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A04195 A treatise of the holy catholike faith and Church Diuided into three bookes. By Thomas Iackson Dr. in Diuinitie, chaplaine to his Maiestie in ordinarie, and vicar of Saint Nicolas Church in the towne of Newcastle vpon Tyne. The first booke.; Commentaries upon the Apostles Creed. Book 12 Jackson, Thomas, 1579-1640. 1627 (1627) STC 14319; ESTC S107497 117,903 222

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Lawgiuer and gouernor vouchsafes to write his Lawes not in tables of stone or pillars of brasse but in the hearts of them that are to bee gouerned by them Now what bond or vnion betwixt men can bee imagined so great as that which the fundamentall Law of this Kingdome once written in the hearts of men doth necessarily induce or effect to wit that euery one should loue his Lord King aboue all and loue his fellow Citizens as himselfe And the execution of this Law is the accomplishment of the felicitie and prosperity of this Kingdome who so hath once attained to this perfection doth ioy as much in the good things which his fellow citizen possesseth as in his owne good so that the ioy of each one is the ioy of all and the ioy of all is the ioy of each one 2 Againe this Church or Kingdome of Christ herein hath the preheminence for vnity aboue all bodies naturall or artificiall in that it is truly and indissolubly one not by vnity onely of the forme or by the continued identity of the head or of some or more of the principall members but by true vnitie and indiuiduall identitie of euery integrall or materiall part once perfectly vnited to the whole And albeit these parts before their vnion were Heterogeneall most dislike yet after their vnion they become vniforme most homogeneall to each other Though some were Scythians others Israelites or Arabians though some were slaues other Lords yea Kings and Princes some Lay-men some Priests some altogether illiterate others learned some old some yong yet all of them vpon their admission into this Church or Common weale become a royall generation Kings and Priests The least the meanest or lowest member of this vniuersall Church or house of God is himselfe a Temple of God Thus the vniuersality doth no way impeach it doth rather set forth and commend the vnity of this Church 3 That which giues this Church or Kingdome preheminence for vnitie doth giue it likewise preheminence for holinesse before al other Kingdomes or societies whatsoever and that is the participation of the spirit of Christ or as the Apostle speakes the participation of the diuine nature which wee haue through the operation of the spirit as agent but which formally consisteth in or immediately resulteth from that immediate vnion which we haue through the spirits agency with our Lord and King who is both God and man As this word Church so the chiefe attribute of the Chruch holy is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a word of many significations or importances To set downe all the severall importances which this word holy hath in scripture would be tedious and in very truth they are scarce comprehensible to humane capacity they may multiply vpon new occasions and grow diuisible in semper divisibilia It shall suffice to know in generall that the diuers significations of this word Holy are of their number which as Aristotle tells vs dicuntur advnum and may be as many as the references be vnto the principal Analogatum from whatsoeuer subiect or matter the reference arise As for example Sauitas or healthfulnes doth properly or formally consist in the right temperature disposition or habite of mans bodie but some things are said to bee sana sound by perfect Analogie or proportion as wee say pomum aut nux an apple or a nut or wood is sound which are not rotten putrified or tainted Wee say againe that cibus est sanus meate is healthfull drinke is healthfull that the ayre wherin wee liue is healthfull that the dyet that is moderatio victus that exercise is healthfull and so of euery thing that is conducent to the procuration or preservation of health And sometimes the effects or tokens of internall health doe participate of its name as wee say there is saliva or vrina sana sound or healthfull spittle c. 4 In like manner holinesse doth properly and formally consist in the right temperature or disposition of the soule specially towards God The Idaea or exemplar of which temperature is conformitie vnto Christ our head Now euery thing in scripture is termed holy that hath any speciall reference to the producing of this temperature or quality of the soule whether as a cause meanes or circumstance So we say the word preached is Holy because it is the seed or meanes of begetting this holinesse and withall as it is indicium sanctitatis divinae a signe or character of his holinesse whose word it is In the same respect likewise the Sacraments are Holy the place wherein the word is preached or Sacraments administred is likewise termed Holy The day likewise or time wherein such assemblies are held are termed Holy But the Holinesse meant in this article is internall holinesse or purity of mind Now the fountaine of this Holines is in the head of the church Christ Iesus from whose fulnesse some branch or streame of true and reall inherent sanctity of life is deriued to euery true member of this Church This Church it selfe is not termed holy à maiori parte from the greater part only Euery member of it is inherētly holy Howbeit this title of Holines though common to all doth not ex aequo convenire omnibus is not equally communicated vnto all but by intrinsecall analogie or proportion It is more perfect and more pure in such as are already admitted into the Church triumphant It doth rather purifie or cleanse such of Christs members as haue their habitation in these houses of clay here on earth then remain pure and perfect in them Recipitur ad modum recipientis it is receiued according to the quality of the receiuer The same streame or water is not for cleerenes