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A03064 A treatise of faith diuided into two parts. The first shewing the nature, the second, the life of faith. ... By Iohn Ball. Ball, John, 1585-1640. 1631 (1631) STC 1319; ESTC S100833 364,072 489

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there of better hopes well instructed in the principles of religion diligent frequenters of Gods Ordinances and carefull to beautifie their profession with an holy conuersation who did neuer distinctly and in good earnest consider of this matter when yet they must needs acknowledge that it cannot be well done as it ought if it be not done in faith The acts of faith in this particular be these The acts of faith in this particular and such like First It calleth to remembrance the free and gratious couenant which God hath made with the belieuing parents and their posteritie I am thy God Gen. 17.7.9 Act. 2.39 and the God of thy seed For the promise is made vnto you and to your children and to al that are a farre off euen as many as the Lord our God shal call which couenant as it is made with the parents and their seed so doth the faith of the parent apprehend the promise of the couen●nt for himselfe and for his seed And this is the ground of that tender which a Christian m●kes of his Child vnto holy Baptisme For by naturall generation the Children of belieuing parents are defiled with sinne and so vnder wrath but the are holy by couenant and free acceptation the belieuing parent embracing the mercifull promise of God for himsel●e and for his posteritie Infants are not borne Christians by naturall birth but made Christians by vertue of the couenant God promising to accept them vpon offer made vnto him by the parents Secondly By faith the belieuing parents must giue themselues vnto God chusing him to bee their portion and resigning themselues in all things to be guided by his word in all estates and conditions Hee that would giue his childe vnto God must giue himselfe first Is it probable that Father can truly desire and long after the preferment of his childe in the Kingdome of grace here and of glory he●eafter who will not enter himselfe nor submit his will to the commandement of grace The promise is made to the faithfull and that faith only which drawes a man to yeeld vp soule and body as a liuing sacrifice vnto God pleasing and acceptable vnto his Maiestie doth quicken a parent truly sincerely freely and as he ought to make tender of his childe vnto God Thirdly It prouoketh parents to offer their children vnto God by heartie and vnfained prayer assoone as euer they haue receiued them from him Gods promise to accept our children calleth for prayer and supplication on our part that he would be pleased to make good his mercifull and free promise Thus Dauid reasoneth Thou O Lord 2. Sam. 7.27 of hosts God of Israel hast reuealed to thy seruant saying I will build thee an house therefore hath thy seruant found in his heart to pray this prayer vnto thee And so should euery Father O Lord thou hast couenanted to bee my God and the God of my posteritie therefore am I bold to intreat thy fatherly acceptance of my poore Infant Fourthly It considereth what a singular prerogatiue it is to be actually admitted into couenant with God receiued into his family and to haue his name put vpon vs to be partaker of the seale of regeneration remission of sinnes adoption and euerlasting inheritance solemnely to be made free of the societie of Saints and weare the Lords badge and liuerie And what an high and incomprehensible mercie it is that God hath promised and doth vouchsafe these great and inestimable blessings not only to himselfe a miserable and wretched sinner but also to his posteritie who by naturall generation are enemies to his Highnesse dead in trespasses and in bondage vnto the curse of the law With these or the like meditations of faith belieuing parents must present their children vnto Baptisme that they might receiue the seale of regeration remission of sinnes and spirituall libertie that the Name of God might bee set vpon them and their names registred amongst the free Denisons of the heauenly Ierusalem And feruent effectuall prayer doth accompany this admission that God would bee pleased to accept the partie baptized for his childe by grace and adoption release him of his sins and make him partaker of his euerlasting kingdome Faith belieueth what God promiseth as hee promiseth it and beggeth feruently what hee giueth freely Fiftly It stirreth vp heartie reioycing in the Lord that hee hath vouchsafed in tender compassion to looke vpon them and their posteritie and thus to honour and aduance them for the truest Nobilitie is to bee made a Christian and to liue in fauour with God A worldly Father would much reioyce if his childe should bee preferred to some chiefe Office in the Princes Court assoone as it was borne A Christian Father hath much greater cause of ioy that he is admitted not as a seruant but as a sonne and heire into the Court of the great King of Heauen and Earth If parents can compasse but a Lease of some Farme for ●hemselues and theirs they are glad and shall they not reioyce that God hath by couenant and seale passed the grant of the Kingdome of Heauen to them and theirs Sixtly It stirreth vp parents to be diligent and carefull to bring vp their children in information and feare of the Lord being instant with God to blesse their endeauours for the good of their children and the glorie of his name For thus faith perswadeth Thy childe is not thine but the Lords thou hast dedicated him vnto the seruice of his Maiest●e and he f●om whom thou receiuedst him at first hath committed him to thy charge to bee trained vp in his feare It is a great honour to bee trusted with such a ch●rge and it is a fearefull sinne to neglect so great a