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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13030 A summarie of Englyshe chronicles conteynyng the true accompt of yeres, wherein euery kyng of this realme of England began theyr reigne, howe long they reigned: and what notable thynges hath bene doone durynge theyr reygnes. Wyth also the names and yeares of all the baylyffes, custos, maiors, and sheriffes of the citie of London, sens the Conqueste, dyligentely collected by Iohn Stovv citisen of London, in the yere of our Lorde God 1565. Whervnto is added a table in the end, conteynyng all the principall matters of this booke. Perused and allowed accordyng to the Quenes maiesties iniunctions.; Summarie of Englyshe chronicles Stow, John, 1525?-1605. 1565 (1565) STC 23319; ESTC S117862 206,452 546

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opinion The .xi. daye of Aprill syr Thomas Wiat chiefe capitayn and ryngleader of the rebels was beheaded at tower hyll and after quartered his quarters were sette vp in dyuers places and his heade on the gallowes at Hay hyll where it was soone after stolne awaye and his fyngers and toes cut of from his quarters and conueyed The .27 of Aprill the lorde Thomas Gray brother to the late duke of Suffolke was beheaded William Thomas a gentylman and certaine other persons were apprehended for conspiring Quene Maries death the same William Thomas for that offence the .xviii. day of May was drawen hanged and quartered at Tyborne The .xix. day of May the lady Elizabeth was brought out of the Tower by water and so conueyde to Richemount from thense to Wyndsore and so by my lorde Williams to Rycote in Oxfordeshyre and from thens to Woodstocke where she remayned The .xxiiii. day of Maye beynge the feast of Corpus Christi a ioyner that dwelte in Colman streete called Iohn Strete wold haue takē the Sacrament out of the priests hands in Smithfield in the tyme of procession but he was resisted taken and put in Newgate and then he fayned hym selfe madde The fowerth day of Iune was taken down all the gallowes that were about London The same day began the crosse of Cheape to be newe gylded The .xxii. daye of Iune was a proclamation made concernyng shootynge in handgunnes and bearyng of weapons The .xv. daye of Iuly in the seconds yeare of Quene Mary Elisabeth a yong wenche of the age of .xvi. or .xviii. yeres did open penance at Paules crosse standyng vpon a skaffold al the sermon time where she confessed openly that she beyng inticed by lewde councell had vpon the .xiiii. day of Marche last passed counterfait certayn speches in an house nere vnto Aldersgate in London aboute the which the people of the whole citie wer wonderfully molested Some saying it was an angel some the holy ghost speakynge in a walls On this maner she behaued her selfe she laye and whystled in a strange whistell made for the nones then were .iii. or .iiii. companions confederate with her which toke vpon them to interprete what the spirit said expressyng certain sedicious opprobrious words against the quenes highnes The .xix. day of Iuly kyng Philyp the emperours sonne passyng out of Spain came into England arriued at South hampton the .iiii. daye after he came to Winchester in the euenynge and there goyng to the churche was honourably receiued of the bishop and a great number of nobles for that purpose appointed the next day he met with the quens with whom after he had long and familiar talke The second day beyng sainct Iames day the mariage was in honorable maner solemnised betwene him and quene Mary At this time the emperors embassadour being present openly pronounced y t in consideration of that mariage the emperour had granted geuen vnto his sonne the kingdom of Naples Shortly after kyng Philip and quene Mary departed from Winchester and with a goodly companie were broughte to London there with great prouision were receyued of the Citizens the .xviii. day of August At that time a man came as it wer flying vpon a rope from Paules steple to the deanes walle In October the emperor sent ambassadours into Englande to yeld vnto his sonne kynge Philip the Dukedome of Millayne Anno. M .2 P .1 Iohn Lyon grocer M. Dauid Wodroffe S. William Chester S. The .xxiii. of Nouember Cardinall Poole came oute of Brabant into Englande and was receyued with muche honour in all places as he passed At the same tyme he was by parlyamente restored to his old estate and dignitie that he was put frome by kynge Henry the quenes father and shortely after came into the parlyamente house where the kyng quene and other states were all present Then he declaryng the cause of his legacie fyrst exhorted thē to returne to the cōmunion of the church restore to the moste holy father and pope hys due aucthoritie secondly he aduertised them to geue thankes to God that had sent them so blessed a kynge and quene fynally he signified for so much as they had with great gentylnes restored him to his honour and dignitie that he most earnestly desyred to se them restored to the heauenlye courte and vnitie of the churche The next day the whole court of parliament drue out y e forme of a supplication the summe whereof was that they greately repented theym of that schisme that they had lyued in And therfore desired the quene and the Cardinal that by their meanes they myght be restored to the bosome of the holy churche and obedience of the sea of Rome The next day the Kyng queene and Cardinall beyng present the lorde Chancellour declared what the parliamente had determyned concernyng the Cardinals request and offred vnto the kynge and Quene the supplication before mencioned whiche beyng read the Cardinall in a large oration declared howe acceptable repentaunce was in the syghte of God c. Immediatly he makynge prayer vnto God by authoritie to hym committed absolued them and restored them to the churche of Rome When all this was done they wente all vnto the chapell and there syngynge Te Deum with greate solempnytie declared the ioye and gladnesse that for thys reconciliation was pretended The .ii. day of December beyng sonday the kynges maiestie the Lord cardinall and diuers other of the nobilitie repaired to saint Paules church in London and so vnto a wyndow of the same directly against the crosse wher the byshop of winchester being lord Chācellor of Englande made a sermon declaryng howe this realme was agayne restored and vnited vnto the churche of Rome The .27 of Decēber the prince of Piamont duke of Sauoy with other lordes wer receiued at Grauesend by the lord priuie seale other so conueyde along the ryuer of Thames thorowe London bridge to Westmin to y e kings palaice In the beginnyng of Ianuary the parliament was dissolued Wherin among other thynges it was enacted that the statutes before tyme made for the punishement of heretikes and the confirmation of the popes power should be reuiued and in so good force as euer they had ben before kynge Henries reigne and that such acts as were made against the supremacie of the Pope shoulde bee cleane abrogated and abolished The .ix. day of Ianuarie the prince of Orenge beyng receyued at Grauesende was conueyed along the ryuer of Thamis through London bridge and landed at the duke of Suffolkes place The .iiii. of February being monday Iohn Rogers vicar of S. Sepulchres was burned in Smithfield The .vii. of February the lorde Strange being maried at the court the same day at nyght was a goodly pastime of Iuga cana by cresset lyght there were .lxx. cresset lightes The .xviii. of February the byshop of Ely with the lord Mountacute dyuers other well apparelled rode forthe of the citie of London
