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A30022 A brief history of the rise, growth, and progress of Quakerism setting forth that the principles and practices of the Quakers are antichristian, antiscriptural, antimagistratical, blasphemous, and idolatrous from plain matter of fact, out of their most approved authors, &c. ... / by Francis Bugg, Senior. Bugg, Francis, 1640-1724? 1697 (1697) Wing B5367; ESTC R23818 99,372 212

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Meetings oh how did they lay them open But Reader give me leave to insist now largly on this Head it being the Quakers Master-piece Burrow 's Works 846. Antichrists Government detected Dedicated to all the Rulers c. Now I come to declare who are true Judges of Heresie and Hereticks None are able to discern of Heresie nor to Try and Judge rightly who are Hereticks none but they I say that have the infallible Spirit of God in them to guide them and have infallibility and perfect certainty of Judgment and Knowledge in that case of Heresie None else I say are rightly able to judge who are Hereticks But such as have the infallible Spirit of Christ and are infallible and certain in their judgment these only and none else are able to judge they only are competent judges in this case of Heresie and who are Hereticks It is but out of Envy if they have not the infallible Spirit of God and infallibility of Judgment to discern by for no Man can justly judge another in the matter of Heresie as a Heretick by their own Thoughts or Suppositions for the judgment in that matter must be Just Equal Holy and True and only by the Spirit of Jesus Christ which is infallible and gives infallibility of judgment and discerning into all Cases and Things For it was Christ Jesus and his Apostles and the Saints that had the infallible Spirit of God and infallibility of Judgment The Jews could not judge because they had not the infallible Spirit of Judgment nor the certain infallible Knowledge nor can the Christians There 's none can truly discern nor justly judge what Heresie is nor who is a Heretick but such as are guided by the infallible Spirit of Christ and have infallibility of Judgment So both the Law-makers and the Judges of the Law must what must they turn Quakers be infallible c. I think I have said enough of their infallibility as it lies in half a page in their Book stiled the Antichrists Government detected c. Dedicated to all the Rulers in the Christian World boldly taking upon them the Power making Laws or trying any in the case of Heresie least they themselves should be tryed unless they had infallibility of Judgment which Protestant Parliaments do not pretend too The next is this Entituled p. 793. Persecution impeached as a Traitor against God c. By which the Quakers boldly Impeach all Parliaments and Courts of Judicature Thus can they Try Judge Arraign and Condemn all the Protestant Clergy and Impeach the Proceedings of all our Courts But if I Arraign the Quakers as New Rome and Impeach their yearly Meetings this is accounted by them an unpardonable Crime how justly soever Behold their great presumption But to the next Burrow 's Works p. 588. A Message to the present Rulers of England whether Committee of Safety Councel of Officers or others delivered unto them by an Ambassador from the only Right Heir of the Government whose Right alone it is to Rule and by special Authority from him this is sent unto them My Master is a High and Mighty and Powerful Prince and very Honourable Fear and Subjection belongs to him alone Something you may and ought to do but if to make the Whore the false Church more Naked and to scourge her more than some others have done And indeed my Lord requires something more of you to do than others before you could do and tho some of you present Rulers be looked upon as great Traitors and Tyrants in cutting off the King's Head and extirpating Episcopacy the Lord doth not account as Men these things must needs have come to pass for the furtherance of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ and if you were but faithful to what the Lord requires of you what you have done to them in the Murther aforesaid should not be reckoned an account against you neither by God nor good Men. Let all forced maintenance to Ministers as Tythes be speedily taken away and let just Men and righteous Men and meek Men i. e. Quakers have the Power and judgment committed to them to determin things between Man and Man down with all that judge for Rewards and away with all hireling Rulers that execute the Law for Money and as for the Men call'd Ministers the way of their setting up sending forth and maintenance are the greatest oppression in the Nation they are the woful cause of the Nations groaning their iniquities cry for vengeance for they are full they are full and God's Eternal vengeance is their next Reward from the Eternal God What shall I say of them but this The Earth is oppressed by them the Inhabitants groan under them and God is vexed thro' them and they are the Men of high Indignation and