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A04970 A prophesie that hath lyen hid, aboue these 2000. yeares Wherein is declared all the most principall matters that hath fallen out, in, and about the ciuill and ecclesiasticall monarchie of Rome, from the rising of Iulius Cæsar, to this present: and which are to be done from hence to the distruction of it, and what shall ensue after that. As the liues and deaths of the emperors. The rising of the ecclesiasticall monarchie. The storie of the greatest enemies of them both with manie other notable accurrences [sic] concerning Germany, France, and Spaine. With the inuasion of the kings of the East.; Babylon is fallen T. L., fl. 1595.; Legate, Thomas, d. ca. 1607, attributed name. 1610 (1610) STC 15111.3; ESTC S108178 20,639 60

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Germanie France and Spaine Roomes long approoned trusty friends and their seuerall ends destruction 5. And how that Roome shall be burnt with fire and when 6. The earth refreshed and Israell restored to life 7. The comming downe of the Turke and his Army vpon Christendome till fire come downe from heauen vpon them Ierem 20.10 For I haue heard the raylings of many and how they watch for my halting saying it may be that he is deceiued A DISCOVERYE OF A PROPHESIE Esdras 4. Chap 11. Then I sawe a dreame Verse 1 AFTER this the Prophet saw a vision concerning the beginning continuance fall of th' Empire and supremacie of Rome And this vision was shewed him in the dayes of Artaxerxes King of Persia about 400. yeares before the first stone of her Empire was laide Iu. Cesar And behold there arose from the Sea an Eagle And there arose among the Nations the fierce and fearefull Kingdome and Empire of Rome seene in vision by the Prophet Daniel some few yeares before Which had 12. feathered winges Wherein should arise and reigne 12. Emperors which should spred their power like winges ouer all the earth in great feare sitting on it And it seemed good vnto the Prophet to touch by an intellection these 12. only both for they are a Iewrye sufficient to argue the whole suite of Emperors which did arise raigne in her as also because they only were natiue Romans descended of the Iulij Seruij Saluij Flauij c. vnlike therein vnto the rest which were all or almost all like changeable stuffe of diuers colours so of diuers Nations Their rising continuance and end is toucht in their proper place And three heads Her three heads are three Kingdomes fore-ordained to vpholde and maintaine the power of her pride when all her winges and feathers should faile her And are reserued to execute her last will and finishe her funerals as shal be hereafter more at full declared Verse 2 And I saw and beholde she spread her winges ouer all the earth all the winds of the ayre gathered themselues and blew on her By the windes are meant her prosperous and happie successe in all her proceedings And of necessitie it must goe well with her whom euery winde doth blowe to good Witnes the limits of her territories from Ganges to Gades and from the Scythian Sea vnto the Cape of Hope as testifieth one of her own which saith that she extended her tents to the borders of the Ocean and the feare of her name vnto the heauens Verse 3 And I saw that out of her fethers grew vp other contrarie fethers but they became litle fethers and small And the Prophet saw that among the Princes and gouernors which ruled in her there arose and grew vp certain Kings which were contrary vnto her marking such as intended to roote vp the crown and dignitie of her Empire to plant themselues therin their house for euer But their thoughts preuailed not for as the verse concludeth their power waned and they perished like the rest what those contrary Kings were their number names attempts and end shal be deliuered in their place Verse 4 But her heads rested and the head in the midst was greater thē th' other heads yet rested it with them But the three kingdomes fore-apointed t' accomplish finish the wickednes of this great Citie were quiet and at rest as not yet during the reigne of her fethers conceaued and brought forth And the Prophet obserued that th'oue of those Kings was greater in power then both his fellowes yet rested it with them Concerning these three Kings their names their greatnes and al that appertaineth shal be spoken in due place Verse 5 Then I saw and behold the Eagle flew with her fethers and reigned vpon earth and ouer them that dvvelt therin Verse 6 And I savv that all things vnder heauen vvere subiect vnto her and no man spake against her no not one creature vpon earth And the Prophet beheld that this proud citie flew with her Emperors and Legions ouer all her neighbors subiecting all the dwellers on earth vnder her in such sort as there was not a Natiō or People to be found vnder heauen that was not either rooted out by her or inforced to receiue their Gouernors from her Verse 7 And I savv that the Eagle stood vp vpon her clavves and spake to her feathers saying Verse 8 VVatch not altogether sleep euery one in his ovvn place and vvatch by course Verse 9 But let the heads be preserued for the last And the Prophet obserued that this powerful Citie in the daies wherein ouergorged with pride she stood vpon terms of her counsell and armes tooke such order for in euill she was very methodicall that her Kings and Kaysers should neither sleep nor watch that is neither perish nor rule all at once but rise in a successiue