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A16489 Relations of the most famous kingdomes and common-wealths thorowout the world discoursing of their situations, religions, languages, manners, customes, strengths, greatnesse, and policies. Translated out of the best Italian impression of Boterus. And since the last edition by R.I. now once againe inlarged according to moderne observation; with addition of new estates and countries. Wherein many of the oversights both of the author and translator, are amended. And unto which, a mappe of the whole world, with a table of the countries, are now newly added.; Relazioni universali. English Botero, Giovanni, 1540-1617.; Johnson, Robert, fl. 1586-1626. 1630 (1630) STC 3404; ESTC S106541 447,019 654

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but with a tribune-like authority they signifie unto the Councell what their requests are Not long since their authority and reputation grew so mighty that they now carry themselves as heads and Governours rather than Officers Ministers of the publike decrees of the estates One of the Councell after the manner of Clodius refused his Senators place to become one of these Officers When a King is to be chosen these men doe more and more limit his authority not suffering it to stretch one jot farther than accustomed But although the Crowne of Poland bee at the disposition of the Nobility yet was it never heard that they rejected or overslipped the Kings successour or transferred the Kingdome into any other line more than once when deposing Ladislaus whom notwithstanding they afterward restored they elected Wenceslaus the Bohemian Likewise they have alwayes a regard to the Kings daughters as of Hedwiga married by them to Iagello and in our times of Anne given in marriage to King Stephen It was no small cause of the advancement of Sigismund the third to the Crowne of Polonia that hee was the sonne of Katherine sister to Sigismund the Emperour and of the foresaid Anne And although the Kingly authority bee elective yet after he is chosen his power is absolute in many things As to call the Diets to appoint the times and place at his pleasure to chuse Lay Counsellours and nominate the Bishops and whom he will have to be of the Privie Councell he is absolute disposer of the Revenue of the Crowne Lord of those which hold of him immediate but over the Tenants of the Nobility he hath no jurisdiction he is absolute establisher of the decrees of the Diets and Soveraigne Judge of the Nobles in criminall causes it is in his power to reward and advance whom pleaseth him to speake in a word such as is his valour dexterity and wisdome such is his power authority and government As the Polanders say the decrees of their King indure but three dayes and they converse not with him as Cosins as in France but as Brethren And as the King hath absolute authority over them which immediately hold of him so the Nobility dispose absolutely of their vassals on every of whom they exercise more than Kingly authority in manner as upon slaves In establishing their Kingdome they have done one thing worthy the noting which is that as the Romans increast their Name and Dominion by communicating the Lawes and Honours of Italy and the City of Rome to other Cities yea whole Provinces so the Kings of Polonia have inlarged united and strengthened their estate by participating the privileges of the Polish Nobility to those Provinces which either they have conquered by Armes or otherwise purchased gracing the Nobles thereof with favours equall to any bestowed on the Polish Nation By this equallizing King Ladislaus strongly united Russia and Podalia Sigismund Augustus Lituania Stephen Livonia for respect in offices and promotions knitteth affections in peace and warre The force of this Kingdome as of others consisteth in graine Coine Foot-men Horse-men Armour and Munition Of graine we have spoken already In coine it is not very rich for excepting Danske they have never a Mart-Towne worthy estimation and the warres that are brought from Prussia and Livonia doe not enrich the Kingdome with ready money yea they doe hardly suffice to barter with the English and Flemish for Cloth Silks or Woolls or with the Spanish Portuguize and other Merchants for Sugars Spices Fruits and Malueseies For when the Countrey is not given to traffike nor the Cities to buy and sell nor the people to labour and the Nobility is very gallant prodigall in expences spending more than their Revenues in diet and apparell and the seasoning of their Viands for the Polanders use more Spices than any other Nation and their Wine their Silke the greatest part of their Woollen Cloth is brought from forren Nations how can the Kingdome be rich in Silver For in transporting of much ware and returning of little consisteth the wealth of every dominion gathering together by venting home-bred commodities the come of forren Nations and keeping it once brought in from passing abroad In this practice consisteth the wealth of Naples and Millan for Naples sendeth to Sea great store of Corne Wine Oyle Silke Woad Horses Fruits and such like commodities which bring in huge masses of forren coine Millan supplieth the want of other Provinces with Corne Rice Cloths Iron-workes wares of all sorts and returneth little againe If the Kingdome of Sicil were as well stored with manual workmanship as it is provided with Corne Sugar-canes and Silke no other Kingdome could compare with it To returne to Poland notwithstanding their riches are not so small as some say they are for the Revenues of the Crowne raised of the Mines of Salt and Silver amount yearely to 600000. Ducats True it is that Sigismund Augustus pawned part of these Revenues and King Henry a moneth before his flight to binde some part of the Nobility unto him sold unto them more than three hundred thousand Ducats of yearely rent It is lawfull for the King by sales of escheats falling to the Crowne to purchase livings for himselfe and of the said Revenues to retaine great portions to his proper use and to spare his owne expences for when the King with his Court ●bideth in Lituania the Lituanians defray the charge the like is done in most places of Poland He that weigheth with himselfe that the ordinary Revenues of Scotland Naples or Sardinia exceed not yearely one hundred thousand Ducats nor the Kingdome of Arragon to yeeld above one hundred thousand crownes every three yeares cannot lightly esteeme of the Revenues of this Kingdome yet the King might raise his Revenues to a higher reckoning if he were lesse bountifull to his Palatines and Castellanes For most commonly he bestoweth on them two parts and three parts yea now and then the whole profits arising in their governments But in the time of warre yet by the decree of the assemblies of the Kingdome the King doth lay grievous impositions and taxes on the people which are either levied of the Provinces or of the excise of victuall and these tallages have amounted to such a reckoning that therewith King Stephen sustained the burthen of a most heavie three yeares warre against the great Duke of Moscovie yea the Gentlemen for defence of the Kingdome are bound to serve at their owne charges These serve on Horse some armed as our men at armes some more light some like the Tartars And those they terme Cossaches or Adventurers trained up to steale to depopulate waste and to turne all things up-side downe These Gentlemen serve in the field gallantly furnished attired in Cassocks and Hose shining with Gold and Silver and a thousand other colours they adorne themselves with plumes and feathers of Eagles with the skinnes of Leopards and Beares and with many Banners and
and in Armes the State being disarmed not looking for any such innovation So the Barbarians subdued the Empire of Rome The Arabians the Empire of the East of Aegypt and of Spaine Charles the eighth King of France gained Italy The Portugals India The Castilians the new world and Soliman the Kingdome of Hungary The division of the neighbouring States either into Common-wealths or into petty Seigniories and those of small power gave courage to the Romans to make themselves Lords of Italy and made an easie passage for the Venetians into Lumbardy This also made the attempt of Thusian light unto the Florentines and no lesse that of Barbary to the Castilians which they would have found very hard of either the one or the other had expected them with armed forces The variance and jarring of the adjoyning Princes did open the way to the Turks to enter so farre into Christendome and with little trouble to invest himselfe of many kingdomes therein So Amurath the third presuming upon the civill discords of the Princes of the bloud Royall of Persia made that attempt with great advantage So againe the Persian upon the difference of the Scrivano and the Bashawes of Syria hath resumed the advantage and accordingly prospered Neither doth the whole mischiefe arise out of these intestine jarres onely but in all factions one part will be sure to intreat the aid of some forren Prince against the other than which no man can have a better occasion because then he commeth armed into the owners house at his owne request So the Romans set foot in Sicil being cald in by the Mamertines In Greece by the Athenians In Numidia by the sonnes of Micipsa In Provence by the Marsilians In France by the Hedui and so from time to time by divers others So Amurath the first King of Turks got hold in Europe being requested in aid by the Emperour of the East being then in warre with the Princes of Greece So Soliman in Hungarie being intreated by Queene Isabel and afterwards by King Iohn So the Aragons in the kingdome of Naples being drawne thither by Queene Ioane the second and so Henry the second King of France made himselfe Lord of three great Cities of the Empire Often hath it beene seene that he that is now called in as a friend does after prove an enemie and if one party in a civill warre cals in a forren arbitrator both parties cannot get him out againe But another no lesse successefull opportunity hath also beene made use of and that by way of marriage By apprehending the opportunity of a marriage were the two houses of Yorke and Lancaster and the two kingdomes of England and Scotland united But no Prince hath made so great advantage of marriage as the Spaniard The match of Ferdinand and Elizabeth was the very foundation of their greatnesse By marriages were the severall Provinces of the Low Countries united all which fell to Spaines at a clap Finally for this advantage hath the house of Spaine three times purchased dispensations from Rome for incestuous marriages and more they intended too Charles the fifth Emperour was solemnly contracted to our Queene Mary and Philip the second King of Spaine sonne to the said Emperour both wedded and bedded her nay upon strong appearances suspected it then was that King Philips curtesies to Queene Elizabeth were for his owne ends that if Queene Mary should die without issue he might marrie her also which he afterwards attempted by the Count de Feria promising to obtaine a dispensation so should England have beene laid to Spaine and what should then have hindred his Monarchie Now besides those advantages of humane policie and strength before mentioned God himselfe hath reserved a power at his owne disposing in the giving away of victories and in the cutting short or inlargement of Empire And to this end hath ordained these naturall Agencies and Assistances of Seas Rivers Mountaines Marishes Wildernesses and the sandie Desarts By these helps he the weake to hedge and ditch out their incroaching neighbours and by granting the mastership over these to another Nation he can at pleasure scourge the rebellion or unthankfulnesse of those people whom before he defended by them And of these helps of nature something will we say and in their order And first for the benefit of the Sea Concerning the profits of Merchandize both for importing and exporting of commodities I will not here speake though even that tends so much to the inrichment and augmentation of the honour of the State that in all treaties of warre and peace I see that the articles concerning traffike are sometimes two thirds of the treatie for so were they I am sure in that politike and nice-driven negotiation of the peace betwixt England and Spaine in the beginning of the Reigne of King Iames the Lord Treasurer Cecil Northampton and the greatest Sages of the kingdome being Commissioners on our partie and the best pates of Spaine for theirs but here I will onely treat of the Sea as of a Soveraigne friend and bulwarke to that Nation that is neerliest situated unto it and a maine helpe towards the keeping or inlargement of dominion The Poets you know made a God of Neptune that obtained the soveraingty of the Sea as well as of him that had the government of the Land and truly to be Lord of the narrow Seas and to enjoy a royalty That the ships of all Nations shall strike faile to one of the Kings ships is none of the least honours and to bee master of the Sea is more of it selfe than a pettie Monarchie He that is so indeed may give the law as well as he that is master of the field The Sea-fight at Actium was it that made Augustus Caesar sole Emperour of the world and Pompey learned it of old Themistocles that he that had the best Navy would in the end prove the Conquerour The victory that the Christians got at Lepanto so arrested the in●●●aching of the Turkish greatnesse that they have done little upon Chirstendome never since I mention not 88. nor that the resistance that the Hollanders have beene able to make against the greatest Monarch of the world proceeds meerly from the advantage they have of him by their commodious situation upon the Sea and by having more havens and ships than he This certainly will prove true that if ever the Monarchie of Spaine be broken it must be by Sea even by the Fleets of England and Holland and that know the Counsellours of the Emperour and Spaine well enough who to make themselves masters of some good ports have supplied their defect of a Navy by a chargeable land army For what thinke you else should be the designe of Monsieur Tilly but to take the Sea by Land to make his master Lord of Stoad Hamborrough Luckstadt with other Hansee townes and the Sowndt of Denmarke and what makes the Emperour who yet had never greater vessel than a Punt or Yaugh upon the
and short that it cannot ripen the clusters of the vine It bringeth forth a race of excellent horse fit for journies in regard of their ambling paces but not commendable for indurance It breedeth the injurious Wolfe and the Fox as also all other creatures tame and gentle necessary for life but of lesser growth except the Grey-hound Almost all the woods are replenished with Deere and those so fat that they can frant runne for fatnesse with Bores Hares in great abundance Goats Fallow-Deere Hedg-Hogges and Moales are seldome seene but Mice infinite it aboundeth also with Falcons Merlins Eagles Cranes and in the Northerly parts with Swannes Storks are very rarely heard of thorow the whole Island but such as are there found are blacke Pies and Nightingales are altogether wanting By reason of the Sea their famous Rivers and spacious Lakes it is served with most excellent Fish and that peculiar to this Island onely For to let passe many other in Vlster the Ban being a most faire and cleare water and arising out of the Lake of Eaugh is the most plentifull River for Salmon that is to be found thorowout all Europe For plenty and varietie the like is to be reported of Sineus and Erno a Lake by Camdens report thirty miles long and fifteene broad Report saith that this was once a delicate plot of ground and well inhabited but for the bestiall abuse of the people it was suddenly swallowed in the waters And to prove this true men say that in faire seasons the Turrets and tops of houses are in the bottome to bee discerned The Island became subject to the Crowne of England about the yeare of our Lord 1175. Henry the second then reigning At what time Roderic King of Conaght intituling himselfe King of Ireland inforced the residue of those petty Roytelets to crave assistance of the King of England under whose protection they voluntarily yeelded their obeysance It hath fifty Bishopricks whereof Armach is a Primacy and Metropolitan of the whole Island Cassils is another Archbishopricke authorized by Pope Eugenius and hath under it nine suffragan Bishops Dublin is another and Toam another It is divided into foure Provinces viz. Leynster which Eastward respecteth Englād Mounster which lieth towards France Southward Conaght exposed to the West And Vlster situated in the Northerly part of the Island Some adde a fifth placed in the middest and terme it Meath Every one now is subdivided into Counties and each Countie into Baronies and hundreds and every Barony into Parishes consisting of Manors Townes and Villages after the manner of England ● That parcell of territorie which anciently was termed the Pale is about the quantity of Yorke-shire in England and is a Country at this day inhabited by Noblemen and Gentlemen descended of Engli●● race being civill men and have continued their obedienc● to the Crowne of England and retained their English language since the first conquest This people doe commonly marry within themselves and not with the meere Irish who could never in their sundry rebellions draw the said inhabitants to joyne with them by flattery or expell them by force The first Colonies planted therein were composed of worthy and noble Englishmen and especially seated in Dublin and other Cities and borough townes thorowout the Realme whose progeny having the mannagement of the affaires of the kingdome subdued by degrees the greatest part of the Irish and brought them under subjection to the Crowne of England And so long as they and their posterity were imployed as principall Officers in time of warre and peace being men throughly informed of all passages within the Kingdome and acquainted with the dispositions of the people the Realme was worthily governed and duly increased in civility and yeelded some profit to the crowne without charge Other English Colonies at sundry times have there beene since planted and especially by our late and moderne Soveraignes in the Provinces of Mounster and Vlster by the name of Vndertakers whereupon it groweth that the Realme is now inhabited with English and Irish descended of English race and with the meere and ancient Irishmen unto whose Nobilitie and Gentry the sir-names of Mac or O are commonly added Vpon the Conquest Henry the second established the lawes of England then being divided into kinds viz. the Common law as that the elder should inherit his fathers lands and Custome law that by the particular custome of Manors and Townes lands should be divided by the custome of Gavelkinde amongst all his sonnes or that the youngest sonne onely should inherit the same by the custome of Borough-English whereunto is to bee added a third viz. the Statute law He and his successors held the possession thereof with 〈◊〉 soveraigne royalty and kingly prerogatives by the n●me of Lords of Ireland untill the day of king Henry the eighth who by act of Parliament was acknowledged intituled and entred King of the said kingdome and so continueth it unto this day being governed as a distinct kingdome by a Lieutenant for Authority Traine Furniture Provision c. farre surpassing any Deputation thorowout Christendome wherein Courts of Parliament are have there beene held con●●sting of the three Estates of the kingdome in the same forme as is used in England by commission from the King under the great seale of England authorizing the Viceroy or Deputie to summon a parliament there and to give the Royall assent unto such acts as are agreed upon in that Parliament wherein the King and his Councell of Estate of England are to bee informed by certificate under the great seale of Ireland by force of a Statute made in Ireland in the tenth yeare of Henry the seventh And after the kings allowance the bils to be enacted and propounded in the Parliament there So the Lord Deputy by force of the said Commission gives the Kings royall assent to such acts as are agreed upon in the said Parliament there So as I said before Ireland is not onely governed by the Common lawes of England by certaine ancient customes of that realme and this and by divers statutes here and there also upon occasion enacted but also the like Courts and formes of Iustice are there according to the said lawes used and administred And also the Iudiciall records are made in Latine and the Iudges and Lawyers doe plead in English as is accustomed in England For the studying of which Lawes the Irish Gentlemen doe send their sonnes to the Innes of Court in England being alwayes such as are descended of English race and not of meere Irish who are allowed to practise in England after they are called to the Barre as Englishmen are also allowed to practise in Ireland Neither the Nobility nor Commons of Ireland have any suffrage in the election of the Viceroy or blazing of Soveraigne Magistrates but all is done by the King and such as are especially authorized And the inhabitants of Cities and Borough-townes in Ireland by their charters which they have from the
undertakings or our Merchants adventures over the face of the universe of French or Spanish Victories releevement of neighbours or expatiating of honourable reputation amongst the M●s●ovites in the North or the Mogores in the East but unpartially bid you looke upon the face of the kingdome as now it stands If the glory of a King consist in the multitude of subjects how honourable is the State of England at this day which most harmoniously and absolutely commandeth over the English Scotch Irish Welch the French of Gernsey and Iersey If you desire to behold Palaces goodly buildings where are so many so good belonging to any kingdome in the world If a Court I verily beleeve for State good order expences entertainment and continuall attendancie other places will be found to come farre short If shipping a Royall Navie I hope you may depart with satisfaction especially if you were instructed in the secrets of their service and strength But let late triall performed in the face of the world make due report of those vertues If you will m●●ter us at land who can shew such companies of foot such sufficient troops of serviceable horse and so many worthy ●●●●tors and so well appointed what subject living in a civill Common-wealth can shew me as I can doe many in England a Gentleman of his owne tenants able to bring such faire companies of men into the field If martiall spectables be distastefull then looke upon the Nobility and grave Counsellors but withall prepare a reverent respect and settle your esteeme so resolutely towards them for their orderly life their sweetnesse of manners integritie in deciding of controversies and affability in admitting of Sutors that although you come from the Grands of Spaine the Princes of France and the ostentous pompe of Cardinals yet be not too prejudicate nor transported with selfe-conceited wilfulnesse and you shall see as great bravery retinue and observation amongst us as any subject in the world dare challenge After them looke upon inferiours you shall see them generally so many and so well attended and appointed that I protest them farre exceeding other places both for gracefull shew and sufficiency of execution Will you be ravished indeed and transported with the love of the world Come and behold the beauty of our Ladies and their disposing at a night of solemnity to which if you adde the generall contentment which our English women afford without sophisticate and adulterate favours there is no man can hold his peace but proclaime our preheminence If you would see justice proud of her entertainment and how she presents both praemium and poenam to the severall attendants at the barre looke into our Courts and view the same in most perspicuous eminence without so much as the least cloudy respect of persons If you will enter our Gentlemens houses I hope there are no such cupboords of plate beds of velvet or imbroidery hangings of tapestrie variety of roomes duty of servants order of house-keeping store of pastime and all in grosse that man can desire in any Country in the World If you will search our Cities and Townes what they want in outward deceit of formality it is supplied in sweetnesse and delicacie within doores surpassing the best of them in wealth and furniture As for expences I am sure some Citizens of London are at more annuall charge of diet than the Dukes of Venice Florence or Genoa If you will examine our Merchants however some great Fowker or Agent for a whole Kingdome for Genoa Antwerp Brussels or other Cities may surpasse us for usury and supposition of wealth there died not two such in one yeare and out of one Towne in the world as Sir Iohn Spencer and Master Sutton Generally all the rest surpasse for curious fare statelinesse education and orderly contributions Besides they live at home in case purchase Land with security bring up their children daintily and decently maintaine their families in obedience and cannot be matched by any forren opposition Finally if you would bee acquainted with the tradesman artizan and other of manual occupations looke how he lives looke how he fares looke where he dwels looke what he weares looke where he goes to buy his meat to such markets and shambles that the very sight astonisheth all strangers being once made acquainted with their rarity and goodnesse But indeed if you would have cause of wonder then looke upon the husbandman and compare him to men of like ranke in other places and I beleeve upon mature consideration our adversaries will repine at their felicities and our friends embrace our noble freedomes with desire of limitation In Turkie with the rest hee is a poore and unfortunate slave and whether Muscelman or Christian he dare not manure his ground to the best profit and therefore liveth poorely and sluttishly In Hungary and those parts they resemble carrion for living under the Turke nothing is his owne and in the Christian government all is taken from him either to furnish the warres or to maintaine the souldier In Italy they are a little better as long as they be able to pay their rents and husband their grounds Yet doe they seldome live of their owne or lead a life beseeming the freedome of conversation Besides in many places they are so terrified with the wretched troopes of the Bariditie who make prey of their labours that they know the robbers yet dare they neither detect them nor deny to entertaine them After the fashion of Italy they will be a little gawdie especially the women in apparell and are very industrious as having in one selfe-same field if the soile will yeeld it though it consist but of an acre both Corne Vines and Fruit-trees Honey Roots Sallets Bees and Silk-wormes He is now called a Villano and serveth to no other use than to inrich his Lord feeding himselfe upon Garlike and Onions and is acquainted with no good thing but superstition a few gawdy cloaths and the incontinent life of Curtizans In Spaine it is farre worse the Contadini are numbred amongst the reproaches of their government and esteemed almost as the Asses that bring their Cabages Melons and such like trash to the markets For he dare not attempt to cheapen any thing appropriate to the use of the Gentleman As flesh fish wheat or excellent fruits Nor must he if he have of his owne but furnish the market with the best feeding himselfe on the worst and vilest stuffe Besides the errour of Italy if the mother have a comely daughter or worse she is contented for money to yeeld to prostitution c. In France the peasant is not onely beastly within doores but churlish savoring nothing but his labour with base and servile behaviour with poore and miserable expences with obscene and filthy lodging with jealous and malicious entertainment with illiberall and ill-becomming freedome of speech against both Court and
Common-wealth In Germanie the Boore is somewhat better for he eateth flesh sometimes though vilely dressed will be drunke and merry must be alwayes imployed and alwayes an hungred or desirous of drinke And can apparell himselfe handsomely to goe to Church on Sundayes or Holy-dayes But they are dangerous in their tumults and rages and not to be trusted upon reconciliation after a wrong In Ireland he is termed a churle in England a Clowne but looke on him truly as he liveth indeed and you shall finde him a carefull maintainer of his family in continued descents and in times past he would not have altered his addition of rich Yeoman for the vain-glorious title of poore Gentleman You shall see them dwell in neat houses Manors Lordships and Parks to the annuall value of a thousand pounds sometimes their sonnes knighted their daughters well bestowed their other children so dispersed that Lawyers Citizens Merchants are raised throughout the kingdome from the sonnes and kindred of these countrimen Yea you shall see them invited to the Court by service or promotion and knowing that the breath of Kings advanceth or dejecteth can attend the good ho●re and such graces as a Princes favour may distribute to a well-deserving subject Thus liveth our Countriman and is able though but a Farmer to lodge you sweetly and handsomely to set a peece of plate on the Cupboord five or six dishes of good fare on the Table with fresh and fine linnen and a cheerefull welcome He is so nurtured besides that he can tell his Lawyer a formall tale and complaine to the Iustice if a farre better man wrong him And finally in a carowse of good liquor of his owne brewing can chaunt it with the Poet Anglia Liberagens cus Liberamens c. Concerning traffike and imployment at Sea what kingdome hath more commodities within it selfe wanteth lesse or is better furnished from forraine parts So that whether for gaine sake they make sale of the best things or that there is a secret in importation or that our Merchants are curious in selecting the choicest I know not but am sure that our England is the very shop of the World and Magazine of Natures dainties If it be a blessing for every man to eat under his owne roofe to sit with the pleasure of conversation in his Orchard or Garden to enjoy the fruits of the earth with plentie to live in neighbourly gratuities having in a manner our doores open all night to have many children servants and store of cattell to purchase great estates marry our daughters beyond expectation and strengthen one another in worthy families and sutable kindred Then looke upon England and tell mee where is the like If it be a blessing not to be suppressed with superiours not to have the Common-wealth rent in peeces by tyrannie not to see others enjoy the fruits of our labours not to be tormented with intrusion usurpation or malicious lookes of covetous Landlords Looke amongst us and demand Who can complaine Or at least who is so wronged but he may have satisfaction or redresse If it be a blessing to enjoy the preaching of the Gospell to be freed from corrupt and absurd ceremonies to rejoyce in the libertie of an upright conscience to continue in a true perfect and established Religion to abound with reverend learned men to have liberall exercise and dispute of our faith to be resolved of our doubts with moderate perswasion and disswasion and to have all controversies tried upon the touchstone of Gods truth Come and heare us and tell mee wherein you are not satisfied If it be a blessing to have sociable conversation and yet with convenable respect to continue the freedome of neighbourly meetings exempted from the intolerable yoke of jelousie to love one another with those comfortable conditions of charitie to feast without scandall to entertaine without repining and to be merry without incontinencie examine the conditions of us all generally and setting mens imperfections aside which follow life as the shadow doth the Sunne and tell mee where is offence If it be a blessing to make the best use of Natures blessings to be rather helpfull than stand in need of others to take and leave warre with all Kingdomes of the World to have confining Princes congratulate us by Embassage and to welcome all commers with a noble and correspondent invitation take up our example put us to the triall and see whether I speake vaine-gloriously To conclude with the best of all blessings if it be a blessing to live under a Royall Monarch to rejoyce in the kindred alliance and strong confederacie of Kings to have adjoyning Countries studie our observation and to see our Country and people flourish in all good things Looke upon us pencell out our defects if you can and let not emulation which attendeth on vertuous desires be turned into envie or so corrupted with malice that you will not yet confesse our blessed prerogatives But you will say for all this we neither fetch gold from Oph●r nor are our Cities of sufficiencie to march in the first ranke of magnificence To the first I answer directly wee may if we list either fetch treasure where it is or bee the cause that it shall be brought us even to our owne doores in peace For I am sure wee have not onely Ships and Men but such hands and spirits as with Davids Worthies can pull the speare out of the hands of the Philistines and sweetnesse from the strong● and who sh●ll hinder us I hope neither Spaine if there were occasions not the Gallies of Messina or Malta nor the Confederate Princes of Italy nor the Navie of Turkie nor the fortifications of China nor any one worldly Prince unlesse our sinnes and profanation cause the Angell of the Lord to keepe us backe or strike us with terrour But happy be the conditions of true worthinesse true valour even for conscience and honours sake will doe no wrong As for our buildings and Cities I answer Ars non habet mi●●cum ●s●●gnorantem and men are too prejudicate that either say or thinke so For of my owne knowledge there are not so many beautifull Churches and stately houses within the circular dimension of so much ground in the world so that if our Gentlemen admitting the custome of living in Cities as they doe in most parts of Europe could range all the edifices of eminence in a Shire within a wall or that wee were sited in a Continent like the thorow-fare of France Germany or Italy we should questionlesse have more glorious great and populous Cities than any Kingdome which with Ahasuerosh can hold up a Scepter of potency to keepe Majesty from violence though a decree of defiance were published never so terribly yea I will avow that our Townes and Villages esteeme of them as you please considering the use and necessity of travell doe farre surmount the Hosteries and entertainment of all other nations And am sure if you will
are much deceived if they looke for such a face of a Church such decent Service of God such devotion or strict observation of the Lords day in any of the Calvinist Churches as in the Church of England the Faires and Kirck-masses as they call them are on Sundayes in the after-noone as much frequented there as the Churches were in the fore-noone The States I suppose cannot on the sudden reduce perfection in the profession of Religion for that the Papists are both subtill and diligent to work upon the discontents of the people and to turne them to a rebellion unto which the Historians have noted these Nations to be naturally not indisposed Denmarke ALthough it may seeme needlesse to make mention of Scandia which is that whole Pen-insula of huge circuit which is almost incompassed with the waves of the Sea and abutteth Northward and Eastward upon the German and Sarmatian Coasts because it is as it were situated in another World and with whom there is no great entercourse of trading yet for the spacious largenesse thereof containing two Kingdomes viz. Norway and Sweveland with part of Denmarke it may well deserve a place amongst other Kingdoms spoken of in these Relations It is situate in that part of Europe which some terme Scandia others Scandavia or Balthia from whence issued the Gothes and Vandales the very rooters up of the Roman Empire It is subject both to the Danish and Swevian Crowne The King of Denmarke besides the Cimbrian Chorsonesse where Holsatia Ditmarsen the Dukedome of Slesia Flensburge Friesland and Iuthland Regions fruitfull and replenished with store of cattell and wilde beasts doe lie retaineth other spacious Islands the best whereof-stand in the entrance of the Baltike sea being fifteene in number all comprehended under the name of Denmarke The chiefest of them is Seland containing threescore miles in length and little lesse in breadth It excelleth the rest both for number of Villages the mildnesse of the aire and because that Copenhagen stands in it which hath beene and is the Seat of their Kings He hath also Gothland under his jurisdiction which is placed right over against Gothia One of his Kinsmen hath the Government of Osilia or Oesel a prettie Island in the greater Gulfe of Livonia and ruleth those fat and plenteous Counties which lie on the Continent of Livonia Scania likewise acknowledgeth his Soveraigntie extending from Nihuse to Timale and hee holdeth the Kingdome of Norway which from the Confines of Scania extendeth and stretcheth Northward a thousand three hundred miles to the Castle of Wardhouse upon which border the Lappians The Isles adjoyning thereto Sania Shetland and Faria lying in the maine Sea are in his tenure In times past the people of Norway have beene of great puissance they afflicted England scounged France and therein obtained a Province called to this day Normandie In Italy they conquered the Kingdome of Sicil and Apulia And in the holy Warre Boemond Leader of the Normans wonne the Principality of Anti●ch In the North Ocean besides that of Friesland and the Sea-coast of Island and Groineland he holdeth the Dominions of the foresaid Islands of Shetland and Faria The Orcades acknowledged the Kings of Norway for their Lords although they are now subject to the Brittish Crowne Sithence then the Kingdome of Norway became Elective and turmoiled with civill warres and intestine discords it came to the possession of the Danish Kings who that he may hold it surely intreateth the Inhabitants cruelly spoiling them of their substance and to leave no hope of better fortune to this miserable people hee holdeth fortified all the Creekes and Havens of the Sea-coast The wealth of the Kingdome consisteth in the abundance of cattell and sea-fish whereof there is such store that of the herring-fishing only a mighty masse of money is yearely gathered so huge is the number of all sorts of fish that at some times of the yeare a ship can make but slow way in the Sea and the Marishes and Medowes adjoyning thereunto are very pleasant and savourie to the feeding of their cattell Scandia is rich in corne and pasture and well replenished with people Norwey hath no riches of any moment except Timber fit for the erecting of houses and building of ships from thence transported into Holland and Flanders and cattell affording great store of cheese and milke Some profit also ariseth of a kinde of fish dried in the wind which the Dutchmen call Stock-fish It is taken in Ianuarie and laid in the wind and cold untill it be indurate and hardned like Wood and then carried into divers Regions as a kinde of sustenance The greatest matter of gaine to the King of Denmarke is the narrow Sea or Strait betweene Cronburg and Eltzenburg commonly called the Sont or Sound which is a passage so narrow that no shipping can passe that way without the licence and favour of the Watchmen keeping Garrison on either side there to receive the imposts and customes of the arriving Vessels It is easily gathered to what summe of money that impost amounteth by the infinite number of shipping of Holland Zealand France England Scotland Norway and the Balticke Sea that saile in those Seas and of necessitie must passe the jawes of that narrow Strait The Inhabitants are as greedie of Rhenish French and Spanish Wines the Spices of Portugal and the Fruits of Andaluzia as they againe are needie of the Wax Honey Skins and Corne which are brought thither from Prussia Livonia Moscovia and the bordering Nations The Entrada or Tribute due to the King ariseth First out of the Sowndt thorow which sometimes passe two hundred sometimes three hundred vessels in a day many of which are to pay a Rose-noble of gold not only in value but in specie for their passage and some more some lesse which cannot but amount to an incredible summe His gaines likewise upon Herrings and other fish of which there is infinite store in all those Northerne Seas comes to a great matter Adde to this his Customes upon Mast and Cordage Pitch Tarre c. fetcht from him by the Hamburgers Lubeckers and others Mighty droves of Beeves and other Cattell are out of his Dominions sold into Germany out of every one of which he hath his Geldt or tribute In Dietmars●n a Countrey for store of cattell like our Rumney-marsh is a place called the Gap thorow which their infinite droves must passe where the Kings toll is about twelve pence English for every hoofe of greater cattell that is foure shillings for a beast Innland also is as beneficiall unto him in the same kinde and much more It hath beene observed that 50000 Oxen have been driven out of these Provinces into Germany for which toll hath beene paid at Guithorp He reapeth some profit likewise of Ward-house whither the English now of late yeares have sailed betweene Norwey and Groenland some to Colmogro others to Stockholme not farre from Saint Nicholas where they traffique with the Russies for Wax
call it in their tongue the Devils Head Gothia signifieth a good Country which doth well agree thereto for the abundance of sustenance no Region being comparable unto it for fertility of Flesh Fish and Corne. Next followeth Sweveland which is larger than Norwey and Gotland both together In Sweveland is Vpsalia their chiefe Citie an Archbishopricke and an Vniversity and Stockholme the Kings seat Stringa Envecopia Orogundia Arboia Arosia Then comes Finland situated betweene the Balticke and Finland Bay where stand Abo the chiefe City Rangina and Augo both famous Mart-Townes Vames Viburge and Castelholme in the Alandian Islands The Husbandmen doe not inhabit in Townes but by reason of the plentie of Timber and Woods the Vallies and other places are so well defended from the fury of the Northerne wind that they live here in very good sort keeping in their houses flocks of Cattell and all sorts of instruments to digge to build or to make any thing necessary for the life of man and this is the reason that Townes here are neither so faire nor so frequent as in Germanie or England Over and above the Cities and Villages there are accounted 1433. Parishes in some of which a thousand people or as they terme it a thousand housholders or fires doe inhabit but there are few of these Parishes in which at the least there are not one hundred families By this a man 〈◊〉 judge the number of this people especially if he consider the fruitfulnesse of their generation for the Women of Finland by a secret operation of their Beere as some think become exceeding fruitfull The men live here very long chiefly in the most Northerly parts neither is it miraculous amongst them to see a man live above an hundred thirty or forty yeares And in truth this long living is the cause of their propagation for where men live shortest lives there the vertue of generation must needs soonest decay and therefore our Lord God in the beginning of the world did permit mankinde to live seven hundred yeares and more that the world might the sooner be peopled and the act of generation which now for the shortnesse of our lives is determined within forty yeares was then more vigorous at one hundred and upward than in this our age at twenty There is not onely Finland but Finmacke also bordering upon the North Ocean and lying beyond the Arctike circle whose barbarous inhabitants be Witches and Idolaters They usually sell winds to Merchants to carry their ship to any Port and to bring them backe againe which some making just scruple of have laid wind-bound in the harbour whiles others have made prosperous voyages Bothnia or Bodia which gives name to the Sinus Bodicus is also under his dominion To these may be added these new conquests which this present King Gustavus Adolphus the gallantest and most warlike Prince of these times hath already made or shall make hereafter in Prussia where he hath taken Elbing and other Townes and Lands from the Polander with whom he is still in warres and now ready to come with an Army also into Germany He hath under him eleven Dukedomes twelve Earledomes and seven Bishopricks The whole is from Stockholme one way a thousand Italian miles and twenty dayes journey another The riches of this kingdome consisteth in plenty of victuals which this word Gothia signifying an heavenly Region as we said before and Finland signifying a fine land or Country doe well witnesse Their provision is Flesh fresh-Fish salt-Fish Fish dried in the smoke and Sunne Corne and Beere whereof there is so great abundance that it is a hard thing to see a begger amongst them and Travellers are there freely entertained The Innes at this day in the Villages being the Parsons houses who expect some rare toy by way of gift rather than of pay for they doe it of courtesie It is so rich in Mines of Lead Copper Silver and some Gold that no Province in Europe may compare therewith And these Mines are to be found in every place if the Country people bound to carry wood to the Mines and to servile works did not hide and hinder the discoverie thereof as much as in them lieth Most fine Silver is found in the Province of Vestros and more would be were it not for the envie of the Inhabitants who though they know not the use of trying of M●ttals doe notwithstanding murmure that any strangers should imploy their labours therein And this their frowardnesse toward strangers ariseth not of hat●ed but upon a jealousie that they should be over-reached or otherwise abused for by nature they are simple and well meaning not given to ambition nor infected w●th avarice The Kings revenue consisteth in foure things the tenths of Ecclesiasticall livings Mine Tributes and Customes The profits of the Church-livings amount to a great summe of money for in this Kingdome there were seven Cathedrall Churches threescore Monasteries of Men and Women endowed with most rich revenues First Gustan and after his sonne Eric seized the greatest part thereof into their possessions Of the Mines some are wrought at the Kings charges some at the charge of private persons allowing the tenth part to the King Of three Copper-works I have knowne the tenth part which is the Kings to amount to the value of three thousand Dolars yearely hereby estimation may be made of the Silver and Lead But his taxes doe farre surpasse all his other In-comes for he levieth the tenth of Rie Wheat Barley Fish Oxen Skinnes and such like Of the tenth of Oxen at some times he hath gathered eighteene thousand and with them maintaineth his Court his Officers his Navie and his Armies for in the time of warre either with the Dane or Moscovite he alloweth his Souldiers victuals and by this meanes provideth it at very easie rates as well offending as defending The mariage of the Kings daughters is at the disposition of the people and they allow them besides Silver Plate and other gifts one hundred thousand Dolars for a Dowrie Of the Vplandish people and others which pay not the imposition of victuals the King is accustomed to exact of every poll according to his ability five Dolars or more yearely The customes are paid in the Haven-Townes the chiefe whereof are Calmar Loabuis and Stockholme whereat sometimes three hundred ships of burthen are to bee seene Abo Auge Revalia Parnovia and Narve It is thought that the King doth lay up in his Treasury six or seven hundred thousand Dolars over and above the expences upon the fortresses of Revalia and Viburgh for so did he in the yeare 1578. out of two or three Mines onely and yet this was but the Kings tenth whereas if need be he may take all the silver and pay the masters of the worke with victuals C●pper or other commodity There are maintained in Sweveland and Gothland about thirty two Companies every troope consisting of five or six hundred Souldiers all Harquebusiers alwayes
Trade with the Chinois and the Ilanders of Tidore and for their entercourse to the Moluccas and Banda they have erected certaine strong places in all of them but indeed resembling rather Factories than Castles Certainly it would amaze a man to thinke how many puissant Kings and fierce Nations are bridled and yoked by the Armes of twelve thousand Portugues for in so huge a tract of Land and Sea there neither are nor ever were a greater number inhabiting and those few not only to have discovered and conquered the Atlanticke Indian and the East-Seas but also ever since till now of late to have kept and defended the Soveraigntie thereof against all Invaders How ever their fame and fortunes at this day seeme to be eclipsed by the trading of the Dutch English Merchants they will not sticke to relate unto you how by the vertue of their Armes they tooke the kingdome of Ormus from the Vassall and Confederate of the King of Persia as also how they drowned and defeated at Diu the Navie of the Sultan of Aegypt fully furnished with Mammeluks a kinde of Souldierie no lesse famous for their valour and discipline than the Pretorian Turkish Ianizars As also that they made good the said place against the leagues of the Turkes and Guzarits In the Red-sea they have often foiled the Turkish Armada In the yeare 1552. they defeated his whole Fleet at Ormus In Taproban they affronted the Kings of Decan Cambaia Calecute and Achem Princes favoured throughly assisted with the forces of the said Emperour Yea such have beene their expeditions into Cambaia India that Ocean and along the coasts of Asia that in desert of glory and admiration they are by their owne Writers censured to be nothing inferiour to the victorious Alexander yea so much the rather to be preferred because neither in circuit nor numbers of people they were ever comparable to the Macedonian for with nineteene ships they overthrew the Aegyptian Navie farre more powerfull in number and furniture with two thousand Souldiers they forced Goa and recovered it being lost with fifteene hundred With eight hundred they won Malaca and not with many more Ormus But little need the Portugals bragge of their victories atchieved upon effeminate barbarous and naked men such as in the West-Indies would by troopes run away from one of the Spaniards horses or dogs I wonder that twelve thousand Portugals have done no more against so little resistance But let the Portugals bragge of their victories against the English and Hollanders And though there be but twelve thousand Portugals inhabiting there yet are they continually supplied from home and they make the poore Blacks and Natives of those Indies to serve them in their Gallies Warres and drudgerie Lastly the King of Spaine can command his subjects at home in Portugal yet these 〈◊〉 yeeld him but little obedience so that here the Spa●●● hath no dominion Another member of the Spanish-Dominions lieth in the New-World wherein because he hath no corrivall able to make head against him he challengeth as his owne what soever either by discoverie or conquest he attaineth unto This New-Worlds dominion is divided into Continent and Islands In the North-sea are so many Islands most of them of forty miles in compasse that their number can hardly be ascertained or knowne and some of them are rich and spacious sufficient to erect a great and stately Kingdome Of these Boriquen is three hundred miles long and threescore broad ●amaica is little lesse Cuba is three hundred long and twenty broad Hispaniola containeth a thousand and six hundred miles in compasse On the Continent he is absolute Lord say they of all that Sea-coast which watereth Florida Nova-Hispania Iucatan and all that spacious So●therly Peninsula to the Cape of California and Quivira For even so farre have the Discoveries and Navigations of this Nation pierced The coast of Nova-Hispania counting his beginning at the Towne of Santa Helena and cutting by Panama to Quivira containeth about five thousand and two hundred miles in length to which if you please to adde the upland Regions coasting towards the North you shall finde no lesse than nine thousand miles Peru beginning at Panama containeth by the Maritime coast twelve thousand and six hundred miles of which three thousand lying betweene the River Maragnon and the River of Plate and including Brasil doe acknowledge the Soveraigntie of Portugal In the Continent are many Kingdomes and Seigniores amongst which those of Mexico and Peru once most powerfull and wealthy Dominions were counted chiefe and as it were two imperiall Monarchies These Kings lived a long while in great Majestie inhabited sumptuous Palaces and maintained a mighty troope of their vessels for the guard of their persons On one quarter they inlarged their bounds and transferred their Religion and Language to the skirts of Iegnan Pecan two hundred leagues remote from Mexico and on another quarter as farre as Guatimall 300. leagues distant In these places they made the North and South Seas their bounds but Mecoican Tapcalan and Terpeacan they could never bring under their yoke Their differences with the citie of Tascala incouraged the Spaniards to invade their dominions and being entered made their victorie easie and the end fortunate this happened in the yeare 1518. This people divided into seven Tribes came into those Regions from that part of the North where of late yeares the Spaniard d●scovered a most wealthy and populous Province which at this day they call New-Mexico Besides Merchandize incredible treasures of Gold and Silver are transported out of Nova-Hispania and Peru. Of those treasures commonly Peru yeeldeth two parts and Nova-Hispania the third which is more rich in Merchandize than Mexico Amongst the rest it yeeldeth Cochinolla a commoditie of inestimable value and infinite store of Hides The Islands also afford plentie of Hides Cotton Wooll Sugar Cana-fistula Hard wax and Pearles Amongst these riches and treasures of Peru two things are wonderfull One that in the Silver-Mines which were discovered in Potosie in the yeare 1545 there is and hath beene found so huge a masse of Bullion that the fifth part which is the Kings in the space of forty yeares amounted to one hundred and eleven millions of Pezoes neither yet did two third parts pay their customarie due to his Majestie The other is the Quicksilver-Mines in Guas-valcan found in the yeare 1567. out of which the King hath received forty thousand Pezoes all charges defrayed And in truth were it not for the tribute of these Westerne Mines neither could the pride of Spaine be divulged nor the Cities of Sivil or Lisbone cum multis aliis be enriched nor the Escurial blazoned no nor life haply maintained nor the Ports frequented nor the native commodities to satisfaction of forien importation countervailed nor the Garrisons paid nor such frequent troopes of strange souldiers yearely entertained But it is a strange thing to note that whereas Nature hath
to treason His Land-forces consist in Cavalrie and Infanterie the best footmen of all the German Nations is the Wallon and it is well knowne that in all ages the Spanish have beene accounted one of the most valourous Nations of the world The French in nine yeares were subdued to the Roman yoke the Spaniards held out two hundred The power and person of Augustus Caesar were requisite to the subduing of the Cantabrians whereas they not onely delivered their owne Country from subjection of the Moores but invaded Africke and therein tooke many strong places So the Portugals invaded Barbarie tamed the coast of Guinea Aethiopia and Cafraria they conquered India Malaca and the Moluccas The Castilians sailing through the Atlanticke sea subdued the New-world with all the Kingdomes Provinces and people therein and finally drove the French from Naples Sicil and Millaine This people is much inclined to melancholy which maketh them solemne in their conversation slow and advised in action they love complement and stand much upon appearance presuming greatly of themselves and exceedingly boasting of their owne doings and to maintaine their reputation they will imploy all they have in furniture and apparel● in suffering of hunger thirst heat cold labour and extremities they will lay up any Nation in Europe By these vertues they have atchieved the glory of so many victories and although somtime they have beene overcome notwithstanding they vanquished their vanquishers as it fell out at Ravenna They never suffered any famous defeature but in the journeys of Algier and England the one by the casualty of Tempest the other by the skilfull prowesse and Sea-faring dexterity of the English Three or foure thousand of them turned topsie-turvie the better part of Germanie and made way with their Swords thorow the thickest of their enemies In the journey of Carven in Barbarie being foure thousand foot souldiers of great valour they made a brave retreit the space of foure or five miles beset and charged with twenty thousand horse by the King of the Moores at least five or six times with the losse onely of eighty men and the slaughter of eight hundred of the enemie They serve better on foot than on horsebacke although they have horses of excellent courage and better with the Harquebuze than with any other kind of weapon With great care they will cover their losses and weaknesse As concerning their Cavalrie it cannot be gain-said but that the Spanish Genet is the noblest horse of Christendome farre excelling the Courser of Naples or the horse of Burgundie so much esteemed of the French of the Freeslander and in so great request with the Germans It should seeme that nature herselfe hath armed this people in giving them the Iron Mines of Biskay Guipuscoa and Medina with the temperature of Baion Bilbo Toledo and Calataiut the Armories of Millan Naples and Boscoducis the corne and provision of the inexhaustible Garners of Apulia Sicil Sardinia Artesia Castile and Andaluzia with the plentifull vintages of Soma Calabria San Martin Aymont and sundry other places To conclude this Prince is so mighty in gold and silver that there with to spare his owne people ingaged in the defence of so many Territories Provinces and Frontiers from undoubted destruction he is able to wage what numbers of horsemen and footmen of the German and Italian Nations it pleaseth him The Princes whose dominions are bordering and in regard of their forces are any way able to endanger his dominions are the Venetians the Kings of France and England and the Turke The Venetians long since the Duchie of Millan came to the possession of this Crowne have set them downe with great quietnesse rather looking to the strengthning and keeping of their owne Townes and peeces than-to the winning of others from their neighbours And good reason it is sithence peace is the surest anchor-hold of their Common-wealth Concerning France sithence the French Nation hath put an end to their civill discontents what Trophee or Triumph can the Spaniard boast to have carried from them Indeed it cannot be denied but in elder dayes the warinesse of the one hath turned the furious attempts of the other to matter of too late repentance For the great Captaine surprizing Barletta and then encamping upon the banks of Gariglano first tooke from them the possession of the Kingdome of Naples and afterwards all hope of regaining it againe By the same temporizing Anthony Leva wearied King Francis at Ticinum and Prosper Collonna cleared the Duchie of Millan In assaulting of Townes and Fortresses I confesse fury to be of great moment I confesse likewise that by this vertue the French prevailed at Ioious Momedium and Caleis but in set battels as at Graveling Saint Quintins and Siena most commonly they have had the foile for in the field good order skilfull conduct doth more prevaile than valour and furious resolution In all assaults fury and resolution more than counsell or temporizing In the East Indies he confineth with the King of Persia betwixt whom there is not any evill intelligence but contrariwise rather great tokens of much love and amitie as by whose helpe that King hopeth to finde meanes to overthrow the Turke Howbeit hee hath very oftentimes denied him assistance and aid in those warres which hee made against the house and family of Ottoman being very much urged and sought unto by the Persian to send unto him some of his people men expert and skilfull in casting of great Ordnance as also in building of Forts and other the like matters of defence and assistance Excusing himselfe with the perill of his Religion which doth not permit Christian Princes to lend aid unto Infidels though indeed the true cause was because he would not thereby give an occasion of future trouble molestation to himselfe by communicating these two advantages so important in war in his navigation to the Indies which are adjoyning to the Persian Sea But the Persians taking Ormuz from the Portugal shews that they do not at this day much regard the Spaniard With the King of Fesse and Morocco his Catholike Majestie is in league upon interest of those States which hee possesseth in Africa His Catholike Majestie would very willingly that the great Duke of Tuscanie should wholly depend upon him but he is so farre from that that he doth not onely depend but in many occasions hath still shewed himselfe opposite unto this Crowne and hath lately discovered himselfe to be a welwiller to the Crowne of France by joyning alliance with the most Christian King and therefore it is not likely that any good intelligence can bee betwixt them In like manner the Ambassadour of Tuscanie is but of indifferent regard in that Court but since the Emperour and the Duke are allied by marriage there is greater respect The Duke of Parma is not onely a devout servant and a neere kinsman but also a subject to this Crowne by the