or other properties the same whilest it runs in a muddy channell as it is in a Conduit of ●ead or whē it runs vpon stone or gravell Christ saith the Apostle loued the Church and gaue himselfe for it that he might sanctifie and clense it 〈…〉 of water by the word That he might present it ●o himselfe a glorious Church not hauing spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that it should bee holy and without blemish Ephes 5. vers 25 26 27. Though we be washed with the water of Baptisme and with the wine of the Eucharist in this life yet cannot we be so washed or clensed as to be left without spot wrinkle or blemish vntill we haue put off this earthly tabernacle either by death or by that change whereunto all are subiect that shall not die The reason why all must either dye or be changed is because flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdome of heauen and the reason of this is that flesh and blood is not capable of that purity or consummation of holinesse which is as the wedding garment without which none may enter into those Courts of the Temple within which the mariage of the Lambe and his Spouse be solemnized Or to giue the summe of the Apostles
in whom alone they are exactly fulfilled not onely according to the mysticall but for the most part according to the most exquisite literall sense Not that either all or most passages of Scriptures which are first literally verified of some other and after exactly fulfilled in Christ haue as some great Diuines thinke two literall senses albeit this may sometimes happen though very seldome but that of one and the same litterall sense there may be and vsually are two or more obiects one more principall and proper the other either lesse principall or lesse proper Thus it alwaies not onely is but of necessitie must be wheresoeuer the tearmes wherein it pleaseth the Spirit of God to expresse himselfe containe in them a multiplicitie of significations or importances whether aequiuocal analogicall or ad vnum Now of all tearmes vsed in Scripture this word Church as was obserued before hath the greatest varietie of significations or importances And by consequence it must haue one principall obiect of which all the principall attributes or titles of the Church are punctually and accurately verified and other obiects lesse principall to which notwithstanding the same name or titles are in some measure often communicated 3 Hence it may to the obseruant Reader appeare that Bellarmines exception or argument against Caluine which being drawne into forme stands thus The word Church in Scripture doth alwaies import a visible companie of men Therfore it doth not belong to an inuisible Congregation is no better then this The holy ointment did bedeaw or besprinkle Aarons garments Ergo It was not powred vpon his head or it did not madifie or supple some other parts of his body whereas the truth is vnlesse the ointment had first beene plentifully poured vpon his head it could not haue run downe his necke vnto the skirts or rather the brimmes of his vesture Answerable to this representation we say that all the glorious prerogatiues titles or promises annexed to the Church in Scriptures are in th first place and principally meant of Christs liue-mysticall body But being in abundant measure bestowed on it they descend by analogie or participation vnto all and euery one that hath put on Christ by profession without respect of person place or dignitie All the difference in the measure of their participation or manner of their attribution ariseth from the diuers degrees of similitudes or proportion which they hold with the actuall live-members of Christs mysticall body in matter of faith or conuersation Such as haue the true modell or draught of that Catholique faith without which no man can be saued imprinted in their vnderstandings albeit not solidly ingrossed or transmitted into their hearts or affections are to bee reputed by vs who vnderstand their externall profession better then their inward disposition true Catholiques ttue members of Christs body and heires of promise Although in very deede and in his sight that knowes the secrets of mens hearts many of them be members of Christs body onely in such a sense as foetus conceptus non animatus As an humane body shaped or organized but yet not quickened with the spirit of life is tearmed a man 4 The conclusion touching this point which Bellarmine his followers are bound to proue if any thing they meane to proue to the purpose is this That vnder the name or titles of that Church wherunto the assistance of Gods spirit for its direction or other like prerogatiues are by Gods word assured the visible Church taken in that sense in which they alwaies take it is either literally and punctually meant or necessarily included The visible Church in their language is a Societie or Body Ecclesiastique notoriously knowne by the site or place of its residence or by their dignitie order and offices which are the perpetuall gouernours of it Ecclesia saith Bellarmine est tam visibilis quam est Regnum Galliae aut Respublica Venetorum And againe that Church whereof Christ is King is as visible in his absence by the presence of his Vicar generall as the Kingdome of Naples in the absence of the King is by the presence of his Viceroy Vnto the attributes or prerogatiues bestowed on the Church in the Apostles or Nicene Creede or vnto the promises annexed vnto it in the Scripture the visible Church as we say taken in the Romanists sense hath no claime or title saue onely in reuersion or by reflection that is The true mysticall body of Christ is onely instated in the blessings prerogatiues or promises made vnto the Church from this Body or rather from Christ which is the head of it the said blessings immediately and successiuely descend in different measure vnto the seuerall members of it or vnto such as are no solid members of Christ in practice or conuersation yet true Catholiques in opinion and loue vnfaigned vnto the Catholique faith And from