fierce Wrath let this Ministry alone and joyn not your selves to Baal least you perish neither take part with Antichrist any longer uphold not this Ministry against my Lord and this is from the mouth of my Lord to you Reader bear with me I am now telling the growth and progress of Quakerism and how and by what means I need not comment upon it This was Writ in 1659. by E. B. but reprinted in 1672. by the order and approbation of some words first being left out Geo. Whitehead and others See p. 592 to the same purpose SECTION IV. Their Corrupt Principles as their Light within Infallibility Enthusiasm c. and their pernicious Books proceeding therefrom c. and their censorious condemning others without a parallel GEN. Hist p. 53. The Quakers did always enveigh against the Liturgy as stuffed with the Fopperies of Popish Darkness superstitious and ill-plac'd Lessons and Prayers Ornaments Gestures and Bodily actions and many Rites of observing Holy-days These the Quakers did vigorously oppose c. Reader as I have given a hint of the Quakers addressing themselves to the supreme Assembly i. e. Parliaments as well to prove the learned Authors Testimony true as to let the World see how Quakerism advanced by their bitter Letters and invective seditious Petitions and Books keeping therein to their old way of Accusations as he well observes concealing their own Crimes and how their business was to defame others both Magistrates and. Ministers imprecating all Evils upon them from the most High God I am now come to prove what he says touching their enveighing against the Liturgy for where I find him well informed I am willing to corroborate his Testimony from matter of Fact as well as where I see him warp to correct and set him right viz. Smith 's Works p. 161. A general Summons from the Authority of Truth to all Ecclesiastical Courts and Officers And now upon what Foundation will your Building stand for your work is found contrary to the Law of the Nation and contrary to the Spirit of Truth contrary to the Scriptures contrary to Christianity contrary to Reason contrary to the Law and the Prophets contrary to the Doctrine of Christ contrary
and be perswaded to embrace that old bloody Apostatiz'd Church again with all her Slavish as well as Ridiculous Superstitions is a crime so offensive to God and intollerable to Men as the time hastens that the very Stones of the Street will rise up in Judgment against them p. 38. Question whether in case they could not be conformed unto they would allow a tolleration were they powerful whether in case they should say yes we ought to believe them since it is one of their most Sacred maxims not to keep Faith with Hereticks as was seen in the case of those in the Alpine Valleys J. Hush c. and in that they have in all Ages brought so great a deluge of Blood upon the Europian World Question whether it be the Interest of the English Nation to Subject her self to a Popish Yoke considering the incomparable Bloody Massacres of that sort of Men in several Reigns Thus have I undertook tho' with much brevity an enervation of the Romans Faith at least a detection of their Craft their horrid Couzenage and present way of Insinuation among the People Next see his Book stiled Engl. great Int. in the Choice of this new Parliam c. p 4. by W. P. Pray see that you chuse sincere Protestants Men that don't play the Protestant in design and are indeed disguis'd Papists ready to pull off their Mask when time serves you will know such by their laughing at the Plot disgracing the Evidence admiring the Traytors constancy The contrary are Men that thank God for this discovery and in their conversation zealously direct themselves in an opposition to the Papal Interest which indeed is a Combination against good Sense Reason and Conscience and to introduce a blind obedience without if not against Conviction and that principle which introduces implicit Faith and blind Obedience in Religion will also introduce implicit Faith and blind Obedience in Government so that it is no more the Law in the one than the other but the Will and Power of the Superior that shall be the Rule and Bound of our Subjection This is that fatal mischief Popery brings with it to civil Society and for which such Societies ought to be aware of it One Project for the Good of England c. by W. Penn p. 10. The New Test I. A. B. do solemnly and in good Conscience in the sight of God and Men declare that King Charles the 2d is Lawful King of this Realm and all the Dominions thereun to belonging and that neither the Pope nor the See of Rome nor any else by their Authority have Right in any Case to depose the King or dispose of his Kingdom or upon any score whatever to absolve his Subjects of their Obedience or to give leave to any of them to Plot or Conspire the hurt of the King's Person his State or People and that all such Pretences and Power are False Pernicious and Damnable And I do further sincerely profess and in good Conscience declare that I do not believe that the Pope is Christ's Vicar or Peter's Lawful Successor or