is brought out of Germanie The Countie is so populous and so replenished with buildings in all places that here are credibly affirmed 29237. Cities Townes and Villages to be numbred Others say 780. Castles and walled Townes and 32. thousand Villages Here is also plentie of Fowle and great store of Fresh-water Fish by reason of the great Lakes which are found in many places of this Kingdome The people are for the most part Lutherans and their language is more than halfe Polish They are a free people and after the death of their King they may make choice of whom they will to be their Governour So did they lately chuse Matthias And for their more strength and better securitie against the Romanists they linked themselves with the Silesians their next neighbours in a perpetuall and firme bond of amitie offensive and defensive against all men whatsoever The people of Bohemia live in great plentie and delicacie they much resemble the English the women be very beautifull white-handed but luxurious and that with libertie of their husbands also They are divided in opinion of Religion the Protestants of the Augustane Confession being so potent that they were able to chuse a King and to put out the Emperour Their Kingdome is meerely elective although by force and faction now almost made hereditary to the House of Austria which it seemes it was not when as within these two Ages that State made choice of one M. Tyndall and English Gentleman father to M. Doctor Tyndall Master of Queenes College in Cambridge sending over their Ambassadors to him and by them their presents which story is famously knowne in Cambridge Their chiefe Citie Prague is one of the greatest of Christendome as being three townes in one each divided from other by the River Multaw and all three conjoyned by a goodly woodden bridge of foure and twenty arches by it runnes the famous Elve which receives two others into him in that Country Eger and Wattz The Kingdome hath many mighty men of estate into whose Lordships the Countrey is altogether divided and not as others into Shires and Counties The King hath three silver Mines and one of gold some pearles are there found also The tinne Mines there were first found by an English Tinner who fled thither for debt and is the best of Europe next our English All the Nobilitie and Gentrie are by their tenures obliged when their King is in the field to wait upon him on horsebacke completely armed which are enow to make an Army of twenty or thirty thousand This service the Protestants promised to King Fredericke of late but the tenth man appeared not They serve willinger on horsebacke than on foot and are rather for a Summer service than to lie in the field all Winter and yet are every way better souldiers than the Germans The Protestants were suffered to plant and increase there by the craft and plot of Cardinall Glessel who was governour to the Emperour Matthias his pretence was that they would bee a sure bulwarke against the Turke should spare the service and lives of the Catholikes this was his pretence but his plot was an expectation of some stirres to be raised by them which some lay he did in hatred of the house of Austria whom hee desired to see set besides the cushion others imagine it was but a tricke to make the great men of the Protestants to forfeit their Estates Howsoever the plot tooke and the Cardinall after the taking of Prague being invited to a banquet by the Elector of Mentz was by him sent prisoner to Rome where he remained two yeares but was afterward both inlarged and rewarded And this was one of the secrets of the Mysterie of iniquitie Moravia lying on the East of Bohemia so named of the River Mora for the bignesse thereof affordeth more corne than any Country of Europe It aboundeth also with good and pleasant wine like unto Rhenish and is wonderfully replenished in all parts with faire Cities Towns Villages all built of stone or bricke It is very mountainous and woody but the South part is more champian It containes two Earledomes one Bishopricke divers Baronies two good Cities and foure or six faire Townes The people be very martiall and fierce especially the mountainers who stood so stoutly to King Frederick at the battell of Prague that had all the rest of the Army done so the Kingdome had not beene lost It is a free State like Poland and may make choice of whom they will to be the Lord whose stile is to be called Margrave of Moravia And for that informer times the Emperour and Matthias his brother offered them some wrongs concerning religion they have sithence contracted a league offensive and defensive with the Nobility of Hungarie and Austria as well against the invasions of the Turke as the oppressions of the Romanists Amongst these Provinces Silesia and Lusatia are as large as Bohemia but in strength and numbers of people farre inferiour These two Provinces with Moravia are incorporate to the Crowne of Bohemia Silesia lies on the East of Bohemia Poland on the South of it to which it sometimes belonged Hungaria and Moravia on the East It is two hundred miles long and fourescore broad It is a most delicate and a plentifull Country finely divided in the middle by the faire River Oder on which stand foure or five handsome Cities the chiefe of which is Breslaw the Bishop whereof is for his revenue called the golden Bishop here is also an Vniversity Niesse is also another Bishopricke who now is a Cardinall The people especially of the Cities be civill and generous nor is there any where a more gallant or warlike Gentry which the Turke well tried in the warres of Hungarie for very sufficient serviters they be both on horse and foot and they are able to levie great numbers The government is Aristocraticall that is by the States yet in most things a dependant upon the will of the King of Bohemia It was sometimes divided amongst fifteene Dukes but all their families being extinct nine of those Lordships are escheated to the King of Bohemia the other six still remaine amongst three of the heires of the ancient owners The two Dukedomes of Oppelen and Ratibor in this Country were by this present Emperour given to Bethlem Gabor in consideration of his relinquishment of the Crowne of Hungaria For which two Dukedomes and for the lands of the old Marquesse of Iegerensdorff in Lusatia who being prescribed by the Emperour and beaten out by the Duke of Saxony fled to Bethlem Gabor who had newly married his neece that is the sister to the present Elector of Brandenburgh whose fathers brother this Iegerensdorff was For these lands I say came part of the discontents still depending betweene Bethlem Gabor and the Emperour T is reported that if King Frederick would have laid downe his right to Bohemia the Emperour would have beene content to have made him King of Silesia
all the City became to bee divided into Neri and Bianchi this sedition was not of long time after pacified Arezzo being by long dissention amongst themselves almost brought to wracke as the other cities of Tuscane likewise were was sold to the Florentines by Lewis of Anjou for forty thousand Florens of gold and not many yeeres after Cortona by King Ladislaus With the State of Florence doth confine that of Sienna a City builded by the Senoni and of late time become subject to the house of Medici It is five miles in compasse strong by situation and whereunto Cosmo the great Duke adjoyned a Citadell From Florence it is not above thirty three miles distant but the people thereof are much differing in Manners as also disposition they sparing slow and unsociable towards Strangers these bountifull and of kinde entertainment they loth to part with money and provident these liberall and onely caring for the present they grave melancholie and alwaies expecting their profit these plaine and of cheerefull countenance the one inclined to traffique and gaine the other content with their Revenues and the fruits of their Farmes Sienna hath a large and fruitfull Territory wherein are contained in the Cities of Pienza Montalcino Chiusi Soana and in Maremma Massa and Crosse●o the ports of Orbetelio Portercole with twenty six other walled Townes The coast beginneth at Capiglia and extendeth to the little River of Fiore being all good soile for Corne but the aire is so infectious that none live long therein The ports doe all belong to the King of Spaine together with the Hill Argentino a place famous by the discourse which Claudius Ptolomeus made thereof for the excellency of the situation fit for the building of a royall Citie Next this Province beginneth the patrimony of Saint Peter bequeathed to the Church by the Countesse Matilda These may be partly ghessed at by the numbers of people which not to over-reach with the Italians are valued 800000. soules or perchance a million in all his dominions So then out of every 16000. people to allow three hundred souldiers which is the proportion of the Muster-books in Prato then will 800000. people allow 15000. souldiers and though the Duke as some writers affirme hath sometimes confessed that he hath thirty or 36000. souldiers yet I suppose you shall doe him no wrong not to allow him above 20000. in ordinary seeing a Captaine of their owne at once confessed but 15000. These are trained once a moneth except in Florence where they are not suffered to weare Armes the liberty to weare which causes divers to sue to be souldiers those in ordinary pay are bestowed in his Garrisons Thirty Castles and Forts he hath and in some of them fifty in others but fifteene souldiers Sixteene Cities with Garrison also he hath in some of which he keepes not much above the said number though in others two or three hundred He hath in ordinary for his Guard one hundred horse at six and thirty shillings nine pence apeece a moneth and foure hundred light horse more at fifteene shillings nine pence one other troope of horse he hath for what service and in what pay I know not The Garrison Souldier hath one and twenty shillings a moneth the traine Souldier nothing His Force at Sea he never recovered since the defeat given by the Turkes where hee lost two of his best Gallies and one Galleon His whole Fleet is about twelve Gallies and five Galleasses for honour and increase of his power by Sea hath hee instituted the Knights of the Order of Saint Stephen who are his Commanders His chiefe Port and Arsenall is Porto Ferraro in the I le of Elba Of great Ordnance were told in the Castle of Livorno threescore and foure and in that of Florence one hundred and fifty by which may be ghessed that hee hath no want of munition The charge of his Gallies for these six moneths in which they be commonly at Sea is about 18000. gold Crownes each Crowne worth six shillings sterling There is not so much as a root nor the dunging of an Asse for which something is not paid to the great Duke Victuals Lodging Weddings Bargaines Law-suits setting up of young Tradesmen all must be paid for So that his ordinary and knowne revenue is valued at 1100000. Ducats which comes to 279000. pound sterling a yeere besides his extraordinaries A wonderfull summe for a petty Prince especially in such a thrifty place where all expences defrayed he may in times of peace put up one halfe if not two thirds of his intire Revenue Ordinaries and Extraordinaries arising to one thousand pound a day His neighbour Princes are all jealous of him hee of them and all watchfull one over another But the greatest eye-sore his greatnesse is to the State of Lucca which lies in Tuscany and all the whole length being fifty miles surrounded by this Dukes dominions This makes them at great and continuall charge of Garrisons and to put themselves under the protection of the Spaniard the feare of whose power slaves off the Duke from attempting upon that State which might hee once obtaine hee might truly then write himselfe Great Duke of Tuscany Whereas now having but part of it he may be answered as the Pope did his Predecessor So he may write himselfe the Greatest Duke of all Tuscany rather than The Great Duke of all Tuscany The State of the Kingdome of Naples THe chiefe place hereof in ancient time was Capua the pleasant situation whereof was the overthrow of Han●●bal and his army Cicero writeth that the Romans were Lords of three imperiall Cities Carthage Corinth and Capua The two first being farre off they utterly ruinated of Capua they long consulted in the end they concluded that it were extreme tyrannie to spoile so noble a city of Italy But for their better security they confiscated the Territories thereof and deprived it of all forme and Majesty of Common-wealth They let the buildings stand to serve for receit of those which should till the ground Naples is now the chiefe seat not onely of Campagnia but of the whole Kingdome and is indeed a princely City it is in compasse seven miles but narrow of late times it is much augmented and would increase continually if the King of Spaine had not forbidden a further increase by building whereunto he was moved partly by the complaints of the Barons whose Tenants to injoy the liberties granted to the Neapolitans did forsake their owne dwelling to seat themselves there partly by the danger of rebellion which in so mighty a City cannot easily be repressed It is strongly walled and hath in it three Castles the chiefe whereof is Castle Novo builded by Charles of Angcow The haven is not large nor safe but that inconvenience is somewhat eased by an artificiall key It hath likewise an Arsenall wherein all Instruments of warre are forged Amongst other religious places of which sort there are many and those
a tribute which Leo the ninth did release to the Church of Bamburgh which in those daies being by divers casualties often usurped was at last restored againe to the Church by the Armes of the Normans It was the habitation of the Lucans extending from the River Sarvo to Lavo it is a territory rough and mountainous Towards the Sea-coast are Nico Sorento Massa Almasi and Salerne the aire whereof is very temperate in the upland are Cava Nocera San-Severino and more neere the Sea Peste where Roses blow twice a yeare Agropoli Possidoniat now Licosa Policaster Capace Nov● Venosa Accella and Melsi holden second to Naples Naples NAples was first the receptacle of Philosophie secondly of the Muses and now of Souldiery the moderne inhabitants having their eares daily inured to the sound of the drum fife and their eyes to the management of Horses and glittering of Armours For the ambitious Spaniard now governeth this Kingdome by a Viceroy directed upon occasions by the Councell appointed for Italy which innovation hath principally befallen them by their dependancie upon the Popes who knowing by reason of the brevitie of their lives not otherwise to govern than by spleene passion and private respect have continually disquieted the estate untill a third man hath bereaved both parties of their imaginary greatnesse And this is the Spaniard who making right use of former defaults hath secured the peece first by taking all power and greatnesse from the Nobility more than titular and secondly in suppressing the popular throughout the whole Kingdome by forren souldiery A regiment consisting of foure thousand Spaniards besides sixteene hundred quartered in the maritime Townes and fortresses To these one thousand great horse and foure hundred and fifty light-horse are inrolled They say through the whole Kingdome two hundred thousand five hundred and threescore persons able to beare armes may bee levied and trained but are not in pay nor raised but in time of service and then but in part according to occasion To make good this proportion every Hundred fires or families are charged with five foot-men there are foure millions eleven thousand foure hundred fifty and foure fires in this Kingdome Over whom Captaines are appointed who have their entertaiments as well in times of peace as of warre Their strength at Sea consisteth of thirty seven Gallies yet more than trouble and title the King of Spaine reapeth not from this Kingdome The revenue and donatives now made revenue with impositions amount yearly to two millions and fiftie thousand ducats one million and thirty thousand thereof are ordinarily given away in pension and other largesses the remainder cannot suffice by much to discharge the Garrisons Gallies Horsemen and the residue of the Souldierie The body of their Nobilitie consisteth of fourteene Princes five and twenty Dukes thirty Marquesses fifty foure Earles and foure thousand Barons too too many to thrive one by another for as they increase in number so great Princes will be sure they shall decrease in authoritie No office is allotted them neither any command assigned them whereby they might ascend to estimation Every Officer is countenanced against them all their misdemeanours lookt into severely examined and justice rigorously inflicted Their ancient vassals their ancient honour and confidencie are now alienated from them and being backt against them in their pretensions are growne neglectfull of them They have lost their stings and being either desperate of their libertie or farre degenerated from their ancient glory dare not expresse much lesse put in hazzard any action tending to redemption Indeed they have no likelihood of forren assistance all the Princes of Italie in these dayes either fearing or flying into the protection of the Spaniard A pregnant president of the many calamities incident to all Kingdomes governed by Deputies The riches of the Kingdome are especially silks wrought and unwrought and wines The taxes now imposed upon these wares have so inhaunced the prices that the forren Merchant néglecteth to trade to the no small impoverishment of the Tradesman and Merchant whose especiall livelihoods consist in workmanship and the quicke returne thereof What rates may be imposed hereon as also upon victuals and wines let reason judge when upon herbs only spent in Naples foure thousand pounds sterling are annually levied by way of imposition As for Wines twelve thousand Buts are reported to bee transported from thence at every season Among all men that professe Christ there is not a more uncivill creature than the Calabriar Over land there is no travelling without assured pillage and hardly to be avoided murder although you have not about you that to their knowledge the worth of a dolar More silke is made from the silke-worme in this Province than in all Italy besides The State of the Duchie of Millaine NOt to doe the Spaniard wrong we will adde his Duchie of Millaine to his Kingdome of Naples The circuit of this State is three hundred miles of good fruitfull and well watered land under which are nine good Cities and in them two Vniversities Pavia and Millan This latter a goodly Citie and a rich almost seven miles in compasse and inhabited by two hundred thousand soules industrious and of the best Artizans of Italy It claimes to be the first Duchie of Europe In the weaknesse of the Empire Millane withdrew its obedience An. 1161. Fiftie six yeares after that the Visonti usurped upon the common libertie For want of heires the French claimed and conquered it But King Francis being taken prisoner by Charles the fifth was faine to release Millane to gaine his owne libertie And thus came it to the Spaniard His certaine Revenue out of it besides Escheats and gratuities are eight hundred thousand Ducats but the maintenance of it costs him much more than that summe and the French for that reason were glad they were rid of it For the Spaniard is at continuall charges of three thousand foot one thousand light-horse and six hundred men at Armes besides the expences upon the Forts whereof the Castle of Millane is held to be one of the surest peeces in the world The natives are proud and the Spaniards are proud too and it was never yet knowne that two proud persons loved one another and this makes the Spaniard to curbe them with Forts and Garrisons But since he is Master of the Valtoline he can quickly bring German forces into Millane if he perceived any inclination to insurrection The Governour is Generall of the Forces and hee alwayes a Spaniard Law-matters are decided by sixteene Doctors of Law and other chiefe men of the Clergie and Nobilitie The State of Genoa THe places of most note therein are Nizza having a Castle of great account Villa franca a Haven of great receit but dangerous Monaco a notable for t Ventimilia a good Citie The Champion of Arbenga is fertill but the aire infectious Finale is a famous Lordship Noly hath a convenient Harbour
cause why none of them rise by their owne industry to any great wealth They never combate amongst themselves but revenge injuries with words except upon objection of cowardize whereof the charged is never disburthened untill he have proved himselfe in singular combate with a Turke It hath beene an ancient custome amongst them that none should weare a feather but hee who hath killed a Turke to whom it was lawfull to shew the number of his slaine Enemies by the number of feathers in his Cap. They punish Adulterie and Fornication with death the Husband forcing his Wife the Father his Daughter and the Brother his Sister to the place of Execution The Sonnes inhabit equally after the death of their fathers occupying for the most part the possessions left them in common The Daughters have the value of the part of the Lands in money They are desirous of warres above measure they admit no unprofitable man into their Campe but such as hold servants are served with men They march in troopes both Horse and Foot lodging apart but not in that good order which is used by the Germans who distinguish both their Companies and Regiments into streets placing their baggage at their backs or flankes according to necessity They goe no round neither in their Campes nor Townes but in stead thereof one Sentinell whoopeth to another as in like case doe the Turkes The Horse-men in battell range themselves in files after the German order as doe also their foot placing all their shot on front They give a furious charge and the Enemie broken fall presently to spoile leaving to follow the execution for any small booty but being broken they fly every man home without ever turning head lying in wait by the way for their enemies whom they rob in their flight counterfeiting for the more terrour the clamour of the Tartars from whom they differ in the fashion of their Caps The Government in the times of the Kings of Hungarie which in these latter ages were still elective was administred partly by the great Officers of the Spirituality and of the Secular powers The chiefe of the Spirituality was the Archbishop of Strigonium who was ever to be the Lord Keeper or Chancellour principall Secretary of Estate and Primate of Hungaria The other Archbishop was hee of Colozza these two had fourteene Suffragan Bishops under them all now swallowed up by the Turke except Sirigonium Nitria ●aver●ne and ●●cia The chiefe Officer of the Secularitie is the Palatine of Hungaria chosen by the States and Lords of the Kingdome his authoritie is marvellous large both in the Court of the King the Courts of Justice in the ordinary Diets and especially in the vacancie of the Throne The Kingdome of Hungaria is now divided betweene three First the Turke who hath the greater part and is Master of Buda it selfe the chiefe Citie of the Kingdome Secondly Bethien Gabor who possesses most of the upper Hungarie lying betwixt Transilvania and the River Tibiscus and the third part is in possession of the Emperour whose sonne was lately chosen King of Hungaria For the due administration of Justice under the Secular the ancient Lords divided their Land into twenty Counties appointing to every County a Baron for Governour with one and twenty Doctors of Law to be his Assistants reserving ever to themselves an Appeale for the redresse of Injustice and preventing of extortion Now since the Princes of Austria got the Crowne their tyrannie so yoketh the Peasants that nothing may bee done without the Lords leave Insomuch that these people living in the true condition of slavery want nothing but the name thereof In the time of the ancient government when the Kings would alter any thing in the administration of the Common-weale undertake a forren warre or conclude a peace there assembled together at one place three degrees of Subjects Barons Bishops and Gentlemen with consent of the greater part whereof the Kings had authority to confirme abrogate or institute lawes to denounce warre to conclude peace and to charge their Land with impositions fit for their necessities This assembly is still in use but the freedome thereof is altered nothing being at this day propounded to the assembled by the new Governours but a contribution of money to which demand at a day given the Nobility give their resolutions which in the yeere 96. and 97. when the Turkish Emperour threatned to descend himselfe in person was That the Nobility would put themselves in Campania with their Forces and promised for their subjects for so they terme their Peasants that every Housholder should send a man and give two Dollars of money for entertainment of Souldiers but the Turkish Emperour not comming in person the Gentiles did not further bind themselves than that their subjects should pay every house one Dollar with which money were to be waged 20000. horse and foot the halfe of which never appeared in field there being not at any time in armes under the three Generals of Teufeubach in upper Hungarland of Palfeis upon the border of Danubius and of Zerius in nether Hungarland above nine thousand men And at the battell of Keresture in 96. where were assembled the greatest forces that could bee made by the three Confederates Germany Hungary and Transilvania the Combatants amounted not to above 51000. viz. out of Hungarland arrived six thousand horse and 10000. foot out of Transilvania six thousand horse and 12000. foot out of Germany nine thousand five hundred horse and seven thousand foot The Germans were so well appointed horse and foot as for quantity of Armes and goodnesse of horse nothing could be better devised Of the foot the third part were Pikes armed compleat the rest were shot whereof three parts were Muskets the Horsemen were allarmed many of whose Curases were Musket-proofe some of them carried five Pistols most foure all two That which was indeed a want amongst them was that three parts were Servants according to the German custome many of whom tooke pay for eight Horses The Hungarish and Transilvanian foot were all naked part of whom carried Fire-lockes of two foot and the residue Pikes of nine foot long either Armes of small or no use either in offence or defence whether in Forts Streights or Campania The Horse-men carried hollow Launces of twelve foot long which they brake by the helpe of a leather thong fastened to their saddles for the rest they were armed according to their meanes the rich with Cura●es the meane with Shirts the poore with Sleeves of Male and all with Caskes which kind of arming as it maketh them much defective in proofe so are they of lesse worth for their horses which for their manner of riding bridles and sadd●●s are more forceable to doe execution upon victory to make excursions and to discover than they be either to give or to sustaine a charge Their forces by Water or to speake more properly the Emperours were much impaired by the losse of
and consequence For the River Vistula arising in the extremest bounds of Silesia watereth all Poland the lesse and part of the Greater Mazovia and Prussia and then it falleth into the Baltike Sea below Danske whither it transporteth the greatest quantity of Rye Corne Honey and Wax of the whole Kingdome a journy of foure hundred miles From another coast the most famous River Duina arising out of the Lake Ruthenigo and parting Livonia into equall portions falleth into the Sea about Riga a City of great concourse There are in Prussia and Livonia many Lakes amongst which one is called the New-Sea 100 miles long in Livonia is a Lake called Beybas more than 400. miles long from thence spring the Rivers which running by Pernovia and Nar●e make two notable Havens for traffike Betweene these two Cities stands Rivalia giving place to neither in beauty Samogithia is more rude and barbarous than the other Provinces and Podalia more barren which is not to be attributed to the nature of the soile for it is plentifull of those Commodities which the climate under which it lieth can afford but to the cruelty of the Tartars which so vex it with continuall inrodes that the Inhabitants are driven either to flie for feare or to bee led away captives by these barbarous people The riches of Poland are the abundance of Corne and all sorts of graine which grow there in such plentifull sort that in it selfe it never suffered want but evermore as in the yeare 1590. and 1591 it releeved not onely the bordering Nations oppressed with famine and scarcity but also yeelded some portion of releese to the wants of Genoa Tuscanie and Rome It floweth with Honey and Wax And whereas in all these Northerly Nations of Poland Lituania Russia Muscovia there are no Wines growing in stead thereof Nature hath bestowed upon them incredible quantities of Honey whereof these people doe brew an excellent kinde of Beverage The Bees make Honey either in Woods where they finde the trees made hollow by rottennesse or mans industry or in Hives set in open field by the Country people or in holes of the earth or in any place where they can finde never so small a liking It aboundeth with Flax Hempe with Sheepe with Cattell tell and with Horses Amongst the beasts of the wood are sound wilde Oxen wilde Horses and the Buste which cannot live out of the Wood of Nazovia The riches of the land consist in the Salt-pits of Bozena and Velisca in the territory of Cracovia The Revenues of the Kingdome for the most part are equally divided between the Noblemen he Gentlemen for no man is left so rich by inheritance that hee may exceed others above measure and the greatest Revenue of all exceedeth not five and twenty thousand Ducats Onely the Dukes of Curland and Regimount exceed this meane For although they are feodaries of the Kingdome and acknowledge the King as their superiour yet are they not as lively members of the State they come not to the Diets of the Kingdome they have not their voices in the election of the Prince neither are they accounted as naturall Lords of the Kingdome but for strangers as in truth they are the Duke of Curland being of the house of Ketlert and the Duke of Regimount of the family of Brandenburge All Prussia did belong to the Dutch Knights who had their Great Master resident there but he not being able to withstand the force of the Polonians yeelded himselfe feodarie to King Casimere Afterwards when Albert of Brandenburge their Great Master became a Protestant hee was created Duke of Prussia and the Country was divided into two parts the one regall mediately holden of the Crowne the other Ducall allotted to Albert and his successors to hold by fealty In the Kings par●ition stand Marieburge Torovia Culma Varnia and Da●●ke● in the Duchie which yeelded an hundred and twenty thousand Ducats yearely the chiefe Towne is Regimount the Germans call it Conningsburgh and there the Duke keepeth his Court. The Government of Polonia is altogether elective and representeth rather an Aristocracie than a Kingdome the Nobility who have great authority in the Diets chusing the King and at their pleasure limiting him his authority and making his soveraignty but a slavish royalty These diminutions of Regality beganne first by default of King Lewis and Iagello who to gaine the succession in the Kingdome contrary to the Lawes one for his daughter and the other for his sonne departed with many of his Royalties and Prerogatives to buy the voyces of the Nobility Whereupon by degrees the King of Poland as Stanislaus Orichovius confesses is little more than the Mouth of the Kingdome which speakes not but what his Councell prompts him The great Officer whom they call the President of their liberty and Guardian of it is still joyned with the King as it were to Tutor him and to moderate his desires The power royall there is no more but what King Sigismund assumed in full Parliament at Petricovia Anno 1548. which was to conclude nothing but by advice of his Councell To give instances of the power of these great Counsellours they made void the testament of King Casimire forbade King Iagello to warre upon the Knights Hospitalers unto whom in his expedition into Lituania they adjoyned the Bishop of Cracovia limiting their King to doe nothing but with his approbation Casimire the third had foure Commissioners joyned with him Without their leaves the King cannot chuse his owne wife for which reason King Iagello was by them perpetually perplexed Appeales the supreme marke of Soveraignty are not made to the King but to the States King Alexander Anno 1504. was faine to remit the disposing of the publike treasure unto the Lord Treasurer to which Officer Iagello Anno 1422. could not but grant the royalty of coining monies also Well therefore as Cromerus reporteth might Queene Christina complaine That her Husband was but the shadow of a Soveraigne They have neither law nor statute nor forme of government written but by custome from the death of one Prince to the election of another the supreme authority resteth in the Archbishop of Gesna who is President of the Councell appointeth the Diets ruleth the Senate and proclaimeth the new elected King Before King Stephen erected new Bishops Palatines and Castellanes in Livonia few other besides the Archbishop of Leopolis and his thirteene Suffragans eight and twenty Palatines and thirty of the chiefest Castellanes were present at the election of the new King They hold an assembly of the States every yeare for two causes the one to administer Justice in Soveraigne causes unto which are brought appeales from all the Judges of the Country the other to provide for the safety of the Common-weale against their next Enemies the Tartars who make often incursions upon them In the time of their Diets these men assemble in a place neere unto the Senate-house where they chuse two Marshals by whom
party-coloured Ensignes These and such like furnitures doe cause them to bee discerned of their fellowes make them seeme terrible to their Enemies and doe encourage their minds to fiercenesse and prowesse Their Horse are but small yet very nimble and farre more couragious than the Dutch It is thought that upon necessity Poland is able to raise an hundred thousand horse and Lituania seventy thousand but far inferiour in goodnesse to the Polish They have so great trust in the great number of their horse that nothing fearing the power of any Enemies they regard not the building of Fortresses but resolve that they are able to defend their Country their Wives and Children their liberty and goods in the open field against any Prince whatsoever boasting that in either chance of warre they never turned their backes Sigismund Augustus laboured that in the Diets of the Kingdome order might be taken for the fortifying of Cracovia because of neighbour-hood of the Emperour but he could never effect it partly because it should not give their Kings opportunity of absolute authority and tyrannicall Emperie partly because they thinke themselves by noble courage sufficiently able to defend the Kingdome They have no infanterie for all the people of the Kingdome are divided either into Merchants and Artificers which inhabit the Cities or labourers which live in the country in such subjection as we spake of before and this is the reason that the Gentlemen onely goe to the war and will not in any case serve on foot but alwaies when occasion serveth they doe give wages unto the German and Hungarish footmen and of these King Stephen in his journey into Livonia entertained under his colours little lesse than 16000. to convey his great Ordnance 1609. Sigismund being called into Moscovie by the treason of Sulskey who had slaine Demetrius his Lord and Master in Mosco departed from Cracovia with 30000. horse and 10000. foot exceedingly well furnished and resolute Wherein in truth consisteth the sole commendation of the Polish Gentlemen As for manners for the most part they are discourteous and uncivill a very murderous and wicked people especially in their drunkennesse and that towards strangers For Pioners they use the Tartars and their owne unplandish people The Kingdome is sufficiently furnished stored with great Ordnance and all furniture belonging thereto of which it can suffer no manner of scarcitie first because the Gentlemen and Noblemen keepe many in their castles next for the neighbour-hood of Germany which is exceeding rich in Metall to that use and plentifull of Antificers to forge anything belonging thereunto And though it is not usuall to see many castles in Polonia yet the Fortresses of Leopolis and Camentzie in Russia the Castle of Cracovia in the lesse Poland Polocensis on the Frontiers of Moscovia Mariembourge and some other Townes in Livonia are peeces in truth of great strength These forces of Polonia which wee have spoken of are such in quantity and quality that few Nations in Europe can equall them none surpasse them one thing they want and that is Celeritie For to the sure strengthening of every Kingdome foure things are required that is to say That their forces be of their owne subjects That it be Populous Valiant and Quicke their owne because it is dangerous trusting to a stranger Populous because of re-enforcements after checkes or overthrowes Valiant because number without courage little availeth yea it bringeth forth confusion And Quicke that they may lightly move and speedily be drawne whither necessitie enforceth The last of these foure are Polacks especially want that is Celerity occasioned two waies First for defect of absolute authority in the Prince which is much checked by prolonging and adjourning of Parliaments procured many times by the frowardnesse of the Nobilitie And secondly for want of ready money and quicke levies thereof For the King hath no power to determine any thing to denounce warre to impose taxes or to gather treasure without the consent of these Parliaments and these Parliaments where it is necessary that many be present are like an Engine made of many peeces which without losse of time can neither easily be joyned nor readily moved For in warlike affaires those Princes make best speed which are best able to command and have most money in readinesse otherwise in appointing and ordering the Diets and devising that the Actions may answer the Counsels than in executing and in providing of money there hapneth such losse of time that little is left for the beginning of the journey much lesse to accomplish Besides the Barons and Nobles are at such charges and tarry so long when they are there that at their departure they have little left to maintaine after-charges It may be that for the defence of the State quicker and readier resolution would bee taken because of the imminent danger fatall in generall But for the conquest of any forren place I beleeve they will alwaies proceed with like flownesse and irresolution for the hope of good doth not so much move vs as the feare of evill Yet hath our age seene in the reigne of Sigismund Augustus the Moscovite to have conquered the Provinces of Moloch and Smolock and that without resistance or revenge a cowardize ill beseeming so great a King and so mighty a State as likewise hee invaded Livonia without impeachment which had shadowed it selfe under the protection of the said Sigismund In the daies of Henry of Anjow Iohn Prince of Moldavia even he that with an undaunted spirit and famous victory held warre against the Turke was shamefully forsaken of them contrary to the covenants of confederacy betweene him and this Sigismund concluded So that we must needs confesse that such as is the courage valour and reputation of the Prince such is the resolution alacrity and forces of the Polackes of themselves populous valiant and couragious Stephen Bathori had good testimony hereof in whose time Polonia not onely maintained the honour of a King sufficient to defend it selfe from forren Armes but also to make conquests of great matters from most potent Enemies And seeing we have spoken of Celerity a vertue most necessary for every State it shall not bee amisse to speake of the causes thereof which as is aforesaid are two viz. The reputation of the Prince which giveth it life and store of Coine which preserves it in action for wee have seene in mightiest Armies the body by the slownesse of the head to have spent the time most idly and very famous victories for want of money to give continuall motion to action to have brought forth small or no effects Besides the disposition of a Souldier is a great helpe hereunto for no man can truly praise the German and Bohemian Foot-men for Celerity but this commendation without doubt is proper to the Italian Spaniard and Frenchmen not onely for that they are of better constitution of body but for that which in warre is all in all they are better contented
and standing in manner of Lakes as the Lakes of Gir and Ighid●●ikengan to the great comfort of Travellers and preservation of the Inhabitants They live without any forme of Law in manner of bru●e beasts leading a miserable life What learning meaneth they know not and vertue they absolutely defie They are altogether addicted to hunting notorious theeves and most dangerous to Merchants Yet there live amongst them many Africans and Arabians civill and courteous entertainers of strangers and true of their words In comparison of the other Africans they live but a short time the strongest bodies not exceeding the yeares of sixtie Yet for the time they are very healthfull slender and leane of bodie riding upon Camels and feed very sparingly as also very patient of thirst and hunger Bread they know not but live upon Milke Camels flesh and butter Their clothing is a short rayment and rude scarce covering their middle Some of them cover their heads with blacke cloth in fashion of a Turbant Their Nobilitie goeth attired in a kinde of long garment like a shirt made of blew Cotton-wooll with large sleeves In stead of beds they use the greene bankes or Mats wrought of Bulrushes Their Tents are either wrought of Chamblet or of a course kinde of Wooll which they finde amongst the Date-trees The Land of Negroes or Aethiopia THis Region taketh his name either from the colour of the Inhabitants or from the River Niger Some Writers affirme that excepting Aegypt this Country was first inhabited and yet at this day is scarcely knowne although in latitude it containeth very neere foure hundred miles By reason of its situation neere the Torrid Zone it is extreme hot yet not altogether uninhabited Yea it is most full of Inhabitants and in some places alwayes Spring-time On this side the Riuer Cananga which is ●he bounder of th●se blacke people the Countrey is most drie s●ndie and desart but beyond for the most part fruitful by reason of their continuall letting of water from the River Niger running thorow the middest of the Countrey Whereby all the grounds which lye neere thereunto or such as participate of this water are exceeding fruitfull both in Graine Cattell Scarlet-die Cucumbers Onions and such like sawces But they have no trees save one which bringeth forth fruit not much unlike a Chest-nut but somewhat bitterer About the banks of Niger there are no Mountaines nor Valleyes but many Woods stored with Elephants and other strange creatures watered with many Lakes and Mists compacted with the over-flowings of Niger Here raine neither profiteth nor damnifieth but in the over-flowing of Niger consisteth welfare even as it doth in Aegypt by the mundation of Nilus For even as Nilus so this forty dayes from the five and twentieth of Iune increaseth and in so many againe falleth so that during those fourescore dayes they faile over the whole Land in Boats and Barges The Inhabitants derived their originall from Chu● the son of Cham the son of Noe whom at the first they worshipped as Lord of Heaven Afterward they received the Jewish Lawes and persevered therei● many yeares untill they received the Christian faith But sithence the Al●●m●●an inperst it on impoisoned the whole confines of Lybia they likewise turned excepting some few Provinces which to this day observe the Christian Rites Towards the Ocean Sea they are all Idolaters and Gentiles Generally they all lead a brutish life farre different from the instinct of reason from imployment of wit and manuary Sciences They are exceeding luxurious by reason whereof the Countrey swarmeth with Whores But they that inhabit the good Townes are a great deale more neat and civill than these other Africans They live not long yet retaine they their wonted vigour and the soundnesse of their teeth to their last gaspe The Countrey was once divided into five and twentie Kingdomes now reduced to three that is to say the Kingdome of Tombut the Kingdome of Borneo and the Kingdome of G●oga Besides Gualata hath its proper King Gualata is distant from the Ocean an hundred miles it is very small and containeth but three Boroughs with some Territory of ground Hamlets and Date-bearing fields thereunto adjacent The Inhabitants are most blacke lovers of Strangers exceeding poore without any government Gentrie or Judges Tombut taketh his name of a Citie so called and lyeth beyond the River Canaga It is exceeding plentifull of Corne Cattell Milke and Butter Salt they have none but buy it at a deare rate at the hands of Merchants Of Horse they have infinite store The King thereof is very rich as a Prince raigning over many other kingdomes and is Lord of some Ingots which weigh thirteene hundred pound weight He keepeth a royall Court guarded with three thousand Horse-men and many more foot armed with Bowes and impoysoned Arrowes Hee is an utter enemie to the Jewes and doth not only forbid them his Kingdome but likewise confiscateth those his subjects goods of whom he understandeth that they use any Trafficke with any of that Nation He maintaineth a great number of learned men The buildings of his imperiall Citie are built of mud and thatch except one faire Temple and the Kings Palace which are wrought of stone and Lime Sweet Springs are every where to be found in this Countrey and the people are courteous and merry spending the third part of their time in songs and dancing They are very rich and especially the Stranger Infinite sorts of Manuscripts are brought hither from Barbarie which are here sold at very high rates Gago is the name of the chiefe City where the King resideth It is very large without Wals and distant foure hundred miles from Tombut The buildings are very base except those which pertaine to the King and the Nobility Fresh water is here very frequent with plenty of Corne Rice and Flesh but of fruits except the Melon the Citron great scarcity The Merchants are very rich and their wares sumptuous and precious but excessive deare Borneo is a large Countrey hath upon the West Guangara and towards the East it reacheth almost five hundred miles In some places it is plaine in some mountainous The plaine Countrey is replenished with many Market Townes from whence commeth great store of Corne. The Mountaines are inhabited with Neat-herds and Sheep-herds and bring forth Mill and other fruits to us unknowne The Inhabitants are Infidels living like beasts neither knowing their proper wives nor their owne Children They have no names at all but are distinguished by bodily accidents The King is a mighty Prince as maintaining three thousand Horse and infinite troops of foot but hath no other Revenue than what he taketh by force from his Enemies Gaoga lieth betweene the Kingdome of Borneo and the desarts of Nubia stretched out five hundred miles in length and breadth The Inhabitants are uncivill ignorant and most rude especially the Mountainers They goe naked all save their privities Their houses are built of
effect he first sent his three sonnes Abdel Abnet and Mahumet on pilgrimage to Meca and Medina to visit and worship the Sepulcher of their great Prophet Mahumet The young men returned from their pilgrimage with such opinion and estimation of holinesse and Religion if it bee lawfull to use these termes to so great impiety and fopperie that the Inhabitants as they travelled could hardly be kept from kissing their garments and adoring them as Saints They againe as men wrapt in deepe contemplation journied through the Provinces sighing and sobbing and crying with a high voice Ala Ala. They had no other sustenance but the almes of the people Their father received them with great joy and contentment and perceiving the favour and opinion of the people not to bee like a nine dayes wonder but to continue fresh and the same as at the first resolved to make use thereof and thereupon sent two of them Abnet and Mahumet to the Court at Fez. The King received them kindly and made one of them President of the famous College of Amadorac and the younger Tutor of his Children In processe of time when they perceived the King to grace them and the people to favour them by the Counsell of their father taking occasion of the grievances which the Arabians and Moores serving under the Portugall Ensignes had done to the professors of their superstition they desired leave of the King to display a Banner against the Christians making him beleeve that they would easily draw the Portugal Moores to their partie and so secure the Provinces of Sus Hea Deucala and Maroch Muly mazer the Kings brother resisted this petition alleaging that if once under the shew of holinesse they grew to head it would not afterwards lie in his power to suppresse them under his obedience For warre makes men awlesse victories insolent popularity ambitious and studious of innovation But the King in whose heart their hypocriticall sanctimony had taken a deepe impression little regarding his brothers counsell gaue them a Banner a Drumme and twenty horsemen to accompanie them with Letters of credence to the Princes of Arabie and Cities of Barbarie In these beginnings many things falling out to their honour and good liking they beganne to make incursions into Deucala and the Countrey of Safi ranging as farre as the promontory Aguer then under the government of the Portugals and perceiving themselves to be favoured strong and well followed urged the people who for the most part in those dayes lived in liberty to aid those which fought for their Law and Religion against the Christians as likewise with willing mindes to give God his tithes which they obtained of the people of Dara Then by little and little they incroached upon the territory of Taradant of which they made their Father Governour and invaded Sus Hia Deucala and the neighbouring places They first seated themselves in Ted●●st and after in Tesarot In their next journey but with the losse of their Brother they defeated Lopes Barriga a great Warriour and Captaine generall of the Portugall Armie By flattering speeches they entred Marocho poisoned the King and proclaimed Amet-Xeriffe King of the Country After this hapned the warre of the Arabians of Deucala and Xarquia with the Arabians of Garbi where while each party weakned other and either promised to himselfe the favour and assistance of the Xeriffes they turned their armes upon both factions and carried rich preyes from both Nations Before this warre they sent unto the King the fifth part of all their spoiles but after this victory little regarding their Soveraigne they sent him onely six Horses and six Camels and those very leane and ill shapen Which the King disdaining sent to demand his fifths and also the Tribute which the Kings of Marocho were accustomed to pay to him which if they denied hee vowed revenge with fire and sword In the meane time the King died and Amet his Sonne once the pupill of the younger Xeriffe not onely allowed but also confirmed Amet in the Kingdome of Marocho upon condition that in some things he should acknowledge the King of Fez to be his Lord paramount To this the Xeriffes whose power and estimation daily increased when the day of paiment of the tribute came willed the messenger to say unto his Master that they were the lawfull successors of Mahumet and therefore that they were bound to pay tribute to no Man yea that they had more right to Africke than he had but if he would reckon them in the number of his friends no doubt but it would turne to his good and honour for if hee diverted them from the warre of the Christians they would not leave him so much as a heart to defend himselfe The King taking this in ill part proclaimed warre against them and besieged Marocho but for that time was constrained to dislodge Afterward returning with eighteene thousand Horse-men and two thousand Harquebusiers to renew the siege as soone as he had past the River hee was overcome of the Xeriffs who led an Armie of seven thousand Horse and one thousand two hundred shot In the pride of this victory they exacted Tribute of this Province and passing Atlas they tooke the famous City Tafilet and partly by love and partly by force compelled divers people of Numidia and the Mountaines to beare the yoke of their subjection In the yeare 1536. the younger Xeriffe which called himselfe King of Sus gathering together a mighty Armie with great store of Artillery part whereof hee tooke from the King of Fez and part whereof were cast by certaine Renegada Frenchmen made a journey to Cape Aguer This place is of great consequence and possessed by the Portugals who built it and fortified it first at the expences of Lopes Sequiera and then at the charges of King Emanuel after he understood of the commodious situation thereof It was fiercely assaulted and as valiantly defended untill the fire beganne to take hold upon the Bulwarke where their Gun-powder was stowed with which misfortune the companies appointed for the defence of that quarter growing fearefull and faint-hearted gave way for the Xeriffe to enter who made slaves of the greatest part of the defendants After which victory they subdued almost all Atlas the Kingdome of Marocho and the Arabians which were vassals to the Crowne of Portugal the residue as Safi Azamon Arzil and Aleazar places situated upon the Sea-coast of Mauritania King Iohn the third perceiving the prose not to equalize the charge voluntarily resigned These prosperous beginnings brought forth sowre ends for the Brethren falling at discord twice put their fortunes upon the hazard of a battell twice the yonger overcame the elder tooke him and cast him into prison in the City Tafilet Then turned he his Arms against the King of Fez tooke him prisoner and restored him to his liberty but taking him againe for breach of Covenants deprived him and his Son of life and Kingdome By the valour of his
you please one of the seven exceeding the ancient two viz. Europe and Africke in largenesse and circuit especially in these our dayes being wholly discovered to the East and North the habitations of the Chinois and Tartars without accounting the Islands thereunto belonging which if they were adjoyned would make a Continent farre fairer than Europe Vpon three parts it is bounded with the vast Ocean sirnamed the Orient on the South with the Indian upon the North with the Scythian upon the West it is somewhere dis●oyned from Europe and Africk with the Red-sea somewhere with the Mediterranean somewhere with the Euxine and somewhere with the River Tanais The Regions which of old it contained were Pon●us Bithynia Phrygia the Great Lycia Galatia Paphlagonia Pamphylia Cappadocia Armenia the Lesse Cilicia Sarmatia Asiatica Colchis Iberia Albania Armenia the Great Cyprus Syria cava Phoenicia Palestina Arabia petrea Mosopotamia Arabia deserta Babylonia Assyria Susiana Media Persis Parthia Carmania deserta Carmania altera Arabia Felix Hyrcania Margiana Bractriana Sogdiana Sacarum Regio Scythia within Imaus Scythia without Imaus Serica Aria Paramisus Drang●●no Arachosia G●drosia India on this side Ganges India beyond Ganges Sinatum Regio and Taproban Generally it enjoyeth a most excellent temperature of ayre and is so rich fertile and barefull for variety of fruits and feeding and so abounding therewith that in all these good gifts it excelleth all Countries whatsoever For here are to be found divers sorts of living Creatures and Plants the like whereof the whole world againe affordeth not As Balme Sugar canes Frankincense Myrrh Cassia Cinamon Nutmegs Pepper Saffron sweet Woods Muske and divers other sorts of Drugs and Odors excellent Gold all sorts of Minerals and precious stones Of beasts it affordeth the Elephant and Camell with divers strange sorts both wilde and tame The people are of excellent wits exceeding rich and happie in all good things This Region hath beene the Parent of many rare spirits and the Seat of most mightie and flourishing Empires As wherein raigned the Monarchs of the Assyrians Persians Babylonians Parthians and Medes No lesse regardfull at this day are the Empires of the Turkes Tartars Persians Mogors Indians and Chinois but indeed most celebrated in Holy Writ for our Creation Fall and Redemption as the Region wherein in a manner all the Histories and Acts mentioned in the Old Testament and a great part of those of the New were wrought and accomplished The Ancients divided it into divers parts but at this present it is best divided into five according to the chiefe and principall Empires therein the first whereof confining with Europe is governed by the Great Duke of Moscovie the second belongeth to the Great Cham the third is commanded by the Turke the fourth is the Kingdome of Persia the fifth comprehendeth that which hath alwayes beene called India and governed by divers Princes for the most part vassals feodaries or tributaries to other Potentates The principall Islands are Iapan Luconia Mindanao Burneo Sumatra Zeiland and Cyprus Russia alias Sarmatia now Moscovia THe Great Duke of Moscovia is Lord of a most large Dominion and within the limits of his jurisdiction are contained many Regions It is boūded on the North with Lappia and the North Ocean On the South by the Chrim Tartars On the East by the Nagarans possessing all the Countrey on the East side of Volga towards the Caspian sea On the West and Southwest lye Lituania Livonia and Polonia The naturall Shires pertaining to Russia and whereof perticularly the Great Duke will not without offence but be stiled King are sixteene but farre greater and larger than the Shires of England though not so well peopled The other Provinces being nine with a great part of Siberia being not naturall Russes the Emperours of late yeares have purchased by their swords and subjected them to their Lawes Customes and Taxes Casan and Astrachan by them termed Kingdomes have devolved unto them by like providence As for all his interest in Lituania to the number of thirtie great Townes and more with Narve and Dorp in Livonia they are quite gone surprised of late times by the Kings of Poland and Sweden From North to South measuring from Cola to Astrachan it containeth in length foure thousand two hundred and sixtie Versts a verst is three quarters of a mile English Beyond Cola hee hath more Territory Northward viz. to Tromschna running foure thousand versts welnie beyond Pechinga neere Wardhuis but not clearely possessed by reason that the Kings of Sweden and Denmarke have divers Townes therein aswell as the Russe every one of them claiming the lawfull possession of these Northerne Provinces as in his owne right The breadth taken farthest Westward on the Narve side to the bounds of Siberia Eastward where the Emperour hath some garrisons is foure and forty hundred ve●sts or thereabouts If these Dominions were all habitable and peopled the Russe Emperour were either very unlikely to hold them or holding them with good government would prove too mighty for his bordering Neighbours And although by the spaciousnesse of these Territories it should seeme that he hath ingrossed many Countries and for brevities sake hath also assumed the titles into the credit and majestie of one Monarchie yet it may well be compared to the fortune of the five Kings that tooke Lot prisoner whom Abraham with his three hundred and eighteene menial-servants released and set at libertie witnesse the proofe which a few resolute and well ordered English souldiers made of late amongst them even in the fields of Novograd where they contracted their owne conditions in despight of that whole Armie which both Poles and Moscovites rallied against them It is situated partly in Europe and partly in Asia which separation is caused by the River of Tanais bounder of Asia and running thorow the middle of the Countrey By which as the Rasse reporteth a man may passe from Mosco to Constantinople and so into all those parts of the world by water only drawing his Boat as their custome is over a little Isthmus of land This passage was proved not long since by a Russe Ambassadour sent to Constantinople who passing the Moscua entred into Ock● and from thence as aforesaid drawing his Boat over land fell into Tanais then into Meotis and so to his journeyes end The Pole at Moscua is 55. degrees and ten minutes At Saint Nicholas 63. and 50. minutes The people were once subject to the Tartars whose Prince Roydo in the yeare 1140. conquered Moscovie but Iohn the first incouraged by their civill dissentions denied them tribute In processe of time when Ametes the last successour of Roydo who died at Vilua had overcome the Tartars Precopenses the great Duke adjoyned to his Empire Permia Vestia and Iugria Provinces subject to Ametes From this time the forces of the great Duke increasing Basilius Casan and Iohn the second conquered the Provinces of Citrahan which at this day are called Kingdomes To
