities and Preferments in the World to their followers this King on the contrary by the Doctrine of the Cross drew the Nations to Him other Monarchs Conquer by killing their Enemies this King Conquered by dying for His Enemies the death other Monarchs is the decay and ruine of their Kingdoms and Conquests but the death of Jesus hath established and enlarged His Kingdom and is the life and happiness of His Subjects Who seeth not therefore by the Light of Reason a humane weakness in the greatness of Worldly Empires and a divine power in the weakness of Christ's Kingdom When He died and was buried His Kingdom seem'd to die and to be buried with Him a few poor despised Followers He had and these were at their wits end when their Lord and Master was Crucified and laid in the Grave Well but at length they open their mouths and boldly teach men to believe on Jesus who was Crucified and Buried but is now Risen again and to suffer for His sake And if they be forbidden they will rather die than not Preach and own this Crucified Jesus hereupon they are accused and brought before Magistrates where they own their Crime as their Adversaries term'd it and are not asham'd of it and is not this admirable Other Malefactors are tormented to make them confess their fault and these are tormented to make them conceal it those hold their peace to save their lives these die for speaking and yet by this strange way and means Christ that was crucified spreads His Kingdom and fills the whole World with it Out of weakness he brings forth strength and out of death he brings forth life And who can thus draw one contrary out of another Who can thus overcome by yielding who can thus trample upon and triumph over his Enemies by dying but Jesus in whom the power of the Eternal God was and whose Kingdom is not of this World but Divine and Heavenly Whilst He lived upon Earth He was despised and rejected but after His death He is worshipped as God even to this day and His true Followers will rather die a thousand deaths than deny His Eternal Godhead and Kingdom And may not this one Consideration if there were no more touching the Kingdom of Christ wherein it far excels the Kingdoms of this World serve to convince any sober rational man of the verity and efficacy of the Christian Religion Sixthly What strange Conversions and Changes have been wrought by the Gospel of Christ in the Hearts and Lives of some of the most eminent and famous men for Learning and Parts How were they wrought upon and converted by the plain Preaching of weak simple men Even by the foolishness of Preaching as the World counts it that so the divine power and excellency of this Jesus and of the Christian Religion might the more appear Paul befor his Conversion was counted a wise and learned man and was in great reputation so that Porphyry the famous Philosopher saith of him that it was great pity such a man should be a Christian yet when Paul had received the greatest Authority and raged most against the Gospel and Kingdom of Christ he was wonderfully converted and turned quite another way and was glad to tread many a weary step and to endure many great difficulties for the Gospels sake Origen also a man of great Learning and knowledge in Philosophy and the Arts being converted by a divine power to the Christian Religion was content to be a poor Catechist in Alexandria and was every day in danger of death when he might have been with his fellow Plotinus in great Authority and Favour had it not been for his Christian profession Surely it must needs be some Divine and Heavenly power that did thus prevail upon these men and upon many other Wise and Learned men that might be mentioned Never was there such wonderful Conversions in any Religion as in this never such sound Repentance and Reformation never such true Justice Fortitude and Constancy in Affliction even to Death and Martyrdom as in this so that it was commonly said of the Christians Soli Christiani mortis contemptores Seventhly 'T is an Argument of the Truth and Excellency of the Christian Religion That it hath been so much opposed and persecuted from time to time by the rage and cruelty of the Devil and wicked men As it was commonly said of that Monster Nero a Persecutor of Christians That it must needs be a good and excellent thing which so wicked a man hated The more wicked and ungodly men are the more they hate that which is Divine and which most resembles the Holy God Now no Religion or Profession in the World hath been so desperately hated and persecuted by wicked ungodly wretches as the Christian Religion and yet the more it has been opposed and trampled upon by them the more it has prevailed and flourished even in despight of their rage and malice