that he or the See of Rome joyntly or severally are the Rule of Faith or Judge of Controversies or that they can Absolve Sins nor do I believe there is a Purgatory after Death or that Saints should be Prayed too or Images in any sense to be Worshiped Nor do I believe that there is any Transubstantiation in the Lord's Supper or Elements of Bread and Wine at or after the Consecration thereof by any Person whatsoever But I do firmly believe that the present Communion of the Roman-Catholick-Church is both Superstitious and Idolatrous And all this I do Acknowledge Intend Profess and Declare without any Equivocation or reservation or other sense than the plain and usual signification of these Words according to the real intention of the Law maker and the common Acception of all true Protestants c. This is the Test I offer large in Matter because comprehensive of Oaths and Test too yet brief in Words The Abuse of this Discrimination should be very Penal for 't is a great Lye upon a Man 's own Conscience and a Cheat put upon the Government Your Wisdoms i. e. Parliament can best proportion and direct the Punishment but it can scarcely be too severe as our Case stands Reader There is a Proverb that a treble Cord is not soon broken but W. Penn break all these and as many more on the same Subject and yet that is not the worst on 't but led many thousands into the same Snare peculiarly the Quakers as anon will appear And thereby notwithstanding his Wit and Parts became an ill Instrument and the greatest Enemy the Church of England then had But in regard his Writing Pro and Con say so much and give such a Demonstration I shall say the less not being willing to stay too long on this Head Good Advice to the Church of England Roman Catholick and Protestant Dissenters to Abolish the Penal Laws and Tests c. p. 39. 42. It happens now that God and Cesar are both of a mind which perhaps does not always fall out at least about the Point in hand Edward the 6th succeeded a Prince that promised Vertues that might more than ballance the Excesses of his Father and yet by Archbishop Cranmer was compelled to Sign a Warrant to burn poor Joan of Kent a Famous Woman but counted an Enthusiast thus even Protestants begun with Blood and taught the Romanists in succeeding Times how to deal with them I hope I may conclude that the Penal Laws have been a make-bate in the great Family of the Kingdom setting the Father against the Children and Brethren against Brethren and for this the Church of England has paid a severe Reckoning if she hope by her aversion to a general ease to set up for a Bulwork against Popery One Year will show the trick and mightily deceive her and the Opportunity will be lost and another Bargain driven I dare assure her mightily to her disadvantage Violence and Tyranny are no natural Consequencies of Popery c. 2. A Reply to the Answer of the Man of no Name c. p. 22. 2. And one thing I must say Roman Catholicks have been Loyal in England and Holland so that it is not necessarily true The Gentlemen that tore the Kings Declaration of the Indulgence from him were high Churchmen and they oppos'd his Political Capacity to his Natural on purpose to overthrow that Act of Grace by which Destination the late Civil War was made so that 41 overtook 73 or that returned to 41 and who knows not that they were such as hardly knew how to Pray but out of our Liturgy that attempted to Exclude the Presumptive Heir to the Crown upon the score of Religion A Defence of the Duke of Buckingham 's Book c. p. 12. Now tho' this Man would think it imprudent in me and I that it is none of my business to vindicate
need not here relate what an Influence their first Epistle had and how little the Law was regarded or observed the whole Nation is witness and as to the last about Tythes and Church-warden Rates which the Parliament took care to preserve in their old Channel in the same Law which indulge the Quakers in the exercise of their perswasion yet this very Law they Anno 1696. Charged implicitly with Antichristianism saying p. 1. That all due care be taken against that grand Oppression and Antichristian Yoke of Tythes that our Christian Testimony born and greatly suffered for be faithfully maintained against them in all respects and against Steeple-house-rates or Lays as also against the burthen and imposition of Oaths c. Here we see Tythes are Antichristian and their Testimony Christian a perfect Map of their whole Doctrine the Parliament Antichristian the Quakers Christian the Parliament great Oppressors the Quakers Oppressed tho' they pay no more than their Neighbours the Parliament lay Antichristian Yokes upon the Quakers the Quakers the only Christian sufferers and persecuted People of God whose sufferings and persecutions are greater and more unjust than the sufferings of Christ his Apostles and Martyrs for what was inflicted upon them was duly executed by a Law and to this practice of ours agree that Doctrine of St. Edw. Burrow's as it is written in our Gospel in the Book of our Holy Scriptures which we at all times