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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A92160 In this book is the figure of the dividing the land of Israel among the tribes of Israel ... wherein is the figure of the bigness of the priest's portion, and temple therein, and of the Levite's portion, and of the city Jehovah Shammah ... and of the ground for food for them that minister in the city ... and of Prince Jesus his portion ... and of the bigness of the city New Jerusalem ... and all or most of the signs of Christ's coming explained [in] verse, with other mysteries, by the aforesaid [sic] author. Rannew, Thomas. 1688 (1688) Wing R248A; ESTC R42752 15,844 9

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In this BOOK is the FIGURE OF THE Dividing the Land of ISRAEL AMONG The Tribes of ISRAEL That is among those that have the Faith of Israel when their Captivity is returned that is to say after they are brought up out of their Graves and that imployed Men have cleansed the Land aforesaid of all the dead Bones of all the Warriours of the World Wherein is the Figure of the bigness of the Priest's Portion and Temple therein And of the Levite's Portion And of the City Jehovah Shammah wherein Christ and his Saints shall reign 1000 years And of the Ground for food for them that minister in the City which shall be chosen out of all the Tribes of Israel measured out by the square Root of 121 And of Prince Jesus his Portion that shall be in the Land of Israel And of the bigness of the City New Jerusalem which cometh down from God out of Heaven when the 1000 years aforesaid are ended which is known by the square Root of 120 as may be seen in the square Figure of 10000 Furlongs also herein included And all or most of the Signs of Christ's coming explained in Verse with other Mysteries by the aforesaid Author LONDON Printed in the Year 1688. The figure of the dividing of the land of Israel according to Ezekiels prophesie when the Captivity therof shall be returned 〈…〉 A Ground Platt of two Glorious-Cityes that shall be HEREAFTER The one Jehovah Shammah according to Ezek. 48.35 and Revel 20.9 The other New Jerusalem according to Revel 21 v2.9.10 c. Note that the Great lynes in the Figure doe signifie the Gate-streets The other lynes which lead into the Gate-streets are Lesser streets And all the white places doe signifie buildings Courts c. A SQUARE OF 10000 FURLONGS O Daughter take good heed encline and give good ear Thou must forget thy kindred all and fathers house most den●● And in the 16th verse of the Singing-Psalms it also saith thus Instead of Parents left O Queen thy chance so stands Thou shalt have Sons whom thou maist set as Princes in all I 〈◊〉 And they that think this Psalm to be meant of Christ and his Church because New Jerusalem is called the Bride Lamb's wife Rev. 21.9 10. I think have but little discerning in this matter For if Prince Jesus give a gift of inheritance Ezek. 45.7 8. Ps 16.10 to any of his sons the inheritance thereof shall be his sons it shall be their posse● by inheritance But if he give a gift of his inheritance to one of his servants then it shall be his to the year of libe●● after it shall return to the Prince but his inheritance shall be his sons for them Now this Prince Expositors 〈◊〉 modern and ancient saith Greenhill in his Exposition of Ezekiel is Prince Jesus who is called King and Prince 〈◊〉 27.24 25. one shepherd vers 24. John 10.16 And the servants of this Prince are members of the Bride the 〈◊〉 wife aforesaid for they are faithfull Psal 101.6 7. but not sons as aforesaid For these sons which are to receive the Inheritance prophesied by Ezekiel chap. 46.16 17 as aforesaid He was not to see till he had made his Soul an offering for sin But the promise is that when he had made his Soul an offering c. then he should see his seed Isai 53.10 Seeing therefore that Christ the Head of the Body the Church Col. 1.18 shall have a wife and children it cannot be denied but that the Body his Members shall have wives and children and to this agree the words of the Prophets Psal 128. Psal 1.3 Ezek. 27.25 26. And that they shall have houses and lands see Ezek. 45.1 4 5. chap. 48. Isai 54.1 3. chap. 45.18 Jer. 31.38 40. And then will be fulfilled Christ's promises which he made in his Sermon in the Mount and no good thing wanting to those that lead a godly life Matth. 