trust Wilt thou consecrate thy childe to God this day and leaue him to the Deuill for euer after Wilt thou teach him a trade that hee might liue as a Man and not teach him the way of godlinesse that he might liue as a Christian Didst thou not vndertake for his education in the true Religion and wilt thou neglect the pe●formance of that solemne oath Mar. 10.25 16. Christ commanded the children of Christian parents to be brought vnto him and wilt thou present them vntaught and ignorant of the Christian faith The same conscience which moued parents to offer their children to Baptisme will quicken them to endeauour their education in the true faith and seruice of God By faith wee should make right vse of our Baptisme Baptisme is a seale of the couenant betwixt God vs of Gods promise to vs that he will be our God and of our promise to him that we will be his people repent of our sins belieue in Christ walk before him in sincere obedience For signification force vse fruit it continueth not for a moment of time but for the whole course of a mans life It doth respect not only the time past and present but that which is to
of our ransome yet it is also true that wee euery day deserue damnation and must entreate God for pardon that so wee may come to that assurance which the Lord hath enioyned vs to labour and seeke for Zech. 12.10 The Spirit that leadeth vs to Christ doth stirre vs vp with all earnestnesse and confidence to craue pardon and forgiuenesse of our sinnes These two confidence and prayer God hath ioyned together no man can or may put them asunder Our faith assureth vs not of forgiuenesse of sinnes without prayer but that God forgiueth vs when wee pray Nor is this heauenly pledge while dormant though truly dwelling in our soules immediately apt to iustifie Matters of faith be of diuers sorts Some fully acted and done alreadie and those we only belieue we doe not pray for them as the Creation of the World the Birth and Death and Resurrection of Christ and other such like Other-some are belieued as designed promised and in a sort conferred but not yet fully acted and effected to vs which we so belieue by faith as that still wee pray for them till they bee fully accomplished and effected Bellar. de Iustif lib. 3. cap. 11. Rhem. annot in Rom. 8.38 §. 8. Math. 9.2 The Papists confesse that Peter Paul and some other particular persons to whom our Sauiour said Thy sinnes are forgiuen thee were assured of the remission of their iniquities and yet they ceased not to pray Forgiue vs our trespasses Doe they not see then that prayer for pardon will stand well with assurance of remission And why doe they condemne that in vs which was well done by others §. 8. § 8. More distinctly wee continue daily to aske of God forgiuenesse of sinnes according to the direction and commaundement of our Sauiour Christ in sundry respects First because notwithstanding former assurance of pardon if we take our eye off Christ the remembrance and conscience of sinne must needs trouble and disquiet so that wee must still looke to Christ for forgiuenesse and faith lookes vnto him as a Petitioner Secondly we pray daily that wee may haue greater assurance and more comfortable feeling of Gods loue Our faith being weake giueth but weake assurance and therefore wee begge daily to bee setled and established more and more in the assurance of his fauour Thirdly we sinne euery day and therefore aske pardon daily because wee are to receiue actuall pardon from God continually both for our originall corruption which alwayes in this life abides with vs and for actuall sinnes which wee daily and hourely commit against the Maiestie of God Hee that once belieueth is thereby made a member of Christs mysticall body and so hath all his sinnes satisfied for by the death and sufferings of his Head Christ But yet it is the good pleasure of God that hee should daily bewaile his offences and craue pardon for them that he might receiue feele and be assured of the forgiuenes of his particular and daily infirmities Euen after the infusion of faith most perfect 1. Ioh. 1.8.9 Psal 32.3.4 2. Sam. 12.12.13 with Psal 51.1.2 c. faithfull repentance for sinnes committed is as absolutely necessarie to saluation as the first infusion was Fourthly God is not off and one hee plaies not fast and loose but whom once he iustifieth from sinne hee neuer remembreth sinne against them Neuerthelesse we must begge the continuance of his grace that his mercifull pardon may bee a gift without repenrance Faith is a suter to God for the accomplishment of his promises and because wee are assured of his vnchangeable loue we begge with greater affiance the continuance of his mercy prayer being nothing else but the streame or riuer of faith and an issue of the desire of that which ioyfully wee belieue 2. Sam. 7.15.27 1. Chron. 17.25 Dauid being certified that God would for euer stablish the kingdome in his house and posteritie forbeareth not to pray that it might bee so Our Sauiour Christ knew that his sheepe should neuer perish yet hee prayeth Holy Father keepe them in thy name Iohn 10.28 Iohn 17.11 Psal 16.10 Heb 5.7 Iohn 1● 5 2. Tim 4.18 Hee prayeth also for deliuerance from death and glorification of both which he was fully assured Paul knew assuredly the Lord would deliuer him from euery euill worke yet without ceasing hee prayeth to bee deliuered from euill Assurance to speed is that which addeth great feruencie to prayer Fiftly albeit by faith in the promise of God we now rest assured of the remission of sinnes yet wee still pray forgiue vs our treaspasses that we may more fully and really possesse enioy what we belieue we already haue in Gods affection and doe in part enioy The remission of sinnes is by faith manifested to our conscience and in part we reape the comfort fruite and effect of it in this life but still