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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A93869 Exceeding happy nevvs from Ireland. Declaring the proceedings of the Protestant army in Kildare, against the Castle of Ithlone, the Castle of Knock and Mores Castle, with the manner of the fight, and the victories obtained by these worthy champions, August 26, namely the Earle of Ormond, the Earle of Ballamore, the Lord Lisle, Colonell Vavaser, Colonell Monke, and Noble Captaine Ogle. Expressing the manner of the rebels meeting the Protestant forces, and the number of those that were slaine on both sides, and taken prisoners. Sent from Captaine Stephens, to his brother William Stephens, living in Crutcher-Fryars, London, and now published by Authority.; Exceeding happy news from Ireland. Stephens, Stephen.; Haslegrove, Anthony. 1642 (1642) Wing S5455; Thomason E116_24; ESTC R2213 3,218 8

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Exceeding Happy Nevvs FROM IRELAND DECLARING The proceedings of the Protestant Army in Kildare against the Castle of Ithlone the Castle of Knock and Mores Castle with the manner of the fight and the Victories obtained by these worthy Champions August 26 namely The Earle of Ormond The Earle of Ballamore The Lord Lisle Colonell Vavasor Colonell Monke and Noble Captaine Ogle Expressing the manner of the Rebels meeting the Protestant forces and the number of those that were slaine on both sides and taken prisoners Sent from Ca●taine Stephens to his brother William Stephens living in Crutcher-Fryars London and now published by Authority Sept. 9. London Printed for T. Rider 1642. Lo. Gossop OVr Martiall Affaires goes on so slow since the death of Noble Sir Charles Coote that there is but little done to participate unto you one Thursday last was fortnight there went out 4000 Horse and Foot and six pieces of Ordnance towards Athlone of which number 2000 were for the reliefe of Connoght and the rest went for their Convoy and in their way set on a Castle called the Knock which cost them 40 men besides some that were hurt before it was taken and the women and men standing on the top of the Castle defied our Army a good while and called them traytors and Parliament Rogues but after 2 dayes fighting at the said Castle our Army gave quarter to all the Gentlewomen excepting 2 or 3 which the Soldiers laid hold on and killed all the men being in number about 100 only one proper man that stripped himselfe to his shirt and rushed out through the Armey and scaped away with some little hurt and on Saturday last was sennight our 2000 came home but at Manoth the Lord Lisles wagons and his Landresse comming before were there surprised by the Rebels and she hanged and his carriage taken away And on the tuesday following their comming home being tuesday last Colonell Monke went forth with 2000 Foot and Horse with two great brasse battering pieces to a Castle of one Mores neare Monothe where there were many Commanders of the Rogues and good pillage but the Rebels had presently notice and so got away before our Army came and burnt the Castle Then our Army marcht further into the County of Kildare to a Castle called Blackwood which was a strong place and there were many women and children and Commanders besides besides Souldiers of the Enemies yet before our Army came thither it is reported that Sr John Dungan who commeth and walketh safe and quietly here among us sent the Rogues notice whereby the chiefest men got away before and those that remained held out stoutly and the women from the top of the Castle did much mischief on our side by casting of stones down thence and after much shooting on both sides the great pieces were made use of and shot some 50 and odd shot before they yeelded the women before that time did from the top of the Castle call our Army traytors to the King and Parliament Rogues but these creatures desiring quarter the Souldiers told them they should have quarter and thereupon they came forth the Souldiers being enraged against them because they did the greatest mischiefe by flinging of stones quartered both women and children excepting some 5 that are brought to town and the men desiring quarter Colonell Monke gave them quarter that they should be brought safe to Dublin and there left to the Iustices pleasure and so on this Monday our Army came to town and brought with them the five women and 68 lusty proper men and before they yeelded there were lost and hurt of ours about 12 men and Colonell Monke escaped well for a stone scraped his chin alittle but did but little harm God be praised for it But the more is our sorrow we are in great want of more men and money and the Sommer stealing away and nothing to any purpose done but these small frats In August last the Rogues being at my brother Rams house and taking all his fathers bookes to burn them there came a swarme of Bees out of the garden into the house were the Rogues where did sting them so bitterly as that they were forced to flee