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A13881 A full and plaine declaration of ecclesiasticall discipline owt off the word off God and off the declininge off the churche off England from the same.; Ecclesiasticae disciplinae, et Anglicanae Ecclesiae ab illa aberrationis, plena è verbo Dei, et dilucidà explicatio. English Travers, Walter, 1547 or 8-1635.; Cartwright, Thomas, 1535-1603. 1574 (1574) STC 24184; ESTC S118505 144,991 206

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Sainct Peter saithe an euerlastinge crowne off glory This is therfore the dewty off a Bishopp which I will not here curiously enquyre how faithfully they execute seinge they be bownd to no speciall charge but content with a generall ouersight off the Dioces haue exempted them selfes from the necessary charge off rhe Bishoppes dewty Let vs rather see wither I haue iustly compassed in the whole office off a Bishopp in the handlynge off Religion and the seruice off god For it is an old opinion and receiued off long tyme that Bishoppes are not so lymited with doinge off the seruice off God But that they may also handle the thinges off this liffe and gouerne both at once the church and the common welth Heroff yt comethe that our Bishoppes are Iustices off peace and haue authoritie to see the Queenes peace kept and to cast the breakers off yt into prison and bondes That they haue authoritie to heere pleas and also to Iudge off in ther courtes pleas off willes and Testamentes and other cyuill thinges Heroff also it is that the same titles off state and honor that are geuen to the noble men are geuen to them wheras Archbishopes are saluted by the most honorable and Princely title off Grace An other is called Bishopp off the order off the garter An other Counte Palatine And all off them honorable Lordes whervpon some are displeased that the Chauncelorshipp off this realme The Presidentshipp off york and suche like honorable offices which were wont in popery to be there 's are now geuen to horable Lordes off cyuill estate And complayne off yt as thoughe they had wrong offred them Therfore they do vniustly and with out any cause and contrary to ther dewty desyre and vsurp thes thynges or ells I haue not done well to enclose all the office off a Bishopp in the administracion off heauenly and spirituall thinges wheroff let vs se whither is to be thought That that is ould and auncient yt may sufficiently enoughe appere by this that such Ambition and busyinge off them selues is forbidden by the old Cannons yea furder the greuous complaynt off some off the old farthers touchinge this matter are knowen well enoughe and to be found in ther writinges who partly invey and sharpely reproue them that brought in this confusion partly lament that by that meanes they were called from ther owne particuler dewty which also we here saye some off ours do complaine off and confesse that they haue only one houre in the weeke to thincke off preachinge And that in a manner wonne by force out off the importunitie off cliētes whom Terēcies menedemus worthely would merueyle at to see thē to haue so much leysure from ther owne busines that they may look to other mens But this that is now so amplified and growen that it is become intollerable and no lesse daungerous for them selues then for thee church sprange at the first as all most all other mischiefes haue done from begynninges that were not so euill For first off all this busines was w holie pryuate and controuersies were frely giuen ouer to the Bishoppes by the consent off the parties who trustinge there conscience thought by this meanes to haue the best issue off ther matter After it grewe by the Authorytie of Princes who partlie off a good mynd but not warie enough and off a desire to adorne and beutifie the churche partly also because they them selues were hindered with warres and externall busines gaue authority to Bishoppes to correct euen suche with ciuill punishment as should troble the churche Last off all it so infinitely spread out her bowghes by the couetousines and ambicion off the Bishoppes that ther was no honorable office in the ciuill state which they did not partly begg partly receyue willingly and with great thanckes being offered till they had myngled the churche and the comon welth ciuill and ecclesiasticall matters and cōfounded the kingdome and the bishprick to gether But as that which god hath ioyned no mann can seperate So we may not thinck that any mā can ioyne or couple to gether that which he hath seuered and deuided a sonder And iff it be vnlawfull to altor and change the boundes that our fathers haue sett how much lesse is it laufull to change those boundes and lymites that the Lord hathe bounde vs with all and wherby he would haue vs seuered and deuided from others and by this deceit to encrease Patrimonies and possessions For that ther is a great difference betwene the cyuill magistrat and them that haue charge off ecclesiasticall matters That sufficiently dothe proue that wheras first off all both powers were confounded togither in Moses The lord leauing him only the charge off the common welth committed the gouerment off the churche to Aaron his brother And set so great distance betwene them bothe that the kingdome could not on●y not be gouerned by the highe priest him selfe but also by none off the same familie name or trib Nor contrary wise the priesthood off any off the kinges stock or off the royal b●ud house or tribe and fynally off none but a Leuite So they were diuided a sonder not only in ther owne persons but also by families and by tribes which distinction and difference was allwais diligently obserued by all that came after vntil king vzziah being puffed vp with pride as it is expresly noted in the holy history vsurped the priesthood and burnte incense in the temple off god But he wēt not away scotfree with his pride but being sodenly stricken with the leprousy was made an example for all ages to take heed off the like boldnes to confounde and mingle thos to gether which the Lord did deuide and set a sonder But ther was no priest for many yeres after that medled him selfe with the gouerment off the kingdome vntill first Aristobolus most vnaduisedly after the retourne from Babylon ioyned the kingdome and the priesthoode the myter and the crowne togither For wheras we read that Elias Samuel and Daniel exercised both offices It was alltogither extraordinary neither ought to be drawne to the ordinary and perpetuall gouernment off the church All thoughe vnder the law many thinges wer done by the Priestes which cannot be now done by Bishoppes And they wer put to many thinges to which yt wer not lawfull that the Bishoppes vnder the Gospell should be applied which was in respect off the publique law wheroff they wer as well keepers and interpreters as off the morall beinge made and gyuen by the same lord so that it was needfull to vse them to many thinges whereunto ours may not neither ought not to be put As for the Gospell what can be cleerer then the difference that it maketh in this case wheras our sauior him selffe off whose example we ought to lerne refused to deuide the herytage betwene the brethren as a thing not belonginge to his office and offten tymes he reprouethe and repressethe the
the conscience is not afraide off any winde or weather off any storme or tempest when as it staieth yt selfe vpon the lorde and followeth him in that waie wheren he goeth before Furthermore they that are gouerned can by no meanes better be browght to doe there dewtie ād persuaded to doe that which they owght then when they vnderstād that it is the lordes will and cōmandemēt whose embassador the mynister is For they reuerēce only that authoritie which they knowe to be off god hereoff we haue a manifest example in Dauid whome it staied oftētime being readie to fall and oftentimes also raised vp againe being beaten downe to the grounde that he came not to the kingdome by his owne ambicion as his enemies falselie blamed him but by the authoritie off god who called him and off Samuell the Prophete who by the Lordes cōmandemēt had anoynted him The maiestie and authoritie off which creacion at the last so moued all Israell that is to saie the ten tribes which for the space off seuē yeres were not obedient vnto him that they receiued him willinglie for there king whome before they had disdained For this cause also S. Paule so diligentlie almost in the beginning off euerie Epistle calleth him selfe an Apostle and seruante off God. For this cause also he taketh so greate paynes in his Epistles to the the Corinthes to proue his Apostleshippe which some false brethren sowght to take from him that by that meanes they might dyminishe his credite and authoritie with the churche Neyther in deede was he more confirmed by any thing in his infinite perilles trobles and labors which he bare for the Gospells cause then that he assured him selfe off the aide and assistaunce off God in the discharge off that dewtie vnto which he was appointed by him Which great fruyte and commoditie iff it maie moue vs let vs tarie ād waite for the Voice of God to call vs to beare office in his churche and let vs first be assured most plainlie and manifestlie that we are called thereunto by his gouernment and authoritie Lest that hauing entred in by the backe dore we finde the lorde to be punisher and Auenger off this ambycion the people disobedient and vntowarde and our owne consciences shaking and trembling not only at greate and vndowbted daungers but at euerie bugge and at the shaking off euerie leafe Therfore the authoritie off God is to be wayted for to the taking in hand or bearing off any ecclesiasticall office and so to be waited for that we ambiciouslie seke yt not by any disceitfull or vnhonest meanes And let no man boast here off his giftes and worthynes and in confidence thereof as a suter seke and laboure for honor For How fytte soeuer he semeth to be for any charge and office yet no thing is here to be taken rashelie in hand without the authoritie off God who will vse in his affaires whome it pleaseth him It is rehearsed in the holie historie off the iudges off what a meruoulons strengthe and mete for a Prince Sampson was yet notwithstanding iff he had not bene borne the Nazarite off the Lorde and chosen and apointed from his Mothers wombe to deliuer the people he owght not to haue sowght vengeaunce off the Philistines or to haue deliuered his owne countrey from there power and gouernment but rather to haue excercised that greate strengthe and might as Arrius writeth that Philoctetes bestowed his dartes vpon birdes and not vpon his armed enemies Neither had it bene lawfull for Salomon to haue taken in hand the gouernment off the kingdome off Israell to put in practise that excellent and worthie gifte off wisdome and gouernment in yt except the Lorde had first chosen him to succede in the princelie throne off his father Dauid and the administracion his his kingdome And worthelie were Absalon and Adoniah reiected who thinking them selues worthie toke that honor vnto them that he who was chosen by the Lorde and thought worthie by him might rule and gouerne As also was Core in the like case and the rest off his faction And after also king Vzziah desyring honors and places besides the good will and pleasure off god For the Lorde knoweth how to rule his familie and whateuerie man is to be put in trust withall according to that honestie and credite that he knoweth euerie one to be off So that he that resteth not in his iudgement but wolde haue and seketh by all meanes to procure vnto him selfe more then the Lorde hath geuen him must nedes accuse him off folishenes or off malice and therfore be giltie off most grieuous and haynons sinne And let them not obiecte against vs that sayinge off the Apostell that He that desireth the office off a Bishoppe desireth a good thing to proue and cōfirme this ambicious sewing and laboring for the ministerie whereas yt is so farr off that these wordes should kindle and enflame vs hereunto that contrariwise the Apostle semeth by these wordes to haue sowght to bridle our hastie desyre For whereas the Apostle saith that the office off a Bishoppe is a worthie worke to what ende thincke we doth he call yt so but therewithall to admonishe vs how hard yt is and that it requireth a man both off singuler learning and godlines For so yt followeth that Bishoppe owght to be off an honest and blameles life sober temperate liberall meke apte to teache and so forth And this is the worthines off the off ce off a Bishoppe which the Apostle sheweth in this place and which he so meruaileth at in other places that he thincketh no man mete to take so greate a charge vpon him By which dignitie and worthines off the office the Ambicion off men is rather quenched then kindled For vnderstanding thereby how greate and waightie a calcalling it is we are warned to take hede that we run̄e not rashelie to it but rather that we prepare our selues long before with all studye care and diligence for the bearing off so greate a burthen As for the worde 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signifieth to couette or desire yt is ill alledged for the profe off any ambicious seking off the mynisterie Whereas the Apostle vnderstandeth a godlie zeale to set furthe the glorie off god and to edifie his churche which wisheth and desireth indeede to be made able once by the grace off God to serve him and his churche in that calling which meditateth and thinketh dailie hereupō and exerciseth and prepareth him selfe thereunto bestowyng wholie all studie and laboure to that ende yet notwithstāding waiteth for the voice off God and authoritie off the churche to call him and by an vnripe and headie desire or ambicious kinde off hastines preuenteth not the tyme off his calling We reade that Christe our Sauior him selfe althoughe he were endewed with all heauenlie wisdome yet laie he hidde as yt were without exercising any publique office to the thyrtie yere off his age and taried for that