we are clogged with sinne wee liue in miserie and sorrow in our selues wee are condemned wretches still wee are lyable to many temporall and spirituall chastisements and desertions for sinne and liue in a sort as exiles and banished men from the immediate and cleare vision of God Therefore being still in case as if our sinnes were not completely pardoned sinne as yet abiding in vs and subiecting vs to the displeasure of God disliking it and to his Fatherly chastisement accompanying the same we pray for forgiuenes more absolute and intire euery day in the fruite effect and comfort of it True it is How iustification is full and intire that persons iustified haue full title vnto and right in that mercy of God which as it hath alreadie deliuered them from the dominion and condemnation of sinne so it will in the end wholly free them from all remainders of sinne and those chastisements afflictions and miseries wherewith they a●e exercised in this life and in this respect the remission of their sinnes is full and perfect but so long as they liue in this vale of teares sinne hath it abiding in them and they are subiect to many calamities by reason of sinne from which they heartily desire and pray to be deliuered Sixtly we haue the grant of pardon sealed in our consciences and possesse it priuately in part but as yet the Iudge hath not solemnely pronounced his sentence of absolution nor set vs in full and reall possession of absolute compleate intire acquittance remission This therefore we expect and pray for which will not be till the time of refreshing come Acts 3.19 So long as we walke by faith and not by sight we still pray for the sight of that as touching which we haue now but the comfort of faith and hope which is in part and imperfect By faith we know that we are redeemed both in soule and body Rom. 8.23 yet still we sigh in our selues waiting for the adoption euen the redemption of our bodies Our aduersaries obiect againe that by praying that Christs merits may be made
the world and whatsoeuer naturall contentment hee might promise himselfe in the things of this world The meaning is not that rich men must forgoe their wealth and betake themselues to voluntarie pouertie for riches well vsed be great instruments of doing good But they must cast the world out of their affections and make ouer their interest in whatsoeuer is most deare vnto them they must preferre the kingdome of Heauen before the whole world and therefore renounce both themselues and all the desires of the flesh that nothing may hinder the enioying of so rich a treasure Christ doth make loue vnto vs and by many faire sweet and precious promises doth allure and intice vs to embrace him but will bee receiued by way of Matrimoniall couenant wee must forsake all base and carnall delights cast out of the heart whatsoeuer we formerly accounted pretious in the world cleaue vnto him only and bee contented with those spirituall good things which he promiseth vnto vs. Christ hath neuer due esteem with vs vnles for his sake we withdraw our hearts from all the riches delights honours and profits of the world and denie our selues that in all things we might be conformable vnto his wil pleasure What are we better then harlots so long as the wo●ld or the delights thereof lusts or passiōs poss●sse the heart diuide it from Christ Roots though of trees can go no deeper then the rock or stone nor can the Word of life si●ke deeper into the heart then vn o the roots of his naturall desires or affections which vnrenounced hinder the right taking and kindly spreading of it Luke 8.14 The cares of this world and voluptuous liuing choake the seed of the word after it hath taken some rooting that it brings forth no fruit vnto ripenesse Therfore that the word of the kingdome may take kindly and fructifie in vs wee must cast vp our accounts before hand what we can be content to forgo for Christs sake and renounce the pleasures delights of the World giuing vp our selues intirely to Iesus Christ in all things to be directed guided by him inuring our selues quietly to beare reproach disgrace contempt for his sake and watching heedfully in prosperitie that the world creep not into our affection priuily steale away our hearts from him And this we shal do the more freely if we attentiuely consider what excellent incōparable treasures of delight ioy comfort are to be found in Iesus Christ ouer and aboue all the world can promise or afford Should a good husband be offered some goodly royalti● vpon condition he would forsake his base tenement or hard rented lease when once hee perceiued the profit of the exchange you need not vse arguments to perswade him Should some great Noble-man make suite of loue to a meane personage vpon condition shee would forsake her base drudgerie for the honours and delights of a pallace the motion would bee accepted And if wee seriously weigh that the Lord Iesus calleth vs to forsake the flesh-pots of Egypt and alienat● our interest in the world and the flesh with all their appurtenances that wee might be enriched with heauenly euer-enduring pleasures in comparison wherof all earthly contentments are but dung and dogs-meate Phil. 3.8 that hee inuites vs to cast away our harlotrie delights that he might marrie vs vnto himselfe and intitle vs vnto his euerlasting kingdome it will not be grieuous to make this exchange But here it must be remembred that it is not the possession of earthly things or delight in them that is forbidden but that possession and delight in them which with-holdeth vs from resigning our selues vnto Christ and seeking after the promised land withall the heart and all the soule It is not the actuall abandoning of riches honour or other contentments of this life which our Sauiour requires but the dispossessing of the heart of such base delights that the whole heart may bee set vpon heauenly things and not with-drawne by secret reseruation of speciall desires for other purposes And being thus disposed we receiue Christ with wel-rooted affiance and cleaue to the mercie of God as much better then life it selfe § 3. Faith kindly planted must be regarded seriously and carefully confirmed §. 