course as in the verses following is manifested And she further commanded that the three last Kingdomes ordained to conclude the number of her sinnes should take their ease and not awake till their time appointed Verse 10 Neuerthelesse I savve that the voice vvent not out of her heads but from the middest of her bodye As hee that vndertakes a dangerous leape doth first retire the better to aduance his strength so to bound fairlye ouer the dacke vnderstanding of these words we must of necessitie looke backe carry before vs the true birth and perfect nature of this Empire which the Prophet Daniel in his vision designeth vnder the forme of a ten-horned beast signifying thereby that it should be a power vpheld by a succession of many Kinges for the hornes betoken Kings and the number of 10. comprehends all be they neuer so many as all numbers are contained vnder 10. or made of their reduplication be they neuer so infinit And addeth further that his teeth were of iron his nails of brasse inferring therby the vnresistable force of his legions and Leaders And proceding saith that there arose amongst his Kings one of an exceeding strange nature signifying by that one a strange race and succession of Princes far differing in shape and forme of regiment from al their predecessors obtaining dominion not by iron teeth and brasen nails as did th' Emperors which arose before them but by disceit and by a mouth which spake presumptuous things against the most High blaspheming his name his Tabernacle them that dwel in heauen who by a hidden vnknown force should subdue the third part of the world meaning al Europe with her Princes By which deliniation it is euident that the holy-Ghost accounteth the chalenged prerogatiue supremacie of Rome all one power all one Empire whether it obtaine the spoile by force or by fraud that is by power of Emperors or crast of Popes Cha. 7.24 who should be far vnlike them as Daniel himselfe saith And he shall be vnlike to the first Meaning in forme of claiming obteining
6 of which in the verses following Verse 24 Then saw I also the two winges deuided them-selues frō the six and remained vnder the head that was vpon the right side but the foure continued in their place And the Prophet saw that two of the six deuided thē-selues in counsell manner of proceeding frō th' other foure for wheras the four sought to be Lords of Rome in fee resoluing in their thoughts t' extinguish the name and maiestie of her Empire for euer these 2. were of an other minde for they agreed to remaine vnder the countenance and fauour of the Eagles right head contented to weare a crowne tho with leaue of it meaning by the right head th' east Empire so called in regard it was far stronger in power then the west whose broad-spreading honor as in the verse fore-going was now become a starueling onlie his name and appellation continued some ten successions viz. 1 Valentinian 2 Maximus 3 Auitus 4 Maiorianus 5 Seuerus 6 Anthemius 7 Olybrius 8 Glycerius 9 Iulius Nepos 10 Momyllus Which all also vanished as before is toucht in 20. yeares And the Eagles pompe which was at full in Augustus was enterred with Augustulus for so was Momyllus called and with him descended the name and title of Imperium Romanum for euer And the two winges thus deuided in pollicie from the foure were Genserick and Theodorick Of which the first trained into Italie by treason of the Empres entred Rome 43. yeares after she had bin hūbled by the Gothes and led into captiuitie all her treasor and as is the fatall reward of such offenders the traitres also her-selfe And after 14. daies thus loaden departed into his Africa againe wher-ouer he reigned in peace and pleasure 51. yeares Th' other hauing obtained of th'East-head the scepter of Italie according to his patent proceeded and got it by Conquest from Odoacer But after he had reigned therouer 30. yeares descended also leauing his fame and kingdome to his posteritie hauing fullfild his pleasures two and fortie more But this counsell pleased not th' other 4. for as the verse concludeth they remained in other thoughts drifting in their place to rise and reigne without leaue or licence of any Verse 25 So I looked and beholde the vnder-winges thought to set vp them-selues and to haue the rule And as the Prophet beheld the foure contrary fethers which were left he saw how they also stroue in their hearts to establish them-selues but like a dreame their purpose vanished in the next immediate verses following Verse 26 Then was ther one set vp but shortlye it appeered no more Then arose Odoacer the first of the foure leading a people begotten in the bowels and inmost parts of the North who hearing of the deuided and weak estate of the Empire was encouraged to moue from beyond the Danube in much feare and blood descended into Italie slew her last Lord and Emperor Momyllus Augustulus destroyed the name of her Consuler dignitie and blotted out for euer the memory of her holy Senat the murtherer of Romulus their first King and Iulius their first Keyser And not daring as base begotten to put on the presence and stile of an Emperor which name this fether fatallie resisted contented him-selfe with the title of King of Italie But his glory indured not for after he had reigned eighteene yeares Theodorick as in the 24. verse tooke his kingdome from him by force and his life by fraude and he descended and appeered no more Verse 27 And the second was sooner gone then the first After him arose