away and for that time left their mischiefe undone Honest Tho. Haward is come out of the Rebels hands but not without 200 l. Ransome Thus desiring of God to settle an union between his Majesty and his people with my kind respects to your selfe and Bedfellow I shall ever continue Dublin the 30 of August 1642. Your assured loving friend and Gossop Steven Stephens Worthie●● SIR YOurs I receiv'd of the last of August wherein I thinke you were pleased to give some intelligence of all the maine occurrences of these times I was very sorry to heare of the great and grievous distractions wherewith your Kingdome of England doth labour with all occasioned by the disagreement of his Majesty and the high Court of Parliament now assembled I hope it will suddenly please Almighty God to bring the causers of these so great distractions to light that so the King and Parliament being united there may be a generall reformation established with you in England and afterward we may obtaine by the same meanes a cessation of those bloudy times which yet by reason of an insolent Enemie are frequent amongst us Now sir as I stand bound unto your goodnesse for many favours of your bounty expressed both to my youth and also to my riper yeares so sir in respect of this particular favour whereby you were pleased to let me understand the condition of your times I durst not be so ungratefull to commit a crime of so foale a nature but out of my respects let you understand the newest occurrences of our Kingdome Conflicts wee have almost every day with the Rebells whom thanks be unto God we have much abated of their former insolency and strength albeit not so subdued but yet they make every day some or other new opposition Vpon the fifteenth of this present May Sir William Sentleger President of Munster and the Lord Moore with their forces being of strength about thousand Foote and five hundred Horse marched from Corke toward Tredarth having information given unto them that the Enemie had a designe to molest Tredarth afresh having now marched on not above two dayes march a Post presently informed them that the Enemy had left their designe against Tredarth and that they were now making forward that way under the command and Government of Viscount Musgrave of Musgrave who lately revolted from his Loyalty and King unto the Rebells side This newes was no sooner arived unto them but it was entertained with a joyfull expectation of their comming they forbeare to march any farther for the present but within ten miles of Tredarth expected their approach and provided themselves for the Encounter Vpon the tenth day the Enemy was espied to approach Sir William and the Lord Moore made ready for his welcome which was so fierce and violent that I beleev he never was entertained to so hot a feast in all his life time For he lost within the space of five houres fight 700. men beside there were maimed very sore in that Skirmish which notwithstanding their wounds made a shift to flye 80. odde men the Viscount himselfe was very hardly brought off The Skirmish being ended those two Cavaliers for that season betooke themselves to the next adjoyning Towne and there tooke up their repose leaving their force still in the field The next morning by breake of day came with all speed foure souldiers who pretended themselves to bee weary of their Rebellious confederacy with Petitions in their hands desired accesse unto Sir William who being weary with his late conflict was yet in bed taking his repose and solacing himselfe after his tedious fight These fugitives still aiming at their designe did stay untill hee rose and left his chamber and at his comming forth out of his house to goe to take horse they presented him with a paper wherein was expressed their desires as he was perusing the scrole they drew each of them out of their pockets a Case of Pistolls ready charged and ready cockt which they endeavoured to let flye but by the providence of the Eternall Goodnesse the powder fired in the panne and would not go off whereupon they drew out their weapons and were resolved if the successe had favoured their intents to have dispatched him with their swords whom their Pistolls thought most unjust to wound or injure but the Company of Servants who then attended his person prevented this damnable designe and tooke the Actors without any harme unto them who immediately after their apprehension were had in Examination and they confessed that the lately vanquished Viscount hired them to this attempt and that they were to receiv of him for the Execution 500. markes after this their Confession they were according to their desert taken and hanged in the place where they did attempt the fact These are the occurrences for the present of most note with other frivoulous matters of small observation or consequence I will not trouble you from your more serious occasions but with my best respects to your self and your vertuous bed fellow take my leave and rest Your most respective friend ANTHONY HASLEGROVE FINIS