3. Faith once obtained is seriously to be regarded Luke 22.31 For Sathan vseth all meanes to weaken faith yea quite to subuert and ouerthrow it If an house begin to shrinke or reele of one side will wee not put vnder some shore to prop it vp Or if any man question the Title of Land we haue purchased will wee not search Records and vse meanes to strengthen it The malice of Satan in seeking by all meanes to batter downe our faith is sufficient to shew the excellencie thereof and to awaken vs to a continuall carefull regard to preserue and encrease it In this life wee are subiect to many trials that require strength of faith to vndergoe them Acts 14.22 1. Thes 3.2 3 4. The world by reason of our continuall imployment in it is apt to creepe into the heart and insensibly to steale the affections from the eager pursuite of heauenly things which calleth vpon vs for more then ordinarie care to increase our desires of grace and moderate them in transitorie things Hee who will haue a plant to thriue in a ground drie barren and vnkindly for it must striue much because his soyle will not doe further then it is forced so he that will make fire burne in greene moist wood must follow it with blowing thus to get faith to thriue in our natures which are as apt to the weedes of diffidence and vice as auerse from faith and euery true vertue wee must striue with them and offer violence vnto them He who doth rowe against the streame must plie his oare or hee will goe downe apace so it is here wee goe against the streame of corrupt nature so farre as wee goe in faith or grace Our daily and continuall weaknesse of faith which wee finde in assenting vnto and receiuing most obiects of faith and promises of God when it is encountred with temptations Our ordinarie failings in the practice of holy duties and due ordering of our affections which cannot bee without a precedent defect of that faith which onely can firmely vnite vs vnto Christ doth sufficiently manifest how feeble our beliefe is in the speciall mercies of God towards vs in Iesus Christ which being the highest obiect is the hardest to bee apprehended and can neuer bee seperated from firme assent vnto euery precept of God as much better then any incompatible good And if men take food and physicke to strengthen their bodies because they are fraile must wee not labour to confirme our weake and feeble faith The labour bestowed about this most gainfull and beautifll grace is so farre from tedious toile that it is the solace of a Christian heart and the pleasure thereof more sweet then any pleasure that
Iohn 2.25 My sheepe heare my voice and I know them and they follow me And I giue vnto them eternall life and they shall neuer perish In the Gospell wee find eternall life promised vpon condition of faith in Christ Belieue on the Lord Iesus Christ and thou shalt be saued and what God promiseth of free grace that faith doth certainly receiue Life is promised vpon condition of faith and by faith wee are quickened entitled vnto and made pertakers of life euerlasting Iohn 3.36 Hee that belieueth on the Sonne hath euerlasting life Hee that heareth my Word and belieueth on him that sent me hath euerlasting life Iohn 5.24 and shall not come into condemnation but hath passed from death to life This is the record 1 Iohn 5.11 12 13. that God hath giu●n to vs eternall life and this life is in his Sonne He that hath the Sonne hath life and he that not the Sonne hath not life If once we be b●ought to belieue in Christ life et●rnall is then begun in vs. This is life eternall Iohn 17.3 to know that is with the knowledge of faith thee to be the onely true God and Iesus Christ whom thou hast sent Col. 3.4 Ephes 3.17 For Christ is our life who dwels in our hearts by faith and therefore whosoeuer belieue in him haue life through and with him And this life is not another but one in substance with that blessed and glorious estate which the Saints enioy in Heauen though different in degree Againe when first we belieue then wee are intituled to life euerlasting and so haue the accomplishment of glorie in respect of right and proprietie 1. Pet. 1.3.4 Blessed bee the God and Father of our Lord Iesus Christ which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten vs againe vnto a liuely hope by the resurrection of Iesus from the dead To an inheritance incorruptible and vndefiled and that fadeth not away That being iustified by his grace wee should be made heires according to the hope of eternall life For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God Titus 3.7 by the death of his Sonne much more being reconciled wee shall be saued by his life They which receiue abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousnesse Rom. 5.10 Verse 17. shall raigne in life by one Iesus Christ To an earthly inheritance title followeth vpon the birth to the spirituall vpon our Adoption But when wee belieue in Christ wee are then made the Sonnes of God by Adoption yea sonnes accepted To as many as receiued him Ephes 1.6 John 1.12 to them gaue he priuiledge to become the Sonnes of God euen to them that belieue on his Name Behold what manner of loue the Father hath bestowed vpon vs that wee should bee called the Sonnes of God Beloued 1. Iohn 3.1 2. now are wee the Sonnes of God Gal. 3.26 29. and it doth not yet appeare what we shall be For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Iesus c. And if yee be Christs then are yee Abrahams seed and hei●es according to the promise Gal. 4.4 5. When the fulnesse of time was come God sent forth his Sonne made of a woman made vnder the Law to redeeme them that are vnder the Law Verse 7. that wee might receiue the adoption of Sonnes Wherefore thou art no more a seruant but a sonne Rom 8 14. and if a sonne then an heire of God through Christ. