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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A47509 The glorious lover a divine poem upon the adorable mystery of sinners redemption / by B.K., author of War with the Devil. Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. 1679 (1679) Wing K64; ESTC R18445 124,674 294

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when he heard what had that wretch befel He hastned back to 'th Land of Israel But news being brought of Archilaus's Raign Soon found it needful to remove again So being warn'd of God to Galilee He turn'd aside and there at present we Shall leave him whilst we may more fully hear The great design of this his coming there Some possibly may say was 't not to take Unto himself a Kingdom and so make Himself Renowned Great and very High Above each Prince and Earthly Monarchy 〈…〉 Was 't not to take the Crowns of every King And all their Glory to the Dust to bring To set their Diadems on his own head That so the Nations might be better led Was 't not to take Revenge upon his Foes And grind to Powder all that him oppose Was it not to commence his glorious Raign That so he might the pride of Nations stain Herod t is like as you before did hear Such things might dream and it might vainly fear But wholly groundless for alas he came Not as a King to punish but a Lamb To offer up in sacrifice his Life To put an end to all tormenting strife And only gain a poor but long'd-for Wife His sole design I told you it was Love 'T was that alone which brought him from above These hardships and these pains to undergo And many more which yet we have to show For these are nothing in comparison Of those which must be told e●re we have done He in those parts had been but thirty year And little had he don that we can he●r About obtaining of the Creatures love But gloriously did then the matter move Unto the Soul who little did it mind For she alas was otherwise inclin●d For the Black King that had usurp'd that Land An Ill shapt Bastard had of proud command Whom having drest up in a much Gallantry He did appear so pleasant in her Eye That he before had her affections won And in her heart established his Throne Though he design'd no less than to betray And murder her in an infidious way Of which the silly Soul was not aware But fondly blind could not discern the snare Too like alas to many now a dayes Whom fawning words and flattery betrays This Imp of Darkness and first-born of Hell Transform'd by Witchcra●● and a cursed Spell Like a brisk gawdy Gallant now appears And still false locks and borrowed Garments wears Then boldly sets upon her and with strong And sweet lip'd Rhetorick of a Courtly tongue Salutes her Ears and doth each way discover The Amorous Language of a wanton Lover He smiles he toyes and now and then le ts fly Imperious glances from his lustful Eye Adorns her Orient Neck with Penly charms And with rich Bracelets decks her Ivory Arms Boasts the extent of his Imperial Power And offers Wealth and worldly pleasure to her Jocund he seem'd and full of sprightly Mirth And the poor Soul never inquir'd his Birth She lik'd his Face but dream't not of the Dart Wherewith he waited to transfix her Heart There is no foe to such a Dalilaw As pretends love yet ready is to draw The Poysonous Spear and with a treacherous kiss Bereaves the Soul of everlasting Bliss If you would know this treacherous Monster 's name As you before have heard from whence he came 'T is he by whom thousands deceiv'd have bin Heav'ns foe and Satan's cursed Off-spring SIN A violater of all Righteous Laws And one that still to all Uncleaness draws Author of Whored omes Perjuries Disorders Thefts Rapines Blood Idolatries and Murders From whom all Plagues and all Diseases flow And Death it self to him his be'ng doth ow. This Monster of Pollution the undone Poor Soul too long had been enamour'd on And by the Craft his Sire Apollyon lent Doubted not to obtain her full Consent But when Apollyon saw this Prince of Peace His wrathfull spight against him did encrease So brave a Rival he could not endure But sought all means his Ruine to procure Shall I saith he thus lose my hop'd-for prey See my Designs all blasted in one day Which I have carried on from Age to Age With deepest Policy and fiercest Rage My utmost Stratagems I first will try And rather on the very Spot I le dye Thus Hellishly resolv'd he does prepare Straight to commence the bold and Impious War And now the sharp Encounter does begin A Fight so fierce no eye had ever seen Nor shall hereafter ere behold agen But first be pleas'd to take a prospect here Of the two Combatants as they appear The first a Person of Celestial Race Lovely his shape ineffable his Face The frown with which he struck the trembling Fiend All smiles of humane Beauty did transcend His head 's with Glory arm'd and his strong hand No power of Earth or Hell can long withstand He heads the mighty Hosts in Heav'n above And all on Earth who do Jehovah love His Camp 's so great they many millions are With whom no one for Courage may compare They are all chosen men and cloath'd in white Ah! to behold them what a lovely sight Is it And yet more grave and lovely