indiuiduals thus habitually qualified the Church visible or representatiue deriues its right interest in the promises made vnto the Church generally or indefinitely taken Wheresoeuer two or three thus qualified are gathered together in Christs name that is not for any priuate ends or sinister respects but for meere loue of truth the presence of Christs spirit is by promise annexed vnto them Though a thousand Bishops Prelates or Clarkes not thus qualified be assembled for their own gaine or dignities or if their consultations be managed by superiour power or faction they haue no like interest in the former promise For any Church visible or representatiue whose indiuiduals are not thus farre qualified the greater part whereof for number or more principall for authority may be infideles aut haereti ci occulti that is Heretiques Infidels or Atheists in harts To vsurpe an absolute infallibilitie in iudgement of matters sacred is no better then blasphemie for any such Church to expect the extraordinary assistance of Gods spirit in their consultations is but the dregs and reliques of Simon Magus his sin But of the diuers acceptions of this word Church in what sense it is said visible or inuisible true or false wee are to speake hereafter Sect. 2. chap. 1. CHAP. VI. Containing the speciall points to be beleeued concerning this Article of the One Holy Catholique Church How euery one is so to moderate his assent or beliefe concerning it that he neither incline vnto presumption nor fall into despaire 1 THe speciall points which wee are in this article to beleeue are these First that as Christ whilest he liued on earth was a King albeit his Kingdome was not earthly nor of this world so he hath still a Kingdome or at least a great part of his Kingdome here on earth the members or Citizens of which Kingdome whilest liuing in this world are not of this world their 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as our Apostle speakes is in heauen that is the Societie or Corporation whereof they are actuall and liue-members is translated from earth to heauen and their demeanour or conuersation here
whosoeuer entred into the Arke were saued from the deluge This is so expresly and determinately set downe in the Scripture that no Atheist can question the meaning or extent of the propositions wherein it is set downe In the selfe same day saith the Scripture Gen. 7. verse 11. entred Noah and Sem and Ham and Iapheth the sonnes of Noah and Noahs wife and the three wiues of his sonnes with them into the Arke And in the 8. chap. and the 18. verse Noah went forth and his sonnes and his wife and his sonnes wiues with him So that eight soules came into the Arke and eight went forth 3 So then for conclusion Noahs Arke was a type of that Church into which whosoeuer enters shall be saued but such a Church is not the visible Romish Church in what sense soeuer it be taken First it is not true of the vniuersall Church consisting of the Layetie and Cleargie nor of the Church representatiue to wit their generall or prouinciall Councels For none will affirme that all and euery one of their Bishops or such as giue suffrage in their Councels shall haue the suffrage of Christ or their names written in the booke of life They will not astipulate that whosoeuer is graced with a red hat in Rome shall bee sure to weare a Saints or Martyrs crowne in heauen Euen the Pope himselfe whom they make their vertuall Church may bee a notorious vicious man and dye the death of the wicked and therefore neither liuing was the head nor at his death any member of that Church which was prefigured by Noahs Arke because hee can neither saue himself nor such as haue committed their soules to bee wafted ouer to the new Ierusalem by this presumed Pilot of Peters pretended ship So that either Peters ship was not such a type of Christs Church as Noahs Arke was or else the Pope is no Pilot of it 4 Doe wee speake this as men doth not the Scripture say the same doe wee make these collections as sectaries or hath not S. Peter made them vnto our hands For speaking of the Arke wherein few that is eight soules were saued by water he saith The like figure whereunto euen baptisme doth also now saue vs not the putting away of the filth of the flesh but the answer of a good conscience towards God by the resurrection of Iesus Christ 1 Pet. 3. cap. verse 20 21. His meaning is that as Noahs Arke was the type of that Church extra quam nulla salus intra quam salus certissima out of which there is no saluation in which saluation abounds so the waters by which the Arke was consecrated or hallowed to be the receptacle of safetie to mankinde was a type or figure of that sacred Lauer by which the Church is consecrated or hallowed to bee as the wombe or breast of saluation to the faithfull Baptisme it selfe answereth in proportion to the doore or window of Noahs Arke But of what baptisme was the water by which such as entred into the Arke were saued a type A type of externall Baptisme No externall Baptisme and the waters of Noah were types of the same ranke both were types or shadowes of that internall Baptisme which is wrought by the Holy Ghost by which we are incorporated into the body of Christ and become more vndoubtedly safe from the euerlasting fire then such as entred into Noahs Arke were from the deluge of water 5 The Apostles argument Heb. 9. holds as truely of Christs Church as of his Sacrifice If the Arke which Noah built did saue all such from the deluge as entred into it how much more shall that holy and Catholike Church which Christ hath built and sanctified by his most precious blood giue life eternall to all such as in this world become liue-members of it Such members they are made not by externall Baptisme or by becomming members of the visible Church but by internall grace or sanctification But neuer did the Iew doat halfe so much on externall circumcision and legall sacrifices or the Aaronicall Priesthood as the moderne Romanist doth on the Sacraments of the Gospell and on his imaginarie