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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07132 The Roman martyrologe according to the reformed calendar faithfully translated out of Latin into English, by G.K. of the Society of Iesus.; Martyrology. Rome Catholic Church.; Du Tielt, Guillaume, engraver.; Keynes, George, 1553-1611.; Wilson, John, ca. 1575-ca. 1645? 1627 (1627) STC 17533; ESTC S112359 160,108 650

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Martyrs Pothamius and Nemesius At Constantinople of S. Eleutherius Bishop and Martyr In Persia the birth-day of S. Sadoth Bishop and of an hundred twenty eight others who vnder Sapores King of the Persians for refusing to adore the Sūne by cruell deaths obtayned renowned Crownes At Catana in Sicily of S. Le● Bishop who shined with vertues and ●…racles The same day of S. Eucherius Bishop of Orleans who the more he was slaundered by enuious tongues the more famous he became by miracles At Tournay in France of S. Eleutherius Bishop and Confessour C The one and twentith Day IN Sicily the birth-day of seauenty and nyne holy Martyrs who vnder Diocletian the Emperour by diuers kinds of torments deserued Crownes for the confession of their fayth At Mahome●ta in Affrica of the holy Martyrs Verulus Secundinus Syricius Felix Seruulus Saturninus Fortunatus and sixteene others who in the persecution of the Wandalls were crowned with Martyrdome for confession of the Catholike faith At Scythopolis in Palestine of S. Seuerianus Bishop and Martyr At Damascus of S. Peter surnamed Mauimenus who for saying to certayne Arabians that came to visit him being sicke Whosoeuer doth not imbrace the Christian Catholique fayth is damned as is your false Prophet Mahomet was by them killed At Rauenna of S. Maximianus Bishop and Confessour At Me●● of S. Felix Bisho● At Brescia of S. Paterius Bishop D The two and twentith Day AT Antioch the Chayre of Saint Peter the Apostle where the Disciples of Christ were first of all called Christians At Hierapolis in Phrygia of Blessed Papias Bishop of that Citty Disciple of S. Iohn the Apostle Condisciple of S. Polycarpe At Salamina in Cyprus of S. Aristio who at the forsayd Papias witnesseth was one of the seauenty and two Disciples of Christ. In Arabia the Commemoration of many holy Martyrs who were most Tyrannically killed vnder Maximinus the Emperour At Alexandria of S. Abilius Bishop who succeeded S. Marke the Euangelist in the same sea greatly renowned for his vertues At Vienna of S. Paschasius Bishop a man of great Learning and Holynes E The three and twentith Day THE Vigill of S. Matthias Apostle At Sirmium of S. Sirenus Monke martyr who being apprehended by commaundement of Maximian the Emperour and confessing himself to be a Christian was beheaded There also the birth-day of feauēty two holy Martyrs who by suffering in the same Citty obteyned an euerlasting Kingdome At Rome of S. Polycarpus Priest who togeather with S. Sebastian conuerted many to the fayth of Christ and by his exhortation brought them to the glory of Martyrdome In the Citty of Astorga of S. Martha Virgin and Martyr who suffered vnder Decius the Emperour and Paternus Proconsull At Constantinople of S. Lazarus Monke who for paynting holy Images was put to cruell torments by commaundment of Theophilus the Emperour surnamed Iconoclasta This man hauing his hand burnt with an hoate iron but after miraculously cured did paynt a new such Images as were defaced and at last dyed a naturall death At Brescia of S. Felix Bishop At Seuill in Spayne of S. Florentius Confessour At Todi of S. Romana Virgin who baptized by S. Syluester Pope lead a holy lyfe in caues and dennes renowned for the glory of miracles In England of S. Milburge Virgin daughter to the King of the Mercians ¶ In the Bissextile or Leap-yeare the foure and twentith Day is to be read twice to wit both vpon the 24. 25. Day And then vpon the 23. Day is omitted in the beginning therof this Clause The Vigill of S. Matthias Apostle going forward with the rest At Sirmium c. And vpon the 24. Day is read only as followeth The Vigill of S. Matthias Apostle Also the Commemoration of many Saints Martyrs and Confessours and holy Virgins To whose prayers c. And vpon the 25. Day is read as followeth heere vpon the 24. In Iury the birth-day of S. Matthias c. F The foure and twentith Day or 25. IN Iury the birth-day of S. Matthias Apostle who after the Ascension of our Lord being by the Apostles chosen in the place of Iudas the Traitor for preaching of the Ghospell suffered Martyrdome At Rome of S. Primitiua Martyr At Caesarea in Cappadocia of S. Sergius Martyr whose renowned actes are yet extant In Affrica of the holy Martyrs Montanus