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A17981 A thankfull remembrance of Gods mercy In an historicall collection of the great and mercifull deliverances of the Church and state of England, since the Gospell began here to flourish, from the beginning of Queene Elizabeth. Collected by Geo: Carleton, Doctor of Divinitie, and Bishop of Chichester. Carleton, George, 1559-1628.; Passe, Willem van de, 1598-ca. 1637, engraver. 1624 (1624) STC 4640; ESTC S107513 118,127 246

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Their answer was that of them some were sent from the most holy Father the Pope of Rome some from the Catholike King of Spaine to whom the Pope had given Ireland for as much as Queene Elizabeth had lost her right in Ireland by reason of heresie And therefore that which they had taken they would hold and get more if they could When the Lord Deputy and Winter had consulted of the maner of the siege they brought some Culverings out of the Shippes in the darke of the night and digging through the banke they drew them the nearest way placed them The souldiers also mounted their great O●dnāce against the wall and did beat vpon the Fort continually foure dayes together The Spanyard once or twice made Sallyes out but still to their losse Of the English none was killed saving onely Iohn Cheke a goodly yong man and val●ant the sonne of that learned Knight Sir Iohn Ch●ke San-Iosephus who was governour within the Fort a weake man and terrified with the daily shot began quickly to thinke of yeelding And when as Hercules Pisanus and other Captaines disswaded him earnestly from that as a thing vnworthy of military men vrging that all should prepare for a defence least by their negligence they might withdraw the courage of the Irish which were comming to helpe them But he being a man of singular cowardise assayed the mindes of the souldiers and wrought so that the souldiers sedi●●ously offred force to the other Captaines that at last they consented to yeeld Wherevpon the fift day when they saw no hope of helpe neither from Spaine nor Desmond they put out a white flagge and demaunded parley Which thing was denied them because they had ioyned themselues with the rebells with whom it was not lawfull to haue any parley Then they demanded that with bag baggage they might depart but neither was this granted Then they intreat●d that this favour might be granted at least to the governour and some few besides but that though they much besought it could not be granted But the Lord Deputy inveighing against the Pope commanded that without any condition they should simply yeeld themselues And when they could obtaine no more they put out their white flagge againe and cryed misericordia misericordia And so submitted themselues simply to the Lord Deputy his mercy Who presently fell into consultatiō what were best to do The adversaries were in number as many as the English and danger was feared of the Irish rebells who were moe then 1500 at hand The English wanted vittails and apparell so that they were ready to make a tumult v●lesse they might be relieued by the spoiles of the enemies out of the fort and shippes were wanting to carry away the enemies At last they came to this conclusion the Lord Deputy being much vnwilling weeping that the Captaines should be preserued the rest should all be slaine promiscuously in terror of others that might attempt so hereafter The Irish should be hanged which was presently executed The Queene was not pleased at the maner of this execution and wished it had beene vndone hating crueltie though necessary against such as haue once yeelded and was hardly after drawne to admit any excuse of the slaughter committed This was done An 1580. Some three yeares after the Earle of Desmond of a noble house but of a barbarous nature who barbarously had sworne that He would rather forsake God then forsake his men wandring from place to place was at last found of a commō souldier in a poore cottage The Earle was in a poore estate vnknowne till the souldier had almost struck off his arme Then he descryed himselfe and was killed Nicholas Sanders that had drawne the Earle into this rebellion was at the same time spent with famine and forsaken of all succour and being impatiently grieued at the evill successe of this rebellion proceeding so much against his desires seeing neither the Popes blessing nor the consecrated Banner nor the authoritie by the Pope committed to him could do him any helpe he lost himselfe and ran starke mad wandring vp and downe in the mountaines and woods and finding no comfort died miserably When he was dead there were found in his scrip some Orations and Epistles written to confirme the rebells filled with great promises of the Pope and Spanyard Thus Gods justice met with a restles and wretched man and that foule mouth was stopped vp with famine that was ever open to stirre vp rebellions against the State that had vttered so many blasphemies against God and his holy truth and inuented so many strange lyes against men This man first of all men devised a notorious lye against the birth of the Queenes mother which none of her enemies ever heard or knew she being in the hatred of so many Papists that would not haue spared to haue spoken evill yet was it never heard or knowne for forty yeares after And the accompt of the time doth proue it false himselfe like a forgetfull lyer doth plainly refute himselfe This Pageant of the Pope and his Legat Sanders we may not let passe without some observations Seeing there is no way to exsatiate their crueltie we pray that it may please God to remoue their coec●●ie and obduration if it be his good pleasure that they may once truely see themselues and their vngracious actions whereof the sight is now taken from them by reason of their blindnesse For we hold this to proceed rather from their blindnesse then from a wilfull and obstinate striuing against the knowne truth but this we warne them to labour to know the truth and to set their hearts to seeke it least they be wrapped farther and farther into that great iudgement wherein as yet they are vnder his power which worketh with all power and signes and lying wonders in all deceivablenesse of vnrighteousnesse among them that perish because they receiue not the loue of the truth that they might be saued And therfore God shall send them strong illusions that they should beleeue lyes that all they might be damned which beleeved not the truth but had pleasure in vnrighteousnesse Two things are here conteined in these words which iump with these Priests and Seminaries which the Pope sendeth forth the doctrine which they teach and the actions which they practise Their doctrines which they teach are lyes the Apostle warned vs they should beleeue lyes this is a iust judgement vpon such as loue not the truth Their vsuall practise is vnrighteousnesse What greater lyes can be invented then to say that Whatsoever the Pope will allow for a tradition of his Church that is the Word of God A lye with a witnes and withall a blasphemy against the most High What greater vnright●ousnesse then to giue away other mens possessions to strangers that haue no right to them to aispossesse Kings to giue Kingdomes which is none of yours to giue to kill to murther to massacre to aoe any act of
Savage a barbarous fellow vpon the instigation o● Rhemish Priests voweth to kill Queene Elizabeth Babingtons treasonable practise to take away the Queenes life vpon a motion from Ballard the Priest defeated and he with his Complices deservedly punished CHAP. X. The French Ambassadours plot with Stafford to take away the life of the Queene detected by Stafford himselfe The end of Yorke and Stanl●y traytors to their Count●●y CHAP. XI The Spanish preparations for the Invincible Navie The Duke of Parma treateth of a peace Delegates sent over about it The conference of the Delegates broke off without fruit CHAP. XII The Invincible Armie described At the first setting out shaken sore with a tempest The gests of each day related particularly and punctually The trusted in their strength we in the name of our God They are fallen and we stand vpright CHAP. XIII Trouble from Ireland by Tyrone lurking in Spaine His many dissembling submissions to the Queene of England A treatie of peace concluded CHAP. XIV Vpon the comming of the Earle of Essex into England from Ireland Tyrone contrary to his promise stirreth and rebelleth afresh and is incouraged by the Pope and ayded by ●he King of Spaine These forces are vanquished by the Lord Deputie Herevpon Don Iohn de Aq●ila a Spanish Captaine who was sent to ay●●e the rebells and kept Kinsale capitulates for peace Tyrone forsaken of his followers submits himselfe to the Lord Deputie and is pardoned Plotting a new rebellion when he was called by Processe to answer a suit of the B. of Derry thinking the treason to be discovered by O cane who inforced the Bishop in his suit sted out of Ireland In ●hese troubles and treasons see the Machinations of Satans seed against the seed of the Woman that is the Church and the miraculous deliverances and victories of the Church according to that The Womans seed shall breake the serpents head spoken of Christ appliable to the Church and particularly to our Church of England which that B●laam of Rome seeks now by all meanes to draw from God because he knowes he cannot prevaile against vs till we for sake God CHAP. XV. A great mischiefe intended to the Kings Maiestie at his first entrance into the Kingdome of England before his Coronation Watson and Clark Priests administring oaths of secresie and applauding the proiect It came to nothing by Gods mercie The Kings Maiesties clemency towards the Conspiratours after iudgement pa●t vpon them No treason in England attempted but had a Romish Priest in the practise CHAP. XVI A horrible treason was a hatching and breeding in the last yeare of Queene Elizabeth By Garnetts meanes and others the King of Spaine is delt withall for an invasion he entertaines the motion but vpon the entrance of King Iames did not proceed to any forcible enterprise The Gun-powder treason takes ground and life from the doctri●e of Parsons and the Iesuites It was first propounded by Catesby to Winter The oath of secres●e taken by the Conspiratours Provision of Powder and Wood for the mine Their consultation what to doe after the blow was given The letter sent to the Lord Mounteagle scanned by the Earle of Salisbury and other Pr●vy Councellers but truely interpreted by the King in whose mouth there was a divine sentence at that time so that he did not erre in iudgement The Examination of Fawks The apprehension and confusion of the Powder-traytors God from heaven both by his Word and protection hath manifestly showne our Church to be the true Church and the Popish Church to be the malignant Church and degenerate from the auncient Romane Church both in manners and doctrines Coronis The Conclusion containes diverse Considerations proposed to such as are not well affected to Religion A THANKFVLL REMEMBRANCE OF GODS MERCY CHAPTER I. HAving a purpose to obserue Gods great and merciful deliuerāces of the Church of England and Gods holy protectiō of the same against the manifolde most dangerous most desperate practises of the adversaries that haue with strange malice and crueltie sought the destruction thereof and intending to fetch the beginning of this search from the beginning of the Raigne of Queene ELIZABETH of blessed memory I knew no better way how to enter into this Narration then to begin with the consideration of the State of Queene ELIZABETH at her first entrance for therein will appeare a wonderfull Worke of God and my intention is to obserue the great Workes of God that God may be glorified When this famous Queene first entred shee found the State much afflicted and weakned All the great States about her were enemies Friends none King Philip who offred his loue and kindnesse to her and would haue married her offering to obteine the Popes dispensation for him to marry two Sisters as the like dispensation was obteined by Ferdinand his great Grand-father for h●s daughter Katharine to marry two Brothers he offering this kindnesse and being refused and reiected grew first into dislike and discontent afterwardes into hatred and at last brake out into open Warres The French King Henry the 2. with whom she sought peace fell off also into open Warres His sonne Francis having married Mary Queene of Scotland was moved by the Guysians to cause the Armes of England to be ioyned to the Armes of Scotland to professe the Queene of Scots the heire of England and because Elizabeth was accounted by them an Heretike therefore they sought to put her by to set the Queene of Scots in her place so should the French King haue England also For the effecting of this they sent their Armies into Scotland purposing f●om thence to haue subdued England In so much that Sebastianus Martignius a young Noble man of the family of Luxenburg who was sent into Scotland with a thousand ●oote and some Companies of horse could hardly be disswaded from entring England presently So that Spaine France and Scotland were enemies The State was then much troubled and oppressed with great debt contracted partly by Henry 8. partly by Edward 6. in his minoritie The treasure was exhausted Calis was lost Nothing seemed to be left to her but a weake and poore State destitute of meanes and friends If shee would haue admitted the Popish Religion then might all these difficulties haue beene removed But establishing the Gospell shee vnderstood well that shee drew all these troubles vpon her owne head Yet she gaue the glory to God and in hope of Gods holy protection she established Gods holy truth And verily she did not serue God in vaine For it is a thing to be wondred at that the Land being then without strength without Forces without Souldiers yea without Armour all things necessary should be so suddenly furnished She had provided Armour at Antwerpe but King Philip caused that to be stayed Yet was she not discouraged but layd out much money vpon Armour though she found the Treasury but poore She procured Armour and weapons out of Germany She caused many great