After this day the britayns decreased dayly in lordshyp and rule and drewe them towardes Wales so that the countrey about Chester was the chiefe of theyr lordshyppe Uortiporus the son of Conanus was ordeyned kyng of Britayne of whom is lyttle memorye lefte sauyng that Guido testifyeth that hee was a vyctorious prince and that hee in dyuers battailes discomfited the saxons he reygned .iiii. yeares MAlgo a duke of Britayne began hys reygn ouer the britayns and gouerned them .xxxv. yeares as wryters recorde This Malgo was the comelyest and moste personable man of all the britaynes then lyuing and therwith indued with knyghtely manhode but hee delyted in the foule synne of sodomy and therfore was greatly spoiled by his enemies the Saxons Ethelbert kyng of the Saxones in Kent gaue bataile to Ceaulmus kyng of the west Saxons in whyche fyghte were slayne .ii. dukes of Ethelberts hymselfe with his people chased Thys was the fyrst warre betwene the Saxons after they had lande and dwelling within this realme Cutwalphus the sonne of Cerdicus kyng of west Saxons fought valiantly agaynst the Britaynes and berefte them of .iiii. great townes After the deathe of Cutwalphus before named his brother Ceaulmus desyrous of honoure made sharpe warre vpon the britayns and wan from them the cities of Glocester Worcester and Bathe CAreticus began to rule the Britons This man as witnesseth al writers loued ciuile warr and was odible both to God and to his subiects they moued the Saxons to warre vppon hym who toke from hym a great part of his land The Saxons heryng of the discention betwene Careticus and his Britaines beyng accōpanied with Gurmundus kyng of Ireland made warr vpon Careticus in suche wyse that hee was fayne to take the Towne of Sicester where they assaulted him so sore that he wyth his menne fledde from thens into Wales by whyche meanes he lefte a great part of his dominion and shortly after ended his lyfe when he had reigned .iii. yeares THe Britaines which were chased by their enemies into Wales as is before sayd held theim in those parties and assaulted the Saxons some while in one coast and som while in an other vnder sundry dukes and so continued the space of .xxiiii. yeares In Britayne Ethelfridus gouerned the Northsaxons who made suche continuall warre vpon the Britaynes and chased them so sore that it is thoughte be slewe mo of them then all the other Saxons kynges By this crueltie the faith of Christ was almoste vtterly extinguished among the Britayns which had continued since y e tyme of Lucius about .400 yeres many of the britains were chased out of the Iland the reste remayned in Wales who there kept the christen fayth which they had receiued The britains being chased out of their countrey into Wales the Saxons obteyned the whole domynion of this Iland Sauing a part of Scotland which was subiecte to the Pictes and Scotts the britons kept thēselues in Wales In Anno domini .596 S. Gregorie sent Augustin Melitus Iustus and Iohn with other learned men to preache the christen faithe to the Angles whiche were fyrst receyued of Ethelbert king of Kēt whom they conuerted to the faith with diuers of his people This Ethelberte as some write fyrste began to buylde S. Austyns in Canturbery S. Paules church in London s. Andrews in Rochester he also excited a citisen of Lōdon to buylde the abbey of Westmynster CAdwane Duke of Northewales was made soueraigne of the britayns who comyng out of Wales gaue stronge battaile to Ethelfride kinge of Northumberland theyr moste deadly enemy in diuers encountres so discomfited the said Ethelfride that he was forced to intreate for peace After which concord made betwene those two princes they cōtinued al their life tyme as two speciall and louyng frendes he reigned .xxii. yeares Edwyne the sonne of Ella whiche was persecuted of Ethelfryde kynge of Northumberlande made sore warre vpon the said Ethelfride and slewe hym in playne battayle and then seysed into his possession the kyngdome of Northhumberland This Edwine was the fyrst christian kyng of that countrey Aboute this tyme began Mahomete among the Turkes Also about this time began the kingdom of Mercia or middle England vnder the strong painim and Saxon called penda which lordshyp conteyned Huntyngtonshyre Herefordshire Gloucestershire and other and was greattest of all other kyngedomes At that tyme reygned in dyuers partes of this lande vii kynges Sibertus among the east Saxons Redwallus kyng of East angles nowe called Norffolke and Suffolke Ethelbert kynge of Kent Ethewolphus of Sussex Ringilus Quincellinus of Weste Saxons Penda of Mercia Edwyne of Northumberland Edwyn kyng of Northumberlande was baptised of holye Byshoppe Paulinus and after hym manye of hys people he for the refreshyng of wayfaryng men ordeyned cuppes and dishes of yron to be fastened by such clere welles and fountayns as dyd runne by the wayes syde CAdwallyne the son of Cadwane began his reigne ouer the britaynes He was valyant and mightie and warred strongly vpon the Sarons made Penda kyng of Mercia tributarie to him he reigned .xlviii. yeres and was buried at London in sent Martyns church by L●dgate Kyngilpus kynge of weste Saxons was turned to the right belefe by a holy man called Berinus Segebert Kynge of Easte Angles or Norffolke ordeyned good learnyng to bee taughte and erected Schooles in dyuers partes of hys dominion as he sometyme hadde seene in Fraunce By hym was the fyrste common schoole founded at Cambridge Kenwalcus kyng of west Saxons in Britayn was dryuen oute of his kyngdome by Penda and kepte from thence by force the space of .iii. yeares Penda kyng of Mercia warred vpon Oswalde the good and holye Kynge of Northumberland and slue hym in battayle with many of his knightes Oswye the brother of Oswald obteined the kyngdome of Northumberlande who slue Oswyne his brothers sonne and made Odilwaldus partaker of his kyngdome Kenwalcus kyng of Weste Saxons was restored to his kyngedome by the helpe of Anna kyng of eastangles He builded the byshops see of Winchester and made Agelbert the fyrste byshop of that see And after him was one named Wyne of whome the Citie tooke the name of Wynchester Benet the monke and maister of the reuerēd Beda was famous in Britain This Benet broughte fyrst the craft of glasyng into this lande Cissa begunne to buylde the abbey of Abington and Erkenwalde byshop of London buylded the abbeys of Chertsey and of Barkyng in Essex CAdwallader was ordeyned kyng of britons and ruled only .iii. yeres He vanquished and slew Lethayre kyng of Kente and Athelwolde kyng of South saxons and then forsakyng his kyngly authoritie he went to Rome and there becamme a religious man and was buried at sainct Peters churche at Rome He was the last king of Britayne And this lande after this tyme was