confesse the truth the great Dukes have mightily inlarged their bounds and have taken the great Duchies of Severin and Smoloneke Bulchese Prescovia Novogrod Iaroslave and Roscovia some of them from the Polaques and some from other Potentates they possessed thirtie great Townes in Lituania with Narve and Dorp in Livonia but they are all quite gone being of late yeares surprized by the Kings of Poland and Sweveland The chiefe Citie of the Kingdome is Mosco where the Patriarch resideth Roscovia and Novogrod are the Seats of Archbishops Cortisa Resania Columna Susdelia Casan Vologda Tuera Smoloncke Plescovia Staritia Sloboda Ieroslave Volodomir from whence the Kings Seat was translated to Mosco by Iohn the second Mosayco Saint Nicholas Su●ana Vstium and Gargapolia are Bishoprickes The Emperour abideth in the Citie of Mosco which taketh his name from the River arising fourescore and ten miles higher into the Countrey The Citie hath beene greater than now it is and was nine miles compasse the forme thereof is in a manner round invironed with three wals the one within the other and streets lying betweene whereof the inmost wall and the buildings closed within it lying safest as the heart within the body fenced and watered with the River Mosco that runneth close by it is all accounted the Emperours Castle The number of houses thorow the whole Citie being reckoned by the Emperour a little before it was fired by the Enemie was accounted to be 41500. in all But since it was sacked 1571. and burnt by the Tartars it containeth not above five miles According to Possevinus a Writer of good judgement and industrie there are housed in this Citie thirty thousand people besides Oxen and other Cattell Doctor Fletcher writeth that it is not much bigger than the Citie of London Novograde hath the name of Great and yet the same Author alloweth it not above twenty thousand Inhabitants as likewise Smoloncke and Plescovia As the Russe saith here was committed that memorable warre so much spoken of in histories of the Scythian servants that tooke armes against their Masters who in memory of their great victorie have ever since in their coine stamped the figure of a horse-man shaking a whip aloft in his hand This seemeth most incredible to me if it bee true as some write that Plescovia when King Stephen of Poland besieged it had within it fifty thousand foot-men and seven thousand Horse Truly this is a great number and though they were not all Moscovites yet this reckoning asketh a great proportion of Inhabitants For if the King thrust in fifty seven thousand fighting men it must needs be that the Inhabitants were very many moe Some will have it that in times past the Country was better replenished with people and that afterwards it became desolate for three causes the first was the Plague a new disease in Moscovie which gleaned away many thousand soules the second the Tyranny of their Emperours who have put infinite numbers to death especially of the Nobility the third the Incursions and robberies of the Tartars Precopians and the Nagayans which never cease vexing their bordering neighbours For the nature of these roguish Tartars is to make spoile of all men and to captivate their bodies selling them to the Turkes and other Nations By reason whereof many farre removed Provinces partly upon feare and partly upon policie are suffered to lie waste and unmanured And this is all the good which ambitious Princes gaine by their undiscreet invasions of their neighbours to the destruction of their people and their owne vexation No Prince made longer journeyes and greater expences than the great Duke Iohn he vanquished the Kingdomes of Casan to Volga and Astrachan on the Caspian Sea he subdued a great part of Livonia But what honour what profit or what continuance of security gained he by these victories What was the end of this warre In those expeditions perished infinite numbers of men in journeying in assaults with the Sword with sicknesse with hunger and other extremities When he had overcome them he was enforced to keepe great Garrisons yea to bring thither whole Colonies Besides when men were so farre from home either busied in getting other mens goods or in keeping what they had got their wives stayed at home like widdowes and the inward part of the Realme remained empty as a heart void of bloud wanting his necessary nutriment whilst the Inhabitants were wasted on the skirts of the Kingdome And therefore when it was invaded by King Stephen of Poland these remote forces were wanting to make resistance and through this oversight he lost againe Pozovia and other peeces of good reckoning yea and was enforced to leave the whole possession of Livonia to the Polander To proceed the soyle of the Countrey for the most part is of a sleight sandy mould yet very much different one place from another for the yeeld of such things as grow out of the earth Northwards toward the parts of Saint Nicholas and Chola and North-East toward Siberia it is barren and full of desart Woods by reason of the climate and extremity of cold So likewise along the River Volga betwixt the Countries of Casan Astrachan notwithstanding the soyle be fruitfull it is all inhabited saving that upon the West-side the Emperor hath some few Castles and Garrisons in them This happened by meanes of the Chrim Tartars that will neither plant Townes to dwell in living a wilde and vagrant life nor suffer the Russe being farre off with Colonies to people those parts From Vologda which lieth almost a thousand seven hundred versts from the Port of Saint Nicholas downe toward Mosco and to toward the South parts that border upon the Chrim containing the like space of a thousand seven hundred Verstz or thereabouts it is a very pleasant and fruitfull Countrey yeelding Pasture and Corne with Wood and Water in great store and plenty The like is betweene Rezan lying South-East from Mosco to Novogrode and Vobsco that reacheth farthest towards the North-West So betwixt Mosco and Smolensko that lieth South-West towards Lituania is a very fruitfull and pleasant soyle and also very fertill and commodious for those Inhabitants that dwell therein The Countrey differeth very much from it selfe by reason of the yeare so that a man would marvell to see the great alteration and difference betwixt Winter 〈…〉 In Winter it lieth under snow which falle●● 〈…〉 unually sometime a yard or two of thicknesse but deeper towards the North. The Rivers and other waters are frozen up a yard or more thicke how swift or broad soever they bee And this continueth commonly five moneths viz. from the beginning of November till towards the end of March about which time the snow beginneth to melt The sharpnesse whereof you may judge by this for that water dropped downe or cast up into the aire congealeth into Ice before it come to the ground In extremity of weather if you hold a pewter dish or a pot in your
knocking on the heads drowning putting under the ice impaling a stake and such like By this a man may ghesse of his riches for he is not only absolute Lord of all but also he useth the service of their bodies at his pleasure and what portion of their goods him listeth Of the skins of wilde beasts he challengeth what portion he liketh and of every sort of Fish even what he will as hereafter The skins are sold or given as pleaseth him the Fish dried in the winde is kept for victualling the garrisons In the market no man may sell his wares before the King hath sold. He hath not many Mines of Gold or Silver The best Mart-Townes from whence he gathereth the greatest part of his Revenues are Astrachan at the Caspian sea whither the wares of the Persians and Armenians are brought and S. Nicholas whither the ships of the English and Hollanders doe arrive laden with Cloth and other Merchandize which from thence are transported to Vologda When his Ambassadors returne he taketh from them the presents given them by forren Princes and in stead thereof bestoweth upon them some other reward and many times nothing at all To speake in a word he gleaneth whatsoever is good or ought worth through his whole Kingdome it is thought that he hath great store of Treasure in his Castles of Mosco Ieraslave and the Marishes of Albi which may be true for the great Duke Iohn wasted in a manner all Livonia sparing neither Relique Chalice Crucifix nor any ornament of silver and of that which is once brought in he suffereth no part thereof to be transported unlesse it be for the ransome of souldiers taken in the war or of the poore people carried into captivitie This is most true that when he lost Livonia which King Stephen of Poland reconquered in the yeare of our Lord 1582. he lost the richest Province of all his Dominions for the Traffike of the Baltike sea and the best for the strength of 34. castles standing therein The strength of the Kingdome consisteth in the manifold numbers of Rivers and Marishes and in the thicknesse of woods Besides they use to lay wast the parts neerest their enemies that there the Woods may grow thicker which for the moisture of the soyle quickly commeth to passe and are as available as a wall or trench to the defence of the next townes This policie brought great travel to the Polanders for they were constrained to lose much time in cutting downe the woods before they could come to the inhabited places of their enemies They have a few fortresses some built of stone some of bricke after the Italian fashion but without strength of moderne devices or cunning workmanship Such are the Castles of Mosco Novograd Plescovia Porcovia Slobadie some are wrought with twigs and earth well troden downe as Smoloncke But commonly the wals of strong places are built of great beames stuffed with Turffe or Mosse leaving loop-holes for shot This fortifying is very available against great Ordnance but exceeding subject to firing They serve in the field as we told you before treating of his government rather bearing themselves valiantly for feare of punishment than of their own natures shewing any alacritie or willingnes to the service He hath his Captaines at a becke his Souldiers suffer all extremities patiently they care not for frost or raine they indure hunger and scarcitie with incredible contentment they live with a little better able to defend a fortresse than to fight in field for here courage and agilitie there constancie and resolution are most serviceable whereas the Polanders are better to fight in the field than to keepe a Castle as well appeared in either Natiō at the siege of Vobsco where the Russe repulsed the Polonian King Stephen Battore with his whole Armie of one hundred thousand men forced him in the end to give over his siege with the losse of many of his best Captaines and Souldiers but in a set field the Russia hath beene ever noted to have had the worse of the Polonian and Sweden And therefore the Great Duke Iohn finding by experience the unaptnesse of his Souldiers and the readinesse of the Polonians in skirmishes was wont to say That his men had need of a spur to drive them forward and the Polonians wanted a bridle to hold them backe His chiefest force is in horse but what number he can raise who can shew For I doe not beleeve that hee is able as some say to arme three hundred thousand because though his Empire be large yet for the greatest part it lieth unmanured as the many dayes journey between Cazan and Astrachan and scarce meeting one Village in the way may well witnesse In the war which King Stephen waged against him being not above sixtie thousand Foot and Horse strong hee was not able to raise so great a force I will not say as to meet him in the open field but not to hinder him from forcing of Pocovia V●locoluo and other peeces no nor to divert him from the siege of Plescovia In the yeare 1571. the Prince of the Tartars with 80000. Souldiers pierced even into the bowels of his Kingdome and set fire on his Imperiall seat Mosco Therefore I thinke that they who report that the Great Duke can levie three hundred thousand men and the King of Polonia 200000. doe rather meane heads of Horses than Riders for there may be so many thousand Horse and yet every one is not to be counted a Horse of service no more than every Horseman a Rider or able to finde himselfe Armour One hath his heart in his horse another wants abilitie a third wants strength of bodie a fourth both courage and strength yea admit he could raise so many men as these Writers speake of yet would it be a hard matter perchance impossible for him to assemble them in one place or if he could where would wages or victuals be found sufficient to sustaine them For two hundred Horsemen in Moscovie require three hundred Packe-horses and so many tenders who must all be fed as likewise the victualers the Merchant the Artificers and such Servants as can hardly be spared in warlike enterprises To performe this whole Moscovie must of necessity be gathered into one place and then it were to be feared lest in so great a journey from one part of the Kingdome the other part opposite would runne to ruine and decay Likewise although such a proportion of Horse as hath beene spoken of might be raised it were not wisdome for the State to strip the Borders of their Garrisons the Provinces of their finewes the Cities of their Magistrates and the Countrie of Husbandmen In which point Basilius in the conquest of Lituania and Livonia committed a great oversight for that taking away with him the upland and Country people who should have tilled the ground and might easily have been kept in order without any danger by other good policies by this course
If you will heare of their riches then must you raise your eyes East-ward and take notice of Tangut a wealthy Province affording many things befitting Europe especially Rhubarb a simple of that prerogative as if the whole world of necessity should be beholding unto them for this distribution In Kataia amongst many others the great City of Cambalu will excite admiration if you may be induced to measure a quadrant of thirty miles compasse and over-looke at every corner a square Tower very neere forty furlongs in circuit in which the Emperours Munition Armour and provision for warre are secured In Mangia as Queene of the rest is the City of Quinzay having a circumference of an hundred miles by reason that a great Lake divideth the streets into Chanels over which are numbred twelve hundred and threescore bridges some opening the Arches so high and wide that a good Ship under saile hath a passage of ease For beleefe I will neither force the travels of Sir Iohn Mandevil nor the writings of Munster nor the constant asseveration of moderne Travellers but for mine owne part I would modesty perswade you That the world is a stage of variety and that within our owne Kingdome we are acquainted with such novelties of wonder that if they were but delivered by report wee would soone prove as incredulous of the one as we are of the other But to proceed As I told you the ancient Provinces were divided into three particulars and in those dayes knowne by the names of Sarmatia Asiatica both Scythiaes and the Regions of Serica now Kataia Most fierce and barbarous Nations did alwaies inhabit this Country as first the Amazons a warlike kinde of women which in their daies casting away the properties of their sex vexed the whole world usurped Asia and built Ephesus Upon their small extirpation arose the Scythians no lesse dreadfull than the former Then succeeded the Gothes or Getes termed by their neighbours Polouci that is ravenous or theevish These the Tartars tamed and then erected their Monarchie about the yeare of our Lord 1187. or as others say 1162. electing for their King one Cingis a man of base birth and calling This mans followers at that time lived without Manners Law or Religion in the plaines of Caracoram tended their Cattell and paied their duties to K. Vn-cham otherwise Presbyter Iohn who without doubt in those daies kept his Court in Tenduch in the Kingdome of Argon But this King Cingis first subdued the Kingdome of Vn-cham and afterwards imposed the yoke of subjection on the bordering Provinces And certainly that famous Comet seene in the moneth of May 1211. lasting eighteene daies and glimmering on the Gothes Tanais and Russia with its taile extended towards the West did foreshew the succeeding inundation of these Tartars For in the yeare following this Nation whose name as I said was not so much as dreamed of before in Europe wholly subdued Sarmatia Asiatica or Scythia invaded Russia Hungaria and Polonia And lastly erected other famous Monarchies in China Mein and Bengala So that at this day it is divided into five great Provinces Tartaria minor lying in Europe betweene Tanais and Boristhenes Tartaria deserta of old Sarmatia Asiatica containing most of the Hords but not all Zagatai Kataia And lastly that great Promontory which lieth out-stretched in the furthest part thereof towards the North and East and may be called Tartaria antiqua as the motherplace of the true Tartar Nation utterly unknowne to Ptolomie Those that live in the open field about the Euxine Sea the Lake of Meoris and the Tauricke Chersonesse which adjoyneth upon Boristhenes and Tanais in Europe are the Precopenses In this straight or Peninsula standeth Theodosia now Caffa once a Colonie of the Genois now a Sangiacie of the Turkes Their whole Territories are very fruitfull for Corne and Cattell and tho people more civill and courteous than many of the residue yet retaining a smatch of their ancient Barbarisme For they are sworne enemies to the Christians yearely invading Russia Lituania Valachia Polonia and many times Moscovie yeelding to the Turke in the name of Tribute yearely three hundred Christian soules To one of these Princes Selimus gave his daughter in marriage This in old time was called Sarmatia Asiatica and better inhabited before the comming of the Tartars It lyeth betweene Tanais the Caspian Sea and the Lake of Kitay It is a plaine Country by nature fertile if it were manured by these Tartars nothing given to husbandry but addicted to lead a roguish and wandring life after the manner of the Arabians Their chiefe delight is in hunting and warfare Mill and Panicke they cast carelesly into the ground which notwithstanding yeelds sufficient increase Their store of Horse and Cattell is so plentifull that they have to spare for their Neighbours For the most part they dwell upon Cartrages covered with skins and woollen cloth Some defensible Townes they have whereunto they flie in times of necessity Astrachan is situated upon the Caspian Sea it is rich affordeth excellent good Salt and very well frequented by Moscovish Turkish Armenian and Persian Merchants In the yeare 1494. it was taken by Iohn Basilides great Duke of Moscovie and by him with the Title thereof annexed to the Moscovian Empire The Zagatayan Tartars were so named of their Prince the Brother of the great Cham or Can which once reigned amongst them They are now called Ieselbas that is to say Greene-heads of the colour of their Turbants They inhabit the ancient Countries of Bactria Sogdiana and Margiana in times past the habitation of the Massagetes so famous in Armes These are the most honourable people of the Tartars indifferent civill given to Arts and Lords of many faire Cities built with stone as Shamercand once a Towne of great fame and renowned for the birth of the great Tamerlan or Temar-lang but now decayed Kataia AS our Ancestors were ignorant of the Regions situated upon the East side of the Caspian which they imagined to bee a branch of the Ocean even so as yet little or nothing knoweth this Age what Regions lie or what people inhabit beyond that Sea and the Mountaines commonly called Dalanguer and Vssont M. Paul Venetus was the first that brake the ice in describing of those Countries and of him we received what we know of the Tartars The great distance of Countries the difficulty of the journey and the inaccessible situation of places hath hindred the discovery of those Provinces and the great Duke of Moscovie by whose Dominions we may easiest travell thither will suffer no strangers to passe thorow his Kingdome The Caspian Sea a passage no lesse fitting for the journey is not frequented and by the way of Persia infinite Mountaines and vast Desarts dividing both Provinces oppose themselves against us And to the further hindrance of this discoverie neither the great Cham neither the King of China nor the Duke of
yeares he died in the height of his prosperity leaving his sonne Mamudza behinde him whom the King graced with his fathers regencie upon condition to pay him a yearely tribute which payment the young man neither regarded nor she wed himselfe loyall to his Soveraigne in many things It happened that Sanosaradin dying in the warre which he made against Persia left behinde him a sonne of so abject and base a spirit that Mamudza hereupon tooke courage to entitle himselfe King of Canora calling the Countrey Decan and the people Decainai that is illegitimate After this hee erected eighteene Captaineships and divided his dominion among them assigning to everyone his limits onely with this penalty to finde alwayes in a readinesse a certaine number of footmen and horsemen To prevent future rebellion hee chose these Captaines not out of the orders of his Nobility but from the number of his slaves Nay more than this to be assured of their loyalty he cōmanded that every one of them should build him a house in his royall City Bider in which their children should remaine and that once every yeare at the least they should make their appearance in his Court. But because all authority which is not as well underpropped with its proper vertues as grounded upon the affections of the people is of small continuance so happened it to this Prince for his slaves and vassals having soveraigne authority put into their hands made no more account of him than of a Cipher stripping him poore Prince without respect of reverence of all his dominions saving his chiefs Citie Bidor with the territory adjoyning For every one of a Lieutenant became an Usurper of those States which were committed to his trust the mightier alwayes oppressing the weaker so that all in the end became a prey to a fe● Two of them are famous at this day the one stretching his dominion to the borders of Cambaia the other to the skir●s of Narsynga the first called by the Portugals Nissamalucco the other Idalcan either of them being so puissant that in the yeare 1571. Idalcan beleag●ed God with an Army of five and thirty thousand Horse threescore thousand Elephants and two hundred and fifty peeces of Ordnance Nissamalucco besieged Chaul with lesse forces but better fortune For though he did not force it yet he brought into a hard-pinch with the slaughter of twelve thousand Moore●s In those Countries in which S●●adorasin began hos Empire not above threescore and ten yeares agone a great Prince whom the East people call the great Mogor in the same sense as we call the great Turke laid the foundation of a mighty Empire for as the King of Bierma in our time● greatly hazarded the States of Pegu and Siam and the bordering Nations even so the Mogor turned topsie turvy the Kingdomes lying on the River Ganges The received opinion is that they tooke their originall from Tartaria and that they came from the coast where the ancient Massagecae a people accounted invincible at armes did once inhabit and liuing as it were lawlesse and under no manner of government by invading of their neighbours procured unto themselves the soveraignty of spacious Kingdomes By the River Oxus they border upon the Persians and are at continuall enmity with them sometime for Religion and sometimes for enlargement of the bounds of their Empire The chiefe City is Shamarchand from whence came Tamerlan and of whose bloud these Mogor Princes doe boast that they are descended The predecessor of him who is now Prince of the Mogors was very famous in the East for in the yeare 1436. being solicited by King Mandao of the North from whom Badurius King of Cambaia had taken his Kingdome to aid him against the Cambaian he is reported to have brought with him an infinite number of souldiers which wee may conjecture out of that which Masseus writeth of the army of the said King Badurius to wit that this King had under his Standard one hundred and fifty thousand horse whereof five and thirty thousand were barbed The number of footmen was five hundred thousand Amongst these were fifteene thousand forren souldiers and fourescore Christians French and Portugals At which by what meanes or by what way they should come thither I doe not a little wonder Their Galleon which they called Dobriga suffered Ship-wracke in the Chanell of Cambaia I know that if these preparations and provisions for war be compared with our forces of Christendome they will hardly be taken for true but we have already declared the causes why the Princes of the East and South may gather greater Armies than wee can and consequently that those things which are spoken of their incredible store and wonderfull provision of furniture may be answerable to their levies and proportions And as they are able to levie millions of men for arming and for feeding them they take no great care so likewise doe the Provinces afford great plenty of provision and an inestimable multitude of their usuall warlike Engines for they carry nothing with them save that which is necessary and needfull for service Wines Cates and such like which cannot but with great expence labour and trouble be carried along with Armies are by these men wholly omitted and utterly rejected All their thoughts tend to warlike provision as to get Brasse Iron Steele and Tinne to forge Pieces and cast great Ordnance Iron and Lead to make Bullets Iron and Steele to temper Cemiters Oxen and Elephants to draw their Artillery Graine to nourish their bodies Metals to arme them and Treasure to conserve them They are all tyrants and to preserve their estate and induce submissive awednesse they hold hard hands over the commonalty committing all government into the hands of slaves and souldiers And to make these men faithfull and loyall they ordaine them Lords of all things committing unto their trust Townes Castles and expeditions of great weight but the expectation of the Prince is often deceived by the rebellion of these vassals for sometimes they usurpe whole Provinces and impose upon the people all kinde of injuries But let good Princes thinke it as necessary to build their safety on the love of their subjects as upon the force of their souldiers Feare admitteth no securitie much lesse perpetuity and therefore these tyrants expecting no surety at the hands of their subjects trust wholly upon their men of warre flattering them with promise of liberty and bestowing upon them the goods of their subjects as rewards of their service So with vs the Turke strengtheneth his State with Ianizars and as he coveteth to be beloved and favoured of them to that end bestowing upon them the riches and honours of the Empire so they acknowledge no other Lord and master I may very well say father and protector And so many of the Malabor Princes using accounting the Commons but as beasts lay all their hopes and fortunes on the Naiors the Kings of Ormus Cambaia Decan and Achan lay all upon the
actions and while time passeth the neighbouring Nations provide if not infest for their owne safety yea most commonly by losse of time proceedeth the losse of victories opportunity Hee that hath overcome his enemie standeth oftentimes in feare of his friend yea of such as have been fellowes and partners with him in all his fortunes so that to secure himselfe of these and such like casualties hee is constrained even in the course of victory to found the retreit and surcease his projects Againe continuall victory maketh leaders insolent souldiers mutinous refusing to passe forward at the command of their Generall as it hapned to Alexander and Lucullus Great enterprises even brought to their wished end enrich the purses of certaine private men but leave the Princes Coffers empty who neverthelesse must be at the charge to maintaine continuall companies and keepe them in continuall pay without which course the casher'd souldier is ever ready to follow any faction whensoever it shall be offered Moreover this numberlesse Army which Marhumedius led against the King of Cambaia did not onely waste the Regions where thorow it passed and encamped but likewise by devouring all things that the face of the earth yeelded bereaved it selfe of the meanes which Nature in measure had afforded to every creature to maintaine li●e by and so it often hapneth that those Armies which in apprehension seeme invincible for their hugenesse are most commonly overthrowne by famine the fore-runner of pestilence For proofe hereof we have seene the invadations of Attila Tamerlane and those barbarous Nations stand on foot but a little space whereas the Grecians Macedonians Carthaginians Romans Spaniards and English have done great matters with meane Armies For things that are moderate last and dure as small Rivers which what they cannot doe in one yeare in two or more they finally accomplish whereas immoderate and violent are like to torrents making more noise and fury than hurt or hinderance violently comming and violently againe carrying themselves away Therefore against such mighty impressions the surest safety is to draw the warre out at length and onely to stand upon the defensive for let such Armies rest assured that they cannot so long hold out but they will waver either for want of provision scarcity of coine infection of the aire or infirmities of their owne bodies The other thing is that prosperity blindeth the winner making him carelesse adversitie ripeneth the loser and maketh him wary and industrious so fortune changing her copie the affaires of the winner decline the good successe of the loser groweth every day better than other Besides conquests are not perfected but by processe of time old age creepeth upon the person of Princes and how fit a crasie body a vigorous spirit nummed with old age is for the consummation of a conquered estate the lives of Iulius Caesar and Charles the fifth may stand for examples Lastly to answer those who unlesse they be eye-witnesses will never be answered let them know that nothing so much hindereth the invasive ambition of this Prince as the Nature of places For Caucasus stretcheth it selfe into a thousand branches in those parts incompasseth whole Kingdomes with some parcels thereof by some it runneth by the sides to others it is more defensive than any artificiall rampire sometime it wholly shutteth up passages sometime it maketh them inaccessible These difficulties are more iujurious to the Mogor than to any other Prince because the strength and sinewes of his forces consist in horse which as they are of great consequence in Campania so amongst hils and rocks they are of small service Of this quality are the frontiers of Persia and the Kingdome of Sablestan on every side hem'd in with that part of Caucasus which the ●r●cians call Paropamise Segestan is likewise so invironed that the River Il-mento were it not for searching out infinite windings and turnings thorow naturall vallies could hardly finde passage to pay his tribute to the famous Ganges In Cambaia it selfe when the Mogors are of such fearfull puissance live the Resbuti not dreading them one whit by reason of the strength of the Mountaines These Resbuti are the remainder of the Gentiles that betooke themselves to the mountaines betweene Cambaia and Diu when the Mahumetans first entred these Countries and since that day by strong hand they have preserved their libertie infesting often the plaine Countrie with their incursions Other Provinces there are utterly barren not onely wanting water but all necessaries else of this kinde is Dolcinda upon the skirts of Cambaia through which it is impossible to lead an Army To these discommodities you may adde the losse of time which Princes being Lords of ample and spacious dominions are constrained to make in their voyages For the better part of Summer is spent before they can arrive at their Rendevous with their horses halfe dead through travell and the Armie halfe in halfe in number and courage diminished yea Winter overtaketh them commodious for their enemies and disadvantagious for them for they must lie in the field and open aire among mire and frosts their enemies under a warme roofe and wholesome harbour Whereupon wise Princes which have beene to make long Land-journies thorow divers Provinces of divers natures for feare of such like discommodities have thought it best to provide shipping and to use the opportunity of Rivers or Sea as did Caesar Germanicus in the warre of Germanie after he perceived that in the protracting of time which was requisite for the marching of his Armie the greater part of his men and horses were idle consumed by infirmities labours and the length of journeyes But the Mogor is utterly destitute to this advantage upon one side he hath no Haven on another the Portugals are his jealous neighbours who with two Castles of great strength at Diu Damain have shut up the whole gulfe of the Cambaian sea Finally the puissance of their neighbours hath beene as great a controler to their furious invasions as any other naturall cause viz. the King of Barma who is nothing inferiour in power and riches for he is Lord of so many Kingdomes and of so fierce and warlike a people and can bring such swarmes into the field that he i● fearelesse of any of his Tartarian neighbours And as the Mogor ruleth farre and wide betweene Ganges and Indus so doth this King betweene Ganges and Siam As the one deviseth to offend so by little and little the other waxeth wife to defend For by nature man is more prone to provide for his owne safety than ready by wrong to oppresse others being alwayes more carefull to conserve than forward to destroy It cannot be expressed how full of subtilty shifts devices and industry man is to defend him and his for hee useth for his owne safeguard not that onely which is properly defensive but even that also which humane wisdome hath invented or Nature created any way offensive Neither ever was there any instrument invented for
people comparable to Italie but they forget that as it is long so it is narrow and nothing wide or spacious neither that two third parts have not one navigable River a want of great consequence neither that the Apenine a Mountaine rockie and barren doth spread it selfe over a fourth part thereof Let them nor deceive themselves nor condemne anothers plenty by their owne wants nor measure others excesse by their handfuls For fertility doth France in plenty of Graine or Cattell give place to Italy or England for Cattell for Wooll Fish or Metall Or Belgia for number or goodlinesse of Cities excellency of Artificers wealth or merchandise Or Greece for delectable situation commodious Havens of the Sea or pleasant Provinces Or Hungarie for Cattell Wine Corne Fish Mines and all things else But I will not stand upon these discourses only let me tell you that Lombardy containeth the third part of Italy a Province delightsome for battle-plaines and pleasant Rivers without barren mountaines or sandy fields and to be as full of people as the whole halfe of Italy besides Yea what may bee said of Italy for profit or pleasure that may not bee spoken particularly of France England Netherland and both the Panonies Wherefore since the Country is not onely large and spacious but united populous plentifull and rich at least let it bee beleeved and accounted for one of the greatest Empires that ever was The Government is tyrannicall for thorowout the Kingdome there is no other Lord but the King they know not what an Earle a Marquesse or a Duke meaneth No fealty no tribute or toll is paied to any man but the King He giveth all magistracies honors He alloweth them stipends wherewith to maintaine their estates and they dispatch no matter of weight without his privity His vassals obey him not as a King but rather as a God In every Province standeth his portraicture in gold which is never to be seene but in the new Moones then is it shewed and visited of the Magistrates and reverenced as the Kings owne person In like manner the Governours and Judges are honoured no man may speake to them but upon their knees Strangers are not admitted to enter into the Kingdome left their customes and conversation should breed alteration in manners or innovation in the State They are onely permitted to trafficke upon the Sea-coasts to buy and sell victuall and to vent their wares They that doe trafficke upon the Land assemble many together and elect a Governour amongst them whom they terme Consull In this good manner strangers enter the Kingdome but alwaies waited on by the Customers and Kings Officers The Inhabitants cannot travell but with a licence and with that neither but for a prefixed season and to bee sure of their returne they grant no leave but for traffickes sake and that in Ships of an hundred fifty tun and not above for they are jealous that if they should goe to sea in bigger vessels they would make longer journies To conclude it is a religious Law of the Kingdome that every mans endevours tend wholly to the good and quiet of the Common-wealth By which proceedings Justice the mother of quietnesse Policy the mistresse of good Lawes and Industry the daughter of peace doe flourish in this Kingdome There is no Country moderne or ancient governed by a better forme of policy than this Empire by vertue whereof they have ruled their Empire 2000. yeares And so hath the State of Venice flourished 1100. yeares the Kingdome of France 1200. It is a thousand two hundred yeares since they cast off the yoke of the Tartars after their ninety yeares government For their Arts Learning and Policy they conceive so well of themselves that they are accustomed to say that they have two eyes the people of Europe but one and the residue of the Nations none They give this report of the Europeans because of their acquaintance with the Portugals with whom they trafficke in Macoa and other places and the renowne of the Castidians who are their neighbours in the Philippinae Printing Painting and Gun-powder with the materials thereunto belonging have beene used in China many yeares past and very common so that it is with them out of memory when they first began Their Chronicles say that their first King being a great Necromancer who reigned many thousand yeares past did first invent great Ordnance and for the antiquity of Printing there hath beene Bookes seene in China which were printed at least five or six hundred yeares before Printing was in use with us in Europe and to say when it first began it is beyond remembrance But not to make our Readers beleeve reports beyond probability or credit we must needs informe the truth That the Arts and Manufactures of China are not comparable to ours of Europe Their buildings are base and low but one story high for feare of earth-quakes which makes them take up more roome on the ground than in the ayre no marvell then if their Cities be great Their Painting is meere steyning or trowelling in respect of ours Their Printing is but stamping like our great Letters or Gaies cut in wood for they cut many words in one peece and then stampe it off in paper This makes their Printing very difficult and chargeable and therefore so little used Of liberall Arts they know none but a little naturall Rhetoricke which he that there excels in is more beholding to a good wit and a fine tongue than to the precepts of his Tutor Their great Ordnance be but short and naught Finally they are a people rather crafty than wise their common policy is made up of warinesse and wilinesse By the multitudes of people before spoken of you may imagine the state of his forces for herein all other provisions take their perfection But to speake somewhat in particular The power of this Prince remembring his countenance and nature detesting all invasions is more ready and fit to defend than offend to preserve rather than to increase His Cities for the most part are builded upon the bankes of navigable Rivers environed with deepe and broad ditches the walls built of stone and bricke strong above beleefe and fortified with ramparts and artificiall bulwarks Upon the borders toward Tartarie to make sure worke against such an enemy they have built a wall beginning at Chioi a City situate betweene two most high mountaines and stretching it selfe toward the East six hundred miles between mountaine and mountaine untill it touch the cliffes of the Ocean Upon the other frontiers you may behold many but small holds so built to stay the course of the enemie untill the Country forces bee able to make head and the Royall Army have time to come leasurely forward for in 400. great Townes hee keepeth in continuall pay forces sufficient upon the least warning to march to that quarter whither occasion calleth Every City hath a Garrison and Guard at the gates which at nights
their libertie of Trafficke carrying so heavie a hand toward them that they would faine give them occasion to leave Macao of their owne w●ls and retire backe into India from whence they came The Kingdome of Siam VPon the borders of China to speake nothing of Cauchinchina because wee know nothing worth relation of that Territory joyneth the Countrey of Siam accounted one of the greatest amongst these great Kingdomes of Asia It tooke its name of the Citie Siam situated upon the entrance of the River Menon it is also called Gorneo It reacheth by Fast and West from the Citie Campaa to the Citie of Tava● in which tract by the Sea-coast are contained five hundred leagues whereof the Arabians once usurped two hundred with the Cities of Patan Paam Ior Perca and Malaco now in the possession of the Portugals From the South toward the North it reacheth from Sincapura situate in degrees to the people called Guconi in nine and twentie degrees The Lake Chimai is distant from the Sea six hundred miles the upland circuit stretcheth from the borders of Cauchinchina beyond the River Avan where lieth the Kingdome of Chencra Besides the Lake of Chimai the Rivers Menon Menam Caipumo and Ana which cause greater fertilitie of Graine thorow the whole Region than a man would beleeve are all his The better part of his Kingdome is environed with the Mountaines Ana Brema and Iangoma the residue is plaine like Aegypt abounding with Elephants Horse Pepper Gold and Tinne In the West part are huge Woods and therein are many Tygers Lions Ounces and Serpents It containeth these Provinces Cambaia Siam Muantai Bremo Caipumo and Chencra The Inhabitants of Lai which border upon the North of the Provinces of Muantai and Caipumo and are divided into three Principalities are under his obeysance The first is that of Iangoma The second of Currai The third Lanea neere Cauchinchina They inhabit a plaine and wealthie Countrey into which the Gueoni Marke Paul calleth their Countrey Gangigu descending from the Mountains to hunt for men make oftentimes cruell butcheries amongst them The people of Lai for feare of those Anthropophagi acknowledge the soveraigntie of Siam but they often rebell and obey as they list The wealth of the Countrey may be conjectured by the fertilitie for being situated in a Plaine and watered with most famous Rivers like another Aegypt it cannot but abound with plentie of all good things It bringeth forth Rice graine of all sorts Horses Elephants infinite store of Cattell Gold and Tinne Silver is brought thither by the people of Lai By reason of this plentie the people are drowned in pleasure and wantonnesse They follow husbandrie but take no great delight in manuall occupations which causeth the Kingdome to be poore in merchandize Amongst many other Cities three are famous Cambaia seated upon the River Menon which rising in Chinae is so hugely augmented by the falling in of many Rivers that his owne Channell not sufficing for receit thereof it rendeth the earth to disgorge it selfe into a thousand Islands making a second Meo●is more than threescore miles long Meican signifieth the Captaine Menon the mother of waters The second is the Citie of Siam whose statelinesse giveth the name to the whole Countrey It is a most goodly Citie and of admirable Trafficke which may the better bee imagined by the writing of a certaine Jesuite who reporteth that besides the naturall Inhabitants there are more than thirtie thousand Arabian housholds The third Citie is called Vdia greater than Siam consisting of foure hundred thousand families It is said that two hundred thousand Boats belong to this Citie and the River Caipumo whereon it is seated This King to shew his majestie and magnificence keepeth a Guard of six thousand Souldiers and two hundred Elephants of these beasts he hath thirtie thousand whereof hee traineth three thousand for the Warre This is a very great matter if you weigh their worth and their charges in keeping His Government is rather tyrannicall than King-like for he is absolute Lord over all the demeanes of the Kingdome and either setteth them out to husbandmen or giveth them to his Nobles for maintenance during life and pleasure but never passeth the right of inheritance Hee bestoweth on them likewise Townes and Villages with their Territories but on condition to maintaine a certaine number of horsemen footmen and Elephants By this policie without any peny pay or burthen to the Countrey he is able to levie twentie thousand horsemen and two hundred and fiftie thousand footmen Upon occasion he can wage a greater number by reason of the largenesse of his Kingdomes and the populousnesse of his Townes For Vdia only the chiefe seat of his Kingdome mustered fiftie thousand men And although he be Lord of nine Kingdomes yet useth he no other Nation in the Warre but the Siamits and the Inhabitants of the two Kingdomes of Vdia and Muantai All honours and preferments are bestowed upon men of service in this Kingdome In times of peace they have their warlike exercises and in certaine pastimes which the King once a yeare exhibiteth at Vdia are shewed all military feats of armes upon the River Menon where more than three thousand vessels which they terme Paraos divided into two squadrons skirmish one against another Upon the land run the Horses and Elephants and the footmen trie it out at sword and buckler with point and edge rebated the remainder of their dayes they spend in not and wantonnesse Their borders toward the East reach to Cauchinchina betweene whom are such huge Woods Lions Tygers Leopards Serpents and Elephants that they cannot infest one another by armes Toward the Lake China they border upon the Chinois Toward the Sea they affront the Arabians and Portugals The one tooke from them Paiam Paam Ior and Peam the other Malaca and the Territory adjoyning so betweene them they bereaved him of two hundred miles of land and contenting themselves with the command of the Sea-coasts and with the customes arising upon the carrying out and bringing in of merchandize they abstaine from further invasion of the Inland Provinces and hold it good policie to keepe firme peace with this King and his Countries Towards the West lieth the Kingdome of Pegu like a halfe Moone betweene the Mountaines of Brama and Iangoma Towards the North lie the Gudoni inhabiting the barren and sharpe Mountaines betweene whom and Siam dwell the people of Lay. This people is subject to the crowne of Siam for feare of these Canibals of whom if it had not beene for his protection they had long agoe beene utterly devoured Not forty yeares since the King made a journey against them with twenty thousand horse their horse are small but excellent good in travell five and twentie thousand footmen and ten thousand Elephants part imployed for service and part for carriage No kingdome hath greater store of these beasts or doth more use them An innumerable number of Oxen Buffals
flesh whereof in honour of his Idols was given to the poore The souldiers were clothed in garments of Cotton-wooll so close and hard quilted that they would beare out the thrust of a Launce or a Sword Every Elephant was trimmed in a covering of Cotton-wooll with a frame on his backe bearing fouremen To their tuskes were fastned long and broad swords to cut in sund●r whatsoever stood in their way The footmen were armed with bowes javelins swords and bucklers In the fight when the King perceived Idalcan by the fury of his great Ordnance to make havocke of his men and dismay the residue leaping into the head of the battell he is reported to use this Prince-beseeming incouragement Beleeve me my companions Idalcan shall rather boast that he hath slaine than overcome a King of Narsinga With which words and ensample his souldiers all inflamed and ashamed of their cowardize with a furious charge broke the enemies aray and put Idalcan to flight Amongst other spoiles they tooke foure thousand Arabian horses one hundred Elephants foure hundred great peeces besides small The number of Oxen Buffals Tents and Prisoners was inestimable With Idalcan were forty Portugals with the then King of Narsinga twenty In his reigne two of his Captaines rebel'd Virapanai usurped Negapatan and Veneapa●● the territory adjoyning to Matipura Calecute THe most noble part of India is that which lieth betweene the Mountaine Ga●e and the Indian Ocean It stretcheth from Cape Comerin to the River Cangiericor three hundred leagues long In this Province reigneth the Kings of Calecute though he may not be compared with the Prince above spoken of for number and power yet for pleasant plentifull situation he may be said farre to surpasse him For the Region is so cut as it were into many parcels sometimes by c●●ekes of the Sea sometime by Rivers and sometime by Lakes that Nature as it should seeme would have it divided into severall Provinces as Travancar Colan Cochin Crangonar Calecute Tavo and Canonor A few yeares agoe Per●imal King of all Malabar ruled these Provinces who after he became a Mahumetan and resolved to travell to Meca there to spend the remnant of his dayes divided the land into many principalities but with this proviso That all soveraigne authority should rest in the King of Calecute with the title of Samori which signifieth Emperour or as some write God on earth Although the reputation of this King be much eclipsed by the Portugals partly by diversion of trafficke from his Countries and partly by assisting his rebels and vassals the Kings of Tavor and Cochin and though his title of Samori be little regarded yet retaineth he his wonted Majestie in very good sort amongst the Barbarians Calecute is five and twenty leagues long Malabar in the broadest place exceedeth not ten The City of Calecute from whence the Province taketh his name is three miles long situated upon the Sea side It containeth but few houses and those of little worth not above ten fifteene or twenty nobles rent by the yeare which is the common rent of all the housing of the East Indies if the Arabians or Portugals be not dealers therein The Inhabitants live upon Rice Palmito Cattell and Fish Their riches consist in Ginger and Pepper which draweth yearely a great masse of treasure into the havens of this Kingdome The Arabians were Lords of this trafficke for many ages till the Portugals setting light by the incredible dangers of a long navigation arrived there not above a hundred yeares since and bartered their wares for Pepper and other commodities And as the Portugals enriched the Townes of Cochin so did the Arabians Calecute and that Kingdome For this commodity is of such consequence that it not onely enricheth the Prince with presents customes but in such sort augmenteth the state of the merchants that some of them are comparable to many Dukes in Europe and Kings in Africke In their wars in Malabar they use not the service of horse not onely for that the climate breedeth none for those that they have are brought out of Persia and Arabia but for that the nature of the Countrey is not fit for horsemanship For as in ●wevia the footmen use no Pikes and the horsemen no Launces for the thicknesse of the woods which make●h them unserviceable so in Malabar because of the streights rivers of the Sea and Marishes they seldome use horses so that all their forces consist in shipping and footmen It is strange to see how ready the Souldier of this Countrey is at his weapons they are all Gentlemen and termed Nai●●s At seven ye●res of age they are put to Schoole to learne the use of their weapons where to make them nimble and active their finewes and joynts are stretched by skilfull fellowes and annoynted with the oyle Sesamus by this annoynting they become so light and nimble that they will winde and turne their bodies as if they had no bones casting them forward backward high and low even to the astonishment of the beholders Their continuall delight is in their weapon perswading themselves that no Nation goeth beyond them in skill and dexterity Every one inureth himselfe to that weapon whereto he findeth his body most agreeable Their ancient weapons were the Javelin the Bow and the Sword but after the comming of the Portugals they learned so exactly the mixture of metals the casting of great Ordnance and the practice thereof that some say their artillery and powder surpasseth ours They goe to warre all naked save their privities neither use they head-peeces which is the reason that in fights and skirmishes they shew exceeding agility charging and retiring more like Falcons than Souldiers When a man would take them to be farre off he shall see them hovering round about him in a trice so that it is as dangerous to follow them flying as to deale with them fighting They are swift as Leopards and their flight as much to be feared as their charge If they come to hand-strokes which they will not doe but upon necessity or advantage they use altogether to strike with the point They binde Copper or Silver shingels to the hilts of their swords the sound whereof instead of Drums and Trumpets incourageth them to the incounter They will lie so close under their bucklers that you shall not see any part of their bodies lie open to the danger There are one kinde of Naires called Amochi which curse themselves their kindred and posterity with most bitter execrations if they leave injuries done to their society unrevenged If their King happen to be slaine so much the more furious runne they thorow fire water and assured destruction to revenge his death And therefore the Kings of India suppose their estates weake or strong as they perceive the numbers of those Amochi to be few or many By the Law of the Countrey they may not marry but they are all allowed women in common They maintaine those women according to their birth
and degrees They must be all Gentlewomen for the Nairs may not take any Countrywoman yea so great is their disdaine and pride that without illusage they will not indure any of the common people to come neere them In their journeyes they send their servants before to the Innes and Villages to declare their Masters approach then must all travellers depart and give roome If it be ●hought in Turkie that by licentious liberty in time of peace the Ianizars become more hardy and couragious in war what may we deeme of these Nairs who will not indure a man of meane calling to look them in the face They inhabit no Townes but dwell in houses made of earth invironed with hedges and woods and their waies as intricate as into a labyrinth Of what force this Kingdome is may be gathered by the armie of 60000. souldiers and 200. vessels of warre which he levied 1503. against Edward Pachecho the King of Portugals Captaine taking part that time with the King of Cochin this war lasted almost five months In the yeare 1529. with an army of 100000. he beleagred the fortresse which the Portugals built in Calecute under the keeping of Iohn Lima In this siege he spent a whole Winter wherein although the Portugals behaved themselves valiantly yet weighing the Kings forces and their owne possibilities they thought it best to destroy it with their owne hands In the yeare 1601. he besieged Caile with 90000. men and tooke it by composition He hath more than once given an instance of his power at Sea He is Lord of many havens whereunto great numbers of shipping doe resort and in that regard cannot chuse but be well furnished with a great Navie But in goodnesse of shipping and martiall discipline we must needs confesse the Sea-forces of all the Indian Princes to be farre inferiour to those of the Portugals whose dominion both at Sea and Land nothing hath so much augmented as their defensive warfare To speake truth it seldome falleth out but the naked man feareth the sword and the armed man is more encouraged thereby bearing himselfe bolder upon his skill than his strength and prevaileth more by temporizing than by rash fighting whereas the Barbarians putting more confidence in their numbers than their goodnesse have alwayes wanted that vertue which should make armies dreadfull and fortunate which is good order and Discipline Iapan Iapan may well be called a politike body compacted of many and sundry Islands of divers different formes and circuits which as they are divided from the rest of the continent so are they inhabited by a people much differing in manners and customes from the residue of the Orient They stand round and close together like the Maldivae in the Indian Sea and the Hebrides and Orcades in the North Ocean They are in number sixty six divided into three partialities The first containeth nine the second foure the third fifty three Amongst these five are renowmed but especially one for the famous Citie of Macao And it is most commonly seene that they who have the soveraigntie of those five are Lords of all the rest It is distant from New Spaine an hundred and fifty leagues from China sixty The soile is to be accounted rather barren than fertile The inhabitants are of a very ready wit and marvellous patient in adversitie Their new borne children they immediatly wash in the rivers and as soone as they are weaned they take them from their mothers and bring them up in labours of hunting and such like exercises They goe bare-headed men very ambitious and desirous of honour Povertie is no disgrace to the Gentrie of their bloud They will not suffer the least wrong to passe unrevenged they salute one another with many courtesies they are very staied and of a setled resolution They are very jealous to shew themselves fearefull or base-minded in word or deed they will make no man privie of their losses or misfortunes they have the like beasts both tame and wilde as wee have but they will scarcely eat any thing save Herbs Fish Barley or Rice and if they doe it is the flesh of wilde beasts taken by hunting Of these graines they make their Wines and water mixt with a certaine precious powder which they use they account a daintie beverage they call it Chia Their buildings for the most part are of timber partly because the upland places are destitute of quarries but abounding with Cedars of admirable height and thicknesse fit for building and partly because the Country is subject to Earth-quakes In times past all Iapan obeyed one Prince shewing him great obedience and subjection and this government endured with no lesse state and majestie at the least sixteene hundred yeares untill about seventie yeares since by the rebellion of two of his chiefest Lieutenants the whole Kingdome was distracted each of them holding by armes whatsoever he atchieved by usurpation By their example others becomming as ambitious seized on the rest of the kingdome some on one part some on another leaving nothing but the bare name of Dairi which signifieth the Lord of all Iapan with the title of Iucata viz. King to their rightfull Soveraigne Yea those Princes which were Lords of the Territories about Meaco would hardly allow him whereof to finde him victuall and apparell so that now he resembleth the shadow rather than the King of the ancient and magnificent Monarchie of Iapan Since those times whosoever layeth fast hold on the dominion of the Coquinat these are the five Kingdomes bordering Me●co in stead of Dairi calleth himselfe Emperour and King of Iapan and Lord of Tenza Nahunanga was one of them in our dayes and after him Fassiba in power and majestie excelling all his predecessors Nabunanga was Lord of six and thirty Provinces Fassiba at the least of fiftie The forme of government is nothing like the policie of Europe The strength of the Prince consisteth not in ordinary revenues and love of the people but in rigour and the Princes pleasure As soone as the Prince hath conquered one or more Kingdomes he shareth them wholly amongst his friends and followers who binde themselves by oath faithfully to serve him with a limited company of men as well in peace as warre They againe to make their followers trust●e and ready for all services reserving some small matter for the sustentation of themselves and families divide to every man a portion of the former division so that all the wealth of Iapan private and publike is in the hands of a few men and those few depending on the pleasure of one that is the Lord of Tenza He as him listeth giveth taketh disgraceth honoureth and impoverisheth When hee casheereth any Governour of his Province all the Leaders and Souldiers of the said Province are changed and none left there but Artificers and Husbandmen This government draweth with it continuall dislike and innovations for Dairi though hee hath neither power nor government yet being in favour and estimation of
