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A01186 A declaration made by the Reformed Churches of France and the Principalitie of Bearn Concerning their vniust persecution by the enemies of the estate and of their religion. Together with their lawfull and necessarie defence. Acording to the French copie printed in Rochell.; Declaration des eglises reformées de France & souveraineté de Béarn. English. Eglises réformées de France.; Combort, fl. 1621.; Bern (Switzerland : Canton) aut 1621 (1621) STC 11300; ESTC S114327 27,629 42

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demand redresse And is there in this any shadow of rebellion against our Prince We assembled our selues to demand iustice of him Had we not need and right to do so We haue already iustified it by the estate of our calamities and the condition of the promises made vs. Haue we passed the limits of complaint If being denied we often returned and diuers times endeuoured to lay downe our most humble petitions at our Kings feete alas who can distaste it or blame vs when we behaue our selues towards our King Gods image vpon earth euen as God him selfe hath commanded vs And because many Deputies out of all the Prouinces desirous to carry backe from the Kings bountie and grace the effect of his good will towards vs continued together is it not a malignant and iniurious pettifoggerie that to authorize a deniall of iustice we should be accused of shadowing the Kings authoritie And for a speciall president for the said deniall our enemies alledge that the Parliament after the presentation of their bils breakes vp and stayeth not for an answer But what proportion is there betweene vs and a Parliament All our demands are particular We demand not that such rules be prescribed vnto the State or such new lawes and orders wherein certainly the Monarchicall authoritie would be disparaged and quartered if the Parliament should do more then aduice But all that we demand is that our burnt Churches may be repaired that the exercise of our Religion let and hindered vs be re-established That Townes giuen vs by the King and taken from vs by violence be restored vs That officers may be admitted That children taken by force out of their fathers armes be giuen them againe and the like Wherein should the Kings authoritie be disparaged if he should command out of hand that in euery one of these points iustice should be done vs If a priuate man to whom an iniury is done may iustly complaine of it and expect iustice from the King why if the if the iniury be done out of hate to a generalitie may not a generalitie do the same Can there be then any greater iniustice then to accuse vs of rebellion and disobedience because we complained and demanded iustice in this sort any greater crueltie then to persecute vs for this cause and make warre vpon vs But this is sufficient to shew that the far fetcht pretexts of our enemies are but coloured subtilties to execute the old designe of making warre vpon our Religion and to plunge France in confusion and trouble Wherefore considering the iustice vrging need we had to haue recourse by our complaints vnto the Kings protection The right and permission granted vs to reassemble our selues to that end in such expresse and solemne termes the failing and breach of promises caused by the fraud of our enemies Their violence in hindring our accesse vnto our King and in causing all our suites to be reiected The iniustice of their accusation and the slanderous crime of rebellion that they impose vpon vs. The disloyaltie of their proceedings cōsidered whiles they temporize vpon the refusall of doing vs iustice that they might take from vs three Townes at once in Viuarez by the fraud of a treatie and breaking their publike faith The inuasion of the whole country of Bearn contrary to such an expresse stipulation and so fully performed on our side And after that to commit such bloodie and inhumane acts of hostilitie And lastly this infamous perfidie considered that vnder the shadow of a Declaration authorized with the Kings sacred name confirmed in all the Courts of Parliament of France promising libertie and safetie by maintaining the Edicts vnto all such as should remaine in their obedience the Towne of Saumur was seized on where the gates were opened with so much obedience and respect vnder expresse and particular promises besides the publicke faith of the Declaration that nothing should be innouated That by a like fraud and trecherie the Towne of Iargeau was at the same time inuaded S. Iohn d'Angely assaulted and now is in expectation of a siege All Protestants disarmed throughout all the chiefe Townes of Normandie to prepare them alas for a more easie slaughter If all these things we say be rightly considered together we doubt not but it will easily appeare that we suffer this persecution for iustice sake and by the hatred of our Religion which a generall conspiracie throughout all Europe now threatneth to destroy Wherefore being forced for the libertie of our consciences and out of loue to our Country to seeke in our selues and towards the friends of