Castles by sleight and trechery and wrote to Spaine that the best course is to take Zealand before the more inner Provinces And being prone to beleeue that which he desired he wrote that England might be had with greater ease then Zealand and he laboured by Escouedus to perswade the Spanish King But the Queene seeing all tend to warre in the Netherlands entred a league with the States for mutuall helpe and sent Thomas Wilkes into Spaine to complaine of the headdy courses of the Duke of Austria And in the meane time prepared for warre But behold when Don Iohn was in the height of his pride and ambition in the flower of his age in the middest of busines and preparations he died on a suddain as some thought of the Plague Some thought that vpon griefe that he was not so respected of the King his brother he ended his foolish ambition with his life afterthat he had embraced in his ambitious desire the Kingdome of Tunis wherevpon Guleta was lost in Africa and after that the Kingdome of England and had confirmed a league with the Guysians without the knowledge of the French and Spanish Kings for defence of both Crownes Thus was the enemy disappointed the Queene the Land the Church preserved And haue we not cause to remember these Workes of God and to giue God the glory of his own worke that is of delivering his Church England was as a Stage wherevpon diverse entred to play their parts one after another The part that they played was alwayes treason some was kept farther off by Gods providence to doe lesse harme some brought the danger nearer home But GOD taking the protection of his Church in England none prevailed And could any other power but the power and protection of God preserue a Land from so many so deadly dangers Let all mouthes be stopped and let this continuall course of deliverance be acknowledged the worke of God CHAPTER IIII. THE next man that came vpon this Stage was Thomas Stucley but the malice that he and the Pope by his employment intended against England was turned cleane another way by GODS providence Thomas Stucley an English-man borne when he had spent his estate in ryot prodigality and base meanes went into Ireland An 1570. And gaping for the Stewardship of Wexford and missing the same began to vtter contumel●ous words against the best deserving Prince but he was contemned as one that could doe no hurt From Ireland he went into Italy to Pius V. Pope It is a thing incredible what favour he got with the old Pope that breathed nothing but the destruction of Elizabeth Stucley with magnificent ostentation as he was a man singular in ostentation made the Pope beleeue that with three thousand Italians he would driue the English out of Ireland and b●rne the Queenes Navy And indeed these things he most wickedly attempted afterward but to his owne destruction Pius V. having procured all the troubles that possibly he could against Queene Elizabeth seemed to die for spite that he could not hurt her After him suceeded Gregory 13. This Pope had secret consultations with the King of Spaine for the invading of Ireland and England both together Meaning vnder the maske of Religion to serue their owne ambitious endes The Popes end was to make his sonne Iames Boncampagno whom he had lately made Marquesse of Vineola now King of Ireland The Spanyardes end was secretly to helpe the Rebells of Ireland as Elizabeth did the Dutch and in faire words intertaine a shew of friendship on both sides The King of Spaine had a farther reach even to get the Kingdome of England by the Popes authoritie that from thence he might with ●●ore ease tam● the Dutch that were confederate against him This he found hard for him to doe vnlesse he were Lord of the Seas which he saw he could not be vnlesse he had England And there was no doubt but as he owed the Kingdomes of Naples Sicily Navarre to the beneficence of the Pope so with all his heart he would haue held England by the like fauour They knowing that the greatest strength of England stood in the navy of the Queenes shippes and Merchants shippes which were also built and framed for the vse of warre thought that the best way to lessen the Navi● was to set on the Merchants of Italy and Netherlands to hire many of the Merchants shippes seeking diverse seuerall pretenses and hauing hired them to send them vnto the farthest Navigations that whilst these are absent the Queenes Navy might be overthrowne with a greater Navy And then at the same instant Thomas Stucley the English fugitiue might ioyne his forces with the rebels of Ireland Stucley a bare-worne deceiver did no lesse cousin this next succeeding Pope then he had done his predecessor with admirable bragges He promised the Kingdome of Ireland to the Popes bastard sonne and got such favour with the old ambitious Pope that he honored him with the titles of Marquesse of Lagen Earle of Wexford and Caterloghe Vicount of Morough and Baron of Ross. These be famous places in Ireland And made him generall of DCCC Italian Souldiers the King of Spaine paying their stipends and so sent him into the Irish warre Stucley came with these to Portingale to the mouth of Tagus purposing to subdue Ireland But the purpose of God was otherwise And that which the Pope and Spanyard had with such deliberation proiected was by the councell of God dissipated and brought to nothing For Seba●tian King of Portugall to whom the chiefe conduct of the forces against England was committed for this Prince puffed vp with a heat of youth and ambition had long before offred all his power to the Pope to be imployed against Mahumetanes and Prote●tants was then intised and drawne by many great promises of Mahomet sonne of Abdalla King of ●ess vnto the African warre Sebastian being thus drawne from the English Warres another way dealt with Stucley that first of all he would carry his Italian souldiers into Mauritania Stucley finding the Spanish King not against this proiect for the Spanyard disdeined that the Popes Bastard should be King of Ireland went with Sebastian into Mauritania and was killed in that memorable battell wherein three Kings Sebastian Mahomet and Abdall-Melech were all slaine And so Stucley had too honorable an end of a dishonorable life By the death of Sebastian the Spanyard was cleane drawn away from thinking of the English invasion for a time and set all his forces vpon the invasion of Portugall If this occasion had not drawne away the Spanyard a great tempest of Warre should haue fallen vpon England if any credit may be given to the English fugitiues for they declared that those hug Armies which the Spanyard had provided against England out of Italy were now all to be imployed vpon the subduing of Portuga●l neither would he be by any meanes pe●swaded then to thinke of the English invasion albeit the
IX AT that time was Henry Percy Earle of Northumberland in the Tower suspected to be of councell with Throgmorton and the Lord Paget and the Guises to invade England and to free the Scots Queene He was found dead in his bed shot with three Bullets vnder his left pap the chamber doore bolted on the inside The Crowners enquest found a dagge and gun powder in the chamber and examining the man that bought the dagge and him that sold it they found that the Earle had beene the cause of his owne death Three dayes after the Lords met in the Starre-chamber The Lord Chancelour Broumley briefly declared that the Earle had entred into treasonable councels against his Prince and Countrey which now when he perceived that they were come to light troubled in conscience for the thing hath offred force to himselfe And to satisfie the multitude then present he willed the Queenes Atturney generall and the rest of the Queenes Councell plainly to open the causes why he was kept in prison and the manner of his death Wherevpon Popham then Atturney beginning from the rebellion of the North sixteene yeares before he declared that for this rebellion and for a purpose to deliver the Scots Queene that he was called into question acknowledged his fault submitted himselfe to the Queenes mercy was fined fiue thousand markes That the Queene of her clemencie tooke not of that fine so much as a farthing and after his brothers death confirmed him in the honor of the Earledome Notwithstanding all this he had entred into pernicious counsel to deliver the Scots Queene to overthrow the English Queene with the State and Religion that Mendoza the Spaniard had told Throgmorton that Charles Paget vnder the name of Mope had secretly dealt with him in Sussex of these things that the Lord Paget had signified the same to Throgmorton as appeared from Creighton the Scots Iesuites papers And that Charles Paget had shewed the same things to William Shelley when he returned out of France After that Egerton the Queenes Sollicitour inferred the same from circumstances and a care of concealing the matter That when as there was none in England that could accuse the Earle of this crime except the Lord Paget with whom Throgmorton had familiaritie he had provided a shippe for the Lord Paget by Shelley a few dayes after Throgmorton was apprehended So was the Lord Paget sent away into France And when Throgmorton began to confesse some things the Earle departed from London to Petworth and sending for Shelley told him that he was in danger of his life and fortunes he intreated him to keepe counsell and to put away those that knew of the departure of the Lord Paget and of the comming of Charles Paget Which was presently done and himselfe sent far off that servant which he vsed to send to Charles Paget The Sollicitour addeth that when he was in prison he dealt often with Shelley the keepers being corrupted to vnderstand what those things were which he had confessed But when by a poore woman secretly sent betweene them Shelley had signified that he could keepe counsell no longer that there was great differēce between their two conditions that he must come vnder the racke which the Earle in respect of his place and order was freed from and had written to him what he had confessed The Earle therevpon sighed and said as Pantin his Chamberlain hath confessed that Shelley his confession had vndone him After the manner of his death was declared by the testimony of the Enquest and by Pantins testimony Many good men were very sorrowfull that a man of such nobility wisdome and valour was so lost My purpose is in this Narration to obserue the great and manifold deliverances of this Church When I am drawne by the course of the History to open these practises in which noblemen haue beene misled this I confesse I relate with great commiseration for seeing that Noble houses are the honor of the King the ornament of the Kingdome there is no man that loueth the honor of his owne Country that can write or speake of the fall of such men but with griefe and sorrow Of such I will make no other observations but onely the testification of mine owne sorrow But yet here I must obserue one thing for the good and instruction of their posteritie or the like that they may take heed of these pernicious instruments Priests Iesuites and those that are infected yea and poysoned with the infection of them These gracelesse merchants haue vtterly vndone many noble persons which without their restlesse suggestions and councels might and doubtlesse would haue bin great ornaments of their Countries both in peace and warres Was there ever any noble house in these times ruinated without the practise of these wicked miscreants Let all the bloud that hath bin shed in this Land in the Northern rebellion at other times be laid vpon these wicked instruments of bloud And let the world consider the outragious wickednesse of this generation that having in formertimes sucked the bloud of the Saints as greedy instruments of the great Whore that is drunke with the bloud of the Saints now by a iust but strange iudgement of God they are fallen into such practises as shed their owne bloud and the bloud of such as are misled by them God is to be reverenced in all his iudgements and let not men striue against God to maintaine a cause which God will overthrow with all the maintainers thereof And it is not much to be marveiled if these cunning stirrers haue deceiued some of our Nobles for we see that they haue cousened great Kings and Princes For soone after this in the yeare 1586. these pernicious medlers these Iesuites shewed themselues in other colours for when these bloudy instruments that had so long laboured the ruine of England were out of hope to restore the Romish Religion to England either by the Scots Queene which was now more strictly kept or by the King then of Scotland who had plainly professed and established the Gospell in his Kingdome they fell now to a new and a strange practise which might make the world to wonder they began out of their false and lying forgeries to set a foot an imaginary title of the King of Spaine to the right and succession of the English Crowne To this purpose as Pasquirus discovered they sent into England one Shamiers if it be not a counterfeit name a lesuit which might draw the discontented Nobles vnto the Spanish side throw the Scots Queene headlong into dangers and despayre signifying to her that if she should be trouble some to hinder their designes that neither she nor her sonne should raigne here And stirred vp new troubles in France to withdraw her cousens the Guises from hindering their devises by wrapping them in new garboiles against the King of Navarre and the Prince of Condy. In which the King of Spaine had a hand to set France in