stand ready to vindicate vulgarly call'd Ed. Burrow's Works p. 501. Witnesses we stand against Parliaments Councels Judges Justices who make and execute Laws in their own wills over the Consciences of Men and to such Laws Customs Courts or Arbitrary Usurped Dominion we cannot yield obedience c. And therefore by this our Anniversary Decree we Ordain and Enact that the Members of all our Monthly and Quarterly Meetings and all other our Associates in every Kingdom Nation and County that adhere to us and believe us to be the universal Church of the First born who cannot err but are led by an infallible Spirit that all and every of our Disciples throw off all these Antichristian Yokes of grand Oppression and from henceforth stand faithful Witnesses against Tythes as Antichristian against Church Rates against lawful Oathes against carrying Guns and this as the Historian says is to go through England and Wales yea all the World over and all that suffer for their Stubborness and Antimagistratical Principles by the same Edict is to be taken into Record who it is that suffer for what cause they suffer and on what account I have not time to set forth the dangerous consequences of these Anniversary Synods when they once gain upon the People that they are the only universal Catholick Church and as such cannot err that as G. Whitehead Teaches the People are to believe as she believes I say on this Doctrine of Infallibity hangs a load of dangers the Parliament say one thing the Anniversary Synod at Devonshire-house another they now argue privately but in time may dispute the Point publickly Infallibility sticks at nothing provided it be for the Holy Church in the Papists Dialect or for Truth 's sake in the Quakers They are Terms Synonymous respecting their Authors and W. Penns Books cited declare plainly how vigorous he was for his near Friends and dear kindred in the late Reign and the Quakers addressed from their Anniversary Synods run in the same Channel and flow from the same Fountain for K. J. II. and against the Church of England there came forth publick Addresses Annually besides Books every Month in favour of the then Government and against the Church But since King William came to the Crown never a publick Anniversary Address to King W. nor one Book wrot in favour of the present Governments as anon will appear And thus Quakerism like the Snake in the Grass creeps on undiscovered or at least little notice taken how she secretly Smites and privately Stings and throws out her Poyson both at Church and State She 'll Arraign Impeach Try Judge Summons Dialogue Condemn both Magistrate and Minister Ruler and People yet if she be but toucht Oh how she winches and giffles up and down crying she 's wrong'd she 's abus'd and all is malice that 's said of her whil'st she takes the liberty to abuse traduce stigmatize and calumniate all other People This is the Temper of this clamorous Woman and tho' I do solemnly profess as in the sight of God Angels and Men I am not for Persecution neither do I desire nor none need to fear that our King and Parliament should follow the French King's example in what is of the nature of Persecution or Cruelty yet on the other hand when they perceive the Ingratitude of this insolent People they probably may take some measures to stop the stream of Heresie which spreads like a Leprosie through the Nation And forasmuch as something that is praise worthy on the French King's part in granting the Ministry of the reformed Churches leave to hold a national Synod and for the exemplariness of the French Protestants zeal for God care of his Church subjection to the Laws according to the Evangelical Doctrine of Christ his Apostles and Martyrs I shall set down a few things worthy observation from the 28 Synod held at Charenton near Paris the 26 day of December 1644. as in the 2 Vol. of John Quick's Hist p. 4. 28. to 437. viz. The Sessions being opened with Prayer the Lord Marquis of Clermont General Deputy presented the Writ given forth by His Majesty's Command for calling the Synod as followeth This day being the 12 of February 1644. the King being then at Paris upon the most humble Petition of his Subjects of the pretended reformed Religion to permit them the calling and holding a national Synod desiring to gratifie and treat favourably his said Subjects hath permitted and doth permit them the Convocation of a national Synod next to Charenton but with this condition that they treat in it of none other matters but of those which he allowed them and that the Commissioner whom His Majesty shall please to appoint be present in the said Synod as hath been accustomed in witness whereof His Majesty hath commanded me to issue out this Writ which he hath Signed with his own Hand and caused it to be counter-signed by me his Commissioner and Secretary of State and of his Command Signed in the Original Lewis and a litt'e lower Phelipeaux The Lord Commissioner unto the Synod Messieurs AS it is a very great honour to me to be Commissionated to assist in your Synod and to acquaint you with his Will and Pleasure so also have I great deal of joy and satisfaction to behold this illustrious Assembly chosen out of all the Provinces of this Kingdom and that I can tell you by word of Mouth which is to assure you of their Majesties good will unto you and protection of you and of all your Churches and