like desyer off the Apostles desyring and longyng after suche thinges he detested all this lordinge and exercisyng off domynion togither with the titles off princes and honorable personages and such like titles and names professinge freely that thes honors wer ciuill and wordly and therfore to be sought for at other mens handes which they should not thinck might begotten at his handes that had no such like thing in all his kingdome By whom they wer called indeed to greater offices greater I say and more honorable in respect off trew honor allthough not for the outward shew And this the Apostles wer taught not only by the preceptes and voyce off ther master but after also by ther owne experience that this spirituall charge to be well done can be ioyned with no other so that they gaue ouer off them selues euen the charge off the pore with is an ecclesiasticall office and so neere off kindred vnto the other that it seemed they might well haue stode togither and lymited ther office in he seruice off God alone And iff it be so that the ministers off the word off god ought not to be charged with prouiding for the widowes and for the poore that being free from any other charge they might wholy bestowe them selues vppon ther owne how much lesse lawfull is yt that they should be called away from ther owne office and dewty to do worldly thinges and belonging to the ciuill Magistrat For thus thow dost not only gather hinderances vnto thy selffe to hindre thē that thow do not thy duty otherwise then either good souldiors or conninge wrestlers are wont to doe but also dost wronge vnto an other into whose ground and possession thow breakest in by force which thing seinge the Apostle in the xij off the Romans chargeth with ambytion and 〈…〉 busines euen in ecclesiasticall offices whe● 〈…〉 ●●ligently from this being wiser then we ought to be exhorteth vs to a Christian like modesty and to be soberly wise how muche more shall he be giltie off the same cryme that mingleth and confoundeth togither thinges so farr different and diuers off nature For who knoweth not that the office off the Magistrate especially consisteth in thos thinges which belong to our life and to our goodes and hath not to doe with the holie ceremonies but only to see by his authoritie that it be administred by them by whom and in what manner it ought to be by the word off God but that he admynistred nothyng hym selffe And agayne who knoweth not that the Byshoppes Office is bounded and limited with spirituall matters and cure off sowles and hath no charge off the common wealth nor off the state off this life Or that the Magistrates are carefull for the body and thinges belonginge therunto The Bishoppes of the sowle and that which apparteineth vnto the soule And that the Magistrates are carefull for this fraile and britie life but the Ministers off that blessed life which endureth for euer Therfore seinge the Lord God vnder the lawe beinge about to plant the priesthoode as a tree hard by the Mgistrate his neighbors grownd knowinge well what the nature off this tree was namely that it enlargeth and spreadeth out his rootes farr abrod as the figg tree or the olyue tree doth and therfore was to be set furder off lest that any contention or striffe should affterward arise seuered yt by a most greate distance and greater then the space off ix feet which Solon commanded in such like trees from the Magestrates grownd that lay hard by let godly Magistrates diligently take heed beinge admonished both by the ordinance off the most wise god and the example off the Roman Empire that they suffer the Bishoppes to chalenge nothinge vnto thē with in ther ground nor secretly so roote them selues with in the same that they be afterwardes compelled as we reade many Emperors haue done to striue with them for ther owne right and patrimony And seinge God hathe punyshed the transgression off this his law touchinge the distinction off the two estates in a noble prince and godly otherwise why do we not feare that he will shew the like punyshement in the like fault off the Bishoppes And seing Christ hym selfe did refuse the kingdome being offered him nor would handle the lest eyuill matters no not to agree brethren therby Seinge the Apostles would not ioyne any other office thoughe it were off the same kind with ther owne no not the charge off the poore and widows that they might bestowe them selues wholy and attend vpon ther owne seinge this agreethe better with the kingdom off Christ and the other with the kingdomes off this world what iust excuse can they lay for this ambition and busyinge off them selues or why do they storme so when we call them frō the ciuill courtes to the churche from the Iustices benche to Moses chaire from a kingdome and a lordshipp to a Bishoprick and ministerie We reade in the holy history that Azariaz the highe priest cast out kinge Vzzrah out off the holy place and that worthelie because the lawe so commanded And Sozomenus telleth that when Theodosius themperor would haue gone vp to the highe part off the temple Ambrose for badde him because as he said that was the Bishops place and com̄anded him to sit belowe with out the chancell whiche I do not reherse to this ende that I do allow off those superstitious and proud separations off the bishopps from other mē but seing this ther inordinate desire off catching to them selues to stirr vp kinges and magistrates to a iust care of maintaining ther owne right and in like manner to bownd and lymit them within there chancelles and quyres and commande them to keep them selues with in ther bondes and limites and to know also ther barrs and ranges And iff they had carefully seene to to it when this plage beganne first to creepe in surely the ambition off churche men had neuer come to that vnspeakable pride that we haue seene it at that they might glory off the power off both estates and as we vse to speake off both the swordes off a triple crowne off treading vpō the Emperors neckes and suffering kinges to hold ther stirruppes But seing they loked not vnto it neither regarded it at the last when the Apostles wer dead who as in old tyme that noble worthy Gedeon desired not any vnlawfull kingdome or Lordshipp in Israell and ther naturall children desyred lickwise no suche thing At the last I say this bastard Abimelech rose vp that ambitiously sought an vnlaufull kingdom and named hymsellffe bobothe a father and a kinge but it is to be hoped that same end and the like destruction will come vpon this Tyrant that in old tyme came vpon Abimelech for I doubt not but Ioathans parable is as it wer an orackle vttered against this ambicion And it is alltogither to be hoped that as the empyre is weakened and allmost
yet when Iames was slaine they did choose nome into his Roume or the Roume oft any other off the Apostles when they died So that yt is plaine that this office is abolished Which beinge playne off the Apostles must be likewise vnderstood off the Euangelistes who serued and mynistred vnto them and were after a sort ther vicairs and deputies For as it doth appere in the Actes This was the office of the Euangelistes to accōpany the Apostles whom they when they had gathered any company off a churche together and must needes depart left behind them beinge instructed by them in what sort ād order to stablishe the churche who hauinge set the churche in order and prouided pastors and Elders to gouerne yt left it ād followed the Apostles againe So they as Emperors and Generalles when they had ouercome any citie left as it were some chiefe captaines behinde them vntill thinges could be brought to a better stay and that ancientes and elders as certen perpetuall garrisons were set ouer them for the Apostles were appointed to cōquere and to ouercome The Euangelistes to establishe and set in order The elders to mainteine and preserue the churche of god Therfore this office off the Euangelist must needes cease seinge the Apostleshippe is ceased allreadie As for the Prophetes office althoughe it consisted in expoundinge the scriptures yet seinge it was ioyned with extraordinary gyft off foretellinge thinges to come necessary for the primitiue churche but now no more in vse yt can not be doubted but that the office ys ceased as well as the gyft wherupon we may conclude That seinge as Saint Paule witnessethe onely Apostles Euangelistes Prophetes Pastors and Doctors were geuen by Christ to the edifyinge off the churche and the work off the ministery That the three first ceasinge there remaine only Pastors and Doctors perpetuall and ordinary ministers off the word In deede sometymes the lord extraordinarily in a confused state where is no place off ordynary callinge stirreth vp as be did in our tyme as yt were certen newe Apostles to lighten the world agayne with the light off the gospell And Eusebius maketh mencion off some who saith he with a heauenly zeale off followinge the Apostles went preachinge the gospell to the Indians But I speake off the Ordinary state off the churche suche as oures ought to be after so many yeeres Therfore Sainct Paule in the xij to the Romans speakinge off this state makethe no mencion off Apostles Euangelistes or Prophetes but only off Teachers and exhorters callinge Pastors Exhorters as it shall appeere hereafter Neither was i● needfull that they should continewe any longer in the churche no more then it is needfull after the platforme be drawen that the master builder tarie any longer but that there be carpenters and workmen to builde and raise the worck as he hathe appointed And it seemethe that our Sauior Christ in the stablishinge off his kingdome followed a kind off order not diuers from that which is vsed by earthly kinges and princes Who at the daie off ther coronacion and for a certen time after make many officers for diuers and sondry vses who serue not only for a solemnitie pompe and shewe but also to great vse and seruice for that time but when thinges are set in order and the kingdome stablished are vsed no longer So Christ our lord and king when as beinge ascended into heauen he was as it were inuested into his kingdome created Apostles and suche other officers which should set his kingdome in order and appoint and ordeine a certen ordinary state for the gouernment and administracion off it which being so established and set in order Those offices should cease and the kingdome should be gouerned as they had appointed Therfore theris no cause why we should think the loue ād care off our Sauior towardes his churche to be diminished for this cause or that he dealethe not bountifully and liberallie with vs no more then subiectes for the like cause haue occasiō to suspect ther kinges good will and fauor to be chaunged towardes them For these thinges are but for a certeyne time and perteine to the beginninge off the kingdome which time seemethe necessarilie to require some other kinde of order then all the rest that followeth Therfore to cōtinewe the same similiritude after he was crowned-kinge he scattered in great aboundāce spirituall giftes off knowledge prophesyinge healinge and other graces as gold and siluer amonges his people All the conduites ranne with sweet and most pleasant wyne All the pipes and cockes ranne with rose water and other sweet and plesant waters But allthoughe he geueth vs dailie all thinges liberally and plentifully yet he geueth vs not dailie a Largesse as at the tyme off his coronacion Therfore we ought to be content with that liberalitie which the lord shewethe vnto vs and not to looke to haue allwais alike The same reason is off the perpetuall mynisters off the word with whom he would haue vs to be contented and not to wishe for the first and those which were extraordinary and apointed to serue but for a tyme For as some thinge was geuen more liberally and extraordinarilie to the extraordinary tymes off the churche So we are sufficiently prouided for off all thinges which belonge to the continuall and necessarie vse off the churche Therfore beinge content with this meane estate and condicion Let vs vse that which is giuen vnto vs and seeke not for offices which serued but for a tyme in the perpetuall gouernment off the churche nor wil he extraordinary functions in an ordinary state Wherfore we ought to haue Pastors and Doctors appointed in our churche and not to reteine still the extraordinary office off preachers which yet I reproue more sparingly for the respect I haue to many worthie men who haue labored with some fruite after this sort for I see that some by the negligence off those who ought to haue prouided meete Pastors for the churches for the loue they had vnto the gospell thought it lawfull for them in these tymes to take vpon them this Apostolicall or Euangelicall kind off office and embassage wheras rather they owght to haue vrged the full and perfit reformacion off our churche and to haue striuen by the word off god that euery church might haue bene prouided off a fit Pastor And that the Lordes heritage might be no more left barren and vntilled left that at the last the Lord be angry with vs and take it from vs and let out his farme to other that will dresse it better But iff there be any which please them selues to muche in this gadding abroade thorough out the churches and will contend they may do so by the example off the Apostles and Euangelistes let them shew vs the signes off ther Apostleship as Saint Paule did to the Corinthians Let them proue that they are indewed with those Apostolicall gyftes off knowledge and vnderstanding tonges healinges doinge off