Priesthood after the order of Melchisedeck or other like notes or sensible cognizances of the visible Church Now it were more then wonder if the excesse of this his blinde zeale vnto these externals did not draw him to much greater more direct diametrall opposition vnto Christ vnto an higher pitch of inueterate malice against the members of his Holy Catholike Church or Kingdome spirituall then the high Priest or Elders exercised against his person whilest he was present in the flesh Thus much for this time of the allegorie or argument of proportion drawne from Noahs Arke As for the generall Maxime extra Ecclesiam non est salus There is no saluation out of the Church although it be absolutely and punctually true onely of that one Holy Catholike Church which was exactly typified by Noahs Arke yet the same Maxime is literally applyable vnto and in certaine cases vndoubtedly true of some visible Church or other All true visible Churches haue some right or interest in it CHAP. XIII How farre and in what cases that Maxime vsed by the Fathers Extra Ecclesiam non est salus Out of the Church there is no saluation is true of the visible Church or Churches visible 1 THe persons that are extra Ecclesiam are of two sorts First such as neuer were members of any visible Church as all Infidels moderne Iewes and Mahumetans c. Secondly such as haue beene members of some visible Church but haue beene either cut off from it by Ecclesiasticall censure or haue separated themselues from the visible Church or Churches wherein they liued In respect of the first sort that is of all such as neuer were members of any visible Church the Maxime extra Ecclesiam non est salus there is no saluation out of the Church is not vniuersally true yea taken vniuersally it is vniuersally false in respect of time that is it could neuer be verified of all and euery one that was extra Ecclesiam visibilem out of the visible Church in any age There was a time wherin Gods visible Church was confined to one people or nation to the ofspring of Abraham Now it were an heresie to say that no sonnes of men besides the sonnes of Abraham or such as did associate themselues vnto the visible Church then resident onely in Abrahams family were saued during the time of the Law or before the Law was giuen righteous Iob was no sonne of Iacob yet the sonne of God And it were vncharitablenesse though no heresie to say that Iethro Rechah or Ionadab were all sonnes of perdition or were sonnes as our Sauiour said of the Iewes of their father the Deuill because they were not the sonnes of Abraham or had not the visible Church of Israel for their mother In respect of this present time to say Wee know no meanes by which any
the house of God That saying of the holy Spirit Act. 2. v. 47. was more peculiarly verified of those times and of that people then of any other times or people The Lord added to the Church daily such as should bee saued This saying includes thus much That all or most of those that professed themselues members of the then visible Church became liue-members of the holy Catholike Church And no wonder for the temptations or dangers which then hindred the Iewes or Gentiles but especially the Iewes from consociating themselues to the then visible Church were more and greater then such as hinder the members of later visible Churches from entring into the Kingdome of heauen or from resolute profession of that doctrine without which no member of any visible Church this day extant vpon earth can enter or be admitted into that one holy and Catholike Church Vntill Bellarmine Valentia Stapleton and some others did trouble the streame or current of Gods Word as much as we haue here said was cleerely represented to the aduersaries of our Church Witnesse that Enchiridion of Christian Institutions set forth by the prouinciall Councell of Colon vpon this Article of the Creede The Author of which Enchiridion were he one or more hauing diuided the Church into triumphant and militant ingenuously grants that the Church militant taken in its proper and strict sense is inuisible saue onely to God He grants withall that some members of the Church militant ita sunt in domo Dei vt ipsi sint Domus Dei they are so in the Church of God as they themselues are the Churches of God that is as we said before they are homogeneall and liue-members of the one holy Catholike and Apostolike Church or pillars and liuing stones so layed by the hand of God that they can neuer be remoued All hee had to say against Lutherans was verùm ad eum modum non oportet accipere Ecclesia vocabulum c. That when Christ commands vs to heare the Church or when the Fathers dispute about the authority of the Church we are not to take the Church militant so strictly as Luther Caluine and their followers somtimes doe to wit for the liue-members of Christs mysticall body All this may be granted we are not the men which they mistake vs for We neuer denied obedience to the visible Church which consists of good and bad which containes in it as well the reprobate as the elect All the difference betwixt vs is about the bounds or the limits of the obedience which wee owe vnto the visible Church Wee say first the present Romish visible Church doth exact greater and more absolute obedience then either Moses or such as sate in Moses chayre then either Christ or his Apostles did exact of their followers whilest hee liued here on earth Secondly wee say that we doe not owe the same measure of obedience to any visible Church now on earth as the primitiue professors and beleeuers did to our Sauiour Christ and his Apostles CHAP. VIII What is required to the constitution of a visible Church Whence the vnitie or pluralitie of visible Churches ariseth What vnitie may be had or expected betweene visible Churches independent one of another for Iurisdiction The diuers acceptions or degrees of the visible Church 1 TO the constitution of a visible Church there is required first externall profession of one and and the same faith Whether the parties