Totilas the second fether of the foure by birth a Spaniard by blood a West-gothe whose fearefull fires burne in Rome to this day but these daies were more in trouble and as the Prophet fore-saw in number fewer then Odoacers from his first rising alway in armes and after many hopes and as many dispaires was at last put to flight by Narses whom the East head had made gouernor of Italie and flying was wounded so deadlye that assone as he gat his Inne he lost his life after he had worne the crowne if to fight for a crowne be to weare a crowne 11. yeares Verse 28 Then I beheld and loe the two that remained did thinke also in them-selues to reigne So as of all th' eight ther remained but the Longobards and th' intestine faction which thought also in them-selues to reigne The first inflamed by the letters of Narses and with the goodnes of Italie left their northern dennes and like a fearefull storme fell down vpon it and in two yeares ouerthrew it crowning their leader Alboinus King thereof at Milan who after he had spred him-selfe ouer the great Citie and ouer all her Italie three yeares and a halfe was murthered by the treason of Rosimond his wife leauing his kingdome but not his honor to his successors who possessed it for 24. generations The eight and last and of all other the most dangerous was a home conspiracie plotting to raise from the dead the antient long-before buried gouernment of Rome te reedifie her S.P.Q.R. And to root out the Priestly preheminence and Church-superiority which had so cunningly eaten and destroyed the seculer Which faction after it had taken fire in the hearts of many and secretly burned a long time at length brake out like the fury and violence of a risen stream so as it might not be quencht but with much blood and exceeding labor as in the one thirteth verse appeereth Verse 29 But whilst they so thought beholde ther awaked one of the heads that were at rest which was in the midst for that vvas greater then the tvvo And whilst they thus thought beholde there awaked one of the three Kingdomes appointed to finish and end the wickednes of the Eagle figuring by this resting head the new West-Empire which title of supremacie the Beast bestowed as hath bin alwaies his practise to runne with the strongest vpon Charles King of France and sonne to Pepin the traiter This head is said to be awaked when it was first raysed which was in the yeare 801. wherein it receaued his augustal robe his crowne and stile viz. Carolo Augusto a Deo coronato magno pijssimo Imperatori Romanorum vita victoria And the title of dignitie Imperiall which had laien dead aboue 300. yeares was in this yeare on Christmas day thus raised vp to life againe to the end it might defend the proceedings of the great adulteres and murtheres of the earth as by the forme of othe exhibited at his consecration appeereth In nomine Christi spondeo atque polliceor ego A. Imperator coram Deo beato Petro Apostolo me protectorem ac defensorem fore huius Sanctae Rom. Ecclesiae in omnibus vtilitatibus quatinus diuino fultus fuero adiutorio pro-ut sciero poteroque In that this head is said to be in the midest is ment that it should be chosen from among the Nations and Kingdomes of the earth
as by experience hath bin proued first from France then from diuers kingdomes and parts of Germany where it still remaineth And that the feare and power of this head hath bin greater then any other Christian King or Kingdome whatsoeuer is it not sufficiently read in the particular registers of euery Nation Verse 30 And I sawe that the two heades were ioyned therewith By the two heads are shadowed the two Kingdomes of France and Spaine whose vnhalowed leage the Prophet fore-seeing saith they shuld be ioyned with this middle-middle-head and like three parts in one accord and agree together to humble themselues their authoritie and power before the Beast and for their Idol-shepheard should fight against the Highest till by the breath of his mouth they be scattered like the dust which the winde disperseth And these ar the 3. heads mentioned in the first fourth and ninth verses of this chapter and are therefore said to finish and determine the last end and wickednes of the whore because tho all other Kingdomes hate her and make her desolate and naked and eat her flesh as England and others haue done yet these three heads shall loue her still and to their dying day shall burne in delight with her but when those three and euery of them shall also forsake her ther shall not be found ether kingdome or creature vnder heauen that shall fall down and worship her Verse 31 And behold the middle head was turned with them that were turned with it and did eat vp the two vnder winges vvhich thought to reigne And the Prophet saw this middle head the head of euill impart his felowship to all Princes and Kingdomes which desired to be in leage with it But my taske which hasteth to an end will not suffer me now and here to sound this gulfe of Santa Liega suffiseth that for Syons sake the Prophet passing by doth point therat And the Prophet beheld that this middle head did deuoure eat vp the vnder winges namely the power of the Longobards and the intestine faction which thought also to reigne The first by the sword of Charles surnamed for his exceeding power the great who at the command of Babylon his god ascended into Italie took her King Desiderius prisoner and led him capture into France and gaue his Kingdome to an other And thus vanished this