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A47362 Antichrist stormed, or, Mystery Babylon the great whore, and great city, proved to be the present Church of Rome wherein all objections are fully answered : to which is added, the time of the end, or a clear explanation of Scripture prophecies, with the judgment of divers learned men concerning the final ruine of the Romish Church, that it will be in this present age : together with an account of the two witnesses, who they are, with their killing, resurrection & ascention : also an examination and confutation of what Mr. Jurieu hath lately written concerning the effusion of the vials ... : likewise a brief review of D. Tho. Goodwins exposition of the 11th chapter of the Revelations, concerning the witnesses, and of that street in which they should lie slain, proving it to be meant of Great Brittain : and a brief collection of divers strange prophecies, some very antient / by Benj. Keach ... ; to which is annext, a short treatise in two parts : 1. The calculation of Scripture numbers by Scripture only, without the help of humane history, 2. Upon the witnesses, giving light to the whole book. Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. 1689 (1689) Wing K44; ESTC R19009 133,186 254

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offered by the Learned Mede Lib. 3. p. 643. 1. Because though they did arise to great Power in the World yet they had not their seat in that great City which in St. Johns time reigned over the Kings of the Earth which this Babylon is Expresly said to have 2. That they did not rise by Apostacy from the Christian Religion which this Babylon with her head the Man of Sin did for as this worthy Author saith the Turk whatever he be could be no Apostate because he was of a Nation that never was Christian. To which we shall add somthing for the clearing of this head that we may discharge that Debt we owe to God to the Church and the World. 3. It cannot be the Turks because they are not strangely and wonderfully mysterious which this Babylon is said to be Rev. 17. 5. And upon her fore-head was a name written MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH And the Angel said unto me Wherefore didst thou Marvel I will tell thee the mystery of the Woman and the Beast which carryeth her which hath the Seven Heads and Ten Horns What special mystery hath shewed it self to the World from the Turks and Saracens more than from other common Empires or Kingdoms that is matter of admiration to the wisest of men Is it matter of wonder that the Turks do own but one true and most high God Is it matter of wonder that they do own Jesus Christ to be a Prophet and a good man Is it matter of highest wonder that they prefer Mahomet above Jesus Is it matter of wonder that they appear true to their Contracts in matters of Civil Commerce Is it matter of highest wonder for them to endeavour to keep what Dominion they have and to enlarge it to make Slaves and Prizes of those profest Enemies they take Prisoners We say in none of these things is there any high Mystery or matter of greatest Wonder being things common to all Places and Kingdoms Invested with Power For 1. Did not the great King of Literal Babylon own the only true God yet still held the Church in Captivity 2. Did not Israel own the same and yet kept their Idols after their revolt from Judah 3. Did not Judah prefer Moses above and before Christ and at that time when Christ was personally among them working most Stupendious Miracles which did evince his Divine Mission Nay did they not prefer a Common and Notorious Villain before the Blessed Lord of Glory when they desired a Murtherer to be freed and pressed hard to have the good and Blessed Jesus the Saviour of the World killed And did not this wise Apostle know this to be true in fact and to Equal nay outdo any thing that the Turks or Saracens ever did or can be accused of And if St. John was Transported with astonishing wonder at Matters much less than he had seen before doth it not give good reason to suspect him of Weakness and Defect that he should suffer himself to be surprised with the greatest wonder at far less things than he had seen and known before certainly therefore we must conclude there was something more of mystery in Johns Vision than what had been shewed to the world by the great Turk or any other Power and indeed undoubtedly the greatest Mystery that ever the World was acquainted with For the Characters of Babylon must either be singular that is such as none have besides or else they must be transcendent to go far beyond what others had in a Lesser degree Otherwise John might have kept the Description of Babylon to himself there being no clear Distinctions to render the wisest and most Discerning men able to make Judgment upon her The mystery then that is written upon this woman Babylon seems clearly to lye in these particulars following First That she doth transact the most horrid wickednesses that ever the world was or is like to be acquainted with Secondly That under this monstrous Guilt she is prodigiously Confident and without all regret or show of shame and most Impudently boasts of the highest Sanctity and Holiness in the World viz. That she is Totally Pure Infallibly Certain and cannot err c. That this indeed is a Mystery to be wondered at let it be Considered 1. That a Shepherd should be a Wolf and devour that flock which he pretends to be an Overseer or Pastor of 2. That a professed Servant of Jesus Christ and the meanest of Saints should exalt himself above his Master and not above his Master only but above the God of his Master and all other Deputed Gods that are Vicegerents to the King of Heaven by slighting and trampling upon the holy Scriptures and Laws both of God and Princes dispensing with the breach of them indulging the highest violation thereof and setting up his own Inventions Traditions and Decrees above them insomuch that there is a thousand times less danger in their esteem in respect of Excommunications and Corporal Punishments in this World or of Damnation in the World to come in breaking and violating the Laws of God and Princes than there is in the violation or breach of the Inventions Traditions and Decrees of Mystery Babylon and her Head. 3. That one sitting in the Temple of God pretending himself as a poor Apostle Vicar and Successor of Christ nay as the Successor of a poor Fisher man should wear the highest Ensigns of Imperial Dignity 4. That he should be so Lordly and prodigiously Insolent who was commanded to the greatest Humility and Abasement as to tread upon the necks of Emperors kick off the Crowns of great Princes and make Kings his Foot Pages 5. That he should pretend highly most highly to God Christ Religion and Holiness and yet Espouse to himself as the Darlings of his Bosom not only the Chiefest Sons of Belial but all that will decline Sanctity and Religion and embody themselves with those first born Sons of Wickedness that are of the highest Magnitude and engage themselves in such Monstrous and Butcherly Practices that humane Nature as such could never act in the Butchering Brute Beasts 6. That the Spouse of this prodigious Monster should in Profession own God Jesus Christ and the things of Religion of which Justice and Charity Holiness and Compassion are not the least parts and yet under this Vizard and in the very time of these pretensions perpetrate the greatest and most unparallel'd Villanies in the World First In being the Top of Pride Secondly In committing palpable Idolatry Thirdly Fill themselves with Excess and Drunkenness Fourthly To curse swear and blaspheme the very name they profess to be sacred Fifthly To cast down the Truth burn the Bible deface the holy Books and Laws of God Sixthly To assume not only a Power to Dispense with the Violation in the highest Nature but to pardon and forgive them at pleasure Seventhly To commit Adultery and account it a Venial Crime Eighthly To break
of the Prophecy page 345. distinguished as we before shewed all which Kingdoms as King James the First in his learned works makes out took their rise with Rome Papal upon the division or ruine of the Roman Empire in its civil state the body of which Kingdoms may well be called many waters viz. people multitudes nations and tongues or people of several languages which were as well known to have been under the Usurpation and Jurisdiction of Papal Rome as 't is known there have been and still are Papists in the World which doth fully answer to the very letter of the text viz. The Waters which thou sawest whereon the Whore sitteth are people and multitudes and nations and tongues Rev. 17. 18. 2. This is very evident yet further by her making all the European Kingdoms and Merchants thereof Rich that traffick by Sea by the great expence of all commodities which are swallowed up by reason of her pride and bravery which could never be effected unless she had nations and multitudes under her jurisdiction to contribute to her great pride and luxury 3. A third Instance to confirm it is the numberless number of good Christians she has prey'd upon and murdered in most of these Kingdoms for no other cause but for witnessing against her Idolatry and Usurpation which shews what power she had over these nations and tongues c. 4. And lastly The vast sums of Money she has extorted and squeezed from these Kingdoms and Nations to uphold her pretended right preheminency and usurpation over them which you have an account of by several worthy Writers who fully witness to the truth of what we say upon this respect And from the whole we shall draw this argument and proceed Arg. If there be no Body of people professed Church or State in the World under any single denomination that sits upon i. e. commands or bears rule over people multitudes nations and tongues as Rome Papal or Church of Rome doth then Rome Papal or the Church of Rome is Mystery Babylon But there is no Body of people professed Church or State under any single denomination that sits upon i. e. commands or bears rule over people multitudes nations and tongues as Rome Papal or Church of Rome doth Ergo Rome Papal or Church of Rome is Mystery Babylon To the establishing this argument let it be considered that the whole state of the Christian World consists but of these two parts viz. the Church of Rome considered as Head and Body and those who dissent from her who are so inconsiderable whether the Waldenses Albingenses Hugonots or other parties of Protestants that no one party of nay if we put them altogether can be said to sit upon i. e. command or bear Rule over people multitudes nations and tongues to answer to this Character of Mystery Babylon the Waldenses and Hugonots have been and still are a Persecuted People the Lutherans never got up so high as to command many States or Kingdoms or people of many languages Great Britain tho a Protestant State or Kingdom comes not up to answer this character much less the seven united Provinces that of late times revolted from the Crown of Spain so that if Rome Papal hath done so and no other people that dissent from her have ever yet nor could do the like then this proves Rome Papal that great Whore viz Mystery Babylon that sits upon many Waters c. VII The seventh mark or character of Mystery Babylon is this viz. She is such a Whore that Kings and great men of the Earth are said to commit Fornication with her see the text Rev. 17. 2. With whom the Kings of the Earth have committed Fornication i. e Spiritual Fornication or Fornication in a mystery or after a mysterious manner such as Jerusalem of old was charged with 2 Chron. 22. 1. Isa. 16. 26. Which was a following like Idolatry that this Woman Babylon hath done viz. corrupting the true worship of God and adoring Idols or making of Images and Representations of the true God by which they pretended to worship him and so great was her Fornication that 't is said she did corrupt the Earth with it Paral. Now that Rome Papal or Church of Rome hath this black mark and character upon her is most evident viz. such a Whore that the Kings of the Earth have committed Fornication with her she having corrupted the Earth with her filthy Fornications they following her abominable Superstition and Idolatry 1. For First Hath she adored the Pope as her Lord God universal Head and infallible Bishop setting him up above all Laws The Kings of the Earth have been so intoxicated with the cup of her Fornication that they likewise have done the same 2. Hath and doth she worship the Virgin Mary Angels and many departed Saints Even so have and do many of the Kings of the Earth likewise 3. Hath she adored Images the Crucifix the Host and Pictures of pretended Saints Even so she has caused the Kings of the Earth to do likewise 4. Hath she foolishly and Idolatroully de based her self with the adoration of the Relick● of known and unknown Saints So the very same has she caused the Kings and great men to do also 5. Hath she grosly and superstitiously worshiped the true God in a false manner By crouding in an innumerous train of detestable and foolish fopperies into his worship and pretended service which he never ordained as Candles Candlesticks Altars Vestments Spittle Salt Oyl Holy Water Beads and a world of such like trumpery So have the Kings and Noble ones of the Earth done and still do as the Emperour of Germany Kings of France Spain Portugal and England formerly and of late also from whence we will draw this argument Arg. If there be no Body of people in the Christian World pretending to a Church State that have set up Idolatry to such a degree and with whom the Kings of the Earth have jointly agreed and complied as Rome Papal or Church of Rome hath done then Rome Papal or Church of Rome is this mystery Babylon spoken of But there is no Body of people in the Christian World pretending to a Church State that hath set up Idolatry to such a degree and with whom the Kings of the Earth have complied as Rome Papal c. hath done Ergo the Church of Rome is Mystery Babylon To reinforce this argument let any man that will become an advocate for the Church of Rome shew that any people differing and dissenting from the Church of Rome are guilty of like Idolatry with whom the Kings of the Earth have complied as aforementioned and we will reject this argument but if this Character doth more fitly nay directly meet in Papal Rome our argument is good and unanswerable VIII Another Scripture Mark and Character of Mystery Babylon is this i. e. she doth not only cause the Kings of the Earth to commit Fornication with her but she hath intoxicated the minds
of the Church in room and stead of him whose Power Laws and Edicts are preferred above and before the authority laws and precepts of the Lord Jesus Christ as Rome Papal or Church of Rome hath done then the Church of Rome is mystery Babylon or the great Whore spoken of But there is no body of professing people in the Christian World nor throughout the Earth who have so apparently declined adulterated and deserted the Holy Headship Doctrine Example and right Government of Jesus Christ ut supra as Rome Papal or Church of Rome hath done Ergo Rome Papal or Church of Rome is mystery Babylon the great Whore. If any should think this argument not weighty let them shew if they can that some other people different from the Church of Rome have made as great or like change in point of Religion and Headship and matter● thereto pertaining so as this black character of Whore great Whore may more fitly and fully be made to meet upon them and we must confess our argument not weighty but till then we conclude it carries conviction in the Bowels of it V. Mystery Babylon is not only set forth by a Woman City of Confusion and Whore but also a great City and great Whore and the great City was divided c. Rev. 16. 19 And the Woman which thou sawest is that great City Rev. 17. 18. I will shew thee the Judgment of the great Whore Rev. 17. 1. I think it necessary to reassume this character again the Spirit of God noting this as a most eminent mark of her Paral Now that the Church of Rome is not only a Whore and Mystical City but a very great City and Whore will yet appear more evident 1. She hath a great name no name so great in the Christian World as the name of Rome she is called a Queen and being joined by Contract to her universal Head viz. the Pope or Man of Sin she would seem to be far greater than Emperors and temporal Princes and pretends a power to give them their Crowns and set them upon their Heads and kick them off again at pleasure 2. Great in Power She gives Rules and Laws to Kingdoms advances her Ecclesiastical Edicts above Temporal she sets the Pope and the chiefest of her Sons above secular Jurisdiction makes them unacountable and pretends a power to Absolve to Bless and Curse at her pleasure and without controversy the lesser is blessed of the greater 3. Great in multitude There are no People besides that are in a spiritual united Body and visible community professing Christianity comparable to her for multitude or the vast numbers of her Children 4. Great in actions vile actions such as deposing and poysoning Princes fomenting jealousies raising Wars setting Nations together by the Ears invading rights and properties of Nations and Kingdoms by subtile insnarements and cunning stratagems making tumults and uproars contriving Masscres burning Cities and carrying on dreadful devastations where she is gain-said and that which adds to her greatness is that invincible confidence she hath that all persons and things are made for her and given to her so that all things she doth are allowed as Legal and Just in Heaven tho the actions are most vile and as unhumane as any can be in the Judgment of any undeceived mortal from whence we shall frame this argument Arg. If there be no united Body of People or visible Community in the Christian World that is so great in name power multitudes and actions vile actions as Rome Papal or Church of Rome hath been and still is then the Church of Rome is mystery Babylon But there is no united Body of People or Community in the Christian World that is so great in name power multitude and actions vile actions as Rome Papal or Church of Rome Ergo Rome Papal is this great City Whore or Mystery Babylon VI. Mystery Babylon is said to sit upon many Waters which is expounded to be People Multitudes Nations and Tongues Rev. 17. 1 17. And he said unto me the Waters which thou sawest where the Whore sitteth are people and multitudes and nations and tongues c. which according to the learned Mede Peter Du Moulin and other famous Protestant writers is more than a third part of the ten considerable parts which the Roman Monarchy fell into not long before the Pope that man of Sin and Head of mystery Babylon assumed the imperial Seat and Throne which afterwards became ten Kingdoms with Crowned Heads assisting the Beast against the Lamb and Persecuting of the Saints distinguished into ten Kingdoms of the Empires I. of Germany II. France III. England IV. Scotland V. Denmark VI. Polonia VII The Kingdom of Spain VIII The Kingdom of Navarre IX The Kingdom of Hungary X. The Kingdom of Naples and Sicily All which Rome Papal had in possession as our French author saith in the days of Pope Leo the tenth Paral. So then it appears evidently that the Church of Rome has directly this mark of Mystery Babylon also she sitting upon many Waters viz. people multitudes nations and languages that she sate upon or ruled over more than one third part of the ten which was formerly under the Roman Empire in its civil state is evident which● more than one third part hath since fallen into ten Kingdoms under the Government of ten Crowned Heads and have all agreed to give their Power to this last Beast as they received power as Kings one hour with him according to what was foretold which makes good what St. John ●n the Apocalypse hath made known as also Daniel concerning the little horn which had ● mouth speaking great things whose looks were more stout than his fellows Dan. 7. by whom three of the first horns of the Roman power in its civil state were pluck't up by the roots and in their place succeeded ten Kings or Crowned Heads who have their Crowns given to them by this last Beast and as they had their Crowns given by and hold their Kingly power under the Pope little Horn last Beast or man of Sin in requital of his fatherly care in giving his Sons so great a Patrimony so they give their power to him and ingaged against the Lamb in making War with and persecuting the Saints of the most High and will do so till the VVord of God or Prophecy of Daniel and Revelations of St. John c. is fulfilled which ten Crowned Heads answer to the ten Toes in Nebuchadnezzars Image and to the ten Horns in this 17th of the Apocalypse which are so concerned in the Beasts Kingdom and who will at last by the gracious providence of God that is some of them be overcome by the Lamb and turn to hate the Whore and make her desolate whom before they for a long time join'd with and supported and for whose pleasure they did persecute the Saints which ten States or Kingdoms are by our French author Peter du Moulin in his book called the accomplishment