making this profession be many or few it skils not Sometimes the father of the family with his sonnes and men-seruants were professors of the Christian faith taught by the Apostles whilest the mothers and the daughters with others of the same family remained in Paganisme and infidelity et é contra Now though the house so diuided were not the Church of God yet was there a visible Church of God or part of such a Church in that house A visible Church distinct from others in place of habitation onely not by diuersitie of faith or discipline For seuerall families of the faithfull were called Churches as being partes similares Homogeneall parts of some more intire or ample visible Church Secondly to the constitution of an intire visible Church there is required besides vnitie of profession or the vnitie of faith professed or of morall Lawes acknowledged an vnitie of Lawes or ordinances iudiciall or an vnity of discipline of astipulation or obligement vnto a peculiar kind of power or authority before vnusuall in other Societies or Corporations 2 Before the Pastors or gouernors of the Church had any commission or coactiue power deriued frō Princes States or Common weales to make Lawes for the Church or for punishing offenders euery member of the visible Church in what Realme or Kingdome soeuer seated did renounce or abiure all vse of such libertie as euery other member of the same Kingdome or common-weale which was no member of the Church did enioy It was not lawfull for one member of the visible Church to implead another in matter of controuersie or wrong before a forraigne Iudge And although this astipulation was not legall that is not authorised by any humane Law or custome yet did it bind them faster then any legall or ciuill bond Dare any of you saith S. Paul having a matter against another goe to Law before the vniust and not before the Saints Doe ye not know that the Saints shall iudge the world and if the world shall be iudged by you are ye vnworthy to iudge the smallest matters 1 Cor. cap. 6. vers 1 2. But if some member of this visible church had opposed this spirituall authority or reiected this discipline or astipulation what remedie had the Apostles against them In primitiue times euery one that was partaker of the Word of the Sacraments or of spirituall blessings did thereby subiect or oblige himselfe vnto a peculiar kinde of Iudicature or tribunall vnto which no other member of the Common weale or Kingdome which was no participant of the Word or Sacraments was either subiect or obliged And this was the sentence of Excommunication an extraordinarie and peculiar kind of Iudicature which the Apostles exercised by authoritie immediately deriued from Christ not by commission or warrant from Princes or Estates not by the positiue Lawes or ordinances of any Body ciuill or ecclesiasticke I verily as absent in body but present in spirit haue iudged alreadie as though I were present concerning him that hath so done this deed In the name of our Lord Iesus Christ when yee are gathered together and my spirit with the power of our Lord Iesus Christ To deliuer such a one vnto Sathan for the destruction of the flesh that the spirit may be saued in the day of the Lord Iesus 1 Cor. cap. 5. v. 3 4 5. That this Apostolicall Iudicature did extend onely to the visible church planted by him that it did extend to all and might be exercised vpon euery actuall member of the same Church is apparant from the
the first planting of Churches had and practised Secondly Whether independent Iudicatures ecclesiasticke did or may decrease or multiply in succeeding ages or so decrease for number that there shall be but one left on earth vnto which all ought to bee subiect so farre that there shall or can bee but one true visible Church Concerning the first point Whether there bee any Iudicature Ecclesiasticke altogether the same with that which the Apostles had I am not of opinion with Erastus that great Physition and good Diuine that the exercise of Excommunication was then onely needfull when no visible Church had any legall or ciuill remedie to preserue its vnitie or purge it selfe of grosse offenders Or that the right or power of Excommunication which the Apostles and their immediate successors had did vtterly expire and vanish after once whole Cities or Common weales became Christian and the Churches which before had onely soiourned amongst them were incorporated into them as liue principall members enabled by full authority deriued from the supreame Maiestie or soueraigntie of States or Kingdomes to inflict corporall punishment vpon offenders to enact coerciue or penall Lawes or other meanes necessary for diffusing the doctrine of life throughout the whole body politike without lett or incumbrance of any particular part or member But though I be not thus farre of Erastus his mind that the power of Excommunication did at that time specified by him vtterly expire or determine yet hath experience made it more then probable that after the Churches and Common weales were so mutually interwrapt and lincked together that euery member of the Common weale was inforced to become a member of the Church and to bee so admitted by Church Gouernours the edge of the spirituall sword was much abated the force of former spirituall ordinances became stifeled with the multitude of persons against whom they were directed Whether the defect bee in the power it selfe or in such as haue it but doe not vse it certaine it is that this branch of discipline is not in our dayes so effectuall as sometimes it hath beene either for framing visible Churches vnto the rules prescribed by their great Founders or first Planters or for conforming the members of the visible Church vnto the true Holy and Catholike Church The meere spirituall power with which alone the Apostles and their immediate Successors were indued was of greater efficacie then both the remainder of the like spirituall power in later Bishops and Pastors and all the strength of secular or ciuill power wherewith