our Religion and this State a iust and necessary defence we here yet againe present our selues with teares before our King beseeching him in all humilitie to consider and beleeue that the vowes and ardent desires that we continually powre forth vnto God in our prayers are for the prosperitie of his person and State And that it would please him to remember that our fathers taught by their Religion the true obedience due vnto their King haue neglected the sefetie of their owne liues to further and aduance the labours of Henrie the Great in the recouery of his kingdome perfidiously sold and exposed to the enemie by the very same pretexts of hatred and persecution against our Religion and vs. And that he would vnderstand that we following our fathers steps as heires of their affections haue neuer forsaken the dutie we were borne to nor refused the true obedience and ready seruice that our Religion teacheth vs to yeeld him And would to God Sir that your Maiestie moued with the true interest of your greatnesse and out of your naturall generositie would for the setling of your Crowne and diginitie of your kingdome turne your armes vpon the enemies of your State and vse our fidelitie in the defence of such a cause We will boldly say for our selues that in so glorious an emulation betweene your best subiects we would cary away the prise from them all But we say now with teares of blood and in the bitternesse of grones that teare our intrals that the enemies of your Crowne and person Sir hauing induced you to draw your sword against vs and to bathe it in the blood of your loyallest subiects will vndo both your Crowne and person altogether They are your vndoubted enemies that kindle your hatred against vs to fire your Estate and burie you in the ruines Who hauing cruelly murthered the greatest King of the world your glorious father because he would not hate vs and that his goodnesse and iustice did protect vs as his trustie subiects do now induce your Maiestie to hate and destroy vs to ouerwhelme yourselfe with the fall of this Monarchie And if in this tempest which they haue already stirred vp and which we feele comming downe vpon vs we are constrained for our owne defence and preseruation to betake our selues vnto naturall remedies we here protest Sir before God before you and before all men that our purpose is euermore to preserue your authoritie and the respect of your obedience among vs and that we will do our best endeuours to saue your sacred person and kingdome from perishing God who is the God of mercie and reuenge and who according to the decrees of his counsell sometimes hath powred out his wrath with diuers examples of horror on the heads of Kings and nations risen against him Sometimes hath preserued and reconciled to himselfe the greatest persecutors of his Church grant according to our vowes that your Maiestie secure from all dangers may acknowledge the Religion and fidelitie of those persons whom you now hate and know not In the meane while we call here by our most humble supplications all Kings Princes and Estates interessed in the innocencie of good and faithfull subiects oppressed but especially bound in conscience before God to defend the cause of his truth And request them to prop with their helpe and succour the weake defence that of necessitie we oppose to the many and puissant forces of our enemies who hauing chosen this time of purpose now that they haue set on fire the greatest part of the Estates from whence they imagine we might haue expected succour hope to oppresse vs with greater facilitie But our chiefest trust is in the arme of the Almightie who ouerthroweth the dessignes of nations and blasts the enterprises of people conspiring against Israel And since that for the glorie of his Name we are hated and that to ouerthrow his truth our ruine is sought after we assure our selues that he will make vs feele the same deliuerance that our fathers haue proued by his succour which we call vpon from the bottome of our soules Keepe not thou silence O God hold not thy peace and be not still O God For lo thine enemies make a tumult and they that hate thee haue lift vp the head This is the Declaration of the Reformed Churches of France and Soueraigntie of Bearn by their Deputies assembled at Rochell And in the name of all Combort President Banage Assistant Rodil Secretarie Riffaut Secretarie COurteous Reader I pray thee amend these few faults of moment pag. 3. lin 17. we reade do lin 28. action r. affection pag. 4. lin 35. for r. euen pag. 7. li. 3. for r. on l. 32. thereof by r. of the. Act. 17. 7. The intent of our enemies and the meanes to attain therto What power the Iesuits haue now in France How hardly we are dealt withal Our proceeding by complaint which now is imputed vnto vs as a crime The Assembly of Loudun Promises made at Loudun with permission to meet againe within six moneths in case of ●●performance The execution of the order of restitution in Bearn anticipated and an alteration made in the country of the suretie and libertie in Religion