of the entire execution of the Edicts of Pacification so long as you continue your selves within the bounds of your Duty Subjection and Fidelity which you owe unto their Majesties they being the higher Powers set over you by God intrusted with the supreme Authority and your lot and portion being the honour of obedience unto them whereunto you stand obliged by your Birth the dictates of your Consciences and the Favors you daily receive from their Majesties and by all kinds of consideration both general and particular and observe it I beseech you as a singular mark of their Majesties Favor unto you that there be of your Religion in the Kingdom Persons of the highest Quality There be amongst you most Noble and Illustrious Dukes and Peers Mareschals of France Generals of Armies Magistrates and Judges of Sovereign Courts and their Majesties now this very day out of their great confidence they have of your Loyalty and Fidelity have granted you this Assembly at the very Gates of the Metropolis of this Kingdom in the very face and view of all France and of this infinite People of Paris vastly different from you in Manners and Humours Inclination and Religion who will be severe Witnesses and Judges over all your Actions And that all things may be done in that Order prescribed me by their Majesties I am in their Names commanded to acquaint you that all Ministers who are not Natural born Subjects but Strangers are to be excluded this Synod and that none may assist to Vote in it who hath not Letters of Deputation from his Provincial Synod and that during the time it be held you may have no Communication with Forreigners or other suspected Persons and forasmuch as your Assemblies are not by any legal constitution a Body Politick their Majesties have forbidden you to meddle in State Affairs or matters of Justice because your Synod hath no power to judge of such matters but only to treat of Points of Doctrine and Church Discipline Moreover their Majesties do forbid you to print any Books in any place whatsoever concerning your Religion which are not attested i. e. licensed by two manuel Certificates of two Ministers at the least under pain of confiscation of the whole Impression nor may you denounce any excommunication against any Minister or others who shall change their Religion for that of the Roman Catholicks nor treat them reproachfully neither by Word nor Writing Moreover when they speak of the Pope they are not to call him Antichrist nor to treat him disrespectfully nor shall they tax the Roman Church with Idolatry nor the Sacraments nor Ceremonies thereof as humane Inventions and Idolatry c. Nor to make Collections of Money The Moderator's Answer We thankfully acknowledge the great Goodness and Mercy of Almighty God in answering the Prayers of his poor Churches with his heavenly Blessing and their Majesties condescention in accepting our most humble Petition presented by the Lords of our general Deputies and granting us this privilege of holding this Synod and committing the inspection of it unto a Person most Illustrious for his Vertues and well deserving that high Place of Dignity and Honour in the first and chiefest Parliament of the Kingdom All these and many other considerations do enforce our Souls with a sweet and pleasing violence to break forth into enlarged Praises and enflamed Thankfulness unto their Majesties yea and in most ardent Supplications unto our God for the preservation of their Sacred Persons his Benediction upon their Government the Glory of their Crowns under whose comortable shadows the Churches enjoying a sweet Peace will never have any other desire or thought than to practice faithfully and conscientiously that most express command of our Lord and Saviour by his Apostle St. Peter to fear God and honour the King and that with a most entire and sincere obedience And as we have no design to do it so we shall never admit any persons to sit as a Member of our National Synod who hath not a Deputation c. nor shall we hold any correspondency with nor receive any Letters coming from Forreigners nor return any answers to them unless that my Lord Commissioner who represents His Majesty's Person shall have first perused them nor will we debate about matters of State nor make any Orders in relation to them nor shall we set up Provincial Counsels in opposition to His Majesty's Will nor as His Majesty hath demanded of us will we suffer those Canons of our National Synods concerning the approbation of Books that shall be printed on matters of Religion to be violated nor shall we excommunicate any of those Persons who quit the Communion of our Churches for we do not arrogate to our selves any Jurisdiction over them from that minute in which they left us nor shall