What a miserable end did befal Herod and other great Persecutors of this Religion Many of which did vindicate Christ and His Truth at and by their death when the Hand of God was heavy upon them though they had raged against Him in their life time and done whatever they could to root out His Kingdom and People Nay Satan himself the greatest Persecutor of all hath witnessed for the Christian Religion against himself All the Art Magick which he invented could never Conjure or call up Christ Plotinus and Apollonius and other great Magicians that rais'd up the Image of Jupiter and other Heathen Gods though they assayed with all their skill and power to bring up the Image of Christ yet could they never effect it for Christ is not subject to their power being infinitely above them 'T is well known to the Heathens that at the Birth and Death of
of his Wisdom Creation was an act of his Pleasure And it must needs delight him to behold so much of his own workmanship so many pictures of his own drawing Redemption by the death of Christ was also a clear expression and manifestation of that singular delight and pleasure which he took in the Sons of men for He rejoyced in the habitable parts of the earth and his delights were with the Sons of men Prov. 8.30 Plutarch that grave Moralist speaking of an Epicure or Atheist saith That if such an one should grant a God in his full perfections he must presently change his opinion and his life he must be a Swine no longer but must uncrown his rosie head and yield practical obedience to this Deity who is infinitely perfect and glorious in himself where as now the wretched Epicure looks upon this as his fairest Rosebud as the most beautiful Flower in his Garden of Pleasure that there is no Providence to check or bridle him that he is not so subject or subordinate as to stand in awe of a Deity But grant O Epicure saith he that thou carest not for a Deity in a Calm yet what wilt thou do in a Storm Thou earest not for him in the Spring or in Summer but wouldst thou not be glad of him in Winter Will it be a pleasure then that thou hast none to help thee none to guide thee none to protect thee Secondly The blessed Angels of God those Courtiers of Heaven excel in spiritual intellectual delights and pleasures wherewith they are continually taken up and ravished so that they trample upon all carnal sensual inferiour Objects they neither eat nor drink nor come near nor desire to come near any carnal pleasures The painted and feigned Heaven of a voluptuous Mahomet would prove a real Hell to an Angel or glorified Saint nay it would prove a Hell to a moral vertuous Philosopher here upon Earth These Angelical Spirits resemble God himself in their divine and spiritual delights and pleasures sunning themselves as I may express it in the continual uninterrupted vision and contemplation of God in whose light they see light in which beatifical vision and contemplation of the divine Essence the Angels behold all things that conduce to their happiness in the twinkling of an eye by a perfect intuitive knowledge without any syllogistical or rational discourse and this fills them with unspeakable unconceivable delight and pleasure Thirdly If we look to Inferiour beings here below every Creature hath some kind of delight and pleasure How does the Inanimate Being clasp and imbrace its Centre and rest there as in the bosom of delight How flourishing is the pleasure of Vegetatives and Plants And as for sensitive Creatures their delights and pleasures are greater and higher then the other being propagated and maintained by acts of pleasure How does the Fish play and make sport in its Element and the Bird sing for joy But these sensitive corporeal delights wherein most men resemble the Beasts and brutish Creatures by abounding in them so much are they degenerated and debauched are vain and fading like so many sparks they make a crack and presently vanish they are but outward pictures of pleasures as Plato calls them which perish with the using nay they leave a sore tormenting sting behind them Remember this ye Wantons of the times who crown your heads with Rose-buds and wholly addict your selves to sensual and carnal pleasures though they be sweet in the mouth yet they will be poyson in the belly and the end will be bitterness and unspeakable torment How do we see men and women given over to and even drowned in the pleasures of the flesh like so many Epicures or rather like so many Beasts not only in eating and drinking inordinately but in all manner of whoredom and unclean lusts which are baser and more vile then the other Eating and drinking belongs to the Sense of Tasting which is brutish enough but these other carnal pleasures belong to the Sense