of our Religion and of the publike peace lifting vp themselues with more hope of going forward and of bringing their purposes to passe turned all their endeuours to ouerthrow this foundation of the tranquillitie of the State knowing that the surest way to bring againe the confusion of troubles and of the forepassed warres was to destroy the Edict which had destroyed them But not being able to promise to themselues that the good inclinations of the King and the wisedome of his Mother then Regent and all well affected Frenchmen interess●d in the peace of the kingdome would consent or could suffer an open breach of the Edict they sought to gaine by peece-meale that which they could not obtaine in the whole summe and by fleights and more secret practises to cause things to fall into the gulfe whereinto now they haue throwne them The first groundworke of their plot did bewray it selfe with astonishment and iust apprehension of all of vs when in the coronation of the King they made him take this oath I will truly endeuour to my power to exclude from my iurisdiction and lands vnder my subiection all heretickes so denounced by the Church As if he took his Crowne vnder this condition and vnder this law that he should roote vs out when he could do it The blood of that great Henrie crieth yet for vengeance for the furious and abominable murtherer who protested and affirmed that the onely reason why he murthered him was because he was a fauourer of hereticks that he suffered them in his kingdome that he put them not to the sword and here they haue caused his son and successor to promise that he shall employ all his power to roote vs out By this powerfull and effectuall reason they did ingraue in the Kings heart from his most tender yeares the necessitie of hating and destroying vs and besides the horror of the example of his Father cruelly slaine for maintaining peace with those who are called hereticks they take of him a solemne promise to raigne and sit vpon his throne vnder this condition to persecute those whom his father conserued and kept For who is ignorant that vnder the name of heretickes they meane vs That we are proclaimed and stiled such by the Roman Church And therefore if the King be bound to the obseruation of this oath according to their intention what may we not then feare Wherefore vpon former experience ought we not to feare againe the vnhappie bloodsheds which such impressions and imposed necessities vpon the consciences of Kings haue caused vs to feele The like proiect of our enemies hath yet openly manifested it selfe when endeuouring to make a fundamentall law to passe and an vniuersall principle of conscience that we ought not to be suffered in France they obtained in the last Estates held at Paris that the houses of the Clergie and Nobilitie should expresly demaund by their roles the execution of this oath of the King as also the reception and publication thereof by the Councell of Trent A Councell which hath bin heretofore reiected publikely by those Estates which were held when the most bloodie and violent troubles haue bin stirred vp against vs in this kingdome A Councell which will not endure that Kings should raigne if they permit life and libertie in their dominions to those who are called heretickes But the most apparent and most sensible proceeding of the proiect of our malignant enemies is principally furthered by the seditious sermons of the preaching Iesuites and other Monkes who some yeares since by an vnbridled licence and a manifest conspiracie contrary to the Edicts and their authoritie did take vpon them to calumniate vs in their pulpits and to make vs odious preaching furie and sedition nourishing the people in hatred of vs instructing them to haue vs in ex●cration and inspiring in their mindes warres and murthers do dispose and prepare them vpon all occasions to annoy vs. Hence it is that we continually feele so many violatings of the Edicts of peace so many br●aches which are made in vpon our safetie so many outrages against our libertie Notwithstanding we may yet boldly affirme that our patience might haue ouercome and as it were smothered the greatest part of these euils or at least we might haue conceiued some good hope that in the end some remedies would haue bin prouided for vs by the bountie of the King and the wisedom of his most faithfull Counsellers if the Iesuites were not exalted to the height of power whereunto they are come For it doth euidently appeare that by all sorts of violent meanes they haue hitherto procured the rooting out of our Religion and the ouerthrow of this Monarchie Principally since their power hath growne to the proportion of their euill will and that they see all obstacles which heretofore were opposed against their hardy enterprise to be now broken downe or to yeeld vnderneath their power what other expectation is reserued for vs but to feele the danger wherinto so long a time they haue proiected to plunge vs The miserable face of Christendom at this day almost rent in peeces with warres and horrible confusions doth manifest sufficiently to all the world what power their wicked and artificiall inductions haue to stirre vp a warre of