far To joyn and make one in this Holy War The other was a King of Courage bold But very grim and ghastly to behold Great was his power yet his garb did show Sad Symptoms of a former overthrow But now recruited with a numerous Train Arm'd with dispair he tempts his fate again Under his Banner the black Regiments fight And all the Wicked Troops which hate the light His Voluntiers are spread from North to South And flaming Sulphur belches from his Mouth Such was the grand Importance of their sight It did all eyes on Earth and Heaven invite To be spectators and attention lend So much did ne're on any Field depend No not Pharsalia's Plains where Caesar fought And the Worlds Empire at one conquest caught Alas the Issue of that famous Fray May not compare with this more fatal Day Should the Black monstrous Tyrant Prince prevail The Hearts and hopes of all man-kind must fail But above all she who caus'd their contest Would be more miserable than all the rest Shee she poor soul for ever were undone And never would have help from any one T was for Her sake alone the War begun Some fabulous Writers tell a wonderous story And give I know not what St. George the Glory Of rescuing bravely a distressed Maid From a strange Dragon by his Generous aid This I am sure our blessed Captain fought With a fierce Dragon and Salvation wrought For her who else had been devoured quite By that Old Serpents subtility and spight But now t is time their Combate to display Behold the Warriers ready in Array Apollyon well stor'd with crafty wit Long time had waited for a season fit That so he might some great advantage get And knowing well the Prince of Light had fasted Ful forty days then presently he hasted To give him
Battle and a Challenge makes Which no less cheerfully Christ undertakes The King of Darkness the first onset gave Thinking his foe to startle or out-brave He flung at him a very cruel Dart And aym'd to hit him just upon the Heart He 'd have him doubt or question if t were so Whether he were the Son of God or no But the blest Lord did use his Sword so well That down the others weapons straight way fell It made him reel and forc'd him back to stand And beat his Lance at once out of his hand At which this disappointed wrathful King Doth gnash his threatning teeth and shews his sting Is mad and foams and fain the Dog would bite He swells like to a Toad enough to fright A mortal man on him to cast an eye And then breaks out with sad and hideous cry Apollyon King of Darkness Shall I be foiled thus or thus give o're Whom never any could yet stand before Have not the Mighty fallen by my hand Enforc'd to yeild to me in every Land Whole Kingdoms Sir have trucled to my pow'r If once I 'm mov'd Millions I can devour Nay with one stroke thou very well dost know I all the World at once did overthrow My very Name is frightful unto all Who trembling fly if I upon them fall My voyce is like unto a mighty Thunder And with a word I keep the Nations under See how they faint and shrink and shreek for fear If of my coming once they do but hear They quiver all and like a Leaf do shake And dare not stand when I approaches make Besides all this much more I have to boast Which of the Champions of thy Earthly Host Have I not overcome and put to flight None ever able were with me to fight Noah that Servant Holy Just of thine I did o'recome by 'th juce of his own Vine And Righteous Lot I next may reckon up A Trophy unto my victorious Cup Whereby he into Incest fell two Times And these thou know'st are no Inferiour Crimes Thy Jacob too though he could wrestle well Yet by my Arm most grievously he fell And so likewise did his most Zealous Mother By Lies I made him to supplant his Brother Joseph for thee although he was sincere I quickly taught by Pharoah's Life to swear And Judah from whose Loins thou dost proceed I worsted much do but the Story read Moses himself thy Captain Generall By me receiv'd a shrew'd and dismal fall Although so meek when I did him engage I mov'd him into passion and great rage By which I did so vex his troubl'd mind That he could not the Land of Promise find Sampson was very strong I know yet he Was overcome by Dalilah and me And David though a King and most devout Sustain'd by me almost a total Rout Although he slew a Lyon and a Bear And my Goliah likewise would not spare But with his sling that Champion did destroy Who did the Camp of Israel annoy For all these mighty Acts when once I came To try his strength I brought him unto shame The people numbred and his God forsaken By Adult'ry and Murder over-taken And Solomon a mighty King and wise Did I by force and subtilety surprize I planted for him such a curious Net As soon Intangled his unwary feet Strange Womens charms withdrew his heart from thee To doting Lust and curs'd Idolatrie The time would fail me should I number all The Noble Worthies I have caus'd to fall Ne're any yet upon the Earth did dwell But by my conquering sword they vanquisht fell And thinkst thou Man that I to thee will yield When slesht with Vict'ories basely quit the Field Mistake not thus I le have the other blow I want no strength nor Courage thou shalt know Prince of Light Thy pride Apollyon and thy