Truths of Jesus Christ all which fully shews that this second mark of drunkenness drunk with Blood of the Saints and of the Martyrs of Jesus meets in the Church of Rome Thirdly She has the other mark of drunkenness upon her also i. e. she matters not who she abuses and exercises her cruelties upon she has sometimes cut off her own dear Children viz. Roman Catholicks amongst such she calls Hereticks as it happened at Bezier and other places crying out Kill all both Catholicks and Hereticks saying the Lord knows who are his nay she has made the Wife to kill her Husband the Husband to murther the Wife Children to destroy their own dear Parents and Parents their Children ●f these things do not shew she is drunk drunk with Blood what can From whence ● shall draw this argument and conclude Arg. If there be no body of people or community of Christians in the World who have been guilty of so much Blood Blood of Saints ●nd good Men even so as to be drunk with Blood as the Church of Rome are Then ●he Church of Rome is Mystery Babylon But there is no people or community of Christians ●hat are so guilty c. as Rome Papal or Church of Rome is Ergo the Church of Rome ● Mystery Babylon XIV Mystery Babylon hath one mark more whereby she may be known i. e. She ● said to sit upon a Beast that hath Seven Heads and Ten Horns the Seven Heads ●●em to signify as the Angel opens it seven sorts of soveraign governments as well as hills read the Text And here is the mind that hat● wisdom the seven Heads are seven Mountains on which the Woman sitteth And there ar● seven Kings five are fallen one is and one ● not yet come but when he is come he ma● continue a short space And the Beast that w● and is not even he is the eighth and of the seve● and goeth into perdition Rev. 17. 9 10 11 Besides all that we have said it we find n● Papal Rome here viz. having this characte● upon her we will acquit her for ever for t● city that is built upon seven Hills is Rome nay you will find that all Authors do general assert that Rome is the only City in the Wor● that is founded on seven Hills and fame for it by its old Poets as it is noted by ● late Annotators as Ovid Virgil Hora● Propertius The names of these Hills a● known viz. Palatinus Quirinalis Ave●●nus Celius Veminalis Esquilinus Capit●nus But the seven Heads do not only as ● said before signify seven Hills or Mountai●● but also seven Kings that is seven sorts governments which ruled or were to rule that City where the Beast reigned that ca●ried this cursed Harlot the term Kings Scripture signifying rulers whether the government was in a single person or more ● Deut. 33. 5. Now that Rome hath had Sev● sorts of distinct soveraign governments in her is so notoriously known that the Romanists can't deny it ● Kings Romulus being the first King II. Consuls III. Tribunes IV. Decemvirs V. Dictators VI. Emperors that were Pagans VII Emperors that were Christians five of these were fallen or gone off the stage before St. John received his Revelations the Government of the Pagan Emperors was in being at that very time the seventh was to appear and to continue but a short spaco viz. the Christian Emperors government For it cannot be the Papal power for that was not up in St. Johns time so not the sixth Head. And as the Papal power for that reason could not be the sixth Head so for a very good reason it could not be the 7th Government because whensoever that appeared it was to continue but a short space which cannot intend the Papal power but answereth to the Christian Empire for that government did continue but a little while comparatively but 't is evident the Papal power has continued longer than any of the other sove●●ignties that wont before and if the Papal power be not the sixth Head nor the seventh then it must needs be the eighth which is of the seventh and ●oes into perdition ●…fe it can't be any power at all of the fourth 〈◊〉 Roman Monarchy But a power it is yea and a great power too of the fourth or Roman Monarchy And that which carrys the Whore according to the express letter of the Text and so acknowledged by the best of exposition so that in the whole by the Woman City or Whore that sitteth upon the seven Mountains and where there hath been seven several sorts or forms of Government is meant Rome there is no cause to doubt for the great Sons of Rome themselves as Baronius Bellarmine and many others do confess the same but would defend their Mother from being Mystery Babylon by putting it off to Rome-pagan which we have clearly detected in the first chapter of this treatise And therefore do affirm that Rome Papal is neither the sixth no● seventh sort of government but is the eighth and of the seventh The Christian Emperon in an overheated zeal and bounty to the Roman Bishops giving him the advantage by getting that power which through policy and pride he attained to in the end so he comes to be the last Beast or eighth Government in which there is a secular and an Ecclesiastical power joined together which makes up ● Beast a blasphemous Beast who hath two Horns like a Lamb which is this twofold power but a mouth like a Dragon and a Whore a most devilish drunken and bloody Whore. c. Arg. If Rome Papal or Church of Rome be born up by a secular power which hath had seven soveraign governments in a City seated upon seven Hills or Mountains then Rome Papal or Church of Rome is Mystery Babylon the great Whore. But Rome Papal or Church of Rome is born up by a secular power which hath had seven soveraign governments in a City seated upon seven Hills or Mountains Ergo Rome Papal c. is Mystery Babylon XV. There is yet one mark or character more of Mystery Babylon i. e. she is said to be that City that reigned over the Kings of the Earth and the Woman that thou sawest is that City that reigns over the Kings of the Earth Rev. 17 18. Now that Rome is such a City that since St. Johns time hath for several hundred of years reigned over the Kings of the Earth is so evident none can deny nay and that Rome Papal hath governed a great part of Italy her self owneth ever since Constantine who gave it as she saith as a Patrimony to St. Peter and that she hath governed or hath had her Kingdom over Germany Poland France Spain Portugal England Scotland and Ireland c. is clear so that their Kings have been governed by her whom she would they killed and whom she would they saved alive whom she willed they worshiped and so became guilty of drinking the Wine of her fornication whom she
Crucifix but especially the great Idol of the Mass so that whosoever will not own that most ridiculous Idolatry of a piece of Bread consecrated by the foul Mouth and unhallowed Hands of their cursed Priests to be their God and Saviour must be burned at a Stake these Idols they tell us ought to have due honour given to them because the honour which is given to them is referred to the Prototype whom they do represent and these abominations she kisseth as Idolaters of old were wont to kiss the Calves lighteth Tapers before them as the Literal Babyloniam did Candles before their Images c. VII Literal Babylon or Chaldea were not only a people of great Pomp Pride and Covetousness but had also great Riches and Treasures O thou that dwellest upon many waters abundant in treasures thine end is ●ome the end of thy Covetousness Jer. 50. 37. 51. 13. So in like manner Papal Rome is not only ● people puft up with pride and vain-glory but as 't is said of Mystery Babylon she is very rich being arrayed with Purple Scarlet Gold Pearl and precious Stones But she sits also upon many waters to wit People Multitudes Nations and Tongues But is very covetous as well as proud and full of treasures for besides the gifts she boasts were first given to her in the time of Constantine the Great she hath made a prey upon the Nations thro' her fearful covetousness and not only a prey upon Nations and Kingdoms but a spoil upon Saints and Holy Martyrs and hath had the Gifts of Kings and vast Revenues setled upon her Orders and Clergy nay and she has peeled the people by selling Pardons and Indulgences and raising Peter-pence besides vast sums for praying poor Souls out of the scorching flames of Purgatory nay so horrid covetous is she that she is not willing any should go to Heaven without great Gifts of Money to Holy Church besides much Money comes in by tolerating Whores and Whoredoms which thing is notoriously known to be done in many Cities of the Popedom by which slights she is grown-so exceeding rich and full of treasure that she can afford a Golden Cup to present her intoxicating Wine in to be cloth'd as we said before with Scarlet deck'd with Gold Pearl and precious Stones yea she maketh the Merchants of the Earth rich who Trade with her she doth indeed as fully answer to the Type in this as Lam. 1. 10. stretching forth her hand upon all the pleasant things of those Countries and Kingdoms where she hath sate as a Queen VIII Literal Babylon made the worst of men among the Nations and Provinces chief Officers and Rulers those that were rais'd to Preferment were Enemies to Gods people and to his ways of worship Her Adversaries prosper that is the Adversaries of Sion and are the chief c. This Character hath Rome Papal upon her for she hath all along made base and vil● men Rulers and Chief among the people not suffering any men to bear Office in Kingdom Cities or Corporations but such vile time-serving Persons that would Sacrifice all Justice Right and Honesty to her cursed Will and unsatisfied Lust no nor indeed have so much as a Vote to chuse Persons to bear Rule i● Government nor comfortably to buy nor ●ell unless they would relinquish all Goodness and Religion and receive the Mark of the Beast in their Foreheads or right Hands viz. publickly to profess or privately subscribe to ●ud Injunctions and Commands of the Beast the against their Consciences and inconsiste● with their Religion Who can be Cardina● unless they do own the Pope Who can b● Kings without being in danger of being deposed or poysoned that subscribe not to the S●● of Rome Who can sit safe as Governo● over Cities c. where she sits as Queen Regent without truckling under that Yoak o● Subjection which she puts on the Necks of all her Vassals nay Pope Martin the Fifth i● his Bull added to the Council of Constance ●● Pareus tells us Prohibits all Roman Catholicks to suffer any Hereticks to have any dwellings in their Countries or to make any Bargains or use any Trades or to perform to them any Civil Offices which makes good th●● word Rev. 13. 16 17. IX Chaldea or Literal Babylon made the ways of Sion to mourn hindred men to come to her Solemn Assemblies made her Ministers to sigh defiled the godly Women and ravished the Virgins in the Streets of Jerusalem and burned down the Houses and Dwelling-places of Gods people starving and famishing of them and miserably destroyed them by several cruel deaths hanging their Princes by the Hands and caused the Faces of their Elders not to be honoured c. Rome Papal or the Romish Church in all these things hath exceedingly out-done Literal Babylon that so she might make it appear she is her direct Antitype and that they were but her Fore-runners in these respects for this Mystical Babylon hath with a witness made the ways of Sion to mourn for these twelve hundred years hindring all she could in every Kingdom from coming to their Solemn Assemblies driving them into corners frightning and dispersing their Auditors by Fines Imprisonments Banishments and other cruel Usages pulling down their Churches and publick Meeting-places causing her faithful Ministers to sigh and Pastors to mourn because they might not Preach to their poor afflicted Flocks and the people grieve because they could not hear the pleasant voice of their Pastors by reason of violence c. She hath also been guilty of that most horrid cruelty of forcing both Ministers and people from their dwellings labouring to starve or famish both their Bodies and Souls too and not contented to burn their Bodies to ashes but has oft-times burn'd their Houses Towns and Cities as Germany hath wofully experienced and England also witness the burning of the famous City of London Southwark and its adjacent places who knows how many Fires she hath kindled in the space of twenty eight years last past in this Island And then for ravishing godly women and chast Virgins in a beastly manner she hath imitated old Babylon nay far exceeded her that she might shew to all she was her Antitype in these villanies They have ravished Women before their Husbands Faces Maidens before their Parents Faces as you have heard openly in the Streets in the sight of the Sun and then imbruing their barbarous Hands in their Blood as divers Histories do declare X. There is one thing more in Chaldean Babylon in respect of her ruin which I think not amiss here to add viz. We find God by the Prophet speaks of her sudden destruction Jer. 51. 8. Babylon is suddenly fallen and that also she shall be destroyed by an Army out of the North Countreys For lo I will raise and cause to come up against Babylon an Assembly of great Nations from the North Countrey and they shall set themselves in array against her from thence she shall be
he could have been made of the rage of the Croisades In all Languages and in all sorts of stile a Sea of Blood Rivers of Blood streams of Blood signify a very great slaughter Now the proper character of the Croisades is slaughter Murther which falls not upon the head of the Antichristian Empire but upon the people all was turned into Blood. Never was there such a prodigious effusion of Blood in the Sea i. e. among the peoples in the first Croisade there died more than 2 Millions of men in 3 or 4 years 't is evident that God did lead these wretched creatures as it were to the shambles that they should find the punishment of their crimes he took so great a quantity of Blood that he might cure the Ulcers of Christendom for that he might purge it of that vast rabble he permitted the Devil to inspire them either with such sottish superstition or an extravagant ambition that they must go and deliver the Holy-land or go and conquer Kingdoms in the East this Plague lighted only on the Sea not at all on the dry land upon the subjects of the Popedom not at all upon the Popes On the contrary the Popes Improve that evasion to greaten their power to plunder whole Countreys to make Generals of Armies to act as soveraign Monarchs and to lay a heavyer yoke upon Kings whom they ordered to march and sent them as their slaves into the East and during their absence plundered their Kingdoms We must not saith he imagine that all the Plagues laid down by St. John must tend to the ruin of the See of Rome or to the diminution of its power for some are to light upon the head of that Empire to crush it others upon the people to punish them because they worship the Beast the Plague of Blood and Slaughter is for the people This Plague of Croisades saith he is divided into two Plagues because of its long duration for it lasted 200 years from the end of the eleventh age until the end of the thirteenth this he Judges the time of the 2d Vial and Plague The third Vial or Plague fell upon the Rivers or lesser Waters which he fixes upon some particular nations as of France under the conduct of St. Lewis The fourth Vial poured out on the Sun 't is known and confessed saith he of all who know any thing of Prophecies Dreams and Visions that the Heavens the Sun the Constellations and the Stars are Emblems of Dignity and Grandeur on Earth c. The Sun does always signify the Soveraign the Stars inferiors Magistrates and so by the Sun under the 6th Seal 't is always understood the fall of the Pagan Empire that the Antichristian Kingdom is treated of here saith he is generally agreed to therefore it cannot be doubted that the Sun is the Soveraign of this Kingdom And he fixes upon the increase of Antichrists authority and power in the thirteenth and fourteenth Centuries to be meant hereby when the Sun by his excessive scorching heat i. e. the Pope by his usurpt authority tyrannized over Kings and Emperors p. 89. deposing and taking away their Crowns c. The fifth Vial and Plague poured on the feat of the Beast he affirms with other Writers to mean the City of Rome and when was it that this Vial of Gods wrath fell upon the seat of the Beast i. e. Rome it was saith he when Rome lost its Sun which is spoken of in the foregoing Plague i. e. the Pope the Papal Court that like a Gulf or Whirl-pool drew to it all the riches of the Kingdoms of Europe In the year 1305. Clement the V. left Rome to go to Avignon the City that was Mistress of the World then became desolate when its Masters kept their seat at Avignon p. 94. The sixth Vial and Plague he affirms are the Turks who pass over the Bosphorus and invade the Greek and Latin Empires at this I can't a little wonder because most expositors conclude and I think with good reason that the rise and increase of the Turkish Monarchy began under the sixth Trumpet and not only so but because 't is said the Angel poured forth his Vial upon the great River Euphrates and mark the Water thereof was dryed up c. which seems to intimate the decay and wasting of the Turkish power and not the increase of it but he would have us understand the Kings of the East to mean the Turks and not Euphrates p. 200 201. the time that this Vial was a pouring forth he says was about 125 or 130 years viz. from 1390. until 1526. by this he must believe the Battel of Arma-geddon is long since past which he runs into a mystery by shewing that Arma-geddon signifies a cutting off by a Curse or Excommunication which he applys to the Orders Laws and false Oracles of the Popedom and the Antichristian head there is saith he 't is known a Curse and a Arma-geddon at the end of every Canon The seventh Vial and Plague he affirms was by the Preaching of Luther and other reformers by which the Latin Church was divided into three parts Papists Lutherans and Reformed I suppose he means the Calvinists the Voices and Thunders and Lightnings that are said to be under the seventh Vial mean he says the Voices of Preachers who labour'd in the reforming the Church page 217. The great City he affirms is the Antichristian Kingdom and this City under the pouring forth of the seventh Vial is said to be divided into three parts this he says is exactly come to pass i. e. one part remained with Antichrist one part did separate from him under the name of the Ausburge confession A third part did separate under the confession of those who are barely stiled the Reformed Sweden Denmark and a great part of Germany make the second part England and the united Provinces the reformed part of France and part of Germany make the third part these saith he are the three grand parts that divide the western Church which is the great City Let this be attentively minded saith he for I affirm that this passage does as it were speak with a Tongue is able alone to convince that our Systeme of the seven Plagues is most undoubted truth this division of the great City into three parts so clearly points out the three communions of the Latin Church that to deny it can proceed only from unreasonable passion and opinionativeness And if we have hit upon the truth in this point we have done so in all for if this character of the seventh Plague is true and is already accomplisht all other Plagues are also accomplisht and if they are accomplished I do boldly affirm they cannot be applied to any other effects than those to which we have applied them He further shews that England cannot make a fourth part because in doctrine she agrees with other reformed communions in which she differs from the Lutherans p. 220. who