Princes States or Kingdomes since the mutuall incorporation of Common weales and Churches haue as they were in conscience and de iure divino bound assisted Prelates and Church-gouernors 7 To the second question Whether there be one or more independent tribunals the later Romanists vnanimously answer that there is but one onely Iudicature or supreame tribunall here on earth the Iudge whereof they make the onely head of all the Churches or as they would say of the whole militant Church here on earth Nostra sententia est saith Bellarmine Ecclesiam vnam tantum esse non duas et illam vnam et veram esse coetum bominum eiusdem christianae fidei professione et eorundem sacramentorum communione colligatum sub regimine legitimorum pastorum ac praecipue vnius Christi in terris vicarij Romani Pontificis Ex qua definitione facile colligi potest qui homines ad Ecclesiam pertineant qui vero ad eam non pertineant Tres enim sunt partes huius definitionis Professio verae fidei Sacramentorum communio et subiectio ad legitimum pastorem Romanum Pontificem The Church in our opinion saith Cardinall Bellarmine is one not two and this one true Church is a Company of men linked together by profession of the same christian Faith by communion of the same Sacraments vnder the gouernement of lawfull Pastors and chiefly of the Bishop of Rome Christs sole Vicegerent here on earth Out of this definition hee further addes it may easily bee gathered what men pertaine vnto the Church who pertaine not vnto it For the parts of this definition are three Profession of Faith Sacramentall Communion and subiection to the lawfull Pastor viz. the Bishop of Rome The conclusion which he aymes at is this that whosoeuer either doth not hold the same Faith in all points which the Romish Church doth or doth not communicate with that Church in the vse of Sacraments or doing both these doth not withall acknowledge the Bishop of Rome for his supreame Gouernour ecclesiastike hee no way belongs to the true Church Whosoeuer holds all the three parts of the former definition he is the true sonne of the same Church The militant Church saith the Author of the Antidote is a society or company of men linked and combined together in the same profession of the Christian Faith and vse of Sacraments vnder lawfull Pastors chiefly vnder one Head and Vicar of Christ the Pope of Rome the 3. part of the Antidote cap. 1. p. 17. § 5. 8 The Church triumphant is more beholding to or rather lesse iniured by this Cardinall and his followers then it was by some former Popes or Councels which as the Doctor of famous and blessed memorie long since obserued haue made the Pope head of the Church triumphant Cardinall Bellarmine and his Epitomists in making the Pope such an head of the vniuersall Church militant make him an essentiall head of all Christs actuall liue and indeficient members here on earth And thus to doe is an indignitie to Christ not literally or fully expressable by any tearmes which the tongue or pen of men can inuent It may notwithstanding be thus typically represented or shadowed Suppose a man should put a Gorgon or Saracens head made of straw or clouts taken out of a sinke or some other place not fit to be named vpon the Kings statue or image made by publike authority of pure gold hauing first stricken off or stollen away the true head which the Artificer had framed of matter homogeneall and correspondent for forme or proportion to the rest of the body 9 Contradictorie to Cardinall Bellarmine and the Author of the Antidotes definition wee may for the present conclude and the rules as well of nature and reason as of lawes supernaturall and diuine will ratifie our conclusion viz. First that since the Churches and Common-weales absolutely distinct each from other and independent one of another haue beene thus wedded together as soule and body as man and wife there haue beene as many seuerall visible Churches independent each on other for matter of iurisdiction or subiection to one visible Head as there be seuerall free States or Christian Kingdomes independent one of another Secondly that the subordination of Church to Church is in proportion the same with the subordination of the seuerall states wherein the Churches are planted The best vnion that can be expected betweene visible Chuches
the chiefe Priests and Elders in matters of faith and practice as wee are from communicating with the Romish Church or members of the Trent Councell But if this mans meaning be that neither the Prophets nor our Sauiours Disciples before his death did take vpon them to erect a new visible Church altogether distinct from the erring Synagogue the obiection is true but no way preiudiciall to vs. For they liued in that Church or common weale as our forefathers before Luthers time which feared God did in the Romish Church or common weale which had not by publike consent abandoned the Romish Religion that is neither as absolute members of the Synagogue nor yet a visible Church distinct from it but as visible members of that primitiue Church from which the Synagogue had degenerated As for the Prophets and other godly men which liued before our Sauiours death they wanted rather power than willing minds to reforme the corruptions of the visible Church in which they liued And the true reason why that Church continued so corrupt from Iosias his death vntill the destruction of the Temple and grew so wicked againe in the age before our Sauiours time was because during these times there were either naughty Kings or no Kings at all in Israel Had Iehosophat Ezekiah Iosiah or any like vnto them of Dauids line beene Kings of Iudah in Herods stead there is no question but they would haue brought the Scribes and Pharisees to better order or haue deposed them either haue reduced the then visible Church to its primitiue purity or haue erected a new visible Church according to the paterne prescribed by Moses That the Priests and Prophets did so ouerbeare the true Prophets of God Ieremiah Ezekiel c. to the ruine of the