owne part I cannot but attribute these qualities of Strength in the Scythian Wit in the Southerne man and Indifferencie in the Middle man to the Divine providence who in his praescience adjudged it best upon cruell and barbarous men as upon Bulls and brute beasts not to bestow these good gifts of the Minde neither upon subtle and vafrous people Courage and Strength of body left both should abuse both to the destruction of each other For as Aristotle saith There is nothing more dangerous than armed furie Wherefore sithence all Nations have their faults as well as their vertues let us neither reproach the laudable sobrietie of the Southerne man nor tax the free drinking of the Northerne man faculties without controversie peculiar to either people but rather according to reason let us weigh with our selves that the Southerne man for want of naturall digestion if he should gourmandize would fall into Surfets Apoplexies c. and the Northerne man if hee would cannot constraine abstinence by reason of thirst proceeding of inward heat And this should have beene the consideration of all Authors before they had proceeded to rash condemnation So againe if the Greeke the Aegyptian the Arabian or the Chaldean be to be taxed of Superstition Sorcerie Cowardize Trecherie or Lasciviousnesse yet let them not be so rejected but that wee vouchsafe in them to imitate what hath beene commendable what excellent For from these Nations in truth have Letters Arts Learning Discipline Philosophie Religion and the rules of humane Societie beene derived over the face of the habitable earth Neither let us detract from the industries of the Northerne Nations neither take exceptions against the frailties of those whom God hath allotted to possesse the Middle Regions For albeit as I said at first that no over-weening credit be to be given to Starres and Planets yet so farre let us leane to the learned as experience may seeme to verifie what they have observed The Aphorismes of the Signes in the Zodiake saith Bodin are intricate and not understood by us considering that by the Astronomers owne observations to these times all the points of the Zodiake and the Signes have wholly changed their stations To the Southerne people they place Saturne as Lord and Governour To the Middle Iupiter To the Northerne Mars And these in generall But because of particulars they put Venus in conjunction with Saturne Mercurie with Iupiter and Luna with Mars The Sunne as Moderator they have confined as indifferent The Chaldeans say That the influence of Saturne operateth in apprehension the influence of Iupiter in action and the influence of Mars in execution The Hebrewes terme Saturne quiet peaceable contemplative Iupiter just wise c. and Mars strong and full of courage Saturne they say is cold Mars hot and Iupiter moderate But the people of the Middle Region are neither borne so apt to the studying of arcane Sciences as are the Southerne men nor so eagerly given to Mechanicall labours as are the Northerne men but in management of civill affaires they prove most eminent Let any man conferre Time and History and he shall finde that by this people the rudiments of civill behaviour of Lawes good Customes Statizing Merchandizing Oratorie and Dialect have beene bettered if not invented And no marvell for Iupiter and Mercurie are said to bee the Schoole-masters of Sciences and they that are borne under either are exceeding apt thereto of their proper inclinations Witnesse Asia Graecia Assyria Italy France and the higher Germanie which lieth betweene the Pole and the Aequator from the 40. degree to the 50. From hence the greatest Empires the best judges the wisest Lawyers the eloquentest Orators the skilfullest Merchants and finally the most exquisite Historians and Actors of Comedies that ever were have proceeded In Africa have few such beene found In Scythia fewer no not one Anacharsis excepted Thus hath God and Nature decreed That the Scythian or Northern man should carrie the reputation of Strength the Southerne man the praise of Contemplation and the people inhabiting betweene both the Attributes of Wisdome And yet in all places according to their Situations shall you finde some more strong some more contemplative and some more wise Sed à particulari non est syllogizandum Of East and West what more can be spoken To places parallel the Sunne neither riseth nor falleth When it approacheth the South with us being about noone-tide then is it said to fall by the Easterne people and contrariwise then to rise by the Southerne And therefore as well to reconcile the doubts of the Ancients as to satisfie the Curious in these unrevealed workes of God and his servant Nature the Moderne Cosmographers have beene bold to suppose the finite limitation of the East to determine in the Islands of the Molucca and of the West in the Hesperides For herein say they standeth the centre of the Globe the Meridian of both Islands being 180. de-degrees distant one from another On the other halfe of the Globe lieth America divided from either angle by so immensible a tract of Sea that it deserveth by it selfe peculiar Bounds of East and West As for that great Globe commonly termed Australi● I had rather say with Bodin That as yet it is better set forth for shew than for certainty And therefore in excuse of oversight to bee objected to the Ancients in attributing peculiar influences to diversities of Climates as the North-east North-west South-east or South-west let all be referred to the operation of the Cardinall points of neerest situation and all without doubt may passe for tolerable construction Of the world and the greatest Princes therein and of the meanes to inlarge dominion IT now remaineth that I undertake the second branch of Observation which is to relate unto our traveller of the greatest Princes and Potentates which at this day sway the world and how they have attained to their Soveraignty This earth all created by one God was not all given to one man nor did God for ever intaile the possession and soveraignty over the same people unto the same family Foure Monarchies we have had this last much mangled and invaded in the declination of the Empire those Commanders who at first built their nests with the Eagles feathers falling out afterwards amongst themselves about the division of the spoile Hence the Risings and the Ruines the Decayings and Inlargements of severall kingdomes just as mens ambition and meanes did enable them Since the decay of the foure Monarchies the greatest Princes of the world are these at this day The King of Spaine and the great Turke both risen out of the ruines of the Romane and the Macedonian Monarchies Next is the Emperour of Russia and the Tartar in the North of the world The great Mogore in East India and the great Xeriff in Africa And these be the most renowned Potentates and yet me thinks that in this one respect no one nation comes neere the honour of the Persian which
first was once a Monarchy and secondly since the decay of that it hath ever continued a rich a great an active and a glorious kingdome which neither Assyria Macedonia nor Rome it selfe can boast of This one thing let me note that the glory of these Northerne Princes hath beene much more powerfull but nothing comparable to the state and Majestie of the Easterne Monarchs That of Assyria was planted in the very garden and treasurie of the world both for wealth and delicacie and whereas the meanest subject may put a petition into the hands of one of our Princes the Kings of Persia kept such state that it was death even for the Queene herselfe to come neere the throne untill Ahashuerosh held forth the golden scepter The King of Spaine weares at this day perchance a homely Cassocke of blacke Serge many a Curate in his Country having a better whereas the King of China gives not presence but rarely at the great suit of his people and that out at the window of a gilded chamber himselfe gloriously shining in Rubies in Gold and Diamonds and that at such time too as the Sunne shining upon him even dazles the eyes of his adoring subjects with the glitter of the reflection and this they thinke the Sunne doth in favour of him whence they call him The Sonne of the Sunne No Northerne or Westerne Prince at this day keeps state but the Emperour of Russia and the great Turke nor are any so obeyed but their governments as those of Assyria and Persia of old and the great Mogore and China at this day are rather Tyrannies than Monarchies Now most certaine it is that all these Monarchies and mighty kingdomes arrived not to that height of Empire but by time by meanes and by degrees Time indeed perfected the designe but t was the meanes that effected it Let this be therefore laid for the ground of our discourse that there be many though secret yet irresistable causes of enlarging of Empire which being made the right use of by a wife Architect of State presently shewes the advantage to lie on his side that hath the true knacke of King-craft T is true That no man by taking thought can adde one cubite unto his stature but yet in that vast frame of common-wealths by observing off me naturall and casuall advantages and by introducing of some good ordinances and constitutions there may be found out that Art of Themistocles To make a small towne to become a great Citie and to sowe greatnesse to posteritie And these means conducing unto the enlargement of Empire we will reduce unto seven heads First numbers of men Secondly valour of the Natives Thirdly pretence of Religion Fourthly plentie of money Fifthly advantage of weapons Sixthly happinesse of situation Seventhly the prudent apprehending of an opportunitie The inlarging of Dominion is the uniting and establishing of divers Territories under one Soveraigne government whereunto is necessarily required such numbers of men and those not mercenarie if it may be avoided as may exceed the fatall dangers and doubtfull chances incident to casualties For small numbers are soone consumed by diseases or oppressed by a more mighty enemy overthrowne in one battell or extenuated by a long warre to which inconveniences great numbers and populous Nations are not so subject By these advantages the Barbarians the Aegyptians the Assyrians and the Persians have for the most part brought their attempts to happy ends The Romanes if in respect of their honour they did not ordinarily use huge Armies yet they alwayes prevailed by reason of their populous territories or their indefatigable continuance being thereby able the second and third time to reinforce their Legions and finally with fresh supplies to overcome their enemies being weakned with overcomming And to multiplie and maintaine these numbers as they sometimes received into their territories their very enemies so at other times they sent forth Colonies of their owne people By meanes whereof and other such like policies they grew to such multitudes that in the eighth yeare of the reigne of the Emperour Claudius the people were numbred to be six millions a number at this present not to be found in the bounds of all Italy whereby they became conquerours of the parts of the world then discovered Conquest say I undertaken by them as much in regard of their numbers as of their valour A good Manroode is an inexhaustible stocke By populous armies did the Northerne Nations called officinae hominum the shops of men overrunne farre greater Nations than their owne Small numbers are quickly consumed by mortalitie or one overthrow whereas the Romanes by frequent re-inforcing their legions with new Recruites put Pyrrhus who had often overthrowne them to confesse at last That if he overcame the Romans once more he should be utterly undone Saepius possunt vinci quàm tu vincere Multitudes can indure to be overcome oftner than a few are able to overcome them But most expedient it is that the bodie and flower of the Armie be made up of the natives and not of strangers for he that trusts to mercenaries may suddenly rise and spread his feathers but he will mew them soone after The Auxiliaries that the Romanes made use of were either first made their owne by Indenization or as good as their owne by entring a league offensive and defensive against a common enemie Necessary it is withall that amongst those numbers there be a race of military men such be the Timariotes amongst the Turkes and most of the Gentry amongst the Polonians and Hungarians Let every Prince thinke soberly of his forces unlesse his militia of natives be good and valiant souldiers able and hardy bodies and stout and sturdy stomacks The plough 't is true breeds the souldier that is the Foot which makes the bodie of the Armie but they must expect much time to harden to drill and exercise them and therefore the sudden French nation though they must have an Infantery of Foot yet their maine trust and glory of service they lay upon their Cavallery which bee their Gentry which use themselves to horse and Armes continually But the chiefe secret of all for enlarging of Empire is the maintaining of a sufficient number in Armes such as hath beene on both sides in the Low Countries these 60. yeares and such an Army may well deserve the name of a Schoole of Warre and of a true Militia indeed The Venetians contrary to the former discipline doe with great wages levie sudden forces and when the service is done as suddenly disband them but they doe it meerely to keepe Empire and not to enlarge it their subjects be but few and therefore their dominion enlarges not True Valour consisteth partly in judicious apprehension whereby both convenient opportunities are discerned and entertained and all difficulties discovered and prevented and partly in the forward resolution of the minde by conjunction of which two Vertues great enterprizes are undertaken with good successe dangers
reporteth that their battell seemed rather to consist of Giants than of ordinary Souldiers Neither hath any Nation ever dealt more at adventure or hath used more boldnesse and blinde fury than the Portugals whose voyages beyond the Cape of Good-Hope and the Straights of Sinca-Pura their conquests of Ormus of Goa of Malacca and the Moluccos the defence of Cochin of Diu of Chaul and of Goa are more true and commendable than in reason likely to have prospered Military valour now is usually increased by some such like means as these First by using them to the wars Secondly by treating them like free men not like slaves Thirdly by inuring them to Arts manly Fourthly by appointing military rewards and honours for the souldiery When people are inured to the warres it takes away the horrour and hideous feare of it and makes it but a kinde of trade to the followers who desire it to live by it One of our lusty ploughmen of mid England would at fifty-cuffes or cudgels soundly beclowt a Hollander but yet for that he never saw men with iron faces he durst as well take a sheet of an hedge as come within the cracke of a pistoll whereas t is usuall for the Bores of Holland some with firelocks some with Loapestaves to make out parties of foot to goe a-bootehaling and even to set upon the horse of the enemie And all this is because the Englishman is not used to it and the Hollander is For the same reason there is much difference betwixt the same people in time of warre and after a long and effeminating peace That felt Hannibals souldiers after their long and lazie quarter in Capua Before Da'lvaes comming into the Low-Countries to provoke the Hollanders there was not a more simple cullion in the world than a Dutchman and now no where a braver man and what hath effeminated our English but a long difuse of armes Finally though in a hard battell there would appeare a great deale of difference betwixt an old beaten souldier who had seene men die familiarly even the sight of bloud making men fierce and fearelesse and a man of our traine bands of London yet surely would the Londoner much sooner prove fit for a battell than the unexperienced country-man even for that little use which he hath had of his Armes in the Artillery garden and Military yard of such force is use and custome to the increase of military valour Most requisite it is that what people a Prince would make valiant he should use freely and not like slaves A Nation overlaid with taxes will never prove military In France therefore where the peasant is but the day-labourer for his Land-lord the Monsieur and never suffered to eat good bit to weare good ragge or scarce to lay up a quart-deseue at the years end the Prince does not much trust to the Enfantery which is made up of this slavish people Inforced impositions mightily abate peoples love and courages and the blessing of Iudah and Issachar will never meet That the same people should prove the Lions whelpe which is used like an Asse betweene two burthens But where the yeoman or husbandman may eat what he breeds spend what he earnes and have the benefit of the Law against the best gentleman of the Country there are they fit for an helmet And all this is in England in no Nation under heaven does the common man live so freely or dares spend so frankly no where so free minds or so able bodies Three other usages have we had in England which have kept our people in spirit and valour One was the tenure of Knights service by vertue of which when the Lord of the Mannor was called to serve the King he drew his Tenants after him who would not budge a foot but live and die with their Land-lord and Captaine for if they proved cowards to their Land-lord how should they looke his sonne in the face and how disgraced should they be at their returne into their owne Country Thus proved we victorious in France The second usage was perfected by King Henry the seventh which was to reduce the Farmes and houses of husbandry to a standard assigning such a proportion of land to each as might breed a subject to live in a convenient plenty neither with so much as should effeminate him into the ease of a gentleman nor with so little as should discourage him with beggery The third usage was the frequency of Serving-men and Retainers who before that the sinne of drunkennesse had overflowed their gals and courages were no whit for valour and service inferiour to the Yeomanrie All these being kept in freedome were maintained in courage able and willing to serve both their Prince and Country A third thing necessary to breed courage in a Nation is if other reasons of State will beare it that there be more addicted to arts manly than unto sedentary and within-doores occupations Such I mean as require the strength of the backe and brawne of the arme rather than the finenestle of the braine or finger Some have thought that the multitudes of Monkes and Friers would if need were be a great strengthening to the Papacie and fight hard for their Grandfire of Rome But most assuredly those cage-birds have no military minds at all When Rome was beleagred by the Duke of Burbon in Charles the fifth his time and taken too not a Frier came to the rescue The Kings of England have sometimes made bold with the treasure of the Monasteries but never thought their persons serviceable Had they beene martiall-minded such multitudes would never have suffered themselves to be turned out of their warme nests in King Henry the eighths time without stroke striking And surely the taking in of the Dutch and Waltons into our Cities of England was more out of charity than policie for they being all given to neat and delicate manufactures may seeme rather to bring riches than strength to the kingdome Nor have our Kings hitherto tryed any of them in their souldierie Studious delicate and sedentary arts are not fit for armes t is the whip the plough-stafte the slayle the hammer and the hatchet that breeds the lusty souldier that makes able bodies and couragious spirits Another great maintainer of courage is the invention and worthy bestowing of military honours and rewards after the service is done The Romanes had their Triumphs and Ovations their Garlands and their Donatives to inhearten their souldiers Orders of Knighthood were also invented for this purpose But what 's all this to the common Souldier who hath no reward assigned untill he be lame and that a little from the Treasurer As for releefe in an hospitall a serving-man can make better meanes to get into it than a poore souldier after twenty or thirty years service This is a discouragement But nothing so bad as the Spaniards whose practice hath beene for these many ages to reward most of his great Captaines
mountaines have naturally wanted there hath Art supplied the defect either by military Fosses as in that great bank or trench upon New-market heath which served for a boundarie to the kingdome of the East-Angles and by raising up wonderfull and stupendous wals as namely in that wall of China which where the hils brake off was continued and fortified for six hundred miles together and that admirable Roman wall in the North of England even crosse the Iland from Sea to Sea for the keeping out of the Picts To conclude mountaines and wals made good by the natives preserve them in safety but being once mastered and overpassed by the Conquerour give way to a fatall and a sudden inlargement to his Empire and set a small period to the others liberty When Hannibal had once passed the Alpes within a little after he presented his Army before the gates of Rome When Tamerlane had wonne the wall of China he did what he list afterwards in the Country the Brittains losing their wall could not hinder the Picts from setting up their kingdome and surely since the Spaniard hath gotten the passage over the Alpes and made himselfe master of the Valtoline hee hath in expectation swallowed up all Germany and in a manner besieged even France it selfe Of those other fortifications of nature Marishes Wildernesses and Sandy desarts I have lesse to say T is well knowne what advantage the Irish Kernes have made of their bogges and woods Two famous Cities in Europe are built in marishes namely Venice in Italy and Dort in Holland and both of them be called maiden Cities for that hitherto they could never be ravished never conquered La Fert one of the strongest townes in France is thus situated and in our Barons warres have many sheltred themselves in the I le of Elie. He that is to beleaguer townes thus situated fights not against men but nature Marishes admit no drie lodging for the foot no approaches for the horse no sure ground for Ordnance or heavie carriages The towne feares no undermining and a marish finally is not except by long siege and famine otherwise to be conquered but as heretikes be and that 's with faggots and when that way approaches be made over it the towne is ours and Empire is inlarged Amongst Woods and Wildernesses those of Hercynia and Ardenna have of old beene famous and were sometime bounders to the unlimited Roman Empire it selfe nor have they beene conquered by force but by time As for Desarts and Sands I will mention no more but those vast Desarts of Arabia which the Turke cals his but cannot conquer An unknowne Sea and solitude of heath and Sand is said to keepe the two mighty Empires of the Chinois and great Mogor from incroaching one upon another In such sands have whole Armies and Caravans beene buried over these they travell as at Sea by observing the starres and by Card Compasse Of all the rest before named these be the surest fortresses and the most insuperable no Army that 's wisely led dares venture to march over the hot sands of Lybia Desarts afford no towns for shelter no food for men no pasture or so much as water for horses all must be brought with them and he that shall thinke to inlarge his Empire by making an invasion this way shall finde it worse than a long suit for a dribling debt the charges will amount to more than the principall To conclude this tedious discourse man looks upon the world upon Seas Rivers Mountains Marishes c. as upon things set there casually or by chance but God made them there upon most wise designe here he casts up a mountaine and that barres a conquerour here he powres out a River and in passing of that overthrowes an Army there plants he a wood and by dressing an ambush in it gives away a victory and upon changing the fortune of the field Empires take their beginnings or periods lawes and religions their alterations the pride and policies of men are defeated that his owne power and providence might onely be acknowledged For by helpe of these naturall causes sayes God silently unto Tyrants and conquerours as at first he said unto the Sea Hitherto shall thy proud waves goe and no further Of Travell LAstly sithence Plato one of the Day-starres of that knowledge which then but dawning hath since shone out in cleerer brightnesse thought nothing fitter for the bettering of our understanding than Travell aswell by having a conference with the wiser sort in all kindes of learning as by the Eye-sight of those things which otherwise a man cannot attaine unto but by Tradition A sandy foundation either in matter of Science or Conscience Let me also in this place be bold to informe you that all purpose to Travell if it be not ad voluptatem solùm sed ad utilitatem argueth an industrious and generous minde Base and vulgar spirits hover still about home Those are more Noble and Divine that imitate the Heavens and joy in motion Hee therefore that intends to Travell out of his owne Countrey must likewise resolve to Travell out of his Countrey fashion and indeed out of himselfe that is out of his former intemperate feeding disordinate drinking thriftlesse gaming fruitlesse time-spending violent exercising and irregular misgoverning whatsoever He must determine that the end of his Travell is his ripening in knowledge and the end of his knowledge is the service of his Countrey which of right challengeth the better part of us This is done by preservation of himselfe from Hazards of Travell and Observation of what he heares and sees in his Travelling The Hazards are two of the Minde and of the Body that by the infection of Errours this by the corruption of Manners For who so drinketh of the poysonous cup of the one or tasteth the sower liquor of the other 〈◊〉 the true rellish of Religion and Vertue bringeth ●ome a leaprous Soule and a tainted body retaining nothing thing but the shame of either or repentance of both whereof in my Travell I have seene some examples and by them made use to prevent both mischiefes which I will briefly shew And first of the better part Concerning the Travellers Religion I teach not what it should be being out of my Element nor inquire what it is being out of my Commission only my hopes are he be of the religion here established and my advice is he be therein well setled and that howsoever his imagination shall be carried in the voluble Sphere of divers mens discourses yet his inmost thoughts like lines in a Circle shall alwayes concenter in this immoveable point Not to alter his first Faith For I know that as all innovation is dangerous in a State so is this change in the little Common-wealth of a Man And it is to be feared that he which is of one Religion in his youth and of another in his manhood will in his age be of neither Wherefore if
Which done they flie to the mountaines and in despight of any forces continue unsubjected howsoever unpunished And therefore since I have deciphered the persons let me in a word advise thee of their properties that is to take heed of the pride of Spaine the poyson of Italy the treason of France and the drinke of Flanders Beware of company and let not rash trust in friendship produce matter of fruitlesse repentance Remember that Damon and Pithias Pilades and Orestes are all dead or else it is but a dead story Nature alters like humours and complexions every minute of an houre And should I not speake too much to the worlds shame I would advise thee to thinke that there is no one man faithfull to another in the world And therefore in this dangerous age since every man is neerest and onely neere unto himselfe and hee is held the onely wise man who hath the world at most command let no man so presume of his owne sufficiency as to neglect the benefit of counsell Take a young man for thy companion rather than for thy friend The world affordeth but one Phenix and let not any man be so conceited as to thinke to finde him in his owne imagination Serve God with devotion and then care not for the devils illusion When thou returnest from these forren men and forren places resolve then also to leave their forren manners First come home to thy selfe and then fashion thy carriage thy apparell thy studies thy conscience and thy conversation to the best patterne of the place from whence at first with good intent thou began'st thy pilgrimage So shall the remembrance of thy travell be pleasant the profit infinite and thy returne an ornament to King and Country THE SECOND BOOKE Of Europe The Commendations Bounds Religions and Languages of it IT now remaineth that I beginne to tell you how according to our best and latest Cosmographers this great Globe for parts and parcels whereof so great and universall quarrels have from the beginning beene entertained amongst Princes Peoples and Nations hath beene divided into seven parts The first three whereof viz. Europe Africa and Asia were knowne to the Ancients The fourth is America Septentrionalis containing the Provinces of Estotilant Terra de Labrador Terra de Biccaleos Nova Francia Norimbega Florida Nova Hispania and others The fifth is America Meridionalis which is a peneinsula and disjoyned from the former by a small Isthmus or necke of Land containing the Regions of Brasil Tisnada Caribana Peguana and Peruvia The sixt is termed Terra Australis wherein lieth Psitaicorum regio Terra del feugo Beach Lucach and Maletur situate betweene Iava major and Iava minor The last being under the Northerne Pole is the least of the residue all almost unknowne and divided by Mercator upon a meere fabulous report of one that was never there into foure Islands lying in a manner under the very Pole This part hath not hitherto beene discovered the neerest approach that any man of Europe ever yet made to the North Pole was by one Marmaduke who in a ship of Hull arrived in 82. degrees that is no neerer than within 8. whole degrees of the Pole mountaines of Ice keeping him from discovering further Of all these seven parts because Europe is farrelesse than any of the rest and yet exceedeth them all in Noblenesse Magnificence multitude of people in might puissance and renowne we will first beginne with the description thereof It is bounded on the North with the North Ocean Sea on the South with the Mediterranean on the East with the floud Tanais and on the West with the West Ocean It containeth more than foure and twenty Christian Kingdomes at this day as farre excelling the residue of the Provinces in Religion Arts Valour and Civilitie as in elder age it did surpasse them in Prowesse and Reputation The principall Provinces are Spaine France Belgia Germany Italy Sclavonia Greece Hungary Poland Lituania Moscovia and that toward the North called Scandia wherein are Denmarke Norwey Swethland Iutland c. The Islands are Brittaine containing the Kingdomes of England and Scotland Ireland Island and Engroneland in the North Ocean In the Mediterranean are Sicilie Candia Corsica Sardinia Majorca Minorca Nigropont Malta Corsu Salamine Mit●lene Sciros with many other in the Archipelago The aire hereof is passing good wholesome temperate and soile exceeding fertile Therein are many goodly Cities famous Mart-Townes and learned Vniversities The people thereof have in all ages excelled all other Regions in Courage Arts sharpnesse of Wit and all other gifts of Nature In times past it commanded Asia and Afrike by the Armes of the Greeks and Romans and at this day it is of great force by the power of the Turks and Muscovites and of no lesse reputation by the Navigations of the English Dutch Spaniards and Portugals so as it seemeth that Nature hath given unto this people a precedency to rule and governe forren Provinces as men farre surpassing all other Nations in wisdome courage industry and invention This least and best part of the greater portions of the world was so named of Europa daughter of Agenor King of Phoenicia brought into these parts by Iupiter in honour of whom the Phoenicians being the first Navigators and discoverers of these countries might as well leave her name to all their new discoveries the habits manners and languages of these parts especially at those times being all one or not much different as the Turks Aethiopians and all those of the East call us by one name of Franks and the Kingdomes of France England Spaine Germanies c. are in the histories of the warres of the Holy Land all together called the Kingdome of the Franks our Languages the Franke tongue and our Religion the Franks Religion The figure of Europe is fancied to resemble a Queene and so is she indeed of all the world her Princes having some dominion or other in all parts of the world and they none in her The Crowne and Head of this Queene is Spaine her Necke must bee that part of France under the Pyrenaean mountaines her Brest France it selfe her Armes Italy and Brittaine her Belly Germany her Navell Bohemia the rest of her Body hidden under her lower garments are Denmarke Sweden Lituania Prussia Poland Hungaria Dalmatia Grecia Moldavia Tartary and Muscovia This Queene at this day commands 28 Kingdomes all gathered up by three Emperours the German Turke and Muscovite and eight Kings France England and Spaine hereditarie Bohemia Hungaria Poland Denmarke and Sweden elective Princes States and Common-wealths in Italy and the Germanies many and potent some one of them Venice or the Low Countries by name too hard a match for the most potent Prince of Asia or Africa could they but come at him For Riches we have the most usefull and substantiall for goodly Cities Italy alone hath more than Asia Africa and America all together if other parts have any fortified townes thye here saw
Kings of England doe elect their Magistrates and Officers as the Cities and townes of England doe In England the ancientest Earles of Ireland do give precedency to the Earle● of England for that they have no voice in the Parliament of England neither hath the Nobility of England any voyce or prerogative in the Parliaments of Ireland so Irishmen borne are denizens by birth in England and may beare Office and inherit lands in England as experience teacheth without charters of denization as Englishmen are and doe in Ireland And so Irishmen pay onely such customes and duties in England as Englishmen doe and ought The Wards of the Nobilitie are disposed of by the King and of inferiour persons by the Viceroy and certaine of the Councell there according to their Commission Even so titles of honours lands and offices are usually granted by the Kings of England under the great seale of England or Ireland according to pleasure The incivility wherewith this so goodly a kingdome hath beene much branded hath chiefly arisen from want of education and learning And secondly for that the Country aboundeth with idle men having no trade whereupon to live which onely abuse hath incouraged rebellion the Ring-leaders not doubting to bee followed by these swarmes of dissolute persons ready to take armes upon any occasion for desire of spoile But verily sithence that now of late the King of Peace and Pietic hath wiped away all distrust of former neglects by his continuall industry to plant Religion and Arts to re-people the wasted Provinces and to extirpate the innated idlenesse of the worst bred Irish there is no question under God to be made but that this beautifull Island being so neere a neighbour so fruitfull in soile so rich in pasture more than credible beset with so many woods inriched with so many Minerals watred with so many Rivers invironed with so many Havens lying fit and commodious for Navigation into most wealthy Countries will in time prove profitable to the Church advantag●ous to the Prince pleasing to the Inhabitants and comparable to any the best and civillest kingdomes of the Christian Common-weale Great Brittaine THe whole Island of Brittaine once divided now re-united under the name of the kingdome of Great Brittaine is an Island situated in the maine Ocean over against France and divided into foure great Provinces The first whereof the Englishmen doe inhabit the second the Scots the third the Welshmen and the last the Cornishmen Every one of those doe differ from other either in language in manners or in customes England so termed of the Englishmen the Inhabitants thereof is by much the greater and goodlier portion and divided into nine and twenty Provinces which they terme Shires Of the which ten doe make the prime part of the Kingdome and inclining towards the South have their existence betweene the Thames and the Sea Next as farre as the Trent which runneth thorow the middest of England are sixteene other Shires proportioned whereof the first six lie towards the East and the other ten lie more to the Inland other six border upon Wales and are bounded towards the West About the heart of the Kingdome lie Darbishire Yorkeshire Lancashire and Cumberland And upon the left hand inclining towards the West Westmerland Vpon the contrary side lie Durham and Northumberland Provinces opposed to the North and sometime appertaining to the Crowne of Scotland These Shires are two wayes divided first into six circuits parted among the Iudges who twice a yeare goe over them for the holding of Assises Secondly into two Archbishopricks Canterbury who hath two and twenty Bishoprickes under his Province and Yorke who hath three in his These are by the Grecians termed Dioceses and take their denominations from the Cities wherein the Bishops have their Seas the chiefe whereof is London and was once the seat of an Archbishop now translated unto Canterbury This prime part upon the East and the South is bounded with the Ocean upon the West with Wales and Cornwall upon the North with Tweed the bounder also of England and Scotland At this River of Tweed endeth the length thereof which being accounted to beginne at the Shore which lieth most Southerly is from thence reckoned to containe about three hundred and twenty miles On this side the Humber it is accounted the fertilest for corne beyond mountainous but excellent for herbage For albeit to one that beholdeth it afarre off it seemeth all champi●n notwithstanding it hath many hils and those for the most part destitute of wood as also most pleasant vallies wherein especially the Gentlemen have their mansions who according to their old customes dwell not in Townes but approach the Vallies and Rivers and inhabit the Villages as I thinke the better to avoid the furie of tempestuous winds whereunto the Island is sometime subject Wherby it commeth to passe that the Yeomen conversing with the Gentry doe in every place savour of some good fashion and the Vpland Cities are the lesse famoused The land generally is exceeding fertile and plentifull in beasts whereby it commeth to passe that the English people are more addicted unto Grazing than unto Tillage so that almost the third part of the soile is reserved rather for Cattell Deere Conies and Goats a for of this sort also there is great store in Wales And in every Shire you shall see Parkes impaled and Forrests replenished with these beasts in the hunting whereof the Nobility and Gentry doe much delight there being more Parks in England than in all Europe besides For provision of the Inhabitants neither is it lesse stored with corne wilde fowle and fish so that for plenty goodnesse and sweetnesse it needeth neither the helpe of France no nor of any neighbour-bordering Country Among other things the flesh especially of their Swine Oxen and Veales have the best rellish of any part of Christendome and of Fish their Pike and Oysters It bringeth not forth Mules nor Asses but of Horse for pace the best in the world and of those infinite proportions for service running and coursing The wealth hereof consisteth in the never-decaying Mines of Tinue and Lead of Copper Iron and Coales On the Downes groweth a small and tender kinde of grasse neither dunged nor watred with spring or river but in Winter nourished with the moisture of the aire and in Summer with the dew of Heaven which is so gratefull and pleasing to the Sheepe that it causeth them to beare fleeces of singular goodnesse and exceeding finenesse The Island breedeth no Wolves nor any other ravening beast and therefore these their flockes wander night and day by Hils Dales and Fields as well inclosed as common without feare or danger Most delicate Cloths are woven of this Wooll which from thence are transported in great abundance into Germany Poland Denmarke Sweveland Italy Turkie and the Indies where they are in high request There grow all sorts of pulse great store of Saffron yea infinite quantities of
honourable respect of our Nobilitie wherein though they possesse few Castles or strong places invironed with rampiers and ditches neither that the Titles of Dukes Marquesses or Earles are more than titular as bestowed upon desert at the pleasure of the Prince yet have they the government of Provinces with subordinate authoritie over the people to the great quiet of the State and the prosperitie of the kingdome where on the contrary the Nobilitie in France possessing some absolute and some mixt jurisdiction with hereditary titles c. being Lords not only of Townes but of great and goodly Cities also and receiving homage and fealtie of their tenants doe as wee have often seene but badly and at pleasure acknowledge the soveraigntie of the King and the Arrest of the Parliaments SCotland another portion of Brittaine in times past began at the Mountaine Grampius and from thence to its utmost border was extended Northward But in future times by the extinguishment of the Picts it reached also unto Tweed and sometimes also to Twine the chance of warre so moderating in these counterchanges as in all other worldly occurrences Whereupon its longitude from Tweed unto the utmost limit is thought to be foure hundred and fourescore miles But as this Province is longer than England so is it narrow for that it endeth like unto a wedge For the unshapeable and rough Mountaine Grampius whereof even Tacitus in the life of Agricol● made mention runneth thorow the very heart thereof even from the German shore that is from the mouth of the River Dee unto the Irish coast and unto that Lake which the Inhabitants call Lomund which lieth betweene that country and the said mountaine The Kingdome hath every where safe harbours creekes lakes marishes rivers and fountaines replenished with fish As also mountaines and in tops thereof large plaines yeelding abundance of grazing to cattell and woods wonderfully abounding with venerie By the advantages of which place the people being sustained could never be fully conquered for every Province Woods and Marishes were ready refuges to their safeties and wilde beasts and plentie of cattell remedies against famine for their bodies Those who inhabit the Southerne part as by much the best so are they the better qualified the civillest and speake the English language And sithence that Nature hath denied them plentie of fewell their firing is of a blacke stone which they digge out of the earth The people who dwell in the Northerne and Mountainous parts are a very savage and uncivill kinde of men and termed Silvestres viz. Highland-men These after the Irish fashion were accustomed to be cloathed with a mantle and a shirt coloured with Saffron and to goe bare legged as high as their knees Their weapons are Bow and Arrowes with a very broad Sword Dagger sharpe but on one edge They all speake Irish and feed upon fish milke cheese and flesh and have great store of cattell They differ from the English both in Lawes Customes for the one retaineth the Civill Law as almost doe all other Nations but the English have their peculiar or Municipall Lawes In other things they differ not much Their Language as aforesaid is one and the same the same constitution of body equall courage in battell and semblable addiction unto hunting even from their Childhoods Their houses in the Villages are very small and covered with straw or reed wherein as well their cattell as themselves in manner of stables doe reside Their townes except that of S. Iohns are invironed with no walls so that it should seeme that their couragious minds doe repose the safetie of their lives in the only vertue of their bodies They are also ingenious which their learning manifesteth so that unto what Art soever they doe addict their capacities they easily profit therein And those also who meditate nothing but sloth ease and lazinesse though by refusall to take any paines they live most basely and beggerly yet will they not let to boast of their Gentrie and that so presumptuously as if it were more commendable for a man well descended to beg than to betake himselfe to any ingenious profession for the sustentation of his carkase But withall they are accounted naturally to be very zealous in Religion About Scotland in the Irish Ocean are more than forty Islands by Pliny termed Britaniae but by others Meraniae and Herbrides The biggest of these in length exceeds not thirty miles in bredth not above twelve Amongst them is Iona famous for the ancient sepulture of the Scottish Kings All the Inhabitants speake the Irish tongue a pregnant argument that they are descended from the Irishry Beyond Scotland Northwards lie the Orcades in number saith Ptolomy thirty being partly seated in the Deucalidon Ocean and partly in the German The chiefe whereof is called Pamonia and therein is an Episcopall Sea being subject unto the King of Great Brittaine The Islanders speake the Gotish tongue a record that they are descended from the Germans Of stature they are all of a sound constitution whereby it commeth to passe that for the greater part they are long-lived although most commonly they live upon fish The soile is in a manner alwayes covered with snow in many places it will scarce beare graine but of trees almost none Beyond the Orcades heth Thule from whence but one dayes saile saith Pliny is the Frozen Sea and therein Island whereunto at this day our Merchants doe make an annuall trading to fish themselves or to buy fish of others Which for that it is neerest unto the Pole some doe judge to bee Thule And this is all that I have to say concerning the situation of Scotland now will I turne my pen to the nature and fashions of the Inhabitants WAles is accounted the third portion of the Island In regard of the heart of England it lieth upon the left hand and in manner of a Peninsula stretcheth into the Ocean on all sides incircled with the Sea save towards the East where it is bounded with the Severne the separatresse of Wales and England although many late Writers as abovesaid make the City of Hereford the bounder thereof and will have Wales to beginne at Chepstow where the River Wy being united with Lugge and passing by Hereford falleth into the Sea This River as Severne ariseth from an Inland part of Wales from one and the selfe-same Mountaine but whether from one and the selfe-same Fountaine I am not able to shew and it Cornelius Tacitus as aforesaid termeth Antona For even thither reacheth a huge arme of the Sea which cutting in betweene the Land by the West watreth Cornwall on the right hand and Wales on the left This Topography we follow as the Moderne and therefore say that Wales from Chepstow where it taketh beginning is extended Northward a little above Shrewsbury as ●arre as Chester Hither it was as Memory recordeth that the reliques of those Brittons who over-lived the generall slaughter after the
people Besides these publike Receptacles we have private and goodly Colleges for Lawyers fitted for their private and publike uses receit of their Clients conveniently appropriated to their Offices All workes rather of oftentation amongst our selves than of imitation in others In stead of obscure Churches we have first the goodliest heape of stones namely Pauls next the most curious viz. Westminster Abby in the world and generally all out Churches exceed for beauty and handsomnesse In stead of Gentlemen riding on durty foot-cloaths and women footing it in the mierie streets the one with an idle Lackey the other with no company at all we have fashionable attendance handsome comely passage either in Carosse Coach or on horsebacke and our Ladies and Gentlewomen are never seene abroad without an honourable retinue In stead of confused intermixtures of all sorts as Citizens Lawyers Schollers Gentlemen Tradesmen and Religious persons so that you can scarcely know the one from the other nor the master from the man in London the Citizen lives in the best order with very few houses of Gentlemen interposed But in our suburbs the Nobility and Gentry have so many and such stately buildings that one side of the River may compare with the gran Canale at Venice but if you examine their receit and capacity Venice and all the Cities of Europe must submit to truth for in London and the places adjoyning five hundred severall houses may beare the attribute of Palaces wherein five thousand persons may conveniently be lodged In stead of a poore Provost and a disorderly company of Merchants and Tradesmen we have a Podesta or Maior that keepeth a Prince-like house accompanied and attended with grave and respective Senators and comely Citizens having severall Hals where every craft and mystery is governed by ancient persons of the same society and profession At time of yeare producing such solemne and rich triumphs that strangers have admired the brave spirits of Mechanicall men To conclude if you looke on and in our London truly as it is composed of men following trades and occupations there is not such a Citie such a Government such a method of conversation such an unity of society and good neighbourhood such a glasse to see lovelinesse and beauty in such a chamber of wealth and such a store-house of terrestriall blessings under the Sunne againe Or if you please to view it without at all times and yet consider the keeping of our Country houses you may boldly say There are not so many Gentlemen to be seene in any place nor to so good purpose generally for speaking somewhat liberally like an Orator of Contentation I aske if the pleasures of Paris can bring you into walkes of such variety with so little charge and expence as London can Surely no. And with us our riding of horses musicke learning of all Arts and Sciences dancing fencing seeing of comedies or enterludes banquets maskes mummeries lotteries feasts ordinary meetings and all the singularities of mans inventions to satisfie delight are easie expences and a little judgement with experience will manage a very meane estate to wade through the current of pleasure yea although it should runne unto voluptuousnesse But shall I dare to speake of our Court the map of Majesty in respect whereof Biron compared all others to confusion If I doe for stately attendance dutifull service plentifull fare orderly tables resort of Nobles beauty of Ladies bravery of Gentry concourse of civill people princely pastimes and all things befitting the Majesty of a King or glory of a Nation I may say for England as the King of France once answered the Emperours tedious Title France France France and nothing but France So England England England and nothing but England to their proudest comparisons Affirming that if ever Countrey Kingdome or Prince came neere Salomons royalty plenty peace and beatitude England and in England London hath the preheminence Besides the Cities and Ports of France well fortified there be also infinite numbers of Castles Cittadels which the people call The nests of Tyrants and the Prince Chastivillains Of the Castles the number is therefore most great and as uncertaine by reason that every Noblemans house of any age is built in defensible manner An example of one for many hundreds you may take that of Roch-fort belonging to the Seigneur de la Tremouville which in the civill warres endured a siege and five thousand Cannon shot and yet was not taken It is judged by the wisest that in great Kingdomes such as France no places should bee fortified but the frontiers after the example of Nature who armeth the heads and heeles of beasts but never the bowels nor middle part as in England where except frontier places none but his Majestie have fortified places You must understand that here in France all Inhabitants of Cities are liable to the common charges of the fortification of their Cities reparations of Bridges Fountaines High-waies such like And because the richer sort should not levie the money and then keepe it to themselves or imploy it as they list they must give information to the Chancellor of the necessity of the Levie and procure Letters Patents for the same by authority whereof they gather the money and use it yeelding after to the Kings Procurer their account And for their Watch and Ward it goes by course as in the City of Embden and divers other in those low countries As for Castles the Seigneur or Captaine may not force Vassall faire le guet to watch and ward except in frontier places upon forfeiting of their estates After this generall Survey of the Country it selfe wee must observe something of the government wherein I will not trouble you with fetching their first Pedigree from beyond the Moone as many of the●r Histories labour nor by disputing the matter whether it bee true or no that they came from Troy into the marishes of Maeotis whence after some small abode they were chased by the Roman Emperour into Bavaria and after into Frankeland in Germany It shall suffice that from hence this people came into France wherein all Writers agree For after the declination of the Roman Empire when the Ostrogothes conquered Italy the Visigothes Spaine and the Vandals Affrike then did the Burgundians and Franconians divide this Country betweene them conquering it upon the old Inquilines the Gaules who from Caesars time till then had not tasted the force of a forren power The Government was under Dukes till the yeare 420. when as Pharamond caused himselfe to bee intituled King In this race it remained till 751. when Pepin suppressed his M. Chilpericke and usurped His line lasted till 988. when Hugh Capet gave the checke to the succession of Charlemaignes line who was Pepins sonne and invested himselfe with the Diadem From him it hath lineally descended by heires males to the house of Valois and for want of issue mal● in them is now come to
that of the Sunne is the best and the halfe Crowne Those of silver are the Livres or Franc which is two shillings sterling The quart d'escu which is one shilling six pence The Teston which is halfe a sous lesse The peece of ten sous which is one shilling sterling the halfe quart d'escu the halfe Teston and the peece of five sous that is six pence sterling Those of Brasse is the price of six Blanks which is three pence that of three blanks three halfe pence The sous of twelve deniers the liard of foure deniers the double of two and lastly the denier it selfe whereof ten make one penny sterling This baser and smaller kind of money hath not beene used in France but since the beginning of the civill warres The Teston is the best silver It remaineth I speake of the Administration and Execution of Iustice and of those places and persons where and by whom it is done I will therefore beginne with their assemblies as the highest and greatest Court of all which well resembleth the Parliament of England the Dyet of the Empire or the Councell of ●●e Amphythrions in Greece There are three especiall causes of calling these Assemblies The first when the succession of the Crowne was doubtfull and in controversie or when it was to take order for the Regency during the Kings Captivity or Minority or when they had not the right use of their wits Hereof yee have examples Anno 1327. Saint Lewis an Infant and Charles the sixth An. Dom. 1380. a Lunaticke and 1484. Iohn a prisoner For all which occasions Assemblies were called to determine who should have the Regency of the Realme in the meane while The second cause is when there is question of reforming the Kingdome correcting the abuses of Officers and Magistrates or appeasing troubles and seditions The third cause is the want and necessitie of the King or Kingdome in which case the Estates are exhorted to give subsidies subventions aids and gratuities For in former times the Kings contenting themselves with their Domaine and impost of such wares as came in or went out of the land the two most ancient and most just grounds of Finances were not accustomed to levie and impose upon their Subjects any tax whatsoever without the consent of the three States thus assembled The next Soveraigne Court for so the French call it is the Court of Parliament The true Temple of French Iustice Seat of the King and his Peeres And as Haillan cals it the Buttresse of Equity This Court very much resembleth the Star-Chamber of England the Arcopage of Athens the Senate of Rome the Consiglio de' dieci of Venice There are no Lawes saith Haillan by which this Court is directed it judgeth according to equity and conscience and mitigateth the rigour of the Law Of these Courts of Parliament ye have eight in France That of Paris the most ancient and highest in preheminence which at first was ambulatory as they call it and ever followed the Kings Court whithersoever it went but since Philip le Bel it hath beene sedentary in this Citie That of Grenoble was erected Anno 1453. That of Tholouse Anno 1302. That of Bourdeaux Anno 1443. That of Dijon in the yeare 1476. That of Roven in the yeare 1501. That of Aix the same yeare And lastly that of Bretaigne at the yeare 1553. Anciently all Arch-Bishops and Bishops might sit and give voices in this Parliament of Paris but in Anno 1463. it was decreed that none but the Bishop of Paris and Abbot of Saint Denis might sit there except he be of the Bloud for all these are privileged The Presidents and Counsellors of the Court of Parliament of Paris may not depart the Towne without leave of the Court by the ordinance of Lewis the twelfth in the yeare 1499. The Senators ought alwayes to bee present because things are carried with more Majesty when the Court is full To this Parliament they appeale from all other subalterne Courts throughout the Realme as they doe in Venice to the Consiglio grande Neither can the King conclude any warre or peace without the advice and consent hereof or at least as Haillan saith he demandeth it for fashion sake sometime when the matters are already concluded The Parliament of Paris consisteth of seven Chambers the Grande c●ambre and five others of Enquests and the Tournelles which is the chamber for the criminall causes as the other six bee for the civill It is called the Tournelles because the Iudges of the other Chambers sit there by turnes every three moneths the reason whereof Bodin giveth that it might not alter the naturall inclination of the Iudges and make them more cruell by being alwayes exercised in matter of condemnations and executions There be of this Court of Presidents Counsellors Chevalliers of honour Procureurs Advocates Clerks Sergeants and other Officers of all sorts not so few as two hundred Besides this Court there are also other Courts for the administration of Iustice in this Citie as the Chatellet of Paris with a Lieutenant civill and another criminall and the Hostel de Paris with a Prevost and other inferiour Officers which is as ye would say the Guild-Hall of the Citie So have ye throughout the Realme certaine places as all Cities in generall where there be Chatellets like our places of Assise and in them a Lieutenant civill and criminall to judge and determine all causes reall and personall and here many Lawyers and Procurers as our Counsellors at Law and Atturnies who plead before those Lieutenants and Prevosts and certaine Counsellors which are the Iudges in these Courts whereof the number is incredible in France Insomuch as you may well say of them as is said of Sienna There be more Readers than Auditors so here be more Pleaders than Clients This Chiquanery Petti-fogging multiplicitie of Pleaders came first from the Popes Court when his seat was at Avignon as my Author saith who in the same place cals these Advocates The Mice of the Palace The processes and suits in these Courts throughout France are innumerable wherein wee come nothing neere them and yet there is no want of these in England For I have heard of 340. Nisiprius between parties tried at one Assize in Norfolke as many I thinke as in halfe England besides But these are onely twice in the yeare that causes are tried at Assises in our Country whereas here they are tried every day in the yeare that is not festivall So that it is not much unlikely that here are as many Processes in seven yeares as have beene in England since the conquest There are besides these Courts of Chatellets in Cities the Courts also of Bailywicks and Sheriffalties who as Haillan saith keepe Courts in each Province and judge in all matters civill and criminall Here is also the Privie Councell or Councell of affaires of the Counsellors among which are his foure Secretaries he calleth certaine every morning at his rising to whom he