called Anglia and the inhabitantes therof Angles or Englyshmen and the britaynes were called Walshemen whiche name they tooke of a duke called Wallus This happened .1791 yeres or as saith Fabian .1822 after that Brute fyrste arryued in thys lande After the conquest of Cesar .735 yeres From the entryng of the Saxons vnder their leaders Hengist and Horsus in the tyme of Uortiger .236 or nere therabout Thus ended the reigne of the Britons and nowe foloweth the reigne of the Saxons Althoughe the Saxons had deuyded this realme into seuen seuerall kyngdomes yet I wyll nowe speake chiefely of the weste saxons in order because that in proces of tyme they subdued the other kynges and brought it agayne into one monarchie AMong the west saxons reigned a noble man called Iewe of greate power and wysedome and therewith valiant and hardy in feates of armes very expert he mainteyned such warre agaynste the Kentyshe Saxons that hee constreigned them to seke and intreate meanes of peace geuyng to hym for the same great gyftes This man buylded first the colledge of Welles the abbey of Glastenbury he payd the Peter pens fyrst to Rome When he had gouerned the west Saxons by the space of .xxxvii. yeres by the earnest labour of his wife Etheldreda which was an holy womā and abbesse of Backyng in Essex gaue vp his royall power and became a pore man and wēt to Rome on pilgremage he is of Beda called Hunne or Iewe. AFter hym Ethelarde was kynge of west Saxons in whose tyme the reuerend Beda was famous and wrote his boke called Anglica historia to Offrick kyng of Northumberlande Ethelarde reigned v. yeares ●Uthred was kynge of West saxons This man made warre vpon Ethelwald or Mercia and lyed therin diuersly In his tyme appered twoo blasynge sterres castynge as it were burnynge brandes towardes the northe He reygned .xvi. yeares Ethelwald before named as Hardyng writeth buylded the abbey of Crowlande The holy man Beda whiche for hys lernyng and godly life was renoumed in all y e world ended his last day about the yeare of Christ .734 he in his lyfe compiled .lxxviii. bookes SIgebert was made kynge of Weste Saxons he was cruell and tyrānous towards his subiects and changed anciente lawes and customes after hys owne will and pleasure And because a certayn noble man somedeale sharpely aduertised hym to change his maners he malitiously caused the same persone to be put cruelly to deathe And for soo muche as he continued in his malice would not amende he was depriued of all kyngely authoritie and lastely as a person desolate and forlorne wandring alone in a wodd was slayn of a swineherde whose lorde and mayster when he had reigned as kyng he had wrongfully put to death when he had reigned iii. yeares KEnulphus of the lynage blood of Cerdicus fyrst king of West saxons reigned in the kyngdome .xxxi. yeares The vertue of this manne farre passed his fame At the begynnyng he appeased certayne murmours and grudges that were among the people for the deposyng of his predecessour Sigebert Kenulfe kyng of Mercia buylded the abbey of Wynchecombe Offa a noble man reygned in Mercia or myddle Englande he had warre with theym of Northumberlande and for a tyme subdued theim He warred also agaynst Etheldred kyng of east angles and vanquyshed and tooke prisoner Egbert kyng of Kent Offa kyng of Mercia builded the abbey of saynt Albons he chased the britons or Welshemen into Wales and made a famous dike betwene Wales and the vtter boundes of Mercia whiche is nowe called Offa dike Kenulphus kyng of west saxons as he haunted to a woman whych he kept at Merton was slayne by treason of of one Clio the kynsemanne of Sigeberte late Kynge He was buryed at Wynchester BRithricus of the bloud of Cerdidicus was made kynge of weste saxons and knyghtely ruled his lande y e space of .xvii. yeres he maried one of the daughters of Offa kyng of Mercia by whose power hee expelled Egberte that was an vnder kyng in the lordship of west saxons In his tyme as saythe Fabyan it rayned blood from heauen whiche fallyng on mens clothes appered lyke crosses The Danes fyrst entred this land of Britayne but by the strength and puissance of Brithricus and other kynges of the saxons they were driuen backe and compelled to voyde the lande Brithricus was poisoned by his wife Ethelburga For whiche deede the nobles ordeined that from thenseforthe the kynges wyues shuld not be called Quenes nor suffred to sytte with them in places of estate EGbert the saxon whyche by Brithricus was chased oute of the Realme hauynge knowledge of the deathe of Brithricus returned onte of Fraunce and in so knightely wise demeaned hym selfe that he obteyned the gouernement of Weste Saxons hee tamed the welshe men vanquyshed Berthulphus kynge of myddle Englande and subdued to his seignorie and obeysance the Kentysh saxons eastsaxons and Northumbers reigned as kynge ouer the more part of Englād the space of .xxxvii. yeares and was buried at Wynchester The Danes with a great host entred this landd the second tyme and spoyled the Isle of Shepey in Kente agaynste whom Egbert the kyng addressed hym with his power whom the Danes forst to flee the field After which tyme som of the Danes continually abode in one place or other of this lande EEthelwolphus the sonne of Egbert began his reigne ouer y e more part of England This man in his youth was wyllyng to haue bene a priest entred y e order of subdeacon howbest after he maried a wyfe by whome he had .iiii. sonnes whiche reigned after hym successiuely He went to Rome where he repaired the englysshe schoole whyche was fyrst foūded by Offa kyng of Mercia This schoole was after tourned to an hospitall for englyshemen whyche came to Rome he fyrst founded the vniuersitie of Oxenford which some wryters attribute to Offa kyng of Mercia that was in the tyme of Charles the great .ix. yeres before this tyme. He reigned .xxiii. yeares and was buryed at Wynchester EThewlaldus after the death of his father began his reign in England he maried a woman whiche his father had kepte before as his concubine and dyed when he hadde not reygned fully one yeare EEthelbert the brother of Ethelwold was made king ouer the more part of Englande In the begynnynge of hys reigne the Danes entred the west part of the realme and spoiled the countrey afore them tyll they came to Wynchester and by strength toke it But by the kynge and his dukes they were forced to leaue Wynchester and in retiryng towardes their shyps they lost a great number of theyr men He reigned .vii. yeares and was buryed at Sherborne ETheldred the thyrde sonne of Ethelwolphus toke on him the gouernāce of Westsaxones and other Prouinces of Englande He was a man framed of nature