after one day or two he sent Rhodericus Telius into Flanders to admonish the Duke of Parma giving him notice that the fleet was approching that he might be ready For Medina his commission was to ioyne himselfe with the Shippes and Souldiers of Parma and vnder the protection of his Fleet to bring them into England and to land his land forces vpon Thames side Now as the relator of this story hath taken paines to declare what was done each day I will follow him herein The 16 day there was a great calme and a thick cloud was vpon the sea till noon then the North winde blowing roughly again the Westwinde till midnight and after that the East the Spanish Navy was scattered and hardly gathered together vntill they came within the sight of England the 19 day of Iuly Vpon which day the Lord Admirall was certified by Flemming who had beene a Pyrat that the Spanish Fleet was entred into the English sea which the Mariners call the Channell And was descried neare to the Lizard The Lord Admirall brought forth the English Fleet into the Sea but not without great difficultie by the skill labour and alacritie of the souldiers and mariners every one labouring yea the Lord Admirall himselfe had his hand at the worke The next day the English fleet viewed the Spanish fleet comming along with Towers like Castles in height her front crooked like the fashion of the Moone the hornes of the front were extended one from the other about seaven miles asunder sailing with the labour of the windes the Ocean as it were groaning vnder it their saile was but slow and yet at full saile before the winde The English gaue them leaue to hold on their course and when they were passed by came behinde them and got the helpe of the winde The 21. of Iuly the Lord Admirall of England sent a Pinnace before called the Defiance to denounce the Battell by shooting off some peeces And being himselfe in the Arch-royall the English Praetorian Shippe or Admirall he set vpon a shippe which he tooke to be the Spanish Admirall but it was the shippe of Alfonsus Leua Vpon that he bestowed much shot Presently Drake Hawkins Forbisher came in vpon the Spanish hindmost shippes which Recaldus governed Vpon these they thundred Recaldus laboured what he could to stay his men who fled to their navy vntill his shippe beaten and pearced with many shot did hardly recover the Fleet. At which time the Duke Medina gathered together his dissipated Fleet and setting vp more saile they held their course Indeede they could doe no other for the English had gotten the advantage of winde and their shippes were much more nimble and ready with incredible celeritie to come vpon the enemie with a full course and then to turne and returne and be on every side at their pleasure When they had fought two houres and taken some triall of their owne courage and of the Spanyards The Lord Admirall thought good not to continue the fight any longer then seeing that fortie ships were absent which were scarce drawne out of Plimmouth haven The night following S. Catharin a Spanish shippe being sore torne with the fight was received into the midst of the Navie to be mended Here a great Cantabrian shippe of Oquenda wherein was the treasurer of the Campe by force of Gunne-powder that had taken fire was set on fire yet was the fire quenched in time by the Shippes that came to helpe her Of these that came to helpe the fired shippe one was a Galeon in which was Petrus Waldez the foremast of the Galeon was caught in the tackling of another shippe and broken This was taken by Drake who sent Waldez to Dertmouth the money fiftie-fiue thousand D●cats he distributed among his souldiers That night he was appointed to set forth light but neglected it and some German Merchants ships comming by that night he thinking them to be enemies followed them so farre that the English navy rested all night when they could see no light set forth Neither did he nor the rest of the navy finde the Admirall vntill the next day at even The Admirall all the night preceding with the Beare and Mary Rose did follow the Spanyardes with watchfulnesse The Duke was busied in ordering his Navy ●lfonsus Leua was commanded to ioyne the first and last companies Every Ship had his station assigned according to that prescribed forme which was appointed in Spaine it was present death to forsake his station This done he sent Gliclius an Anceant to Parma which might declare to him in what case they w●re and left that Cantabrian ship of Oquenda to the winde and sea having taken out the money and mariners and put them in other shippes Yet it seemeth that he had not care of all for that shippe the same day with fifty mariners and souldiers lamed and hal●e burnt fell into the hands of the English and was carried to Weimuth The 23. of the same moneth the Spanyards having a favourable North winde turned sailes vpon the English the English being much readier in the vse of their ships fett about a compasse for the winde and having gotten advantage of the winde they came to the fight on both sides They fought a while confusedly with variable fortune whilst on the one side the English with great courage delivered the London ships which were inclosed about by the Spanyards on the other side the Spanyards by valour freed Recaldus from the extreame danger he was in there was not greater effulminations by beating of ordnances at any time then was this day Yet the losse fell vpon the Spanish side because their shippes were so high that the shot went over the English shippes but the English having a faire marke at their great shippes shot never in vaine Onely Cock and English man b●ing caught in the midst of the Spanish shippes could not be recovered he perished but with great honor revenged himself Thus a long time the English shippes with great agilitie were somtimes vpon the Spanyardes giving them the one side and then the other and presently were off againe and tooke the sea to make themselues ready to come in againe Whereas the Spanish heavie shippes were troubled and hindred and stood to be markes for the English bullets For all that the Admirall would not admit the English to come to grapple and to boord their shippes because they had a full armie in their shippes which he had not their shippes were many in number and greater and higher that if they had come to grapple as some would haue had it the English that were much lower then the Spanish shippes must needes haue had the worse of them that fought from the higher shippes And if the English had beene overcome the losse would haue beene greater then the victory could haue beene for ours being overcome would haue put the kingdome in hazard The 24 day they rested from fight on both sides The Admirall sent
Gunnes to be cast of Brasse and Iron And Gods providence and favour appeared in her protectio● For new Mines of Brasse were found at Keswike that had long beene neglected From Whence there was not onely sufficient matter to supply her wants but abundance thereof to be transported to other Countries The stone called Lapis Calaminaris whose vse is needfull for working in Brasse was also at the same time first found in England There was provision made at home also for the making of Gunne-powder Which was done first here by her Commandement For before it was bought and imported Berwick before her time was weake and had but fiue hundred Souldiers She fortified the Towne made the new inner Wall and increased the number of Souldiers and their stipends that provision might be made for the training vp of experienced Souldiers and martiall men She provided a Navie the best furnished that euer England sawe Neither needed she to doe as her Father and Ancestours were wont to doe when they wanted Shippes to send for Shippes and hire them from Hamburg Lubeck Dantisk Genua and Veni●e for she had them ready at home to serue her Yea all the good Townes vpon the Sea-coast beholding this incredible alacritie and forwardnes in their Prince strived also to imitate the same and therefore with great chearfulnesse and readinesse built Shippes for Warre So that in a short time the Queenes Shippes and those of the Subiects ioyned together rose to such a number that they were able to imploy twentie thousand men in Sea-fight at once The Noble-men the Gentlemen and Yeomen did all striue to answer so noble a resolution of their Prince And therefore great store of Armour and Weapons were every where provided And braue spirits were bred and inabled to service whereby they became an helpe and ornament to their Countrey So that Queene Elizabeth was quickly growne so strong that all her adversaries were not able to hurt her And was not this a great worke of God That so weake a Woman should be able to defend her selfe against so many so potent enemies Yea and not onely to match them but to master them This was Gods doing Behold what it is to trust in God and not in an arme of Flesh. God will haue his great Workes to be had in remembrance that all men especially Princes may be taught to know that their safetie is not in worldly policie but in God which never forsaketh them that trust in him Here then we haue a Worke for which we are bound to glorifie God Elizabeth a Prince at the beginning weake destitute of friends vnfurnished of treasure vnprepared of all things had in no other accompt of her great neighbours round about her but as one left as a prey to the strongest that would inuade her and her kingdome yet preparing her heart to God giuing God the glory establishing his truth in her Land trusting in him She was in a few yeares made strong against her enemies they feared her more then she feared them This is an example can hardly be paralleled It was a worke o● God in defence of his Church here and we yeeld all glory and prayse vnto God for his mercies shewed herein From this example Princes may take a worthy instruction to rest vpon God and to seeke his glory and know assuredly that when they are at the weakest state if they giue their hearts to God and their service to his true Religion God will raise them to greatnes who hath promised to honor them that honor him and threatned that they that dishonor him shall be despised Before I leaue this example of Gods protectiō of this noble Queene in her first entrance Let this be remembred that as all the great Princes adioyning with the Pope and all were her great enemies so there were no friends able to helpe her for they that were friends and would haue helped if they could stood all need of her help The Scots were sore troubled with the French Armies procured by the Guysians but shee helped them and protected the King in his minoritie and freed that State from the tyranny of the French governement The Low-Countries were tyrannised by the Duke D' Alva who changed their governement and inhibited their meetings in councell For to speake somewhat of the ancient governement of that people to stop the common imputations cast vpon them by such as are not well affected to them Their governement was by a generall assembly of the States Their governours were such as were borne within the 17. Provinces no strangers These were anciently the Clergie the Nobility and the Deputies of the Provinces and of good Townes meeting together in their generall Assemblies These so meeting made lawes and orders whereby that State was governed The Deputies were sent to the generall Assemblies by the Suffrages of the people and vpon cause they were recalled by the people and other sent in their roomes This manner of governement some of the Dukes of Burgundy and some others disliked as giving too much power to the people and to little to their Dukes and therefore laboured to change it but could not Charles the fift Emperour would gladly haue changed their governement but when he saw that it could not be done without the commotion of the whole State he left it vndone Philip 2. Anno 1549. Iuly 8. tooke his oath which he made and renued againe Anno●555 ●555 to keepe maintaine and preserue these Countries in their ancient rights priviledges and customes without breaking them or suffering them to be broken in any sort or manner But when the Duke D' Alva was governour there vnder the King he practised the contrary and professed that the King was not to governe them as his ancient inheritance but as vpon a new conquest making what lawes he would and setting what governement best pleased him Whereupon his whole drift and practise was for a newe conquest of all the Provinces and Townes The pretence of religion was sought but it was resolved by the Counsell of Spaine to change the whole governement and to erect a new This appeared aswell by the Dukes open profession as by those designes which he practised vpon the persons of some of the Nobility and vpon the good Townes For when the Earles of Egmont and Horne were apprehended and putto death mistrusting nothing because they knew no cause to mistrust they that did this could not pretend religion because these Earles were of the Popish religion they could not pretend any disloyalty against them for their firme loyalty and their great services to the King made them so confident onely it was thought that these Noble men would neuer yeeld to the change of the government of that State therefore they were cut off The like appeared in the strange surprises and cruelty practised against many Townes which were of the popish religion For divers townes that were firme to the Spaniard in the point of religion and in obedience to the