Religion almost vniuersall And who can presume that France alone which they haue made so often to feele so mournfull wounds by their trecherous hands being at this day in their power and as it were vnder their absolute gouernment should escape the common accident which they haue caused to fall vpon those Estates where their credit and the diuersitie of Religion haue giuen them pretence and matter to cause trouble There is no man so vnacquainted with their desseines who hath not heretofore foreseene or foretold that the miserie and ruine of France drew neare when the counsels of Iesuites should preuaile And now when on the one side we see them in such high esteeme and on the other side France brought to the miserie of ciuill warres is any one so blinde that he confesseth it not to be the worke of their hand who would seek any other cause or beginning thereof The feare of falling into these euils hath caused vs to heare many aduertisements from the wisest and best affected French men which so long time haue withstood it with all their power The force of the Parliament of Paris hath oft opposed its authoritie against their enterprises And the remarkable documents which the iudgement thereof hath spread throughout France soone after the death of the late King touching the danger and pernicious consequences to the Estate if they attained to greater credit did guide the wisedome of the Kings Mother to restraine their ouerboldnes in the Court and in the managing of affaires And they could neuer obtaine their desires during her regencie and the authoritie which she had in the gouernment of the Estate But as all things fit their ●urnes who seeke occasion of proceeding
A DECLARATION MADE BY THE REFORMED CHVRCHES OF FRANCE AND THE PRINCIPALITIE OF BEARN Concerning their vniust persecution by the Enemies of the Estate and of their Religion Together with their lawfull and necessarie defence Acording to the French Copie printed in Rochell M. DC XXI A DECLARATION made by the Reformed Churches of France and the Principalitie of Bearn Concerning their vniust persecution by the enemies of the Estate and of their Religion Together with their lawfull and necessary defence WE the Deputies in the Generall Assembly of the Reformed Churches of France and the Principalitie of Bearn persecuted by the enemies of the Estate and of their Religion who abuse the Kings mind and conscience seeing that to our great griefe we are constrained by the violence of oppression to haue recourse vnto naturall and lawfull meanes by a necessarie defence to preserue the libertie of our consciences and the safetie of our liues against these our implacable enemies We protest in the name of the said Churches before God and men inuiolably to remaine vnder the subiection of our King acknowledging that he is giuen vs of God to be our soueraigne Lord. And that all the world may take notice that as this obedience next vnto the worship of God is the onely aime of our intention sufficiently manifested by our former fidelitie ingrauen in the pillars of our Estate and in the crownes of our late Kings raised vp againe by our predecessors and our selues notwithstanding the endeuors of our enemies factions also the hatred and persecution which we now endure is raised vp for no other cause by our enemies but for this holy and iust action whereunto they know we are inseparably bound by the rules of our Religion by the example of our progenitors and the right of our owne conseruation First of all then we beseech the King and all true French men as also all Kings Princes and Potentates friends and confederates of the Crowne and generally all men who are touched with the zeale of Gods glorie with commiseration of innocencie troden vnder foote and with griefe for the miseries which at this day threaten France to informe themselues here of our iust complaints that in them they may see the perfidiousnesse of our enemies and their crueltie and which whether we will or no they pull out of our bosome and binde vs to publish for the iustification of our innocencie and to let all such as loue iustice and truth see that the refuge of our defence whereunto we are brought is both necessary and iust our enemies being thrust forward by no other motiue to kindle the fire in this kingdome then to put out the light of our Religion and to ouerthrow the most sure resistance which in the Estate may be opposed to forrein enterprises But because by their wonted subtilties they haue here followed the common course which tends to violence and crueltie making to themselues a way by false accusations to the oppression of a iust cause And for a pretence to inuade vs they haue proclaimed vs rebels and seditious and to spread euery where this accusation they employ the Edicts and declarations of the King and of the Parliaments yea and the mouth of Ambassadours in forrein parts To the end that the simplicitie of those who are least informed either of the hatred or of the power or of the craft of our enemies might not receiue some sinister impression of vs touching the dutie of obedience and fidelitie towards our King and