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A09511 The poore mans appeale In a sermon preached at Leicester assises before the judges. By T.P. Pestell, Thomas, 1584?-1659? 1620 (1620) STC 19791; ESTC S100747 21,164 34

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of the world turne away their eyes yet hee that is higher then the highest regardeth But where is the agent and defendant wee shall need a quest of inquiry for him If thou seest c. Non est inuentus what does hee slie for it so much the worse But t is not possible he should bee farre the very sinne will finde him out without a Cryer t is a crying sinne Sure hee is hidden heere this greedy eating Adam among the leaues or like Saul among the stuffe of the Text. Let vs turne it ouer againe If thou seest the oppression of the Poore soft the Poore opprest who can this bee and defrauding of iustice and iudgement in whose power is it to doe that hee that is higher then the highest There is all the persons this Text affords It is betwixt these two then either the high one of heauen or the high one of earth hath done this It cannot bee the first alas no God oppresse the Poore hee is their helper and defender t is hee that regards him or does God vse to defraud in iudgement or iustice Oh no Shall not the Iudge of all the world doe according to right yes With righteousnesse shall he iudge the earth and the people with equity It is the other high one then it can be none but he hee is the Oppressor whether it be an height of wealth this and so liker to fall vpon the poore è diametro or an height of authority and so apter to defraud in iudgement and iustice and whether this oppression bee by violence or secret cosenage it skils not they are both like to abide it for God can abide neither of them both but abhorres both the blood-thirsty and the deceitfull man Ps 5.6 Yet since the principall intended heere by Salomon is the high one that abuses his height of place and power to the oppressing of the poore such as these if thou seest them doe so and so and goe cleare away with it yet bee not astonish'd let not this stagger thee for hee that is higher then the highest regardeth Out of this text thus opened arise these doctrinall conclusions And first from the persons First that there bee high ones vpon earth Secondly that these are sometimes oppressors Thirdly that God is still the highest From the action then First God regards does marke and obserue all things Secondly obserues men and their actions with a double Respice a twofold obseruat of mercy to the good iustice to the bad Lastly hee both wayes regards oppression the patient in mercy because pauperem first and then pauperem pressum the poore oppressed The agent in iustice because altum first and then altum oppressorem the high Oppressor Of these in order and order requires wee begin with the latter person first and from it the first obseruation is the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that there be such or there are higher powers Height of wealth I passe ouer and insist on dignitie Height is by ascending assents are by staires and degrees such asconding is motion properly all motion from some principle and euer to some end The generall end of motion is quies peace and rest that is the end of this motion wherein men ascending are heighthened by degrees Peace opposed both to warre and to disorder This height is in differently called Magistracie Magistracy I mean subordinate is either Ecclesiastique or secular secular is militarie or ciuill polemick or politick The first of these wee blesse God wee haue had little practise of so little wee can scarce imagine there is such a thing but wee may haue It is not good to neglect the knowledge of it first for these men soldiers and warriours despised in this dull and fusty time of peace if occasion serued would be as highly esteemed as now basely who are of so high and braue an order that God himselfe is said to bee the soueraigne of their order The Lord is a man of warre saith Dauid the Lord of Hoasts is his name hee teaches my hands to warre and my fingers to fight and as the motion from God so the ascent is by degrees ranks they haue and orders Officers sergeants Lieftenants Captaines Coronels Generals Admirals of the height whereof iudge but by that of Dauid to Ioab and his brethren you are too mighty for mee yee sonnes of Zeruiah and Elisha●s offer to the Shunamite wouldest thou be spoken for to the King or to the Captaine of the hoast as happily the second person in the Kingdome Now the end of armes is peace the Ciuile Magistrate also I meane subordinate for of regall power the supreame on earth I speake not now is in high place such are the nerues and glory of a Kingdome therefore Chronicled in the dayes of Dauid and Salomon and their offices registred such such were Chancellors and Recorders such ouer the tribute such Iudges and Rulers And in this ranke wee see and know a diuersity of order and degrees of dignity and all from God a Deo ordinate ordered and ordained by him And as Salomon calls marriage Pro. 2. the Couenant of God propter eximiam sanctitatem so Dauid the Session of Iudges and Magistrates coetum Dei as approued of him and honoured with his presence in a speciall manner Ps 82. He sits in medio corum 2. Chron. 