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God they are the sonnes of God Verse 17. Heb. 12.23 Therefore wee must belieue it c. And if children then heires heires of God and ioynt heires with Christ And for this cause the faithful● are called the Church of the first begotten whose names are writt n in Heauen Now if eternall life be promised in the Gospell purchased by Christ and in right and title belong vnto the faithfull wee may conclude it is our part and dutie to belieue in God through Iesus Christ as well for the obtaining of eternall life to be giuen of grace as the forgiuenesse of our sinnes It is very necessary to belieue it And this is is necessarie that we might with the more quietnesse of Minde beare the afflictions and worldly losses the troubles and persecutions which befall vs in this world Heb. 10.35 36. Cast not away therefore your confidence which hath great recompence of reward for yee haue need of patience that after yee haue done the will of God yee might receiue the promise Abraham is commended in Scripture that he left his friends his natiue Countrie and all earthly hopes there whi●h were not small and came to dwell in a strange Land as a Pilgrime where he suffered many iniuries Heb. 11.8 9 10. an● was exercised with many troubles of sundry kinds all which he endured with inuincible patience by the hope and desire of eternall life and that heauenly Countrie whereunto hee was called The hope of Heauen is the firme and sure anchor of the soule to sustaine and stablish it that it bee not tossed vp and downe and ouer-whelmed with reproaches and indignities Heb. 6 19. offered with the worldly losses miseries of this life It serues also to establish our hearts against sundry worldly cares and feares affectation of earthly greatnesse and carking for earthly necessaries For why should we admire the glory of this life when most excellent glory riches and happinesse ioyned with it is prepared and giuen vs through faith in Christ Why should we doubt of earthly necessaries when God hath bequeathed vnto vs an heauenly kingdome Faith in Christ to receiue an incorruptible crowne of glory will moderate desires of earthly things that wee shall neither admire nor aspire after great things below nor basely dist ust the Lord for supply of what he knowes meete and conuenient for vs. Feare not little flocke Luk. 12.32 for it is your Fathers good pleasure to giue you the Kingdome If wee keepe Heauen in our eye and looke to the high price of our calling wee shall fight couragiously and runne with pa●ience notwith●tanding all opposition What can daunt him in the wayes of godlinesse or make him sla●ke his pace who runnes to obtaine not a corruptible but an incorruptible crowne 1. Cor. 9.25 By faith some were tortured not accepting deliuerance Heb. 11.35 that they might obtaine a better resurrection Let vs runne with patience vnto the race that is set before vs Looking vnto Iesus Heb. 12.1.2 the Author and finisher of our faith who for the ioy that was set before him endured the crosse despising the shame and is set downe at the right hand of the throne of God The acts of faith concerning these promises be these The acts of faith concerning these promises First As an humble petitioner it receiueth and layeth hold vpon saluation it selfe promised which wee haue of Gods
promised Awake my soule why sleepest thou arise and lay hold vpon the promises of life which God of his great mercy in Iesus Christ doth offer vnto thee in the Gospell Be not dismayed by reason of thine vnworthinesse for the promise is of grace freely offered and freely giuen to them that be most vnworthy in their owne eyes Thou art vnworthy of the least crumme of mercy but of his rich mercie God hath made promise of highest aduancement vnto thee 2. Cor. 6.18 if thou wilt embrace it I will be a Father vnto you and ye shall be my sonnes and daughters saith the Lord Almighty He that ouercommeth shall inherit all things And I will be his God he shall be my sonne Apoc. 21.7 Rom. 9.26 And it shall be in the place where it was said vnto them ye are not my people that there they shall be called the children of the liuing God Life eternall is giuen of grace not sold for works receiued by faith not purchased by desert and the more worthlesse thou art in thy owne lowly conceit the more shal the grace of God be magnified in thine exaltation Christ hath purchased righteousnesse euerlasting life belieue in him and liue for euer The Son of God debased himselfe to become the Sonne of Man Gal 4 4 5. Phil. 2.7 8. and to be made vnder the law that he might redeeme vs that were vnder the Law that wee might receiue the Adoption of sonnes Oh the bountifulnesse and loue of God to man Titus 3 4. by so great a price to purchase so high a dignity that we shold bee called the Sonnes of God and bee pertakers with Christ of all his glorie in his Fathers kingdome O my soule why art thou so dull and sluggish Wherefore dost thou not put forth thy selfe to embrace and receiue such an inestimable benefit If the worth of things may be measured by their price well then may the Sonship of true Belieuers be valued at the highest rate Who can sufficiently admire the dignitie of this estate to be the Sonne of God which could not bee procured saue only by this infinite price the making of him become nothing by whom God in the beginning made euery thing It is esteemed a matter of great honour to be the seruant of the Prince in some speciall place of eminencie in the Common-wealth How doe men seeke and sue for such