eare nor hearing in the body no nose nor smellinge no handes nor fealinge fynally nothing but the Eye and seinge So the Bishop cutteth off the Deacons as the handes from the body taketh away the Elders who do necessarilie serue to smell out and vnderstand many matters abolisheth the Assembly as if he should stopp vp the eares which are apointed for the hearing off controuersies and fynallie hath destroyed the whole body whiles he will haue yt nothing but an eye neither will suffer either the Deacons or the Elders or the Assembly to do any thing but only himselfe to heare handle and deale with all manner matters But what a body is this which is nothing but an eye for as the Apostle saith The whole body is not one member but many And if ther be nothing but an eie then where is the smellinge wher is the hearinge wher be the handes and wher be the other partes Surely God made the bodie otherwise apointed to euery membre his office and function Neither can the Bishopp say vnto the Deacon no more then the Eye vnto the hand that he hathe no need off him seing we see Apostles who were the clearest Eyes which euer were had neede off the Deacons helpe Muche lesse can I say that he hathe no need off the Elders or off the whole assembly Neither durst the Byshoppes arrogate thus muche to them selues in the begynninge but by litle and lytle as Ambition and dysyre off bearinge rule did encrease in them and the care off the churche did decrease in ther fellows at the last they came to this vnspeakable pride Wherunto this was the first steppe when as the name off a Bishopp which is common to all other ministers and there fellowes as yet appeerethe in the xx off the Actes beganne to be attributed to one alone who was chosen by the rest to this end that he might propound the matters which were to be handled vnto the Assembly and gather the voices and beare as yt were that office which the Consull did in the Senate off Rome But as yet he was chosen by the rest and that not for euer but for a tyme And althoughe he had the honor off the name yet for other thinges he vsed no priuate authority neither toke vnto him selffe any more geuinge off voyces or determyninge off matters then any off the rest he contynewed still in the common care and chardge off all the Assemblie to watche ād ouer see the flock and was carefull also off his owne particuler dewty to preache ād to teache the people neither pretēded the charge off the common care which he had with the rest to make yt a cloke for his ydlenes and to liue at ease and leaue his proper and peculier charge off preaching but kept still his owne churche as his standinge vpon the wall so that yet hether to euery thing But only the Arrogatinge off the name off Bishopp vnto him selfe was tollerable But afterwardes when as by the negligence and ignorance off Bishopps and ministers there were but a fewe who were meete to handle suche matters and many were vnlerned some also idle and negligent and cared not for the churche then began this authority and charge touchinge the Discipline off the churche to be allmost wholie geuen vnto one which occasion Ambition tooke and seing the tyme to serue so fitt for the purpose hoised vp the sailes vnto honor So yt became a perpetuall office wheras before they were chosen vnto yt for a tyme And all matters were gouerned and ruled by one mans Authoritie alone and no more by the voyces off his fellowes and off the Assembly But afterward that darknes encreasinge and couering all the churche when as fewe fit Mynisters were to be found not onely in one towne or cytie But in some whole countrie or prouince the Tyranny grewe greater and encreased still and brought vnder the subiection off one man all the churches which were in a whole Dioces wheruppon the charge off a perticuler and as we will call yt a parishe churche was shaken off vnder pretence off this great burden off the ouersight off so many churches So that they left vnto them selues no more off the trew office off a Bishop and mynistery then that serued for ther honor that is they reserued only so muche that they might speake to the people wher and in what churche and when they wold Thus they vsurped all the authority off the Assembly yea ouer the Assembly ruling them as they listed chosing and putting out whom they would vntill at the last the Assemblies were cleane taken away and the churches off euery Dioces had Lordes set ouer them But ambition which as the flame or fyre goeth vpwardes still and cannot be kept with in any bandes staied not thus in Dioces and small prouinces But ascended vpp to greater from whence come our Metrapolitanes who were called Archbishopps and fyrst begann that Authoritie to be geuen them in theyr name which in deed they had vsurped before Then from the greater prouinces and Archebishoprickes they came higher to the rule off all the churches in a whole kingdome whervppon they wer called primates Then the whole churche thoroughe out the world was ruled by a Quadrumvirat that is by foure who had the chiefe charge off all the world and were called Patriarches vntill at the last Antychrist by thes staires went vpp to the throne off god and sat hym downe in the middest off the churche as Paule had prophesied and boasted him selfe as god This is the trewe hystorie off the confusion off Ecclesiasticall offices This was the cradle and the beginning off the Ambition off churche men Thus they grewe forewardes vpp and encreased wherby iff we perceyue all thinges to be so oute off ordre that the state off the whole bodye is to be feared by yt Let vs at the last geue warninge to our Prymat to our Metropolitanes and to our Lorde Bishoppes that yff they think yt a shamefull and an ambytious thinge and vnbesceminge the modesty off the seruant off Christ and off a trewe Pastor for the pope to take the Authorytye off Generall Counsells and to suffe nothing to be done nor decreed in them but what he only dothe or alloweth that I say yff they think this shamefull in the pope to doe to generall Counsells they would not plaie the petipopes in Conuocations or prouinciall Synods and takinge awaie the libertie off the Ecclesiasticall Synodes and Assemblies rule gouerne and apoint all alone by tyranny lest they seeme not to haue desyred to deliuer the churche cleane out off Bondage but only to chaunge the maister and to make it become subiect vnto them and to haue sought onelie that we should haue no forraine popes not that we should haue none at home or none alltogether and rather to haue abhorred the pope off Rome then the popedome yt selffe Let them remember at the last that they haue as great need iff they do
A full and plaine declaration of Ecclesiasticall Discipline owt off the word off God and off the declininge off the churche off England from the same Imprinted M.D.LXXIIII To the godly reader grace and peace from God the father and from our Lorde Iesus Christ IF off longe tyme and euen almoste from the beginninge off the vvorlde vve had not fully knovven and tried the frovvardenesse off mannes nature no doubt all men vvould take it as a thinge incredible that any one could be foūd vvhich vvould refuse or not moste desyrously embrace so svvete and holesome discipline off Christ as both is propounded to vs in his vvorde and set forth in order in this present book VVhich as beinge simply considered it is merueilous so truly seemeth a great deale more straunge if vvee vvay hovv easely men are brought to admit that ciuile discipline vvhereby the commodities off this present life are kept allthoughe hard and confirmed vvith more seuere punishmentes But iff vve turn our eyes to the ouer hard and cruel slaughter off the Popishe Discipline and marke a litle vvith vvhat quietnes and patience it vvas born surely it must needes not make vs vvonder but be astonished For vvhat foolishnes is it so mutch to care for this frail and britle life as not onely to admit but oftē times vvillingly to desire all seuerity off discipline euen thoughe it be as great as that off Lycurgus vvas and to be so backvvard cither in gettinge or keeping off that life vvhich allvvaies shall indure as not to yeld to the most moderate and best tempered discipline off all that euer vvere And iff this blindnesse off men vvere pardoned vvhich notvvithstanding at the lēght shall most certenly be punished that it bothe loueth more and folovveth vvith greater diligence the commodities off this inconstant life then of that vvhich shall abide for euer vvhat madnesse shall it be thought that vve haue so quietly and easely borne that cruel boutchery off the Popishe discipline vvhereby bothe body and soule haue miserably been tormented and so hardly or not at all to suffer this most souuerein medicine for our vices For the lavves off Discipline vvhich vve there felt vvritten off the Romā dragon as it vvere vvith bloud vve may here try by our Sauiour Christ the Apostles vvrittē as one would say vvith milk And this either ignorance of the vvorld iff it knovve not these thinges or pride iff it refuse a knovvne benefit or other peeuishnesse peruersity vvhat soeuer maketh almost al good mē to feare lest the iust God beinge angry that his fatherly and gētle rod is cōtemned and taking vp his rod off yrō and iustice those churches that remaine vvhich are very fevve be altogither broken brused into litle peices euen vvholy as it vvere into smale cromes VVhich thinge as it maketh me pensiue for all churches generally vvhere the Apostles discipline hath no abiding so for thee O England to vvhō being bound both by commune duty off a cytisen and by publike mynistery vvhich somtimes I exequuted I confesse that I ovve all kind off great and speciall duty yt maketh me mutch to doubt and to be very careful I speake nothinge off that vnreuenged and vnpurified shedinge off giltlesse bloud vvhiche vvas committed in the reigne off Queene Mary especially against those vvhich both vvere then the autours off that murther and vvhose mindes thurst and handes itche ro commit the like vvickednes againe onely I admonishe that off the riuers thereoff vvhiche run̄e and ouerflovve in all places euē the least drop might be the destruction off a great and most mighty kingdome Therefore to let these and other thinges passe vvhiche are not novve to be spoken off those bandes off vices vvhihe haue proceded partly from the absence off th' Apostles Discipline partly from the presence off the counterfait thereoff vvhich remaineth vvith vs synce Popery haue vveakened our churche vvith seidge off fourtene yeres togither and shortly vvill destroy the same except against those battering peices and cānons off vices vve speedely set the trēche truly brasen vvale off the Apostels Discipline And I vvould to God thovv hadest kept some meane there in iff there can be any meane in Sinninge and by thrustinge avvay the Discipline beinge offered hadest not more greiuously prouoked the vvrathe off God against the. For the former thinges althoughe they vvere heynous yet because they came off ignorance might the rather obteine some pardon novve vvhen she hathc made her selfe knovven vnto vs beinge iniuriousliy handled and suffringe violence it is greatly to be feared off vs lest povvringe out her complainctes into the bosome off her heauēly father from vvhō she cometh she kindle that vvrathe against vs vvhere vvith all England onles it speedely repent may shortly be set on fyre The thinkinge off these thinges doth often dismay me and vvhen I greedely seeke after bothe hope off the health off England and reasons vvhereon to gather hope they dryue as it vvere all hope out off my breast And that so muche the more because these many yeres not onely the exceadinge great patience and longe suffringe off God striuinge vvith our hardnesse and greedinesse off sinne that neuer resteth hathe put to flight our priuy ennemyes scattered their companyes brought to nothinge their snares layed for vs bothe at home and abroad but also that God hathe eft soones heaped nevve benefites vppon vs or at least vvas ready to haue heaped iff vve had been so ready to receiue as he to gyue and had not suffered the opportunities vvhiche vvere offered vs or rather put into our mouthes to haue slidē frō vs In these so many so great so oulde and as it vvere harde houldlinge diseases althoughe I bee almost ouercome bothe vvithe dispeire off recoueringe the former health and feare off losinge that vvhiche vve haue yet ceasse I not novve and then to lift vp my minde so throvven dovvne and to aduance it to the hope off a better estate off thinges Off vvhiche the foundations beinge laied in the mercy off God vvhich hathe no ende I cherishe and confirme the same by certeine signes vvhiche I haue obserued to that purpose For callinge to minde the former tymes vvhen I see that mercy off God to haue shined forthe and vve not onely not thinckinge off it but almost vvith generall consent off all men criynge out to the contrary to haue gyuen vs light in the holesome doctrine off the Gospell novve in the leaninge or rather affection off the greatest part off Gospellers bothe highe and lovve tovvardes discipline if I persvvade my selfe that one day it shall haue place amongest vs I ought to seeme not to haue done it rashely As for that that our most Excellēt Prince and some off the cheiff counseillers off the Realme vnto vvhome our common vvealth is cōmitted haue hytherto been smale fauorers off Discipline althoughe it seeme to reache as it vvere euen at the throat off our church yet becavvse all men vnderstande that it