19. But as the wilde and foolish Anabaptist would destroy all Magistracie from the libertie of the Gospell so there want not some such froward disputers as the Apostle speakes of men of peruerse minds that reason from the old Testament that sinne first brought in seruitude or else God had made no subiection It is true indeed that the sinne of Cham occasioned his slauery A seruant of seruants shalt thou bee Gen. 9 But yet in purest nature euen in the state of innocencie there was a superioritie not onely in man ouer the creatures but coniugall in the husband ouer the wife in which estate had children beene borne there would euen in the law of nature haue sprung vp patria potestas a fatherly power which in time must needs haue risen to regia or the same that regia is And of this motion to and promotion which comes from the Lord comes also the right end set downe by saint Paul That we vnder them may lead a quiet a peaceable life in c. Where peace may bee opposed to tumult strife and priuate reuenge For first if we had not these lawfull assemblies but that Demetrius and his fellow hammer heads might rush into the halls and seates of iudgement what would they doe why shout they would and teare the ayre with noyses and so part againe before they knew why they were come together and secondly where would contention stop her course did not the lawes confine vs and as God giues a law to the Sea bound vs in with a decree of Hitherto shalt thou come and no further And last of all would the Rorers of the Age and Bretheren
your reward in Heauen Earthly Monarches thinke they goe far when they speake like Herod euen to the halfe of my Kingdome And what a poore thing is that Not an inch in the mapp and in the forme of the Heauens nothing The goodly houses they bestow are but as Childrens Kings halls made of shells and dust and what pleasures the Courts of Princes can afford vs Heb. 13. let Moses refusall tell vs pleasures of sin common to vs with beasts and but for a season for a moment But whom God exalts and aduances hee rewardes with his owne kingdome a kingdome of glory his owne cittie a cittie of pure gold in that mansion to remaine with him at the same Table and yet higher to sit with him vpon the same throne Apoc. 3. This is more then euer was Omnis potestas impatiens consortis And Pharoah to Ioseph his prime fauorite Lucan onely in the throne I will be aboue thee What might be added of the high nature of those ioyes which the Angels enioying doe adore and of their eternitie At his right hand are pleasures for euermore To giue vs heauen if wee could doe his Law were Iustice high enough though but for one instant of time but when it is added For euermore it is Iustitia in excessu in excelso too T' is Iustice at the Highest And finally no lesse admirable is the Power of God which is so high in him sayes Beza it makes him euer Agent and neuer Patient and that can neuer cease being the same it is Bellarmine would proue the Popes supremacie by his twelue great names giuen him by his Parasites more easie were it from Scripture recounting the glorious names of God as also from his miracles to draw vp this Power to a supreame head But it is a beaten way and a subiect so full that who euer handles it cannot choose but handle it well I will onely instance in that height of Power which is exprest and prooued by place Power terrestriall is declared by ascending to thrones and if exaltation be measured so then the Lord alone as Esay sayes shall be exalted For hee dwells sayes Esdras aboue the Aire super altitudinem aëris 2. Es 6. Nay super altitudinem coelorum a second super aboue the height of the heauens 2. Es 4. That is a maine height For who can find out the height of Heauen sayes Syracides the pride of the height as hee termes it Ecclus 43. I but there is another super yet aboue the heauens and the heauens of heauens What aboue all I farre sayes the Apostle gone vp on high farre aboue all heauens Ephes 4.10 The Queene of Sheba viewing the high throne of Salomon of which the Text sayes There was none like it in any kingdome 1. Reg. 10.20 and obseruing all his royaltie Non habebat vltra spiritum shee was astonished But an higher than Salomon is here For Salomon in all his royaltie was not clothed like the Lillit of the field much lesse like the Lord of Heauen who dwells in light inaccessible and cloths himselfe with light as with a garment As Salomon had no such roabe so no throne like Gods For he prepares his throne in Heauen sayes the Psalme Solium excelsum a throne high and lift vp Esay 6. a