we tollerate any Sermons fraught with any injurious and reproachful Language against the Members of the Church of Rome nor suffer that Monies be collected c. Thus Reader you see the Protestants ask and the King grants the King limits them sets them bounds the Protestants promise to obey 1. Not to admit Strangers to sit in their Synods 2. Nor to hold correspondency with Forreigners 3. Nor will they debate about State matters 4. Nor make any Orders relating to them 5. Nor print Books unlicens'd 6. Nor excommunicate Persons that quit their Society for they do not arrogate to themselves such a power nor conceive themselves the only true Church in the World like the old Strumpet and the young Harlot 7. Nor will they tollerate any Sermons or Books fraught with injurious and reproachful Language nor will they suffer Money to be collected which as it 's called the Sinew of War so it may be called the Nerve of Heresie I hope to such as will read this Book and others I have wrote will not stand in need of proof that the Quakers are guilty of all that the Christians are herein said to be thus innocent of Having shewed the danger of the Quakers Anniversary Synods upon their Principle of Infallibility read Mat. 22. 21. Tit. 3. 1. 1 Pet. 2. 13 14 17. Rom. 13. 1 2 3. and Tindal's Works i. e. The obedience of a Christian Man c. p. 111. viz. For God hath made the King in every Realm Judge over all he that resisteth the King resisteth God if the Subjects Sin they must be brought to the King's Judgment if the King Sin he must be brought to the Judgment of God and as it is to resist the King so it is to resist his Officers which are sent to execute the King's Commandment for it is written let every Soul be subject to the higher Power here is no Man exempt but all Souls must obey and so I proceed to the next Head 7. Gen. Hist p. 110. The Quakers also could not but love him King William and Embrace him as their most Effectual Defender without the hindrance or fear of Molestation HEre I find my Author as
People may be heartily thankful yet it plainly appears that your Leaders and Teachers and Anniversary Synods are of another mind for had you been as hearty and zealous for the present Government as in point of gratitude you should and ought to have been your People had not been so divided and so confused touching the Protestant interest as now they are the sad and evil Effects of which must and will be laid at your doors Consider what is said repent and amend your ways for this Government and the Protestant Interest are so link'd together that those who are not true to the one cannot be true to the other whatever their pretences are or may be This I wrot and caused it to be printed and dispersed as a Testimony against their lukewarmness to the present Government and their Zeal to and for the late Reign as this Section and Sections 5 6 do make plainly appear Obj. But possibly some may object that these are private Addresses by some few particulars and be ready to demand whether they ever made a publick Anniversary Address that thereby they might in all Kingdoms shew their Loyalty to the late King c. Ans Yea that they did and that it may more evidently appear that William Penn's Books mention'd in Section V. VI. run in the same channel I will write part of their said Anniversary Address Anno 1688. viz. The humble Address of the People call'd Quakers from their yearly Meeting the 6th of the Month called June 1688. viz. We the Kings peaceable Subjects from divers parts of his Dominions being met together in this City after our usual manner to inspect the affairs of our Christian Society throughout the World think it our Duty humbly to represent to him the blessed Effects the Liberty he has graciously granted his People to worship God according to their Consciences hath had both on our Persons and Estates for whereas we formerly had long and sorrowful Lists brought to us from almost all parts of his Territories of Prisoners and the spoil of Goods by violent and ill Men upon account of Conscence We bless God and thank the King the Goals are every where clear except in cases of Tythes and the repairs of Parish Churches and some few about Oaths and we do in all Humility lay it before the King to consider the hardships our Friends are yet under for Conscience sake in those respects being in the one chiesly expos'd to the present Anger of the offended Clergy who have therefore imprisoned some of them till death and in the other they are rendered very unprofitable to the publick and themselves for both in reference to Freedoms in Corporations Probats of Wills and Testaments and Administrations Answers in Chancery and Exchequer Tryals of our just Titles and Debts proceeding in our Trades in the Custome house serving the Office of Constables c. They are disabled and great advantages taken against them unless the King's Favour do interpose and as we humbly hope he may relieve us so we confidently assure our selves he will ease us what he can Now since it hath pleased thee O King to renew to all thy Subjects by thy