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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A89821 The navall expedition, of the Right Honourable, Robert, Earle of Warwick, (Lord High Admiral of England) against the revolted ships: being a true and perfect relation of the whole expedition, from their first setting out from Chatham, to their returne againe into the Downes. Also a narrative or briefe relation of the severall acts of Gods providence to the Parliaments fleete, under his Lordships command in the said expedition: together with a detestation of that scandalous pamphlet of joyning or adhearing to the Prince his fleete. All which is published by the severall and respective commanders under his Lordship in vindication of his honour, and themselves: to which they have all set their hands. Hadock, Richard. 1649 (1649) Wing N255; Thomason E536_32; ESTC R202978 8,508 15

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did but appeare where the Lord Admiralls Fleet was all or most of his ships would come and joyne with them But expertence we hope by this time hath made that perswasion of theirs to appeare to be false and to be only fictions from the workings of their own carnal backsliding heart and as experience may convince them so we heartily desire it may all others who were and are honest yet through unbeliefe and distrust dispaired of successe not considering God hath the hearts of all men in his hands and the Cause being his own certainly the Lord was ingaged to fit Instruments to doe his own worke his Glory and the deliverance of his poore People being concern'd therein Had not the Almighty assured the hearts of many of us who ingaged in this Businesse certainly we should never have undertaken the same but we were made confident of successe knowing we had Gods enemies to deale withall being such who had betrayed their Trust their own Consciences and as much as in them lay the Cause of God and their Countries Liberties yea to such to whom some of them became a scorne themselves being cast off as men not fit to be trusted such was the Justice of God upon them for their perfidiousnesse and in this the promise of God was made good as the Prophet sayes the pit which they have digged for others themselves are fallen into Therefore be convinced all you Enemies who are fighters against God and his people for you may see if any thing of God be in you that all your wicked and treacherous Designes he himself hath broken from time to time both by Sea and Land and still will doe attempt what you can for those hom you fight against have an Interest in God and are a praying people with weapon we meane the spirit of Prayer whowever derided by such desperate wretches as you are is that which will overthrow all your Designes God having an Eare to the prayers of his people Read the storie of King Pharoah and his Host and observe the story well you shall see what became of them who fought against God and the Deliverance of his people but we still pray and wish that the Lord would awaken all such as are Enemies to his glory that they may at length see if it bee his will For it will not be sufficient for you to say in the great day of the Lord Christ that you sought for a King or a Prince but remember what the Lord saith by the Prophet in the Psalmist a place often cited by the Royallists of our times though much abused and wrested by them for there is nothing in the Text for their purpose The words are Tench not mine anointed nor doe my Prophets no harme For I will saith the Lord rebuke even Kings for their sakes who are my people Would the Arme of flesh have done your worke certainly you have had enough of that from time to time but alas it is vaine trust not in it for you may see it hath failed you al along especially in this last great Design of yours wherin you boasted high that all the Kingdomes were for you We must acknowledge through the perfidiousnesse of base spirited men who Judas like betrayed their trust you had gotten a great part in the Kingdomes But you have seen on may it God will please to let you that its even all come to nothing and shall in a short time we are confident all false you for that we know the God of heaven is ingaged against you therefore you shall not prosper plot what you can for he who hath begun the glorious work of REFORMATION is able and will perfect the same to his own glory and the Kingdomes good in despight of all opposition of men and Devills Now God is and hath been our strength whom then should we feare 8ly Can any rationall man thinke or conceive that it can any wayes be for the honour of our Nation to have any part of the Navy under the Command of a Foraign Prince as he is who is their Admirall ' Pr. Rupers a wicked wretch who hath bin an Instrument of much ruin spoil to our Nation in the late War as by sad experience many Families can speak it having been wholly ruinated and destroyed by him Others put to death as hanged by his command when no offence hath bin given by those who have innocently suffered under him and these horrid cruel wicked acts of his were done only to satisfie his divilish will but we are assured the righteous God will one day reckon with him and all such blood-thirsty ones for all their wickednes and though they have