manner off gouernment in all humaine societies is off greatest force and power either to the preseruacion or ouerthrowe off the same for there is no common wealthe be it neuer so small no not a howse that can be preserued without some certeine manner off gouernment and discipline And those Kingdomes and common weales hawe alwaies most notablie florished and longest continewed which first off all were sette in goode order off gouernment and afterwardes kepte the same without any alteracion or chaunge As contrarywise the distruction off greatest commō weales and most florishing states haue follwed where either the order of gouernment was yll apointed in the beginning or ells being well begonne was afterwardes altered and neglected for Pollicie gouernment and goode lawes are in citye or any common wealthe what soeuer as the helme is to the shippe the wrest to the Instrument Order to an Armye and as the sowle is to the bodie Hereoff yt came that Athens which was so famous a citie after it could no lenger holde and stere this helme was tossed with euery waue and storme and in the ende perished and was ouerthrowne And hereby also that auncient cytie of Lacedemon chaunging the seuere lawes off Lycurgus chaunged also hir estate euen as a song is chaunged by altering the tyme and note in which it was first sette Hereby the Romaines commonwealthe or Armye rather after that they lefte the seueritie off the lawe off Armes and warlyke discipline whereby they did allwaies more preuaile then by might and power lost also there auncient glorye and renowme And to conclude Hereoff cometh that we see now euerye where so many townes fallen to ruyne and lying lyke the deade carkases off the cities which some tymes they haue bene because that by chaunging there olde gouernment by litle and litle at the last the whole state was lost and went away as the sowle from the bodie And euen as the monumentes off the Greeke and Lattin wryters doe witnesse these thinges to haue chaunced to many common weales and other societies and companyes euē so we reade in the holye histories that the churche which is a certeine societie and companye off suche as professe the trewe seruice off God with no lesse daunger neglected the discipline and order which God there most louīg and wise lawegeuer had apointed them to be ruled bye yea to there muche greater losse and punishement for that besides those incommodities which are wont to chaunce vnto others bye chaunging goode lawes They alwaies founde by experience that the lorde God there lawe geuer was redie to punishe and reuenge the contempte off his discipline and order for to passe ouer the punishement off God vpon the churche off the Iewes whosoeuer doth diligentlie and attentiuelie reade the historie off the Christiane Churche shall well vnderstand that the calamitie off the former times in which the Churche laye Deade as it were by the space off manye yeres came off no other cause then off the contempte off the most holesome and most holie Ordinaunces wherupon yt was grownded by our Lorde and Sauiour Christe that it might haue endured for euer Therfore it is a wonder te see whereas our mercifull God off his vnspeable goodnes and by a singuler myracle euen now off late within the memorie off our fathers hath raised vp the churche as it were out off the graue againe by the voice off the Gospell that so fewe are carefull for the maynteining and preseruing off this life and that being content as it were to be in goode healthe by preaching off the gospell they care not for discipline whereby this healthe maye be the better preserued and also the strengthe and beawtie which was lost by former sicknes be recouerd and gotten againe And surelie it is greatelie to be feared lest that they if they goe thus on stille and continewe to contemne so necessary an ayde fall againe into the calamities off the former tymes and lest that these later tymes become worse and more miserable then the former But I am most off all afraide for our Churche off England which by the space off so many yeres as it hath alreadie embraced the Gospell not onlie thincketh not off instituting a lawfull Discipline therin but in a manner vseth only that which it hath receyued from the Papistes nor will not be persuaded to receyue and imbrace that Discipline which Christe and his Apostels haue lefte vnto vs whose state hitherto hath bene this vntill the tyme off king Henry the eight his reigne for a long space before it had lien deade and as it were without any life Then at the lengthe by the greater fauoure and grace off God towardes vs diuers notable men rose vp who as Elias and Elizeus raised vp the children which were deade So they likewise by most earnest praier and cherishyng yt by all meanes gotte at the last some life into yt so that at the lengthe yt beganne as it were to wexe warme and neese and by certeine articles off sounde doctrine to shewe some tokens off a Churche reuiuing againe And after wardes in the tyme of Edward the sixthe a prince off singuler hope and towardnes in all godlynes and vertewe was fully reuiued and recouereed not only hir life but also hir healthe againe But our churche being thus recouered was contented with physicke onlie and goode diette for hir healthe and vsed no exercise to gette hir colour and strengthe againe for althoughe many did exhorte to abolishe that popishe tyrannye which then was still remayning in the pollicie off the Churche and to place in steade theroff a iust and lawfull manner off gouernment according to the worde off God wich thing especially that famous man Marten Bucer being then a straunger in England did in that booke which he wrote of the Kingdome off Christe yet could not Englād be browght to leaue that forme of gouernīg the churche wherunto it had bene accustomed vnder Poperie but deuided and separated asonder the doctrine and discipline off the Gospell twoe thinges which bothe by there owne nature and also by the commandement off God are to be ioyned togither But forasmuche as healthe can not long be kepte and preserued without due and moderate exercise not long after namelie in those most cruell tymes off Queene mary it fell sicke againe that it was not onlie in daunger off deathe but in a manner past all hope to recouer againe And surelie euen then our churche had out off doubte bene vtterlie destroied as in deede it was browght all to ashes onlesse that heauenlie Sonne Iesus Christe had quickned yt being more then halfe Deade and raised yt vp like a Phenix out off the ashes againe And excepte our most noble Queene Elizabeth had risen vp as a mother in Israell to trauell with and bring forthe our churche againe But this newe byrthe hath not as yet bene any more happie towching the restoring of discipline then were the former tymes Therfore I thowght yt my dewtie euen
he hath testified yt with a most certeine and vndoubted testemony that is to saie by the sendyng off his onlie begotten sonne to take awaie our sinnes and as the Prophete off God to declare all the Lordes will and coūsell towardes vs and to rule the churche by his owne authoritie For this is that Prophet like vnto Moses who shold plainelie and perfectlie declare vnto vs of God all thinges which doe belonge vnto our dewtie whome we ought to heare and to obeye as the holie ghoste by the mowthe off Peter hath expounded that promise and by that heauenlie voice which testefied off him from heauen that he was the deare and onlie begotten sonne off god in whome the father was well pleased and commanded vs to heare him But how shoulde we thincke him to be like vnto Moses yff he either hath wholy omitted or not so clearlie and perfectelie as farr as was needfull for vs shewed and declared this doctrine off the manner off gouerning the churche being so necessarie and which Moses hath so diligentlie and faithfullie declared Thefore we must conclude iff we acknowledge Christe to be that Prophette that he hath fullie and perfectlie declared vnto vs whatsoeuer was nedefull for the gouernmēt off the churche excepte we will robbe hī of some parte off his Propheticall office or preferre a seruate be he neuer so faithfull before the only begotten sonne and as yt were Eliezer before Isaac in his fathers howse which surelie they doe who thincke the seruante to haur omitted nothing in this behalffe that the heire hath omitted all and that Moses lefte all thinges perfecte but Christe eyther beganne them not or did not fynishe that which he beganne Now whereas I affirme that Christ hath lefte vs so parfecte a rule and Discipline I vnderstand yt off that discipline which is common and generall to all the churche and perpetuall for all tymes and so necessarie that without yt this whole societie and company and Christiane common wealthe cannot well be kepte vnder there Prince and king Iesus Christe And surelie we must nedes either confesse that Christe hath lefte vs suche an order to liue by or ells spoile him off his kinglie office For what doth more belong vnto the name office and dewtie off a king then to geue lawes vnto his cytezens and subiectes ▪ and to make such decrees and ordinaūces wherby all the partes off his kingdome maie be mainteined The Papistes indeede denie it and dispute against vs and cōtend that it is lawfull for there highe prieste to rule and order the churche off God as he listeth but we who doe detest and abhorre this blasphemous voice and according to goddes worde aknowledge and confesse Christe to be the only king off the churche how can we saie either that he neglected so greate and so necessarie a point off his Kinglie office or that he hath left yt vs to order as we please But yff there be any whose speache is so contrarie to it selfe that they graunte Christe to be the King and lawe geuer off the churche and yet will saye that either he made no lawes touching tht gouernment off his people or fewer then were needfull Let them consider how litle they differ from the Papistes in this poincte and how vnhonorably and vnreuerently they speake off Christe our Lorde For yff he hath not set in order the whole state off his kingdome iff he hath not apointed officers and declared the dewtie and authoritie off euerie one yff he hath not apointed what shoulde be the order off courtes and off Iustice iff he hath taken no order how the controuersies off his subiectes maie be ended he hath lesse prouided for his churche then not only Moses did for the Iewes but then Lycurgus Solon Numa and other lawegeuers off the gentiles prouided for there cities and common weales Which yff we confesse what shall become off that famous kingdome which the Prophetes sette out with such pompe and glorie what shall become off that septer off Iustice and that Chariotte wherein Dauid describeth him sitting in the middest off the church Which althoughe we graunte properlie to belong to the kingdome off Christe in heauen affter th●s life yet are those Prophecies not so wholy to be referred therunto but that they haue also some relacion to the begynning off his kingdome in this life For seing his kingdome in this life differeth from the other by reason and certeine respecte only and is not altogether off an other kinde so that the thinges which are here begonne shall then be fully accomplished There is a certeyne proporcion to be considered here and all those prophecies are after a sorte also to be expopounded off this kingdome As where yt is prophesied that in the kingdome off Christe all thinges shal be ordred by perfecte Iustice and equitie that all his subiectes shal be obedient and full off heauēly knowledge that there shall be no Cananyte in all the lande that the gentiles shal be shutte out off the citie off god and suche other thinges which the prophetes most worthelie and notablie haue sett out we must vnderstand that all these thinges after a certeyne manner are to be referred also to his Kingdome in this life and declareth that the gouernment of this Kingdome of his churche here owght also to be iust and equall that the faithfull who are his subiectes owght not to be brutishe and ignoraunte but as conning in heauenly matters and as full off that knowledge as maie be That men off vicious lyfe and geuen to all sinne and wickednes are to be cast out and banyshed from the churche and the temple off god to be kepte as nere as is possible free and cleane from all pollutions and prophanacions Furder also they are conuicted by the whole historye off the Gospell and by the writinges off the Apostles by which it appeareth that he hath lefte vnto vs fully all thinges which were nedefull for the administracion off gouernment off his kingdome For howe oftē talked he with his disciples touching this kingdome How often did he declare what maner off kingdome yt was namelie that yt was no kingdome off this werlde that it handled not the busynes and affaires off this life but suche only as parteine to the mynde and conscience How often did he declare what his officers should be nāely no gracious nor honorable Lordes but ministers off the churche How exactelie did he apointe the order off his courtes and iustice that no thing more could be required to a right gouernmēt and lawfull pollicye yea euē a litle before that he went from his disciples how earnestlye and how carefully cōmēded he the charge off his kingdome vnto them how greate authoritie gaue he them to shutte or open heauen and so greate was his care for the dewe administring off his kingdome euen then when he toke his triumphant chariotte wherewith he was after caried into heauen that sitting there he