but Paper and a few Sols and doublesse of Brasse that made it so swell in all scarce eighteene pence sterling Hee is Oftentator a Craker who comming to such as have great horses to sell makes them beleeve he will buy some And at great Faires drawing to their shops that sell apparell cals to see a sute of an hundred pounds and when they are agreed of the price fals out with his boy for following him without his purse Such a one was the Gallant who in the middest of his discourse with many Gentlemen suddenly turned backe to his Lackie and saith Fetch me my Clocke it lies in my lodging in such or such a place neere such or such a Iewell The Lalero bethinks himselfe that it is in his pocket which hee knew well enough before presently he puls it out not so much to shew how the time passeth whereof he takes little care as the curiousnesse of worke and the beauty of the case whereof hee is not a little bragge and enamoured To speake thus particularly of all his severall humours and customes would be very prolix and not much necessary I will onely referre you to the fourth of Tullies Rhetorick where he speaketh of a bragging Rhodomonte and to the first Booke of Horace Satyres speaking of an endlesse and needlesse Prater a fastidious irksome companion Where you shall see the French naturall very lively and admirably well described I will only speake of his impatience and precipitation in deliberations of Warre or Peace and such other affaires of greatest importance and so end To this effect Bodin saith of him The French is of so sudden and busie disposition that he quickly yeelds to that a man demands being soone tired with messages to and fro and other delayes peculiar to the Spaniard And in another place The Spaniard had need of a more ready dispatch than he hath and the French of more moderation in his actions and passions And whereas Commines saith of us that we be not so craftie in our treaties and agreements as the French I thinke saving the credit of so great an Author he might better have said so head-strong and precipitate But where he saith that he that will treat and determine matters with us must have a little patience I yeeld unto him hee hath good reason so to say for his Countrey-men the French can endure no delay they must propound conclude all in one day By this haste of theirs they lost more saith Bodin by one Treatie at Cambrey Anno 1559. to the Spaniard than he had before got of the French in fortie yeares by warre Navarre TO the Title and Armes of France wee see these of Navarre annexed notwithstanding that this Kingdome lies Westward of the P●rencan mountaines touching upon Arragon on its South and Biscar on its North part two of the Spanish Provinces The old Inhabitants were the Vascones the Berones c. The present name of Navarre it hath either from the Spanish word Navas signifying a Campagnia or woodlesse champaigne Country or field naturally fenced with trees round about of which divers are in this Kingdome or else from Navarrin a towne in the mountaines and a chiefe Fort against the Moores of old time About the yeare 716. Garcia Ximenes freeing it from the Moores gained it the honour of a petty Kingdome which his Ancestors so well increased that within three hundred yeares after Sancho the great wrote himselfe King of Spaine for Leon he held by force Arragon had beene before united by marriage and himselfe obtained Castile in right of his wife out of other parts hee had driven the Moores also But this union himselfe againe disjoynted by a division of 〈◊〉 amongst his owne sonnes Navarre thus againe dissevered came about the yeare 1483. unto Katherine Countesse of ●●ix and Bigorre and Princesse of Bearne who unhappily marrying with Iohn Earle of Albret a French Coun●●●● 〈◊〉 those three of his wives also lost the Kingdome to the Spaniard The quarrell was this Lewis the twelfth of France falling at warres with the Spaniards Venetians and Germans was seconded by this Iohn of Albret and both for this opposed and excommunicated by the Pope Iulius t●e se●o●d Navarre being by a Bull exposed to the Invader Vpon this hint Ferdinand of Spaine puts in demands passage thorow Navarre for his Army pretended against the Moores which upon deniall of his request he turnes upon Navarre and before the slow succours could come out of France carries the whole Kingdome not so much as a box on the eare being given in resistance Thus the Spaniard ga● the possession though Henry of Albret sonne to Katherine and Iohn aforesaid retaines the title from whom also the French King challengeth it as being descended of this Henry and his wife Margaret of Valois Sister to King Francis of France from whom came Ioan Albret Queen of Navarre whose husband was Anthony Duke of Burbon whose son was Henry the great King of Navarre first and of France afterward whose sonne in Lewis the thirteenth the present King of France The chiefe Citie of Navarre is Pampelona the strength is made use of by the Spaniard as a Bulwarke against France there being but two passages thorow the Pyrenean mountaines out of this kingdome into Bearne in France which he easily keepes fortified Belgia Netherland NExt lyeth the seventeene Provinces called the Low-Countries the Netherlands or Germania Inferior concerning whom the world can but wonder how any Prince would neglect such a benefit and inheritance of goodnesse greatnesse and wealth which united with the love of the Inhabitants would have exceeded Spaine for Revenues multitude of people Cities shipping and all things else tending to worldly felicitie In observing the distraction whereof a discreet Reader may truly learne the inconstancie of worldly prosperitie most commonly procured by Princes themselves in following ill counsell and youthfull distemperature The Region containeth the Dukedomes of Brabant Limburk Luzzenburg and G●lderland the Earledoms of Flanders Artoys Hennalt Holland Zealand Nemours and Z●●ph●● the Marquesa●e of the Empire the Lordships of Friesland M●e●●lin Virech Over-isel and Groning East Friesland belongeth to a Prince of its owne who ever disclaimed to bee united to the residue belike to prevent all claime that either Empe●our or King might by cavill lay thereunto They invented the Art of Printing restored Musicke framed the Chario● devised the laying of colours in Oyle the working of colours in Glasse the making of Tapestrie Sayes Searges Woosteds Frisadoes and divers sorts of Linnen-cloth with innumerable other small trifles all sorts of Clocks and Dials and the Mariners Compasse In these Provinces are numbred two hundred and eight great Townes munited with wals ramparts ditches warlike ports draw-bridges and in which are continuall guards either of the Burgers of Souldiers lying there in garrison according to the proximitie of the enemie the importance of the place of necessitie of the time The Villages or Dorps are six thousand
ready to march whither occasion calleth Because of the thicknesse of the Woods the Horsemen serve with Petronels and seldome use Pikes or Launces These are most excellent Footmen for every souldier is able to make and furnish himselfe with any furniture whatsoever even the making of his owne Flaske and Touch-box as likewise the common people in Pervina and the neighbouring Provinces being contented with a little have alwayes accustomed to make all implements for their houses and bodies to build to weave to play the Tailors to sow to reape and to forge tooles fit for their businesse And as for these Trades which are neither common nor necessary a to paint to worke in silver and such like there are notwithstanding found among them very good worke-men wanting rather matter than Art to worke upon The Swevian Horse-men are divided into thirteene Companies Sweveland and Gothland maintaine eleven and Finland two and upon necessitie they can raise a greater force for the Dukedome of Vrmeland as report goeth is able to furnish better than ten thousand men with Horse In Marchland there is such plentifull breed of Horse that there they are sold at a very low rate both these Provinces are in Gothland Their Horse is not so bigge bodied as the Frieslander but exceeding hardie active able to endure travell and fed with a little I will not omit to speake of two Noble usages of the King of Swethland towards his Souldiers one is that if a Souldier be taken prisoner he is ransomed at the Kings charges the other that if his Horse be slaine the King bestoweth another upon him To his Captaines and those which serve on Horse-back in part of payment of their wages hee giveth yearely a Garment which the Germans terme Idolis and may be taken for a Cassocke The rest of the Captaines meanes if he serves within the Kingdome against the Dane or Moscovite is but foure Dollars a moneth and exemption for himselfe and family from other duties and payments to the King The common souldier is not thus exempted unlesse in time of warre or danger his other pay is one Dollar and a quarter for a moneth small pay if you consider not the cheapnesse of victuals In their marches in loose troopes they are billetted in the next houses at the countries charges But when the Armie is in the field altogether the King findes them victuals without deducting it out of their meanes It was not long since that the Horseman in time of peace received more than twenty Dollars standing for a yeare with a Horsemans coat and his exemptions but this is increased in the warres The Officers of Horse-troopes receive monethly pay for themselves their servitors horse-boyes c. The Nobilitie and Courtiers also Privie Councellors excepted which may be about three hundred in all are bound to wait on the King on horseback every of which for himselfe and followers receiving each five Dollars a moneth Every Captaine must be a Gentleman borne As touching their Sea-affaires by reason of their huge Sea-coast and infinite Havens the Kingdome swarmeth with Mariners and shipping which the King may arrest in his Dominions as other Princes are accustomed to doe hee maintaineth commonly fiftie Ships of warre whereof every one carrieth fortie peeces of Ordnance more or lesse King Gustavus first brought in the use of Gallies In the Warre which King Iohn waged with the Danes before the Peace treated on at Stetin was agreed he put to Sea seventie great ships besides other of smaller burthen in which were 22000. fighting men In the Summer time they warre at Sea in the Winter at Land for then the Rivers are frozen as likewise the Sea neere the shore for a great space Seeing I have spoken of Guns I will adde thus much that the King is thought to have about eight thousand great Peeces the most part of Brasse and that hee could cast many more if hee had more store of Tin In the Castle of Stockholme only are numbred foure hundred Certaine it is that the King can on the sudden rigge up a sufficient Fleet both for defence and offence and that cheaper than any Prince of Christendome For first he hath store of Mariners and they easily paid as desiring little more than cloaths and victuals Their cloathes are simple enough and their victuals the Countrie is bound to send them a proportion namely of Beefe Bacon Salt-fish Butter Barly and Peason As for materials for building a ship he either hath them of his owne timber pitch iron and cordage or else they are brought him but from the next doore Brasse peeces such plentie of metall he hath that they cost him little or nothing So that well might King Iohn the third of Swethland affirme that he would set out and maintaine as good a Fleet for 100000. Dollars as the King of Spaine could for a million of pounds The chiefe of the Kings Navie in time of peace rides like our Kings at Chatham commonly in two places either at Stockholme where they may lye safe even afloat without mooring or so much as anchoring the Harbour being thirty English miles within Land and the high cliffes keeping off all winds The other Stations are in Finland still in a readinesse against the Muscovite and to watch that nor Armes nor munition be brought them out of Germanie The chiefe Fort of this Countrey is the Finnish Sea which breaking in about Dantzik runs up with a long gut or free thorow the midst of his Countrey from South to North a great deale beyond the Arctick Circle into Finmarch and Lapland another Arme of it neere the first entrance parting Liefland and Finland of which it is called the Finnish Bay flowing even to the Frontiers of Russeland Both of them are wonderfull strengths eases and riches to his Countrey Fortified Townes and Castles he hath in all his Frontiers upon the Dane and Muscovite some twentie in all Vpon the West-side of Swethland is Denmarke on the East Moscovie with both which he hath had long war The Swevians have suffered much losse by the Denmarkes for King Christian the second besieged Stockholme and forced it committing all kinde of cruelty against the Inhabitants filling the Citie with bloud and dead carkases The title which the Dane pretendeth to the Crowne of Swethland is the cause of their enmities The Havens the situation of the Countrey and especially Gothland which is a member of Gothia and therefore the Swevian claimeth it as his right affordeth the Dane this facility of invading at his pleasure After Gustavus recovered the Kingdom he and his son Henry and John reigned successively and although bloud enough hath beene sh●● in the warres betweene Gustavus and the Paris yet the Kingdome hath retained her honour and the Cit●e of Lubeck the mightiest State in that Sea sometimes by consederating with the one sometime with the other doth in so even a ballance poise the differences of these two Nations as it suffereth
interlaced so riotously her golden and silver Veines in the bosome and wombe of Peru it hath bestowed no su●h blessing upon her neerest daughter Brasile but instead thereof hath inriched it with a most temperate and wholsome aire with many pleasant Springs and large Rivers not without sufficiencie of wood she hath divided the land into fruitfull and delightsome hils cloathed it with the beautie of continuall greennesse abounding above beleefe with Sugar-canes which the Portugals have there planted and now transport in infinite quantitie into forren Regions The Philipinae may well be termed the appendances to this New-World for although in respect of their site and proximitie they may be thought a part of Asia yet the discoverers thereof travelled thorow New-Spaine before they could discover them of which Islands more than forty are subject to this Soveraigntie and by them have beene reduced unto civill kinde of life and policie Having thus generally run over the spacious or rather boundlesse members of this Empire I will now relate unto you the true qualitie and State of this great Prince of Christendome the matter being so much the more hard by how much the more copious in it selfe And not to wearie your patience with long discourse I will restraine my selfe to things of most importance with all possible varietie In performance whereof forbearing to tell how out of this House of Austria in the space of three hundred yeares ten Emperors have already successively succeeded one another from Father to Sonne As also by what casualties so many Kingdomes and Provinces have beene united unto this Crowne And in particular how the Houses of Austria and Burgundie have in such sort beene conjoyned that had his enterprises against England and France fallen out conformable to expectation without question he had beene much inabled to have marcht on with large paces to the Monarchie of the whole world This his Empire is divided into foure parts the Kingdome of Spaine the Estates of Italie the Dominions of the Indies and the Countries of Flanders Spaine is by the Spaniards for the greater grace divided into ten Kingdomes and hath beene alway acknowledged for so wealthie puissant and so spacious a Kingdome that the Romans and Carthaginians continued so long and so cruell warres for the possession and royaltie thereof The Goths and Vandals when with the streame of their over-flowing multitudes they swarmed over the greatest part of the Roman Empire here sate them downe and made it the place of their habitation Trebellius Pollio termed it and France The joynts and finewes of the Roman Empire Constantine when he divided the Empire preferred it before Italie and in the division when England France Spaine and Italie fell to his lot hee little esteeming the last and voluntarily leaving it to his competitor contented himselfe with the three formost The Estates of Italie the finewes and nurseries of his warres comprehend the Kingdomes of Naples Sicilie Sardinia the Dukedome of Millaine and the three Forts situate upon the Sea-coast of Tuscain Orbatello Vrcole and Telemon The dominion of India is divided into the East and West In the East he hath but some Islands farre distant from the firme Land but in the West he hath divers Provinces adjoyning upon the Sea-coast yet not penetrating farre within the Land And although he doth daily conquer some of the neighbouring places yet they be of no great value nor consequence From the Low-Countries he reapeth small profit for hee hath there lost his ancient Revenues with his reputation being faine to acknowledge the States of Holland Zeland c. for free before they would yeeld to capitulate with him To intreat first of Spaine because it is the centre of this spacious Empire it is conserved by two meanes that is to say by Iustice and Religion keeping this people in obedience more with severity and chastisement than with clemency and mercy The Province it selfe is barren if we consider each part thereof by it selfe but being reduced into one grosse it aboundeth with all things necessary especially towards the Sea coast being also stored with divers Minerals True it is that it hath few men and is not populous both by reason that a great number are drawne from thence to serve in the warres to re-enforce the garrisons and to defend the forts abroad as well amongst the Indies as in many other places of his dominions as also for that many of them doe exercise Merchandize and Navigation Which although it bring some dammage to the State because so many leave the Country yet proveth it very beneficiall and commodious by their enricht returne unto their owne houses and ridding by that meanes the Country of the more slothfull sort of home-livers Two parts are incompast with the Ocean and Mediterran Seas the third is secured from the power of the French Armes not onely by reason of the craggy situation of the Pirenean of Scialon Pargnan and Pampelone where it is mountainous and hard to passe and by the forts but also through the difficulty that they should there finde in journeying and the incommodity and want of victuals entring into a Country so sterill and unfruitfull The other part confining as aforesaid upon the Mediterran Sea remaineth onely exposed unto the Turkish Navie from which it is well secured by having few Ports and those diligently kept and guarded with powerfull forces But amongst all the offensive Potentates the Kingdome of England is able to infest it more than any other for in the late warres it did beyond measure trouble the Kingdome of Portugal in pitying the quarrell of Don Antonio a man much favoured of that Crowne in such sort that the City of Lisbon once famous and well inhabited became poore and well-nigh dispeopled For whereas in 〈◊〉 past one might number a thousand vessels within her Ports 500 of them were consumed taken by the enemie which did not much displease his Majestie for some said he was well content to see the Portugals so impoverished and abased because they live male-contentedly under his obedience and government Whereupon at all times his Majesty is constrained to maintaine a strong Armada in these Seas to safeguard the Navigation to the Indies and to secure the Merchants comming from thence into these Countries over and besides twenty foure Gallies which he keepeth to guard the coast and to defend it from the Turkish fleet and the incursions of Pyrats the charges whereof with the maintenance of the fortifications and defences amount yearely to halfe a million of Gold The number of souldiers in all the presidiarie places of Spaine amount to eight thousand not reckoning any man of sort nor Mariners for instead of these the Moores and Turkish slaves doe serve in the Gallies This Kingdome doth never send forth any Horsemen because there be but few and yet not sufficient for their owne affaires In the next ranke follow the Italian Provinces Naples Millaine and Sicilie
wherein nature hath confined and heaped up as it were into her Closet all those delightfull happinesses which with her owne hands she hath here and there scattered and dispersed through the residue of the European Provinces whereof in their proper places The Revenue which his Majestie doth principally raise upon the Ecclesiasticall livings viz. the Tithes of the Church the Buls of the Crosse both amongst the Indies through all Spaine and the Kingdome of Sicilie doe amount to two millions by yeare and these may be well numbred amongst his ordinary revenues because they be yearely raised and be the surest and most certaine that this Crowne enjoyeth Commendums and presentations unto benefices doe yeeld yearely to his Majestie a great quantity of mony The whole revenues of the Clergie are valued at six millions of gold by yeare there being foure and thirty Cathedrall Churches all very rich of which some have fifty some one hundred and some two hundred millions of crownes of yearely revenues as in particular the Archbishop of Tiledo hath more than three hundred millions remaining over and besides free to his substitute Prelate two hundred Neither doth his Majestie care to bring these Churches to a greater number for then should hee with greater difficulty make use of the revenues and riches thereof when occasion required And it is said that the Cardinall Birago gave to his Majestie at divers times more than a million and a halfe of gold upon some simoniacall occasion So it is thought that the ordinary revenues of Spaine doe amount to six millions of gold whereof much hath beene pawned for the debts of the Crowne the rest is spent in charges of the warres in the government of the Kings houshold and in the Gallies which he maintaineth to safeguard the coast of the Kingdome as aforesaid In extraordinarie revenues he raiseth much more for in the Kingdome of Castile alone in one yeare his Majestie had nigh eight millions of Gold And while I was at his Court his Majestie sent a Iesuite through all Spaine who went from house to house requiring their benevolence as an almes for the expences in his warres by which meanes he raised a million and a halfe of gold but with much dishonour saving that it was said that hee did better to demand this money for the love of God than to take it by force yet was not the request such but that it had in it the effect of a command his Majesty excusing himselfe that the Emperour his Father whilest he lived did the selfe-same thing in his greatest and most urgent affaires and necessities There doe not want also other meanes and devices to raise money as the imposition of the Milstone which as it is supposed if it once take effect will amount to two millions of gold yearely There be also sales of Offices Escheats Penalties Amerciaments and other like meanes to raise money as in other Kingdomes His Majestie hath orders of Knight-hood also viz. of Saint Iames of Alcantera of Callatrava of Montesea and of Christ this last Order is in Portugal which all together doe yeeld him yearely 275. millions of crownes and accrueth to them in rents paid by the Iuccarie The Order of the Crosse is much desired and greatly sought for by the great men of Spaine because it yeeldeth both honour and profit being in number two hundred and fifty which have in yearely revenues 15000000 crownes of gold But to some he giveth the Order and not the Fee to others the Fee not the Order but to many for their good service both Fee and Order There is also the Order of the Toison of which his Majestie is chiefe which is the most honourable and most sought for of Princes although it yeeldeth no profit Of this is made great account and herewith onely Princes and personages of quality are honoured In these Kingdomes are found divers discontented persons and ill satisfied with the government for that all those Moores which there inhabit being forced to turne Christians and by the same force constrained so to continue are wonderfully displeased And such as are called Iewes or halfe Christians doe daily increase in number and multiply in riches For they all marrie and never goe to the warres but continually intend their traffike and commoditie Besides these there be all the descendants of them that have at any time beene condemned by the Inquisition which live in Spaine most desperately because they are thereby held infamous even to the third and fourth generation and disabled to receive any dignity honour or office Of these sorts it seemeth by the late proscriptions and banishment of the Inhabitants of Valentia into Barbarie that he is most jealous Next these the Portugals may be comprised in this number by reason of their ancient hatred which they have alwayes borne to the Castilians and for the bad usage of the Spaniards being alwayes held under their command with minds cruelly affected The Provinces of Aragon also for their privileges broken and annulled for rising in Armes by meanes of Antonio Perez late Secretary to his Majestie doe evilly brooke this government The chiefe Citizens whereof having with losse of their lives paid the debt of that punishment due unto them have left a memoriall behinde them of that their fact the stroke whereof is imprinted in all the rest which are yet for a long time ready to lay downe their lives upon occasion Last of all bee the Nobles of Spaine which in times past were many in number and in great estimation with their Kings are now much abased and brought to the number of 36. only being unimployed by his Majestie and receive small charges from him and those in places farre remote and of little or no reputation some of which doe much blame the King therefore inferring that thereby he maketh the people more insolent in hating them and their greatnesse indeed because they would not that they should much increase it power the State being served in most affaires with common persons and those of no great estimation because these Kings for the most part suppose that by them he is the better served as also are very jealous of the greatnesse of their Officers For in truth the Spanish Nation by nature is very proud yet base and such as careth not to be hated so it be feared in all passages above all other Nations using and imitating a kinde of decorum which they call Respect we complement or a pish courtesie being full of servility yet in publike shewing more severity over their owne than over strangers which may well be if well understood For where he conquereth and commandeth no people so intolerable as they but mastered and subdued no Nation of the world so submissive and ●ouching At home in generall poore timorous and unwarlike abroad by hardning and custome a very hardy and valiant souldier on foot obedient to his Commander and patient in the
r●ape the whole benefit of it For the Arch-duchesse wee know shee beares but the name of Governesse of his Provinces being her selfe otherwise wholly governed by Spanish Counsell and were the Kings younger brother but old enough to be Governour wee know that she must be thrust into a Monasterie However France seemeth now to rejoyce in a new alliance yet let the world not doubt but that out of ancient emulation which hath ever beene betweene these two Kingdomes being exasperated done against another by so many injuries so many wrongs and so many jarres and brawles new occasions of discontents will evermore arise For can the French thinke we ever forget their expulsions out of Italie their deprivation of Navarre or the intrusion of the late King upon the maine body of the Kingdome But fresh in memory and yet unrevenged as one this present yeare 1629. is the defeat of the French troopes sent into Italie in favour of the Duke of Mantoa nor does the Spaniard looke that the crosse mariages with the French the Kings marying one anothers sisters can make any attonement but lookes either that the French should invade Flanders or the Wallon Countries unto which hee hath so good and ancient pretencion or watch him some other good turne at his best opportunitie Betweene him and the Savoyard notwithstanding their neere alliance have there beene late warres the Spaniard depriving him of some Townes in Montferat and the Duke of Savoy in revenge on the other side distressing Genoa with an Armie which is under the Spaniards protection and the place from whence he borrowes his great summes of mony But these differences are so farre reconciled that contrary to all expectation the Savoyard in consideration of the restoring to him of those Townes in Montferat is now at this present turned on the Spaniards side hath levied an Armie in favour of him and blockt up the passages of his owne Countrey by which the French Armes should enter Italie to the aid of Mantoa But to be knowne it is that this Duke of Savoy is an old a subtill and an inconstant Prince jealous enough as all the States of Italie are of the Spaniards greatnesse and for his owne advantage will as readily turne to the French as he did now to the Spaniard With the King of 〈◊〉 he hath not any negotiation save good correspondencie And because betwixt these two Crownes there is not any pretencion of State or interest of Consines which are wont to be causes from whence discords arise and also for the most part evill intelligence among Princes As the Turke is Lord of a larger Sea-coast than the King so can he hardly compare with his Majesty either in furniture or mariners Along all the coast of Africke he hath not an harbour where he can build or keepe a couple of Gallies except Algier and Tripolie In the Euxine sea what place of name is there besides Capha and Trapezond What better report can we give to the coast of Asia More implements than a spacious Sea-coast are incident on either part to this businesse he must have plenty of Timber and Cordage he must be furnished with a people practised in Sea-affaires able to endure the labour and working of the waters delighting in traffike and navigation chearefull in tempests and rough weather which dare dwell as it were amongst perils and expose their lives to a thousand dangers and here in true judgement I take the King to exceed the Turke For the Turkish subjects as to the better part never saw Sea and those that have used it are not to bee compared to the Biskaines Catalonians Portugals and Geno●ais I adde this people for their good services and affections at all times to this Crowne To conclude in two things the King excelleth the Turke the first is that although the Turke can command more men yet the best and greater part of them being Christians he dare hardly trust the second that the Sea-coasts of the King are neerer conjoyned than those of the Turke and in that regard hath his forces sooner incorporated By this facilitie experience hath proved that the Easterne Navies have been often overthrowne by the Westerne the Southerne by the Northerne the Carthaginian by the Roman the Asian by the Grecian Octavius Caesar with the Navie of Italy defeated the Fleet of Aegypt and in our times the Armada of the Christians the Fleet of the Turke The Turkes themselves confesse that in Sea-fights the Christians excell and are unwilling to deale with those forces As often as Charles the fifth rigged forth his Navie it was so puissant that the Turke never durst leave the harbour In his journey of Algier he rigged five hundred vessels in his Tunis voyage 600. Andrew Dorie conducted 10 gallant an Armada into Greece that the Turke not daring to move out of his station the Christians tooke Patras and Coronna in Morea At this day they are at peace The Spaniard is doubtfull of the Turkish forces especially by Sea if he be not assisted by the league of Italie And againe the Turke is fearefull of him alone and of his associates For he knowes he is to deale with a Potentate of much estimation and well practised in the world and although of late there have fallen out betweene them certaine jarres and differences upon dammages done by the one and the other Prince reciprocally in each others dominions yet it is to be thought that these two so powerfull Princes will not easily bee brought to take Armes seeing they emulate each others greatnesse and contented with equall strife to bring all Christendome to their subjection pretending both one and the selfe-same end viz. Religion Besides it is sufficient for the Catholike King to have revenged his wrongs and for the Turke that he is no more molested by the Spanish Armadaes As the one hath a warlike and well armed Empire so hath the other an united and most rich Kingdome But herein the Turke hath the greater advantage that he spendeth but little in the warres in regard of that that not onely the King of Spaine disburseth but even all the Princes of the world For his souldiers receive for their pay those lands which he hath given them to hold for life with condition annexed alwayes to bee in readinesse to serve at an instant Certaine it is that the Turke being dreadfull to Christendome the Spaniard is the ablest to oppose him For which reason Andreas Hoia would needs perswade us that it were best for Christendome to chuse the Spaniard for their universall Monarch but Boccalini argues better that it had beene more convenient for Europe if the Moores had still beene Lords of Spaine Most sure it is that the Protestants yea all Christians in Hungaria live better under the Turke than under the house of Austria The Spaniards bee intolerable masters witnesse the poore Indians Hoia therefore vented this in an Oration at Doway to inflame our English fugitives
Citie of Placentia and therefore wholly depends thereupon having taken a secret oath to obey him in all commands Proceeding with all possible respect not to give the least occasion of offence by reason that the investiture of Placentia was not granted absolutely to the house of Farnesi but only to the fourth descendencie after which it returnes againe to the King of Spaine as Duke of Millan And therefore his Excellencie that hee may not separate himselfe from his Majesties good liking did lately refuse to linke himselfe in alliance with the great Duke lest hee should displease the King whose minde he saw was bent against 〈◊〉 The Duke of Vrbine being a Prince of small power wholly relies upon his Majestie as receiving his greatest benefit from him to whom he hath committed the charge of all his Italian Cavalrie The Common-wealth of Genoa is like a ship beaten at Sea and tost with contrary winds tempestuous stormes placed as it were betwixt two anchors which are Prince Doria a true borne Citizen and the Ambassadour of the Catholike King who hath the protection thereof in his Masters name to his great benefit If ever he chance to become Sole-Lord thereof it will adde a greater Dominion to his greatnesse for the nature and quality of the situation of that Citie whereof the Spaniards were wont to say That if the King their Master were but once Lord of Marsettes in Provence and of Genoa in Italy by the benefit of these two famous ports hee might easily arrive to the Monarchie of the whole World But howbeit the King of Spaine be not Lord thereof nor yet hath so great a part therein that he can assuredly say that it wholly rests at his command yet by favouring and upholding the greatnesse of the Prince Doria he maketh him the Instrument to serve his turne and by his meanes obtaineth what hee will or can in reason desire of that people deeply interessed in regard that his Majestie hath taken up great summes of money upon interest of them and therefore will take heed how they breake with him lest they be hindred of their gaines peradventure of their principall It hath beene thought that some Kings have beene behinde hand with them for more than a million and a halfe of gold How much Genoa depends upon him was seene in these late warres in which they were wholly protected by him Of the Religion of Malta the said King taketh a particular protection as that in like sort depends wholly upon his pleasure and doth readily execute his royall commandements serving his turne oftentimes in keeping the Coasts of Spaine and the Kingdomes of Naples and Sicily from the incursions of Pyrates and that without any one penie cost or charges to the said King whereof in proper place The Seigniory of Lucca hath placed both it selfe and all that it hath fearing the potencie of the great Duke under the protection of his Majesty In generall the Spanish Nation beareth little love to the Venetian Common-wealth as suspecting it to favour the French and for the strict friendship which it holds with the most Christian King and the most renowned State of England of late his apparant and professed Enemies Againe there is also little inclination of love towards this State because they thinke that it maketh profession to ballance the States and Forces of the Princes of Italy and though they esteeme well enough of it yet they love it not a jot Notwithstanding the Spaniards know that in those warres which may happen betwixt the Turks and this people they cannot out of their particular interests but aid and assist them and that on the contrary from them they have no hope of retribution unlesse in like occasion But withall they assuredly beleeve that the aids which they shall afford it shall be but feeble and slowly subministred in such sort that they shall not give it any great re-enforcement but only such as may be sufficient to save it from ruine yea scarce that Finally for a perfect review of this tedious discourse I wil recite unto you these weighty secret and last instructions given by Philip the second King of Spaine to his son Philip the third father of this present King teaching him how to governe himselfe and his Kingdomes after the decease of his said father brought to light by a servant of Don Christophero di Mora called Roderigo and translated out of Spanish and Dutch into English that the world may see how judiciously this manuscript of the Kings owne hand agreeth with the purport of these Relations SOnne I have often troubled my mind and entered into most deepe and serious considerations how to leave a quiet and setled estate unto you after my decease Howb●●● neither the long time of my life nor the opportunity of Princes affected to my service would afford me sufficient assistance in this behalfe I confesse that I have spent more than 594. millions of Duckets in lieu whereof I have enjoyed nothing the space of three and thirty yeares but heart-sorrow and vexation of spirit True it is that I recovered Portugal but as lightly as France is escaped from me so likewise may Portugal slide backe Would to God I had followed the counsell of Charles the Emperour my Lord Father of famous memory for then could I much more quietly brooke those my sorrowes and die with a more willing minde leaving to you the succession of this mortall life This then besides so many stately Kingdomes and Seigniories as a perpetuall testament I leave behinde unto you as a mirrour and Looking-glasse wherein you may see how to frame your actions and to carry your selfe in your government after my death Alwayes looke well to the charges and alterations of other States and Countries to the end you make use and reap good profit thereby as occasion shall serve and withall have a cautelous and circumspect eye over them that be in Counsell with you Two meanes you have whereby to maintaine your Spanish Kingdomes the one is Government the other the Trade of the Indies Touching your Government you must draw unto you and relie either upon the Nobilitie or the Spiritualtie of your Dominions If you leane unto the Spiritualtie you must seeke to bri●ile and curbe the other as I have done but if you meane to strengthen your selfe with the Nobility cut short the Livings and Revenues of the Spiritualtie as much as is possible For holding them both in equall favour they will consume you and besides you shall set your Realmes out of quiet and never come to resolution the ballance being over-weighed sometimes by the one and sometimes by the other My Counsell is that you hold in league with the Provinces of the Netherlands especially if you meane to helpe your selfe with the Nobilitie for they be friends to France England the German Princes And neither Italy Poland Sweden nor Denmarke can stand you much in stead As for the King of Denmarke
will play the Pultrones and the best foot the cowards They are both the meanest souldiers of Christendom Of Weapons they handle the Sword and the Pike better than the Harquebuze In the field they are very strong as well to charge as to beare the Shocke for Order is of great effect which is as it were naturall unto them with a stately pace and firme standing They are not accounted of for the defence of fortresses and for their corpulent bodies I hold them not fit for the assault of a breach And therefore they are to be accounted rather resolute and constant than fierce and couragious for they will never come to the service wherein courage and magnanimitie is to be shewed After the victorie they doe kill all whom they meet without difference of age sex or calling If the warre be drawne out at length or if they be besieged they faint with cowardize In Campe they can endure no delayes neither know they how to temporize If their first attempts fall not out to their mindes they are at their wits end and lose courage if they once begin to run they will never turne againe He that retaines them must be at extraordinary charges and great trouble by reason of their wives who consume so much provision that it is a very hard thing to provide it almost unpossible to preserve it and without this provision they stand in no stead Their horses are rather strong than couragious and because of ten which goe to the warre eight are prest from the plough they are of small service and when they see their bloud their heart quaileth The Spanish Genets in this case wax more fierce In Sea-forces they are not much inferiour to their Land-forces although they use no Sea-fights the Cities of Hamburg Lubeck Rostoch and some other places are able to make an hundred ships some say an hundred and fifty equall to the forces of the Kings of Denmarke and Swethland When these strong and invincible forces are united they feare no enemie and in imminent perill they are sure of the aid of the Princes of Italie Savoy and Lorraine for these Princes never forsooke the Empire in necessitie To the Zegethan warre Emanuel Duke of Savoy sent six hundred Argolitrees Cosmo Duke of Florence three thousand foot-men paid by that State Alphonsus the second Duke of Ferrara was there in person with fifteene hundred horse-men better horse-men there were not in the whole Campe. William Duke of Mantua was there also with a gallant troope of foot-men and Henry of Lorraine Duke of Guis●● had there three hundred Gentlemen The Common-weales of Genoa and Lucca assisted them with money With the aid of these Princes and with those whom Pius the fifth sent to his succours Maximilian the second had in the field ond hundred thousand footmen and five and thirty thousand horse Anno 1566. the States of the Empire at the Diet of Ausburg granted him an assistance of forty thousand foot-men and eight thousand horse-men for eight moneths and twenty thousand foot-men and foure thousand horse-men for three yeares next following And now because the Westerne Empire hath continued in the most noble Familie of the House of Austrich and eight Emperours have successively succeeded one another of that line for the delight of the Reader wee will speake somewhat thereof This House grew famous almost about the same time that the Ottoman Prince began his Empire and as it may seeme was raised up of God to stand as a Wall or Bulwarke against these Turkes and Infidels Philip the first King of Spaine Arch-Duke of Austrich c. had two sonnes Charles the fifth afterward Emperour and Ferdinand the first King of Romans To Charles as to the eldest fell Belgia and Spaine with their dependances Ferdinand succeeded him in his Lordships of Germanie as Austrich Boheme Tirol and other Provinces whereunto by the mariage of his wife Anne Hungarie was adjoyned This Ferdinand left three sonnes behinde him who although they divided their inheritance into three parts yet their successours even to this day did and doe governe them as one intire government their counsels are one their mindes one their designements one most lively representing the ancient Gerion where for the common safetie if any part be afflicted every member runneth to the succour of the other as if it were to their peculiar tranquillitie Their dominion stretcheth so large and is of such force that if by reason of the great tract of Land lying betweene the Carpathie Mountaines and Segonia they did not border upon the great Turke who alwayes constraineth them to stand upon their guard and to be at excessive charges no Potentate thorowout the Christian World could goe beyond them for numbers of people for Wealth and Treasure or for magnificent Cities Any man may perceive this to be true that considereth the distance from Tergiste to the Borders of Lusatia from Tissa to Nobu● from Canisia to Constantia upon the Lake Podame Austria was sometimes a kingdome of it selfe and called Ostenrick made so Anno 1225. It held this honour but eleven yeares Duke Albert sonne to the Emperour Rodolphus by mariage united Tirole Stiria Carinthia and Carniola whose descendant Frederike 3. Emperour raised it to an Arch-dukedome This House is divided into foure illustrious Families The first is Spaine The second Gratz of Stiria of which House this present Emperour Ferdinand is The third Inspruck And the fourth Burgundie It is a goodly and a rich Countrey yea the best of all Germanie both for Corne Cattell Wine and Fish Divers good Cities it hath whereof Vienna is small but for strength the very Bulwarke of Europe at the siege of which the Turke lost 60000. Souldiers The first walls were built with the ransome of our King Richara the first The Protestants were much gotten into these parts before these late warres and the Emperour had much adoe to suppresse the Boores who in the yeare 1627. under Student Potts a Scholer stood stoutly for their conscience His revenue must needs be good as having some silver mines the transportation of Wine and Beeves yeelds much to him His Forces are still in Garrison in Hungary against the Turke The Sea comes not neere him Under the Emperour at this day are Lusatia Silesia Bohemia Moravia Austria and a great part of Hung●rie Territories large and ample abounding with people corne and riches Then follow Stiria Carinthia Carniola the Countries of Canisia Tirol Slesia the Princedomes of Swevia Alsaria Brisgovia and Constantia The Kingdome of Bohemia being in a manner round is incompassed with great Mountaines and the Hercynian woods it containeth in the whole circuit five hundred and fifty English miles the length is three dayes journie Those Mountaines as I have said elsewhere as also the whole soile are pleasant and fruitfull abounding with corne wood wine and grasse and afford gold silver copper tinne lead and iron in great quantities only here is no salt but such as
Lusatia is on the South bounded with Silesia t is neere upon two hundred miles long and fifty broad it lies betweene the Rivers Elve and Viadrus and is divided into the Vpper and Lower both given to Vratislaus as Silesia also was King of Bohemia by the Emperour Henry the fourth Anno 1087. It still retaines the honour of a Marquisate Gorlitz is the chiefe Citie and a faire one Bandzen Sutaw Spremberg and Tribel bee neat and well peopled Townes The people as in Northerly situation they are neerer to the Germans so are they like them more rough mannerd than the Silesians and Bohemians Their Countrey is fruitfull enough and there may upon necessity be levied twenty thousand foot as good as any in that Kingdome All these incorporate Provinces use the Sclavonian tongue S●ria is rich in Mines of Silver and Iron threescore miles broad and an hundred and ten long Carinthia a hilly and woody Countrey is seventy five miles long and fifty five broad Carniola with the bordering Countries up to Tergis●e is an hundred fiftie miles long and forty five broad They are plentifull of Corne Wine Flesh and Wood. The Country of Tirol is full of Mines of Silver and Salt-pits and is eighteene German miles long and broad The territories Swevia Alsatia and Rhetia doe pay little lesse than two millions and a halfe of ordinary revenue and so much extraordinary besides the eighteene Cantons of Rhetia are under the same jurisdiction They are so well peopled that upon occasion they are able to levie an hundred thousand footmen and thirty thousand Horse I know no other Province in Europe able to say the like And therefore the Emperour is not so weake a Prince as those ignorant of the State of Kingdomes doe suppose him to be reporting his Territories to be small unprovided of necessaries poore in money and barren of people But this is certaine that as he is Lord of a large dominion fertill rich and infinite of people so let every man thinke that by the neighbourhood of the Turke bordering upon him from the Carpathian Mountaines to the Adriatike Sea the forces of a mightier Prince may seeme small be overlaid For what Prince is there bordering upon so puissant an enemie but either by building of fortresses or by entertaining of Garrisons is not almost beggered I will not say in time of warre but even during the securest peace especially considering that the forces of the Turke are alwayes ready strong and chearefull yea better furnished in the time of peace than any other Nation in the hottest fury of warre Wherefore it stands him upon who is a borderer upon so powerfull an enemie either for feare or jealousie to be ever watchfull to spare no charges as doth the Emperour retaining in wages continually twenty thousand souldiers keeping Watch and Ward upon the borders of Hungarie These aske great expences and yet lesse than these are not to be defraied for the strengthning of other places besides other expences not meet here to bee spoken of To conclude with the State of the Empire though it cannot be said to be hereditary nor to have which is strange any chiefe City appropriate to the residence or standing Court of the Emperour as Rome sometimes was yet for neighbourhood and conveniences sake the Emperours have in this last age beene chosen out of the house of Austria yea when there have beene severall brothers of them they have all lookt for the Empire one after another and have had it too And for the same reasons have the Bohemians made choice of the same person yea and sometimes the Hungarians also the Austrian being the ablest Prince to defend them against the Turks So that Bohemia though in possession of the Emperour yet is no more part of the Empire than Hungaria is but a Kingdome absolute of it selfe free to chuse a King where it pleases So that the Emperour in Germany is to be considered two wayes first as a German Prince secondly as the German Emperour First as a Prince he hath by inheritance the lands and honours of his family such bee Austria Alsatia Tirol Styria Carinthia Carniola with some parts of Rhetia and Swevia and these dominions are like other principalities subjects of the Empire and for them the Emperour is his owne subject Secondly as a German Prince though not by inheritance but by election may the Emperour be considered when he is King of Bohemia Which though it be an independant kingdome yet being included within Germany and the King of Bohemia by office chiefe Taster to the Emperour and one of the seven Electors of the German Empire as having the casting voice if the other six be equally divided nay and with power to name himselfe if he be one of the two in election in consideration hereof may he thus also be brought within the Empire But yet neither of these wayes can the Emperour or Empire so properly be considered Thirdly therefore to speake of him as the German Emperour is to consider of him as Lord of those portions and States of the Empire properly so called And those be either the States or Imperiall Cities of Germanie The States and Princes of Germanie are naturally subjects to the Emperour yea and officers to his person too which is a part of their honour so the Palsgrave is chiefe Shewer and Brandenburgh Sword-bearer c. They are also as subjects to be summoned to the Imperiall Diets their lands are to be charged towards the Emperours warres made in defence of the Empire But yet on the other side the German Princes bee not such subjects as the Lords of England and France but much freer Lorraine is a member of the Empire and yet will not that Duke suffer the Emperour to have any thing to doe in his dominions and if any other Prince should take up Armes against the Emperour as Saxonie did in the case of Luther yet cannot the Emperour escheat their lands as other Princes may serve their Rebels by his owne private power without the consent of the other Electors Princes in a Diet. So that the German Princes be subjects and no subjects The Emperour is as it were the Grand Land-lord who hath made away his right by lease or grant but hath little to doe till the expiration or forfeiture The second member of the Empire be the Imperiall and Hanse-townes in which because they have lesse power the Emperour hath more than in the Princes Estates The●e acknowledge the Emperour for their Lord but yet with divers acceptions For first they will stand upon their owne privileges and for them will deny any request of the Emperour Secondly they depend and trust unto their owne private confederacies amongst themselves as much as to the Emperour as the Switzers and Grisons leaguers amongst themselves and the Princes of the lower Creitz or circle of Saxony amongst themselves in defence of which the King of Denmarke as Duke of Holstein being one
of them tooke up just Armes of late even against the Emperour Subjects these Cities and States are but yet were they no freer than the subjects of other Princes they durst not make leagues amongst themselves to the prejudice of their Emperour Thirdly even these Imperiall Cities have some other Lords besides the Emperour or the Maior or Officers of their owne Townes Thus the Marquesse of Onspach being of the House of Brandenburgh stil challengeth the ancient Office and Title of his Family which is to be Burgrave of Nurembergh which is a principall Imperiall Citie We see also what power and favour the King of Poland had in these warres with Sweden in the Imperiall Citie of Dantzik which put it selfe under his protection Wormbs also in the Palatinate under protection of the Palsgrave received an Armie of the Princes of the Vnion in favour of him even against the present Emperour Finally the House of Austria holds the Empire in that fashion that Adonias laid claime to the Kingdome wherein another sate confirmed and perished for want of supportation For besides that it is not hereditary neither can he after Coronation command like an absolute Soveraigne nor expect or inforce the reciprocall duties betweene Prince and Subject nor is hee powerfull enough to countermand the Privileges of the Empire no nor to call the Diet without the consent of the major part of the Electors For some Provinces are as it were members of the Empire yet disunited for neither doe they nor will they acknowledge that they belong at all to the Empire as the Kings of Denmarke and Sweden the Duke of Prussia the Elector of Brandenburg that now is who requires Investiture of the Polander not of the Emperour the Switzers and the Netherlands Others confesse the Emperour for their Soveraigne Prince but they come not to the Diets of the Empire nor will beare the Tax and Tallages of the Empire as the Dukes of Savoy Lorraine and the Princes of Italy Others come to the Diets and pay all impositions and these are properly the Princes ' and Cities of Germanie But the King of Bohemia by the grant of Charles the fourth is exempted from all contributions As for the other Princes they be so many and by leaguing together so mighty that they attend in Court at pleasure contest with the Emperour at pleasure raise forces at pleasure and supply his wants of Exchequer at pleasure Some of them have to doe both in the Diets and at the Election of a new Emperour those be the Electors three Bishops and three Princes But as at first Wenceslaus the Emperor was faine to bribe them with many Privileges and Lordships for their voices in his Election so still they must be courted if the Emperour desires to have his sonne or brother chosen after him or any great favour done unto him If they be displeased they are strong enough to ruffle with him The other Princes live of themselves and the Emperour is oftner beholding to them than they to him so that these be but Lordly Subjects of the Empire To speake now in a word These are truly termed the States the Princes and Cities of the Empire who have to doe in the Diets or Parliaments and as members of one b●die participate of good and evill of advantage or disadvantage thorowout the whole Empire These living after the manner of a Commonwealth well united make use in manner aforesaid of the Emperour for their head and common safetie And such be divers of the lesser Princes together with the Hanse-townes and Imperiall Cities Free or Imperiall Cities are they which are not directly within the Inheritance of any Prince though they stand within his Territory For example Heidleberg Wormbs and Spiers are all in the Palatinate whereof the first is the Princes owne and not Imperiall the other be Imperiall and not the Princes Such Cities have obtained their freedome either for money or for service done to the Emperour whereupon some of them are so strong so privileged and so populous that out of obstinate repining at Taxes and Impositions they have many times opposed against their naturall Lords yea and in hostile manner excluded them from the superioritie of commanding witnesse the contentions heretofore betweene the Citie of Brunswicke and their owne Duke the exclamations of the Cities and Princes when the Landigrave of Hessen was imprisoned and the generall cause of the Protestants protesting in every place against the Ecclesiasticall proceedings and Imperiall threatnings These Cities governe themselves by their owne Lawes being bound no further than to pay two fifth parts of whatsoever generall contribution is assessed in the Imperiall Diets They pay tribute to the Emperour some say fifteene thousand Florens but they have for the most part sufficient revenue of their owne to defray the charges The nature of other Cities you have before read of The Diets now be the things by which the Emperour rules all if he be able to make a partie The ordinances of these Diets cannot be frustrated but by another Diet but of putting the Decrees in execution the Emperour hath the full power and the sole authority And therfore as touching preheminence and dignity hee is to be accounted the first and chiefe of the Christian Princes as the person upon whom the Majestie of the Roman Empire resteth and who ought to defend the Nation of the Germans the Church of God the Catholike Faith and to procure the peace and wel-fare of the whole Christian world And this is something towards the understanding of the State of the Empire in Germany Go we now to relate of the other chiefe Princes there And first of those which worthily challenge the next place the Electors of which the Palsgrave is chiefe The State of the Prince Elector Palatine HIs Dominion containes the Vpper and the Lower Palatinate The Lower is the chiefe of the two as being both the richest the largest and the Seat of the Elector A goodly and a delicate Country it is almost two hundred miles in length and about halfe so much in breadth lying on both sides of the famous Rhine and watered besides with the Neccar whose bankes are inriched with the most generous Wines It touches upon Lorraine at the Southwest and hath the Duchie of Wirtenberg upon the East Of this Countrey because of the armie of the Destroyer may we speake in the Scripture phrase The Land is as Eden before them and as a desolate wildernesse behind them her goodly and strong Cities her pleasant fields and delicate vineyards are fallen into the possession of those that reaped where they did not sow To this Principalitie was the Title of the first Elector incorporate It and Bavaria were made a Kingdome Anno 456. which Charles the Great conquered in whose Line it continued from the yeare 789. till Otho's time Anno 955. whose heires continued in them but not as a Kingdom till the yeare 1043. at which time Henry the third deprived Prince Conrade of