a most glorious pouring forth of the holy Spirit upon the Angels who pour out the Vials and that they must tarry in the Temple as the Disciples were to do at Jerusalem until endued with power from on high Luk. 24. 59. and this may be expected at the Ascention of the Witnesses and not before for as yet we see not such a spirit given from the glory of God and from his power nor may we expect it until then that the Church cometh out of the Wilderness as clear as the Sun and as terrible as an Army with Banrers Cant. 6. 4. and like Pillars of smoak perfumed with Myrrh and Frankincese Cart. 3. 6. 7. the Judgment of the 7 last Plagues for the ruin of the Enemy will be the time of Glory and Salvation of the Church and by the 14440 on Mount Sion with Harps c. Singing the Song of Moses c. are held forth I am perswaded the ministrations of the Saints under the seven Angels with the seven Vials or seven last Plagues which days we hope are now even upon us or very near and that we might let in what light worthy men of different opinions have helpt us to about the Slaying and Resurrection of the Witnesses we shall give you a brief account of what Jurieu our French Author saith of them see p. 241. c. these words when they shall have finisht their testimony must saith he not be understood as if the holy Ghost would say when the 1260 years shall be finisht for after the 1260 years are run out there can be no Persecution seeing the Beast shall have lost his power so that this Persecution must begin and end within the 1260 years but yet at the end of them 't is the ordinary custom not only of Scripture but of all men to say that something comes to pass when this or that is finisht because it happens when that thing is finished and very near its end this is therefore the last Persecution of Antichrist against the Church this Persecution hath its Characters 1. 'T is compared to a War The Beast that comes up out of the Bottomless Pit shall make War against them 2. This War of Persecution must end in a victory over the two Witnesses and shall overcome them mark God does not reckon the Death and Martyrdom which the faithful suffered for the truth as a victory that the Devil gains over them a very good note for 't is said they i. e. the Saints and Martyrs of Jesus overcome them i. e. the Beast and his Emissaries and they loved not their lives unto the death Rev. 12. 11. He speaks of martyrs when he saith He that overcometh I will make to sit down on my Throne c. So that when 't is said that the Beast shall overcome the Witnesses this signifies that he shall make them saint under their Tryals which thing ought to be well observed that we discern the singular Character of this present Persecution that hath conquered and overcome above a Million of Souls he means the late and present Persecution in France 3. This victory of the Beast must prevail even to a total extinction of profession there shall remain no more signs of outward life in the faithful who shall stand for truth they shall lye on the ground as dead bodies 4. This murther and effects of this Persecution shall be done in the Street of the great City 5. The death of these Witnesses must be 3 years and a half denoting these 3 years and a half 6. During those 3 years and a half the truth shall remain as it were dead but notwithstanding not buried men shall not dare to make profession of it notwithstanding it shall be visible the people who are neighbours of them who shall have slain it shall hinder it from perishing and putrefaction 7. At the end of 3 years and a half the faithful who are oppressed and whose profession shall have been violently suppressed shall rise again after that shall ascend to Heaven and shall be exalted 8. At the same time and after the exaltation of the faithful there shall be an Earth quake i. e. a great emotion and trouble in the World and in Antichrists Kingdom 9. In this emotion a tenth part of the City shall fall i. e. a tenth part of the Antichristian Kingdom shall be taken away from it and seven thousand men shall perish in this Earth-quake and be buried under the ruin of this City that this shall be brought about with some Blood she● tho' not considerable Now when I search after the time in which this Persecution must happen I cannot doubt but this is that in which we now are after this Persecution shall be over God will begin to strike those sore blows to destroy the Antichristian Kingdom which must be destroyed with in 25 or 30 years That none may wonder saith he that I speak so positively about a thing which seems to be as yet hid in futurity I intreat all equitable minds to consider that I have as I think with great evidence proved 1. That the Reign of the Popedom must last 1260 years 2. That these 1260 years began about 450. or 455. and consequently they must end about 1710. or 1715. This being so we are but 25 or 30 years from the end of the Popish Kingdom And if this be so the present persecution must needs be the last since there is no probability that this present persecution being ended the calm restored to the Church should leave room for another For we must allow the space of at least 20 or 25 years in which Popery shall be attacqued and not be the Aggressor and the Persecutor And certainly a shorter time cannot serve for the utter destruction of so vast a Kingdom for it shall not be destroyed in a way of violence but in a way of perswasion Yet he says it shall not be done without blood and slaughter I have saith he further proved that the fall of this Popish Babylonian Monarchy is divided into two parts viz. The Harvest and the Vintage that the Harvest is the reformation of the last age and the Vintage is the reformation that must be made in this present age c. He then proceeds to shew his apprehensions that France must be that Street of the great City in which the two witnesses should be slain and lye as dead c. p. 24● The bodies of the two witnesses saith he shall lye in the Street of the great City 'T is to be observed that in the Text 't is not in the Streets in the Plural but 't is in the Street in the Singular And I cannot hinder my self from believing that this hath a particular regard to France which at this day is certainly the most eminent Countrey which belongs to the Popish Kingdom her King is called the Eldest Son of the Church the most Christian King i. e. The most Popish according to the dialect of Rome
opinion was that Worthy and Learned Divine Mr. John Canne and some others time will open these things more clearly but I am perswaded whensoever those Vials and last Plagues come to be poured out Gods Judgments will be so manifest that they will be discerned and known of all and be quite different from all other Judgments that have fallen upon the Antichristian State and people from their first rise But since we are in the Judgment of all Godly and Learned men come towards the end of the wonders let none be discouraged for though there is very near a most dismal hour yet it will doubtless fall upon the heads of the wicked and such who are of Baby lons Race and Spirit the Godly shall see the Lord hath not forgotten them nor the righteous Blood that has been shed but will appear suddenly to plead Sion's controversie and set up his own Kingdom therefore let us be much in prayer and cry mightily to God and be ready to meet the Lord in his more glorious appearance for we are very confident a very dreadful hour is near and it will come upon carnal secure and all formal Protestants nay fear shall surprize the sinners in Sion tho' it will be a glorious hour to all that are found faithful to Jesus Christ I desire all enquiring persons to weigh well what we have said in the latter part of this Treatise and if it affords any further light to any of them let them bless God I am in hopes it will put many upon a further search into the Prophesies of the Scripture about the time of the end However I sha'l at present say no more but leave it to the blessing of the Lord till I see a little further what God is about to do and at present take my leave of thee and remain thy Servant in the Gospel Benj. Keach THE CONTENTS CHap. 1. Various Opinions concerning Mystery Babylon 1. Not the World of wicked men 2. Not old Chaldea Babylon 3. Not Jerusalem 4. Not the Turks and Saracens 5. Not Rome Heathen 6. Not Rome towards the end of the World after some Papists say Rome shall Apostatize to Paganism again 7. By Mystery Babylon is meant the present Papal or Romish Church proved from p. 4. to p. 38. Ch. 2. Proving all the marks that the Scripture gives of Mystery Babylon meet directly in Papal Rome from p. 39. to p. 102. Ch. 3. Literal Babylon a Type of Mystery Babylon shewed in 12 particulars from p. 103. to p. 116. Ch. 4. Shewing the little Horn Dan. 7. to mean the Pope in 10 particulars from p. 117. to p. 127. Ch. 5. Proving that our Saviour in Mat. 13. 15. and St. Paul in Acts 20. 29. and 1 Tim. 4. 2 Thes. 2. 3. pointed out the Papal Church from p. 128. to p. 135. Ch. 6. Shewing the Judgment of divers Eminent Writers concerning who the two Witnesses are and who not p. 136. That they have been lately slain and are risen or about to rise p. 140 141. What the Ascention of the two Witnesses are and that 't is near p. 145. Ch. 7. Where is shewed the Judgment of many English Writers about the seven Vials with an Answer to Mr. Peter Jurieu who has lately asserted in his Treatise that they are all poured out Proving by many Arguments that there is none of them as yet poured out nor will till the seventh Angel blows his Trumpet from p. 153. That England is the Street of the great City where the Witnesses were to be slain or lye dead p. 182 183 c. The Kingdom of Christ begins at the Earthquake or at the beginning of sounding of the seventh Trumpee and that 't is at the door p. 186 187 188. Divers strange Prophesies p. 188 189. Postscript Wherein you have the substance of what a late nameless great French Writer has said in Answer to Mr. Jurieu about the Non-effusion of the Vials p. 193. Antichrist stormed Or Mystery Babylon the great Whore and great City proved to be the present Church of Rome or Papal Hierarchy CHAP. I. Wherein the various Opinions concerning Mystery Babylon are discovered and all their Objections Answered who deny by her is meant the Papal Power or present State and Church of Rome 'T IS evident to all who are men of any Reading that most of our Eminent Protestant Writers both Ancient and Modern do affirm without the least doubt that the Church of Rome is the great Whore spoken of Rev. 17. called Mystery Babylon yet we find that most worthy men who have of latter times so well defended the truths of the Gospel in opposition to Popery have not so much bent their Study this way I mean directly to prove that which is our present task as it hath been to detect divers or most of her erroneous principles and detestable practices which is rather to Lop off some of the Branches of this Evil and Cursed Tree than to Dig it up by the Root for if it be clearly proved that she is that great Whore viz. Mystery Babylon the great Mother of Harlots down she goes at once and if we have not done it so effectually as it may be desired yet we are in hope wherein we have been defective it may stir up some abler Pen to perfect what we have anew undertaken But to proceed for the more orderly management of our present work it may not be amiss if we give you the various opinions that have more or less presented themselves to the World about who or what People this great Whore Mystery Babylon is which may be reduced to these seven following heads 1. And first of all as Reverent Mr. Pool observes some would have it to be the whole World of Wicked men 2. Others would have this Woman ●or this Babylon to be old Chaldean Babylon 3. That it is Jerusalem and that for two Reasons 1. Because the man of Sin or last Beast that is to Head this Babylon is set forth by St. Paul to sit in the Temple of God shewing himself to be God. 2. Because this City where the Beast reigns and shall slay the Witnesses is Spiritually called Sodom and Egypt where our Lord was Crucified Rev. 11. 8. 4. That it is the Turkish Empire or Power of the Saracens which Mr. Mede somewhat touches and in a brief way most Learnedly argues against in his third Book pag. 644 645. 5. That it is indeed Rome the Seat of the Fourth or Last Empire but Rome in its Heathen state under the Idolatrous and Persecuting Emperors so the Rhemists would have it if there be a necessity to fix upon Rome to be this Apocalyptical or Mystery Babylon For this opinion the present Romanists have no better Advocate than Dr. Hammond who hath done very worthily at other turns but here has doubtless greatly mistaken his way see his Annotations upon the 17th Chapter of the Apocalypse 6. That it is the present power Church of Rome who under
Covenants to drive a Trade in Perjury forswear every thing they are justly charged with and is fully proved against them Ninthly To foment Wars and Broils in every Kingdom and Countrey where they have Power contrive the Ruine of Towns Places Cities Countreys and Kingdoms by Fire Sword and most Cruel Devastations Tenthly To slaughter kill and barbarously murther both Men Women and Children even all that dare make a shew of Conscience and Religion so far as to abhor and dissent from these Villanies This is such a Scheme of Religion and Systeme of Divinity to come from an Apostle a Shepherd a Vicar and Successor of Christ from a Church Sheep Saints and the pretended followers of the Meek Peaceable and Innocent Jesus who taught altogether otherwise by his Doctrine and Example that it might well be wondred at and is the strangest Mystery that ever appeared of which we challenge the whole World to shew the like in the Turks and Saracens For men to Swear Lye and to Forswear themselves and yet be true Men to contrive Rebellion Murther and Treason and yet be as Innocent as the Child unborn To be elevated to the highest Pinnacle of Pride even above Emperours and Kings above Jesus Christ and God his Father and yet be humble and lowly To commit gross Idolatry and yet be the Servants of the Living God To be filled with and make a Trade of Excess and Drùnkenness and yet be Patterns and Standards of Sobriety and Temperance To cast down the Truth to the ground deface the Laws of God and burn the Scriptures and yet be the true Witnesses of it To forgive sins and yet be the greatest Sinners themselves To commit Fornication and Adultery and yet be spotless and pure in heart To foment Wars and Broils in every Kingdom and Countrey where they have power to contrive the Ruine of Towns and Places Cities Countreys and Kingdoms by Fire Sword and cruel Devastations and yet be as harmless as Doves to all mankind the only Sons of Peace and Quietness To slaughter kill and barbarously murther Men Women and Children that dare not be so wicked as themselves and yet to be full of mercy tender pity and compassion an Apostle Shepherd Vicar Successor of the Meek and Lamb-like Saviour And for the dear Consort of this Impious Head on Man of Sin do not only confederate with him but a Principal in all these unparallel'd Villanies and most butcherly and rapacious Murthers and yet be the Holy Catholick Church of God the pure and spotless Spouse of Jesus Christ the true Sheep the harmless Lambs the best of Saints and close followers of the Lord Jesus who always taught the contrary by his holy Doctrine and meek Example We say these things not being found by secret search but are written in Capital Letters upon her forehead appear in open view to be read by every one that is not wilfully blind Let any one shew us a greater Mystery in the World than this and we will subscribe to it 4. It cannot be the Turks because they are not the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth which this Babylon is said to be Rev. 17. 5. And upon her forehead was a Name written MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH And here we demand in excuse to the Turks this one Thing From whence did proceed the Murthers Massacres and Martyrdoms of all the Religious Professors of Christianity that have died by violence in the Christian World for the space of twelve hundred years last past And from what people did proceed those horrid Oaths Blasphemies and Execrations that the World hath wofully been acquainted with most horrid and strangely astonishing to repeat Came these unparallel'd Degrees of Impiety from the Turks from the Waldensians Lutherians Calvinists or any Non-conforming Protestants No no why whose Language then is it Whose Why 't is the Language of the Beast of the Bottomless Pit and Bloody Whore who bare these Blasphemous Sons of her own Body daily nourishes them at her Breast and strengthens them in their sinful courses by accounting them the Sons the precious Sons of Sion the true Sons of the Catholick Church the Darlings of Heaven the beloved ones of the Virgin Mary and gives them Pardons for these Bold and Heaven daring sins as often as they commit them and come to ask Pardon for them so that Sin and Pardon is as constant and common with them as Breathing and Eating And these things are done to Seal and Confirm Lies which is the more heavy heinous and prodigious For if men may Lye by Allowance may kill and shed Innocent Blood without controul of Conscience and Church censure● may Swear and Blaspheme and Challenge God himself to Damn them may burn men for Religion consume Cities to Ashes conspire the death of Kings the Ruin and Overthrow of Kingdoms Whore and Murther Infants and yet be accounted a Church the Members and Parts of it called Saints Holy Children and the Sons of the most high God Then may we claim a Patent and take a License to change the name of all things and alter the Ideas of the minds of men call and account Beelzebub a good God and all his black Tribe the pure Saints of the most High call the lower Regions of Blackness and Darkness to which he is confined the Heaven of Glory and Eternal Light of which things we ought in Justice to clear the Turks until Witnesses of undoubted credit shall come forth and evidence that the Turkish State is the Mother of as great Abominations as these are 5. And Lastly The Turks cannot be Mystery Babylon because they never were made drunk with the Blood of the Saints and with the Blood of the Martyrs of Jesus which this Woman Mystery Babylon is expresly said to be Rev. 17. 6. And I saw the Woman drunk with the Blood of the Saints and with the Blood of the Martyrs of Jesus and I wondred with great admiration Now let any man shew such blood-shed Saints bloodshed by Massacres and Martyrdom for the Professing of Christianity which must be if the Text be answered in that clause Blood of the Martyrs of Jesus by the Turks either within their Dominions or without as hath been shed by a Generation nearer home and we shall become like the Man without the Wedding Garment wholly speechless and say not a word more about Babylon 6. Now that Babylon in the Apocalypse is Great Rome that in former times Reigned and in suture times shall be destroyed is owned by some of the Papists themselves and is asserted by all Protestants the Difference betwixt them is brought to this narrow Point The one wholly confines Babylon to Rome Heathen and there totally to terminate the other brings Babylon down lower to Rome Antichristian or Papal Rome Now that this work may be to edification and more full satisfaction in this great case we shall advance to the last and chief
look back ●ut for six hundred years last past in which ●me we shall find hundreds of thousands of pro●st Christians most Butcherly and Barbarously ●ut to death for their Zeal and Love to the ●hristian Religion in the respective Nations ●f Europe before which the Heathenish state ●f Rome was gone off about the space of six ●undred years so that if we will regard the full satisfying of this Prediction about Mystery Babylon we must of necessity bring her down lower than the Heathenish State of Rome 6. Rome Heathen cannot be this Babylon under consideration because the discoverie of other Prophecies relating to the same State no way agree to the Power of Rome Heathen 1. This State of Babylon is called Mystery of Iniquity This no way agrees to Rome Heathen but fully agrees to Rome Papal compare 2 Thes. 2. 7. with Rev. 17. 7. viz. For the Mystery of Iniquiry doth already Work The Angel said unto me Wherefore didst thou marvel I will tell thee the mystery of the Woman and of the Beast that carryeth her 2. The head of this State of Mystery Babylon is called the Man of Sin by way of Eminency 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 not only beyond the common rank of Men but beyond the highes● Sons of wickedness that went before him And there is a great Truth in this for if w● consider the Pope in respect of Pride Hypocrisy Idolatry and Blood he is the most un● parallel'd Man of Sin. 3. This State or Mystery of Iniquity b● gan to work in the Apostles days which 〈◊〉 no way applicable to the Power of Rome Hea● then for that did not then begin it bein● at that time in the very Meridian of its Greatness and universal Sovereignty Luke 2. 1. And it came to pass in those days that there came out a Decree from Caesar Augustus that all the World should be Taxed 4. This man of Sin mystery of Iniquity or head of the Babylonish State is said to be let or hindred in his designs He that now letteth will let until he be taken out of the way 2 Thes. 2. 7. But now Rome Heathen had no let or hindrance either from the Word of God or that declared it as it was a Civil Magistracy to be Gods ordinance nor from any opposite power either Civil or Military they giving Laws to the greatest part of the World and enjoying the supream Government of the best Kingdoms in the Universe none being able to Cope with them at that time 5. This head of the Babylonish State is said to sit in the Temple of God which the Power of Rome Heathen did not do neither in the Temple of Jerusalem nor in the Church which is more properly the Temple of God for the Jews kept the possession of the Litteral Temple till it was destroyed and for the Church of God the Heathen Emperors never loved it so well as to make their residence in it but the Bishop of Rome before he shewed himself to be that wicked one viz. the man of Sin did evidently sit in the Church or Temple of God and so fulfilled this Prophecy in the very Letter of it 6. He that is the man of Sin or head of this Babylonish State was to rise by Apostacy or falling away from the Christian Religion 2 Thes. 2. 3. There shall come a falling away first exactly agreeing with another Prophecy to the same purpose 1. Tim. 4. 1. Now the Spirit speaketh expresly that in the latter times some shall depart from the Faith c. But Rome Heathen did not rise by Apostacy from the Christian Religion or a departing from the Faith which they never professed as is Evident to the whole World Ergo. Rome Heathen Cannot be this Babylonish State. 7. This man of Sin or head of mystery Babylon lay hid in the Apostles time and was not revealed but the Power of Rome Heathen did not then lye hid or wanted to be revealed for it stood visible and high upon a Hill even upon seven Hills according to the Roman Poet Ovid who lived about the very time of Christ's being on Earth in Lib. de Tristibus Sed quae de septem totum circumspicit Orbem Montibus Imperii Roma Deûmque Locus That is But Rome which from her seven Hills the whole Earth views around the place of Gods and Rule c. Ergo Rome Heathen cannot be this Babylonish State. 8. This mystery of Iniquity is said to oppose and exalt himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped 2 Thes. 2. 4. But this the power of Rome in its Heathen State did not do for they Worshipped offered Sacrifices and bore a reverence to their Gods which by nature indeed were no Gods and 't is only the head of Rome Papal that runs down all Gods but those of his own making Ergo Rome Papal and not Rome Heathen must of necessity be this mystery of Iniquity 9. The rise or coming of this mystery of Iniquity is after the working of Satan 2 Thes. 2. 9. But the rise of the Romish greatness and power when Heathen was not after the working of Satan but was said by Daniel to be produced by the Providence of God or the four winds of Heaven And by the Apostle to the Powers ordained of God Rom. 13. 1. Therefore Rome Heathen cannot be the mystery of Iniquity c. here meant 10. This mystery of iniquity is not only said to come after the working of Satan 2 Thes. 2. 9. but also with all Power c. But the rise of Rome Heathen was not after that manner Ergo c. To illustrate the first Proposition note that the Term all Power marks out the Romish Pope so notoriously that whosoever runs may read it for if we do but impartially consider his impudent usurpations upon Crowned Heads and his pretences of supremacy over the whole Christian World his proud imperious Decrees Bulls c. his disposal of the Kingdoms of Princes and the Inheritances yea the very Lives of private Persons of any Rank that dare disobey him his pretences to shut and open Heaven Hell and his feigned Purgatory his carrying a symbol of that vast and God like Power viz a brace of Keys hanging at his Girdle All these will appear as clear demonstrations that the head of Rome Papal is the head of Babylon and the grand Impostor or the capital manager of this mystery of Iniquity he having most sacrilegiously assumed to himself all Heavenly Power of Damning or Saving and all Earthly Power both Temporal or Civil and Ecclesiastical or Spiritual 11. The wicked Babylonish State comes forth with a great pretence of Miracles which are but false Signs and lying Wonders to deceive and cheat the People and by this means they Conquer Nations and carry away their Kings to their wicked Interest This Rome Heathen did not do for though the Heathenish Power of Rome did Conquer Nations and Countrys with their Kings yet it was by State