last Declaration thy gracious Assurances to pursue the Establishment of this Liberty and Property upon an unalterable Foundation and in order to it to hold a Parliament in Nov. next at farthest we think our selves deeply engaged to renew our assurances of Fidelity and Affection and with God's help intend to do our part for the effecting so blessed and glorious a Work that so it may be out of the power of any one party to hurt another upon the account of Conscience And as we firmly believe that God will never desert this righteous cause of Liberty nor the King in maintaining of it so we hope by God's Grace to let the World see we can honestly and heartily appear for Liberty of Conscience and be inviolably true to our own Religion whatever the Folly or Madness of some Men on that account may suggest to the contrary These are the sayings of their Anniversary Synod Here you see is nothing wanting but bended knees here is in all Humility in all Fidelity with all Affection yea all all all all Prayers for him for long Life for a prosperous Reign Laud and Praise in the highest for his Deliverance for the defeating his Enemies the excluders yea it would be too long to enumerate them Besides Book after Book in favour of the Government and Letter after Letter printed and dispersed a first a second and a third for the repealing the Penal Laws and Tests that so the Papists might sit in Parliament to Establish them a new Order even St. George's Order as compleatly as their Grandfather Ignatius Loyola had his Order confirmed by the Popes Bulls October 3d. Anno 1540 as at large set forth in a Discourse concerning the Idolatry of the Church of Rome c. p. 281. But God in his righteous Judgment deserted their King their Cause and will in time more fully discover their Order to be of the same tendency and carried on by the same Holy cheats that Ignatius Loyola's Order of the Jesuits was And so much briefly to shew how Quakerism grew and after what manner it made its progress and how they bent their strength against the Protestant Interest Church of England and all Orthodox Religion But Reader did you ever hear of an Anniversary Address to King William No such matter Did you ever see a Book put forth in favour of the present Government No such matter no no 't is as in my printed Letter 1690. above recited No Salutation no Message no Prayer for nor no Address to King William III from this their yearly Synod nor a Book wrot in favour of the Government no in all Humility no in all Affection no publick Prayers for his long and prosperous Reign no Laud and Praise that his Enemies are defeated here is no no no no. Come George Whitehead and foreman of your Anniversary Synod what can you say for your selves Why are you mute Why have you not brought forth one publick Anniversary Synodical Address this seven years nor publick Prayers or are you still like those we read on 1 Sam. 10. 27. But the children of Beliel said how shall this man save us and they despised him and brought him no presents no Prayers no Addresses but the King held his peace But that I may not leave out one cluster of the Quakers Vine by which Quakerism has been nourished I shall now mention a notable passage to discover the Quakers aversion to the present Government viz. The Widow Whitrow formerly a Quaker wrot a Book in favour of the Government about four years since but it did so cross the Quakers current that they made an Order for the calling it in and suppressing the same the which I have together with their not addressing His present Majesty more largely handled in my Book New Rome unmask'd p. 26.
you and set you up Is not this the Whore that Rode upon the Beast and that the Beast meaning the Parliament carry her Again to the Parliament viz. You do but cause People to drink of the Whores Cup and you are but them that do carry the Whore viz. the False Church And this is plain Dealing to tell you the Truth for proof see Burrough's Works p. 50. 53 501 522 507. 521. 12. Such as Teach that the publick Ministry are Witches Devils Wolves Antichrists Sodomites c. The very bane of Soul and Body of the Universe That the Dissenting Ministers are an Ill-bred Pedantick Crew the bane of Religion and pest of the World the old Incendiaries to Mischief and best to be spared of Mankind against whom the boyling Vengeance of an Irritated God is ready to be poured out that they should give them i. e. the Clergy Blood to drink for they are worthy Turn the Hirelings out of the Kingdom that 't is as warrantable to tolerate Popery as Episcopacy that tolerating Episcopacy is making a League with Hell That all Kings and Emperors have sprung up in the Night of Apostacy that the Kings are Spiritual Aegyptians that such as dote on an Earthly King are Traytors that 't is a nasty and dirty thing to mention a House of Lords that all those Fines which belongs to Lords of Mannors should be given to the Poor that all Abby-lands Gleab-lands that is given to the Priests be given to the Poor of the Nation Judas was kind to the Poor that all the great Houses Abbies Steeple-houses the Kings Rents Parks and Houses should be Sold and all Colledg-lands and Bells out of the Churches except one in a Town to give notice of Fire That to take away the Priests Hour glass if you be moved to it is owned by the Eternal Power For proof of this Doctrine and five hundred times as much of the same Nature Read these Quotations for this is but a short Map of Quakerisme viz. G. Fox 's Great Mist p. 5. 