5.3 8 12. Psal 34.10 And the Jews shall have a Temple to worship God in Into which no stranger uncircumcised in heart nor uncircumcised in flesh shall enter of any stranger that is among the children of Israel saith the Lord God. And the Levites that are gone away far from him when Israel went astray after their Idols they shall also bear their iniquity yet they shall be Ministers in the Temple having charge at the gates of the house They shall slay the burnt-offering and the sacrifice for the people But the Priests the Levites the Sons of Zadock that kept the charge in God's sanctuary when the children of Israel went astray from him They shall enter therein to offer unto God the fat and the blood saith the Lord God. Ezek. 44.9 15. Now this that is written by Ezekiel is not contradicted by Paul 2 Cor. 3. For Paul doth not speak there of the Law being done away but of Moses glory in the shining of his face being done away And he there prefers the Gospel ministred by him and Timothy to the Saints of Corinth which was made known by them not with Ink in Tables of Stone as the Ten Commandments were written which Moses was the Ministrator of above the law for that their Gospel was written in the fleshie tables of their hearts with the Spirit of the living God they being inriched by him in all wisdom utterance and knowledge even as the testimony of Christ was confirmed in them Mark 16.15 17 18. So that they came behind other Churches in no gift Acts 1.3 1 Cor. 1.1 2 5 7. Of the like import also is the 7th Chapter of the Hebrews which prefers the Priesthood of Christ before the Priesthood of Aaron Because Christ was made a Priest with an Oath but Aaron without an Oath Christ by reason of Eternal life hath an unchangeable Priesthood but Aaron by reason of death had not Therefore as in the 12th verse the Priesthood of Christ being put above the Greek word is Metathesis the Priesthood of Aaron There is made of necessity a preferrence of the Law belonging to Christ's Priesthood the new Covenant spoken of chap. 8.18 which is above the Law belonging to Aaron's Priesthood ver 11. What shall I say more in confirmation of this Doctrine Christ preached it up in his first Sermon in the Mount Think not said he I am come to destroy the Law or the Prophets I am not come to destroy but to fulfill it by my doing and teaching For I say unto you Till heaven and earth pass one jot or one tittle shall in no-wise pass from the law to be observed for the Greek word is an all the Law shall be fulfilled Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least Commandments which the Law commandeth to be done and shall teach men so he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven but whosoever shall doe and teach them least Commandments the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven For I say unto you said he That except your
righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees in teaching the Law ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven Ye have heard said he that it was said by them Scribes and Pharisees of old time Thou shalt not kill and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment There was all that they taught about killing But I say unto you said Christ That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment Which is as much punishment as they taught for killing their brother without a cause And whosoever shall say unto his brother without a cause Racha shall be in danger of the counsel but whosoever shall say Thou fool shall be in danger of Hell-fire Therefore said he if thou bring thy gift to the Altar to be offered by the Priests and there remembrest that thy brother hath ought against thee Leave there thy gift before the Altar and go thy way first be reconciled to thy brother and then come and offer thy gift Matth. And in his Sermon in the Temple probably his last Sermon that he preached there He said unto the multitude and his disciples The Scribes and Pharisees sit in Moses seat All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe of Moses's law that observe and doe Matth. 