and hearts of multitudes and corrupted great part of the World with the Wine of her Fornication even the common sort of people see Rev. 17. 2. And the inhabitants of the Earth have been made drunk with the Wine of her Fornication c. Paral. That Rome Papal or Church of Rome hath not only caused Kings of the Earth and great men to commit fornication with her by dancing after her Pipes in all her mysterious allurements and detestable errors but hath also intoxicated the Minds and Hearts of multitudes and miserably corrupted and bewi●ched great part of the World or common sort of people by her erroneous and wicked doctrine O what a world of poor people hath she a long time deceived and made to commit Spiritual Fornication with her in Italy Germany Poland France Spain Portugal Ireland and lastly in England and Scotland too besides many other Countreys 1. As first Is it not a strange intoxication that such a multitude of the Inhabitants of the Earth should believe that a wicked man should be appointed of God to be the Vicar of Christ as if God had no more regard to the Honour of his own Name and the good of his Church and Dignity of his Son than to substitute a Child of the Devil as all wicked men are to be Vice-gerent to the most holy Jesus in the highest transactions that relate to Heaven and the Souls of Men Surely if God shut Judas out of his Bishoprick for his wickedness tho an Apostle it can't stand consistent with his truth and holiness to set up or allow of a wicked and imperious Pope got up to the highest pinacle of pride and make him the Immediate Deputy and successor of Christ and to impose a Wolf as Shepherd upon the universal Church 2. One who saith that he is an infallible Judge to determine Articles of Faith and indued with power to Impose them upon great Penalties so that as a Lord he hath Dominion over Mens Faith Consciences and Souls too which the Apostles disclaimed 3. Is it not a strange intoxication that such a multitude of poor People should believe that the Church cannot err tho God and Thousands of good Men see and fully know there are not such abominable Errors in Principles nor such villanous Enormities cursed Actions cruel and immoral Practices in the World Nay such that Turks and Infidels do abhor Yet this doctrine that the Church is infallible and cannot err the poor deluded multitude believes and hate nay kill others that oppose it and venture Body and Soul upon it 4. Is it not a strange intoxication that such a multitude of the Inhabitants of the Earth should believe that the Pope tho never so wicked nay a priest tho he be a treacherous villain a contriver of Murther and an abominable Adulterer hath power to absolve his equals and fellow Sinners from all their Sins tho directly committed against God If he come to confession tho the pretended penitent keeps his old evil habit of wickedness still contrary to what God and Jesus Christ in his blessed Word saith where 't is recorded that 't is God alone that forgiveth Sins and blo●●eth out our iniquities and that a man must be born again i. e. the evil habits must be changed and all wicked practices must be forsaken or no forgiveness nor entring into the Kingdom of heaven John 3. 3. 5. Is it not a strange piece of Witchcraft and Intoxication that such a multitude of the inhabitants of the Earth should believe that there is a Purgatory which is no part of Heaven nor Hell and that men may be redeemed out of it with Money tho God saith The redemption of the Soul is precious and ceaseth for ever Psal. 49. i. e. After the offering of the Body of Jesus Christ once for all and that 't is only the Blood of Christ which purges and cleanses from all sin 1 Jo. 1. 9. and that we are not redeemed with corruptible things as Silver and Gold but with the precious Blood of Christ as a Lamb without Blemish and without Spot 6. Is it not a strange Intoxication and a clear demonstration that the Inhabitants of the Earth have drunk of the Wine of this Whores Fornication that such a multitude of poor Souls should believe that a filthy and wicked Priest by speaking a few Words can not only make Bread and Wine sacred but also turn and change the Bread into the real Body and Blood of the Son of God and make whole Christ of a pittyful Wafer-cake by a charm of five Latin words viz. Hoc est enim corpus meum and this transubstantiated Idol they fall down before adore as their Maker anathematizing and cursing all that shall deny this Idol of indignation to be adored with the highest degree of Divine Worship which is proper to God only for she saith 't is her God as she singeth in her Roman Missal Plagas sicut Thomas non intueor Deum tamen meum te confiteor Wounds as Thomas did I not see Yet do I confess thee my God to be In this as one observes they out-do the vanity of the Heathens who thought none was so witless as to believe that that which is eaten is a God yet this God of theirs these Canibals devour even Flesh Blood and Bones in their conceit the poor deluded multitude believieng contrary to their own natural Reason and all their sences that they eat real Flesh when they eat that Wafer-cake the substance nor quality being changed the Form Colour and Taste of Bread remaining after the Words of Consecration 7. Is it not a strange Intoxication that such a multitude of people should believe that evil and idle doctrine of hers viz. that no person how good and pious so ever he be can be saved out of the Pale of their polluted ungodly and devilish Church notwithstanding 't is a great doubt and question whether any member of such a false Church can be saved sith the Holy Scripture saith that no Idolater hath any inheritance in the Kingdom of God and again that If any man worship the Beast and his Image and receive his mark in his Forehead or in his Hand the same shall drink of the Wine of the wrath of God c. Rev. 14. 9 10. And he shall be tormented with Fire and Brimstone in the presence of the Holy Angels and in the presence of the Lamb c. Besides considering the Scripture directly holdeth forth that all who are born again or truly regenerate shall be saved let them be of what Church they will provided they are sound in the essentials of the Christian Faith and not guilty of Idolatry for certainly the new birth comprehends a change of all such erroneous principles as well as of other evil and corrupt habits and wicked practices 8. Is it not a strange kind of Spiritual Intoxication that such a number of the Inhabitants of the Earth should believe that 't is no Sin
willed they set up and whom she willed they pulled down when she willed they raised Arms and when she willed they laid them down again what shall we say The Church of Rome hath had such power over the Kingdoms of Europe th●● the power and wills of Princes have been controuled and over-ruled when in any considerable case they have gone contrary to the sense and interest of the Church and to such a degree as they have sometimes made th●● do penance resign up their Crowns and receive them again as an act of kindness that he set them upon their Heads with his Foote such is the Pride and Grandeur of St. Peter Chair See our first Chapter If the Church of Rome is that People Woman or Church that above all others in the World hath reigned over the Kings of the Earth then Rome Papal is Mystery Babylon But the Church of Rome is that People Woman or Church that reigns and hath reigned over the Kings of the Earth Ergo Rome Papal or Church of Rome Mystery Babylon CHAP. III. Proving that literal Babylon in Chaldea was a Type or Figure of Rome Papal or the present Church of Rome and that in many particulars WE having shewed and clearly evinced by an induction of fifteen particulars that Rome Papal is Mystery Babylon the great the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth she having all the marks or characters directly meeting in her that are by the holy Ghost given of that great Whore we shall in the next place briefly consider how the acts and progress of the Romish Church do most fitly and fully comport with other Types and Prophecies of her in the holy Scripture and first with literal or Chaldean Babylon from whence I find most writers conclude she had the name Babylon given to her in respect of the growth acts and deeds of that old Babylonian Monarchy which we shall now open and run the parallel in divers particulars as followeth I. Literal Babylon had a great Head or King ever her called a Head of Gold also Lucifer or Son of the morning So likewise Rome Papal hath a great Head or King over her called the Universal Bishop whose power is magnified above the powers of Emperors and all Kings and Princes of the Earth II. Literal Babylon had dominion over many Countreys or Provinces In like manner Rome Papal hath had dominion over many Countries or Kingdoms no less than the Territories or Jurisdictions of ten considerable Kingdoms called ten Horns ● we have shewed III. Chaldean or Literal Babylon fell under a four-fold circumstance in respect of her Supream Head viz. Nebuchadnezzar 1. That he was when in great Pride he insultingly said Is not this great Babylon that I have built by the might of my power and for the honour of my Majesty 2. He was not when by the Watchers and the Holy Ones he was toss'd from his Throne and made to eat Grass with Oxen till seven times past over him 3. Yet he was When his Reason and the Hearts of his Nobles and Glory returned to him again 4. He went off finally when God brought the Medes and Persians against his Successor into whose hands the Kingdom was translated Rome or Mystery Babylon is foretold by the Angel to fall under a four-fold circumstance also in respect of the Beast that is said to carry the Whore and make War with the Saints and the Beast which thou sawest was is not and yet is and shall go into perdition Rev. 17. 8. 1. He was of old in his Pagan state triumphing in great glory and grandeur but received a wound yea a deadly wound in one of his Heads viz. in his sixth Head which was the Pagan power in Constantine's time and so he was not The Christian Emperors having the Government of the Roman Monarch and to the same purpose speak our late Annotators on the 13 chap. of Rev. v. 3. and chap. 17. 8. It must saith he be the sixth Head viz. the Pagan Emperors who had that mortal wound and that wound was the Conquering the Pagan Emperors and the abolishing of Paganism and Idolatry and putting an end or stop to Persecution which was done by the seventh Government viz. the Christian Emperors He yet is i. e. his wound was healed by the rising of the eighth Government which was of the seventh who appeared in a new dress viz. a beast with two horns like a lamb but spake like a dragon which was the Antichristian power or Papal Rome and more particularly the Pope time the best opener of these great Mysteries has fully discovered these things to 〈◊〉 4. He shall go into perdition i. e. be utterly destroyed by the bright appearance of the Lord Jesus and be cast at last into the botomless Pit after the 42 Months are expired so that in these four respects Chaldean Babylon it appears was a lively Type or Figure of Papal Rome who from hence also shews her self to be Mystery Babylon IV. The Chaldean Kingdom or Literal Babylon Invaded Judea Besieged and took Jerusalem and trampled it under foot c. Even so in like manner the last Beast the Pope and Papal power hath Invaded the City of the living God or true Gospel Church taking away all her sacred Rights Laws and Priviledges and not only Besieg'd her closely Block'd her up but trampled under foot the Holy City for a long space of time Rev. 11. ● V. Chaldean or Literal Babylon was a mo● lofty proud and imperious people called the Lady of Kingdoms and the glory and beauty ● Excellency for which God doth severely threaten her Isa. 13. 19. Behold I am against thee O thou most proud saith ● Lord God of Hosts c. Isa. 50. 31. So in like manner Rome who is Myster Babylon notwithstanding her horrid crime and most amazing wickednesses is a v●● proud and imperious people exceeding all ● the Christian World saying in her Heart sit a Queen am no Widow shall see no sorrow for which haughtiness and pride the Lord will suddenly remember her with Judgments and sore severity he being now risen up to make Inquisition for Blood and to avenge upon her the injury done to Sion Rev. 18. 7. How much she hath glorified her self and lived deliciously so much torment and sorrow give her VI. Chaldean or Literal Babylon set up Images and had Idols of Silver and Gold Wood and Stone to which they bowed and worshipped which were also representations of the Gods and Saints whom they adored to wit of Bel which was Jupiter and Nebo and Succoth berioth and the like and such who would not bow down to her Images she threatned to cast into the Fire into the burning fiery Furnace Jer. 5. 30. Jer. 10. 3 9. Isa. 46. 1. Dan. 3. 6. Rome in this shews her self to be her Antitype very plainly for hath she not ordained to her self Temples Images of Christ and the Virgin Mary and other Saints nay and not only these but the
levying Souldiers By which means he struck in wit● partys and encroached upon Italy and the parts adjacent 2. This power arising upon the weakening and division of the old State of the fourth Monarchy or Kingdom is called a little Horn because truely so at its first beginning Dan. 7. 8. And behold there came up among them another little Horn c. The Pap●● power or Bishop of Rome before this division was but low and small being confined to his Episcopal power over the Church till by his Arts he had got up gradually to the Regal Seat and power of the Temporal Sword which he managed with so much Craft and Policy that afterwards he enlarged his Dominions but is very rightfully in his Infancy stiled a little Prince Power or Horn arising up amongst or after the rest which began presently after the death of Julian about the year 365 in which time was a most fearful Earthquake the like never known before betokening the decay of the fourth Kingdom in its Civil State or Power by a division or falling of Nations who set themselves against the power of Rome and harassed wasted and destroyed the Provinces thereof for near forty five years together See Mede lib. 3. pag. 659. 3. This little Horn after his rise to Temporal Power plucks up three of the ten Horns by the Roots Dan. 7. 8. Before whom there were three of the first Horns plucked up by the Roots The Papal Rome having gained the Temporal Sword tho but a little Horn at his beginning did practise and prosper so that betwixt the year 365 and the year 456 or soon after when Rome was sack'd by Gensericus he gained such enlargments that he came to possess about three parts of ten of the former or old Roman dominions according to the rule or measure of the Compass as we find in Mr. Mede Lib. 3. p. 658. and famous Du Moulin ubi supra upon which three characters of the little Horn we frame this short argument If the Pope of Rome did rise to Temporal Power upon the weakening of Caesarean Dominion which before did hinder him in his aspiring usurpation was but little in his first rise and appearance did enlarge and grow to a possession of power about a third part of the old Roman Dominion Then the Pope of Rome is the little Horn the wicked power and vile person s●… forth by the Prophet Daniel But the an●●cedent is true Ergo so is the consequent 4. This little Horn hath Eyes like the Eyes of a Man c. The Pope of Rom● hath Eyes like the Eyes of a Man i. e. the resemblance of a humane look but a Heart lik● the Dragon out of which foul mouth he utters presumptuous things His predecesson had Eyes like a Leopard a Bear a Lion 〈…〉 Dragon But his high Eyes like a Man 〈…〉 which there are three things to be note● 1. He looks higher 2. Sees further and 3. Is more enticing than those th●… went before him 1. He looks higher that is makes pretence of Prety and desig●… for Heaven 2. Sees further that De ceit Flattery and Policy will do more than strength 3. Is more inticing to Kings and People than the Eyes of a Leopard Lion or Dragon or the former powers in their Heathenish State. 5. This little Horn hath a Mouth speaking great or presumptuous things above the rate of ordinary men Dan. 7. 8. The Pope of Rome hath a Mouth speaking great or presumptuous things above the ordinary rate of men This is evident in many respects of which we shall give you but a few instances out of many 1. That he is he says the highest Deputy of God above all the Kings of the Earth 2. That he is infallible and cannot err which is an incommunicable attribute of the most high 3. That he is universal Head and Bishop of the Catholick Church 4. He assumes the attributes of his Holiness and holy Father such an oracle that has right or power to give Laws to the World to which all ought ●o subscribe and yield obedience and none ●…ught to dispute greater and more loftily ●an no man speak unless he will say I am ●he supreme Being and there is no God in Heaven or Earth above my self which would ●e so highly ridiculous that every Idiot would be able to detect it 6. The little Horn had his looks more stout than his fellows Dan. 7. 20. whose looks were ●ore stout c. The Pope of Rome has looks more stout than the Horns that have been contemporary with him which appears in three things 1. In his terrible Bull● that he makes to roar and stare most dreadfully 2. In his power and acts of deposing Princes 3. In asserting himself to be Gods Vicegerent against whom no person upon any cause or pretence whatsoever ought to lift up hand or tongue upon the penalty of a total ruine in this World and an eternal ruin in the World to come 7. The little Horn makes War with the Saints Dan. 7. 21. I beheld and the same Horn made War with the Saints and prevailed against them and for a long time even to the wearing out of the poor Saints of the most high v 25. The Pope of Rome hath made Wa● with the Saints and prevailed against them and that to their ruine as to Liberty Estate and even Life it self as the true Witnesses of Christ have most sadly experienced in many Countrys in divers by past ages even for such a series of time that may be properly called a wearing out of the Saints of the mo●… High. for his cruelty ended not in a month or a year but hath lasted for many hundred years so that for length of time number● of Countrys and multitudes of Persons there is no Power that ever reigned hath out-done or equalized this vile and bloudy Monster upon which we frame this Argument If the Pope of Rome may be more fitly said to have Eyes like the Eyes of a Man a Mouth speaking presumptuous things and looks more stout than his fellows to have made War with the Saints to have prevailed against them and worn them out more than any other power that ever yet reigned Then he is the little Horn or vile person under consideration But the former is true Ergo so is the latter 8. The little Horn is diverse from the rest of the Horns Dan. 7. 24. And he shall be diverse from the first and shall subdue three Kings The Pope of Rome is diverse from the rest of the Potentates in these four respects 1. The manner of his rise 2. His pretentions to power 3. In his progress to his height of dignity 4. In his management of the power he has usurped 1. He was small or little in his rise but an ordinary Bishop before he came to be a Temporal Prince 2. He pretends not to hold his Kingdom by Inheritance or gift of the people as other Kings do but by a special and divine