vrge the Spaniard to helpe the conspiratours and to the end he might the more vehemently stirre him vp he promised if need were himselfe would goe for to helpe them and would ingage all the goods of the Sea Apostolike Chalices Crosses and holy Vestments Declaring that there was no difficultie in it if he would send Chapinus Vitellius with an Army into England from the Low-Countries Which thing the King of Spaine commanded to be done with great alacritie And the Pope provided money in the Netherlands These things were not pleasing to the Duke Dalva both because he enuied Vitellius this glory wherein he rather wished his owne sonne to be imployed and because he feared some hostile invasion out of France and proposed it to be considered whether England being overcome would fall to the Spaniard whether the French would not resist that proiect and whether the Pope were able to bring helpe enough to effect so great a matter Notwithstanding the Spanish King expressely commanded him to set vpon England Ridolf was sent backe with money to the Netherlands But see how God would haue it All the matter was opened to Elizabeth by a stranger without the Kingdome The Duke of Norfolke was apprehended and put to death Which thing the Pope tooke heavily the Spaniard condoled who before the Cardinall of Alexandria the Popes Nephew sayd that never any conspiracy was more advisedly begun nor concealed with more constancy and consent of minds which in all that time was not opened by any of the conspiratours that an Army might easily be sent out of the Low-Countries in the space of 24. houres which might suddenly haue taken the Queene and the Citie of London vnprovided restored Religion and set the Scots Queene in the Throne Especially when as Stukley an English fugitiue had vndertaken at the same time with the helpe of 3000. Spaniards to reduce all Ireland vnto the obedience of the King of Spaine and with one or two shippes to burne all the English Navy Thus farre Catena writeth of these things opening some things that before were not knowne to the English The Booke was Printed at Rome An Dom 1588. by the priviledge of Pope Pius V. This is the Narration of a Papist published at Rome by the authoritie of the Pope It may seeme strange to men that haue any feeling of the feare of God that a Pope should so boldly publish his owne shame to all the world The Pope doth practise treason against States sets his instruments to raise rebellions stirreth vp Princes against Princes one Kingdome against another and when he doth this he will not vnderstand that he is in this doing the instrument and servant of the Devill to disorder the world If any would excuse this as being done against an Heretike that excuse will not serue here for I speake not of excommunicating supposed Heretikes but of raising rebellions against Princes to set the subiects to murther the Prince or to stirre vp one Prince to murther another these things be wicked and vngracious practises but the Papists are growne to such an o●duration in these sinnes that they iudge these no sinnes to murther or secretly to poyson or by any horrible mischiefe to compasse their owne endes The things that are by the Lawes of God of Nature of Nations wicked and abominable against the ordinances which God hath set in the world must forsooth change their nature if the Pope command them nay if any of their superiours command such things their doctrine of blind obedience sets them vpon any mischiefe and so they doe not onely teach for doctrines mens traditions but make doctrines for mens destructions If the Popes presume that they haue such a priviledge that the things which are horrible sinnes in other men are no sinnes in them this were in effect as much as for the Pope to proclaime himselfe the Man of sinne that runneth into all sinfull courses with greedinesse with an open profession of the same For what can any man of sin doe more then to command sinne to warrant sin to commit sin to glory in sin If all this be done by the Pope who can iustly deny him this title of the Man of sinne But blessed be the name of God that alwayes delivered his Church here from such wicked practises and hath brought the mischiefe that these wicked men haue deuised vpon their owne head Now let all vnderstanding men iudge where God is where godlinesse is where Religion and the feare o● God is Whether with them that by bloudy vniust vnlawfull practises seeke their owne endes or with them that are persecuted by this bloudy Nation and in patience suffer all their mischievous and cruell practises committing the matter to God the revenger of bloud and trufting in God reioyce vnder his holy protection being kept in safety by him that commandeth all the world For what power could be able to keepe his Church from being swallowed vp by such cruell adversaries but onely the hand and holy protection of our God Must not we then glorifi● his name that hath done so great things for vs And for our adversaries they haue their power limited and they haue their time limited and set forth vnto them beyond which they cannot passe But the soules of them that rest vnder the Altar whose bloud hath beene shed on euery side by this bloudy generation for the testimony of Christ these cry out with a lowd voyce Vsquequo Domine How long Lord holy and true Doest thou not iudge and revenge our bloud on them that dwell on the earth Yet so blind are these bloud-suckers that they labour still to increase this cry but GOD will giue patience to his Saints and in his time cut off this wicked Nation Be not merciful O Lord to them that sin of malicious wickednesse Thus then this rebellion that was so ●●rongly plotted so secretly carried was by the hand of God disappointed and broken into peices We haue cause to blesse the name of God therefore Praysed be the Lord that hath not given vs as a prey to their teeth Thus can we comfort our selues in God but can our adversaries comfort themselues in their owne mischeifes The issue was the Pope and the Spanyard were disappointed the World wondered how this State was so soone quieted The Earles Northumberland and Westmerland seduced by a Priest that the Pope had sent one Nicolas Morton came to Durham where they had the Masse set vp From thence they marched to Clifford Moore not far from Wetherbie where hearing that the Scots Queene for whose deliverance they tooke armes was carried from T●tbery to Coventry vnder the custodie of the Earles of Shewsbury and Huntingdon and that the Earle of Sussex on the one side had gathered a strong army against them that Sir George Bowes was behind them having fortefied Bernard Castle that the Lord Scroop and the Earle of Cumberland had fortified Carliell gathered an armie there in readines that
deliverance of the Scots Queene but it appeareth that his intention was for himselfe as the Duke Dalva vnderstood it This is evident by that which we haue mentioned out of Catena For Duke Dalva was in some feare that if Queene Elizabeth were overthrowne yet the Kingdome of England might not fall to the Spanyard but to the French So that it was in their intention certainly to be cast vpon the French or Spanyard and here was no reckoning made of the Queene of Scots So that howsoever the pretence was for her deliverance yet there was another thing intended For seeing Queene Elizabeth was excommunicated and deposed if she could once be ouerthrowne then they made no other reckoning but that England would fall to the strongest Now the Spanyard thinking himselfe the stronger sought this prerogatiue for himselfe and therefore he ceased not to raise troubles to the Queene and the rather because he held it a thing impossible for him to recover the Low-Countries vnlesse he had England But because he found it a matter of great difficultie to set vpon England his first enterprise was to set vpon Ireland But when that succeeded not at last with all Forces that might be raised with many yeares preparations he set openly vpon England But these things are to be spoken in order Onely this I premise that we may know from whom all our troubles haue proceeded Many conspiracies brake out one after another vnder pretence of delivering the Queene of Scots To effect this thing Thomas Stanly and Edward his brother the yonger sonnes of the Earle of Darby Thomas Gerard Rolston Hall and other in Dar●yshire conspired But the sonne of R●lston which was Pensioner to the Queene disclosed the conspiracy And they were imprisoned all except Hall who escaped into the 〈◊〉 of Man From whence by the commendation of the Bishop of Ross he was sent to Dumbr●to● Where when afterward the Castle was wonne he was taken and brought to London where he suffred death Before the Duke of Norfolk was beheaded there were that conspired to deliver him out of Prison The Bishop of Ross at this time a dangerous instrument against England and as dangerous against the Scots Queene for whom he laboured gaue desperate counsell to the Duke that with a choice company of Gentlemen he should intercept the Queene of a suddain and ●rouble the Parliament To shew that this was ●as●e he gaue some reasons But the Duke abhorred to heare of that counsell as pernicious and dangerous Sir Henry Percy at that time offred to the Bishop of Ross his helpe to free the Scots Queene so that Grange and Carr of ●ernihurst would receiue her at the borders and his brother the Earle of Northumberland might be delivered out of Scotland But when he was suspected for the inward fa●iliaritie which he had with Burghly and de●er●ed the matter a longer time this counsell came to no effect As did also that of Powell of Samford one of the Gentlem●n Pencio●ari●s and of Owen one that belonged to ●he Earle of Arūdell These two vndertooke the same busines also for the Scots Queenes deliverance but the Bishop of Ross stay'd that because he tooke them for men of a meaner ranke then to be ●it for ●hat busines After the Duke was the second time imprisoned many were for this matter imprisoned also The Earles of Arundell Southampton the Lord Lu●ly the Lord Cobham Thomas his brother Sir Henry Percy Banister Lowther Godier Powell and others were committed who in hope of pardon told that they knew Barnes and Muthers ioyned with Herle in a bloudy practise to deliver the Duke and kill certaine of the Privy Councellers But Herle being the ch●efe in the villany opened the Proiect. When B●rnes was brought before him found Herle to be the accuser he smiling vpon him said Herle thou hast prevented me if thou hadst stayed but one houre longer I should then haue stood in thy place the accuser and thou in my place to be hanged When Iohn Duke of Austria came into government of the Low-Countries he found the States strong The cruelty that the Duke of Dalva and others had vsed was so farre from bringing them into a servile subiection that it rather armed them with resolution to defend their liberties their lawes their religion and their liues Which may admonish great Princes to vse moderation in government for much hath beene lost by crueltie nothing gotten by it but nothing can serue to moderate restlesse spirits such a spirit brought Don Iohn with him into the Low-Countries who beholding the vnlucky ends of them that stroue to deliver the Queene of Scots he notwithstanding sought to worke her deliverance and to marry her and so to enioy both England and Scotland But to hide his purpose the better he made show of a perpetuall Edict for Peace as he called it and for that purpose sent Gastellus to Elizabeth Who throughly vnderstanding the Dukes meaning yet as if she had beene ignorant sent Daniel Rogers to Don Iohn to congratulate for his perpetuall Edict of Peace Albeit she certainly knew that he had resolved to deliver and marry the Scots Queene and in his conceit had devoured the Kingdomes of England and Scotland by the perswasion of the Earle of Westmerland and of other ●ugitiues and by favour and countenance of the Pope and the Guyses And that Don Iohn had a purpose out of hand to surprise the ●le of Man in the ●rish Seas that he might haue a fitter opportunitie to invade England out of Ireland and the North coast of Scotland where the Scots Queene had many at her deuotion and the opposite parts of England as Cumberland Lankyshire Cheshire Northwales had many that as he was informed favoured Popery The truth is Don Iohn of Austria as it was knowne from Peresius Secretary to the King of Spaine being before this carried away with ambition when he was disappointed of the hope which he had of the Kingdome of Tunis practised secretly with the Pope for the ouerthrow of Queene Elizabeth marrying of the Scots Queene and subduing of England That the Pope might excite the King of Spain to warre against England as out of a desire of the publique good Don Iohn before he came out of Spain to goe to the Netherlands did f●rward this motion in Spaine what he could and afterward sending Esconedus out of the Netherlands to Spaine did desire to haue the havens in Bis●ay whence a Navie might invade England But King Philip happily reserving England as a morsell for his owne mouth neglected Don Iohn as a man too ambitious Queene Elizabeth vnderstood not these things vntill the Prince of Orange opened them to her Don Iohn in the meane time prosecuteth the matter of the marriage with secresie And to dissemble the matter sent messengers to Que●ne Elizabeth to hold her with a tale of perpetuall peace but of a sudden brake out into warre and tooke divers Townes and