The Duchie of Mantua lieth wholly in Lombardie and the Duchie of Vrbin betweene Marca d' Ancona and Tuscane 15. The Duchies of Parma and Placentia are in Lombardie and holden of the Church Of these Princes and Common-wealths every one holdeth himselfe in his owne Territorie absolute Prince and Governour and maintaineth his estate upon the custome taxes and impositions of the people For lightly they have little or no Lands of their owne THe Estate of the Pope is twofold the one consisteth in Temporall Dominion the other in Spirituall Iurisdiction His Temporall Dominion is likewise divided into two kinds the one profitable and as a man may terme it an hereditarie the other immediate and holden in fee of he Church As touching his Temporall Dominion hee is Lord of a great part of Italie as of all that lieth betweene the River Fiore and Cajetta betweene Pre●est and the Truentian streights except the Duchie of Vrbin In that compasse are incircled the Provinces of Bonnonia and Romandiola Marchia Vmbria the Duchie of Spoleto S. Peters patrimonie Tuscan and lately Ferrara It is seated in the heart of Italie stretching from the Adriatike to the Tirrhene Sea and in regard of situation as also in plenty of provision as corne wine and oyle it is comparable to any State of Italie For Romandiola imparteth great store unto their neighbours the Venetians and Sclavonians And yet have the Inhabitants sufficient for their owne provision Marchia reacheth from Tronto to Foglia betweene the Apenine and the Sea it is divided into little hils and plaines It is rich of Wine Oyle and Corne having divers great Townes and Castles therein The Citie of greatest trading is Ancona by reason of the Haven to which many Lasterne Merchants doe repaire The fairest is Ascoli the most powerfull Fermo because of many Fortresses subject unto it Macerata is a new Citie and because it lieth in the middest of the Province it is the Governours seat In some yeares it hath supplied the Venetians wants with many thousand measures of Corne and Oyle And although Vmbria is not so plentifull of graine as to spare for their neighbours yet is it able to maintaine it selfe without buying of others and in stead thereof it is abundantly stored with Wines Cattell and some Saffron S. Peters Patrimonie and Tuscan often releeved Genoa and at some seasons Naples This territorie bringeth forth fierce and warlike souldiers and herein it is reported to excell all the residue of the Italian Provinces Bonnonia Romania and Marchia are able to levie twenty thousand foot-men and the other Provinces as many In the time of Pope Clement Marchia alone aided him with a thousand souldiers The chiefe Seat is Rome once the Lady of the World and at this day inhabited with two hundred thousand soules but two parts thereof consisting of Church-men and Curtizans The second Bononia wherein are eighty thousand of both sexes Next to these are Perugia Ancona Ravenna and some fiftie others The defensible places are the Castle and Borough of Rome Ovietta Teracine c. It is a great credit and commendation to this State to have many Noblemen therein to excellent in Negociation of Peace and Warre that the residue of the States and Princes doe most commonly choose their Leaders and Lieutenants out of these Provinces If the Prince hereof were secular both for people and power hee might very well be compared with any State of Italy Besides these Dominions the Pope hath the Territory of Avignon in France wherein are foure Cities and fourscore walled Townes In Naples he hath Benevent Romagna extendeth from Foglia Panora and from the Apenine to the River Po. For temperature and fertilitie it is like to Marchia but hath generally more famous Cities as Rimini Cesana Faensa Ravenna Turly Imola Sarsina Cervia Bertinoto once a Bishops Seat but now translated to Forlimpoli The Noblest of all these is Ravenna where some Emperor have kept their Courts and after them their Exarches or Lieutenants When Pipin having expulsed Astolpho put the Church in possession thereof this Territorie comprehended Bolognia Regio Modena Parma Piacenza Ravenna Sarsina Claesse Forli Forlimpoli and made one estate called Pentapoli which indured an hundred eightie three yeares even to the yeare of our Lord 741. in which yeare it ended by the taking of Ravenna by Astolph King of Lombards So that first the Roman Emperours especially Honorius and after him the Kings of the Gothes and then Exarches amongst all the Cities of Italy chose this for the Seat of their Courts which from amongst other respects I suppose to proceed by reason of the plentifull Territory now covered with water and the conveniencie of the Haven which at this day is likewise choaked This Province was first called Flaminia but Charles the Great to raze out the remembrance of these Exarches and to make the people willing to obey the Roman Prelats called it Romagnia As touching his immediate Soveraigntie he is Lord Paramount of the Kingdomes of Naples and Sicil and the Duchies of Vrbin Ferrara Parma Placentia and many others Where his authoritie is maintained he hath supreme government of all religious Orders and bestoweth the Ecclesiasticall Benefices at his dispose Having many strings to his Bow he hath many meanes to raise money so that Xistus the fourth was wont to say That the Popes should never want Coine as long as their hands were able to hold a pen. Paul the third in the league betweene him the Emperour and the Venetians against the Turk bare the sixth part of the charges of that warre Against the Protestants and in aid of Charles the fifth he sent twelve thousand foot-men and five hundred horse-men bearing their charges during the warre this was he that advanced his house to that honour wherein it continueth to this day in Florence Pius the fifth aided Charles the ninth King of France with foure thousand footmen and a thousand horse Xistus the fifth in five yeares and a halfe of his Pontificacie raked together five millions of crowns and spent bountifully notwithstanding in bringing Conduits and Water-pipes into the Citie and in building Pyramides Palaces and Churches So that it should seeme that the Entrado could not but amount to much above the value of ten hundred thousand crownes per annum for Newman a late Writer would have this surplusage to be raised upon use money yearely la●d up in the Castle of Saint Angelo And this to arise of his ordinary Revenues within his Territories of Italy Since those times it cannot but be much more augmented by the addition of the Dukedome of Ferrara as also for that in those dayes the monethly expence of the Court being thirtie thousand crownes is in these times defalked unto five thousand A State wherein you shall see Religion metamorphosed into policie and policie meditating nothing but private greatnesse the Man-seeming-God affecting Honour Majestie and Temporall riches with no lesse ambition and
Iaverin in 94. where of thirteene Gallies the Turkes tooke ten that losse is not yet repaired the Emperour not having at this time above five Gallies which at the siege of Strigonium durst not make head against three of the Turkes which came to releeve the Towne There bee moreover ordinarily upon the Danubie sixteene small Barkes twelve foot broad and fifty foot long these carry in the prow two peeces a crogue three foot long and one pound bullet they are rowed by souldiers with twenty Oares on a side having their halfe pikes standing by them and their peeces hanging at their backes The Captaine governeth the rudder and the Lieutenant attendeth on the peeces These barkes for that which I have seene are fitter for the skout and guard of the Campe when it marcheth or lodgeth by the waterside than commodious for fight The Hungarians presuming more than reason on their valour in Campania have ever neglected to fortifie their frontiers the last and best invented meanes whereby small States preserve themselves from being over-run by the great which error being better lookt unto by the Princes of Austria who about fifty yeeres since obtained that Kingdome have used some diligence in this kinde yet with so small judgement as that no Fortresse in the Land can justly bee said to be strong except Rab the rest being either onely strong by fight as Tockay Villak Strigonium Comora Altemburgh Papae Canisia or by art as Castlenovo and Novigrade or neither by art nor sight as Guents and Edenburgh passages of importance in nether Hungarland with almost infinite others Tockay Altemburgh Papa and Canisia are governed by the Germans Novigrade Castlenovo Strigonium and Komara have Hungarish Governours but the greatest part of their Garrisons be Dutch a device peradventure as well to secure the Emperour of Hungarland as to defend those places against the Turkish inrodes to which service the Hungarians are more proper if they were provided oflike Armes These Fortresses were well provided of all sorts of Munition Artillery Powder Bullets Fire-workes and Victuals but not so well foreseene with defendants as is convenient against so mighty an Enemy as the Turke there being in the last recited fortresse not above fifteene hundred men and in some not two hundred How abundant this Province is in victuals I say no more than hath beene mentioned in the beginning of this Discourse that it is one of the most plentifulest Countries in Europe furnishing the Inhabitants with abundance without borrowing of any neighbour Province For as for the Bread Wine and Oats which Austria ministreth that is onely when the Campe is lodged by the River Danubius which Merchants transport thither rather for their gaine than that their Armes suffer any scarcity in want thereof Artillery is sent them from the Emperours Arsenall in Vienna themselves neither finding great peeces nor making small which likewise they have out of Germany as also Powder and Shot A note of their exceeding negligence having excellent Metals for this purpose which they transport unwrought into Germany The greatest fruit which the Emperour reapeth by the Crowne of Hungarland ariseth by the benefit of Mines which yeeld him yeerely one million and a halfe of Gilders which commeth cleerely into his Treasurie the presidiarie souldiers being all paid with the contribution money as i● also his Lieutenant Generall 30000. Dollars yeerely for his provision The Emperour Maximilian the second tooke into his hands the living of the Cathedrall and Collegiat Churches giving to the Bishops and Canons small stipends by which device he gained yeerely halfe a million of Gilders The religious houses are almost all abandoned for the feare the Monkes and Friers have of the Turke except those of the Gray-Friers to which order he is very favourable The Villages likewise are many but some wholly desolate the Peasants retiring themselves under the Turke where they live with lesse agrievance than under the Emperour Their livings are confiscate which hath much increased the yeerely Revenue of that Kingdome Now Hungarland being not in better termes to support it selfe against the irresistable power of the Turke than appeareth in the premises it may reasonably be demanded what hath beene the cause that the Turke in an hundred and fifty yeeres space about which time hee invaded that Country hath not made an absolute conquest thereof For having in this time not conquered above two third parts thereof it is manifest that he must be defective in the meanes before spoken of wherewith Princes augment their Greatnesse viz. either in Treasure Munition Men Armes or that which is principall in judgement to embrace or prosecute occasions For answer unto which I say first that the Turkish Emperour hath not only above these foure hundred yeeres beene superiour to the Kings of Hungarland in Treasure and Munition but also to any other Prince in the world so is hee likewise in number of his Captaines and private Souldiers but borrowing a conjecture from the managing of his actions it is manifest that his councell of war schooled above in the barbarous service of Persia hath ever beene inferiour to that of Christendome as it is at this present Secondly the Emperour hath of late served himselfe in all his occasions of worthy Chieftaines as Count Charles Maunsfielt the Marquesse Sanseverino Alexander Malospina Francisco de Monte the Baron Swarzenburg George Basta Ferrant di Rossi c. All which either by their experience in their Netherlandish warres or diligence in Historie or else paines in both have long since obtained the names of great Souldiers which providence of late times used by the Emperours and heretofore by other Princes hath in part prevented the Turkes designes in the intirenesse of this Conquest Another hindrance hath beene the evill arming of the Turkish Souldiers the greatest numbers whereof are naked And which is as great a defect none of them carry Weapons of much offence except the Ianizars who serve with Muskets of longer and bigger bore than the Christians To which number of Ianizars being 2000. tripled if 20000. Pikes compleat were added they would make an Armie of greater consequence for the Conquest of this Kingdome which is secured by passages than doth the multitude of Horses in which the Turke putteth so great confidence I must also confesse that the Turke in all his attempts against Hungarie hath used irreproveable judgement in making no inrode into that Country but when hee had peace with his Neighbours and the Christians at division amongst themselves atchieving by such providence infinite victory So if he had prosecuted the least advantage with constancy and celerity befitting the occasions the Conquest of Hungarland had beene finished many yeeres since Of all negligences in this kinde none hath beene of greater note than that of Mahomet the third superiour in the battell of Kerestur in 96. by which victory not Hungarie alone but all Austria stood in great danger For the Christian Armie being irrecoverably overthrowne
and all the Townes disfurnished both of defendants and Munition there wanted nothing in mans judgement to the gaining of that Kingdome but the speedy prosecution of that absolute victory But whether with the learned wee may beleeve that great Kingdomes have their periods or that Greatnesse in it selfe produceth carelesnesse whose true symptoms are pride effeminacy and corruption in Militarie Discipline most certaine it is that those Empires which formerly have fallen from their prime felicity have generally declined through the Alteration of their ancient Orders and pristinate vertues Nor can it otherwise bee but that as those Ordinances and Lawes which reason at first introduced and experience afterward approved doe settle and fortifie States so the manifest neglect of the same should make them weake againe and crazie Which being duly considered a Prince ought not in any thing to be more watchfull and vigorous than to keepe in life those Lawes by which his State at first became to bee exalted to that height wherein he found it at the decease of his Predecessor for let him be assured that the same are still and shall be the foundations and Basis of future prosperity Herein the Ottomans have by two meanes especially advanced their power have raised it to the height wherein we see it at this day The one was their personall presence and travelling to the wars the other theirmaking of great warres and fierce to effect but short Their perpetuall expeditions produced many profitable effects as first that it kept in awe and attendance the great Servitors of the State Secondly that the Ianizars were thereby the better inured to obedience patience and practice of their Armes with the discipline of the field Thirdly it caused their whole forces intirely to attend them For better understanding whereof it behoveth to know how that the Port or Court of the Great Turke was anciently wont to make twelve thousand Ianizars monthly paid and that without faile Now that number by occasion of the warres of Hungarie is much increased and their pay raised to five Aspers a day to some more in regard of desert Out of the number of these Ianizars are chosen two hundred whose Office is to runne by the stirrup of the Prince and three hundred Porters that receive twenty Aspers a day above their ordinary stipend The Cavalry ariseth to a farre greater number The Spahi are six thousand marshalled in two troopes whereof the one guardeth the right hand of the Prince the other the left in all marches Every one of these Spahi is bound to maintaine three or foure servants on Horsebacke for the warre and these servants either in valour or costlinesse of furniture doe in little or nothing give place to their Lords Their place of march is in reare of their Masters but in distinct troopes Besides these troops doe march two other squadrons consisting of a thousand horse apeece The one is made of certaine select stalled persons knowne for some one or other famous exploit Into which troope doe also entersome Ianizars and many servants as well belonging to the Prince himselfe as to other of his principall Ministers that have approved themselves by some notable endevour to be worthy and capable of that degree The other squadron is all of naturall Turks recommended to that honour for some superordinary skill at their weapon for horsemanship or some such like quality The souldiers of these two troopes are not tied to keepe above two servants mounted at the most So that these foure squadrons whereof we have spoken doe make in all as good as forty thousand horse all excellently furnished Besides these there are also neere 20 thousand men that are servants and attendants upon the supreme Officers of the State as Judges Treasurers Counsellors and Commanders Amongst which some there are that bring into the field two or three thousand apeece all well armed and in like livery being indeed tied for every five Aspers that they have of provision to finde one horse-man So that what for pompe and what for their owne safety in this occasion they doe set all their slaves being Renegadoes on horse-backe What shall I say of the infinite number of cariages of Mules and Camels accompanying this Equipage Of which sort Bajazet led into the field forty thousand and Selim in the enterprise of Aegypt one hundred and thirty thousand This was the ancient proportion Now all these forces whereof I have spoken from the Court doe accompany the Prince setting forward to the warres But if his Person move not then doe these also stay idle at home where the Ianizars for their too much ease doe often fall into mutinies and the great Bashaes busie themselves about nothing but to disgrace or overthrow one another through envie and ambition Which is well witnessed on the one side by the extreme rancors and partialities that boyle amongst them and sometime breaketh forth and on the other by their immoderate affection and swelling into titular dignities which of necessity cannot be avoided for that as trees which are lesse fruitfull doe thrust forth most leaves branches to cover therewith the defects of nature So doe men in whose minds desert and vertue is wanting seeke nothing so much as with outward vanity of apparell and shew of great descent to shadow their inward imperfections Through which abuse it is not possible to imagine unto what number the titularie Officers of that State are augmented The Bashawes which in the flourishing dayes of this Empire were only two one in Asia the other in Europe are now seven in Asia alone viz. of Natolia Caramania Amasia Anadule Damascus and Cairo who doe sucke from the Prin●es Coffers no lesse than an hundred and thirty thousand ducats yearely And this is sprung from nothing else but that upon opportunity of the Princes keeping at home the Ministers of the State especially such as lie farthest off have by little and little presumed to usurpe and arrogate to themselves more power and authority than was anciently belonging unto them Besides which the Prince by his personall intervention in all expeditions became by his experience better acquainted with the condition of his Armies made himselfe cunning in the causes that did envigour or corrupt his souldiers so that by cherishing of the one and redressing of the other the discipline of the field was made more firme every day than other And in truth it can seeme to no man lesse than a very miracle that in this house of the Ottomans should follow a continuall succession of twelve Princes together that have been all men of great action and extreme Warriers But since the successours of Soliman have disused themselves from the field and to be personally absent from the Warres it is wonderfull againe to see how much the power of that Empire is impaired The first that gave passage to this disorder was Soliman himselfe who howbeit he were a Prince of excellent courage and great sufficiencie
Persians but the Georgians and Arabians also betooke themselves to the exercise of Armes and therein attained to such ability that to this day they are ever and anon in tumult and beginne to recover some of their losses This was the true reason as aforesaid that induced Amurath and his Counsellours distrusting the obedience of that people against the Turkish custome there to erect many Citadels as at Chars Nassivan Lori Teflis and at Tauris whereinto they thrust great Garrisons as namely into that of Tauris eight thousand The predecessors of Amurath who reposed the maine reputation of their forces to consist in being Masters of the field made no account of these holds maintaining this rule That who is strong in the field needeth not the assistance of Holds and who will maintaine many fortresses garrisoned can never be very strong in Campania From these and such like oversights have arisen all the corruptions whereof I have spoken in this relation of the Turkish greatnesse Whereby those Armies which were wont to amount to two hundred thousand fighting men and upward and their Navies accustomed to bee of two hundred saile and more are now brought to a farre lesse reckoning They are now come to fifty thousand the proportion that Hebraim brought with him not many yeares since into Hungarie And to some thirty six Gallies or thereabouts with which Cicola Admirall of that Empire came of late into the Levant Seas By which diminutions it hath fallen out that a poore Prince of Transilvania durst meet Sinan Bassa and fight with him and that the Vayvod of Valachia durst also make him the like opposition So likewise I say that this one Kingdome and one Common-wealth hath done more in abatement of the ambition and checking the fortune of the Ottoman than all Christian States have done all together For where all the rest of the Princes bordering anciently upon them were in short time devoured spoiled of their Estates the Hungarian and the Venetian alone have for the space of one hundred and fifty yeares and more maintained themselves And though both the one and the other have quitted unto the Ottoman some parts of their Territories yet have they well warded and retained the residue So that to speake truth Christianity hath at this day no other frontier upon the Turke but what is theirs which how much it importeth no man can rightly judge who hath not by experience made triall how dreadfull the Ottoman power is to all those that dwell neere it And howbeit in these later yeares the Hungarian hath had in his favour the continuall supplies of Germanie and the Venetian hath beene assisted by the association of the Pope and the Spaniard yet it is to be understood that unlesse both those and these had had of their owne a sufficient body of warre the cold assistance of others would finally have helped their sudden necessities The State of Bethlen Gabor in Transilvania c. THis Country hath Nature it selfe at one time both fortified and honoured for the woods and Hercynian mountaines doe round about inviron it gathering it into the shape of a Crowne The length is two hundred twenty five miles English and the breadth two hundred The Ancients made it a part of Dacia but the latter Writers from the lying of it beyond the woods have called it Transylvania 〈…〉 name Sienburgen or the new Latine name Sept●m ●a●●ra it hath not from the seven Castles set to defend the Frontiers as some mistake it but from those seven Quarters or Camps into which the old Hunnes at their invasion divided their Army Thorow these woods and mountaines there be but eleven Avenues or entrances out of other Countries into Transylvania T is inhabited by three severall Nations the Siculi which be the ancientest the Hungarians and the Saxons The Religions publikely professed are three also The Arrian the Romish and the Reformed and this last divided into the Lutheran and Calvinisticall The Popish hath continued there of old The Arrian heresie was first brought in by Blandrata Anno 1556. It chiefly infected the Towne of Clausenburg where even at this day the Arrians have a populous College and a free Church though by the religious diligence of Bethlen Gabor scarce one fourth part of the City be now infected with this poyson Both Papists and Arrians professe in great freedome for that the Prince at his Inauguration is alwayes sworne to defend them As members politike of the Kingdome The Saxons use their own mother tongue the rest speak the Hungarian The number of Seven is much observed in Transilvania for by this number is the whole Countrey variously divided For first both the Siculi and Saxons and each severally have divided their portions into seven Countries or Seats the Shire-towne as it were being head of the Villages about it to which Townes those of that division repaire for matter of Justice Secondly there bee seven capitall Townes unto which the Villagers round about are to bring their Taxes and Tributes where being received by Auditors and under-Treasurers it is afterward returned into the grand Exchequer Thirdly over and above all these is the whole land of Transilvania divided into seven larger Counties First Coloszien whose Metropolis or chiefe City is Clausenburg Secondly Szolnok whose chiefe Towne is Dees Thirdly Dobocen-Landt The fourth Countie hath Alba Iulia or Weisenburg for its chiefe and that famous for the Residence and Palace of the Prince The fifth is named Thorden from Thorda its Metropolis The sixth is Keokeollea which takes name from the River Keokeolleo and gives name to its chiefe Towne Keokeolleovar The seventh and last Towne and County is Hungad which gave birth and name to the famous Family of Hungades Seven principall Cities it also hath First Hermanstadt the ancient Metropolis of Transylvania Secondly Cronstat Thirdly Szas Fourthly Clausenburg Fifthly Bestereze Sixthly Sespurg And seventhly Medroish in the middle of all the Countrey The whole Countrey is very fruitfull in one commoditie or other Corne Beeves Muttons and Fish Gods plentie all cheape beyond imagination a fat one being not worth above ten or twelve shillings English So much Wine they have in some places that at Vintage time it may be bought for an English farthing or halfe-peny a pinte Very rich it is also underground as in Salt-pits Stone-quarries whereof some be pretious and mines both of Gold and Silver Iron Quick-silver and other metals So that nothing is wanting for the life of man either for nutriment or ornament and that which is part of a wonder also though there be no where more store of money yet be there no where meaner prizes for their commodities For proofe of this at the election of Bethlen Gabor there were an hundred measures of Wheat sold in Clausenburg Market for one Rix Dollar and few Gentlemen there be who yearely reape not ten twenty or thirty stacks of Wheat as big as houses saith mine Author Their droves and flocks be answerable
made a Prince of the Empire and thirdly are the two Dukedomes of Oppelen and Ratibor in Silesia estated upon him This yeare his wife Susanna Katherina leaves him a widower and the rest is spent in Embasi●es and Treaties with the Emperour The next yeare 1623. was passed over in peace the Emperour sends him a diamond ring which some conjectured was meant for a wedding ring and that the Emperour was desirous to allie him to his house of Austria Ann. 1624. was quiet and peaceable Anno 1625. he by his Ambassadours wooes the Lady Katherine sister to the Elector of Brandenburgh whom in February 1626. he solemnly espouses in Cassovia and is so potent and happy that Iuly 16. following he procures her to be elected Princesse of Transilvania after him in case she survived him and his owne brother Stephan Bethlen to be Regent under her This yeare there hapned some more bust●ng against the Emperour but a peace quickly concludes it The next yeare 1627. the Turkish Sultan honours of Bethlens Princesse with a solemne Embassie to her principally directed sends her a Scepter requires her name also as an absolute Princesse which one day might be to be put into the treaty of a perpetuall league The yeare 162● he had peace on every side which continued the next yeare also When October 21. he solemnly buries his Predecessor Gabriel Bathori aforesaid Finally this yeare 1629. for thinkfulnesse to God and the good of his Church and Countrey hee erects an University at Alba Iulia which crownes and blesses all the fame of his former actions He hath this Summer beene dangerously sicke but we have heard newes of his safe recovery And thus ends the Chronicle of Bethlen Gabor the famous a man much talk● of but little knowne Let this at last be answered to his Traducers that he must needs be a brave fellow who was favoured and preferred by so many Princes that from a private fortune should upon his owne deserts be advanced by his Nation to he chaire of soveraignty that was able to gaine so much upon the Emperour to succour his friends and compose a quarrell betweene two such potent enemies that is in his owne person so dexterous both at Arts and Armes that desires so much the good of his Country as to fortifie all the passages to adorne it with Palaces Churches Colleges and Universities that takes the right course to advance Religion to incourage countenance and promote learning to doe that in beating down heresie by the Word which the laws of his Nation forbid him to do by the Sword that hath quickned Justice and good manners is beloved of his loyall subjects and feared by the disloyall that being so dangerously situated hath the spirit and skill to defend his little Countrey from the power of the house of Ottoman the ambition of the house of Austria the might of the Pole and the barbarous inroads of the Russes and Tartarians that finally maintaines his subjects in abundance of safety and abundance of plenty and though perchance hated yet feared and highly honoured by his greatest enemy the Emperour The most of this description of Bethlen Gabor and his dominions wee owe unto Master Petrus Eusenius Maxai a Transilvanian borne and servant to the illustrious Prince aforesaid Poland THis Kingdome inhabited of old by the Sarmatians was never so spatious as at this day the great Dukedomes of Lituania and Livonia being joyned therto It stretcht from the flouds Notes and Orba which divide it from Marchia and Odera which separateth it from Silisia to Beresay and Boristhenes which two parteth it from Moscovia It reacheth from the Baltike Sea to the River Niester which divides it from Moldavia and to the Mountaines Carpathie which separate it from Hungarie By this limitation from the borders of Silesia to the Frontiers of Moscovia betweene the West part and the East it containeth an hundred and twenty German miles and from the uttermost bounds of Livonia to the borders of Hungarie not much lesse So allowing the forme thereof to be round it is farre larger than a man would take it to be as taking up six and twenty hundred miles in compasse It containeth many and goodly large Provinces as Polonia the great and the lesse Mazovia Podolia Podlassia Samogithia Prussia Russia Volinia Livonia and Lituania Among these Provinces Poland was the proper inhabitation of the Polonians but Pruse part of Pomeran Podolia Volonia Mazovia and Livonia have beene obtained and gained by Armes as were the Dukedomes of Oswitz and Zator in Silesia also Lituania and Samogithia Provinces of Russia were the inheritance of the House of Iagello For in the yeare 1380. Iagello then Duke of Lituania tooke unto wife the Princesse Hedwiga the last of the bloud Royall of Polonia and was then installed King on three conditions the first that he should become a Christian secondly that he should cause his people to doe the like and thirdly that he should for ever unite his principalities to Poland The two former conditions were presently performed but the latter not till within these few yeares For the Kings of Poland standing upon election Iagello was loth to trust his owne patrimonie upon the uncertaine voyces of the people who if they should chuse a stranger then should his posterity not only lose the Kingdome of Polonia but their paternall Dukedome of Lituania also And this deferred the union all the time of Iagello and his descendants but the race failing in Sigismund Augustus and the Lituanians on the other side fearing the force of the Moscovite they agreed to union and election In times past Livonia was the fear of the Dutch Knights and they had therein their chiefe Governour whom they termed the Great Master But in the yeare 1558. being spoiled of the greatest part of their territory by the great Duke of Moscovie they fled to Sigismund King of Poland who tooke them into his protection and untill the raigne of K. Stephen 1582. the Province was never regained For the most part Poland is a plaine Country and but for certaine mountaines rather hils than mountaines situated in the lesser Poland dividing it from Prusland all the residue of the Countrey stretcheth it selfe into most ample plaines wherein are very many woods especially in Lituania The greater and lesser Poland are better inhabited than any other Province of the Kingdome The like may be almost spoken of Russia for the neerenesse of the Sea concourse to the Havens and commodiousnesse of the Rivers Prussia and Livonia have fairer Cities good lier buildings and by traffike and concourse of Merchants greater plenty of riches For when the Dutch Knights were Lords of the Country they builded Cities like those of Germanie and all along the Sea-Coast for the space of fourescore miles many Castles and peeces of good esteeme They have many faire Havens of good worth and are Lords of all the traffike betweene Poland and the Baltike Sea which is a thing of great value
boughs and leaves having great flocks of Cattell which they preserve with much care These are the chiefe the residue are not worth the reading for nothing can be spoken unto but their barrennesse or fertility their poverty or riches blessings and curses peculiar more or lesse to every of these Nations The Xeriffe AMongst all the Potentates of Africk● I doe not thinke that there can any one be found to excell this Prince either in wealth or power His Dominion containeth all that tract of Mauritania which the Romans called Tingitana and stretcheth from the promontorie Bayadir or Tanger and from the Atlantike Ocean to the River Mulvia In which progresse is contained the best portion of all Africke the best inhabited the pleasantest the fruitfullest and most civill Herein amongst others are the famous Kingdomes of Fez and Marocho the one divided into seven Provinces the other into eight The Countrey is divided into Plaines and Mountaines the Mountaines are inhabited with a fierce people rich in pastures and Cattell and possessing a great part of the lesse and bigger Atlas Betweene the greater Atlas and the Ocean lieth the Plaine Countrey and therein the Royall Citie of Marocho distant foureteene miles from Atlas watered with many Springs Brookes and Rivers In times past this City contained one hundred thousand housholds and was the chiefest of Africke but by little and little it is decayed and now lieth more waste than inhabited In the Kingdome of Marocho besides others is Tedsi a Towne of five thousand ho●sholds and Tagoast of eight thousand Taradent giveth place to none for Noblenesse and traffike though for largenesse and circuit It is situated betweene Atlas and the Ocean in a plaine sixteene miles long and little lesse broad abounding with Sugar and all kinde of provision The good regard and continuall abode which Mahumet Xeriffe made in this place did greatly augment ennoblish this Towne Being past Atlas you enter into most batle plaines wherein how fruitfull the soile is of Sugar Olives Cattell and all good things can hardly be spoken Fez. THe Kingdome of Fez likewise containeth divers Provinces excellent well peopled Amongst them is Alga a territory of eightie miles long and sixty broad Elabut is an hundred miles long and sixty broad Eriffe is a Province wholly mountainous therein are said to bee three and twenty branches of the Mount Atlas inhabited for the most part with savage and barbarous people Caret is drie and rockie more like Lybia than Barbarie Now because the glory and Majesty of this Kingdome consisteth especially in the City of Fez I thinke it not amisse to describe the situation thereof It is divided in two parts a little distant one from another the one is called the old Town the other the new A little River likewise divideth the old Towne into two parts the East part is called Beleyda containing foure thousand housholds the West part is commonly called old Fez and hath fourescore thousand and upward standing not farre from the new Fez which likewise hath eight thousand Old Fez standeth partly upon hils partly on plaines and hath in it fifty Mahumetan Temples of admirable largenesse All of them have their fountaines and pillars of Alablaster and Jasper Besides these there are six hundred of a lesse sort amongst which that which is commonly called Carucen is most beautifull built in the heart of the City and containing halfe a mile in compasse In breadth it containeth seventeene Arches in length an hundred and twenty borne up by two thousand five hundred white marble pillars under the chiefest Arch where the Tribunall is kept hangeth a most huge Lampe incompassed with an hundred and ten lesser Under the other Arches hang very great Lamps in each of which burne an hundred and fifty lights They say in Fez that all these Lamps were made of the Bels which the Arabians brought out of Spaine who not onely made prey of Bels but of Columnes Pillars Brasse Marble and whatsoever was rich first erected by the Romans and afterwards by the Gothes There are in Fez above two hundred Schooles two hundred Innes and foure hundred Water-mils every one driven with foure or five wheeles There are also divers Colleges among which that which is called Madarac is accounted for one of the most finest peeces of workmanship throughout all Barbarie There is likewise 600. Conduits from whence almost every house is served with water It were a long labour to describe their Burse they call it Alcacer it is a place walled about having twelve gates and divided into fifteene walkes where Merchants meet to dispatch their businesse under Tents Their delightsome Gardens and pleasant Parkes with the Rillets and waters running thorow them I can hardly describe For the most part the King keepeth his Court at Fez wherein he hath a Castle Palaces and Houses adorned with rare workmanship rich and beautifull even to his hearts desire He hath a way under ground from the old Towne to the new For greatnesse and statelinesse thereof by the grant of former Kings it injoyeth this strange privilege not to indure any siege unlesse the Citizens shall thinke their Prince for strength and force able and equall to cope with his Enemy if not without reproach of treason they may yeeld their City before the enemie approach within halfe a mile of it This have they done that so goodly and so flourishing a City should not suffer spoile under pretext of unprofitable temporizing It is of no lesse moment for situation store of Corne Oyle Flax and Cattell than for pleasantnesse of territory and plenty of Water The Wals are very strong and defended with many Bulwarkes The Inhabitants are very thriftie given to traffike and especially to the making of Cloths of Wooll Silke and Cotten The Kings eldest sonne is called the Prince of Mequivez Though the Kingdome have no good Havens upon the Mediterranean Sea yet great store of Englishmen and Frenchmen resort to Alarach Aguer and other Ports in the Ocean whereof some belong to the Kingdome of Fez and other to the Kingdome of Marocho They carrie thither armor and other wares of Europe which they barter for Sugar and other commodities But how the Kingdomes of Fez and Marocho two severall principalities with their dependances became subject to one Crowne I thinke it worthy relation because a more strange and memorable accident hath not happened in our age About the yeare 1508. a certaine Alfaique borne in Tigumedet in the Province of Dura beganne to grow in reputation a man of a reaching wit and no lesse ambitious than learned in the Mathematickes his name was Ma●umet Ben-Amet otherwise called Xeriffe by his owne commandement This man deriving his pedigree from Mahumet and emboldned by the civill warre of Africke and the differences of the States and Common-weales thereof wherein in those daies the Portugals were of no small puissance began to dreame on the conquest of Mauritania Tingitana Which the better to
Sonnes he tooke the City Tremissen But Sal Aries Vice-Roy of Algier being jealous of these good fortunes gathered a puissant host recovered Tremissen put the Xeriffe to flight tooke Fez and bestowed it with the Territory upon the Lord of Velez who afterward in a battell against the Xeriffe lost both life and Kingdome At last in his journey to Taradant by the subordination of the Vice-Roy of Algier he was murdered in his Tent by certaine Turkes who with their Captaine Assen comming to Taradant rifled the Kings Treasures but were all slaine except five by the Inhabitants in their journey homewards This came to passe 1557. when Muley Abdala the Xeriffes sonne was proclaimed King Let this suffice for the originall of the Xeriffe now let vs see how these risings were like the fortunes of Ismael King of Persia. Both of them in small time conquered many Provinces both grew great by the ruine of their Neighbours both suffered crosses by the armes of the Turkes and to them lost part of their Dominions Selim tooke from Ismael Caramit and divers other Cities of Mesopotamia The Vice-Roy of Algier drove the Xeriffe from Tremissen and the adjacent Territory Selim won Tauris the chiefe seat of Persia and then gave it over Sal Aries tooke Fez the head City of Mauritania and left it This Potentate is absolute Lord of the bodies and goods of his Subjects whatsoever imposition he layeth on them they repine not thereat For Tribute hee taketh the tenth and the first fruits of their fruits and cattell yet is it most true that for first fruits he taketh not above one in twenty and though it exceed that number even to one hundred yet he nevertaketh above two Of every Acre of Land he taketh a ducat and the fifth part and so much of every houshold and so of every pole male and female above fifteene yeares of age yearely If he want he taketh a greater summe To make the people more willing to pay what is imposed he alwaies demandeth more than is paid that so by paying their due they may thinke they are well dealt withall in seeming to be forgiven somewhat of his full demand The Inhabitants of the Mountaines a savage people for the difficult accesse unto them hee cannot inforce to pay tribute but those that manure the plaines hee constraineth to give the tenth of their harvest Besides these Revenues he taketh Toll and Custome of all kindes of Merchandize in Cities inward of a citizen two in the hundred of a stranger ten His rent of Mils is a great matter for upon every Asse load of Graine grinded in Fez he taketh halfe a reall in this Towne there are above foure hundred Mils The Church of Carruven was indowed with 80000. Ducats of yearely Revenue the Colleges and Monasteries of Fez with much more which now are escheated into the Kings Coffers Moreover he is heire to all the Judges whom they call Alcaids and hath the bestowing of all their Offices When they die he seizeth upon all their Horses Armour Apparell and all their other Chattels If the intestate leave Children behind him fit for the warre he bestoweth his Fathers annuitie upon them if they be Sons and young he nurseth them till they come to full yeares if Daughters he maintaineth them till they finde husbands To be fi● gring the wealth of the richer sort he hath some Office of Lieutenantship with an annuitie to sell them but commonly to prevent those sales they will not be knowne of their abilities removing their aboads farre from the Court and Kings sight which is the cause that the City of Fez is much fallen from the ancient splendour Hee hath no Castles or peeces well fortified but onely Aguer Larach lately taken and Tituan upon the Sea side His chiefest confidence is in the valour of his Souldiers especially his Horse-men like the Turke and Persian In this regard he taketh no great care to furnish himselfe with Ordnance yet hath he great store thereof in Fez Marocho Taradant and in the aforesaid haven Townes taken from the Portugals and others As he seeth occasion he causeth new to be cast for which service he can want no workmen out of Europe In Marocho he hath an Arsenall wherein he layeth up monethly at least forty six Quintals of Gun-powder Here he causeth his Harquebushes and Bowes likewise to be made In the yeare 1569. by fire which hapned among the Gun-powder houses the greatest part of the City was very much defaced His souldiery is of divers sorts the first consisteth of 2700. Horsemen and 2000. Harquebushers part lying in Garrison in Fez and part in Maroc●o where also lyeth the Court. The second consisteth as a man may say of a royall troope of 6000. horse all Gentlemen Pensioners and of great reputation These ride upon brave Horses with rich Caparisons their Armes and Furniture shining with Gold Silver Stones and all things else which for variety of colours or rich devices may delight the eye with a gallant shew or feed the humour of the curious beholder To these servitors besides their allowance of Corne Provender Butter and Flesh for themselves their Wives Children and Servants they receive yearely from seventy to one hundred ounces of Silver The third sort are a kinde of Timariots for the Xeriffe doth allot a certaine portion of Land and Tenants to his Sonnes Brethren and Men of quality amongst the people of Africke and Arabia for the maintenance of their degrees Those whom they terme Alcaids looke to the manuring of the fields gather the rents of Corne Rice Oats Oyle Butter Flesh Poultry and Mony and distribute it monthly amongst the Souldiers to every man according to his place They likewise give them Linnen Woollen and Silke for their Garments Armour and Horses for service If their horses chance to be slaine they give them new so did the Romans to those which served on the horses of the State The Commanders of these troops are very carefull to see their souldiers in heart and full of life excellent well armed and competently attired They receive betweene foure and twenty and thirty ounces of Silver yearely The fourth sort make the Arabians who commonly live in Tents divided by 120. under their severall Leaders to bee alwaies ready upon all occasions They serve on Horse-backe but more like Theeves and Out-lawes than Souldiers The fifth sort is like the presse of the Christian Common-weales These companies consist of Citizens Villagers and Mountaine-people Of these men the King maketh no reckoning neither doth he willingly arme them for feare of sedition and innovation unlesse it be to war upon the Christians wherein he cannot forbid them to serve For upon remembrance of the slaughter of the Moors by the Christians spoken of in their Mahumeticall Legend the more Christians they slay the easier they thinke shall be their passage to Heaven Hereupon you shall see herds of people running to this warre desiring there to die
most part upon Millet leading a bestiall life without Religion and accompanying with one anothers Wives They know no other names than such as are given them for some note or marke of their bodie as Blinde Lame Tall Bold c. This King is very puissant in people of whom he exacteth no other tribute than the tenths of the increase of their liveli-hoods For exercise and in stead of occupations they give themselves to steale to slay their neighbours and to take them prisoners and then to barter them for Horses with the Merchants of Barbarie He hath under him many Kingdomes and Nations some white some blacke He is an heavie enemie to the Abessines taking away their Cattell rifling their Mines and leading away the people in captivity His Horsemen ride after the Spanish manner armed with Launces steeled at both ends Darts Arrowes but their inrodes resemble rather robberies and garboiles than wars managed by valiant souldiers The Turke likewise on the East and the King of Adel on the South-East doe cruelly vex him for they have curtal'd his large dominion and brought his Provinces into great misery In the yeare 1558. the Turke harried the whole Territory of Bernagasso and tooke from Prester Iohn whatsoever he was Lord of upon the Sea-coast especially the Haven and City of Suaquen and Erococo in which place the mountaines betweene Abex and the Red-Sea make a gate as it were for the traffike and carriages of the Abessines and Arabians And since that Bernagasso was forced to submit himselfe to the Turkish commands to buy his peace and in name of a tribute to pay 1000 ounces of Gold yearely The King of Adel is his no lesse infestious enemie he bordereth upon the Kingdome of Fatigar and his Seigniory stretcheth along the Red-Sea as farre as Assum Salir Mith Barbora Pidar and Zeila Many ships come from Aden and Cambaia to Barbora with Merchandize which they trucke for Flesh Honey Wax and Victuall these commodities are carried to Aden Gold Ivory and such wares are sent to Cambaia the greatest part of Victuall Hony Wax Corne and Fruits brought from Zeila are carried into Aden and Arabia also much Cattell especially Sheepe having tailes of twenty five pound weight with heads and necks all blacke the rest of their bodies all white Of these Cattell there are some altogether white with turning crooked tailes as long as a mans arme and dew-laps like Oxen. Some of their Kine have hornes with many branches like our Deere othersome have one horne in their fore-head growing backward a span and a halfe long The chiefe City of this Kingdome is Arar thirty eight leagues distant from Zeila towards the South-East He professeth Mahumetisme and since his conversion hee hath intituled himselfe with the surname of Holy avowing continuall warre against the Abessine Christians and therefore he watcheth the time of the foresaid Fast of fifty dayes when he entreth their Territories burneth their Villages taketh prisoners and then committeth a thousand other mischiefes The Abessine slaves doe often leave their Country and take upon them great journies putting themselves in the service of great Lords where many times by their industry and good carriage they become high Commanders in Arabia Cambaia Bengala and Sumatra For the Mahumetan Princes being all Tyrants and Lords of those Countries which they have forced from the Gentiles to secure their estates doe never trust to their home-bred subjects but wage strangers and slaves unto whose fidelity they commit their persons the managing of all the affaires of their Kingdomes And amongst all sorts of slaves the Abessine is in greatest esteeme for his faithfulnesse and towardly disposition The King of Adel overlayeth Aegypt and Arabia with their slaves which he changeth with the Turks and Princes of Arabte for armour provision of warre and souldiers In the yeare of our Lord 1500. Claud King of Abex perceiving himselfe inferiour unto Grand Ameda King of Adel for he had vexed his Land fourteene yeares with incursions forsaking the frontiers retired himselfe into the inward parts of his Kingdome intreating for aid of Stephen Gama Vice-Roy of India under Iohn the third King of Portugal who was then in the Red-Sea with a warlike Navie In compassion of his miseries and Religion he sent him foure hundred Portugal shot very well furnished under the conduct of Christopher his Brother By the aid and use of their Artillery he overthrew his Enemies in two battels but the King of Adel obtaining of the Governour of the City of Zebit one thousand Harquibushers and ten peeces of Ordnance in the third fight put the Portugals to flight and slew their Captaine Afterwards when Adel had sent away these Turkes King Claudius set upon him at unawares by the River Zeila at the Mountaine Sana with eight thousand footmen five hundred Abessine horsemen and the remainder of the living Portugals one of whom gave Grada-Amada his deaths wound But in March 1560. Claudius fighting with the Moores of Malaca gaining the victory was slaine in the battell Adam his brother succeeded against whom being a Demi-Mahumetan the greatest part of the Abessine Nobility rebelled and was overthrowne in the yeare 1562. by Bernagasso By this casualty did the Aethi●pian affaires ebbe and slow But in the reigne of Alexander things beganne in some sort to returne to their ancient State by the aid of the Portugals who furnished them with weapons both offensive and defensive and by their example incouraged them to be stout and couragious against their enemies All that were living after the defeature of Christopher Gama and all that ever went thither since that day to this doe remaine there marrying Wives and begetting Children King Alexander gave them leave to elect a Justicer and to end all matters of controversie amongst themselves which maketh them so willing to stay and teach them the use of Weapons the manners of warfare and how to fortifie places of importance Sithence those times Francis Medicis contracting friendship with the Abessine divers Florentines some for pleasure and some for profit have travelled into those Provinces wherein when they are once entred the King intreateth them so faire and giveth them so liberally whereon to live that they can hardly obtaine licence to returne againe into their owne Countries Besides these he hath other enemies as the King of Da●ca● whose Citie and Haven is Vela upon the Red-Sea and the Moores of Doba a Province divided into fourteene Lieutenantships These people though they are accounted within the limits of the Abessine Empire yet doe they often rebell having a Law amongst themselves that no young man may contract Matrimony unlesse hee can bring good proofe that he hath slaine twelve Christians Monomotapa VPon this Continent are contained many other Kingdomes As Gualata small and poore Tombuto great and populous Melli rich in Corne Flesh and Cotton-wooll Guinea is next greater and richer than any other within the Moores Countrey except Aegypt and Abessine Angola
Manicongo Co●go Mombassa Quiolasafola Melinde Mosambique Mon●●●●gi with the rest within land are all inhabited with Moores Mahumetans Heathen and barbarous people who live plentifully upon those good nutriments which God and nature hath provided for those places traffiking and bartering one with another some for Ambergrice Wax Silver Copper and Rice some for Gold Pearle Linnen and Silks and others for Ivory Cotton and such inbred commodities as each Province peculiarly can spare to the necessities of the other Monomotapa seemeth to be civiller and better governed than any of the residue and is almost an Island lying betweene the Rivers of Cuama and Spirito Sancto from whence it stretcheth along the Sea-coast to the Cape of good Hope and on the North to the Kingdome of Mo●emugi It is an hundred and fifty leagues in compasse and all the Vice-Royes or Lieutenants throughout that whole territory doe acknowledge the King thereof for their Soveraigne Of Townes and Villages they have few but Cottages many and those compacted of timber thatcht Cities there are also many whereof Zimbas and Benemetaxa are betweene twenty and five and twenty miles distant from Sofola towards the West The soile aboundeth with Corne and Cattell great and small wandring by herds through the fields and woods By the store of teeth from thence yearely transported we can but conjecture that lesse than five Elephants cannot but die in this Country these beasts are herevery huge There is no climate like it for plenty of Gold for there are said to be three thousand Mines whereout Gold is usually digged Which commodity is also found as well in the Plaines as in Rocks and in Rivers Whereof the Mine of Manica Boro Quiticui and Tero● which some men all Butna are the chiefest So that some men are of opinion that out of this Countrey Salomon procured his Gold and Ivory to be brought unto Ierusalem Which seemeth not unlikely for that in this Kingdome were found many old and Prince-like buildings and those very costly in Timber Stone Chalke and Wood which in the Countries thereabouts are not to be found The Government is great and extendeth over many warlike people all Pagans meane of stature blacke well set and very swift Their weapons are Darts and light Targets and the men much given to rebellion the cause wherefore the Prince retaineth the heires of his vassall Princes to be secured of their parents as also that he entertaineth strong Regiments in severall Provinces divided into legions after the Roman manner Amongst the which that he accounteth his battalion of Amazons comparable for trust of person to the Turkish Pretorian Ianizars with their manner of warfare copulation and educating of their males according to the ancient custome of those masculine Viragoes you may by my leave confidently beleeve because some late travellers have as lately reported it But truth it is that according to their uncivill civility they converse with the King kneeling on their knees and to sit in his presence is the use with them as with us to stand and that is granted but to great Lords onely The assay of meat and drinke is not made before but after the Prince hath eat and drunke Here are no prisons because Law passeth upon the offender in the very moment wherein the offence was committed The offences most severely punished are Witch-craft Theft and Adultery They pay no other tribute but certaine daies worke and presents without which no man may appeare in the Princes presence The King beareth in his Coat-Armour a little spade with an Ivory handle and two small Darts One of them not long since was converted and baptized by Gonsalva Silva a Iesuite with the greater part of his Courtiers but afterwards by the perswasion of certaine Moores in great credit about him hee caused him to bee slaine Sebastian King of Portugall offended hereat proclaimed warre against him under the leading of Francisco Berotio This Armie consisted of sixteene hundred the greatest part Gentlemen to whom the Monomotapa fearing their Armes and valour offered honourable conditions but the Captaine whom no offer or indifferency could satisfie was overcome and his Armie utterly consumed yet not by the enemy but by sicknesse and in the infectious aire of the Country Aegypt IN this description I will rather follow the opinion of Ptolomy and some others who make it a part of Africa than those who either referre some portion thereof to Asia and the residue to Africke It is a most noble and ancient Region much celebrated both in Scripture and other profane Writers for the excellency and antiquity thereof In holy Writ as witnesseth Iosephus it is called Misraim and so the Inhabitants For Misraim was the Sonne of Chus the Sonne of Cham the Sonne of Noe. The Arabians call the country Mesre but the Inhabitants Chibeth for such was his Name that first brought his Colonie into these parts It is plaine sandy and low Land without Mountaines which is the reason that it cannot be seene afar off the aire is hot and infectious and therefore either to avoid or mollifie the intolerable heat of Summer Sunne the Inhabitants are accustomed in all their Cities upon the tops of their Houses to build open Tarases to let the wind drive in thorow all their roomes Yet is not this Country as the rest of Africke infested with the Southerne winds ingendred of heat but is especially refreshed with the Northerne which here is moist and in other places drie It hath no Earth-quakes nor showres but of very able fertility and if it raine as it seldome doth it bringeth many diseases as Murres Catars Agues and such like The inundation of Nilus is mother of all fertility the want thereof an assured prediction of famine and scarcitie The Country is full of cuts and inlets from this River which long agoe Sesostris caused to bee intrenched left those Townes which were situated from the maine banke in the heart of the Kingdome should want water upon the ebbing of the River This inundation causeth such plentifull harvests that through the whole earth better increase and speedier ripenesse is not to be found The wealth hereof is rather to be admired than estimated in reviewing the spendor magnificence of their regall Antiquities their Labyrinths their Pyramides water-works all built and perfected at inestimable charges The ruines whereof are to be seene at this day whereunto the bravest Monuments of the Roman Empire are nothing comparable The revenue of this Kingdome in times past both in regard of the fertilitie of Nilus and the infinite quantity of Merchandize transported from Aethiopia Arabia and India hath beene very great Some report saith Ptolomie that Auletes received from hence twelve millions and fifty talents which according to the computation of Budaeus ariseth to seven millions and a halfe of Crownes the Romans received a farre greater masse but now by the Portugall Navigations it yeeldeth the Turke no such reckoning Howbeit
