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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B09419 A despised virgin beautified, or, Virginia benefited. setting forth, though concisely, yet perspicuously, the state of that and the neighbouring plantations, both as they have their blemishes, with the causes thereof, and as they may be cured, with the consequences thereof / by O.Ll. Gent. Sometimes an inhabitant of Virginia. O.LI., Gent. Sometimes and Inhabitant of Virginia. 1653 (1653) Wing L2618A; ESTC R180038 13,011 20

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Spirit I bemoan her and wish all that know her with me to bewail her and to set to their helping hands and hearts and to implore some means from the great and good God of heaven who is both able and willing to help for her recovery and establishment in her perfections which is I conceive first to set up the kingdom of God there and then all other things shall be ministred First therefore I humbly conceive that if the Lord would put it upon the hearts of his people here in old England and in new England also to intercede and plead with the Lord for her that he would be pleased to set up his name there and be glorified in his appearances for his people there for I verily believe that the Lord hath a precious people there that have not nor will bow the knee to Baal though now they be under the clouds and in the clefts of the rocks as I shall shew you by and by Secondly I would humbly desire that the people of God here conferring with their friends of new England would join together and make it their joynt desire to the Supreme Authority that they would unite the English Plantations which are on the continent from Cape Florida in the South to Cape Saint George in the North viz. Carolina Virginia Mary-Land Albion New England New Plimouth and the Plantations to the eastward of Merimack river and Nova Scotia into one Pattent with New England it would be of great consequence conducing to the common good of all those Plantations and a great profit to this Common wealth of England But which is most of all it would much inlarge the kingdom of Christ and propagate the Gospel to the Natves all along the Continent as immediately I shall through grace and your patience shew But before I hold forth the benefit that may come by this union give me leave to answer the coverous Patentee or Planter of each Pattent I say Corolina Virginia Mary Land and Nova Sootia are planted for the major part with such kind of Planters as formerly I spoke of who onely especially in the Southern-Plantations eat the bread of idlenesse viz. by following such commodities as come with the easiest labour and not improving all advantages that might be taken for the advancing of their own interest in gaining what fruits the ground with a little more pains would abundantly afford them Now if New England men were among them the example of their industry with the sight of the advantages gotten thereby would excite al ingenious men as there is abundance to indeavor to attain the gaining of the like accommodations for themselves which would in the end much inrich the Common-wealth Object Sir saith the covetous Patentee or Planter of Carolina or Mary-Land and Albion we are peculiar Patents belonging to Noblemen in England who have purchased their Patents at a dear rate and expended much money by themselves and friends to plant these Plantations and shall we admit of Strangers especially of such as are of so different a judgement from us there is neither Piety nor equity in this Answ Truth it is their Patents were granted from the grand Governours of this Common wealth for the time then being whose grant I conceive was good as to the enjoyment of their tenures to the end pretended which appeareth by their grants to be to the glory of God and the good of this Common-wealth But now being the Common-wealth is under the power of an other administration who I hope truly fear God which power finding the pretended ends to be falsified and instead of setting up the Kingdom of Christ in their Plantations the dominion of Antichrist is exalted under the protection of those Noblemen and their grants therefore I conceive it to be both just and pious and for the profit of this Common wealth to call in those patents make them nul as to the dominion and legislative power given to those Lords yet in equity for the reward of the Adventurers service in gaining such Countreys I conceive it is as just they should enjoy the chief rents for what they let out to Tenants and what they keep in their own hands and improve to have it free reserving the Common-wealth's interest of profits as at first agreed upon And as for inconvenience of their being of other judgements as I conceive the Laws of Christ inforce none to conform to one anothers judgement by any coercive power in mans hand but as it pleaseth the Lord by his own Spirit to act in such as belong unto him or permit the spirit of Errour to perswade others to that which is evill and therefore I conceive their cohabitation not to be any wayes disadvantagious to the Common-wealth for so I hold the Plantations to be now in the hands of the Common-wealth and if the Liberty of the Law be equally