Lucius Iulianus Victoricus Flauianus and theyr followes who being Disciples of S. Cyprian vnder Valerian the Emperour accomplished their Martyrdome At Roan the passion of S. Praetextatus Bishop and Martyr At Treuers of S. Modestus Bishop and Confessour In England of S. Ethelbert King of Kent whome S. Augustine the Apostle of the English conuerted to the fayth of Christ. At Hierusalem the first finding of the head of S. Iohn Baptist the Precursour of our Lord. G The fiue and twentith Day or 26. IN Aegypt the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Victorinus Victor Nicephorus Claudianus Dioscorus Serapion and Papias vnder Numerianus the Emperour The two first hauing constantly endured exquisite torments were beheaded for the confession of their fayth Nicephorus after he had ouercome the burning Gridiron and the ●yre was by little and little cut in peeces Claudianus and Dioscorus were burned and Serapion and Papias beheaded In Affrica of the holy Martyrs Donatus Iustus Herena and their fellowes At Rome the birth-day of S. Felix Pope the fourth of that Name great Grand-father to S. Gregory the Great who wryteth of him that he appearing to S. Tharsilla his Neere called her to the Kingdome of heauen At Constantinople of S. Tha●asius Bishop a man of great learning and holynes to whome is extant an Epistle written by Pope Adrian the first for the defence of holy Images At Nazianzum of S. Caesarius brother to S. Gregory surnamed the Deuine who recordeth to haue seene him glorious amongst the troopes of Saintes A The six and twentith Day or 27. AT Pergen in Pamphylia the birth-day of S. Nestor Bishop who in the persecution of Decius praying night and day for preseruation of the flocke of Christ being apprehended and promptly confessing the Name of our Lord was by commaundmet of Pollio President most cruelly racked on the torture Equuleus and still constantly affirming that he wold neuer forsake Christ crucified on a Crosse went victoriously to heauen There also the passion of the Saints Papias Diodorus Conon and Claudianus who were all martyred before S. Nestor Moreouer of the holy Martyrs Fortunatus Felix seauen and twenty others At Alexandria of S. Alexander Bishop a renowned old man who after S. Peter Bishop of that Citty did cast out of his Church Arius the Priest infected and conuinced of heresy and afterward togeather with three hundred and eighteene Fathers condemned him in the Nicene Councell At Bolonia of S. Faustinianus Bishop who by his preaching did greatly strengthen and increase that Church which had beene fore afflicted and weakned by the
in a riuer accomplished his Martyrdome At Lyons in France the birth-day of S. Alexander Martyr who in the persecution of Antoninus Verus after long imprysonement was so cruelly torne with whippes that the flesh beaten from his ribbes his bowels were opened his inward partes seene and finally crucified on a Crosse he yielded vhis blessed soule There suffered with him thirty and foure more whose memoryes are kept vpon other dayes The same day of the holy Martyrs Eusebius Neon Leontius Longinus and foure others who in the persecution of Diocletian after cruell torments were beheaded In England the deposition of S. Mellitus Bishop who being sent thither by S. Gregory Pope conuerted the East-Saxons and their King to the fayth At Colibre in Spayne of S. Gregory Bishop and Confessour At Brescia of S. Honorius Bishop In Ireland of S. Egbert Priest monke a man of wonderfull humility and continency At Rhemes of the holy Virgins Bona and Doda C The fiue and twentith Day AT Alexandria the birth-day of S. Marke Euangelist the Disciple Interpreter of S. Peter who writing his Gospell at the request of the Christians at Rome tooke it with him and went into Aegypt where first preaching Christ at Alexandria he founded that Church but afterward apprehended for the fayth of Christ bound with cordes and dragged vpon stones endured great torments then being shut vp in prison where he was comforted by the visiō of an Angell and also by an apparition of our Lord was finally called to the kingdome of heauen the eyght yeare of Nero. At Rome in the Church of S. Peter the Celebrity of the Greater Letanyes instituted by S. Gregory Pope At Syracosa of the holy martyrs Euodius Hermogenes and Callistus At Antioch of S. Stephen Bishop Martyr who many wayes afflicted by the heretiques that impugned the Councell of Chalcedon was cast headlong into the Riuer Orontes in the tyme of Zeno the Emperour There also of the Saints Philo and Agathopodes Deacons At Alexandria of Anianus Bishop Disciple to S. Marke and his successour in that Bishopricke who greatly renowned for his vertues rested in our Lord. At Lob the