acknowledge that they who are thus punished ●or their mad tricks may not be accompted Martyrs but yet they will say that these things ought not to belong to the Emperour to punish Iust as the Papists say the punishment of their Clergie belongeth not to the Magistrate I demand then sayth Augustin Whether they thinke that the superior powers ought not to haue care of Religion of punishing false religion The Apostle saith The works of the flesh are manifest which are adaltery fornicatiō vncleannes wantonnes idolatry witch-craft hatred debate emulation wrath contentions seditions heresies envie murthers drunkennesse gluttony and such like What reason can these men render why it should be justice for the Empeperours to punish Idolaters Murtherers and such and not by the same reason to be like justice in them to punish heretiques When as they are accompted in the same fruits of iniquitie Someruill was found strangled in the prison For feare belike that he might haue discovered moe Ardern being condemned was hanged the next day This is the common end that Priests bring such Gentlemen vnto who are willing to heare them and be perswaded by them The next yeare after for seldome did any yeare passe without some treason some English Gentlemen began to practise the deliverance of the Queene of Scots Francis Throgmorton fell first into suspition by certaine Letters intercepted written to the Queene of Scots As soone as he was committed to prison and beganne to confesse something presently Thomas Lord Paget and Charles Arundell a Courtier secretly fled the land and went into France These men meeting with other devoted to the Roman Religion did much complaine recounting their sorrowes among themselues that the Queene was estranged from them without their fault by the cunning of Leicester and Walsingham that them selues were exposed to vnworthy contumelies ignominies that singular tricks were found out and secret snares laid so cunningly that improvident men will they nill they must needs be intangled in such snares that to remaine at home there could be no safety for them It was thought at this time that some cunning was practised to feele mens affections and that counterfeit Letters were written vnder the name of the Scots Queene and of some fugitiues knowne traytors to the State which Letters might be left in the houses of Recusans and that spies were sent abroad to gather rumors and to catch suspitions Diverse were drawne into snares Among others Henry Earle of Northumberland and his sonne Philip Earle of Arundell was commanded to keepe his house his wife was committed to Sr Thomas Shirly to be kept and Henry Howard the Dukes brother was often examined of Letters sent from the Scots Queene from Charles Paget and from one Mope then vnknowne Some blamed the narrow searching of things and the manner of drawing men into danger Others thought that all the means that might be vsed to prevent the Queenes danger and to saue her life was but necessary And indeed the outragious maliciousnes of the Papists against the Queene brake out daily for by Bookes imprinted they exhorted the Queenes maides and Ladies of honor to doe the same against the Queene which Iudith did against Holofernes The Author of that Booke was not found Gregory Martin was suspected a man learned in the Greeke and Latin tongues and chosen by the Duke to be the bringer vp of his children Carter the Stationer that caused the Books to be Printed was punished for it The Queene that was much traduced for crueltie knowing her owne mildnes and desirous to leaue a good remembrance of her name behinde her was much offended with the Iudges of the Papists apprehended if they passed any cruell sentences against them which might be iniurious to her honor Insomuch that they were forced to excuse themselues by publike writings wherein they protested that the Priests were much more mildly vsed then they deserved that no question of Religion was moued to them but onely of such pernicious machinations against their Country against their Prince whereof they were either found guiltie or by the discovery of others suspected That Campian was never so racked but that presently he was able to walke or to subscribe to his confessions But for Briant who stubbornly denied to vtter by speech or by writing who was the man that wrote these secret things which were found about him to this man meat was denied vntill by writing he would aske it For all this the Queene was not satisfied and therefore she commanded the Examiners to abstaine from tormenting men and the Iudges from punishing And short after she commanded seventie Priests to be sent out of England whereof some were condemned to die all of them were intangled within the danger of the lawes The chiefe of these were Gasper Haywod the sonne of Haywod the Epigrammatist who of all the Iesuites first entred England Iames Bosgraue which was also a Iesuit Iohn Hart the most learned among them with whom Doct Reinolds had conference and Edward Rishton a wicked and vngrateful man who wrote a Booke presently after shewing forth the poyson of a cankred heart against the Queene to whom he owed his life The Lord Paget and Arundell who went into France were narrowly observed there by Edward Stafford the Ambassadour Leiger there for Queene Elizabeth but he could not find out what they practised yet he dealt with the French King that they Morgan and some other English fugitiues who were knowne to be practisers against their Prince and their Country might be thrust out of France But it was answered that if they practised any thing in France the King would by law punish them but if they had practised any thing in England that of such things the King could take no notice nor by law punish them that all Kingdomes were free for fugitiues that it behooued Kings to maintaine their owne liberties That Elizabeth not long before had admitted into her Kingdome Montgomery the Prince of Condie and others of the French Nation and that Segneres Ambassadour of the King of Navarre was in England practising of some things that concerned the French state In the meane time Bernardinus Mendoza the King of Spaine his Ambassadour for England stole fecretly into France fretting and fuming that he was thrust out of England by a violation of the right of an Ambassadour When as indeed he was a man of a troublesome spirit and had abused the reuerend right of Ambassadours by the practises of treason against this State wherein he was He was commanded to depart out of the realme whereas many thought fit that he should haue beene with some severity censured for violating the office of an Ambassadour For he had practised with Throgmorton and others to bring in strangers into England to invade the land and to remoue the Queene And being gently reprooued for these things he was so far from offering to excuse these things with a modest answer that he began to accuse the
much la●our and singular skill he ioyned them together againe and found that they contained new practises of the Pope the Spanyard the Guises resolution to invade England Whereupon and because many other rumors of dangers were increased to the end that the wicked and treasonable practises might be in time prevented and the Queenes life and safetie might be procured vpon whose safety both the estate of the Kingdome and of Religion depended A great number throughout all England of all sorts of men out of common charity whilst they shewed their loue and care of the Queene bound themselues by an association as then it was called by their mutuall promises subscriptions of their hands and seales to prosecute all such by all their force even to death whosoever should attempt any thing against the life of the Queene the Earle of Leicester was supposed to be the author of this association Surely it was vsefull and held many in order The Queene of Scots tooke this as devised to bring her into danger and was so continually set on by seditious spirits that if they may haue accesse are able to draw the greatest Princes to destruction And what hath beene their practise but to bring great personages and great houses to ruine Lamentable experience sheweth openly the fruit of their malice and wicked plots for treason which they call religion The Scots Queene led on by her blind guids dealt somwhat rashly but with importunity to the Pope and Spanyard by Sr Francis Inglefeld that by all meanes they would with speed vndertake their intended busines There were some also that laboured to draw Queene Elizabeths affections altogether from the Scots Queene They told her that Cardinall Alan for the English Catholikes ecclesiasticall Inglefeld for the Laiks and for the Queene of Scots the Bishop of Ross had vndertaken were among themselues agreed and with the consent also of the Pope and Spanyard had fully resolved vpon these points That Queene Elizabeth should be deprived of her Kingdome the King of Scots as a manifest favourer of heresie should vtterly be disinherited of the Kingdome of England that the Scots Queene shall marry some noble-man of England which is a Catholike that this man must be chosen King of England by the Catholikes of England that the choice so made must be confirmed by the Pope that the children of him so chosen begotten of the Scots Queene must be declared successours in the Kingdome All these things were confirmed to be true by testimony of Hart the Priest Who was this noble English man that should marry the Scots Queene was now much inquired after Sir Francis Wal●ingham sought it out with all diligence yet found it not out There was suspition of Henry Howard brother to the Duke of Norfolke who was noble by birth vnmarried and a favourer of that Religion and in great grace and favour with them These things that were discovered by Throgmorton by Creightons papers and other mens were matters which bred suspitions and feares though they were never so effected as they were intended But we find by these things that France and Spaine and the strength of the Pope were here all combined against Queene Elizabeth and King Iames for no other cause but for their religion because both Queene Elizabeth and King Iames had established the same religion Against which religion all the great powers of the world were combined and were therefore ready with their vtmost indevours to root out these two Princes from England and Scotland If a man shall consider the Councels the Pollicies the strength of these great powers which were set against these two Princes it is a matter to be wondred at how they should stand against so deepe and desperate dangers Here I wish that a Papist of any vnderstanding would take this matter into his consideration And looke but a little further to the end and event of things What man purposed What God wrought What became of these two Princes Queene Elizabeth King Iames against whom the world thus conspired Queene Elizabeth after so many malicious proiects against her by open warres by secret conspiracies yet lived to see all the malicious practises against her defeated and overthrowne the practisers themselues ruinated her people and Kingdome defended Gods truth maintained her service for the truth rewarded and after all dyed quietly in her bed and hath left a blessed memory behinde her King IAMES that was in the same cause with her in the same manner threatned for his Religion to be made incapable of the inheritance of England and then neither could he haue holden Scotland for he must either haue all his right or loose all for there is no middle-way in the inheritance of Kings yet after all these threatned dangers by the great powers of the world after a number of dangerous and devilish practises against him at home he hath not onely quietly possessed that which he had but is in the peaceable possession of England with such loue such gladnesse of heart and common reioycing that the like hath not beene knowne in former times And which was never done by any before though much wished and attempted he hath in his royall person knit England and Scotland together he hath not onely maintained the truth of Religion by his authoritie as all Christian Princes are bound to do but also by his wisedome by his learning confirmed the truth drawne many to the knowledge of it by his learned Labours Wherein he hath not onely farre exceeded all his progenitours in this Kingdome but hath left all the Kings and Emperours in the world farre behind him in this honour so that since the beginning of the time of grace to this day the world never saw a King so furnished and inabled to maintaine the truth and to discover the blindnesse and superstition of false Religion And therefore hath God blessed him with extraordinary blessings the loue of his subiects the peaceable estate of Ireland which before his time was never governed in peace especially the fruit of Religion and the reward of Religion maintained is the greatest blessing that Kings can looke for This hath beene and is the state of these religious Provinces so that men shall say Doubtl●sse there is a reward for the righteous verily there is a God that iudgeth the earth And because my purpose in writing this Booke is to declare the great Workes of God in the defence of this Church of England since Religion planted here by Queene Elizabeth and to giue God all the glory both of the planting and maintaining thereof We therefore remember these things with great gladnesse and ioy of heart to Gods glory giving thankes to his holy name for the favours that he hath exhibited to his Church here by the faithfull service of these two royall servants of God in whom is truely verified that which the Prophet Esay foretold speaking of Gods favour to his Church Kings shall be thy nurcing Fathers and Queenes