Offices how do they reioyce when their desires are accomplished But there is no comparison betwixt the seruant of a Prince and the Sonne of God the fauour of a Prince and the Fatherly loue of God the dignitie of the Court and the Ioyes of Heauen a temporall office and an eternall inheritance It is better and more honourable to be the seruant of God then the Commander of men to be an heire apparant to Heauen then the possessor of the whole World There is a great opinion and not without iust cause of the estate of our first Parents Adam and Eue whilest they were in Paradise before their fall But their estate notwithstanding all their priuiledges ornaments and fauours exceeded not the condition of seruants Had they continued in obedience to their Creator they should haue beene exempted from all miserie and confirmed in perfect blessednesse But they could neuer haue attained this dignitie To bee made the Sonnes of God by Adoption of meere rich and vndeserued loue in Christ And is it not an admirable prerogatiue to bee brought by Christ into a more excellent state then that which Adam in his innocencie and glorie had iust cause to wonder at The low degree from which we are raised doth commend this and as the gratiousnesse of him who preferreth so the excellencie of that state whereunto the Belieuer is exalted Of the seruants of sinne to be made the Sonnes of God of the vassals of Satan to bee taken to raigne with Christ in glory for euermore of children of wrath dead in trespasses to be begotten againe to the hope of an inheritance immortall vndefiled that fadeth not what an vnspeakable fauour is this O my soule arise stirre vp thy selfe stedfastly to receiue the promise of life and hold it fast for Gods promises are certaine neuer lesse but rather more in accomplishment then in tender Enter possession and get the inheritance sealed vnto thee Would not a poore Beggar if he should vnderstand of some great and goodly inheritance bequeathed vnto him in a farre countrey much reioyce therein long to goe see it and take possession of it In matters of weight men loue great earnest and good assurance for great aduantage they will endure any paines hazard many difficulties Did men know the worth and glory of the kingdome of Heauen freely offered and that without all expiration of time to be possessed here in part of them that will receiue it fully hereafter when their dayes on earth be determined would they not seeke it with all earnestnesse inquire after good euidence get sound assurance and labour the possession of it more and more Men seeke earthly things and often misse of their desires but the promise of Heauen is sure and stedfast and hee that resteth vpon the Lord shall not bee confounded Euerlasting life is freely offered but men are not left at libertie whether they will receiue and seeke it or no. John 3.36 Hee that belieueth on the Sonne hath euerlasting life and he that belieueth not the Sonne shall not see life but the wrath of God abideth on him Doe not they perish worthily who preferre the pleasures of sinne and honours of this transitorie life before life euerlasting promised of grace purchased by Christ full laden with all fruits of true life ioy peace and all choicest pleasures beyond comparison exceeding whatsoeuer can be enioyed in this world both in worth and endlesse settlednesse The labour to make Heauen sure which is full of pleasure and delight doth ease the heart of many burdensome distracting and cutting care For if thou be the childe of God Ephes 2.18 3.12 thou hast libertie to come into his presence and to make thy requests knowne vnto him with thankesgiuing Nothing that is truly euill shall betide thee The plague shall not come nigh thy Tabernacle Psal 91.10.13 Thou shalt walke vpon the Lion and Aspe and tread them vnder feet God will prouide all things necessary for soule and bodie and see that no good thing be wanting vnto thee Psal 34.10 Math. 6.33 Seeke first the kingdome of God and his righteousnesse and all these things shall be added vnto you What then should withdraw or hold me backe from belieuing the promise and seeking the possession of that inheritance It is God who hath freely p●omised it who can and will performe whatsoeuer hee hath spoken it is Christ who hath purchased it by the sacrifice of himselfe once for all why then should I doubt I am commanded to belieue and belieuing the possession of life is g●uen
Lord thy God led thee these fortie yeares in the wildernesse to humble thee and to proue thee to know what was in thine heart Psal 66.10 Purge For thou O God hast proued vs thou hast tried vs as siluer is tried And I will turne my hand vpon thee and pur●ly purge away thy drosse Esa 1 25. 4.4 Esay 27.9 Refine Dan. 11.35 12.10 Zech. 13.9 and take away all thy sinne By this therefore shall the iniquity of Iacob be purged and this is all the fruit to take away his sinne And some of them of vnderstanding shall fall to trie them and to purge and to make them white And I will bring the third part through the fire and will refine them as siluer is refined and will try them as gold is tried and they shall call on my Name and I will heare them 1. Pet. 1.6 7. Now for a season if need be yee are in heauinesse through manifold temptations That the triall of your faith being much more pretious then gold that perisheth though it bee tried with fire might bee sound vnto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of I●sus Christ 1. Pet. 4.12 Thinke it not strange concerning the fiery triall Iob 33.16 17 18. Hosea 2.6 7. which is to try you as though some strange thing happened vnto you He openeth the eares of men and sealeth their instruction That he may with-draw man from his purpose and hide pride from man He keepeth backe his soule from the pit and his life from perishing by the sword He openeth also their