hand or any other metall except in some chamber where their warme Stoves be your fingers will freeze fast to it and draw off the skin at parting when you passe out of a warme roome into a cold you shall sensibly feele your breath to wax thick and stifling with the cold as you draw it in and out Divers not onely that travell abroad but in the very markets and streets of their Townes are monstrously pinched yea killed withall so that you shall see many drop downe in the streets many travellers brought into the Townes sitting dead and stiffe in their sleds And yet in Summer-time you shall see such a new hue and face of a Countrey the Woods so fresh and so sweet the Pastures and Meddowes so greene and well growne and that upon the sudden with such variety of flowers and such melody of Birds especially of Nightingales that a man shall not lightly travell in a more pleasanter Countrey Which fresh and speedy growth of the Spring seemeth to proceed from the benefit of the Snow which all the Winter time being spread over the whole Countrey as a white robe keepeth it warme from the rigour of the frost and in the Spring-time when the weather waxeth warme and the Sunne dissolveth it into water it doth so throughly drench and soke the ground being of a sleight and sandy mould and then shineth so hotly upon it againe that it even forceth the Herbs and Plants to shoot forth in great plenty and variety and that in short time As the Winter season in these Regions exceedeth in cold so likewise I may say that the Summer inclineth to overmuch heat especially in the moneths of Iune Iuly and August being accounted the three chiefest moneths of burning heat in those places much warmer than the Summer in England To returne to our relation of the soyle and climate for the most part it is covered with Woods and Lakes these Woods are the branches of Hircinia spreading it selfe through all the North and perhaps more in this Province than in any other Here grow the goodliest and tallest trees of the world thorow which for their thicknesse the brightnesse of the Sun-beames can hardly pierce An unspeakable quantity of Rozin and Pitch distilleth out of these trees and here is the never-wasting Fountaine of Wax and Hony For without any industry of man the Bees themselves build their Hives in the Barks and hollownesse of trees Here is all plenty of Cattell and wilde Beasts Beares Martins Beasts called Zibellini Wolves and blacke Foxes whose skins doe beare highprices Of the timber of these trees āre squared all necessaries aswell for buildings as all other uses the Wals of the Cities are framed of beames cut foure-square fastned together filling all the chinks vacant places with earth And of these beames likewise they build platformes of such height and thicknesse that they beare the weight of great Ordnance how massie soever They are subject to fire but not easily shaken with the fury of battery For Waters Moscovie may well be called the mother of Rivers and Lakes witnesse Duyna Boristhenes Volga Duyna Onega Moscua Volisca and the famous Tanais the Lakes of Ina upon which standeth the great Novograde Voluppo and many others The abundance of these Waters doe make the ayre colder than is requisite for the increase of Cattell or growth of Plants and although cold is thought more wholsome than heat yet are their Cattell of small growth thereby and many times their fruits come not to ripening and the earth being drowned with the waters for the most part becommeth light and sandie and then either with too great drought or too much moisture it destroyeth the fruit Winter in some sort lasteth nine moneths little more or lesse in seasonable times the soyle bringeth forth plenty of graine and feeding for Cattell It also bringeth forth Apples Nuts and Filberds other kinds of fruits they scarcely know Of Fish they raise their greatest gaine as having greatest abundance of that commodity they dry them in the frost and wind as in Norway and other Northerly Nations and they lay it up for store as well in their Townes of Warre as for their private Families The Kingdome is not full of Merchants because by nature the Inhabitants are idle And that Province cannot abound with Merchants where Arts and Artificers are not favoured And againe the government is absolute mixed with a kind of tyranny enforcing slavish prostitution So that in the chiefest and best ordered Townes of Novograde and Mosco many strange and fearefull concussions have beene practised Concerning which you have whole Commentaries from whence you may take notice how he once nailed an Ambassadours Hat to his head because he abated him of that reverence appropriate to so great a Majesty How Sir Tho. Smith was entertained with a contrary satisfaction and welcome How Mosco is compared to the grand Caire for spaciousnesse of ground multitude of houses and uncomlinesse of streets so that as the one is patible of stinke corruption and infectious aire so this other is not free from beastlinesse smoke and unwholesome smels They have not the use of the Sea because it is not lawfull for a Moscovite to travell out of his Princes Dominions such and such store of wares as they have as Skinnes Rosin and Wax they barter for Cloth and divers other commodities which the Armenians bring to Astrachan by the Caspian Sea and the English to Saint Nicholas by the Bay of Graduicum This Government is more tyrannicall than of any other Prince in the World for he is absolute Lord and disposer of the bodies and goods of his subjects Therefore Mahumet the Visier was wont to say That the Moscovite and the great Turke amongst all the Princes of the earth were only Lords of their owne Dominions and in that regard thought the journey of King Stephen of Poland would prove full of danger and difficulty The Kingdome is divided into foure parts by them termed Chetferds those governed by foure Lieutenants not resident upon their charges but attending on the Emperours person wheresoever he goeth and there holding their Courts but especially at Mosco the prime seat of the Empire where from their under-Deputies they receive the complaints of the Provinces and informe the Kings Councell of the businesse and from them againe receive instructions for amendment or reformation For you must note that the great Duke doth not trust any particular Nobleman with any eminent place of honour or dignitie but placeth therein a certaine Duke of meanest ranke and no great capacitie adjoyning with him in commission a Secretary to assist him or to speake more properly to direct him for in execution the Secretary doth all And being thus united they have authority over all persons in criminall and civill causes in levying of Taxes and Subsidies in mustring of Souldiers and commanding them to all services imposed by the Emperour or his Councell And to prevent all
in Russia is a Gentleman and none Gentlemen but Souldiers so that the son of a Gentleman is ever a Gentleman and a Souldier withall bound unto no other profession but meere Souldierie It is thought that no Prince in Christendome hath better store of munition which may partly appeare by the Artillery-house at Mosco where are divers sorts of great Ordnance all of Brasse very faire and to an exceeding great number Upon his frontiers lie the Tartars Precopenses those of the Taurica Chersonesus the Circassi and the Nagayans These people inhabit a Countrey seven daies journey distant and are governed by Dukes after the manner of the Helvetians He hath received great injury of the Precopenses without hope of amends because they are confederate with the great Turke and by him furnisht with Harquebusiers and Ordnance and have in their Kingdome many strong places fortified with Turkish Garrisons and therefore he thinketh it hard and dangerous to invade them being backed by the Turke whose power he should likewise stirre up against him It is the custome of the Precopi often used to make inrodes into the Provinces of the Great Duke as likewise of the Polonian to carry away whatsoever commeth to hand If the Great Duke have vanquished the Tartars of C●ssan and Astrachan let him attribute that Conquest to his great Ordnance which they wanted But the Precopi have the use of Guns and worth all the rest the favour and protection of the Turkish Emperor who thirsting to open a way into Moscouy or the Caspian sea assayed not many yeares 〈◊〉 to dig a trench from Tanais to Volga but his forces were put to flight by the Moscovites in feare of their utter destruction if the Turke had brought that designment to effect This was a device of greater courage than wisdome for the Moscovites not onely defeated his Navy taking part thereof but also put all his Land-forces to the Sword consisting of fourescore thousand Tartars five and twenty thousand Turkes and three thousand Ianizars As we have said before the Circassi live much after the manner of the Swissers they endevour not to inlarge their owne bounds but serve for wages sometime under the Turk sometime under the Persian sometimes under the Moscovite from whose Dominions they are so farre disjoyned that they stand in no feare of their severall greatnesses The Nagayans are more to be dreaded for their sudden inrodes and furious incursions than for jealousie of their forces or that they are able to raise or undertake any royall voyage Of late times they threatned the Moscovite but their fury was soon appeased by sending them presents It is the best course to hazard our money rather than our forces against the thefts spoyls of these barbarous Nations for when they have neither City nor strong place to subdue thereby to keepe them in subjection what can you terme the Warre made against them but labour with losse and charge without profit But to prevent all mischiefes the Duke is forced to keepe great troopes of Horse in Curachan Casan and Viatca against these Nagaij as also a great Garrison in Culagan upon Tanais against the Precopi But the mightiest of them all is the Chrim Tartar whom some call the Great Cham who lieth South and Southeastward from Russia and doth most annoy the Countrey by often invasions commonly once every yeare sometimes entering very far within the Inland parts In the yeare 1571. hee pierced as farre as the City Mosco with an Army of 200000. men without battell or resistance for that the Russe Emperour then Iu●n Vasiliwich leading forth his Army to encounter him mistooke the way The City he tooke not but fired the suburbs which by reason of the buildings consisting for the most part of wood kindled so quickly and went on with such fury as that it consumed the greatest part thereof almost within the space of foure houres where by fire and prease 800000. people or more were reported to have perished at that season Their principall quarrell ariseth about certaine Territories claimed by the Tartar but possessed by the Russe The Tartar alleageth that besides Astrachan and Cazan the ancient possession of the East Tartar the whole bounds North and West-ward so farre as the Citie of Mosco and Mosco it selfe pertaineth to his right which seemeth to be true by the report of the Russes themselves that tell of a certaine homage done by the Russe Emperour every yeare to the great Chrim the Russe Emperor standing on foot and feeding the Chrims horse sitting on horse-backe with Oats out of his owne Cap in stead of a Boule or Manger and that within the Castle of Mosco And this homage they say was done till the time of Basilius who surprizing the Chrim Tartar by a Stratagem undertooke by one of his Nobility was content to change this homage into a tribute of Furs which afterwards also was denyed whereupon they continue their quarrels the Russe defending his Countrey and Conquests and the Chrim invading him once or twice a yeare sometime about Whitsontide but oftner in Harvest What time if the great Chrim come in person he bringeth with him an Army of one hundred thousand or two hundred thousand men otherwise they make short and sudden rodes with lesser numbers running about the list of the borders like wilde-Geese invading and retyring as they see advantage And now being entred thus farre not without occasion into the manners of these Tartars I thinke it not amisse somewhat to discourse of their rights their Arming their Religion and Customes Their common practice being very populous is to make divers armies and so drawing the Russe into one or two places of the frontiers to invade at some place unsuspected and without defence Their order of fight is much after the Russe manner that is to thrust on all together without discipline in a hurry as they are directed by their Generall save that they are all Horse-men and carry nothing else but a Bow a sheafe of Arrowes and a Cemiter after the Turkish fashion They are very expert Horsemen and use to shoot as readily backward as forward Some will have a Horse-mans staffe like a Boare-speare besides their other weapons The common Souldier hath no other armour than his ordinary apparell viz. a black Sheepe-skin with the wooll-side outward in the day time and inwards in the night time with a Cap of the same But their Morseis or Noblemen imitate the Turke both in Apparell and Armour When they are to passe over a River with their Army they tie three or foure Horses together and taking peeces of wood they binde them to the tailes of their Horses and so sitting on the poles they drive their Horses over At handy strokes they are counted farre better men than the Russes fierce by nature but more hardy and bloody by continuall practice of war as men never inured to the delights of peace nor any civile practice Yet their subtiltie is
speech is very sudden and loud speaking as it were out of a deepe hollow throat Their chiefest exercise is shooting wherein they traine their children from their infancie and to conclude are the very same people whom the Greekes and Latines called Scytha-Nomades or the Scythian Shepherds There are divers other Tartars as I have afore said bordering upon Russia as the Nagaij the Cheremissens the Mordwits the Chircasses and the Shalcans all differing in name more than in custome or condition from the Chrim Tartar except the Chircasses that border South-East toward Lituania who are farre more civill than the rest of the Tartars of a comely personage and stately behaviour as imitating the fashion of the Polonian whereof some of them have subjected themselves to this Crowne and professe Christianity The Nagaij lieth Eastward and is reckoned the best man of warre among the Tartars but very savage above all the rest The Cheremissen Tartar lieth betweene the Russie and the Nagaij and are of two sorts the Luganoy that is of the valley and the Nagornay viz. of the hilly Countrey These have so troubled the Russe Emperour that under colour of a yearely pension of Russie commodities he is content to buy his peace yet with condition to serve him in his warres The most rude and barbarous is the Mordwit Tartar a people having many selfe-fashions and strange kinds of behaviour differing from the rest Next to the Kingdome of Astraehan the farthest part South-East of the Russie dominion lieth the Shalcan and the Country of Media whither the Russie Merchants travell for raw Silks Syndon Saftron Skins and other commodities The next bordering neighbour by Finland side is the King of Sweveland Of late times this King holding a long warre against him tooke from him by force the Castles of Sorenesco and Pernavia the great and the lesse in Livonia on the one side while King Stephen vexed him with a cruell warre on the other In the utmost bound of the Finland Bay the Swevian to his great charge possesseth the fortresse of Viburge maintaining therein a great Garrison to resist the attempts of the Russe Likewise in that Sea and on the coast adjoyning he keepeth the ships of warre as well to be ready at all assayes against the approaches of this great Duke as also to forbid the Easterlings the bringing in of munition and warlike furniture into any part of the Russies Dominions neither doth he suffer other Ships to saile in those Seas without a speciall Placard signed with his owne hand By the benefit of this Navy the King wheresoever he finds meanes to use it becommeth master of the Sea and by vertue thereof seizeth upon many places on the coast of Livonia and the bordering territories But where the Dukes horse or his great numbers of footmen may stand him in stead as in the open field removed from the Sea there he maketh his part good enough and most commonly puts the Swevian to the worst The best is Nature hath placed betweene them such rough Mountaines such cold such Ice and such snowes that they cannot greatly endamage one another The last neighbour is the King of Poland betweene whom and the great Duke this is the difference The Moscovite hath more territories the Polonians better inhabited and more civill the Moscovite more subjects and more subject the Polonian better souldiers and more couragious the Moscovites are apter to beare the shocke than to give a charge the Polonians to charge the Moscovite is fitter to keepe a fortresse the Polonian to fight in the field the Moscovite forces are better united the Polonian more considerate and better armed the Moscovite lesse careth for want and extremities the Polonian death and the sword yea either Nation is of greater worth when either of their Princes is of greater magnanimity As it hapned when Basilius conquered the great Duchie of Smoloncke and Poloncke and the large circuit of Livonia And againe when Stephen King of Poland in his last warres against Iohn Basilius his sonne reconquered Poloncke with divers other places of good reckoning besieged the City of Plesko and forced the Moscovite to leave all Livonia whereby I conclude such as is the valour and wisdome of either Prince such is the force and courage of their people Tartaria THe Empire of Tartaria laid prostrate under the Throne of the Great Cham. called Dominus dominantium and Rex regum spreadeth if selfe with to large imbracement that it extendeth from the Northerne Olba or if you will Tamais even to the Easterne Sea sometime surnamed the Atlanticke whose vast Lap is almost filled with a fry of Ilands and begirteth all the Countries called Scythia Ievomongal Sumongal Mercat Metrit the vast Desart of Lop Tangut Kataia and Mungia so that shouldering all the Northerne shore of the Caspian it runneth along without controll by the high looking walls of China and is over-shadowed by those formidable Mountaines Riphei Hyperborei Iman and Caucasus And although the Chrim Tartar would faine challenge affinity with the Turke expecting that if the Ottoman line should faile the greatest share of the worlds magnificence would devolve to him yet dare he not but acknowledge the Emperour Cham for his Lord paramount and is affrighted when hee heareth of any complaints to his prejudice From Scythia to the Province of Tangus they live in troops or hoords and remove from place to place according to the temperature of the season and plenty of feeding Nor before the yeare of Redemption 1●12 did we in Europe heare of the name of a Tartar but of Scythians Sarmatians Albanians and such who were all Idolaters They are men of square Stature broad Faces hollow Eies thin Beards and ugly Countenances swartish of Complexion not for that the Sunne kisseth them with extraordinary kindnesse but for that the aire and their sluttish customes corrupteth their bloud and bodies To which inconveniences Nature notwithstanding hath prevailed in the distribution of valour swift foot-manship vigilancy and patience to endure the many incumbrances of travell hunger and want of sleepe They love horses and from that love accustome themselves to a savage drinking of their bloud practicing a cunning theft therem which being inpunishable occasioneth many pretty changes both in keeping their owne and purloyning from others as if some civill Artist had instructed them in the Lacedemonian Lawes which tolerated theft for the better animating one another in the spoyling of their enemies In their travels and removement they are governed by their Stars and observing the North pole they settle according to its motion They live free from covetousnesse and are thus farre happy that the strange corruption of wealth breedeth no disorders amongst them yet have they a kinde of trafficke and by way of exchange continue mutuall commerces loving presents and can be contented to bee flattered even in their Barbarisme as all the Easterne people of the world I thinke are affected either by nature or tradition
Moscovie will suffer any of their subjects to travell out of their Dominions nor any stranger to enter in unlesse he come as an Ambassadour neither in this case is it lawfull for him to converse freely or to range at pleasure They live under divers Princes the principall whereof are those that weare greene on their Turbants These as aforesaid inhabit Shamercand and are at continuall enmity with the Persians Next are those of Bochan Mahumetans then those of Mogor of whom you shall heare hereafter and lastly those of Kataia whereof wee now intreat Never was there any Nation upon the face of the earth that enjoyed a larger Empery than they doe or have undertaken haughtier exploits and I would that they had had some who might have recommended by writing their doings to the World M. Paul Venetus writeth that this people once inhabited Ciurga and Barge Provinces situated upon the Scythicke Ocean without Citie Castle or House wandering like the Arabians from place to place according to the season of the yeare They as before acknowledged Un-cham whom some interpret Prester Iohn for their Soveraigne Lord to whom they gave the tenth of their cartell In processe of time they multiplied to such numbers and Un-cham being jealous of their neighbour-hood began to lessen their numbers and forces by sending them now hither now thither upon most long and desperate voyages as occasion offered Which when they perceived they assembled themselves resolving to leave their naturall soile and to remove so farre from the borders of Vn-cham that never after hee should have cause to suspect them this they performed After certaine yeares they elected amongst them a King called Changis to whom for the greatnesse of his glory and victories they added the Sir-name and Great This Changis departing from his owne Territories in the yeare of our Lord 1162. with a most fearefull Armie subdued partly by force and partly by the terrour of his name nine Provinces At last being denied the daughter of Un-cham in mariage he made warre upon him and overcomming him in battell cast him out of his Kingdome After the death of Changis his successours afflicted Europe In the yeare 1212. they drove the Polesochi from the bankes of the Euxine Sea In the yeare 1228. they spoiled Russia In the yeare 1241. they razed Kiovia the chiefe Citie of the Rutheni and Batu their Captaine wasted Polonia Silesia Moravia and Hungarie Innocent the fourth amazed with the tempest of these invasions in the yeare 1242. sent certaine Friers of the orders of Dominicke and Francis to the Court of this Great Cham to intreat a peace for Christendome The circuit of this Empire in the times above spoken of stretched from the uttermost bounds of Asia to Armenia and from Bengala to Volga yea their incursions pierced to Nilus and Danubius The Macedonian and Roman Empires were never so large But because they were rather Runnagates than men of warre wanting politicke government and military discipline sometime ruling one Province sometime another they rather wrought spoile and terrour to the conquered Nations than feare of bondage or subjection and at last seated themselves beyond the Mountaine Caucasus After it became divided into many Principalities yet so that the Title and Majestie of the Empire remained alwayes to the Cham who as wee said before tooke the originall of this name from the Great Changis The Region for the most part is very populous full of Townes rich and civill which you may the rather beleeve first for that the Tartars choosing this for their Countrey beautified it with the spoiles of Asia China and that part of Europe which they harried and were never wonne or taken from thence againe to this day next for that the Provinces are most commodiously situated for Trafficke and Negotiation partly by reason of their admirable Plaines and huge Lakes Amongst which are Cazaia whose waters are salt Guian Dangu Xandu and Catacora and partly by reason of their large Rivers which with a long course doe run by the Provinces of Curato Polisango Zaiton and Mecon Paulus Venetus calleth it Quion A great helpe hereunto likewise is the variety of fruits and the abundance of Graine Rice Wooll Silke Hempe Rhubarbe Muske and excellent fine Chamlets Paul writeth that it affordeth Ginger Cinamon and Cloves which I can hardly beleeve In many Rivers are found graines of gold Their coine is not all of one value In Kataia a coine is currant made of the blacke rinde of a certaine tree growing betweene the body and the barke this rinde being smoothed rounded and tempered with a gummie substance is stamped with the Image of the Great Cham. In the Kingdoms of Ca●acan and Carazan certaine sea-fish shels are currant which some men terme Porcelline This kinde of money is frequent in many places of India and Aethiope By this meanes the Princes get to themselves all the Gold and Silver of the Provinces which they cause to be molten and laid up in most safe places without ever taking any thing from thence againe In like sort Prest●r Iohn is thought to be Lord of inestimable Treasure while he maketh graines of Salt and Pepper to passe for currant Coine amongst his subjects They brew an excellent beverage of Rice and Spice which sooner procureth drunkennesse than Wine As the Arabians so they delight in sowre milke or Cosmus a kinde of churned sowre Mares-milke very forcible to turne the braine His force consisteth first as we told you in situation in spacious Territorie in goodly Cities in plenty of provision and in rich Revenues for amongst other things hee taketh the tenths of Wooll Silke Hempe Graine Cattell and is absolute Lord of all but the chiefe sinews of his State consisteth in his armed troopes These live alway in the field 4. or 5. miles remote from the Cities Over and above their Salarie they are allowed to make profit of their Cattell Milke and Wooll When he goeth to warre according to the custome of the Romans hee mustreth part of the Souldiery which lyeth dispersed thorow the Provinces For the most part all the Nations of the Tartars except the Varcheni who are not subject to the Great Cham fight on horseback Their Weapons are the Bow and Arrow with which they fight very desperately They are very swift their Tents are made of woven Wooll under which they keepe in foule weather Their chiefest meat is milke dried in the Sunne after the Butter is squeezed out yea the bloud of their horses if famine enforce them They fight not pell-mell with their enemies but sometime on the front sometime on the flanke after the Parthian manner overwhelming them as it were with a showre of arrowes Whosoever carrieth himselfe valiantly standeth assured of reward and is graced with honour immunities and gifts Twelve thousand horsemen are appointed for the guard of this Prince and it is said that of this kinde of force he is able to levie a greater power than any other
Christians of the Greek Church To which if you adde the Empire of Trebisond you shall then finde him great Controller of the Black-sea For although Russia Bogdonia Moldavia and some Polanders keepe the North and West shores yet is it as a man who alwaies for feare the theeves approach dare not slacken his guards for doubt of surprisall Next doth the pride of his Greatnesse send you into Assyria Syria Palestine Mesopotamia Iudea the three Arabies the Red-sea Aegypt and the shores of Afrike as farre as the confederation of the Kings of Barbarie F●z and Marocco Neither resteth he there but he can bring you to the Towers of Alexandria and bid you looke Northward as farre as is possible at all the Ilands in the Archipelago except Ca●die and some few other under the Venetian But is this sufficient Stay and answer your selves The fields of Greece lye waste and are ashamed to shew forth that disparitie of countenance which in times past Thracia Macedonia Thessalia Epyrus and Peloponnesus smiled with in ancient times Nay more his Bashawes will bring you to Buda and Belgrade and affright you with Hungaries conquest telling you that now it knoweth no other Proprietor but the Turke as Conquerour And concerning the Princes of Transylvania Slavonia Poland and others with whom he hath contracted a Treatie of pacification they notwithstanding observe such correspondencie as Wolves and Dogges doe watching advantages to prey upon the harmelesse His principall Cities are Trebisond Amasia Babylon or rather the ruines of confusion Tauris gotten if not regotten from the Persians Mecha famous for the history and death of Mahomet Cairo once Memphis of late new Babylon now the mirrour of heat dust sluttishnesse and the mortalitie of an hundred thousand in a yeare when the Pestilence rageth amongst them Aleppo the chiefe Seat of Syria and Constantinople a Citie exceeding all the Cities in Europe for populous numbers For it is thought that seven hundred thousand soules reside therein which if it be true it is well-neere twice as much as may be said of Paris Shall I come backe againe and tell you of Ierusalem Tyrus and Sidon Alas they are but names and all the miseries denounced by the Prophets have broken their bones asunder and bruised them like a rod of iron The few Cities of Europe the poore harbours of Asia the port Townes of the Ilands and the two Castles of the Hellespont stand upon no better termes Only Algier lifteth up the head of a strong Castle protesting a generall entertainment to Pirats and bragging of the defeature of Charles and Emperour Now if you demand how from so small a mole-hill such mountaines have beene raised know That in the yeare of grace 1300. did Ottoman the sonne of Zichis step before other Families and as if hee were adopted the darling of successe in his fathers behalfe obtaine jurisdiction over Bithynia Cappadocia and most part of Pontus His successour Orchanes conquered the great Citie of Prusia and made it the Seat of his Kingdome but in the two and twentieth yeare of his Progresse he was slaine by the Tartars and left his sonne Amurath to succeed both in his honour and family who perceiving the dissention of the Greekes and division of the Empire spent not his labours without a great satisfaction for with the water that drave the Mill hee drowned the same and invited as a guest to this banquet of Combats became Master of the feast So he made a conquest of Gallipolis Cherfonesus Peloponnesus Hadrianopole Servia Bulgaria and Mysia but after three and twentie yeares convulsion of the Grecian glory hee was stabbed with a dagger and so gave way to his sonne Bajacet to fill the chaire of imperiousnesse He began well attaining Phocis Macedonia and had indangered the most part of Thracia had not fortune kept him from insulting and tript up his heeles even in the race of his Triumph For with the losse of two hundred thousand Turkes against the valiant Tamberlane he also lost his freedome and how he died our Stages have instructed Mechanicall men yet in the meane while did Calephin his sonne take up the Colours of defiance and forbearing the revenges of Asia he wrecked his anger on Sigismond and determined to have over-run the other Kingdomes of Europe But prosperitie was not so attendant for ere six yeares had inlarged the branches of his strange spreading tree the axe was put to the root and as in Daniels vision Nebuchadnezzar-like hee fell to the earth But this stumpe sprung againe and Mahomet his sonne in imitation of his fathers progresse set forward his journey and wan Valachia Slavonia and infested all the borders of the Ionian sea making Hadrianople the store-house of his projects wherein for foureteene yeares he raised up such ornaments of Mars and Bellona that he terrified the Emperour of Germanie and all the Confederates of Hungarie Presently followed Amurath the second who filled up his Inventorie with Epyre Aetolia Achaia Beotia Attica and Thessalonica now Salenica subject to the Venetians with the gulph of Napoli adjacent to Nigropont Next him Mahomet the second overthrew the Schoole of Athens on a fatall day the nine and twentieth of May 1452. forced Constantinople whereof when Corinth Lemnes Mitylen Caplea a Towne belonging to the Genois and many other Ilands understood they tooke the course of prostitution and had some mercie extended The like part played Trebisond after that God gave him leave to continue two and thirtie yeares in pompe and jollitie After him Bajacet the second obtained Naupast Methon and Dirachium from the Venetians Then made hee a contract with Fortune for the most part of Dalmatia and thought to have bargained for Austria but the conditions were somewhat too unreasonable and an envious hand poysoned his bodie as ambition had inthralled this minde which was imputed to his sonne Selimus in detestation of his long life after whose departure this Selimus set forward for the conquest of Africa uniting Aegypt and Damascus to the Empire Now behold Fortunes wanton Soliman the magnificent who stepped backe againe into Europe and over-reached Belgrad Buda and Strigonium leaving Hungarie as a sorrowfull mother mourning for the losse of her dearest infants Yet herewith not satisfied he besieged Rhodes loading his Camels with the broken Colossus therein sometime erected to which hee added the devastation of the five Churches and Iula At Zigoth he was arrested with an imperious interdiction from his supreme Commander and so died His sonne Selim the second lived and reigned untill Cyprus fell from the Venetians 1570. This losse resembled a stone pulled from a ruinous wall which being loose before did not much indanger the foundation which the following battell of Lepanto did somewhat repaire by the reputation whereof the enemie ever since hath beene more considerate to try Masteries at Sea After him time wrought Amurath the third great Lord of Lords over-looking the most part of Europe and the West of Asia more proud of
of them Nor will I make any long discourse to intreat of Bajacet who conquered Bulgaria and destroyed Bosnia neither of Amurath the second who in person fought six and thirty battels and in all departed Conquerour And yet his sonne Mahumet the second exceeded him and all before him Equall to him was Selim the first who in eight yeares razed and extirpated the whole Empire of the Mamelukes defeated two Sultans and adjoyned to the purchases of his predecessors Aegypt Cerenaica and Syria a good part of Arabia and all that which lieth betweene the Syrtes of Aegypt and Euphrates And more than this did in a pitched field overthrow the Sophy of Persia. The memory of Soliman is yet fresh who for Armes was no whit inferiour to his ancestors but for gravity constancie civill carriage and fidelity of his word went beyond them all He wan the Island of the Rhodes from the Knights of S. Iohn of Ierusalem tooke Belgrade from the Hungarians with a great part of that Kingdome and from the Persians Babylon and Dyerbecha the two maine fortresses of the Turkish Empire in those quarters All which notwithstanding this honourable State having both before them and on both their skirts this so-powerfull an enemy covering both Sea and Land with his forces have to this day by their provident wisdome so governed their affaires that in despight of him they have hitherto maintained themselves not onely in liberty but also in prosperity and reputation of greatnesse His last neighbour is the King of Spaine betweene whom there is no great difference you shall heare the Spaniard say that the Kings revenues they meane those of Europe only exceed the Turkish for he receiveth more than foure millions out of his Provinces of Italy and Sicilie two and upward out of Portugal and three from the Indies one yeare with another In these onely he equallizeth the Turke yea and in the ordinary revenues of Castile Arragon and Belgia he farre exceeds him But what can you finde say some men to compare to his Timars First I answer that as the Kings revenues are farre greater than the Turks so also his Subsidies which he levieth extraordinarily of late times for the most part turned into ordinary as his Croisados doe amount to as much as the entire profits of some whole Kingdome His tenths of the spirituall livings are able to maintaine one hundred strong Gallies his eicheats in Spaine and Naples bring more into his Coffers than a man would thinke His benevolences and presents sent him from Naples Sicily Sardinia Millan and the New-world are infinite and magnificent Not long since Castile granted a contribution of eight millions of gold to be paid in foure yeares which summe amounteth to the Turks whole Revenue of one yeare What should I speake of his Commendams of the orders of Montegia Calatravia Alcantara and S. Iames which were enough if he had nought else to suffice him he is great Master of the said orders and thereby hath meanes to advance and enrich his servants whomsoever he pleaseth as freely as if he were King of France and Poland Also in Spaine he keepeth three thousand good horsemen and as many in Flanders in Millan foure hundred men at Armes and a thousand light-horse in Naples fifteene hundred men at Armes and a great company of light-armed Italians The number of his souldierie in Sicily is one thousand five hundred Neither are his feodaries lightly to bee esteemed who upon necessity are bound by their tenures at their owne charges to serve personally in the field especially if you consider their numbers wherein are reckoned three and twenty Dukes two and thirty Marquesses nine and forty Viscounts seven Archbishops for they likewise in this case are bound to contribute as the great Lay-Lords three and thirty Bishops And in Naples fourteene Princes five and twenty Dukes seven and thirty Marquesses foure and fifty Earles foure hundred forty eight Barons to speake nothing of Portugal Sicily Sardinia and Millan Lastly you must note that these troopes to whom the Turke granteth these Timars are not so renowned for their valour as for their number For the Timars and profits of their Villages and possessions together with the greedy desire of enriching themselves with the demaines of their Farmes hath bred such love of ease and peace in their mindes that they are growne cowardly and base minded by their good wills hating the travels of warre and journeyes and marching with a greater desire of returning home to enjoy the pleasures of their Gardens and the plenty of their Granges than with stomacks to cope with their adversaries or to enrich themselves by hazard For if by a little pillage fierce and valiant Souldiers have become cowards and men of small service what will faire possessions a pleasant seat a rich dairy and wife and children left behind bring to passe I may well say and say truly that these Timariots are fitter to bridle and keepe under the subdued Provinces than to fight in field against armed Nations and to this use it is good policy to maintaine them For who knoweth not that the Turkish subjects doe hate his Government his Religion and Tyranny For Religion onely the Moores and Arabians who differ in opinion and for Religion and Tyranny the Christians who make more than two third parts of his Subjects For jealousie hereof hee is forced to keepe the greater part of these troops at home unlesse hee should lay naked his estates to infinite casualties To speake in a word his Cavalrie is so farre and wide dispersed thorowout the Provinces that they cannot easily be drawne to any famous journey in great numbers without losse of long time neither are they able to stay long from their houses but they will fall into diseases and extremities so that if the Grand Seignior had no other aids neerer hand but these Timariots hee might happen to make very many unfortunate journeyes The experience offore-passed exploits doth well shew the difference of their severall forces The losse of the Spanish Fleet at Zerby may bee put in the balance against the Turkish flight from Malta The losse of Goletta against the taking of the Rocke of Velez Tunis is alwaies to be taken at his pleasure who hath a liking thereto The Spanish King never enterprized any sole journey against the Turke but he hath valiantly defended his owne at Malta and Oran I will speake nothing of the defeature at Lepanto for other Princes had their shares therein A treaty of truce was mentioned betweene both Princes not many yeares since and equally accepted of both parties For the one was invested in the Warre of Persia the other in the commotions of the Low Countries These Warres by reason of their remote distances were extreme chargeable to both Princes but worser to the King than to the Turke for although Persia be farre from Constantinople from whence the principall smewes of the warre were to bee drawne yet it bordereth upon
transported out of Creet into Poland and Germany is carried thorow this Country whereof the Vaivod receiveth a massie impost Of those Countries which at this day the Turks terme Natolia THat which the Turkes at this day terme Natolia or Turcia major once Asia minor comprehendeth the Provinces of Pontus Bithynia Asia it selfe Lycia Galacia Pamphylia Cappadocia Cilicia and Armenia the lesse and in these Provinces of ancient times flourished the States and Kingdomes of the Trojans of Mithridates of Craesus of Antigonus of the Paphlagonians of the Galathians of the Cappadocians and Phrygians All which at this day are not sufficient to satisfie the onely ambition of the Turkish tyranny The Inhabitants for the most part are Mahumetans and naturall Turkes of simpler natures than the Turkes of Europe and nothing so cruell as the Renegado Christians Yet are there many Christians among them in many of these Regions following the Rites of the Greeke Church Among these Turkes there is no acknowledgement of Superioritie Bloud or Nobility but all are equall slaves to the Grand Seignior over whom he appointeth Beglerbegs and Sanziaks They are either a kinde of idle or lofty people for they are smally industrious and were it not for their slaves their grounds would generally lie unmanured Pontus and Bithynia are now united under one name and called Bursia Here once reigned the great King Mithridates and here stood the famous Cities of Chalcedon Nicomedia Apamaea Prusia Nice and Heraclea Ponti Asia propria now Sabrun is the peculiar Province of Asia minor containeth in it many famous Provinces as Phrygia major minor Caria Mysia c. In Phrygia minor stood that Noble citie of Troie famous at this day saith Bellonius an eie-witnesse for its very ruines of wals gates circuit and marble sepulchers found upon the wayes without the wals Pamphilia now Caramania is one of the old seven Sangiakships of Turkie and yeeldeth 8000. ducats of yearly revenue In this Country as also in Cilicia are woven those fine cloths which we call Chamblets watered and unwatered they are made of the haire of Goats so fine and white as no Silke can surpasse them in those two properties Cappadocia now Amasia is a goodly Country and the seat of the Turks eldest Son In it are many goodly cities as Trapezond once the seat of the Comneni Emperors of Trapezond whose Name and Progenie ahumet the second utterly extinguished Cilicta now part of Caramania is a good Country the Inhabitants are given to pasturing of Goates for lucre of their fleeces of which they make their Chamblets but otherwise neither given to Fishing Navigation nor Husbandrie At the foot of Mount Taurus saith Bellonius are divers small Villages and excellent pastures about them which for the fertilitie thereof should seeme to be one of the Turkish Races from thence he culleth out every yeare six hundred horse of service which they highly esteeme and name Caramanni Armenia minor is a better soile and more populous than Cappadocia and round about incircled with tall huge broken and wooddie mountaines Arabia triplex THe three Arabiaes are likewise a parcell of the Empire which is a marvellous great Country included between two huge bosomes of the sea in manner of a Peninsula viz upon the West and East with the Arabian and Persian gulfes upon the South with the Ocean and upon the North with Syria and Euphrates The Inhabitants are indifferently called Arabians Saracens or Moores Those are the true Arabians which live out of Cities in Tents dispersed over Syria Aegypt and Africke these give themselves to feed cattell and droves of Camels Those which inhabit Cities are called Moores and were once of such puissance that they not onely subdued Syria Persia and Troglodytica but likewise Aegypt a great part of Africke and almost all Spaine with the Iland of Sicilie and the Kingdome of Naples Two hundred yeares they kept possession of these peeces but of some part of Spaine 700 even untill the dayes of our fathers And further this accursed generation at this day is not onely spread over all the Southerne coast of Asia viz Persia East India and the Islands of the Indian Sea but are likewise advanced with great prosperitie unto divers wealthy Kingdomes famous Cities worthy Mart-townes yea overall the South-coast of Africke Under this people the Turkes were first called into Asia to beare armes Of their manners we have spoken elsewhere In their Religion they are Mahumetans for in this Countrie that false Prophet first opened his superstitious Wardrobe This is a vast Countrie full of Desarts yet well inhabited with populous warlike multitudes especially toward Euphrates and the Mountaines of Arabia felix whither Merchants resort The residue towards the West is sandy by which if a man be to travell he must have the Starres to his guide company for his safeguard and provision for his diet Otherwise he shall surely lose his way surrender his goods to the theevish Arabes or starve in the Desart for want of food To secure the which passages as well against those who live on the side of Euphrates towards Aegypt as through all Arabia Petrea and Deserta the Grand Seignior entertaineth the king of those Arabians which inhabit Mesopotamia And for this his service as a Turkish Sanziak hee holdeth Ana and Dir two townes situated upon the said river He is a poore King but accompanied with 10. or 12. thousand beggerly subjects living and lying intents of course blacke Hair-cloth which forces notwithstanding these wilder ones are so infinite in multitudes and so unpossible to be brought unto a more civill manner of living that for their danger toward strangers and the continuall spoiles which they commit upon those parts of the Turkes Dominions which every way border upon them necessitie inforceth him also to maintaine two other garrisons the first of twelve thousand in Cairo the other of one thousand five hundred in Damasco Wherein it is to be noted That sithence those of Damasco doe not only defend that peece but are also distributed thorow other cities of Soria as Aleppo Antiochia and Ierusalem one thousand five hundred men were not able to sustain and answer to such a charge unlesse by being both Ianizars and Timariots also they have many followers and attendants Who as else where I have shewed you are not onely mightie in reputation and powerfull in number but also every yeare accustomed to spare and cull out strong troops warlikely and pompously provided to send into Hungarie For surely without this order all the passages of the Caravans which yearely come from Balsara and the Red-sea would become so infectious that neither Bagdet nor Damasco could receive the commodities of those parts to the annuall losse of two millions of Entrado to the grand Seignior Amongst these it was that Sir Anthony Sherly travelled and found them so well governed that without any wrong offered he passed thorow them all
the mountaines but Amazar detesting the tyranny of his Lord conveied the children to his owne house and brought them up like Gentlemen amongst his owne sonnes and falling sicke of a deadly disease forecasting what might happen after his decease gave them horses and money willing them to flie and to betake themselves to their mothers house and tuition Ismael the eldest was no sooner returned to his mothers place but he vowed revenge for his fathers death and after some fortunate expeditions tooke upon him the cause and protection of the followers of Halie from whom hee derived his pedegree Hee made the Turbant higher and sent Ambassadours to all the Orientall Mahumetans to exhort them to unity in Religion and Cognisances By these meanes and fortune of his armes he became a terror to the East and slew Ossan then Usurper of the Persian State with his ten brethren except Marabeg who saved himselfe and sled to Soliman first Emperour of the Turkes imploring his aid This Ismael at the Lake Vay overthrew with a great slaughter the Prince of the Tartars Zagatai and in heat of his victory had passed the River Abbian if his Astrologian in whom he greatly trusted had not foretold him that his passage should bee prosperous but his returne unfortunate Hee left to his sonnes a most spacious Empire bounded with the Caspian Sea the Persian Gulfe the Lake Sioc the Rivers Tygris and Oxus and the Kingdome of Cambaia which Provinces containe more than twenty degrees from East to West and eighteene from North to South And although these Kingdomes lying within these bounds held not immediatly of the Crowne of Persia yet all acknowledge the Persian for their soveraigne Prince that is to say the Kings of Matam Patan Guadel and Ormus Georgia and Mengrellia being Christian Countries according to the superstition of the Greeke Church submitted to certaine conditions as toleration of Religion payment of Tribute and disclaiming to assist the Turke against them and so obtained a kind of peace and protection untill againe the Persians declined by the fortunes of the Ottomans The like course ranne Media now called Servan Dierbechia once Mesopotamia Cusistan the inhabitation of the Susiani Farsistan the Country of the Persians Strava once Hircania Parthia at this day called Arac Caramanie now Sigestan Carassa Sablestan and Istigiu whose ancient names were Drangia Bactria Parapamisus Margiana Of these Regions those which lie neerest to the Persian Sea are most plentifull by reason of the Rivers every where dispersed thorow the whole Land Amongst these Rivers the most famous is Bindimir to whose waters the Inhabitants are much beholding conveying it by trenches and other inventions into their grounds to their great ease and commodity The Provinces lying upon the Caspian Sea for their Rivers and temperature doe likewise participate of the said fertility especially all those quarters which are watered with the River Puly-Malon falling into the Lake Burgian the residue of the Province is dry by reason whereof Townes and Villages are seldome seene in those places unlesse it be by some springs or waters side The most ample and magnificent Cities of Persia are Istigias the chiefe seat of Bactria thought to be one of the pleasantest Cities of the East Indion the chiefe City of Margiana situated in so fat and fertile a territory that therefore Antiochus Soler caused it to be walled about Candahar the chiefe seat of Pamaparisus famous for the trafficke of Indiae and Cathaia whither the Merchants of those Countries doe resort E rt the chiefe City of Aria so abounding with Roses that thereof it should seeme to take the name Barbarus saith it is of thirteene miles compasse Ispaa the chiefe seat of Parthia so spacious for the circuit thereof that the Persians hyperbolically terme it the halfe World Chirmaine is the chiefe seat of Caramania renowmed for the excellent cloth of gold and silver woven therein Eor is a noble City and so is Custra of Susiana But all these for beauty and magnificence may bow and bend to Syras seated upon the River Bindimire It was once the chiefe seat of Persia and as some thinke called Persepolis Alexander the Great burnt it to the ground at the intreatie of his Concubine but afterward being ashamed of so vile an action caused it to bee re-edified It is not at this time so great as in times past yet it is thought to bee one of the greatest Cities in all the Orient with its suburbs which are in compasse twenty miles It is a Proverbe among the Persians Quando Suars erat Siras tunc Cairus 〈◊〉 Pagus yet they account it not very ancient neither are they of their opinions who will have it the head of ●●●ia Tauris and Casbin are famous Cities and besides their magnificence they may glory that in them the Kings of Persia for the most part keepe their residences The forme of Government of this Nation is not like the Government of any other Mahumetan people neither is ●● There are also many desarts and many mountaines disjoyning the Provinces farre asunder Herein it resembleth Spaine where for want of navigable Rivers except towards the Sea-coast traffike is little used and mountaines and Provinces lie unmanured for scarcity of moisture But Nature unwilling that humane life should want any easement hath so provided for mutuall commerce in these sandy and barren places that through the labour of Camels the want of Navigation is richly recompenced thorowout Persia the bordering Countries These beasts carry wondrous burdens and will longer continue than either Horse or Mule They will travell laden with a thousand pound weight and will so continue forty dayes and upward In sterile and deepe sandy Countreyes such as are Lybia Arabia and Persia they drinke but once every fifth day and if extremity enforce they will endure the want of water ten or twelve When their burdens are off a little grasse thorns or leaves of trees will suffice them There is no living thing lesse chargeable and more laborious certainly ordained of nature a fit creature for those sandy and deepe places of Asia and Africke wherein even man himselfe feeleth the want of food and water Of these there are three sorts upon the lesser men travell the middle sort have bunches on their backs fit for carrying of Merchandize the greater and stronger are those which carry burdens of one thousand pound weight these are their ships the sands their Seas What numbers of horsemen this King is able to levie was manifested in the warres betweene Selim the first and Ismael betweene Ismael and Soliman and betweene Codabanda and Amurath Not one of them brought above thirty thousand horse into the field but so throughly furnished that they had little cause to feare greater numbers The richer and abler sort arme themselves after the manner of our men at Armes the residue being better than the third part of their Cavalry content themselves with a Scull a Jack and
a Cemiter They use the Launce the Bow indifferently There is scarce a better Musketteer in the whole world than the Persian generally is at this day nor a sorer fellow at the Spade or at a Mine Of both these the Portugals had sensible experience at the siege of Ormuz lately taken from them by the Persian Touching their riches the common opinion is that in the dayes of King Tamas the yearely Revenues amounted to foure or five millions of Gold who by a sudden doubling of the value of his coine raised it to eight and accordingly made payment to his Soldans and souldiers But in these dayes by the conquest of the great Turke they are much diminished and it is thought that they amount to little more than two But indeed the feodary Lands Townes and Villages Tenths Shops c. which are very many supply a great part of the pay due to the companies of those his horsemen above mentioned Towards the East bordereth the Mogor upon the North the Zagatai Towards the West the Turke possesseth a large frontier With the Mogors he is little troubled for as Spaine and France by reason of the narrow streight and difficult passages over the mountaines cannot easily convey necessaries the life of an Armie to infest one another So towards the frontiers of India and Cambaia Provinces belonging to the Mogors high Mountaines and vast Desarts keepe good peace betweene these two Princes yet infest they one another on the borders of Cahull Sablestan of which certaine Lords of the Mogors have gotten the dominion He commeth not neere the borders of the great Cham betweene whom certaine petty Princes and impassable Desarts doe oppose themselves It seemeth that toward the Zagatai he standeth content with those bounds which the River Oxus hath laid out for he never durst passe it and when Zaba King of the Zagatai had passed it hee was overthrowne with much slaughter by Ismael So was Cyrus by Tomyris who slew him and all his host The Turk is a borderer all alongst the western coast of this whole Empire even from the Caspian Sea to the gulfe Saura a tract almost of fifteene degrees He hath no enemy so dangerous nor more to be feared nor at whose hands in all conflicts for the most part he hath received greater losse Mahumet the second overthrew Vssanchan and tooke from David his Vassall and Confederate the Empire of Trapezond Selim the first did overthrow Ismael in Campania and tooke from him Caramit Orfa Merdis and all the territory which they call Alech Soliman put Tamas to flight and tooke from him Babylon and all Mesopotamia In our dayes Amurath wonne whatsoever lieth betweene Derbent and Tauris wherein is comprehended Georgia and Sirvan and by building of fortresses in Teflis Samachia and Ere 's assured the passages of Chars Tomanis and Lori He is Lord of all that lieth betweene Erzirum Orontes a River three daies journey beyond Tauris In this City he caused a Citadell to be built not minding to leave it as did Selim and Soliman but thereby as with a curbe to bridle and keepe it In this warre which lasted from the yeare 1591. to 1597. the Turks altered their forme of warfare for whereas they were wont to lay their whole hopes upon their numbers the valour of their horsemen and footmen their store of artillery and warlike furniture scorning to be cooped up in Castles and Fortresses for the most part spoyling and burning whatsoever they overcame or became Lords of and taking as little care to keepe what they had conquered supposing it no good policie to fortifie Castles or strengthen Townes by weakning of their companies in these warres to avoid the inconveniences where into Selim and Soliman were plunged they were glad to build strong places upon commodious passages and Citadels in the chiefest Townes furnishing them with good Garrisons and great store of Artillery This warre cost them very deare for by surprises by famine and extremities of weather infinite thousands perished yet alwayes to the losse of the Persian or his Confederates In the field the Persian is farre inferiour to the Turke in numbers and goodnesse of footmen in Ordnance in all sorts of warlike furniture and the chiefe stay of a State in obedience of subjects Notwithstanding if Selim Soliman or Amurath had not beene allured thither either by rebellion or intestine discords they durst not have medled with this warre Selim was called into the aid of Mara-beg the son of Ossaen a mighty Prince in Persia. Soliman came in aid of Elcaso the brother of Taemas hatefull to his Soveraigne for his ambition and aspiring humour and in the end abused the credit and good will of the people toward Elcaso to the furtherance of his owne designments Amurath never tooke weapon in hand against this people before he understood by the letters of Mustapha Bassa of Van that all Persia was in uprore about the election of a new Prince thereby certifying him that some had chosen Ismael some Ainer both sonnes of Tamas and that Periacocona slaying her owne brother Ismael and betraying Ainer had procured the Kingdome to Mahumet Codobanda After this mischiefe fell those fatall jarres betwixt Codobanda and his sonne and betwixt the Turcoman Nation a mighty family in Persia and the King A faction no lesse disasterous to the State of Persia than the warre of Turkie Against the Portugal for want of Sea-forces hee stirreth not and againe for want of Land-forces the Portugals are not able to molest his upland Countries Tamaes being counselled to make a voyage against Ormus asked what commodities the Island brought forth whether Corne Cattell Fruit or what other good thing When it was answered that the soile was utterly barren and destitute of provision but excellently well seated for traffike and navigation scoffing at the motion he replied That of this kinde of Revenue he had released unto his people above 90000. Tomana Truth is that he wanteth shipping to put the Portugals out of those Seas where these stead not he is content to reigne from India to Arabia East and West and from the Caspian to the South side of the Persian gulfe And as for these ninety thousand Tomana being in our account eighty thousand French crownes of annuall Revenue said to bee decreed in the dayes of this Tamas upon the generall customes of importation and exportation thorowout the whole Realme I can give my Reader no other satisfaction why to thinke the stomacks of great Princes can at any time be cloyed with such surfets unlesse hee be pleased to imagine that after this Prince or his Predecessor had received one or two dismall overthrowes by the Turkish forces and that not so much by their valours as by his owne deficiencie in shot ordnance and discipline he set on foot this Proclamation First to induce his owne people to manuall thrift and mutuall commerce And secondly to allure Gentlemen and forren Merchants to
frequent his Dominions Without the which inticements peradventure they might be unwilling to hazard their estates from farre Nations amongst such barbarous and unsure customers For sure hee was that his Neighbours could not and the Portugals would not supply those necessities which concerned the life and essence of an intire Estate THE FIFTH BOOKE Of India commonly called Asiatica or East-India INdia is a spacious portion of Asia the most Noble part of the World and far exceeding any other apportionment comprehended under one name Tartarie only excepted As that which without other addition lifteth up her Title alone to challenge all the Territories betweene China and Persia A conteinue almost twelve hundred leagues yet divided into many Kingdomes Amongst whom he is principall that most obtaineth by force and popularitie The Region is most wholesome to inhabit by the favour of the Westerne winds but in regard of its spaciousnesse subject to diverse Temperatures As in some places to heat viz. towards the Equator In some to temperatures or rather to cold as towards the North. But generally for goodnesse of situation health and fertilitie it is farre better than any other Countrey And therefore seldome or never feeleth famine or scarcitie the misery whereof is prevented by the benefit of Rivers as in Aegypt For the two great Rivers of Indus and Ganges water it thorowly which being divided into a thousand brookes insulteth of two Summers temperature of Aire with duplicitie of increase And that wee are but Adventurers for those delicacies which shee vtlipendeth and yet not admitted to the understanding of one halfe of her worth yet hath it its Desarts scorching Sands places infested with wilde Beasts and unpeopled by reason of impenetrable woods And although the Region wanteth Wheat yet aboundeth it with divers sorts of fruits of Pulses of Barley and Rice Vines they haue none but rare and therefore brew their Beverage of Barley and Rice Fruit-trees and trees fit to make linnen cloth of they have in abundance and out of the Palme they produce Wine Vinegar and fruit to eat The particular of their Silkes Bombasies Elephant Serpents Spices Stones and divers famous Rivers being well knowne I will not stand to recite The natures and fashions of the Inhabitants briefly I will who being diversly dispersed into divers Regions and Principalities doe diversly differ in language visage habit manners and religion Both men and women imitate a noble pompe as not incountred abroad nisi m●gna comitante caterva using many odours in their baths and washings nor are they without oiles and perfumes jewels pearls and other ornaments befitting the businesse they intend Of whom the foure principall Nations that inhabit this tract are the Indians viz. the Natives and they for the most part are Gentiles The second are the Iewes and they are dispersed here as else-where over the whole face of the earth The third are the Mahumetans whereof some are Persians and some Scythians now called Mogors living in the upland Countries The fourth are the Moores or Arabians who within these two hundred yeares usurping upon the maritime coasts of the Country have built them places and Cities very fit for Trafficke and expulsed the Natives into the more Inland Countries And now of late besides those ancient Christians which Saint Thomas converted there reside many Portugals natives and M●sticos who are daily converted by the industry of the Iesuits to the Christian beleefe who have taught them to baptize Children and to fast Wherein they are now tedious observants as all barbarous people are the best maintainers of customes and ceremonies especially where the Roman Church instructeth The Portugals intruded by armes prayers and policie Their purchases I account to be so farre from the name of a Conquest as was the possession of the English from the Crowne of France when they held nothing but ●alais in Picardie Howbeit for state and ostentation every third yeare a Vice-Roy is sent to Goa from whom and from whence all inferiour deputations have their directions and governments Here he hath his Councell his Nobles his Chancery and Iustices as is used in Portugal from whence in Civill cases the parties may appeale to Portugal but in Criminall no one person except he be a Gentleman He is very magnificent in State and never goeth abroad unlesse to Church and then attended with musike and accompanied with all the principall Gentlemen and Burgers of Goa on horsebacke with a guard of souldiers before behinde and on each side It is a place of great honour and profit For besides the presents which the bordering Princes round about Goa send them at their first entrances for contraction of peace and friendship by their Embassies they have also the management of the Kings revenues and treasure with absolute allowance from his Majestie to give spend and reward as best pleaseth him When a new Vice-Roy arriveth the time of the former being expired hee presently dispatcheth his Lieutenants with sufficient authoritie in their Masters name to receive the possession of the Government of India and to prepare the Palace Whereupon the old Vice-Roy maketh quicke and cleane riddance of all Vtensils neither leaving one stoole in the Palace nor one peny in the Treasury So that these great Officers by reason of their short time of imployment have enough to doe The first yeare to furnish their house with necessaries The second to gather treasure and to respect the causes that moved them to come into India The third and last yeare to prepare themselves and to settle their businesses in order left they be overtaken and surprised by the approach of a new successour The like is to be understood of all the Captaines in the Forts and of all other Officers thorowout these Indies The Great Mogor IT shall alwayes beene beleeved that the territory lying betweene Ganges and the 〈◊〉 Indus hath evermore beene subject to great and mighty Monarchs For to be silent in matter of more ancient memory about the yeare of our Lord 1300 there reigned in the Kingdome of Delos and Arabian Prince of the f●●t of Mahumet named Sanofaradin as Iohn Barros reporteth of so great power strength that he enterprised the conquest of Asia Upon which resolution forsaking these Regions in which Indus and Ganges take heir beginnings with a mighty Army by little and little he subdued those Princes and people which did oppose against him untill he pierced to the bounds of Canora where it beginneth at the River Bate about Chaul and stretcheth betweene Bate the Gulfe of Bengala to Cape Comerine When he had wonne so large and famous a territory resolving to returne to Delos he left Abdessa his Lieutenant in Canora This man encouraged by the victories of his Master and presuming upon his owne good fortune bereaved the Gentiles of the greater part of Canora and hauing gathered a most mighty and populous Army compacted of Gentiles Mahumeta● and Christians after he had reigned twenty