of Touching which is far more brutish Experience may tell them that these Senses are sooner wearied and tired with their pleasures then any other and that such delights as they bath themselves in do commonly bring with them more irksomness and loathing then joy and pleasure leaving many times behind them a long and shameful repentance for pollutions contracted by them yea the baser and more vile the pleasures of the flesh are the sooner is a man surfeited with them and immediately after the act they become loathsome as it is in those that are given over to bodily whoredom for how unsatiable soever they be yet they cannot chuse but be glutted therewith as that wicked Strumpet Messalina was and others of the like brutishness And a for the pains that men take in the obtaining and using of these pleasures the more earthy and brutish the delight is the greater labour is to be used about it and the more excessively any bodily carnal pleasure is used the greater hurt comes thereby as we see daily in Gluttons Drunkards and wanton lascivious persons who contract to themselves by their excess the worst and most loathsome diseases pains and aches Fourthly If we therefore consider the delights and pleasures of Reason and of the Mind of man who is but morally virtuous we shall find that they far excel and transcend the pleasures of the body and outward senses even as those things that are natural do far excel the things that are only artificial Such as are addicted to corporal pleasures are least able to judge of those pleasures that are rational and intellectual and so on the contrary they that delight themselves in rational and intellectual pleasures abstain most from those pleasures that are corporal and carnal for these two kinds of delights are opposite and in continual combate one against another What pleasure did the moral Philosophers take at their Banquet though it was but a dish of green Herbs being seasoned with rational Philosophical discourses These delights of Reason and of the mind were so sweet and acceptable to many Philosophers that they esteemed them more then the greatest worldly Kingdoms and riches which these men despised and set light by in comparison of the study and knowledge of Philosophy and those pleasures that are intellectual Men and Women unless they be grown impudent and shameless in wayes of sin which indeed is the highest pitch of wickedness they can mount up to will blush and be ashamed of some corporeal pleasures This Crown of Roses is but a blushing Crown But who need blush at or be ashamed of those delights that are rational and intellectual which need not fear the light or the Sun-shine as the other do Men faint and languish with sensitive delights and pleasures as experience shews nay such is the state and temper of the body that it will better endure extream grief then excessive pleasure But whoever was tyred with intellectual pleasures Whoever was weary
safe harbour it is to him a sweet sleep a bed of rest after all his toyl and labour in a vain and troublesome world Isai 57.2 1 Thes 4.14 Rev. 14.13 There the wicked cease from troubling and there the weary be at rest and hear not the voice of the Oppressor Job 3.17 18. It is the day of a Christians reward and of receiving wages Then is the servant set free and the Heir at full age then shall the banished and strangers from a far Countrey shall enter into their Fathers house and shall be received into everlasting habitations Heb. 11.13 John 14.2 Luke 16.9 Death is the Birth-day of a Christian the funeral of all his vices and corruptions and the resurrection of his Graces Death was the daughter of Sin and in death shall that be fulfilled The Daughter shall destroy the Mother 'T is the dissolution of the Body but the absolution of the Soul Then is the immortal Soul delivered out of a dark prison and then doth she throw off her old ragged clothes and foul garments that she may be deck'd and adorn'd with the glorious Robes of Salvation Isa 52.1 2 Cor. 5.2 3. Then doth a Christian remove from an old rotten house ready to fall about his ears to a sumptuous Pallace Doth that Landlord think you wrong his Tennant or offer him hard measure that would have him remove out of a base Cottage into his own Mansion-house which he hath freely given him Shall the Believer be unwilling to come to the end of his race and receive the prize even an incorruptible Crown of glory 1 Cor. 9.24 This is the day of his Coronation for though now he be an Heir of the heavenly Kingdom yet he shall not be crowned till death with that Glory which is unutterable 2 Tim. 4.8 Seventhly The good man is taken away by death from much evil to come and hath he any cause to quarrel with such a freedom Truly the