have sprung forth in the World they have followed them like Blood-hounds and devouring Wolves with Fire and Sword fearful Massacres Devastations Murthers and Slaughters till they have spoiled them torn in pieces and devoured them Compleatly fulfilling the Prediction of Christ and that of the Apostle Acts 20. 29 30. For I know this that after my departure shall grievous Wolves enter in amongst you not sparing the flock Also of your own selves shall men arise speaking perverse things to draw the Disciples after them who can this Prophecy so exactly agree to as the bloody Popes who at first arose out of the Church and acted the part of Wolves to purpose as hath been hinted II. 'T is also evident that all the marks of the Man of Sin spoken of by St. Paul 2 Thes. 2. 3. do agree exactly to the Pope and the Romish Church 1. As first he was to rise after there came a falling away from the Primitive Faith see his words That day shall not come except there come a falling away first and that Ma● of Sin be revealed c. This cannot mean a particular falling away as our worthy Writers have shewed but a general Apostacy of the Church from the Holy and Apostolical Doctrine and Disciplin● of the Gospel or such a falling away that should be obvious and visible to all that should not fall out in a corner or among● a few private Christians because 't is laid dow● as a general Rule whereby the Saints in general might know and judge of the Revelation of Antichrist or Man of Sin. And now 't is well known that there happened this falling away or general Apostacy three or four hundred years after Christ out of which and soon after which falling away he Pope shewed himself to be this Man of Sin nor did he arise till that Apostacy happened in the World. 2. Another mark he hath is this i. e. He shall exalt himself above all that is called God c. viz. Magistrates and Rulers as Kings and Emperors for these are called Gods I said Ye are Gods c. There are Gods many c. This mark meets directly in the Pope or Popes of Rome he exalts himself above all and every one of these who are called Gods. 1. He has assumed a Name above them 2. greater power than they in that he pretends to give them their Crowns and not only so but has power to excommunicate them nay and depose and devest them of their Regal power as he pleases and also in his disposing of Kingdoms yea making Emperors wait a● his Gate hold his Stirrup prostrate themselves to kiss his Toe and then to tread upon their Necks as Alexander the Third did to Frederick Barbaross And this is allowed and justified by the Doctors of the Romish Church And Bellarm. de Rom. Pont. lib. 5. c. 8. give● ● as a reason why the Pope would not come to the Council of Nice lest if the Emperor should come thither he should attempt to sit above him so that by these two words in the Text the Apostle describes him both in his Enmity and Pride Opposition and Exaltation For observe first he assumeth to himself an higher power than those that are called Gods theirs is Humane his is Divine their 's on the Bodies or Estates of Men his over the Conscience their 's to the living his to Mens Souls after death 3. The Man of Sin 't is said by the Apostle shall also exalt himself above all that 's call'd God or that is worshipped as God sitting in the Temple of God shewing himself to be God verse 4. Even so the Pope makes himself like God and as God as the King of Babylon of old said I will be like the most High Isa. 14. 14. And as Gods place of residence of old was said to be in the Temple of Jerusalem so he as God sitteth in the Temple of God not in the Material Temple but in the Spiritual Temple i. e. the Church of God which is so called the Apostle speaks of him as a Bishop who had a Seat and the Popish Writers give the Pope that and such like Titles Dominus Deus noster Papa idem est Dominium Dei Papa tu es alter deus in terra Council Later Sess. 4. Thou art another God on Earth And as God he maketh Laws to bind the Conscience and dispenses with Laws both Natural and Moral and pardons sins as he pleases past present and to come can deliver Souls out of Purgatory and translate them to Heaven so that this Man of Sin is not to be looked for amongst the Turks Pagans or Infidels he sitteth in the Temple the Church of God not that it can be the true Church where he sitteth and acteth but rather the Synagogue of Satan But that which he calleth so and which bears that name and also was really so before the falling away when he first got up He also exalteth himself above God when he makes the Scriptures to derive their Authority more from the Popes Canonizing than God himself and without it no Man is bound to believe them ●it 2. 23. Again if the Pope should err by commanding Vice and forbidding Vertue the Church is bound to believe Vice is good and Vertue to be evil Bellarm. lib. 4. de summ pont c. 5. Besides he can forgive sins tho' the evil habits be not changed what is all this then to make himself God and to exalt himself above God c. 4. The Man of Sin 't is said could not get up until that which then i. e. in the Apostles days did let was taken away For the Mystery of iniquity doth already work only he we now letteth will lett until he be taken away verse 7. which was the Heathen Emperon Government or sixth Head of the Beast This also shews the Pope to be the Man of Sin for he rose to his glory and wicked grandeur not till the sixth Head or Pagan power was gone or taken out of the way for tho' the Mystery of iniquity did work gradually and corruptions crept into the Church early yet did he not appear till after the Christian Emperors had made way for him hence he i● said to be an eighth and of the seventh III. There is another Prophesie concerning this cursed Antichristian state it is i● 1 Tim. 4. 1 2 3. Now the Spirit speaked expresly that in the latter times some shall depart from the Faith giving heed to seducing Spirit and Doctrine of Devils No doubt but Rome is concerned in the place for either by Doctrine of Devils are meant such Doctrines that are brought i● by the power and influence of the Devil or Devilish Doctrines or else the Doctrine of Damons the Apostle hereby signifying that is the latter times that is after the general Apostacy the Man of Sin or Papal Rome should bring in the Doctrine of the Pagans concerning Daemons which were lookt upon by them to be an inferior sort of
Gods a kind ●● middle Beings between their highest Gods and Men whose Office was to be Advocates or Mediators between Men and the highest Gods because they judged it was not lawful for Men to come to the highest Gods immediately and these they worshipped by Images Even so the Papists or Mystery Babylon hath divos and divas Saints of all sorts whom she hath Canonized to be called upon in her publick Prayers Altars and Feast days dedicated and kept unto their memory and many other Honours acknowledging them to be Mediators between God and Men and unto these Daemons or petty Gods she makes her Prayers and hath their Images and to whom they do divine Homage like as did the Pagans of old CHAP. VI. Shewing the Judgments of divers Eminent Men concerning the Death Resurrection and Ascention of the Witnesses and final downfal of Mystery Babylon and that in all probability it will be in this present Age Together with an account of divers strange Prophesies relating thereto some very Ancient c. HAving clearly demonstrated that the Church of Rome is that great Whore Mystery Babylon It may not be amiss before we conclude this 〈◊〉 Treatise to give you some account concerning her full and final overthrow which hath been for ● long time the expectation of Gods people and multitudes of Prayers have and still do go up to Heaven for the accomplishment thereof and reason there is for it considering what a Plague she hath been to the World and Church of God for so many hundred of years and certainly God will at la●● hear that mighty cry of Prayer and of innocen● Blood that continually is in his Ears and since the Death Resurrection and Ascention of the Witnesses if rightly understood gives such clear light as touching the fall of Babylon we shall give you some brief hints concerning this important and weighty point The Beast is to continue for the space of forty two Months and the Witnesses are to Prophesie in Sackcloth for the space of 1260 days which most Writers conclude to be one and the same term of time and that by days is meant yea●● all generally conclude and the long continuance of the Beast and Papal power clearly shew that to be the mind of Gods Spirit in those Mystical numbers Yet a late Worthy and Learned Writer hath said a great-deal to prove the forty two Months are to be reckoned by the Moon and not by the Sun and if so then as he shews the time of the Witnesses wearing Sackcloth is thirty eight years longer than the forty two months but yet are to terminate together he concluding the Witnesses put on their Sackcloth so many years before the beginning or Epoch of the forty two Months See his Book intituled The command of God to his people to come out if Babylon Moreover he saith the time Epoch or beginning of the forty two Months must be fixed at the cessation of the seventh sort of Government or Christian Emperors Reign which saith he was in the year 475. and the whole time of the Beasts Reign and Tyranny being but forty two Months which by the Moon he accounts to be just 1222 years the period of which will be saith he in 1697. And this we will say he hath doubtless fixed the Epoch or beginning of the Beasts Kingdom more fairly than many Writers before him have done because all along where the Reign of one Head or Government ended the other begun as 't is said you know the King never dies Take his own words p. 25. Thus far the matter is determined according to the Prophesie i. e. Whenever the 7th King asserted to be the Christian Emperors Government expir'd viz. by a civil death or the cessation of the Imperial Name and Power immediately the eighth King according to the Prophesie must succeed and bear up the Roman City in gratideur and whoever hath born up that City in Supremacy since that time must be according to Prophesie that eighth King i. e. the Beast Now I appeal to all the World what year that was when the Western Imperial Name fell and it is known in all History to be the year of our Lord 475. For in the wonderful disposes of God no one hath claim'd a Title of Empire from that City since that year but the Pope I do commend the ingenious Reader to the Book it self Now if this be true or can be granted we are very near the final ruin of the Papistry nay and from divers other authors most or all that I have met with agree it will be in this very age Peter du Moulin a wise and renowned French Authour in his book intituled the accomplishment of the Prophecy saith from the year 1689. Popery shall fall and go down but all conclude that the tenth part of this great City falls first and I doubt not but the providence of God hath brought us forth in the time of the accomplishment of that part of the Prophecy for that great Brittain is that part of the great City I see no cause to doubt and that also the witnesses are risen or arising and will soon be upon their feet is the thoughts of several worthy men but I being limited to the number of Sheets cannot inlarge as I would do therefore we shall 1. Briefly give you our understanding who the t● witnesses are in which we agree and accord with s●v●i● learned men 2. What is meant by the slaying of the witnesses 3. Also some probable conjectures concerning the ti●● when slain as also of their Resurrection standing 〈◊〉 their feet and ascention 1. 'T is not unknown to the Judicious Reader what different sentiments there have been about who or what the two witnesses are some thinking they are the Old and New Testament others Magistracy and Ministry others two sorts of Godly Churches some have thought them to be Moses and Elias who tho along time since are glorified in Heaven yet shall come again and be killed on Earth which is the most improbable of any of the other● yet the Papist writers and some others of late time● have asserted this But we Judge by them are meant Gods faithf●● people called two witnesses because of the sma●ness of their number who have born witness to the truths of Christ all the time of Antichri●● reign or else called two as comprehending both Ministers who are more directly intended and people also they may be called two as so●● think in respect of their twofold Testimony to 〈◊〉 true Gospel Ministry and Magistracy and this th●● conclude because called also two Candlesticks 〈…〉 alluding to those two Sons of Oyl i. e. 〈…〉 and Zerubbabel 't is evident God calls his people especially his faithful Ministers his witnesses Ye are 〈◊〉 witnesses saith the Lord Isa. 44. 8. and saith Christ ●● shall be witnesses unto me Act. ● 8. and Act. 5. 32. We are his witnesses c. also called two because two 〈◊〉 the number which God
ordained as sufficient to establish a Truth by as much as to say God hath ●ad sufficient witnesses to bear a testimony to his Word and Gospel in every age against Antichrist his abominable lies usurpation and cursed Idolatry 2. As touching the slaying of them it must either intend a natural Death or external slaying or else ● civil death now I see no ground to conclude the former because they were so killed all along whilst they Prophecied in sack-cloath besides friends nor enemies would not suffer their Dead Bodies to lie ●●buried in the Street for the space of three years and half for the best of expositors conclude generally that is the time meant by three days and a half therefore it must be a civil Death or slaying This then I conclude to be intended viz. near the end of the two and forty months or 1260. years of their Prophecy the Beast who rose out of the bottomless Pit shall make a new rally or attempt upon Gods faithful people quite to extinguish or put ●n end to their testimony and so far prevail as they shall be lookt upon as dead in Law or be accounted as dead and lost people in the eye of the Enemy and in their own sight also both in respect of the Ministry and Magistracy too To this effect also Dr. Tho. Goodwin speaks p. 154 155. This killing them considered as witnesses not as men that is a taking away of all power from them of prophecying as they were wont a general silencing of Ministers and deposing Magistrates and men of worth that profess and uphold Religion c. putting them out from all places c. That the Popish party should again arrive to such ● in some one or more Kingdoms that were formerly a Horn or Horns of the Beast or one ● the Streets of the great City nay and prevail ● far as to have great hopes to work the utter ● of Gods faithful people and witnesses as to rejoy● and conclude the day will nay is their own ● that to such a degree that she viz. Mystery Babyl● shall say in her Heart I sit a Queen and shall see ● sorrow nor know less of Children any more This ● ing dead saith the Dr. here of the witnesses ● needs be taken metaphorically and underst●●● of a civil death and of a suppression of them ● their cause And as they are witnesses to be put do● and extinguished that they for a time remain● men dead laid forth by the Walls for dead and ● men in whose Testimony there is in appear●●● no likelyhood of a revival their Enemies has ● now got such power over them this certai● made the great matter of their Enemies rejoyc● that as the Pharisees thought they had Christ 〈◊〉 enough when they got him condemned and cr●cified and had him in the grave so these Enemies shall think they have the witnesses do● sure enough for ever so great desperate 〈◊〉 helpless in all view will the suppression of 〈◊〉 witnesses be by their Enemies And this is principally intended in their being said to lie 〈◊〉 And oppositely the revival of them and the cause is set forth by a resurrection from the de● this great man hath given such an account of ● slaying and lying dead of the Witnesses that cann● I think be gainsayed and speaks tho' so ma● years ago as if he had lived to see what our E● have beheld actually accomplished in this Kingdom in a few years last past time is the only opener ● interpreter of these Mysteries was there ever s● ●n hour upon the Lords people since the beginning of the Reformation as hath been in these five or six years last past both here and in France if he is right certainly we have seen the death of Gods witnesses ●nd with this doth a worthy pious and learned friend ●gree in a late manuscript which is come to my ●and and also in his said Papers he speaks of that ●treet in which they are said to lye as dead and al●o of the Resurrection of them as already tho' but ●ately come to pass yet with that care and caution that 't is left to the consideration of the wise and thinking Christian for too great confidence in matters of this nature is not necessary But because some are ready to object saith he that if the witnesses are already slain and are rose in these nations they think there would then be a far greater appearance of divine Glory in order to the rescue and deliverance of Gods people in other parts of the World as well as here whereas we know that the generality of Christs witnesses elsewhere do yet remain under great Persecution c. In answer whereunto he saith it ought to be duely considered that the death and resurrection of the witnesses spoken of Rev. 11. must have of necessity a peculiar reference unto one of the Streets only of the great City for so the Text expresly tells us their dead bodies shall lye in the Street or in that Street of the great City v. 8. which ●eems plainly to point unto some one principal Street or part of the Roman Jurisdiction which must needs denote such a Street as where there shall be the greatest number of the most eminent and faithful witnesses of Christ even are such who have born the clearest testimony against the suppersti●ions and abominations of the Mystery of iniqui●y and that have born the clearest testimony concerning Christ and the Gospel in the due exercise and administration of the Kingly Priestly and Prophetical offices of the Lord Jesus for a● reference hereunto it is that Christ values natio● and Kingdoms not in respect of their opulency ● greatness or vastness of dominions but where there are the greatest numbers of his chosen Jewels this may serve to Answer clavis Apoc. in asserti● Germany to be this Street also our French Autho● concerning the Kingdom of France some one Street we see by the plain words of the text is designed ● the scene where this glorious Prophesie was to b● accomplished for the work must begin some where And what that Street should be but th● Kingdom of Great Brittain we see no cause to doubt which all acknowledge to have been once one ● the ten Horns of the Beast and where also I thi● we may modestly affirm there are the greatest number of Christs most enlightned faithful Witnesses I will not determine but I suppose there are f●● of Ingenuity but have read and considered t● several convincing arguments of Dr. Goodwin ● Rev. 11. wherein he doth assert and I think ● clearly prove that that prediction concerning t● death of the Witnesses and their Resurrection mu● of necessity be limited to one of the Streets of the great City and cannot fairly be expounded as having any immediate reference unto any of the rest so ● doth as clearly demonstrate that the English Juridiction must of necessity be that street which ● doth by comparing the