Hellish Rage Long since thy utter Downfal did presage Vain are thy Boasts these Rants no good will doe I know thou art a cowardly bragging Foe Forbear with Lies my Servants to condemn 'T were only foils not falls thou gavest them Lurking in Secret thou didst treacherously At unawares sometimes upon them fly But rallying straight they did renew the Fight Quencht all thy Darts and soon put thee to slight And now beyond thy reach in full renown For their reward enjoy an endless Crown And though on some thou hast prevail'd too far With me thou art unable to wage War 'T is for their sakes that forth my wrath is spread Thou bruisdst their Heels but I will bruise thy Head Apollyon Stop there I pray let 's try the other Bout And see if thou canst me so quickly rout I am resolv'd my utmost force to try For all my hopes I find at Stake do ly E're I 'le be baffled thus and lose my Prey Upon thy back still sharper Strokes I 'le lay Prince of Light What is the Cause thou art so furious now And thus on me dost bend thy Brazen brow What is thy fear why dost thou rage or why Dost tremble thus and look so gashfully Why doth thy fading Colour come and go Speak Hellish Fiend what I command thee do Apollyon Great Reason's for't I partly understand The Cause why thou art come into this Land And having found what thy intentions are Needs must the same me terrify and scare I do perceive what did thee chiefly move To leave the Glory which thou hadst above 'T was love that thou didst to a Creature bear Which unto me in truth is very dear And I will make my glistering Spear to bend E're I to thee in this will condescend Before I will her lose I 'le tear and roar And all Infernal Pow'rs I will Implore That I Assistance of them may obtain Against a Foe I do so much disdain Prince of Light But why should this stir up thy hellish rage If I in love am moved to engage The precious Soul and her betroth to me What wrong can that vile monster do to thee Thy horrid pride hath wrought thy overthrow And thou wouldst fain have her be damned too But know this Match in Heav'n's made thy hand Can not prevent nor break this Sacred Band. Apollyon She 's preingag'd to one whom I do Love And I concern'd am for 't was I did move The question to her did first the Contract make And I 'm resolv'd she never shall it break The party too is my own offspring dear And I to him most true Affections bear And reason there is for 't 't was he alone Founded my Kingdom and first rais'd my Throne 'T is he who every where doth for me stand Yea and maintains my Cause in every Land My Subjects he brings in both great and small Without his Aid soon would my Kingdom fall And if this contract should be broke I see But little Service more can he do me Blame me not therefore if I grow inrag'd And thus in furious battel am engag'd Prince of Light Thou canst not hide from me
and jointly satisfy To save her now from the infernal pit I have a Ransom found a Ransom fit Divine Justice I cannot hold I 'le strike the fatal Blow Hell she deserves with vengeance let her go Unto the place appointed for all them Who do God's holy Laws and Grace contemn Jesus Prince of Light O who is this What Traitor 's at the Bar That is condemn'd and Justice wo'nt defer The Execution speak hold up thy head Hast any thing to say What canst thou plead Methinks methinks I should this Creature know Ah! Soul is 't thee What shall I for thee do I told thee what thy state would be i' th end When first my Love to thee I did commend Soul Speak 't is I why dost thou not look up I 'm sorely griev'd to think upon the Cup That is prepar'd for thee What dost thou say Shall I step in that Justice may delay To strike the stroke for then too late 't will be To show my Love and pity unto thee Hast any kindness for me in thine Heart I doubt that still thou the same Creature art Thou wast before and hast no love at all Why speakst thou not shall vengeance on thee fall Ah! how can I see Execution done And Tears not from mine Eyes like Rivers run Divine Justice Lord be n't concern'd she is thy bitter Foe Oh let me therefore freely strike the blow There 's nought in her but Sin and poisonous Evil To God a Foe and Friend unto the Devil JESVS I know not how to let this stroke be given For I am come on purpose down from Heaven To make Atonement and to satisfy For all her sins and foul Iniquity Though she to me doth no affection bear Yet her I pity and do love most dear Justice Blest JESVS hold 't is my just Master's sense Abused Mercy must have recompence There is no other way but she must die Unless thou wilt be her Securitie If in her stead thy life thou wilt give up Then mayst thou save her from this bitter Cup. The price which thou on that account wilt pay Will make a Compensation and defray All her vast Debts yea plenarily God's wrath appease and Justice satisfy What must be done Who is 't the stroke must bear Is 't not most fit such should who guilty are I cannot hold my hand nor longer stay Law must be satisfy'd what dost thou say Thou wretched Soul behold the knife and spear Can'st thou dost think God's fearful vengeance bear Now Soul look to thy self this Spear I 'le run Into thy Bowels ere I it return JESVS Stay Justice