alike to all and the benefit of the Gospell offered to all to me it appeareth in my slender judgement equitable and just that freedom be given to all that are members of this Common-wealth equally to cohabite in any of the Plantations they conforming to the power of the civill Magistrate Now as for new Albion Sir Edmund Ployden the pretended Earl of Albion took his Patent from the Lord Strafford in Ireland who made it an Irish Province which he should have planted within three years and yet for some 14 or 15. years he hath done nothing as to purpose of Planting the Countrey and therefore I conceive his Patent void and liberty might well be given to any either of old or new England to come into that part of the Continent and plant it Object But Sir saith the Virginian we and our predecessors have born the heat of the day and have planted much of the Colony and cleared much land and now would you have the New England men to enjoy the fruits of our labours surely this were a piece of injustice and uncharitablenesse Answ Gentlemen and Countrey-men If I prove it both justice and charity yea and a benefit to Virginia which is a subject I chiefly aim at in this discourse next to the salvation yee shall I say in order to the salvation of your souls and the glory of our Saviour to admit the people of New England to dwell with you I hope it will be offensive to never a godly or rational man in Virginia that loveth God the Countrey or his own and relations souls Therefore now give me leave to speak freely yea and through grace I will speak freely for I speak for God for the Common-wealth and for your good I hope Is it not justice for this Common-wealth to call in your Patent who have no wayes performed the trust reposed in you for the advancing of the glory of God in your Countrey but on the contrary have by power and authority acted against the Lord and his interest You 'l say this is a heavy charge I must prove it and that I
exceeding great terrour of the Natives insomuch that they would run among the English when they were at their praiers for shelter and this continued constantly for manie daies while they were at praier in that time onelie and no more which wrought so effectuallie upon the old Emperour that he cried cut to the English when the fear was over Will none help us to know your and serve your God with manie other words to the like purpose he often used to them and if anie daie they did not keep the precise time of praier according to his observation he would send to the English to go to worship their God This report I had from Master Gill and I believe Captain West and the rest of the companie will affirm the same Oh then is there not great hope that a happie work might be wrought for God and for those poor souls if the new England men might come among you in Virginia who have been so happilie successefull in the conversion of so manie Indians in their own Countrie that they may do the like for the Natives in your parts Object You talk of remotenesse of place in the Colonie of Virginia for the doing and injoying justice and if this should be that all the Patents should be joined in one how should we come to the injoyment of the benefit of the Law the distance being so great from the South of Carolina to the Northeast at Cape Saint George Answ Gentlemen you know the situation of the coast all along from North to South how full of harbours it is all the coast along and how convenientlie men may passe from harbor to harbor And there is a convenient place about Hudsons Riter or De Laware-Bay whereat a convenient Site might be presentlie plated where a seat of residence for the principle Magistrate might abide and thither the Patriots of each Province or their deputies might meet once everie year or lesse if no occasion require to consult consider of and enact wholesom laws for the well being of the whole But if men will not go by sea it is easie to go in a small time by land there being horses enough in the Countrie from the utmost bounds of the South or North latitude And for matters of Meum and Tuum or for the trespasses they might be determined in each Province by depuries as before And I verily believ that if you would once admit of the Regiment of the Prince of Peace over you and his people cohabite with you there would be lesse of that litigious spirit that now is to be seen among you and a spirit of peace and love and joy in the Holy Ghost would be manifested to you and magnifyed by you Object But if all this were granted what could we do for this union seeing that so near the place you hold forth to be the center of the Countrie and a place meet for the people from all parts to meet for the making of laws is a place so near the Dutch Plantation and the Swedes that they would be goads in our sides and thorns in our eies Answ As for the Dutch Plantation if the war continue we have an opportunity to make it our own by the joint-forces of these Plantations by a course of war and if peace suddenly succeed these indeavours their ships will be as ours their people as ours in all Plantations and places we shall be united in a firm bond of amity and so theirs indeed will be ours in truth in the general accommodation though their particular interest may be