commendeth also vnto the Elders the flocks which ar amonges them that is to say to euery one off them ther owne flockes wherby yt may appeere that they were set ouer certen flockes And these be not only the examples off the Apostles but the lawes which they geue vs and the commandementes which they left vs to ordeyne Elders and Deacous in the churche as the necessitie and state theroff shall require And sure I cannot tell how he can thinck him sellfe to haue receyned any office who with out doinge any man wronge may sitt idle iff he list Offten tymes the auncient Sinodes made decrees against thes idle orders that leaue a man so free bindinge him to no certen charge That no man should be ordeyned an elder as they vse to speake yt without a title that is to say without a churche And suerly iff all wer not confused and trobled in the Discipline off our churche we could neuer beare so notable disorder that suche kind off allowinges should be esteemed lawfull ministeries which ar then only Mynisteries off the churche when they that ar thus commended and allowed off haue gotten a churche that will vse ther labor and who in the meane tyme eyther do nothinge or ells goe about as they lift in all the realme as roges and masterles seruantes seekinge some mayster that will hyre them and vse ther Labor Suche tymes in deed ar spoken off in the stories off the Iudges wher Ionathan the Leuite wantinge a highe place and an aulter went rouinge to let out his seruice to any that would hyre hym but it is added in the same place that ther was then no kinge in Israell But this great confusion was taken away afterward by Dauid and Salomon and euery one accordinge to the ancient prescripcion off Moses and Iosus wer appointed ther proper seates townes and cynes ●o occupy them in Therfore whie do we that lyue vnder the kingdome off CHRIST our true Salomon who hath sett all this in very Good order whie do we I say suffer the churche to be stayned with so notable a spott and ordeyne not accordinge to the word off God that no no man be appoynted to any Ecclesiasticall office But he that is called to a certen churche wher to to exercise it And why do we not accordinge to this example call home the Priestes to the Arcke off the Lord and the leuites to the appointed cities Ther remaineth somewhat that lickwise perteineth to all that beare office in the churche That is that they so execute them that they may not be accused for neglectinge or pretermitinge ther duties For in the church what so small a charge is there which we ought not to studie with all faithfulnes laboure and diligence to make florishe to beautifie and adorne seinge we haue the Angelles for lookers on to see how we vse and behaue our selues in the execucion theroff and the Lord him selfe a most liberall rewarder off the one parte yff we do it well and contrariwise a most seuere Iudge and Auenger iff we do it not accordinge to our dutie For that which the Apostle cōmandethe to geue Archippus warrninge off That he should diligently see to his office which he had receyued off the Lord is to be extended also to all thos that beare any charge or office in the church off God and euery one ought to thincke it to perteine to them selues which the same Apostle admonisheth Tymothie off that is That they discharge ther dutie and make knowne ther ministerie by all meanes yea further all that are called to any office or gouernment in the churche must vnderstand that the same hange he ouer ther headdes which the Apostle declareth that he was afraide off iff being called therunto he should not preache the Gospell For ther is none so litle a charge in the howse off god wheroff one day most streight Accompt shall not be asked In vayn then shall men dreame off pardons dispensacions and priuiledges All shal be called to Accompt to declare with what faithfulnes and diligence they haue done ther dewties They shal be ●e compelled to aunswer ther most deadly enemyes that off them selues shal be readie to accuse them for not hauing discharged ther dutie And the accompte shal be made in the greatest and most solemne assemble that euer was for seing that it appeare the by the parable off the talētes com̄itted to the seruantes that a most streight accompt shal be asked off the lest gift off god that we receyne in this world how muche streighter do we thinck it wil be for thē that haue receeyued gouerment in the churche and iff he shal be so hardly delt with that neglecteth one talēt that he hath receiued They that beare greatest offices in the churche and vpon whos faithe and credit in discharging off them the saluacion theroff dothe in a maner depend how carefully ought they bothe day and nyght to thinck off dischardging this dewty hauinge so great a reckoninge to make not off one Talent but off the churche which our Lord Iesus so deerely loued that for loue theroff he vouchsafed to come frō the highest heauens into thes lower partes off the earthe to redeeme it and purchase it not with gold or siluer as saithe Sainct Peter but with his precious bludd But I do otherwise then I was purposed that am fallen to threatninges and exhortacions wheras in the beginninge I only purposed to declare what ought to be doone and what we do not And yet ther be so great faultes committed in this behalff that it seemuch nothinge can be greuously and vehemently enoughe spoken against them For the chiefe charges off the churche ar not only left vndischarged for negligence but dispensacions and priuiledges are granted that exempt ministers from the necessary doinge off ther dewty and geue Pastors leaue off this condicion to leaue ther flocke and ther churches yff they leaue an other in ther place to read seruice vnto them And for them that will goe to the vniuersitie by an ordinary lawe it is lawfull to be absent three yeeres and the realt with a litle mony may purchase the like dispensacions in the Archbishops court and market Off the sāe sort also be thos bulls that are bought in the same market that geue ycence off heaping so many churches or as they call them Beneficies to gether which Faculties as they call them besides the intollerable couetousnes wher with also for some mennes diligence in this behalffe is ioyned extreeme need and pouertie off a great nomber off other as commonly it commeth to passe wher a fewe men rake all vnto them selues bringe in a●so into the churche a necessitie off neglectinge off dewty seinge yt is impossible that one should be able to serue more churches and thos often tymes the lenght off the whole land a sonder In which horrible destroyinge off the churche and neglectinge and for sakinge the Lordes flock streyinge in the
succeded by inheritance vnto the Apostles and therfore haue receyued yt off them allthoghe I should graunt them the first the second yet is disprouued by most manyfest testimonies and examples of the appostles them selues For let vs see iff euer the Apostles in any election did challendge this power and authoritie vnto them Sainct Luke writeth off thre elections holden by the appostles the fyrst in the fyrst off the Actes wher a new Apostle is chosen The second in the sixth wher the Seacons the third in the fourtenthe wher the Elders ar appointed in euery church For althoughe the Apostles did not choose Matthias But left it to the Lott which should declare the Lordes will and counsell therin because this was proper and peculier for that office off Apostles that they should not be chosen off men nor by men But immediatly from the Lord him selfe yet in settinge forth two ther is a certene kind off choise and election But what is ther in all this actiō that either Iames whome some say to haue bene Bishopp at Ierusalem or P●●er or any off the other Apostles doth take vnto him selfe For althoughe that Sainct Luke declareth that Iames was present heere yet we reade not that he was cheefe ther or tooke vpon him as he was Bishoppe authority to appointe an Apostle Or ells thos two off whom one should be chosen by the Lott But contrawise we see that he challenged no more to him selfe then either Andrew or Philipp or any other off the rest off the Apostles In deed Peter as Proloquutor propoundethe all the matter and purteth vp as yt wer this grace vnto the churche off chosinge an Apostle And he him self declareth what one they ought to choose and what especially in ther election they ought to respect and regard But vsed no particuler or special autoritie in choosinge the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 They sett forthe Which is off the plurall nomber vsed by Sainct Luke in that place dothe manyfestly declare and proue Therfore in this first and solemne election off the Apostles ther was nothinge done or said from whence this infynite power and authoritie may be deriued vnto the Bishoppes But contrariwise seinge Iames taketh nothinge to him selffe nor Peter nor any other off the rest nay seinge all the Apostles togeether doe nothinge heere off ther owne authoritie nor choose whom yt pleasethe them It is sure and manifest that That Bishopp that will not take him selfe greater then an Apostle or then all the Apostles can by no right challendge to hym selffe any suche power or priuiledge in gyuinge and apointinge the offices off the churche But Let yt be that this election for the choice off Mathias and the great office and callinge wherevnto he was chosen had somewhat singuler and extraordinary and let vs see the next that is the election off the Seacons written by Saincte Luke in the sixthe chapter off the Actes wherin ik is so farr off that Peter or Iames or any other off the Apostles challenged any thinge aboue the rest vnto them selues in choosinge off them that contrariwise ther was nothinge done but by the common consent and agreement off them all For Sainct Luke dothe expressly declare that the multitude off the disciples we called togeether by the twelue that the choosinge off Seacōs was propoūded by the twelue and that the election beinge ended the praiers were made and handes laid on by the twelue For allthoughe they did not all call them to geether nor propounde the election nor make the praiers yet so expresse a speakinge as Sainct Luke vseth heere That the tvvelue called the disciples together and the words off the plurall nombre which he vsethe in euery place off this history do manyfestly proue that nothing was done heere by the priuate commandement or counsell off any but that cōtrariwise all thinges passed by the com̄on consent and authoritie off all the Apostles Therfore in this second and most solemne election bothe for the presence off all the Apostles and multitude off the disciples They take the repulse againe and can not obteyne this immesurable and princely authoritie in the churche which they seeke to haue The last is the election off Elders written in the fourtenth off the Actes which was heeld not by all the Apostles but only by Paule and Burnabas wherin althoughe they two ruled all the actiō and did moderate and gouerne the Iudgment off those that gaue the voices yet that they vsed no power and authoritie off ther owne in electinge the Elders off the churche euen that one word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Chosinge by liftinge vp off the handes off the people doth manyfestly declare Therfore the Bishopps receyued not this authoritie by inheritance from the Apostles whose elections I haue declared to haue beene furthest off from this lordly authoritie For so they had bene taught off Christ that his kingdome was notlike the kingdomes off this world wherin some one hathe the chiefe authoritie to whome the rest ought to obey and whom they call ther Lord an master But he had appointed ●oir greatest or greater then his fellowes they had lerned that he was only king to whom all ought to be obedient and that they ought to lyue togeether like fellows in equall place and degree one with an other But they flee from the Apostles to the Euāgelistes And that fauour they could not get off the Apostles they hope to atteyne by them therfore they fetche the begynninge off this power and authoritie from Tymothie and Titus loff whom they say the one was bishop at Ephesus and the other in Candy And Timothie say they was commanded that he should not lay on his handes to rashly vpon any which commandement had bin in vayne iff the election off ministers had not beene in the Bishopps handes But I aske them how they proue that Tymothe was bishoppe at Ephesus For I thinck they will not bringe me that subscriptiō To Tymothe first chosen bishoppe off Ephesus much lesse Eusebius authorite the Author wheroff is vnknowne and off no great credit which also is not sett at the end off the first epistle against the most manifest testimoni off the Scripture which callethe Tymothie not a Bishoppe but an Euangelist for so Sainct Paule expresly calleth hym in the ende off his secōd epistle vnto him And the whole history prouethe that it cannot be that he could haue taried long at Ephesus who followed Paule trauelinge throughe so many churches and serued him in his iourny whom Paule himselfe doth witnes in mani places to haue beene an eye witnes off his afflictions whome he sent some tymes to Ephesus namely when he went into Macedonia sometymes to Corinth witnessinge that he did the lordes worck euen as he him selfe As also to the Rom. he calleth him his follow laborer as one that labored to gee●her her with him in plantynge and orderinge off churches and last ●ff all that ther may be no way