stay withold thy furious Dart And let its glitt'ring point first pierce my Heart Her guilty state aloud calls for relief It wounds my Soul and fills my Heart with grief My Bowels yearn my inward parts do move Now now 's the time to show her my great Love Let Law and Justice be suffic'd in me 'T is I will die to set the Sinner free Behold me Soul my life shall go for thine I will redeem thee with this Blood of mine Although most Precious Sacred and Divine CHAP. VII Shewing what Consultations there were amongst the infernal Spirits to bring Jesus Prince of Light under the power of Death a Council called in Hell the Princes of the fallen Angels in a deep combination against him for fear their Kingdom should fall and the poor Creature be delivered The grand Counsel of Old Satan is taken He enters into Judas Judas's sin discovered Jesus is apprehended A terrible battel or Christ's Agony before his Passion Sin and Wrath combine together shewing the Prince's Conquests over them both Seven aggravations of Christ's sorrows in the Garden and a Dialogue between the Devil King of Darkness and Death the King of Terrors HEre let 's a while reflect with careful heed What! doth the guiltless for the guilty bleed This may astonish all here 's Love indeed Do Mortals ever greater love extend Then to lay down their lives for a dear Friend But for a Prince a mighty Prince to die Not for a Friend but for an Enemy Convicted and condemn'd for horrid Treason Thus to step in at that most Critick season When just the fatal blow was to be given This Love 's above our Reach higher than Heaven Deeper than Ocean Seas so Infinite As well deserves our wonder day and night What Was the Father free his Son to give His dear and only Son that she might live And doth the Son i' th midst of Enemies Yield up himself to be a Sacrifice Yet who can be so bold to lay their Hands Upon this Prince that Heaven Earth commands How shall this thing be now accomplished And by what means shall his dear Blood be shed Let 's now inquire who is 't that will consent To be the grand and chiefest Instrument To execute this precious spotless Lamb Who for this purpose down from Heav'n came Has he on Earth any such spightful Foe As dare's attempt this ' mazing thing to do You heard before he daily was beset And with what Enemies he often met But now his hour is drawing very near Great Consultations ' mongst his Foes there were How they might take his blessed Life away Who seem'd himself impatient of delay He long'd until his work were finished Which could not be until his blood were shed And though he had most raging Enemies Yet knew they not what project to devise To bring this bloody traiterous deed to pass Which long before by them designed was Until Apollyon finding by his Art The dire Intentions harbour'd in their Heart Doth rouse them up and first the matter start To the Infernal powers to wake them ●l A second time upon this Prince to fall Then Belzebub Satan and Lucifer Consult afresh how to renew the War And to this purpose wee 'l suppose they spake Apollyon Shake off your fears and speedily let 's make The strongest Head that possibly we can Against this strong this Devil-amazing man Now now 's the day let 's bring him to Death's sting And then with shouts of Triumph we may sing For over Death 't is we the power have And we may sure secure him in the Grave 'T is he alone who frights us in our station And puts us all into great Consternation Our Kingdom by this means is like to fall And we thereby be ruin'd great and small I have engag'd him once but could not stand I know his strength he has a pow'rful Hand Belzebub My Sentence is for War this Enterprize Well managed will make our Kingdom rise And re-inthrone us in our Antient Skies To a great Height and flourish as before When he is down we 'l let him rise no more Can we but once deprive him of his Life 'T will put an end to all our fears and strife Lucifer Dominions Pow'rs and Principalities You all in danger are awake and rise From off your Seats and lazy Beds of Down Sleep you secure or
A piece of thine nay but a little part That have deserved more than a whole heart 'T is all the heart or none do'st think it fit Sin and the Devil should have part of it Would any Lover such strange love receive To be contented that his Spouse should have Some other Suiters and to them should cleave What sayst deceived Soul why standst thou mute Disclose thy inward thoughts and grant my Suit O speak or if thy doubtful mind be bent To silence let that silence be consent If thou wilt grant me that whole heart of thine We 'l exchange hearts I 'le give thee all of mine She look'd about she mus'd she paus'd a while Whilst he on her cast forth an Heav'nly smile Sweet rays of Glory glanced from his Eye Enough to ravish all the standers-by So great a lustre from his garments shone It dazl'd all weak eyes to look upon Like as the Sun his glorious beams displays Dispersing every way his sparkling rays When in his strength splendor bright doth shine So glister'd forth his Glory all Divine Ne're such a beauty carnal eyes beheld Ah! one sweet sight of him has wholly fill'd The greatest Soul that liv'd and there is still Enough in him