23.1 2 3. I think I have spoken enough of this matter at this time I therefore will give an answer to them that would know the Signs when the times of the restitution of all things shall begin IF you would know of me some Signs when Jesus Christ will come To the valley of Josaphat and give to Men their doom When Sion's City 's built so large as by me is set down And that the Lord therein doth dwell which is her chief renown And that the Saints are divine born doe eat and drink the best Adorn'd like Kings doe judge the World with Seed by wives are blest Then I 'll you tell what I have read shall happen before then War Plague Famine Fear Pit and Snare shall thin the World of Men. Heav'n powers doe shake the Sun turns black the Moon blood and I find Heav'n Stars doe fall like Figs from trees shak'd with a mighty Wind. The Mountains melt Mount Ol'vet cleaves to East West North and South Such as fight Christ are kill'd by the two-edg'd sword of his Mouth Before those glorious times begin wherein the Saints alway In holiness without fear serve their God both night and day The Mountains of Isr'el yield fruit and food doth grow upon The hills and dales and valleys and upon the Mount Sion The Son of Strengths with twelve times twelve thousand chast ones appears Whose presence in that Holy place is gained by the tears Of those that weeping to Sion that Mount do ask the way And there a Cov'nant with the Lord do make to last for ay These hundred forty four thousand are men bought from the Earth In whose mouths there was found no guile and therefore they go forth With the Lamb wheresoe'er he goes and they have also right To be before God's Throne and there to serve him day and night And many such are then in Heav'n when Rome shall be no more And Hallelujahs sing to God for judging that great Whore. These first-fruit men are cloath'd with Robes long pure trim white and fine Procured by the bloud of God and they as Stars do shine But lo a Dragon great and red doth wait Christ to devour But then the Son unto God's Throne is caught up that same hour And then in Heaven a fight is fought by Mich'el and his Men Who throw the Dragon down from thence not to come there agen For neither Satan nor his Sp'rits are able to prevail ' Gainst Mich'el and his Angels bold which make them for to quail The field they win by the Lambs blood and by his Test'ment-word Which makes them careless of their lives not fearing Satan's sword When as that Satan sees himself cast down upon the Earth Then he against the Isr'elites in malice marcheth forth But they from him doe flee as fast as Eagles with great wings Then he on the Sea-sand doth stand and thence a Sea-flood flings After them in their flight that so he may cause them be drown'd But his intent prevented is by a gulf in the ground Before Jehovah Shammah's built where Christ and Christians dwell A thousand years 'fore New Salem comes down from Heav'n I tell A Nor-west King of Japhet's line doth march and conquer Babel Roma Palestine Egypt and rules Phut and Cush the Sable Paras Gomer Mesheth Tubal the Togarmites and Gaul With all the Nations under Heav'n upon this mighty Ball. The Princes of Europe burn Rome the last Pope he is slain Whose wondred at by the whole World because he lives again And ope● his mouth in blasphemies and proves an angry rod To those that will not worship him in that same house of God That placed at Jerusalem is the Holy City call'd For in a part of that same house as God he is install'd Where he doth sit and vaunt himself above all Gods to be And the false Prophet fire and stars makes t' come down from the Sky And other Miracles he doth the Nations to deceive For he an Image makes to speak that they a mark receive In their right hand or else forehead for therein doth he fix To be seen the print of his name Six hundred sixty six To honour him as God it is that killed was with sword And so fall from the God of Gods and Christ his Son and Word If not they kill'd must be with Sword this is it that he saith And then it will be manifest who patience hath and faith But whoso takes the mark of him that killed was with sword Shall drink the wine of God's fierce wrath this is God's Angel's word And from Gog's mouth goes like a Frog doth Wonders not the least For he o'er dry'd Euphrates brings the Kingdoms of the East Unto Jerus lem not Rome where Gog Magog will dwell For to the first not to the last that Flood 's an obstacle And there in Mauzim he adores a strange God which his Sire Ne'er knew with gold and precious stones provoking God to ire Whom he regards not but Women he lusteth after much And to ascend above the Stars in heart his thoughts are such And to change Times and Laws his thoughts are fixed much upon And he hath power to doe so till three years and half be gone In all which time he makes to cease the daily sacrifice And heads an Hoast ' gainst Jesus Christ when he comes from the Skies O Lion rais'd from thy dark house which hast the snorting horse To stand against the chiefest Prince this is not thy best course For he with six Plagues will the strike Blood Pestilence and Fire Brimstone Hailstones and great Flood-rain as tokens of his ire Then dead