Testament or the will of the Testator nor that this possession is occupied by them without most vniust fraud and open violence and wronge Therfore seinge as I proued hitherto therbe many and greeuous faults in our discipline seinge the most holy lawes off god left vnto vs by the Apostles for the gouernment off his kingdome are violated and broken Seinge the fancyes off men and the pleasures off seruantes are preferred aboue the cōmaundement of Christ the king Seinge the churche is so destroyed which he redeemed by his blud the holie offices prophaned and all thinges mingled and confounded to geether Let vs at the lenght earnestly and carefully think to amend thes thinges let vs in deed obey his preceptes and lawes whome in wordes we acknowledge to be our kinge Let the churche and the good estate and estimation theroff be deare vnto vs By fetchinge the discipline off the church frō mē and from the Canon law we do wronge to Christ our Prophet and our prince and open a springe and founteine off errors in the churche Let vs therfore stopp thos pittes and go to the founteine off the word off god As subiectes let vs depend vpon the will off our king And let vs make this first the most waightie law in the reformaciō of our discipline that nothinge be doone in it besides his word and commandemēt and that all thinges be framed to this good will and pleasure So that if he hath forbiddē any man to enter into the church to take vpō him any publique person therin or execute any office but vnto which he is chosen and called by him iff he hathe greeuously punished the transgressors off this law who despising his commandement and goinge without the bandes that they were compassed with breake into other mēs ground and haue beene so bold to prophane the holie charges with ther defiled handes let vs see and be carefull that ther be no suche thing emonges vs and at the last let vs commaund thence Popishe priestes women that baptize in secret chauncellors Archedeacons and ther seruantes the Commissaries and Officialles and the rest off that trashe that take vppon them the administringe of discipline to leaue off and do ther owne busines and suffer thes thinges to be executed by thē that are called therunto by the lawfull apointment of god Ther is great fruit and cōmoditie that commeth by a lawfull calling Let vs take heed therfore that we loose it not by ambitiō and bribery Christ hath cōmitted a certen prouince to be gouerned by his embassadors And whō he callethe to any office he apointeth wher and amonges wwhom to execute it why then do so many go wandringe and straying amonges vs Why do we graunt so lose embassages why do we cōmit an office to any man whō we apoint not wher ād amonges whō to execute it especially seinge thes wandringe and vnstable charges are wont to bringe infinit euill after thē But if any man hath an office comitted vnto him if his citie place ād church be assigned wher to exercise it let hī diligētly performe which he hathe taken in hand And iff he do it not willinglie let the magistrat compell hym to amend his dewty or lette him be put out off his office And for thos faculties and dispensacions that exempt suche as will purchase them from this necessary doinge off ther duty let vs take away and abolishe as hauing first proceded from Antichrist him selfe and yet not with out great offence receyued emonges vs and decree accordinge to the word off God that who so euer is chosen to any ecclesiasticall office shall carefully and diligently look vnto it as one that is to geue accompt off the execution theroff in that noble and famous day off the comminge off Christ In elections taking away the vsurped tyran̄y off the Bishoppes and all that confusion which I haue declared wherby dew triall and examinatiō is hindered let the lawful choosers haue ther right restored to thē againe Let ther be diligent and exact examination had off thos that ar to be chosen Let offices be geuen for worthynes and not for other respectes lest bothe the holy offices be prophaned and the churche wanting hir necessary helpes and stayes fall to the ground last off all Let vs restore the right and trew vse off Ordeining ād laying on off handes and abolishe and take away this false and forged abuse theroff Thus farr haue I handled thos thinges that ar to be amended out off the word off god in this parte which equally belongeth to all the offices off the church Now followeth the next part which declareth what is proper and peculier to euery one which also hath merueilous need off correction and amendement Thus therfore hauing fynished that part wherin I haue fully and at large handled thos thinges that perteyne equally vnto all that beare any office in the church It followeth to shew how many sortes off them ther be and what euery man hath cōmon with other or proper or peculier vnto him selffe Off ecclesiasticall offices therfor somme are ordinary and perpetuall in the church and some are extraordnary which were vsed for a tyme but ceased afterwardes to be vsed any more For in the fyrst age off the church by the great goodnes of god towardes his people that was but then yong and tendre many diuers heauenly gyftes were giuen Which after when the church had growen strong and the gospell had been sufficiently confirmed with thos mirackles wer no lenger giuen but a certen firme and stable order was set to gouerne the churche by for euer Which were rather as Sainct Paule calleth them gyftes and Graces then ordinary offices off the churche No man I thinck can doubt but that they are ceased seinge the gyftes are geuen no more The questiō is somwhat harder off the office of Apostles Euangelistes and prophetes which all seinge they are occupied in preachinge off the word I will deferre to proue they also are ceased to that place wher I deinde all thos that haue charge to interpret the word off god into two sortes Therfore in the meane season omittinge the extraordinary I will begynn with the ordinary offices off the church wheroff seinge some be simple and others some compounded I will in the first place more fully and at large as the matter it selffe requirethe speake off the first first and more simple part whence also the latter dothe wholy springe Therfore all the perpetuall and ordinary offices off the church that are symple are conteined in the holi scripture in thes two names off Bishopps and Deacons for all thoughe the wordes them selfes are not so exactly or as I may say so curiously obserued as also it was not needfull they should yet the somme and effect off this deuision is euery wher reteined So Sainct Paule in his first Epistle to Timothe instructinge his scholler how to frame and sett in order the churche off Ephesus for the office off an
Euangelist which Timothy bare comprehendeth all the offices and functions off the church in Bishopps and Deacons So also the same Apostle writinge to the Phillipiās whos church to as allready established and set in order Paule and as followeth To the Saincts vvhich are at Philippi withe the Bishoppes and Deacons c. In which place vnderstandinge hy the name off Sainctes the faithful and as it were the citezens and body off the church vnder Bishopps and Deacons he conteinethe the gouernours ād thos to whom any publique charge in the church is committed Somewhat otherwise in the xij to the Romans but to the same sence he deuideth ecclesiasticall offices into prophesing which is ther office whom he calleth Bishopps in the two places afore named and Deaconshipp which distribution is also kept by Peter in the fourthe of his former epistle But that keeping still the name off Deacon he vseth the word speache for prophesyinge This therfore is the true diuision off ecclesiasticall offices distributed by Christes chiefe Apostles into thes partes wherby yt manifestly appereth that in a perfecte and well established church ther be both partes as it wer the right side ād the left side off the body and that neither off them can be wantinge with out the great deformity and misshapinge off the whole As also off the other part ther ought to be no office no charge or functiō in ther church which is not as it wēr a mēber off one of thes ij partes and inseperably ioined with the rest of the body by which forme and paterne off the Apostles iff we should examin the Romane churche I meane that Romane church that fell from hir first simplicity and that liuelie image off the beast which is described by Sainct Ihon framed and fashioned hir selfe after the fourme and patterne off the Romane Empire as is declared by Clement by other occasions in his Epistles what need haue wee heere off a heauēly kind off surgery to cut off the superfluity off so many and vnnecessary and needles partes what wenns and what blemishes wer to be cut off and cured in this behalffe But ther appereth no lesse deformity in the want of thos partes which are naturall ād necessary seing that in the romane church one whole parte that is off Deacons is wanting Off both which so notable deformities I would our church wer free and that ther wer nothinge in our metropolitane and other mother and cathedrall churches that did imitate the superfluity off needles partes and mēbres for in the other deformitie in wantinge necessary partes we ar nothing inferior to the Papistes them selues for the Deacons are alike wanting in them both as after more plainly shall appere when I come to that place Now let vs examin particularly the seuerall offices And first off all let vs speake off the Bishopp The name off a Bishopp cōminge off the greek word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 doth signifie a watchman or a scoutwatch who is appointed to watche in the campe or citie and to declare the comminge off the enemy which name allso all thoughe yt be sometyme gyuen to the Magistrat for that care he ought to haue off the people subiect vnto him yet oftner and more properly to the chieff charges off the church and to thos that are as it were the watche off the cytie off god to keepe it not frō fire and sword which mortall enemyes can bring against it but from that euerlasting fier and thos fyry dartes as the Apostle calleth them wherby most mighty spirites and most deadly enemyes off the church go about day and night to enflame the cytie with all But seinge that euen off thes some by speciall othe are more streightly bound to cōtinuall watche and ward namely they to whom are cōmitted thos holy siluer trompettes to declare to all men all the word and commandedement off god the com̄inge off the enemyes to thes properly and specially is gyuen in the third off the first to Tymothi the first to Titus and other places the name off Bishopp or wachmam So that in old tyme this was rather a name off labor then off rest off burden then off honor off busines then off ease Now a Bishop iff we will trewly declare what he is is the minister off the churche in heauenly thinges and such as perteine vnto god For this I thinck good to follow the wisdome off the Apostle in declaringe the office off a priest vnder the law seing that bishoppes in the new testament haue succeded as touching the gouernment off such thinges to the priestes off the law As for that I enclose all the office off a Bishopp in deuine seruice I ground vpon the same place off the Apostle who giueth no more to the priestes whose office was nothing lesse honorable then the Bishopes in this behalffe yea had a greater shew off maiesty and honor in certene pointes in respect off thos tymes which had need off suche thinges So the Apostle conteineth the office off Timothe although he were an Euangelist in the gouerment and administracion off the house off god which is the churche And to omytte many other places to this ende the Apostle to the Hebrues cōprehendeth all the charge off the Elders in the cure off soules And what greater and more sufficient witnes can we haue in this mater then off Christ our Sauior and our kinge who throwghly knewe the nature off his kingdome and had appointed to what vse to put euery one how often doth he declare that his kingdome is not off this world but off an other and more heauenly nature and suche as parteineth to the procuringe off the saluacion off men wherin for asmuche as his whole embassage and charge which he receyued off his father did cōsist he was wholy occupied therin his doingt and meditation was allwais vpon it he medled not him selffe with the thinges off his world but day and night had his charge before his eyes and exercised him selffe therin warning also the Apostles that they should not hope to obteine the glorious shew and honor off this world seinge his kingdome was off an other nature yt rulethe the affections yt gouernethe the troublesome mocions off the mynd it morateth inordinate lustes and bringeth euery mā to the doinge of his duty yt lifteth and raiseth vp againe thos that were fallen and beaten to the ground it confirmeth thos that are sick and weake with the grace mercy and goodnes off god it bringeth men from receiued errors wherby they were cast hedlong into all daunger an mishiefe to the true honoringe and worshipping off god he tould them that he would vse ther labor to these endes They should keep his foulds and feed his flock and his lambes This should be ther race to runne in Thes ther listes wherin they should exercise them selues wherin iff they behaued ther selues with praise and commendation they should look for as