millions of Hearts to fill And none but Him alone can satisfie The Soul of Man the Soul-enlightned eye But stay and hear the Answer which is given By the deceived Soul O let the Heaven And Earth astonish'd stand whilst stubborn she Deny'd his Suit will not persuaded be To o'pe her door who longs to enter in To fill her Soul with joy destroy her sin Soul Strange 't is to me such beauty should be there What so amazing glorious none so fair When I no loveliness in him can see The World and outward pleasures seem to me More rare and spriteful far the better choice Such things I like but for this Lover's voice His Face and Favour I ca'nt so esteem Nor can I leave all things for love of him Therefore be gone and cease thy suit for I Have fixt my mind elswhere my heart and eye Is set on that which outward eyes can see Lord let me not be troubl'd more with thee O stay my Muse reach me an Iron Pen T● engrave this on the marble hearts of men Let Sinners look within then let them read Themselves ungrateful blind and dark indeed Would not each Soul conclude this Creature were Besides her self or else deserv'd to bear The great'st contempt and pity'd be by none That bids such a dear Lover to be gone How oft has he by precious motives try'd The Soul from sin and evil to divide And make her too obdurat heart relent And take such ways as Wisdom do's invent His Passions Sighs and Tears are ready still As the officious agents of his Will To work her to a sence of her estate But she 's alas so dark and desperate That his sweet voice of so divine a strain So moving mov'd her but seems all in vain He sighs for her he knows her sad distress He asks her love but still without success Ah Sinners view your rocky hearts and then Smite on your breasts lament and read agen The glorious Lord his love 's so strange so great He knows not how to think of a retreat His soul is griev'd yet takes not her denial But makes a new Essay another Trial. Jesus Did did I love thee from Eternity And my celestial Kingdom leave for thee Did I Man's humane nature freely take Did I my bed in a poor Manger make Did I engage the cruel'st of all Foes Did I from men and Devils meet with blows Did I such kind of tortures undergoe Which men nor Angels can't conceive or know Did Wrath pursue and Justice fall on me And did I bear it all for love to thee Ah! did I sweat great drops of Sacred Blood Until the ground was sprinkled where I stood And were my feet and hands nail'd to the Tree Whilst my dear Father hid his Face from me Have I with joy delight and chearful heart Indur'd all this excessive pain and smart And out of precious love to thee I bore And must I still be kept out of thy door Shall shall I leave thee then and take my flight Into some foreign Land and let the Night Of dismal darkness be thy lot for ever Where direful Wrath all graceless souls do sever From all sweet shines of my Eternal Face That thou mayst there bewail with shame thy case When shades of frightful darkness thee do cover Thou wilt condole the loss of such a Lover Must I be gone must I my farewel take And leave thee to thy self my heart doth ake To think upon thy state when I do leave thee Far rather would I have these Arms receive thee What slight a Saviour thus a Friend indeed An early Friend a Friend who chose to bleed For thee and in thy stead that so thereby He might enjoy thee to Eternitie Farewel false Soul I bid thee now adieu Take what will follow dread what will insue Grief sorrows sickness and a troubled mind Will thee pursue until thou com'st to find A changed heart and vengeance do's allot Ruin to those thou lov'st who love thee not I 'le kill them all who have insnar'd thy heart Before from thee for ever I depart Ah! how my Soul with a tempestuous tide Of tears is overwhelm'd whilst I 'm deny'd My Suit by thee my passions overflow To see thee slight me and my passion too What tread me underfoot whilst vanity And worldly joys are Jewels in thine eye As if best good and sweet'st content lay hid In that gay fruit which is alone forbid He woo's the Soul says no he still replies He sweetly sues she wickedly denies He woos afresh she answers with disdain I cannot love but he intreats again At last he leaves her and his Suit adjourns He views the Soul and griev'd away returns He bids farewel and yet he bids it so As if he knew not how to take her No. He bids farewel but 't is as if delay Did promise better farewels than his stay He now withdraws but 't is with a design His absence might her heart the more incline To th' love and liking of him or to see What by some other means perform'd may be As Lovers often times by rules of Art Devise new ways to gain upon the heart Of such they love to bring them to their bow Like things sometimes doth Jesus also do T' incline the Sinners heart he hides his face And brings them into a distressed case He lays them on sick beds for to discover The worth and need of such a Sacred Lover Poor Sinners ponder well what you do read And mind those thoughts which woo you to take heed How you neglect slights the day of Grace Or to base lust and vain delights give place Now sickness comes Death begins to fright her And 't is no marvel if the Lord do