birth-day of S. Erminus Bishop and Cōfessour D The six and twentith Day AT Rome the birth-day of S. Cletus Pope who next after S. Peter gouerned the Church and was crowned with Martyrdome in the persecutiō of Domitian There also of S. Marcellinus Pope and Martyr who vnder Diocletian was beheaded for the faith of Christ togeather with Claudius Cyrinus and Antoninus At which tyme the persecution was so great that in the space of a moneth seauenteene thousand Christiās suffered Martyrdome At Amasia in Pontus of S. Basil Bshop Martyr who vnder Licinius Emperour accomplished a glorious martyrdome His body being cast into the sea by reuelation of an Angell found out by Elpidiphorus was very honourably entōbed At Braga in Portugall of S. Peter Martyr first Bishop of that Citty At Viēna of S. Claren●ius Bishop and Confessour At Verona of S. Lucidus Bishop In the Monastery of Centula of S. Richarius Priest and Confessour At Troys of S. Exuperantia Virgin E The seauen and twentith Day AT Nicomedia the birth-day of S. Anthimus Bishop and Martyr who in the persecution of Diocletian for the confession of Christ being beheaded obtayned the glory of Martyrdome whose constancy the most part of his flocke following the Iudge commaunded some to beheaded others to be burned and others to be put into little boates drowned in the sea At Tharsus in Cilicia of the Saints Castor and Stephen Martyrs At Rome the deposition of S. Anastasius Pope a man of most rich Pouerty and Apostolicall vigilancy whome as S. Hierome writeth Rome deserued not to haue long That the Head of the world might not be cut off vnder such a Bishop For shortly after his death Rome was taken and sacked by the Gothes At Bolonia of S. Tertullian Bishop and Confessour At Brescia of S. Theophilus Bishop At Constantinople of S. Iohn Abbot who vnder Leo ●●auricus greatly laboured for the worship of holy Images F The eight and twentith Day AT Rauenna the birth-day of S. Vitalis Martyr father to the Saints Geruasius and Protasius who for taking away and decently burying the body of S. Vrsicinus being apprehended by Paulinus the Consul after he had endured the racke of Equuleus was let downe into a deepe dungeon and there ouerwhelmed with earth and stones by such a Martyrdome wēt vnto our Lord. At Millan of S. Valeria Martyr wyfe to S. Vitalis At Atino of S. Marke who ordayned Bishop by S. Peter the Apostle first preached the Gospell to the people of Italy bordering vpon the Sabines and in the persecution of Domitian vnder Maximus Gouernour receaued the Crowne of Martyrdome At Alexandria the passion of S. Theodora virgin who for refusing to sacrifyce vnto Idols being carried to the Stewes a certaine Christian called Didimus suddainly changing apparell with her through the wonderfull fauour of God deliuered her but afterward in the persecutiō of Diocletian vnder Eustrasius Gouernour they being both taken beheaded togeather receaued the crowne of Martyrdome The same day of the Saints Aphrodisius Caralippus Agapius and Eusebius Martyrs In Pannonia of S. Pollio Martyr vnder Diocletian the Emperour At Prusa in Bythinia of the holy Martyrs Patricius Bishop Acatius Menander Polyenus At Tarazona in Spayne of S. Prudentius Bishop and Confessour At Pentina in Abbruzzo of S. Pamphilus Bishop of Valua famous for his charity to the poore working of miracles whose body lyeth buryed at Sulmona G The nyne and twentith Day AT Millan of S. Peter Martyr of the Order of S. Dominicke who was slayne by the Heretiques for the Catholique fayth At Paphos in Cyprus of S. Tychicus Disciple to Saint Paul the Apostle whome in his Epistles he calleth a most deare Brother a faythfull Minister and his fellow-seruant in our Lord. At Cirtha in Numidia the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Agapius and Secundinus Bishops who after a long banishment in the persecution of Valerianus in which the fury of the Gentils raged most against the Iust were from the high degree of Priesthood aduaunced to the glory of Martyrdome There suffered in their company Aemilianus a Souldier Tertulla and Antonia Sacred Virgins and a certaine Christian woman with her two Twyns The same day of seauen holy Theeues who being conuerted to Christ by S. Iason did purchase by Martyrdome life euerlasting At Brescia of S. Paulinus Bishop and Confessor In the Monastery of Cluny of S. Hugh Abbot In the Monastery of Molesmes of S. Robert the first Abbot of Cisterce At Rome of S. Catherine of Siena Virgin of the Order of S. Dominicke renowned for Sanctimony of life and miracles whome Pope Pius the second canonized for a Saint A The thirtith Day AT Lambesis in Numidia the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Marianus Lector and Iames