William shold succede hym in the kyngdome of England Harolde the sonne of the Erle Goodwin went to Normādie wher he made faithfull promise to duke William that after the death of Edwarde he woulde kepe the kyngdome to hys behalfe on whiche condition he brought with hym at his returne his brother Tosto The noble kynge Edwarde fynished hys laste daye whenne he hadde reygned foure and twenty yeares .vii. monethes and odde dayes Hee purged the olde and corrupte lawes and pycked out of them a certayn whych wer most profitable for the commons And therfore were they called the common Lawes For restitution whereof happened dyuers commotions and insurrections in this lande Hee was buryed at Westminster HArolde the eldeste soonne of Earle Goodwyne beynge of greate power in Englande and therewyth valyaunt and hardye tooke on hym the gouernance of thys Lande nothynge regardynge the promyse that he made to Wylliam duke of Normandye Wherfore when William sente to hym Ambassades admonysshynge hym of the couenauntes that were agreed betwene theim Harolde woulde in noo wyse surrendre to hym the kyngdome whyche Wyllyam claymed not only for the promyse that was made to hym but also because hee was the nexte of Kynge Edwardes bloudde In thys meane tyme Tosto whiche fledde oute of the Lande beyng moued agaynst his brother the kynge of Norway who entryng in the north partes of England with a great puisance discomfited .ii. Erles that gaue hym battaile But Harold in reskuyng his people slewe the kyng and his owne brother Tosto and chased the Norwayes with disworshyp to their shyps When William Duke of Normandye perceyued that he could not by any meanes brynge Harolde to fulfyll hys promyse nor by treatie to yelde to hym the kyngdome by force he entred the lande to whome Harolde gaue stronge and sharpe battaile In the end wherof William by pollicy obteined the victorye chased the englishemen slewe Harolde and obteined the gouernaunce of this lande when Harolde had reigned but .ix. monethes Hee was buryed at Waltham abbey whyche hym self had buylded and was the last that reigned of the bloude of the Saxones in thys Realme This happened .617 yeres after the fyrst arriuall of the Saxons or Angles in whiche space they reygned dyuersly Fyrst began the kyngdom of Kent the yeare of our Lorde .475 vnder Hengistus And after that .vi. other kyngdodomes at sundry tymes tooke theyr begynnyngs Whych all at the last were broughte into one Monarchie and subiect to the West Saxons by king Adelstane the yeare of our Lord .ix. hundreth thirtie eight Whiche monarchie continued .129 yeares durynge fiue and twenty of whych yeares the Danes reigned in this land vnder Canutus and Harolde A Summarie of King william Conquerour Anno regid .1 WIllyam Duke of Normandye surnamed Conquerour Bastarde sonne of Roberte the syxte Duke of that Duchye and nephew vnto kyng Edward the confessor began his dominion ouer this Realme of England the .xiiii. day of October in the yeare of our Lorde 1067. and deceased in the yere .1087 the nynthe day of September and reigned .xix. yeres .xi. monethes lackyng fyue dayes He vsed greate crueltie towarde the Englyshe menne burdenynge theym wyth greuous exactions By meane whereof he caused dyuers to flee the lande into other countreies And lyke as hee obteyned the kyngedome by force and dent of sweard so he chaunged the whole state of this common weale and ordeyned newe lawes at his pleasure profytable to hym selfe but greuous and hurtfull to the people Thys Wylliam was wyse and politike ryche and couetous and loued well to be magnifyed He was a fayre speaker and a great dissembler A man of comely stature but somdeale grosse bealyed sterne of countenaunce and strong in armes and had great pleasure in huntynge and makynge of sumptuous feastes Wyth thys Wyllyam Conqueroure entred into thys Realme dyuers noble menne and gentylmenne whose successoures for the moste parte to this daye doo remayne in greate honoure and reputation To whome he dysposed and gaue greatte possessions and reuenues And because those houses maye not bee vnremembred I haue thoughte good in thys place to recorde the names of theym as Iohn Hardynge in hys Chronycles dedycated to kynge Henry the syrte doothe particulerly recite theym That is to saye Gospatryke to whome he gaue all Cumbreland and made hym erle therof Perey Bohune Malot Bewchamp Menylebyllers Umframuile Le Uause Taylboys Musgraue Muschaump Bailiol Bruis Bepount Neuyle Sent Clere S. Poule Melchynes Menvile Albemarle Le Fortz Courtenay Albenay Councy Gournay Gaunt Beer Latimer Darcy Ayncorte Lescrope Maundeuile Ledespenser Purpoynt Momboucher S. Elo Seint Iohn Uernon Estontvile Delauale Euers Bonuile Belasyse Uescy Bouser Clarell Fitz Raufe Fitz Roger Fitz Waltar Fitz William Bulmers Fawcomberde Claruays Fitz Waryne Malory Longchampe Matrauersse Fitz Robert Mandit S. Quintine Fitz Thomas Fitz Henry Caunvyne Iohn le vicount Normanuile Forniuale Lassels Scrutuile Mantalent Manley Mortimer Claruayle Mountforde La Poole Lucy Ualence Lusours Longuile Ferrer Engayne Longspe S. Uay Lacy Longchamp Coluill Toures Lisle Tracy Chauncy Bowlers Mountagu Sourdeuyle Fulgers Belknap Coniers Someruile Champneys Longuillers Maners Fitz Urcy Glaunuyle Bewfort Chauser Mountpillers Mortayn Graunson Moruille Breton Broyne Gascoyne Daynvyle Chandose Paruynke Dabrygecourt Deuerose Keruyle Cheuercourt Fitz Hugh Cornuyle Morley Fitz Rayner Pudsay Harecourt Cheyny Dela hay Delamore Gargraue S. Omer Moyne Poynyng S. Richar Chartenay c. Hitherto gathered out of Hardyng The reste I haue collected oute of other good authors Pyget Bertrame Tochet Camoys Hauteney Warrayne Chauent Loueney Bygotte Mohant Marmylon Baylyffe Marrays Estraunge Monbray Audeley Ueer Souche Couderay Brabanson Brabason Butecort Bysette Bassette Tressy Caunuyle Iaunville Andgilham Bascoruile Chamberlaine Logenton Hastynges Muriell Bures Malebraunche Mortymer Dyne Lynnesey Fenys Boys Muse Peache Daubeney S. Amounde Riuers Meuille Chamburnon Uerdon Rydell Hanley Mortmayn Gower Botiller Fylberde Sent leger Paynell Traynell Peuerell Daniell Arundell Riuell Loueday Denys FitzNormāduk Rous Trusbutte Corbyne Mounteney c. Anno. 2. The town of Excetor the North-humbers rebelled whyche were both subdued and greuoufly punyshed This kyng Willyam buylded foure strong castells Twayne at Yorke one at Notyngham an other at Lyncolne whych he furnished with garrysons of Normanes Anno. 3. Canutus kyng of Denmark beyng encouraged thereto by certayne englyshe outlawes inuaded the northe partes of England passed through to York frō whens he was driuen backe by Williā and forced to flee into his own coūtrey Anno. 4. The Scottes wyth their kyng Malcolyne inuaded Northumberland and spoyled the countrey Anno. 6. William kyng of England made suche warre vpon the Scotts that he forced Malcolyne to doo to hym bothe homage and fealtie he also disherited Gospatrike and exiled hym the lande and gaue all Cumbrelande with the honour of Carlylle to Raufe Meschynes and made hym earle therof Kynge Wylliam by the counseyle of the Erle of Hertford caused the money and