City and Kingdome was the fault of Iehoiakim and Zedekiah As at this day againe it is the fault and folly of Christian Kings that the Church of Rome is not either reduced to better conformity with the holy Catholike and Apostolike Church or else demolished as the Iewish Synagogue was But what should moue this man I meane the Author of the blind Guide of Faith to make the former obiection against vs I cannot conceiue vnlesse it were to giue vs and the Christian world to vnderstand That the visible Romish Church his mother could bee very well content to continue till Christs second comming as erroneous and antichristian as the Iewish Synagogue was before his first comming in the flesh vpon condition she may retaine her wonted power and authority to tyrannize ouer vs and other Saints of God as the visible Iewish Church or Synagogue did oft-times ouer the true Prophets and Christs disciples 2 For conclusion of this point In as much as Christian Princes and free States did second Luther in his intended reformation of so much of the visible Romish-Church as was seated in their Soueraignties or Dominions this warrants our separation to haue beene iust and lawfull and free from all suspition of rebellion or schisme whereunto the like attempts in Iury though vndertaken by Gods Prophets had beene obnoxious vnlesse the Princes or chiefe Magistrates had giuen them countenance and authority Howbeit neither Prince nor people ioyntly or seuerally either now haue or at any time had power to make a new church altogether distinct from the Catholike Church militant on earth which hath beene one by continuation of the same faith since the Apostles time But in case any part of the Church militant or visible be infected with heresie or ouerswaid by faction to approue such impious and vngodly practices as are incompatible with the Holy Catholike faith which hath beene professed in pure and vncorrupt times euery free Prince or State haue in this case power and authority sufficient to dislinke themselues from the factious combination of the visible Church or Churches seated in forraigne States or Kingdomes and to vnite themselues into renewed formes of visible Churches distinct from others Yet thus to doe so they doe no more is not to make a new Church neuer heard of before but rather to recollect the scattered members of the Holy Catholike Church in whom the life and substance of the true Church of God consists and to put a new accidentall forme vpon them 3 The case is altogether the same as if an Army consisting of threescore thousand English French and Italians appointed by ioynt consent of these Nations to inuade the Turke should bee misled by the Italian Generall to reuenge his priuate quarrels vpon the Christians If the English vpon discouery of their Generals trecherie should abandon him and adioyne themselues vnto the Hungarians or other Christians oppressed by the Turke they could not iustly be blamed either for defection or reuolt or for leuying an Armie or vndertaking a warre altogether new without any warrant or commission Well might they presume their Prince would approue their proceedings specially if their seruice had successe answerable to the godly intentions of their first Commission 4 As many of our forefathers as did submit themselues vnto the Iurisdiction of the church of Rome and vndertook such seruices as the Pope or Romane Prelacie did appoint them vnto they did thus onely vpon presumption that the Pope did faithfully execute his Commission as the Apostles successor or that he did command in chiefe for Christ But when the contrary was notoriously knowne vnto this people that hee did but counterfeit the visage of the Lambe that he might the more plausibly effect the designes of the Dragon Our Prince and people in abandoning his yoke and breaking off their confederacie with the church of Rome did well And this being done they remaine the same church they were for life and substance but the same Church better purified and purged from rebellious Antichristian humours the same Church so much more homogeneall to the ancient Primitiue catholike Church by how much they remained the freer from seruitude to Romish tyranny whose vsurped authority ouer other Churches is but Antichristianisme or Apostasie from Christ CHAP. XX. Whether the name Catholike can in good earnest be pleaded or pretended for an vnseparable marke of the true visible Church 1 BVt in all these Illustrations it will be excepted that wee take something for granted which the Romish Church will vtterly disclaime This for one That our forefathers at the time of their departure from the Romish Church were true Catholikes or in the interim betweene the abandoning of the Prelacie of Rome and the establishing a Prelacie or forme of Gouernment of their owne more refined were visible members of the holy Catholike Church For so destitute is the Romane Church of all true solid properties of the true Church of God that she is faine to plead the name and title of Catholike to be her proper note or Ensigne which no other Church may more presume to challenge then a Seruingman may presume to weare his Masters coate or cognizance after hee be discharged of his