shoulders of these slaves In a word as a lawfull and just Prince hath a great regard and singular care to have the liking and love of his people by which being guarded and environed as with a strong rampire hee is able to withstand all attempts so contrariwise tyrants knowing themselves hatefull to their subjects imploy their whole study how to win the favour of their souldiers and slaves thereby to represse innovations at home and invasions from abroad Seeing therefore the safety and foundation of their greatnesse is built on the entertainment of their Souldiers as their Naiors their Ianizars free or bond strangers or subjects yea whatsoever they be it must needs follow that onely actions of warre may be the end and scope of their cogitations as likewise that they be very prodigall to keepe their estates very well furnished and appointed with souldiers and provisions And these reasons I take to be sufficient inducements to beleeve the reports of this King of Cambaia and these other barbarous Indian Princes For besides that I spake of before it is reported that with this army did march a thousand peeces of Ordnance among which were foure Basiliskes every one drawne with an hundred yoke of Oxen five hundred Wagons laden with Gun-powder and Bullets two hundred armed Elephants five hundred Chests full of Gold and Silver to pay souldiers wages besides many Princes and petty Lords with their Followers Merchants Victualers Artificers and their Seruants numberlesse Notwithstanding this his incredible preparation hee was twice overthrowne by Marhumedio once in the Territory of the City of Doce and another time at Mandao from whence disguising his apparell to save his life he fled to Diu. Being out of danger and feare he sent Ambassadors to Soliman with a present esteemed worth 60000. Crownes desiring his aid in these warres But afterward weighing in his minde that these affaires required speedier succours hee contracted a league with those Portugals which were neerest adjoyning to make them his friends and partners of the Warre the composition was that he should permit them to build a Castle in the Iland of Diu. Now to speake of Marhumedius his fortunes were not much unlike to those of Tamerlan for as this Prince brought terror and feare upon the inhabitants of Persia and Asia so did that no lesse innovation and trouble upon India and the Orient This defeated in battell Bajazet Emperour of Turkes that overthrew Badurius King of Cambaia and his army farre greater than his owne both of them had the sirname of Great When the Mogors understood of the riches of India and the fertility thereof they never ceased by a continuall course of victory their armes and invasions till they had made themselves Lords of the Provinces lying betweene Caucasus and the Sea Ganges and the River Indus In this tract are contained seven and forty Kingdomes For Adabar the successor of Marhumedius won Madabar with the better part of Cambaia Of what goodly consequence this Province is may bee imagined by the famous City of Madabar Campana so called for situation upon the top of a high hill rising in the midst of a spacious plaine and Cambaia a City consisting of an hundred and thirty thousand houses as likewise by the populous host of King Badurius his warlike provision for such an army and plenty of graine to sustaine such multitudes I assure you the world affords not a soile for all necessaries for the life of man as Rice Corne Pulse Sugar Oxen Sheepe Pullen of all sorts and Silke more richer or plentifull than this Province wherein also there are reported to be sixty thousand Burroughs which number certainly is very great and admirable Guicciardine writeth that in Netherland within the Territory of the seventeene Provinces are contained two hundred and eight walled Townes and an hundred and fifty Burroughs enjoying the rights and privileges of Cities and six thousand three hundred Villages having Parish Churches In Naples are a thousand eight hundred of these some are Townes some but Castles In Bohemia are seven hundred and fourescore Townes and thirty two thousand Villages In France as Iohn Bodine writeth are two thousand seven hundred Boroughs having Parish Churches besides those in Burgundie which in those times were not numbred amongst the Townes of France I write this to induce a true and absolute judgement of the power of any Province by the number of Parishes for I know that that ought to be made according to their greatnesse but yet their number maketh much to the purpose as in both which Cambaia may carry the credit and esteeme of a most spacious populous and puissant Kingdome Acabar also conquered the rich Kingdome of Bengala so that a man may truly say that in this part of the Orient there are three Emperours one in Cambaia the other in Narsinga and the third in Bengala whereof Cambaia and Bengala farre exceed all the other Provinces in fertility of soile and concourse of Merchants both riotously abounding in Sugar Cotton-wooll Cattell Elephants and Horses In Bengala also groweth long Pepper and Ginger The first is watered and cut as it were into two halfes by the River Indus the other by Ganges having two famous Mart-townes Satagan and Catagan The great Mogor doth likewise possesse the Kingdomes of Citor Mandao and Delly wherein he keepeth his Court. He hath infinite store of Horses Elephants and Camels as also all sorts of Artillery and warlike furniture by meane whereof he is growne fearefull to the whole Inhabitants of the East It is written of him that he is able to bring into the field three hundred thousand horse and that there are within his Dominions fifty thousand Elephants Some man perhaps will aske how it commeth to passe that this Prince being so mighty and his neighbours so naked unarmed and poore doth not get into his possession the Dominion of the rest of India and the Orient In this as in the former unlikelihoods the wisest man is soonest answered There are many obstacles one is that as the spirit and body of man cannot endure in continuall travell and motion for that is onely proper to God and Nature so a continued and open passage is not evermore given to the ambitious apprehensions of Kings and Princes Great Empires seldome feare forren invasions yet oftentimes faint they under their owne weight It is not destinied unto great things to stand alwayes at the highest much lesse to increase they have their floud but upon a remedilesse condition that there follow an ebbe They are lifted on high but by the irrevocable decree of Nature that a fall succeed yea and that themselves by themselves decline The greater they are the more subject to mutabilitie the larger the harder to hold and mannage they move but slowly and of what effect celerity is in warre who knoweth not The greatest conquest carrieth the greatest envie with it and greatest care to conserve what is got and yet not care but long continuance perfecteth these
offence but that the same hath beene turned to defense Of which kinde are Castles built of later times and the devices of moderne fortification whereby few souldiers have resisted great Armies and a small place made tenable hath wasted the forces and treasure of a mighty Emperour as well witnessed the fortunes of eight hundred Portugals at Domaine upon the coast of Cambaia who by this Art scorned and deluded the whole forces and attempts of this mighty Mogor China IN times past the Kingdome of China hath beene farre larger than now it is For it appeareth by their Histories containing the Annals of 2000. yeares and upward and by other of their manuscript Chronicles written in their owne language whose fragments are yet to be seene that their Kings were Lords almost of all the Sea-coast of Asia from the streight of Anian to the Kingdome of Pegu the Provinces of Meletai Becam Calan Boraga and other territories situated upon the North side of Pegu where their monuments with their Epitaphs devices are to be seen at this day For in all the foresaid Regions the relicks of their ancient ceremonies wherby the knowledge of the Mathematicks as the division of the yeare into moneths the Zodiacke into 12. signes true testimonies of their Empire are taught by tradition Neither is the time long sithence all those Kingdomes accounted the King of China for their Soveraigne sending their Ambassadors with presents to his Court every third yeare These Ambassadors ought to be foure at least for before they could arrive at their journeyes end some of them either by remotenesse of place difficult accesse of audience or delay in dispatch could not but surely die those whose chance it was to scape the Chinois in some set banquet would poyson and erect unto them stately tombes with the inscription of their names the place from whence they came and with the stile of Ambassadors thereby say they to commit to eternity the remembrance of the bounds of their Empire They inlarged their dominions no lesse upon the Ocean than upon the Continent For they first of all invaded the Isles of the Orient next unto them the Giavi then the Moluccans and Moores and lastly the Portugals and Castilians who hold them at this day But none of these Nations were equall of power and magnificence to the Chinois for besides the conquest of the bordering Isles which in regard of their numbers their spaciousnesse and fertilitie were of great reckoning they became Lords of the greatest part of all the inhabitable places in that vast Archipelago even to Zeilan where they left their speech and characters as also they did the like upon the opposite continent Wre reade also in the papers of certaine Jesuites that in one quarter of the Island of Saint Laurence they found white people which said that they descended of the Chinois They first discovered the Moluccas gave names unto the Spices and planted Colonies in many of them which to this present keepe their old name as batta china à Maur batta china Mauri batta signifieth a Towne batta china a Towne of the Chinois It is likewise thought that the Inhabitants of Iava descended from them and to speake the truth there is no great difference betweene their manner of living clothing building industry trafficke and manuall occupations But after the shipwr●cke of fourscore vessels and the losse of their people in the Sea of Zeilan comparing their profit with their losse they resolved to trie no more such hazards but to containe themselves within their owne bounds And to cause this Edict to be inviolably observed they enacted that none there after upon paine of the losse of his ●ead should offer to faile into those parts the K●ngs themselves did ever abstaine from future invasions For sithence they enjoy a very earthly Paradise where Nature and Art are at strife to content the Inhabitants where no good thing i● wanting but much superfluous and to spare what mad men would consume their bodies and treasures in getting those things which are more chargeable to get than profitable to keepe Polybius writeth that upon the same reason the old Carthaginians forsooke part of those things which before they had conquered The Romans after they had suffered a grievous losse of their best vessels in the second Punicke warre in meere despaire bade Navigation adue but afterwards perceiving that they who were Commanders of the Sea were likely to prove Lords of the Land they built a new Navie and at length saw the successe to answer their latest opinions Therefore can we not but ascribe this resolution of the Chinois rather to good conscience and advisednesse than to wisdome or good polic●e When this surrender was resolved in full councell they set the people whom they had vanquished free yet some of their good wils remained feodaries shadowing their estates under the wings of their puissance as the Kings of Corea Lequi Cauchinchina and Siam But notwithstanding their retreit within their owne bounds yet possesse they a dominion little lesse than Europe for from the North towards the South it reacheth from seventeene to two and fiftie degrees from East to the West are two and twenty degrees It is divided into eight severall Kingdomes over whom one principall Monarch controlleth by whose high and illustrious titles of Mundi Dominus and Solis filius he would seeme to challenge all Natures immunities and withall that their prescriptions before the dayes of Adam were true and canonicall The principall Citie is called Paquin neighbouring Tartary out of which the Emperour never issueth but in time of warre which is as it were an exercise amongst them at that time challenging the attendance of every Nation For as you have read in the History of England That from the Twede betweene Northumberland and Scotland even to the Irish Seas there was a wall called Picts wall one hundred miles long and at certaine spaces fortified with watch-towers which thorow hollow trunkes placed within the curtaines received advertisements of Alarmes excursions and such like so that in a moment the whole Countrey was up in armes and the ordinary proceedings of military discipline executed So here from the Sea to Mount Caucasus or rather Imaus eight thousand furlongs together is raised a fortification and at every miles end a strong rampart or bulwarke wherein is continuall garrison Thomas Perez the King of Portugals Ambassadour made foure moneths journey from Cantan to Nanquij bearing alwayes Northerly Nor doth he enter the field under an army of three hūdred thousand foot and two hundred thousand horse Of which I am not incredulous considering the levies of the East five hundred thousand men were consumed in the civill warres of Iuda and Ierusalem and against Iuda her enemies the Moores and Aethiopians brought ten hundred thousand paire of hands to pull downe the wals of Ierusalem Their manner of life is most obscene and shamelesse their idolatrie vile and vicious their incantations ridiculous the prostitution of
is not onely fast locked but sealed and may not be opened before the seale at morning bee throughly viewed To speake truth their souldiers horsemen and footmen by land or sea are more famous for their numbers their gallant furniture and plenty of provision than for strength and courage For the Inhabitants partly by their effeminate and wanton kinde of life partly by their forme of government whereby they are made vile and base have little valour or manhood left them They use no forren souldiers except those whom they take in war these they send into the in-land Countries where being marked to distinguish them from other they serve more like slaves than souldiers yet have they pay with rewards for their good service and punishment for their cowardize true motives to make men valorous The rest which are not inrolled are not suffered to keepe weapons in their houses Their Sea-forces are nothing inferiour to their Land-forces for besides their ordinary Fleets lying upon the Coasts for the safety of the Sea-townes by reason of the abundance of navigable Rivers and so huge a Sea-tract full of Havens Creeks and Islands it is thought that with case they are able to assemble from five hundred to a thousand such great Ships which they call Giunchi we Iunks To thinke that treasure cannot bee wanting to levie so great a number of Ships Souldiers and Marriners many men affirme that the Kings revenues amount to an hundred and twenty millions of gold which value although it may seeme impossible to him that shall make an estimate of the States of Europe with the Kingdome of China yet may it finde place of beleefe if he doe but call to minde First the nature and circuit of the Empire being little lesse than all Europe Next the populousnesse of the Inhabitants accompanied with inestimable riches Then the diversity of Mines of Gold Silver Iron and other sorts of Metall the unspeakable quantity of Merchandize passing from hand to hand by so many navigable Rivers so many armes and in-lets of the Sea their upland Cities and maritime Townes their Tolls Customes Subsidies and lastly their rich wares brought into Europe Hee taketh the tenth of all things which the earth yeeldeth as Barley Rice Olives Wine Cotton Wooll Flax Silke all kinds of Metall Fruits Cattel Sugar Hony Rubarbe Camphire Ginger Wood Muske and all sorts of Perfumes The custome only of Salt in the City Canto which is not of the greatest nor of the best trafficke yeeldeth 180000. Crownes yearely the tenth of Rice of one small Towne and the adjacent Territory yeeldeth more than 100000. Crownes By these you may conjecture of the rest He leaveth his subjects nothing save food clothing He hath under him no Earles Lords or Nobles of any degree no nor private persons indowed with great wealth Wherefore since this Empire is so huge and all the profits thereof are in his hands how can the former assertion of so great and yearely a revenue to men of reason seeme any thing admirable at all There are two things moreover which adde great credit to this reckoning one is that all his impositions are not paid in Coine but some in hay some in Rice Corne Provender Silke Cotton Wooll and such like necessaries the other is that the King of 120. millions which he receiveth disburseth againe three parts thereof And so since it goeth round from the King to the people it ought to seeme no wonder if the people be able to spare it againe for the Princes use at the yeares end For as waters doe ebbe as deepe as they flow so impositions easily levied suffice for the expences of the State and the people receive againe by those expences as much as they layed out in the beginning of the yeare This King feareth no neighbour but the great Cham of Tartaria all the rest acknowledge vassalage Against this enemy the ancient Kings built that admirable wall so much renowned amongst the wonders of the Ortem Towards the Sea hee bordereth upon the Iaponians and Castilians The distance betweene Iapan and China is divers From Goto one of the Islands of Iapan to the City Liampo is threescore leagues from Canian 297. The Islanders of Iapan doe often spoile the Sea-coasts of China by their incursions descending on land and harrying the Countrey more like Pyrates than men of Warre For in regard that Iapan is divided into many Islands and into divers Seigniories ill agreeing amongst themselves though they excell the Chinois in armes and courage yet are they not of sufficient power to performe any action of moment against them Upon another Frontier lye the Spaniards of whom the Chinois not without good cause are very jealous because of the situation of the Philippinae commodiously seated for the invasion of China and the fame of the riches well knowne to the Spanish But the King of Spaine wisheth rather to plant Christianitie peaceably amongst them wherof there was once good hope that God had opened a passage For though the Chinois will suffer no stranger to enter within their Dominions yet certaine Jesuites zealous in the increasing of Christian Religion in a Territory so spacious as that is entred with great secrecie and danger and procuring the favour of certaine Governours obtained a privilege of naturalization specially Frier Michael Rogerius who in the yeare 1590. returned into Europe to advise what course were best to take in this businesse After whose departure intelligence was brought from two Friers which remained behinde that after divers persecutions they were then constrained to forsake the Citie wherein they sojourned and to make haste to sea-ward Nor plainly would the Chinois suffer the said Frier Rogerius to come into their Countrey as himselfe confessed to an English Gentleman of very good worth and curious understanding Mr. W.F. who purposely asked that question of him If any man of Europe hath beene in China it is Matthew Riccius the Jesuite The Portugals are likewise eye-sores unto them but by the report of their justice and the moderation which Ferdinand Andrada shewed in the government of the Island of Tamo and by the Traffick which they exercise in those seas they can better digest their neighbour-hood than that of the Spanish This was the first Portugal that arrived in the Citie of Cantan and set on land Thomas Perez Legier for Emanuel King of Portugal But other Captaines being there afterwards dis-embarked behaved themselves so lewdly that they occasioned the said Ambassadour to be taken for a Spie and cast into prison where hee died most miserably the residue were intreated as enemies At last it was permitted the Portugals for traffick sake to set a Factory in Macao where againe before they had strongly fortified their Colonie they were constrained to submit to the limitations of the Chinois to whom in short time for their strength wisdome friendship and alliance with the Castilians they became suspitious and therefore they doe daily more and more bridle
and beasts of carriage followed this armie whom they slew when they wanted other provision Hitherto have wee devised of Siam and Pegu as they stood before the comming of the Portugals into India but how in processe of time the State was altered you shall now heare In times past divers Kingdomes of Brama situated along the River towards the Lake Chiamai obeyed the Kings of Pegu under the government of Lieutenants Sixtie yeares since one of these Captaines Ruler of the Kingdome of Tengu by the aid of his faction and reputation of his Vertues entered into Rebellion and slaying the Nobles of the Land usurped the Kingdome Afterward he forced the Cities and conquered the Kingdome of Prom Melintati Calam Mirandu and Ana all inhabited by the Bramians for the space of one hundred and fiftie leagues towards the North. He assayed likewise the conquest of Siam but comming before Vdia the chiefe Citie of the Kingdome he was forced to raise his siege and depart Hee undertooke this journey with three hundred thousand footmen consuming more than three moneths in making way for his armie thorow stonie Mountaines huge Woods and inaccessible places in prosecution whereof he lost two hundred and twentie thousand of his Souldiers and re-enforced his losses with captive Siamus At this returne home he invaded the Kingdome of Pegu and won it Afterward in the yeare 1507. he renued his journey against Siam and overcame the King thereof who slew himselfe with poyson but he tooke his sons and with them the better part of the Kingdome He beleagred Vdia with a million of men and upward Our late Writers call this man and his successors because their fames arose by the conquest of the Kingdomes of Brama Kings of Brama or Bramia but the Portugals of a more sound judgement grounded upon neerer Neighbour-hood call them Kings of Pegu. And for that it may not seeme that what we write as concerning these infinite numbers is either fabulous or reported altogether upon heare-say because that now here-before and hereafter we shall have occasion to discourse of this point wee thinke it not amisse to spend some time in shewing how and by what likly-hoods both in this and other like barbarous dominions such huge and numberlesse companies are levied and nourished First therefore it is a ground infallible that all Monarchies consist of people government and revenues and that howsoever in times of peace Princes may live at pleasure yet populous Armies neere home or farre off cannot long indure without great supplies and a continuall Sea of ready money For as the members of our bodie cannot move without sinewes nor motion availe us if joynts were wanting so without money an Army can never bee gathered nor being gathered kept together if coine be wanting which preventeth infinite mischances and draweth after it Armour Provision Victuals and whatsoever else is necessary for life or armes And sithence the wealth of Princes even as of private persons from whose purses they supply their occasions hath limits and measure Let them not thinke to beginne any long warre much lesse to continue it unlesse they throughly provide aforehand for when this torrent breaketh forth no man can make an estimate what will bee the expence of reparation therein which moved a certaine Portugal Captaine to tell King Sebastian providing for his journey into Barbarie that warres should be accompanied with three streames The first of men The second of Victuall The third of Silver For whosoever will rightly judge of a Princes estate must examine whether his ordinary receits be sufficient to answer his ordinary issues leaving alwayes a portion to answer extraordinary accidents which are so certaine in proofe as all men must provide for though they know them not beforehand especially in the condition of a great Prince The great Turke in his Persian journies felt the smart thereof who though he be so potent a Prince by default of this providence was constrained to raise the value of his coine and abase the allay so farre forth that the Ianizars finding themselves aggrieved thereat raised commotions set fire on the City of Constantinople and rifled a great part thereof Neither could the King of Spaine have sustained the burthen of so many warres and in so remote Provinces if he had trusted to no other supplies than those of Spaine But fortune hath given him a Countrey prodigall in Mines of Gold and Silver assuredly paying the expence of one yeare with the income of another A providence so farre from neglect in the late reigne of Queene Elizabeth that before she had any warres with Spaine or had sent her forces of prevention into the Low-Countries she had ready in deposito two millions of Crownes And being engaged by her politike government she raised such an annuall assistance from the love of her subjects against the malicious and injurious attempts of her enemies that during her reigne she levied three million● five hundred and nineteene thousand five hundred and sixty foure pounds Iohn Iaques Trivulce being demanded how many things were necessary hereunto answered three Money Money Money But these grounds especially hold when the burthen of the war lieth upon the purse of the Prince his people for sometime it hapneth that the souldier liveth upon the enemies Countrey as did the Hunnes Vandals Gothes Arabians and in our dayes Tamerlane They entred the Provinces without controll being unprovided of forces and made prey and spoile of whatsoever came in their reaches The ransacked the Cities and fed upon the Villages The like good lucke had the Portugals in the Fast Indies and the Castilians in the West but the one farre better than the other for never any Nation conquered with lesse cost so much as the Spaniards have done in new Spain and Peru. But let not any people thinke to doe so in these dayes no not in Asia or Africke much lesse in Europe where the use of great Ordnance is in perfection and the art of fortification so ingenuous that one Castle shall be able to sustaine yea well provided to weary the forces of the greatest Potentate The Turkes at Zigeth a small fortresse in Hungarie approved this which in the yeare 1566. Soliman beleagred with three hundred thousand men of warre and at last forced but with so great a slaughter of his people that scant the third part of this huge Army returned to their houses In like manner the Portugals in the beginning of their Indian acquisitions with a few souldiers and in little time wonne adm●rable victories but when the Barbarians began to grow acquainted with Artillery to allure Carpenters and Masons to build them Castles and to arme vessels to Sea their courages became calme and there set an end to their Plus ultra The like did the Spanish in the New world to their Non sufficit orbis For after their first good fortunes they found in Nova Hispania the Chichimechi and in Peru the Pilcosony the Chiriguani and the Luchy
frequent in the rough mountaines of Campa Cambaia and Macin That which is brought to us is in no esteeme with them the right is found say they in Congo and Angola and the bordering Countrey and used by them in all their grievous and dangerous maladies which if it be true I marvell that the Portugals will let slip so precious a commoditie Narsinga IN the row of these potent Princes inhabiting betweene Indus and Ganges dwelleth the King of Narsinga Whatsoever lieth betweene the mountaine Guate and the gulfe of Bengala betweene the promontories Guadaverne and Comorin by the space of two hundred leagues abounding as prodigally as any other province in the Indies with all good things is under his dominion The waters sometime falling from the mountaines sometime from the rivers and received into trenches meeres and lakes doe wonderfully coole moisten and enrich this land causing the Graine and Cattell to prosper above imagination It is no lesse plentifull of birds beasts wilde and tame Buffals Elephants and Mines of precious stones and metals It breedeth no races of horse for the warre but they buy them of the Arabian and Persian Merchants in great numbers the like doe all the Princes of Decan Within the bounds of Narsinga dwell five Nations different in language he hath many strong places on the Indian Ocean Canera is at his command wherein are the haven Townes of Mangolar Melin● Berticala and Onor but the Portugals receive the custome of Berticala and also in times past of Onor In Narsinga are two imperiall Cities Narsinga and Bisnagar by reason whereof he is termed sometime King of Narsinga sometime King of Bisnagar It is undoubtedly beleeved that this King receiveth yearely twelve millions of ducats of which he layeth up but two or three the residue he expendeth upon the troopes of his souldiers that is to say forty thousand Nairs and twenty thousand horsemen kept in continuall pay Upon necessitie he is able to levie a farre greater number for besides these allowances he setteth out certaine lands to two hundred Captaines on condition to keepe in readinesse a proportion of Horsemen Footmen and Elephants The wages of these Captaines to some of whom he giveth a million of ducats yearely may be an argument of his great revenues for to these projects this Prince and all the Potentates of the Fast keepe in their possession all the profits of the lands woods mines yea and the waters of pooles and rivers thorow their whole Dominions No man may wash himselfe in Ganges which runneth by Bengala nor in Ganga which watereth the Land of Orissa before he hath paid toll to the King The King himselfe is now inforced to buy this water causing it to be brought unto him by long journies upon a superstitious custome either to bathe or to purge himselfe therein He is absolute Lord of the bodies and goods of his subjects which he shareth to himselfe and his Captaines leaving the people nothing but their hands and labour of lands the King hath three parts and his Captaines the residue Whereupon sithence all these barbarous Princes maintaine not peace and justice as arches whereupon to lay the ground-worke of their Estates but armes conquest and the Nurserie of a continuall Souldierie it must needs follow that they are able to levie greatertroopes of horse and foot than otherwise wee were bound to beleeve But to induce some measure of credit let us compare the abilities of some Christian Princes with theirs If the King of France were absolute Lord of all the lands and domaines of his whole dominion as these men are it is thought that his yearely revenues would amount to fifteene millions and yet therein are neither mines of gold nor silver The Clergie receiveth six millions the Kings demesnes amount to one and an halfe the residue is theirs who have the inheritance and yet here the peasants live well in comparison of the Villago● of India Polonia and Lituania Besides this the King hath eight millions of ordinary revenue arising of customes and escheats How mighty a Prince would he be if hee were Landlord of the demesnes and rents of the whole Kingdome and should imploy them upon the maintenance of Souldiers as doth the King of Narsinga Surely whereas now the Kings revenues doe hardly suffice for the maintenance of foure thousand men at armes and six thousand Crosse-bowes if this allowance were added to the former he might as easily maintaine an hundred and fifty thousand To returne to Narsinga The King to see that his Captains performe their duties once a yeare proclaimeth a muster whereat they dare not but be present At the muster day those who have presented their companies defective either in number or furniture are sure to be cashiered but those who bring their companies compleat and well armed hee honoureth and advanceth What forces may be gathered out of so ample a dominion armed after their manner as aforesaid you shall gather by that which Iohn Barros writeth of the Armie which King Chrismarao lead against Idalcan in the journey of Raciel These are his words verbatim Under sundry Captaines the Armie was divided into many battalions In the Vantguard marched Camraque with one thousand horse seventeene Elephants and thirty thousand footmen Tirabicar with two thousand horse twenty Elephants and fifty thousand footment Timapanique with three thousand horsemen and fifty six thousand footmen After them followed Hadanaique with five thousand horsemen fifty Elephants and one hundred thousand footmen Condomara with six thousand horse sixty Elephants one hundred and twenty thousand footmen Comora with two hundred and fifty horse forty Elephants and fourscore thousand footmen Gendua with a thousand horse ten Elephants and thirty thousand footmen In the rereward were two Eunuchs with one thousand horse fifteene Elephants and forty thousand footmen Betel one of the Kings Pages lead two hundred horse twenty Elephants and eight thousand foot After all these followed the King with his Guard of six thousand horsemen three hundred Elephants and fortie thousand footmen Upon the flankes of this battell went the Governour of the Citie of Bengapor with divers Captaines under whose colours were foure thousand two hundred horse twenty five Elephants and sixty thousand mercenary footmen Upon the head of the battell ranged 200000. horsemen in small troops like our vant●urrers in f●●●h sort and order scowring the Countrey before behinde and on all sides that no novelty could so suddenly happen but notice thereof was given at the Imperiall Tent in a moment Twelve thousand carriers of water and twenty thousand light huswives followed this Armie The number of Lackies Merchants Artificers and Water-bearers Ox●n Buffals and carriage-beasts was infinite When the Armie was to passe any River knee-deepe before the foremost were passed there was scant sufficient for the latter whereof to drinke Before this journey the King sacrificed in nine dayes twenty thousand three hundred seventy six head of living creatures as well of birds as beasts the
GElderland 202 Geneva 304 G●noa 337 Groningen 203 Guatimala 631 Guiana 641 H HEbrides 121 Hispaniola 634 Holland 201 Hungarie 378 I IAmaica 633 Iapan 621 Ilands of England 129 India Asiatica or East-India 574 Ireland 68 Italy 317 Iudea 551 K KAthaia 498 L LOrrayne 428 Lybia 376 M MAlta 373 Man the I le 120 Manly Arts breed martiall valour 29 Mantua 362 Marishes their description and use 44 Mexico 630 Millaine 336 The Great Mogor 578 Moldavia 539 Mona 120 Monomotapa● 453 Moravia 278 Moscovia 463 Mountaines their description and use 42 N NApl●s Kingdome 330 Narsinga 613 Natolla 540 Navarre 194 Negroes Land 429 Netherlands 195 New Spaine 630 Nicaragua 632 Norwey 212 Nova Francia 636 Numidia 427 O OF Observation 1 Over-Isel 203 P PAlatinate 285 People of the North their constitutions complexions and natures 8. Of the South 12. Of the middle Region 15 Persia. 563 Peru. 637 Pol●nd 409 Popes Estate 320 Prester Iohn 444 R REligion a great advancer of Monarchie 30 Rewards military the benefit of them 30 Rivers their use in preserving of Empire 41 Roman Empire 262 Russia 463 SAvoy 364 Sarmatia 463 Saxonie 287 Situation the aptnesse of it for Empire 35 Of the Situation of Nations 4 Scotland 114 Sea the commodities in inlarging Empire 29 Seigniories divers pettie ones easily overcome one by one by a common enemie 37 Siam 602 Sicily 369 Spaine 222 States of the Low-Countries 200 Swethland 213 Switzerland 309 T TArtaria 494 Tartars their manners and armes 485 Temperature the division of it 2 Terra australis 643 Transylvania 394 Travell instructions for it 46 Treasure the use in Warre 33 Turkes their originall and story 554 Turkie 505 Turcomania 545 Tuscanie 324 V VAlour the commendations of it 23. Military Valour how increased 27 Venice 339 Virginia 635 Vrbine 361 Vsage to the Wars the effects 27. Free Vsage of people a meanes to make Princes potent 28 Vtrecht 203 W WAlachia 539 Wales 117 Weapons their qualities and advantages 32 West-India 625 Wildernesses their descriptions 45 Wisdome the use of it in Warres 25 World and the greatest Princes in it and the means to inlarge Dominion 19 X Great Xeriff 433 FINIS * The States of the world * Petrus Bertius Numbers Valour Wisdome Rashnesse I Vse 2 〈◊〉 3 Manly arts 4 Military rewards 3 Religion 4 Weapons Treasure Situation Pettie Seigniories 1 The commodities of the Sea for the defending or inlarging of Empire 2 Rivers 3 Mountaines 4 Marishes 5 Wildernesses 6 Desarts 〈◊〉 Of Minde Of Religion Of Persons and Places Of Language Of Reading Of Conference Of the body Of Exercises Of outward necessa●ies Of Money Of Bookes Of Apparell Manners of Nations Nature of Soiles Of people Of the Spaniard Of the Italian The Frenchman The German Of the Pole laque Of the Netherlander and Dane The Muscovite The Grecian The Turke The Persian The Armenian The Tartar The Moore The Savoyen The Switzer Government The Situation of England Bishopricks Wealth Qualities of the English England compared with Russia and Aethiopia With Germanie With Italie With Spaine With France M Paris fol. 68● The King The Court. The Nobility Courts of Iustice. The Gentry The Citizens The Husbandman or Yeoman compared Compared with the Turk With the Hungarian With the Italian With the Spaniard With the Frenchmen With the German With the Irishman Concerning traffike The disposition of Male-contents abroad What other Nations conceive of us Spaine The Emperor The Pole and Moscovite The Turke Italy Millan Mantua Venice The Florentine The Pope N●ples Sicil. The situation of England Forces At land Neighbourhood France The Spanish The Netherlands The Archduke Scotland Pit coale or Sea-coale Wales Ilands belonging to the Crowne of Great Brittaine Camden and Gyraldus Provinces Commodities Rivers Havens and Ports Paris Vniversitie London compared with Paris For populousnesse For neat and cleane streets For Aire For River For Bridges For a Castle For places of Retreit For seats of Iustice and concourse of Merchants For Colleges for students of the Lawes For Churches For decent riding For unconfused intermixtures For a Maior For the Court. Castles Charges Governments Lawes Officers of Court Great Master Gentlemen of 〈…〉 Mast●r or Stew●●d of the Kings House Great Provost of France Great Faulciner and Common Hunt Gentlemen of the Kings Guard His Forces His Infantery Officers of wa●●e Constable The Marshall Admirall Discipline His Expence His Revenue The Domaine Conquest Pension Trafficke Sale of Offices Riches A good note Officers of his Finances The Treasurer Generalities Elections Receivers Controlle●s His Coine The Clergie The Temporal livings of the Church The grosse errors of the Cabinet of France 〈…〉 ●ec●es of ●●ance Their Apparel Their Exercises Shooting Tennis-play Dancing Musicke Their Language 1. In deliberation 2. In matter of Warre 3. Entertaining of friendship 4. In managing 〈◊〉 〈…〉 his wife 6. In aptnesse to scoffe Townes Nature of the soile Forces Holland G●lde●lan● Over-Isel Vtrec●● Groningen The Riche● Their forces By Land ●y Sea Belgian Riches Forces at Land At Sea Got●●●● Finland Riches Co●per Forces at land Sea-forces Fortifications Borders His dominions in Europe In Africa Within the Streights Without the Streights Vnder the Aequinoctiall In Asia In the New-World Islands Continent The riches of these places Peru. 〈◊〉 Philipinae His greatnesse in Europe Division of his dominions Spaine The Estates of Italy The dominion of India The Low-Countries Italian Provinces under the Spaniard Revenues ordinary Extraordinary Orders of Knighthood Malecontents The Iewes The Portugals The Arragonou The Nobles Revenues from Italie The Italian humou●● The Indies 〈◊〉 yeare 〈◊〉 is 〈◊〉 made of another O● Flanders Councell Government Correspondencie With the Pope With the College of Cardinals With the Emperour With the Archduchesse With France With Savoy Polonia With 〈◊〉 Tu●ks Forces at land Humours of the Spaniards Their Cavalrie Borderers The Venetians The French The Persian In Barbarie In Tuscanie Parma Vrbine Genoa Malta Lucca Venice From him Forces These Galleons I suppose were but poore ●●gats Borderers Situation Plentie Climate Soyle Commodities Rivers Cities 〈…〉 Temporall Princes Revenue Forces Forces by Sea Austrich Bohemia Moravia 〈◊〉 Swevia Saxonie Situation Borderers Anhault Mansfield Force Erdford Dresden Vniversities Wittenberg 〈…〉 Fertilitie Riches Commodities People Manners of the people Artizans Merchants Nobles Valour Conceit of the English Councell Revenues The Duke of Brunswicke Bavaria Wirtemberg Michelburg Hesse Baden Ansbach Situation Circuit Strength The Territories Fertilitie Handicrafts Revenue Government Behaviour Situation The Causes of their first Revolts Levying of souldiers Government Their Soveraigne Magistrate Situation Length and Breadth Natures and manners of the people Merchants Artificers Husbandmen Sharers The King of Spaine The Pope The Venetians Genoa Florence Sienna Lucca Ferrara Mantua Vrbine Parma The Bishop of Rome Marchia Romagna Riches The State of Rome The College of Cardinals Tuscan Pisa. Florence Manners of the Florentines Arezzo Sienna His forces at land At Sea His Revenues Naples House of Piety Calabria Compasse and conteinue Calabria superior Situation Caesaria Gallipolis Apulia The extent Capitanato Mansredonia Puglia and Abruzze Malsi Benevento Forces at Land At Sea Revenue Nobilitie Riches Calabria Genoa M●ine●s of the 〈◊〉 Venice The increase thereof The description Murano The Glasse-houses Venice The site thereof and hardnesse to approach Division of the State of Venice Of the Continent Of the Island s of the Gulfe Of the Islands out of the Gulfe Riches Of the Sea The strength of the State Forces at land At Sea Of Neighbours The Turke The Spaniard The Emperor The Pope Lombardie Milan Brescia Bologna Verona Modena Mantua Number of Inhabitants Moderne Forces Nature of the people Sicil. Garrisons 〈◊〉 Revenues Forces by land By Sea Bounded Fertility Manners Riches Forces Neighbours 〈◊〉 of Hungarie Bounded Government Forces at land forces by water Fortification Plentie Mines Reasons why the Turke standeth at a stay in Hungarie Causes of greatnesse of Empires Causes of declination Riches Revenues Neighbours Forces Government Riches Revenues Government Forces Riches Forces Infantery Pioners The description of Africke Creatures proper to Africke Numidia Gualata Tombut Gago Borneo Gaoga Kings Court. Its privileges Plentie His manner of government Revenues Forces Fertilitie State Revenue Borderers King of Borno Turke King of Adel. The Slaves Greatnesse Elephants teeth Mines Salomons O●hir Government Fertility Riches Cair Anciently called G●●es Riches Bounded Shires Situation Mosco The soyle and climate Of Waters Forme of government 〈…〉 Riches and commodities Of his Entrada or Revenue Their crueltie in punishing offenders Of his strength Borderers The Circassi The Nagayans The Chrim Tartars Tartaria The Pole The large extent of all Tartaria Their features Their fashions Their Riches The ancient division Their moderne division Tartaria minor The Precopenses Tartaria deserta Astrachan The Zagata●e Bounded Fertilitie Forces His Coronation Government His Countries Cities Their Government The Iemoglans or tribute-children Their preferments A Beglerbeg A Sanziake A Chause The Spachi and then distinctions The Ianizars and their distinguishments Their birth-place Their training Their allowance Their licentious liberty Some say forty thousand The Azapi properly belonging to the Gallies The Tartars Forces at Sea Administration of Iustice. Revenues ordinary besides Timariots Extraordinary The Timariots Report saith that this is againe reconquered by the Persian Administration of Justice Borderers The Persian The Portugals Prester John The Xeriffe The Polander The Austrian The Venetians The Spaniard Patriarches of Constantinople Of Alexandria Of Ierusalem Of Antioch Thrace Gallipolis Macedon Epyrus Achaia Peloponnesus Dalmatia Maesia superior Servia Bulgaria Valachia The reason of the desolation of these Countries Moldavia Pontus Bithynia Bursia Asia minor Caramania Cappadocia or Amasia Cilicia Armenia minor Arabia Deserta Arabia Potrea Arabia Felix Situation Nature of the people The Curdines Gurgist●n or Georgia in times past Iberia Situation * Now Caesaria P●ilippi * Now Gibelin Iordan Asphaltites Forces Galilie Nazareth Samaria Iudea Ierusalem Mount Calvarie Valley of Ichosaphat Bethlem Gaza Jdumea Phoenicia Sydon Acon Beritus Cities Government Desarts Forces Riches Borderers The Mogor The Zagatai The Turke One Tomana maketh twenty French Crownes Government Arts. Forces at land Force at sea Treasure Borderers Riches Forces Government Borderers Aracan Macin
Potentate Howsoever it be two things in his Kingdome are worthy consideration the one is Numbers which may be imagined by the spaciousnesse of his Dominions the other their Discipline because he keepeth them in continuall pay For as discipline rather than rash valour is to be wished in a souldier so in armies a few trained and experienced souldiers are more worth than many strong and raw bodies the one may well be compared to Eagles Lions and Tygers which obtaine principalitie amongst other beasts not because they exceed them in hugenesse of bodies for then should they be a prey to the Elephant Horse and Bufall but because they excell them as well in agility of bodie as incourage This Potentate the Moscovite termeth the Caesar of Kataia and the Turke Vlu-chan that is the Great Prince And not without reason for in magnificence of Court amplenesse of Dominion abundance of Treasure and number of Souldiers he goeth farre beyond all the Kings and Potentates of Asia and raigneth in such Majestie that his subjects foolishly call him The shadow of Spirits and the Sonne of the immortall God His word only is a Law wherein consisteth life and death He maintaineth Justice with admirable severitie except for the first fault for which the offender is grievously whipped for every other fault he is cut in peeces by the middle herein it should seeme they imitate the opinion of the Stoicks concerning the equalitie of offences A theefe is likewise slaine if he be not able to repay nine fold as well for a farthing as a pound The first Sonne is heire to the Crowne and installed with these ceremonies The chiefe of their seven Tribes clothed in white which is their mourning colour cause the Prince to sit upon a blacke woollen cloth spread upon the ground willing him to behold the Sunne and to feare the immortall God which if hee doe performe he shall finde a more plentifull reward in heaven than in earth if not that peece of black cloth shall scarcely be left him whereupon to rest his wearied body in the field besides a thousand other miseries that shall continually attend him Then they set the Crowne upon his head and the Great Lords kisse his feet sweare fealty and honour him with most rich presents Then is his name written in golden letters and laid up in the Temples of the Metropolitan Citie He hath two Councels the one for War wherein are twelve wise-men the other for Civill affaires consisting likewise of as many Counsellours These manage all things belonging to the government rewarding the good and punishing the evill taking speciall care to see those preferred who have done best service either in War or Peace to his Countrey or Emperour and others severely punished who beare themselves carelesly and cowardly in the charges unto them committed In these two points that is in rewarding and punishing consisteth so high a policie of good government that it may well be said That the greatest part of these barbarous Princes by these two vertues only have imprinted so majesticall a reverence in the hearts of their barbarous subjects For what other face of good Government see you in the Turke Persian Mogor or Xeriffe Whom reward they but Captaines and Souldiers Where use they liberalitie but in the field amongst weapons Surely they built the foundation of their States upon no other ground-works neither expect they for peace and quietnesse but by victory and strong hand yea they keepe no meane in disgracing base minds and cowards and in honouring high spirits and valiant souldiers Never was there any Common-weale or Kingdome that more devised to honour and inrich the souldier than these Barbarians and the Turke more than all the rest The Tartars Arabians and Persians honour Nobilitie in some good measure but the Turke rooteth out all the Families of Noblemen and esteemes of no man unlesse he be a souldier committing the fortunes of the whole Empire to the direction of slaves and men base borne but with a speciall care of their good parts and sufficiencie Let us returne to the Tartar and his forme of government Astrologians are in great request in those Provinces for M. Paul writeth that in the Citie of Cambula are fiftie thousand When Cublay-Cham understood by them that that Citie would rebell against him he caused another to be built neere unto it called Taindu containing foure and twentie miles besides the Suburbs There are also great store of Fortune-tellers and Necromancers in the Kings Palace of Xandu As also in China they are in high esteeme Ismael King of Persia enterprised few matters without their counsell and it is no wonder that it is of such repute in those places for betweene the Chaldeans and the Assyrians it tooke the first originall in those Countries The Turkes cannot abide it The Roman Emperors did more than once banish it and the professours thereof out of their governments I would to God the like might be done amongst us Christians for it is nothing else but a branch of Paganisme As part of these Tartarians inhabit Cities and are called Moores part live in the Fields and Mountaines and are termed Baduin so some of these people dwell in Cities as the Kataians Bochars and those of Shamercand others wander thorow the plaines and are divided into Hords being five in number as aforesaid Those Tartars who are farre situated from the residue and inhabit that remote Scythian promontory which Pliny calleth Tabin lying upon the fret of Anian are also dispersed into divers Hords wandering up and downe the Countrey and are in a manner all subject to the Great Cham of Kataia Certaine Writers affirme that these Hords issued from those ten Tribes of Israel which were sent into captivitie of Salmanasser King of Assyria beyond the Caspian mountains In remembrance whereof untill this day they retaine the names of their Tribes the title of Hebrewes and Circumcision In all other rites they follow the fashions of the Tartarians Some men likewise say that King Tabor came out of these parts to turne unto Judaisme Francis King of France Charles the fifth and other Christian Princes and for his pains in the yeare 1540. by the commandement of the said Charles was burnt to ashes at Mantua Turkie SVch shares of the Worlds vastnesse hath it pleased the Almightie to cast into the lap of this great Potentate commonly called the Gran Seignior that for wealth Territories and command of souldiery hee would have you to understand that all other Princes come short of him are terrified when his Armies are united to particular destructions Compound the ambiguitie by your owne discretions For Countries he possesseth Asia minor now Natolia with all the Regions within the Propontis and the Hellespont Which places in times past made the Crownes of Kings to shine with Gold and Pearle As Phrygia Galatia ●ithynia Pontus Lidia Caria Paphlago●ia Lycia Magnesi● Cappadocia and Comogena Neerer the Caspian Georgia Mengrelia Armenia All
Sinan Bassa and Cicala the one his Admirall at Sea the other Visier of his Army than of the conquest of a Kingdome because by their industrie the honour of the Empire flourished and he being a corpulent man presumed to follow his pleasures fatting himselfe with all the delights that luxurie and incontinencie could invent At last this lumpe was extinguished and Achmat the first of that name is left at this present to manage the Horses of this Phaëtonticall Chariot Let no man therefore wonder at this excesse of Dominion considering how thirteene of their Princes successively have delighted in Armes and prosecuted warres in person a president from the worlds creation not to be matched by any the Commanders of the first foure and bravest Monarchies Thus much for satisfaction of admiration Now to the forme of Government which is meerely tyrannicall and different from all other as guided by the heads and strengthened by the hands of slaves who thinke it as great an honour so to be stiled and so to live as they doe with us who serve in the highest places of Princes Courts No man is master of himselfe much lesse of his house wherein he dwelleth or of the field which he tilleth except certaine families in Constantinople to whom for some good service immunitie was granted by Mahumet the second No more surety hath he of his life be he never so great longer than Durante beneplacito of the grand Seignior who disposeth thereof and of his fortunes by no other Rule than that of his will For although these great slaves attaine to immensive riches yet are they but the Collectors thereof for his Treasurie whither at their decease it returneth all except what it pleaseth him to bestow upon posterity who never are preferred to eminent place except and that of late yeares and desert plead rising fortunes Insomuch that when a Sister or a Daughter of a Sultan is given to wife to a Beglerbeg the children begotten on them doe seldome rise above the degree of private Captaine so carelesse are they of Nobility knowne parentage kindred or hereditary possessions These slaves are either the sonnes of Christians tithed in their childhoods Captives taken in the warres or Renegadoes such as have willingly quitted their Religion and Countries to fight against both and are to the Christians the most spightfull and terrible adversaries These children they call Iemoglans and are brought up under severe Tutors in divers Seraglioes distinguished by Wards like those in Hospitals according to their seniorities where all are brought up liberally and taught to write to reade to handle their weapons yea many of them to converse in secrets of State All of them thrice every weeke within the courts of their houses learne and exercise some military discipline rise every morning before day wash their bodies in cold water and then repaire to Church After they have performed these duties they are allowed a small breakfast and then are they againe to follow their Bookes or severall dispositions At mid-day at foure of the clocke in the after-noone and two houres within night before they goe to bed they must againe to pray and he that is missing at any of the prefixions is sure to have many bastinadoes on the soles of his feet They never have liberty to walke abroad no not so much as to approach the gates of their College no nor suffered to speake with any Christian or stranger It should seeme that they remove from Chamber to Chamber according to their Antiquities and Proficiencies For those of the first Chamber or Ward are first preferred yet not according to Senioritie but according to the worth of his calling and the worthinesse of the person The meanest place that at first these young Gentlemen for such is their resemblance attaine unto is to attend the grand Seignior in his Seraglio as a Page or Groome of his Chamber and those are they that are of extraordinary capacities and dexterity of wit and therefore called to great places of honour and dignitie The residue being alike brought up in their youths are either preferred to be Chauses Ianizars Spaheioglans and Silistarspaheis or taken into the Port or Gardens to servile drudgeries an inferiour offices as to fetch Hey Wood and such like provision for the Stables the Court and the Kitchins Out of the first ranks come the Beglerbegs The word signifieth Lord of Lords They were but two the one of Greece the other of Natolia but now by reason of their many conquests they are also accounted to be many Next under the Bassa their office is to command all the Horsemen in those Countries wherein they are appointed to serve The Sanziaks are Governours of Cities and Colonels of the foot and command all officers of warre and peace within their territories The Chauses goe on Embassies and execute commandements They are as Pur●evants or under-Sheriffes Attend on the Emperour on Horse-backe and on the Courts of Justice carrying a weapon on their shoulders resembling a Mace and can also solicite the causes of Clients These are as it were the heads of this imperious government The hands are the Spachi Ianizars the maine nerves and supporters of this admired bodie The Spachi are Horse-men weaponed for the most part at once with Bow Mace Launce Harquebush and Cemiter whereof they have the severall uses agreeing with their fight flights or pursuments Of these there are reckoned to bee two and thirty thousand the one halte of them are called Spachioglans and ride on the right hand of the Sultan when they are in the field and the other are termed Silistarspachies and march on the left hand Of the Timariots in place convenient But out the Ottoman Empire both in the Field the Court and the City insomuch that the Sultans themselves have beene afraid of their insolencies yet terme they the Emperour Father for no knowne friend besides have they to relie on and hee againe in time of war committeth his person to their trust valour and fidelity In the Citie sixteene thousand are said to be continually abiding who are there imployed Constables for keeping of the peace and observation of good orders for Clerks of the Market to look to the prices and wholesomnesse of victuals for arresting of offenders and warding of the gates Some are appointed to guard the houses of Ambassadours or of such particular Christians who will bee at the charge either about the Citie or in their travels towards whom they shew themselves both civill and faithfull Notwithstanding amongst themselves as I said before they are very insolent and mutinous in regard of their great multitudes and many privileges so dangerous is an armed Souldier in a rich and peaceable City For whereas their first privileges were given them for safety of the Provinces as rewards of their abstinence and vertues as also to re-answer their benefactors confidence In these daies their insolencies are become so exorbitant