privatly proposed some Articles For which afterward by Leicesters motion he was imprisoned albeit those articles proposed by him were in the iudgement of the other commissioners not to be disallowed But Delegates haue their limits circumscribed which they are not to passe At last when the English could not obtain an abstinence from armes could by no meanes see the Charter by which the Duke of Parma had this authority granted to treat of peace they proposed these things that the ancient leagues betweene the Kings of England and the Dukes of Burgundy might be renued and confirmed that all the Dutch might fully inioy their own priviledges that with freedome of cōscience they might serue God that the Spanish and forrain souldiers might be put out of Dutchland that neither the Dutch nor their neighbouring Nations might feare them If these things might be granted the Queene would come to equall conditions concerning the Townes which now she held that all might know that she tooke vp armes not for her own gain but for the necessary defence both of the Dutch and of her selfe so that the money which is owing therefore be repayed They answered that for renuing the old leagues there should be no difficulty when they might haue a friendly conference of that thing That concerning the priviledges of the Dutch there was no cause why forrain Princes should take care which priviledges were most favourably granted not onely to Provinces and Townes reconciled but even to such as by force of armes are brought into subiection That forrain souldiers were held vpon vrgent necessity when as Holland England and France were all in armes Touching those Townes taken from the King of Spaine and the repaying of the money they answered that the Spaniard might demand so many myriads of crowns to be from the Queene repayed him as the Belgick warre hath cost him since the time that she hath favoured and protected the Dutch against him At this time D. Dale by the Queenes command going to the Duke of Parma did gently expostulate with him touching a Booke Printed there set out lately by Cardinall Allen wherin he exhorteth the Nobles and people of England Ireland to ioyne themselues to the King of Spaines forces vnder the conduct of the Prince of Parma for the execution of the sentence of Sixtus V Pope against the Queene declared by his bull In which she is declared an heretick illegitimate cruel against Mary the Scots Queene her subiects were commanded to helpe Parma against her for at that time a great number of those bulls bookes were printed at Antwerp to be dispersed through England The Duke denied that he had seene such a bull or booke neither would he doe any thing by the Popes authoritie as for his owne King him he must obey Yet he said that he so observed the Queene for her Princely vertues that after the King of Spaine he offred all service to her That he had perswaded the King of Spaine to yeeld to this treaty of peace which is more profitable for English then Spanish For if they should be overcome they would easily repaire their losse But if you be overcome the kingdome is lost To whom Dale replied that our Queene was sufficiently furnished with forces to defend the Kingdom That a Kingdome will not easily be gotten by the fortune of one battell seeing the King of Spaine in so long a warre is not yet able to recover his anciant patrimony in the Netherlands Well quoth the Duke be it so These things are in Gods hands After this the Delegates contended among themselues by mutuall replications weauing and vnweauing the same webb The English were earnest in this a toleration of Religion might be granted at least for two yeares to the confederate Provinces They answered that as the King of Spaine had not intreated that for English Catholicks so they hoped that the Queene in her wisedome would not intreat any thing of the King of Spaine which might stand against his honor his oath his conscience When they demanded the money due from the States of Brabant it was answered that the money was lent without the Kings authoritie or privitie But let the accompt be taken how much that money was and how much the King hath spent in these Warres and then it may appeare who should looke for repayment By such answers they driue off the English of purpose vntill the Spanish fleet was come neare the English shore the noise of guns were heard from sea Then had they leaue to depart were by the Delegates honorably brought to the borders neare to Calis The Duke of Parma had in the meane time brought all his forces to the sea shore Thus this conference came to nothing vndertaken by the Queene as the wiser then thought to avert the Spanish fleet continued by the Spaniard that he might oppress the Queen being as he supposed vnprovided and not expecting the danger So both of them tried to sow the Fox-skin to the Lyons CHAPTER XII THE Spanish fleet the best furnished with men munition engines and all warlike preparation that was ever seen vpon the Ocean and by that arrogant Title called invincible did consist of 130 shippes wherein there were 19 thousand two hundreth ninety mariners 8350 chain●d rowers 11080. great ordnance 11630. The chiefe commander was Per●zius Gusmannus Duke of Medina Sidonia For Antonius Columna Duke of Palian and Marquess of S. Crosse to whom the chiefe governmēt was allotted died whilst things were preparing And vnder him Iohannes Martinus Recaldus a man of great experience in sea affaires The 30 of May they loosed out of the ●iver Tagus and purposing to hold their course to the ●r●in in G●llitia they were beaten and scattered by a tempest three gallies by the helpe of Da●d C●in an English servant and by the perfidiousnesse of the Turks which rowed were carried away into France The Fleet with much adoe after some dayes came to the Groin and other harbours neare adioyning The report was that the Fleet was so shaken with this tempest that the Queene was perswaded that she was not to expect that Fleet this yeare And Sir Francis Walsi●gham Secretary wrote to the Lord Admirall that he might send back foure of the greatest shippes as if the Warre had beene ended But he did not easily giue credit to that report but with a gentle answer intreated him to beleiue nothing hastily in so important a matter that he might keep those ships with him though it were vpon his owne charges And finding a favourable winde turned sailes toward Spaine to surprise the enemies shaken shippes in their harbours When he was not farre from the shore of Spaine the winde turned he being charged to defend the English shore fearing that the enemies vnseene might by the same winde be drivē to England he returned to Plimmouth With the same winde the 12 of Iuly the Duke of Medina with his fleet departed from the Groin And
ioyned together The Duke Medina Leua Oquenda Recaldus and others with much adoe getting themselues our of the shallowes susteined the English force aswell as they might vntill most of their ships were pearced and to●ne The Galeon S. Mathew governed by Diego ●i●entellus comming to ayd Francis Toletan being in the S. Philip was pearced and shaken with the r●iterated shots of Seimor and Winter and driven to Ostend was at last taken by the Flushi●gers The S. Philip came to the like end So did the Galeo● of Biscay and diverse other The last day of this moneth the Spanish sleet striving to recover the straights againe were driven toward Zealand The English lest of pursuing of them as the Spaniards thought because they saw them in a manner cast away For they could not avoyd to be cast vpon the shallowes of Zealand But the winde turning they got out of the shallowes and then began to consult what were best for them to do By common consent they resolved to returne into Spaine by the Northern seas for they wanted many necessaries especially shot their ships were torne they had no hope that the Duke of Parma could bring forth his forces And so they tooke the Sea and followed the course towards the North. The English navy followed somtimes the Spanish turned vpon the English insomuch that it was thought by many that they would return back againe Vpon which report the Queene came into the Campe at Tilbury and mustered the Army riding among them with a Leaders Staffe in her hand and did by her presence and speech animate both Captains and souldiers with incredible courage That day wherein the last fight was the Duke of Parma after his vowes offred to the Lady of Halla came somewhat late to Dunkerk and was received with some opprobrious words of the Spanyards as if in favour of Queen Elizabeth he had slipped the fairest opportunitie that could be to doe the service He to make some satisfaction punished the purveiours that had not made provision ready secretly smiling at the insolēcy of the Spanyards when he heard them glorying that what way soever they came vpon England they would haue an vndoubted victory that the English were not able to indure the sight of them Bernardinus Mendoza did indeed by Bookes in France sing a foolish lying triumphant song before the Victory The English Admirall appointed Seimor and the H●llanders to watch vpon the coasts of Flanders that the Duke of Parma should not come out himselfe followed the Spanyards vpon their backes vntill they were past Edenborough frith The Spaniards seeing all hopes faile finding no other helpe for themselues but by flight fled amaine and never made stay And so this great Navy being three yeares preparing with great cost was within a moneth overthrown and after many were killed being chased away of English there were not one hundreth lost nor one shippe lost saving that of C●●ks was driven about all Britain by Scotland Orcades Ireland tossed and shaken with tempests and much lessened came home without glory Wherevpon some money was coyned with a Navy slying away at full saile and this inscription Venit vidit Fugit Other were coyned with the Ships fired the Navy confounded in honor of the Queene inscribed Dux faeminafacti As they fled it is certain that many of their ships were c●st away vpō the shores of Scotland Irelād Moe then 700 souldiers mariners were cast vpō the Scottish shore who at the Du of Parma his intercession with the Scots King the Queene of England consenting were af●er a yeare sent into Fla●ders But they that were cast vp vpō the Irish shore by tempests came to more miserable fortunes for some were killed by the wild Irish others by the Deputies cōmād for he searing that they might ioyne thēselues to the wild Irish Bingham the Gouernour of Connach being once or twice commanded to slay them hauing yeelded but refusing to doe it Fowle the vnder-Marshall was sent and killed them which cruelty the Queene much condemned wherevpon the rest being afraid sicke and hungry with their torne shippes committed themselues to the sea and many were drowned Queene Elizabeth came in publike thankesgiuing to Pauls Church her Nobles accompanying her the Citizens were in their colours the Banners that were taken from the enemies were spred she heard the Sermon and publike thankes were rendred vnto God with great ioy This publike ioy was augmented when Sir Robert Sidney returning out of Scotland brought from the King assurance of his Noble minde and affection to the Queene and to Religion Which as in sincerity he had established so he purposed to maintaine with all his power Sir Robert was sent to him when the Spanish Fleet was comming to congratulate and to giue him thankes for his propense affection towards the maintenance of the common cause and to declare how ready shee would be to helpe him if the Spaniards should land in Scotland and that hee might recall to memory with what strange ambition the Spaniard had gaped for all Britain vrging the Pope to excommunicate him to the end that hee might be thrust from the Kingdome of Scotland and from the succession in England and to giue him notice of the threatning of Mendoza and the Popes Nuntio who had threatned his ruine if they could worke it and therefore warned him to take especiall heed to the Scottish Papists The King pleasantly answered that he looked for no other benefit of the Spaniard then that which Polyphaemus promised to Vlisses to d●uoure him last after all his fellowes were deuoured Now these things be such as whensoeuer we thinke vpon them wee cannot choose but lift vp our hearts to God for he hath put a song of ioy and thankesgiuing in our mouthes and taught vs to lift vp our eyes to him from whence commeth our helpe our helpe commeth from the Lord which hath made the heauen and the earth he will not suffer thy foote to slip for he that keepeth thee will not slumber behold he that keepeth Israel will neither slumber nor sleepe the Lord is thy keeper the Lord is thy defence at thy right ●and Then let others boast of their strength 〈…〉 power of God to be for vs against them Now this being a thing confessed on all sides that God was with vs against the Spaniard why will not our aduersaries that are men of vnderstanding enter into the consideration of this cause which God hath so often so mightily maintained The workes of the Lord are great and ought to bee had in remembrance of them that feare him And this dutie is required of vs that haue seene the great workes of God to declare them to other for one generation shall praise thy workes to another generation and declare thy power The workes of God must bee sought out had in remembrance and declared to other The word of God is the rule of our faith a direction to