and abroad many good men basely misled joining in with them unawares in carry●● on the design of this Whore in this her great 〈◊〉 last attempt wherein she doubted not but to 〈◊〉 all the Hereticks under her Foot and utterly to extirpate the Protestant Religion such a death 〈◊〉 face of things never sure appeared before this ho●● and power of darkness and it was strangely pr●●ged as many feared by that lightening before 〈◊〉 in 1678. upon the discovery of the Popish 〈◊〉 when our hopes were raised by that great zeal 〈◊〉 our brave English Parliaments against the Pa●● and Popish Religion most thinking at that 〈◊〉 our morning light appeared to break forth the ●●●terness of death was over but lo what a sudden ch●●● did we see how was our light turned into dark●● and our joy to sorrow and lamentation and 〈◊〉 ●oy and triumph attended our Popish Enemies what ●ingings of Te deum at Rome and in all Popish Countreys and sending gifts one to another for joy that these witnesses of Christ were overcome and ●aid by the walls and their testimony and spirits gone in this Kingdom which was always a terror to the Popish Church together with that wonderful success they had about the same time over the Protestants Turks in Hungary that Kingdom being restored to her too these things made her doubtless to say ●n her Heart I sit a Queen c. But as God foretold the ●eople of the Nations viz. the neighbouring Nations would not see nor indure to see the dead bodies ●f Gods witnesses and people put into Graves 〈◊〉 for their eyes were upon us before they appeared for our help and the fear of them doubtless ●●id prevent under God our Enemies from attempting that which we may conclude they longed to be 〈◊〉 The worthy Gentleman I mentioned before ●ells us that he was so much the more strengthned in ●is opinion in respect of the death and resurrection of the witnesses from a threefold testimony The first is that of Socrates who in his Ecclesiastical History affirmed that such things did appear in ●●ch a year which he mentioned that gave him ●●use to conclude there to begin the Epoch or beginning of the 1260 years of the witnesses prophesying in sackcloth viz in the year 426 which brings ●●wn the said time of the slaying of the witnesses ●●ft to the same year he speaks of which if he was ●●ght the witnesses must now be risen and upon ●●eir feet The second was Mr. William Alleine whose ●●count brings the great things down to the very ●●ne year Third Mr. Bright-man he says also affirms that about the self same year Antichrists Kingdom should expire And our Author looking for these great revolutions just at that time and now perceiving them to appearance come to pass as he says it may be easily supposed could not but be filled with joy besides intimates he still continues in a hopefulness of expectation that the present work will go on sol hope it is with us all for that God who hath begun to work such a miraculous and blessed work w●●● perfect it he that hath shewed us such things w●●● yet shew us greater and certainly the present work of God in this Nation is the admiration of all the Nations round about and strikes terror into the Hearts of all the Lords Enemies And in particular makes the French King to have other thoughts th● he had a few months ago and we hope his time 〈◊〉 at hand to drink of the cup of divine vengeance Dr. Goodwin speaking p. 172. of the resurrecti●● of the witnesses saith that whereas through a forced consent and yielding the Popes power 〈◊〉 again been entertained by that tenth part of 〈◊〉 City for the killing the witnesses they now 〈◊〉 cast off that power with a mighty commotion 〈◊〉 insurrection and so proceed to ruin the oppo●●●● party unto the witnesses who were the instruments of that former slaughter of which p●●● the remnant unslain do as men affrighted g●● glory to God and turn back again to embrace th● truth and acknowledge God to be in these witnesses and in their cause So that although this may and shall end in 〈◊〉 ruin of Rome which is the highest effect of 〈◊〉 fifth Vial for this Resurrection and Ascen●●●● of the witnesses are truly the preparation unto 〈◊〉 yet this other passage of the Earth quake c. 〈◊〉 here is said to be the same hour with their rising is rather to be understood of the means or thing making way unto that their Resurrection so that this Insurrection or rising of the people in the tenth part of the City which is meant by the Earth quake is the preparation unto their resurrection which ends in the ruin of Rome the scope of the holy Ghost here being to shew what did properly and peculiarly concern the rising of the witnesses as the means to it yet so as still this Earth-quake here and fall of the tenth part of the City are reducible unto that fifth Vial as a degree unto it and so that fifth Vial may also be ultimately intended in this passage recorded of the witnesses rising as the preparation unto it thus in the interpretation of the Vials I shewed that there may be many sprinklings of the same Vial both long before it come to its 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 vigour also after all which are notwithstanding to be reduced unto that Vial of the kind whereof they are or unto which they are either preparations or appendixes 1. By the tenth part of the City I understand as Mr. Brightman before me some one tenth part of Europe which as it all once belonged to the Jurisdiction of the City of Rome and is in this book called ten Kingdoms so now again upon the Gentiles or Idolatrous Papists their recovering the outward court shall now at last more or less come under the Jurisdiction of that City but especially or at least this tenth part of it here intended where most faithful witnesses shall be ●ound and where most of them shall be triumphed over and slain shall during these three years and a half become a part of the City again and so is ●●lled a tenth part of the City City being put ●ere as it often is in this book for the extent of the jurisdiction of the City of Rome which had these ten European Kingdoms by Charter allotted unto it Chap. 17. and unto which these Kingdoms are a second time to agree to give up their power in one of which ten or in the tenth part of the whole the witnesses shall first begin to rise and therein shall this Earth quake accompany their resurrection this tenth part of the City may perhaps be all one with that Street of the City mentioned v. 8. 2. By the Earth-quake here which is said to be a great one is meant as still in this book it is a great concussion or shaking of States Poli●ique 〈◊〉
refuse such communion c. Thus saith he in truth there are but three grand parts into which the Latin Church is divided i. e. Papists Lutherans and Calvinists and this division is not her utter ruin but after she is thus divided God will prepare to give her the last cup of his wrath which signifies that the division of the Latin Church into three parts must continue until the compleat ruin of Popery This is the seventh and last Vial-glass which thanks be to God will in a little time be run out now we have that we seek namely an evidence that the Antichristian Kingdom is near at an end We need not longer wait for the accomplishment either of all the 7 Plagues as some of our interpreters say or of some of the 7 Plagues as others say it is done all is accomplisht we are at the end of the seventh period First That in the whole explication of this 16th chapter there is not the least forced application the Emblems which the Prophet makes use do exactly resemble the events set down in History Second that in the Application of these seven Plagues unto the events every thing does hang together no part of this System contradicts another this being supposed I do intreat them to consider if chance may hit right in some points but never does so in all I say again that we are at the end of the seventh period for it ought to be well observed that there is not one Vial which is distinct and separated from others lasted 200 years this hath already lasted 170 years it cannot last much longer 't is true the Papal authority whose beams so scorched men under the fourth Vial lasted above 200 years but this was because it was inlayed or jointed in those that preceded and those that followed And its particular strict period must be reckon'd to be only 108 years which begun at the year 1270 when the Croisades ended and continued until the grand Schism which happened in the year 1378. for then began the diminishing of the Papal Authority and the darkning of the Kingdom of the Beast The seventh Vial hath lasted already longer than any of the rest and 't is probable that it must last about 200 years which none of the others hath done but we shall see the reason of this when we shew that this seventh Period is it self divided into three Periods i. e. the Harvest the Vintage and the time that is betwixt the Harvest and the Vintage the Harvest is already past the time betwixt is almost expired and we are approaching to the Vintage p. 223 224. He then preceeds to explain what he understands by Harvest and Vintage which the ingenious reader may guess at I thought good to cite thus much of this Author for their sakes who have not his book it being grown scarce and also because he is so much cryed up and lastly because what he speaks concerning the Vials seems new nor shall I passover this mans sentiments about the Vials without some modest reflections tho' he seems to write with great confidence in which he differs from most worthy men before him 1. It may be doubted whether he is in the right or no in my Judgment about the 7 Vials because it appears to me very clear that the Angels that are said to pour them out are brought forth under the seventh Trumpet to which I find some worthy men agree which if this be granted he is mistaken 2. Because the Angels that pour them forth are said to come out of the Temple clothed in Pure and White Linen and have their Breasts girded with Golden Girdles Rev. 15. 6. which signifies doubtless a more Perfect and Pure State of the Church than was in any of those centurys he mentioneth when divers of those Vials he says were poured cut for till near the time of the coming forth of the seventh Trumpet the Saints and People of God are called Witnesses clothed in Sack-cloth mourning as it were for the loss of the visibility and glory of the Gospel Church state according to the Apostolical constitution and are represented as a few or small number of scattered Christians but under the latter part of the 6. Trumpet the Tabernacle of the Testimony in Heaven was opened Rev. 15. 4. signifying as I conceive the restoration of the Church to its former glory and purity in a great measure and that the Witnesses had put off their Sack-cloth being gloriously and differently clothed which will not be perfected till the ascention of the Witnesses which will be about the beginning of the seventh Trumpet for the text says when that begins to be sounded the Kingdoms of this World become the Kingdom of our Lord and his Christ Rev. 11. 15. 3. It should seem strange that all the Vials that contain in them the whole of the seven last Plagues to the utter overthrow of the Beasts Kingdom should be already poured out save the remaining part of the seventh and yet so little be done comparatively to the ruin of the Whore or Papistry or that the 6. first Vials should be so long a time a pouring forth and so little effected for the ruin of Antichrists Kingdom and so much should be expected to be done in so short a time as this French Writer says by the remaining part of the seventh 4. And why he should suppose if 2 or 3 of the Vials should not be yet poured out that the Whore and Beasts Kingdom must continue still at least 200 years I know not for if we should conclude with some worthy men that none of the Vials should be poured forth to this day yet why may not the ruin of the Papal Power or end of the Beasts Kingdom be near for tho' it be granted they may have their distinct Periods yet they may be very short since God positively intimates his Judgments for the ruin and downfal of Babylon shall be swift and on a sudden and as it were in one hour which certainly signifies but a very short time besides he strangely confounds and mixeth the Vials with some of the Trumpets which I can't see any ground to believe considering the method God uses in this Book Moreover at the resurrection or at the ascention of the Witnesses which finishes the second Wo brings the period of the 6. Trumpet then the tenth part of the City falls this is all of the fall and ruin of the great Whore or great City we read of till the seventh Trumpet begins ' to sound And to conclude with this I shall say with what our late Annotators intimate on Rev. 11. 15. it seems that the seven Seals the seven Trumpets and the seven Vials are all mentioned in the same form of Speech and therefore the seven Vials are not to be divided some to one Trumpet some to another 2. Because the seventh Trumpet 7 Vials are one the same thing nothing being revealed under the seven Vials
the Kings of France have by their liberalities made the Popes great at this day it is the most flourishing State of Europe it is in the middle of the Popish Empire between Spain Germany England exactly as a Street or place of Concourse is in the middle of a City 't is also four-square as such a Place or Street of a great City i. e. almost as long as broad and I believe saith he that 't is particularly in France that the witnesses must remain dead i. e. That the profession of the true Religion must be utterly abolisht this is already done by the revocation of the Edict of Nantes and by the enormous Cruelties of the Souldiers Pag. 254. saith he we are in my opinion certainly in this Persecution which must extinguish the true Religion for three years and a half if we will reckon those 3 years a half from the abrogating of the Edict of Nantes in the month of October 1685. The deliverance of the Church will fall out in the year 1689. And this is absolutely the conjecture of Monsieur du Moulin in his accomplishment of the Prophesies he hopes that the Persecution of the Church by the Antichristian party shall cease in the year 1689 But in p. 255. He seems to intimate he is not confident it will happen then one main reason I cite this French Writer thus far is to give you all his reasons why he Judges France to be the Street of the great City where the two witnesses shall be slain c. And to gratifie my Reader I shall also here add something out of Clavis Apocalyptica written many years ago by a famous German Doctor who indeavours to make it appear that Germany is meant by the Street of the great City in which the two witnesses shall lye as dead but by the way 't is observable what he says p. 46. Concerning the 7 Trumpets in the Second period saith he from the three hundred ninety fifth until the one thousand six hundred fifty fifth year of our Lord where the seventh seal is opened and seven Angels with seven Trumpets declare to the Roman Empire by seven Judgments its ruine c. 8. which Plagues have been fulfilled See he calls the Trumpets Plagues The first by the invasions of barbarous nations Anno 395. v. 7. The Second by the destruction of the City of Rome which first happened by Alaricus Anno 410. v. 8. The Third by taking away Imperial dignity in Augustulus Anno 476. v. 10. The Fourth by the Abolition of all eminent publick charges at Rome Anno 552. v. 12. The fifth by Saracens as the first wo c. 9. The Sixth by the Turks Chap. 9. v. 13. as the second wo. In the Third Period when the 1655. year doth begin the seventh Angel doth sound and withal the seventh Judgment is executed upon the enemies of the Church with the third woe whereby the Mysteries of God are fulfilled Rev. 10. 7. Now tho this great Author was mistaken as all have been hitherto who have prefixt upon an exact time and yet he may be right as to the seventh Trumpet which he says brings in the last Plagues and the third and last woe But to proceed p. 69. The two witnesses shall be overcome and killed saith he that is they shall be removed and thrust out of all Ecclesiastical and Political Offices and Imployments it appears he understood the death of the witnesses to be taken as we have hinted before i. e. Only a Civil death and so too do all Expositors affirm that I can meet with but now observe what Street it is in his Judgment they must lye as dead in and that is he saies Germany p. 74. The tenth horn yet remains Germany or the German Empire cannot be accounted saith he but one of the Horns which we do not deny and a Kingdom saith he by it self in the whole body of the fourth Monarchy this is the Principal Street in the great City the Principal Horn of the Beast the Principal Kingdom in the fourth Monarchy whose head is represented by the City of Rome this German Empire is called the Street per excellentiam because it is the Principal Street in the Empire because 1. 'T is called the Roman Empire 2. By reason it is as it were a Figure and Image of the old Roman Empire having seven Heads in regard of the seven Princes Electors and ten Provinces in respect of the ten Circles into which it is distributed 3. It hath the pre-eminency above all other Kings adhering to the Papal State now saith he in this Street we must seek the War c. he seems to say more for Germany being the Street in my Judgment than Jurieu for France to be it But they that read our great Writer Dr. Goodwin will soon I am persuaded see more ground to believe that Great Britain is that very Street of the great City in which the Witnesses of Christ were to be slain and lye dead than any other for as my worthy Friend before cited intimates God values not nor accounts of People and Nations from their Greatness or external Grandeur but from their Light Glory Excellency of their Spirits Purity now what Nation or Kingdom is so famous or has been since the beginning of the Reformation or hath obtained so great Light as this of Great Britain It must be in one Street of the great City doubtless where the Witnesses have finished their Testimony in which they were to be slain and lye as dead and I question whether in any one Kingdom of Europe the faithful Witnesses of Christ may be said to have finished their Testimony as here in this Nation for by finishing their Testimony may be meant as some observe bearing Witness to Christ not only in respect of every one of his Offices but also in all his Ordinances And that according to the Primitive purity of them which many think there has not been the like Testimony upon this respect born any where else as also in respect of true Church Constitution and Discipline and to true Magistracy and Ministry and to Christ's absolute Authority as King of Saints and King of Nations and born in such a publick manner as it has been here formerly and of late take the Doctors words p. 165. And if in this last Combate the Witnesses be singled out as one party and by Witnesses be meant only such faithful Christians and Professors as do in respect of their Godliness and Sincerity hold forth an Eminent Testimony and Witness above that which others of the croud of the common Professors do and so not men of Learning but of Holiness and Zeal are they who are here said to be the real tormentors of these Enemies Then surely in that part of the Reformed Churches where such Witnesses are chiefly found who do continue eminently to hold forth such a kind of powerful Testimony as holy men for this is a Testimony of Holiness not of Learning surely