consideration hereof should make us love this life the less because the Clouds gather thick about us and we know not what fearful alterations may shortly befal us either in our outward estate or in matters of Religion either by domestick broyls or by forreign invasion Should not a Christian rejoyce exceedingly to be delivered from the continual malicious suggestions and stratagems of the evil Angels and from a vile wicked World that hates and persecutes the Image of Christ where-ever it is A World whose seeming felicities as Honours Riches Pleasures Trade Beauty Friends Children Relations and Acquaintance are but vanities full of labour and toyl accompanied with much vexation and affording no true rest or contentment to that man that enjoyes them neither can they help him in the least when death seizeth upon him All these things will be forgotten and there will be no remembrance of them with those that shall come after Eccles 1.11 What a priviledge is it therefore to be delivered from these vanities Yea which is more from that body of sin and corruption which a Christian groans under as his greatest burthen and is the more grievous and intollerable because it infects and spreads over the whole man soul and body and is an inseparable companion of this life causing a troublesome yea an irreconcilable war in the Soul and swarms of evil thoughts affections desires and actions besides innumerable diseases and distempers which attend the Body And should not death be welcome to us to set us free from all these evils and miseries Thus may a Christian reason and argue against the fear of death upon far higher and more spiritual Grounds and Considerations then a moral Heathen can and therefore he should not be afraid to dye Eighthly and Lastly That we may be the better fortified against the fear of death let us call to mind and improve the living speeches of dying Christians some of which shall be here mentioned The famous sayings of some dying Christians Good old Simeon Lord let thy Servant depart in peace for mine eyes have seen thy salvation Stephen the first Martyr Lord Jesus receive my Spirit and lay not this sin to their charge Polycarpus to the Proconsul urging him to deny Christ I have served him eighty-six years saith he and he hath not once hurt me and shall I now deny him Ignatius I am the Wheat or Grain to be ground with the teeth of Beasts that I may be pure bread for my Masters tooth let Fire Racks Pullies yea and all the torments of Hell come on me so I may win Christ Cyprian God Almighty be blessed for this Gaol-delivery Theodosius I thank God more for that I have been a Member of Christ then an Emperor of the World Hillarion Soul get thee out thou hast served Christ these seventy years and art thou now afraid of death and loth to dye Vincentius Rage and do the worst that the spirit of malignity can set thee on work to do Thou shalt see Gods Spirit strengthen the tormented more then the Devil can do the Tormentor Gorgius to the Tyrant offering him promotion Have you any thing equal saith he or more worthy then the Kingdom of Heaven King Edward the Sixth Lord bring me into thy Kingdom free this Kingdom from Antichrist and keep thine Elect in it Bishop Latimer to Bishop Ridley going before him to the Stake Have after as fast as I can follow we shall light such a Candle by Gods Grace in England this day as I trust shall never be put out again Bishop Hooper to one that prayed him to consider that life is sweet and death is bitter True saith he but the death to come is more bitter and the life to come is more sweet Oh Lord Christ I am Hell but thou art Heaven draw me to thy self with the cords of thy mercy Thomas Bilney I know by Sense and Philosophy that fire is hot and burning painful but by Faith I know it shall only waste the stubble of my Body and purge my Spirit of its corruption Glover to his Friend He is come oh he is come meaning the Comforter Gods Spirit John Bradford to his fellow Martyr Be of good comfort Brother for we shall have a merry Supper with the Lord this night If there be any way to Heaven on Horseback or in fiery Chariots this is it Lawrence Sanders I was in prison till I got into prison and now sayes he kissing the Stake welcome the Cross of Christ welcome everlasting life My Saviour began to me in a bitter Cup and shall I not pledge him John Lambert None but Christ none but Christ Baynam I feel no more pain in the fire then if I were on a Bed of Down it is as sweet to me as a Bed of Roses Priest's Wife to one that offered her money I am now going saith she to a Countrey where money bears no mastery And when the Sentence was read Now have I gotten that which many a day I have sought for Doctor Taylor when he came within two