seuenth contrarye feather after it had humbled the whore and spred it selfe ouer all her quarters 200. and 4. yeares and the feare thereof discended and it appeared no more Th' other first began in the daies of Cono the Emperor who hauing an action of contrary opinion against Gregory the second for so the Beast was then called followed it so hotly that he brought his holines into such disgrace as that he kindled a desire in the hearts of many to change their Prelat for a Prince and to edifie their first and antient forme of gouernment againe This desire thus begun by time as naturally all conspiration doth gathered strength and aduentured but some-what to yong to check the Beast who by reason he was so well guarded by his foresaid head and champion Charles easily neckt it Notwithstanding some 100. and 50. yeares after this vleer now growen to a riper head vnder the practise of one Alberique and Octauian his sonne brake out a new and charged the Beast in so sharp a manner as without dout he had receaued the mate had not his head in the midest auoided it once againe whose name was now changed from Charles the great to Otho the great who as being by oth deuoted came to Rome banisht her new risen Consuls hanged her Tribuns and mounted her Prefectus vrbis Mr. of misrule naked on an Asse crouned and attended through the citie with great derision from thence committed to prison and ther executed with exquisite torments And by this means the heat of this defection was so assuaged that it appeered not for 7. yeares after but then vnder the leading of one Cincius flamed out a new in so furious a sort as it had doutles fyr'd the Beast out of all his holds had not his middle head Otho the second hasted into Italie to quench the same who knowing how much it imported to punish exemplarly so dangerous an euill prepared in the Vatican a sumptuous feast inuited therto all the nobilitie and chiefe of the citie when all were come saluted and set caused forth-with to be proclaimed that no man on pain of death should either speake or moue at any thing that should be seene or heard presently entred armed men and compassed the place round where the guests were wherat whilst euery one amased doubting what this first course ment this middle head drew forth a paper and whose names were therein written cōmanded to be drawen from the table and in presence of all there to be slaine The rest were curteously entertained and were as merrie as the feare of so cruell a feaste would giue them leaue Ne yet for all this the feuer so lefte these patients but that they fell some 162. yeares after into relapse againe but Frederique the firste for so was now this head called with the blood of a 1000. and the wounds and imprisonment of as many more so branded this Hydra which had bin so often headed as it could neuer after recouer head againe but her breath departed and her purpose vanished and appeered no more Verse 32 And this head did put the vvhole earth in feare and ruled therein and ouer the dvvellers thereof vvith much labor and it held the gouernment of the vvorld more then all the vvings that had bin That this head and his fellowes haue more mainteined aduanced the rage and blasphemie of the Beast then all the fethers that arose before them and made more diligent and cunning inquisition after the blood of Sion then they is it not eternally cronicled in the registers of euery perticular Nation And therefore they are called the heads of the Eagle and who knoweth not that heads are more able in euil then fethers And the Prophet beheld that this head continued longer and held the gouernment of the world more then all the fethers that had bin for from the rising of the first fether Iulius Caesar to the end and expiration of Momyllus Augustulus the last were not 560. yeares whereas this head arose in the yeare 801. and hath alreadie continued aboue 800. and yet still continueth and shall till he that now is be taken away Verse 33 And after this I savv and beholde this middle head sodenlie vanished as did the vvinges In that the Prophet saw this middle head sodenly vanish as did the winges he signifieth that it shall not be rooted out by force or sword of any but depart quietlye and die as it were in bed but yet as the truth fore-saith in the chapter following not without paine meaning that the Electors shall not chuse to the liking of the Beast nor the Beast consecrate
A PROPHESIE THAT HATH LYEN HID ABOVE THESE 2000. yeares WHEREIN IS DECLARED ALL THE MOST PRINCIPALL matters that hath fallen out in and about the Ciuill and Ecclesiasticall Monarchie of Rome from the rising of Iulius Caesar to this present and which are to be done from hence to the distruction of it and what shall ensue after that AS The liues and deaths of the Emperors The rising of the Ecclesiasticall Monarchie The storie of the greatest enemies of them both with manie other notable accurrences concerning GERMANY FRANCE and SPAINE With the inuasion of the Kings of the EAST LONDON Printed for NATHANIEL FOSBROOKE and are to be solde at the West-end of Paules Neere to the Bishop of Londons gate 1610. To the Reader DEere Christian Reader thinke it not strange I pray thee that Esdras the Scribe and Prophet of the Lord in the principallest of his bookes should be so little regarded Dani. 9.10 for Daniel the Prophet prophecying of these times foretelling the wonders that shold come to passe in them sayeth Esdras 12 37.38 That none of the wicked should haue