when the rest off the Egyptians for famyn were compelled to sell ther flockes and droues and euen ther landes and possessions for corne vntill that ar the last all the country by this means was come into the kinges handes he suffered not the priestes to sell theirs neither would he encrease his treasure by ther losse and hinderaunce But contrarywise ordeined that they should be prouided for geuinge them euen that which was his owne So likewise all other nacions and kingdomes prouide for ther priestes and Religious men and think that god would be greuously offended with them iff they should neglect them And we see how beneficiall and liberall Papistes were to the mainteininge off Idolatrie and superstition for yt ys allmost incredible what cost they made vpon there Idolatry and that shewe and shadowe off Religion which they had And how costly and swete odors they bestowed as it were vpon the deade corps off Christ But we forsake him aliue and raised vp againe So that it is to be feared that he will one day vpbraide vs with his pouerty and need and complaine that we left him naked hungry thirsty and forsaken without helpe or succor But he is not only forsaken beinge naked But euen robbed off that apparell which he hathe So that yt apperethe that some men thought to crucifie hym againe when they thus parted his garmentes amonges them and cast lottes for his coate But allthoughe ther be many waies off spoilinge yet me thinck none more greuous then impropriation the only name wheroff declarethe how litle right ther is in it which is the translatinge and the alienatinge off the goodes off some churche to an other that hathe no right vnto them But seinge this wholl matter off the most vnworthy spoilinge and robbinge our church is fully handled by that worthy and lerned man Master Bucer in that booke off his which I named in the beginninge and seing that in the same booke he handlethe not only impropriacions but also first fruites which is a certen kind theroff presentacions collacions resignations and diuers other kind off robberies I had rather thes thinges were sought for in the lerned wrightinges off that worthy man that the matter might carie more credit and authoritie with it As for me I lament with him this miserable state of our church which allmost in euery place is destitute off fit Pastors and ministers seing no man is willing to take that condicion wherby after he hathe taken neuer so great paines he shal be scarce able to mainteine his life Neither is it destitute only at this present tyme but it is to be feared that it is alwais like to be so here after and that the studie off god his word shal be neglected For no man will willingly follow that trade off life wherin he hathe only no hope to liue honestly and with some commoditie but wherin besides the infinit trauell and greefes that follow that profession he shal be afflicted also with neede and pouertie And iff we had not rather be wise by our owne domage and losse then by other mens ther ruyns off the churches round about vs might sufficiently teache vs how daungerous this spoilinge off the churches goode is and this neglect off mainteninge the holy ministery Therfore iff we prouide not otherwise let vs assure our selues that euen this fault doth threatē the vndoubted ruine off the churche and that so worthy gestes as the preachers off the gospell cannot long tary in an In̄e wher they be so ill receiued and interteined And iff we compell them to leaue vs surely they will take away wi h them that peace and blessinge which they brought and which we may truly professe came into England with them Therfore let vs not so lightly esteeme the great care that the Lord hath ouer vs in feeding ouerseinge and rulinge vs by his seruantes lest at the last he breake his shepherdes hooke in his anger ād cast awaie all care ouer vs and go his way and leste that being prouoked with this thirty pence a notable hire that we pay him he leaue vs and depart in his anger as some times he threatned the Iewes not caringe any more whither the broken be bound vp or the lost be sought againe Therfore let vs at the last amend this shamefull neglect off the ministers off the word off god and seinge as the Apostle saithe they sowe spirituall thinges to vs and suche as belonge to euerlasting life let vs not thinck muche iff they reape carnall thinges off vs againe and some commodities off this present life yea rather seinge this is a most gainfull husbandry for the churche off this so vile seede to reape thos most precious fruites off the Spirite Loue Peace Ioye Long Suffering Goodnes Faith Meeknes Temperance and at the last that golden haruest off life euerlasting let vs sowe plentifully and with good corage that we may reape a more plentifull haruest Neither let vs now be more weried with sowinge whiles it is sowinge time then we will be weary hereafter when haruest shall come in reapinge and gatheringe most precious fruit into our barnes Therfore let vs embrace the ministers off the gospell with all loue kindnes and dutie and that so muche the more liberally and plentifully for that what so euer is bestowed vpon them euen to a dishe off cold water shall not only be muche more richely requited and recōpensed againe but accompted euen as it had bene bestowed off Christ him selffe But we ought not only to lay our clothe and spreade our Table for Christ whom we haue bidden vnto vs as Symon the Pharisie did in S Luke iff we wold haue him know that he is well come to vs and that we loue him with great affection but also embrace him and kisse him and washe his feete with water and anoint his heade with oyle and finallie to receiue with all seruice and dutie so worthie a guest as both becometh his honor and also is meet for the great loue we beare vnto him And this is the dewty off all men But kinges that are wont to receiue no man off any countenaunce or estimation but honorablie and with great magnificence and ther Equalles with more princely port and stately manner how ought they to take heed that they be not to pinching and to sparinge when they receiue Christ the Lord the kinge off heauen and earthe off whom they as Vasselles hold ther kingdomes and lordshippes as off see nor commit any thing that may offend so noble and worthie a guest and rather be carefull that all thinges heere be magnificall gorgeous and princely But I would not that any man should thinck I say thus as iff I thought vnder pretence off Christ nothing cold be to muche that were bestowed vpon Bishopes and ministers or that I would haue them made dronke with the delightes and pleasures off this world who ought to be an example to other men off
which they haue iff at any tyme they haue gotten wrongfully into ther handes the patrimony off the churche For they must either restore it againe that the churche may be prouided for off worthy teachers or ells make them selues giltie off the losse and destruction off so many soules as by there meanes are destitute off a minister and shall perishe in ther ignorance But seing this place hath bene handled now fullie enoughe as I suppose let vs conclude that which I purposed in the begin̄inge namely that the churches ought the prouide for the ministers and that in suche measure that they be not hindred from doinge there dewties either by neede and pouerty or by welthe and aboundance That they be not despised thorowghe neede and necessitie nor waxe wanton by excessiue riches As for that point by what meanes this ought especially to be done we must vnderstand that which was cōmanded in the lawe touchinge the geuinge the tēthes to the priestes and Leuites bindeth not vs precisely to the payinge of tēthes For this was a politique lawe off the Iewes which bindeth vs only generallie that we also prouide for them which labor in the Lordes work But as we are not necessarylie bounde to vse that way off prouision for them So iff it be commodious for any country either because the people are allreadie accustomed vnto it or for some orher ciuill and politique respect yt may be vsed so that we remember that which hath bene shewed before That the ministers must honestly and liberally be prouided for with oute ther takinge off any suche paines as may hindre the doinge off ther dewtie And seing the Lord would not suffer the Leuites and Priestes to the with drawinge off them from doinge ther dewtie to goe about the feeldes and see that euery man pay ther tithes and to see it brought home how muche lesse ought the worck off the ministerie to be hindered by doing this busynes But also besides this discommoditie It is a base and a vile thing for them to vewe euery mans feelde lest they be deceyued and to knowe the nombre and encrease off euery mans flocke or cattell and off other thinges wheroff by the custome off our realme the tenthes are paide especially seinge he shal be forced sometymes to striue with peuishe and couetous men for his right which in suche a man especially in suche a case were a shamefull and vnworthie thinge Therfore iff we thinck good to keepe still the tenthes and to pay the Ministers off them the magistrate must prouide for this by his authoritie that they may be free from all thes troubles that they may wholie bestowe them selues in readinge meditating and expoundinge off the Scriptures and at one word in doing off there dewtie And to see that so doing they may be honestly and liberally prouided for For thus we reade that the godlie and noble kinge Ezechias did who brought to passe by his authoritie first that the Priestes were prouided for as yt was commanded in the lawe Then also he tooke suche order That ther tithes growinge to a great quantitie and store should be so laide vpp and reserued as might be most commodious for the priestes And howe meete wer it for Christian princes and for the perpetuall praise off ther godlines in the churche to followe the example off Ezechias in this behalffe who not only brought to passe by his authoritie that as I said before the priestes and Leuites should be prouided for as it was commanded by the lawe but also had a especiall care that That which was liberallie giuen might be deuided to those to whom yt apperteined Therfore he built barnes and granaries for the better commoditie off the priestes and finally appointed certen men by whose meanes the Leuites who were scattered throwgh owt the kingdome were prouided for Suche Auncetors and so worthy patterns and examples off godlines and all kind off vertue let Good Princes set before them to followe and not only not spoile the Ministery them selves or suffer it to be robbed off others but liberallie accordinge to the commandement off our Sauior Christ see it mainteined and prouided for thorowghe owt ther kingdome nor suffer that That which was once geuen to this ende be prodigallie spent and wasted in courtly Pompe excesse and wantones nor bestowed vppon noble mens seruantes nor other innumerable sortes off vngodlie and intollerable abuses by sacriledge and the churche robbery but that yt be faithfully ordered and bestowed vppon Religion the seruice off god and publishinge off the word off god thorowghe out the kingdome and the maintenance off the sacred ministerie Thus they shall proue them selues to be suche kinges and Queenes as Esay prophesied off who should norishe cherishe and defeund the churche like foster Fathers and nurces Thus therfore hauinge ended this pointe off the Liuinge off Bishoppes or Mynisters Let vs go forward to the next which is touching ther garmentes and appparell which apparell being off ij sortes that is to saye either belonging to deuine seruice or which seruethe in the common and dailie vse off life I finde nothing written or commanded in in the gospell off either off them but only that which is generallie commannded touchinge modestie sobernes and honest conuersacion with all men which as yt may be referred to the diet and houshold stuffe and to all other partes off ther life So also to ther garmentes and apparell But a certen kinde forme and fashion off apparell either in dailie vse off liffe or ells in deuine seruice is no where commannded in the Gospell Neither yet vnder the lawe was any thing prescribed to the Leuites and Priestes for ther daylie wearinge in what apparell or garmentes they should daylie goe In deede in the diuine seruice which they did in the tabernacle off the Temple such thinges are diligentlie and exactly prescribed and set forthe accordinge to the dispensacion off the old Testament But in thes our tymes wherin by the grace off God we haue the trewth yt selffe and the bodie in Christ our Sauior we haue no lenger neede off figures and shadowes Thes thinges were but for a certen tyme which so long as God would haue kept he left the forme and fashion off ther apparell plainly set forthe in his law adioining therunto the punishement off deathe iff any man should trangresse the lawe therin But this difference off apparell in diuine seruice doeth no more belōg vnto vs thē the offring vp off sacrifice and the kepinge off other ceremonies off the lawe Neither vnder the lawe perteined it to any but only to suche as ministred in the tabernacle and temple and not to the rest off the Leuites who were scattered throwgh out Iury and preached the word off god in the Sinagoges How much lesse ought the Interpreters off the gospell vse those veiles and shadowes in thes daies wherin as the Apostle saithe we behold which open and vncouered face the glory off god And iff