Law or Gospell hath beene imparted but they haue impugned both or had them in derision or it may bee in the Iew which acknowledgeth the truth of Mosaicall and Propheticall writings and yet oppugnes the truth of the Gospell which is contayned in them with greater spight and violence then the Heathen which acknowledge neither Briefly as the contrarietie is greatest which is betwixt opposite qualities of neerest alliance in predicamentall line such as haue the same immediate or proximum genus so is their infidelity or enmity vnto the Catholike faith most deadly which communicate with true Catholikes in most principles and yet swarue grosly from them and from the truth in some particular principles or practices thereon grounded As for an Heathen to hold murther or incest to be no sinne is not a crime so haynous as the like in a Iew For a Iew to licence or authorize incestuous mariages to allow or reward the murther of Christians for whom Christ shed his blood includes not so great an enmitie vnto Christ and his Lawes it argues not so high a degree of infidelity as the like practice or opinions doe in him that professeth himselfe to bee a Christian to bee a successour of Christs Apostles to bee Christs Vicar here on earth 5 To proue our intended conclusion by full induction first let inquirie be made what pillage and spoiles of ecclesiastical Benefices the Pope or which is all one the Church of Rome hath made by Bulls of prouision throughout this and other Kingdomes whereby many Christians haue beene induced to account sacriledge no sinne Secondly what oaths whether of allegiance from Subiects to their Soueraignes or of solemne leagues betwixt Prince and Prince or free Soueraignties or of solemne contracts betwixt man and wife haue beene dispensed withall and vtterly nullified by the Pope by which meanes a great part of the Christian world haue beene seduced to esteeme breach of lawfull vowes or periurie ioyned with disloyaltie to bee no sinne Thirdly what mariages the Pope hath licenced betweene parties forbidden to marry not onely by the Law of God but by the ciuill Law of the Ancient Romanes and other Nations by which means many great Families and whole Christian Kingdomes haue beene induced to account such incest or fornication as was loathsome to the Gentiles to be no sinne Fourthly what massacres or cruell butcheries of men neuer conuicted or condemned by course of Law haue beene either licenced before hand or commanded or else allowed approued and commended after the fact done by the Pope whereby many Christians haue beene seduced to account cruell murther no sinne but a meritorious act yea an act of mercy and pitty towards Christs Church If all such particulars as belong to euery branch here specified and haue beene related by vnpartiall Historians were duely collected and examined with the circumstances we might referre it to any Heathen Ciuilian to any whom God hath not giuen ouer to a reprobate sense to beleeue lyes whether the supposed infallibility of the Romish Church or the prerogatiue giuen to the Pope by his followers bee not according to the Euangelicall Law and their owne tenents worse then heresie and worse then any branch of Infidelitie whereof any Iew or Heathen is capable yea the very 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or period of Antichristianisme Why should wee looke for a greater Antichrist in Rome or elsewhere then hath beene already reuealed when as the Pope hath herein manifested himselfe to be the first borne of Sathan in that hee takes authority vpon him to execute the prerogatiue wherein Sathan and his Angels most delight that is of turning Gods affirmatiue precepts into negatiues and Gods negatiue precepts into affirmatiues 6 Amongst other explicite Articles of the Romane Creede which euery Bishop at his consecration is bound by oath to maintaine this is one that in the Masse there is sacrificium verum proprium et propitiatorium pro viuis et defunctis A propitiatorie sacrifice as well for the dead as for the liuing How farre this heresie doth contaminate or ouerthrow the Canon of Catholike faith into which it is inserted by Pius Quartus as it were a toade or spider put into the Chalice or wine of the sacred Eucharist I am not now to meddle My onely purpose for this present is to giue the Reader to vnderstand that failing in other points about consecration of Bishops in England their principall exceptions against our Church and Ministerie is that our Priests in their ordination doe not receiue the power of sacrificing Christs body and blood in the Sacrament But their inserting this clause into the forme of ordination doth proue their Priesthood to be antichristian And as many as receiued ordination in this forme had the number though not the character of the Beast And although this clause did not nullifie their Priesthood which had beene thus ordained before the doctrine of the present Masse was fully discouered to be a part of Antichrists Liturgie yet doth it now make all communion with them either in ordination or in the Romish Sacrament of the Eucharist to bee a desperate heresie and for this cause the controuersie about the Masse must bee reserued to the second Booke of this TREATISE FINIS * Pro concione is as much as Pro rostris (a) for this word Church whether we doe according to the most vsuall and otherwise most refined Dialect of this Kingdome pronounce it or as some other Dialects would haue it Kurk or as the most ancient Dialect sounds it Kyrke all deriue their pedigree from the Greeke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which in the first signification is in value the same with 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is the Lords house or palace All the difference in the diuers pronunciation of it in our English ariseth from the different manner of pronouncing or expressing the Greek K or Υ in the Latine English or moderne tongues Some expressing χ by the English K others by the Latine C. which in English is vsually expressed by Ch as Carolus in English Charles and Cista a chest so likewise 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 by li●e corruption of speech comes to be Church Such as expresse the Greek χ by the English K and the Greeke Υ by the Latine or English V. pronounce it Kurke such as retaining the true pronunciation of the Greeke χ found the Greek Υ like vnto the latine or English Υ haue propagated the name of Kyrke * Aliud enim materia est aliud species Cui materia legata est species ex eâ facta non debetur vt s●lana legata est deinde vestis fiat aut ex tabulis navis aut armarium Similiter traditur si navis legata dissoluta sit nequè materiam nequè navem refectam deberi Hottoman Quaest il lust Quaest octa● * See Col. 1.18 and Ephes 4. vers Cap. 4. Cap. 5. See chap. 17. parag 1. Cap. 6. Cap. 7. Ecclesia duplex est militans et