country we will shew here that all the pretences and iniurious crimes wherewith they charge vs are meerly artificiall disguisings borrowed as a veile to couer the outrages done to innocencie For as to inflame the hatred of Kings and the furie of the people against the Gospell they haue heretofore accused the first Christians our fathers in these last times of like crimes namely that they transgressed against the decrees of Cesar moued sedition among the people and did ouerthrow the royaltie of Princes Vnder these supposed accusations they haue caused them to suffer euery where the violence of the sword the burning of fire the crueltie of massacres the futie of warres and the horror of all sorts of exquisite torments It is true that as our fathers were more weake and naked or exposed to a more easie slaughter Religion then was directly charged with these crimes and then they haue persecuted and made open war vpon them for their professions sake But now by a subtiltie fitted to their intentions our enemies haue altered the method They enterprise warre vpon the persons to breake in vpon Relgion And because that after so many perfidious and cruell practises the arme of God hauing raised vs vp as out of our fathers ashes and by the miraculous prosperitie of the late King conducted by our sidelitie vpon the throne of this monarchie the breaches of the Estate being repaired that there might be established a firme peace an Edict was granted vs for the libertie of our consciences and places of safetie to preserue our goods and liues against the violence which the former euils made vs feare for the time to come truly it were now too an apparent violating of peace and they should too manifestly declare themselues enemies of the quiet of France if openly this Edict made in fauour of vs should be reuoked and it they should make war vpon vs for Religion It were also to ingage too many persons in one selfe same cause For these causes to couer their proiected purpose of the ruine of this Estate through ours to arme the King against vs and to destroy vs with greater ease then other wise they could possibly do They haue proclaimed vs rebels and offenders they haue endeuoured to make this cause more particular they call the warre they make vpon vs a chastisement of seditious persons But when we shall haue here made plaine to the eyes of all the world the purpose of those who are authors of these troubles and confusions the long oppression we haue hitherto endured with all patience the euidences of our right in the course we haue held in our complaints and most humble suites made to our King now laid against vs as a crime Lastly the open persecutiō which at this instant they inflict vpō vs by the armies already raised against vs in all the parts of this kingdome where they thinke we are able any way to resist We hope that we shall cleare our innocencie from these slanders shall approue our iust and necessary defence which we vndertake waiting for the help and blessing of the Almightie And finally we shall obtaine fauour and assistance from all such as loue his glorie and the truth and the succour and helpe of whosoeuer they be that desire the conseruation of this poore kingdome Since the most sure stay o● the Edict for our safetie established by the mightie hand of the late King fell by the stroke of his death the enemies
hauing found in the gouernment following a more fauourable support as they are ready to vent the vse of their ministery helped by the opportunitie and propt with that hand they haue scaled that pinnacle of power whereon we see them now mounted Then we saw the boldest Iesuite of the whole Societie brought into the Louure and with a rashnesse beyond example plac● himselfe within the house of the Kings sacred Maiestie that so at all houres and moments he might haue the gouerning of him in his owne power And euer since it hath appeared in the gouernment of the State what power the Iesuites haue gotten ouer the Kings affections By two notable proofes soon after this Iesuites introduction it might easily be perceiued that thenceforth nothing should be impossible to those of his Societie whatsoeuer they would vndertake for themselues or against vs. The necessitie of this discourse requireth that we represent them All France may well remember that three dayes after this Iesuite had got the Kings eare they caused his Councell to cancell the Act of Parliament by the which the opening of their Colledge in Paris was interdicted them vntill such time as they had publikly renounced their principles of the ruine of States and killing of Kings And to shew that all opposition to their violence should thenceforth be vaine by an Order from the Councell by them set vp in euery quarter of Paris in signe of triumph they caused the Decrees of the Vniuersitie which had somewhat resisted them to be annulled With like facilitie and at the same time they obtained an Act in fauour of the Bishops of Bearn the 25 of Iune 1617. for the restoring of all Ecclesiasticall goods of that Country which by a solemne establishment decreed by the Soueraigne and Parliament