greuous ennemy and hard to be pleased Desyrous of warre abhorryng idlenes enclined somewhat to pryde lecherye and auarice but moste of all he was to be blamed because he semed vnnatural towardes his father as ye haue partly hearde of hym and his brethren what warres they raysed agaynst him In his time were many robbers and outlawes amongest y e whiche as Iohn Maiore in his fourth booke De gestis Scotorniū writeth Robert Hoode and lyttell John renoumed theues continued in woddes despoylynge and robbyng the goods of the ryche They kylled none but suche as would inuade them or by resistence for their owne defence The sayde Robert intertayned an hundred tall men and good archers wyth suche spoyles and theftes as he gotte Upon whome foure hundred were they neuer so stronge durste not geue thonset The tales and gestes of this Robert be comonly knowen by songes and balades vsed within this realme he suffred no woman to be oppressed violated or otherwyse molested Poore mens goodes hee spared abundantely releuyng theym wyth that whiche by theft he gotte frome abbeys and the houses of riche ●arles Whome the sayd Maior blameth for his rapyne and thefte but of all theues hee affyrmeth him to be the prince and the most gentle thefe In the fyrste yeare of thys Kynges reign the citisens of London obteined two officers to guide theyr Citie which were called Bayliffes whose names shall folowe here vnder Anno regni ● Bayliffes Henry Cornhyll Rychard Reinery In this yeare the Iewes were very brag here in thys realme for that theyr number was so greate But the cōmon people especially about London fell vpon them and despoyled them without pitie or mercye they so hated theym for theyr vsury and other euyll conditions The kyng though he were not lyttle dyspleased wyth these offenders yet coulde he doo no execution on them for the fact the numbre was so great wher by they all escaped without punishmēt Also thys yere the king set at liberty Elianor his mother whiche long before at the commandement of his father hi● husbande had ben kept close prisoner But after her enlargement the realme was muche gouerned by her As sayth Ranulph kynge Rycharde gaue ouer the Castels of Berwyke and Rokesburghe to the Scottyshe Kynge for the sūme of .x. M. li. for the charges of his voyage He also sold to the bishop of Durhā his own prouince for a great piece of money and created him erle of the same Wherfore the king said after in game I am a wondrous craftesman I haue made a new erle of an old bishop He gaue his brother Iohn many dignities as the prouinces of Notingham Deuonshyre and Cornewall and created hym Earle of Lancaster This yere the king was assoiled of y e offence that he had cōmitted in rebelliō against his father in recompence wherof as sayth Guido he voluntarily toke vpon him and promised to warre vpon Christes enemies But other authours affirme that his father hadde so wylled hym in his lyfe whervpon preparation was made towarde the perfourmance of thys iourney Anno reg 2. Bayliffes Iohn Herlyon Roger Duke In this yeare kyng Richard betooke the guidyng of this land to the bishop of Ely then beyng Chancellor of Englād sayled into Normandie when he had appoynted good gouernoures ouer that countrey he went to mete the frenche Kyng Philyp the seconde and hauyng made sure league one with an other went eyther of them the sayd yeare onward of their iorney toward Ierusalem In this meane time the Iewes in diuers places of thys Realme as at Lincolne Stamforde and Lynne were robbed and spoyled And at York to the numbre of four hundred and more had their maister vaynes cut and so bled to deathe Anno Reg. 3. baylyffes William Hauershall Iohn Bukmotte Kyng Richard in his iourney towardes Ierusalem subdued the Erle of Cypres then ioynynge his puisance with the French Kynges in Asia conquered Acon where ther grew betwene king Richard and Philip the frenche Kyng a greuous displeasure For whiche cause Philip shortly departed thens And cōmyng into France inuaded the contrey of Normandy And Iohn the brother of kyng Rychard tooke on hym the kyngdome of Englande in his brothers absence Kyng Richarde of England restored to the Christians the citie of Ioppa and in many battels put the turke to great sorowe Anno Reg. 4. Bayliffes Nycolas Duke Peter Newlay William byshop of Elye to whome kyng Richard had cōmitted the gouernance of England dyd many cruell deedes and oppressed the clergie and also the laitie He woulde commonly ryde with a thousand horses and greued abbeyes by meane of his guestes and his lodgyng with them Kyng Richard erchaunged Cypres wyth Guye of Lesyngham for the kingdom of Ierusalem Wherfore the king of Englande a long tyme after was called kyng of Ierusalem Anno Reg. 5. Bailiffes Roger Duke Richard Fitz Alyn Kyng Richarde hauynge knowledge that Phillyp of Fraunce inuaded Normandie and that Iohn his brother had made hymselfe King of England made peace wyth the Turkes for .iii. yeares and with a small company returnynge homewarde by Thrace was taken prisoner by the duke of Ostriches menne and brought to Henry the Emperour and there kept in strayte prison a yere and .v. monethes Where it is sayd that he slewe a Lyon and toke out his hart Anno Reg. 6. Bayliffes Williā Fitz Isabell Williā Fitz Arnolde William Longshampe bishop of Ely cōtinuyng his crueltie in England was lastly by strength of the lordes banished the lande Then he came to the kynge beyng prisoner alledgyng for hym selfe the best that he could but when he saw he myght not begyle the kyng with his sugred wordes he returned into Frāce there to tary the kynges commyng This yere Iohn the kings brother by the settyng on of the Frence kyng whē he herd of the imprisonment of his brother made great warr within the lād toke by strength the castels of Windsor of Notyngham and others And the Frenche kyng made stronge warre in Normandy Anno Reg. 7. Bailiffes Robert Beysani Ioke le Iosue Hubert bishop of Salisbury was by kyng Richard sent into Englād to haue the guidynge therof and also to treate with the lordes cōmons for the kings deliuerance howe he myght be set at libertie The sayde Hubert was by the monkes of Christes church in Cantorbury chosen archebyshoppe of Cantorburye Anno Reg. 8. Bailyffes Gerrad de Anteloche Robert Durant This yere as sayth Fabyan kynge Richarde was deliuered oute of prison for the summe of one C.M. poundes of sterlyng money for payment of which ransom all the woll of white monkes chanons was sold and rings and crosses of prelates with vessels and chalices of all churches through the land and .xvii. shrines were scraped and spoyled of the golde and syluer c. Kyng Richard being thus deliuered shortly after landed at Sandwiche