there especially will be the Seat of this War and the field where this Combate is to be fought Now then look generally over almost all the Reformed Churches and how few of such Witnesses with difference from the common croud do appear amongst them the fire the heat of those godly men their first Reformers which is the thing that should torment these Enemies at last being gone and the light only remaining which gives but a faint cold and dull Testimony and which these Enemies do therefore despise Only in the Witnesses of Great Britain both the light and heat of Religion have been kept up and increased and among them only hath the profession of the power of godliness been continued with difference from the croud of common Professors And according to what appears in view more of such true Witnesses now in these last days wherein this slaughter is to fall out are to be found in it and belonging to it than in all the Reformed Churches besides and that according to the Testimony which they of those Churches who in these times of scattering have come hither for refuge have and do give and surely the place of this killing the Witnesses must be where most Witnesses are And so that that Kingdom may be designed more than any other as in which also more Eminent are found of those last sorts of Champions for the Beast who receive only the number of his name who yet shall be the chief Executioners of this last slaughter Add unto this this conjecture upon Daniel 11. ult which Chapter from v. 36. hath Graserus and Mr. Mede in his Discourse of Daemons upon 1 Tim. 4. 1. 2. applied unto the Pope who is that King there mentioned Now when he shall go forth in this last War in such fury and rage with a purpose utterly to destroy the main event and issue of that expedition of his is made to be this viz. That he shall plant the Tabernacle of his Palace between the Seas in the glorious holy Mountain yet he shall come to his end and none shall help him Dan. 11. ult which the Dr. says he fears that these British Islands are here intended in that they so eminently above all other places of the Churches Reformed and with difference also from all others do stand between the Seas even wholly among Seas penitus toto divisos Orbe Britannos which Islands likewise God hath made the Eminent Seat of the Church in these latter days and which he hath loved above all the Inhabitants of Jacob. And in that the Angel there calls this Mountain in an high and transcendent phrase yet of further difference the Mountain of delight of holiness or as Junius turns it the Mountain of holy comeliness it seems in some way of peculiarity from others even in that respect also to note out a place which for holiness should more eminently be Gods delight and comely in his Eyes where he should have a most holy people and which he should make a Land of uprightness where his Ma jesty and Glory should more eminently shine which place notwithstanding for the tryal of the Witnesses in it God shall again give up unto the power of Antichrist there to plant the Tabernacle of his Palace or Throne or his Clergy as Graserus reads it even as a sign Nebuchadhezzar did his Throne at Taph-hannes when he had Conquered Egypt as a sign of that his Victory by the Conquest of which Kingdoms and regaining them unto him he shall seem so rooted in his ancient power that in hope of all the rest the Whore shall fing I am no Widow and that just before her fall Yet this prevailing is but a preparation to Antichrist's ruin for is follows there in Daniel Yet he shall come to his end and no●e shall help him which notes out as that this is to be done just before his end so also that that regaining his power should seem so to strengthen him that he should be as it were out of the danger of ruin and as for ever secure But this his sudden Victory is but as the planting of a Tent or Tabernacle in a Field not to stand past three years and a half tho that Party and their Abettors do in their hopes think they build for Eternity but it being of mans not Gods planting it shall come to nothing I cannot but conclude what this great man hath said that Great Britain is more like to be that Street of the great City in which the Witnesses should be slain rather than France or Germany or any other Kingdom and also am much persuaded the late times have accomplished what he so long ago foretold Methinks three years and a half sometimes since expired looked just like the times he mentioneth had not the Pope placed his Tents here again and hoped to have had a setled Throne and hath not also here been a dreadful slaughter of the true Witnesses of Christ as we before have hinted and doth there seem any ground to expect the like again So that either the time is past or I hope the Dr. was mistaken if it be to come it will be the amazingest providence and revolution that ever was in the World I must conclude we are in a most happy hour or else there is the most dismal hour near that ever the Godly knew or saw since the Reformation a little time will shew us more I can't but expect the ascention of the Witnesses to draw on apace in which will first fall out that great Earthquake wherein 7000 men of name will be slain who were the chief instruments in bringing that death and dismal hour upon the Witnesses of Christ which the Dr. hath most excellently opened moreover there is one thing more he hath shewed his thoughts upon that I am affected with viz. concerning Daniel's 1290 days and 1335 days or years the first he says begun from Julian's time which he concluded ended at 1650 or 1656 and that the other 45 years will bring in the Kingdom of Christ which makes 1335 and that will expire about 1695 or 1701 between which time he prefixeth the Death Resurrection and Ascention of the Witnesses and the Earthquake c. We are no doubt coming towards the end of the wonders and the Vials of Gods wrath will suddenly be poured forth upon the Enemies of the Church neither can I think that Jurieu is in the right who thinks the Papal power c. will fall without or with little Blood for although when the Harvest is ripe there may not fall so many as at the time of the Vintage yet 't is said of men of name shall be slain seven thousand how many of other sorts who can tell Besides that is a certain number put for an uncertain but when the Vintage time comes the Blood shall come out of the Wine-press even to the Horse Bridle by which our Expositors generally say is intended a wonderful slaughter and under the second Vial which
may take in the Harvest Hour God gives them Blood to drink they being worthy of it because they have shed the Blood of the Saints Babylon is to be rewarded as she hath rewarded the Lord's people and must drink double of the same Cup she measured to them and then what must she look for but Blood Blood Blood with a witness Rev. 16. 5 6. Rev. 18. 6. For what Rivers of Blood hath she caused to run down in every Street or Kingdom of this reat City There are two things more had I room I would speak to 1. To shew how all our Writers do agree that the rise of the Beast was between the year 410 and 455 but most fix upon 450 or near that time for then the ten Horns appeared with Crowns upon them who are said to receive power as Kings one hour with the Beast Rev. 17. Dr. Goodwin saith p. 63. that by the year 456 all the ten Kings were up Brightman begins the Beasts Reign sooner by above 20 years Jurieu saith he began about the year 450 and will end totally about 1710. The second thing is to have shewed the nature glory of Christs Kingdom which I judge will begin at the Ascention of the Witnesses for then as I conclude the seventh Trumpet begins to sound and the first Angel pours out his Vial 't is certain with the seventh Trumpet the glory of the latter days begin and the little Stone then will begin to smite will never cease till all the Image power is broken in pieces and the little Stone becomes a great Mountain and fills the whole Earth the Saints must and shall take the Kingdom and the knowledge of the glory of the Lord shall cover the Earth as the waters cover the Seas I am persuaded His present Majesty is raised up to do great things for Christ and tho' some may strive to obstruct the work of God and uphold an interest for the Beast yet they shall be blasted in their designs and come to shame and ruin in the end for God is risen up and his Enemies shall be scattered An Account of several Strange Prophesies MIchael Sa●divogius in his treatise Printed at Cologn 1616. speaketh of a Northern Prince that shall arise of a Warlike disposition indued with excellent Vertues which no Monarch doth go beyond in Victories or excell in humanity and piety and then mercy and peace shall meet together and Peace and Justice shall kiss each other truth saith he shall rise out of the Earth and Justice look down from Heaven there shall be one Sheepfold and one Shepherd he positively intimates that he shall arrive to a universal dominion Another of a nameless Author in a Book Printed 1650 p. 9. Sect. 14. I find these words speaking of the Judgments of God upon Europe for neglecting the overthrow of Antichrist ruin of Rome and Annihilation of the Sodomitical order of the Society of Jesus and in the Extirpation of all Kingdoms are free Estates of Papists adhereing to them to make way for the Lyon of the North to erect his fifth Monarchy in the ashes of Germany wherein shall be established the eternal felicity of the Church c. These three are Predictions said to be of above fifty years standing THE Eagle Droops and Moults his Wings And fewd shall grow twixt Northern Kings Holland is threatned Spain shall pine And blood shall swell the River Rhine When once the Orange and the Rose Unite beware England's old foes This done no more shall monstrous pride Triumphant over Nations ride The Miter falls and scarce shall have A Mournful tear or certain grave The Lillies now bewail the loss And serve but to adorn the Cross. The Northern Star at last appears And an all Conquering banner bears Howl howl ye Merchants all your deeds Shall now receive their worthy meeds The fourth translated out of French in the year 1668. WIth headlong speed that juncture doth advance Wherein the Royal Seat and State of France The Pope Priests Masses Images Saints Shrines And what with these against Heavens will combines By divine Justice shall to ruin fall I much mistake or some Angelical Spirit these verses did suggest Whilst in the morning sleep I took my rest I God to witness call and●s heavenly hosts I saw indeed or at the least suppos'd I saw an Angel who did shew to me In a fair written Table this same Prophecy The fifth is another transcribed by Paraeus in his expositìon of the Revelations A Prince shall rise out of the Nation of the most illustrious Son having a Long Forehead lofty Eye-brows long Eyes and an Hau●● Nose he shall draw together a great Army and shall slay all those who fly from his face and hide themselves in the Mountains Caves he shall be married to Justice as the Bridegroom he shall destroy and burn Rome and Florence with fire he shal● put to death the highest Prelates of the Clergy who have usurped Peters seat and many other things he says he shall do Predictions of Mr. George Withers I Shall not fail in 't which is to presage That Babylon shall fall in this our age Or set a lasting Period to their hate A bloodless Massacre here is already Begun amongst us and it will be bloody When you perceive admittance of those strangers Who first began our ●lagues renew our dangers And then they who suppose their persons free Will with the rest in equal Perils be For boundless lustings Mischiefs will beget Which lies within the Womb unheeded yet Where sin and Death are Twins conceived together Though born a little while before each other Another of Mr. Withers THere will to th ●art your hopes a new Star blaze Within the West that shall the world amaze And influences through the universe So quickly and prodigiously disperse That aided by Concurrent Constellations It shall have some effects upon all nations And cause such changes as shall make a stand In their attempts which they have now in hand 60 Grebner 69 Banner IS thus inscribed in that family In comitum imperii leones cum principis Gulielmi Uraniae filio Mauricio faeli●i Heroi socianti se alicui Daniae de stirpe 61. And subscribed thus Hoc vexillum de fratribus quod Uraniae principis eorum posteris Illustrissimis intelligendum his words of them are these Leones nostri audaces in prima acie fremu●t unde nobis potentia crescit gloria fama I know not saith my Author whether formerly the Family of Orange did Intermarry with any descendent from a Daughter of Denmark as is here intimated it is sufficiently known this Princess was by her great Grand Mother Queen Anne of that family And if the Prince of Orange as he here predicts must lead the forlorn of the Northern Army as he manifestly musters them with the Auxiliaries of England their growing Estate and Honour must be by their Aid and so shews who is to be the leadng
Monarch This has been Printed several years Nostradamus predicts THAT Rome shall be ruled by the Britanish head That the new Prince that joins the lower and Northern Countries of Europe shall be the instrument of loss to the Church of Rome And that the Bishop of Rome together with his Clergy except they shew themselves willing to be reformed shall be made to spit Blood when the Rose shall flourish That of the Trojan Blood shall spring a Prince of a doughty Dutch Heart who shall attain to so high a degree that he shall chase far away the Arabick or Mahometan multitude and likewise return to the Church her Ancient Eminency and Sincerity I leave every man to his own liberty to Judge of those predictions as he pleases I always lookt upon such kind of Prophesies as doubtful and no certain conclusions to be drawn from them A Postscript Giving an Account of the Judgment of a late nameless French Author concerning the Non-offusion of the seven Vials with his Answer to Mr. Jurieu JUst as I had quite finished this Treatise I met with a Book lately writ by another worthy French Minister intituled A new Systeme of the Apocalypse who asserts the Non-effusion of the Vials proving that none of the 7 Vials or last Plagues as yet are poured out with an answer to Mr. Jurieu which Author I am not a little affected with and therefore have thought good to add some short hints of the most remarkable passages contained in it about our present Controversie First Of the Harvest and Vintage The Harvest he says signifies those initial Judgments which were executed by means of the Reformation begun in the last Age by the ministry of Luther Zuinglius c. p. 91. to which I cannot agree because I judge the Harvest is not ripe until the end of the 42 Months and signifies more and greater ruin to the Beast and his Kingdom than was effected then or till this time 2. The Vintage he says signifies a definitive Judgment which shall ruin the Papal Empire beyond recovery and to begin at the beginning of the end of ●he 42 Months I conclude the Harvest comes in at ●he beginning of the 7 Vials and the Vintage at the ●●tter part of them Secondly As to the opening of the Temple and of the Smoke c. He says the opening of the Temple alludes to the Church of the Jews which was shut up under ●haz and opened under Hezekiah From hence he notes three things 1. That the Vials belong to this state of the Church wherein Antichrist is made manifest and wherein there shineth a measure of light in the Church 2. That the Vials are all contained under the 7th Trumpet 3. The Temple is not only here represented open in order to give passage to the 7 Angels that pour out the Vials but to give way for all Nations to enter in according as it is said v. 4. That all Nations shall come and worship before God. The smoke that filled the Temple answereth to the Cloud that covered the Tabernacle of Moses and the divine glory the Smoke was a Symbol of Gods gracious presences in the midst of Israel and so signifieth Gods return to his Temple or the glory of the Church 't is added No man was able to enter into the Temple till the 7 Plagues of the 7 Angels were fulfilled which inmateth that tho' the time of the destruction of the Churches Enemies draweth near and the time wherein the Gospel shall shine bright in the World yet that the Gospel will not be universally received till after the subversion of Babylon which will not be until the Vials have been poured out yet some are ready to think the fulfilling of the 7 Plagues c. alludes to the fulfilling of the time of their first pouring out and not till they are all poured out Of the 7 Trumpets 7 Thunders and 3 Woes As touching the 7 Seals and 7 Trumpets he much agrees with our Expositors he concludes the first Woe fell out under the 4th and 5th Trumpets take his own words St. John tells us c. 8. 13. that he heard an Angel flying through the midst of Heaven saying with a loud voice Woe woe woe to the Inhabitants of the Earth by reason of the Trumpets that are yet to sound After the sounding of the 5th Trumpet St. John adds One woe is past and behold there come two more hereafter One of these two woes fell undoubtedly out under the 6th Trumpet under which Mahometanism and the Turkish Army destroyed the whole East and therefore the third woe must come to pass under the seventh and last Trumpet That all the Vials saith he being contained under the 3d woe they are yet to be poured out foras much as we are this year 1687. still under the sixth Trumpet and groaning under the pressure of the 2d woe So that here we have a new proof that all the Vials from the first to the last are yet to be poured out for as much as the Vials are no other thing than the 7 Thunders which are spoken of Rev. 10. and indeed the Thunders are 7 in number as well as the Vials are and as the Thunders do signifie the Judgments of God against the Enemies of the Church so the Vials do signifie the same in that by them the wrath of God is to be consummated Moreover the things threatned by the Thunders are delayed from being executed until the sounding of the 7th Trumpet and therefore were to be sealed up until the Mysteries of God should be finished which in my judgment means the whole of the Beasts 42 Months which agrees with what he further says p. 249. The Mysteries of God saith he is the bringing in of the Kingdom of Christ and the uniting of all Christians from whence that peace of the Church shall arise and if there be any difference between the Vials and the Thunders it consisteth only in this viz. the Thunders are the denunciation of the Judgments of God and the Vials are the execution of them for tho' the Thunders were heard by St. John under the 6th Trumpet yet they were not to be executed till under the 7th when all the Vials shall be poured out He then proceeds to speak his conjectures about the pouring out of all the 7 Vials 1. On the earth which he thinks intends the Joss of Church Revenues and so falls upon the Worldly and Carnal Interest of Antichristian men let the Carnal Earthly and Self-seeking Prelates and Clergy look to it 2. Vial upon the Sea c. The Sea he says is the Papal Kingdom in this he agrees with reverend Mr. Knowles In its uttermost extent not only the Countrey where the Pope is Soveraign but likewise all those Princes who acknowledge him and this Empire shall become as the blood of a dead man c. So that every Soul which liveth in it shall die That is saith he the government of Popish Princes shall not be able
to endure their Yoke as fish cannot live in waters which are turned into blood 3. Vial on Rivers he concludes means Popish Doctrines 4. Vial on the Sun in all likelyhood saith he is the Ottoman Emperor as the 4th Trumpet raised him so the 4 Vial shall pull him down I think it rather means the German Emperor 5. Vial on the Seat of the Beast is meant the City of Rome saith he which is here threatned and all agree with him in this 6. Vial poured out on the great River Euphrates and the waters thereof were dryed up that the way of the Kings of the East might be prepared c. The sixth Vial destroyeth the Empire of the Turks and their Religion which the sixth Trumpet had advanced to the highest pitch of its Grandeur for the River Euphrates does saith he undoubtedly signify the people of that part of the world and its waters being dryed up denotes the end of that Empire and their Religion after which there will be nothing to hinder either the Kings of the East who shall be enlightened and converted or the Jews who are there dispersed in great numbers from marching into the West to help to finish the destruction of the beast he after intimates that he believes by the Kings of the East the Jews are meant c. And by the Ê’ unclean Spirits he judges are intended the Jacobins the Cordeliers and the Jesuits 7. Vial poured into the Air he thinks signifies the Antichristian Religion and that this Vial shall clear all places of it It is done that is the mystery and total ruin of the Papacy time shall be no more for the Whore or Church of Rome her Idolatry Of the rise of the Beast As touching the rise of the beast he says p. 275 It was when that Imperial Edict came forth to establish Rome as Soveraign over all other Bishops which was in 445 in favour of Leo I. and so may hope to see the end about 1705. but reverent Mr. Knowles rather fixes on the year 428 or thereabouts for which he cites Simpsons History of the Church lib. 4. Socrat. hist. Eccl. cap. 3. Helvicus in concil Taurinat cap. 7. Magdeb. cent 5. cap. 10. Which ended in 1688. a year I hope that hath laid a foundation for the utter ruin of the Papacy in this Kingdom brought a sudden change great overthrow upon the OldWhore here amongst us we have a King now blessed be God who has it put into his heart with other Kings and States to hate the Whore and the work we hope is begun Some brief hints of this French Ministers Answer to Mr. Jurieu about the Vials SAith he Mr. Jurieu builds his commentary on Rev. 16. i. e. in that he considers the seven Vials as seven Periods of time making the first Vial to fall upon the 10th age and lasted 150 years p. 2. and the 6. Vial he affirms to have continued from the year 1429. till the time of Luther at which time he begins the seventh Vial. This saith he is the great principle that Mr. Jurieu goes upon i. e. the 7 Vials are certainly 7 Periods of time and after this principle saith he he draws three conclusions 1. That there is a difference between the Vials and the Plagues that the 7 Plagues are the Judgments of God and the 7 Vials denote the 7 Periods of time wherein those Judgments are to fall upon the Papal Empire 2. That all the Plagues are designed against the Papal Kingdom and not so much as one of them against the Empire of the Turks 't is certain saith Jurieu that the 7 Plagues are entirely intended against the Empire of the Beast 3. That there are in all thirteen Plagues whereof the 6 first have destroyed the Roman Empire as civil these 6 Plagues fell under the 5 first Trumpets and that the 6th Trumpet which is divided into 7 Vials shall destroy the same Empire as Ecclesiastical and Papal and that the Vials have been pouring out since the 10th Century that the 7th is not yet wholly poured out but that it begun at the time of Luthers reformation and will end at the general reformation c. Now saith this learned French Minister whereas Mr. Jurieu's principle is that the 7 Vials are certainly 7 Periods of time this hath no evidence in it being neither certain nor clear to those that are versed in the reading the Prophets saith he Jurieu affirms that the 7 Vials signifie an Hour-glass and not a cup for a cup is of another form than a Vial in that this hath a large Belly and a narrow Mouth to which our Author saith it is not about the form of a Vial that we treat but about the signification of it nor is there any Greek Author that ascribeth to the word Vial the signification of an Hour-glass But by all Dictionaries it does appear that the term Vial signifies a Cup a Chalice in a word a vessel designed to drink in so that Mr. Jurieu's great principle is more than doubtful but then the use to which St. John applies this term Vial does make us plainly see its falshood in Rev. 5. 8. The 24. Elders fall down before the Throne having Golden Vials full of odour which are the Prayers of the Saints where Hour-glasses used to offer Incense in and to scatter perfumes in places of worship Again he saith that the term Vial can have no other signification but this i. e. in that the wrath of God whereof they are said to be full chap. 16. the Vials are said to be full of the wrath of God and are poured out are saith he Hour-glasses said to be cast into the Air on the Sun or Sea c. Moreover he refutes Jurieu about the Trumpets and that they rather signify Trumpets proclaiming War than Trumpets whereby the Jubilees were published and so shews his weakness in asserting the Trumpets to signify Periods of time sith years of Jubilee were years of joy but these Trumpets brought in woe and lamentation with them so that it is not true faith he that the Trumpets of St. John intimate Periods of time by an allusion to the Trumpet which published the Jubiles and it is yet less true that the Vials are Hour-glasses to mark these Periods by Mr. Jurieu's principle being false saith he all the conclusions which he draws from it must necessarily be false also 1. 'T is false that there is a difference between the 7 Plagues and the 7 Vials seeing they are the same Judgments of God against the Enemies of his Church 2. 'T is false that the Plagues are designed only against the Empire of the Beast for saith he the Trumpets and Vials have in part for their object the Turkish Empire and Mahometan Religion 3. 'T is false that the 6th Trumpet is subdivided into the 7 Vials and that the 7 Vials have been pouring out since the tenth Century for 't is the 7th Trumpet that is subdivided into