preserved unto them And as for the Swedes Plantation it is a thing of so small a valew and they being friends with our Common-wealth it is an easie matter to find an accommodation so as that they may be satisfied and this Common-wealth served with their interest Object What say you to Nova Scotia and the Plantations to the eastward of Merimach that belong to the French that being sold to the French by the Kirks I believe it is not unknown upon what score after the English and Scotch Nations had so dearly purchased it how shall they be joined with this Patent Answ First for the French they desire and apply themselves onely to the trade of the River of Canada and not one ship in an age scarse commeth to the Southward of Cape Saint George to trade but admit it were their trade there is it not an easie hing for us to eject them out of that which they cheated us of by the late Queens means now in such a juncture of time as that we are going to differ nationally upon another score we having both men and shipping of our own enough in new England which would quickly cast them out upon a nationall account or quarrel By which means the Patent might be inlarged and the Gospel further propagated and a means in time through the blessing and providence of God found to transport the goods of the East India trade from Japan and from the Isles of Mare Delzur to some part about Corsina or some other part and so overland to the head of the River of Canada or some of the great Rivers in Virginia as formerly it was brought from the head of the red sea over land by Caravans to Alexandria in Egypt and so through the Mediterranean Sea all Europe over by the Venetian Argocies Would not this be a great inriching to our Commonwealth yea and it would be a great means to facilitate our voyages with speed and safety to Merchants and mariners who are subject to great hazard both of goods and lives in going twice under the Equinoctial line by the way of Cape de buona Esperanza both going and returning and here they have a more speedy and healthfull way of trading And not onely so but it would be a great assurance to our fishing trade upon the coast of Nova Scotia and new Found land whereby in America we might draw a great trade out of Spain and the Streights in a few years and he incouraged and enabled by the enjoyment of the commodity of those rich furs to a further work of exalting the glory and scepter of Christ in those Northern Countries of America as far as Fretum Davies for I believe the dwarfeish generation of those Northern Countries shall speak in time the high praises of our God And so I suppose I have answered all objections of my loving Countrey-men of Virginia for whose sakes principally as to men I was excited in my spirit to set upon this work I say now I have answered all objections that I conceive can rationally be made according to the small apprehension the Lord hath given me and the little experiences that I have of things I would now though before in an intermixed discourse offer to you a compendium of the profits and advantages both spiritual and temporall that might hereby acrew First as to the glorie of God the Gospell in her pristine puritie would shine so excellently among all the English Plantations that it would be a glorious thing to behold the change when we should see in each place and part of this great continent I mean from Cape Florida to Fretum Davies not onely all the English but the Dutch Swedes and the remainders of the French exalting the praises of God in their severall languages tongues and speeches yea the poor Indians much advantaged both those that are Southerly and Northerly of new England as well as those of Massachusets Bay Patent I put little difference between the Patent of the Buy and the Patent of new Plymouth they both I hope concurring to the main end as to God-ward and in their subjection to this Commonwealth but the beauty of the Gospell would shine among the Spaniards and the Indians that converse with them to the Southward and Westward of us who when they see the power of godlinesse the purity of religion and the manifestation of the Prince of peace love comming in the beauty of the glory of his grace to them and compare him with the former representation of him by the Spanish inquisition and tyrannie I am exceedingly filled in my spirit with the apprehension of what I see a farre off as it were of the sweet imbracings of Christ with acclamations of joy that the poor seduced Spanish souls with their abused slaves both Negroes and Indians will entertain Christ and the Gospell and how they will come flowingly in and submit to the scepter of Christ bemoaning his long absence would count him the chiefest of ten thousands to their souls and by this means the Gospell might be communicated to the nations of Mexico Brasil Peru and so over Fretum Magellanicum to the ends of the earth what joy what comfort what happines yea what a great glory would it be not only to our nation in general but to those that love Christ Jesus in sincerity in each of their particulars And what exceding honor would it be to him whose is the kingdom the power the glory which I wish may be ascribed to him in truth by all Nations now and for ever Amen Soli gloria Deo