shewed to their kyng the ieopardy that might therof ensue and aduertised him to auoyde the danger and expell them out of the realme but all was in vayn For Uortiger by reason of his wyfe bore suche fauour towards the Saxons that he would in no wise heare the coūcell of hys subiectes Wherefore they with one wyll and mynde depriued him of his royall dignitie and ordeyned to theyr Kynge hys eldeste soonne Uortimerus VOrtimer as before is sayde beyng made king in all hast he pursued the Saxons and by his marciall knyghthode vanquyshed theim in iiii greate battailes besydes conflictes and skirmyshes Untyll at lengthe he was poysoned by meane of Rowen his stepmother after hee had reygned .vii. yeares Uortiger obteyned agayn the kyngdome of great Britayne and reygned after this tyme .ix. yeares But shortly after Hengistus whiche was chased of Uortimer into the Isle of Thanet entred the land with a nūbre of Saxons but when he hearde of the great assemble that the britons made against him be treated for peace which in fyne was concluded The Saxons in Britayne by priuy guyle and treason got the kyng Uortiger into theyr handes and kept hym as prisoner and by that meanes constreyned the Kynge to graunte vnto theym thre countreys in the land of britayne that is to say Kent Susser Suffolke and Norffolke Than Hengist beganne his dominion ouer Kent and sendynge for mo saxons to inhabite the other prouinces shortly after made warre vpon the Britayns and so chased them that he kept his kyngdome of Kent in peace and warre .xxiiii. yeares Uortiger fled into Wales and there buylded a castell Of whiche buildyng and longe lette of the same and of his prophete Merlyn the common voyce of the people speaketh many thynges Aurelie surnamed Ambrose and Uther the brethern of Constantius king of brittayne whiche was slayne by the treason of Uortiger landed with a Nauye of shyppes at Totnes and by the healpe of britaynes whyche gathered to them in all haste made warre vppon Uortiger and burned him in his castell in Wales where he kepte hym for hys moste sure defence Aurelius Ambrose was ordeyned kynge of Britayne whyche immediatlye hasted hym wyth an army towards Yorke against Octa sonne of Hengist who wyth hys saxons kepte the Citie where he discomfited and tooke prisoner the sayd Octa. A Saxon named Hella with his .iii. sonnes and a company of Saxons landed in the southe parte of britayne slue the britons chased many of thē into desertes and wods and subdued the countreys of Southery Somerset Deuonshyre and Cornewall which after was called the kyngdome of South Saxons A saxon named Porthe landed wyth his .ii. sonnes at an hauen in southsex After whome the Hauen is named Portsmouthe The kyngdome of the East Saxons began in Britayn vnder a duke named Uffa The kyngdome wherof conteyned Norffolke and Suffolke the kyngs of that lordeshyp were called Uffines great murder veration of the britains was at the entryng of those Saxons In the ende of Aurelie hys reygne Pascentius the yongest sonne of Uortiger who for feare of Aurelius fled into Irelande inuaded this lande with a great armie at which season Aurelius was sicke at Wynchester And therfore sent his brother Uther to resyst the malice of Pascentius Guillamour king of Irelande In the meane tyme Aurelius dyed as some write beyng poysoned whan he had reigned .xix. yeares VTher surnamed Pendragon was crouned kyng of Britayne and reigned .xvi. yeres He was enamored vpon the dukes wife of Cornwall and to obteyne his vnlefull luste made warre vppon her husbande Garelus and slew hym in bataile he was buryed at Stone hynge ARthur the sonne of Uther Pendragon a striplyng of .xv. yeres of age beganne his reigne ouer Britayne and gouerned the land .xxvi. yeares hauynge continuall warre and mortall battayle with the Saxons Of this Arthure be written many thynges in the Englishe chronicle of small credence and farre discordant from other writers but yet all agree that he was a noble and victorious prince in all his dedes● and they testifie that he fought xii notable battailes agaynst the Saxons and was alway victour But notwithstanding he might not clerely void them out of his land but that they held theyr countreys whyche they were possessed of Iohn Frosarde affirmeth that kyng Arthure buylded the castell of Wyndesour and there founded the order of the rounde Table The fourthe kyngdome of the weste Saxons beganne in Britayne vnder a Saxon called Cerdicus They landed first at an hauē in Norffolk called Yarmouth With this Saxon Cerdicus his people Arthure had muche trouble and warre This lordshyp cōteyned the west part of Englande as Wylshire Somersetshire Barkshire Dorsetshire and other Arthure when after many and dyuers battailes he hadde sette his lande in some quietnes he betooke the rule thereof to hys nephewe Mordred and with a chosen army as saithe Galfride and other sayled into Fraunce where he dyd meruaylous thynges and vanquyshed Lucius Hibertus the Romain Capytayne whyche thyng semeth not to agree with other histories MOrdred whiche had the gouernance of Britayn in the absence of Arthur by treason was crouned kyng through the healpe of Cerdicus kyng of weste Saxons Of whiche treason when relation came to Arthur beyng then in Fraunce wyth all haste he made backe to Britayne where he was mette of Mordred whyche gaue to hym .iii. strong battails In the whiche manye noble and valyaunt knyghtes perished And lastely in a battayle foughten besydes Glastenburye Mordred was slayne and Arthure wounded vnto the deathe He was buried in the valley of Aualon and afterwardes at Glastenbury COnstantine kynsman to Arthur by assent of the brytons was ordeyned kynge of Britayne and reygned three yeares This man was by the two sonnes of Mordred greuouslye vexed For they claymed the lande by the ryghte of theyr father soo that betweene them was foughten sundrye battaylles In the whyche lastely the twoo bretherne were vanquyshed and slayne Holy Gildas our countreyman flouryshed in this tyme he was called Gildas the wyse Aurelius Conanus a britain raised mortall warre against Constantine the kyng and after sore fight slue hym in the field when he had reigned .iii. yeares and was buried at Stonehyng AUrelius Conanus was crowned kyng of Britayn he was noble hardy and therwith very lyberall but hee cherished suche as loued stryfe and discention wythin his Realme and gaue lyght credence to theym whyche accused other wer it right or wrong He imprisoned by stren̄gth his vncle whiche was right heyre to the crown and dyed when he had reigned .iii. yeares The kyngdome of Northumberland began fyrst in Britayn vnder a Saxon named Ida. This prouince was fyrste deuided into twoo kyngedomes The one was called Deyra which conteyned the lande from Humber to Tyne The other Brenicia whiche included the countrey from Tyne to the scottyshe sea