glorious high throne sayes Ieremie 17.12 Before which throne all thrones are cast downe sayes Daniel for it is a fire flaming aloft and towring vp higher than the highest Now as the throne so is the Power of God that the embleme of this And therefore King Dauid will not repent his kneeling to God Psal 95. For as he adds the Lord is a great God and a great King aboue all Gods Nor will Salomon for all his owne highnesse rob God of his honour but stand to the title which he hath giuen him here It is no more than right He is a King euen Rex regum a king ouer all kings and higher than the highest Most high aboue all the earth and much exalted aboue all Gods Psal 97.9 But of what vse is this Title for vs Vses of manifold vse We may draw all to Timor Amor Feare and Loue. First Feare and that first in gesture when wee present our selues before him It is exacted by himselfe We may beleeue him when he sweares it I haue sworne by my selfe sayes the Lord that euery knee shall bow to me Repeated in Rom. 14.11 Esay 45.23 And hee giues vs such examples as we cannot refuse Christ Iesus himselfe who best knew this height the infinite distance betwixt the Creator and the creature as hee was most humbled in soule so he profest it in lifting vp his eyes to Heauen in prayer in kneeling falling on his face The glorious Angels adore with couering their faces and falling downe before him The Church begins her Lyturgie with that inuitement O come let vs worship and fall downe and kneele before the Lord And yet I know not how it comes to passe we seeme many of vs ashamed of doing this reuerence to God Hic homo erubescit timere Caesarem said Macaenas So rude is our behauiour and such a sacrifice of fooles we offer him as if we neither thought vpon our owne condition which is but dost and ashes with one blast disperst past gathering vp againe nor remembred him to be our God for then we would not stand like Elephants or stonie Pillars in his Temple but prostrate our selues and thinke no abasement too much not the lowest being done to him that is the Highest So in our tongues secondly forbearing that sawcinesse and familiaritie some vse in Prayer wherein as the heart must be Faith so the lungs would be Feare least it catch an heate So coole a forme is that of holy Church Graunt vs O Lord those things which for our vnworthinesse we dare not presume to aske Remember sayes Salomon God is in Heauen and thou on the earth Let thy words be warie and few The same feare should possesse vs when we speake of or sweare by his name not vainely falsely For holy and reuerend is his name 2. Vse Amor Loue And this is natiue and radicall in the very temper of oursoules and as a sparke would breake to flame but that the world and the Diuell choake and keepe it downe and this fraile corruptible masse weighs downe the immortall spirit for these two are contrary one to another The bodie of the earth carthie but the soule from heauen heauenly tho forced like the Sunbeames to conuerse with filth and dost yet haeret originisuae cleaues still in affection to God and hath restlesse motions of desire to returne to him that made it but clogd with sinne and feebled in all her powers shee must begge and wait now a superinduction of graces that so being stablished in faith and rooted in charitie and borne vp by the assistance of Gods spirit as by the wings of a Doue she may flye vnto her rest
Secondly Perfectionis affirmationis when what is most excellent in things create wee applie to God by way of Analogie and resemblance So wee call him iust mercifull high glorious Thirdly of excellence or super-heminence as this here implies A title therefore sutable to his nature for to seeke him among the highest things we know is ridiculous to pin or determine him there impious vltra vltra quaerendus still aboue and beyond all we must enquire for him sayes Bernard And as sutable so there is none of his titles more auncient so soone I thinke as we find mention of any height amongst men regall or sacerdotall as hoth are referred to him so with this title annext Gen. 14 Melchizedek king of Salem and priest of the most high God It is held throughout the old Testament and not left of in the new So Luke 1. Iohn is called the Prophet of the highest and Luke 6.35 Doe good c. and so be Children of the highest So that as Dauid speakes of his greatnesse God is great and there is no end of his greatnesse So he is high too and no end of his highnesse We haue those on earth that are to day high to morrow low as the graue and therefore though men haue and doe weare this title of most high yet God weares it with a difference sayes the Prophet But thou O Lord art most high for euermore Psal 92.8 And as it belongs to him for euer so to euery person in Trinitie to the Father first acknowledged both by the powers of heauen and hell In Luke 1.32 A celestiall Angell testifies of Christ He shall be called sonne of the highest and in Luke 