vs a Lanterne to our feet and a light to our pathes but the word of God being confirmed to vs by his workes is made more sweet to vs. This must needes be comfortable to vs that haue the word of God among vs sent vnto vs planted among vs by his owne hand we were as farre from deseruing this fauour as they that sit in darkenesse and in the shadow of death for so wee sate in ●arkenesse and in the shadow of death so long as we fate in the ignorance of Popery but when it pleased God of his owne free mercy to send his light among vs the truth of his Gospell and out of the same fountaine of his goodnesse and mercy raised beleeuing Princes among vs which haue established his true religion in our Land a Queene of such Piety a King of so great Knowledge and Learning and Piety as knoweth the truth and is so able to maintaine it God I say hauing of his goodnesse raised such blessings to vs hath ne●uer ceased to maintaine his owne worke Let vs neuer cease to giue him the glory But can our aduersaries take any comfort in their doings The King of Spaine may once enter into the consideration of things he may remember how hee and his predecessours haue beene so many times beguiled by the Pope how often hath the Pope and his Iesuites consecrated his banners promised him victory against vs as against Heretikes forsaken of God and man let them know that there is a God that ruleth the world and not the Pope If they would haue their designes to prosper they must follow the examples of our godly Princes who are blessed for the sincerity of Religion which they imbrace They must giue ouer iniustice and cruelty for the cruelty of the Spaniards haue lost them all that they lost in the Netherlands Their pride and cruelty was highly raised against vs but to their owne hurt and dishonour not to ours because we trust in God They would haue extinguished the true lights of Britain which then did shine like two glorious Candles put in their sockets and held vp in the hand of Christ and as now to the comfort of both nations ioyned in one great light these they laboured to extinguish and to tread down the soule of the Turtle but our Prayer is Giue not the soule of thy Turtle Doue vnto the Beast and ●orget not the congregation of the poore for euer Consider thy couenant for the darke places of the earth are full of the Habitation of the cruell Arise O Lord and maintaine thine owne cause remember the daily reproach of the foolish forget not the voice of the enemie for the tumult of them that rise against thee ascendeth continually God saued the soule of his Turtle he remembred the congregation of the poore that trusted in him he considered his couenant hee maintained his owne cause and of this we reioyce But where are those darke places of the earth which are full of the habitation of the cruell as the Prophet saith Surely let the Iesuites looke to that and let them expound those word● if they be able for surely no man can expound those words but he shall finde superstition and cruelty inseparably ioyned together their superstition maketh the places of their habitations darke places their superstition breedeth cruelty for greater cruelty the world hath not seene then hath proceeded from them truely then may wee sing with the Psalmist the the darke pla●es of the earth are full of the habitations of the cruell There is no hope to make these Iesuites that haue giuen themselues ouer to the seruice of the man of sinne and to the practise of impiety of such I say there is no hope to perswade them because they loue not the truth But the Kings and Princes that haue beene so long abused and beguiled by them may in time vnderstand the difference betweene truth and falshood and may ioyne with our religious Kings against the great Deceiuer and our hope is that they will vnderstand his deceits and illusions and forsake him for otherwise they must perish with him They that are wise will vnderstand and consider the cause which God hath so long so strongly maintained they will consider the power the fury and rage of our aduersaries haue beene continually frustrated by Gods power they may consider that these extraordinary blessings vpon Gods Church among vs and the memorable iudgements of the aduersaries are but forerunners of some greater stroakes and heauier iudgements of God against them if they will not turne and forsake superstitious vanities and serue God with vs. Which God grant that the Kingdome of Christ may be inlarged his true Religion strongly maintained his name glorified his people comforted and let all that worship not the Lord IESVS and loue not his comming perish CHAPTER XIII AFter this great tempest from Spaine was past the Sunne did shine as pleasantly vpon England as before by all the Spanish preparation there was not a man called from his husbandry in England not any artificer from his trade there was not so much as one cottage burned did euer the English make any ●ourney into Spaine and returned without doing no more harme then the Spaniards did to vs The English made after this two iourneyes into Spaine and in both did that which they intended to doe that is ransacked Townes and put to flight the Armies which incountred them But this beyond the limits of my purpose which is onely to declare our deliuerances and to giue thankes and honour to God for the same The next danger intended and threatned brake out in Spaine by Tyrone They that haue written of Tyrone say that he was a bastard a banished fugitiue he lay lurking in Spaine promising to doe some seruice to the Pope and Spaniard as some had done before he was raised to the honour of an Earle by the Queene and being twice in danger once for a murther and then for vsurping the title of O-Neale was pardoned for both Hugh Baron of Dungannon now Earle of Tyrone being set on by the Spaniard to worke some mischiefe An. Dom. 1597. suddenly assailed the ●ort of Black-water which done he wrote to Kildare to side with him and at the same instant to Sir Iohn Norrice who was then sent out Lord Generall i●o Ireland with thirteene hundreth of the N●therland ould Souldiers newly retired from the warres in Britaine to him Tyrone wrote that he might be mildly dealt withall and not be driuen headlong vpon the dangerous rockes of disloialty in the meane time he was alwaies guarded with a thousand Horse and 6280. foot of Vlster besides 2300. of Connaugh hereupon he and all his partakers were proclaimed traitors Thus was the rebellion raised which was hardly quenched with much bloud Sir Iohn Norrice was a Generall as well experienced in warre as any that then liued yet in the Irish warres he was not so acquainted The aduantage of the enemy was such that
being present with his Highnesse at that time Where without any other speech or iudgement giuen of the Letter but onely relating simply the forme of the deliuery thereof he presented it to his Maiesty the contents of the Letter are as followeth My Lord out of the loue I beare to some of your friends I haue a care of your preseruation Therefore I would aduise you as you tender your life to deuise some excuse to shift off your attendance at this Parliament For God and man haue concurred to punish the wickednesse of this time And thinke not slightly of this aduertisement but retire your selfe into your Country where you may expect the euent in safety for though there be no appearance of any stirre yet I say they shall receiue a terrible blow this Parliament and yet they shall not see who hurt them This counsell is not to be contemned because it may doe you good and can doe you no harme for the danger is past as soone as you shall haue burned this Letter And I hope God will giue you the grace to make good vse of it To whose holy protection I commend you The King no sooner read the letter but after a little pause and then reading it ouer again he deliuered his iudgement of it in such sort as he thought it was not to bee contemned For that the stile of it seemed to be more quicke and pithy then is vsuall to be in a pasquill or libell the superfluities of idle braines But the Earle of Salisbury perceiuing the King to apprehend it deeplier then he looked for knowing his nature told him that he thought by one sentence in it that it was like to be written by some fool or mad man reading to him this sentence in it for the danger is past as soone as you haue burned the Letter which he said was like to be the saying of a foole For if the danger was past so soone as the Letter was burnt then the warning behooued to be of little auaile when the burning of the Letter might make the danger to bee eschewed But the King by the contrary considering the former sentence in the Letter That they should receiue a terrible blow at this Parliament and yet should not see who hurt them ioyning it to the sentence immediately following already alleadged did thereupon coniecture that the danger mentioned should bee some sudden danger by blowing vp of powder for no other insurrection rebellion or whatsoeuer other priuate or desperate attempt could be committed or attempted in time of Parliament and the authors thereof v●seene except it were onely by a blowing vp of powder which might be performed by one base knaue in a darke corner Whereupon he was moued to interpret and construe the latter sentence in the Letter alleadged by the Earle of Salisbury against all ordinary sense and construction in Grammer as if by these words for the danger is past as soone as you haue burned the Letter should be closely vnderstood the sudden and quicknesse of the danger which should be as quickly performed and at an end as that paper should be of bleasing vp in the fire turning that word as soone to that sense of as quickly And therefore wished that before his going to Parliament the vnder-roomes of the Parliament house might be well and narrowly searched It must be confessed that God put this vnderstanding in the Kings heart For albeit now vpon the euent made knowne a man may easily see that no other construction can bee made of the Letter then that which the King made yet before the euent was knowne the wisest did not apprehend that vnderstanding And therefore we must acknowledge that God would haue it knowne and brought to knowledge by the King himselfe that all the body of the Kingdome might rest most vnder God beholding to the King their head for the generall deliuerance The Earle of Salisbury wondring at his Maiesties commentary which hee knew to be farre contrary to his ordinary and naturall disposition who did rather euer sinne vpon the other side in not apprehending nor trusting due aduertisments of practises and perils when hee was duely informed of them whereby hee had many times drawne himselfe into many desperate dangers and interpreting rightly this extraordinary caution at this time to proceed from the vigilant care he had of the whole state more then of his owne person which could not but haue all perished together if this designement had succeeded he thought good to dissemble still vnto the King that there had beene any iust cause of such apprehension And ending the purpose with some merry ieast vpon this subiect as his custome is tooke his leaue for that time But though hee seemed so to neglect it to his Maiestie yet his customable and watchfull care of the King and the State still boyling within him and hauing with the blessed Virgin Mary laid vp in his heart the Kings so strange iudgement and construction of it he could not bee at rest till hee acquainted the foresaid Lords what had passed betweene the King and him in priuate Whereupon they were all so earnest to renew againe the memory of the same purpose to his Maiestie as it was agreed that he should the next day being Saturday repaire to his Highnesse Which hee did in the same priuy Gallery and renewed the memory thereof the Lord Chamberlaine then being present with the King At which time it was determined that the said Lord Chamberlaine should according to his custome and office view all the Parliament houses both aboue and below and consider what likelihood or appearance of any such danger might possibly be gathered by the sight of them But yet as well for staying of idle rumors as for being the more able to discerne any mystery the nearer that things were in readinesse his iourney thither was ordained to be deferred till the afternoone before the sitting downe of the Parliament which was vpon the Munday following At what time he according to his conclusion went to the Parliament house accompanied with the Lord Monteagle being in zeale to the Kings seruice earnest and curious to see the euent of that accident whereof he had the fortune to be the first discouerer Where hauing viewed all the lower roomes he found in the vault vnder the vpper house great store of prouision of Billets Faggots Coales And inquiring of Whinyard keeper of the Wardrop to what vse hee had put those lower roomes and cellars he told him that Thomas Percy had hired both the House and part of the Cellar or Vault vnder the same And that the wood and coale therein was the said Gentlemans owne prouision Whereupon the Lord Chamberlaine casting his eye aside perceiued a fellow standing in a corner there calling himselfe the said Percy his man and keeper of that house for him which was Guido Fawkes the instrument which should haue acted that monstrous tragedy The Lord Chamberlaine looking vpon all things with