myddle Englande that rose agaynste hym was depriued when he had reigned .iiii. yeres he was buried in the cathedrall churche of Wynchester EDgar brother to Edwyne began his reigne in Englande He was a prince of worthy memorye for hys manyfold vertues greately renoumed so excellent in iustice and sharpe in correction of vices aswell in his maiestrates as other subiectes that neuer before his dayes was vsed the lesse felony by robbers or extorcion or briberye by fals officers He chastised also the great negligence couetousnes and vicious liuyng of the clergye he refourmed and brought them to a better order of stature he was but litle but of mynde valyant and hardy very expert in marciall policye he prepared a great nauy of shyppes which he disposed in .iii. partes of his realme and had souldioures alway prest and ready agaynste the incursions of foreyn and strange enemies be reigned xvi yeares He buylded Peters Bury Thorney Ramsey and many other was buried at Glastenbury Ludwallus prince of Wales payd to hym yerely in name of tribute .3000 wolues by meane wherof within .iiii. yeares in England and Wales myght scantly be founde one wolfe This Edgare in his floryshing youthe was some deale geuen to the luste of the flesshe whyche he afterwarde greuousely repented In his tyme as well the Danes as all other people in Englande vsed the vice of great drinking The kyng therfore rode through the realme and put downe many alehouses and would suffer but one in a village or town except it were a great borough and ordeined certayne cuppes with pynnes and nailes and made a lawe that who soeuer dranke past that marke at one draught shoulde forfayt a certayne payn wherof the accuser should haue the one half and the ruler of the Towne the other halfe It is written by Fabyan and others that Edgar bring at Chester entred the ryuer of Dee and syttynge in the bote he toke the rule of the helme and caused .viii. kynges to row hym vp down the riuer vnto S. Iohns church and from thens to his palaice in tokē y t he was lord king of so many prouinces EDward the sonne of Edgar by his fyrst wyfe began hys ceigne ouer this realme contrary to the mynd and pleasure of Elfride his stepmother and other of her alliance In all kyndes of honest vertue this man might well bee compared to his father and began hys Reygne wyth suche modestye and myldenesse that hee was woorthylye fauoured of all menne Excepte onely Elfryde whyche euer bare a grudge agaynste hym for so muche as she desyred to haue the gouernaunce of the Realme for her owne soonne Egelrede Edwarde whyle hee was huntyng in a forrest by chaunce loste hys companye and rode alone to refreshe hym at the Castell of Corffe where by the counsayle of hys stepmother Elphrede he was traiterously murthered as hee satte on his horse When hee had reigned .iii. yeares hee was buryed at Shaftesbury After his death God shewed for hym dyuers myracles Wherfore he is numbred among the sayntes and martirs Before the death of thys Edward appeared a blasynge starre of meruailous greatnes It is of some authors writen that the forsaid Elphrede afterwarde take great penaunce and that she buylded twoo Monasteryes of Nonnes Almesbury and Warwell in whyche Warwell she after liued a solitarie lyfe tyll she dyed EGelrede or Etheldrede the sonne of kyng Edgar and Alphrede was ordeyned kynge of Englande and crowned at Kingstoune He was goodly of shape and visage but wholly geuē to idlenes and abhorred all princely exercises a louer of ryotte lecherie and dronkennes and vsed extreme cruelty towardes his subiectes hauyng his eares open to all vniust complaintes In feates of armes of all men moste ignorant his crueltie made hym odious to his subiects and his cowardise encoraged straunge ennemies to inuade his kyngdome By meanes whereof thys lande was sore afflicted with warre famyne and pestilence In his tyme decayed the noble kyngdom of England and became tributarie to the Danes whereby the Danes when they had spent the sayd tribute fel streight again to robberye and arryued in sundry places of Englande as in the Isle of Thenet In Cornewall and Sussex and after many damages by them done and ryche gyftes receaued of the Kynge they retourned into theyr countreye for a tyme. But shortly they agayn entred this lande in so many places that the kynge Etheldrede was to seeke to whiche coast he should fyrst go to withstande hys enemies In conclusyon for aduoydyng of further daunger he was compelled to appeare them with great summes of money but when the money was spente they fell to newe robbyng and cessed not to spoyle the land and lastly besieged Lōdon And to augment the kyngs sorow Elphricus that then was admirall of England traiterously fledde to the Danes And after beyng reconciled fledde to them the seconde tyme While this cruel warre continued in England by meane of a byshop named Elphegus a peace was concluded at whiche tyme as Polidore wytnesseth the kynge made his lande tributarie to the Danes the payment wherof from the summe of ten thousand poundes in few yeres was raised to fifty thousand The bloudy flixe the burnyng feuer wyth dyuers other maladies vexed the people throughout all Englande Etheldred kyng of England toke to wyfe Emma the syster of Rycharde Duke of Normandie whyche for her beautie was called the Flower of Normandie Etheldrede beyng greatly inhanced in his mynd for this his mariage sent forth into al partes of his realme secrete and strayght cōmissions chargyng the rulers that vppon a certayne day and hower assygned the Danes whiche proudely vsed great crueltie in the land should be sodeinly slayn and so was if doone Which thyng was after cause of great misery For Swain kyng of Denmark hearyng of the murder of the Danes and beynge sore moued therwith landed with a strong armye in dyuers partes of thys realme and so cruelly without mercy and pity spoyled the countreye and slue the people that the englysh men wer brought to mooste extreeme and vnspeakable mysery But yet after certayne space a peace was intreated For whyche the Englyshemen payde thirtye thousande poundes Howbeit dyuers princes of the Danes styll continued wastynge the lande in dyuers places Swayn kyng of Denmarke repented of the former couenāts made with the englyshmen thinkyng to attayne to the whole dominiō of this land with a strong army entred fyrste Northumberland than myddle England and so wente foorthe tyll he came to London whyche he besieged and destroyed the countrey of Kent At this tyme Egelrede the kyng despairyng of all recouerie not ones proferynge to resyste his ennemies with his wyfe and children fledde to Richard duke of Normandy then possessed Swayn y e hole kingdom of this realm who spoiled the landes of s Edmunds But after his death succeded Canutus