eare to discipline Iob 36.10 16. Confirme grace Deut 8.16 Iames 1.2 3. and commandeth that they returne from iniquitie Who led thee through that great and terrible wildernesse and that hee might proue thee to doe thee good at thy latter end My brethren count it all ioy when yea fall into diuers temptations knowing this that the trying of your faith worketh patience We glory in tribulations also Rom. 5.3 4 5. knowing that tribulation worketh patience and patience experience Iohn 15.2 Saue and experience hope and hope maketh not ashamed Euery branch that beareth fruit hee purgeth it that it may bring forth more fruit When we are iudged 1. Cor. 11.32 we are chastened of the Lord that we should not be condemned with the world For our light affliction which is but for a moment worketh for vs a farre more exceeding and eternall waight of glory Behold 2. Cor. 4.17 He will deliuer them Iob 5.17 18. out of trouble happy is the man whom God correcteth therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty For he maketh sore and bindeth vp he woundeth and his hand maketh whole He shall deliuer thee in sixe troubles yea in seuen there shall no euill touch thee Blessed is the man whom thou chastenest Psal 94.12 13. O Lord and teachest out of thy law That thou mayest giue him rest from the dayes of aduersity vntill the pit bee digged for the wicked Iames 1.12 Is tender ouer them in trouble Psal 56 8. Psal 31.7 Blessed is the man that endureth temptation for when hee is tried hee shall receiue the crowne of life which the Lord hath promised to them that loue him Thou tellest my wandrings put thou my teares in thy bottle are they not in thy booke I will be glad and reioyce in thy mercy for thou hast considered my trouble Psal 33.18 19. thou hast known● my soule in aduersities Behold the eye of the Lord is vpon them that feare him vpon them that hope in his mercy To deliuer their soule from death and to keepe them aliue in famine The righteous cry Psal 4.17 18. and the Lord heareth them and deliuereth them out of all their troubles The Lord is nigh vnto them that are of a broken heart and saueth such as be of a contrit● spi it Psal 9.9 Verse 18. The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppr●ssed a r●fuge i● times of trouble The needy shall not alwayes b e f●rgotten ●sal ●6 1. and present so their help Esay 41.10 11 12. the expectation of the poore shall not perish for euer God is our refuge and strength a very p●esent helpe in trouble Feare thou not for I am with thee bee not dismayed for I am thy God I will strengthen thee yea I will helpe thee yea I will vphold thee with the right hand of my righteousnesse Behold all they that were incensed against thee shall be ashamed and confounded they shall be as nothing and they that striue with thee shall perish Verse 14. Feare not thou worme Iacob and yee men of Israel I will helpe thee saith the Lord and thy Redeemer Esay 49.13 14 1● 16 17. the holy One of Israel Sing O Heauen and be ioyfu●l O Earth and breake forth into singing O Mountaines for God hath comforted his people and will haue mercy vpon his afflicted But Zion said The Lord hath forsaken me and my God hath forgotten mee Can a woman forget her sucking babe that she should not haue compassion on the sonne of her wombe yea they may forget yet will not I forget thee Behold I haue grau●n thee vpon the palmes of my hands thy wals are continua●y before me Psal 91.14 15. Because he hath set his loue vpon me therefore will I deliuer him I will set him on high because he hath knowne my Name He shall call vpon me and I will answere him I will be with him in trouble I will deliuer him and honour him In these and such like passages of holy Scripture wee see with what loue and tendernesse the Lord doth correct his children for the glory of his great Name and their exceeding great benefit that they might know themselues their frail●es and graces bee purged from their drosse emptied of selfe-conceitednesse confirmed in hope patience humilitie qui●kened vnto pray●r and fitted for his kingdome how g●atiously he do●h protect and comfort them ●n h●auinesse l ghten their da●kenes heale their wounds k●ep● their feete from falling couer them with his f●athers hide them in his pauilion and set them vpon high from such as rise vp against them He is the saluation of the righteous and their strength in time of trouble Psal 37.39 Ier. 29.11 His though●s towards them are thoughts of peace and not of euill to giue an expected end Esay 43.1 2. Psal 73.23.24 Hee is continually with them and holdeth them by their hand hee will guide them with his counsell and afterward receiue them vnto glory These promises so often repeated bee firme grounds whe●eupon to builde our faith that we shall not be hindred by afflictions in our Christian course but rather furthered till we attaine vnto the end of our course in Gods Kingdome And surely it is most necessarie that we learne to liue by faith in afflictions It s necessary to learne to liue by faith in affliction