hitherto escaped the sword of Justice which was due unto them we are confident the Divine hand of God will one day overtake and reach them 9ly and lastly We have endeavoured in this to give a brief and perfect Relation of those many acts of Gods providence which happened to us in our late proceedings against the Revolted Ships And now we hartily wish that as Almighty God hath owned us by Sea and the Army by land he would now put it into the hearts of the Parliament to execute Justice and Judgement upon the Kingdoms enemies and were this once effectually done we are confident it would deterre men from attempting to doe such horrid villanous acts as these in carrying away part of the Kingdoms strength into the Ports of a forraigne Nation to be disposed of by a forraign Prince But we may justly say the want of executing with the sword of justice hath occasioned this and much more to the expending of the Kingdoms Blood and Treasure We know these lines will distast some who have cause enough to be ashamed in that they were very active asmuch as in them lay to hinder the setting forth of that Fleet under his Lorship which God hath owned and blessed hitherto in despight of all opposition of malignant and malicious Spirits and hath made use of the Fleet as an instrumentall cause of good to these poore shaken Kingdoms But if it be objected by any that the Revolters are not as yet all reduced therefore you might have forborn to speak any thing of the action till the whole work had bin accomplisht To this we shall give this answer That if Men will eye Providence in their actings then certainly we have done asmuch as was allotted by the Almighty at this time For we must consider Gods Enemies are bounded having their station set and further they cannot nor shall not goe if so this may quit all and teach us patiently to wait Gods own time for the bringing downe his and our enemies had we been free to have acted in that place where we were by Gods blessing the whole worke of Reduction would have been perfected For certainly never did more resolution appeare among men then God gave in generall to our whole Fleet who were athirst to see them out of the Port where they might be free to fall upon them But we may justly feare the Lord hath reserved the remaining part of these Revolters to be a further scourge to this Nation yet we verily believe the time of their Reigne will not be long For wee doubt not but God almighty will still have instruments to stand fast and close to his cause in all times of streights and difficulties whatever For the back slider in heart shall be filled with his own wayes for times of difficulty is Gods only oportunity to shew himself that it may appeare to be himself who worketh all our workes in us and for us and this is that which will teach us to give all the honour prayse and glory to himselfe who is the Author and Fountaine of all good being due to no other in the world which we hartily desire to do in this Now to conclude we cannot omit to speake somthing of that gallantry faithfulnes and resolution which God was pleased to give to our Generall the Lord Admirall yea so much that his Lordship was willing to part with all relations to doe his Country Service Therefore we are and shall be ready at al times if God permit to witnes that al those many false scandalous reports of joyning with the Princes Fleet as namely that false and scandalous Pamphlet entituled The Lord Admirall and his Officers Declaration to be utterly false being a piece of some Iesuiticall spirit or other and we are very confident his Lordship hath bin as faithfull in this undertaking of his as any whoever served the Parliament and Kingdomes If so certainly all honest men have cause to blesse God for him who hath bin a instrument of so much good in regaining of lost Affections and who so freely and cheerfully hath offered to sacrifice his life in the cause of God for his Countries liberties and as the Lord was pleased to fill the heart of our generall the Lord Admirall with resolution integrity and faithfullnes notwithstanding all those Calumnies cast upon him by his and our enemies so we cannot but acknowledge that the Lord was as gracious to all under his Lordships cōmand in making them faithful in their severall places to the executing their respective duties as they were commanded by his Honour that we may truly and justly say his Lordship and all those under him were cordially united as one man to live and dye together Now to shut up all as we have had many pledges of the Almighties love and favour unto us and not only to us but to the Army in their undertakings against the Kingdomes Enemies So our prayers shall bee that God who is wisedom it self would fill the hearts of Parliament Army and Navy whereby they and we may still be acted united and carried out with resolution and interity for the good of the publique and to this Wee doe heartily subscribe Downes December 23. 1648. Richard Haddock Vice Admirall Robert Moulton Thomas Harrison Andrew Ball Richard Willoughby Iames Peacock Iohn Mildmay Anthony Young Richard Fernes William Branley Frances Penrose Owen Cox John Coppin John Peirce Iohn Lambert Thomas Pacy Jo. Bowen junior Robert Nickson Iohn Edwyn George Deakins Richard Ingle Charles Saltonstall FINIS