whatsoeuer haue beene attempted against vs the Pope is firme on their side God hath manifested himselfe many waies to be on our side What cause haue we then how many waies are we prouoked to trust in God to loue him to worship him that so miraculously hath defended vs to cleaue with all singlenes of heart to that cause that hath bin so mightily maintayned by Gods hand and power And what cause haue our adu●rsaries to examine themselues and more narrowly to examine the cause which God by so many iudgements hath condemned The people of Israel were mightily protected by the hand of God so long as they truely serued God al their aduersaries could neuer preuaile against them they were defended by power from aboue God did watch ouer them but when they fell from God God did suffer them to fall into the hands of their enemies There will hardly be found any president euen among the people of God that for so many yeeres together they haue bin continually deliuered from so many so cruelly intended so dangerous assaults The deepest deuises of malice reaching euen from hell vnto hellish men vpon earth haue beene practised against vs as this last which came from the deepenesse of Satan wherein without sword or speare without any shew of warlike preparations their hellish deuise was at one blow to root out religion to destroy the state the head with the body the King with the stat● the Father of our Country the Mother of our Country the oliue branches the hopefull succession of our King the Reuerend Clergy the Honourable Nobility the faithfull Councellors the graue Iudges the greatest part of our Knights and Gentry the choisest Burgesses the Officers of the Crowne Councell Signet S●ales and of other seates of iudgement the learned Lawyers with an infinite number of common people the Hall of iustice the houses of Parliament the Church vsed for the Coronation of our Kings the monuments of our former Princes all Records of Parliament and of euery particular mans right with a great number of charters and other things of this nature all these things had the diuell by his agents deuised at one secret blow to destroy If the Lord had not beene on our side may Israel now say if the Lord had not beene on our side when men rose vp against vs they had then swallowed vs vp quicke when their wrath was kindled against vs praised be the Lord which hath not giuen vs vp a prey to their teeth our soule is escaped as a Bird out of the snare of the Fowlers the snare is broken and we are deliuered our helpe is in the name of the Lord which hath made heauen and earth We labour against the Papists to proue our Church a true Church of God They on the other side labour to proue themselues the onely Catholike Church and our assemblies to be as they call them assemblies of Heretikes God hath determined this controuersie most euiden●ly by his word and most powerfully from heauen by his continuall protection of vs and destruction of all the wicked practises which they haue attempted against vs. Was there euer any cause in the world so strongly ma●ntained on the one side as our cause hath beene was there euer any execrable practises in the world so pow●rfu●ly condemned from heauen as their practises haue beene God open their eyes that they may see and vnderstand that they fight against God The Church of Rome so long as it stood the Church of God did neuer practise either by open warres or by secret conspiracies to destroy Kings and subuert Kingdomes but by the preaching of Gods word by examples of piety and sanctimony laboured to draw the ignorant vnto the knowledge and obedience of the truth that course is now vtterly forsaken of them for how can they teach the truth to others that are themselues in ignorance and in the shadow of death or how can they giue examples of an holy life whose whole practise and conuersation is in bloud in malice in wicked and wretched actions And will they neuer vnderstand that they who practise such things can not inherit the Kingdome of God cannot be the Church of God cannot pray to God or expect any blessing from him vpon their execrable practises there is a manifest change of their Church and they will not see it They aske vs when was this change vnder what King vnder what Emperour vnder what Pope But if they were wise they would first inquire whether there be a change or no and then inquire further of the time and manner of it We say that which no man can deny that there is a notorious change this is euident for the Church of old neuer allowed the cruelty the impiety the execrable wickednesse which is daily practised by the great Masters of the Church of Rome and allowed and approued by the Pope Then there is a change it is euident to all But this is a change of manners of the Church not of the doctrines If therefore they demand of vs how a change of the doctrines may be proued We are able to point out from time to time that the doctrines which they haue inuented were neuer heard of in the Church before such times as wee are able to point at Master Iewell the reuerend Bishop of Salisbury for piety and learning the mirrour of his time hath made full and faire proofe that of those Articles wherein he challenged all the Learne● of the Church of Rome not one of them was euer taught in the Church before the 〈◊〉 of Christ 600. his proofes stand vnanswered to this day Though Master 〈◊〉 ha●● done his best to examine them who wanted neither learning nor eloquence bu● onely trut● wanting on his side the challenge is still made good We are also able to point to another time before the year of Christ 1000. many of the gr●atest grossest errors in popery was neuer taught or heard ●n the Church as the doctrines of transubstantiatio● of the reall presence as it is vnderstood in the Church of Rome of the Popes power to depose Kings and absolue their subiects f●o● their allegeance or to war●ant their subiects to rebell ●gainst them of he doctrines of Grace and iustification as now they are taught in the Church of Rome of the doctrine of merits whether ex congruo or condigro of the seauen sacraments and many other of this nature of which we are assured that not one of them can be proued euer to haue beene taught or heard of in the Church before the yeare of Christ one thousand Wee are further able to point to another time before which the rule of faith was neuer changed in the Church this was their last attempt in the points of Doctrine a desperate attempt against the truth For from the Apostles time till the Councell of Trent the rule of faith was euer held in the Church one and the same that is the doctrine contained in
his Prince and sweare that himselfe and his men should fight against the rebells Wherevpon he was dismissed to gather his companies and to returne to the Lord Deputy Iohn Desmond the Earles brother who was by the rebells put in the place of Fi●z Morice lying in ambush did intrap Herbert Prise with the bandes which they led and killed them Himselfe being hurt in the face Some supplyes came out of England and Perrot was sent with six warre-ships to defend the coast the Lord Deputy grew so sicke that he was forced to withdraw to Waterford for his healths sake and appointed Nicholas Malbey governour of Connach a famous and approued Souldier to follow the Warres And worthy Sir William Drury soone after died Malbey sent to the Earle of Desmond and often admonished him of his dutie and promise and seeing it not good to linger in such a businesse he brought his forces into Conil a woody Country against the rebells There was Iohn Desmond who in battell array and with the Popes consecrated banner displayed received the forces of Malbey It was sharply fought on both sides But the vertue of the English prevailed Iohn Desmond fled first away and left his men to the slaughter Among them was found Alan the Irish Priest who exhorting them to the battell had promised them the Victory Malbey by a messenger sent for the Earle to come and his forces with him and when he in vaine expected him foure dayes he came to Rekell a towne of Desmond Here the Earle began to shew himselfe plainly for the rebells after that he had a long time vsed dissimulation in his wordes and countenance The same night the rebells set vpon Malbey his tents in the darke but finding them well fortified they went away and did no harme After the death of Sir William Drury William Pelh●m was sent Lo●ch●e●e Instice into Ireland with the authoritie of a Deputy vntill a Deputy should be sent the Earle of Ormond was made goue●nour of Munster who sent Desmonds sonne which he had with him as a pledge to be kept at Dublin Pelham chiefe Iustice commeth to Munster sends for Desmond but he sending Letters by his wife excuseth himselfe Wherevpon the Earle of Ormond was sent to him to admonish him to deliver into the handes of the Lord chiefe Iustice Sanders the Priest the forrain souldiers and the Castles of Carigofoil and Asketten and to submit himselfe absolutely and turne his forces against his brother and the other rebells Which thing if he would doe he might obtaine pardon of his rebellion otherwise he was to be declared a traytor and enemy to his Country Whilst he held off with delayes and delusions he was declared a traytor in the beginning of December An 1579. That he had dealt with forrain Princes for invading and subverting his Countrey That he had retained Sanders and fitz Morice rebells That he had helped the Spanyards after they were gone out of the fort at Smerwick That he had hanged the Queenes faithfull subiects had advanced the banner of the Pope against the Queene that he had brought strangers into the kingdome After this proclamation the chiefe Iustice appointed the warres against Desmond to be prosecuted by the Ea●le of Orm●nd The Earle of Ormond with his forces destroyed Conilo the onely refuge which the rebells had he draue away their Cattell and gaue them a prey to be devided among his sould●ers He hanged the Balife of Yonghall before hi● dore because he had re●used to take a band of English into the Towne And then began to besiege the Spanyards in Strangi●all but they fearing such a thing had conveyed themselues out of danger Yet the English followed them and killed them all And every way through Munster pressed the rebells most sharply Desmond and his brethren were so hard driven hiding themselues in their lurking holes that they wrote to the chiefe Iustice signifying that they had taken vpon them the patronage of the Catholike faith in Irelan● and prayed him to take part with them This shewed their cause was desperate they had no hope vnlesse he that was come purposely against them would helpe them The Chiefe Iustice laughing pleasantly at the motion went to Munster and called the Nobles to him and kept them neither would dismisse them vntill they had given pledges and promised their helpe against the rebels to ioyne with him and the Earle of Ormond They therevpon deviding their bandes sought out the rebells They forced the Baron of Lixnaw to yeeld himselfe they besiege● Carigo●oil-Castle which Iulius an Italian with a few Spanyards maintained and breaking the walls by the force of great Ordnance they entred and killed or hanged all that kept the place with Iulius also At this time came Arthur Lord Grey Lord Deputy into Ireland An 1580. Soone after his comming about seaven hundred Italians and Spanyards sent from the Pope and King of Spaine vnder the gouernment of San-Iosephus an Italian came into Ireland vnder the pretence of restoring the Roman Religion but the purpose was to divert the Queenes forces and call her from other cares to Ireland onely They tooke land without any trouble at Smerwick in Kirria for Winter that had a good while stayed in that coast with ships waiting for them was now returned to England thinking they would not come in winter They made the place strong and called it fort del or But as soone as they heard that the Earle of Ormond was comming towards them by the perswasion of the Irish they left the fort and betooke themselues into the valley Glamingell which was compassed about with high mountaines and woods The Earle tooke some of them who being questioned of their number and purpose they confessed that 700. were come that so much armour is brought that may serue 5000. that mo are daily expected out o● Spaine that the Pope and King of Spaine are resolved to draw the English out of Ireland that for that end they haue sent an huge s●m of money which they haue delivered into the handes of Sanders the Popes Nuntio of the Earle of Desmond and Iohn his brother That night the Italians Spanyards were much to seeke not knowing what way to turne themselues not knowing to hide themselues as the Irish doe in dens and bogs and therefore in the darke they went backe to their Fort neare to which the E●rle of Ormond had pitched but being vnprovided of Ordnance and other things needfull for oppugnation he stayed for the comming of the Lord Deputy Who soone after came accompanied with Zouch Ralegh Denie Ma●worth Achin and other Captaines At that time came Winter out of Englan● with warre shippes much blamed for withdrawing himselfe when there was need of his service The Lord Deputy sent a trumpetter to the ●ort to demand what they were What businesse they had in Ireland Who sent them Why they had fortified a place in the Queenes Kingdome And withall to command them presently to depart