30. to 40. A Serious Apol. c. p. 156. A Brief Discovery c. p. 7. 8. Several Papers given forth by G. Fox c. p. 8. 9 12 16 18. G. Fox's 59 Particulars sent to the Parliament Printed 1659. p. 8. 59 63 65. Burrough's Advice to the Souldiers p. 2. The Guide Mistaken by W. Penn c. p. 18. Reader I have in this little Map given thee a hint of the Doctrines of the Quaker Church I think they are so abominable Erronious Blasphemous and Uncharitable that they need no Comment and as to the Quaker Church their Bride and their Lambs Wife if you still ask me for a Discription of her I tell you they are a broken divided Sect who adhear to the Teachers of this Doctrine tho' in their Meetings before the World's People they sometimes talk a little otherwise but search their Books especially their old ones and they are not changed and this is the perfect Figure nay plain Words of their Doctrine But if any one or more will Condemn their Recited Errors publickly under their Hands they thenceforth are not of their Church but ought to be taken in as Protestants even as G. Keith and his Friends have done whom I neither Interrogate nor Accuse And now if after all their deluded Disciples will not be so noble as to search and after searching to to Renounce them and their Errors but will still remain willingly Ignorant it is a great sign that God has given them up to strong Delusion Reader the design of the Recited Book Intituled Some Reflections upon the Quakers Protestation c. And all that 's Wrote against them is only to bring them to a thorow Conviction of their Errors and to such an Acknowledgment and Confession of them as is Indispensible to a true Conviction there is nothing more desired of them than to Retract and disown what is proved to be Faulty in their Writings and such Faults too as are either Destructive to the Faith or Scandalous and so Sinful to the Reputation of their Neighbours in giving False and Uncharitable Representations of them And this they are obliged to do by all the Rulers of Christianity it being the smallest Satisfaction they can make to repair so far at least the Injuries that are thereby done to the Christian Doctrine and the Good Name of those they have Wrongfully Traduced they are the Aggressors they have Attack'd our Religion in all the Parts of it our Bishops and Clergy and our whole Constitution and we require no greater Amends for all that they have done against us then to say that they are sorry for it and though they should refuse us even this Justice and reasonable Security for the future yet we press for no Persecution against them for no Fines or Imprisonment but only that we should not be obliged to acknowledge them as true Protestants and that we may have Liberty to Justifie our Selves and Reliligion against the Calumnies with which they have loaded both And if this be refused us the Cry of Persecution will run on our side Is it no Persecution of the Tongue for the Quakers to Represent our Bishops and Clergy as the most odious of Mankind We grant their is a Toleration but 't is only for Religious Worship but with all caution that the Doors be open so as any may go in and see what they do but not to hold General Councels with their Doors Lock'd up or a Guard of three or four Stout Men to keep all out but whom they 'll admit and their Business is Government that 's plain which is no way within the Act of Parliament for there is a Clause in the Act p 307. Be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That if any Assembly of Persons Dissenting from the Church of England shall be had in any Place for Religious Worship † with the Doors lockt bard Mark tho' they do not always Bolt and Barr yet have they 3 or 4 lusty Fellows to keep Guard during their Convocation or bolted during any time of such Méeting together they shall not receive any benefit from this Law but be lyable to all the Pains and Penalties of all the aforesaid Laws c. which Prohibit all Convocations c. without the King's License much more to Enact Promulgate or Decree any Orders or Constitutions whatsoever Now if the Bishops and Clergy of England tho' Recogniz'd and Establish'd by Law wou'd incur a Premunire so much as to meet consult and debate tho' concerning only their own Order and Spiritual Jurisdiction without the King's Licence How then have the Quakers this Authority to hold their yearly Convocation without controle and with their Doors either lock'd and bar'd or a Guard at them and when there not only to make Laws for their People to observe but to Repeal if not Verbally yet Vertually the Laws of the Land And further If when the Clergy do meet in Council Convocation or