are risen or suddenly here in Great Britain will rise Bone methinks is coming to his Bone or already have not we seen of late a day like that spoken of Ezek. 36. 7 8. A noise like that of shaking and the Bones came together Bone to his Bone and Sinews and Flesh coming upon them and is not Breath come into them and do they not begin to live is not their hopes revived and are they not up upon their feet They ●ay be a very great Army in due time Look about you O ye Saints what is your expectations are ye ignorant of the sign● of the times and willingly ignorant do you not look for great things or are ye still as men that dream know ye assuredly that the Kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ is near nor let none perswade you there is no greater glory nor different Kingdom state approaching than what hath been since the Resurrection and Ascention of Christ for 't is not till the ending or the latter end of the fourth Monarchy that the God of Heaven will set up his Kingdom in the glory of it when the knowledge of the glory of the Lord shall fill the Earth as the waters cover the Seas all the Kingdoms under the whole Heavens shall be given to the people of the Saints of the most High. Dan. 7 Look suddenly for a fearful and an amazing Earthquake for it will come it cann't be far off and it will be such a dispensation that England has not known it will be the time of Jacob ' s trouble but he shall be saved out of it woe to the Earth to the wicked to those who have had a hand in the slaying the Witnesses who are Enemies to the power of godliness who strive to keep up an Antichristian state their day is near and the time they must be judged God will now turn his hand upon his Enemies his wrath is come and the day in which he will plead the Controversie of Sion the Decree is gone forth and it cannot be reversed watch and pray take heed you are not found in the Earthly Spirit for if you are you will be shaken in pieces and full with the Enemy and rise no more yet I doubt not but the Enemy will strive kick and struggle exceedingly like a Beast that has received its deaths wound just as they go off the Stage and somewhat like this methinks we plainly see at this very time But tho' the work may seem to be obstructed yet I doubt not but it will revive again and in due time prosper and be accomplished The Mystical Numbers in Daniel and the Revelations calculated by the H. Scriptures only without the help of Humane History By a worthy Minister of the Gospel GOD having given the Scriptures to his Church 2 Tim. 3. 16. for her use and benefit here on Earth so the Times Numbers part thereof have are and will be of use to her Therefore the Angel Dan. 10. 21. for the opening the Vision and the confirmation of his Faith in the Will of God revealed therein v. 14. concerning his Church and what should befal her for times to come here on Earth tells him that he would shew him what was noted in the Scriptures of truth And although this part of the Word hath been most hard to be understood yet besides that common advantage to our Faith that the times are set by God not only in his own Eternal purpose but his revealed Will which is a good Foundation of Faith to believe and expect accordingly the more particular knowledge of them as truly opened must be of special use and help to our Faith both to prepare for suffering and expect deliverance With what diligence then should we with unbiassed minds make our applications to him that is the Revealer of secrets An Essay towards which followeth First I premise there is as sweet a Harmony in this part of the Word as in any other Secondly That this harmony and the right understanding of the Times set is to be found out in the Scriptures them selves The first number I shall begin with is that great number of 2300 days a day for a year as is usual in Scripture Dan. 8. 14. Which I conceive includes all the lesser in Daniel and the Revelations all of them being but parts of this God in his wisdom having so divided this number according to the several Circumstances of Providence the Church was to come under I conceive this number of 2300 was headed or doth take its beginning from the year God translated the Babylonian Monarchy to the Medes and Persians which was the third and last of Belshazzar's Reign who was also the last of the Babylonian Kings 1. Because I find no times set in Scripture to begin before they are given forth tho' several a great while after 2. The Question Dan. 8. 13. is How long is the Vision to give both the Sanctuary and the Host to be trodden under foot and the answer is to 2300 days So that time relates to the suffering of the Church then to come 3. Daniel chap. 8. 1. dates it in the Third of Belshazzar in the year he saw the Vision tho' when he saw it he was in Shushan a chief City in the Province of Elam which is in Persia. Daniel was in Babylon call'd to Expound the Hand-writing when the City was taken chap. 5. 13 30. But when Darius the Median had taken Babylon and had so inlarged his Dominions by the Kingdom of Babylon he for the better Government of the whole Dan. 6. 1 2. set over the Affairs of the Kingdom 120 Princes and three Presidents over them of which he made Daniel chief so that there is great reason why he should be in the Royal City Shushan But this falling out in the third of Belshazzars Reign that he lost his Kingdom Daniel dates the Vision that year tho' he was in Persia when he saw it God chap. 7. and in the first of Belshazzar's Reign shewed in Vision unto Daniel under the representation of four Beasts the four Monarchies which should rule in those parts of the World where his Church then was and was to be in after times during all her suffering state till Christs Kingdom on Earth was to come Dan. 7. 27 28. God having before shewed by Jeremiah chap. 25. 11. the sufferings of his Church under the first of these for 70 years The ending of that Monarchy and the 70 years was to be together in the self-same year which was also to fall out in the Reign of Nebuchadnezzar's Grandson Jer. 27. 7. which was this Belshazzar Now in the last of this Belshazzar and the first of the Medes and Persians God shews to Daniel how long the Church was to suffer under the three that were to succeed and 't was to be for 2300 years longer before the Churches deliverance was to be compleated and Peace and Righteousness established in the Earth under the blessed
a time between both the Church of God had been at as great uncertainty as if no time had been set almost Therefore if we take the finishing their Testimony to respect their work then it is our concernment to consider wherein this finishing part doth lye And that I conceive to be in a witness to the Kingly Office of Christ. His Prophetical and Priestly Offices were first Witnessed to And this hath been lastly contested for even to blood in the last Wars in England as the other had been upon which this last War hath been commenced The Testimony being further confirmed in the Martyrdom of many of those concerned in the finishing of this Testimony The sufferings of the Church in these late years has been carried on against her otherwise than in former ages in other Methods and under other names and pretences all bespeaking that the time of finishing the Testimony is come and the War commenced and it may be an overcoming if not killing also Sixthly where this shall be Ans. It will be there where this finishing part of the witness to Christ is born for there the last War is which is the last effort which Antichrist shall make against the Church of God and overcoming and killing will be And where they shall lye dead and where they shall rise when the Spirit of life from God comes upon them Now where shall all these things be The Holy Spirit tells us it shall be in the Street of the great City Rev. 11. 8. Not in all the Ten but in one Street and upon their resurrection the tenth part of the City falleth not the whole City at once v 13. So that in the Street or Kingdom where the Testimony hath been finished there all the rest follow and there the deliverance of the Church shall begin to an utter overthrow of all her Persecutors and Mortal Enemies Seventhly When this shall be Ans. To know the beginning and end of these times and things there are two ways of calculating The one is beginning at the Head of a number so reckoning forward to its end The other is back-wards as Daniel did Chap. 9. beginning our reckoning at the end of the number and so reckoning to the beginning Now by one of these two ways in Gods time we shall infallibly know But to the Question I suppose both ways may be a help to us now and Scripture numbers have a dependance one upon the other and there lies the harmony of them when that is understood The great number which includes all the rest throughout the sufferings of the Church of God under the three last of Daniels four Monarchies is that of 2300 years which I have indeavoured to carry on by Scripture to the end of it within forty five or forty four years from this year of our Lord 1686. There are two other great numbers in Daniel chap. 12. one of 1290. the other 1335. which is forty five more than the other so that altho' they both begin together they do not both end together by 45 years That they begin together is evident for the 45th is the addition of so many to the 1290. therefore blessed is he that lives to the forty five longer than the 1290. for altho' the Churches deliverance shall begin at the 1290. it shall not be compleated till forty five more Therefore blessed is he that lives till that time so that when ever these 1335. years begin they end with the 2300 years also Again the 1290. is thirty more than 1260. in Rev. 11. therefore tho' they may end together yet they cannot begin together And because of this expositors have generally judged that the 1290. in Daniel relate to the Jews and the 1260 to the Gentile Church but by what reason I cannot be satisfied Hence they head this 1290. at Julians attempting to rebuild the Temple The reason of which was this he had apostatized from Christianity and restored the Gentile Worship and Sacrifices and as an affront to Christians put the Jews upon Sacrificing also who told him that it was not lawful for them but in the Temple at Jerusalem therefore he orders them to build it which they attempted to do but could but attempt for God by his immediate power prevented them This Julian began his Reign in 365. and Reigned but three years so that this opinion time hath confuted For add 1290 to 368 it makes but 1658. at which time they reckon'd the Jews would be called but no such thing hath been Therefore they expounded all these places which we read Sacrifices with a supplement in Dan. 8 12. chap. 11. 31. chap. 12. 11. to intend the Jewish worship which Julian attempted to set up in confront to Christianity to be the abomination that makes desolate for all or any of which I see no reason It is properly translated Sacrifice in one place as chap. 9. 26 27. And this doth relate to the taking away of the Sacrifices then in being of Gods own appointment which accordingly were taken away as Christ himself also admonished Mat. 24. 15. by Titus c. 368 1290 1658 But the abomination which makes desolate I conceive is some corruption in the Gospel worship the true worship of God And therefore seeing we as before find the Apostle concerned so much in forewarning the Church by a Spirit of Prophesie of what had also been expresly foretold by the Spirit of God If it was expresly foretold it must be written some where or other and take the Apostles own exposition 1 Tim. 4. 1 2 3. Why may we not rather reckon this to be the abomination to astonishment foretold by Daniel and this came in in the 383. year when Syricius was Bishop of Rome and continued 15 years in his time Marriage was forbidden to the Priests and in the 425. year Caelestinus was Bishop of Rome and continued eight years He assumed the temporal power as 2 Tim. 3. 1 2 4 5. and why we may not head these numbers here I would be glad to understand In the last of which I conceive Antichrist did make his first visible appearance in the World so that add the 1260 to 425 it makes 1685 and you bring it to the end of 2300 days within forty five years or a year or two which time I conceive is alloted to pour out the Vials and to accomplish the great revolutions in that shall come upon the Earth in order to the possessing of the Kingdom that shall be given to the Saints of the most high Dan. 7. 26 27 28. There is time expressed by time times and dividing of time three times in Scripture as Dan. 7. 25. 12. 7. Rev. 12. 14. I find time thus expressed but in one place more and that is Dan. 4. 23. where it's certainly taken for years and by what rule we will construe it otherwise in other places I see not And that in Dan. 12. 11. seems plainly to relate to a special time of the Enemies accomplishing
to scatter the power of the Holy People then all shall be finished i e. the sufferings of the Church or deliverance shall thence begin and bear date from the end of this three years and ½ In Dan. 7. 25. He tells who shall act this last part compared with Rev. 11. and in Rev. 12. 14. how God even in that time will provide for his Church when the Devil pours out his last wrath upon her knowing his time is short and what time this should be except the three years and ½ of the Witnesses lying dead I cannot see the time when Babylon shall say in her Heart she sits a Queen shall see no sorrow Widdow-hood or loss of Children any more having accomplished what she had been 1260. days labouring 1260 425 1685. at the slaughter and death of the Witnesses whom she hath now dead at her feet Therefore they make merry send gifts to one another not knowing how near utter destruction is at her door she being like Pharaoh of old but a noise and past her time For I conceive the Witnesses cannot be said to Prophesy when dead therefore this time follows immediatly upon the end of the 1260 days of their Prophecies which ending in 1685 according to the preceding computation at which time Popery came to be inthron'd in this Nation accomplished the slaughter and death of the Witnesses the time of whose lying dead which was to be three years and an half being added to 1685 amounts to 1688 and an half which was the very time of Gods lifting up his hand by his present Providence to save these distressed Nations FINIS A Catalogue of Books Printed for Nath-Crouch at the Bell in the Poultrey near Cheapside History 1. ENgland's Monarchs Or A Relation of the most remarkable Transactions from Julius Caesar adorned with Poems and the Picture of every Monarch from K. Will. the Conqueror to this time With a List of the Nobility and the number of the Lords and Commons in both Houses of Parliament and other useful particulars Price one shilling 2. THe History of the House of Orange Or a Relation of the Magnanimous Atchivements of his Majesties Renowned Predecessors likewise o● his own Heroick Actions till the Late Glorious Revolution Together with the History of K. William and Q. Mary Being an Account of the most remarkable passages to this time By R. B. Price one shilling 3. THe History of the two late Kings Charles II. and James II. and of the most observable Passages during their Reigns and the secret French and Popish Intrigues in those Times Pr. 1s 4. THe History of Oliver Cromwel L. Pro●ector being an Impartial Account of all the ●attles Seiges Military Achievements wherein he wa● ingaged in England Scotland and Ireland and of his Civil Administration when he was in Supream Dignity till his Death With a Character of his Humour Temper and Inclinations Relating matters of Fact without Passion or Partiality Adorned with Pictures of some remarkable Passages By R. B. The third Edition very much Inlarged and Altered price 1s 5. THe Wars in England Scotland and Ireland containing an Account of all the Battels S●eges and other remarkable Transactions from the beginning of the Reign of K. Charles I. 1625. to 1660 The Tryal of ● Charles I. at large and his last Speech with Pictures of several Accidents Pr. 1. shilling 6. HIstorical Remarks and Observations of the Antient and present State of London Westminster shewing the Foundation Walls Gates Bridges Churches Rivers Wards Halls Hospitals Schools Inns of Court Charters and Priviledges thereof with the most remarkable Accidents as to Wars Fires Plagnes c. for above 900 years past Pr. One Shilling 7. ADmirable Curiosities Rarities and Wonders in England Scotland and Ireland or an account of many remarkable Persons and Places of the Battles Sieges Earthquakes Tempests Inundations Fires Thunders Murders other Occurrences for many hundred years past with the natural and artificial Rarities in every County several Pictures p. 1● 8. THE History of the Kingdom of Scotland containing an Account of all the Wars Battels other remarkable Transactions Revolutions State Intrigues in that Nation during the Reigns of 72. Kings Queens to the reign of King William II. Intermixt with variety of strange Accidents Prodigious Appearances and other considerable Events And a List of the present Nobility of that Kingdom Illustrated with Pictures Pr. One Shilling 9. THE History of the Kingdom of Ireland being an Account of all the Battles Seiges other memorable Passages during the late Wars there till the entire Reduction thereof by the victorious Arms of K. Will. III. To which is prefixed a relation of the Ancient Inhabitants the first Conquest of that Nation by K. Henry II. The horrid Rebellion in 1641. the Popish and Arbitrary designs in the last Reigns Pr. 1s 10 THE History of the Principality of Wales in three parts Containing 1. A brief account of the antient Kings and Princes of Britain and Wales till the final extinguishing of the Royall British Line 2. Remarks upon the Lives of all the Princes of Wales of the Royal Families of England from K. Edward I to this time particularly of Edward the Black Prince of Wales who with 30000 English defeated an Army of 100000 French at Cressy at Poictiers with 10000 beat 80000 and took John the French King Prisoner Also of Hen. of Monmouth afterward K. Henry V. who with 13000 routed 90000 French whose Son Henry VI. was crowned K. of France at Paris 3. Remarkable Observations on the most memorable Persons and Places in Wales and of divers considerable Passages for many hundred years past VVith the birth and strange actions of Merlin the famous Welsh Prophet And the Natural and Artificial Rarities in every County of that Principality price one shilling 11. THe Unfortunate Co●rt Favourites of England Exemplified in some Remarks upon the Live● Actions and Fatal Fall of divers Great Men who have been Favourites to several English Kings and Queens Namely I. Peirce Gaveston Favourite to K. Ed. 2. II III. Hugh Spencer the Father and Son both Favourito● to K. Kd. ● IV. Rog. Mortimer Favourite to Q Isabe● Mother to K. Ed. 3. with their private Amour● c. V. H. Stafford Favourite to Crook backe Richard with that King 's secret Intrigues for usurping the Crown murdering his Nephews Likewise the Character of Jane Shore by Sir Tho. More who saw her VI. Cardinal Woolsey VII Tho. L. Cromwell both Favourites to K. Henry 8. VIII E. of Essex Favourite to Q. Elizabeth IX D. of Bucks Favourite to K. James I. K. Charles I. X. E. of Strafford Favourite to K. Charles I. With all their Pictures Price one shilling 12. THe English Empire in America or a prospect of his Majesties Dominions in the West-Indies namely New-found-land New-England New-York New-Jersey Pensylvania Mary-land Virginia Carolina Bermudas Berbuda Anguilla Monsetrat Dominica St. Vincent Antego Mevis or