his saluation and looketh vnto Christ the Authour and finisher of our faith who hath receiued ●ommandem●nt of the Father that hee should not only ●all vs and bring v● into the state of grace but also raise vs vp at the last day who is that great God and Sauiour who will keepe his from euery euill worke vnto his hea●enly kingdome Th s matter may bee exemplified in some particular How to liue by faith in the vse of meate and drinke scil how wee are to liue by faith in the vse of meate and drinke First By faith we lea●ne out of the Word of God who haue sonne-like interest ●nd title vnto the creatures what creatures are sanctified vnto our vse and how each man must s●nctifie them vnto himselfe by a reuerent and holy vse As that the person must be in couenant 1. Tim. 4.5 Titus ● 16 2. Thess 3.12 resting vpon Christ for saluation and giuing himselfe vnto the studie and sincere vnpartiall practice of holinesse the food must bee lawfully gotten prouided with wise respect of our place and m●anes without distracting care or exquisite curiositie nicenesse receiued with thanksgiuing as from Gods han● and vsed as in his sight and presence for such ends and purposes as he hath appointed Secondly It receiueth them not as the fruit of our forecast labour or desert but as gifts of Gods bountie yea Psal 104.21 145.15 Psal 23.5 Hosea 2 18 19. Ezek. 37.24 25 as gifts of the gratious couenant proceeding frō the free loue of God For in the couenant of grace God promiseth not only to write his Law in our h●arts and to forgiue our sinnes but also to conferre temporall blessings as they shall be seruiceable to vs in our iourney tow●rds Heauen Men that make a great purchase desire to haue some part in present possession and our gratious God making p●omise of etern●ll happinesse doth giue earthly blessings in hand as pertaining to that heauenly possession which wee shall enioy hereafter Now as God giues temporall thi●gs to his people in couen●nt so doth faith receiue them as ●okens of speciall good-will and fauour in Iesus Christ Heb. 1.2 2.8 in and th●ough whom of free grace sonne-like right and ti●le to the creatures is resto●ed which by sinne and disob●dience was forfeited And these considerations strike the heart with reuerence inflame it with loue and raise an holy regard and care not to abuse this grant of mercie breeds an acknowle●gement of our vnworthinesse of any mercie Gen. 32.10 admirat●on of Gods prouision and contentation with the least blessing of God Thirdly By faith we are taught that man liueth not by bread only Deut 8.3 Math. 4.4 but by the prouidence of God and his blessing vpon his own ordinance It is not the nature of the thing it selfe simply to nourish if Gods blessing bee not vpon it Psal 104.15 it can afford no refreshing Bread strengthens wine comforts the heart by his ordinance and application of them to that vse but the blessing is not in the creature it comes from aboue Bread nourisheth when it is Gods hand or meanes to confer strength and vigour but if he plucke away his hand it is but a deafe nut Thou maist eate and not bee filled Hosea 4.10 Hag. 1.5 6. Mich. 6.14 15. Psal 106.15 drinke bee and not satisfied Thus it is noted of the Israelites The Lord fed them with Manna but sent leannesse into their soules This perswasion sinking deepe into the belieuing heart taketh it off the creature and lifteth it vnto the Lord in earnest and pertinent prayer that hee would of his grace vouchsafe vnto vs 1. Tim. 4.4 as leaue to vse his creatures so his blessing vpon them that the food wee receiue may doe vs good we feeling the nourishing vertue thereof and that with ioy and cheerefulnesse The prayer of faith for Gods blessing vpon the creatures when they are set before vs should be no lesse earnest then for the mercies themselues if wanting For there is no more possibilitie in meate of it selfe to nourish without Gods blessing then it is for man to liue without meate Fourthly It teacheth to be heauenly-minded labouring to taste Gods goodnesse and feele his gratious presence with our spirits at our sweetest feasts Beza annot maior in 1. Tim. 4.5 Hosea 2.9 And this is the best sawce to all meates which giueth them the daintiest rellish When we sit downe to meate we come to a liuely Sermon of Gods bountie and loue for the bread wee feed vpon is not ours but the Lords all the prouision are gifts of his mercie in Iesus Christ Caluin in Psal 8 Verse 8. Moller ibid. And the more sensible the creatures are the more pleasant and delightsome to our palate the more should we be affected with the sense of Gods loue and fauour Fiftly Faith worketh the heart to sobrietie and moderation watchfulnesse and feare lest it should be ensnared and drawne away with these delights To sobrietie in affecting and in vsing earthly things To sobrietie in thought that wee suffer not the mind to be taken vp with cogitations what we shall eate next how we may gratifie the palate Sobrietie in desire that wee long not after daintie meate for such longing effeminates the minde engenders and feeds passion and makes way to hardnesse of heart Sobrietie in receiuing them for the strengthening of nature and not to the dulling of our Spirits For faith rai●●th the heart to more spirituall delights and guardeth the appetite that it range not immoderately after sensuall things The word of grace teacheth to liue soberly Titus 2.11 and faith receiuing this word worketh sobrietie in earthly things refreshing the soule with spirituall sweetnesses and watching against intemperate cherishings that they winne not ground As a man that hath tooke in the taste of the best creatures cannot forth-with feed on that which is coarse ●ant 1.2 Psal 119.72 ●0● Psal 36.9 Ier 31 14. Psal 63.3 6. meane no way to be compar d so a Christian who by faith hath tasted the loue of God which is be●ter then wine the comforts of the word which are sweeter then honey to the mouth hee cannot affect as sometimes before he did those sensuall delights which carnall men who know no better follow with greed●nesse If earthly delights creepe vp●n vs it is because the exercise of faith is neglected which must conscionably be renewed againe Moreouer a Christian belieuer comes to his Table with an holy Iealousie remembring that a snare is laid for him in euery creature Satan is a cunning fowler who hath his baits laid secretly to catch vs where we least suspect The Snake lurketh in the fairest grasse and the most dangerous grins are set in our lawfull liberties And through neglect to keepe vp our watch these oft take when others misse More perish through the abuse of things lawfull then by the practice of what is simply vnlawfull