8.28 the Confession of a spirit infernall Iesus thousonne of the most high God So the sonne himselfe is styled the same S. Luke still 1.78 Oriens ex alto the day spring from on high And in Ephes 1.21 He is sayd to sit at his Fathers right hand farre aboue all principalities and powers hauing put all things vnder his feete and giuen him to be head ouer all things So the holy Ghost is not onely called virtus ex alto power from on high Luk. 24.49 but of him sayd The power of the most high shall ouer-shadow thee Luke 1.35 In so much that God himselfe seemes to receiue delight and complacencie in this title for whether men prayse him on earth it must be with an Hosanna in the highest or Angels and Hosts from heauen it must hee with a Gloria Deo in excelsis Glorie to God in the highest Now this title is applied to God either in respect of his essence or his attributes and diuine vertuer First in essence and nature he is Altissimus among the causes efficient exemplarie finall he in all these hath the preheminence as primum principium and vltimus finis In puritie of nature water aboue earth aire aboue water then fire then light and he Pater luminum the Father of lights Beasts aboue plants men aboue beasts aboue men Angels and spirits and he Pater spirituum the Father of spirits In sublimitie of nature there being in him the perfection of all his creatures and that in a most eminent and vnspeakeable degree So that none is Highest but he onely nay none like the Highest He that said he would be fell the lowest I saw Satan fall from heauen like lightning As thus in essence so last of all in Diuine vertue Now there is incident to God none of thosevertues which suppose imperfection as Faith Hope c. But such as these mercy bountie power iustice wisedome holinesse and in all these is GOD superlatiue nay infinitely aboue all degrees of comparison we may choose to shew it in these foure for all the rest mercie wisedome iustice power His mercie first is highest ouer all his workes Psal 144. For his power made nothing but what his mercy mooued him to of an vnknowne height it is then as appeares by Psal 103.11 As high as heauen is ouer the earth for it is stablished in the heauens Psal 88. and the earth is full of his mercie Psal 32. In both places hee is Pater misericordiarum a father of mercies 2. Cor. 1. according whereto the Church prayes O God whose nature and propertie is to haue mercie c. For if we inquire a reason of his mercy at large to all his creatures to men as his image to good men as his sonnes what can bee returned but ô altitudo O the height of the exceeding riches of his mercie Againe his wisedome is another ô altitudo Rom. 11. Mans knowledge is farre aboue the beasts in quibus non est intellectus But we come to no height no perfection in enigmate in part and but darkely like the Foxe licking the Viall when he could not come at the liquor it selfe And if yet euen from men wee see so manie wise lawes of Princes and Bookes of Councellors and Iudges in which there is extant a strange light of humane reason what shall we thinke of the Highest in whom is the highest law out of which as out of a fountaine these are drawne and thither as waters to the Sea returned For there is one Law-giuer and one Iudge Iam. 1. By whose onely wisedome it is that Kings doe raigne and Princes decree Iustice Pro. 8. What euer the Creature hath is a deriuatiue from that Primitue as Art is conueighed sayes Aquinas from the mind of the Artizan into his workemanship So that this whole Vniuersitie of Gods worke is as it were a certaine common place of wisedome But that poore deale whereof men are capable is receiued in long time and but by drops by many acts we vnderstand one thing hee in one act all distinctly they are naked and bare in his sight with their substances formes differences wee read of wise men from the East and of the high wisedome of Salomon excelling all the East but nor he nor those three attained to the first three not to Alti here in the end of this verse Downe then with all humane presumption and ascribe vnto the Lord as the glory so the wise dome due vnto his name for as his name is here so is his wisedome higher than the highest There is no Iudge aboue God nor none that hath vnderstanding like the highest 2. Es 7.19 We come to his Iustice and Power of which it is here especially vnderstood that he is Altissimus His Iustice first so high that he is sayd to be Iudge alone and this height of Iustice is best discerned by the armes or top branches Proemium poena Reward and punishment whosoeuer shall but regard those foure conditions of Hell torments for varietie the most for their greatnesse insufferable for puritie vnmixt with the least allay of comfort or hope of mitigation for their continuance euerlasting will easily discouer in them Gods Iustice to be highest And contrary for reward it excels all a good measure pressed downe yet running ouer Great is