his sonne who inclosed y e same with a depe dyche and graūted to the inhabitantes therof great fredom And after builded a church ouer y e place of his sepulture and ordeined there an house of monkes enduyng them with fayre possessiōs And after it was vsed y e kings of Englād whē thei wer crouned sent for an offering their crounes vnto S. Edmondes shryne and redemed the same with a good price The englyshe men sente agayne for Etheldred out of Normandye who by the healpe of the Normans and present assistance of his commons expelled Canutus but shortly Canutus returned agayne into Englande where he spared nothynge that myght be destroyed with sworde fyre In whiche tyme king Etheldred ended his lyfe when he had reigned .xxxviii. yeares and was buried in the Northe Isle of Paules churche in London aboue the aultar Fabian saythe that in the seconde yeare of this kynges reigne a great part of the citie of London was wasted with fyre but how it beganne hys aucthor telleth not But ye shal vnderstand that this day the citie of London had moste housyng and buyldynge from Ludgate towarde Westminster and littell or none where the chiefe or hart of the citie is now except in diuers places was housynge but they stoode without order So that many townes cities as Cāterbury York and dyuers other in Englande passed London in buyldyng at those dayes as I haue sene sayth Fabyan by an old boke somtime in the Guyld halle of London named Domes daye But after the conquest it increased and shortly after passed and excelled all the other Aboute the .viii. yeare of this kyngs reign dyed Ethelwald byshop of Wynchester who was born in Wynchester and ther buylded an abbey of Nunnes as sayth Fabyan AFter y e deth of Etheldred great variance fell betwene y e englishe mē for the election of theyr kyng for y e citezens of London with certayn other named Edmund the son of Etheldred a yong man of lusty and valiant courage in martiall aduentures both hardy and wyse and one that could very well endure all paynes Wherefore hee was surnamed Ironsyde but the more part fauored Canutus the Dane By meanes wherof betwene those two princes were foughten many great battayles in the which either party sped diuersly to the great slaughter of thē that toke their partes But lastly it was agreed that the two Captayns shold try theyr quarell betwene them selues onely In which fight although Edmund semed to haue the vpper hand yet be condiscēded to deuyde the realm and make Canutus felow with him in the kingdom whyche agreement was at laste concluded In this tyme there was an englishe Earle called Edricus which by hys falshode had wrought muche hurte to hys naturall country and lastelye was aucthor of the deth of the noble Edmund And therof himself brought fyrst knowledge to Canutus the Dane sayinge in this wyse Thus haue I doone Canutus for the loue of thee To whom hee answered sayinge For my loue thou hast murdered thyne owne soueraigne Lord whome I loued most entierly I shall in rewarde therof exalt thy head aboue all the lordes of Englande And foorthwith commanded hym to be headed and his head to be set vpon a spear on the hyghest gate of London These princes reygned together .ii. yeares Thys Edmund was buryed at Glastenburye VUhen Canutus was stablished in the kyngdom he had knowledge how Olanns king of Norway in his absence inuaded the coūtrey of Denmarke wherfore in all hast he sped him thitherward by the māhod of the english souldiors obteined of them a noble victory recouered Norway to his seignory wherfore when he returned into England he demeaned him toward all men as a sage gentle moderat prince and so continued .xx. yeares Canutus called a parliamēt at Oxēford where it was decreed that english men and Danes should hold the lawes of Edgare late kyng Canutus subdued the Scots wherby he was king of .iiii. kingdoms y t is to say of England Scotlād Denmark Norway After that he wēt into Denmark and so to Rome And after returned again into England Where he kept all his life tyme good iustice and did many charitable dedes And after his deathe was buried in s. Swithins at Winchester Of this Canutus Polidore hath writen a notable history in y e end of his vii boke of the historie of England HArold the sonne of Canutus by hys wyfe Elgina for hys swyftnes surnamed Harefote began hys reygne ouer thys realme of England In the begynning hee shewed some token of crueltie in that he banyshed his stepmother Emma and tooke from her suche iewelles and treasure as she hadde He reigned iii. yeares Hee was buryed at Westmynster and after at S. Clementes without Temple barre HArdikenitus king of Denmarke after the deathe of Harolde was ordeyned kyng of Englande He for the iniurie done to his mother Emma caused the corps of Harolde to be taken out of the sepulchre and smyting of the head caste it with the body into the ryuer of Thames where by a fysher it was taken vp and vnreuerently buried at S. Clementes as afore is sayd He burdeined his subiectes with eractions and tribute and in meat and dryncke was so prodygall that hys tables were spreade .iiii. tymes in the day and the people serued with great excesse whan he had reigned .iii. yeares he dyed sodeinly at Lambeth not without suspection of poysonynge and was buried at Winchester Hardikenitus beyng deade the Danes were beaten slayn and dryuen out of this lande into theyr owne countrey xxviii yeares after that Swayn began fyrst to reigne EDwarde the sonne of Egelrede or Etheldred by the aduice of Goodwyne and Leofricus Erle of Chester after the deathe of Hardikenitus was sent for out of Normandie to take on him the goueruaunce of this realme of Englande whiche hee guyded with much wisdome and iustice from whom issued as out of a fountaiue very godlinesse mercie pitie and liberalitie towarde the pore and gentylnes and iustice towards all men and in all honest lyfe gaue moste godly example to hys people He discharged the englyshmen of the great tribute called y e Dane gelt whiche was often before time leuied to y e impouerishyng of the people He subdued the Wes●hemen whiche rebelled and made warre vpon their borders The .xvi. yere of this kyng Edward died y e good Erle Leofricus erle of Mercia of Chester who was buried in the abbey of Couentrie which he hym selfe had caused to be buylded He purchased many great priuileges for the aforesaid towne of Couentrie Willyam bastard duke of Normandie about this tyme came with a goodly company into England and was honorablye receyued to whom the kynge made great cheere And at his returne enriched hym with great gyftes pleasures and as som write made promise to hym that if he died without issue the same