were ordained for the maintenance of our Pastors Colledge Garrisons Officers and other charges of the country 15 yeares together the Bishops had followed this suite with all possible instance The late King sundry times sollicited from Rome in their behalf knowing wel the consequences of such a change bound also by his oath to innouate nothing beside the libertie of Exercise giuen to the Roman Catholicks with restitution of so much Ecclesiasticall goods as was needfull for them granted by Edict and executed in the yeare 1599 had alwayes refused it them The Queene mother of the King for like considerations and because of the same oath taken by her Maiestie now raigning for the maintenance of the ancient establishment confirmed ouer and aboue by twelue seueral Patents and Declarations obtained against the instance that the Bishops made on the contrary would not meddle with it The proiect of our enemies could not be better aduanced then by a blow of this nature For they knew that the execution of this Restitution would draw after it as alas it is come to passe the subuersion of the countrey and the vtter ruine of our Religion in the same with hope that with the sparkles they should kindle there they might set all France on fire Wherefore they drew the King by his conscience and by vrging his oath touching the rooting out of all Religion contrary to his to make that Decree by prerogatiue which for this cause though giuen rashly without the aduice of the principall Officers of the Crowne and State in a businesse of such consequence and against the course of Law vpon the onely pursuite of the Bishops without hearing the Deputies of the country would neuer be called in notwithstanding all the remonstrances and supplications that could since be presented which haue not bene otherwise answered then that the authoritie and conscience of the King stood engaged in it Thence we gathered a wofull experience of the Kings inclination in those affaires that most concerne his State and our safetie Seeing that this Iesuite held all his affections bound with respects of Religion and that deuotion vnto which his Maiestie out of an inbred goodnesse is naturally giuen was as a spring vnto his conscience by the which he inclineth his whole will to what pleaseth him best Hee hath made himselfe the Counsel of the Kings conscience to vse his owne phrase and in this Counsell can he propound other Maximes then those of Rome that may be all reduced to this head of the subuersion of this State and our ruine He giues him for a law the determination of the Councell of Constance That faith is not to be kept with hereticks That whatsoeuer Edicts he hath made or sworne bind him not That therefore he may nay that he ought to br●ake them And the better to induce him he reades him no other Lecture then the oath of his Coronation Propounds him no greater merit to be rewarded with Paradise then the rooting out of Heretickes Incites him to seeke that way a more glorious renowne then euer S. Lewis got by warring with the Infidels These and such like are the counsels of conscience of this Iesuite By the which his Maiestie setting aside all other considerations of his gouernment hath let himselfe be caried away and hath often said It is better to lose his Estate then his soule Taught it seemes to hold it for a Maxime that there are occasions of sauing his soule with the losse of his kingdome Now from the possession of the Kings will enclosed thus within the hand of the Iesuites they haue drawne to themselues by a necessary consequence the whole gouernment of the State Which they haue compassed the easier by reason that all the sage and old Counsellors and Officers that serued the late King and France in the establishment and maintenance of the prosperitie and greatnesse which it was raised to vnder his reigne being now as we see put from all managing of affaires they to whom the Kings abundant sauour giues all authoritie in the gouernment do willingly consent that the directing of the Counsell be committed to the Popes Sollicitors Cardinals and Bishops And such as yet remaine or as are newly brought in some nurtured with the leuen of old Spanish factions and affections others won with the aduantageous liberalities of the new or with Romish honours whereof the Iesuites are the chiefe brokers concurre all together in one and the same consent touching the subuersion of whatsoeuer the late King had established but chiefly for so much as concernes vs. And these allurements haue bene of such efficacie that he from whom the best expected an vnvariable affection to peace and good gouernment in hope of a Church-dignitie hath deuoted himselfe to be an instrument of the first breach through which persecution hath rushed in vpon vs. On the other side the high and inferious Courts and all Magistrates of the kingdome are filled with such persons as are wholy subiected to them either by superstition or by interest of fortune The people haue no other affections then such as they suggest vnto them by their sermons or by their priuate confessions The power then of our enemies being such we