rule ouer the people off god that ther be no violence nor tyranny vsed or suche like as comonly is vsed in that state which degenerating from the gouernment of a fewe off the best commeth to a fewe off the richest but that they adioyne also to ther owne authoritie especially in matters off great waight as in choosinge or deposinge off any Ecclesiasticall Officer or in suspendinge or excommunicatinge any man the consent and agreement off all the people For we reade it to haue bene thus done euē frō the Apostles tymes vntill that Discipline was corrupted as appereth in the Actes off the Apostles written by Sainct Luke and the Ecclesiasticall history off the primitiue churche So that in this respect yt seemeth that the churche is gouerned rather by all then by a fewe And therin to resemble that state off gouernment wherin the cōminaltie is the chiefe Which societie must needes be gouerned by a heauenly ordre for it is the best state off all wheras all these thre meete in one kind off gouerment as both Plato thought and Aristotle and the other chiefe and excellent Philosophers that state I say wherin all the cytezins obediently submit them selues to god which cōmandeth as kinge and monarche and the assembly which decreeth by his will and authoritie where also the assembly decreeth no weighty matter without the cōsent and approbacion off the rest off the churche and people Neither is this the māner of gouernment off parish churches onely but the same is also kept where more churches are either for that they be nighe togeether or because they are all subiect to the same Magistrate or for ther cōmon proffit and commodty ioyne togeether and make as yt were one body For off this sort also be all the assemblyes which are gathered for the gouernment off the churche both those which are called Conferences and Synodes wither they be lesse Synodes suche as they were wont to haue twise a yeere in euery prouince or greater which are gathered to geether by the authoritie off any one whole kingdome free state or common wealthe or ells off mo kingdomes and countries For the souerantie allwais reserued vnto Christ by whose word all thinges are gouerned as in a Monarchy The counsell or Assembly off Elders as in the second state off gouernment which I described before decreeth by common counsell and authoritie that which is for the wealth and commoditie off the churche the people with all good will allowing off the godly iust and honest determinacions off the Assembly or making them voide and off none effect yff they be not suche as in the last ststate wherin the people hathe to rule and gouerne Off which Assemblye both Conferences and Synodes of both sortes althoughe many thinges might be said very necessary and profitable for the vse off our churche to which nothing could be more profitable then these assemblies being so vsed as they are apointed to be vsed by the word off god and vsed by other purer and better reformed churches as contrariwise nothinge doth more hurt then these Synodes visitacions and conuocations which are come into ther places which as we vse them are full off infinitie abuses wherin almost no other thīge is talked of or detreed but of square cappes copes ād surplises what fashiō the ministers gowne and cloke must be off an such like trifles yet seing this hangeth off that which hathe bene allready spoken off the gouernment off particuler churches and the more full handling off those thinges may be taken out of the lerned writinges of some off our daies which haue lately writē touching this matter passinge this thus briefly ouer let vs returne againe to the assembly and cōpany off Elders which seing I haue declared both to haue bene instituted by our Sauiour Christ and to be very necessary for the preseruacion off the churche because that therby controuersies are ended offenses are taken away the churche being purged is deliuered from the feare off the punishement off god the Sacraments are kept holie and vndefiled fynally all thinges are done seemely and orderly as the Apostle cōmandeth to be done in the churche off god By what subtelty off Satan and negligence of our selues are our churches bereaued off so singuler ād heauēly a benefit can any mā deny but that Christ hath thus apointed that this assemblie should thus gouerne in his churche iff ther be any man that can deny it Let hym tell vs what the meanyng ys off thes wordes Tell the Assembly in the xviij off Matthew or what keyes that is to say what power off openinge and shutting off heauen off bindinge or losinge sinne our Sauiour speaketh off in that place Or what that Assembly off Elders is which Paule in his Epistle to Tymothy speaketh off or what Elders they be that he speaketh off in the chap. following And Peter likewise in his Epistle who they be that to the Corinthians he calleth gouernours To the Thessalonians Rulers and Ouersers And who they be whom the Apostle to the Hebrews saith to be set ouer the congregation vnto whom he willeth them to be obedient and to submitt them selues And who they be also whom Sainct Luke in the Actes calleth the Elders off the churche off Hierusalem and off Ephesus wold they haue vs proue that it is necessary Let them teache vs contrary to that which our Sauiour Christ hath geuen vs warning off that yt is not necessary that offenses should arise or ells shewe some better meanes how to redresse them or take away when they be risen then that which our Sauiour hath appoynted which is to be exercised by the Assembly Let them shewe it to be a needles care to kepe the Sacramentes impolluted and vndefyled or iff they confesse yt to be needfull let them teache vs some better way to do yt by then that which our Sauiour Christ hath taught vs allready For I think ther is no man off any sound Iudgement that will say That which we vse nowe is fytter for this purpose that is to say that one Bishopp and he not oftentymes by him selffe but by his Chancellor and he by his Surroga●e should take hym so selffe all this authoritie alone rule as he listeth in steade off a lawfull Assembly off Elders who by common counsell and authoritie should gouerne the church For as I declared before the Bishop tooke vpon him the office off Deacons that they being taken away he might distribute the church goods all alone and how after also takinge vppon him t●e office off the Elders when he had likewise thrust ou● them he tooke vpon him alone all the care off the churche So here also he hath abolished the whole Assembly that he alone may be asked Counsell off he alone may haue knowledge iudge and determyne off all matters For he spreadeth him selffe ouer all the body euen as the eye which S. Paule speaketh off in the first to the Corinthes For as the eye will haue no
Doctors Elders haue the chiefe care and charge off this commō wealthe to see that no office want his officer and how faithfullie euery one beareth hīselfe in doinge off his office regarding all with one eye how offēses may be auoided and how they may be remedied when they do arise As for the placinge off euery one in his degree how honest and orderly ys it wheras all do generally reuerence and respect the Assembly for their Authoritie And euery one knoweth his place and degree and lifteth not him selfe aboue his callinge But the Deacons sitting downe in the lowest Roume geue place vnto the Bishopps who sitting as Stevvards off the Lordshouse at the higher ende off the table enuie not other officers to sit together with them And the Stewards also do so know them selues to beare the same office that notwithstanding the Pastors go before and the Doctors follow after After whom next be the Elders and in the last place the Deacons sitting notwitstandinge at the Officers table As for euery mans garments and apparell howe seemely are they how meet for ther callinges and how precious ād excellent The common Araie off them all is a certen godlie and holie knowledge and profession off Religion and an vndefiled life and cōuersacion wherwith being clothed as with those white garmentes which Saint Iohn mencioneth in his reuelacion they need no cloth off gold our suche like costly apparell to set them out with all Yet besides this common Aray euery one carieth the proper tokens and badges off his office For the Bishopps as the kinges stewardes in steade off ther staues haue sounde knowledge of the scriptures besides which the Pastors haue allso that mouīge ād percinge speeche wherby they haue bothe power and authoritie to strenghten and to terrefie to comfort and to cast downe againe as the Reye off openinge and shuttinge which Eliachim great steward off kinge Ezechias house is described to beare vpon his shoulder As for the rest off the Deacons their seuerall signes and markes are Diligence Symplicitie Which so merueilous gouernment off the howse off God apointed by the most devine and heauenly wisdome seing it passethe aboue measure the ordre off Salomons house with the loue wheroff the Queene off Saba was Rauished the God off all mercy graunt that yt may muche more rauishe our most noble Queene and hir right honorable Counsellors with the love theroff then the other did the Queene off the Sowthe and hir Courtiers For then shall we bee all most happy who liue in the churche as in the court off Christ our trewe Salomon when we may allwais stand in his presence before him and heare him speake being the wisdome off his Father Then shall we confesse that king Salamon doth reigne in deede and that all thinges are trew which the Prophetes prophesied touching his kingdome when we see the churche in this ordre when we see the Ministers and officers theroff thus araied and apointed For althoughe as we saie the court is wher the king is So also the church is wher as Christ is present And allthoughe this be the cheifest end most principall To heare the voice and wisdome off Salomon yet it is not possible that he should tary any longe tyme in a place that he appoint not and set in ordre his Court according to his heauenlie wisdome It may be that in time of his progresse where he soiourneth but for a short tyme being ready by and by to depart againe that this whole ordre and gouernment off his court can̄ot so well be seene and appeere but it cannot be that where he is purposed to dwell and where he hath chosen a certen place to abyde and continewe in that he set not all thinges in ordre according to his wisdome meetest both for his state ād maiestie and for the perpetuitie off his reigne For which cause I am the more a fraid lest that he be come into England as into some castle in the waie off his progresse for a small tyme vnles this confusion and disordre which cōmonly followeth progresses be taken awaye and a certeine and sure ordre off gouerninge the churche be established for I cannot fullie reioice in the state off our churche vntill that I see both for religion sownde faithe and doctrine in Christ and for discipline a commely and meet order off gouerninge the churche which Saint paule reioised to see in the churche off the Colossians For the stable and perpetuall state and condition off the churche standethe vpon these ij pillers Wherfore I most humblie pray and beseech all men that haue any care to preserue and keepe the kingdome off Christ emonges vs to deliuer the trew seruice and worshipp off God to our posteritie that to their power euery one would seeke for this lawfull discipline off the churche which I haue described and bo●he all seeke to furder yt with their good will and prayers and especially the ministers by preachinge and the Maiestrates by authoritie As for me I bynd my selffe as it were by this Obligation to god and to the churche that my labor and diligenc shall neuer be wanting in any thing that may helpe and furder by any meanes this reformation which our Eyes dasell and our sowles pyne away with so long looking and waiting for which yff I may once see I shall thinck that parte off any life the happiest wherin so great a benefit shall comme vnto the churche but Iff I shall neuer see yt with mine eyes yet I am glad that I haue seene the forme and patterne off it allready in my mind and left it to those that shall come after and so by the example off Dauid and Ezechiel whose condicion was not vnlyke in this behalffe and by the testimony off my consciēce that I haue dischardged my dewty to my God and to our churche I will rest and confort my selffe herewithall in the want off that which with so great desyer I haue longed for To God alone be honor glorye a 2. Corr. 7.3 what discipline is Hebr. 3.3 Exodus 25 40. a 2. Chro. 8.14.29 25. b Ezechie 40. 41. 42. a Artes 3.22 b Matth. 17.5 c Eliezer was Abrahams seruant whose faithfulnes is shewed in that 24. off Genes Psal. 45.7.5 Esaie 32.1.4 Zachar. 14.21 Luk. 9.58 Luk. 12.13.14 Luk. 21.25.26 Iohn 19.36 Math. Act. Math. 28.20 Ephe. 1. Timoth. 6.13 Diuision of discipline 1. Corrint 32.19.29 1. Corrint 10.15.16 Heb. 13 24. Hebr. 4.5 Nomb. 17. ● ● Samuel ●● 2. King. 15.5 Nomb. 1● 32.35 Math. 28. ●● Hebr. 7. Iohn 3.5 Ephes 1.5 Rom. 4.11 1. T●moth 2.11.12 Iudges 13.5 1. Timoth. 1.3 2. Corinth 2.16 Luk. 3.23 Math. 3.17 Luk 2.49 Math. 28.19 Actes 14.23 Titus 1.5 〈…〉 1. Act. 20.17 Act. 15.2 2. epist. Peter 5.1 Iosue 22. Coloss 4.17 2. Timoth. 4.5 2. Cor. 9.16 Ephe. 4.9 1. Pet. 1.18.19 1. Timoth 3.10 1. Timoth. ● ●2 Actet 1.23 Math