vnderstanding but the wise shall vnderstand And therefore was Esdras commaunded to wright those vision which he saw in a Booke and hide them teach them the wise of the people whose hearts he knew were able to cōprehend the wayes of the highest for as god himself doth not shew his secrets to the vnwise Psal 25.14 so no more would he haue the wise to whome he sheweth thē to teach them but to the wise least the vnwise not being capable should spurne and barke against it wherefore he sayeth Math. 7 6. giue not holy things to dogges neither cast ye your pearles before the Swine c. And as wisedome is iustified of her Children Math. 11.19 only because it is wisedome and for no other respecte so the vnwise resist it because their tongues cannot taste it nor their stomackes digest it 1. Cor. 2 14.15 it being heauenly and they earthly who iudge things by earthly reason Therefore hath God seene it good to lock vp and hide his treasures and richest iewels in most secret places that the dilligent searchers for wisedome might onely finde them out and that fooles might be fooles as they please to be Prou. though wise in their owne conceits The Booke of Wisedome which hath it name according to it nature who knoweth not with what vehemency it is resisted although it be the very flood of Salomons wisdome If Iohn The greatest that was borne of women Math. 11 and Christ his Lord the bridegroome were iudged of the vnwise children to be possest of diuels what maruell though Salomon and Esdras with other prophets and righteous men be blasphemously delt withall But the principall cause pretended is for that it was not found compiled with other scriptures in the Hebrew tongue for which cause they may aswell exclude some part of Daniel and the greatest part of the new Testament but they say it is full of lyes and was neuer cannonized darst thou say so Because the wisedome of the vnwise neuer cannonis'd it did the children of wisedome therefore neuer approue it If all be current that hath bene cannonized Then many deuils shall goe to heauen much falsehood shall stand for truth and if all be lyes that is not cannonized then much truth shall perish and many Saints goe to hell For some of the Epistles of the Apostles As the second Epistle of Peter and the two last Epistles of Iohn Iames and Iudes Epistles were for a long time not receiued generally and many hundred Saints were neuer cannonized By the Church of Rome wheras many vncleane lyers and murth erers were and darest thou blaspheme the truth and accuse it of lies for these causes If Charity did rule thy heart and wisdome gouerne thy minde thou wouldest labour to reconcile it with the other scriptures which if men be so disposed they may also cauill against But let men take heede what they doe let them not condemne that they know not nor call that a lye which they vnderstand not If I should say Saint Iohn spake vnaduisedly when he sayeth Iohn 21.25 There are also many things that Iesus did which if they had bene all written I suppose the world could not containe the bookes did I not belye the holy Apostle If time prooue that to be of God which I in my ignorant boldnes blaspheme and speake against shall I escape vnpunished by that truth let me therefore take heede and feare and as I may not take vpon me to affirm that I know not so let me take heede that I condemne not that which I conceiue not especially such holy writings wherein such great wisedome doth consist least for a words sake that I vnderstand not I depriue my selfe of a great benefit that I might enioy For if time prooue it to be of God as sure it will what shall I then excuse my selfe withall was not the Reuelation of Saint Iohn doubted of by many a great while is it not now receiued as a most deuine Prophecy So shal it be f●●nd in time that none of al the Prophets of ould did excell this Prophet Esdras nor see more secrets nor prophecie more plainely of Iesus Christ and of the misteries of the Gospell then he And also greater wisedome is not to be found in all Salomons writings then is in the book of Wisedome so much condemned why should we not iustifie the truth for it owne sake and not shake it off and take it vp vpon such colde and weake occasions If the maiesty and truth of the other Scriptures did not plead for it selfe Time also bringing foorth all the Hebrues Grecians Latinists and Cannonisers in the world could neuer make it good therfore let truth speake and wisdome vtter her voyce and let time bring foorth as they haue euer done and forbid them not and if thou be one of wisedomes children receiue it And although there be too many that dooth take vpon them to discouer prophecies whose falsehoods time will discouer yet there is a worke which is of God and that shall stand mauger the spight of all it enemies and let them that dare so boldly rage and rayle against it knowe that when the day doth declare it they shall be ashamed and wish they had held their tongues Thus I thought good to aduertise thee by the way least at the first sight of enuied Esdras thou shouldst be dismayed Enuied I say by enuious spirits but approued of God and of his holy ones I will say no more for him at this time he is at hand let him now speake for himselfe FINIS The contents of the Prophecie 1 THe liues and deaths of the Emperors 2. The rysing of the Ecclesiasticall Monarchie 3. The storie of the greatest enemies of them both with their principall actions and of their ouerthrow and ends 4. Of the three kingdomes